Title of Invention


Abstract A casting mold forming apparatus for forming a casting mold by charging under pressure a foamed mixture, the foamed mixture obtained by agitating together of a granular aggregate, a water-soluble binder and water, into the cavity of a heated metal mold; and a metal mold unit for use therein. It is intended to provide a casting mold forming apparatus that is capable of effective utilization of the foamed mixture and capable of satisfactorily ensuring of charging of fluid sand into the metal mold cavity, and to provide a metal mold unit that is capable of striking shortening of hardening time of the foamed mixture. In particular, there is provided a casting mold forming apparatus comprising mixture accommodating means (10) simultaneously fulfilling the function as an agitation vessel for agitation of a granular aggregate, a water-soluble binder and water and the function as a pressure charging column for accommodating the mixture to be charged under pressure, which mixture accommodating means (10) includes hollow rectangular parallelepiped (12) that constitutes a rectangular parallelepiped and has a vertically through hollow, the hollow rectangular parallelepiped (12) having its lower end opening closed with bottom plate (14), this bottom plate (14) provided in through form with injection holes (13) for mixture injection, and further comprising stopper means (22) capable of closing the injection holes (13). Still further, the casting mold forming apparatus comprises at least one of means for measuring the temperature of granular aggregate or foamed mixture, means for measuring the viscosity of foamed mixture and means for measuring the water content of foamed mixture. Moreover, there is provided a metal mold unit comprising communicating means (103) for communication of casting die cavity interior with external air within such an extent that gases are passed but granular aggregate is not passed therethrough.
n pp r tus for Molding Mold nd Met l Mold Used Therefor Technic l Field
This invention rel tes to n pp r tus for molding mold by pressurizing fo m mixture composed of p rticles of ggreg te, w ter-soluble binders, nd w ter, nd injecting it into c vity of he ted met l mold. This invention lso rel tes to met l mold used in the pp r tus.
B ckground of the Invention
Recently, method for molding mold in which w ter-soluble binders re used s binder for p rticles of ggreg te nd re h rdened by he ting them nd ev por ting their w ter is frequently used bec use of good fr ngible property of the mold fter c sting.
There is n pp r tus for molding such mold, comprising-' cylinder extending upw rd nd downw rd, plunger disposed in the cylinder nd sliding upw rd nd downw rd in the cylinder, nd g te for opening nd closing the opening disposed t the bottom of the cylinder, wherein these elements constitute me ns for injecting fluid foundry s nd into met l mold. The pp r tus c n move upw rd nd downw rd. The pp r tus is lso connected to mixer to prep re the fluid foundry s nd t the opening disposed t the center of the cylinder.
In this convention l pp r tus, n ddition l g te is disposed t the center of the cylinder, the positions of the g te disposed t the bottom nd the center of the cylinder re ch nged, nd the position of the plunger is ch nged to control the qu ntity of the fluid foundry s nd to be injected into the met l mold. (See p tent document 1.)
In this convention l pp r tus, however, it is difficult to control the qu ntity of the fluid foundry s nd to be injected into the met l mold in order

to h ve it correspond to the c vity of the met l mold. Further, since more fluid foundry s nd th n c n be filled within the c vity of the mold should be lo ded in the cylinder, some of the fluid foundry s nd rem ins in the cylinder fter it is injected into the c vity of the mold. Since this rem inder of the fluid foundry s nd is left, it is w sted.
Further, it sometimes occurs th t there is not enough fluid foundry s nd in the cylinder to fill the c vity of the met l mold.
Further, since the fo m mixture, which is the m teri l for m king mold, cont ins the w ter-soluble binders s the binder for the p rticles of ggreg te nd cont ins l rge qu ntity of w ter, it t kes long time for the fo m mixture to be h rdened in the met l mold.
P tent document l: J p nese P tent L id-op en
Public tion No. S55-54241
P tent document 2' J p nese P tent L id-open
Public tion No. Hll-129054
Disclosures of Invention
The purpose of this invention is to solve the bove problems of the convention l pp r tus.
n pp r tus for molding mold by pressurizing fo m mixture composed of p rticles of ggreg te, w ter-soluble binders, nd w ter, nd injecting it into c vity of he ted met l mold, the pp r tus comprising:
hollow rect ngul r-p r llelepiped body h ving bottom pl te, the bottom pl te h ving n injection hole to inject the fo m mixture,
me ns for cont ining the fo m mixture h ving functions s mixing b th to mix p rticles of ggreg te, w ter-soluble binders, nd w ter, nd s pressurized vessel to inject the fo m mixture into met l mold, nd
me ns for closing nd opening the injection hole.
The pp r tus is lso provided with ny me ns or ny combin tion of me ns for me suring temper ture, viscosity, nd moisture.
Further, to solve the problems mentioned bove, which occur in the

