Title of Invention


Abstract A fuel cell system is provided, including an HFR measurement device in electrical communication with a fuel cell stack. The HFR measurement is used online to measure an HFR of the fuel cell stack suitable for calculation of a d(HFR)/d(RH) ratio. A humidity regulator is provided in fluid communication with the fuel cell stack. A controller periodically changes stack operating conditions to perturb an RH of the fuel cell stack, process the HFR response, and compute the d(HFR)/d(RH) ratio. A method for online identification and control of the fuel cell stack humidification is also provided. The d(HFR)/d(RH) ratio is an auxiliary measurement of membrane hydration which is used as a feedback for hydration control.
[0001] The present disclosure relates to a fuel cell system and, more particularly,
to a fuel cell stack hydration measurement system and method for measuring the
hydration of the fuel cell stack in operation.
[0002] A fuel cell has been proposed as a clean, efficient, and environmentally
responsible energy source for electric vehicles and various other applications. In
particular, the fuel cell has been identified as a potential alternative for the
traditional internal-combustion engine used in modern vehicles. One type of fuel
cell is known as a proton exchange membrane (PEM) fuel cell. Individual fuel
cells can be stacked together in series to form a fuel cell stack. The fuel cell
stack is capable of supplying a quantity of electricity sufficient to provide power to
a vehicle.
[0003] As is well understood in the art, the membranes within the fuel cell stack
must have a certain relative humidity (RH) for efficient performance. Measures
are often taken to maintain the membrane hydration within a desired range that
optimizes proton conduction across the membranes. For example, in U.S. Pat.
No. 6,376,111, hereby incorporated herein by reference in its entirety, a
controller utilizes feedback to control the humidity of a fuel cell assembly.
Humidifiers or water vapor transfer (WVT) devices are commonly used to
humidify inlet reactant gases provided to the fuel cell stack. Thermal control
strategies based on a relationship between RH and fuel cell temperature, as
measured by the coolant temperature, for example, have also been employed in
controlling membrane hydration. Other fuel cell parameters, such as
stoichiometry and pressure, are further known to affect fuel cell humidification.
[0004] The level of humidification in fuel cell systems of the art has been
controlled in response to a variety of feedback indicators including inlet RH,

outlet RH, temperature, pressure, flow rate, and electrical current measurements.
However, typical sensors employed in measuring these indicators often exhibit
drift and may be unreliable. Relative humidity sensors, in particular, are known
to have limited use in fuel cell applications due to corrosion and swelling of the
sensors with repeated exposure to liquid water. Thus, typical sensors have not
been desirably effective for purposes of humidification feedback-control in fuel
cell systems.
[0005] High frequency resistance (HFR) has previously been used as an offline
lab diagnostic technique for indirectly measuring MEA hydration in the fuel cell.
Typical HFR sensors measure an AC resistance of the fuel cell based on a high-
frequency ripple current. HFR is particularly sensitive to changes in RH.
However, HFR is also highly sensitive to other fuel cell conditions, such as
individual differences in overall membrane resistance, plate resistance, and
contact resistance. Absolute HFR measurements are particularly susceptible to
variation in contact resistance. Since the contact resistance of a fuel cell stack
varies during operation with changes in compression force, due in part to
swelling and contracting of membranes, absolute HFR measurements have
heretofore not been employable in online hydration measurements of operating
fuel cell stacks.
[0006] There is a continuing need for an online system and method for reliably
measuring humidification of the fuel cell stack in operation. Desirably, the online
system and method employs HFR measurements for monitoring and feedback
control of fuel cell stack humidification.
[0007] In concordance with the instant disclosure, an online system and method
that employs HFR measurements for reliably monitoring and controlling
humidification of the fuel cell stack in operation, is surprisingly discovered.
[0008] In one embodiment, a fuel cell system includes a fuel cell stack with a
plurality of fuel cells. Each of the fuel cells has an electrolyte membrane
disposed between an anode and a cathode. The fuel cell system further includes

