Title of Invention


Abstract The present invention provides new compositions and methods for preventing arid treating pathogen infection. In particular, the present invention provides compounds having an anchoring domain that anchors the compound to the surface of a target cell, and a therapeutic domain that can act extracellularly to prevent infection of a target cell by a pathogen, such as a virus. The present invention also comprises therapeutic compositions having sialidase activity, including protein-based compounds having sialidase catalytic domains. Compounds of the invention can be used for treating or preventing pathogen infection, and for treating and reducing allergic and inflammatory responses. The invention also provides compositions and methods for enhancing transduction of target cells by recombinant viruses. Such compositions and methods can be used in gene therapy.
This application is a continuation-in-part of United States application 10/718,986,
filed Novemver 21, 2003, entitled "Broad spectrum anti-viral therapeutics and
prophylaxis", herein incorporated by reference, and claims benefit of priority to United
States Provisional Application Number 60/428,535, filed November 22, 2002, entitled
"Broad spectrum anti-viral therapeutics and prophylaxis", benefit of priority to United
States Provisional Application Number 60/464,217, filed April 19, 2003, entitled "Class
of broad spectrum anti-viral protein", benefit of priority to United States Provisional
Application Number 60/561,749, filed April 13, 2004, entitled "Anti-microbial
therapeutics and prophylaxis", and benefit of priority to United States Provisional
Application Number 60/580,084, filed June 16, 2004, entitled "Class of broad spectrum
anti-microbial agents", all of which are herein incorporated by reference.
The invention relates to therapeutic compositions that can be used to prevent and
treat infection of human and animal subjects by a pathogen, and specifically to proteinbased
therapeutic compositions that can be used for the prevention and treatment of viral
or bacterial infections. The invention also relates to therapeutic protein-based
compositions that can be used to prevent or ameliorate allergic and inflammatory
responses. The invention also relates to protein-based compositions for increasing
transduction efficiency of a recombinant virus, such as a recombinant virus used for gene
Influenza is a highly infectious acute respiratory disease that has plagued the
human race since ancient times. It is characterized by recurrent annual epidemics and
periodic major worldwide pandemics. Because of the high disease-related morbidity and
mortality, direct and indirect social economic impacts of influenza are enormous. Yearly
epidemics cause approximately 300,000 hospitalizations and 25,000 deaths in the United
States alone. Four pandemics occurred in the last century; together they caused tens of
millions of deaths. Mathematical models based on earlier pandemic experiences have
estimated that 89,000-207,000 deaths, 18-42 million outpatient visits and 20-47 million
additional illnesses will occur during the next pandemic (Meltzer, MI, Cox, NJ and
Fukuda, K. (1999) Emerg Infect Dis 5:659-671).
Influenza is typically caused by infection of two types of viruses, Influenza virus
A and Influenza virus B (the third type Influenza virus C only causes minor common cold
like symptoms). They belong to the orthomyxoviridae family of RNA viruses. Both type
A and type B viruses have 8 segmented negative-strand RNA genomes enclosed in a lipid
envelope derived from the host cell. The viral envelope is covered with spikes that are
composed of three types of proteins: hemagglutinin (HA) which attaches virus to host
cell receptors and mediates fusion of viral and cellular membranes; neuraminidase (NA)
which facilitates the release of the new viruses from host cells; and a small number of M2
proteins which serve as ion channels.
Infections by influenza type A and B viruses are typically initiated at the mucosal
surface of the upper respiratory tract. Viral replication is primarily limited to the upper
respiratory tract but can extend to the lower respiratory tract and cause
bronchopneumonia that can be fatal.
Influenza viral protein hemagglutinin (HA) is the major viral envelope protein. It
plays an essential role in viral infection. The importance of HA is evidenced by the fact
that it is the major target for protective neutralizing antibodies produced by the host
immune response (Hayden, FG. (1996) In Antiviral drug resistance (ed. D. D.
Richman), pp. 59-77. Chichester, UK: John Wiley & Sons Ltd.). It is now clear that HA
has two different functions in viral infection. First, HA is responsible for the attachment
of the virus to sialic acid cell receptors. Second, HA mediates viral entry into target cells
by triggering fusion of the viral envelope with cellular membranes.
HA is synthesized as a precursor protein, HAO, which is transferred through the
Golgi apparatus to the cell surface as a trimeric molecular complex. HAO is further
cleaved to generate the C terminus HA1 (residue 328 of HAO) and the N terminus of
HA2. It is generally believed that the cleavage occurs at the cell surface or on released
viruses. The cleavage of HAO into HA1/HA2 is not required for HA binding to sialic
acid receptor; however, it is believed to be necessary for viral infectivity (Klenk, HD and
Rott, R. (1988) Adv Vir Res. 34:247-281; Kido, H, Niwa, Y, Beppu, Y and Towatari, T.
(1996) Advan Enzyme Regul 36:325-347; Skehel, JJ and Wiley, DC. (2000) Annu Rev
Biochem 69:531-569; Zambon, M. (2001; Rev Med Virol 11:227-241.)
Currently, influenza is controlled by vaccination and anti-viral compounds.
Inactivated influenza vaccines are now in worldwide use, especially in high-risk groups.
The vaccine viruses are grown in fertile hen's eggs, inactivated by chemical means and
purified. The vaccines are usually trivalent, containing representative influenza A viruses
(H1N1 and H3N2) and influenza B strains. The vaccine strains need to be regularly
updated in order to maintain efficacy; this effort is coordinated by the World Health
Organization (WHO). During inter-pandemic periods, it usually takes 8 months before
the updated influenza vaccines are ready for the market (Wood, J. (2001) Phil Trans R
Soc LondB 356:1953-1960). However, historically, pandemics spread to most continents
within 6 months, and future pandemics are expected to spread even faster with increased
international travel (Gust, ID, Hampson, AW., and Lavanchy, D. (2001) Rev Med Virol
11:59-70). Therefore it is inevitable that an effective vaccine will be unavailable or in
very short supply during the first waves of future pandemics.
Anti-viral compounds have become the mainstay for treating inter-pandemic
diseases. Currently, they are also the only potential alternative for controlling pandemics
during the initial period when vaccines are not available. Two classes of antiviral
compounds are currently on the market: the M2 inhibitors, such as amantadine and
rimantadine; and the NA inhibitors, which include oseltamivir (Tamiflu) and zanamivir
(Relenza). Both classes of molecules have proven efficacy in prevention and treatment of
influenza. However, side effects and the risk of generating drug-resistant viruses remain
the top two concerns for using them widely as chemoprophylaxis (Hayden, FG. (1996) In
Antiviral drug resistance (ed. D. D. Richman), pp. 59-77. Chichester, UK: John Wiley
& Sons Ltd.). Most importantly, future pandemic strains, either evolved naturally or
artificially created by genetic engineering in bio-warfare, may be resistant to all the
available anti-viral compounds, and this will have devastating consequences globally.
In summary, currently available vaccination and anti-viral compounds are limited
by some fundamental shortcomings. Novel therapeutic and prophylactic modalities are
needed to address future influenza pandemics.
Respiratory tract infections (RTIs) are the most common, and potentially
most severe, types of infectious diseases. Clinically, RTIs include sinusitis, otitis,
laryngitis, bronchitis and pneumonia. Based on numerous etiology and epidemiology
studies, it is clear that although many microorganisms have the potential to cause RTIs,
only a handful of pathogens are responsible for vast majority of the cases. Such
pathogens include S. pneumoniae, M. pneumoniae, H. influenzae, M. catarrhalis,
influenza A & B, and parainfluenza virus. Besides causing CAP and AECB, several of
the bacterial pathogens, such as S. pneumoniae and H. influenzae, are also the common
cause of acute sinusitis, otitis media, as well as invasive infections leading to sepsis,
meningitis, etc. Therefore these microorganisms are of the highest clinical importance.
One common feature of all respiratory pathogenic bacteria is that they establish
commensal colonization on the mucosal surface of the upper airway; such colonization
precedes an infection and is prerequisite for infections. The bacterial colonization in a
neonate occurs shortly after birth. During lifetime, the upper airway, specifically the
nasopharynx and oropharynx, remains a dynamic ecological reservoir of microbial
species with bacteria being acquired, eliminated and re-acquired continually. In most
cases the bacterial flora in the pharynx is harmless. However, when the condition of the
host is altered, some microorganisms may invade adjacent tissues or bloodstream to
cause diseases. In addition to serving as the port of entry for mucosal and invasive
infections by both bacteria and viruses, the nasopharynx is also the major source of
spreading the pathogenic microorganisms between individuals, as well as the reservoir
where antibiotic-resistant bacteria are selected (Garcia-Rodriguez and Martinez, J
Antimicrob Chemother, (2002) 50(Suppl S2), 59-73; Soriano and Rodriguez-Cerrato, J
Antimicrob Chemother, (2002) 50 Suppl S2, 51-58). It is well established clinically
that individuals who are prone to RTIs tend to be persistent and recurrent carriers of the
pathogenic bacteria (Garcia-Rodriguez and Martinez, J Antimicrob Chemother, (2002)
50(Suppl S2), 59-73; Mbaki et al.,Tohoku J Exp. Med., (1987) 153(2), 111-121).
Helicobacter pylori is a human pathogen implicated in gastritis and peptic ulcer. The
bacterium resides in the human stomach and binds to epithelial cells of the gastric antrum. It has
been demonstrated that the bacterial adhesion is mediated by binding of Helicobacter pylori
adhesin I and II to sialic acids on the epithelial surface.
Siglecs (sialic acid binding Ig-like lectins) are members of the immunoglobulin
(Ig) superfamily that bind to sialic acid and are mainly expressed by cells of the
hematopoietic system. At least 11 siglecs have been discovered and they seem to
exclusively recognize cell surface sialic acid as the ligand. It is believed that the binding
of siglecs to sialic acid mediates cell-cell adhesion and interactions (Crocker and Varki,
Trends Immunol., (2001) 22(6), 337-342; Angata and Brinkman-Van der Linden,
BiOChim. Biophys. Acta, (2002) 1572(2-3), 294-316). Siglec-8 (SAF-2) is an adhesion
molecule that is highly restricted to the surface of eosinophils, basophils, and mast cells,
which are the central effector cells in allergic conditions including allergic rhinitis,
asthma and eczema. Siglec-8 is considered to be responsible for mediating the
recruitment of the three allergic cell types to the airway, the lungs and other sites of
allergy. Siglec-1 (sialoadhesion) and siglec-2 (CD22) are the adhesion molecules on
macrophages and B cells, both types of cells play central roles in immune reactions that
lead to inflammation.
Recombinant viruses, in particular adeno-associated virus (AAV), can be used to
transfer the wild type cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) gene
into the epithelial cells to correct the genetic defect that causes cystic fibrosis (Flotte and
Carter, Methods Enzymol., (1998) 292, 717-732). Clinical trials with AAV vectors have
shown efficient and safe delivery of the CFTR gene into epithelial cells with low levels
of gene transfer (Wagner et al., Lancet, (1998) 351(9117), 1702-1703). Compared to
adenoviral vectors, AAV offers more stable gene expression and diminished cellular
immunity. However, the transduction efficiency of AAV in vivo is rather low in the lung
(Wagner et al., Lancet, (1998) 351(9117), 1702-1703). A method that can improve
transduction efficiency of AAV in vivo is needed to achieve full therapeutic potential of
gene therapy for cystic fibrosis. It has been shown that negatively charged
carbohydrates, such as sialic acid, inhibit the transduction efficiency of AAV vector to
the well-differentiated airway epithelium, and treatment of the airway epithelium by
glycosidases, including a neuraminidase, and endoglycosidase H, enhances transduction
efficiency of the AAV vector (Bals et al., J Virol., (1999) 73(7), 6085-6088).
The present invention recognizes that current therapeutics for preventing and
treating infection by pathogens are often difficult to provide in a timely manner, can have
undesirable side effects, and can lead to drug-resistant pathogen strains. The present
invention also recognizes that the current approach to treat allergy and inflammation has
limited efficacy and is associated with side effects. In addition, the present invention also
recognizes that the current approach to administer recombinant viruses yield low
transduction efficiency and unsatisfactory efficacy of the gene therapy.
The present invention provides new compositions and methods for preventing and
treating pathogen infection. In particular, the present invention provides compounds that
can act extracellularly to prevent infection of a cell by a pathogen. Some preferred
embodiments of the present invention are therapeutic compounds having an anchoring
domain that anchors the compound to the surface of a target cell, and a therapeutic
domain that can act extracellularly to prevent infection of the target cell by a pathogen,
such as a virus or bacterium.
In one aspect, the invention provides a protein-based composition for preventing
or treating infection by a pathogen. The composition comprises a compound that
comprises at least one therapeutic domain comprising a peptide or protein, where the
therapeutic domain has at least one extracellular activity that can prevent the infection of
a target cell by a pathogen, and at least one anchoring domain that can bind at or near the
membrane of a target cell.
In some embodiments of this aspect of the present invention, the at least one
therapeutic domain comprises an inhibitory activity that prevents or impedes the infection
of a target cell by a pathogen. In a preferred embodiment, the inhibitory activity inhibits
the activity of a protease that can process a viral protein necessary for infection of a target
cell. In a particularly preferred embodiment, the compound comprises a therapeutic
domain that can inhibit the processing of the HA protein of influenza virus, and the
anchoring domain can bind the compound at the surface of a respiratory epithelial cell.
In some embodiments of the present invention, at least one therapeutic domain
comprises a catalytic activity. In a preferred embodiment, the catalytic activity removes a
moiety from the surface of a target cell that is necessary for infection of the target cell. In
a particularly preferred embodiment, the therapeutic domain is a sialidase that can digest
sialic acid moieties on the surface of epithelial target cells, and the anchoring domain is a
GAG-binding domain of a human protein that can bind heparin or heparan sulfate
moieties at the surface of an epithelial cell.
In another aspect, the present invention includes pharmaceutical compositions for
treating or preventing pathogen infection in a subject. Pharmaceutical compositions
comprise a compound of the present invention comprising at least one therapeutic domain
and at least one anchoring domain. The pharmaceutical composition can also comprise
solutions, stabilizers, fillers and the like. In some preferred embodiments, the
pharmaceutical composition is formulated as an inhalant. In some preferred
embodiments, the pharmaceutical composition is formulated as a nasal spray.
Another aspect of the present invention is a pharmaceutical composition
comprising at least one sialidase. The sialidase can be isolated from any source, such as,
for example, a bacterial or mammalian source, or can be a recombinant protein that is
substantially homologous to a naturally occurring sialidase. A pharmaceutical
composition comprising a sialidase can be formulated for nasal, tracheal, bronchial, oral,
or topical administration, or can be formulated as an injectable solution or as eyedrops. A
pharmaceutical composition comprising a sialidase can be used to treat or prevent
pathogen infection, to treat or prevent allergy or inflammatory response, or to enhance
the transduction efficiency of a recombinant virus for gene therapy.
Yet another aspect of the present invention is a sialidase catalytic domain protein.
In this aspect, proteins that comprise the catalytic domain of a sialidase but comprise less
than the entire sialidase the catalytic domain sequence is derived from are considered
sialidase catalytic domain proteins. Sialidase catalytic domain proteins can comprise
other protein sequences, such as but not limited to functional domains derived from other
proteins. A pharmaceutical composition comprising a sialidase can be formulated for
nasal, tracheal, bronchial, oral, or topical administration, or can be formulated as an
injectable solution or as eyedrops. A pharmaceutical composition comprising a sialidase
can be used to treat or prevent pathogen infection, to treat or prevent allergy or
inflammatory response, or to enhance the transduction efficiency of a recombinant virus
for gene therapy.
In yet another aspect, the present invention ir
preventing infection by a pathogen. In preferred embodiments, the method comprises
administering a siaidase activity, such as a sialidase 3r a sialidase catalytic domain
protein, including a sialidase catalytic domain fusior
treat an infection. A pathogen can be, for example, a
method includes applying a pharmaceutically effective amount of a compound of the
present invention to at least one target cell of a subject. Preferably, the pharmaceutical
composition can applied by the use of a spray, inhalant, or topical formulation.
The present invention also provides new corr positions and methods for treating
allergy and inflammation. In particular, the present
can act extracellularly to prevent or inhibit adhesion
Some preferred embodiments of compounds for trea
comprise at least one therapeutic domain that has th least one anchoring domain that anchors the compound to the surface of a target cell. In
some preferred embodiments, the method comprises
such as a sialidase or a sialidase catalytic domain protein, including a sialidase catalytic
domain fusion protein to a subject to prevent or treat
response. The allergic or inflammatory response can be asthma, allergic rhinitis, skin
conditions such as eczema, or response to plant or animal toxins. The method includes
applying a pharmaceutically effective amount of a c idudes a method for treating or
protein, to a subject to prevent or
viral or bacterial pathogen. The
nvention provides compounds that
and function of inflammatory cells,
ing allergy or inflammation
said extracellular activity and an at
administering a siaidase activity,
an allergic or inflammatory
mpound of the present invention to
at least one target cell of a subject. Preferably, the
applied by the use of a spray, inhalant, or topical fornjiulation.
The present invention also provides new
efficiency of gene transfer by recombinant viral veci
particular, the present invention provides compound
reduce the physical or chemical barrier that hinders
such as AAV vector. Some preferred compounds o1
efficiency of gene transfer by recombinant viral ved
domain that has an extracellular activity and an at le
anchors the compound to the surface of a target cell,
the method comprises administering a siaidase activ
catalytic domain protein, including a sialidase cataly
to facilitate transduction of a target cell by a recomb
includes applying an effective amount of a compoun
a recombinant viral vector to at least one target cell,
present invention can applied by the use of a spray, i
pharmaceutical composition can
Figure 1 is a schematic depiction of the primary am
Figure 2 shows GAG-binding sequences of four hunjian
factor 4; IL8, human interleukin 8; AT III, human an
apolipoprotein E; AAMP, human angio-associated m
Figure 3 is a sequence comparison between human
Figure 4 is a table comparing substrate specificity of bacterial and fungal sialidases.
compositions and methods for improving
rs during gene therapy. In
that can act extracellularly to
ansduction by gene therapy vectors,
;he present invention for improving
rs comprise at least one therapeutic
st one anchoring domain that
hi some preferred embodiments,
y, such as a sialidase or a sialidase
c domain fusion protein to a subject
aant viral vector. The method
of the present invention along with
pharmaceutical composition of the
ihalant, or topical formulation.
o acid structure of aprotinin.
genes: PF4, human platelet
thrombin III; ApoE, human
gratory cell protein.
alidases NEU2 and NEU4.
Figure 5 depicts the nucleotide and amino acid sequences
His6-AvCD. Ncol and Hindlll sites used for cloning
of Construct #1 encoding
into pTrc99a are shown in bold.
Figure 6 depicts the nucleotide and amino acid seq
AvCD. Ncol and Hindlll sites used for cloning into
Figure 7 depicts the nucleotide and amino acid seq
G4S-AvCD. Ncol and Hindlll sites used for cloning
Figure 8 is a graph of data from an experiment sh
removal of a(2,6)-linked sialic acid from MDCK ce
of a(2,6)-linked sialic acid remaining on the surface
various dilutions of recombinant AvCD (Construct
AvCD (Construct #2) (squares).
Figure 9 is a graph depicting the protection aga
treating MDCK cells with recombinant AR-AvCD
the isolated sialidase of A. ureafaciens. The ch
(H1N1); A/PR/8 (H1N1); A/Japan/305/57 (H2>
A/HongKong/8/68 (H3N2); B/Lee/40; 7. B/Marylan,
Figure 10 is a graph showing the level of inhibitior
the recombinant AR-AvCD sialidase and the recomb
challenge viral strains are: A/PR/8 (H1N1); A/WS/3
A/HongKong/8/68 (H3N2); B/Lee/40; 7. B/Marylan
ences of Construct #2 encoding ARTrc99a
are shown in bold.
ences of Construct #3 encoding ARnto
pTrc99a are shown in bold.
)wing that the AR-tag enhances the
s. The Y axis shows the percentage
of MDCK cells after treatment with
(diamonds) or recombinant ARFigure
11 provides graphs showing that topical adm
sialidase fusion protein reduces the inflammatory r
influenza A (H1N1) virus. (A) The total number of
samples obtained from infected animals at the indi
protein concentration was determined in cell-free nal al
Infected ferrets were vehicle-treated (squares) or '
AvCD sialidase fusion protein made from Construe
nst influenza viruses conferred by
protein made from Construct #2 or
llenge viral strains are: A/WS/33
2); A/Victoria/504/2000 (H3N2);
71/59; and Turkey/Wis/66 (H9N2).
of influenza virus amplification by
nant AR-G4S-AvCD sialidase. The
3 (H1N1); A/Japan/305/57 (H2N2);
1/59; and Turkey/Wis/66 (H9N2).
nistration of recombinant AR-AvCD
sponses of ferrets infected with an
nflammatory cells from nasal wash
ated times after infection. (B) The
wash samples of infected ferrets,
ere treated with recombinant AR-
#2 (triangles). Uninfected animals
were also treated with recombmant AK-AvUL)
Statistically significant values are labeled with * (p (si)anaase rusion protein (diamonds).
.05) and ** (p Figure 12 is a table depicting inhibition of viral replication, cell protection ECSO's, and
selective indexes for two sialidase catalytic dom(an fusion proteins of the present
invention. All ECSO's are in mU/ml.
Figure 13 is a table depicting viral replication in the respiratory tract of ferrets treated
with a sialidase catalytic doman fusion proteins of the present invention and ferrets
treated with a control vehicle.
Unless defined otherwise, all technical and scientific terms used herein have the
same meaning as commonly understood by one of ordinary skill in the art to which this
invention belongs. Generally, the nomenclature usec
laboratory procedures described below are well known and commonly employed in the
art. Conventional methods are used for these procedures, such as those provided in the
art and various general references. Where a term is provided in the singular, the
inventors also contemplate the plural of that term, \\Tiere there are discrepancies in terms
and definitions used in references that are incorporated by reference, the terms used in
this application shall have the definitions given herein. As employed throughout the
disclosure, the following terms, unless otherwise ind
the following meanings:
herein and the manufacture or
cated, shall be understood to have
A "pathogen" can be any virus or microorganism
an organism. A pathogen can be a virus, bacterium, or
that can infect a cell, a tissue or
. gene
A "target cell" is any cell that can be i
interact with inflammatory cells, or a host cell that is
exogenous gene transferred by a recombinant virus.
A "recombinant virus" or a "recombinant vir
vector" or a "gene therapy vector" is defined as a
comprises one or more exogenous genes. When a
recombinant virus, the exogenous gene(s) is transferred
transferred to a target cell can be expressed in the cei
effects. Currently, most commonly used gene therap;
types of viruses: retrovirus (including lentivirus), adejno
(AAV) and herpes simplex virus type 1.
"Inflammatory cells" are the cells that canresponses
of the immune system. Inflammatory ce
lymphocytes, macrophages, basophils, eosinophils,
An "extracellular activity that can prevent the
pathogen" is any activity that can block or impede in
by acting at or near the exterior surface of a target ce
prevent the infection of a target cell by a pathogen,
limited to, a catalytic activity or an inhibitory activit)
can be an enzymatic activity that degrades one or mo
ligands, receptors, or enzymes) on a pathogen, on a
target cell, in which the one or more entities contribujte
catalytic activity can also modify one or more entitle
in the vicinity of a target cell, such that the infectionreduced.
