Title of Invention


Abstract module comprising a housing for receiving at least one essentially board-type circuit carrier, the circuit carrier being provided with a metallization on at least one part of its surface and being populated with and electrically connected to at least one power semiconductor, rigid, integral and essentially straight load connection elements being applied on the metallized part of the metallized surface of the circuit carrier, which load connection elements are electrically and mechanically fixedly connected to the circuit carrier by one of their ends and project essentially permendicularly into the housing interior, separate connection terminal elements for electrical conduct-making being placed onto the free end of the load connection elements.
Full Text - 1 -
Power semiconductor module with load connecting elements fitted
on a circuit mount
The invention relates to a power semiconductor module as
claimed in the precharacterizing clause of claim 1. The
invention also relates to a housing for a power semiconductor
module as claimed in the precharacterizing clause of claim 13.
Power semiconductor modules require load current connections,
which are passed to the outside, as an external interface for
making electrical contact with the modules. In this case,
depending on the power levels, external connections with
relatively large cross sections may occur, and there is
therefore a requirement for the load current connections to be
highly robust. There is also a need to equip the load current
connections with different conductor connecting contours, so
that different cables or rail systems can be connected as
required. On the side within the module, the load current
connections must be electrically and mechanically connected to
a less robust circuit mount, which is inserted in a housing, in
general a plastic housing, and is fitted with components, in
particular power semiconductors. In this case, because of the
high thermal conductivity and thermal coefficients of expansion
of ceramic circuit mounts, so-called DCB (Direct Copper Bonded)
substrates are preferably used for power semiconductors, which
are composed of a ceramic insulator (aluminum oxide or aluminum
nitride) on which a thin layer of pure copper is applied so
that it adheres strongly. In particular, the high thermal
conductivity together with the high thermal capacity and heat
spreading of the copper coating and a coefficient of thermal
expansion of the DCB substrate close to that of silicon make
DCB substrates virtually indispensable for power electronics,
despite their disadvantages in terms of robustness. When so-
called naked semiconductor chips are mounted directly on the

- la -
circuit mount, the electrical connection between the
semiconductor chips and the circuit mount is normally made by
bonding by means of thin

- 2 -
Al or AG wires. The electrical connection from the circuit
mounted to the external load current connection is made using
the same connecting technique. This admittedly results in a
certain amount of mechanical decoupling between the load
current connection and the circuit mount but, in principle, the
different longitudinal coefficients .of expansion of Al bonding
wire (23*10~6) and DCB (7*10~7) result in restrictions in
temperature life tests, since bonding wires may become
detached. In any case, however, the introduction of large
conductor connecting forces to the circuit mount should be
avoided, and a permanent connection should be ensured between
the circuit mount and the load current connection.
It is known from DE 197 19 703 for outer load current
connections which project outwards to be injection molded in
the module housing, with specific tabs in the load connecting
conductor providing additional anchorage, since the shrinkage
which occurs when the plastic housing cools down after the
injection process means that the load connections are often not
firmly anchored, at least not permanently. In this case, the
connection between the circuit mount and the injection-molded
load connections is made by bonding.
In this context, DE 199 14 741 likewise proposes load
connecting elements which are connected to the inner wall of
the housing and have bonding surfaces at their lower end. In
this case as well, the connection between the respective load
connecting element and the circuit mount is made by bonding
wires. The types of connection described above both require
bonding in the housing. An appropriate free space must be
provided for the bonding tool in the housing for this purpose,
and this has a disadvantageous effect on the module size,
particularly in the case of small modules, since this space
must be taken into account. As mentioned, the circuit mounts
are coated with copper, although, depending on the bonding
wires that are used, surfaces (pads) which can be bonded and

- 2a -
are composed of aluminum, nickel, copper or gold are required
at the bonding connecting points for the bonding process, for
which purpose the copper of the circuit mount is generally
highly suitable. In some cases,

