Title of Invention


Abstract Abstract: The attack of helopeltis in the tea garden is one of the vital problems to decline the yield of tea crop and for this reason, the different types of hard chemicals are used in the tea garden to prevent the attack of helopeltis, but the fruitful satisfied result is not obtained. Due to the repeated use of hard chemical, the owner of the tea garden economically suffers. Helopeltis is the vegetariun mosquito and by using the general principle for the prevention humen bite mosquito, the helopeltis cannot be controlled or prevented (mosquito net, emistion of smoke having obnoxious smell). On the basis of surface chemistry (Freunlieh's law and Langmur's law), the newly developed method is applied to remove the helopeltis and to recover the previously helopeltis attacked tea bush. The newly developed method consists of the following chemicals: 1. Pure Endosulfan containing 0.5% copper sulphate (yash mixture) 2. Copper oxy chloride with 1% starchy material (kudrat mixture) and the protocol for covering one hectare area (by hand spray) is 1.25 litres yash mixture and 1.25 kg of the kudrat mixture. In case of mild attack of Helopeltis, the another protocol has been developed.
Full Text

The newly developed method with newly developed
protocol for the long time control of Helopeltis and the
growth of heavy flush in the tea garden.
Among the different types of insects' problems helopeltis is one of the
major insects' problem in the tea garden and for the attack of helopelties,
the yield of the tea crop gradually declines. The lost tea crop is not
further made up in the running year. Helopeltis is a vegitariun mosquito
and it is known as mosquito bag. To save the tea bush from the attack of
helopeltis or to remove the helopeltis from the tea garden the different
types of maximum quantity of hard chemical are used in the tea garden.
But no fruitful result is obtained in the tea garden. The humen or animal
bite mosquito is prevented by using mosquito net or by making diffusion
or emission of obnoxious smoke of the chemical (Allout or Agarbatti).
These principles are not applicable to remove the Helopeltis in the tea
garden. To remove the helopeltis and to recover the previously helopeltis
attack tea bushes the newly developed methods with new formulation is
invented to control the helopeltis in the tea garden by Dr. H. Saikh with
the help of six years research. This principle is developed by using the
surface chemistry (Freunlich adsorption isotherm and Langmur
adsorption). The following materials are used to make the newly
developed protocol (i) Pure Endosulfan mixed with 0.5% copper sulphate
(yash mixture) (ii) Copper oxy chloride mixed with 1% starchy substance
(kudrat mixture). The protocol for one hectare area is stated below :
1.25 litres of 'YASH' mixture and 1.25 kg kudrat mixture [dilution: (1:400)]
For the mild attack of helopeltis in the tea garden, the another protocol
has also been developed.
Generally, Helopeltis is one of the vital insects' problem in the tea garden
and for which the crop of the tea garden declines sharply. To remove the
Helopeltis and to recover directly the previously damaged Helopeltis
attack tea bushes, the maximum quantities of different types of hard
chemicals (strong insecticides) are used and the hopeful result is not
obtained to the tea planters.
Generally, for the protection of mosquito under the areas of human's
location, the following precautions are taken by the living family from the
attack of mosquito.

1. For the prevention from the attack of mosquito, the mosquito net is
used in the area of living family or sleeping space of the house.
2. To make the arrangement for the continuous diffusion or emission
of smoke of some particular chemicals (Allout and Agarbatti).
Helopeltis is a vegetariun mosquito (mosquito bag) and the above
mentioned two general principles for the prevention of mosquito
(Helopeltis) in the tea garden are not possible and for this reason, the
alternate method is to be introduced on thinking in the tea garden to
remove the Helopeltis and to save the tea planters and owners of the tea
garden economically.
So, the following principles are to be applied properly after the attack of
Helopeltis or initiation of Helopeltis.
After the attack of Helopeltis in the tea bushes, the secondary fungal
infection is created within the young tea shoots in situ which stops the
normal physiological function of the tea plant (xylem and phloem).
On the basis of the above mentioned principles, a new method is
developed by Dr. Hasmot Saikh with the help of six years continuous
field experiment under the areas of Assam.
To remove the Helopeltis and to recover the secondary infection which is
created by the previously attack of Helopeltis in the healthy tea bushes,
the following basic ideas are taken.
1. Firstly, the further attack of Helopeltis is to be stopped.
2. The secondary infection due to the previously attack of Helopeltis
is to be recovered properly.
By using the laws of surface chemistry i.e. the law of Freundlich
adsorption isotherm and the law of Langmur adsorption. In case of
surface chemistry, the two famous terms ADSORBENT and ADSORBATE
are used. The material upon whose surface the concentration takes place
is called 'Adsorbent' and the substance which is taken upon the surface
is called adsorbate the follbwing ideas of surface chemistry are applied to
control the vegetariun mosquito or Helopeltis in the tea garden.
1. Physical absorption
2. Chemical absorption
3. Change the taste of young tea leaf against the further attack of
4. Recovery of secondary infection created due to the previously
attack of Helopeltis.