An inhibitory activity can be an activity thai
ligand and prevents the receptor or ligand from bindi
necessary for or promotes the infection process. An i
inhibitor of an enzyme or receptor that prevents the
a function that is necessary for or promotes the infeci
cell includes the target cell membrane itself, as well i
surrounding the target cell, including extracellular m
infected by a pathogen or any cell that can
the intended destination for an
1 vector", a "gene therapy viral
tically engineered virus that
cell is transduced by a
to the target cell. Genes
to provide the intended therapeutic
viral vectors are based on four
i-virus, adeno-associated virus
out or participate in inflammatory
s include include B lymphocytes, T
cells, NK cells and monocytes.
infection of a target cell by a
ection of a target cell by a pathogen
1. An extracellular activity that can
be an activity such as, but not
. For example, a catalytic activity
e entities (such as but not limited to
cell, or in the vicinity of a
to the infection process. A
on a pathogen, on a target cell, or
romoting property of the entity is
for example, binds to a receptor or
ig a moiety, where the binding is
ihibitory activity can also be an
ejnzyme or receptor from performing
on process. The exterior of a target
s the extracellular milieu
trix, intracellular spaces, and
tiirget i
luminal spaces. For epithelial cells, the exterior of a
luminal surface of the cell membrane that form lumi
milieu near the luminal surface. An "extracellular ac
of a target cell by a pathogen" can be any type of ch
polypeptide, peptide, nucleic acid, peptide nucleic ai
nucleotide, nucleotide analogue, small organic mole
acid, carbohydrate, and the like, including combinat:
however, the activity comprises a peptide or protein
An "extracellular activity that can improve
transfer efficiency, by a recombinant virus" is any ac
physical or chemical barriers that impedes host cell
acting at or near the exterior surface of a target cell,
improve transduction efficiency, or gene transfer eff
be an activity such as, but not limited to, a catalytic example, a catalytic activity can be an enzymatic act
entities (such as but not limited to ligands, receptors
target cell, or in the vicinity of a target cell, in which
to the infection process. A catalytic activity can also
pathogen, on a target cell, or in the vicinity of a targi
promoting property of the entity is reduced. An inhib
for example, binds to a receptor or ligand and preven
binding a moiety, where the binding is necessary for
An inhibitory activity can also be an inhibitor of an
enzyme or receptor from performing a function that
infection process. The exterior of a target cell includ
well as the extracellular milieu surrounding the targe
intracellular spaces, and luminal spaces. For epithel
also includes the apical or luminal surface of the cell
linings, and the extracellular milieu near the luminal
that can prevent the infection of a target cell by a pat
entity, including a protein, polypeptide, peptide, nu&
arget cell also includes the apical or
al linings, and the extracellular
vity that can prevent the infection
nical entity, including a protein,
d, nucleic acid analogue,
ale, polymer, lipids, steroid, fatty
ns of any of these. Preferably,
r coupled to a peptide or protein.
transduction efficiency, or gene
ivity that reduces or eliminates
ntry by a recombinant virus by
extracellular activity that can
;iency, by a recombinant virus can
ctivity or an inhibitory activity. For
vity that degrades one or more
or enzymes) on a pathogen, on a
the one or more entities contribute
modify one or more entities on a
cell, such that the infectiontory
activity can be an activity that,
s the receptor or ligand from
>r promotes the infection process.
ejnzyme or receptor that prevents the
necessary for or promotes the
s the target cell membrane itself, as
cell, including extracellular matrix,
1 cells, the exterior of a target cell
membrane that form luminal
urface. An "extracellular activity
ogen" can be any type of chemical
ic acid, peptide nucleic acid,
nucleic acid analogue, nucleotide, nucleotide analog
lipids, steroid, fatty acid, carbohydrate, and the like,
these. Preferably, however, the activity comprises a
peptide or protein.
An "extracellular activity that can inhibit adh
cells" is any activity that can prevent inflammatory
ye, small organic molecule, polymer,
ncluding combinations of any of
eptide or protein or coupled to a
ision or function of inflammatory
:lls from contacting the target cell
and affecting the normal physiological status of the target cell.
A "domain that can anchor said at least one t
of a target cell", also called an "extracellular anchon
domain" refers to a chemical entity can that can stab
exterior of a cell surface or is in close proximity to i
anchoring domain can be reversibly or irreversibly li
as, preferably, one or more therapeutic domains, and
attached therapeutic moieties to be retained at or in c
of a eukaryotic cell. Preferably, an extracellular anch
molecule on the surface of a target cell or at least on
with the surface of a target cell. For example, an extracellular anchoring domain can bind
a molecule covalently or noncovalently associated w
cell, or can bind a molecule present in the extracellu
An extracellular anchoring domain preferably is a pe
can also comprise any additional type of chemical en
additional proteins, polypeptides, or peptides, a nucl
acid analogue, nucleotide, nucleotide analogue, smal
steroid, fatty acid, carbohydrate, or a combination of
As used herein, a protein or peptide sequence
reference sequence when it is either identical to a ref or more amino acid deletions, one or more additional
conservative amino acid substitutions, and retains th
activity as the reference sequence. Conservative subs
exchanges within one of the following five groups:
erapeutic domain to the membrane
ig domain" or simply, "anchoring
y bind a moiety that is at or on the
surface of a cell. An extracellular
iked to one or more moieties, such
thereby cause the one or more
ose proximity to the exterior surface
•ring domain binds at least one
molecule found in close association
th the cell membrane of a target
ir matrix surrounding a target cell,
tide, polypeptide, or protein, and
ity, including one or more
c acid, peptide nucleic acid, nucleic
organic molecule, polymer, lipids,
any of these.
is "substantially homologous" to a
rence sequence, or comprises one
amino acids, or more one or more
same or essentially the same
itutions may be defined as
I. Small, aliphatic, nonpolar or slightly ]
II. Polar, negatively charged residues ani
III. Polar, positively charged residues: H
IV. Large, aliphatic nonpolar residues: M
V. Large aromatic residues: Phe, Try, TIJ
Within the foregoing groups, the following substituti
conservative": Asp/Glu, His/Arg/Lys, Phe/Tyr/Trp, i
conservative substitutions are defined to be exchangi
above which are limited to supergroup (A), comprisi
supergroup (B), comprising (IV) and (V) above. In a
acids are specified in the application, they refer to th
Leu, He, Val, Cys, Phe, and Trp, whereas hydrophili
Asn, Glu, Gin, His, Arg, Lys, and Tyr.
A "sialidase" is an enzyme that can remove a
molecule. The sialidases (N-acylneuraminosylglycoh
of enzymes that hydrolytically remove sialic acid res
Sialic acids are alpha-keto acids with 9-carbon backbones
outermost positions of the oligosaccharide chains tha
glycolipids. One of the major types of sialic acids is
which is the biosynthetic precursor for most of the ot
can be, as nonlimiting examples, an oligosaccharide,
ganglioside, or a synthetic molecule. For example, a
alpha(2,3)-Gal, alpha(2,6)-Gal, or alpha(2,8)-Gal linl
and the remainder of a substrate molecule. A sialidas
linkages between the sialic acid residue and the remainder
major linkages between Neu5 Ac and the penultimate
side chains are found in nature, NeuSAc alpha (2,3)-
Both NeuSAc alpha (2,3)-Gal and NeuSAc alpha (2,(
by influenza viruses as the receptor, although human
alpha (2,6)-Gal, avian and equine viruses predominai
their amides: Asp, Asn, Glu, Gin
5, Arg, Lys
t, Leu, He, Val, Cys
>n are considered to be "highly
id Met/Leu/Ile/Val. Semibetween
two of groups (I)-(IV)
g (I), (II), and (III) above, or to
dition, where hydrophobic amino
amino acids Ala, Gly, Pro, Met,
amino acids refer to Ser, Thr, Asp,
olar residues: Ala, Ser, Thr, Pro,
sialic acid residue from a substrate
'drolases, EC are a group
dues from sialo-glycoconjugates.
that are usually found at the
are attached to glycoproteins and
N-acetylneuraminic acid (NeuSAc),
ler types. The substrate molecule
a polysaccharide, a glycoprotein, a
ialidase can cleave bonds having
ages between a sialic acid residue
can also cleave any or all of the
of the substrate molecule. Two
galactose residues of carbohydrate
al and NeuSAc alpha (2,6)-Gal.
i-Gal molecules can be recognized
/iruses seem to prefer NeuSAc
tly recognize NeuSAc alpha (2,3)-
Gal. A sialidase can be a naturally-occurring sialidas
but not limited to a sialidase whose amino acid sequ naturally-occurring sialidase, including a sequence
sequence of a naturally-occurring sialidase). As usec
the active portion of a naturally-occurring sialidase,
sequences based on the active portion of a naturally-
A "fusion protein" is a protein comprising am
different sources. A fusion protein can comprise ami
a naturally occurring protein or is substantially homo
naturally occurring protein, and in addition can
of amino acids that are derived from or substantially
different naturally occurring protein. In the alternativ
amino acid sequence that is derived from a naturally
homologous to all or a portion of a naturally occurrin
comprise from one to a very large number of amino
, an engineered sialidase (such as,
ice is based on the sequence of a
that is substantially homologous to the
tierein, "sialidase" can also mean
r a peptide or protein that comprises
ccurring sialidase.
no acid sequences from at least two
o acid sequence that is derived from
ogous to all or a portion of a
from one to a very large number
.omologous to all or a portion of a
e, a fusion protein can comprise
ccurring protein or is substantially
; protein, and in addition can
cids that are synthetic sequences.
A "sialidase catalytic domain protein" is a pr
domain of a sialidase, or an amino acid sequence tha
catalytic domain of a sialidase, but does not compris'
the sialidase the catalytic domain is derived from, wl
protein retains substantially the same activity as the i
is derived from. A sialidase catalytic domain protein
that are not derived from a sialidase, but this is not n
protein can comprise amino acid sequences that are (
homologous to amino acid sequences of one or more
comprise one or more amino acids that are not derivt
to amino acid sequences of other known proteins.
:ein that comprises the catalytic
is substantially homologous to the
s the entire amino acid sequence of
erein the sialidase catalytic domain
tact sialidase the catalytic domain
an comprise amino acid sequences
uired. A sialidase catalytic domain
rived from or substantially
ither known proteins, or can
from or substantially homologous
I. Composition for preventing or treating infect jn by a pathogen
The present invention includes peptide or pro
at least one domain that can anchor at least one thera
eukaryotic cell and at least one therapeutic domain h
can prevent the infection of a cell by a pathogen. By
compounds, it is meant that the two major domains o
framework, in which the amino acids are joined by p
based compound can also have other chemical comp
amino acid framework or backbone, including moiet
activity of the anchoring domain, or moieties that co
activity or the therapeutic domain. For example, the
present invention can comprise compounds and moL
carbohydrates, fatty acids, lipids, steroids, nucleotidi
molecules, nucleic acid analogues, peptide nucleic a
molecules, or even polymers. The protein-based ther
also comprise modified or non-naturally occurring ar
of the compounds can serve any purpose, including
purification of the compound, improving the solubili
(such as in a therapeutic formulation), linking domai
chemical moieties to the compound, contributing to
dimensional structure of the compound, increasing th
increasing the stability of the compound, and contrib
therapeutic activity of the compound.
The peptide or protein-based compounds of tl
protein or peptide sequences in addition to those that
therapeutic domains. The additional protein sequenc
but not limited to any of the purposes outlined above
compound, improving the solubility or distribution o
the compound or linking chemical moieties to the
dimensional or three-dimensional structure of the co
ein-based compounds that comprise
eutic domain to the membrane of a
ving an extracellular activity that
'peptide or protein-based"
the compound have an amino acid
ptide bonds. A peptide or proteinunds
or groups attached to the
is that contribute to the anchoring
tribute to the infection-preventing
rotein-based therapeutics of the
cules such as but not limited to:
s, nucleotide analogues, nucleic acid
d molecules, small organic
peutics of the present invention can
lino acids. Non-amino acid portions
b|ut not limited to: facilitating the
y or distribution or the compound
s of the compound or linking
the two-dimensional or threeoverall
size of the compound,
ting to the anchoring activity or
e present invention can also include
comprise anchoring domains or
s can serve any purpose, including
facilitating the purification of the
the compound, linking domains of
compound, contributing to the twompound,
increasing the overall size
comp jund)
of the compound, increasing the stability of me comfl anchoring activity or therapeutic activity of the
protein or amino acid sequences are part of a single
includes the anchoring domain or domains and thera
feasible arrangement of protein sequences is within t
The anchoring domain and therapeutic doma
way that allows the compound to bind at or near a tar
therapeutic domain can exhibit an extracellular activ
of the target cell by a pathogen. The compound will
or peptide-based anchoring domain and at least one
domain. In this case, the domains can be arranged lin
any order. The anchoring domain can be N-terminal
C-terminal to the therapeutic domain. It is also possi
domains flanked by at least one anchoring domain on
more anchoring domains can be flanked by at least o
Chemical, or preferably, peptide, linkers can optiona
domains of a compound.
It is also possible to have the domains in a no
example, the therapeutic domain can be attached to a
acid that is part of a polypeptide chain that also inclu
A compound of the present invention can hav
In cases in which a compound has more than one
domains can be the same or different. A compound o
more than one therapeutic domain. In cases in which
therapeutic domain, the therapeutic domains can be t
compound comprises multiple anchoring domains, th
arranged in tandem (with or without linkers) or on al
as therapeutic domains. Where a compound compris(
therapeutic domains can be arranged in tandem (with
sides of other domains, such as, but not limited to, ar
ound, or contributing to the
. Preferably any additional
polypeptide or protein chain that
eutic domain or domains, but any
le scope of the present invention,
i can be arranged in any appropriate
;et cell membrane such that the
:y that prevents or impedes infection
referably have at least one protein
peptide or protein-based therapeutic
arly along the peptide backbone in
o the therapeutic domain, or can be
le to have one or more therapeutic
each end. Alternatively, one or
e therapeutic domain on each end.
y be used to join some or all of the
linear, branched arrangement. For
derivatized side chain of an amino
.es, or is linked to, the anchoring
more than one anchoring domain,
anchoring domain, the anchoring
the present invention can have
a compound has more than one
e same or different. Where a
5 anchoring domains can be
ernate sides of other domains, such
multiple therapeutic domains, the
or without linkers) or on alternate
horing domains.
A peptide or protein-based compound of the
any appropriate way, including purifying naturally o
proteolytically cleaving the proteins to obtain the de
conjugating the functional domains to other function
chemically synthesized, and optionally chemically c
chemical moieties. Preferably, however, a peptide o:
present invention is made by engineering a nucleic £
anchoring domain and at least one therapeutic doma
acid linkers) in a continuous polypeptide. The nucle
appropriate expression sequences, can be transfectec
and the therapeutic protein-based compound can be
Any desired chemical moieties can optionally be con
based compound after purification. In some cases, ce
the protein-based therapeutic for their ability to perfi
modifications (such as, but not limited to glycosylat
A great variety of constructs can be designed
desirable activities (such as, for example, binding ac
binding, catalytic, or inhibitory activity of a therapeu
nucleic acid constructs can also be tested for their ef]
infection of a target cell by a pathogen. In vitro and
pathogens are known in the art, such as those describ
infectivity of influenza virus.
Anchoring Domain
As used herein, an "extracellular anchoring d
any moiety that can stably bind an entity that is at or
cell or is in close proximity to the exterior surface
serves to retain a compound of the present invention
target cell.
An extracellular anchoring domain preferably
the surface of a target cell, or a moiety, domain, or e
resent invention can be made by
curring proteins, optionally
red functional domains, and
1 domains. Peptides can also be
njugated to other peptides or
protein-based compound of the
id construct to encode at least one
i together (with or without nucleic
acid constructs, preferably having
nto prokaryotic or eukaryotic cells,
^pressed by the cells and purified,
ugated to the peptide or protein-
1 lines can be chosen for expressing
rm desirable post-translational
and their protein products tested for
vity of an anchoring domain, or a
ic domain). The protein products of
cacy in preventing or impeding
vivo tests for the infectivity of
d in the Examples for the
main" or "anchoring domain" is
n the exterior surface of a target
i target cell. An anchoring domain
t or near the external surface of a
binds 1) a molecule expressed on
tope of a molecule expressed on
the surface of a target cell, 2) a chemical entity attac
surface of a target cell, or 3) a molecule of the extrac
An anchoring domain is preferably a peptide
modified or derivatized peptide or protein domain), peptide or protein. A moiety coupled to a peptide or
that can contribute to the binding of the anchoring
target cell surface, and is preferably an organic mole
acid, peptide nucleic acid, nucleic acid analogue, nuc
organic molecule, polymer, lipids, steroid, fatty acid
of any of these.
A molecule, complex, domain, or epitope tha
may or may not be specific for the target cell. For ex
bind an epitope present on molecules on or in close p
occur at sites other than the vicinity of the target cell
localized delivery of a therapeutic compound of the p
occurrence primarily to the surface of target cells. In
moiety, domain, or epitope bound by an anchoring d tissue or target cell type.
Target tissue or target cell type includes the s
where a pathogen invades or amplifies. For example
cell that can be infected by a pathogen. A compositio
comprise an anchoring domain that can bind a cell su
specific for the endothelial cell type. In another
cell and a composition of the present invention can b
surface of many epithelial cell types, or present in tb
types of epithelial cells. In this case localized deliver
localization to the site of the epithelial cells that are
A compound for preventing or treating infect
anchoring domain that can bind at or near the surface
heparan sulfate, closely related to heparin, is a type o
3d to a molecule expressed on the
llular matrix surrounding a target
r protein domain (including a
• comprises a moiety coupled to a
rotein can be any type of molecule
doinain to an entity at or near the
ule, such as, for example, nucleic
eotide, nucleotide analogue, small
carbohydrate, or any combination
is bound by an anchoring domain
mple, an anchoring domain may
oximity to the target cell and that
as well. In many cases, however,
resent invention will restrict its
ther cases, a molecule, complex,
main may be specific to a target
es in an animal or human body
a target cell can be an endothelial
of the present invention can
face epitope, for example, that is
, a target cell can be an epithelial
nd an epitope present on the cell
extracellular matrix of different
of the composition can restrict its
targets of the pathogen,
in by a pathogen can comprise an
of epithelial cells. For example,
glycosaminoglycan (GAG) that is
ubiquitously present on cell membranes, including th
Many proteins specifically bind to heparin/heparan s
sequences in these proteins have been identified (Me
(1975) Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 392: 223-232;
Chemistry, Metabolism and Function. Springer-Verl
binding sequences of human platelet factor 4 (PF4) (
(IL8) (SEQ ID NO:3), human antithrombin III (AT
apoprotein E (ApoE) (SEQ ID NO:5), human angio
(AAMP) (SEQ ID NO:6), or human amphiregulin (!
shown to have very high affinity (in the nanomolar
Lander, AD. (1991) Pro Natl Acad Sci USA 88:2768
Mosl, R, Pye, D. Gallagher, J and Kungl, AJ. (2002)
and Lander AD (1994) Curr Bio 4:394-400; Weisgra
Milne, RW and Marcel, Y. (1986) J Bio Chem 261:
sequences of these proteins are distinct from their
will not induce the biological activities associated wi
receptor-binding domains. These sequences, or other
or are identified in the future as heparin/heparan sulf
substantially homologous to identified heparin/hepariui
have heparin/heparan sulfate binding activity, can be
domains in compounds of the present invention that
example, respiratory epithelium-infecting viruses sue
An anchoring domain can bind a moiety that
particular species or can bind a moiety that is found i
one species. In cases where the anchoring domain ca
the surface of target cells of more than one species, a
more than one species, a therapeutic compound can (providing that the therapeutic domain is also effectr
example, in the case of therapeutic compounds that cjan
therapeutic compound of the present invention that h
: surface of respiratory epithelium,
[fate, and the GAG-binding
er, FA, King, M and Gelman, RA.
chauer, S. ed., pp233. Sialic Acids
(1982). For example, the GAGEQ
ID NO:2), human interleukin 8
I) (SEQ ID NO:4), human
issociated migratory cell protein
EQ ID NO:7) (Figure 2) have been
ge) towards heparin (Lee, MK and
2772; Goger, B, Halden, Y, Rek, A,
Biochem. 41:1640-1646; Witt, DP
er, KH, Rail, SC, Mahley, RW,
68-2076). The GAG-binding
eptor-binding sequences, so they
the full-length proteins or the
sequences that have been identified
te binding sequences, or sequences
sulfate binding sequences that
used as epithelium-anchoringan
be used to prevent or treat, for
i as, but not limited to, influenza
specific to the target cell type of a
the target cell type of more than
bind moieties that are present at
d a virus or pathogen can infect
.ve utility for more than one species
5 across the relevant species.) For
be used against influenza virus, a
s an anchoring domain that binds
heparin/heparan sulfate, the compound can be used i
well as avians.
Therapeutic Domain
A compound of the present invention include
has an extracellular activity that can prevent or impe
pathogen, can modulate the immune response of a
efficiency of a recombinant virus. The therapeutic ac
examples, a binding activity, a catalytic activity, or a
embodiments of the present invention, the therapeuti
function of the pathogen that contributes to infectivi
other embodiments, a therapeutic domain can modif)
cell or target organism.
For example, the therapeutic domain can bin
necessary for binding of the pathogen to a target cell
can block binding of the pathogen to a target cell and
a therapeutic domain can bind a molecule or epitope
interaction of the molecule or epitope with a target c
therapeutic domain can also have a catalytic activity
epitope of the pathogen or host that allows for or
host. In yet other embodiments, a therapeutic domai
that is necessary for target cell infection by a pathog(
activity of the host organism or of the pathogen.
The therapeutic domain preferably acts extra
preventing, inflammatory response-modulating, or tr
place at the target cell surface or in the immediate ar
including sites within the extracellular matrix, intraci
A therapeutic domain is preferably a peptide
modified or derivatized peptide or protein domain), peptide or protein. A moiety coupled to a peptide or
mammals (including humans) as
at least one therapeutic domain that
e the infection of a cell by a
subject, or can improve transduction
ivity can be, as nonlimiting
inhibitory activity. In some
activity acts to modify or inhibit a
f of the cell by the pathogen. In
or inhibit a function of the target
a receptor on a target cell that is
In this way the therapeutic moiety
prevent infection. In an alternative,
>n a pathogen to prevent an
1 that is necessary for infection. A
that can degrade a molecule or
pro notes infection of a target cell by a
can be an inhibitor of an activity
n. The inhibited activity can be an
llularly, meaning that its infectionmsduction-
enhancing activity takes
a surrounding the target cell,
lular spaces, or luminal spaces of
r protein domain (including a
comprises a moiety coupled to a
rotein can be any type of molecule
that can prevent or impede the infection of a target c
an organic molecule, such as, for example, nucleic a
11 by a pathogen, and is preferably
id, peptide nucleic acid, nucleic acid
analogue, nucleotide, nucleotide analogue, small orgzinic molecule, polymer, lipids,
steroid, fatty acid, carbohydrate, or any combination
A therapeutic domain can be a synthetic pept
synthetic molecule that can be conjugated to a peptide or polypeptide, can be a naturallyoccurring
peptide or protein, or a domain of naturall
domain can also be a peptide or protein that is subsfc
-occurring protein. A therapeutic
itially homologous to a naturallyoccurring
peptide or protein.
