Title of Invention


Abstract A cooling system is provided for controlling temperature in a power electronic device. The power electronic device includes a semiconductor having a major surface. The cooling system includes a temperature sensor coupled to the major surface of the semiconductor; and a control circuit coupled the temperature sensor. The control circuit is configured to reduce current to the inverter circuit when the temperature exceeds a predetermined temperature.
[0001] The present invention relates to temperature sensing arrangements
for power electronic devices. More particularly, the present invention relates
to a cooling system for controlling the temperature of a power electronic
device used to supply power to electric motors, such as AC electric motors
utilized to drive vehicles.
[0002] Insulated gate bipolar transistors (IGBTs) are semiconductor
devices particularly suitable for use in power applications. IGBTs handle both
high voltages and high currents with small die sizes and with relatively low
"on" resistance. In addition, IGBTs can be switched rapidly, thereby making
IGBTs useful as switches in three phase inverters for high power, alternating
current motor applications, such as motors used to drive electric, hybrid and
fuel cell vehicles.
[0003] When providing alternating current to power hybrid and fuel cell
vehicles, IGBTs are arranged in modules with each module having a plurality
of IGBTs, for example, six IGBTs. Each IGBT generates heat when
operating, and care should be taken to assure that the temperature of the IGBT
does not become excessive.
[0004] Accordingly, it is desirable to provide a cooling system for
controlling temperature in a power electronic device. In addition, it is
desirable to provide a system for monitoring temperature in at least one power
electronic device providing alternating current to an AC motor of an
automotive vehicle. It is further desirable to provide a substrate assembly that
prevents excess temperatures from occurring. Furthermore, other desirable

features and characteristics of the present invention will become apparent from
the subsequent detailed description and the appended claims, taken in
conjunction with the accompanying drawings and the foregoing technical field
and background.
[0005] A cooling system is provided for controlling temperature in a
power electronic device. The inverter circuit includes a semiconductor having
a major surface. The cooling system includes a temperature sensor coupled to
the major surface of the semiconductor; and a control circuit coupled the
temperature sensor. The control circuit is configured to reduce current to the
inverter circuit when the temperature exceeds a predetermined temperature.
[0006] A system is provided for monitoring temperature in at least one
power electronic device providing alternating current to an AC motor of an
automotive vehicle. The at least one power electronic device includes a
semiconductor having a major surface, at least a portion of which is exposed.
The system includes at least one base coupled to the exposed portion of the
major surface of the semiconductor. A thermistor is electrically mounted on
and electrically connected to the at least one base. A power control circuit is
electrically connected to the thermistor for providing DC current to the
semiconductor. The power control circuit reduces current to the
semiconductor when the semiconductor exceeds a predetermined temperature.
[0007] A substrate subassembly includes a ceramic wafer having first and
second opposed metallized major faces; a first metal tab on the first metallized
face that extends away from the ceramic wafer for electrical connection to a
first terminal member; a semiconductor switching device electrically
conductively bonded to the first metallized face; and a first ceramic layer
bonded to a portion of the first metallized face adjacent the semiconductor

switching device. The first ceramic layer includes a metallized upper surface.
The substrate subassembly further includes a second metal tab on the
metallized upper surface of the first ceramic layer that extends away from the
ceramic wafer for electrical connection to a second terminal member; and a
first metal layer conductively bonded to electrodes on an upper surface of the
switching device and also to the metallized upper surface of the first ceramic
layer. The substrate subassembly further includes a second ceramic layer
bonded to the first metal layer and being disposed over the semiconductor
switching device; and a second metal layer bonded to the second ceramic
layer. A temperature sensor is coupled to the second ceramic layer. The
temperature sensor is configured to measure the temperature of the
semiconductor switching device.
[0008] The present invention will hereinafter be described in conjunction
with the following drawing figures, wherein like numerals denote like
elements, and
[0009] FIG. 1 is a schematic view of an automotive vehicle in accordance
with one embodiment of the present invention;
[0010] FIG. 2 is a schematic view of an automotive vehicle in accordance
with another embodiment of the present invention;
[0011] FIG. 3 is a top, plan view of an exemplary of a dual module used in
an inverter circuit and a temperature sensor shown in FIGS. 1 and 2 in a
switch module;
[0012] FIG. 4 is a partial isometric view of the module of FIG. 3;
[0013] FIG. 5 is an isometric view of a first embodiment of a
semiconductor substrate subassembly having a temperature sensor mounted
thereon that can be used in the switch module of FIGS. 3 and 4 ;

