Title of Invention


Abstract In the present technique of a data transmission management, responsive to a reselection during a data transmission, a determination (314, 514) is made as to whether remaining untransmitted data blocks of the data transmission can be sent within an allowed transmission time. If so, the remaining untransmitted data blocks are transmitted (318, 518) to complete the data transmission. If, however, the remaining untransmitted data blocks cannot be transmitted within the allowed transmission time, the communication link is terminated (312, 510) to stop the downlink data transmission with a serving station.
Full Text WO 2006/073764 PCT/US2005/045829
Technical Field
[0001] This invention relates generally to a data transmission management
process between a mobile station and a serving station.
[0002] In the current Universal Mobile Telecommunication System
("UMTS"), R4 compliant mobile stations are supported by a Network Assistant Cell
Change procedure. Specifically, for networks that support a Cell Change Notification
("CCN") mode, upon a mobile station delecting the need to change cells due to
deteriorated radio frequency ("RF") conditions, the network is notified of the
proposed cell change with a Packet Cell Change Notification ("PCCN") message from
the mobile station. If the network knows the target cell data, the network responds
accordingly by sending one or more Packet Neighbor Cell Data ("PNCD") messages
back to the mobile station. Two general scenarios happen at this point. In one
scenario where the network determines that the ce I hchoscn try the mobile station is-an
optimal cell, the network sends a-PacketCell ChangeCcaitinac:j(rPCCC")'mcssage w
the mobile station. If, on the other hand,, in the-secondscenario where.the-network
determines that the-cell chosen i>y the mobile .station is nor a&oriiirnatcell, aPacket
Cell Change Ordcr-.("PCCOn) message, is sent to the mobile station. This whole
procedure of sending the PCCC or the PCCO message to the mobile station is guarded
by a timer of 960 milliseconds. In other words, the network is given-960 milliseconds
to respond with the PCCC-or PCCO message to. the mobile station,counting.from the
time when the network"rcceivcsthe-PC6M:rnessage-fTomloejnobrtestation.
[0003] The problem is that if the.mobile station sends out the PCCN.message
while the Count Down ("CV") is starting to decrement, meaning that very little data
arc left to complete the data transmission between the mobile station and the serving
station, the mobile station will, nevertheless, terminate the ongoing Temporary Block
Flow (TBF") as soon as it receives the PCCC or PCCO message from the network.
This is true even when the data transfer could have been finished in less than 960
milliseconds. Similarly, in the downlink example, the mobile station could receive
- 1 -

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the PCCC or PCCO message when the remaining data could have been transferred
within the allowed time. So, instead of finishing the data transfer with the current
serving cell, the mobile station starts the data transfer all over again by establishing a
new TBF at the target cell to finish transferring the remaining data. Starting a new
TBF is very inefficient, however, because it requires a significant amount of time,
especially when the data transfer could have been finished in less than 960
milliseconds. Another problem is that if the data transfer involves the Transmission
Control Protocol ("TCP") layer that requires an acknowledgement ("ACK") packet,
this ACK packet can be further delayed, because the mobile station is forced to leave
the current cell and establish a new TBF in the target cell to finish the data transfer.
This again is very efficient. Thus, for all these reasons, the overall data transfer rate
of the mobile station is reduced, resulting in deterioration of mobile station overall
Brief Description of the Drawings
[0004] The above needs are at least partially met through provision of the data
transmission management described in the following detailed description, particularly
when studied in conjunction with the drawings, wherein:
[0005] FIG. 1 comprises a block diagram of a typical wireless communication
system suitable for various embodiments of the invention;
[0006] FIG. 2 comprises a call flow diagram of a cell change process suitable
for various embodiments of the invention;
[0007] FIG. 3 comprises a flow chart call diagram of a downlink data
transmission process using current conditions of the mobile station according to an
embodiment of the invention;
[0008] FIG. 4 comprises a flow chart diagram of a downlink data transmission
process using historical data of the mobile station according to an embodiment of the
[0009] FIG. 5 comprises a flow chart diagram of an uplink data transmission
process according to an embodiment of the invention;
[0010] FIG. 6 comprises a flow chart diagram of a downlink data transmission
process implemented on a Universal Mobile Telecommunication System using