A therapeutic domain can have utility in a particular species, or can prevent or
impede pathogen infection in more than one species,
that inhibit pathogen functions can in general be use
infected by the host, while therapeutic domains that
by interfering with a property of the host may or ma)
cases, anchoring domains and therapeutic domains c species, so that compounds of the present invention
animal health, while reducing propagation and sprea
For example, when the therapeutic domain is a sialidase, a sialidase that can cleave more
than one type of linkage between a sialic acid residu
molecule, in particular, a sialidase that can cleave bo
Gal linkages, can protect humans from infections by
af any of these.
de or polypeptide, or can comprise a
For example, therapeutic domains
in a range of species that can be
nterrupt host-pathogen interactions
not be species-specific. In many
an be used to advance human and
of the virus through animal hosts.
and the remainder of a substrate
h alpha(2, 6)-Gal and alpha (2, 3)-
a broad-spectrum of influenza
viruses, including viruses that are naturally hosted it
or horses.
different species such as birds, pigs
A compound of the present invention can optionally include one or more linkers
that can join domains of the compound. Linkers can be used to provide optimal spacing
or folding of the domains of a compound. The domains of a compound joined by linkers
can be therapeutic domains, anchoring domains, or any other domains or moieties of the
compound that provide additional functions such as enhancing compound stability,
facilitating purification, etc. A linker used to join domains of compounds of the present
invention can be a chemical linker or an amino acid
comprises more than one linker, the linkers can be tl
compound comprises more than one linker, the linke
Many chemical linkers of various compositions,
flexibility, and cleavability are known in the art of o
the present invention include amino acid or peptide '.
known in the art. Preferably linkers are between one
length, and more preferably between one and thirty;
length is not a limitation in the linkers of the compo
Preferably linkers comprise amino acid sequences th
conformation and activity of peptides or proteins enc
invention. Some preferred linkers of the present inv
amino acid glycine. For example, linkers having the
(GGGGS (SEQ ID NO:10))n, where n is a whole
preferably between 1 and 12, can be used to link
the present invention.
The present invention also comprises nucleic
based compounds of the present invention that comp
and at least one anchoring domain. The nucleic acid
optimized for expression in particular cell types, sue
cells. The nucleic acid molecules or the present inver
compounds of the present invention that comprise at
least one anchoring domain can also comprise other
not limited to sequences that enhance gene expressio
in vectors, such as but not limited to expression vect
r peptide linker. Where a compound
: same or different. Where a
s can be of the same or different
Composition comprising at least one anchoring dom
, polarity, reactivity, length,
anic chemistry. Preferred linkers of
nkers. Peptide linkers are well
and one hundred amino acids in
nino acids in length, although
nds of the present invention,
t do not interfere with the
)ded by monomers of the present
ntion are those that include the
between 1 and 20, or more
of therapeutic compounds of
acid molecules that encode proteinse
at least one therapeutic domain
nolecules can have codons
as, for example E. coli or human
ion that encode protein-based
east one therapeutic domain and at
ucleic acid sequences, including but
The nucleic acid molecules can be
n and at least one protease inhibitor
In some aspects of the present invention, a th
extracellular activity that can prevent the infection o
rapeutic domain that has an
a cell by a pathogen is a protease
inhibitor. The protease inhibitor can be any type
a carbohydrate or polymer, but is preferably a protei
of an enzyme. Preferably, the protease inhibitor inh
least partially processes at least one pathogen or hos
the pathogen or host cell protein is necessary for pat
can process a viral protein necessary for pathogen in
or an enzyme that originates from the host organism
acts at or near the target cell surface, so that a comp
anchored at or near the surface of a target cell can
Compounds of the present invention that
can be used to inhibit infection by any pathogen that
in which the protease is active at or near the surface
compositions can have, for example, one of the folio
of chemical entity, such as, for example,
. or peptide that inhibits the activity
its the activity of an enzyme that at
cell protein, where the processing of
ogen infectivity. The enzyme that
ectivity can be a pathogen enzyme,
Preferably, the processing enzyme
und of the present invention that is
ef ectively inhibit the activity of the
comprise protease inhibitory domains
requires a protease in its life cycle,
>f the host cell. These protein-based
(Anchoring Domain)n-linker-(Protease Inhibi
(Protease Inhibitor)n-linker-(Anchoring Dom)ain)n (n=l,2,3 or more)
The protease inhibitor can be a monomeric
can be multiple copies of the same polypeptide that E
spacing sequence in between. Alternatively, differen
inhibitors can be linked with each other, such as, for
soybean protease inhibitor as protease inhibiting fun
peptides can be linked directly or via a spacer compc
anchoring domain can be any peptide or polypeptide
of target cells.
The protease inhibitor can be a naturally
portion thereof) or can be an engineered protease inh
used in a compound of the present invention can hav
homologous to a naturally occurring protease inhibit
tor)n (n= 1,2, 3 or more)
form of a peptide or polypeptide or
re either linked directly or with
polypeptide-based protease
example, aprotinin linked with
tional domains. The polypeptides or
sed of peptide linker sequence. The
that can bind at or near the surface
occurring protease inhibitor (or an active
bitor. A peptide protease inhibitor
a sequence substantially
r, having one or more deletions,
Editions, or substitutions while retaining the activit
activity, of the naturally occurring protease inhibitor
In one preferred embodiment of the present i
the present invention is for the prevention and
therapeutic domain is a protein or peptide protease i
protease that can cleave the influenza virus hemaggl
HA1 and HA2.
A number of serine protease inhibitors have
and influenza virus activation in cultured cells, in ch
infected mice. They include many of the commonly
aprotinin (Zhimov OP, Ikizler MR and Wright PF. (
leupeptin (Zhirnov OP, Ikizler MR and Wright PF.
M, Klenk HD and Rott R.(1987) J Gen Virol 68:203
(Barbey-Morel CL, Oeltmann TN, Edwards KM and
155:667-672), e-aminocaproic acid (Zhirnov OP, Ov
1982. Arch Virol 73:263-272) and n-p-tosyl-L-lysin
(Barbey-Morel CL, Oeltmann TN, Edwards KM and
155:667-672). Among these, aerosol inhalation of ^
therapeutic effects against influenza and parainfl
(Zhirnov OP, Ovcharenko AV and Bukrinskaya AG
Zhirnov OP, Ovcharenko AV and Bukrinskaya AG.
Zhirnov OP. (1987) JMed Virol 21:161-167; Ovchai
Antiviral Res 23:107-118) as well as in human (Zhi
12 (in Russian)).
Aprotinin (SEQ ID NO: 1; Figure 1) is a 58
(also called Trasylol or bovine pancreatic trypsin inh
present invention can have one or more aprotinin
composition of the present invention can have from i
more preferably from one to three aprotinin polypep
invention can also have a therapeutic domain compri
substantial homology to the amino acid sequence of
, or substantially retaining the same
.vention, a therapeutic compound of
treatment of influenza in humans, and the
hibitor that can inhibit a serine
itinin precursor protein HAO into
een shown to reduce HA cleavage
cken embryos and in lungs of
used trypsin inhibitors, such as:
002) J Virol 76:8682-8689),
2002) J Virol 76:8682-8689; Tashiro
J-2043), soybean protease inhibitor
Wright PF. (1987) J Infect Dis
chartenko AV and Bukrinskaya AG.
chloromethylketone (TLCK)
Wright PF. (1987) J Infect Dis
protinin has shown definitive
bronchopneumonia in mice
(1984) JGen Virol 65:191-196;
1985) J Gen Virol 66:1633-1638;
enko AV and Zhimov OP. (1994)
iritiov OP. (1983) Problems Virol. 4:9-
amino acid polypeptide inhibitor
bitor (BPTI)). A compound of the
dojnains; for example, a therapeutic
ne to six aprotinin polypeptides,
des. A compound of the present
ing a polypeptide or peptide having
Ill) (SEQ
A compound for preventing or treating influi
inhibitor preferably comprises an anchoring domain
epithelial cells. In some preferred embodiments, the
GAG-binding sequence from a human protein, such
sequence of human platelet factor 4 (PF4) (SEQ ID
(SEQ ID NO:3), human antithrombin III (AT
(ApoE) (SEQ ID NO:5), human angio-associated m
ID NO:6), or human amphiregulin (SEQ ID NO:7)
present invention can also have an anchoring domair
having substantial homology to the amino acid sequ
listed in SEQ ID NO:2, SEQ ID NO:3, SEQ ID
NO:6, and SEQ ID NO:7.
Clinically, a drug comprising aprotinin and
administered by aerosol inhalation to cover the entir
bronchopneumonia caused by influenza viruses, or
virus, that requires serine proteases in its life cycle,
anchoring domain fusion protein can be administerec
uncomplicated early stage influenza cases or other in
addition, an aprotinin/epithtelial anchoring domain fi
prophylaxis for influenza or other viral infections be
Composition comprising at least one anchoring dom
.etiza that comprises a protease
hat can bind at or near the surface of
spithelium anchoring domain is a
is, for example, the GAG-binding
S[O:2), human interleukin 8 (IL8)
ID NO:4), human apoprotein E
gratory cell protein (AAMP) (SEQ
Figure 2). A compound of the
comprising a polypeptide or peptide
nces of the GAG-binding domains
epithelial anchoring domain can be
respiratory tract to prevent and treat
ahy other virus, such as parainfluenza
Alternatively, an aprotinin/epithtelial
as nasal spray to treat
Actions by respiratory viruses. In
sion protein can be used as a
ore an infection occurs.
in and at least one catalytic activity
In some aspects of the present invention, a th
extracellular activity that can prevent the infection o
activity. The enzymatic activity can be a catalytic ac
modifies a host molecule or complex or a pathogen
to the infectivity of the pathogen. Preferably the host
molecule or complex that is removed, degraded, or n
a compound of the present invention is on, at, or nea
compound of the present invention that is anchored t
effectively inhibit the host or pathogen molecule or
rapeutic domain that has an
a cell by a pathogen is a catalytic
vity that removes, degrades or
ijiolecule or complex that contributes
molecule or complex or pathogen
njiodified by the enzymatic activity of
the surface of a target cell, so that a
the surface of a target cell can
For example, a therapeutic domain can have
molecule or epitope of the pathogen or target cell the
binding, and subsequent entry of the pathogen into
cells that allow for the entry of viruses into cells can
activity of a compound of the present invention.
Compounds of the present invention that coir
to inhibit infection by any pathogen that uses a n
long as removal of the receptor does not impair the
compositions can have, for example, one of the following
i catalytic activity that can digest a
t is required for host-pathogen
target cell. Receptors on target
be the target of an enzymatic
prise catalytic domains can be used
r to gain entry to a target cell, as
ojrganism. These protein-based
(Anchoring Domain)n-[linker]-(Enzymatic Ajctivity)n (n=l,2, 3 or more)
or :
(Enzymatic Activity)n (n=l,2, 3 or more)-[lii)iker]-(Anchoring Domain)n,
where the linkers are optional.
The enzymatic activity can be a monomeric
can be multiple copies of the same polypeptide that i
spacing sequence in between. The polypeptides or pi
spacer composed of peptide linker sequence. The an polypeptide that can bind to or near the surface
In one preferred embodiment of the
comprises a sialidase that can eliminate or greatly
surface of epithelial cells. Sialic acid is a receptor
surface of respiratory epithelial cells with a sialida:
interrupt early infections. The therapeutic domair
protein, or an active portion thereof. . Sialic acid is
least one of the receptors for parainfluenza
Streptococcus pneumoniae, Mycoplasma pneumoniae
catarrhalis, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and Helicobc
of respiratory epithelial cells with a sialidase
form of a peptide or polypeptide or
either linked directly or with
ptides can be linked directly or via a
horing domain can be any peptide or
invention, a therapeutic domain
educe the level of sialic acid on the
influenza viruses. Thus, treating the
e can prevent influenza infections or
can comprise a complete sialidase
receptor for influenza viruses, and at
, some coronavirus and rotavirus,
, Haemophilus influenzae, Moraxella
ter pylori. Thus, treating the surface
prevent influenza or other viral
infections or interrupt early infections, as well
bacteria such as Streptococcus pneumoniae, My
influenzae, Moraxella catarrhalis, and Pseudo
gastrointestinal epithelial cells with a sialidase can prevent or reduce colonization of
Helicobacter pylori in the stomach.
Sialic acid also mediates cell adhesion and in
and target cells. Therefore, treating the surface
sialidase can prevent the recruitment of inflamma
therefore can treat allergic reactions including asthma and allergic rhinitis.
Since sialic acid serves as a barrier that hindsr cell entry by a gene therapy vector,
treating the target cells with a sialidase can increase
improve efficacy of the gene therapy.
Preferred sialidases are the large bacterial si;
sialic acids NeuSAc alpha(2,6)-Gal and NeuSAc alp
bacterial sialidase enzymes from Clostridium perfrin
X87369), kctinomyces viscosus (Genbank Accessio
ureafaciens, or Micromonospora viridifaciens (Genbank Accession Number DO 1045) can
be used. Therapeutic domains of compounds of the p
a portion of the amino acid sequence of a large bact
acid sequences that are substantially homologous to
sequence of a large bacterial sialidase. In one preferred embodiment, a therapeutic
domain comprises a sialidase encoded by Actinomyi
NO: 12, or such as sialidase sequence substantially h
another preferred embodiment, a therapeutic domain
the Actinomyces viscosus sialidase extending from i
NO: 12, or a substantially homologous sequence.
Other preferred sialidases are the human sialidases such as those encoded by the
genes NEU2 (SEQ ID NO:8; Genbank Accession Number Y16535; Monti, E, Preti,
s prevent or reduce colonization of
oplasma pneumoniae, Haemophilus
nonas aeruginosa. Treating the
teractions between inflammatory cells
respiratory epithelial cells with a
ory cells to the airway surface, and
transduction efficiency, and therefore
idases that can degrade the receptor
ia(2,3)-Gal. For example, the
gens (Genbank Accession Number
Number X62276), Arthrobacter
resent invention can comprise all or
rial sialidase or can comprise amino
all or a portion of the amino acid
3s viscosus, such as that of SEQ ID
mologous to SEQ ID NO: 12. In yet
comprises the catalytic domain of
mino acids 274-666 of SEQ ID
Rossi, E., Ballahio, A and Borsani G. (1999) Genom
NO:9; Genbank Accession Number NM080741; Me
Borsani, G. (2002) Neurochem Res 27:646-663) (Figure 3). Therapeutic domains of
cs 57:137-143) and NEU4 (SEQ ID
nti, E, Preti, A, Venerando, B and
compounds of the present invention can comprise a
sequences of a human sialidase or can comprise am
substantially homologous to all or a portion of the
sialidase. Preferably, where a therapeutic domain a
sequences of a naturally occurring sialidase, or sequ
portion of the amino acid sequences of a naturally o
comprises essentially the same activity as the humar
A compound for preventing or treating influ
domain preferably comprises an anchoring domain
epithelial cells. In some preferred embodiments, the
GAG-binding sequence from a human protein, such
amino acid sequences of human platelet factor 4 (P
or a portion of the amino acid
no acid sequences that are
nino acid sequences of a human
mprises a portion of the amino acid
nces substantially homologous to a
curring sialidase, the portion
nza that comprises an enzymatic
hat can bind at or near the surface of
epithelium-anchoring domain is a
as, for example, the GAG-binding
4) (SEQ ID NO:2), human
interleukin 8 (IL8) (SEQ ID NO:3), human antithrombin III (AT III) (SEQ ID NO:4),
human apoprotein E (ApoE) (SEQ ID NO:5), hum
protein (AAMP) (SEQ ID NO:6), and human amph
An epithelial anchoring domain can also be substan
occurring GAG-binding sequence, such as those lis
It is also within the scope of the present invention to use compounds comprising a
human sialidase, or comprising a sialidase with sub
absence of an anchoring domain, in the treatment or prevention of pathogen infections,
such as but not limited to influenza, paramyxovirus
Pseudomonas aeruginosa infections or bacterial infi
prevention of allergic and inflammatory responses,
efficiency of a recombinant virus.
The present invention recognizes that such i
by the use of sialidases, such as, but not limited to, 1
sialidases such as NEU2 and NEU4. The sialidases
or chemical engineering, or by pharmaceutical form
retention at the respiratory epithelium.
n angio-associated migratory cell
regulin (SEQ ID NO:7) (Figure 2).
ally homologous to a naturally
d in Figure 2.
antial homology to a sialidase, in the
coronavirus, rotavirus, and
ctions; in the treatment or
nd to improve the transduction
'ections may be prevented or abated
e A. viscosus sialidase or human
an optionally be adapted, by genetic
lation, to improve their half life or
Because influenza viruses primarily infect the
the receptor sialic acid locally in the nasal cavity an infections or interrupt early infections. The sialidasi
respiratory tract as a nasal spray, and it can be used
early stage of influenza (or other infection) or in pr occurs. Alternatively, it can be delivered to the
treat influenza and to prevent influenza complications
upper respiratory tract, removing
nasopharynx area can prevent
can be delivered to the upper
either in therapeutic mode during
phylactic mode before the infection
;r respiratory tract as an inhalant to
, such as bronchopneumonia.
II. Therapeutic Composition Comprising at lea
The present invention includes a therapeutic
one sialidase activity. The sialidase activity can be
such as, for example, a bacterial or mammalian sour
that is substantially homologous to at least a portion
Preferred sialidases are the large bacterial sialidases
acids NeuSAc alpha(2,6)-Gal and NeuSAc alpha(2,;
sialidase enzymes from Clostridium perfringens (G
Actinomyces viscosus (Genbank Accession Number
or Micromonospora viridifaciens (Genbank Accessi
homologous proteins can be used.
For example, therapeutic compounds of the
large bacterial sialidase or can comprise a protein w
bacterial sialidase or can comprise amino acid
homologous to the amino acid sequence of a large
pharmaceutical composition of the present inventior
(SEQ ID NO: 12), or comprises a protein
Other preferred sialidases are the human sial
genes NEU2 (SEQ ID NO:8; Genbank Accession
Rossi, E., Ballabio, A and Borsani G. (1999) Genon
NO:9; Genbank Accession Number NM080741; M
t one Sialidase Activity
composition that comprises at least
sialidase isolated from any source,
e, or can be a recombinant protein
of a naturally occurring sialidase.
that can degrade the receptor sialic
)-Gal. For example, the bacterial
nbank Accession Number X87369),
L06898), Arthrobacter ureafaciens,
on Number DO 1045) or substantially
resent invention can comprise a
th the amino acid sequence of a large
sequences that are substantially
bacterial sialidase. A preferred
comprises the A. viscosus sialidase
substantia ly homologous to the A. viscosus
dases such as those encoded by the
Iumber Yl 6535; Monti, E, Preti,
ics 57:137-143) and NEU4 (SEQ ID
nti, E, Preti, A, Venerando, B and
Borsani, G. (2002) Neurochem Res 27:646-663) (Fij
compounds of the present invention can comprise a
substantially homologous to the amino acid sequenc
comprise amino acid sequences that are substantiall)
luman sialidase protein that is
js of a human sialidase or can
homologous to all or a portion of
the amino acid sequences of a human sialidase. Preferably, where a therapeutic domain
comprises a portion of the amino acid sequences of a naturally occurring sialidase, or
sequences substantially homologous to a portion of he amino acid sequences of a
naturally occurring sialidase, the portion comprises essentially the same activity as the
human sialidase.
A pharmaceutical composition comprising a
compounds, including but not limited to other proteins, that can also have therapeutic
activity. A pharmaceutical composition comprising i
compounds that can enhance the stability, solubility,
taste, or fragrance of the composition.
A pharmaceutical composition comprising a
tracheal, bronchial, oral, or topical administration, o:
solution or as eyedrops. A pharmaceutical composition comprising a sialidase can be
used to treat or prevent pathogen infection, to treat or prevent allergy or inflammatory
response, or to enhance the transduction efficiency of a recombinant virus for gene
;ure 3). Therapeutic domains of
sialidase can include other
sialidase can include other
packaging, delivery, consistency,
sialidase can be formulated for nasal,
can be formulated as an injectable
III. Sialidase Catalytic Domain Proteins
The present invention also includes sialidase
herein a "sialidase catalytic domain protein" compri:
but does not comprise the entire amino acid sequenc
catalytic domain proteins. As used
ses a catalytic domain of a sialidase
of the sialidase from which the
catalytic domain is derived. A sialidase catalytic dor lain protein has sialidase activity.
Preferably, a sialidase catalytic domain protein comprises at least 10%, at least 20%, at
least 50%, at least 70% of the activity of the sialidase from which the catalytic domain
sequence is derived. More preferably, a sialidase catalytic domain protein comprises at
least 90% of the activity of the sialidase from which
A sialidase catalytic domain protein can include
as but not limited to additional sialidase sequences,
proteins, or sequences that are not derived from
proteins. Additional amino acid sequences can perfi
including contributing other activities to the catalyti expression, processing, folding, or stability of the si
even providing a desirable size or spacing of the pro
A preferred sialidase catalytic domain protei
catalytic domain of the A. viscosus sialidase. Preferasly,
domain protein comprises amino acids 270-666 of the A
(SEQ ID NO: 12). Preferably, an A viscosus sialidai
an amino acid sequence that begins at any of the am
amino acid 290 of the A. viscosus sialidase sequence
the amino acids from amino acid 665 to amino acid
sequence (SEQ ID NO: 12), and lacks any ,4. viscoses
extending from amino acid 1 to amino acid 269. (As
sialidase protein sequence extending from amino
any stretch of four or more consecutive amino acids
protein or amino acid sequence.)
In some preferred embodiments, an A. viscoses
comprises amino acids 274-681 of the A. viscosus si
and lacks other A. viscosus sialidase sequence. In
viscosus sialidase catalytic domain protein comprise
viscosus sialidase sequence (SEQ ID NO: 12) and la
sequence. In some preferred embodiments, an A. vis*
protein comprises amino acids 290-666 of the A. vise
NO:12) and lacks any other A. viscosus sialidase
embodiments, an A. viscosus sialidase catalytic dom
the catalytic domain sequence is
other amino acid sequences, such
equences derived from other
of naturally-occurring
any of a number of functions,
domain protein, enhancing the
catalytic domain protein, or
is a protein that comprises the
,anA. viscosus sialidase catalytic
. viscosus sialidase sequence
e catalytic domain protein comprises
no acids from amino acid 270 to
(SEQ ID NO: 12) and ends at any of
•01 of said A. viscosus sialidase
sialidase protein sequence
used herein "lacks any A. viscosus
1 to amino acid 269" means lacks
as they appear in the designated
sialidase catalytic domain protein
sialidase sequence (SEQ ID NO: 12)
preferred embodiments, an A.
amino acids 274-666 of the A.
ks any other A. viscosus sialidase
osus sialidase catalytic domain
osus sialidase sequence (SEQ ID
. In yet other preferred
in orotein commises amino acids
290-681 of the A. viscosus sialidase sequence (SEQ
viscosus sialidase sequence.
The present invention also comprises nuclei
based compounds of the present invention that com
The nucleic acid molecules can have codons optimi
types, such as, for example E. coli or human cells,
present invention that encode protein-based compoujnds
comprise at least one catalytic domain of a sialidase
sequences, including but not limited to sequences
nucleic acid molecules can be in vectors, such as bu
Fusion Proteins
Sialidase catalytic domain proteins can be fusion proteins, in which the fusion
protein comprises at least one sialidase catalytic domain and at least one other protein
domain, including but not limited to: a purification
stabiliy domain, a solubility domain, a protein size-i
domain, a protein localization domain, an anchoring
termini domain, a catalytic activity domain, a binding domain, or a catalytic activityenhancing
domain. Preferably, the at least one other
another source, such as, but not limited to, sequence
one other protein domain need not be based on any l:nown protein sequence, but can be
engineered and empirically tested to perform any fu) iction in the fusion protein.
Purification domains can include, as nonlimi
tag, a calmodulin binding domain, a maltose bindin
domain, a streptavidin binding domain, an intein domain, or a chitin binding domain.
Protein tags can comprise sequences that can be used for antibody detection of proteins,
such as, for example, the myc tag, the hemaglutinin
domains that enhance protein expression, modification, folding, stability, size, or
localization can be based on sequences of know pro
domains can have binding or catalytic activity or en]
sialidase catalytic domain.
