Title of Invention


Abstract According to this invention, there is provided a desalination system adapted to receive saline water in order to desalinate it to obtain desalinated potable water, said system comprising a partitioned tank adapted to receive saline water in one portion of the tank: an entry means adapted to allow entry of magnetized nanotechnology robots (nanobots) in said saline water, said nanobots assigned to find the dissolved salts and attach themselves to them in order to make said salt magnetic; a first portion of said tank adapted to receive said saline water and said nanobots; a magnet adapted to pull the magnetized salt in one direction; an exit means adapted to allow exit of said magnetized salts; and a second portion of the tank where desalinated water overflows from said first portion, for use.
Full Text FORM-2


(39 of 1970)


(Section 10, rule 13)
Ms. Kaiser Irani
residing at 1 Spenta Society, Old Khandala Road, Khandala,
Maharashtra 410302, India
An Indian National

This invention relates to desalination systems.
In particular this invention relates to water desalination systems.
Further, this invention relates to a system and method of desalination using magnetic nanoparticles.
Desalination process is removal of salt and minerals from water (water desalination) or soil (soil desalination). Conversion of such water to fresh water has become a necessity for providing potable water (drinking water). There are many factors which lead to water scarcity. Global warming leading to seasonal disturbance is a major cause. A country like India has taken initiative to formulate a solution for this problem of providing potable water.
Various methods, systems and devices are in use and many more to come in. Some of the conventional desalination systems utilize filtration and distillation processes. Drawbacks includes one of more like poor recovery, cost and labor intensive, high energy utilization, sophistication in design or technique requiring technical expertise adding to the cost, space barrier, and similar kind. Additionally, discharge water (with high salt / contaminant) of existing systems (distillation, Reverse Osmosis, Forward Osmosis) contaminating environment due to lack of correct disposal measures that are either not practiced, not available or not being taken care of. Further limitations of

the currently used systems are fouling and / or salt deposition that limits the life of membranes.
Desalinization exists today in a very inefficient way. Large amounts of water have to go into vats of containment and sit there while heat is used in various ways. There are various systems, some of them steam, some of them not, all requiring heat to take out the salt. It takes a long time. It is expensive and not efficient. Therefore it is not tenable to desalinate for an entire city. Instead, only places that simply have no fresh water at all have a system like this. It becomes a necessity of inconvenience and expense instead of a good solution.
This patent provides for desalination system and methods using nanotechnology wherein desalination in domestic, medical, to industrial purposes uses magnetic nano particles / magnetic robots / magnebots (for water purification / desalination purposes other than liquids, gases and air) and envisage reduction in operation and cost. For example, carbon nanotubes in nano structured material substantially destroys, modifies, removes, or separates contaminants in fluid that comes into contact with said material; engineered or tailor made molecules, engineered PEG based hydrophilic magnetic nano particles (MNP) capable of drawing solutes in FO; and membrane device based on Ion concentration Polarization (ICP) concept for separates salts and microbes desalinizing water electrostatically.
Nanotechnology offers solution to desalination or removal of contamination from sea water. Research and development in the area of desalination using functionalized magnetic nanoparticles is discussed. Some of the illustrative examples include use of magnetic nanoparticles functionalized with selective synthetic salt ion-receptors to

extract dissolved salt ion from saline water; Zero-valent iron with the mobility and reactivity of iron nanoparticles for groundwater remediation and Magnetic "nanorust" for decontaminating Arsenic from drinking water.
Such methods overcome drawbacks of conventional desalination methods including membrane based in reducing cost, energy, electricity and components replacement and waste disposal problem.
This system and method desalinizes water without contaminating the environment or by using fossil fuels in cost effective manner.
US patent application no. 20080041791 discloses nanostructured article for reducing or removing contaminants This invention uses filtration assembly containing filtration media comprising carbon nanotubes fused or bonded together to a electrically charged support medium or other carbon nanotube or to a combination thereof for reducing or decontaminating contaminants from fluids like water, air, fuel, biological fluids, and food stuffs.
US patent application no. 20080206146 describes functionalized magnetic nanoparticles (MNPs) comprising a functional group for use in pharmaceutical
US patent application no. 20100059449 describes a method for separating a dispersed phase or a dissolved material from a continuous phase such as water/oil emulsions. Further, this invention uses selective (in particular oleophilic), carbon coated, metallic