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current conditions of the mobile station according to an embodiment of the invention;
[0011] FIG. 7 comprises a plot diagram depicting an example of the historical
data of the mobile station used according to an embodiment of the invention;
[0012] FIG. 8 comprises a flow chart diagram of a downlink data transmission
process implemented on a Universal Mobile Telecommunication System using
historical data of the mobile station according to an embodiment of the invention; and
[0013] FIG. 9 comprises a flow chart diagram of an uplink data transmission
process implemented on a Universal Mobile Telecommunication System according to
an embodiment of the invention.
[0014] Skilled artisans will appreciate that elements in the figures are
illustrated for simplicity and clarity and have not necessarily been drawn to scale. For
example, the dimensions of some of the elements in the figures may be exaggerated
relative to other elements to help improve understanding of various embodiments of
the present invention. Also, common and well-understood elements that are useful or
necessary in a commercially feasible embodiment are often not depicted in order to
facilitate a less obstructed view of these various embodiments of the present
Detailed Description
[0015] Generally speaking, pursuant to these various embodiments,
responsive to a reselection during a downlink data transmission, a determination is
made as to whether remaining untransmitted data blocks of the downlink data
transmission can be sent within an allowed transmission time. If so, the remaining
untransmitted data blocks are transmitted to complete the downlink data transmission.
If, however, the remaining untransmitted data blocks cannot be transmitted within the
allowed transmission time, the communication link is terminated to stop the downlink
data transmission with a serving station. In one embodiment, the reselection relates to
a soft handover between the serving station and a target serving station. In another
embodiment, a request is sent to drop the mobile station from the serving station
responsive to the termination of the communication link. In various teachings, prior
to the determination as to whether the remaining untransmitted data blocks can be
sent within the allowed transmission time, it is determined whether a selected channel

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coding scheme is currently available. If not, the communication link is terminated to
stop the downlink data transmission with the serving station, which is followed by a
request to drop the mobile station from the serving station being sent. If, on the other
hand, the channel coding scheme is currently available, the remaining untransmitted
data blocks are formatted to the selected channel coding scheme.
[0016] According to various teachings, data transmission management is
further provided that, responsive to a reselection during a downlink data transmission,
assesses the shortest transmission time needed to complete the downlink data
transmission based on one or more current conditions. It is next determined whether
the assessed shortest transmission time is greater than an allowed transmission time.
If not, remaining untransmitted data blocks are sent to complete the downlink data
transmission, and otherwise, the communication link is terminated to stop the
downlink data transmission with the serving station. In one embodiment, the
termination of the communication link also triggers a request to be sent that drops the
mobile station from the serving station. In various embodiments, prior to the
assessment of the shortest transmission time needed to complete the downlink data
transmission, one or more currently available channel coding schemes are detected,
and an available bandwidth for the downlink data transmission with the serving
station is also assessed. According to a particular embodiment, the assessed shortest
transmission time is based on one or more currently available channel coding schemes
and/or the assessed bandwidth available for the downlink data transmission. In one
embodiment, the remaining untransmitted data blocks are formatted according to the
predefined current condition, which includes the available bandwidth and/or the
available channel coding scheme.
[0017] According to various embodiments, an uplink data transmission
management has also been provided that, responsive to a reselection during the uplink
data transmission, makes a determination as to whether the uplink data transmission is
in countdown, and if so, the shortest receive time needed to complete the uplink data
transmission is assessed. Otherwise, the communication link is again terminated to
stop the uplink data transmission with the serving station. In one embodiment, the
assessment of the shortest receive time further includes a determination as to whether
the assessed shortest receive time is greater than an allowed transmission time, and if

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not, the remaining data blocks are received from the mobile station to complete the
uplink data transmission. Otherwise, the communication link is terminated to stop the
uplink data transmission with the serving station, which triggers a request to be sent to
drop the mobile station from the mobile station according to one embodiment. In one
embodiment, the reselection is a soft handover between the serving station and a
target station. In another embodiment, the predefined throughput condition is based
on a receiving radio frequency signal level or quality, a mobile sharing level, and an
available coding scheme.
[0018] Through the teachings of various embodiments, an improved data
transmission management technique has been provided that allows for more efficient
data transfer during a mobile station reselection between a serving station and a target
station. Because data transmissions that can be completed within the allowed
transmission time are not unnecessarily terminated, unnecessary retransmission due to
a reselection has been substantially eliminated. As a result, higher overall throughput
of the system is provided. Moreover, the radio frequency conditions are changed
dynamically to accommodate the cell change procedures, which further allows for a
more efficient air time usage. Since the time needed to complete the data
transmission is being assessed according to current conditions and/or historical data of
the mobile station, a more accurate transfer time is provided to make an intelligent
decision to either terminate or to complete the data transmission with the serving
station. The various teachings also provide seamless integration into the existing
systems because no standard changes are required with their implementation. Thus, a
data transmission management has been provided that optimizes the overall
throughput by improving, among other things, the procedure of data transmission
responsive to a reselection.
[0019] Referring now to the drawings, and in particular to FIG. 1, for
purposes of providing an illustrative but non-exhaustive example to facilitate this
description, a specific operational paradigm using a Universal Mobile
Telecommunication system ("UMTS") is shown and indicated generally at 100.
Those skilled in the art, however, will recognize and appreciate that the specifics of
this illustrative example are not specifics of the invention itself and that the teachings
set forth herein are applicable in a variety of alternative settings. For example, since

