Title of Invention


Abstract In order to be able to flexible and dynamically control the selection of an access network to be used by a mobile terminal, the invention relates to an assembly comprising a cellular network which is provided with a core network (7; 27) and several access networks (3, 5; 23-26) for connecting mobile terminal to the core network (7; 27, and at least one mobile terminal (1; 21). The mobile terminal (1; 21) is equipped with a decision unit (2, 22) at the terminal end to select the access network (e.g. 3; 24) to be used by the mobile terminal (1; 21) while the cellular network encompasses a decision unit (8, - 29) at the network end to select the access network (e.g. 3' 24) to be used by the mobile terminal (1; 21) as well as a control device (10; 28) for controlling the decision unit located at the terminal end (2,22) and at the network end (8; 29).
Full Text Description
Assembly comprising a cellular network and at least one mobile
terminal, method for the operation of such an assembly, mobile
terminal and control device
The invention relates to an assembly comprising a cellular
network which has a mobile core network and a number of access
networks for connecting mobile terminals to the mobile core
network, and comprising at least one mobile terminal.
US 2005/227692 Al relates to a network selection method,
wherein a mobile terminal, during a conversation with a
subscriber, selects a network from a multiplicity of networks
if the connection deteriorates or a further network is
detected. The continuance of the connection between the parties
is ensured by selecting a network under supervision of the
server system.
In the context of cellular networks of the so-called third
generation, it is usual that, for connecting mobile terminals,
a cellular network has a number of access networks which are
connected to a so-called mobile core network of the cellular
network. The terms of the access network and the mobile core
network are generally known to the expert in the field of
mobile radio. Thus, the mobile core network, in particular,
contains switching- and network-oriented functions and devices
such as, for example, switching centers and home data bases. In
comparison, access networks, in particular, comprise the
radio-related part of a cellular network, i.e., in particular,
this is the base station system. A mobile terminal can be, for
example, a mobile radio

telephone, a mobile computer ("notebook"), a so-called PDA
(personal digital assistant) with a radio interface or also a
radio module. Radio modules are used for establishing a
communication link via a communication network in the form of a
cellular network in the most varied areas such as, for example,
for applications in the so-called machine-to-machine (M2M)
field or for supporting applications in the field of

An access network can be, for example, such a one in accordance
with the GPRS (General Packet Radio Service) or the UMTS
(Universal Mobile Telecommunication System) standard. Various
access networks usually overlap wholly or partially with
respect to their geographic coverage, i.e. at a particular
geographic location, a number of access networks are frequently
available to a mobile terminal for utilizing mobile radio
services. These can be different access networks of a network
operator (which, in the context of the present invention,
together with a mobile core network connected to them are
called cellular network) or also access networks of different
network operators.
The average number of access networks available at a geographic
location will increase further due to future generations of
radio standards (i.e. particularly those beyond the third
mobile radio generation) which lead to the provision of
evermore powerful access networks. In such an environment, it
is of high significance how one of the available access
networks is selected for a mobile terminal. Such a selection is
required both when the mobile terminal registers in the
cellular network for the first time via one of the access
networks after the mobile terminal is switched on and at later
times under certain circumstances such as, for example, in the
case of a deterioration of the transmission quality of the
access network currently used. A change of the mobile terminal
from one access network to another one is generally also called
a "handover". In this context, it is also necessary, apart from
selecting the access network to be used, to establish the
protocol or protocol layer, respectively, with which the
handover is to take place.

The selection of one of the available access networks usually
occurs by taking into consideration certain aspects or
criteria. In general, it is thus worthwhile for a mobile
terminal or its user, respectively, to use at any time the best
possible connection under the respective circumstances, i.e.
select the access network by significantly taking into
consideration the quality of the connection. Apart from the
transmission quality, a multiplicity of other criteria can have
an influence on which one represents the preferred access
network from the point of view of the mobile terminal (or its
user, respectively). Examples of this are the costs for a call
or a data transmission, general preferences of the user or
characteristics of the mobile terminal.
In contrast, a selection of the access network to be used by a
mobile terminal in accordance with other criteria such as, for
example, an optimization of the utilization of the available
transmission resources may be appropriate from the point of
view of the cellular network or its network operator,
respectively. In the individual case, it is quite conceivable
that the access network preferred in a certain situation from
the point of view of the mobile terminal (or its user,
respectively) and the access network preferred from the point
of view of the cellular network (or its network operator) do
not match.
The present invention is based on the object, therefore, of
specifying an assembly by means of which the selecting of an
access network to be used by a mobile terminal can be
controlled in a flexible and dynamic manner.
According to the invention, this object is achieved by an
assembly comprising a cellular network which has a mobile core
network and a number of access networks for connecting mobile
terminals to the mobile core network, and comprising at least
one mobile