and highly magnetic nanoparticles of reusable kind. The invented method separates a dispersed phase or a dissolved materia] from a continuous phase involving steps of: i) contacting said phases with an effective amount of nanoparticles; ii) applying a magnetic field gradient to the obtained system; and iii) separating the obtained phases wherein said nanoparticles are of the core shell type and core consisting of a metal or alloy having soft magnetic properties and said shell contains one or more graphene-layers which are optionally functionalized.
US patent application no. 20100158786 describes water desalination method wherein carbonate compound precipitation occurs prior desalination by contacting a saltwater with an industrial waste gas stream from a power plant under alkaline-earth-metal-ion precipitating conditions to form an alkaline-earth-metal-ion-depleted water and an alkaline earth metal carbonate compound precipitate, wherein precipitate formation does not generate carbon dioxide; separating and drying the carbonate compound precipitate to form a dried carbonate composition. Alternately, comprises a distillation protocol, a membrane protocol, or a combination thereof.
US patent application no. 20100224555 discloses composite membranes for removing contaminants from water and a method of making said membranes. Said membranes comprising a water-permeable thin film polymerized on a porous support membrane and. optionally, a mixture, including a surface coating material having a different chemical composition than the thin film, coated on the thin film. Further, one or more layers of the composite membranes comprising LTA / modified LTA nanoparticles. Said invention is membrane based system.

US patent application no. 20100059449 describes use of selective, in particular oleophilic, carbon coated, metallic and highly magnetic nanoparticles and to methods for separating either a dispersed phase or a dissolved material from a continuous phase, such as water/oil emulsions. Further, these nanoparticles are useful for the separation of multiphase systems which are reusable for further separation steps.
US patent application no. 20100054981 describes systems, methods, and compositions for magnetic nanoparticles and bulk nanocomposite magnets.
US patent application no.20100051510 describes a ligand associated magnetic nanoparticle complexed with acid or the conjugate base of the acid component contaminant / impurity of oil like petroleum and using them as a method for oil refining purposes.
There is still need to develop system and method to desalinize water without contaminating the environment in cost effective manner.
An object of present invention is to provide a system and method of desalination, typically for water desalination.
Another object of the invention is to desalinate water using nano-technology.

Another object of the invention is to desalinate water using technique wherein water need not be boiled.
According to this invention, there is provided a desalination system adapted to receive saline water in order to desalinate it to obtain desalinated potable water, said system comprises:
- a partitioned tank adapted to receive saline water in one portion of the tank;
- entry means adapted to allow entry of magnetized nanotechnology robots (nanobots) in said saline water, said nanobots assigned to find the dissolved salts and attach themselves to them in order to make said salt magnetic;
- first portion of said tank adapted to receive said saline water and said nanobots;
- magnet adapted to pull the magnetized salt in one direction;
- exit means adapted to allow exit of said magnetized salts; and
- second portion of the tank where desalinated water overflows from said first portion. for use.
Preferably, said magnet is an electro magnet.
Typically, said magnet is located to the bottom of the tank.
According to this invention, there is provided a desalination method adapted to receive saline water in order to desalinate it to obtain desalinated potable water, said method comprises the steps of:
- receiving saline water in one portion of the tank;

- allowing entry of magnetized nanotechnology robots (nanobots) in said saline water, said nanobots assigned to find the dissolved salts and attach themselves to them in order to make said salt magnetic;
- receiving said saline water and said nanobots in a first portion of said tank;
- pulling the magnetized salt in one direction using a magnet;
- allowing exit of said magnetized salts; and
- transferring desalinated water from said first portion to a second portion of the tank, for use.
The invention will now be described in relation to the accompanying drawings, in which:
Figure 1 illustrates a schematic diagram of desalination system.
According to this invention, there is provided a desalination system adapted to receive saline water in order to desalinate it to obtain desalinated potable water, Figure 1 illustrates a schematic diagram of desalination system.
In accordance with an embodiment of this invention, there is provided a partitioned tank (1) adapted to receive saline water in one portion of the tank.
In accordance with another embodiment of this invention, there is provided an entry means adapted to allow entry of magnetized nanotechnology robots (nanobots) (3) in

