Title of Invention


Abstract The present invention relates to a method for data-flow quality control in a Digital Subscriber Line communications system comprising a transmitter, a receiver, and a Digital Subscriber Line intercoupling the transmitter and the receiver. The transmitter sends a data-flow to the receiver, where the data-flow is modulated onto data-carriers according to a bit allocation indicative for the number of bits to be modulated on each data-carrier. The method comprises the steps of the receiver measuring the data-flow quality and subsequently the receiver instructs the transmitter to decrease the bit allocation with a same amount for a plurality of data-carriers in case the data-flow quality is unsatisfactorily low. Then the transmitter decreases the bit allocation accordingly.
The present invention relates to a method for data-flow quality control
in a Digital Subscriber Line communications system as described in the preamble
of claim 1, the related receiver as described in the preamble of claim 4 and the
related transmitter as described in the preamble of claim 5.
Such a method and related devices are already known in the art, e.g.
from the section "AOC on-//'ne adaptation and reconfiguration", pages 119-123
of ITU-T Recommendation G.992.1 with titJe "Asymmetric digital subscriber line
(ADSL) transceivers" published in June 1999 by the international
Telecommunications Union (ITU).
Therein, it is described that the transmit power in a Digital Subscriber
Line system, called an ADSL-system, is distributed over all data-carriers, called
sub-carriers, resulting in a certain Power Spectral Density (PSD) value for each
carrier. This transmit power is attenuated by the travelling along the channel and
results in a certain, reduced, receive power at the receiver. Moreover, the
channel also has the characteristic to add noise to the signal. From this
attenuated signal together with the added noise a Signal to Noise Ratio can be
determined. Based on this Signal to Noise Ratio, the number of bits that can be
transmitted on each carrier while still guaranteeing a certain maximum error-rate
can be determined. This number of bits then is transmitted on each data carrier
by the transmitter once the transmitter is in showtime.
As the channel characteristic due to certain conditions, such as new
upcoming disturbers or weather conditions and noise changes in time, the Signal
to Noise Ratio of the signal changes also. Hence, due to the changing channel
characteristics and noise, the current Signal to Noise Ratio may differ from the
Signal to Noise Ratio that is required to transmit the previously determined
number of bits per carrier while still guaranteeing a certain data-flow quality for
instance a certain maximum error-rate. In order to retune the Power Spectral
Density value for each carrier to a new value that fits to the changed current
channel characteristics and noise on the channel without interrupting the dataflow,
to guarantee a stable communication, a bit swap is performed.
Because of the fact that in ADSL version 1 as described in the above
mentioned ITU-T Recommendation G.992.1, the bit swap mechanism is only
able to change at most 4 (normal bit swap request) or 6 (extended bit swap
request) tones every second, the modem can go out of showtime before having
the time to perform all the necessary bit swaps if the noise conditions on the line
are changing rapidly.
Furthermore, in ADSL version 2 as described in ITU-T
Recommendation G.992.2 the bit swap mechanism is bigger and may include
all carriers in the bit swap, which constitutes an improvement compared to the
ADSL version 1. In this case however, the bit swap request message to be
transferred is large and if the noise on the line is high, the probability that the
received bit swap request message is corrupt is still considerably present.
An object of the present invention is to provide a data-flow quality
control method, a transmitter and a receiver of the above known type for datasignal
quality control but wherein the data-flow quality control is executed in such
way that the stability of the modem increases significantly.
According to the invention, this object is achieved by the data-flow
control method as described in claim 1, the receiver as described in claim 2 and
the transmitter as described in claim 3.