- 3 -
the circuit mounts must, however, be provided with bonding
pads. The load connecting elements themselves are in general
produced in solid form from copper or brass and
disadvantageously likewise require surfaces which can be
bonded. Furthermore, depending on the current load, different
bonding wire diameters are often required for DCB circuit
connections between the components on the one hand and the
circuit connection to the load connecting elements on the other
hand. This involves an additional process step and cost
disadvantages .
DE 36 43 288 describes various load connecting techniques. On
the one hand, a current connecting bolt is described which is
fitted to the circuit mount and is connected via a cross member
and two screw connections to a mount body on the housing rim. A
further connection from the mount body to the exterior is made
possible by a separate screwed conductor element. Elsewhere, DE
36 43 288 describes a leaf spring element which is screwed on
one side to a separate mount body, or a mount body which is
integrated in the housing, and rests in a sprung manner on the
circuit mount on the other side, making electrical contact. A
further connection from the mount body located in the housing
to the exterior is made possible by a separate conductor
element, which is likewise screwed to the mount body. The large
number of elements used and the need for multiple screw
connections in these connecting techniques must have a
disadvantageous effect on the production costs. Another
embodiment discloses a leaf spring element which has a
cylindrical attachment, for engaging in the housing cover, on
one side. When the housing cover is fitted, a contact pressure
is exerted on the circuit mount. This may have the disadvantage
that the contact is made only when the housing cover is closed.
Furthermore, handling problems can be expected because of the
fitting of the housing cover. A further disadvantage of this
solution is that the area required on the circuit mount is
comparatively large, and that the leaf spring occupies a

- 3a -
comparatively large amount of space in the housing in this

- 4 -
The latter could lead to space problems, and therefore to
disadvantages, particularly when further discrete components of
a higher type are fitted. Solutions based on leaf springs may
be problematic overall in the event of incorrect sizes being
used, especially when subject to increased shock and vibration
One object of the invention is accordingly to specify a power
semiconductor module which allows a simple, long-life, cost-
effective and flexible load connecting technique. A further
object is, in particular, not to transmit the forces and
torques which act from the outside on the connections to the
connections of the circuit mount.
According to the invention, the object is achieved for a power
semiconductor module of the type mentioned initially in that
rigid, integral and essentially straight load-connecting
elements are fitted on the metallized part of the metallized
surface of the circuit mount, are electrically and mechanically
firmly connected to the circuit mount and project essentially
at right angles into the housing interior, with separate
connecting terminal elements for making electrical contact
being fitted to the free end of the load connecting elements.
The load connecting elements are advantageously and easily
fitted directly to the generally copper metallization on the
circuit mount, where they are firmly and rigidly connected
electrically and mechanically to the circuit mount. The load
connecting element is essentially straight and projects
virtually at right angles to the circuit mount into the housing
interior. The load connecting elements are integral, and there
is no need to connect a plurality of connection elements to a
connection which then also has to be supplied outside the
housing. The circuit mount can highly advantageously be
completely fitted separately, electrically connected, and then
introduced into the housing as a unit. The abovementioned

- 4a -
electrical and mechanically firm connection of the load
connecting elements to the circuit mount

- 5 -
excludes bonding as a connection technique. There is
advantageously therefore no need to plan for any free space for
bonding tools in the housing, either, and the overall housing
can if required be designed to be more compact. This therefore
also means that there is no need for the widely required
separate process step for bonding for the connection from the
circuit mount to the load connecting element. In many
applications, it is even possible to dispense entirely with
bonding and therefore, possibly, with the complete bonding
apparatus. There is then also no need for special bonding pads
formed from coatings of aluminum, nickel, copper or gold on the
circuit mount, and the load current element can be applied
directly to the generally copper metallization of the circuit
mount surface. Furthermore, in some applications, there is no
need for protective layers (for example soft casting) of
oxidation protection on the bonding connection points. A
functional test covering the entire module can be carried out
before installation in the housing. No further work is required
on the circuit mount after introduction into the housing.
In one preferred embodiment, the load connecting element is in
the form of a cylinder or tube and may have different base
surface geometries. By way of example, circular, oval or
polygonal base surface geometries are feasible, as well as
others. Load current elements with one of the abovementioned
base surface geometries may either be in the form of a solid
cylinder or else may be tubular, that is to say they may be in
the form of a hollow cylinder with any desired wall thickness.
Furthermore, rod-like load current elements may be used with
base surface geometries with different profiles (for example U-
profiles, T-profiles). This highly advantageously allows the
sizes of the load current elements to be matched to their
specific requirements. Specific requirements such as these may
result from mechanical requirements such as stiffness, life,
contact area on the circuit mount, from electrical requirements
such as the current carrying capability or conductivity, or