process for molding mold by using the fo m mixture m de by mixing the p rticles of ggreg te, more th n one kind of w ter-soluble binders, nd w ter, nd met l mold for molding mold by being filled with the fo m mixture, is provided with me ns for communic ting g ses from the c vity of the met l mold to the outside of the mold so th t the p rticles of ggreg te c nnot p ss through it.
By using this pp r tus for molding mold, the mold is m de b sed on the following steps:
closing step to close the injection hole by the me ns for closing nd opening the injection hole,
mixing step to mix predetermined qu ntity of the p rticles of ggreg te, the w ter-soluble binders, nd the w ter cont ined in the me ns for cont ining the fo m mixture, wherein the predetermined qu ntity is more th n the qu ntity th t c n be held within the c vity of the met l mold,
connecting step to connect the me ns for cont ining the fo m mixture to the he ted met l mold fter mixing, nd
n injecting step to inject the fo m mixture into the c vity of the met l mold by pressurizing the mixture.
Then, the p rticles of ggreg te, the w ter-soluble binders, nd the w ter re poured in the me ns for cont ining the fo m mixture nd re mixed for the next process for molding mold.
s mentioned bove, since the pp r tus is t le st provided with ny me ns or ny combin tion of me ns for me suring the temper ture of the p rticles of ggreg te or the fo m mixture, or the viscosity of the fo m mixture, or the moisture of the fo m mixture, when the temper ture of the p rticles of ggreg te or the fo m mixture is too high, it is possible to control the temper ture of he ter. Further, when the viscosity of the fo m mixture is too low, w ter c n be dded to it from me ns for providing w ter, nd then the fo m mixture is further mixed, nd when the moisture of the fo m mixture is too low, w ter c n lso be dded to the fo m mixture from the me ns for providing the w ter, nd the fo m mixture is further mixed. Thus, the c vity of the met l mold c m be filled with fo m mixture h ving proper properties.

By using the met l mold mentioned bove, the ste m gener ted from the fo m mixture when the met l mold is he ted c n be rele sed by p ssing it through the me ns for communic ting g ses from the c vity of the met l mold to the outside of the mold.
s expl ined bove, the pp r tus ccording to the present invention h s the following constitution'¦
n pp r tus for molding mold by pressurizing fo m mixture composed of p rticles of ggreg te, w ter-soluble binders, nd w ter, nd injecting it into c vity of he ted met l mold, the pp r tus comprising:
hollow rect ngul r-p r llelejpiped body h ving bottom pl te, the bottom pl te h ving n injection hole to inject the fo m mixture,
me ns for cont ining the fo m mixture h ving functions s mixing b th to mix p rticles of ggreg te, w ter-soluble binders, nd w ter, nd s pressurized vessel to inject the fo m mixture into met l mold, nd
me ns for closing nd opening the injecting hole.
Since the mold m y be m de by using this pp r tus b sed on the following steps-'
n dding step to dd the p rticles of ggreg te, the w ter-soluble binders, nd the w ter to the me ns for cont ining the fo m mixture, fter filling the c vity of the met l mold with the fo m mixture cont ined in the me ns for cont ining the fo m mixture, nd then
mixing step to mix the p rticles of ggreg te, the w ter-soluble binders, nd the w ter to c use them to fo m,
the fo m mixture which rem ins in the me ns for cont ining it fter injecting the mixture into the c vity of the met l mold c n be used effectively t the next steps for m king mold.
Thus, while in the convention l pp r tus the rem ining fo m mixture in the me ns for cont ining the fo m mixture is not recovered, the pp r tus ccording to this invention h s n excellent effect bec use the rem inder c n be used effectively.
Further, since the pp r tus is provided with ny me ns or ny combin tion of me ns for me suring the temper ture of the p rticles of ggreg te or the fo m mixture, the viscosity of the fo m mixture, or the