terminal, wherein the mobile terminal has a decision unit at
the terminal end for selecting the access network to be used by
the mobile terminal, and the cellular network has a decision
unit at the network end for selecting the access network to be
used by the mobile terminal, and a control device for
controlling the decision unit at the terminal end and the
decision unit at the network end.
The assembly according to the invention is preferred since it
makes it possible to determine in a flexible and dynamic manner
whether decisions with regard to the selection of the access
network are to be made by the respective mobile terminal or by
the cellular network. The basic flexibility that decisions can
be made both by the mobile terminal and by the cellular network
is given by the fact that the mobile terminal has a decision
unit at the terminal end and the cellular network has a
decision unit at the network end, both of which are in each
case constructed for selecting the access network to be used by
the mobile terminal. In addition, the decision units are
preferably in each case also capable of determining the
protocol or protocol layer, respectively, by means of which the
connection to the selected access network is to be set up. The
control device which is arranged both for controlling the
decision unit at the terminal end and for controlling the
decision unit at the network end makes it possible that it is
possible to determine in a flexible and dynamic manner which of
the two decision units are to carry out the selection of one of
the available access networks. In this context, for example,
the capacity utilization of the cellular network and of its
access networks, respectively, or also possible disturbances,
can be taken into consideration. In addition, for example, the
mobile terminals of users having high turnovers can be allowed
a free selection of the access

network to be used whilst the access network to be used is
selected at the network end for the mobile terminals of the
remaining users.
In this context, it must be noted that generally both the use
of the decision unit at the network end and the use of the
decision unit at the terminal end for selecting the access
network to be used by the mobile terminal has advantages and
disadvantages. Thus, a mobile terminal, in comparison with the
cellular network, for example, only has limited information,
particularly with regard to the overall situation of the
cellular network. For this reason, the cellular network, more
than the mobile terminal, should be generally capable of making
decisions which are of use to the overall system consisting of
the cellular network and mobile terminal (or a multiplicity of
mobile terminals, respectively). However, selecting the access
network to be used by the decision unit at the network end has
the disadvantage that the decision unit at the network end must
make corresponding decisions for a multiplicity of mobile
terminals in this case. There is thus a risk that the decision
unit at the network end becomes a bottleneck for the cellular
network. In this case, the selection of the access network can
be unnecessarily delayed due to the high load on the decision
unit at the network end and the delay to be expected in the
transmission of the decision from the decision unit at the
network end to the mobile terminal. Due to its flexibility, the
assembly according to the invention advantageously avoids the
disadvantages of a rigid selection at the terminal end or at
the network end of the access network to be used. In this
context, it is preferably also possible that the control device
instructs the decision unit at the terminal end and the
decision unit at the network end to communicate

with one another and to jointly select the access network to be
It should be generally pointed out that both the decision units
and the control device are logical components. This means that
these devices are defined by their function and do not
necessarily need to be implemented in the form of separate
hardware such as, for example, a special network node or a
separate electronic logic chip. Instead, the corresponding
function, for example of the control device, can be
implemented, for example, as additional function of an existing
network node or, for example, can also be distributed over a
number of network nodes.
The assembly according to the invention is preferably designed
in such a manner that the decision unit at the network end
and/or the control device are arranged completely or partially
in the mobile core network of the cellular network. This
embodiment is advantageous since the mobile core network
represents the central component of the cellular network and is
thus particularly suitable for implementing the decision unit
at the network end and the control device. The decision unit at
the network end and the control device can be preferably
implemented in the form of a common component in the mobile
core network.
In a preferred embodiment, the assembly according to the
invention can also be designed in such a manner that the
decision unit at the terminal end and/or the decision unit at
the network end is or are constructed for selecting the access
network to be used by the mobile terminal by means of
programmable or configurable rules. This is advantageous since
it can be established in a simple and flexible manner

by means of programmable or configurable rules which of the
available access networks is to be selected in a respective
situation. In addition, it is possible to advantageously
respond rapidly and flexibly to changes in the network
conditions or, for example, also to the provision of a new
access network by this means.
The assembly according to the invention can also be
advantageously designed in such a manner that the control
device is constructed for controlling the decision unit at the
network end and the decision unit at the terminal end by means
of programmable or configurable rules. Controlling the decision
unit at the network end and the decision unit at the terminal
end by means of the control device by means of programmable or
configurable rules is preferred since it is thus possible to
modify or newly add rules in a simple manner and the behavior
of the control device can thus be flexibly adapted to altered
requirements. In particular, this also provides for a dynamic
consideration of changes in the network conditions. In this
context, individual rules can apply either to all or also only
to particular mobile terminals. Furthermore, for example, rules
can be created according to geographic or temporal criteria.
The assembly according to the invention can also be preferably
formed in such a manner that the control device is constructed
for communicating activation and deactivation signals,
respectively, to the decision unit at the terminal end and/or
the decision unit at the network end. This embodiment is
preferred since it enables the control device at any time to
activate or to deactivate the decision unit at the terminal end
and/or at the network end. The control device can thus
generally specify whether an access network is to be selected
at the terminal end or at the network end.