- 5a -
else from production-relevant requirements such as economic
machining capability. A tubular load connecting element

- 6 -
is advantageous because of the known ,skin effect and the
displacement of the current distribution to the surface of the
conductor, particularly when high-frequency currents are
applied to the conductor.
In one particularly preferred embodiment, the base surface of
the load connecting element is fitted in a free-standing form
to the circuit mount by means of different types of connection,
such as soldering, adhesive bonding or welding.
Soldered joints are often required in any case on the circuit
mount, for example either because the semiconductor component
is fitted in a wiring mount and not as a naked chip, or because
the circuit mount is intended to hold other circuitry
components for external circuitry. In this case, the load
current elements can be soldered on in an automated form in the
same process as the other soldering processes. There is
therefore no need for any additional tools or machines. In this
case, the size and/or base surface of the load current element
must be chosen such that they are positioned in a stable and
free form on the circuit mount after being fitted, without any
further holding apparatus, and cannot be tilted or rotated by
the solder contact during transportation. In this case, the
contact means may be fitted using any known process
(dispensing, mask pressure, etc.). The load connecting elements
are suitable for automatic placement as a poured item or goods
in the form of strips, using existing chip placement systems.
If a tubular load connecting element is used, then the solder
can advantageously be arranged, depending on the shape of the
load connecting element, such that the liquefied solder centers
the tubular load connecting element, by the capillary and
wetting force, on reaching the soldering temperature and the
solder is distributed correctly onto the inner and outer casing
surface of the body. The positioning accuracy is achieved by
uniform distribution of the solder in all directions, and
further positioning tolerances can be taken into account in the
design via the housing or the circuit mount.

- 7 -
In a further advantageous embodiment of the invention, that end
of the load connecting element which is not soldered- and is
free projects with an overhang through the housing outwards,
where it is intended to hold a connecting terminal element for
making electrical contact. An appropriate cutout can be
provided for this purpose in the housing, and is preferably of
the same shape as the free end of the load connecting element.
It is advantageous to incorporate these cutouts in the housing
cover, for easy handling capability. When the cover is fitted,
this advantageously results in further retention for the load
connecting element, and it can now not be separated from the
circuit mount.
In a further embodiment, the load connecting element is formed
from a ceramic body with electrically conductively metallized
casing surfaces. The outer and inner casing surfaces (in the
case of a tubular load connecting element) will preferably have
copper metallization. This means that there is no need for
solid load connecting elements composed of copper or brass.
Since, in general, the circuit mount is likewise composed of
ceramic, this makes it possible to avoid mechanical stresses
resulting from different coefficients of expansion, and this in
turn has an advantageous effect on the life of the power
semiconductor module.
In a further variant, the metallized casing surface is highly
resistant to wear, particularly in the section where the
connecting terminal elements are fitted. In particular, it has
been found advantageous to use a palladium coating. Good wear
resistance in this section is particularly advantageous when
the connecting terminal element is fitted and removed
In a further particularly advantageous variant, the connecting
terminal element has a cutout (inter alia a blind hole, hole,
aperture) whose geometry and size correspond approximately to

the base surface geometry and size of the free end of the
corresponding load connecting element to be

- 8 -
connected. The cutout in the connecting terminal element is
placed over the free end of the projecting load connecting
element. In this case, the size and shape of the cutout can
advantageously be chosen so as to create a force-fitting
connection between the connecting terminal element and the load
connecting element which adheres well because of the friction
forces and offers a good electrical contact between the two
elements. This allows the connecting terminal elements to be
fitted after complete assembly of the housing. There is no need
for screw connection of the connecting terminal and load
connecting element.
In a further refinement, in the holding area for the load
connecting element, the connecting terminal element has means
which allow slight springing-back enlargement of the internal
diameter of the cutout for fitting to the load connecting
element, with the forces which occur in the widened area as a
result of the springing-back characteristic increasing the
force fit of the connection between the connecting terminal
element and the load connecting element. If the cutout is a
hole and if the hole is open on its circumference by a slot,
this results, for example because of the material structure, in
a whole opening which can be widened slightly and, when in the
widened state, can be plugged over the overhang, which is in
the form of a pin, of the load connecting element. The
springing-back characteristic of the material structure will
result in improved adhesion and contact with the load
connecting element. This allows the connecting terminal element
to be connected to the load connecting element without a large
amount of force being applied in the direction of the circuit
mount surface. In this case, the abovementioned embodiments
represent only examples, and further variants are feasible
which make use of the abovementioned fundamental principle.
In one particularly advantageous embodiment, the housing and
the connecting terminal element are designed such that the