moisture of the fo m mixture, when the temper ture of the p rticles of ggreg te or the fo m mixture is too high, it is possible to control the temper ture of he ter, nd when the viscosity of the fo m mixture is too low, w ter c n be dded to the fo m mixture from me ns for providing w ter, nd then the fo m mixture is further mixed, nd when the moisture of the fo m mixture is too low, w ter c n lso be dded to the fo m mixture, nd then the fo m mixture is further mixed. Thus, the c vity of the met l mold c n be filled with fo m mixture h ving proper properties.
Further, in the pp r tus for molding mold by using the fo m mixture m de by mixing the p rticles of ggreg te, more th n one kind of the w ter-soluble binders, nd w ter, nd using the met l mold, since the met l mold for molding mold by filling it with the fo m mixture is provided with the me ns for communic ting g ses from the c vity of the met l mold to the outside of the mold so th t the p rticles of ggreg te c nnot p ss through it, the ste m gener ted from the fo m mixture c n be rele sed by p ssing it through the me ns for communic ting g ses. Thus, the met l mold ccording to this invention h s n excellent effect bec use the period for h rdening the fo m mixture c n be signific ntly reduced.
Brief Descriptions of the Dr wings
Fig. 1 shows n elev tion view nd p rti l section view of n pp r tus for molding mold of preferred embodiment of the invention.
Fig. 2 shows dr wing to expl in the oper tions of the pp r tus for molding mold, indic ting the st te wherein the mixture in the me ns for cont ining the fo m mixture is injected into the horizont lly sep r ted met l mold.
Fig. 3 shows n elev tion view nd p rti l section view of n pp r tus for molding mold of n embodiment of the invention.
Fig. 4 shows perspective view of the met l mold of preferred embodiment of the invention.
Fig. 5 shows perspective view of the met l mold of n embodiment of the invention.
Fig. 6 shows n enl rged nd det iled view of the p rt " " of Fig. 5.

Preferred Embodiments of the Invention
Some of the embodiments of this invention for n pp r tus for molding mold re now expl ined in det il b sed on the figures.
s shown in Figs. 1 nd 2, the pp r tus is provided with the b se 1 h ving two cylinders 2, 2 rr nged vertic lly, nd four guide rods 3, 3 disposed t the four corners of the b se 1. lifting nd lowering fr me 4 is disposed t the top of the piston rods of the two cylinders 2, 2 nd is slid bly connected to the four guide rods 3, 3 so th t the lifting nd lowering fr me 4 c n be lifted nd lowered. lower p rt 6 of horizont lly sep r ted met l mold 5 is disposed on the lifting nd lowering fr me 4. n upper p rt 7 of the horizont lly sep r ted met l mold 5 is disposed bove the lower p rt 6 by being connected to support mech nisms slid bly connected to the guide rods 3, 3.
n upper fr me 9 is disposed on the top of the four guide rods 3, 3 nd extends in the right nd left directions. me ns 10 for cont ining the fo m mixture h ving functions s mixing b th nd pressurized vessel is disposed t the right side of the lower surf ce of the upper fr me 9 through first c rri ge 11 so th t the me ns 10 c n move right nd left.
The me ns 10 for cont ining the fo m mixture h s hollow rect ngul r-p r llelepiped body 12 h ving bottom pl te 14, which closes the openings of the bottom of the body 12, h ving plur lity of injection holes 13, 13 to inject the fo m mixture. The bottom pl te 14 h s w ter cooling structure on its upper surf ce nd h s therm l insul tor t its lower surf ce.
Further, mixing f n mech nism 15 is disposed t the right side of the upper surf ce of the upper fr me 9 to mix the p rticles of ggreg te, the w ter-soluble binders, nd the w ter in the me ns 10 for cont ining the fo m mixture so th t the mixture fo ms. The mixing f n 16 of the mixing f n mech nism 15 is connected to drive sh ft of motor 17 through power tr nsmission 18. The motor 17 is mounted on support members 20, which c n be lifted nd lowered by driving cylinder 19 rr nged vertic lly nd disposed on the upper fr me 9. cover 21 is disposed t the support members 20 to close n opening of the upper surf ce of the me ns 10 for cont ining the fo m mixture. The mixing f n 16 nd the cover 21 c n be lifted nd lowered by driving the cylinder 19.

