Title of Invention


Abstract A variable capacity vane pump is provided, the pump having a pump :ontrol ring which is moveable to alter the capacity of the pump and the pump can >e operated at either of at least two selected equilibrium pressures. The pump ring s moved by at least first and second control chambers, the control chambers ibutting the control ring such that pressurized fluid supplied to them acts on the ) pump control ring to move the pump control ring to reduce the volumetric capacity of the pump. When pressurized fluid is supplied to only one control chamber, the pump operates at a first equilibrium pressure and when pressurized luid is also supplied to the second chamber, the pump operates at a second equilibrium pressure. If desired, pressurized fluid can also be supplied only to the jecond control chamber to operate the pump at a third equilibrium pressure and/or idditional control chambers can be provided if required.
Full Text

Variable Capacity Vane Pump With Dual Control Chambers
[0001] The present invention relates to a variable capacity vane pump. More
specifically, the present invention relates to a variable capacity vane pump in which at least two different equilibrium pressures can be selected between by supplying working fluid to two or more control chambers adjacent the control ring.
[0002] Variable capacity vane pumps are well known and can include a capacity adjusting element, in the form of a pump control ring that can be moved to alter the rotor eccentricity of the pump and hence alter the volumetric capacity of the pump. If the pump is supplying a system with a substantially constant orifice size, such as an automobile engine lubrication system, changing the output volume of the pump is equivalent to changing the pressure produced by the pump.
[0003] Having the ability to alter the volumetric capacity of the pump to maintain an equilibrium pressure is important in environments such as automotive lubrication pumps, wherein the pump will be operated over a range of operating speeds. In such environments, to maintain an equilibrium pressure it is known to employ a feedback supply of the working fluid (e.g. lubricating oil) from the output of the pump to a control chamber adjacent the pump control ring, the pressure in the control chamber acting to move the control ring, typically against a biasing force from a return spring, to alter the capacity of the pump. [0004] When the pressure at the output of the pump increases, such as when the operating speed of the pump increases, the increased pressure is applied to the control ring to overcome the bias of the return spring and to move the control ring to reduce the capacity of the pump, thus reducing the output volume and hence the pressure at the output of the pump. [0005] Conversely, as the pressure at the output of the pump drops, such as when the operating speed of the pump decreases, the decreased pressure applied to the control chamber adjacent the control ring allows the bias of the return spring to move the control ring to increase the capacity of the pump, raising the output volume and hence pressure of the pump. In this manner, an equilibrium pressure is obtained at the output of the pump.

[O006] The equilibrium pressure is determined by the area of the control ring against
which the working fluid in the control chamber acts, the pressure of the working fluid supplied to the chamber and the bias force generated by the return spring. [0007] Conventionally, the equilibrium pressure is selected to be a pressure which is acceptable for the expected operating range of the engine and is thus somewhat of a compromise as, for example, the engine may be able to operate acceptably at lower operating speeds with a lower working fluid pressure than is required at higher engine operating speeds. In order to prevent undue wear or other damage to the engine, the engine designers will select an equilibrium pressure for the pump which meets the worst case (high operating speed) conditions. Thus, at lower speeds, the pump will be operating at a higher capacity than necessary for those speeds, wasting energy pumping the surplus, unnecessary, working fluid.
[0008] It is desired to have a variable capacity vane pump which can provide at least two selectable equilibrium pressures in a reasonably compact pump housing. It is also desired to have a variable capacity vane pump wherein reaction forces on the pivot pin for the pump control ring are reduced.
[0009] It is an object of the present invention to provide a novel variable capacity vane
pump which obviates or mitigates at least one disadvantage of the prior art. [0010] According to a first aspect of the present invention, there is provided a variable capacity vane pump having a pump control ring which is moveable to alter the capacity of the pump, the pump being operable at at least two selected equilibrium pressures, comprising: a pump casing having a pump chamber therein; a vane pump rotor rotatably mounted in the pump chamber; a pump control ring enclosing the vane pump rotor within said pump chamber, the control pump ring being moveable within the pump chamber to alter the capacity of the pump; a first control chamber between the pump casing and the pump control ring, the first control chamber operable to receive pressurized fluid to create a force to move the pump control ring to reduce the volumetric capacity of the pump; a second control chamber between the pump casing and the pump control ring, the second control • chamber operable to receive pressurized fluid to create a force to move the pump control