[0014] FIG. 6 is an exploded isometric view of the substrate subassembly
of FIG. 5;
[0015] FIG. 7 is an end view of the sensor shown in FIG. 5;
[0016] FIG. 8 is a side view of the sensor of FIG. 7 taken along plane
[0017] FIG. 9 is an isometric view of a second embodiment of an IGBT
semiconductor substrate subassembly used in a switch module of the type
shown in FIGS. 3 and 4; and
[0018] FIG. 10 is a top view of a portion of FIG. 9.
[0019] The following detailed description is merely exemplary in nature
and is not intended to limit the invention or the application and uses of the
invention. Furthermore, there is no intention to be bound by any expressed or
implied theory presented in the preceding technical field, background, brief
summary or the following detailed description.
[0020] FIG. 1 is an exemplary vehicle 102 with an IC engine-electric
hybrid drive 100. The hybrid drive 100 includes an internal combustion
engine 104 and a three-phase, alternating current (AC) electric motor 106 to
drive the wheels 110 of the vehicle 102. A transmission 108 is disposed
between the internal combustion engine 104 and the AC electric motor 106 for
transmitting the mechanical output of the internal combustion engine 104 and
the AC electric motor 106 to the wheels 110. An electric generator 114 is
coupled to and provides direct current to a power electronic device such as an
inverter circuit 118. The inverter circuit 118 receives the direct current from
the electric generator 114 and provides alternating current to the AC electric
motor 106. The electric generator 114 is also coupled to and charges a battery
116, bank of batteries or bank of capacitors. The electric generator 114 is

further coupled to receive power from the internal combustion engine 104 or
the AC electric motor 106. A vehicle controller 128 is disposed between the
electric generator 114 and the inverter circuit 118 for controlling the current to
the inverter circuit 118.
[0021] A power splitter device 112 is disposed between the internal
combustion engine 104 and the AC electric motor 106 and the transmission
108, as well as between the AC electric motor 106 and the transmission 108
and the electric generator 114. The power splitter device 112 determines
whether the internal combustion engine 104 or the AC electric motor 106
drives the transmission 108, and/or whether the internal combustion engine
104 or the transmission 108 drives the electric generator 114.
[0022] A speed controller 130 includes a foot pedal 132 that is coupled to
the vehicle controller 128. The speed controller 130 provides a signal to the
vehicle controller 128 to control the current to the inverter circuit 118 from
the electric generator 114.
[0023] The inverter circuit 118 is coupled to one or more temperature
sensors 120 for monitoring the temperature of the inverter circuit 118. The
temperature sensors 120 are coupled to a power limiting control circuit 122.
When the temperature sensors 120 detect a temperature in the inverter circuit
118 higher than a predetermined temperature, the power limiting control
circuit 122 can limit the power to the inverter circuit 118 in order to prevent
exceeding the predetermined operating temperature or reduce the temperature
below the predetermined temperature. In an alternate embodiment, a switch
can be provided to control current between the electric generator 114 and the
inverter circuit 118.