- 8a -
connecting terminal element can be connected to the housing
with an interlock and/or

- 9 -
with a force fit in order to absorb force and torque from
externally introduced forces, such that the forces which are
introduced are essentially transmitted to the housing. By, way
of example, screw connections or adhesively bonded connections
can be provided between the housing and the connecting terminal
element in order to produce an interlocking connection. In
another variant, the connecting terminal elements may even be
injection molded in the housing cover. In another force-fitting
connection, for example, walls are fitted to the housing, with
a connecting terminal element being pushed with an accurate fit
between such walls and therefore preventing rotation on the
plane of the housing surface. Other connection variants
include, for example, slots, grooves, tabs in the housing,
depressions in the housing into which the terminal connecting
element can be pressed, pushed or clicked. Furthermore,
interlocking and force-fitting connection variants can be
combined as required, and are governed by the installation
conditions. Externally introduced forces and torques can
therefore advantageously be transmitted to the housing.
In a further advantageous embodiment, the connecting terminal
element has means which ensure a torsionally soft connection
between the outer rail sections of the connecting terminal
element. By way of example, means such as these may be material
cutouts preferably in the area of the central rail section
which, when a torsional force to the left or the right occurs
on the external connection, lead to slight rotational
deflection in this section, and therefore absorb a portion of
the force that has been introduced. The deflection is cancelled
out by the springing-back characteristic of the material as
soon as the external torsional force is no longer applied. The
maximum torsional force which can be introduced to the
connecting terminal element can advantageously be governed by
the maximum rotational deflection, and may correspond to this.
In this case, the maximum torsional force which can be
introduced is indicated by the maximum rotational deflection.

- 9a -
A connection can furthermore advantageously be formed between
the housing and the connecting terminal element, and is
detachable again. This

- 10 -
allows various connecting terminal elements to be installed and
therefore to be flexibly adapted to the connecting technique,
connecting areas and position of the connections in the
In one particularly advantageous embodiment, on its external
conductor connecting side, the connecting terminal element has
a holding device in the form of various, differently configured
holes and/or contours, which allow flexible connection of
normal external connections, using various connecting
techniques. In this case, there is no need to replace
connecting terminal elements, thus ensuring the maximum
possible flexibility. For example, contours such as these may
at the same time be connecting surfaces rotated through 90°,
with a hole or screw connections. Furthermore, for example,
contours are possible which ensure that external connecting
conductors are clamped in after being inserted (pinch
Exemplary embodiments of the invention will be explained in
more detail in the following text with reference to the
drawings, in which:
Figure 1 shows a schematic cross section through a power
semiconductor module with load connecting elements,
Figure 2 shows a plan view of a power semiconductor module
with load connecting elements but without a housing
Figures 3, 4 show examples of forms of load connecting
elements, in the form of a schematic illustration,
Figure 5 shows a plan view of a power semiconductor module
without a housing cover but with connecting terminal
Figure 6 shows, by way of example, a schematic illustration of
a connecting terminal element,

- 10a -
Figure 7 shows a plan view of a power semiconductor module
with a connecting terminal element as shown in Figure
6 fitted, but without a housing cover, and
Figure 8 shows a plan view of a power semiconductor module
with a connecting terminal element as shown in Figure
6 fitted, and with a housing cover.

