Title of Invention


Abstract A method of supporting a hybrid automatic retransmission request (IIARQ) in an orthogonal frequency division multiplexing access (OFDMA) radio access system is disclosed. Preferably, the method comprises receiving a downlink data frame comprising a data map information element and a data burst comprising a plurality of layers, wherein each layer is encoded with a corresponding channel encoder, and wherein the data map information element is configured to support multiple antennas to achieve space time transmit diversity by providing control information associated with each one of the plurality of layers, wherein the control information comprises allocation of acknowledgement status channels corresponding to the plurality of layers, and transmitting in an uplink data frame a plurality of acknowledgement status, each acknowledgement status being associated with whether a corresponding layer of the plurality of layers is properly decoded.
Full Text WO 2006/071049 PCT/KR2005/004576
The present invention relates to an orthogonal frequency division multiplexing Access
(OFDMA) radio access system, and more particularly, to supporting a hybrid automatic
retransmiseion request (HARQ) In the OFDMA radio access system. Although the present
invention is suitable for a wide scope of applications, it is particularly suitable for reducing
overhead generated from the retransmission despite the non-existence of transmission error if a
signal is transmitted via a plurality of antennas via the same uplink or downlink data burst when
using a multi-antenna system In the OFDMA radio access system supporting the HARQ.
Generally, an automatic repeat request (ARQ) Is a response message notified by a
receiving side to a transmitting side after receiving the data transmitted from the transmitting
side. The ARQ informs the transmitting side whether the data was correctly received.
Furthermore, the ARQ can be classified Into three systems, as shown in FIGs. 1A to 1C,
FIG. 1A shows a 'stop-and-walf ARQ system, in which a transmitting side waits after
data transmission to receive an ACK or NACK message. The transmitting side then sends new
data or retransmits former data.
FIG. 1B shows a 'go-back-N1 ARQ system, In which a transmitting side continuously
transmits data regardless of a response from a receiving side. After receiving a NAOK signal,
the transmitting side retransmits data from a corresponding portion.
FIG. 1C shows a 'selective-repeat' ARQ system, in which a transmitting side
continuously transmits data regardless of a response from a receiving side. After receiving a

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NACK signal, the transmitting side retransmits the data corresponding to the received NACK
signal only.
Hybrid ARQ {HARQ) is proposed to solve a problem occurring when a larger error
occurs over a channel as a higher coding rate (Rc = 5/6, 3/4), a high-order modulation (Mod =
16-QAM, 64-QAM) and the like are selected due to a demand for a data rate over 2Mbps,
10Mbps or higher in a packet transmission communication system.
The erroneous data In transmission Is stored in a buffer to have forward error correction
(FEC) applied thereto by being combined with retransmitted Information In the HARQ system.
In contrast, the erroneous data in transmission Is discarded In the ARQ system. The HARQ
system is a type of system generated from combining FEC and ARQ together. Moreover, the
HARQ can be mainly classified Into the following four systems.
In the first system, a Type 1 HARQ system shown in FIG. 2, data is always attached to
an error detection code to preferentially detect FEC (forward error correction), if there still
remains an error in a packet, retransmission is requested. An erroneous packet Is discarded
and a retransmitted packet is used with a same FEC code.
In the second system, a Type II HARQ system called IR ARQ (Incremental redundancy
ARQ) shown in FIG. 3, an erroneous packet Is not discarded but is stored in a buffer to be
combined with retransmitted redundancy bits, in retransmission, parity bite except data bits are
retransmitted only. The retransmitted parity bits are changed each retransmission.
In the third system, a Type III HARQ system shown in FIG. 4, which is a special case of
the Type II HARQ system, each packet is self-decodable. The packet is configured with an
erroneous part and data to be retransmitted. This system Is more accurately decodable than
the Type II HARQ system but is disadvantageous In the aspect of coding gain.
In the fourth system, a Type I with soft combining' HARQ system shown In FIG. 5, a
function of data initially received and stored by a transmitting Bide with retransmitted data is
added to the Type I HARQ system. The Type 1 with soft combining' HARQ system Is called a
metric combining or a chase combining system. This system Is advantageous in the aspect of

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slgnal to interference plus noise ratio (SINR) and always uses the same parity bits of the
retransmitted data.
Recently, many efforts have been made to research and develop OFDM (orthogonal
frequency division multiplexing) or OFDMA (orthogonal frequency division multiplexing access)
suitable for high-speed data transmission over a wired/wireless channel. In OFDM, frequency
use efficiency is raised using a plurality of carrier waves having mutual orthogonality. A process
of modulating/demodulating a plurality of the carrier waves In a transmission/reception has the
same result as performing IDFT (inverse discrete Fourier transform)/DFT (discrete Fourier
transform) and can be implemented at a high speed using IFFT(inverse fast Fourier
transformVFFT (fast Fourier transform).
A principle of the OFDM is to reduce relative dispersion in a time domain by multi-path
delay spread In a manner of increasing a symbol duration by dividing a high-speed data stream
into a plurality of low-speed data streams and by simultaneously transmitting a plurality of the
low-speed data streams using a plurality of subcarriers. And, a transmission of data by the
OFDM uses a transmission symbol as a unit.
Since the modulation/demodulation in the OFDM can be collectively handled for ail
subcarriers using DFT (discrete Fourier transform), it Is unnecessary to design a
modulator/demodulator for each of the individual subcarriers.
FIG 6 illustrates a configuration of an orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM)
modulator/demodulator. Referring to FIG. 6, a serially Inputted data stream is transformed into
parallel data streams amounting to the number of subcarriers. Inverse discrete Fourier
transform (IDFT) Is carried out on each of the parallel data streams. For fast data processing,
IFFT (inverse fast Fourier transform) is used. The Inverse-Fourier-transformed data is then
converted to serial data again to be transmitted through frequency conversion. A receiving side
receives the corresponding signal to demodulate through a reverse process.
In a mobile communication system, resources include frequency channels, i.e.,
frequency bands. Multiple access is a methodology of allocating the limited frequency bands to
users for efficient use. Duplexing is a connection methodology of identifying an uplink (UL)

