Title of Invention


Abstract The present invention relates to a genome-replication- deficient and transcription-competent negative-strand RNA virus, which can be used for the expression of transgenes and in particular for the area of vaccine development.
Full Text Replication-deficient RNA viruses as vaccines
The present invention relates to a replication-
defective and transcription-competent negative-strand
RNA virus, which can be used for the expression of
transgenes and in particular for the area of vaccine
Immunizations with live vaccines imitate natural
infection and produce a comprehensive immune response.
Attenuated, but still viable, viruses are used for
vaccination. Multiplication of the vaccine viruses must
take place so slowly that an immunological response and
therefore control of multiplication and/or elimination
of the virus is ensured. The live vaccine concept has
frequently proved itself in various age groups. There
are, however, important target groups for whom
immunization with live vaccines is problematic and
extra safety measures are required: maternal antibodies
protect infants in the first few months of life. At the
same time they represent a barrier that must be
overcome in immunization with live vaccine, though
without leading to excessive multiplication of the
vaccine virus and associated vaccination lesions.
Another target group are the elderly, whose immune
system is no longer so efficient, so that it can be
overloaded by vaccination, and increased multiplication
of the vaccine virus may lead to vaccination lesions.
There is therefore the problem of making the
immunologically excellent live vaccination even safer
for application in certain target groups, as well as
increasing the safety profile for general use.
For some years it has been possible to alter negative-
strand RNA viruses, such as the rabies virus or the
Sendai virus (SeV) for example, purposefully by reverse
genetic engineering. EP-A-0 702 085 describes the

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production of recombinant, infectious, replicating
unsegmented negative-strand RNA viruses from cloned
cDNA. EP-A-0 863 202 describes a recombinant Sendai
virus, in whose genome a heterologous gene is inserted
or a gene is deleted or inactivated, but whose genome
replication is still intact.
Negative-strand RNA viruses are especially suitable as
the backbone of vaccines, as their multiplication in
the cytoplasm takes place at the RNA level and genes
within the viral genome can simply be exchanged. Thus,
there has already been success in producing recombinant
viruses with surface proteins of various virus types
and using them as vaccines in animal experiments
(Schmidt et al., J. Virol. 75 (2001), 4594-4603 and WO
01/42445). By recombinant insertion of F- and HN-
proteins of human parainfluenza virus type 3 (hPIV 3)
and of the G- or F-protein of Respiratory Syncytial
Virus (RSV) in a vector based on bovine parainfluenza
virus type 3 (bPIV 3) , a mucosal immune response to
hPIV 3 and RSV was detected after application in
hamsters. A bivalent antigenicity of this live vaccine,
which has been tested in animal experiments, has thus
already been achieved.
Owing to the involvement of the species barrier, this
bovine parainfluenza virus with human PIV 3 and RSV
surface antigens should already be sufficiently
attenuated for application in humans. Reversions to the
wild type should not be expected, as complete genes
were exchanged for viral surface proteins. Clinical
testing of the vaccine has already begun.
As the virus mutants described are, however,
replication-competent, virus multiplication will
undoubtedly occur in the vaccinee, the intensity of
which is attenuated by modification of the virus, but
is not excluded completely. The intensity of the
viremia that is to be expected and therefore the side-

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effects suffered by the vaccinee then depend on
individual factors.
Within the scope of the present invention, an attempt
is to be made to substantially reduce the risks of live
vaccination, and especially the risks for vaccinees in
certain target groups.
One approach is the suppression of viral genome
replication after application of the vaccine. As a
result, multiplication of the virus and corresponding
vaccination lesions will not occur, regardless of the
vaccinee's state of immunity.
A fundamental difficulty in this approach is that the
viral RNA polymerase performs two functions: synthesis
of viral mRNA and multiplication of the viral genomes.
This coupling must be removed in the new vaccine, as
the vaccine must now only be capable of synthesis of
viral mRNA.
Another problem is that the recombinant virus must
perform efficient synthesis of viral mRNA, if it is to
be suitable at all as live vaccine. There are thus two
basically contradictory requirements, which mean that
considerable difficulties are to be expected in the
production of safe, but efficient live vaccines based
on negative-strand RNA viruses.
Shoji et al. (Virology 318 (2004), 295-305) describe
the production and characterization of a P gene-
deficient rabies virus. The virus was produced by means
of P-protein-expressing helper cells. Without de novo
synthesis of P-protein, the viruses are only capable of
primary transcription. The slight viral gene expression
is manifested in a very weak signal for N-protein in
immunofluorescence and only in very few cells, and
convincing proof of this slight viral gene expression
will only be provided by PCR analysis. Use of this