ID NO: 12) and lacks any other A.
acid molecules that encode proteinrise
a catalytic domain of a sialidase.
ed for expression in particular cell
nucleic acid molecules or the
of the present invention that
can also comprise other nucleic acid
enhance gene expression. The
not limited to expression vectors.
omain, a protein tag, a protein
ncreasing domain, a protein folding
domain, an N-terminal domain, a Cprotein
domain is derived from
3 from another protein. The at least
ing examples, one or more of a his
protein domain, a streptaidin
tag, or the FLAG tag. Protein
eins or engineered. Other protein
lance the catalytic activity of the
Preferred fusion proteins of the present invention comprise at least one sialidase
catalytic domain and at least one anchoring domain. Preferred anchoring domains include
GAG-binding domains, such as the GAG-binding domain or human amphiregulin (SEQ
ID NO:7).
Sialidase catalytic domains and other domains of a fusion protein of the present
invention can optionally be joined by linkers, such as but not limited to peptide linkers. A
variety of peptide linkers are known in the art. A preferred linker is a peptide linker
comprising glycine, such as G-G-G-G-S (SEQ ID NO: 10).
The present invention also comprises nucleic acid molecules that fusion proteins
of the present invention that comprise a catalytic domain of a sialidase. The nucleic acid
molecules can have codons optimized for expression in particular cell types, such as, for
example E. coli or human cells. The nucleic acid molecules or the present invention that
encode fusion proteins of the present invention can also comprise other nucleic acid
sequences, including but not limited to sequences that enhance gene expression. The
nucleic acid molecules can be in vectors, such as but not limited to expression vectors.
IV Pharmaceutical Compositions
The present invention includes compounds of the present invention
formulated as pharmaceutical compositions. The pharmaceutical compositions
comprise a pharmaceutically acceptable carrier prepared for storage and
preferably subsequent administration, which have a pharmaceutically effective
amount of the compound in a pharmaceutically acceptable carrier or diluent.
Acceptable carriers or diluents for therapeutic use are well known in the
pharmaceutical art, and are described, for example, in Remington's
Pharmaceutical Sciences, 18th Ed., Mack Publishing Co., Easton, PA (1990)).
Preservatives, stabilizers, dyes and even flavoring agents can be provided in the
pharmaceutical composition. For example, sodium benzoate, sorbic acid and
esters of p-hydroxybenzoic acid can be added as preservatives. In addition,
antioxidants and suspending agents can be used.
Depending on the target cell, the compounds of the present invention can
be formulated and used as tablets, capsules or elixirs for oral administration;
salves or ointments for topical application; suppositories for rectal administration;
sterile solutions, suspensions, and the like for use as inhalants or nasal sprays.
Injectables can also be prepared in conventional forms either as liquid solutions or
suspensions, solid forms suitable for solution or suspension in liquid prior to
injection, or as emulsions. Suitable excipients are, for example, water, saline,
dextrose, mannitol, lactose, lecithin, albumin, sodium glutamate, cysteine
hydrochloride and the like. In addition, if desired, the injectable pharmaceutical
compositions can contain minor amounts of nontoxic auxiliary substances, such
as wetting agents, pH buffering agents and the like.
The pharmaceutically effective amount of a test compound required as a
dose will depend on the route of administration, the type of animal or patient
being treated, and the physical characteristics of the specific animal under
consideration. The dose can be tailored to achieve a desired effect, but will
depend on such factors as weight, diet, concurrent medication and other factors
which those skilled in the medical arts will recognize. In practicing the methods
of the present invention, the pharmaceutical compositions can be used alone or in
combination with one another, or in combination with other therapeutic or
diagnostic agents. These products can be utilized in vivo, preferably in a
mammalian patient, preferably in a human, or in vitro. In employing them in
vivo, the pharmaceutical compositions can be administered to the patient in a
variety of ways, including topically, parenterally, intravenously, subcutaneously,
intramuscularly, colonically, rectally, nasally or intraperiotoneally, employing a
variety of dosage forms. Such methods can also be used in testing the activity of
test compounds in vivo.
In preferred embodiments, these pharmaceutical compositions may be in
the form of orally-administrable suspensions, solutions, tablets or lozenges; nasal
sprays; inhalants; injectables, topical sprays, ointments, powders, or gels.
When administered orally as a suspension, compositions of the present
invention are prepared according to techniques well-known in the art of
pharmaceutical formulation and may contain microcrystalline cellulose for
imparting bulk, alginic acid or sodium alginate as a suspending agent,
methylcellulose as a viscosity enhancer, and sweeteners/flavoring agents known
in the art. As immediate release tablets, these compositions may contain
microcrystalline cellulose, dicalcium phosphate, starch, magnesium stearate and
lactose and/or other excipients, binders, extenders, disintegrants, diluents and
lubricants known in the art. Components in the formulation of a mouthwash or
rinse include antimicrobials, surfactants, cosurfactants, oils, water and other
additives such as sweeteners/flavoring agents known in the art.
When administered by a drinking solution, the composition comprises one
or more of the compounds of the present invention, dissolved in water, with
appropriate pH adjustment, and with carrier. The compound may be dissolved in
distilled water, tap water, spring water, and the like. The pH can preferably be
adjusted to between about 3.5 and about 8.5. Sweeteners may be added, e.g., 1%
(w/v) sucrose.
Lozenges can be prepared according to U.S. Patent No. 3,439,089, herein
incorporated by reference for these purposes.
When administered by nasal aerosol or inhalation, the pharmaceutical
compositions are prepared according to techniques well-known in the art of
pharmaceutical formulation and may be prepared as solutions in saline,
employing benzyl alcohol or other suitable preservatives, absorption promoters to
enhance bioavailability, fluorocarbons, and/or other solubilizing or dispersing
agents known in the art. See, for example, Ansel, H. C. et al., Pharmaceutical
Dosage Forms and Drug Delivery Systems, Sixth Ed. (1995). Preferably these
compositions and formulations are prepared with suitable nontoxic
pharmaceutically acceptable ingredients. These ingredients are known to those
skilled in the preparation of nasal dosage forms and some of these can be found in
Remington's Pharmaceutical Sciences, 18th Ed., Mack Publishing Co., Easton,
PA (1990, a standard reference in the field. The choice of suitable carriers is
highly dependent upon the exact nature of the nasal dosage form desired, e.g.,
solutions, suspensions, ointments, or gels. Nasal dosage forms generally contain
large amounts of water in addition to the active ingredient. Minor amounts of
other ingredients such as pH adjusters, emulsifiers or dispersing agents,
preservatives, surfactants, jelling agents, or buffering and other stabilizing and
solubilizing agents may also be present. Preferably, the nasal dosage form should
be isotonic with nasal secretions.
Nasal formulations can be administers as drops, sprays, aerosols or by any
other intranasal dosage form. Optionally, the delivery system can be a unit dose
delivery system. The volume of solution or suspension delivered per dose can
preferably be anywhere from about 5 to about 2000 microliters, more preferably
from about 10 to about 1000 microliters, and yet more preferably from about 50
to about 500 microliters. Delivery systems for these various dosage forms can be
dropper bottles, plastic squeeze units, atomizers, nebulizers or pharmaceutical
aerosols in either unit dose or multiple dose packages.
The formulations of this invention may be varied to include; (1) other
acids and bases to adjust the pH; (2) other tonicity imparting agents such as
sorbitol, glycerin and dextrose; (3) other antimicrobial preservatives such as other
parahydroxy benzoic acid esters, sorbate, benzoate, propionate, chlorbutanol,
phenylethyl alcohol, benzalkonium chloride, and mercurials; (4) other viscosity
imparting agents such as sodium carboxymethylcellulose, microcrystalline
cellulose, polyvinylpyrrolidone, polyvinyl alcohol and other gums; (5) suitable
absorption enhancers; (6) stabilizing agents such as antioxidants, like bisulfite and
ascorbate, metal chelating agents such as sodium edetate and drug solubility
enhancers such as polyethylene glycols.
V. Method of preventing or treating infection by a pathogen
The present invention also includes methods of preventing or treating infection by
a pathogen. In one aspect, the method includes: treating a subject that is infected with a
pathogen or at risk of being infected with a pathogen with a pharmaceutical composition
of the present invention that comprises a compound that comprises at least one anchoring
domain that can anchor the compound at or near the surface of a target cell and at least
one therapeutic domain comprising a peptide or protein that has at least one extracellular
activity that can prevent the infection of a target cell by a pathogen. In some preferred
embodiments, the method includes applying a therapeutically effective amount of a
pharmaceutical composition of the present invention to epithelial cells of a subject. The
subject to be treated can be an animal or human subject.
In another aspect, the method includes: treating a subject that is infected with a
pathogen or at risk of being infected with a pathogen with a pharmaceutical composition
of the present invention that comprises a protein-based compound that comprises a
sialidase activity. In some preferred embodiments, the method includes applying a
therapeutically effective amount of a pharmaceutical composition of the present invention
to epithelial cells of a subject. The sialidase activity can be an isolated naturally occurring
sialidase protein, or a recombinant protein substantially homologous to at least a portion
of a naturally occurring sialidase. A preferred pharmaceutical composition comprises a
sialidase with substantial homology to the A. viscosus sialidase (SEQ ID NO:12). The
subject to be treated can be an animal or human subject.
In yet another aspect, the method includes: treating a subject that is infected with
a pathogen or at risk of being infected with a pathogen with a pharmaceutical
composition of the present invention that comprises a protein-based compound that
comprises a sialidase catalytic domain. In some preferred embodiments, the method
includes applying a therapeutically effective amount of a pharmaceutical composition of
the present invention to epithelial cells of a subject. The sialidase catalytic domain is
preferably can substantially homologous to the catalytic domain of a naturally occurring
sialidase. A preferred pharmaceutical composition comprises a sialidase catalytic domain
with substantial homology to amino acids 274-666 the A. viscosus sialidase (SEQ ID
NO:12). The subject to be treated can be an animal or human subject.
A pathogen can be a viral, bacterial, or protozoan pathogen. In some embodiments,
the pathogen is one of the following: influenza viruses, parainfluenza virus, respiratory
syncytial virus (RSV), coronavirus, rotavirus, Streptococcus pneumoniae, Mycoplasma
pneumoniae, Haemophilus influenzae, Moraxella catarrhalis, Pseudomonas aeruginosa,
and Helicobacter pylori. In one preferred embodiment, the pathogen is influenza virus.
Compounds of the present invention can be designed for human use or animal
use. In some aspects of the present invention, a compound of the present invention can be
used to prevent pathogen infection in a class of animals, such as mammals. In some
aspects of the present invention, a composition can be used for human and animal use
(although the formulation may differ). In these aspects, the active domains of a
compound can be effective against more than one pathogen species, type, subtype, or
strain and can be active in more than one host species. For example, some preferred
compounds of the present invention that comprise, for example, active domains such as
protease inhibitors that prevent processing of the HA protein of influenza virus, or
sialidases that remove sialic acid receptors from target cells, or anchoring domains such
as domains that bind heparin or heparan sulfate, can be used in birds, mammals, or
humans. Such compounds that can be effective against a range of pathogens with the
capacity to infect different host species can also be used in humans to combat infection
by pathogens that are naturally hosted in other species.
In some preferred embodiments of the present invention, the pharmaceutical
composition prevents infection by influenza, and a therapeutically effective amount of the
pharmaceutical composition is applied to the respiratory epithelial cells of a subject. This
can be done by the use of an inhaler, or by the use of a nasal spray. Preferably, the inhaler
or nasal spray is used from one to four times a day.
Because influenza viruses primarily infect the upper respiratory tract, removing the
receptor sialic acid locally in the nasal cavity, pharynx, trachea and bronchi can prevent
infections or interrupt early infections. The sialidase can be delivered to the upper
respiratory tract as a nasal spray or as an inhalant, and it can be used either in therapeutic
mode during early stage of influenza (or other infection) or in prophylactic mode before
the infection occurs. Alternatively, it can be delivered to the lower respiratory tract as an
inhalant to treat influenza and to prevent influenza complications, such as
bronchopneumonia. Similarly, the sialidase can be delivered as nasal spray or inhalant to
prevent or reduce infection by parainfluenza virus and coronavirus. It can also be
delivered as an inhalant or nasal spray to prevent or reduce airway colonization by
pathogenic bacteria, including Streptococcus pneumoniae, Mycoplasma pneumoniae,
Haemophilus influenzae, Moraxella catarrhalis and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. The
therapeutic compounds can optionally be adapted, by genetic or chemical engineering, or
by pharmaceutical formulation, to improve their half-life or retention at the respiratory
epithelium. Additionally, it can be delivered topically to the eyes or to surgical wounds in
the form of drops, sprays or ointments to prevent and treat bacterial infection including
infection by Pseudomonas aeruginosa. It can also be administered orally to treat infection
by Helicobacter pylori.
As will be readily apparent to one skilled in the art, the useful in vivo
dosage to be administered and the particular mode of administration will vary
depending upon the age, weight and type of patient being treated, the particular
pharmaceutical composition employed, and the specific use for which the
pharmaceutical composition is employed. The determination of effective dosage
levels, that is the dose levels necessary to achieve the desired result, can be
accomplished by one skilled in the art using routine methods as discussed above.
In non-human animal studies, applications of the pharmaceutical compositions are
commenced at higher dose levels, with the dosage being decreased until the
desired effect is no longer achieved or adverse side effects are reduced or
disappear. The dosage for a compound of the present invention can range broadly
depending upon the desired affects, the therapeutic indication, route of
administration and purity and activity of the compound. Typically, human clinical
applications of products are commenced at lower dosage levels, with dosage level
being increased until the desired effect is achieved. Alternatively, acceptable in
vitro studies can be used to establish useful doses and routes of administration of
the test compound. Typically, dosages can be between about 1 ng/kg and about 10
mg/kg, preferably between about 10 ng/kg and about 1 mg/kg, and more
preferably between about 100 ng/kg and about 100 micrograms/kg.
The exact formulation, route of administration and dosage can be chosen
by the individual physician in view of the patient's condition (see, Fingle et al., in
The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics (1975)). It should be noted that the
attending physician would know how to and when to terminate, interrupt or adjust
administration due to toxicity, organ dysfunction or other adverse effects.
Conversely, the attending physician would also know to adjust treatment to higher
levels if the clinical response were not adequate. The magnitude of an
administrated does in the management of the disorder of interest will vary with
the severity of the condition to be treated and to the route of administration. The
severity of the condition may, for example, be evaluated, in part, by standard
prognostic evaluation methods. Further, the dose and perhaps dose frequency,
will also vary according to the age, body weight and response of the individual
patient, including those for veterinary applications.
Thus, in accordance with the present invention, there is further provided a method
of treating and a pharmaceutical composition for treating influenza virus infection and
prevention of influenza virus infection. The treatment involves administering to a patient
in need of such treatment a pharmaceutical carrier and a therapeutically effective amount
of any composition of the present invention, or a pharmaceutically acceptable salt
In one preferred regimen, appropriate dosages are administered to each patient by
either inhaler, nasal spray, or by oral lozenge. It will be understood, however, that the
specific dose level and frequency of dosage for any particular patient may be varied and
will depend upon a variety of factors including the activity of the specific salt or other
form employed, the metabolic stability and length of action of that compound, the age,
body weight, general health, sex, diet, mode and time of administration, rate of excretion,
drug combination, the severity of the particular condition, and the host undergoing
VI. Method of reducing, preventing, or treating allergic and inflammatory responses
The present invention also includes methods of reducing, preventing, or treating
an allergic or inflammatory response of a subject.
In one aspect, the method includes: preventing or treating an allergic or
inflammatory response of a subject with a pharmaceutical composition of the present
invention that comprises a protein-based compound that comprises a sialidase activity. In
some preferred embodiments, the method includes applying a therapeutically effective
amount of a pharmaceutical composition of the present invention to epithelial cells of a
subject. The sialidase activity can be an isolated naturally occurring sialidase protein, or a
recombinant protein substantially homologous to at least a portion of a naturally
occurring sialidase. A preferred pharmaceutical composition comprises a sialidase with
substantial homology to the ,4. viscosus sialidase (SEQ ID NO:12). The subject to be
treated can be an animal or human subject.
In yet another aspect, the method includes: preventing or treating an allergic or
inflammatory response of a subject with a pharmaceutical composition of the present
invention that comprises a protein-based compound that comprises a sialidase catalytic
domain. In some preferred embodiments, the method includes applying a therapeutically
effective amount of a pharmaceutical composition of the present invention to epithelial
cells of a subject. The sialidase catalytic domain is preferably can substantially
homologous to the catalytic domain of a naturally occurring sialidase. A preferred
pharmaceutical composition comprises a sialidase catalytic domain with substantial
homology to amino acids 274-666 the A. viscosus sialidase (SEQ ID NO:12). The
subject to be treated can be an animal or human subject.
The allergic or inflammatory response can be and acute or chronic condition, and
can include, as nonlimiting examples, asthma, other allergic responses causing
respiratory distress, allergic rhinitis, eczema, psoriasis, reactions to plant or animal
toxins, or autoimmune conditions.
In some preferred embodiments, compounds of the present invention can be
delivered as an inhalant or nasal spray to prevent or treat inflammation in the airway
including, but not limited to, asthma and allergic rhinitis. Compounds of the present
invention comprising sialidase activity (including sialidase catalytic domain proteins and
sialidase fusion proteins) can also be administered as eye drops, ear drops, or sprays,
ointments, lotions, or gels to be applied to the skin. In another aspect, the method includes
treating a patient who has inflammatory diseases with the present invention that comprises
a sialidase activity that is administered intravenously or as a local injection.
As will be readily apparent to one skilled in the art, the useful in vivo
dosage to be administered and the particular mode of administration will vary
depending upon the age, weight and type of patient being treated, the particular
pharmaceutical composition employed, and the specific use for which the
pharmaceutical composition is employed. The determination of effective dosage
levels, that is the dose levels necessary to achieve the desired result, can be
accomplished by one skilled in the art using routine methods as discussed above.
In non-human animal studies, applications of the pharmaceutical compositions are
commenced at higher dose levels, with the dosage being decreased until the
desired effect is no longer achieved or adverse side effects are reduced or
disappear. The dosage for a compound of the present invention can range broadly
depending upon the desired affects, the therapeutic indication, route of
administration and purity and activity of the compound. Typically, human clinical
applications of products are commenced at lower dosage levels, with dosage level
being increased until the desired effect is achieved. Alternatively, acceptable in
vitro studies can be used to establish useful doses and routes of administration of
the test compound. Typically, dosages can be between about 1 ng/kg and about 10
mg/kg, preferably between about 10 ng/kg and about 1 mg/kg, and more
preferably between about 100 ng/kg and about 100 micrograms/kg.
The exact formulation, route of administration and dosage can be chosen
by the individual physician in view of the patient's condition (see, Fingle et al., in
The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics (1975)). It should be noted that the
attending physician would know how to and when to terminate, interrupt or adjust
administration due to toxicity, organ dysfunction or other adverse effects.
Conversely, the attending physician would also know to adjust treatment to higher
levels if the clinical response were not adequate. The magnitude of an
administrated does in the management of the disorder of interest will vary with
the severity of the condition to be treated and to the route of administration. The
severity of the condition may, for example, be evaluated, in part, by standard
prognostic evaluation methods. Further, the dose and perhaps dose frequency,
will also vary according to the age, body weight and response of the individual
patient, including those for veterinary applications.
In some preferred regimens, appropriate dosages are administered to each patient
by either inhaler, nasal spray, or by topical application. It will be understood, however,
that the specific dose level and frequency of dosage for any particular patient may be
varied and will depend upon a variety of factors including the activity of the specific salt
or other form employed, the metabolic stability and length of action of that compound,
the age, body weight, general health, sex, diet, mode and time of administration, rate of
excretion, drug combination, the severity of the particular condition, and the host
undergoing therapy.
VI. Method of enhancing gene delivery by a recombinant viral vector
The present invention also includes methods of gene delivery by a recombinant
viral vector. In one aspect, the method includes: administering an effective amount of a
compound of the present invention that comprises a protein having sialidase activity to at
least one cell prior to or concomitant with the administration of at least one recombinant
viral vector. A composition of the present invention can be provided in the same
formulation as at least one recombinant viral vector, or in a separate formulation.
In some preferred embodiments, the method includes applying a therapeutically
effective amount of a composition of the present invention and a recombinant viral vector
to cells of a subject. The subject to be treated can be an animal or human subject. In a
particularly preferred embodiment, a recombinant viral vector is used to transduce
epithelial target cells of a subject for gene therapy. For example, a recombinant viral
vector can be used to transduce airway epithelial cells of a subject with cystic fibrosis. hi
this case, a compound of the present invention can be administered by use of an inhaler.
A recombinant virus comprising a therapeutic gene can be administered concurrently or
In other embodiments, cells can be treated with a compound of the present
invention and a recombinant viral vector in vitro or "ex vivo" (that is, cells removed from
a subject to be transplanted into a subject after transduction).
The sialidase activity can be an isolated naturally occurring sialidase protein, or a
recombinant protein substantially homologous to at least a portion of a naturally
occurring sialidase, including a sialidase catalytic domain. A preferred pharmaceutical
composition comprises a sialidase with substantial homology to the A. viscosus sialidase
A compound of the present invention can be administered to target cells from one
day before to two hours subsequent to the administration of the recombinant virus.
Preferably a compound of the present invention is administered to target cells from four
hours to ten minutes before administration of the recombinant virus. Administration can
A recombinant virus is preferably a recombinant virus that can be used to transfer
genes to mammalian cells, such as, preferably human cells. For example, a recombinant
virus can be a retrovirus (including lentivirus), adeno-virus, adeno-associated virus
(AAV) or herpes simplex virus type 1. The recombinant virus comprises at least one
exogenous gene that is to be transferred to a target cell. The gene is preferably a
therapeutic gene, but this need not be the case. For example, the gene can be a gene used
to mark cells or confer drug resistance.
In a preferred embodiment, the present invention includes methods of improving
efficacy of a gene therapy vector. The method includes treating a patient with a
compound of the present invention that comprises a sialidase activity and, in the same or a
separate formation, with a recombinant virus. The compound of the present invention
having sialidase activity can be administered to the patient prior to, concomitant to, or
even subsequent to the administration of a recombinant virus. In one embodiment, the
sialidase is substantially homologous to the Actinomyces viscosus sialidase (SEQ ID
NO: 12) or a portion thereof. In one preferred embodiment, the sialidase comprises the
catalytic domain of the Actinomyces viscosus sialidase. In another embodiment, the
recombinant virus is AAV. In yet another embodiment, the disease is cystic fibrosis. In
yet another embodiment, the recombinant virus comprises the cystic fibrosis
transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) gene.
As will be readily apparent to one skilled in the art, the useful in vivo
dosage to be administered and the particular mode of administration will vary
depending upon the age, weight and type of patient being treated, the particular
pharmaceutical composition employed, and the specific use for which the
pharmaceutical composition is employed. The determination of effective dosage
levels, that is the dose levels necessary to achieve the desired result, can be
accomplished by one skilled in the art using routine methods as discussed above.
In non-human animal studies, applications of the pharmaceutical compositions are
commenced at higher dose levels, with the dosage being decreased until the
desired effect is no longer achieved or adverse side effects are reduced or
disappear. The dosage for a compound of the present invention can range broadly
depending upon the desired affects, the therapeutic indication, route of
administration and purity and activity of the compound. Typically, human clinical
applications of products are commenced at lower dosage levels, with dosage level
being increased until the desired effect is achieved. Alternatively, acceptable in
vitro studies can be used to establish useful doses and routes of administration of
the test compound. Typically, dosages can be between about 1 ng/kg and about 10
mg/kg, preferably between about 10 ng/kg and about 1 mg/kg, and more
preferably between about 100 ng/kg and about 100 micrograms/kg.
The exact formulation, route of administration and dosage can be chosen
by the individual physician in view of the patient's condition (see, Fingle et al., in
The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics (1975)). It should be noted that the
attending physician would know how to and when to terminate, interrupt or adjust
administration due to toxicity, organ dysfunction or other adverse effects.