- 11 -
Mutually corresponding parts are provided with the same
reference symbols in all the figures.
The power semiconductor module 1, which is illustrated
schematically in the form of a cross section in Figure 1 and in
the form of a plan view in Figure 2, comprises a housing body 2
which is closed with a housing cover 3 and thus forms a housing
interior 4 . The housing body 2 and the housing cover 3 can be
screwed to one another, can be plugged together or can be
connected to one another in any other desired manner. A flat
circuit mount 5 is located in the interior of the housing
formed by the housing body 2 and the housing cover 3. The
circuit mount 5 is provided on at least one of its two surfaces
6 with a metallized contact surface 7 (preferably copper) which
is structured in accordance with the circuitry requirements
(for example conductor tracks). The circuit mount 5 may be
either a ceramic circuit mount, such as a DCB circuit mount, or
else a printed circuit board composed of plastic. Electronic
components 8 are mechanically and electrically connected to the
circuit mount 5. The electrical connection between the
electronic component 8 and the circuit mount 5 can be produced
by soldering. If the electronic component is a naked chip which
can be fitted to a DCB circuit mount, the connections between
the chip and the circuit mount 5 are made by bonding. Those
connections of the power semiconductor module which lead to the
exterior and are in general the load connections are connected
via the circuitry structure of the circuit mount 5 at a
suitable point on the surface 6 of the circuit mount 5. The
load connecting elements 9 are mechanically and electrically
connected, preferably by soldering, to the circuit mount 5 at
this point. The load connecting element 9 is in this case
preferably at right angles to the circuit mount 5, and projects
through the housing interior 4 in the direction of the housing
cover 3.

- 12 -
Figure 3 shows a cylindrical load connecting element 9 with a
hexagonal base surface geometry, and Figure 4 shows a load
connecting element 9 in the form of a circular cylinder. The
two load connecting elements shown in Figure 3 and Figure 4 are
in the form of hollow bodies, by way of example. Solid bodies
and any other desired base surface geometries are feasible and
may be worthwhile (current carrying capability, resistance to
soldering). If the load connecting elements 9 advantageously
comprise a ceramic body and are not composed of a solid
conductive material, they have a metallized outer and/or inner
casing surface 11.
Figure 5 shows a plan view of a power semiconductor module 1
without the housing cover 3 fitted but with connecting terminal
elements 12 fitted for holding the external connection 14. The
connecting terminal element 12 is placed over the load
connecting element 9 and in one simple case comprises a cuboid
rail piece with a plurality of bends or angles. Angles result
in a first rail section 16, which runs virtually at right
angles to the load connecting element in the installed state, a
rail section 17 running approximately at right angles to this,
and a rail section 18 which once again runs, in its extension,
virtually parallel to the rail section 16. In order to hold the
load connecting element, the connecting terminal element 12 has
a cutout 13 in the area of the first rail section 16, which
cutout 13 corresponds to the base surface geometry of the load
connecting element 9 and allows a force-fitting connection,
which makes an electrically reliable contact, between the load
connecting element 9 and the connecting terminal element 12.
The connecting terminal element 12 is composed of an
electrically conductive material, or its surface is at least
metallized with an electrically conductive material. In the
simplest case and in the case of circular-cylindrical load
connecting elements 9, the cutout 13 may be an aperture or
blind hole. The rail section 18 has a holding device 19 which

- 12a -
holds the external connection 14. In the present case, a hole
with an internal thread in it is provided as the holder

- 13 -
device 19, by means of which the external connection 14 is
screwed on. Any other desired contours of the holding devices
19 are feasible. Holding means 15 are provided on the housing
and on the connecting terminal element 12 and ensure that the
connecting terminal element 12 is fixed in order to absorb
forces and torques introduced from the external connection 14.
In Figure 5, the holding means 15 is a screw connection
arranged in the first rail section 16 between the connecting
terminal element 12 and the housing body 2. Further holding
means are illustrated in Figures 7 and 8.
Figure 6 shows a further embodiment of the connecting terminal
element 12, which can likewise be split into rail sections 16,
17, 18. In this variant, a seat 20 in the form of a hollow
cylinder is introduced into the cutout 13 in the connecting
terminal element 12 in the first rail section 16 and ensures
that an optimum contact is made with the circular load
connecting element 9 in this exemplary embodiment. This seat 20
has a slot 21 on at least one side of its cylindrical wall.
This slot 21 ensures that the circular opening of the seat 20
can be widened slightly in a manner which allows it to spring
back, with the springing-back effect in the installed state
resulting in better contact pressure between the seat 20 and
the load connecting element 9. In the rail section 18, there is
once again a holding device 19 comprising a screw 22 and a hole
with an internal thread 23 for holding the external connection
14, with the holding device 19 in this case having been widened
by a quadrilateral plate 24 which allows force-fitting
compression of the external connection 14. Two cutouts 28 in
the form of elongated holes are provided in the rail section
17. When torsional forces are introduced on the external
connection, this section is subject to rotation deflection in
the directions illustrated by the double-headed direction arrow