Further, me ns 22 for closing nd opening the injecting holes 13, 13 is disposed under the mixing f n mech nism 15 disposed t the upper fr me 9. plur lity of plugs 23, 23, which c n be inserted into the injection holes 13, 13, of the me ns 22 for closing nd opening the injecting holes, re disposed t n upper p rt of piston rod of cylinder rr nged vertic lly through support pl te 24. The plugs 23, 23 c n be moved upw rd nd downw rd by driving the cylinder 25. The cylinder 25 is disposed t the upper fr me 9 through support members 26, 26. The injection holes 13, 13 c n be cle ned by inserting the plur lity of the plugs 23, 23 into them.
pressurizing mech nism 27 is disposed bove the horizont lly sep r ted met l mold 5 nd on the upper fr me 9 to inject the fo m mixture cont ined in the me ns 10 for cont ining the fo m mixture from the injection holes 13, 13 of the me ns 10. The pressurizing mech nism 27 h s piston 29 h ving plur lity of exh ust holes 28, 28 communic ting from lower to n upper surf ce of the piston 29. The piston 29 c n be moved upw rd nd downw rd by driving cylinder 30 rr nged vertic lly.
mech nism 31 for pushing mold out is disposed t the left side of the under surf ce of the upper fr me 9 through second c rri ge 32 to push the mold from the upper p rt 7 so th t the mech nism 31 c n be moved left nd right. plur lity of pins 33, 33 for pushing mold out re disposed t the lower p rt of piston rod of cylinder 35 rr nged vertic lly through pushing pl te 34. The plur lity of pins 33, 33 for pushing mold out c n be moved upw rd nd downw rd by driving the cylinder 35.
It is lso possible to me sure the temper ture of the p rticles of ggreg te or the fo m mixture by cont ct- or noncont ct-type thermo-sensor (not shown) disposed in the me ns 10 for cont ining the fo m mixture or outside the me ns 10.
It is lso possible to pl ce sensor (not shown) for me suring the viscosity of the fo m mixture in the me ns 10 for cont ining the fo m mixture or outside the me ns 10.
There re sever l kinds of sensors for me suring the viscosity of the fo m mixture, such s:
(l) type of sensor th t presses nd inserts probe: method for me suring the rel tive viscosity of the fo m mixture by me suring lo d ( re ction force) when the top, which h s spheric l or cylindric l configur tion, of the probe is press fitted into the fo m mixture.

(2) type of sensor th t presses, inserts, nd rot tes probe: method
for me suring the rel tive viscosity of the fo m mixture by me suring lo d
( torque) when the top, which h s p rt of f n or f n integr ted with it,
of the probe is inserted into the fo m mixture nd is then rot ted.
(3) type of sensor th t rot tes probe: method for me suring the
rel tive viscosity of the fo m mixture by me suring lo d ( re ction force
nd torque) when the top, which h s spheric l or cylindric l
configur tion, of the probe is rot ted in the fo m mixture while the probe is
press fitted into the fo m mixture.
(4) type of sensor th t me sures pp rent viscosity: method for
me suring the rel tive viscosity of the fo m mixture by me suring the flow
r te of the fo m mixture flowing from n opening of cylindric l structure,
which cont ins the fo m mixture nd is provided with n opening h ving
predetermined di meter, when the fo m mixture is pressurized.
It is possible to me sure the viscosity of the fo m mixture continuously or by every b tch.
Further, it is possible to pl ce sensor (not shown) for me suring the moisture of the fo m mixture in the me ns 10 for cont ining the fo m mixture or outside the me ns 10. There re few kinds of the sensor for me suring moisture, such s sensor for me suring the electric l resist nce of the fo m mixture, nd sensor for me suring the weight loss of the fo m mixture when the moisture in the mixture is ev por ted by he ting the fo m mixture.
Next, the process to m ke mold by using the pp r tus ccording to the invention is now expl ined.
s shown in Fig. 1, fter the injection holes 13, 13 re closed by the plugs 23, 23 of the me ns 22 for closing nd opening the injecting holes, then, for ex mple, silic s nd s the p rticles of ggreg te, polyvinyl lcohol s the w ter-soluble binders, nd w ter re lo ded in the me ns 10 for cont ining the fo m mixture, nd then the opening of the upper surf ce of the me ns 10 is closed by the cover 21.
Then, the silic s nd, the polyvinyl lcohol, nd the w ter re mixed