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the teachings described are not platform dependent, they can be applied to various
systems, such as a General Packet Radio Service ("GPRS"), a Code Division Multiple
Access ("CDMA") system, and/or a Time Division Multiple Access ("TDMA")
system. In fact, any cellular networks are contemplated and are within the scope of
the invention.
[0020] Pursuant to this example, a typical UMTS deployment is shown that
includes a mobile switching center ("MSC") 102 that is connected to a public
switched telephone network ("PSTN") 104 and a GPRS Service Node ("GSN") 106
that is connected to the Internet 108. The MSC 102 and the GSN 106 are respectively
connected to a Base Station Controller ("BSC") 110 and a Packet Control Unit
("PCU") 112, which are, in turn, connected to each other. The MSC 102 and the GSN
106 are also connected to enable a mobile station ("MS") 114 to connect to the
Internet 108. In particular, the MS 114 communicates with the Base Transceiver
System ("BTSs") 116,118. The BTSs 116,118, in turn, communicate with the BSC
110 that exchanges communications with either the MSC 102 or the PCU 112,
depending on the type of information being transferred. Specifically, the MS 114 is
communicating with the serving BTS 116, and a detection for reselection to the target
BTS 118 is shown. Since the MSC 102 and the GSN 106 are connected with the two
networks of the PSTN 104 or the Internet 108, the MS 114 has access to the cellular
network through the BSC 110, the PSTN 104 through the MSC 102, and the Internet
108 through the GSN 106, via the BTSs 116,118. The UMTS communication system
100 shown is a typical exemplary structure of a cellular communication network that
is suitable for various embodiments described.
[0021] Referring to FIG. 2, a call flow diagram of a cell change process
between the PCU 112 and the MS 114 that is suitable for various embodiments is
shown and indicated generally at 200. The call flow diagram illustrates the
relationship between the MS 114 and the PCU 112. Although in practice the MS 114
is not technically in direct communication with the PCU 112, it is commonly known
in the art that the communication between them occurs through the use of the BTSs
116,118 and BSC 110. For simplicity, however, the BTSs 116,118 and BSC 110 are
excluded from the call flow diagram 200 to avoid confusion. Moreover, since the call
flow diagram 200 is a specific implementation in the UTMS, the messages sent

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between the PCU 112 and the MS may be different in other system implementations.
The specifics of these other implementations are readily appreciated by one skilled in
the art, and thus they are within the scope of the various teachings provided, even if
they may not be shown.
[0022] As typically done in the UTMS, the MS 114 sends 202 a Packet Cell
Change Notification ("PCCN") message to the PCU 112 responsive to a MS detection
of a need to change from the serving BTS 116 to a target BTS 118. If the target BTS
118 is known, one or more Packet Neighbor Cell Data ("PNCD") messages are sent
204 back to the MS 114 from the PCU 112. After which, depending whether the
target BTS 118 is or is not an optimal cell for the MS 112, either a Packet Cell
Change Continue ("PCCC") that instructs the MS 114 to continue and connect to the
target BTS 118 or a Packet Cell Change Order ("PCCO") message that instructs the
MS to not connect to the target BTS is respectively sent 206 to the MS 112. In the
UMTS, the time from when the PCU 112 received the PCCN message to the time
when the PCU 112 actually sends the PCCC/PCCO is a block of time 208 where the
various embodiments determine whether a data transfer can be executed within this
given block of time.
[0023] In particular, according to one downlink embodiment, a logical link
control ("LLC") boundary is detected 210 according to this block of time to determine
whether the data transmission should be continued or terminated at the downlink of
the PCU 112. An uplink embodiment, in contrast, makes an assessment 212 of a
prediction of the uplink temporary block flow ("TBF") based on this block of time
208 to determine whether to continue or terminate the receipt of data from the MS.
Since this call flow diagram 200 is a specific implementation with the UMTS, 960
milliseconds is the maximum allowed time for this block of time 208 according to the
T3208 standard of the Network Assistant Cell Change procedure in the UMTS. Of
course, the downlink detection and uplink prediction based on this time requirement
of 960 milliseconds is one of the multiple embodiments contemplated. In fact, it
should be noted that the various teachings described are not limited to the use of a
time block. Rather, depending upon the system, one or more different parameters or
different values of the parameter may also be chosen. As such, these other alternative
embodiments are within the scope of the various teachings provided.