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mutant virus in a challenge test in the mouse model
should show protection, but there is no control
experiment with transcription-inactive virus and the
time interval for the viral challenge is too short. The
duration of supposed protection is not being
investigated. The use of such mutant viruses for the
development of an attenuated rabies vaccine therefore
seems not to be very promising.
Within the scope of the investigations that led to the
present invention, it was found that in
paramyxoviruses, decoupling of the replication and
transcription functions can be achieved by partially
removing the constituents of polymerase that are
essential for the genome replication function. This may
involve one of the viral proteins N, P and L, or a
special functional domain of such a protein.
Surprisingly it was found that by mutations in which
the function of the proteins encoded by the viral genes
N, L and/or P is not deleted completely, but partially,
it is possible to produce replication-defective RNA
viruses which possess an adequate transcription
function to be suitable for the production of live
One object of the present invention is thus a
recombinant negative-strand RNA virus, which is
replication-deficient and transcription-competent. The
virus according to the invention contains a viral
genome with a mutation in at least one of the genes N,
L and P, with the mutation leading to loss of genome
replication without loss of secondary transcription
The virus according to the invention is a prerequisite
for the production of live vaccines, especially for the
production of live vaccines with an enhanced safety
profile, which is especially suitable for use in high-

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risk patients with a weak or damaged immune system.
The invention also relates to a nucleocapsid of the
recombinant virus, comprising the viral negative-strand
RNA, complexed with the proteins N, L and P plus the
negative-strand RNA of the recombinant virus in
isolated form.
The invention also relates to a cDNA, which codes for a
negative-strand RNA according to the invention, in
particular a viral RNA and/or an RNA complementary to
The invention further relates to a cell line for
multiplication of the recombinant negative-strand RNA
virus according to the invention.
The recombinant negative-strand RNA virus according to
the invention can be obtained by mutation of a starting
virus in at least one of the genes N, L and P. The
starting virus can be a natural negative-strand RNA
virus, especially from the families Paramyxoviridae or
Rhabdoviridae or recombinant variants thereof.
Especially preferred representatives are
paramyxoviruses, e.g. Sendai virus, human or bovine
parainfluenza virus, e.g. human parainfluenza virus
(hPIV) type 1, 2, 3, 4a or 4b, Newcastle disease virus,
mumps virus, measles virus or human respiratory
syncytial virus (hRSV) or rhabdoviruses, e.g. vesicular
stomatitis virus (VSV). Especially preferably, the
virus is a Sendai virus, e.g. of the Fushimi strain
(ATCC VR105). Recombinant variants of the
aforementioned viruses, as described for example in EP-
A-702 085, EP-A-0 863 202 or WO 01/42445, are also
covered by the invention.
Further preferred negative-strand RNA viruses are
representatives of the Rhabdoviridae, Filoviridae,
Bornaviridae, Arenaviridae or Bunyaviridae, e.g. VSV.

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Like other paramyxoviruses, the Sendai virus is an
enveloped virus with a helical nucleocapsid (Fig. 1) .
The envelope consists of a lipid membrane, which is
derived from the plasma membrane of the host cell from
which the virus was released. Transmembrane
glycoproteins, namely the fusion protein (F) and
hemagglutinin-neuramidase (HN), are anchored in the
viral envelope. The matrix protein (M) lines the inside
of the membrane. The nucleocapsid contained in the
envelope consists of single-stranded RNA complexed with
nucleoprotein (N) , with in each case 6 nucleotides of
the RNA bound by one N protein, an RNA-dependent RNA
polymerase (L) and the co-factor phosphoprotein (P).
The negative-strand RNA genome of the Sendai virus
contains the genes of the 6 structural proteins in the
order: 3'-N-P/C-M-F-HN-L-5' (Fig. 2). The P/C gene
codes for a total of 8 proteins, the structural
phosphoprotein and all non-structural proteins known to
The proteins P, N and L are important for functional
transcription and replication (Lamb et al. ,
Paramyxoviridae: The Viruses and their Replication.
Fields Virology, 4th edition (2001) , Lippincott,
Williams & Wilkins, Philadelphia, 1305-1340).
The recombinant negative-strand RNA virus according to
the invention contains a mutation in at least one of
the genes N, L and P. The mutation can be a deletion,
substitution and/or insertion in one of the genes N, L
or P, which gives rise to a replication deficiency of
the virus, but does not disturb the capacity for
transcription. The mutation preferably affects a
partial sequence of the proteins encoded by the genes
N, L and/or P, which is necessary for replication,
whereas other partial sequences necessary for
transcription remain functional.