by rot ting the mixing f n 16 by driving the motor 17 of the mixing f n mech nism 15 so th t the mixture fo ms. Next, the mixing f n 16 nd the cover 21 re lifted by driving the cylinder 19 of the mixing f n mech nism 15, nd then the injection holes 13, 13 re opened by pulling out the plugs 23, 23 of the me ns 22 for closing nd opening the injecting holes by driving the cylinder 25 of the me ns 22 for closing nd opening the injecting holes.
Then, the mech nism 31 for ptishing mold out nd the me ns 10 for cont ining the fo m mixture re moved to the left side of the upper fr me 9 by me ns of the second c rri ge 32 nd the first c rri ge 11 respectively, nd the me ns 10 is moved bove the horizont lly sep r ted met l mold 5 he ted by the he ter. The lower p rt 6 of the horizont lly sep r ted met l mold 5 is lifted, by me ns of the lifting nd lowering fr me 4 by driving the cylinders 2, 2, nd the upper p rt 7 is pl ced on the lower p rt 6. The me ns 10 is lso pl ced on the upper p rt 7, nd then the lower surf ce of the me ns 10 cont cts the upper surf ce of the upper p rt 7.
Next, s shown in Fig. 2, the piston 29 is lowered by driving the cylinder 30 of the pressurizing mech nism 27. fter the ir between the piston 29 nd the fo m mixture is exh usted through the exh ust holes 28, 28 while the piston 29 is lowered, the upper opening of the exh ust holes 28, 28 is closed by me ns for closing the exh ust holes (not shown), nd then the fo m mixture in the me ns 10 for cont ining the fo m mixture is injected into the c vity of the horizont lly sep r ted met l mold 5 by pressurizing the fo m mixture. The fo m mixture injected into the c vity is h rdened bec use the moisture in the mixture is ev por ted by he ting the mixture with the he t in the met l mold 5.
fter injecting the fo m mixture into the horizont lly sep r ted met l mold 5, the piston 29 is lifted by driving the cylinder 30, nd the mech nism 31 for pushing mold out nd the me ns 10 for cont ining the fo m mixture re moved to the right side of the upper fr me 9 by me ns of the second c rri ge 32 nd the first c rri ge 11 respectively. The mech nism 31 is pl ced bove the horizont lly sep r ted met l mold 5, nd then the me ns 10 for cont ining the fo m mixture is pl ced -below the mixing f n mech nism 15.
Then, the pins 33, 33 for pushing mold out re inserted into the upper p rt 7 of the horizont lly sep r ted met l mold 5 by driving the cylinder 35 of the mech nism 31 for pushing mold out, nd the lower p rt 6