1. Bi-valcnt copper compound is bitter in taste and due to absorption of
partly dissolved bivalent copper cation (Cu++) by the tea leaf will be bitter
in taste and therefore, the Helopeltis will not get interest to attack or to
eat the juice of the young tea leaf or of young tea shoot immediately by
using the sucking process.
2. To repel the mosquito a dislike obnoxious smell containing safety
chemical is to be selected to use in the tea garden.
3. The dislike odour within the tea leaf is to be retained for two or for
three days and that is why the principles of physical and chemical
adsorption are to be applied.
Physical adsorption: The adsorbed adsorbate on the surface of the
adsorbent will be released quickly by the low temperature because the
force of adsorption is low. After the removal of physically adsorbed all
adsorbate by the low temperature, the chemically adsorbed adsorbate
starts to release slowly.
Chemical adsorption: Comparatively strongly adsorbed adsorbate starts
to release by the high temperature.
So, the continuous emission of gaseous substance with the obnoxious
smell by the process of physical adsorption and by the process of
chemical adsorption, the Helopeltis is removed or repelled instead of
further attack.
Within this time, the bivalent copper cation (Cu++) starts to absorb inside
the tea plant which helps to recover the secondary infection which is
created due to the previous attack of Helopeltis as well as the Helopeltis
does not like to suck bitter juice or sap of the tea plant. Lastly, the
Helopeltis attack shoots are fully recovered and the further new attack of
Helopeltis does not take place and as a result, the problem of Helopeltis
is overcome.
To maintain the principle for the removal of Helopeltis from the section of
the tea garden and to recover tea bushes, the following chemicals are
X. Pure Endosulfan containing 0.5% copper sulphate (Yash' mixteree.
Y. Copper oxy chloride with 1% starchy material ('Kudrat' mixture)

Mechanism of this method:
In this developed method, copper oxy chloride mixed with 1% starchy
materials acts as the ADSORBENT and the pure liquid Endosulfan mixed
with 0.5% copper sulphate acts the adsorbate. The pure liquid
Endosulfan is physically and chemically adsorbed. On application the
physically adsorped Endosulfan is diffused at first and then chemically
adsorped Endosulfan is diffused. The smell of Endosulfan is obnoxious
and hence the endosulfan with obnoxious smell is present for a long time
in the applied system. Therefore, the further attack of Helopeltis is
prevented in the areas of the applied system. Within this period, the
partly dissolved or mobilized bivalent copper cation (Cu2+) is absorbed by
the tea plant and the taste of juice or sap of the newly generated shoots
or buds is changed which the Helopeltis does not like to take by the
sucking process.

I. Protocol for the covering of one hectare area (hand Spray) in case of
severe attack of Helopeltis:
(i) 1.25 litres of the solution X (Pure Endosulfan containing 0.5%
copper sulphate, called YASH mixture)
(ii) 1.25 kg of the mixture Y' (KUDRAT mixture)
II. Process for the preparation of 200 litres (one drum) solution for the
spraying of 1 acre areas in the garden:
500 gm of the product Y (copper oxy chloride containing 1% starchy
materials) and 500 ml of the product X (Endosulfan containing 0.5%
copper sulphate) are taken into 200 litres clean drum and then 10 litres
of water are added to it. The products Y and X are well mixed. After then
200 litres volume are made up and this solution is stirred well before its
application to the tea bushes.