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[0024] Turning now to FIG. 3, a flow chart call diagram of a downlink data
transmission process using current conditions of the mobile station according to an
embodiment is shown and indicated generally at 300. It should be noted that although
the processes described may be implemented at the PCU 112, the various teachings
contemplate other implementations of different components in the system, such as the
BSC 110 or the BTS 116. In fact, any component in the system can be used to fully
or partially implement the various teachings described. As a result, as one skilled in
the art can readily appreciate, any of the processes shown can be altered in multiple
ways to achieve the same functions and/or results of the various teachings described.
These processes shown are to be taken as one exemplary embodiment of multiple-
variation embodiments that may not be specifically shown, and the other
embodiments are within the scope of the various teachings described.
[0025] For this process 300, it preferably starts with a determination 304 as to
whether a reselection is required at the MS 114, and the reselection refers to a soft
handover between the serving BTS 116 and the target BTS 118 in one embodiment.
If not, the process ends 306-until a reselection is required.. Upon a.reselcction
requirement being detected 304. the process 300 next determines 308 whether data are
actually being transmitted KKhe MS 114 during the reselection. If not, the process
again ends 306. If, however, data are being transmitted to the MS 114 during the
reselection detection, the.process, in responce ,determines 310 whether a selected
channel coding scheme is corrently availablc to omplete the transmission of
remaining untransmitted dat to the.MS..If not,the.process terminates 312 the
communication link between the serving BTS: 116 and the MS 114 in order to stop the
data transmission to the MS. This is so.because without.the selected channel coding
scheme being available, the data transmission would be inefficient with the serving-
BTS 116. As a result, in this embodiment shown, the comrnunication.link.will.be.
terminated 312. The MS 114 will accordingly connect:to the target BTS 118r which
will start the transmissiof the remaining-datausing the target BTSthateffectively
becomes the current seneingvBTS:
[0026] If, however, the selected coding scheme is currently available, the
process determines 314 whether the remaining uniransmilted.datablocks can be sent
within an allowed transmission time. In this particular embodiment, this

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determination of whether to complete the data transmission with the MS 114 is made
based on the current condition of the channel conditions and/or throughput of the MS.
The current conditions, as shown, include currently available code resources (e.g., the
determination 310 as to whether a selected channel coding scheme is currently
available) and the currently available throughput (e.g., the determination 314 as to
whether the remaining untransmitted data blocks can be sent within the allowed time).
Other current conditions, which are readily appreciated by a skilled artisan, can also
be used, and the use of these different current conditions is dependent upon the
standards of the system being implemented. Thus, other implementations of current
conditions needed are within the scope of the various teachings described.
[0027] In the case when the remaining untransmitted data blocks cannot be
sent within the allowed transmission, the communication link is again terminated 312
because there is no point to continue the data transmission since it cannot be
completed with the current serving BTS 116. If, in contrast, the remaining
untransmitted data block can in fact be transmitted within the allowed transmission
time, the remaining untransmitted data blocks are then formatted 316 in the selected
channel coding scheme and sent 318 to the MS 114. The process accordingly sends
320 a request to drop the MS from the serving BTS 116, which brings the process to
the end 306.
[0028] Referring now to FIG. 4, a flow chart diagram of a downlink data
transmission process using historical data of the mobile station is shown and indicated
generally at 400. In this embodiment, the historical data of the mobile station is
tracked in order to make a prediction as to whether the remaining untransmitted data
can in fact be transmitted within the allowed time. In this embodiment, a plot of the
MS's throughput is maintained over time, and using this information, the PCU can
predict, at the current throughput rate, whether the current LLC frame can be sent to
the MS within the allowed time. This process 400 shown similarly starts 402 with a
determination 404 as to whether a reselection is required at the MS, and if not, the
process accordingly ends 406. Otherwise, another determination 408 is made as to
whether data are being transmitted, and again if not, the process simply ends 406. If,
however, the MS is experiencing a reselection during a data transmission, one or more
currently available channel coding schemes are detected 410, followed by an