Indeed, by requesting the transmitter, in case the data flow quality of
the data-flow received by the receiver is unsatisfactorily low, to improve the data
flow quality by decreasing the bit allocation with a same amount for a plurality of
data-carriers and by subsequently in response to the requesting of the receiver,
the transmitter decreasing the bit allocation accordingly the data-flow quality is
The data flow quality may be "unsatisfactorily low" if the signal-tonoise
ratio for all data-carriers or for set of data-carriers is to low, if the noise for
any or for all data-carriers is too high, if an error rate is too high (at Bit level:
Forward error correcting codes can report if many bits are to be corrected or if
uncorrectable errors are present at; at Frame level: Cyclic redundancy check
(CRC) errors on data-path level Cell level: ATM cells CRC errors detected; at
Packet level: TCP CRC errors; at Application level: video decoding errors, voice
delay) or if a certain dataflow quality between a digital subscriber line operator
and corresponding customer or user is unsatisfactorily low according to a preagreed
contract .Hence by decreasing the number of bits carried on the carriers
with a same amount for all data-carriers of the plurality of data-carriers, the bitrate
is adapted in a quick way, without using any calculating or reallocation
mechanism as applied in the bit swap, so that the noise margin over each of the
data carriers of the plurality of data-carriers is now sufficiently high for
guaranteeing a stable modem behaviour while carrying a reduced number of
bits per carrier. In this way the noise margin improves to such an extent and
within a very short time that the modem-stability increases significantly and that
the transmission of data can be executed with a significant lower probability of
corrupt frames compared to the existing bit swap-method. A very short time to
increase the stability is due to the fact that for each carrier of the plurality of
carriers the same action is to be performed without requiring calculations to
determine the action for each carrier.
Moreover due to the fact that for the plurality of carriers the decrease
of bit allocation is done with a single amount, the request message is significant
smaller than the bit swap- message leading to a higher probability of successful
transmission of this message.
Furthermore in our invention the overall bitrate is decreased by the bit
allocation decrease without compensating this decrease by increasing the bit
allocation for other data-carriers. No reallocation is performed in our present
An additional characteristic feature of the present invention is
described in claim 2.
The same amount for decreasing the allocation for all carriers of the
plurality of carriers is a predetermined amount.
An additional characteristic feature of the present invention is
described in claim 3.
The same amount for decreasing said bit allocation for all carriers of
the plurality of carriers is determined based on the dataflow quality.
An additional characteristic feature of the present invention is
described in claim 6.
By executing a bit swap on data-carriers for transporting a data-flow
from the transmitter to the receiver after the decreasing of the bit allocation for a
plurality of data-carriers, this bit swap is executed for fine-tuning the power
spectral density resulting from the direct bit number decrease.
An additional characteristic feature of the present invention is
described in claim 7.
The data-flow quality is a signal-to-noise ratio.
It is to be noticed that the term 'comprising', used in the claims, should
not be interpreted as being restricted to the means listed thereafter. Thus, the scope
of the expression 'a device comprising means A and B' should not be limited to
devices consisting only of components A and B. It means that with respect to the
present invention, the only relevant components of the device are A and B.
Similarly, it is to be noticed that the term 'coupled', also used in the
claims, should not be interpreted as being restricted to direct connections only.
Thus, the scope of the expression 'a device A coupled to a device B' should not be
limited to devices or systems wherein an output of device A is directly connected to
an input of device B. It means that there exists a path between an output of A and
an input of B which may be a path including other devices or means.
The above and other objects and features of the invention will become
more apparent and the invention itself will be best understood by referring to the
following description of an embodiment taken in conjunction with the
accompanying drawings wherein:
FIG. 1 represents a Digital Subscriber line communications system;
FIG. 2 represents the functional representation of the transmitter DTE
and the receiver ORE as presented in FIG. 1 ;
In the following paragraphs, referring to the drawings, an
implementation of the data-flow quality control method, a transmitter and a
receiver according to the present invention will be described. In the first
paragraph of this description the main elements of the Digital Subscriber Line
system as presented in FIG. 1 are described. In the second paragraph, all
connections between the before mentioned elements and described means are
defined. Subsequently all relevant functional means of the transmitter and
receiver as presented in FIG. 2 are described followed by a description of all
interconnections. In the succeeding paragraph the actual execution of the data
flow quality control method is described.
The essential elements of the Digital Subscriber Line communications
system network of the embodiment according to the present invention are a
transmitter, in this embodiment chosen to be a user terminal and a receiver here
chosen to be a central office coupling the transmitter to a communications
network CNW which here is chosen to be the internet. The transmitter is able to
send data towards the receiver by modulating this data on a plurality of carriers
according any of the Digital Subscriber Line standards, further referred to as DSL,
such as the Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line (ADSL) and the very high bit-rate
Digital Subscriber Line (VDSL) standards.