ring to reduce the volumetric capacity of the pump; and a return spring acting between pump
ring and the casing to bias the pump ring towards a position of maximum volumetric
capacity, the return spring acting against the force of the first and second control chambers to
establish an equilibrium pressure and wherein the supply of pressurized fluid to the second
control chamber can be applied or removed to change the equilibrium pressure of the pump.
[0011] According to a second aspect of the present invention, there is provided a
variable capacity vane pump comprising: a pump casing having a pump chamber therein; a vane pump rotor rotatably mounted in the pump chamber; a pump control ring enclosing the vane pump rotor within said pump chamber, the control pump ring being moveable about a pivot pin within the pump chamber to alter the capacity of the pump; a control chamber defined between the pump casing, the pump control ring, the pivot pin and a resilient seal between the pump control ring and the pump casing, the control chamber being operable to receive pressurized fluid to create a force to move the pump control ring to reduce the volumetric capacity of the pump; and a return spring acting between pump ring and the casing to bias the pump ring towards a position of maximum volumetric capacity, the return spring acting against the force of the control chamber to establish an equilibrium pressure and wherein the pivot pin and the resilient seal are positioned to reduce the area of the pump control ring within the control chamber such that the resulting force on the pump control ring exerted by pressurized fluid in the control chamber is reduced. [0012] Preferably, the return spring is oriented such that the biasing force it applies to the pump control ring further reduces the reaction forces on the pivot pin. Also preferably, the control chamber is positioned, with respect to the pivot pin, such that the resulting force reduces reaction forces on the pivot pin.
[0013] Preferred embodiments of the present invention will now be described, by way of example only, with reference to the attached Figures, wherein: , [0014] Figure 1 is a front view of a variable capacity vane pump in accordance with the present invention with the control ring positioned for maximum rotor eccentricity, [0015] Figure 2 is a front perspective view of the pump of Figure 1 with the control ring positioned for TnayimnTn rotor eccentricity;

[0016] Figure 3 is the a front view of the pump of Figure 1 with the control ring position
for minimum eccentricity and wherein the areas of the pump control chambers are in hatched
[0017] Figure 4 shows a schematic representation of a prior art variable capacity vane
pump; and
[0018] Figure 5 shows a front view of the pump of Figure 1 wherein the rotor and vanes
have been removed to illustrate the forces within the pump.
[0019] A variable capacity vane pump in accordance with an embodiment of the present invention is indicated generally at 20 in Figures 1, 2 and 3.
[0020} Referring now to Figures 1, 2 and 3, pump 20 includes a housing or casing 22
with a front face 24 which is sealed with a pump cover (not shown) and a suitable gasket, to
an engine (not shown) or the like for which pump 20 is to supply pressurized working fluid.
[0021] Pump 20 includes a drive shaft 28 which is driven by any suitable means, such as
the engine or other mechanism to which the pump is to supply working fluid, to operate pump 20. As drive shaft 28 is rotated, a pump rotor 32 located within a pump chamber 36 is turned with drive shaft 28t^series of slidable pump vanes 40 rotate with rotor 32, the outer end of each vane 40 engaging the inner surface of a pump control ring 44, which forms the outer wall of pump chamber 36. Pump chamber 36 is divided into a series of working fluid chambers 48, defined by the inner surface of pump control ring 44, pump rotor 32 and vanes 40. The pump rotor 32 has an axis of rotation that is eccentric from the center of the pump control ring 44.
[0022] Pump control ring 44 is mounted within casing 22 via a pivot pin 52 which
allows the center of pump control ring 44 to be moved relative to the center of rotor 32. As the center of pump control ring 44 is located eccentrically with respect to the center of pump rotor 32 and each of the interior of pump control ring 44 and pump rotor 32 are circular in shape, the volume of working fluid chambers 48 changes as the chambers 48 rotate around pump chamber 36, with their volume becoming larger at the low pressure side (the left hand side of pump chamber 36 in Figure 1) of pump 20 and smaller at the high pressure side (the right hand side of pump chamber 36 in Figure 1) of pump 20. This change in volume of