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assessment of 412 of the bandwidth that is currently available for data transmission
using the current serving BTS 116.
[0029] A shortest transmission time needed to complete the transmission of
the remaining untransmitted data blocks is assessed 414 according to one or more
predefined conditions. In this embodiment, the predefined conditions are based on the
detected currently available channel coding scheme(s) available, the bandwidth
available, and the historical data of the throughput of the MS. From this assessed
shortest transmission time, it is determined 416 whether the shortest transmission time
is greater than the allowed transmission time. If so, there is little point to continue the
transmission since it cannot be completed with the current serving BTS 116, and the
communication link between the serving BTS and the MS 114 is terminated 418,
followed by a request to drop the MS 114 from the serving BTS 116 to be sent 420,
which ends 406 the process.
[0030] On the other hand, if the shortest transmission time is not greater than
the allowed transmission time, the remaining untransmitted data blocks will be
formatted 422 according to the predefined conditions. In particular, in this
embodiment, since there may be multiple coding schemes available at any given time,
at least one or a combination of coding schemes are chosen to complete the data
transmission, specifically a combination that provides for the shortest transmission
time. The formatted data blocks are then accordingly sent 424 to complete the data
transmission between the MS 114 and the serving BTS 116, and after which, the
request to drop the MS is similarly sent 420, and the process ends 406 at this point.
[0031] Referring to FIG. 5, a flow chart diagram of an uplink data
transmission process according to an embodiment is shown and indicated generally at
500. The process also starts 502 with a determination 504 as to whether a reselection
is required on the MS, and if not, the process ends 506. Otherwise, if so, another
determination 508 is made as to whether an uplink data transfer is currently in
countdown. Since the countdown is the standard for tracking an end of uplink data
transfer in UTMS, it is used in this embodiment. Other standards, however, may be
used, depending upon the system implementation. Those other standards are,
nevertheless, within the scope of the various embodiments described.
[0032] In the case where the uplink data transfer is not in countdown, meaning

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the uplink data transfer is not nearing the end, the communication link between the
serving BTS 116 and the MS 114 is again terminated 510 because the serving BTS
cannot receive the remaining untransmitted data from the mobile station within the
allowed time. If, however, the uplink data transfer is in fact in countdown, a shortest
receive time needed to finish the receipt of the remaining untransmitted data from the
MS 114 is assessed 512. This assessed shortest receive time is then compared to
determine 514 whether it is greater than the allowed receive time, and if so, the
communication link is once again terminated 510. Otherwise, since the serving BTS
can finish the uplink data transfer within the allowed transmission time, the remaining
data blocks are received 516 from the MS 114 before a request is sent 518 to drop the
MS from the serving BTS 116. After the drop message is sent 518, the process
concludes 506 at this point.
[0033] Turning now to FIG. 6, a flow chart diagram of a downlink data
transmission process implemented on a UMTS using current conditions of the MS
114 is shown and indicated generally at 600. Since the various embodiments relate to
a data transmission during a reselection, the process starts 602 with a determination
604 as to whether a reselection is required at the MS 114, and if not, the process ends
606. Otherwise, in this particular embodiment shown, a determination 608 is made
based on the formula

where "Sizeof(current_LLC_PDU_left)" refers to the size of the size of the remaining
untransmitted data, the constant "52" is based on the coding scheme 4 ("CS4")
standard of the UMTS, "20ms" refers to a predefined time block for the execution of
the process, "T" refers to the allowed transmission time, and "x" refers to the time
adjustment to allow receipt of the acknowledgement packet for the LLC frame. If the
determination 608 is true, meaning the remaining untransmitted data in CS4 blocks
can be transmitted within the allowed time, the current Radio Link Control ("RLC") is
sent 610 in CS4 blocks to the MS 114 followed by the PCCC or the PCCO message
being sent as a response to the reselection requirement of the MS. Put differently, the
remaining untransmitted data blocks on the RLC are sent in CS4 blocks to the MS,
after which the PCCC or the PCCO message is sent to the MS. The process further

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sends 612 a request to drop the MS 114 from the serving BTS, which brings the
process to the end 606.
[0034] If, however, the determination 608 is false, another determination 614
is made based on the formula

where "Sizeof(current_LLC_PDU_left)" refers to the size of the remaining
untransmitted data, the constant "38" is based on the coding scheme 3 ("CS3")
standard of the UMTS, "20ms" refers to a predefined time block for the execution of
the process, "T" refers to the allowed transmission time, and "x" refers to the time
adjustment to allow receipt of the acknowledgement packet for the LLC frame. If the
determination 614 is true, meaning the remaining untransmitted data in CS3 blocks
can be transmitted within the allowed time, the current RLC is sent 616 in CS3 blocks
to the MS 114 followed by the sending of the PCCC or the PCCO. The process
continues to send 612 a request to drop the MS 114 from the serving BTS 116, and
the process ends 606.
[0035] If, on the other hand, the determination 614 is also false, another
determination 618 is made based on the formula