an HFR measurement device in electrical communication with the fuel cell stack.
The HFR measurement device is adapted to measure an HFR of the fuel cell
stack suitable for calculation of a d(HFR)/d(RH) ratio. A humidity regulator is in
communication with the fuel cell stack and adapted to adjust an RH thereof to
within a desired range. A controller is also in electrical communication with the
HFR measurement device and the humidity regulator. The controller is adapted
to control the humidity regulator in response to the d(HFR)/d(RH) ratio.
[0009] In another embodiment, a method for online identification of a fuel cell
stack humidification level includes the steps of supplying a reactant stream to the
fuel cell stack and introducing a perturbation in the reactant stream. The
perturbation is adapted to provide a transient deviation in an RH of the fuel cell
stack. The HFR of the fuel cell stack is measured during the perturbation. A
d(HFR)/d(RH) ratio is calculated from the measured HFR and the transient
deviation in the RH of the fuel cell stack. The d(HFR)/d(RH) ratio is correlated in
a mathematical model to identify an RH of the fuel cell stack.
[0010] In a further embodiment, the method includes the step of controlling the
humidification level of the fuel cell stack in response to the d(HFR)/d(RH) ratio.
The RH of the fuel cell stack is thereby maintained within a desired range
[0011] The above, as well as other advantages of the present disclosure, will
become readily apparent to those skilled in the art from the following detailed
description, particularly when considered in the light of the drawings described
[0012] FIG. 1 is a side sectional view of an illustrative fuel cell of the prior art for
assembly in a fuel cell stack for use with an online humidification identification
system and method of the disclosure;
[0013] FIG. 2 is a schematic diagram of an online humidification identification and
control system according to an embodiment of the present disclosure;
[0014] FIG. 3 is a graph depicting illustrative absolute HFR measurements of
different fuel cell stacks having substantially identical operating conditions;

[0015] FIG. 4 is a graph depicting illustrative absolute HFR measurements of a
fuel cell stack over a typical operation cycle;
[0016] FIG. 5 is a graph depicting illustrative absolute HFR measurements of a
fuel cell stack over a range of typical operating temperatures;
[0017] FIG. 6 is a graph depicting an illustrative perturbation in RH of a fuel cell
stack under normal operation conditions and the effect on absolute HFR
measurements; and
[0018] FIG. 7 is a graph depicting an illustrative perturbation in RH of a fuel cell
stack under flooded operating conditions and the effect on absolute HFR
[0019] The following description is merely exemplary in nature and is not
intended to limit the present disclosure, application, or uses. It should also be
understood that throughout the drawings, corresponding reference numerals
indicate like or corresponding parts and features. In respect of the methods
disclosed, the steps presented are exemplary in nature, and thus, are not
necessary or critical.
[0020] FIG. 1 is an exemplary illustration of a fuel cell 2 known in the art. A
skilled artisan should appreciate that other fuel cell designs may be used within
the scope of the present disclosure. The fuel cell 2 includes a membrane
electrode assembly (MEA) 4 having a polymer electrolyte membrane (PEM) 6, a
cathode 8, and an anode 10. The PEM 6 is sandwiched between the cathode 8
and the anode 10. The cathode 8 and the anode 10 typically include a finely
divided catalyst, such as platinum, supported on carbon particles and mixed with
an ionomer. It should be appreciated that the cathode 8 and the anode 10 may
be formed from other suitable materials as desired.
[0021] A first gas diffusion medium (GDM) layer 12 is disposed adjacent the
cathode 8 on a side opposite the PEM 6. A second GDM layer 14 is disposed
adjacent the anode 10 on a side opposite the PEM 6. The GDM layers 12, 14
typically facilitate a delivery of gaseous reactants, such as air (O2) and hydrogen