is lowered by driving the cylinders 2, 2. The mold is sep r ted from the upper p rt 7, nd then the mold is pushed out from the lower p rt 6 by the mech nism for pushing the mold out (not shown).
The me ns 10 for cont ining the fo m mixture th t w s moved to below the mixing f n mech nism 15 is filled with the ddition l silic s nd, polyvinyl lcohol, nd w ter for the next step for m king the mold.
In these preferred embodiments, the fo m mixture is injected in the horizont lly sep r ted met l mold 5 by pressurizing the mixture by the piston 29 of the pressurizing mech nism 27. However, the method for filling the met l mold 5 with the fo m mixture is not restricted to the system mentioned bove. s shown in Fig. 3, it is lso possible to fill the met l mold 5 with the fo m mixture by using compressed ir. N mely, cover 42, which closes the opening of the upper surf ce of the me ns 10 for cont ining the fo m mixture, m kes it irtight, nd is connected to source of compressed ir, is disposed t the lower p rt of the piston rod of the cylinder 43 of the pressurizing mech nism 27 inste d of the piston 29 of the preferred embodiments mentioned bove, nd then the fo m mixture in the me ns 10 for cont ining the fo m mixture c n be pressurized by providing the compressed ir to fill the horizont lly sep r ted met l mold 5 with the fo m mixture.
The qu lity control of the fo m mixture is very import nt to produce mold h ving excellent qu lities by using the pp r tus for molding mold ccording to the invention. method for controlling the qu lity of the mold is now expl ined in det il.
When the mold is produced by injecting the fo m mixture, which is m de by mixing the p rticles of ggreg te, w ter-soluble binders, nd w ter so th t the mixture fo ms, into the c vity of the met l mold he ted by the he ter by me ns of the pressurizing method, the following method for controlling the qu lity of the fo m mixture c n be used to produce mold h ving excellent properties:
first process for determining the b sic v lues of the viscosity nd the moisture of the fo m mixture b sed on me surements of the temper ture of the fo m mixture,
second process for comp ring the b sic v lues of the viscosity nd moisture of the fo m mixture with the me sured viscosity of the fo m

third process for comp ring the b sic v lues of the viscosity nd moisture of the fo m mixture with the me sured moisture of the fo m mixture, if there is no problem in the result of the second process, nd
fourth process for determining th t the fo m mixture h s proper properties, if there is no problem in the result of the third process.
In this qu lity control of the fo m mixture, if the viscosity of the fo m mixture differs from the b sic v lue of the viscosity in the second process, the viscosity of the fo m mixture m y be controlled by mixing the mixture g in.
In this qu lity control, further, if the moisture of the fo m mixture differs from the b sic v lue of the moisture in the third process, the moisture of the fo m mixture m y be controlled by dding w ter nd mixing the mixture g in.
In this qu lity control, it is possible to me sure the temper ture of the fo m mixture by using noncont ct-type thermo-sensor.
Further, in this qu lity control, it is possible to me sure the viscosity of the fo m mixture by using the type of sensor th t presses nd inserts probe, or the type of sensor th t presses, inserts, nd rot tes probe, or the type of sensor th t rot tes probe.
In this qu lity control, it is possible to me sure the moisture of the fo m mixture by me suring its electric l resist nce.
Further, in this qu lity control, it is possible to me sure the temper ture, the viscosity, nd moisture by s mpling every b tch of the fo m mixture.
Further, in this qu lity control, it is possible to continuously me sure the temper ture, the viscosity, nd moisture by inst lling the sensors in the mixer.
Some of the embodiments of this invention for met l mold re now expl ined in det il b sed on Fig. 4.
lower p rt 111 of horizont lly sep r ted met l mold is provided with me ns 103 for communic ting with the outside of the met l mold from the c vity 102 of the met l mold t the upper surf ce of the inner p rt in the c vity of the lower p rt 111. The me ns 103 for communic ting with the outside is comprised of plur lity of r di l grooves 104, 104 disposed t the upper surf ce of the inner p rt in the c vity 102, first communic ting hole 105 penetr ting the lower p rt 111 from the upper surf ce to the lower