[0024] The inverter circuit 118 is further coupled to a heat sink 134 for
cooling the inverter circuit 118. The heat sink 134 can be coupled to a radiator
136 such that circulating fluid carries heat away from the heat sink 134. The
heat sink 134 can also be cooled by air flowing over the heat sink 134. The
vehicle 102 is merely one exemplary arrangement of an IC engine-electric
hybrid drive 100. It will be appreciated by those skilled in the art that
alternate IC engine-electric hybrid drive vehicles can be provided, with
alternate arrangement of components, as well as additional or fewer
[0025] FIG. 2 is a schematic view of a vehicle 103 similar to that of FIG.
1, except that the vehicle 103 includes a fuel cell drive system 101 that utilizes
a fuel cell 138 to power the three-phase AC electric motor 106. As in the
vehicle 102 of FIG. 1, the transmission 108 is coupled to the AC electric
motor 106 for transferring the mechanical output of the AC electric motor 106
to the wheels 110. The inverter circuit 118 that supplies alternating current to
the AC electric motor 106. The inverter circuit 118 is coupled to the fuel cell
138 that supplies direct current to the inverter circuit 118. The vehicle
controller 128 is disposed between the fuel cell 138 and the inverter circuit
118 for controlling the current to the inverter circuit 118.
[0026] As in FIG. 1, the speed controller 130 of FIG. 2 includes the foot
pedal 132 that is coupled to the vehicle controller 128. The speed controller
130 provides a signal to the vehicle controller 128 to control the current to the
inverter circuit 118 from the electric generator 114.
[0027] The inverter circuit 118 of FIG. 2 is coupled to one or more
temperature sensors 120 for monitoring the temperature of the inverter circuit
118. The temperature sensors 120 are coupled to a power limiting control
circuit 122. When the temperature sensors 120 detect a temperature in the
inverter circuit 118 higher than a predetermined temperature, the power

limiting control circuit 122 can limit the power to the inverter circuit 118 to
prevent exceeding the predetermined operating temperature or reduce the
temperature below the predetermined temperature. In an alternate
embodiment, a switch can be provided to control current from the fuel cell 138
to the inverter circuit 118.
[0028] The vehicle 103 is merely one exemplary arrangement of a fuel cell
drive system 101. It will be appreciated by those skilled in the art that
alternate fuel cell drive systems can be provided, with alternate arrangement of
components, as well as additional or fewer components.
[0029] FIG. 3 is a top, plan view of an exemplary dual module inverter
circuit 118 as utilized in the vehicles of FIGS. 1 and 2. The inverter circuit
118 is configured as a switch module 200 having six substrate subassemblies
202a-202f. Other types of inverter modules may be used in place of the
illustrated module 200.
[0030] The module 200 has a terminal subassembly 204 that includes an
emitter terminal 206 for substrate subassemblies 202a, 202b, 202c that form a
first substrate subassembly group, a collector terminal 208 for substrate
subassemblies 202d, 202e, 202f that form a second substrate subassembly
group, and a common collector/emitter terminal 210 for both substrate
subassembly groups 202a-c, 202d-f. Terminal subassembly 204 has a first
row of coplanar contacts 212, 214 on one side, and a second row of coplanar
contacts 216, 218 on the other side. The contact rows 212, 214; 216, 218 are
parallel, as are the two groups of substrate subassemblies 202a-c, 202d-f. The
contacts 212 are in low electrical resistance communication with emitter
terminal 206 while the contacts 216 are in low electrical resistance
communication with collector terminal 208. The contacts 214, 218 are also in
low electrical resistance communication with collector/emitter terminal 210.
Substrate subassembly tabs 220 of substrate subassemblies 202a-202c are

welded to terminal subassembly contact areas 214; substrate subassembly tabs
222 of substrate subassemblies 202a-202c are welded to terminal subassembly
contact 212; substrate subassembly tabs 220 of substrate subassemblies 202d-
202f are welded to terminal subassembly contact areas 216; and substrate
subassembly tabs 222 of substrate subassemblies 202d-202f are welded to
terminal subassembly contacts 218.
[0031] The module 200 has a housing 224 with a heat conductive
baseplate 226 having a coefficient of thermal expansion close to that of the
substrates in the substrate subassemblies 202a-202f. The cover of housing 224
is not shown to better illustrate the interior construction of the module 200.
The housing 224 has two embedded lead frames 228, 230, portions of which
are exposed within the module 200 for electrical connection. The housing 224
also has two small connector areas 232, 234 that each include two Kelvin
terminals and a gate voltage terminal. The gate voltage terminal for the
substrate subassemblies 202a-202c is indicated by reference numeral 236.
The gate voltage terminal for the substrate subassemblies 202d-202f is
indicated by reference numeral 238. Filamentary wires 240 connect the gate
voltage terminal 236 to the embedded lead frame 228, while filamentary wires
242 connect the gate voltage terminal 238 to the embedded lead frame 230.
Filamentary wires 244 connect the respective embedded lead frames 228, 230
with each of substrate subassemblies 202a-202f to connect it with the
respective gate voltage terminal 236, 238.
[0032] FIG. 4 shows a partial isometric view of the module 200 of FIG. 3.
The substrate subassemblies 202a-202f are shown mounted on the baseplate
226. Three substrate subassemblies 202a-202c are soldered to the upper
surface of the baseplate 226 on one side of the terminal subassembly 204,
while three substrate subassemblies 202d-202f are soldered to the upper
surface of the baseplate 226 on the other side of terminal subassembly 204.