(H2), to the MEA 4 for an electrochemical fuel cell reaction. The electrochemical
fuel cell reaction produces electricity and water as a chemical product. The fuel
cell stack 2 further includes a first plate 16 and a second plate 18 disposed
adjacent the first and second GDM layers 12, 14, respectively. The first and
second plates 16, 18 have flow channels formed therein for distribution of air (O2)
to the cathode 8 and hydrogen (H2) to the anode 10 and for removing residual
reactants and the product water from the fuel cell 2. In particular embodiments,
the first and second plates 16, 18 are typically at least one of a unipolar plate and
a bipolar plate.
[0022] As shown in FIG. 2, a fuel cell system 200 of the present disclosure
includes a fuel cell stack 202. The fuel cell stack 202 is assembled from a
plurality of the fuel cells 2, for example. The fuel cell system 200 may include
more than one fuel cell stack 202 if desired. The fuel cell stack 202 is in
electrical communication with an electrical load 204. The electrical load 204 may
be, for example, an electric drive motor of an electric vehicle.
[0023] The fuel cell stack 202 is in fluid communication with a reactant source
206. The reactant source 206 provides a reactant stream 207, such as one of a
cathode stream and an anode stream, to the fuel cell stack 202 for the
electrochemical fuel cell reaction. In a particular embodiment, the reactant
source 206 is an air compressor adapted to provide compressed air from the
ambient atmosphere to the cathodes 8 of the fuel cell stack 202. Likewise, the
reactant source 206 may be a storage vessel adapted to provide hydrogen gas to
the anodes 10 of the fuel cell stack 202.
[0024] In one embodiment, the fuel cell system 200 includes a humidity regulator,
such as a thermal control unit 208 and a water vapor transfer (WVT) unit 210. As
a nonlimiting example, the thermal control unit 208 is in a heat exchange
relationship with a coolant stream 211 supplied to the fuel cell stack 202. The
coolant stream may circulate through the fuel cell stack 202 and adjust a
temperature, and thereby a relative humidity (RH), of the fuel cell stack 202. As
used herein, the RH of the fuel cell stack 202 means an RH of the gases in the
fuel cell stack 202, as indicated by an "outlet RH" of exhausted residual gaseous

reactants and products, for example. As is known in the art, the thermal control
unit 212 may be employed to adjust a temperature of the coolant stream 213 to a
desired setpoint selected to maintain the RH of the fuel cell stack 202 within a
desired range.
[0025] In a further embodiment, the fuel cell system 200 includes the WVT unit
210. The WVT unit 210 is adapted to adjust an RH of the reactant stream 207
supplied to the fuel cell stack 202 as desired. The WVT unit 210 may be a
humidifier, for example, that transfers water vapor from a water source. As a
further nonlimiting example, the WVT unit 210 extracts water from a water-
carrying stream of the fuel cell system 202, such as from one of an anode
exhaust stream, a cathode exhaust stream, and a reformate stream. The WVT
unit 210 may employ a water-transfer membrane. In another nonlimiting
example, the WVT unit 210 transfers water vapor from a reservoir of liquid water.
Suitable WVT units 210 are known in the art, and may be used as desired. One
of ordinary skill should appreciate that the fuel cell system 200 may include one
or both the thermal control unit 208 and the WVT unit 210.
[0026] The fuel cell system 200 also includes a controller 212 and a high
frequency resistance (HFR) measurement device 214. The controller 212 of the
fuel cell system 200 is in electrical communication with the HFR measurement
device 214. The controller 212 of the fuel cell system may also be in electrical
communication with the thermal control unit 208 and the WVT unit 210. The
HFR measurement device 214 is in electrical communication with the fuel cell
stack 202 and is adapted to measure an HFR of the fuel cell stack 202 suitable
for calculation of a d(HFR)/d(RH) ratio, further explained herein below.
[0027] As shown in FIG. 3, different fuel cell stacks 202 having substantially
identical operating conditions often provide offset absolute HFR values 300 and
302. This is typically due to individual differences in overall plate and contact
resistance. As shown in FIG. 4, an increase in fuel cell stack 202 humidity, and
a corresponding hydration of the PEM 6, results in a decrease in the absolute
HFR measurements. However, the absolute HFR measurements also vary
significantly between different operating temperatures. It is now recognized that