Conversely, the attending physician would also know to adjust treatment to higher
levels if the clinical response were not adequate. The magnitude of an
administrated does in the management of the disorder of interest will vary with
the severity of the condition to be treated and to the route of administration. The
severity of the condition may, for example, be evaluated, in part, by standard
prognostic evaluation methods. Further, the dose and perhaps dose frequency,
will also vary according to the age, body weight and response of the individual
patient, including those for veterinary applications.
In some preferred regimens, appropriate dosages are administered to each patient
by either inhaler, nasal spray, or by topical application. It will be understood, however,
that the specific dose level and frequency of dosage for any particular patient may be
varied and will depend upon a variety of factors including the activity of the specific salt
or other form employed, the metabolic stability and length of action of that compound,
the age, body weight, general health, sex, diet, mode and time of administration, rate of
excretion, drug combination, the severity of the particular condition, and the host
undergoing therapy.
Example 1: Synthesizing aprotinin genes, purifying and testing aprotinin fusion proteins.
Influenza viral protein hemagglutinin (HA) is the major influenza envelope
protein. It plays an essential role in viral infection. The importance of HA is evidenced
by the fact that it is the major target for protective neutralizing antibodies produced by
the host immune response (Hayden, FG. (1996) In Antiviral drug resistance (ed. D. D.
Richman), pp. 59-77. Chichester, UK: John Wiley & Sons Ltd.). It is now clear that HA
has two different functions in viral infection. First, HA is responsible for the attachment
of the virus to sialic acid cell receptors. Second, HA mediates viral entry into target cells
by triggering fusion of the viral envelope with cellular membranes.
HA is synthesized as a precursor protein, HAO, which is transferred through the
Golgi apparatus to the cell surface as a trimeric molecular complex. HAO is further
cleaved to generate the C terminus HA1 (residue 328 of HAO) and the N terminus of
HA2. It is generally believed that the cleavage occurs at the cell surface or on released
viruses. The cleavage of HAO into HA1/HA2 is not required for HA binding to a sialic
acid receptor; however, it is essential for viral infectivity (Klenk, HD and Rott, R. (1988)
Adv VirRes. 34:247-281; Kido, H, Niwa, Y, Beppu, Y and Towatari, T. (1996) Advan
Enzyme Regul 36:325-347; Skehel, JJ and Wiley, DC. (2000) Annu Rev Biochem 69:531-
Sensitivity of HAO to host proteases is determined by the proteolytic site in the
external loop of HAO molecule. The proteolytic site may contain either a single Arg or
Lys residue (monobasic cleavage site) or several Lys and/or Arg residues in R-X-K/R-R
motif (multibasic cleavage site). Only the influenza A virus subtypes H5 and H7 have
HA proteins carrying the multibasic cleavage site. All other influenza A, B and C viruses
contain HA proteins having the monobasic cleavage site. Influenza A viruses having
multibasic cleavage sites are more virulent and induce systemic infection in hosts
whereas viruses with a monobasic HA site initiate infection only in the respiratory tract in
mammals or in the respiratory and enteric tracts in avian species (Klenk, HD and Garten
W. 1994. Trend Micro 2:39-43 for review). Fortunately, human infection by the highly
virulent avian influenza A H5 and H7 subtypes, which carry the multibasic cleavage site,
has so far only occurred in a handful of cases discovered mostly in Hong Kong. The vast
majority of influenza infections are caused by viruses with HA proteins are cleaved at the
monobasic cleavage site.
Influenza virus HA subtypes 5 and 7 that contain multibasic cleavage sites are
activated by furin, a member of the subtilisin-like endoproteases, or the pre-protein
convertase family. Furin cleaves the virus intracellularly and is ubiquitously present in
many cell types, allowing the virulent, systemic infection seen with such viruses (Klenk,
HD and Garten W. 1994. Trend Micro 2:39-43; Nakayama, K. 1997. Biochem 327:625-
635). All other influenza viruses, which have HAs with monobasic cleavage sites, are
activated by secreted, trypsin-like serine proteases. Enzymes that have been implicated
in influenza virus activation include: plasmin (Lazarowitz SG, Goldberg AR and Choppin
PW. 1973. Virology 56:172-180), mini-plasmin (Murakami M, Towatari T, Ohuchi M,
Shiota M, Akao M, Okumura Y, Parry MA and Kido H. (2001) Eur JBiochem 268:
2847-2855), tryptase Clara (Kido H, Chen Y and Murakami M. (1999) In B.Dunn (ed.),
Proteases of infectious agents, p.205-217, Academic Press, New York, N.Y), kallikrein,
urokinase, thrombin (Scheiblauer H, Reinacher M, Tashiro M and Rott R. (1992) JInfec
Dis 166:783-791), blood clotting factor Xa (Gotoh B, Ogasawara T, Toyoda T, Inocencio
N, Hamaguchi M and Nagai Y. (1990) EMBOJ 9:4189-4195), acrosin (Garten W, Bosch
FX, Linder D, Rott R and Klenk HD. (1981) Virology 115:361-374.), proteases from
human respiratory lavage (Barbey-Morel CL, Oeltmann TN, Edwards KM and Wright
PF. (1987) JInfect Dis 155:667-672) and bacterial proteases from Staphylococcus
aureus (Tashiro M, Ciborowski P, Reinacher M, Pulverer G, Klenk HD and Rott R.
(1987) Virology 157:421-430) and Pseudomonas aeruginosa (Callan RJ, Hartmann FA,
West SE and Hinshaw VS. (1997) J Virol 71:7579-7585). Activation of influenza
viruses by host serine proteases is generally considered to occur extracellularly either at
the plasma membrane or after virus release from the cell.
Aprotinin, also called Trasylol, or bovine pancreatic trypsin inhibitor (BPTI) is a
polypeptide having 58 amino acids. It belongs to the family of Kunitz-type inhibitors and
competitively inhibits a wide spectrum of serine proteases, including trypsin,
chymotrypsin, plasmin and plasma kallikrein. Aprotinin has long been used as a human
therapeutics, such as treatment of pancreatitis, various states of shock syndrome,
hyperfibrinolytic haemorrhage and myocardial infarction. It is also used in open-heart
surgery, including cardiopulmonary bypass operations, to reduce blood loss (Fritz H and
Wunderer G. (1983; Arzneim-Forsch 33:479-494).
The safety of aprotinin in human has been well documented through years of
clinical applications. In addition, aprotinin is apparently a very weak immunogen as
aprotinin-specific antibodies have not been observed in human sera so far (Fritz H and
Wunderer G. (1983) Arzneim-Forsch 33:479-494). Another desired feature of aprotinin
as a drug candidate is its superb stability. It can be kept at room temperature for at least
18 months without any loss of activity (Fritz H and Wunderer G. (1983,) Arzneim-Forsch
To achieve significant viral inhibition in animal studies that have been performed,
aprotinin was administered at high doses. For example, 280 micrograms to 840
micrograms per day of aprotinin was injected intraperitoneally into each mouse for 6
days (Zhirnov OP, Ovcharenko AV and Bukrinskaya AG. (1984) J Gen Virol 65:191-
196); a lower dosage was required for aerosol inhalation, still, each mouse was given 63 -
126 micrograms per day for 6 days (Ovcharenko AV and Zhirnov OP. (1994) Antiviral
Res 23:107-118). A very high dose of aprotinin would be required in human based on
extrapolation from the mouse data. Therefore to achieve better efficacy in human, the
potency of aprotinin molecule needs to be significantly improved.
Aprotinin functions by competitively inhibiting serine proteases that are mostly
on the surface of host respiratory epithelial cells. Local concentration of aprotinin in the
vicinity of host proteases is therefore the key factor determining competitive advantage of
aprotinin. We use two approaches that work synergistically to boost competitive
advantage of aprotinin on the surface of respiratory epithelium.
First, the avidity (functional affinity) of aprotinin is increased by making
multivalent aprotinin fusion proteins consisting of two, three, or more aprotinin proteins
connected via linkers. Such a molecule is able to bind to membrane proteases in a
multivalent fashion, which has significant kinetic advantage over the aprotinin monomer.
Monomeric aprotinin binds to bovine trypsin very tightly with dissociation constant (Ki)
being 6.0 x 10~14 mol/1. However, its affinity compared to other proteases, such as
chymotrypsin, plasmin and Kallikrein, which have been implicated in activation of
influenza viruses, is much lower with Ki being at the level of 10~8 to 10~9 mol/1 (Fritz H
and Wunderer G. (1983) Arzneim-Forsch 33:479-494). Multimerization can increase
aprotinin's affinity to these proteases exponentially.
Second, we fuse aprotinin with a respiratory epithelium-anchoring domain. The
anchoring domain localizes aprotinin to the proximity of host membrane-associated
proteases and maintains a high local concentration of aprotinin on epithelial surface. The
anchoring domain also increases retention time of the drug on the respiratory epithelium.
Aprotinin is a single chain polypeptide having 58 amino acid residues and 3 intrachain
disulfide bonds (SEQ ID NO:1). The amino acid sequence of aprotinin is shown
in Figure 1. Genes encoding aprotinin and aprotinin fusion proteins are synthesized by
PCR using overlapping oligonucleotides with codons optimized for E. Coli expression as
templates. The PCR products are cloned into pCR2.1-TOPO vector (Invitrogen). After
sequencing, the genes are subcloned into an expression vector pQE (Qiagen). The vector
carries a purification tag, Hisx6, to allow easy purification of the recombinant proteins.
The constructs are used to transform E. Coli. The transformed cells grown in LB-
ampicillin medium to mid-log phase are induced by IPTG according to standard
protocols. Cells are pelleted and lysed in phosphate-buffered-saline (PBS) by sonication.
The enzymes, which have Hise purification tag, are purified using a nickel column
The following aprotinin fusion proteins are made:
1. Dimeric and trimeric aprotinin. Two or three aprotinin genes are linked via a flexible
linker as the following constructs:
Aprotinin—(GGGGS (SEQ ID NO:10))n (n=3, 4 or 5)—Aprotinin;
Aprotinin—(GGGGS(SEQ ID NO:10))n (n=3, 4 or 5)—Aprotinin—
(GGGGS(SEQ ID NO:10))n (n=3, 4 or 5)—Aprotinin
The length of the linker sequence may determine three-dimensional flexibility of the
multimeric aprotinin and thereby influence functional affinity of the molecule. Therefore
constructs having linkers with various lengths are made.
Fully functional recombinant monomeric aprotinin has been produced in E. Coli
(Auerswald EA, Horlein D, Reinhardt G, Schroder W and Schnabel E. (19SS).Biol Chem
Hoppe-Seyler Vol 369, Suppl., pp27-35). We therefore expect proper folding of
multivalent aprotinin proteins in E. coli cells. Besides expressing protein in various
common E, Coli cell strains, such as BL21, JM83, etc, the multivalent aprotinin proteins
are also expressed in Origami™ cells (Novagen, Bad Soden, Germany). The Origami™
cell strain does not have thioredoxin and glutathione reductase and thus has an oxidizing
cytoplasm. This cell strain has been used to successfully express a number of proteins
that contain disulflde bonds (Bessette PH, Aslund F, Beckwith J and Georgiou G. (1999)
Pro NatlAcad Sci USA 96:13703-13708; Venturi M, Seifert C and Hunte C. (2001) J
Mol 5/0/315:1-8.).
2. The epithelium cell-anchoring aprotinin. An epithelium cell-anchoring sequence is
fused with aprotinin. The epithelium-anchoring sequence can be any peptide or
polypeptide sequence that has affinity towards the surface of epithelial cells. We have
selected three human GAG-binding sequences: PF4 (aa 47-70; SEQ ID NO: 2), IL-8
(aa 46-72; SEQ ID NO: 3), and AT III (aa 118-151; SEQ ID NO: 4) (Figure 2).
These sequences bind to heparin/heparan sulfate with nanomolar-level affinities
(Table 1). Heparin/Heparan Sulfate are ubiquitously present on the respiratory
epithelium. In separate constructs, the GAG-binding sequences are fused with the
aprotinin gene on the N terminus and on the C terminus via a generic linker sequence
GGGGS as the following constructs:
(GAG domain—GGGGS(SEQ ID NO: 10)—Aprotinin); and
(Aprotinin—GGGGS(SEQ ID NO:10>—GAG domain)
(Table Removed)
Photometric trypsin inhibition assay
The trypsin inhibition activity of aprotinin and aprotinin fusion proteins is
measured by a photometric assay described previously in detail (Fritz H and Wunderer G.
(1983) Arzneim-Forsch 33:479-494). Briefly, in this assay aprotinin inhibits the trypsincatalyzed
hydrolysis of Na-benzoyl-L-arginine-p-nitroanilide (BzArgpNA or L-BAPA)
(Sigma), which is followed photometrically at 405 run. One trypsin unit (UBAPA)
corresponds to the hydrolysis of 1 micromole substrate per min. One inhibitor unit
(!UBAPA) decreases the activity of two trypsin units by 50%, which corresponds
arithmetically to the inhibition of 1 UBAPA of trypsin. The specific activity of aprotinin is
given in IUBAPA/mg polypeptide.
Surface plasmon resonance assay
The affinities of dimeric and trimeric aprotinin with various linkers are compared
against the monomeric aprotinin using surface plasmon resonance assay, or BIAcore
analysis (BIAcore, Piscataway, NJ) with human plasmin as the target. Similarly,
BIAcore assay with heparin as the target is used to analyze affinity between GAG
binding aprotinin fusion proteins and heparin.
When plasmin is used as the target, purified human plasmin (Sigma) is
immobilized on the CMS chip according manufacturer's instructions (BIAcore,
Piscataway, NJ). When heparin is the target, biotinylated albumin and albumin-heparin
(Sigma) are captured on a streptavidin-coated BIAcore SA chip as described previously
(Xiang Y and Moss B. (2003) J Virol 77:2623-2630).
Example 2: Establishing improved tissue culture models for studies on influenza
virus infection.
Stocks of Influenza Viruses
Influenza viral strains are obtained from ATCC and the repository at St. Jude
Children's Research Hospital. All experiments involving influenza viruses are conducted
at Bio-safety level II.
Viruses are propagated by injection into the allantoic cavity of nine-day-old
chicken embryos as described (Zhirnov OP, Ovcharenko AV and Bukrinskaya AG.
(1985) J Gen Virol 66:1633-1638). Alternatively, viral stocks are grown on Madin-
Darby canine kidney (MDCK) cells in minimal essential medium (MEM) supplemented
with 0.3% bovine serum albumin and 0.5 micrograms of trypsin per ml. After
incubating for 48 to 72 hours, the culture medium is clarified by low speed
centrifugation. Viral particles are pelleted by ultracentrifugation through a 25% sucrose
cushion. Purified viruses are suspended in 50% glycerol-O.lM Tris buffer (pH 7.3) and
stored at -20°C.
Plaque Assays
Infectivity and titer of the viral stocks are determined by two kinds of plaque
assays, a conventional one and a modified one (Tobita, K, Sugiura, A, Enomoto, C and
Furuyama, M. (1975) Med Microbiol Immnuol 162:9-14; Zhirnov OP, Ovcharenko AV
and Bukrinskaya AG. (1982) Arch Virol 71:177-183). The conventional plaque assay is
routinely used as a virus titration method. It requires exogenous trypsin in agar overlay
added immediately after virus infection to MDCK monolayers (Tobita, K, Sugiura, A,
Enomoto, C and Furuyama, M. (1975) Med Microbiol Immnuol 162:9-14). This method
artificially increases infectivity of the viral stocks being tested by activating all the viral
particles that have uncleaved HA.
Zhirnov et. al. designed a modified plaque assay consisting of a double agar
overlay, with trypsin being included in the second layer which is added 24 hours after
infection (Zhirnov OP, Ovcharenko AV and Bukrinskaya AG. (1982) Arch Virol 71:177-
183). Three days after infection, cells are fixed with a 10% formaldehyde solution,
agarose layers are removed, fixed cells are stained with hematoxylin-eosin solution and
plaques are counted. The modified plaque assay allows accurate determination of the real
infectivity of viral stocks that contain both cleaved and uncleaved HA. Combining
results from both conventional and modified plaque assays, one can distinguish viruses
containing cleaved or uncleaved HA and correlate infectivity of viral stocks with the
status of HA cleavage.
Human Cell Culture Models
1. Short-term culture of primary human epithelial cells. Conventional in vitro influenza
virus infection is mostly carried out in MDCK cells with exogenous trypsin added to the
culture medium. This is far from being physiological and is inappropriate for the work
proposed here because trypsin is not the protease that activate influenza viruses in vivo.
Very limited numbers of in vitro tissue culture models that are able to support the growth
of influenza virus without an exogenous protease have been reported so far, those being
primary cultures with primate cells of renal origin, cells lining the allantoic and aminiotic
cavities of embryonated eggs, fetal tracheal ring organ cultures and primary human
adenoid epithelial cells (Endo Y, Carroll KN, Ikizler MR and Wright PF. (1996) J Virol
70:2055-2058). Among these, the latest work with primary human adenoid epithelial
cells is the closest mimic of human conditions. In this case, Endo et. al. (Endo Y, Carroll
KN, Ikizler MR and Wright PF. (1996) J Virol 70:2055-2058) isolated epithelial cells
from surgical samples of human adenoids, and cultured the epithelial cells on a collagen
matrix (Vitrogen 100, Celtrix Laboratories, Palo Alto, California) in Transwell inserts
(Costar, Cambridge, Mass). Cells were maintained in 50% Ham's F12 and 50% Eagles
minimal essential media with supplements of growth factors and trace elements. The cells
reached confiuency in 10 to 14 days, remaining largely as a monolayer but with discrete
patches of ciliated cells, which maintained regular ciliary activity for 1 to 3 weeks after
reaching confluency. In this system, influenza A virus grew to a titer of 106 PFU/ml with
a multiplicity of infection of 0.001 (Endo Y, Carroll KN, Ikizler MR and Wright PF.
(1996) J Virol 70:2055-2058). Progressive cytopathogenic effects were also present
during infection. The biggest drawback of this system is that it requires fresh human
adenoid tissue.
To solve this problem, primary human adenoid epithelial cells are replaced with
primary human airway epithelial cells that are commercially available (Cambrex), and the
cells are grown under the same conditions. Such short-term culture of primary human
airway epithelial cells is relatively quick to establish and is useful as the first-line
experimental model for most of the in vitro infection and antiviral experiments.
2. Well-differentiated human airway epithelium (WD-HAE). In order to best mimic the
in vivo condition of human airway, the model of well-differentiated human airway
epithelium (WD-HAE) is used. WD-HAE is stratified epithelium that has all the
differentiated cells of the normal human airway epithelium, including functional ciliated
cells and mucus secreting cells. Therefore, in this model system influenza viruses are
most likely to be activated by host proteases that are physiologically relevant. Although
WD-HAE has been widely used to study respiratory viral infections, such as respiratory
syncytial virus (RSV) Zhang L, Peeples ME, Boucher RC, Collins PL and Pickles RJ.
(2002) J Virol 76:5654-5666) measles virus (Sinn PL, Williams G, Vongpunsawad S,
Cattaneo R and McCray PB. (2002) J Virol 76:2403-2409, or human rhinovirus, it has
not previously been used to study influenza viruses.
A detailed protocol of WD-HAE has been described previously (Krunkosky TM,
Fischer BM, Martin LD, Jones N, Akley NJ and Adler KB. (2000) Am JRespir Cell Mol
Biol 22:685-692). Briefly, commercial primary human bronchial epithelial cells
(Cambrex) are cultured on Transwell-clear culture inserts (Costar) that are thin-coated
with rat-tail collagen I. Cells are cultured submerged for the first 5 to 7 days in medium
containing a 1:1 mixture of bronchial epithelial cell growth medium (BEGM) (Cambrex)
and DMEM with high glucose with supplement of growth factors (Krunkosky TM,
Fischer BM, Martin LD, Jones N, Akley NJ and Adler KB. (2000) Am JRespir Cell Mol
Biol 22:685-692). When cultures are 70% confluent (days 5 to 7), the air-liquid interface
is created by removing the apical medium and exposing cells only to medium on their
basal surface. Cells are cultured for additional 14 days in air-liquid interphase, for a total
of 21 days in culture, and are then ready for experiments. The differentiated epithelium
can be maintained in vitro for weeks.
Epithelial morphology and degree of differentiation is documented by routine
histology (Endo Y, Carroll KN, Ikizler MR and Wright PF. (1996) J Virol 70:2055-
2058). Briefly, following fixation with 10% buffered formalin, the epithelial cells are
embedded in paraffin, sectioned and stained with hematoxylin and eosin, and with
periodic acid-Schiff stain for mucus secreting cells.
Influenza infection is carried out in the above two model systems by adding 0.001
to 1 MOI of viruses to the differentiated cells. The titer and infectivity of viruses in the
supernatant are followed over a period of 3 to 7 days. The level of influenza viral
amplification and the infectivity of influenza viruses are evaluated using conventional
and modified plaque assays.
Example 3: Comparing functions of the aprotinin fusion proteins in vitro
Anti-Viral Effects of Aprotinin Fusion Proteins
1. Pre-infection treatment. Aprotinin fusion proteins are added to primary human
cell cultures at various concentrations and allowed to incubate with the cells for 1 hour.
The cells are washed with fresh medium and immediately inoculated with influenza
viruses at MOI 0.01 to 1. Cells are washed again after 1 hour and cultured for 3 to 5
days. Titer and infectivity of viruses in the supernatant are measured at various time
points by two plaque assays. The cytopathic effect caused by viral infection is evaluated
by staining viable cells with crystal violet and quantifying by measuring absorption at
570 run at the end of the experiment. The percentage of cell protection by aprotinin
fusion proteins is calculated by 100x{(aprotinin treated sample-untreated infected
sample)/(uninfected control-untreated infected sample)}. The drug efficacy for cell
protection is described by its Effective Concentration that achieves 50% of the cell
protection (ECso). Since HA activation only occurs to newly released viral particles, the
first round of viral infection occurs normally and viral titer rises in the first 24 hours after
infection. However, starting from the second round, infectivity of viruses drops and viral
titer gradually decreases as result of aprotinin treatment. Results from this experiment
differentiate various types of different aprotinin fusion proteins by their efficacies in a
single prophylactic treatment.
Alternatively, timing of initial viral inoculation is altered from immediately after
aprotinin treatment to 2-24 hours post treatment. Viral titer, infectivity and cytopathic
effect are measured for 3 to 5 day after infection as described above. Results from these
experiments distinguish various aprotinin fusion proteins by the lengths of the effective
window after a single prophylactic treatment.
2. Post-infection Treatment. For multi-dose treatment, cells are first infected by viral
inoculations at 0.001 to 0.1 MOI for 1 hour. Various concentrations of aprotinin fusion
proteins are added immediately afterwards, additional treatments are applied at 8-hour
intervals during the first 48 hours post infection. Cells are cultured until day 7 post
infection. Viral titer and infectivity in the media are followed during the whole process.
Cytopathic effect is evaluated at the end of the experiment.
For single dose treatment, cells are first infected by viral inoculations at 0.001 to
0.1 MOI for 1 hour. Treatments of aprotinin fusion proteins at various concentrations are
applied at different time points during the first 48 hours after infection, but each cell
sample only receives one treatment during the whole experiment. Cells are cultured until
day 7 post infection. Viral titer and infectivity in the media are followed during the
whole process. Cytopathic effect is evaluated at the end of the experiment. Results from
these experiments distinguish different types of aprotinin fusion proteins for their
therapeutic potency.