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connection and a downlink (DL) connection In bi-directional communication. Radio multiple
acce68 and multiplexing systems are the basic platform technology of the radio transmission to
use the limited frequency resource efficiently and depend on an assigned frequency band, the
number of users, a data rate, mobility, a cell structure, a radio environment, etc.
OFDM (orthogonal frequency division multiplexing), which is a 6ort of MCM (multlcanier
transmission/modulation) system that uses several carriers, is a system that parallels Input data
as many as the number of used carriers to transmit the data loaded on the corresponding
carriers. The OFDM is a strong candidate for a radio transmission technology meeting the
requirements of a fourth generation mobile communication Infrastructure and can be classified
into OFDM frequency division multiple access (OFDM-FDMA), OFDM time division multiple
access (OFDM-TDMA) and OFDM code division multiple access (OFDM-CDMA) according to a
user's multiple access system. Each of the OFDM-FDMA, OFDM-TDMA and OFDM-COMA
systems has its merits and demerits. Moreover, schemes exist to compensate for the demerits.
The OFDM-FDMA (OFDMA), which is suitable for a fourth generation macro/micro
cellular infrastructure, has no intra-ceil interference, a high efficiency of frequency reuse and
excellent adaptive modulation and granularity. Using dispersed frequency hopping, multiple
antennas, powerful encoding and the like to compensate for the demerits of the OFDM-FDMA,
diversity can be raised and the Influence of Inter-cell interference can be reduced. The OFDMA
can efficiently distribute resources by allocating the number of subcaniers differently according
to a data rate requested by each user. Furthermore, the OFDMA can raise the transmission
efficiency since it is unnecessary for each user to perform initialization using a preamble prior to
data reception like OFDM-TDMA. In particular, the OFDMA, which Is suitable for a case using
numerous subcarriers (e.g., a case wherein an FFT size is large), is efficiently applied to a radio
communication system having a relatively wide cell area. Also, the frequency-hopping OFDMA
system is used in raising a frequency diversity effect and obtaining an Intermediate interference
effect by overcoming a case where a subcarrler In deep fading exists in a radio channel or a
case where there exists subcarrier interference caused by another user. FIG. 6 shows the

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OFDMA system, In which an allocated grid performs frequency-hopping In a frequency domain
according to a time slot.
FIG. 7 is a structural diagram of a data frame in an OFDMA radio communication system
according to the related art. Referring to FIG. 7, a horizontal axis Is a time axis represented by
a symbol unit and a vertical axis is a frequency axis represented by a subchannel unit The
subchannel refers to a bundle of a plurality of subcarriers. In particular, in an OFDMA physical
layer, active carriers are divided into groups to be transmitted to different receiving ends,
respectively. Thus, the group of subcarriers transmitted to one receiving end Is called a
subchannel. In this case, the carriers configuring the subchannel can be adjacent to each other
or can be spaced uniformly apart from each other.
A slot allocated to each user, as shown in FIG. 7, is defined by a data region of a two-
dimensional space, which is a set of consecutive subchannels allocated by a burst. In the
OFDMA, one data region, as shown in FIG. 7, can be represented as a rectangle determined by
time and subchannel coordinates. Such a data region can be allocated to a specific user's
uplink. Also, a base station can transmit such a data region to a specific user in downlink.
In the related art OFDM/OFDMA radio communication system, in case that data exists to
be transmitted to a mobile subscriber station (MSS), a base station (BS) allocates a data region
to be transmitted via a DL-MAP (downlink-MAP). The mobile subscriber station receives the
data via the allocated region (DL bursts #1 to #5 in FIG. 7).
In FIG. 7, a downlink subframe starts with a preamble used for synchronization and
equalization In a physical layer and a structure of an entire frame Is defined via broadcast-
formatted downlink MAP (DL-MAP), and uplink-MAP (UL-MAP) messages defining locations and
usages of bursts allocated-to the unlink and downlink, respectively.
The-DL-MAP message defines the usage allocated per burst to a downlink interval in a
burst-mode physical layer, and the UL-MAP message defines the usage of the burst allocated to
an uplink interval. In an information element (IE) configuring the DL-MAP message, a downlink
traffic interval is identified on a user end by DIUC (downlink Interval usage code) and position
information (e.g., subchannel offset, symbol offset, subchannel number, symbol number) of the