a slope of the absolute HFR measurements over the range of RH levels, or the
d(HFR)/d(RH) ratio, is substantially the same regardless of individual differences
in overall plate and contact resistance. The slope directly measures the change
in membrane resistance due to hydration while plate and contact resistance
remain constant.
[0028] The employment of the d(HFR)/d(RH) ratio is particularly useful as an
indicator of the RH of the fuel cell stack 202 in operation. The dynamic
relationship of the RH of the fuel cell stack 202 to the HFR measurement can be
expressed as the following transfer function:

and τp is a time period of the process. As shown in FIG. 4, the slope Kp (the
d(HFR)/d(RH) ratio) decreases as indicated by HFR slopes 400, 402, 404, 406 to
a minimum 408 of about zero in the fuel cell stack 202 when fully humidified.
Although the d(HFR)d(RH) ratio is nominally affected by temperature, as shown
by d(HFR)/d(RH) slopes 500, 502, 504, 506 in FIG. 5, the d(HFR)d(RH) ratio is
not substantially affected by individual differences in overall membrane
resistance, plate resistance, and contact resistance. Therefore, the employment
of the d(HFR)/d(RH) ratio instead of the absolute HFR measurement for
estimating RH of the fuel cell stack 202 is particularly advantageous.
[0029] With renewed reference to FIG. 2, the HFR measurement device 214 of
the disclosure may be any known device suitable for measuring HFR of fuel cells
or fuel cell components. The HFR measuring device is adapted to measure the
HFR across at least one of the PEMs 6 of the fuel cell stack 202. As a
nonlimiting example, the HFR measurement device 214 is in independent
electrical communication with one or more of the fuel cells 2 of the fuel cell stack

202. The HFR of the at least one of the PEMs 6 is representative of the level of
humidification of the fuel cell stack 214 as a whole. The HFR measurement
device 214 is adapted to measure the HFR across at least a portion of the entire
fuel cell stack 202. For example, the HFR measurement device 214 is in
electrical communication with a first terminal and a second terminal of the fuel
cell stack 202. A skilled artisan should appreciate that other configurations of the
HFR measurement device 214 for measuring the HFR of the fuel cell stack 202
may be selected as desired.
[0030] The controller 212 is configured to receive at least one of the HFR
measurement and the d(HFR)/d(RH) ratio calculated therefrom by way of the
HFR measurement device 214. For example, the d(HFR)/d(RH) ratio may be
pre-calculated from one or more HFR measurements made by the HFR
measurement device 214 and then provided to the controller 212. In another
embodiment, the controller 212 may include a function that calculates the
d(HFR)/d(RH) ratio with the one or more HFR measurements.
[0031] It should be appreciated that the controller 212 is adapted to periodically
change the operating conditions of the fuel cell stack 202. For example, the
controller 12 may be adapted to adjust the fuel cell stack 202 humidification
based on the d(HFR)/d(RH) ratio. A hydration of the PEMs 6 is thereby
controlled to within the desired range. As a further example, the controller 212
may be adapted to control the humidity regulator in response to the
d(HFR)/d(RH) ratio. The controller 212 employs at least one algorithm or
mathematical model that correlates the d(HFR)/d(RH) ratio to an estimate of the
RH, such as an outlet RH, of the fuel cell stack 202. The mathematical model
may be a lookup table of d(HFR)/d(RH) ratio values and outlet RH values for a
particular fuel cell stack 202 architecture and operating temperature, for example.
Calculations using the mathematical model are performed in real-time, enabling
the online measurement of the fuel cell stack 202 hydration. As a nonlimiting
example, the mathematical model may include a standard recursive least-
squares estimator with exponential forgetting, as is known in the art. It should be