where "Sizeof(current_LLC_PDU_left)M refers to the size of the remaining
untransmitted data, the constant "32" is based on the coding scheme 2 ("CS2")
standard of the UMTS, "20ms" refers to a predefined time block for the execution of
the process, "T" refers to the allowed transmission time, and "x" refers to the time
adjustment to allow receipt of the acknowledgement packet for the LLC frame. If the
determination 618 is true, meaning the remaining untransmitted data in CS2 blocks
can be transmitted within the allowed time, the current RLC is sent 616 in CS2 blocks
to the MS 114 followed by the sending of the PCCC or the PCCO. The process again
sends 612 the request to drop the MS 114 from the serving BTS 116, and the process
ends 606.
[0036] If the determination 618 is false, in this case all the available coding
schemes have been checked for the data transmission and no coding scheme resource

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is suitable. The communication link, specifically the IXC, between the MS 114 and
the serving BTS 116 will be terminated 622 because the MS is experiencing bad
conditions with the serving BTS. The request to drop the MS from the serving BTS is
again sent 612 after the LLC has been terminated, which brings the process to the end
[0037] Referring now to FIG. 7, an exemplary plot of the historical data of the
mobile station used according to an embodiment is shown and indicated generally at
700. For embodiments of the downlink detection of the LLC boundary, the historical
data plot is maintained that tracks the throughput of the MS over a period of time.
Using this information along with the minimum received power level required by the
mobile station to access the cell ("rxlev access min") of the serving BTS 116, the PCU
could predict whether the remaining untransmitted data can be sent within the allowed
transmission time. As shown, specifically, the throughput 702 of the MS 114 is
plotted over a period of time 704 to generate a slope 706 as an example. The
detection process 708 of the downlink LLC using the historical data plot may be
implemented at a starting point 710 when detected that a serving cell received power
level ("rxlev") is less than the rxlev access min and an ending point 712, and when
detected that the serving cell rxlev is greater than the rxlev access min. From this
historical data plot 700, the detection process is dynamically triggered, and one
embodiment of a detection process is shown in FIG. 8.
[0038] FIG. 8 shows a flow chart diagram 800 of the downlink data
transmission process implemented on a UMTS using historical data of the MS, such
as the one shown in FIG. 7. This process 800 starts 802 with a determination 804 as
to whether a reselection is required, and if not, the process ends 806. Otherwise, in
this embodiment, a determination 808 is made based on the formula

where "Sizeof(current__LLC_PDU_left)" refers to the size of the remaining
untransmitted data,
"current_calculated_throughput" refers to the current throughput of the
communication link between the MS 114 and the serving BTS 116, "20ms" refers to a
predefined time block for the execution of the process, "size_of_CS4_block" refers to

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the size of the remaining untransmitted data in Code Scheme 4 ("CS4) blocks, "0.96"
refers to the allowed transmission time, and "x" refers to the time adjustment to allow
receipt of the acknowledgement packet for the LLC frame. If the determination 808
is false, meaning the remaining untransmitted data in CS4 blocks can be transmitted
within the allowed time, the current RLC is sent 810 in CS4 blocks to the MS 114
followed by the sending of the PCCC or the PCCO. The process continues to send
812 a request to drop the MS 114 from the serving BTS 116, and the process ends
[0039] If, however, determination 808 is true, meaning the remaining
untransmitted data cannot be sent in CS4 within the allowed time, a next
determination 814 is made for Code Scheme 3 ("CS3") based on the formula

where "Sizeof(current_LLC_PDU_left)" refers to the size of the remaining
untransmitted data, "current_calculated_throughput" refers to the current throughput
of the communication link between the MS 114 and the serving BTS 116, "20ms"
refers to a predefined time block for the execution of the process,
"size_pf_CS3_block" refers to the size of the remaining untransmitted data in CS3
blocks, "0.96" refers to the allowed transmission time, and "x" refers to the time
adjustment to allow receipt of the acknowledgement packet for the LLC frame. If the
determination 814 is false, meaning the remaining untransmitted data in CS3 blocks
can be transmitted within the allowed time, the current RLC is accordingly sent 816 in
CS3 blocks to the MS 114 followed by the sending of the PCCC or the PCCO
message. The process continues to send 812 the request to drop the MS 114 from the
serving BTS 116, and the process ends 806.
[0040] If the determination 814 is true, a next determination 818 is made
based on the formula

where "Sizeof(current_LLC_PDU_left)" refers to the size of the remaining
untransmitted data, "current_calculated_throughput" refers to the current throughput
of the communication link between MS 114 and the serving BTS 116, "20ms" refers