Each group of three substrate subassemblies 202a-c, 202d-f is disposed along
a line parallel to the centerline of terminal subassembly 204. Also, the
substrate subassemblies 202a-f are preferably similarly, and symmetrically,
disposed on the baseplate 226 to obtain uniformity in cooling, and thereby
uniformity in temperature during operation.
[0033] FIG. 5 shows one of the IGBT substrate subassemblies 202a-202f
(generically referred to as 202) and the temperature sensors 120 represented in
FIGS. 1 and 2 in greater detail to provide one embodiment of the invention.
FIG. 6 shows the substrate subassembly 202 in an exploded view without the
temperature sensor 120 for clarity. FIG. 7 is a closer view of the temperature
sensor 120, and FIG. 8 is a cross-sectional view of the temperature sensor 120
of FIG. 7 along plane VIII-VIII.
[0034] In the substrate subassembly 202, a wafer 300, which is about 0.5-1
mm thick and about 25 mm long by about 19 mm wide, has metal foil layers
302, 304 bonded to opposite sides thereto. As used herein, the terms bonded,
soldered, and attached are used in their broadest sense, and in various
embodiments, can be used as interchangeable processes. Larger and smaller
wafers can also be provided. The wafer 300 is made of an insulating layer
such as beryllium oxide, aluminum oxide, aluminum nitride, silicon nitride or
boron nitride, while the foil layers 302, 304 are copper or aluminum having a
thickness of about 0.25mm. Preferably, the foil layers 302, 304 are directly
bonded to the wafer 300. The subassembly tab 220 is a unitary portion of the
foil layer 302.

[0035] A silicon semiconductor switching transistor 306, such as an IGBT
or MOSFET, is bonded or adhered to a first portion of the foil layer 302, and a
fast silicon semiconductor diode (SFD) 308 is bonded to a second portion of
the foil layer 302. The SFD 308 provides a blocking diode across the emitter
and collector terminals 206, 208 of the switching transistor 306 and is
preferably made of a material substantially similar to the switching transistor
306. In each substrate subassembly 202a-202f (FIGS. 3 and 4), an SFD 308 is
paired with a switching transistor 306 and is in close thermal proximity
thereto. Depending on the circuit layout, there may be a greater or fewer
number of SFDs 308 for every transistor 306. A diode contact area 315 and
ceramic wafer 313 form part of the SFD 308. The ceramic wafer 313 may
have a metal layer on each side with similar coefficients of expansion to the
ceramic wafer 313.
[0036] A second, but smaller, ceramic wafer 310 is bonded to the foil
layer 302. A third copper foil member 311 is bonded to the ceramic wafer 310
and has the second tab 222 extending therefrom. The second tab 222 is
insulated from the first tab 220 by the ceramic wafer 310.
[0037] A metallic strip 312 serves as a conductor to contact areas of the
switching transistor 306. A ceramic layer 314 having a window 316 is bonded
to the metallic strip 312. A D-shaped disk 318 having a contact tab 320
projecting through the window 316 is bonded to the ceramic wafer 314 and is
connected to a trimmable resistor mounted on dielectric wafer 322 having a
contact pad 324. The metallic strip 312 and the D-shaped disk 318 can be
copper, together with the ceramic layer 314 form an interconnect system is
more closely matches to the semiconductor 408 coefficient of thermal
expansion as compared to conventional interconnects and layers. In other
embodiments, the D-shaped layer 318 can be replaced with a metal layer
approximately the same size as the ceramic layer 314.