understood that other suitable algorithms or mathematical models for correlating
the d(HFR)/d(RH) ratio to an estimate of the relative humidity may be employed.
[0032] The fuel cell system 200 may further include at least one additional sensor
(not shown). The additional sensor may be in electrical communication with the
controller 212. The additional sensor is adapted to monitor at least one of the
inlet RH, outlet RH, fuel cell stack pressure, and fuel cell stack temperature. In
particular embodiments, the additional sensor is a temperature sensor adapted to
provide temperature measurements to the controller 212 of the fuel cell system
200. Other suitable sensors and configurations for measuring the fuel cell
system 200 may be selected as desired.
[0033] The present disclosure further includes a method for online determination
of the fuel cell stack 202 humidification. The method includes the step of
providing the fuel cell stack 202 in electrical communication with the HFR
measurement device 214 as described herein. The reactant stream 207, such as
a cathode supply stream, for example, is supplied to the fuel cell stack 202.
Following the step of supplying the reactant stream 207 to the fuel cell stack 202,
a perturbation in the reactant stream 207 is introduced. As a nonlimiting
example, the perturbation is a change in a stoichiometry of the reactant stream,
such as a change in cathode stoichiometry. The change in stoichiometry may be
performed, for example, by effecting a change in a flow rate of the reactant
stream 207 to the fuel cell stack 202. Other suitable means for modifying the
reactant stream stoichiometry may be employed as desired.
[0034] The perturbation introduced in the reactant stream 207 is adapted to
provide a transient deviation in an RH of the fuel cell stack 202. From the
perturbation, a system gain in HFR results. A d(HFR) value is derived from the
system gain in HFR. The transient deviation in the RH is also a substantially
known quantity from which d(RH) may be derived, further enabling the
calculation of the d(HFR)/d(RH) ratio. In particular embodiments, the
perturbation occurs at substantially regular intervals during the step of supplying
the reactant stream 207 to the fuel cell stack 202. The perturbation may be a
substantially constant pulse or an irregular pulse, as desired. For example, the

irregular perturbation may result in an initial decrease in the RH followed by a
subsequent increase in RH, both in relation to a steady state RH of the fuel cell
stack 202.
[0035] A magnitude of the transient variation resulting from the perturbation is
typically a fraction of the steady state RH of the fuel cell stack 202. The
magnitude is selected to militate against any significant impact on the fuel cell
stack 202 performance due to the perturbation. Illustratively, the magnitude of
the transient variation resulting from the perturbation is less than about 20% from
the steady state RH of the fuel cell stack 202. In a further embodiment, the
magnitude of the transient variation is less than about 10% from the steady state
RH. In a particularly illustrative embodiment, the magnitude of the transient
variation is less than about 5% from the steady state RH. A skilled artisan should
understand that a suitable magnitude not substantially deviating from the fuel cell
stack 202 steady state RH may be selected as desired.
[0036] The transient variation in RH also occurs for a time period selected that
does not substantially impact the performance of the fuel cell stack 202. For
example, the transient variation in RH may be for a time period less than about
90 seconds. In one embodiment, the transient variation in RH is for a time period
less than about 10 seconds. In a particularly illustrative embodiment, the
transient variation in RH is for a time period less than about 5 seconds. It should
be appreciated that the transient variation and time period are selected to
minimize the impact on the fuel cell stack 202 performance, yet be sufficient for
derivation of the d(HFR)/d(RH) ratio therefrom. For example, the transient
variation provides a signal-to-noise ratio that allows a measurable HFR
[0037] Following the introduction of the perturbation to the reactant stream 207,
the HFR of the fuel cell stack 202 is measured by the HFR measurement device
214. From the measured change in HFR and the known transient variation in RH
of the fuel cell stack 202 during the perturbation, the d(HFR)/d(RH) ratio is
calculated. As a nonlimiting example, if the change in HFR is about -0.035 -
cm2 and the transient deviation in RH is about 40%, at a fixed operating