In order to keep simplicity in this description it is chosen to only
describe one transmitter DTE and one receiver DRE although such a Digital
Subscriber Line communications network usually comprises a plurality of
transmitters and receivers.
The transmitter DTE is coupled over a copper twisted pair, e.g. the
commonly known POTS network to the receiver DRE.
The receiver DRE first comprises a data receiving part DRP that is
adapted to receive a data-flow transmitted by a DSL transmitter DTE where this
data-flow said data-flow being modulated onto data carriers according to a bit
allocation indicative for the number of bits to be modulated on each datacarrier.
This modulation may be according to any of the DSL standards. The
signal analysis part SAP that is able to analyse the quality of the received dataflow
that is transmitted by the transmitter DTE. The receiver DRE further
comprises a Request Establishing part REP that is adapted to formulate a request
for the transmitter DTE to improve the quality of the data-flow in case the quality
of the data-signal is unsatisfactorily low, i.e. the signal-to-noise ratio beneath a
predefined level, the increase of the noise level or even a larger amount of FECerrors,
frame CRC errors, ATM CRC errors, TCP CRC errors or application errors.
In the present invention this Request Establishing part REP is adapted to formulate
the request to improve the quality of the data-signal by decreasing the bit
allocation for a plurality of data-carriers. The Request transmitting part RTF, that
after formulating the request by the Request Establishing part REP is adapted to
forward this request towards the transmitter DTE.
The Request Establishing part REP is coupled with an input to an
output of the signal analysis part SAP. The signal analysis part SAP is coupled
with an input to an output of the Data receiving part DRP. The Request
transmitting part RTP in its turn is coupled with an input to an output of the
Request Establishing part REP and further has an output that is at the same time
an output-terminal O2 of the receiver DRE. The Data receiving part DRP has an
input that is at the same time an input-terminal I2 of the receiver DRE.
The transmitter DTE first comprises a data sending part DSP that is
adapted to send a data flow towards an DSL receiver where this data flow is
modulated onto data carriers according to a bit allocation indicative for the
number of bits to be modulated on each data-carrier. This modulation may be
according any of the DSL standards, and further comprises a request reception
part RRP that is adapted to receive from the receiver DRE a request to improve
the quality of the data-flow. Additionally the transmitter DTE comprises a request
interpreting part RIP that is able to interpret the request to improve the quality of
the data-flow and determine which action is to be executed. The transmitter DTE
further comprises a bit allocation decreasing part BAD? that is able to decrease
the bit allocation for a plurality of the data carriers in response to a request to
improve the quality of a data-flow. The transmitter DTE may additionally
comprise a bit swap performing part SPP that is able to perform a bit swap on
data-carriers for transporting a data-flow from the transmitter to the receiver DRE
after the direct decrease of said number of bits carried by a plurality of the datacarriers.
The data sending part DSP has an output that is at the same time an
output-terminal O, of the transmitter DTE and has an input that is coupled to an
output of the direct bit decreasing part DBDP. The data sending part DSP further
has an input that is coupled to an output of the bit swap performing part SPP.
The request interpreting part RIP is coupled with an input to an output of said
request reception part RRP. The request reception part RRP has an input that is
at the same time an input-terminal I-, of the transmitter DTE. The bit allocation
decreasing part BADP further is coupled with an input to an output of the
request interpreting part RIP.
The additional bit swap performing part SPP is coupled with an input
to an output of the request interpreting part RIP.
In order to explain the present invention it is assumed that due to the
additional noise and external conditions, such as an upcoming new disturber, the
Signal-to-Noise Ratio has decreased to such an extent that an improvement of
the quality of the data-signal, is necessary in order to guarantee that the errorrate
of the data-transmission remains beneath a certain predetermined
maximum level. Due to this decreased Signal-to-Noise ratio the noise margin is
reduced which in turn leads to a higher error rate.