- 13a -
Figure 7 shows a plan view of a power semiconductor module 1
with a housing. A connecting terminal element 12, explained in
more detail in Figure 6, is placed on a load connecting

- 14 -
element 9. In order to support and fix the connecting terminal
element 12 that has been fitted, the housing body 2 has a
specifically shaped match 25 and walls 26 for each connecting
terminal element, and these represent one refinement of the
abovementioned holding means 15. The match 25 is a reinforced
area in the material of the housing body 2, creating a contact
or resting surface for the connecting terminal element 12 in
the area of its rail sections 17 and 18. Furthermore, the match
25 has a blind hole 27 which allows the screw 22 that has been
tightened to be countersunk in it, at the same time absorbing
compression and tension from the external connection 14, which
is not illustrated here. The blind hole 27 may also have an
internal thread which is at the same time responsible for
holding the external connection 14 and the connecting terminal
element itself. The walls 26 are vertical plate-like raised
material areas which are integrally formed on the housing, in
general, during plastic injection molding in the same process
and are arranged at a distance from one another such that one
connecting terminal element can be inserted with an accurate
fit between two walls 26 in each case, essentially in the area
of the rail sections 17 and 18. The walls 26 therefore fix the
connecting terminal element 12 against lateral pressure, which
can originate from the external connection 14. Furthermore, the
walls 26 prevent rotation of the plate 24 and carry out
isolation functions between adjacent connection terminal
elements 12 .
Based on Figure 6 and Figure 7, Figure 8 shows a plan view of a
power semiconductor module with a connecting terminal element
fitted with the housing cover, with the load connecting element
9 in this case having a length such that it results in a
projection 10 when the housing cover 3 is fitted, resulting in
the load connecting element 9 extending beyond the fitted
housing cover 3. The projections 10 on the three illustrated
load connecting elements 9 pass through the fitted housing
cover 3. For this purpose, the housing cover 3 has apertures,

- 14a -
which geometrically correspond to the base surface contour of
the load connecting element 9 and by means of which the load

- 15 -
connecting elements 9 are additionally fixed once the housing
cover 3 has been fitted, such that it is no longer possible for
the load connecting element 9 to break off after assembly of
the housing. In order to support and fix the fitted connecting
terminal element 12, the housing cover 3 in this case has the
specific holding means 15, as described above, for each
connecting terminal element 12, in the form of an integrally
formed match 25 and the walls 26, creating a contact or rest
surface for the connecting terminal element 12 in the area of
its rail sections 17 and 18.

- 16 -
Patent Claims
1. A power semiconductor module (1) having a housing for
holding at least one essentially flat circuit mount (5), with
the circuit mount (5) being provided with metallization on at
least a part of its surface (6) and being fitted with and
electrically connected to at least one power semiconductor (8),
wherein rigid, integral and essentially straight load-
connecting elements (9) are fitted on the metallized part of
the metallized surface (6) of the circuit mount (5), are
electrically and mechanically firmly connected to the circuit
mount (5) at one of their ends and project essentially at right
angles into the housing interior (4), wherein separate
connecting terminal elements (12) for making electrical contact
are fitted to the free end of the load connecting elements (9),
and wherein the load connecting elements (9) are formed from a
ceramic body with electrically conductively metallized casing
surfaces (11).
2. The power semiconductor module (1) as claimed in claim 1,
characterized in that the load connecting element (9) is in the
form of a cylinder, tube or rod and may have different base-
surface geometries.
3. The power semiconductor module (1) as claimed in one of
the preceding claims, characterized in that the load connecting
element (9) is soldered, adhesively bonded or welded by its
base surface, in a free-standing form, to the circuit mount
(5) .
4. The power semiconductor module (1) as claimed in one of
the preceding claims, characterized in that the free end of the
load connecting element (9) projects outwards through the
housing (2, 3) , where it is intended to hold a connecting
terminal element (12) for making electrical contact.