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In a preferred embodiment of the invention, the
recombinant virus has a mutation in gene P, namely in
an N-terminal partial sequence of gene P. The mutation
preferably affects at least the region of amino acids
33-41 of the protein P, which are important for the
capacity for replication. It is further preferred that
the C-terminal region (starting from amino acid 320)
does not have any mutations impairing the transcription
function. Especially preferably, the mutation is a
mutation in the region of amino acids 2-77 leading to
loss of capacity for replication, for example a
deletion of (a) the amino acids 2-77 of the protein
encoded by gene P or (b) a partial sequence of (a)
sufficient for loss of the capacity for replication.
Corresponding mutations can also take place in P
proteins of other negative-strand RNA viruses, e.g. of
other paramyxoviruses, e.g. hPIV3.
The recombinant virus according to the invention is
replication-deficient and transcription-competent. Loss
of the capacity for replication means that in a target
cell (a cell which does not produce in trans any of the
functions deleted by mutation) no detectable virus
genome multiplication is found, and in contrast to a
reduced or conditional replication deficiency, also no
permissive conditions exist, in which replication can
occur. The loss of the capacity for replication can be
determined as described in Example 8. However, the
virus according to the invention is capable of
transcribing the gene products encoded by it after
infection in a target cell, so that expression of the
viral proteins including one or more heterologous gene
products can take place in the target cell. It is
important that the recombinant virus according to the
invention should possess the capacity for secondary
transcription, i.e. the viral gene products that arise
through primary transcription with the protein
components originally contained in the nucleocapsid are
capable of bringing about and/or supporting a secondary

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transcription themselves. The extent of the secondary
transcription then leads to protein synthesis of
preferably at least 1%, at least 2%, at least 3%, at
least 4% or at least 5% relative to a corresponding
wild-type virus, i.e. a virus without the mutation in
at least one of the genes N, L and P. The capacity for
secondary transcription can be reduced relative to the
corresponding wild-type virus, though preferably at
most by a factor of 20, especially preferably at most
by a factor of 10. The capacity for secondary
transcription can be determined as in Example 7.1
and/or 7.3 by quantitative determination of the
expression of a heterologous gene product, e.g. a
reporter protein.
Besides the mutation, the recombinant virus according
to the invention preferably contains at least one
transgene, i.e. at least one sequence coding for a
heterologous gene product. The heterologous gene
product can be a protein, for example a reporter
protein, e.g. a fluorescence protein such as GFP or a
derivative thereof, or an antigen, against which an
immune response is to be produced, or a therapeutic
protein, e.g. a protein for virotherapy or a functional
RNA molecule, e.g. an antisense RNA, a ribozyme or an
siRNA molecule capable of RNA interference. Preferably
the heterologous gene product is an antigen,
originating from a pathogen, such as a virus, a
bacterium, a fungus or a protozoon, a tumor antigen or
an autoantigen. Especially preferably, the antigen is a
viral antigen, derived from a heterologous negative-
strand RNA virus, such as a human parainfluenza virus
or RSV, e.g. hPIV3 F and HN or hRSV F and G. The virus
according to the invention can contain one or more,
e.g. two or three, sequences coding for a heterologous
gene product.
Sequences coding for heterologous gene products can be
inserted in the genome of the recombinant virus. On the

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other hand, sequences coding for homologous gene
products, e.g. genes F and/or HN, can also be
substituted with sequences that code for heterologous
gene products, e.g. chimeric gene products.
Combinations of inserted and substituted transgenes are
also possible.
For example, sequences of a Sendai virus can be
replaced completely or partially with heterologous
sequences of other negative-strand RNA viruses, e.g.
with sequences of parainfluenza viruses, e.g. hPIV3,
and/or with sequences of RSV. Use of chimeric sequences
is especially preferred, i.e. sequences comprising
segments of the base virus genome and segments of a
heterologous virus genome. For example, chimeric genes
F and/or HN can be inserted in the virus genome, which
comprise sequences of the base virus genome, e.g.
Sendai virus and heterologous sequences, e.g. from
human parainfluenza viruses such as hPIV3, and/or RSV.
The recombinant virus can contain one or more different
transgenes. If several transgenes are present, these
can be of the same or of different origin, which can be
derived for example from a single or from several
different pathogens, e.g. viruses. Thus, transgenes
from several, e.g. 2 or 3 different pathogens,
preferably viruses, and especially negative-strand RNA
viruses, can be present.
The incorporation of transgenes in paramyxoviruses is
described for example in Hasan et al. (J. Gen. Virol.
78 (1997), 2813-2820), Bukreyev et al. , (J. Virol. 70
(1996), 6634-6641), Yu et al. (Genes Cells 2 (1997),
457-466), Masaki et al. (FASEBVB J. 15 (2001), 1294-
1296) , Shiotani et al. (Gene Therapy 8 (2001) , 1043-
1050) and Bitzer et al. (Mol. Therapy 7 (2003), 210-
217). Preferably the transgenes are inserted in the 3'
'region of the viral genome. Insertion is effected for
example in the form of transcription cassettes, with