Alternatively the unsatisfactorily low quality may be that the signal-tonoise
ratio for all data-carriers or for set of data-carriers is too low, the noise for
any or for all data-carriers is too high, if an error rate is too high (at Bit level:
Forward error correcting codes can report if many bits are to be corrected or if
uncorrectable errors are present at Frame level: Cyclic redundancy check (CRC)
errors on data-path level Cell level: ATM cells CRC errors detected; at Packet
level: TCP CRC errors; at Application level: video decoding errors, voice delay)
or if a certain dataflow quality between a digital subscriber line operator and
corresponding customer or user is unsatisfactorily low according to a pre-agreed
The signal analysis part SAP of the receiver DRE analyses the quality of
the received data-flow that is transmitted by said transmitter DTE. This analysis
may be done for instance by measuring a signal-to-noise ratio once per time
interval. In case the quality of the data-signal is beneath a predefined level, i.e.
a quality-level where beneath a maximum error rate in the data-transmission is
not guaranteed, due to the resulting too small noise margin, the Request
Establishing part REP will formulate a request for said transmitter to improve the
data-flow in case the quality of the data-flow is unsatisfactorily low, i.e. the
signal-to-noise ratio for all data-carriers or the signal-to-noise ratio of a set of
data-carriers is beneath a predefined level. In the present invention this Request
Establishing part REP will formulate the request to improve the quality of the
data-signal by decreasing the bit allocation with a same number for a plurality of
the data-carriers. The Request transmitting part RTP, after formulating the request
by the Request Establishing part REP then transmits this request towards the
transmitter DTE over the control path CP. The request reception part RRP
receives the request to improve the quality of the data-flow from the receiver
DRE. The interpreting part RIP subsequently will interpret the request to improve
the quality of the data-flow and determine which action is to be executed. The bit
allocation decreasing part BADP then decreases the bit allocation with this same
number for this plurality of the data carriers in response to the request to improve
the quality of the data-flow.
This same amount for decreasing the allocation for all carriers of the
plurality of carriers is for instance a predetermined amount or, alternatively, this
same amount for decreasing the bit allocation for all carriers of the plurality of
carriers is determined based on the dataflow quality as determined.
This direct bit number decrease improves the noise margin to such an
extent and within a very short time that the modem-stability increases significantly
and that the transmission of data can be executed with a significant lower
probability of corrupt frames compared to the existing bit swap-method.
Then in order to fine-tune the data-signal with an overall direct bit
number decrease, the bit swap performing part SPP performs after the direct bit
number decrease a bit swap on the carriers for transporting a data-signal from
said transmitter DTE to said receiver DRE.
.It is to be noted that the bit allocation decrease over the plurality of
the data-carriers may be a bit allocation decrease over all the data-carriers in
order to realise a noise margin improvement over the entire spectrum of the
signal, however this also may be a transmit power increase over a subset of
data-carriers, where the subset consists of more than one data carrier, in order
to improve the signal ratio improvement over a predetermined part of the entire
spectrum of the signal.
Bit swap messages are sent from receiver to transmitter to adapt the
bit loading and/or the transmit energy of the carriers to the changing line
The DSL receiver may further comprise a bit swap initiating part SIP
that is adapted to formulate, based on criteria such as the Signal-to Noise Ratio,
a request to perform a bit swap on carriers for transporting a data-signal from
the transmitter DTE to the receiver DRE and the DSL receiver additionally
comprises a bit swap request transmitting part STP that is adapted to transmit a
request to perform a bit swap on carriers for transporting a data-signal from the
transmitter DTE to the receiver DRE.
It is further also to be noted that although only one direction of data
transmission is described together with the mechanism of the present invention
for that direction, the present invention is also applicable for data transmission in
the other direction.
Furthermore it is to be noted that in our invention the overall bitrate is
decreased by the bit allocation decrease without compensating this decrease by
increasing the bit allocation for other data-carriers. No reallocation is performed
in our present invention. A final remark is that embodiments of the present
invention are described above in terms of functional blocks. From the functional
description of these blocks, given above, it will be apparent for a person skilled
in the art of designing electronic devices how embodiments of these blocks can
be manufactured with well-known electronic components. A detailed architecture
of the contents of the functional blocks hence is not given.
While the principles of the invention have been described above in connection
with specific apparatus, it is to be clearly understood that this description is made
only by way of example and not as a limitation on the scope of the invention, as
defined in the appended claims.