N.B. Slashing: The Helopeltis affected section of the tea garden will be
slightly slashed (Los) or will be hard plucked before the application or
spraying of the solution which is prepared by mixing the products X
(YASH mixture) and Y' (KUDRAT mixture)
III. Protocol for the covering of one hectare area (Hand spray) incase of
normal attack of Helopeltis:
The following chemicals will be used:
(i) Pure Endosulphan
(ii) Copper oxy chloride mixed with 0.5% copper sulphate.
Dose per hectare:
(i) 1.25 kg copper oxy chloride mixed with 0.5% copper sulphate
(ii) 1.25 litre pure Endosulphan
Procedure for Application:
(i) Previously Helopeltis affected area or section is to be slightly
(ii) For the 200 litres solution, 500 gm copper oxy chloride mixed
0.5 copper sulphate and 500 ml pure Endosulphan are taken
into 200 litres drums and then these are well mixed with 10
litres water firstly. After then the volume will be made up 200
litres and then this solution is to be applied to the slight
slashed Helopeltis affected areas in the tea garden.

I claim:
1. The newly developed method which is applied to the Tea leaves after plucking
inhibits the attack of Helopeltis for a long time (more than 45 days) with fast
recovery of previously Helopeltis attacked Tea bushes. Method comprises of:
i. According to the mechanism, the adsorbate adsorbed physically on the
adsorbent is released first at low temperature, the adsorbate adsorbed chemically
on the adsorbent is released later and an equilibrium is maintained between the
physical adsorption and the chemical adsorption.
ii. Here, YASH mixture (Pure Endosulfan containing 0.5% Copper Sulphate) is
adsorbate and KUDRAT mixture (Copper Oxychloride with 1% starchy
material) is adsorbent.
2. The newly developed method as claim in claim No.l is applied after plucking so
it does not show any tint or residual stain on the plucking leaf and the
ingredients of this method remain in the maintenance leaf of Tea bush for the
function to drive the Helopeltis.
3. The method as claimed in claim No. 1 consists of a YASH mixture (Pure
Endosulfan containing 0.5% Copper Sulphate) and a KUDRAT mixture
(Copper Oxychloride with 1% starchy material) which are very soft chemicals
and do not show any hazardness or pollution in the Environment.
4. The method as claimed in claims No. 1 to 3 is to be applied one or two times only
throughout the whole year.
5. The method as claimed in claim No. 1 to 4 is useful to inhibit Helopeltis for long
time (more than 45 days).

The attack of helopeltis in the tea garden is one of the vital problems to
decline the yield of tea crop and for this reason, the different types of
hard chemicals are used in the tea garden to prevent the attack of
helopeltis, but the fruitful satisfied result is not obtained. Due to the
repeated use of hard chemical, the owner of the tea garden economically
suffers. Helopeltis is the vegetariun mosquito and by using the general
principle for the prevention humen bite mosquito, the helopeltis cannot
be controlled or prevented (mosquito net, emistion of smoke having
obnoxious smell). On the basis of surface chemistry (Freunlieh's law and
Langmur's law), the newly developed method is applied to remove the
helopeltis and to recover the previously helopeltis attacked tea bush. The
newly developed method consists of the following chemicals:
1. Pure Endosulfan containing 0.5% copper sulphate (yash mixture)
2. Copper oxy chloride with 1% starchy material (kudrat mixture)
and the protocol for covering one hectare area (by hand spray) is
1.25 litres yash mixture and 1.25 kg of the kudrat mixture.
In case of mild attack of Helopeltis, the another protocol has been




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Patent Number 263249
Indian Patent Application Number 1415/KOL/2007
PG Journal Number 42/2014
Publication Date 17-Oct-2014
Grant Date 15-Oct-2014
Date of Filing 16-Oct-2007
Name of Patentee DR. HASMOT SAIKH
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number A01N31/14; A01N25/26
PCT International Application Number N/A
PCT International Filing date
PCT Conventions:
# PCT Application Number Date of Convention Priority Country
1 NA