Title of Invention


Abstract The invention relates generally to a method for initiating an enhanced communication connection, between a calling party (A) and a called party (B), within a telecommunication network system comprising multiple interconnected networks, said enhanced communication connection comprising a circuit switched connection and a packet-switched connection, the method according to the invention is characterized in the steps of processing the setting up of said circuit-switched connection and said packet-switched connection based on one single response invoked by said called party (B). In one embodiment of the method the single response could be the pressing of a button or the selection of a displayed icon on a terminal.
Full Text Field of the invention
The invention relates generally to a method for initiating an enhanced communication connection, between a calling party (A) and a called party (B), within a telecommunication network system comprising multiple interconnected networks, said enhanced communication connection comprising a circuit switched connection and a packet-switched connection, said method comprising of at least the steps of:
setting-up said circuit-switched connection and said packet-switched connection of the enhanced communication connection between party (A) and party (B);
alerting said called party (B) about the setting up of said circuit-switched connection and said packet-switched enhanced connection;
processing of said setting-up of said circuit-switched connection and/or said packet-switched connection using a circuit Switched Response (CSR) or packet Switched Response (PSR).
The invention furthermore relates to a telecommunications network system comprising multiple interconnected networks, arranged for establishing an enhanced telephone connection between a calling party (A) and a called party (B) and wherein said enhanced telephone connection comprises a circuit-switched connection and a packet-switched connection.
Moreover the invention relates to a telecommunication device (terminal) capable of supporting an enhanced connection based on having simultaneously (in parallel) a circuit-switched connection (call) and a packet-switched connection.
An enhanced connection could be envisioned as for instance, besides, or instead of a ringing signal as on a traditional phone, the called party getting a pop-up menu presenting additional information like a business card, a photography of the cal1er, etc. Another example of the enhanced connection is for the caller itself when the called

party is not available. Instead of a congestion tone, on a traditional phone indicating that the call is not answered, the calling party can get more information.
Background of the invention
Modern telecommunications systems comprise a plurality of interconnected telecommunications networks, among others a wired or fixed telecommunications network, such as the Public Switched Telecommunications Network (PSTN) or the integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN), and wireless cellular radio or mobile telecommunications networks, such as operating in accordance with the Global system for Mobile communications (GSM) or the universal Mobile Telecommunications system (UMTS) standard.
At the moment the telecommunications network can be built based on two main technologies, which are circuit-switched and packet-switched. In a circuit-switched network a physical path is obtained for and dedicated to a single connection between a calling party and the called party for the duration of the connection, in a packet-switched network relatively smal1 units of data called packets are routed through a network based on the destination address contained within each packet. Breaking communication down into packets allows the same data path to be shared among many users in the network. (Most traffic over the internet uses packet switching and the Internet is basically a connectionless network).
The phenomenal growth in popularity of the internet has resulted in a tremendous interest in using packet-switched network infrastructures (e. g., those based on IP addressing) as a replacement for the existing circuit-switched network infrastructures used in today's telephony. From the network operators1 perspective, the inherent traffic aggregation in packet-switched infrastructures allows for a reduction in the cost of transmission and the infrastructure cost per end-user.
However, discarding al1 investment made i n

circuit-switched networks and changing over to an all
packet-switched network is not a sound proposition from an
economical point of view, coupled with the huge investments
to obtain a worldwide all packet-switched network that is
able to support voice, data, video, etc. it is a sounder
proposition to establish an evolution path from circuit-
switched networks towards a viable all-IP network. The
evolution toward all-IP begins with the
simultaneous/parallel use of the circuit-switched and packet-switched network to deliver combinational/multimedia services.
The simultaneous use of the circuit-switched network and packet-switched network for initiating a connection between calling and called party can result in an alerting signal on both networks. The present technology requires that both the circuit-switched and packet-switched network independently process the alerting signal resulting in a slower handling of said alerting signal, in a less efficient use of the telecommunications network and more errors (user forgets to respond to one of the alerting).
At this moment no provisions are known or implemented in the present telecommunications system allowing for a fast, efficient and error proof response from the called party and where the packet-switched network and circuit-switched network cooperate to process the alerting of the enhanced connection.
Summary of the invention
it is an object of the present invention to provide an improved method, system and hardware for a faster, more efficient and error proof connection set-up or connection rejection and wherein the circuit-switched network and packet-switched network cooperate to process the alerting.
The above objects are achieved as the method according to the invention is characterized in the steps of processing the setting up of said circuit-switched