working fluid chambers 48 generates the pumping action of pump 20. drawing working fluid
from an inlet port 50 and pressurizing and delivering it to an outlet port 54.
[0023] By moving pump control ring 44 about pivot pin 52 the amount of eccentricity,
relative to pump rotor 32, can be changed to vary the amount by which the volume of working fluid chambers 48 change from the low pressure side of pump 20 to the high pressure side of pump 20, thus changing the volumetric capacity of the pump. A return spring 56 biases pump control ring 44 to the position, shown in Figures 1 and 2, wherein the pump has a maximum eccentricity.
[0024] As mentioned above, it is known to provide a control chamber adjacent a pump control ring and a return spring to move the pump ring of a variable capacity vane pump to establish an equilibrium output volume, and its related equilibrium pressure. [0025] However, in accordance with the present invention, pump 20 includes two control chambers 60 and 64, best seen in Figure 3, to control pump ring 44. Control chamber 60, the rightmost hatched area in Figure 3, is formed between pump casing 22, pump control ring 44, pivot pin 52 and a resilient seal 68, mounted on pump control ring 44 and abutting casing 22. In the illustrated embodiment, control chamber 60 is in direct fluid communication with pump oudet 54 such that pressurized working fluid from pump 20 which is supplied to pump outlet 54 also fills control chamber 60.
[0026] As will be apparent to those of skill in the art, control chamber 60 need not be in direct fluid communication with pump outlet 54 and can instead be supplied from any suitable source of working fluid, such as from an oil gallery in an automotive engine being supplied by pump 20.
[0027] Pressurized working fluid in control chamber 60 acts against pump control ring 44 and, when the force on pump control ring 44 resulting from the pressure of the pressurized working is sufficient to overcome the biasing force of return spring 56, pump control ring 44 pivots about pivot pin 52, as indicated by arrow 72 in Figure 3, to reduce the eccentricity of pump 20. When the pressure of the pressurized working is not sufficient to overcome the biasing force of return spring 56, pump control ring 44 pivots about pivot pin 52, in the direction opposite to that indicated by arrow 72, to increase the eccentricity of pump 20.

[0028] Pump 20 further includes a second control chamber 64, the leftmost hatched area
in Figure 3, which is formed between pump casing 22. pump control ring 44, resilient seal 68 and a second resilient seal 76. Resilient seal 76 abuts the wall of pump casing 22 to separate control chamber 64 from pump inlet 50 and resilient seal 68 separates chamber 64 from chamber 60.
[0029] Control chamber 64 is supplied with pressurized working fluid through a control port 80. Control port 80 can be supplied with pressurized working fluid from any suitable source, including pump outlet 54 or a working fluid gallery in the engine or other device supplied from pump 20. A control mechanism (not shown) such as a solenoid operated valve or diverter mechanism is employed to selectively supply working fluid to chamber 64 through control port 80, as discussed below. As was the case with control chamber 60, pressurized working fluid supplied to control chamber 64 from control port 80 acts against pump control ring 44.
[0030] As should now be apparent, pump 20 can operate in a conventional manner to achieve an equilibrium pressure as pressurized working fluid supplied to pump oudet 54 also fills control chamber 60. When the pressure of the working fluid is greater dian the equilibrium pressure, the force created by the pressure of the supplied working fluid over the portion of pump control ring 44 within chamber 60 will overcome the force of return spring 56 to move pump ring 44 to decrease the volumetric capacity of pump 20. Conversely, when the pressure of the working fluid is less than the equilibrium pressure, the force of return spring 56 will exceed the force created by the pressure of the supplied working fluid over the portion of pump control ring 44 within chamber 60 and return spring 56 will to move pump ring 44 to increase the volumetric capacity of pump 20.
[0031] However, unlike with conventional pumps, pump 20 can be operated at a second equilibrium pressure. Specifically, by selectively supplying pressurized working fluid to control chamber 64, via control port 80, a second equilibrium pressure can be selected. For example, a solenoid-operated valve controlled by an engine control system, can supply pressurized working fluid to control chamber 64, via control port 80, such that the force created by the pressurized working fluid on the. relevant area of pump control ring 44 within chamber 64 is added to the force created by the pressurized working fluid in control chamber