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to a predefined time block for the execution of the process, "size_of_CS2_block"
refers to the size of the remaining untransmitted data in Code Scheme 2 ("CS2)
blocks, "0.96" refers to the allowed transmission time, and "x" refers to the time
adjustment to allow receipt of the acknowledgement packet for the LLC frame. If the
determination 818 is false, meaning the remaining untransmitted data in CS2 blocks
can be transmitted within the allowed time, the current RLC is sent 820 in CS2 blocks
to the MS 114 followed by the sending of the PCCC or the PCCO. The process
continues to send 812 a request to drop the MS 114 from the serving BTS 116, and
the process ends 806.
[0041] If, however, the determination 818 is true, in this case all the available
coding schemes have been checked for the data transmission and no coding scheme
resource is suitable. The communication link, specifically the LLC, between the MS
114 and the serving BTS 116 will be terminated 822 because the MS is experiencing
bad conditions with the serving BTS. The request to drop the MS 114 from the
serving BTS 116 is again sent 812 after the LLC has been terminated, which brings
the process to the end 806.
[0042] Referring to FIG. 9, a flow chart diagram of an uplink data
transmission process implemented on a UMTS according to an embodiment is shown
and indicated generally at 900. This process relates to the uplink of the PCU 112
where a prediction is made to determine whether the remaining untransmitted data can
be received from the MS 114 within the allowed transmission time. In this process, it
is similarly initiated 902 with a reselection requirement determination 904, and if
reselection is not required, the process ends 906. On the other hand, if reselection is
required, it is determined 908 whether the uplink temporary block flow ("TBF") is
currently in a counting down state. If not, meaning the data transfer from the MS 116
is not near the end, the ongoing uplink and downlink TBF are then terminated 910,
which triggers a PCCC or a PCCO message 912 to drop the MS from the serving BTS
116. If, however, the uplink TBF is counting down, a determination 914 is made
based on the formula

WO 2006/073764 PCT/US2005/045829
untransmitted data, "current_UL_throughput" refers to the current throughput of the
uplink channel, and "960ms" refers to the allowed transmission time standard of the
UMTS. If the determination 914 is false, meaning the remaining untransmitted data
can be received from the MS 114 within the allowed transmission time of 960
milliseconds, the process continues to receive 916 the remaining untransmitted data
blocks from the MS 116. After the data transfer from the MS 114 is completed, the
process sends 912 the PCCC or PCCO message to drop the MS from the serving BTS
116, which brings the process to the end 906. On the other hand, if the determination
914 is true, meaning that the remaining transmitted data cannot be received within the
allowed transmission time, the ongoing uplink and downlink TBF would then be
terminated 910, followed by the PCCC or PCCO message being sent 912, which
concludes 906 the process at this point.
[0043] With these various teachings shown, a novel data transmission
management technique has been provided that more efficiently completes or
terminates existing data transfer during a MS reselection. In particular, since existing
data transmissions are not unnecessarily terminated when they can be in fact
efficiently completed before the reselection, unnecessary retransmissions due to
reselection have been substantially reduced and/or eliminated. As such, the result is
higher overall throughput. Furthermore, because the radio frequency conditions are
being changed dynamically to accommodate the cell change procedures, a more
efficient air time usage is provided. With the assessment of an estimated time needed
to finish the data transfer that is based on current conditions and/or historical data of
the MS, more accurate transfer time assessment is provided in order to make an
intelligent decision as to whether to terminate or complete the transmission. As a
result, a data transmission management has been provided that optimizes the overall
throughput by various improvements of the cell change procedures.
[0044] Those skilled in the art will recognize that a wide variety of
modifications, alterations, and combinations can be made with respect to the above
described embodiments without departing from the spirit and scope of the invention,
and that such modifications, alterations, and combinations are to be viewed as being
within the ambit of the inventive concept.