[0038] As is seen in FIG. 5 in combination with FIGS. 7 and 8, the
temperature sensor 120 is comprised of a thermistor 326 that is soldered to a
pair of foil bases 328, 330 that are, in turn, attached to the ceramic layer 314.
The terms base and pad can be used interchangeably. The foil bases 328, 330
are metal interconnects, each having a conductive surface 334 of foil copper or
aluminum deposit, and a conductive surface 336 of foil copper or aluminum
deposit. In an alternate embodiment, the thermistor 326 can be replaced with
a thermocouple.
[0039] The thermistor 326 has a conductive flange 340 at one end soldered
to the conductive surface 334 of the foil base 328 and a conductive flange 342
at the other end soldered to the outer conductive surface 334 of foil base 330.
A first conductive lead 344 in the form of a filamentary wire is soldered or
ultrasonically bonded to the conductive surface 334 of the foil bases 328 and
to the contact pad 324. A second conductive lead 348 in the form of a
filamentary wire is soldered or ultrasonically bonded to the conductive surface
334 of the foil base 330 and to the contact pads 324 of the trimmable resistor
322. Leads from the thermistor 326 are connected to the power limiting
control circuit 122 (see FIGS. 1 and 2). In alternate embodiments, the foil
bases 328 and 330 can be metallized ceramic interconnects.
[0040] FIG. 9 shows a second embodiment of the heat sensing
arrangement with elements similar to that shown in FIGS. 5-8. The switching
semiconductor in FIG. 9 is configured as an IGBT die 400. Reference is
additionally made to FIG. 10 that shows a closer view of a portion of the
IGBT die 400 of FIG. 9.

[0041] The IGBT die 400 is comprised of an oxide or nitride wafer 402,
such as a beryllia wafer, which is metallized on an upper surface by a copper
foil plate 404 and on a lower surface by a copper foil plate 406. A silicon
semiconductor switching transistor 408 is soldered to the foil 404, and a first
metal layer 410, such as copper or aluminum, serves to contact areas of the
switching transistor chip 408. A ceramic layer 412 is attached to the first
metal layer 410, and a second metal layer 414 is attached to the ceramic layer
412. The second metal layer 414 serves to balance the lay up of the ceramic
layer 412 and first metal layer 410 to prevent warping and additional stresses
to semiconductor switching transistor 408. The second metal layer 414 has a
window 416 that is aligned with a hole 418 through the ceramic layer 412 for
contact access to the switching transistor 408.
[0042] A diode 420 is mounted laterally with respect to the IGBT die 400
and has a top copper layer 422. Between the IGBT die assembly 400 and the
diode 420 are traces 424 extending over the copper layer 404 to the power
limiting control circuit 122 (see FIGS. 1 and 2) for interrupting or reducing
current to the inverter circuit 118 (see FIGS. 1 and 2). Each trace represented
by reference number 424 can be unique for the temperature sensing circuit and
gate signal 460.
[0043] The temperature of the IGBT die 408 and diode 420 are measured
with temperature sensors 426, 428, respectively. In a preferred embodiment,
temperature sensors 426, 428 are thermistors but the temperature sensors 426,
428 can alternatively be thermocouples, or other temperature sensing device.
[0044] The temperature sensor 426 is mounted on two L-shaped traces 438
and 440 in the second metal layer 414 of the 400. The U-shaped opening 430
has legs 432, 434 separated by a bight 436. The L-shaped traces 438 and 440
are spaced apart from one another by a gap 442. The L-shaped traces 438 and
440 have short legs 444 and 446 and long legs 448 and 450. The short legs