1. Method for data-flow quality control in a Digital Subscriber Line
communications system comprising a transmitter, a receiver, and a Digital
Subscriber Line intercoupling said transmitter and said receiver, said transmitter
sending a data-flow to said receiver, said data-flow being modulated onto datacarriers
according to a bit allocation indicative for the number of bits to be
modulated on each data-carrier, said method comprising the following steps:
a. said receiver measuring the data-flow quality,
CHARACTERISED IN THAT said method further comprises the
following steps:
b. said receiver instructing said transmitter to decrease the bit
allocation with a same amount for a plurality of daia-carriers in case said dataflow
quality is unsatisfactorily low; and
c. said transmitter decreasing said bit allocation accordingly.
2. Method for data-flow quality control according to claim 1,
CHARACTERISED IN THAT SAID same amount for decreasing said bit
allocation for said plurality of carriers is a predetermined amount.
3. Method for data-flow quality control according to claim 1,
CHARACTERISED IN THAT SAID same amount for decreasing said bit
allocation for said plurality of carriers is determined based on said dataflow
4. Receiver (DRE) for use in a Digital Subscriber Line communications
system comprising a transmitter (DTE), said receiver (DRE) and a Digital
Subscriber Line intercoupling said transmitter (DTE) and said receiver (DRE), said
receiver being adapted to receive a data-flow transmitted by said transmitter,
said data-flow being modulated onto data-carriers according to a bit allocation
indicative for the number of bits to be modulated on each data-carrier, said
receiver (DRE) comprising the following parts:
a. signal analysis part (SAP), adapted to measure a data-flow quality;
b. request establishing part (REP), coupled with an input to an
output of said signal analysis part (SAP) and adapted to formulate a request for
said transmitter to improve said data-flow quality in case said data-flow quality is
unsatisfactorily low;
c. request transmitting part (RTP), coupled with an input to an
output of said request establishing part (REP) and adapted to forward said
request towards said transmitter (DTE),
CHARACTERISED IN THAT said request, establishing part (REP) of
said receiver (DRE) is adapted to formulate said request to improve said dataflow
quality by decreasing said bit allocation with a same amount for a plurality
of data-carriers.
5. Transmitter (DTE) for use in a Digital Subscriber Line
communications system comprising said transmitter (DTE), a receiver (DRE) and a
Digital Subscriber Line intercoupling said transmitter (DTE) and said receiver
(DRE), said transmitter (DTE) being able to send a data-flow to said receiver
(DRE), said data-flow being modulated onto data-carriers according to a bit
allocation indicative for the number of bits to be modulated on each datacarrier,
said transmitter (DTE) comprising the following parts:
a. a request reception part (RRP), adapted to receive from said
receiver (DRE) a request to improve a data flow quality;
b. a request interpreting part (RIP), coupled with an input to an
output of said request reception part (RRP) and adapted to interpret said
request to improve said data-flow quality,
CHARACTERISED IN THAT said transmitter (DTE) further comprises:
c. a bit allocation decreasing part (BADP), coupled with an input to
an output of said request interpreting part (RIP) and adapted to decrease said
bit allocation with a same amount for a plurality of data-carriers.
6. Transmitter (DTE) according to claim 5,
CHARACTERISED IN THAT said transmitter further comprises a bit
swap performing part (SPP), coupled with an input to an output of said
request interpreting part (RIP) and adapted to perform a bit swap on said datacarriers
for continuing to transport said data-flow from said transmitter to said
receiver (DRE) after said decrease of said bit allocation.


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Petition under rule 137 [1768-DELNP-2007].pdf

Patent Number 263160
Indian Patent Application Number 1768/DELNP/2007
PG Journal Number 42/2014
Publication Date 17-Oct-2014
Grant Date 10-Oct-2014
Date of Filing 06-Mar-2007
Name of Patentee ALCATEL LUCENT
Applicant Address 3, AVENUE OCTAVE GREARD - 75007 PARIS
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number H04M 11/06
PCT International Application Number PCT/EP2005/008378
PCT International Filing date 2005-08-01
PCT Conventions:
# PCT Application Number Date of Convention Priority Country
1 04292004.1 2004-08-06 EUROPEAN UNION