WO 2006/073764 PCT/US2005/045829
We claim:
1. A method of managing a downlink data transmission between a mobile
station and a serving station via a communication link comprising:
determining whether remaining untransmitted data blocks of the
downlink data transmission can be sent within an allowed transmission time
responsive to a reselection during the downlink data transmission;
sending the remaining untransmitted data blocks to complete the
downlink data transmission when the remaining untransmitted data blocks of the
downlink data transmission can be sent within the allowed transmission time;
terminating the communication link to stop the downlink data
transmission with the serving station when the remaining untransmitted data blocks of
the downlink data transmission cannot be sent within the allowed transmission time.
2. The method according to claim 1 further comprising:
sending a request to drop the mobile station from the serving station
responsive to terminating the communication link to stop the downlink data
transmission with the current serving station.
3. The method according to claim 1, wherein prior to determining
whether remaining untransmitted data blocks of the downlink data transmission can
be sent within the allowed transmission time further comprises:.
determining whether a selected channel coding scheme is currently
terminating the communication link to stop the downlink data
transmission with the serving station when the selected channel coding scheme is not
currently available.
4. A method of managing a downlink data transmission between a mobile
station and a serving station via a communication link comprising:

WO 2006/073764 PCT/US2005/045829
assessing a shortest transmission time needed to complete the
downlink data transmission according to at least one predefined current condition
responsive to a reselection during the downlink data transmission;
determining whether assessed shortest transmission time is greater than
an allowed transmission time;
sending remaining untransmitted data blocks to complete the downlink
data transmission when the assessed shortest transmission time is not greater than the
allowed transmission time;
terminating the communication link to stop the downlink data
transmission with the serving station when the assessed shortest transmission time is
greater than the allowed transmission time.
5. The method according to claim 4 further comprising:
sending a request to drop the mobile station from the serving station
responsive to terminating the communication link to stop the downlink data
transmission with the serving station.
6. The method according to claim 4, wherein prior to assessing the
shortest transmission time needed to complete the downlink data transmission further
detecting at least one currently available channel coding scheme;
assessing bandwidth available for the downlink data transmission with
the current serving station.
7. The method according to claim 4, wherein sending the remaining
untransmitted data blocks to complete the downlink data transmission further
formatting the remaining untransmitted data blocks according to the
predefined current condition.
8. A method of managing an uplink data transmission between a mobile
station and a serving station via a communication link comprising:

WO 2006/073764 PCT/US2005/045829
determining whether the uplink data transmission is in countdown
responsive to a reselection during the uplink data transmission;
assessing a shortest receive time needed to complete the uplink data
transmission according to at least one predefined throughput condition when the
uplink data transmission is in countdown;
terminating the communication link to stop the uplink data
transmission with the serving station when the uplink data transmission is not in
9. The method according to claim 8 wherein assessing the shortest
receiving time further comprises:
determining whether assessed shortest receive time is greater than an
allowed transmission time;
terminating the communication link to stop the uplink data
transmission with the serving station when the assessed shortest receiving time is
greater than the allowed transmission time;
receiving the remaining data blocks from the mobile station to
complete the uplink data transmission when the assessed shortest receive time is not
greater than the allowed transmission time.
10. The method according to claim 8 further comprising:
sending a request to drop the mobile station from the serving station
responsive to terminating the communication link to stop the uplink data transmission
with the serving station.

In the present technique of a data transmission
management, responsive to a reselection during a data
transmission, a determination (314, 514) is made as to whether
remaining untransmitted data blocks of the data transmission
can be sent within an allowed transmission time. If so, the
remaining untransmitted data blocks are transmitted (318,
518) to complete the data transmission. If, however, the
remaining untransmitted data blocks cannot be transmitted
within the allowed transmission time, the communication link
is terminated (312, 510) to stop the downlink data transmission
with a serving station.





01707-kolnp-2007-correspondence others 1.1.pdf

01707-kolnp-2007-correspondence others.pdf

01707-kolnp-2007-description complete.pdf


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01707-kolnp-2007-form 3.pdf

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01707-kolnp-2007-international publication.pdf

01707-kolnp-2007-international search report.pdf

01707-kolnp-2007-pct request form.pdf

01707-kolnp-2007-priority document.pdf


1707-KOLNP-2007-(02-05-2014)-ANNEXURE TO FORM 3.pdf



1707-KOLNP-2007-(02-05-2014)-DESCRIPTION (COMPLETE).pdf





1707-KOLNP-2007-(02-05-2014)-PETITION UNDER RULE 137.pdf








1707-KOLNP-2007-(19-12-2011)-PA-CERTIFIED COPIES.pdf

1707-kolnp-2007-form 18.pdf



Patent Number 263061
Indian Patent Application Number 1707/KOLNP/2007
PG Journal Number 41/2014
Publication Date 10-Oct-2014
Grant Date 30-Sep-2014
Date of Filing 14-May-2007
Name of Patentee MOTOROLA, INC.
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number H04J 1/16
PCT International Application Number PCT/US2005/045829
PCT International Filing date 2005-12-16
PCT Conventions:
# PCT Application Number Date of Convention Priority Country
1 11/027,357 2004-12-30 U.S.A.