444 and 446 are soldered or bonded to end flanges 452 and 454 on the
temperature sensor 426 while the long legs 448 and 450 have thin wire leads
456 and 458 soldered or ultrasonically bonded to the traces 424 that are
connected to the power limiting control circuit 122 (see FIGS. 1 and 2). When
the temperature of the IGBT die 400 exceeds a predetermined level, the power
limiting control circuit 122 (FIGS. 1 and 2) interrupts or limits current to the
IGBT die 400. A separate thin wire lead 460 connects the foil layer 414 to the
traces 424, for example, to transfer the gate signal of the IGBT die 400.
[0045] The diode 420 also has a U-shaped opening 462 in the foil layer
422 so that the temperature sensor 428 can directly monitor the temperature of
the diode 420. Like the temperature sensor 426 on the IGBT die 400, the
temperature sensor 428 is soldered or bonded to short legs 464 and 466 of pair
of L-shaped traces 468 and 470. Long legs 472 and 474 have first ends of thin
wire leads 476 and 478 soldered or ultrasonically bonded thereto, with second
ends of the leads bonded to the traces 424 which are connected to the power
limiting circuit 122 (see FIGS. 1 and 2).
[0046] The temperature level at which current is interrupted is in the range
of about 125°C to about 175°C and preferably about 150°C. Generally and as
an example, the maximum operating temperature of silicon is about 175°.
However, due to manufacturing variability and tolerance, the power limiting
control circuit 122 of one embodiment of the present invention prevents the
temperature from exceeding 150°. Other embodiments may include silicon
and other materials rated for higher temperatures, for example, greater than
200°C and greater than 300°C.

[0047] In accordance one embodiment of the invention, the temperatures
of the inverter circuits 118 are sensed on one side, i.e., the top sides, and the
inverter circuits 118 are cooled on the bottom sides. Cooling is accomplished
by the heat sink 134 shown in dotted lines in FIGS. 1-2, 5 and 9. The heat
sink 134 are preferably cooled by fluid, which in one embodiment is air and in
another embodiment, recirculated liquid. The liquid may be sprayed and
recovered either before or after evaporation or may flow past the inverters in a
liquid state and cooled by the radiator 136 of FIGS. 1 and 2.
[0048] In another embodiment, the inverter circuit 118 illustrated in FIGS.
1 and 2 can be a plurality of IGBT dies and diodes mounted on a single
substrate. Temperature sensors can be provided on one or more of the IGBT
dies and diodes. Moreover, although an inverter circuit 118 has been
described, in alternate embodiments, the temperature sensors 120 can be
mounted on any type of power electronic device.
[0049] While at least one exemplary embodiment has been presented in
the foregoing detailed description, it should be appreciated that a vast number
of variations exist. It should also be appreciated that the exemplary
embodiment or exemplary embodiments are only examples, and are not
intended to limit the scope, applicability, or configuration of the invention in
any way. Rather, the foregoing detailed description will provide those skilled
in the art with a convenient road map for implementing the exemplary
embodiment or exemplary embodiments. It should be understood that various
changes can be made in the function and arrangement of elements without
departing from the scope of the invention as set forth in the appended claims
and the legal equivalents thereof.

What is claimed is:
1. A cooling system for controlling temperature in a power
electronic device, the power electronic device, including a semiconductor
having a major surface, the cooling system comprising:
a temperature sensor coupled to the major surface of the
semiconductor; and
a control circuit coupled the temperature sensor, the control circuit
configured to reduce current to the inverter circuit when the temperature
exceeds a predetermined temperature.
2. The cooling system of claim 1, wherein the control circuit is
configured to reduce the current to the inverter circuit to substantially zero
when the temperature exceeds the predetermined temperature.
3. The cooling system of claim 1, wherein the temperature
sensor is a thermistor or a thermocouple.
4. The cooling system of claim 1, wherein the predetermined
temperature is about 150°C.
5. The cooling system of claim 1, wherein the major surface is
a top surface of the semiconductor, and wherein the semiconductor has a
bottom surface configured to be cooled by a fluid coolant.

6. The cooling system of claim 1, further comprising a metal
base coupled to the major surface of the semiconductor, wherein the
temperature sensor is attached to the metal base.
7. The cooling system of claim 1, further comprising an
interconnect coupled to the semiconductor, wherein the temperature sensor is
coupled to the interconnect.
8. The cooling system of claim 1, wherein the inverter circuit
further includes a diode disposed adjacent to the semiconductor, the cooling
system further comprising a second temperature sensor connected to the
control circuit and mounted on the diode.
9. A system for monitoring temperature in at least one power
electronic device providing alternating current to an AC motor of an
automotive vehicle, wherein the at least one power electronic device includes
a semiconductor having a major surface, at least a portion of which is exposed,
the system comprising:
at least one base coupled to the exposed portion of the major surface
of the semiconductor;
a thermistor electrically mounted on and electrically connected to the
at least one base, and configured to measure the temperature of the
semiconductor; and
a power control circuit electrically connected to the thermistor and
configured to control DC current to the semiconductor, the power control
circuit configured to reduce current to the semiconductor when the
temperature of the semiconductor exceeds a predetermined temperature.