temperature and time period, then the calculated d(HFR)/d(RH) ratio is about -
0.9 m-cm2/%. The d(HFR)/d(RH) ratio may then be correlated in the
mathematical model to RH, such as known outlet RH values of the fuel cell stack
202. The RH of the fuel cell stack 202 is thereby identified.
[0038] It should be understood that system metrics based on the d(HFR)/d(RH)
ratio and the operating temperature of the fuel cell stack may be employed by the
controller 212 to determine the humidification level of the fuel cell stack 202. In
one embodiment, an optimized fuel cell stack 202 humidification may be
indicated when the d(HFR)/d(RH) ratio is between a desired lower limit and a
desired upper limit. An under-humidified or "dry" fuel cell stack is indicated when
the d(HFR)/d(RH) ratio is less than the desired lower limit, for example. An over-
humidified or "flooded" fuel cell stack is indicated when the d(HFR)/d(RH) ratio is
greater than the desired upper limit, for example. A skilled artisan should
appreciated that the desired upper and lower limits for the d(HFR)/d(RH) ratio
may be selected as desired, based at least in part on operating temperature and
the particular fuel cell stack 202 architecture.
[0039] The present method may also be employed for controlling the fuel cell
stack 202 humidification. The method may include the step of controlling the RH
of the fuel cell stack 202 in response to the d(HFR)/d(RH) ratio. For example,
the system metrics including the desired upper and lower limits for the
d(HFR)/d(RH) ratio may be employed by the controller 212 to operate the
humidity regulator. The metrics may be "fuzzy" metrics, for example, such as
d(HFR)/d(RH) ratios associated with "very dry," "dry", "normal," and "flooded,"
humidity conditions. The level of humidification of the fuel cell stack 202 is
thereby regulated.
[0040] In one embodiment where the thermal control unit 208 is provided, the
step of controlling the RH includes the step of determining a desired fuel cell
stack temperature for providing the RH within the desired range. The desired
fuel cell stack temperature is selected based on the calculated d(HFR)/d(RH)
ratio. The coolant stream 211 may be supplied to the fuel cell stack and a
temperature of the coolant stream 211 regulated to a temperature setpoint

providing the desired fuel cell stack 202 temperature. The RH of the fuel cell
stack 202 is thereby maintained within the desired range when the desired fuel
cell stack 202 temperature is achieved,
[0041] When the WVT unit 210 is provided in fuel cell system 200, the step of
controlling the RH of the fuel cell stack 202 may include regulating an RH of the
reactant stream 207. The change of the RH of the reactant stream 207 directly
impacts the humidification of the fuel celi stack 202, and therefore, the hydration
of the PEMs 6. The RH of the fuel cell stack 202 may thereby be maintained
within the desired range.
[0042] As illustrated in FIGS. 6 and 7, HFR measurements were obtained from
exemplary fuel cell modules in accordance with the present disclosure. It should
be appreciated that the present disclosure is not limited by the examples
described herein.
[0043] In a first example illustrated in FIG. 6, a perturbation 600 was introduced
in the cathode stream of a fuel cell module. The fuel cell module was operating
under drier than normal humidity conditions, at an operating temperature of about
80°C. The perturbation 600 resulted in a transient variation 602 from a steady
state outlet RH of about 70%. The transient variation 602 was an irregular pulse
that was initially about -5% from the steady state and ended about +10% from
the steady state. The magnitude of the resulting transient variation 602 was
about 15%. The time period for the perturbation 600 was about 90 seconds. A
d(HFR)/d(RH) ratio of about -2 m-cm2/% for the fuel cell architecture was
therefore determined to be indicative of "dry" humidification level at an operating
temperature of about 80°C.
[0044] In a second example, a perturbation 700 was introduced in the cathode
stream of a second fuel cell module under normally humidified conditions. As
shown in FIG. 7, the perturbation 700 resulted in a transient variation 702 from a
steady state outlet RH of about 80%. The magnitude of the resulting transient
variation 702 was between about -10% and +20%, or about 40% total. The time