Inhibition of HA Cleavage by Aprotinin Fusion Proteins
To demonstrate that aprotinin fusion proteins inhibit influenza viral infection by
inhibiting cleavage of influenza HA protein, a human primary epithelial cell culture is
infected with influenza virus at MOI of 1. Aprotinin fusion proteins are added to the
culture either right before viral inoculation or immediately after the viral infection. At
6.5 hour post infection, the culture is incubated for 1 hour in MEM lacking cold
methionine and containing 35S-labeled methionine (Amersham) at a concentration of 100
microCi/ml (pulse). Thereafter, the cells are washed twice with MEM containing a 10-
fold concentration of cold methionine and incubated in MEM for additional 3 hours
(chase). After labeling, cells are dissolved in radioimmunoprecipitation assay (RIPA)
buffer, HA is precipitated by anti-serum against the particular strain of virus used for
infection (anti-influenza sera can be obtained from ATCC and Center of Disease Control
and Prevention), and immunocomplex is then purified by protein G-Sepharose
(Amersham). Samples are fractionated by SDS-PAGE followed by autoradiography. In
samples untreated by aprotinin fusion proteins, HA1 and HA2 are expected to be the
predominant HA species; while in aprotinin treated samples, HAO is expected to be the
major type of HA present.
Example 4: Synthesizing genes of five sialidases, expressing and purifying the
sialidase proteins.
Influenza viruses belong to the orthomyxoviridae family of RNA viruses. Both
type A and type B viruses have 8 segmented negative-strand RNA genomes enclosed in a
lipid envelope derived from the host cell. The viral envelope is covered with spikes that
are composed of three proteins: hemagglutinin (HA), that attaches virus to host cell
receptors and mediates fusion of viral and cellular membranes; neuraminidase (NA),
which facilitates the release of the new viruses from the host cell; and a small number of
M2 proteins that serve as ion channels. For Influenza A virus, HA and NA both undergo
antigenic drift and antigenic shift, the viral subtypes are distinguished by serologic
differences between their HA and NA proteins. There are total 15 types of HA (HI-HI 5)
and 9 types of NA (N1-N9), but only three HA (H1-H3) and two NA (Nl and N2) have
been found in human Influenza A virus so far (Granoff, A. & Webster, R. G., ed.
Encyclopedia of Virology, 2nd Edition, Vol 2). In contrast to Influenza A virus, no distinct
antigenic subtypes are recognized for Influenza virus B.
While Influenza B virus circulates only in humans, Influenza A virus can be
isolated from a whole host of animals, such as pigs, horses, chickens, ducks and other
kinds of birds, which accounts for genetic reassortment of Influenza A virus that results in
antigenic shift. Wild aquatic birds are considered to be the primordial reservoir of all
influenza viruses for avian and mammalian species. There is extensive evidence for
transmission of the virus between aquatic birds and other species including pigs and
horses and indirect transmission to humans through pigs. Direct transmission from pigs
or chickens to humans has also been documented (Ito, T. (2000) Microbiol Immunol
The host cell receptor for influenza viruses is the cell surface sialic acid. Sialic
acids are a-keto acids with 9-carbon backbones that are usually found at the outermost
positions of the oligosaccharide chains that are attached to glycoproteins and glycolipids.
One of the major types of sialic acids is N-acetylneuraminic acid (NeuSAc), which is the
biosynthetic precursor for most of the other types. Two major linkages between NeuSAc
and the penultimate galactose residues of carbohydrate side chains are found in nature,
NeuSAc a(2,3)-Gal and NeuSAc a(2,6)-Gal. Both NeuSAc a(2,3)-Gal and NeuSAc
a(2,6)-Gal molecules can be recognized by Influenza A virus as the receptor (Schauer, R.
(1982) Adv. Carbohydrate Chem & Biochem 40:131-235), while human viruses seem to
prefer NeuSAc a(2,6)-Gal, avian and equine viruses predominantly recognize NeuSAc
a(2,3)-Gal (Ito, T. (2000) Microbiol Immunol 44(6):423-430).
Infections by influenza type A and B viruses are typically initiated at the mucosal
surface of the upper respiratory tract. Viral replication is primarily limited to the upper
respiratory tract but can extend to the lower respiratory tract and causes
bronchopneumonia that can be fatal. The risk of death is one per 10,000 infections, but is
significantly greater for high-risk groups with pre-existing cardiopulmonary conditions
and for immunologically nai've individuals during a pandemic.
A therapeutic compound comprising a sialidase that can effectively degrade both
receptor sialic acids, NeuSAc a(2,6)-Gal and NeuSAc a(2,3)-Gal, can confer protection
against the broadest range of influenza viruses, including animal viruses. It can also
remain effective as the viral strains change yearly. Because sialidase targets the host cell
rather than virus and acts at the "choking point" in a viral life cycle, generation of
resistant virus is improbable. Protein-bound sialic acid rums over homogeneously on cell
surface with half-life of 33 hours (Kreisel, W, Volk, BA, Buchsel, R. and Reutter, W.
(1980) Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 77:1828-1831). Therefore we estimate that once-a-day or
twice-a-day administration of a sialidase would confer sufficient protection against
Sialidases are found in higher eukaryotes, as well as in some mostly pathogenic
microbes, including viruses, bacteria and protozoans. Viral and bacterial sialidases have
been well characterized, and the three-dimensional structures of some of them have been
determined (Crennell, SJ, Garman, E, Laver, G, Vimr, E and Taylor, G. (1994) Structure
2:535-544; Janakiraman, MN, White, CL, Laver, WG, Air, GM and Luo, M. (1994)
Biochemistry 33:8172-8179; Pshezhetsky, A, Richard, C, Michaud, L, Igdoura, S, Wang,
S, Elsliger, M, Qu, J, Leclerc, D, Gravel, R, Dallaire, L and Potier, M. (1997) Nature
Genet 15: 316-320). Several human sialidases have also been cloned in the recent years
(Milner, CM, Smith, SV, Carrillo MB, Taylor, GL, Hollinshead, M and Campbell, RD.
(1997) JBio Chem 272:4549-4558; Monti, E, Preti, A, Nesti, C, Ballabio, A and Borsani
G. 1999. Glycobiol 9:1313-1321; Wada, T, Yoshikawa, Y, Tokuyama, S, Kuwabara, M,
Akita, H and Miyagi, T. (1999) Biochem Biophy Res Communi 261:21-27; Monti, E,
Bassi, MT, Papini, N, Riboni, M, Manzoni, M, Veneranodo, B, Croci, G, Preti, A,
Ballabio, A, Tettamanti, G and Borsani, G. (2000) Bichem J 349:343-351). All the
sialidases characterized share a four amino acid motif in the amino terminal portion
followed by the Asp box motif which is repeated three to five times depending on the
protein. (Monti, E, Bassi, MT, Papini, N, Riboni, M, Manzoni, M, Veneranodo, B, Croci,
G, Preti, A, Ballabio, A, Tettamanti, G and Borsani, G. (2000) Bichem 7349:343-351;
Copley, RR, Russell, RB and Ponting, CP. (2001) Protein Sci 10:285-292). While the
overall amino acid identity of the sialidase superfamily is relatively low at about 20-30%,
the overall fold of the molecules, especially the catalytic amino acids, are remarkably
similar (Wada, T, Yoshikawa, Y, Tokuyama, S, Kuwabara, M, Akita, H and Miyagi, T.
(1999) Biochem Biophy Res Communi 261:21-27; Monti, E, Bassi, MT, Papini, N,
Riboni, M, Manzoni, M, Veneranodo, B, Croci, G, Preti, A, Ballabio, A, Tettamanti, G
and Borsani, G. (2000) Bichem J 349:343-351; Copley, RR, Russell, RB and Ponting,
CP. (2001) Protein Sci 10:285-292).
The sialidases are generally divided into two families: "small" sialidases have
molecular weight of about 42 kDa and do not require divalent metal ion for maximal
activity; "large" sialidases have molecular weight above 65 kDa and may require divalent
metal ion for activity (Wada, T, Yoshikawa, Y, Tokuyama, S, Kuwabara, M, Akita, H
and Miyagi, T. (1999) Biochem Biophy Res Communi 261:21-27; Monti, E, Bassi, MT,
Papini, N, Riboni, M, Manzoni, M, Veneranodo, B, Croci, G, Preti, A, Ballabio, A,
Tettamanti, G and Borsani, G. (2000) Bichem J349:343-351; Copley, RR, Russell, RB
and Ponting, CP. (2001) Protein Sci 10:285-292).
Over fifteen sialidase proteins have been purified and they vary greatly from one
another in substrate specificities and enzymatic kinetics. To confer a broad-spectrum
protection against influenza viruses, a sialidase needs to effectively degrade sialic acid in
both a(2,6)-Gal and a(2,3)-Gal linkages and in the context of glycoproteins and some
glycolipids. Viral sialidases, such as those from influenza A virus, fowl plague virus and
Newcastle disease virus, are generally specific for NeuSAc a(2,3)-Gal and only degrade
NeuSAc a(2,6)-Gal very inefficiently. Small bacterial sialidases generally react poorly to
sialic acid in the context of glycoproteins and glycolipids. By contrast, large bacterial
sialidases can effectively cleave sialic acid in both (a,2-6) linkage and (a,2-3) linkage in
the context of most natural substrates (Figure 4; Vimr, DR. (1994) Trends Microbiol 2:
271-277; Drzeniek, R. (1973) HistochemJ5:271-290; Roggentin, P, Kleineidam, RG and
Schauer, R. (1995) Biol Chem Hoppe-Seyler 376:569-575; Roggentin, P, Schauer, R,
Hoyer, LL and Vimr, ER. (1993) Mol Microb 9:915-921). Because of their broad
substrate specificities, large bacterial sialidases are better candidates.
Among the large bacterial sialidases with known substrate specificity shown in
Figure 4, Vibrio cholerae sialidase requires Ca2+ for activity making it less preferred.
More preferred sialidases include the 71 kDa enzyme from Clostridiumperfringens, the
113 kDa enzyme from Actinomyces viscosus and sialidase of Arthrobacter ureafaciens.
A third sialidase, the 68 kDa enzyme from Micromonospora viridifaciens, has been
known to destroy influenza viral receptor (Air, GM and Laver, WG. (1995) Virology
211:278-284), and is also a candidate.
These enzymes have high specific activity (600 U/mg protein for C. perfringens
(Corfield, AP, Veh, RW, Wember, M, Michalski, JC and Schauer, R. (1981) Bichem J
197:293-299) and 680 U/mg protein for A. viscosus (Teufel, M, Roggentin, P. and
Schauer, R. (1989) Biol Chem Hoppe Seyler 370:435-443)), are fully active without
divalent metal iron, and have been cloned and purified as recombinant proteins from E.
coli (Roggentin, P, Kleineidam, RG and Schauer, R. (1995) Biol Chem Hoppe-Seyler
376:569-575, Teufel, M, Roggentin, P. and Schauer, R. (1989) Biol Chem Hoppe Seyler
370:435-443 , Sakurada, K, Ohta, T and Hasegawa, M. (1992) J Bacterial 174: 6896-
6903). In addition, C. perfringens is stable in solution at 2-8°C for several weeks, and at
4°C in the presence of albumin for more than two years (Wang, FZ, Akula, SM, Pramod,
NP, Zeng, L and Chandran, B. (2001) J Virol 75:7517-27). A. viscosus is labile towards
freezing and thawing, but is stable at 4°C in 0.1 M acetate buffer, pH 5 (Teufel, M,
Roggentin, P. and Schauer, R. (1989) Biol Chem Hoppe Seyler 370:435-443).
Although the chances of inducing immune reactions using bacterial sialidases is
very low because the proteins will be used topically in the upper respiratory tract and will
not be absorbed systemically a human enzyme would be more desirable for long-term use
in human subjects.
Four sialidase genes have been cloned from human so far: NEUl/G9/lysosomal
sialidase (Pshezhetsky, A, Richard, C, Michaud, L, Igdoura, S, Wang, S, Elsliger, M, Qu,
J, Leclerc, D, Gravel, R, Dallaire, L and Potier, M. (1997) Nature Genet 15: 316-320.
, Milner, CM, Smith, SV, Carrillo MB, Taylor, GL, Hollinshead, M and Campbell, RD.
(1997). JBio Chem 272:4549-4558); NEU3, a membrane-associated sialidase isolated
from human brain (Wada, T, Yoshikawa, Y, Tokuyama, S, Kuwabara, M, Akita, H and
Miyagi, T. (1999) Biochem Biophy Res Communi 261:21-27, Monti, E, Bassi, MT,
Papini, N, Riboni, M, Manzoni, M, Veneranodo, B, Croci, G, Preti, A, Ballabio, A,
Tettamanti, G and Borsani, G. (2000) Bichem J349:343-351), NEU2 a 42 kDa sialidase
expressed in human skeletal muscle at a very low level (Monti, E, Preti, A, Nesti, C,
Ballabio, A and Borsani G. (1999) Glycobiol 9:1313-1321), and NEU4 a 497 amino acid
protein (Genbank NM080741) expressed in all human tissues examined (Monti, E, Preti,
A, Venerando, B and Borsani, G. (2002) Neurochem Res 27:646-663).
Amino acid sequence comparison reveals NEU2 (SEQ ID NO:8) and NEU4
(SEQ ID NO:9) are both cytosolic sialidases. 9 out of 12 of the amino acid residues
which form the catalytic site of S. typhimurium sialidase are conserved in both NEU2 and
NEU4 (Monti, E, Preti, A, Nesti, C, Ballabio, A and Borsani G. (1999) Glycobiol 9:1313-
1321, Figure 3). In addition, NEU4 also shows a stretch of about 80 amino acid residues
(aa 294-373) that appears unique among known mammalian sialidases (Monti, E, Preti,
A, Venerando, B and Borsani, G. (2002) Neurochem Res 27:646-663). Unlike the
selected large bacterial sialidases, the substrate specificity of NEU2 and NEU4 is
unknown. It will need to be tested if NEU2 and NEU4 can effectively degrade the
influenza virus receptors.
Sialidase assay
NEU2, NEU4 and M. viridifaciens enzymes will be stored in PBS and 50%
glycerol at -20°C. C. perfringens and A. viscosus enzymes are stored in lOmM acetate
buffer (pH5) at 4°C. Protein preps are characterized by HPLC and SDS-PAGE
electrophoresis. Specific activities and stability of the enzymes will be monitored by
sialidase assay.
The enzymatic activity of sialidases are determined by fluorimetric 2'-(4-
methylumbelliferyl)-alpha-D-N-acetylneuraminic acid) (4Mu-NANA) (Sigma) as the
substrate. Specifically, reactions are set up in duplicate in 0.1 M Na citrate/phosphate
buffer pH5.6, in the presence of 400 micrograms bovine serum albumin, with 0.2 mM
4MU-NANA in a final volume of 100 microliters, and incubated at 37°C for 5-10min.
Reactions are stopped by addition of 1 ml of 0.2 M glycines/NaOH pH10.2. Fluorescence
emission is measured on a fluorometer with excitation at 365 nm and emission at 445 nm,
using 4-methylumbelliferone (4-MU) to obtain a calibration curve.
Example 5: Comparing functions of the sialidases in vitro and selecting one
sialidase for further studies.
1. Stocks of Influenza Viruses
Influenza viral strains are obtained from the ATCC and the repository at St. Jude
Children's Research Hospital.Viral stocks are grown on Madin-Darby canine kidney
(MDCK) cells in minimal essential medium (MEM) supplemented with 0.3% bovine
serum albumin and 0.5 micrograms of trypsin per ml. After incubating for 48 to 72
hours, the culture medium is clearified by low speed centrifugation. Viral particles are
pelleted by ultracentrifugation through a 25% sucrose cushion. Purified viruses are
suspended in 50% glycerol-O.lM Tris buffer (pH 7.3) and stored at -20°C. Viral titer is
determined by plaque assay (Tobita, K, Sugiura, A, Enomoto, C and Furuyama, M.
(1975) Med Microbiol Immnuol 162: 9-14), or TCIDso, which is the dose of virus
required to infect 50% of the MDCK cells.
Selected human and animal influenza A strains with specificity towards NeuSAc
alpha(2,6)-Gal or NeuSAc alpha(2,3)-Gal and have high affinity to the receptors
(measured by high hemagglutination activity) are chosen for in vitro tests:
1. Strains that recognize receptor NeuSAc alpha(2,6)-Gal include human isolates
A/aichi/2/68, A/Udorn/307/72, A/Prot Chaimers/1/73 and A/Victoria/3/75, etc.
(Connor, RJ, Kawaoka, Y, Webster, RG and Paulson JC. (1994) Virology 205:17-
2. Strains that have NeuSAc alpha(2,3)-Gal specificity include animal isolates
A/duckUkraine/1/63, A/duckMemphis/928/74, A/duckhokk/5/77,
A/Eq/Miami/1/63, A/Eq/Ur/1/63, A/Eq/Tokyo/71, A/Eq/Prague/71, etc (Connor,
RJ, Kawaoka, Y, Webster, RG and Paulson JC. (1994) Virology 205:17-23).
2; Hemagglutination Assay
This assay is used to rapidly determine the efficiency of each enzyme to destroy
receptors NeuSAc alpha(2,6)-Gal and NeuSAc alpha(2,3)-Gal.
Specifically, 6 ml of Chicken red blood cells (SPAFAS Inc., Norwich, CT) are
diluted in two times the volume of PBS, centrifuge for 5 min at 500 x g and re-suspended
in PBS of original volume. Sialidases are added to the chicken erythrocytes at various
concentrations and allowed to incubate at room temperature for 30 min. The cells are
then washed three times to remove sialidase proteins, and then are resuspended in PBS to
6 ml. Control cells are incubated with BSA and washed. Various strains of influenza
virus, which recognize either NeuSAc alpha(2,6)-Gal or NeuSAc salpha(2,3)-Gal as the
receptor as listed above, are prepared in microtiter plates as serial dilutions in PBS (100
microliters) of the original viral stocks. Sialidase-treated or control chicken red blood cell
suspensions (100 microliters of the 0.5% solution prepared above) are added to each well
at 4°C. The plates are read after 2 h. The lowest concentration of virus that causes the
blood cell to agglutinate is defined as one hemagglutination unit. We will be looking for
enzymes that effectively abolish hemagglutination by all viral strains.
3. Viral Inhibition Assay
Confluent monolayers of MDCK cells are treated with various concentrations of
sialidases for 1 h, washed twice with buffer, then infected with various strains of
influenza virus. After incubation for 1 hr, the cells are washed again to remove unbound
virus. To estimate the decrease in viral binding sites on cell surface, the cells are overlaid
with agar and incubated at 37°C. The number of plaques in the sialidase treated cells will
be compared against those in control cells. Alternatively, the cells will be cultured in
regular medium at 37°C, and viral titers in the culture media are measured at various time
during culture as TCID5o.
To demonstrate that sialidase treatment can inhibit a pre-existing infection,
MDCK monolayers are first infected with a low titer of virus. After washing off the
unbound virus, the cells are then cultured in the presence of a sialidase. Fresh sialidase is
added to cell culture very 24 h. Viral titer in the cultured medium is measured over a 72-
hour period.
4. Cytotoxicity assay
Primary human bronchial epithelial cells are purchased (Clonetics) and cultured in
supplemented minimal medium following manufacture's instruction. Sialidases are added
to the culture medium at various concentrations. Cell growth over a period of 7-10 days
will be measured. Cells will also be observed regularly for microscopic cytopathic
Example 6: Constructing and testing sialidase fusion proteins.
1. Choosing a GAG-binding sequence as the anchoring domain.
One sialidase is selected for its best overall properties, including anti-viral
activity, toxicity, stability, ease of production, etc. We will then genetically link it to a
GAG-binding sequence, sub-clone the fusion genes into pQE vector, express and purify
the fusion proteins from E. coli.
We have selected six possible human GAG-binding sequences: PF4 (aa 47-70)
(SEQ ID NO:2), IL-8 (aa 46-72) (SEQ ID NO:3), AT III (aa 118-151) (SEQ ID NO:4),
ApoE (aa 132-165) (SEQ ID NO:5), amphiregulin (aa 25-45) (SEQ ID NO:6), and
human angio-associated migratory cell protein (AAMP) (aa 14-25) (SEQ ID NO:7)
(Figure 2). These sequences generally bind to heparin with nanomolar-level affinities;
however, their affinities may vary from one another by an order of magnitude (Table 1).
Since it is not clear which anchoring domain will enable the most effective functioning of
the sialidase, all four GAG-binding sequences are fused with the sialidase gene either on
the N terminus or the C terminus via a generic linker sequence GGGGS as the following
(GAG binding domain— GGGGS(SEQ ID NO:10) —Sialidase); or
(Sialidase—GGGGS(SEQ ID NO: 10)—GAG binding domain)
Different fusion proteins are compared by a modified viral inhibition assay.
Specifically, confluent monolayers of MDCK cells are treated with same amount of each
fusion protein for a limited duration, such as 30 min. The cells are then washed twice
with buffer to remove unbound sialidase fusion proteins, and incubated in culture
medium for an additional 1 hour. Afterwards, strains of influenza virus are added to the
cells for 1 hr and then cells are washed again to remove unbound virus. Viral titers in the
culture media are measured during 72-h cultures as TCIDjo. The un-fused sialidase
protein will be used to compare against the fusion proteins in this assay. If the results are
too close to rank all fusion proteins, we will make the assay more stringent by shortening
treatment window for the fusion proteins, lowering protein concentrations and increasing
the level of viral challenge.
2. Optimizing the fusion protein construct
After selecting the best fusion protein from the earlier experiments, the construct
is further optimized by testing different linker length. In this regard, the following
constructs are made:
(Sialidase— (GGGGS(SEQ ID NO:10))n (n=0, 1, 2, 3, or 4) —GAG binding domain)
The proteins are expressed and purified and compared in the modified viral protection
assay as described above.
In addition, if earlier data indicate that higher affinity of the fusion protein
towards heparan sulfate brings better potency, we also plan to test if the potency can be
further improved by increasing the GAG-binding affinity. This can be achieved by
creating a multivalent GAG binding mechanism in the fusion protein in constructs like
(Sialidase—(GGGGS(SEQ ID NO:10))n—HS binding domain—GAG binding domain);
(GAG binding domain—(GGGGS(SEQ ID NO :10))n—Sialidase—
(GGGGS(SEQ ID NO:10))n—GAG binding domain)
The purified fusion proteins are ranked based on their activities in the modified
viral protection assay as described above.
3. Cytotoxicity assay
The effects of the fusion proteins on normal cell growth and morphology are
monitored by culturing primary human bronchial epithelial cells with various
concentrations of the fusion proteins and following growth curve of the cells and
observing any microscopic cytopathic effects.
Example 7: Fusion Proteins against Other Infectious Microbes
Fusion proteins composed of a functional domain and an anchorage domain are
designed for many more different applications. For example, a sialidase fusion protein as
proposed here can also be used as a therapeutic/prophylatictic agent against infections by
other viruses and bacteria besides influenza viruses, because many other infectious
microbes, such as paramyxoviruses (Wassilewa, L. (1977) Arch Virol 54:299-305),
coronaviruses (Vlasak, R., Luytjes, W., Spaan, W. and Palese, P. (1988) ProcNatl Acad
Sci USA 85:4526-4529), rotaviruses (Fukudome, K., Yoshie, O. and Konno, T. (1989)
Virology 172:196-205) and Pseudomonas aeruginosa (Ramphal, R. and Pyle, M. (1983)
Infect Immun 41:339-44) etc, are also known to use sialic acid as cellular receptors. For
example, aprotinin fused with a heparin-binding domain can make a fusion protein that
be used to prevent/treat infection of other viruses besides influenza that require host
serine proteases for activation, such as parainfluenza virus.