60, thus moving pump control ring 44 further than would otherwise be the case, to establish
a new. lower, equilibrium pressure for pump 20.
[0032] As an example, at low operating speeds of pump 20, pressurized working fluid
can be provided to both chambers 60 and 64 and pump ring 44 will be moved to a position
wherein the capacity of the pump produces a first, lower, equilibrium pressure which is
acceptable at low operating speeds.
[0033] When pump 20 is driven at higher speeds, the control mechanism can operate to
remove the supply of pressurized working fluid to control chamber 64, thus moving pump
ring 44, via return spring 56, to establish a second equilibrium pressure for pump 20, which
second equilibrium pressure is higher than the first equilibrium pressure.
[0034] While in the illustrated embodiment chamber 60 is in fluid communication with
pump outlet 54, it will be apparent to those of skill in the art that it is a simple matter, if
desired, to alter the design of control chamber 60 such that it is supplied with pressurized
working fluid from a control port, similar to control port 80, rather than from pump outlet
54. In such a case, a control mechanism (not shown) such as a solenoid operated valve or a
diverter mechanism can be employed to selectively supply working fluid to chamber 60
through the control port. As the area of control ring 44 within each of control chambers 60
and 64 differs, by selectively applying pressurized working fluid to control chamber 60, to
control chamber 64 or to both of control chambers 60 and 64 three different equilibrium.
pressures can be established, as desired.
[0035] As will also be apparent to those of skill in the art, should additional equilibrium
pressures be desired, pump casing 22 and pump control ring 44 can be fabricated to form one
or more additional control chambers, as necessary.
[0036] Pump 20 offers a further advantage over conventional vane pumps such as pump
200 shown in Figure 4. In conventional vane pumps such as pump 200, the low pressure
fluid 204 in the pump chamber exerts a force on pump ring 216 as does the high pressure
fluid 208 in the pump chamber. These forces result in a significant net force 212 on the
pump control ring 216 and this force is largely carried by pivot pin 220 which is located at
the point where force 212 acts.
[0037] Further, the high pressure fluid within the outlet port 224 (indicated in dashed
line), acting over the area of pump ring 216 between pivot pin 220 and resilient seal 222,

also results in a significant force 228 on pump control ring 216. While force 228 is
somewhat offset by the force 232 of return spring 236, the net of forces 228 less force 232
can still be significant and this net force is also largely carried by pivot pin 220.
[0038] Thus pivot pin 220 carries large reaction forces 240 and 244, to counter net forces
212 and 228 respectively, and these forces can result in undesirable wear of pivot pin 220 over time and/or "stiction" of pump control ring 216, wherein it does not pivot smoothly about pivot pin 220, making fine control of pump 200 more difficult to achieve. [0039] As shown in Figure 5, the low pressure side 300 and high pressure side 304 of pump 20 result in a net force 308 which is applied to pump control ring 44 almost directly upon pivot pin 52 and a corresponding reaction force, shown as a horizontal (with respect to the orientation shown in the Figure) force 312, is produced on pivot pin 52. Unlike conventional variable capacity vane pumps such as pump 200, in pump 20 resilient seal 68 is located relatively closely to pivot pin 52 to reduce the area of pump control ring 44 upon which the pressurized working fluid in control chamber 60 acts and thus to significantly reduce the magnitude of the force 316 produced on pump control ring 44. [0040] Further, control chamber 60 is positioned such that force 316 includes a horizontal component, which acts to oppose force 308 and thus reduce reaction force 312 on pivot pin 52. The vertical (with respect to the orientation shown in the Figure) component of force 316 does result in a vertical reaction force 320 on pivot pin 52 but, as mentioned above, force 316 is of less magnitude than would be the case with conventional pumps and the vertical reaction force 320 is also reduced by a vertical component of the biasing force 324 produced by return spring 56
[0041] Thus, the unique positioning of control chamber 60 and return spring 56, with respect to pivot pin 52, results in reduced reaction forces on pivot pin 52 and can improve the operating lifetime of pump 20 and can reduce "stiction" of pump control ring 44 to allow smoother control of pump 20. As will be apparent to those of skill in the art, this unique positioning is not limited to use in variable capacity vane pumps with two or more equilibrium pressures and can be employed with variable capacity vane pumps with single equilibrium pressures.
[0042] The above-described embodiments of the invention are intended to be examples of the present invention and alterations and modifications may be effected thereto, by those

of skill in the art, without departing from the scope of the invention which is defined solely by the claims appended hereto.