period for the perturbation was about 90 seconds. A d(HFR)/d(RH) ratio of about
-0.8 m-cm2/% for the fuel cell module architecture was therefore determined to
be indicative of a "normal" humidification level, at an operating temperature of
about 80°C.
[0045] It is surprisingly found that the d(HFR)/d(RH) ratio allows for the
estimation of the fuel cell stack 202 humidification, and hence, hydration of the
PEMs 6 of the fuel cell stack 202. Therefore, the use of HFR measurements for
online determination and control of the fuel cell stack 202 humidification is
enabled with the fuel cell system 200 and methods of the present disclosure.
[0046] The d(HFR)/d(RH) ratio may also be used with other humidity sensors
known in the art. The estimation of the fuel cell stack 202 humidification with the
d(HFR)/d(RH) ratio may be employed to diagnose faults in the humidity sensors
which would otherwise cause improper humidification of the fuel cell stack 202.
Thus, the use of HFR measurements as described herein may be employed for
system redundancy purposes, particularly in a vehicle powered by the fuel cell
stack 202.
[0047] As the present system and methods facilitate humidification detection and
control, the fuel cell stack 202 effective life and durability is optimized. It should
also be appreciated that the use of HFR measurements in an online system for
measuring and controlling humidification may be particularly useful for multi-stack
systems where humidification imbalances occasionally occur. The system and
methods of the present disclosure may be used to detect such imbalances,
correct them, and alert the operator as desired.
[0048] While certain representative embodiments and details have been shown
for purposes of illustrating the invention, it will be apparent to those skilled in the
art that various changes may be made without departing from the scope of the
disclosure, which is further described in the following appended claims.

What is claimed is:
1. A fuel cell system, comprising;
a fuel cell stack including a plurality of fuel cells;
an HFR measurement device in electrical communication with the fuel cell
stack, the HFR measurement device adapted to measure an HFR
of the fuel cell stack suitable for calculation of a d(HFR)/d(RH) ratio;
a humidity regulator in fluid communication with the fuel cell stack and
adapted to adjust an RH thereof to within a desired range; and
a controller in electrical communication with the HFR measurement device
and the humidity regulator, the controller adapted to control the
humidity regulator in response to the d(HFR)/d(RH) ratio.
2. The fuel cell system of Claim 1, wherein the HFR measurement
device is adapted to measure the HFR across at least one of the electrolyte
membranes of the fuel cell stack.
3. The fuel cell system of Claim 1, wherein the HFR measurement
device is adapted to measure the HFR across at least a portion of the fuel cell
4. The fuel cell system of Claim 1, wherein the humidity regulator is a
thermal control unit adapted to adjust a temperature of the fuel cell stack.
5. The fuel cell system of Claim 4, wherein the thermal control unit is
in heat exchange relationship with a coolant stream supplied to the fuel cell
stack, the temperature of the fuel cell stack adjusted by the coolant stream.

6. The fuel cell system of Claim 1, wherein the humidity regulator is a
water vapor transfer device in fluid communication with a reactant source and the
fuel cell stack, the water vapor transfer device adapted to adjust an RH of a
reactant stream supplied to the fuel cell stack.
7. A method for online identification of a humidification level of a fuel
cell stack, the method comprising the steps of:
providing the fuel cell stack including a plurality of fuel cells;
providing an HFR measurement device in electrical communication with
the fuel cell stack;
supplying a reactant stream to the fuel cell stack;
introducing a perturbation in the reactant stream supplied to the fuel cell
stack, the perturbation adapted to provide a transient deviation in
an RH of the fuel cell stack;
measuring the HFR of the fuel cell stack;
calculating a d(HFR)/d(RH) ratio from the measured HFR and the
transient deviation in the RH of the fuel cell stack; and
correlating the d(HFR)/d(RH) ratio in a mathematical model to identify an
RH of the fuel cell stack.
8. The method of Claim 7, wherein the reactant stream is a cathode
supply stream.
9. The method of Claim 7, wherein the perturbation is a change in a
stoichiometry of the reactant stream.
10. The method of Claim 7, wherein the perturbation is a change in a
flow rate of the reactant stream.