surf ce of the lower p rt 111 nd communic ting with the plur lity of the grooves 104, 104 t the upper surf ce of the lower p rt 111, nd second communic ting hole 106 communic ting with the first communic ting hole 105 t the left end nd extending to the right outer side of the lower p rt 111.
Since the met l mold h s the constitution mentioned bove, when the fo m mixture in the c vity 102 is he ted, the ste m gener ted from the fo m mixture is rele sed through the me ns 103 for communic ting with the outside of the met l mold.
In the preferred embodiment mentioned bove, lthough the me ns 103 for communic ting with the outside of the met l mold is comprised of the plur lity of the r di l grooves 104, 104 disposed t the upper surf ce of the inner p rt in the c vity 102, the first communic ting hole 105 penetr ting the lower p rt 111 from the upper surf ce to the lower surf ce of the lower p rt 111 nd communic ting with the plur lity of the grooves 104, 104 t the upper surf ce of the lower p rt 111, nd the second communic ting hole 106 communic ting with the first communic ting hole 105 t the left end nd extending to the right outer side of the lower p rt 111, the constitution of the me ns 103 is not limited to this constitution.
For ex mple, s shown in Fig. 5, it is possible to use the g p between the upper p rt 121 of the horizont lly sep r ted met l mold nd the p rt 107, which is inserted in the upper p rt 121, for injecting the fo m mixture into the c vity 102, s me ns for communic ting with the outside of the met l mold. Further, it is possible to use the g p between the holes (not shown), in which the pins re inserted, nd to penetr te the upper p rt 121 of the horizont lly sep r ted met l mold nd the pins (not shown) of the mech nism 31 for pushing mold out, s me ns for communic ting with the outside of the met l mold.
s shown in Fig. 6, the p rt 107 for injecting the fo m mixture into the c vity 102 m y be provided with the fl nges 109, 109 protruding from the cylindric l body 108 t the top nd the center of the body 108 to form rel tively wide sp ce between the cylindric l body 108 of the p rt 107 nd the upper p rt 121 when the p rt 107 is inserted in the upper p rt 121.
Since this constitution of the p rt 107 c n reduce the therm l conduction from the upper p rt 121 he ted by he ter to the cylindric l body 108 of the p rt 107 for injecting the fo m mixture into the c vity 102, it is possible to keep the temper ture of the cylindric l body 108 of the p rt 107

lower th n th t of the upper p rt 121.
On the other h nd, the mount of the fo m mixture in the cylindric l body 108 of the p rt 107 is less th n th t in the upper p rt 121. Thus, it is possible to h rden the fo m mixture in the cylindric l body 108 nd in the upper p rt 121 t the s me r te by controlling the temper ture of the cylindric l body 108 to be lower th n th t of the upper p rt 121.
Therefore, the problem of the fo m mixture in the cylindric l body 108 being overhe ted c n be solved.

mendment filed under rticle 19 of the PCT
Wh t we cl im is:
1. n pp r tus for molding mold by pressurizing fo m mixture
composed of p rticles of ggreg te, w ter-soluble binders, nd w ter, nd
injecting it into c vity of he ted met l mold, the pp r tus comprising:
hollow rect ngul r-p r llelepiped body h ving bottom pl te, the bottom pl te h ving hole to inject the fo m mixture,
me ns for cont ining the fo m mixture h ving the function of mixing b th to mix the p rticles of ggreg te, the w ter-soluble binders, nd the w ter, nd s pressurized vessel to inject the fo m mixture into the met l mold, nd
me ns for closing nd opening the hole to inject the fo m mixture.
2. n pp r tus for molding mold by pressurizing fo m mixture
composed of p rticles of ggreg te, w ter-soluble binders, nd w ter, nd
injecting it into c vity of he ted met l mold, the pp r tus comprising:
me ns for me suring temper ture of the p rticles of ggreg te or the fo m mixture, nd
me ns for me suring moisture of the fo m mixture.
3. n pp r tus ccording to cl im 2, further comprising:
me ns for me suring viscosity of the fo m mixture.
4. n pp r tus ccording to either cl im 2 or 3, further comprising:
hollow rect ngul r-p r llelepiped body h ving bottom pl te, the bottom pl te h ving hole to inject the fo m mixture,
me ns for cont ining the fo m mixture h ving the function of mixing b th to mix the p rticles of ggreg te, the w ter-soluble binders, nd the w ter, nd s pressurized vessel to inject the fo m mixture into the met l mold, nd
me ns for closing nd opening the hole to inject the fo m mixture.
5. n pp r tus ccording to ny of cl ims 2, 3, nd 4, wherein the