connection and said packet-switched connection based on one single response invoked by said called party (B). in one embodiment of the method the single response could be the pressing of a button or the selection of a displayed icon on a terminal.
in specific embodiments of the method according to the invention, said method is further characterized by the step of refusing said circuit-switched connection and packet-switched connection being established based on said invoked single response, or by the step of accepting one of said circuit-switched connection and packet-switched connection being established and refusing said other one of said circuit-switched and packet-switched connection being established based on said invoked single response, or by the step of invoking one of said circuit-switched response or packet-switched response based on said single response and invoking said other of said circuit-switched response or packet-switched response based on said one of said circuit-switched response or packet-switched response. These features result in the acceptance, refusal of an enhanced connection or a connection consisting of a packet-switched connection or circuit-switched connection based on one single response invoked by the called party (B).
In a further functional embodiment the method according to the invention, is characterized by the step of invoking said other of said circuit-switched response (CSR) or packet-switched response (PSR) in the terminal of said called party (B).
Furthermore the method may be further characterized by the step of invoking said other of said circuit-switched response or packet-switched response in the telecommunication network system.
with these features for example, the pressing of a single button results in a correct sequence of signals in order to establish an enhanced connection. As stated above, it could also result in the refusal of the enhanced connection, or the establishment of a packet-switched

connection or circuit-switched connection, depending on for example, which button has been pressed.
A further improvement in the establishment of an enhanced telecommunications connections between two parties achieved by the method step of invoking said other of said circuit-switched response or packet-switched response in the terminal of said called party B. The acceptance, refusal, etc. of the packet-switched or circuit-switched alerting can be initiated on for example the circuit-switched part of the terminal and this information is transmitted directly to the packet-switched part of the terminal without intervention of the telecommunications network.
Furthermore the method according to the invention may include the step of invoking said other of said circuit-switched response or packet-switched response in the telecommunication network system. with this embodiment the telecommunication connection is further processed via the packet-switched and circuit-switched telecommunication networks.
With these features for example the packet-switched part of the terminal is informed of the response of the circuit-switched of the terminal, in this case the information is sent through the communications network.
The telecommunications system according to the invention is arranged in further processing said ci rcui t-switched connection and packet-switched connection based on said invoked single response.
Brief description of the Drawings
The invention will now be described in more detail using the accompanying drawings, which show in:
Figure 1: a schematic overview of the signal sequence for setting-up an enhanced connection when alerting acceptance is performed on the Bcs part of the terminal;
Figure 2: a schematic, terminal based solution, overview of signal sequence for setting-up an enhanced connection when alerting acceptance is performed on the

packet-switched part (Bps) of the terminal;
Figure 3: a schematic, terminal based solution, overview of signal sequence for setting-up an enhanced connection when alerting acceptance is performed on the packet-switched part (Bps) of the terminal and where the circuit-switched and packet-switched part of the terminal are separate units;
Figure 4: a schematic overview of signal sequences for setting-up an enhanced connection when alerting acceptance is performed on the circuit-switched part (Bps) of the terminal and where the circuit-switched and packet-switched part of the terminal are separate units.
Detailed description
The present invention can be incorporated in several embodiments to solve the above stated objectives of the invention, a first embodiment being based on the sending of the response information from one part of the terminal e.g. circuit-switched (Bcs) part, to the other part of the terminal, e.g. packet-switched (Bps) part without the use of the communications network. A further embodiment being based on the sending of the response information from one part of the terminal e.g. Bcs part, to the other part of the terminal, e.g. Bps by means of the communications network.
The embodiments require that the communications terminal is capable of having a circuit-switched connection and packet-switched C or data) connection going on in paral1 el. The parts of the terminal involved with the circuit-switched connection and the packet-switched connection are identified by Bcs and Bps respectively as can be seen in figures 1-4, A generally accepted name used for this type of terminals is Dual Transfer Mode (DTM) terminal.
In a first embodiment of the invention (figure 1 and 2), the circuit-switched alert (la) and packet-switched alert (1b) are sent to the communications terminal (20). The user of the terminal can invoke a single response (2) to the alerting by pressing for example a key (11) of a keypad or