11. The method of Claim 7, wherein the perturbation occurs at
substantially regular intervals during the step of supplying the reactant stream to
the fuel cell stack.
12. The method of Claim 7, wherein the transient variation is less than
about 20% from a steady state RH of the fuel cell stack.
13. The method of Claim 7, wherein the transient variation provides a
signal-to-noise ratio that allows measurement of the HFR of the fuel cell stack.
14. The method of Claim 7, wherein an optimized fuel cell stack
humidification is indicated when the d(HFR)/d(RH) ratio is between a desired
lower limit and a desired upper limit.
15. The method of Claim 7, wherein an under-humidified fuel cell stack
is indicated when the d(HFR)/d(RH) is less than a desired lower limit.
16. The method of Claim 7, wherein an over-humidified fuel cell stack is
indicated when the d(HFR)/d(RH) is greater than a desired upper limit.

17. A method for controlling a humidification level of a fuel cell stack,
the method comprising the steps of:
providing the fuel cell stack including a plurality of fuel cells;
providing an HFR measurement device in electrical communication with
the fuel cell stack;
supplying a reactant stream to the fuel cell stack;
introducing a perturbation in the reactant stream supplied to the fuel cell
stack, the perturbation adapted to provide a transient deviation in
an RH of the fuel cell stack;
measuring the HFR of the fuel cell stack;
calculating a d(HFR)/d(RH) ratio from the measured HFR and the
transient deviation in the RH of the fuel cell stack;
controlling an RH of the fuel cell stack in response to the d(HFR)/d(RH)
ratio, wherein the RH of the fuel cell stack is maintained within a
desired range.
18. The method of Claim 15, further comprising the step of correlating
the d(HFR)/d(RH) ratio in a mathematical model to identify an RH of the fuel cell
19. The method of Claim 15, wherein the step of controlling the RH of
the fuel cell stack includes the steps of:
determining a desired fuel cell stack temperature for regulating the RH of
the fuel cell stack, based on the calculated d(HFR)/d(RH) ratio;
supplying a coolant stream to the fuel cell stack, the coolant stream
adapted to regulate a temperature of the fuel cell stack; and
regulating a temperature of the coolant stream to a temperature setpoint
adapted to provide the desired fuel cell stack temperature.

20. The method of Claim 14, wherein the step of controlling the RH of
the fuel cell stack includes the steps of:
providing a water vapor transfer device in fluid communication with a
reactant source and the fuel cell stack;
supplying a reactant stream from the reactant source to the fuel cell stack;
regulating an RH of the reactant stream to provide the RH of the fuel cell
stack within the desired range.

A fuel cell system is provided, including an HFR measurement device in
electrical communication with a fuel cell stack. The HFR measurement is used
online to measure an HFR of the fuel cell stack suitable for calculation of a
d(HFR)/d(RH) ratio. A humidity regulator is provided in fluid communication with
the fuel cell stack. A controller periodically changes stack operating conditions to
perturb an RH of the fuel cell stack, process the HFR response, and compute the
d(HFR)/d(RH) ratio. A method for online identification and control of the fuel cell
stack humidification is also provided. The d(HFR)/d(RH) ratio is an auxiliary
measurement of membrane hydration which is used as a feedback for hydration



1603-KOL-2008-(24-06-2014)-ANNEXURE TO FORM 3.pdf



1603-KOL-2008-(24-06-2014)-DESCRIPTION (COMPLETE).pdf









1603-KOL-2008-CORRESPONDENCE 1.1.pdf

1603-KOL-2008-CORRESPONDENCE 1.2.pdf


1603-kol-2008-description (complete).pdf


1603-kol-2008-form 1.pdf

1603-kol-2008-form 18.pdf

1603-kol-2008-form 2.pdf

1603-kol-2008-form 3.pdf

1603-kol-2008-form 5.pdf


1603-KOL-2008-OTHERS .pdf



Patent Number 263028
Indian Patent Application Number 1603/KOL/2008
PG Journal Number 41/2014
Publication Date 10-Oct-2014
Grant Date 29-Sep-2014
Date of Filing 18-Sep-2008
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number H01M8/04; H01M8/04
PCT International Application Number N/A
PCT International Filing date
PCT Conventions:
# PCT Application Number Date of Convention Priority Country
1 11/858,964 2007-09-21 U.S.A.