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burst. Meanwhile, In an Information element configuring the UL-MAP massage, the usage is
determined by UIUC (uplink interval usage code), per CID (connection ID) and a position of a
corresponding interval is regulated by 'duration'. In this case, the usage per interval is
determined according to a value of the UIUC used in the UL-MAP. Each Interval starts from a
point having a distance away from a previous IE start point, wherein the distance is as far as the
'duration' regulated by the UL-MAP IE.
A DCD (downlink channel descriptor) message and a UCD (uplink channel descriptor)
message include modulation types, FEC code types and the like as physical layer associated
parameters to be applied to the burst intervals allocated to the downlink and the. uplink,
respectively. Also, necessary parameters {e.g., K, R, etc. of R-S code) according to various
forward error correction code types are provided. These parameters are given by burst profiles
provided for the UIUC (uplink interval usage code) and DIUC (downlink Interval usage code) in
the UCD and DCD, respectively.
In the OFDMA communication system, the burst allocating method can be classified into
a general MAP method and a HARQ method according to whether the HARQ system Is
The burst allocating method of the general MAP in downlink teaches a rectangular shape,
as shown in FIG. 7, configured with time and frequency axes. Namely, it teaches a start symbol
number (symbol offset), a start subchannel number (subchannel offset), the number of used
symbols (No. OFDMA symbols) and the number of used subchannels (No. Subchannels).
Since a method of allocating bursts to a symbol axis sequentially is used in the uplink, uplink
bursts can be allocated by teaching the number of the used symbols only.
FIG. 8 is a diagram of a data frame according to a HARQ MAP. Referring to FIG. 8, in
the HARQ MAP, a method of allocating bursts along a subchannel (subcarrler) axis sequentially
Is used in both uplink and downlink, which is different from that of a general MAP. In the HARQ
MAP, a length of a burst Js informed only. In this method, bursts, as shown in FIG. 8, are
sequentially allocated. A start position of a burst corresponds to a position where a previous
burst ends and occupies a radio resource amounting to an allocated length from the start

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posltion. The method explained In the following relates to a method for allocating bursts In an
accumulative form along a frequency axis. A method for allocating bursts along a time axis
follows the same principle.
In the HARQ MAP, a MAP message may be divided into a plurality of MAP messages
(e.g., HARQ MAP#1, HARQ MAP#2, .... , HARQ MAP#N) so that each of the divided MAP
messages can have Information of a random burst. For instance, a MAP message #1 can
Include Information of a burst #1, a MAP message #2 can Include information of a burst #2, and
a MAP message #3 can include Information of bursts #3~#5.
As mentioned in the foregoing description, the OFDMA system uses the HARQ MAP to
support the HARQ. Since a HARQ MAP pointer IE is Included In the DL MAP, a method exists
for allocating bursts sequentially along a downlink subchannel axis in the HARQ MAP If a
position of the HARQ MAP is informed. A start position of a burst corresponds to a position
where a previous burst ends and occupies a radio resource amounting to an allocated length
from the start position, which is applied to the uplink as it is.
In the HARQ MAP, control Information should be informed. Table 1 shows a data format
of a HARQ control IE to indicate the control information.
[Table 1]

Syntax Size (bits) Nates
Prefix 1 0 = temporary disable HARQ
1= enable HARQ
If(Prefix = l){
AI_3N 1 HARQ ID Seq.No
SPED 2 Subpacket ID
reserved 3 Shall be set to zero
The control information includes AI_SN, SPID, SCID, etc. The AI_SN is a value, which
is toggled between '0' and '1' if a burst transmission Is successful over a same ARQ channel, for
indicating whether a transmitted burst is a new burst or corresponds to a retransmission of a

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prevlous burst Four kinds of redundancy bits are reserved for the data bits put in each burst for
the HARQ transmission. The SPID Is a value for selecting a different redundancy bit during
each retransmission. The SCID Is a HARQ channel ID.
An ACK signal region of the uplink is informed via an ACK/NACK signal whether, the
transmitted data burst was successfully received. If a mobile subscriber station receives a burst
at an i* frame, the ACK/NACK signal is sent to the ACK signal region of the uplink of an (l+j)*
frame. A value of 'J' Is sent by the UCD. In allocating the ACK signal region, one method exists
for allocating the ACK signal region to the uplink for each HARQ message. Another method
exists wherein at least two of a plurality of HARQ MAP messages of a frame uses one ACK
signal region.
A method wherein slots of an ACK/NACK signal of a burst Indicated by a HARQ MAP
message is sequentially informed by deciding an HARQ ACK region of a frame as one Is
explained in detail as follows.
FIG. 9 Is a diagram of a method for allocating an HARQ signal region In an HARQ MAP
message. In an HARQ MAP message, an ACK signal region Is allocated to an uplink using a
start position of the ACK signai region and four' kinds of information (OFDMA symbol offset,
Subchannel offset, No. OFDMA Symbols, No. Subchannels). Each mobile subscriber station
sequentially inputs an ACK/NACK signal to the ACK signal region (FIG. 9) allocated to the
uplink for indicating whether a respective burst has been successfully received. A start position
of the ACK/NACK signai corresponds to a position next to that of the previously received
ACK/NACK information. A sequence of ACK/NACK signals follows a burst sequence of a
downlink within the HARQ MAP message. Namely, like the sequence of bursts #1 to #7, the
ACK/NACK signals within the allocated HARQ ACK region of the uplink are sent in a sequence
that corresponds to the sequence of the bursts #1 to #7.
Referring to FIG. 9, a MAP message #1 includes allocation Information of burate #1 and
#2, a MAP message #2 Includes allocation information of bursts #3 and #4, and a MAP
message #3 includes allocation information of bursts #5 to #7. Mobile subscriber station #1
(MSS#1) reads the information of the burst #1 in the contents of the MAP message #1 and then