me ns for me suring temper ture is cont ct- or noncont ct-type thermo-sensor nd is disposed in the me ns for cont ining the fo m mixture or outside the me ns for cont ining the fo m mixture.
6. n pp r tus ccording to either cl im 3 or 4, wherein the me ns for
me suring viscosity is ny of
type of sensor th t presses nd inserts probe for me suring viscosity by me suring lo d when top of the probe is press fitted into the fo m mixture,
type of sensor th t rot tes probe for me suring viscosity by me suring lo d when top of the probe is rot ted in the fo m mixture,
type of sensor th t presses, inserts, nd rot tes probe for me suring viscosity by me suring lo d when top of the probe is inserted in the fo m mixture nd is then rot ted in the fo m mixture, nd
type of sensor th t me sures pp rent viscosity by me suring flow r te of the fo m mixture flowing from n opening of cylindric l structure when the fo m mixture is pressurized.
7. n pp r tus ccording to cl im 6, wherein the me ns for me suring
the viscosity is disposed in the me ns'for cont ining the fo m mixture or
outside the me ns for cont ining the fo m mixture.
8. n pp r tus ccording to cl im 6, wherein the viscosity of the fo m
mixture is me sured continuously or by e ch b tch.
9. ' n pp r tus ccording to ny of cl ims 2, 3, nd 4, wherein the
me ns for me suring the moisture is either:
sensor for me suring n electric l resist nce of the fo m mixture,
or .
sensor for me suring weight loss of the fo m mixture when the moisture is ev por ted by he ting the fo m mixture.
10. n pp r tus ccording to either cl im 3 or 4, the pp r tus being
provided with me ns for me suring temper ture of the p rticles of
. ggreg te or the fo m mixture, nd for me suring viscosity of the fo m mixture nd moisture of the fo m mixture,

wherein ny me ns or ny combin tion of these me ns is disposed outside the me ns for cont ining the fo m mixture.
11. met l mold used for the pp r tus ccording to cl im 2,
wherein the met l mold is used for m king mold by injecting fo m
mixture m de by mixing the p rticles of ggreg te, more th n one kind of
w ter-soluble binder, nd w ter, into the met l mold,
the met l mold comprising me ns for communic ting g ses from
the c vity of the met l mold to the outside of the mold so th t the p rticles of
ggreg te c nnot p ss through it being disposed in the met l mold.

A casting mold forming apparatus for-forming a casting mold by charging under pressure a foamed mixture, the foamed mixture obtained by agitating together of a granular aggregate, a water-soluble binder and water, into the cavity of a' heated metal mold; and a metal mold unit for use therein. It is intended to provide a casting mold forming apparatus that is capable of effective utilization of the foamed mixture and capable of satisfactorily ensuring of charging of fluid sand into the metal mold cavity, and to provide a metal mold unit that is capable of -striking shortening of hardening time of the foamed mixture. In particular, there is provided a casting mold forming apparatus comprising mixture accommodating means (10) simultaneously fulfilling the function as an agitation vessel for agitation of a granular aggregate, a water-soluble binder and water and the function as a pressure charging column for accommodating the mixture to be charged under pressure, which mixture-accommodating means (10) includes hollow rectangular parallelepiped (12) that constitutes a rectangular parallelepiped and has a vertically through hollow, the hollow rectangular parallelepiped (12) having its lower end opening closed with bottom plate (14), this bottom plate (14) provided in through form with injection holes (13) for mixture injection, and further comprising stopper means,(22) capable of closing the injection holes (13). Still further, the casting mold forming apparatus comprises at least one of means for measuring the temperature of granular aggregate or foamed mixture, means for measuring the viscosity of foamed mixture and means for measuring the water content of foamed mixture. Moreover, there is provided a metal mold unit comprising communicating means (103) for communication of casting die cavity interior with external air within such an extent that gases are passed but granular aggregate is not passed therethrough.


Patent Number 263074
Indian Patent Application Number 2574/KOLNP/2006
PG Journal Number 41/2014
Publication Date 10-Oct-2014
Grant Date 30-Sep-2014
Date of Filing 07-Sep-2006
Name of Patentee SINTOKOGIO, LTD.
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number B22C5/04; B22C15/02
PCT International Application Number PCT/JP2005/005126
PCT International Filing date 2005-03-22
PCT Conventions:
# PCT Application Number Date of Convention Priority Country
1 2005-011507 2005-01-19 Japan
2 2004-083863 2004-03-23 Japan