Example 8: Cloning Sialidase Catalytic Domain Fusion Proteins
According to the published literature on the large bacterial sialidases, the 51 kDa
Arthrobacter ureafaciens sialidase, the 71 kDa sialidase from Clostridium perfringens and
the 113 kDa sialidase from Actinomyces viscosus seem to have similar specific activities
and broad substrate specificity toward various sialic acid conjugates (Biology of the Sialic
Acids (1995) , 270-273; Corfield et al., Biochem. 1,(1981) 197(2), 293-299; Roggentin
et al., Biol. Chem. Hoppe Seyler, (1995) 376(9), 569-575; Teufel et al., Biol. Chem.
Hoppe Seyler, (1989) 370(5), 435-443). A third sialidase, the 68 kDa enzyme from
Micromonospora viridifaciens, was also known to destroy the influenza viral receptor (Air
and Laver, Virology, (1995) 211(1), 278-284; (1995) , 270-273).
A. viscosus is part of the normal flora of human oral cavity and gastrointestinal
tract (Sutler, Rev. Infect. Dis., (1984) 6 Suppl 1, S62-S66). Since the sialidase from A.
viscosus is normally secreted by the bacterium hosted on human mucosal surface, it
should be tolerated by the human mucosal immune system. Therefore, it is unlikely that
A. viscosus sialidase will be immunogenic when delivered topically to the human airway
surface. We think that this feature makes A. viscosus sialidase a good candidate for a
therapeutic agent.
We determined that a fragment of the A. viscosus sialidase, extending from amino
acid 274 to amino acid 667, should contain the catalytic domain (referred to as AvCD) of
the sialidase and should be fully active on it own. We later cloned the AvCD fragment
and demonstrated that this AvCD fragment and other A. viscosus sialidase fragments
comprising at least amino acids 290-666 of the A. viscosus sialidase protein sequence
(SEQ ID NO:12), such as the fragment extending from amino acid 274 to amino acid
681, the fragment extending from amino acid 274 to amino acid 666, the fragment
extending from amino acid 290 to amino acid 666, and the fragment extending from
amino acid 290 to amino acid 681, have sialidase activity.
The complete sequence of A. viscosus sialidase protein and gene were obtained
from GenBank (A49227 and L06898). Based on homology with sialidases with known
3D structures (M. viridifaciens and S. typhimurium), we assigned the catalytic domain
(CD) sequence to be located between amino acids 274-667 (SEQ ID NO:16). To clone
the catalytic domain of A. viscosus sialidase (AvCD), this region of the A. viscosus
sialidase gene was engineered with codons optimized for expression in E.coli (SEQ ID
NO: 15). The codon-optimized AvCD nucleotide sequence encoding amino acids 274-667
of the A. viscosus sialidase (SEQ ID NO: 15) was produced by chemical synthesis of
overlapping oligonucleotides which were annealed, amplified by PCR and cloned into the
expression vector pTrc99a (Amersham, New Jersey, USA).
Sialidase fusion constructs were made using standard molecular cloning methods.
The Hise-AR construct was made by fusing six histidines (Hisg) to the N-terminal residue
of the AvCD sequence. The Hise-AvCD construct has the nucleotide sequence of SEQ ID
NO: 17 and translated amino acid sequence of SEQ ID NO: 18. These sequences are
depicted in Figure 7.
To make the AR-AvCD construct, an anchoring domain was directly fused with
the N-terminal residue of the AvCD sequence. The anchoring domain, referred to as AR,
was derived from the GAG binding sequence of human amphiregulin precursor (GenBank
# AAH09799). Nucleotide sequences encoding amino acids 125 to 145 (Figure 2, SEQ
ID NO:7) of the human amphiregulin precursor were synthesized chemically as two
overlapping oligonucleotides. The AR-AvCD construct has the nucleotide sequence of
SEQ ID NO:19 and translated amino acid sequence of SEQ ID NO:20.
Another construct, AR-G4S-AvCD, was made by fusing the same AR-encoding
sequence used in the AR-AvCD construct with a sequence encoding a five-amino-acid
linker (GGGGS; SEQ ID NO: 10) which then was fused with the AvCD sequence such
that in a translation product, the linker was fused to N-terminus of the catalytic domain of
the A. viscosus sialidase. The nucleotide sequence (SEQ ID NO:34) and translated amino
acid sequence (SEQ ID NO:35) of this construct are depicted in Figure 9. All constructs
were cloned into the pTrc99a expression vector.
In addition, four constructs were made in which the catalytic domain of the A.
viscosus sialidase was fused to the N-terminus of the AR (GAG-binding domain of human
amphiregulin; SEQ ID NO:7). In Construct #4 (SEQ ID NO:27), the catalytic domain of
the A. viscosus sialidase consisted of amino acids 274-666 of SEQ ID NO:12 fused to the
GAG-binding domain of amphiregulin (SEQ ID NO:7). In Construct #5 (SEQ ID
NO:29), the catalytic domain of the A. viscosus sialidase consisted of amino acids 274-
681 of SEQ ID NO: 12 fused to the GAG-binding domain of amphiregulin (SEQ ID
NO:7). In Construct #6 (SEQ ID NO:31), the catalytic domain of the A. viscosus
sialidase consisted of amino acids 290-666 of SEQ ID NO:12 fused to the GAG-binding
domain of amphiregulin (SEQ ID NO:7). In Construct #7 (SEQ ID NO:33), the catalytic
domain of the A. viscosus sialidase consisted of amino acids 290-681 of SEQ ID NO:12
fused to the GAG-binding domain of amphiregulin (SEQ ID NO:7). All of these
constructs displayed comparable sialidase activity in assays.
Example 9: Production of Sialidase Catalytic Domain Fusion Proteins
To produce the sialidase fusion proteins, the expression constructs were
transformed into E.coli BL21. A single colony was inoculated into 2.5 ml of LB broth
and grown overnight at 37°C with shaking. In the morning 2 ml of overnight culture was
inoculated into 500 ml of TB medium in a 2 liter shake flask and the culture was allowed
to grow to OD6oo=4.0 (2-4 hours) at 37°C with shaking. Protein expression was induced
by addition of IPTG to a final concentration of 1 mM and continued for 3 hr with
shaking. Cells were harvested by centrifugation at 5,000xg for 10 min. Cell were washed
once (resuspended in PBS and recentrifuged) and resuspended in 15 ml of Lysis buffer.
Compositions of media and buffers used in protein expression and purification.
TB medium for protein expression
Solution 1
Bacto-tryptone - 12 g
Yeast extract - 24 g
H2O to 800 ml
Solution 2
KH2PO4 (anhydrous) - 2.3 g
K2HPO4 (anhydrous) - 12.5 g
Autoclave solutions 1 and 2 separately, cool, mix and add the following:
60 ml of 20% glycerol (filter sterilized)
20 ml of 20% glucose (filter sterilized)
Lysis buffer
50 mM phosphate, pH 8.0
10% glycerol
300 mM NaCl
Bacterial cells suspended in lysis buffer were lysed by sonication and cell debris
was removed by centrifugation. Clarified lysate was passed through an SP-Sepharose
column (bed volume 15 ml, flow rate 120 cm/hour). The column was reconditioned to
lower pH and salt with one volume of PBS to ensure good retention of Fludase during
endotoxin removal. Endotoxin was removed by washing the column with 5 volumes of
PBS containing 1% Triton X-100, 0.5% Sodium Deoxycholate and 0.1% SDS. The
detergents were washed away with 3 volumes of PBS and 3 volumes of lysis buffer.
Proteins were eluted from the column with lysis buffer that contained 0.8 M NaCl. The
fraction eluted from SP-Sepharose was adjusted to 1.9 M (NH^SC^ (most contaminating
proteins are salted out at this step) and clarified by centrifugation. The supernatant was
loaded onto Butyl-Sepharose column (flow rate 120 cm/hour). The column was washed
with 2 volumes of 1.3 M (NH4)2SO4 and the fusion was eluted with 0.65 M (NH4)2SO4.
For the final step, size exclusion chromatography was performed on Sephacryl S-200
equilibrated with PBS buffer at a flow rate of 25 cm/hour. Sialidase activity was
determined against 4-MU-NANA as described in the following paragraph. Protein
concentration was determined using Bio-Rad's Bradford kit. Protein purity was assessed
by SDS-PAGE and estimated to be >98%. Specific activity of the enzyme was about 937
U/mg. Endotoxin in final preparations was measured using LAL test (Cambrex) and
estimated to be For purification of His6 containing fusion protein, cation exchange on SPSepharose
was replaced with Metal Chelate Affinity Chromatography on Ni-NTA. All
buffers remained the same with the exception that elution from Ni-NTA was performed
by 0.25 M imidazole in lysis buffer.
Example 10: Sialidase Assay to Measure Activity of Sialidase Catalytic Domain
Fusion Proteins
The sialidase activity of the AR-AvCD protein encoded by Construct #2 was
assayed and compared with that of native sialidases purfied from C. perfringens (Sigma,
St. Louis, MO) and A. ureafaciens (Prozyme, San Leandro, CA). In addition, a fusion
protein produced from a construct in which the amphiregulin GAG sequence (SEQ ID
NO: 7) was fused to the Neu 2 human sialidase (SEQ ID NO:8) was also assayed for
sialidase activity.
The sialidase activity expressed as units per mg sialidase was measured by the
sialidase assay using the artificial fluorogenic substrate 4-MU-NANA (Sigma). One unit
of sialidase is defined as the amount of enzyme that releases 10 nmol of MU from 4-MUNANA
in 10 min at 37°C (50 mM CH3COOH - NaOH buffer, pH 5.5) in reaction that
contains 20 nmol of 4-MU-NANA in a 0.2 ml volume. Reactions are stopped by addition
of 1 ml of 0.2 M glycine/NaOH pH 10.2. Fluorescence emission is measured on a
fluorometer with excitation at 365 nm and emission at 445 nm, using 4-
methylumbelliferone (4-MU) to obtain a calibration curve (Potier et al., Anal. Biochem.,
(1979) 94(2), 287-296).
(Table Removed)
Our results show that the AvCD fusion protein (AR-AvCD) has the highest
specific activity among all the tested sialidases (Table 2). The specific activity of ARAvCD
is over 100 times higher than that of a human sialidase fusion (AR-NEU2), and
over two times higher than that of C. perfringens sialidase. Experimental results
comparing the stability of the sialidases indicate very high stability of AR-AvCD: No
loss of activity for AR-AvCD was detected after 20 weeks at 25°C or 4°C in solution. By
comparison, AR-NEU2 solution exhibited a half-life of 5 and 2 weeks when stored at
25°C and 37°C, respectively.
Example 11: Optimization of the N-terminus ofSialidase Catalytic Domain Fusion
The N-terminus of the AR-AvCD fusion protein was partially cleaved under
certain conditions that resulted in small degrees of protein heterogeneity in the purified
AR-AvCD prep. To solve this problem, we designed an approach to optimize the Nterminus
of the sialidase fusion construct. A library containing AR-AvCD with random
amino acids at the N-terminus was constructed as follows. AR-AvCD was amplified by
PCR using a primer pair in which the primer annealing on 5'-end of the gene contained a
randomized sequence in positions corresponding to amino acids 2 and 3. The nucleotide
sequence of the primer and the encoded amino acid sequence are shown below.
ttttcgtctcccatgvnnvnnaagcgcaaaaaaaaaggcggca (SEQ ID NO:21)
MetXxxXxxLysArgLysLysLysGlyGly (SEQ ID NO:22)
In SEQ ID NO:21, "n" stands for any nucleotide (a, c, g, or t) and "v" stands for
nucleotides a, g or c. By designing the sequence in such a way (disallowing the
nucleotide t in the first position of codons) we avoided introduction of stop codons as
well as aromatic amino acids (Phe, Tyr, Trp) and Cys. The Espll restriction endonuclease
site (shown in bold) was introduced to allow generation of Ncol compatible overhang.
The primer annealing to 3'-end of the gene carried Hindlll site following the stop codon.
The PCR product was digested with Esp3l - Hindlll was ligated into pTrc99a expression
vector digested with Ncol - Hindlll. The ligation mix was transformed into E.coli and the
cells were grown overnight in liquid culture containing Ampicillin.
The next day the culture was diluted with fresh medium, grown to ODeoo-O.S and
induced with IPTG for 2 hours. Cells were harvested, homogenized and the fusions were
subjected to two-step purification by liquid chromatography. Clarified lysate was loaded
onto SP-Sepharose equilibrated with lysis buffer (50 mM HEPES, pH 8.0, 0.3 M NaCl,
10% glycerol). The column was washed with 0.45 M NaCl and the fusions were eluted
with 0.9 M NaCl. The eluate was diluted with 10% glycerol to bring the concentration of
NaCl to 0.2 M and loaded onto Heparin-Sepharose column. The column was developed
with a linear gradient of NaCl. The fractions that contained sialidase activity were
resolved on SDS-PAGE, electroblotted onto PVDF membrane and the 43 kDa band was
subjected to amino-terminal sequencing.
The predominant N-terminal residues of the isolated sialidase fusion protein were
either Val or Gly followed by the N-terminal residues of the AR tag. We then
synthesized new sialidase fusion constructs, Constructs #2 and #3, by introducing a Val
in front of the AR sequence such that the first six amino acids encoded by Constructs #2
and #3 were (Met-Val-Lys-Arg-Lys-Lys (SEQ ID NO:23)). N-terminal sequencing of
proteins made from these new fusion constructs showed 100% homogeneity with the
initiation Met being completely removed (which is desirable for therapeutic proteins) and
Val being the first N-terminal residue followed by the AR tag sequence. These data are
consistent with earlier publications that reported the common rules of N-terminal
processing and protein stability as function of protein's N-terminal amino acid residue
(Hirel et al., PfOC. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A, (1989) 86(21), 8247-8251; Varshavsky,
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A, (1996) 93(22), 12142-12149).
The nucleotide sequences of new fusion Construct #2 (AR-AvCD with optimized
N-terminus) (SEQ ID NO:24) and its amino acid sequence translation (SEQ ID NO:25)
is depicted in Figure 10. The nucleotide sequences of new fusion Construct #3 (ARG4S-
AvCD with optimized N-terminus) (SEQ ID NO:36) and its amino acid sequence
translation (SEQ ID NO:37) is depicted in Figure 11. The amino acid sequence of
processed proteins isolated from E. coli infected with Construct #2 is provided herein as
SEQ ID NO:38 and the amino acid sequence of processed proteins isolated from E. coli
infected with Construct #3 is provided herein as SEQ ID NO:39.
Example 12: Comparing Activities of Sialidase Constructs with or without an
Anchoring Domain
To evaluate if the AR sequence indeed improves the cell-surface activity of a
sialidase fusion protein, we incubated proteins purified from E. coli that were
transformed with Construct #2; SEQ ID NO:24, depicted in Figure 7) or Construct #1
(Hise-AvCD; SEQ ID NO: 17, depicted in Figure 5) with primary human bronchial
epithelial cells and measured cell-bound sialidase activity after extensive washing. For
cells incubated with Construct #2 protein (SEQ ID NO:25), up to 10% of the sialidase
was found to be cell-bound, and the cell-bound sialidase activity increased in a dosedependent
manner with the input concentration of Construct #2 protein. However,
Construct #1 protein (SEQ ID NO: 18) incubated cells only exhibited background level
of sialidase activity. Furthermore, we treated MDCK cells with either Construct #2
protein or Construct #1 protein and measured the level of residual a( 2,6)-linked sialic
acid on the surface of the cells (Figure 8). At equal levels of enzymatic activity below
100 mU per well, Construct #2 protein demonstrated significantly higher potency than
Construct #1 protein. These results indicate that the AR domain indeed enhances the
function of sialidase.
Example 13: In vitro Activities of Sialidase Fusion Proteins
Stocks of Influenza Viruses
Influenza viral strains are obtained from ATCC and the repository at St. Jude
Children's Research Hospital. All experiments involving influenza viruses are conducted
at Bio-safety level II.
Viruses are propagated on Madin-Darby canine kidney (MDCK) cells in minimal
essential medium (MEM) supplemented with 0.3% bovine serum albumin and 0.5
micrograms of trypsin per ml. After incubating for 48 to 72 hours, the culture medium is
clarified by low speed centrifugation. Viral particles are pelleted by ultracentrifugation
through a 25% sucrose cushion. Purified viruses are suspended in 50% glycerol-O.lM
Tris buffer (pH 7.3) and stored at -20°C.
Cell protection assay
To evaluate the ability of the Construct #2 AR-AvCD protein to protect cells
against influenza viruses, we first treated MDCK cells with AR-AvCD made from
Construct #2 or a broad-spectrum bacterial sialidase isolated from A. ureofaciens, and
challenged the cells with a broad selection of human influenza viruses (IFV), including
human IFV A of HI, H2 and H3 subtypes, human IFV B as well as an avian IFV strain.
As shown in Figure 9, the fusion protein made from Construct #2 demonstrated 80 to
100% of cell protection that was comparable to the effect of A. ureafaciens sialidase.
To perform the assay, MDCK cells were treated with 10 mU of AR-AvCD protein
(made using Construct #2) or the isolated sialidase of A. ureafaciens at 37°C for 2 hrs.
The cells were subsequently challenged with influenza viruses at MOI 0.1 for 1 hr. The
cells were washed and incubated in fresh DMDM:F12 supplemented with 0.2% ITS
(GIBCO) and 0.6 ug/ml acetylated trypsin (Sigma). The cells were stained with 0.5%
crystal violet and 20% methanol for 5 min and rinsed with tap water. The level of viable
cells in each well was quantitated by extracting crystal violet by 70% ethanol and reading
at 570 nM. Cell protection was calculated by 100 x {(sialidase treated sample - virus
only)/(uninfected sample-virus only)}.
IFV inhibition assay
We evaluated inhibition of IFV amplification by AR-AvCD protein (made using
Construct #2) and AR-G4S-AvCD protein (made using Construct #3) using a cell-based
ELISA method (Belshe et al., J Virol., (1988) 62(5), 1508-1512).
To perform the assay, MDCK monolayers in 96 well plates were treated with 16
mU of the sialidases AR-AvCD made from Construct #2 or AR-G4S-AvCD made from
Construct #3 in EDB/BSA buffer (10 mM Sodium Acetate, 150 mM NaCl, 10 mM
CaCl2, 0.5 mM MgCl2, and 0.5% BSA) for 2 hrs at 37 °C. Both the sialidase treated and
the untreated control cells (treated with only EDB/BSA buffer) were infected with 0.1
MOI of virus. After 1 hour, the cells were washed two times with PBS and incubated in
DMEM:F12 supplemented with 0.2% ITS (Gibco) and 0.6 ug/ml acetylated trypsin
(Sigma). Forty to 48 hours post-infection, the levels of cell-bound virus were determined
by using a cell-based ELISA assay. Specifically, cells were fixed in 0.05%
glutaraldehyde in PBS and were incubated with 50 |ol of 103 dilution of either antiinfluenza
A NP antiserum or anti-influenza B (Fitzgerald Inc.) in 0.5% BSA and PBS at
37°C for 1 hr. After washing, each well was incubated with HRP-protein G in 0.5% BSA
and PBS for 1 hr. After final washes, 50ul of 25 mM sodium citrate (pH 4.5) containing
0.02% 3,3',5,5'-tetramethylbenzidine dihydrochloride (Sigma) and 0.01% hydrogen
peroxide was allowed to react with the cells at room temperature for 5 min. The
reactions were stopped by adding 50 ul of 1M t^SO^ and quantitated by measuring
optical densities at 450 nM. Percentage viral replication inhibition is calculated by 100%
x {(virus only samples - sialidase treated samples)/(virus only samples - uninfected
Data on inhibition of viral replication and cell protection ECSO's and selective
indexes for recombinant sialidase fusion proteins AR-AvCD made from Construct #2 and
AR-G4S-AvCD made from Construct #3 for a variety of human influenza A and
influenza B viruses, as well as equine viruses are shown in Figure 12.
As shown in Figure 10, sialidase fusion proteins strongly inhibited amplification
of a broad selection of influenza viruses. Notably, 80-100% viral inhibition (Figure 10)
as well as cell protection (Figure 9) was achieved although a maximum of 70-80% of
cell surface sialic acid was removed by the sialidase treatment (Figure 8). This finding
demonstrates that it is unnecessary to completely eliminate cell surface sialic acid in
order to achieve the desired therapeutic effect of treating with the sialidase fusion
proteins of the present invention. The residual 20-30% of the surface sialic acid, while
being inaccessible for the sialidase fusion proteins, is probably inaccessible for influenza
viruses as well.
Cvtotoxicity of sialidase fusion proteins
To evaluate the cytotoxicity of AR-AvCD or AR-G4S-AvCD proteins (made from
Constructs #2 and #3), MDCK cells were seeded at low density in 96-well plates and
cultured for 5 days in DMEM containing 10% FBS and up to 20 U of AR-AvCD protein
or AR-G4S-AvCD protein per well (both sialidases remained fully active during the entire
experiment). Cell density in AR-AvCD or AR-G4S-AvCD treated or control wells were
determined every day by staining the cells with crystal violet and measuring absorption at
570 nM. No inhibition of cell growth was observed even at the highest concentration of
AR-AvCD or AR-G4S-AvCD (100 U/ ml) in the culture. Therefore IC50, which is the
drug concentration that inhibits cell growth by 50%, for AR-AvCD or AR-G4S-AvCD is
above 100 U/ml.
Example 14: In vivo Activities ofSialidase Catalytic Domain Fusion Protein
Ferrets can be infected with human unadapted influenza viruses and produce signs
of disease comparable to those of humans, which can be treated by antiviral compounds,
such as zanamivir (Relenza). (Mendel et al., Antimicrob Agents Chemother, (1998)
42(3), 640-646; Smith and Sweet, Rev. Infect. DiS., (1988) 10(1), 56-75; Reuman et al.,
1 Virol. Methods, (1989) 24(1-2), 27-34). To evaluate in vivo efficacy of our
compounds, we tested AR-AvCD protein (made from Construct #2) in the ferret model.
Specifically, 24 young female ferrets (0.5-0.8 kg) (Marshall Farms, North Rose, NY) that
tested negative for the presence of anti-hemagglutinin antibodies in sera were included in
the study. Two animals were placed in each cage and allowed to acclimate for 3 days
before the experiment. The animals were randomly divided into three groups: 8 animals
were treated with drug dilution buffer and viral challenge, 12 animals were treated with
AR-AvCD and viral challenge, and 4 animals were treated with AR-AvCD only. A
preparation of AR-AvCD dissolved in phosphate buffered saline (PBS) that contains 500
U/ml in sialidase activity and 0.7 mg/ml in protein concentration was used in the study.
Animals in the drug treatment groups received 1 ml of AR-AvCD at each dose, which
amounts to about 1 mg/kg in dosage level.
Ferrets were anesthetized and inoculated intranasally (0.5 ml into each nostril)
with AR-AvCD or PBS twice (8 am and 6pm) and daily for a total of 7 days (2 days prior
to the viral challenge and 5 days post virus inoculation). The ferrets were observed
following the drug application for signs of intolerance. Viral inoculation was carried out
on day 3 between 10-11 am. The viral challenge was done with human A/Bayern/7/95
(HlNl)-like virus at dose 105 TCIDso (>104 ferret IDso). The nasal washes were collected
from all animals starting day 2 post AR-AvCD treatment and continued until day 7. To
collect nasal washes, 1 ml of sterile PBS was administered intranasally, the sneezed
liquid was harvested and its volume was recorded. The nasal washes were centrifuged.
The pelleted cells were re-suspended and counted in a hemacytometer under a
microscope. The supernatants were collected, aliquoted and stored at -80°C. The protein
concentration in cell-free nasal washes was determined by using the Bio-Rad protein
reagent according to manufacturer's protocol (Bio-Rad, Hercules, CA). For virus
titration of the nasal washes, inoculated MDCK cells were incubated for 3 days at 36°C
in a CO2 incubator. The monolayers were inspected visually for cytopathic effect (CPE)
and aliquots of the cell culture supernatants from each well were tested for the virus
presence by a standard hemagglutination assay with guinea pig red blood cells. Viral
liter was determined by the Spearman Karber method ( (1996) ).