The assembly according to the invention can also be designed in
such a manner that the mobile core network and/or at least one
of the access networks has or have at least one further
decision unit which can be controlled by the control device.
This preferred embodiment of the assembly according to the
invention makes it possible to introduce a multiplicity of
decision units at the network end and to arrange these, for
example, in a tree-like hierarchy. Thus, for example, the
possibility exists that, in the normal case, decision units of
the respective access networks select the access network to be
used for the mobile terminal. If a more central control is
required under certain circumstances, the decision units of the
access networks as well as the decision unit at the terminal
end can be deactivated by the control device and at the same
time a central decision unit at a higher level in the hierarchy
can be activated, for example, in the mobile core network.
In a further preferred embodiment of the assembly according to
the invention, the decision unit at the terminal end and/or the
decision unit at the network end is or are constructed for
selecting the access network to be used by the mobile terminal
with an existing connection of the mobile terminal to one of
the access networks. This embodiment is preferred since it
provides for the selection of a further one of the available
access networks in the case where the mobile terminal is
already registered in the cellular network by means of an
access network. This can be the case, for example, if the
mobile terminal leaves the area of the currently used access
network due to a change in location. In addition, however, a
change of access network can also be triggered by various other
events such as, for example, a weather-related change in the
network conditions

or the use of a certain service by the mobile terminal which
renders another access network necessary or desirable. It
should be pointed out that, in principle, as a result of the
selection of the access network to be used, an acknowledgement
of the access network already currently used can also exist.
This can happen, for example, if a change of the access network
does not bring any advantages or is not possible for certain
reasons in the relevant situation from the point of view of the
decision unit concerned.
The assembly according to the invention is preferably designed
in such a manner that the decision unit at the terminal end
and/or the decision unit at the network end is or are
constructed for selecting the access network to be used by the
mobile terminal when the mobile terminal is switched on. This
makes it advantageously possible that the decision unit at the
terminal end or the decision unit at the network end carries
out a selection of the access network to be used even when the
mobile terminal is switched on, i.e. in a situation in which
the mobile terminal is not yet registered in any of the
available access networks.
In a further preferred embodiment of the assembly according to
the invention, the control device is connected to a further
control device of a further cellular network. This embodiment
provides the advantage that control information can be
exchanged between the control devices of cellular networks of
different network operators. As a result, for example, the
control device of the further cellular network can be informed
about the criteria according to which it is intended to control
the decision unit at the terminal end and the decision unit at
the network end for mobile terminals of users of

the cellular network. In real terms, the control information
can state, for example, that certain "premium" users, i.e.
users with high turnovers or a special contract, are to be
allowed a free selection of the access network by means of the
decision unit at the terminal end. In this context, it is up to
the control device of the further cellular network (or its
network operator) to decide whether the received control
information is taken into consideration - wholly or
partially - in the further cellular network, or not.
In addition, the invention relates to a method for the
operation of an assembly comprising a cellular network which
has a mobile core network and a number of access networks for
connecting mobile terminals to the mobile core network, and
comprising at least one mobile terminal.
With regard to the method, the invention is based on the object
of specifying a method in which the selecting of an access
network to be used by a mobile terminal can be controlled in a
flexible and dynamic manner.
According to the invention, this object is achieved by a method
for the operation of an assembly comprising a cellular network
which has a mobile core network and a number of access networks
for connecting mobile terminals to the mobile core network, and
comprising at least one mobile terminal, wherein the terminal
has a decision unit at the terminal end for selecting the
access network to be used by the mobile terminal and the
cellular network has a decision unit at the network end for
selecting the access network to be used by the mobile terminal,
comprising the following method step: controlling the decision
unit at the terminal end and/or the decision unit

at the network end by means of a control device arranged in the
cellular network.
The method according to the invention is advantageous since it
provides for a control at the network end of the decision unit
at the terminal end and of the decision unit at the network end
by the control device arranged in the cellular network. By this
means, it is possible to specify in a flexible manner which of
the two decision units is to perform the selection of the
access network to be used by the mobile terminal. This
advantageously dispenses with the necessity of generally and
thus inflexibly specifying whether the access network to be
used is to be selected at the terminal end or at the network
The method according to the invention preferably proceeds in
such a manner that a decision unit and/or control device at the
network end, arranged completely or partially in the mobile
core network of the cellular network, is used. Using a control
device arranged in the mobile core network of the cellular
network is preferred since the mobile core network is connected
to the various access networks of the cellular network and, as
a result, central control is made possible.
In a particularly preferred embodiment of the method according
to the invention, the decision unit at the terminal end and/or
the decision unit at the network end is or are controlled by
the control device by means of configurable or programmable
rules. As has already been explained previously in conjunction
with the assembly according to the invention, the use of
configurable or programmable rules is preferred since it
provides for a particularly high measure of flexibility and
simple applicability.