10. The system of claim 9, wherein the predetermined
temperature is about 150°C.
11. The system of claim 9, wherein the power control circuit is
configured to reduce the current to the inverter circuit to substantially zero
when the temperature exceeds the predetermined temperature.
12. The system of claim 9, wherein the at least one base
comprises two bases coupled to the exposed major surface of the
semiconductor and spaced at a distance from one another, the thermistor
bridging the two bases.
13. The system of claim 9, wherein the power electronic device
includes a plurality of inverter circuits arranged in a module, the inverter
circuits each includes a diode disposed adjacent each semiconductor, and the
predetermined temperature of the semiconductor is a first predetermined
temperature, and
wherein the system further comprises an additional thermistor
mounted on each diode and connected to the control circuit for reducing
current to the module when the diode exceeds a second predetermined

14. A substrate subassembly comprising:
a ceramic wafer having first and second opposed metallized major
a first metal tab on the first metallized face that extends away from
the ceramic wafer for electrical connection to a first terminal member;
a semiconductor switching device electrically conductively bonded
to the first metallized face of the ceramic wafer, wherein the semiconductor
switching device includes electrodes on a first surface;
a first ceramic layer bonded to a portion of the first metallized face
of the ceramic wafer adjacent the semiconductor switching device, the first
ceramic layer having a metallized first surface;
a second metal tab on the metallized first surface of the first
ceramic layer that extends away from the ceramic wafer for electrical
connection to a second terminal member;
a first metal layer conductively bonded to the electrodes on the first
surface of the semiconductor switching device and also to the metallized first
surface of the first ceramic layer;
a second ceramic layer bonded to the first metal layer, the second
ceramic layer being disposed over the semiconductor switching device
a second metal layer bonded to the second ceramic layer; and
a temperature sensor coupled to the semiconductor switching
device, the temperature sensor configured to measure the temperature of the
semiconductor device.
15. The substrate subassembly of claim 14, wherein the
semiconductor switching device is an IGBT.

16. The substrate subassembly of claim 14, wherein the
temperature sensor is a thermistor.
17. The substrate subassembly of claim 14, wherein the
temperature sensor is bonded to the second metal layer.
18. The substrate subassembly of claim 14, wherein the
temperature sensor is bonded to the second ceramic layer.
19. The substrate subassembly of claim 14, wherein the first
metal layer, the second ceramic layer, and the second metal layer form an
interconnect that approximately matches a thermal coefficient of expansion of
the semiconductor switching device.
20. The substrate subassembly of claim 14, further comprising a
diode disposed adjacent to the semiconductor switching device, and an
additional temperature sensor coupled to the diode.

A cooling system is provided for controlling temperature in a power
electronic device. The power electronic device includes a semiconductor
having a major surface. The cooling system includes a temperature sensor
coupled to the major surface of the semiconductor; and a control circuit
coupled the temperature sensor. The control circuit is configured to reduce
current to the inverter circuit when the temperature exceeds a predetermined




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881-KOL-2008-CORRESPONDENCE 1.2.pdf

881-KOL-2008-CORRESPONDENCE 1.3.pdf


881-KOL-2008-DRAWINGS 1.1.pdf



Patent Number 263019
Indian Patent Application Number 881/KOL/2008
PG Journal Number 41/2014
Publication Date 10-Oct-2014
Grant Date 29-Sep-2014
Date of Filing 14-May-2008
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number H01L 27/00; H01L 29/00
PCT International Application Number N/A
PCT International Filing date
PCT Conventions:
# PCT Application Number Date of Convention Priority Country
1 11/758781 2007-06-06 U.S.A.