selecting a displayed icon (lib) or eventually by voice, it is also possible that the terminal automatically responds to the alerting after a certain time-out, if the alerting is accepted by the Bcs part of the terminal, a signal (3) is generated indicating to the circuit-switched network (H)a) that the alerting has been accepted, and also a signal (4) is generated indicating to the Bps part of the terminal that the alerting has been accepted. The Bps part of the terminal signals (5) to the packet-switched network (10b) that the alerting has been accepted. As this signal (5) is automatically generated there is no possibi1ity that the packet-switched network (10b) keeps waiting for a response to its packet-switched alerting. This results in a faster enhanced connection set-up.
in a similar way (figures 2 and 3) a packet-switched alerting (lb) and circuit-switched alerting (la) can be further processed by a single invoked response (2f; 2'") on the Bps part of the terminal (20) (figure 2). in this terminal based embodiment the Bcs and Bps part of the terminal (20) can be physically one unit (figures 1, 2) or separated units connected to each other by means of a wired or wireless connection (figure 3).
The above description is not only valid for the accepting both the packet-switched and circuit-switched alerti ng (lb; la), but also for the rejection of the circuit-switched alerting and the acceptance of the packet-swi tched alerting, the acceptance of the circuit-switched alerting and the rejection of the packet-switched alerting and the rejection of both the circuit-switched and packet-switched alerting. This embodiment requires a new (maybe vendor-specific) API (Application program interface) through which for example the Bps part of the terminal can ask the operating System (OS) of the terminal to be notified (4') when the circuit-switched part of the terminal has responded to an alerting.
In another embodiment (figure 4), which is a network-based solution the response to the circuit-switched

and packet-switched alert is delivered to the network (10).
This signal (3"") can be monitored in a service within the circuit-switched telephony network (10a). A service within this circuit-switched network can notify (4"") the packet-switched network (10b). The packet-switched network (10b) can send a new message (indicated with reference numeral 4"") or "ANSWERED" to the Bps part of the DTM-terminal. AS a result of this signal notification (4"") the packet-switched part of the network (10b) is informed of the acceptance of the alerting by the Bcs part of the terminal, AS this so-called packet-switched response (PSR) signal (5"") is automatically generated there is no possibili ty that the packet-switched network (10b) keeps waiting for a response to its packet-switched alerting (lb). This results in a faster enhanced connection set-up.
This embodiment requires an (standard or proprietary) extension to the packet-switched application and that the Bps part of the terminal must be upgraded, since the packet-switched application can be implemented as a software package, e.g. Java 2 platform Micro Edition (J2ME) appli cati on, each terminal that can download J2ME-applications can implement this embodiment. Because the interaction between the packet-switched part of the terminal and the circuit-switched part of the terminal is not handled within the terminal, but via the communications network (10, 10a, 10b), there are no requirements on API's within the terminal.
This embodiment is applicable even when the circuit-switched part Bcs and the packet-switched part Bps are physically on two different units, i.e. it does not require that the packet-switched application and the Bcs part be implemented on the same terminal (figure 4). So, this embodiment allows for the possibility that the packet-switched appli cati on runs on a personal Computer and the voice-call is delivered to a phone. Such a combination serves well to realize the long promised "Computer Telephony integration (CTI)".