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informs an initial slot within the HARQ ACK signal region Indicated by an HARQ MAP message
whether the transmitted data was successfully received. MSS#2 knows its position within the
HARQ ACK signal region by recognizing that it is sequentially next to that of the ACK/NACK
signal slot of the burst #1 within the ACK signal region (position within the HARQ ACK region is
known by incrementing a count of the burst #1 wtthln the contents of the MAP message #1).
MSS#3 knows its position within the HARQ ACK region by calculating a total amount of slots of
the bursts #1 and #2 of the MAP message #1. Thus, the positions within the HARQ ACK region
can be sequentially known.
In case that one'mobile subscriber station supporting a multi-antenna to an area of the
downlink burst loads data on the same area to transmit or In case that several mobile subscriber
stations load data on the same area to transmit, the ACK signal is sent only If there Is no error In
a cyclic redundancy check (CRC) for all layers. Otherwise, the NACK signal Is sent in this
case, a layer means a coding unit of the transmitted data and the number of layers directly
corresponds to the number of antennas depending on how the data is transmitted. For example,
if the entire daja to be transmitted is coded. A CRC is then inserted in the coded data. This is
then divided by the number of antennas. If the divided data are transmitted via all the antennas,
the number of layers is equal to one. In another example, if data to be loaded on each antenna
is coded. A CRC is then inserted in the coded data. If the coded data Is transmitted, the
number of layers is equal to the number of antennas (cf. FIG. 10). The above-explained
situation is applicable to a case Where a mobile subscriber station transmits a burst in uplink
and a case where a base station having received the burst sends an ACK signal In downlink.
The above-explained related art method can be simply applied to a system that is not a
multi-antenna system. Yet, In case of the multi-antenna system, the related art method brings
about a waste of resources. For example, If a base station detects a case that two mobile
subscriber stations #1 and #2 load their data on the burst #2, the number of layers is 2.
Furthermore, the burst of the mobile subscriber station #1 Is not erroneous but the burst of the
mobile subscriber station #2 is erroneous. The base station then sends a NACK signal to both
the mobile subscriber stations #1 and #2 according to the aforesaid principle of the related art

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If so, both of the mobile subscriber stations should send the data again. Consequently, the
errorless, data of the mobile subscriber station #1 is discarded to be retransmitted, which is a
waste of resources. Moreover, the same problem of the uplink can be directly applied to the
case of the downlink.
The present invention is directed to transmitting packet data In a wireless communication
system configured to support multiple Input and multiple output
Additional features and advantages of the Invention will be set forth in the description
which follows, and in part will be apparent from the description, or may be learned by practice of
the invention. The objectives and other advantages of the Invention will be realized and attained
by the structure particularly pointed out In the written description and claims hereof as well as
the appended drawings.
To achieve these and other advantages and In accordance with the purpose of the
present invention, as embodied and broadly described, the present invention Is embodied In a
method of transmitting packet data in a wireless communication system configured to support
multiple input and multiple output, the method comprising receiving a downlink data frame
comprising a tata map Information element and a data burst comprising a plurality of layers,
wherein each layer is encoded with a corresponding channel encoder, and wherein the data
map information element is configured to support multiple antennas to achieve space time
transmit diversity by providing control information associated with each one of the plurality of
layers, wherein the control Information comprises allocation of acknowledgement status
channels corresponding to the plurality of layers, and transmitting In an uplink data frame a
plurality of acknowledgement status, each acknowledgement status being associated with
whether a corresponding layer of the plurality of layers Is properly decoded.
ln one aspect of the Invention, the control Information for each one of the plurality of
layers comprises at least one of a traffic interval, a channel identifier, a retransmission status
and a value to select a different redundancy bit during retransmission.

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In a further aspect of the Invention, the channel encoder comprises a forward error
correction encoder.
In another aspect of the invention, the data map information element comprises a HARQ
map information element.
In one aspect of the Invention, a half subchannel Is used for each acknowledgement
In a further aspect of the Invention, at least part of the plurality of acknowledgement
status is represented by code words.
In another aspect of the Invention, the data map Information element is one of an uplink
map information element and a downlink map Information element
In accordance with another embodiment of the present Invention, a method of
transmitting packet data in a wireless communication system configured to support multiple
input and multiple output comprises receiving a first downlink data frame comprising a data map
Information element, wherein the data map information element is configured to support multiple
antennas to achieve space time transmit diversity by providing control information associated
with each one of a plurality of layers, wherein the control information comprises allocation of
acknowledgement status channels corresponding to the plurality of layers, transmitting in an
uplink data frame a data burst comprising the plurality of layers, wherein each layer Is encoded
with a corresponding channel- encoder, and receiving a second downlink data frame comprising
a plurality of acknowledgement status, each acknowledgement status being associated with
whether a corresponding layer of the plurality of layers is .properly decoded.
In one aspect of the invention, the control information for each one of the plurality of
layers comprises at least one of a traffic interval, a channel identifier, a retransmission status
and a value to select a different redundancy bit during retransmission.
In a further aspect of the invention, the channel encoder comprises a forward error
correction encoder.
In another aspect of the invention, the data map Information element comprises a HARQ
map Information element.

WO 2006/071049 PCT/KR2005/004576
In one aspect of the Invention, a half subchannel is used for each acknowledgement
In a further aspect of the invention, at least part of the plurality of acknowledgement
status is represented by code words.
In another aspect of the invention, the data map information element is one of an uplink
map information element and a downlink map information element.
In accordance with another embodiment of the present Invention, a method of
transmitting packet data in a wireless communication system configured to support multiple
input and multiple output 'comprises transmitting to a receiving device a downlink data frame
comprising a data map Information element and a data burst comprising a plurality of layers,
wherein each layer is encoded with a corresponding channel encoder, and wherein the data
map information element is configured to support multiple antennas to achieve space time
transmit diversity by providing cpntrol information associated with each one of the plurality of
layers, wherein the control information comprises allocation of acknowledgement status
channels corresponding to the plurality of layers, and receiving an uplink data frame comprising
a plurality of acknowledgement status, each acknowledgement status being associated with
whether a corresponding layer of the plurality of layers is properly decoded by the receiving
in one aspect of the Invention, the control information for each one of the plurality of
layers comprises at least one of a traffic interval, a channel Identifier, a retransmission status
and a value to select a different redundancy bit during retransmission.
In a further aspect of the invention, the channel encoder comprises a forward error
correction encoder.
In another aspect of the Invention, the date map information element comprises a HARQ
map information element.
Preferably, the method further comprises retransmitting data associated with a
corresponding layer upon receiving an acknowledgement indicating that the corresponding layer
was not properly decoded by the receiving device.