The method according to the invention can also be designed in
such a manner that a deactivation signal is communicated from
the control device to the decision unit at the terminal end,
and an activation signal is communicated from the control
device to the decision unit at the network end. This embodiment
provides the advantage that, for example in the case where,
most of all, decisions are made by the decision unit at the
terminal end, the decision unit at the terminal end can be
deactivated and at the same time the decision unit at the
network end can be activated, if necessary in dependence on the
Furthermore, the method according to the invention can also
proceed in such a manner that an activation signal is
communicated from the control device to the decision unit at
the terminal end, and a deactivation signal is communicated
from the control device to the decision unit at the network
end. This embodiment is advantageous since it enables the
decision-making power to be transferred from the decision unit
at the network end to the respective decision unit at the
terminal end.
The method according to the invention can also be preferably
designed in such a manner that the control device controls at
least one further decision unit of the mobile core network
and/or at least one further decision unit of at least one of
the access networks. This provides the advantage that a number
of decision units can be provided at the network end, all of
which are controlled by the control device. In this context,
further decentralized decision units provide the advantage, for
example, that overloading of a central decision unit which must

make the decisions for all mobile terminals is avoided.
In a preferred embodiment of the method according to the
invention, the control device communicates control information
to a control device of a further cellular network. In
accordance with the statements in conjunction with the assembly
according to the invention, this provides for control even in
the case of cellular networks of different network operators,
i.e. in the case where the change of access network entails the
change of the network operator supplying the mobile terminal.
This is frequently the case, for example, in the case of
so-called "roaming", i.e. for instance if the mobile terminal
is used in a different country (i.e. in a foreign country with
reference to the usual home network).
The invention also relates to a mobile terminal for use in a
cellular network comprising a number of access networks and a
mobile core network connected to the access networks.
With respect to the mobile terminal, the invention is based on
the object of specifying a mobile terminal which provides for a
flexible and dynamic control of the selection of an access
network to be used.
This object is achieved by a mobile terminal for use in a
cellular network comprising a number of access networks and a
mobile core network connected to the access networks,
comprising a decision unit at the terminal end for selecting
the access network to be used by the mobile terminal, receiving
means for receiving an activation signal or a deactivation
signal from a control device of the cellular network and
control means for activating and deactivating, respectively,
the decision unit at the terminal end.

The mobile terminal according to the invention is preferred
since it has a decision unit at the terminal end which, if
necessary, can be activated and deactivated, respectively, by
the control device of the cellular network.
The mobile terminal according to the invention is preferably
designed in such a manner that the decision unit at the
terminal end is constructed for selecting the access network to
be used by the mobile terminal by means of programmable or
configurable rules. This provides the advantage that the
network operator or the user of the mobile terminal, for
example, can specify in a simple manner the criteria according
to which the selection is to take place for the most varied
situations which can make it necessary to select an access
network to be used.
The mobile terminal according to the invention can be
advantageously designed in such a manner that the decision unit
at the terminal end is constructed for selecting the access
network to be used by the mobile terminal with an existing
connection of the mobile terminal to one of the access
networks. This is advantageous since the mobile terminal can
thus select a further one of the available access networks also
in the case where it is already registered in one of the
available access networks. This can happen, for example, in the
case of a deterioration in the transmission quality, for
instance due to leaving the coverage of the access network
currently used or due to the most varied further events.
In a further preferred embodiment, the decision unit at the
terminal end is constructed for selecting the access network to
be used by the mobile terminal when

the mobile terminal is switched on. This advantageously
provides for a selection at the terminal end of the access
network to be used also in the case where no connection is yet
set up to one of the access networks. In addition, the
invention relates to a control device in a cellular network
which has a mobile core network and a number of access networks
for connecting at least one mobile terminal to the mobile core
With respect to the control device, the invention is based on
the object of specifying a control device which provides for
flexible and dynamic control of the selection of an access
network to be used.
According to the invention, this object is achieved by a
control device in a cellular network which has a mobile core
network and a number of access networks for connecting at least
one mobile terminal to the mobile core network, wherein the
control device has control means for controlling at least one
decision unit at the terminal end, used for selecting the
access network to be used by the mobile terminal, and for
controlling a decision unit at the network end, used for
selecting the access network to be used by the mobile terminal,
in the cellular network.
The control device according to the invention is preferred
since it provides both for controlling the decision unit at the
terminal end and for controlling the decision unit at the
network end.
The control device according to the invention is preferably
formed in such a manner that the control device is constructed
for controlling the decision unit at the terminal end and the
decision unit at the network end by means of programmable or
configurable rules. In accordance with the previous statements,