1. Method for initiating an enhanced communication
connection, between a calling party (A) and a called party
(B) within a telecommunication network system (10)
comprising multiple interconnected networks (10a; 10b), said
enhanced communication connection comprising a circuit-
switched (CS) connection and a packet-switched (PS)
connection, said method comprising of at least the steps of:
setting-up said circuit-switched connection and said packet-switched connection of the enhanced communication connection between calling part (A) and called party (B);
alerting said called party (B) (la; lb) about the setting up of said circuit-switched enhanced connection and said packet-switched enhanced connection;
processing of said setting-up of said circuit-switched connection or said packet-switched connection using a circuit Switched Response (CSR) (3, 3', 3") or Packet Switched Response (PSR) (5, 5', 5"),
further characterised by the step of processing the setting up of said circuit-switched connection and said packet-switched connection based on one single response (2) invoked by said called party (B),
2. Method according to claim 1, further
characterized by the step of accepting said circuit-switched
connection and packet-switched connection being established
based on said invoked single response (2).
3. Method according to claim 1, further
characterized by the step of refusing said circuit-switched
connection and packet-switched connection being established
based on said invoked single response (2).
4. Method according to claim 1, further
characterized by the step of accepting one of said circuit-

switched connection and packet-switched connection being
established and refusing said other one of said circuit-
switched and packet-switched connection being established
based on said invoked single response (2).
5. Method according to any one of the preceeding
claims, further characterized by the step of invoking one of
said circuit-switched response (3-3"") or packet-switched
response (5-5"") based on said single response (2) and
invoking said other (4-4"") of said circuit-switched
response (CSR) (3-3"") or packet-switched response (PSR) (5-
5"") based on said one of said circuit-switched response
(CSR) (3-3"") or packet-switched response (PSR) (5-5"").
6. Method according to claim 5, further
characterized by the step of invoking said other (4"") of
said circuit-switched response (CSR) (3-3"") or packet-
switched response (PSR) (5-5"") in the terminal (Bcs; Bps) of
said called party (B).
7. Method according to claim 5, further
characterized by the step of invoking said other (4"") of
said circuit-switched response (CSR) (3-3"") or packet-
switched response (PSR) (5-5"") in the telecommunication
network system.
8. A telecommunications system (10) for initiating
an enhanced communication connection between a calling party
(A) and a called party (B), said system comprising multiple
interconnected networks (10a, 10b), wherein said enhanced
communication connection consists of a circuit-switched
connection (10a) and a packet-switched connection (10b) and
wherein said system is arranged for initiating said circuit-
switched connection and said packet-switched (PS) connection
via separate networks being part of said multiple
interconnected networks, characterized in that said
telecommunications system is arranged in further processing

said circuit switched (cs) connection and packet-switched (PS) connection based on a single response (2) invoked by said called party B.
9. A telecommunications system (10) according to
claim 8, characterized in that said telecommunications
system is arranged in accepting said circuit-switched
connection and packet-switched connection being established
based on said invoked single response (2).
10. A telecommunications system according to claim 8,
characterized in that said telecommunications system is
arranged in refusing said circuit-switched connection and
packet-switched connection being established based on said
invoked single response (2).
11. A telecommunications system according to claim 8,
characterized in that said telecommunications system is
arranged in accepting one of said circuit-switched
connection and packet-switched connection being established
and refusing said other one of said circuit-switched and
packet-switched connection being established based on said
invoked single response (2).
12. A telecommunications system according to any one
of the preceeding claims 8 to 11, characterized in that said
telecommunications system is arranged for invoking one of
said circuit-switched response (CSR) or packet-switched
response (PSR) based on said single response (2) and
invoking said other of said circuit-switched response (CSR)
or packet-switched response (PSR) based on said one of said
circuit-switched response (CSR) or packet-switched response
13. A telecommunications system according to claim
12, characterized in that said telecommunications system is
arranged for invoking said other of said circuit-switched