WO 2006/071049 PCT/KR2005/004576
In one aspect of the invention, a half subchannel is used for each acknowledgement
In a further aspect of the invention, at least part of the plurality of acknowledgement
status is represented by code words.
In another aspect of the invention, the data map Information element is one of an uplink
map information element and a downlink map information element.
In accordance with another embodiment of the present invention, a wireless
communication apparatus for transmitting packet data comprises a plurality of antennas to
achieve space time transmit diversity, a plurality of channel encoders, each associated with a
corresponding antenna, and a controller configured to recognize a transmitting data frame
comprising a data map Information element and a data burst comprising a plurality of layers,
wherein each layer is encoded with a corresponding channel encoder, and wherein the data
map information element comprises control information for each one of the plurality of layers,
wherein the controller is further configured to recognize a receiving data frame comprising a
plurality of acknowledgement status, each acknowledgement status being associated with
whether a corresponding layer of the plurality of layers is properly received by a receiving
In one aspect of the invention, the control Information for each one of the plurality of
layers comprises at least one of a traffic interval, a channel identifier, a retransmission status
and a value to select a different redundancy bit during retransmission.
In a further aspect of the invention, the channel encoder comprises a forward error
correction encoder.
In another aspect of the invention, the data map information element comprises a HARQ
map information element.
In one aspect of the Invention, a half subchannel is used for each acknowledgement
In a further aspect of the invention, at least part of the plurality of acknowledgement
status is represented by code words.

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In another aspect of the invention, the data map Information element is one of an uplink
map Information element and a downlink map information element.
It is to be understood that both the foregoing general description and the following
detailed description of the present invention are exemplary and explanatory and are Intended to
provide further explanation of the invention as claimed.
The accompanying drawings, which are included to provide a further understanding of
the invention and are incorporated in and constitute a part of this specification, Illustrate
embodiments of the invention and together with the description serve to explain the principles of
the invention. Features, elements, and aspects of the invention that are referenced by the same
numerals in different figures represent the same, equivalent or similar features, elements, or
aspects in accordance with one or more embodiments.
FIGs. 1A to 1C illustrate different types of automatic repeat request (ARQ) systems In
accordance with the related art.
FIGs. 2 to 5 illustrate the features of the different types of ARQ systems in accordance
with (he related art.
FIG. 6 illustrates a configuration of an orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM)
FIG. 7 illustrates a data frame in an orthogonal frequency division multiplexing access
(OFDMA) radjo communication system In accordance with the related art.
FIG. 8 illustrates a data frame allocating an HARQ burst in accordance with the related
FIG. 9 illustrates a method for allocating an HARQ signal region in an HARQ MAP
message in accordance with the related art.
FIG. 10 illustrates an encoding method per layer In accordance with the related art.
FIG. 11 illustrates a data frame in .an OFDMA radio access system in accordance with
one preferred embodiment of the present invention.

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FIG. 12 is Illustrates an allocation sequence of an ACK/NACK transport channel in
accordance with one preferred embodiment of the present invention.
FIG 13 illustrates a method for allocating ACK/NACK transport channels within uplink
and downlink ACK signal regions in accordance with one preferred embodiment of the present
FIG. 14 illustrates a method for allocating ACK/NACK transport channels within uplink
and downlink ACK signal regions In accordance with one preferred embodiment of the present
FIG. 15 illustrates a method for allocating ACK/NACK transport channels within uplink
and downlink ACK signal regions in accordance with one preferred embodiment of the present
The present invention relates to supporting hybrid automatic retransmission request
(HARQ) in an orthogonal frequency division multiplexing access (OFDMA) radio access system.
Specifically, the present invention relates to transmitting packet data in a wireless
communication system configured to support multiple input and multiple output.
Reference will now be made in detail to the preferred embodiments of the present
invention, examples of which are illustrated in the accompanying drawings. Wherever possible,
the same reference numbers will be used throughout the drawings to* refer to the same or like
The present invention discloses a method for sending an ACK or NACK signal per layer
when a multi-antenna system is applied to an uplink or downlink data burst. In other words,
ACK/NACK signal transport channels amounting to the number of layers allocated to the data
burst are allocated to % uplink or downlink data burst having the multi-antenna system applied
When a mobile subscriber station supporting a multi-antenna in a downlink burst sends
data loaded in the same frame or in case that several mobile stations send data loaded in the

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same frame, signals of all layers are loaded in the same frame. Yet, a receiving side detects the
signals and identifies the signal per the layer. And, it Is able to know a presence or non-
presence of ecror of the per layer signal by performing a cyclic redundancy check (CRC) for the
signal of the identified layer.
The present invention intends to enable a transmitting side to know the presence or non-
presence of error of the signal per layer by transmitting an ACK or NACK signal. To support this,
allocation of an ACK or NACK channel per layer is needed so that the presence or non-
presence of error can be carried. Via the channels, a side having transmitted a burst can
receive the ACK or NACK signal per layer and then decide a next transmission form. For
example, by re-transmitting the signal of the layer corresponding to the received NACK or by
stopping transmission of the signal of the layer corresponding to the received ACK until other
layers receive the ACK signals according to an implementation method of the system,
interference with other signals is reduced.
By loading other data, the system Is able to increase a transmission capacity. Thus, to
use a different transmission method per layer, control Information should be given to each layer.
For example, in the related art, the combined control information is given since all layers receive
the ACK or NACK together. Yet, according to the present invention, various kinds of control
information is preferably given such as information indicating whether each layer receives the
ACK or NACK, whether to give a new burst, whether to retransmit a previous burst (AI_SN),
which redundancy bit of four types (SPID) will be given and information regarding an H-ARQ
channel ID (SCID).
FIG 11 is a diagram of a data frame In an OFDMA radio access system in accordance
with a preferred embodiment of the present Invention. Preferably, an ACK/NACK transport
channel allocating method conducted by a base station transmitting data by two layers to a
plurality of mobile subscriber stations applying a multi-antenna system is shown.
Referring to FIG. 11, a base station allocates a downlink ACK region (DL-ACK SIGNAL
REGION) to a downlink (DL) subframe and an uplink ACK signal region (UL-ACK SIGNAL
REGION) to an uplink (UL) subframe. The downlink ACK signal region is a region allocated for