We claim:
1. A variable capacity vane pump having a pump control ring which is moveable to
alter the capacity of the pump, the pump being operable at at least two selected equilibrium pressures, comprising:
a pump casing having a pump chamber therein, said pump chamber having an inlet port and an outlet port;
a pump control ring moveable within the pump chamber to alter the capacity of the pump;
a vane pump rotor rotatably mounted within the pump control ring, said vane pump rotor having a plurality of slidably mounted vanes engaging an inside surface of said pump control ring, the vane pump rotor having an axis of rotation eccentric from a centre of said pump control ring, the vane pump rotor rotates to pressurize fluid as the fluid moves from the inlet port to the outlet port;
a first control chamber between the pump casing and the pump control ring, the first control chamber operable to receive pressurized fluid to create a force to move the pump control ring to reduce the volumetric capacity of the pump;
a second control chamber between the pump casing and the pump control ring, the second control chamber selectively operable to receive pressurized fluid to create a force to move the pump control ring to reduce the volumetric capacity of the pump; and
a return spring acting between pump ring and the casing to bias the pump ring towards a position of maximum volumetric capacity, the return spring acting against the force of the first and second control chambers to establish an equilibrium pressure and wherein the supply of pressurized fluid to the second control chamber can be applied or removed to change the equilibrium pressure of the pump.
2. TTie variable capacity pump of claim 1 wherein pressurized fluid is supplied to the first control chamber when the pump is operating and pressurized fluid is supplied to a second control chamber only in response to a signal from a control system.
3. The variable capacity pump of claim 1 wherein the second control chamber is

supplied with pressurized fluid from a control port
4. The variable capacity pump of claim 1 wherein the first control chamber is in fluid communication with the outlet port and receives the pressurized fluid therefrom.
5. The variable capacity pump of claim 1 wherein the second chamber is formed by the pump casing, the pump control ring and first and second resilient seals acting between the pump control ring and the pump casing.
6. The variable capacity pump of claim 1 wherein a supply of pressurized fluid can be applied to either or both of the first and second control chambers to select from three equilibrium pressures for the pump.
7. The variable capacity pump of claim 1 further comprising a third control chamber operable to receive pressurized fluid to create a force to move the pump control ring to reduce the volumetric capacity of the pump.
8. A variable capacity vane pump comprising:
a pump casing having a pump chamber therein;
a vane pump rotor rotatably mounted in the pump chamber;
a plurality of vanes slidably mounted on said vane pump rotor;
a pump control ring enclosing the vane pump rotor within said pump chamber, the vane pump rotor having an axis of rotation eccentric from a centre of said pump control ring, the control pump ring being moveable about a pivot pin within the pump chamber to alter the capacity of the pump;
a control chamber defined between the pump casing, the pump control ring, the pivot pin and a resilient seal between the pump control ring and the pump casing, the control chamber being operable to receive pressurized fluid to create a force to move the pump control ring to reduce the volumetric capacity of the pump; 'and
a return spring acting between pump ring and the casing to bias the pump ring towards a position of maximum volumetric capacity, the return spring acting against the

force of the control chamber to establish an equilibrium pressure and wherein the pivot pin and the resilient seal are positioned to reduce the area of the pump control ring within the control chamber such that the resulting force on the pump control ring exerted by pressurized fluid in the control chamber is reduced.
9. Hie variable capacity vane pump according to claim 8 wherein the return spring
is' oriented such that the biasing force it applies to the pump control ring further reduces
the reaction forces on the pivot pin.
10. The variable capacity vane pump according to claim 8 wherein the control
chamber is positioned, with respect to the pivot pin, such that the resulting force reduces
reaction forces on the pivot pin.


2740-CHENP-2007 AMENDED CLAIMS 16-09-2014.pdf

2740-CHENP-2007 FORM-3 16-09-2014.pdf


2740-CHENP-2007 CORRESPONDENCE OTHERS 24-12-2013.pdf


2740-CHENP-2007 POWER OF ATTORNEY 16-09-2014.pdf

2740-CHENP-2007 - Petition 137 Annex Form 3.pdf






2740-chenp-2007-form 1.pdf

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2740-chenp-2007-form 5.pdf


Patent Number 263112
Indian Patent Application Number 2740/CHENP/2007
PG Journal Number 41/2014
Publication Date 10-Oct-2014
Grant Date 07-Oct-2014
Date of Filing 22-Jun-2007
Applicant Address 1000 Tesma Way, Concord, Ontario L4K 5R8 (CA)
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
1 WILLIAMSON, Matthew 243 Weldrick Road West, Richmond Hill, Ontario L4C 5J2 (CA).
2 SHULVER, David, R 67-760 Lawrence Ave West, Toronto, Ontario M6A 3E7 (CA).
PCT International Classification Number F04C 2/344
PCT International Application Number PCT/CA05/01946
PCT International Filing date 2005-12-21
PCT Conventions:
# PCT Application Number Date of Convention Priority Country
1 60/639,185 2004-12-22 U.S.A.