- 17 -
5. The power semiconductor module (1) with a load connecting
element (9) as claimed in claim 1, characterized in that the
load connecting element (9) has a metallized casing surface
(11) which is highly resistant to wear and is composed, in
particular, of palladium.
6. The power semiconductor module (1) as claimed in one of
the preceding claims, characterized in that the connecting
terminal element (12) has a cutout (13), with the geometry and
size of the cutout (13) corresponding approximately to the
base-surface geometry and size of the free end of the
corresponding load connecting element (9) to be connected, such
that,, once the cutout (13) in the connecting terminal element
(12) has been fitted to the free end of the load connecting
element (9), there is a force-fitting connection between the
connecting terminal element (12) and the load connecting
element (9).
7. The power semiconductor module (1) as claimed in claim 6,
characterized in that, in the holding area for the load
connecting element (9), the connecting terminal element (12)
has means which allow slight springing-back enlargement of the
internal diameter of the cutout for fitting to the load
connecting element (9), with the forces which occur in the
widened area as a result of the springing-back characteristic
increasing the force fit of the connection between the
connecting terminal element and the load connecting element.
8. The power semiconductor module (1) as claimed in one of
the preceding claims, characterized in that the housing (2, 3)
and the connecting terminal element (12) are designed such that
the connecting terminal element (12) can be connected to the
housing (2, 3) with an interlock and/or with a force fit in
order to absorb force and torque from externally introduced
forces, such that the forces which are introduced are
essentially transmitted to the housing (2, 3).

- 18 -
9. The power semiconductor module (1) as claimed in one of
the preceding claims, characterized in that the connecting
terminal element (12) has means which ensure a torsionally soft
connection between the outer rail sections (16, 18) of the
connecting terminal element (12).
10. The power semiconductor module (1) as claimed in claim 6,
characterized in that the connecting terminal element (12) can
be detached from the housing (2, 3) again.
11. The power semiconductor module (1) as claimed in one of
the preceding claims, characterized in that, on its conductor
connecting side, the connecting terminal element (12) has a
holding device (19) in the form of different, suitably designed
holes and/or contours, which allow flexible connection of
external connections, using various connecting techniques.
12. A housing (2, 3) for a power semiconductor module (1)
comprising a housing body (2) for holding at least one
essentially flat circuit mount (5) with load connecting
elements (9), with which contact is made on the circuit mount
(5), and a housing cover (3), characterized in that the housing
(2, 3)
a) has apertures such that the free ends of the load
connecting elements (9) project outwards, and
bl) has means, by means of which a connecting terminal element
(12) which can be fitted to the load connecting element
(9) can be connected with an interlock and/or a force fit
to the housing (2, 3), or
b2) contains a connecting terminal element (12) which can be
fitted to the load connecting element (9).

module comprising a housing for receiving at least one essentially
board-type circuit carrier, the circuit carrier being
provided with a metallization on at least one part of its
surface and being populated with and electrically
connected to at least one power semiconductor, rigid,
integral and essentially straight load connection
elements being applied on the metallized part of the
metallized surface of the circuit carrier, which load
connection elements are electrically and mechanically
fixedly connected to the circuit carrier by one of their ends and
project essentially permendicularly into the housing interior,
separate connection terminal elements for electrical
conduct-making being placed onto the free end of the load
connection elements.




00792-kolnp-2008-correspondence others.pdf

00792-kolnp-2008-description complete.pdf


00792-kolnp-2008-form 1.pdf

00792-kolnp-2008-form 2.pdf

00792-kolnp-2008-form 3.pdf

00792-kolnp-2008-form 5.pdf


00792-kolnp-2008-international publication.pdf

00792-kolnp-2008-international search report.pdf

00792-kolnp-2008-pct request form.pdf

792-KOLNP-2008-(05-11-2012)-PETITION UNDER RULE 137.pdf



792-KOLNP-2008-(27-03-2014)-DESCRIPTION (COMPLETE).pdf



792-KOLNP-2008-(29-11-2012)-ANNEXURE TO FORM 3.pdf



792-KOLNP-2008-(29-11-2012)-DESCRIPTION (COMPLETE).pdf





792-KOLNP-2008-(29-11-2012)-PETITION UNDER RULE 137.pdf

792-kolnp-2008-form 18.pdf


Patent Number 263151
Indian Patent Application Number 792/KOLNP/2008
PG Journal Number 42/2014
Publication Date 17-Oct-2014
Grant Date 09-Oct-2014
Date of Filing 22-Feb-2008
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number H01L 25/07
PCT International Application Number PCT/DE2005/001505
PCT International Filing date 2005-08-26
PCT Conventions:
# PCT Application Number Date of Convention Priority Country
1 NA