WO 2006/071049 PCT/KR2005/004576
an ACK or NACK signal transmitted by the base station In response to data transmitted from a
plurality of mobile subscriber stations. The uplink ACK signal region Is a region allocated for
ACK or NACK signals transmitted by one or more of mobile subscriber stations In response to
data transmitted from the base station.
In case that the base station transmits data bursts comprising two layers, the mobile
subscriber stations receiving the data bursts by the two layers check for a transmission error of
the data transmitted per each layer of the base station (e.g., CRC check). If there is no
transmission error per .layer according to a checked result, a corresponding mobile subscriber
station transmits an ACK signal. If there exists the transmission error, a corresponding mobile
subscriber station transmits a NACK signal. One ACK/NACK transport channel is allocated for
the mobile subscriber stations receiving the data burst transmitted with one layer by the base
station. Consequently, ACK/NACK transport channels #1-1, #1-2, #2-1, #2-2, #3, #4 ...
amounting to the same number of layers used for the.base station to transmit the respective
data bursts are allocated to the uplink ACK signal region of the uplink subframe for the mobile
subscriber stations, respectively.
Within the downlink ACK signal region, the base station allocates the ACK/NACK
transport channels #2-1 and #2-2 per layer for the mobile subscriber station transmitting data by
two layers and one ACK/NACK transport channel #1, #3, #4 or the like for each of the mobile
subscriber stations that use one, layer each. The base station checks for a transmission error
for the data transmitted from the corresponding mobile subscriber station (e.g., CRC check). If
there is no transmission error per layer according to a checked result, the base station transmits
an ACK signal. If a transmission error exists, the base station transmits a NACK signal.
The ACK/NACK transport channel can be sequentially allocated along a time axis within
the uplink ACK signal region and the downlink ACK signal region, along a frequency axis, or
along frequency and time axes alternately. Alternatively, a half subchannel may be used per
one ACK or NACK signal to be allocated along frequency and time axes alternately in order, as
shown in FIG. 12. Preferably, the half subchannel includes twenty-four subcarriers.

WO 2006/071049 PCT/KR2005/004576
FIG 13 is an exemplary diagram of a method for allocating the ACK/NACK transport
channels within uplink and downlink ACK signal regions in accordance with another
embodiment of the present Invention. Preferably, an uplink or downlink ACK region for a mobile
subscriber station having a multi-antenna system is separately allocated within an uplink ACK
signal region and a downlink ACK signal region.
Referring to FIG. 13, for a mobile subscriber station transmitting a data burst by two
layers (2-layer) within a downlink ACK region, one ACK/NACK transport channel #2-1 for a first
layer is allocated together with an ACK/NACK transport channel for a mobile subscriber station
transmitting a data burst by one layer. The other ACK/NACK transport channel #2-2 tor a
second layer is allocated by establishing a separate ACK region within the downlink ACK region.
Preferably, the same method is applied to an uplink ACK region (UL-ACK region).
In FIG. 13, a base station transmits an HARQ DL burst #2 by four layers (4-layer). The
separate ACK region allocated for the second or higher-order layer Is preferably allocated next
to the region to which the ACK/NACK transport channel for the first layer is allocated.
FIG 14 Is an exemplary diagram of a method for allocating the ACK/NACK transport
channels within uplink and downlink ACK signal regions in accordance with another
embodiment of the present invention.
In FIG. 14, an uplink or downlink ACK region for a mobile subscriber station having a
multi-antenna system Is'separately allocated within an uplink ACK signal region and a downlink
ACK signal region. The method shown in FIG. 14 differs from the method embodied in FIG. 13
in that a plurality of ACK/NACK transport channels #2-2, #2-3 and #2-4 for the same data burst
having a plurality of layers applied thereto are allocated as one ACK/NACK transport channel
using a codeword. Namely, in the example shown in FIG 14, the codeword Is used to reduce a
range of the uplink ACK region because the range of the uplink ACK region can be
unnecessarily extended ifithe number of layers is raised.
Table 2 and Table 3 show examples of codewords to support FIG 14.
[Table 2]

Codeword [layer4, layer3, layer2] Group sets (total 24 subcarriers)

WO 2006/071049 PCT/KR2005/004576

In transmission of an uplink ACK/NACK signal, as mentioned in the foregoing description,
a half subchannel includes twenty-four subcarriers per one ACK or NACK signal. If the
codeword in Table 2 or Table 3 is used, it is able to transmit one to three ACK or NA£K signals
using the twenty-four subcarriers. The examples in Table 2 and Table 3 define the codeword for
four layers, which are applicable to two or three layers as well. Preferably, for the data burst
having three layers appjied thereto, the codeword associated with the layer-4 In Table 1 and
Table 3 is ignored. For the data burst having two layers applied thereto, the codewords
associated with the layer-4 and the layer-3 In Table 1 and Table 3 are ignored.
Meanwhile, in case of downlink, like the related art method, the necessity for using the
codeword is lowered if an ACK/NACK signal is transmitted using one bit
FIG. 15 Is an exemplary diagram of a method for allocating the ACK/NACK transport
channels within uplink and downlink AOK signal regions in accordance with another
embodiment of the present invention.