the use of programmable or configurable rules is preferred due
to the flexibility provided as a result and the possibility of
taking into consideration changes or extensions in a rapid and
simple manner.
In a preferred embodiment, the control device according to the
invention is constructed for communicating activation and
deactivation signals, respectively, to the decision unit at the
terminal end and/or the decision unit at the network end. The
control device can thus advantageously specify in dependence on
a situation whether the selection decisions should be made at
the terminal end or at the network end.
In a further preferred embodiment, the control device according
to the invention is constructed for controlling at least one
further decision unit of the mobile core network and/or at
least one further decision unit of at least one of the access
networks. This is advantageous since the control device can
thus also control a multiplicity of decision units in the
cellular network. These decision units at the network end can
in each case be directly connected to the control device or
arranged in a hierarchical structure.
The control device according to the invention preferably has
means for connecting to a further control device of a further
cellular network. This advantageously provides for a
transmission of information between the control devices of the
two cellular networks.
For the further explanation of the invention,
figure 1 shows in a diagrammatic sketch an exemplary
embodiment of the assembly according to the invention
with an exemplary embodiment of the mobile

terminal according to the invention and an exemplary
embodiment of the control device according to the
invention, and
figure 2 shows a second exemplary embodiment of the assembly
according to the invention with an exemplary
embodiment of the mobile terminal according to the
invention and an exemplary embodiment of the control
device according to the invention.
Figure 1 diagrammatically shows an exemplary embodiment of the
assembly according to the invention. A mobile terminal 1 is
shown which has a decision unit 2 at the terminal end.
Furthermore, an access network 3 which has a decision unit 4 at
the network end and an access network 5 which has a decision
unit 6 at the network end are shown. The two access networks 3
and 5, which can be those according to an arbitrary radio
standard such as, for example, the GPRS (General Packet Radio
Service), the UMTS (Universal Mobile Telecommunication System),
the GSM (Global System for Mobile Communications), the CDMA
(Code Division Multiple Access), or the WLAN (Wireless Local
Area Network) standard, are connected to a mobile core network
7 and, together with this, form a cellular network.
The mobile core network 7 has a decision unit 8 at the network
end and a control device 10. The control device 10 is connected
to the decision units 4, 6 and 8 at the network end and can
send signaling or control messages to the decision unit 2 at
the terminal end. This occurs via one of the two access
networks 3 and 5, a direct connection between the control
device 10 and the mobile terminal 1

being drawn in figure 1 for reasons of clarity. It should be
noted generally that in figure 1, only the connections between
the various components which are of the greatest importance for
the explanation of the invention are indicated, the arrows
indicating that control is effected by the control device 10.
If the mobile terminal 1 then changes its geographic location,
for example, as indicated by the thick vertical arrows, the
mobile terminal 1 may leave the geographic coverage of the
access network currently used by it, which is not shown in
figure 1. In this situation, the necessity exists that a
selection of the access network to be used from the set of the
two basically available access networks 3 and 5 is carried out
by or for the mobile terminal 1, respectively. As an
alternative, the situation could also exist that the mobile
terminal 1 has just been switched on and a selection of one of
the access networks 3 and 5 is required for this reason. Other
scenarios which lead to a selection of one of a number of
available access networks are conceivable such as, for example,
starting of a service for which the access network currently
used is unsuitable due to its characteristics.
In principle, the access network to be used can be selected
both by the decision unit 2 at the terminal end and by one of
the decision units 4, 6 or 8 at the network end. In this
context, it depends on the respective situation and the given
boundary conditions whether a decision at the terminal end or
at the network end is to be preferred. The control device 10
makes it possible then to dynamically establish whether the
decision unit 2 at the terminal end or one of the decision

4, 6 or 8 at the network end should take over the selection of
the access network. In this context, the control device 10 can
also specify, if necessary, which one of the decision units 4,
6 or 8 at the network end is to make the selection decision. In
this context, the control device 10 is controlled by
configurable or programmable rules. Thus, the control device 10
can use, for example, individual rules for each mobile terminal
(e.g. 1) or for its user, respectively. In addition, rules can
also be defined which apply to all mobile terminals or a
predetermined selection of mobile terminals such as, e.g., for
those which are located in a predetermined location area. In
this context, the rules are deposited in a storage device, not
shown in figure 1, which is allocated to the control device 10.
The most varied scenarios are conceivable which can lead to the
control device 10 having a controlling effect on the decision
units 2, 4, 6, 8. Thus, for example, it can be defined by the
network operator that, in the standard case, each mobile
terminal should be allowed to select the access network used by
it by itself. In this case, the decision unit 2 of the mobile
terminal 1 makes the corresponding decision, for example on the
basis of rules defined for the mobile terminal 1 which may be
stored for example in a storage device of the mobile terminal
1. The storage device can be a fixed component of the mobile
terminal 1 or a memory card, which can be separated from the
mobile terminal 1, for example in the form of a SIM (Subscriber
Identity Module) card used for customization of mobile