response (CSR) or packet-switched response (PSR) in the terminal of said called party B.
14. A telecommunications system according to claim
12, characterized in that said telecommunications system is
arranged for invoking said other of said circuit-switched
response (CSR) or packet-switched response (PSR) in the
telecommunication network system.
15. A telecommunications device (20) for use in a
telecommunications system (30) as claimed in claim 8
arranged for initiating an enhanced communication connection
between a cal1ing party A and a called party B, said
telecommunications device comprising a circuit switched part
(Bcs) for processing of the circuit switched part of the
enhanced connection and a packet switched part (Bps)
processing of the packet switched part of the enhanced
connection, characterized in that said telecommunications
device is arranged for processing of the circuit switched
part and the packet switched part of the enhanced connection
by means of a single response (2-2"") on said
telecommunications device invoked by said called party.
16. A telecommunications device (20) as claimed in
claim 15, characterized in that said telecommunications
device is arranged for generating a signal in one of said
circuit switched part (Bcs) or packet switched part (Bps)
based on said single repsonse (2-2"") and transmitting said
signal to the other of said circuit switched part (Bcs)
or packet switched part (Bps).
17. A telecommunications device (20) as claimed in
claim 16, characterized in that said telecommunications
device is arranged for accepting both the circuit switched
part and packet switched part of the enhanced connection
based on said signal.

18. A telecommunications device (20) as claimed in
claim 16, characterized in that said telecommunications
device is arranged for refusing both the circuit switched
part and packet switched part of the enhanced connection
based on said signal.
19. A telecommunications device (20) as claimed in
claim 16, characterized in that said telecommunications
system is arranged in accepting one of said circuit switched
connection and said packet switched part being established
and refusing said other one of said circuit switched and
packet switched part of the enhanced connection being
established based on said signal.
The invention relates general1y to a method for initiating an enhanced communication connection, between a calling party (A) and a called party (B) , within a telecommunication network system comprising multiple interconnected networks, said enhanced communication connection comprising a circuit switched connection and a packet-switched connection, said method comprising of at least the steps of:
setting-up said circuit-switched connection and said packet-switched connection of the enhanced communication connection between party (A) and party (B);
alerting said called party (B) about the setting up of said circuit-switched connection and said packet-switched enhanced connection;
processing of said setting-up of said circuit-switched connection and/or said packet-switched connection using a circuit Switched Response (CSR) or Packet switched Response (PSR).
it is an object of the present invention to provide an improved method, system and hardware for a faster, more efficient and error proof connection set-up or connection rejection and wherein the circuit-switched network and packet-switched network cooperate to process the alerting.
The above objects are achieved as the method according to the invention is characterized in the steps of processing the setting up of said circuit-switched connection and said packet-switched connection based on one single response invoked by said called party (B). In one embodiment of the method the single response could be the pressing of a button or the selection of a displayed icon on a terminal.


03654-kolnp-2006 abstract.pdf

03654-kolnp-2006 claims.pdf

03654-kolnp-2006 correspondence others.pdf

03654-kolnp-2006 description(complete).pdf

03654-kolnp-2006 drawings.pdf

03654-kolnp-2006 form-1.pdf

03654-kolnp-2006 form-2.pdf

03654-kolnp-2006 form-3.pdf

03654-kolnp-2006 form-5.pdf

03654-kolnp-2006 international publication.pdf

03654-kolnp-2006 international search authority report.pdf

03654-kolnp-2006 priority document.pdf

03654-kolnp-2006-correspondence others-1.1.pdf

3654-KOLNP-2006-(05-05-2014)-ANNEXURE TO FORM 3.pdf




3654-KOLNP-2006-(23-05-2012)-AMANDED CLAIMS.pdf


3654-KOLNP-2006-(23-05-2012)-DESCRIPTION (COMPLETE).pdf







3654-KOLNP-2006-(23-05-2012)-PETITION UNDER RULE 137.pdf



3654-KOLNP-2006-(28-05-2013)-FORM 3.pdf





3654-kolnp-2006-form 18.pdf


Patent Number 263076
Indian Patent Application Number 3654/KOLNP/2006
PG Journal Number 41/2014
Publication Date 10-Oct-2014
Grant Date 30-Sep-2014
Date of Filing 06-Dec-2006
Applicant Address SE-164 83 Stockholm
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
1 DEN HARTOG,Jos; Marienwaard 27,NL-2904 Se capelle Aan de Ijssel
2 TAORI,Rakesh; Zandhoen 49,NL-5658 AZ Eindhoven
PCT International Classification Number H04L12/64
PCT International Application Number PCT/EP2004/005035
PCT International Filing date 2004-05-10
PCT Conventions:
# PCT Application Number Date of Convention Priority Country
1 NA