WO 2006/071049 PCT/KR2005/004576
Referring to FIG. 15, an ACK region for a mobile subscriber station using a data burst
and having a multi-antenna system applied thereto Is separately allocated in the same manner
as FIG 13 or FIG. 14. ACK/NACK transport channels are allocated to the rest uplink or
downlink ACK region. Hence, an ACK signal is sent only if a CRC is not erroneous for all layers.
Otherwise, a NACK signal Is sent
Table 4 and Table 5 show formats of MIMO compact DL-MAP IE and MIMO compact UL-
MAP IE according to one embodiment of the present Invention, respectively,

[table 4]

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Since it is unable to provide control Information per layer, the related art Information
element (IE) is not capable of supporting the present Invention. Hence, the information
message (MIMO Compact DL/UL MAP IE) to support the HARQ multi-antenna should be
provided with various kinds of control information to enable each layer to have a different
operation. In this case, the various kinds of control Information Include information Indicating
whether a new burst will be given or a previous burst will be retransmitted according to ACK or
NACK provided to each layer (AI_SN), Information indicating which redundancy bit of the four
types will be given (SPID), and information of H-ARQ channel ID (SCID). The various kinds of
control information can have fields directly arranged In the Information message (MIMO
Compact DL/UL MAP IE) supporting the HARQ multi-antenna if necessary. Alternatively, the
various kinds of control information can be used in a manner of inserting the related art
information element 'Control_IE' in the information message (MIMO Compact DL/UL MAP iE)
supporting the HARQ multi-antenna.
Accordingly, in the present Invention, in case that the multi-antenna system transmits
signals by a plurality of antennas via the same upilnk or downlink data burst, the ACK or NACK
signal is transmitted per layer. Hence, the present Invention can reduce the overhead
generated from the retransmission regardless of the transmission error.
Although the present invention is described in the context of mobile communication, the
present invention may also be used In any wireless communication systems using mobile
devices, such as PDAs and laptop computers equipped with wireless communication
The preferred embodiments may be implemented as a method, apparatus or article of
manufacture using standard programming and/or engineering techniques to produce software,
firmware, hardware, or any combination thereof. The term "article of manufacture" as used
herein refers to code or logic implemented In hardware logic (e.g., an Integrated circuit chip,
Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA), Application Specific Integrated Circuit (ASIC), etc.) or a

WO 2006/071049 PCT/KR2005/004576
computer readable medium (e.g., magnetic storage medium (e.g., hard disk drives, floppy disks,
tape, etc.), optical storage (CD-ROMs, optical disks, etc.), volatile and non-volatile memory
devices (e.g., EEPROMs, ROMs, PROMs, RAMs, DRAMs, SRAMs, firmware, programmable
logic, etc.).
Code in the computer readable medium is accessed and executed by a processor. The
code in which preferred embodiments are implemented may further be accessible through a
transmission media or from a file server over a network. In such cases, the article of
manufacture in which the code is implemented may comprise a transmission media, such as a
network transmission line, wireless transmission media, signals propagating through space,
radio waves, infrared signals, etc. Of course, those skilled in the art will recognize that many
modifications may be made to this configuration without departing from the scope of the present
invention, and that the article of manufacture may comprise any Information bearing medium
known in the art. Preferably, the present Invention may be embodied In a mobile
communication device comprising the processor described above along with a plurality of
antennas and channel encoders, as depicted in FIG. 10, and the components described in FIG.
It will be apparent to those skilled In the art that various modifications and variations can
be made in the present Invention without departing from the spirit or scope of the inventions.
Thus, it is intended that the present invention covers the modifications and variations of this
invention provided they come within the scope of the appended claims and their equivalents.
The present invention is applicable to a wireless communication system such as a
broadband wireless access system, a mobile communication system, or a portable Internet
system, etc.

WO 2006/071049 PCT/KR2005/004576
1. A method of transmitting packet data In a wireless communication system
configured to support multiple input and multiple output, the method comprising:
receiving a downlink data frame comprising a data map information element and a data
burst comprising a plurality of layers, wherein each layer is encoded with a corresponding
channel encoder, and wherein the data map Information element is configured to support
multiple antennas to achieve space time transmit diversity by providing control Information
associated with each one of the plurality of layers, wherein the control information comprises
allocation of acknowledgement status channels corresponding to the plurality of layers; and
transmitting in an uplink data frame a plurality of acknowledgement status, each
acknowledgement status' being associated with whether a corresponding layer of the plurality of
layers is property decoded.
2. The method of claim 1, wherein the control information for each one of the
plurality of layers comprises at least one of a traffic interval, a channel Identifier, a
retransmission status and a value to select a different redundancy bft during retransmission.
3. The method of claim 1, wherein the channel encoder comprises a forward error
correction encoder.
4. The method of claim 1, wherein the data map information element comprises a
HARQ map Information element
5. The method of claim 1, wherein a half subchannel Is used for each
acknowledgement status.