One rule can specify, for example, that the access network with
the lowest costs, the highest data transmission rate or the
best transmission quality should be selected. In addition, much
more complex conditions can also be defined with the aid of the
As an alternative, the network operator of the cellular network
could decide that the decision of mobility (i.e. the selection
of the access network to be used) should be made at the network
end for the mobile terminal 1 (or all mobile terminals using
the cellular network) . In this case, the control device 10 of
the mobile core network 7 would send a deactivation signal to
the decision unit 2 at the terminal end of the mobile terminal
1 and at the same time send an activation signal, for example,
to the decision unit 8 at the network end in the mobile core
network 7 of the cellular network. This has the result that
selection is switched from a selection at the terminal end of
the access network used to a selection at the network end. The
decision unit 8 at the network end can then delegate the
decision-making power - if it has been allowed to do this by
the control device 10 - to the decision units 4 and 6 at the
network end arranged in the access networks 3 and 5. In this
case, the decision units 4 and 6 at the network end thus make
the decisions with regard to the selection of access network by
means of the rules available to them. In addition, the rules to
be applied can also be communicated to the decision units 4 and
6 at the network end by the decision unit 8 at the network end
or the control device 10.
Apart from the scenarios, previously described, of a general
decision at the terminal end about the selection of access
network or of a general selection at the network end, there is
the possibility of further, more differentiated procedures.

Thus, for example, the information that one of the access
networks is overloaded in a certain region of the cellular
network can be present in the mobile core network 7. In this
case, the control device 10 instructs all mobile terminals
(e.g. 1) in this region and the adjoining regions to deactivate
their decision unit at the terminal end (e.g. 2). Since the
decision unit 8 at the network end has information on the
overloaded region, it can make decisions for the selection of
access network for the mobile terminals affected (e.g. 1) in
such a manner that the overloaded access network is avoided as
far as possible in the region concerned. The same applies, for
example, to the case where maintenance work is carried out in
one of the available access networks in a predetermined region.
In this case, the control device 10 can again switch off the
decision units at the terminal end of the mobile terminals
located in the region (e.g. 1) so that the decision unit 8 at
the network end can leave the relevant access network in the
region concerned out of consideration in the selection for the
duration of the maintenance work. In general, the control
device 10 and the decision unit 8 at the network end can be
preferably implemented in one component which simplifies the
In addition, it is conceivable that a network operator, in
order to avoid overload situations, allows a free selection of
the access network at any time only to preferred users. In this
case, the decision unit 10 can instruct the mobile terminals of
users not preferred in this way to switch off their decision
units at the terminal end in heavy-traffic periods.
It is also conceivable that, for example, a set of rules which
overwrites the rules present in the mobile terminal 1

is communicated to the decision unit 2 at the terminal end by
the control device 10. The communicated rules can be, for
example, instructions of the type "avoid access network A in
location area xyz" or "prefer UMTS instead of WLAN". These
instructions can also be provided with validity periods so that
the mobile terminals (e.g. 1) can carry out the selection of
access network largely autonomously outside the periods
Furthermore, a statistical mode is also conceivable in which
the decision unit 2 at the terminal end is instructed to make
the decision about the selection of access network by itself
only when a random number generated from the range of values of
0 to 10 has, for example, a value of greater than 3. If this is
not the case, the decision about selection should be made at
the network end for the corresponding mobile terminal.
In general, the control device 10 thus provides the possibility
of adapting in a dynamic, situation-dependent and flexible
manner the responsibility for selecting the access network to
be used between the decision unit 2 at the terminal end and the
decision units 4, 6 and 8 at the network end. As a result, a
meaningful and dynamic compromise between the aim of greatest
possible independence of the mobile terminal 1 and central
control of the selection of the access network by the cellular
network is advantageously provided for. Under normal
conditions, the mobile terminal 1 can thus independently select
the access network to be used by it by means of the decision
unit 2 at the terminal end. This avoids unnecessary signaling
between the cellular network and the mobile terminal 1.
Furthermore, a high real-time capability is ensured,