In uninfected animals given intranasal AR-AvCD (n=4), no apparent effect on the
inflammatory cell counts and protein concentrations in the nasal washes was observed
(Figure 15 A and B). Nasal washes from these animals were followed for 7 days and
were all negative for viral shedding. No signs of drug-related toxicity were detected in
these animals at the drug dose used in this study. In the vehicle-treated group, virus
replicated in the nasal epithelium of all 8 ferrets. Viral shedding reached peak values of
4.4 to 5.9 logioTCIDso (mean peak titer of 4.9) on day 1 or 2 post challenge, diminished
over time and became negative by day 5 (Figure 13). By contrast, only 3 of 12 ARAvCD-
treated ferrets were positive for viral shedding on day 1 post challenge (Figure
13), and their nasal viral titers were about 100 times lower than those in the vehicletreated
animals (mean 2.4+0.3 vs. 4.4+0.4 logi0TCID50) (Figure 13). After day 1, the
response to the AR-AvCD treatment varied substantially. Three animals were completely
protected against infection, signs of illness, and inflammatory response (Figure 13),
ferret tag # 803, 805, 806). The protection was also confirmed by a lack of
seroconversion on day-14 post challenge. One ferret (tag #780) did not shed virus during
the first three days post challenge, but it died on day 4 post infection from an unrelated
injury. The shedding in the remaining 8 ferrets varied during the course of infection,
ranging from ferret #812 that shed virus for a day only, to the ferret #791 that shed virus
for 5 days.
Infection in the ferrets that shed virus for at least one day was confirmed by more
than a 16-fold rise in the post-challenge anti-HA antibody titer (seroconversion). There
was no apparent effect of AR-AvCD treatment on the anti-HA titers in post-challenge
sera (320-1280, vs. 160-1280, vehicle- and drug-treated group, respectively).
In ferrets that shed the virus despite the AR-AvCD treatment (n=8), the
inflammatory response was reduced and animals appeared to be more alert and active
compared to the untreated ferrets that were invariably lethargic and feverish. For this
group of 8 infected, AR-AvCD-treated animals, the mean AUC (area under the curve)
value calculated for the nasal protein concentrations was reduced by approximately 40%
(2.68 vs. 4.48, arbitrary units) compared to the vehicle-treated infected animals (Figure
11B). In vehicle-treated infected animals, the number of inflammatory cells in nasal
washes was increased to approximately 100-fold above those in uninfected animals on
day 2 post challenge. These levels were sustained for 4 additional days. The AR-AvCDtreated
animals exhibited a significant reduction in the number of inflammatory cells in
the nasal washes. Specifically, the AUC value for cell counts was reduced by
approximately 3-fold in the AR-AvCD-treated animals compared to the vehicle-treated
infected animals (1965 vs. 674, arbitrary units, Figure 11 A). The observed reduction in
the inflammatory response indicates the importance of inhibiting viral replication at the
early stage of infection.
Example 15. Inhibition of Bacterial Cell Adhesion bySialidase Fusion Proteins
S. pneumoniae: 10 encapsulated strains of different serotypes are selected from the
clinical isolates deposited at ATCC. Bacteria are maintained as frozen stocks and
passaged on tryptic soy agar plates containing 3% sheep blood (Difco & Micropure
Medical Inc.) for 18 hr at 37°C in 5% CC>2. To label pneumococci with radioisotope, an
inoculum is taken from a 1- to 2-day plate culture, added to lysine-deficient tryptic soy
broth containing 70 uCi of [3H] lysine per ml and incubated at 37°C in 5% CO2. The
growth of each culture is monitored by light absorbance at 595 nm. At late logarithmic
phase, the bacteria are harvested, washed twice by centrifugation (13,000rpm x 3min),
and resuspended in L-15 medium (without phenol red) plus 0.1% BSA (L-15-BSA)
(Cundell and Tuomanen, Microb. Pathog., (1994) 17(6), 361-374) (Barthelson et al.,
Infect. Immun., (1998) 66(4), 1439-1444).
H. influenzae: 5 strains of type b (Hib) and 10 nontypable strains (NTHi) are obtained
from the clinical isolates deposited at ATCC. All strains are stocked in brain heart
infusion (BHI, Difco) containing hemin (ICN) and NAD (Sigma) and kept frozen until
use; then they are cultured on BHI agar supplemented with hemin and NAD and grown
for 14 hr at 37°C with 5% CO2. (Kawakami et al., Microbiol. Immunol., (1998) 42(10),
697-702). To label the bacteria with [3H], H. influenzae cells are inoculated in BHI broth
containing hemin, NAD and [3H]leucine at 250 uCi/ml and allowed to grow until late
logarithmic phase and then harvested, washed and resuspended in L-15-BSA (Barthelson
et al., Infect. Immun., (1998) 66(4), 1439-1444).
Cell Adhesion Assay
All [3H]-labeled bacteria are suspended in L-15-BSA after washing, the bacterial
concentration is determined by visual counting with a Petroff-Hausser chamber,
radioactivity is determined by scintillation counting, and the specific activity of the [3H]-
labeled cells is calculated. Preparations of bacteria with 7cpm/1000 cells or greater are
used. The bacteria are diluted to 5x 108 cells/ml. BEAS-2B cell monolayers are
incubated with [3H]-labeled bacterial suspension containing 5 x 107 bacteria at 37°C in
5% CO2. After 30 min, unbound bacteria are removed by washing with L-15-BSA for 5
times. Bacteria attached to the WD-HAE tissue samples are quantitated by scintillation
Desialylation of BEAS-2B cells by sialidase fusion proteins and effects on cell adhesion
by H. influenzae and S. pneumoniae.
BEAS-2B cells are incubated with 1-50 mU of AR-AvCD for 2 hours. Cell
adhesion assay will be carried out using H. influenzae and 5. pneumoniae strains as
described above. Mock treated cells are used as positive control. Efficacy of AR-AvCD
is quantitated as the ECso, which is the amount of enzyme to achieve 50% inhibition on
bacterial adhesion.
Example 16. Improving Transduction Efficiency of AAV Vector using Sialidase
Fusion Proteins
In vitro Experiments
An experiment demonstrating effect of AR-AvCD is performed in a way similar
to the procedure published (Bals et al., J Virol., (1999) 73(7), 6085-6088). A monolayer
of Well-Differentiated Airway Epithelium (WDAE) cells is maintained in transwells
(Karp et al., Methods Mol. Biol., (2002) 188, 115-137; Wang et al., J Virol., (1998)
72(12), 9818-9826). In order to eliminate sialic acid from the cell surface the culture
medium is replaced with serum free medium in which 0.5-10 units of AR-AvCD are
dissolved. The cells are treated for 30 min to 6 hours. The cell monolayers are washed,
transduced with AAV, and transduction efficiency is estimated using standard
procedures. Several transwells are treated with medium only (without AR-AvCD) to
serve the purpose of control (basal transduction efficiency). Additional controls may
include the transwells treated with AR-AvCD only to assess cytotoxic effect of
desialylation. A reporter virus is used for facile detection of transduced cells. Examples
of reporter AAV and their use have been described in literature and include AAV-CMVeGFP,
AAV2LacZ (Bals et al., J Virol., (1999) 73(7), 6085-6088; Wang et al., Hum.
Gene Ther., (2004) 15(4), 405-413) and alkaline phosphatase (Halbert et al., Nat.
Biotechnol., (2002) 20(7), 697-701). The efficiency is estimated by light microscopy of
the cells that were fixed and treated with appropriate substrate (if lacZ or AP containing
virus is used) or fluorescent microscopy of live cells (if GFP is used). According to the
experiments conducted at NexBio with NHBE primary epithelial cells (Cambrex,
Walkersville, MD) the maximum amount of removal of sialic acid is achieved in less
than one hour when 10 units of AR-AvCD per transwell are used. Other cell lines used
(e.g. MDCK) become desialylated with much less AR-AvCD administered (0.1 U for 1
hour). It is therefore our estimate that a treatment of WDAE with 10 U of AR-AvCD for
2 hours will be sufficient to remove accessible sialic acid and provide significant
enhancement of transduction of WDAE cells with AAV.
Testing Effect of AR-AvCD Treatment on AAV Transduction in an Animal Model.
To demonstrate effect of AR-AvCD treatment in animal model an experiment
similar to previously described is conducted (Flotte et al., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S.
A, (1993) 90(22), 10613-10617; Halbert et al., Nat. Biotechnol., (2002) 20(7), 697-701).
Several hours (1-6) prior to administration of AAV AR-AvCD is delivered to mice lungs
by nasal aspiration of aerosole or lyophilized AR-AvCD powder according to previously
published protocol (Flotte et al., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A, (1993) 90(22), 10613-
10617). AAV carrying reporter gene (alkaline phosphatase) is delivered by nasal
aspiration, mice are euthanized 4 weeks later and transduced cells are detected in fixed
lungs as previously described (Halbert et al., J ViroL, (1998) 72(12), 9795-9805).
Example 17. Sialidase Treatment Inhibits Mast Cell Functions and Smooth Muscle
Contraction in the Trachea.
Using experimental methods described previously (Cocchiara et al., J
Neuroimmunol., (1997) 75(1-2), 9-18), it will be demonstrated that treatment by
compounds of the present invention prevents substance P (SP) induced histamine release
by mast cells. Using another set of experiments (Stenton et al., J Pharmacol. Exp.
Ther., (2002) 302(2), 466-474), treatment by compounds of the present invention will
inhibit p-hexosaminidase release by mast cells stimulated by two PAR-activating
peptides (PAR stands for proteinase-activated receptors).
Compounds of the present invention will be administered intratracheally in guinea
pigs and the airway reactivity will be assessed in the animals as described previously
(Jarreau et al., Am. Rev. Respir. Dis., (1992) 145(4 Pt 1), 906-910; Stenton et al., J
Pharmacol. Exp. Ther., (2002) 302(2), 466-474). Sialidase treatment should not induce
nonspecific airway hyperreactivity judged by the reaction to multiple inducers. In
addition, sialidase treatment should reduce substance P-induced bronchoconstriction.
Similarly, compounds of the present invention will be used to treated the isolated guinea
pig and rat trachea and lung (Kai et al., Eur. J. Pharmacol., (1992) 220(2-3), 181-185;
Stenton et al., J Pharmacol. Exp. Ther., (2002) 302(2), 466-474). Again recombinant
sialidase treatment will have no effect on smooth muscle contractions induced by
acetylcholine, histamine and 5-hydroxytryptamme. In addition, it will inhibit tracheal
contraction induced by antigen (ovalbumin) or compound 48/80.
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All publications, including patent documents, Genbank sequence database entries
including nucleotide and amino acid sequences and accompanying information, and
scientific articles, referred to in this application and the bibliography and attachments are
incorporated by reference in their entirety for all purposes to the same extent as if each
individual publication were individually incorporated by reference.
All headings are for the convenience of the reader and should not be used to limit
the meaning of the text that follows the heading, unless so specified.

We Claim:
1. A sialidase catalytic domain protein comprising a catalytic domain of a sialidase,
a) the sequence of the sialidase catalytic domain protein comprises an amino acid
sequence that is identical to or substantially homologous to an amino acid sequence that
begins at any one of the amino acid residues from amino acid 270 to amino acid 290 of
the Actinomyces viscosus sialidase protein sequence set forth in SEQ ID NO:12, and
ends at any one of the amino acid residues from amino acid 665 to amino acid 901 of the
Actinomyces viscosus sialidase protein sequence set forth in SEQ ID NO:12;
b) the sialidase catalytic domain protein lacks amino acid residues extending from
amino acid 1 to amino acid 269 of the sequence of amino acids set forth in SEQ ID
NO: 12; and
c) the sialidase catalytic domain protein has sialidase activity.
2. The sialidase catalytic domain protein of claim 1, wherein the sequence of the
protein comprises the sequence of amino acids set forth in SEQ ID NO:14.
3. The sialidase catalytic domain protein of claim 1, wherein the sequence of the
sialidase catalytic domain protein comprises an amino acid sequence that begins at any of
the amino acid residues from amino acid 270 to amino acid 290 of the sequence of amino
acids set forth in SEQ ID NO: 12. and ends at any of amino acid residues 665 to 681 of
the sequence of amino acids set forth in SEQ ID NO:12.
4. The sialidase catalytic domain protein of claim 3, wherein the sequence of the
protein comprises the sequence of amino acids set forth in SEQ ID NO:16.
5. The sialidase catalytic domain protein of claim 4, wherein the sequence of the
protein comprises the sequence of amino acid residues from 1 to 393 of the sequence of
amino acids set forth in SEQ ID NO: 16.
6. The sialidase catalytic domain protein of claim 3, wherein the sequence of the
sialidase catalytic domain protein comprises an amino acid sequence that begins at amino
acid residue 274 of the sequence of amino acids set forth in SEQ ID NO: 12 and ends at
amino acid residue 681 of the sequence of amino acids set forth in SEQ ID NO:12.
7. The sialidase catalytic domain protein of claim 3, wherein the sequence of the
sialidase catalytic domain protein comprises an amino acid sequence that begins at amino
acid residue 290 of the sequence of amino acids set forth in SEQ ID NO: 12 and ends at
amino acid residue 666 of the sequence of amino acids set forth in SEQ ID NO:12.
8. The sialidase catalytic domain protein of claim 3, wherein the sequence of the
sialidase catalytic domain protein comprises an amino acid sequence that begins at amino
acid residue 290 of the sequence of amino acids set forth in SEQ ID NO: 12 and ends at
amino acid residue 681 of the sequence of amino acids set forth in SEQ ID NO:12.
9. The sialidase catalytic domain protein of claim 1, wherein the sequence of the
sialidase catalytic domain protein comprises an amino acid sequence that begins at amino
acid residue 274 of the sequence of amino acids set forth in SEQ ID NO: 12 and ends at
amino acid residue 666 of the sequence of amino acids set forth in SEQ ID NO: 12.
10. A nucleic acid molecule, comprising a nucleotide sequence encoding the sialidase
catalytic domain protein of any of claims 1-9.
11. An expression vector, comprising the nucleic acid molecule of claim 10.
12. A fusion protein, comprising:
a) at least one domain comprising a catalytic domain of a sialidase, wherein:
the catalytic domain of the sialidase comprises an amino acid sequence
that is identical to or substantially homologous to an amino acid sequence that begins at
any one of the amino acid residues from amino acid 270 to amino acid 290 of the
Actinomyces viscosus sialidase protein sequence set forth in SEQ ID NO: 12, and ends at
any one of the amino acid residues from amino acid 665 to amino acid 901 of the
Actinomyces viscosus sialidase protein sequence set forth in SEQ ID NO:12;
the catalytic domain of the sialidase lacks amino acid residues extending
from amino acid 1 to amino acid 269 of the sequence of amino acids set forth in SEQ ID
NO: 12; and
the catalytic domain of the sialidase has sialidase activity; and
b) at least one other domain, wherein the at least one other domain is selected
from among a purification domain, a protein tag, a protein stability domain, a solubility
domain, a protein size-increasing domain, a protein folding domain, a protein localization
domain, an anchoring domain, an N-terminal domain, a C-terminal domain, a catalytic
activity domain, a binding domain, or a catalytic activity-enhancing domain
13. The fusion protein of claim 12, further comprising at least one peptide linker.
14. The fusion protein of claim 12, wherein the sequence of the catalytic domain of
the sialidase comprises the sequence of ammo acids set forth in SEQ ID NO:16.
15. The fusion protein of claim 12, wherein the sequence of the catalytic domain of
the sialidase comprises an amino acid sequence that begins at amino acid residue 274 of
the sequence of amino acids set forth in SEQ ID NO:12 and ends at amino acid residue
666 of the sequence of amino acids set forth in SEQ ID NO:12.
16. The fusion protein of claim 14 or claim 15, comprising at least one protein
purification domain.
17. The fusion protein of claim 16, wherein the at least one protein purification
domain is a His tag, a calmodulin binding domain, a maltose binding protein domain, a
streptavidin domain, a streptavidin binding domain; an intein domain, or a chitin binding
18. The fusion protein of claim 17, wherein the protein purification domain is a His
19. The fusion protein of claim 18 whose sequence comprises the sequence of amino
acids set forth in SEQ ID NO:29.
20. The fusion protein of claim 12, comprising at least one anchoring domain.
21. The fusion protein of claim 20, wherein the anchoring domain is a
glycosaminoglycan (GAG)-binding domain.
22. The fusion protein of claim 21, wherein the GAG-binding domain is substantially
homologous to the GAG-binding domain of human platelet factor 4 (SEQ ID NO:2),
substantially homologous to the GAG-binding domain of human interleukin 8 (SEQ ID
NO:3), substantially homologous to the GAG-binding domain of human antithrombin III
(SEQ ID NO:4), substantially homologous to the GAG-binding domain of human
apoprotein E (SEQ ID NO:5), substantially homologous to the GAG-binding domain of
human angio-associated migratory protein (SEQ ID NO:6), or substantially homologous
to the GAG-binding domain of human amphiregulin (SEQ ID NO:7).
23. The fusion protein of claim 22, wherein the GAG-binding domain is substantially
homologous to the human amphiregulin GAG-binding domain (SEQ ID NO:7).
24. The fusion protein of claim 22, wherein the GAG-binding domain comprises the
human amphiregulin GAG-binding domain (SEQ ID NO:7).
25. The fusion protein of claim 24, wherein the sequence of the catalytic domain of
the sialidase comprises the sequence of amino acids set forth in SEQ ID NO:16.
26. The fusion protein of claim 25, whose sequence comprises the sequence of amino
acids set forth in SEQ ID NO: 19.
27. The fusion protein of claim 25, whose sequence comprises the sequence of amino
acids set forth in SEQ ID NO:38.
28. The fusion protein of claim 25, further comprising a peptide linker connecting the
human amphiregulin GAG-binding domain to the domain comprising the catalytic
domain of the sialidase.
29. The fusion protein of claim 28, whose sequence comprises the sequence of amino
acids set forth in SEQ ID NO:35.
30. The fusion protein of claim 28, whose sequence comprises the sequence of amino
acdis set forth in SEQ ID NO:37.
31. The fusion protein of claim 28, whose sequence comprises the sequence of amino
acids set forth in SEQ ID NO:39.
32. The fusion protein of claim 24, whose sequence comprises the sequence of amino
acids set forth in SEQ ID NO:21.
33. The fusion protein of claim 24, whose sequence comprises the sequence of amino
acids set forth in SEQ ID NO:23.
34. The fusion protein of claim 24, whose sequence comprises the sequence of amino
acids set forth in SEQ ID NO:25.
35. The fusion protein of claim 24, whose sequence comprises the sequence of amino
acids set forth in SEQ ID NO:27.
36. A nucleic acid molecule encoding the fusion protein of any of claims 19, 26, or
37. An expression vector comprising the nucleic acid molecule of claim 36.
38. A nucleic acid molecule, wherein the sequence of the nucleic acid molecule
comprises a sequence of nucleotides selected from among the sequences set forth in SEQ
NO:32 and SEQ ID NO:36.
39. A pharmaceutical formulation comprising a sialidase whose sequence comprises
the sequence of amino acids set forth in SEQ ID NO:12.
40. A pharmaceutical formulation comprising a sialidase whose sequence is
substantially homologous to the sequence of amino acids set forth in SEQ ID NO: 12.
41. A pharmaceutical formulation comprising the protein of claim 1.
42. A pharmaceutical formulation comprising the protein of claim 3
43. A pharmaceutical formulation comprising the fusion protein of claim 13.
44. A pharmaceutical formulation comprising the fusion protein of claim 15.
45. A pharmaceutical formulation comprising the fusion protein of claim 26.
46. A pharmaceutical formulation comprising the composition of claim 32.
47. The pharmaceutical formulatiofi of any of claims 39-46 that is formulated as a
48. The pharmaceutical formulation of any of claims 39-46 that is formulated as an
49. The pharmaceutical formulation of any of claims 39-46 that is formulated as a
solution for injection.
50. The pharmaceutical formulation of any of claims 39-46 that is formulated as a
solution for eye drops.
51. The pharmaceutical formulation of any of claims 39-46 that is formulated as a
cream, salve, gel, or ointment.
52. The pharmaceutical formulation of any of claims 39-46 that is formulated as a
pill, tablet, lozenge, suspension, or solution for oral administration.
53. A method of treating or preventing viral infection by influenza, parainfluenza, or
respiratory syncytial virus, comprising:
applying a therapeutically effective amount of the formulation of any of claims
39-52 to epithelial cells of a subject.
54. The method of claim 53, wherein the applying is by use of a nasal spray.
55. The method of claim 53, wherein the applying is by use of an inhaler.
56. The method of claim 53, wherein the applying is performed from once to four
times a day.
57. A method of treating or preventing infection by a bacterial pathogen, comprising:
administering a therapeutically effective amount of the formulation of any of claims 39-
52 to a subject.
58. The method of claim 57, wherein the pathogen is selected from among
Streptococcus pneumoniae, Mycoplasma pneumoniae, Haemophilus influenzae,
Moraxella catarrhalis , Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and Heliobacter pylori.
59. The method of claim 57, wherein the administering is by use of a nasal spray.
60. The method of claim 57, wherein the administering is by use of an inhaler.
61. The method of claim 57, wherein the administering is by topical application.
62. The method of claim 57, wherein said administering is by oral administration.
63. The method of claim57, wherein the administering is performed from once to four
times a day.
64. A method of treating or preventing allergy or inflammation, comprising:
administering a therapeutically effective amount of the formulation of any of
claims 39-52 to a subject.
65. The method of claim 64, wherein the inflammation is associated with asthma,
allergic rhinitis, eczema, psoriasis, exposure to plant or animal toxins, or autoimmune
66. The method of claim 64, wherein the administering is by use of a nasal spray.
67. The method of claim 64, wherein the administering is by use of an inhaler.
68. The method of claim 64, wherein the administering is by use of eye drops.
69. The method of claim 64, wherein the administering is by topical application.
70. The method of claim 64, wherein the administering is by local or intravenous
71. The method of claim 64, wherein the administering is performed from once to
four times a day.
72. A method of enhancing gene delivery by a recombinant viral vector, comprising:
administering, to epithelial cells of a subject, a recombinant viral vector
comprising a gene for delivery to the subject; and
administering an effective amount of the formulation of any of claims 39-52 to
the epithelial cells of the subject, wherein the administration of the formulation is
performed prior to or concomitant with the administration of the recombinant viral
73. The method of claim 72, wherein the recombinant viral vector is selected from
among a retro viral vector, a Herpes viral vector, an adeno viral vector and an adenoassociated
viral vector.
74. The method of claim 73, wherein the recombinant viral vector is a recombinant
adeno-associated viral vector.
75. The method of claim 74, wherein the recombinant adeno-associated viral vector
comprises a gene encoding the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator
76. The method of claim 74, wherein the administering is by use of an inhaler.
77. The method of claim 74, wherein the administering is performed from once to
four times a day.



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Patent Number 263142
Indian Patent Application Number 2576/DELNP/2007
PG Journal Number 41/2014
Publication Date 10-Oct-2014
Grant Date 09-Oct-2014
Date of Filing 05-Apr-2007
Name of Patentee ANSUN BIOPHARMA, INC.,
Applicant Address 3030 CALLAN ROAD, SUITE 200, SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92121, USA
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number C12N 9/36
PCT International Application Number PCT/US2005/025831
PCT International Filing date 2005-07-21
PCT Conventions:
# PCT Application Number Date of Convention Priority Country
1 10/939,262 2004-09-10 U.S.A.