said saline water. They are assigned to find the dissolved salts (2) and attach themselves to them,
Typically, this activity takes place in a first portion (4) of said tank.
Thus, all of the salt then becomes magnetic, with tiny little nano robots hanging onto
all of it.
In accordance with another embodiment of this invention, there is provided a magnet or an electro magnet adapted to pull the magnetized salt in one direction, preferably to the bottom of the tank.
In accordance with yet another embodiment of this invention, there is provided an exit means (5) adapted to allow exit of said magnetized salts.
No heat is involved.
Preferably, a tank has to be build with a strong magnet at the right bottom of the tank to pull out all the magnetized particles.
In accordance with still another embodiment of this invention, there is provided a second portion (6) of the tank (I) where desalinated water overflows from said first portion for use.

The water never has to rest and never has to be cooked. There is no heat involved at all. Using nano-technology, the water goes in one end of the machine, and it comes out the other in a steady flow. The flow maintained is In (flow) of salty water and out (flow) of fresh water, and which is ready then for standard purification.
The first stages of the system requires that there is substantial or optimum release of nano-technology robots assigned to find the dissolved salts and attach themselves to them. Every single robot is magnetized.
All of the salt then becomes magnetic, with tiny little nano-robots hanging on to all of it. On to the next stage: Flowing into the next area, the water is exposed to tremendous, huge electromagnets, pulling the salt out of the water completely and totally, because the salt is now magnetic. Thus, no heat is involved.
The advantages of the present invention include: No support medium required. Useful for domestic purpose and is also scalable. Efficient, cost effective and simple. Space is not a constraint.
There is no heat involved, the water is not cooked.
The water that comes out is ready for normal purification and thus obtained water is magnetized water having health benefits.

I claim,
1. A desalination system adapted to receive saline water in order to desalinate it to obtain desalinated potable water, said system comprising:
- a partitioned tank adapted to receive saline water in one portion of the tank;
- entry means adapted to allow entry of magnetized nanotechnology robots (nanobots) in said saline water, said nanobots assigned to find the dissolved salts and attach themselves to them in order to make said salt magnetic;
- first portion of said tank adapted to receive said saline water and said nanobots;
- magnet adapted to pull the magnetized salt in one direction;
- exit means adapted to allow exit of said magnetized salts; and
- second portion of the tank where desalinated water overflows from said first portion, for use.

2. A system as claimed in claim 1 wherein, said magnet is an electro magnet.
3. A system as claimed in claim 1 wherein, said magnet is located to the bottom of the tank.
4. A desalination method adapted to receive saline water in order to desalinate it to obtain desalinated potable water, said method comprising the steps of:

- receiving saline water in one portion of the tank;
- allowing entry of magnetized nanotechnology robots (nanobots) in said saline water, said nanobots assigned to find the dissolved salts and attach themselves to them in order to make said salt magnetic;
- receiving said saline water and said nanobots in a first portion of said tank;
- pulling the magnetized salt in one direction using a magnet;
- allowing exit of said magnetized salts; and
- transferring desalinated water from said first portion to a second portion of the tank, for use.






3517-MUM-2010-CLAIMS(MARKED COPY)-(10-7-2014).pdf





3517-MUM-2010-FORM 1(10-9-2013).pdf

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3517-mum-2010-form 2.doc

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3517-mum-2010-form 3.pdf

3517-MUM-2010-ORIGINAL CLAIMS(10-7-2014).pdf

3517-MUM-2010-REPLY TO EXAMINATION REPORT(10-9-2013).pdf

3517-MUM-2010-REPLY TO HEARING(10-7-2014).pdf

3517-MUM-2010-REPLY TO HEARING(22-5-2014).pdf


Patent Number 263144
Indian Patent Application Number 3517/MUM/2010
PG Journal Number 42/2014
Publication Date 17-Oct-2014
Grant Date 09-Oct-2014
Date of Filing 24-Dec-2010
Name of Patentee KAISER IRANI
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number B01D 61/00, C02F 1/46
PCT International Application Number N/A
PCT International Filing date
PCT Conventions:
# PCT Application Number Date of Convention Priority Country
1 NA