i.e. the mobile terminal 1 (and similarly all other mobile
terminals which use the cellular network) can react in the
fastest possible way to changing network conditions. Under
certain circumstances, however, it is advantageous or of
fundamental significance, respectively, that the selection of
the access network can be influenced at the network end for the
mobile terminal 1. The control device 10 then makes it possible
to perform a selection of the access network at the network end
for predetermined mobile terminals (e.g. 1) for example in
selected regions and under certain conditions. As a result, the
decisions can be made in such a manner that they provide the
best possible result for the overall system from the point of
view of the cellular network.
Figure 2 shows a further exemplary embodiment of the assembly
according to the invention. In contrast to figure 1, it shows
the case where access networks 23, 24, 25 and 26 of two
different network operators which in each case have an
independent mobile core network 27 and 32, respectively, can be
of use to a mobile terminal 21 which has a decision unit 22 at
the terminal end. The mobile core networks 27 and 32 of the two
cellular networks in each case have their own control device 28
and 30, respectively, and their own decision units 29 and 31 at
the network end.
To enable the network operator of the cellular network with the
mobile core network 27, to which the user of the mobile
terminal 21 has a contractual relation, to specify the extent
to which the mobile terminal 21 is allowed to perform an
independent selection of the access network by means of its
decision unit 22 even in the utilization of one of the other
two access networks 25 and 2 6 by the mobile terminal 21, the
control device 28 of the cellular network with the mobile core
network 27 transmits to the control device 30 of the mobile
core network 32 of the

cellular network of the other network operator a set of general
decision rules. These rules describe the behavior desired by
the network operator for mobile terminals of his users in the
case of a stay in the cellular network of the other network
operator. Thus, the network operator can specify, for example,
that a preferred user should be authorized for a free selection
of the access network even in this case whilst this should not
be the case for other users. In this context, the extent to
which the rules communicated by the control device 28 are
observed lies ultimately in the decision-making power of the
control device 30 of the mobile core network 32 of the other
network operator.
It should be pointed out that, in the exemplary embodiment of
figure 2, a decision unit 28 or 30 at the network end is in
each case only present in the mobile core networks 27 and 32,
i.e. the access networks 23, 24, 25 and 2 6 themselves do not
have any further decision units at the network end.

1. An assembly comprising a cellular network which has a
mobile core network (7; 27) and a number of access networks (3,
5; 23-26) for connecting mobile terminals to the mobile core
network (7; 27), and comprising at least one mobile terminal
(1; 21), wherein
the mobile terminal (1; 21) has a decision unit (2; 22) at
the terminal end for selecting the access network (e.g. 3; 24)
to be used by the mobile terminal (1; 21), and
the cellular network has
a decision unit (8; 29) at the network end for
selecting the access network (e.g. 3; 24) to be used by
the mobile terminal (1; 21), and
a control device (10; 28) for controlling the decision
unit (2; 22) at the terminal end and the decision unit
(8; 2 9) at the network end,
wherein the mobile core network (7) and/or at least one
of the access networks (3, 5) has or have at least one further
decision unit (4, 6) which can be controlled by the control
device (10).
2. The assembly as claimed in claim 1, characterized in that
the decision unit (8; 29) at the network end and/or the
control device (10; 28) are arranged completely or
partially in the mobile core network (7; 27) of the
cellular network.
3. The assembly as claimed in claim 1 or 2, characterized in
that the decision unit (2; 22) at the terminal end and/or
the decision unit (8; 29) at the network end is or are
constructed for selecting the access network

(e.g. 3; 24) to be used by the mobile terminal (1; 21) by
means of programmable or configurable rules.
The assembly as claimed in one of the preceding claims,
characterized in that the control device (10; 28) is
constructed for controlling the decision unit (2/ 22) at
the terminal end and the decision unit (8; 29) at the
network end by means of programmable or configurable
The assembly as claimed in one of the preceding claims,
characterized in that the control device (10; 28) is
constructed for communicating activation and deactivation
signals, respectively, to the decision unit (2; 22) at the
terminal end and/or the decision unit (8; 29) at the
network end.
The assembly as claimed in one of the preceding claims,
characterized in that the decision unit (2; 22) at the
terminal end and/or the decision unit (8; 29) at the
network end is or are constructed for selecting the access
network (e.g. 3; 24) to be used by the mobile terminal (2;
22) with an existing connection of the mobile terminal (1;
21) to one of the access networks (e.g. 5; 23).
The assembly as claimed in one of the preceding claims,
characterized in that the decision unit (2; 22) at the
terminal end and/or the decision unit (10; 28) at the
network end is or are constructed for selecting the access
network (e.g. 3; 24) to be used by the mobile terminal (1;
21) when the mobile terminal (1; 21) is switched on.
The assembly as claimed in one of the preceding claims,

characterized in that the control device (28) is connected
to a further control device (30) of a further cellular

9. A method for the operation of an assembly comprising a
cellular network which has a mobile core network (7; 27)
and a number of access networks (3, 5; 23-26) for
connecting mobile terminals to the mobile core network (7;
27), and comprising at least one mobile terminal (1; 21),
wherein the mobile terminal (1; 21) has a decision unit
(2; 22) at the terminal end for selecting the access
network (e.g. 3; 24) to be used by the mobile terminal (1;
21) and the cellular network has a decision unit (8; 29)
at the network end for selecting the access network (e.g.
3; 24) to be used by the mobile terminal (1; 21),
comprising the following method step:
- controlling the decision unit (2; 22) at the terminal
end and/or the decision unit (8; 29) at the network end by
means of a control device (10; 28) arranged in the
cellular network,
- the control device (10) controlling at least one further
decision unit of the mobile core network (7) and/or at
least one further decision unit (4, 6) of at least one of
the access networks (3, 5).