WO 2006/071049 PCT/KR2005/004576
6. The method of claim 1, wherein at least part of the plurality of acknowledgement
status is represented by code words.
7. The method of claim 1, wherein the data map information element Is one of an
uplink map information element and a downlink map information element.
8. A method of transmitting packet data In a wireless communication system
configured to support multiple input and multiple output, the method comprising:
receiving a first downlink data frame comprising a data map Information element,
wherein the data map information element Is configured to support multiple antennas to achieve
space time transmit diversity by providing control information associated with each one of a
plurality of layers, wherein the control Information comprises allocation of acknowledgement
status channels corresponding to the plurality of layers;
transmitting in an uplink data frame a data burst comprising the plurality of layers,
wherein each layer is encoded with a corresponding channel encoder; and
receiving a second downlink data frame comprising a plurality of acknowledgement
status, each acknowledgement status being associated with whether a corresponding layer of
the plurality of layers is properly decoded.
9. The method of claim 8, wherein the control Information for each one of the
plurality of layers comprises at least one of a traffic Interval, a channel Identifier, a
retransmission status and a value to select a different redundancy bit during retransmission.
10. The method of claim 8, wherein the channel encoder comprises a forward error
correction encoder.

WO 2006/071049 PCT/KR2005/004576
11. The method of claim 8, wherein the data map information element comprises a
HARQ map Information element.
12. The method of claim 8, wherein a half subchannel Is used for each
acknowledgement status.
13. The method of claim 8, wherein at least part of the plurality of acknowledgement
status is represented by code words.
14. The method of claim 8, wherein the data map information element Is one of an
uplink map information element and a downlink map information element.
15. A method of transmitting packet data in a wireless communication system
configured to support multiple Input and multiple output, the method comprising:
transmitting to a receiving device a downlink data frame comprising a data map
information element and a data burst comprising a plurality of layers, wherein each layer is
encoded with a corresponding channel encoder, and wherein the data map information element
Is configured to support multiple antennas to achieve space time transmit diversity by providing
control Information associated with each one of the plurality of layers, wherein the control
Information comprises allocation of acknowledgement status channels corresponding to the
plurality of layers; and
receiving an uplink data frame comprising a plurality of acknowledgement status, each
acknowledgement status being associated with whether a corresponding layer of the plurality of
layers Is properly decoded by the receiving device.

WO 2006/071049 PCT/KR2005/004576
16. The method of claim 16, wherein the control Information for each one of the
plurality of layers comprises at least one of a traffic interval, a channel Identifier, a
retransmission status and a value to select a different redundancy bit during retransmission.
17. The method of claim 15, wherein the channel encoder comprises a forward error
correction encoder.
18. The method of claim 15, wherein the data map Information element comprises a
HARQ map information element
19. The method of claim 15, further comprising retransmitting data associated with a
corresponding layer upon receiving an acknowledgement indicating that the corresponding layer
was not properly decoded by the receiving device.
20. The method of claim 15, wherein a half subchannel Is used for each
acknowledgement status.
21. The method of claim 15, wherein at least part of the plurality of acknowledgement
status is represented by code words.
22. The method of claim 15, wherein the data map information element Is one of an
uplink map information element and a downlink map information element
23. A wireless communication apparatus for transmitting packet data, the apparatus

WO 2006/071049 PCT/KR2005/004576
a plurality of antennas to achieve space time transmit diversity,
a plurality of channel encoders, each associated with a corresponding antenna; and
a controller configured to recognize a transmitting data frame comprising a data map
information element and a data burst comprising a pluralty of layers, wherein each layer is
encoded with a corresponding channel encoder, and wherein the data map information element
comprises control Information for each one of the plurality of layers, wherein the controller is
further configured to "recognize a receiving data frame comprising a plurality of
acknowledgement status, each acknowledgement status being associated with whether a
corresponding layer of the plurality of layers Is properly received by a receiving device.
24. The apparatus of, claim 23, wherein the control information for each one of the
plurality of layers comprises at least one of a traffic interval, a channel identifier, a
retransmission status and a value to select a different redundancy bit during retransmission.
25. The apparatus of claim 23, wherein the channel encoder comprises a forward
error correction encoder.
26. The apparatus of claim 23, whereih the data map information element comprises
a HARQ map information element
27. The apparatus of claim 23, wherein a half subchannel Is used for each
acknowledgsment status.
28. The apparatus of claim 23, wherein at least part of the plurality of
acknowledgement status is represented by code words.

WO 2006/071049 PCT/KR2005/004576
29. The apparatus of claim 23, wherein the data map information element Is one of
an uplink map information element and a downlink map information element.

A method of supporting a hybrid automatic retransmission request (IIARQ) in an orthogonal frequency division multiplexing access (OFDMA) radio access system is disclosed. Preferably, the method comprises receiving a downlink data frame comprising a data map information element and a data burst comprising a plurality of layers, wherein each layer is encoded with a corresponding channel encoder, and wherein the data map information element is configured to support multiple antennas to achieve space time transmit diversity by providing control information associated with each one of the plurality of layers, wherein the control information comprises allocation of acknowledgement status channels corresponding to the plurality of layers, and transmitting in an uplink data frame a plurality of acknowledgement status, each acknowledgement status being associated with whether a corresponding layer of the plurality of layers is properly decoded.





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Patent Number 263109
Indian Patent Application Number 2148/KOLNP/2007
PG Journal Number 41/2014
Publication Date 10-Oct-2014
Grant Date 07-Oct-2014
Date of Filing 12-Jun-2007
Name of Patentee LG ELECTRONICS INC.
Applicant Address 20, YEOUIDO-DONG, YEONGDEUNGPO-GU, 150-721 SEOUL
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number H04J 11/00
PCT International Application Number PCT/KR2005/004576
PCT International Filing date 2005-12-27
PCT Conventions:
# PCT Application Number Date of Convention Priority Country
1 102004-0112930 2004-12-27 Republic of Korea
2 102005-0002246 2005-01-10 Republic of Korea
3 102005-0005337 2005-01-20 Republic of Korea