10. The method as claimed in claim 9, characterized in that a
decision unit (8; 29) and/or control device (10; 28) at
the network end, arranged completely or partially in the
mobile core network (7; 27) of the cellular network, is
11. The method as claimed in claim 9 or 10, characterized in
that the decision unit at the terminal end and/or the
decision unit at the network end is or are controlled by
the control device (10; 28) by means of configurable or
programmable rules.

12. The method as claimed in one of claims 9 to 11,
characterized by
communicating a deactivation signal from the control
device (10; 28) to the decision unit (2; 22) at the
terminal end, and
communicating an activation signal from the control
device (10; 28) to the decision unit (8; 29) at the
network end.
13. The method as claimed in one of claims 9 to 11,
characterized by
communicating an activation signal from the control
device (10; 28) to the decision unit (2; 22) at the
terminal end, and
communicating a deactivation signal from the control
device (10; 28) to the decision unit (8; 2 9) at the
network end.
14. The method as claimed in one of claims 9 to 13,
characterized by communicating control information from
the control device (28) to a control device (30) of a
further cellular network.
15. A control device (10; 28) in a cellular network which has
a mobile core network (7; 27) and a number of access
networks (3, 5; 23-26) for connecting at least one mobile
terminal (1; 21) to the mobile core network (7; 27),
wherein the control device (10; 28) has control means for
controlling at least one decision unit (2; 22) at the
terminal end, used for selecting the access network to be
used by the mobile terminal (1; 21), and for controlling a
decision unit (8; 29) at the network end, used for
selecting the access network (e.g. 3; 24)

to be used by the mobile terminal (1; 21), in the cellular
network, wherein the control device (10) is constructed
for controlling at least one further decision unit of the
mobile core network (7) and/or at least one further
decision unit (4, 6) of at least one of the access
networks (3, 5) .
16. The control device as claimed in claim 15, characterized
in that the control device (10; 28) is constructed for
controlling the decision unit (2; 22) at the terminal end
and the decision unit (8; 2 9) at the network end by means
of programmable or configurable rules.
17. The control device as claimed in claim 15 or 16,
characterized in that the control device (10; 28) is
constructed for communicating activation and deactivation
signals, respectively, to the decision unit (2, 22) at the
terminal end and/or the decision unit (8; 29) at the
network end.
18. The control device as claimed in one of claims 15 to 17,
characterized in that the control device (28) has means
for connecting to a further control device (30) of a
further cellular network.

In order to be able to flexible and dynamically control the selection of an access network to be used by a mobile terminal, the invention relates to an assembly comprising a cellular network which is provided with a core network (7; 27) and
several access networks (3, 5; 23-26) for connecting mobile terminal to the core
network (7; 27, and at least one mobile terminal (1; 21). The mobile terminal (1; 21) is equipped with a decision unit (2, 22) at the terminal end to select the access network (e.g. 3; 24) to be used by the mobile terminal (1; 21) while the cellular network encompasses a decision unit (8, - 29) at the network end to select the
access network (e.g. 3' 24) to be used by the mobile terminal (1; 21) as well as a control device (10; 28) for controlling the decision unit located at the terminal end (2,22) and at the network end (8; 29).




02323-kolnp-2008-correspondence others.pdf

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02323-kolnp-2008-form 5.pdf


02323-kolnp-2008-international exm report.pdf

02323-kolnp-2008-international publication.pdf

02323-kolnp-2008-international search report.pdf

02323-kolnp-2008-pct priority document notification.pdf

02323-kolnp-2008-pct request form.pdf

02323-kolnp-2008-translated copy of priority document.pdf


2323-KOLNP-2008-(07-05-2013)-ANNEXURE TO FORM 3.pdf

2323-KOLNP-2008-(07-05-2013)-DESCRIPTION (COMPLETE).pdf







2323-KOLNP-2008-(07-05-2013)-PETITION UNDER RULE 137.pdf



Patent Number 263004
Indian Patent Application Number 2323/KOLNP/2008
PG Journal Number 41/2014
Publication Date 10-Oct-2014
Grant Date 29-Sep-2014
Date of Filing 10-Jun-2008
Applicant Address ST, MARTIN STR. 76,81541 MUNCHEN
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number H04Q 7/38
PCT International Application Number PCT/EP2006/069590
PCT International Filing date 2006-12-12
PCT Conventions:
# PCT Application Number Date of Convention Priority Country
1 10 2005 060 634.2 2005-12-13 Germany