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one or more transcription cassettes with singular
restriction sites for integration of the respective
reading frames inserted directly after the leader
region at the vector level (i.e. at the level of the
vector, e.g. of a plasmid vector, which codes for the
negative-strand RNA). Integration of several transgenes
is preferably effected in independent transcription
cassettes in each case. A transcription cassette
preferably contains the sequence coding for the
heterologous gene product in operational linkage with a
transcription start sequence and a transcription
termination sequence and preferably translation
A. further object of the present invention is a single-
stranded or double-stranded DNA molecule, e.g. a cDNA
molecule, which codes for a recombinant negative-strand
RNA virus genome according to the invention or a
precursor thereof or the virus-antigenome or a
precursor thereof. The term "precursor" means in this
context that the DNA molecule does not yet contain a
sequence coding for a heterologous gene product, but
only a cloning site for insertion of such a sequence.
The cloning site can be a restriction site, for example
a singular or non-singular restriction site in the DNA
or a multiple cloning site, containing several
consecutive restriction sites, preferably singular
restriction sites. The DNA molecule coding for the
virus genome and/or the complementary sequence is
preferably in operational linkage with suitable
sxpression control sequences.
rhe DNA molecule is preferably a vector, for example a
plasmid vector, which is suitable for propagation in a
suitable host cell, i.e. in a vector or plasmid
amplification cell, preferably in a prokaryotic cell,
out also in a eukaryotic cell, especially in a
nammalian cell, and has the necessary genetic elements
for this, such as replication origin, integration

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sequences and/or selectable marker sequences.
The DNA molecule contains the sequence coding for the
recombinant virus or the complementary sequence,
preferably under the control of a transcription signal,
so that during transcription with a DNA-dependent RNA
polymerase in a host cell suitable for the initial
production of the virus, i.e. in a virus production
cell, the viral negative-strand RNA can be formed. The
transcription signal is selected to permit efficient
transcription of the DNA in the host cell used in each
case. It is also possible to use a heterologous
transcription signal for the particular cell, e.g. a
bacteriophage promoter, such as the T7 or SP6 promoter,
and then the virus production cell must also contain a
corresponding heterologous DNA-dependent RNA
polymerase, e.g. T7 or SP6 RNA polymerase, which
effects the transcription. In addition to the
transcription signal, the DNA molecule further
contains, preferably at the 3' end of the sequence
coding for the recombinant virus, a transcription
terminator and a ribozyme sequence, which permits
cleavage of the transcript at the end of the viral
sequence. The virus production cell is preferably a
eukaryotic cell and especially a mammalian cell.
In addition to the DNA coding for the replication-
deficient paramyxovirus, the virus production cell
according to the invention also contains helper
sequences, whose gene products permit assembly of the
recombinant virus RNA according to the invention in
trans. For this, the cell can for example additionally
contain one or more vectors which produce the N
protein, the P protein and/or the L protein in trans.
This makes assembly of nucleocapsids of the recombinant
virus according to the invention possible in the
production cell.
Multiplication of the recombinant virus initially

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assembled in the virus production cell takes place in a
virus multiplication cell, which is infected with the
virus according to the invention. In addition the virus
multiplication cell contains helper sequences as
mentioned above, for production of the N protein, the P
protein and/or the L protein in trans. Preferably a
virus multiplication cell is used in which there is
stable expression of the helper sequences, e.g. by
genomic integration. The virus multiplication cell is
preferably a mammalian cell. An especially preferred
multiplication cell is cell H29, derived from a 293
cell, of a human embryonic renal fibroblast cell line,
or a cell derived from that. Cell H29 was deposited on
11.05.2004 (DSM ACC 2702) in accordance with the
provisions of the Budapest Treaty with the Deutsche
Sammlung fur Mikroorganismen und Zellkulturen GmbH,
Braunschweig, Mascheroder Weg. Vero cells, of a renal
cell line from the African green monkey, or cells
derived from LLCMK2 cells, of a renal cell line from
the rhesus monkey, which have been stably transfected
with corresponding helper sequences, e.g. SeV N and P
genes, are also suitable.
The invention therefore further relates to a cell,
preferably a eukaryotic cell and especially preferably
a mammalian cell, which contains (i) a DNA molecule,
which codes for the genome of the recombinant virus
according to the invention and/or the complementary
sequence thereof or a precursor thereof, and/or (ii) an
RNA genome of the virus according to the invention. The
cell can be a vector multiplication cell, a virus
production cell or a virus multiplication cell, as
explained previously.
If the cell is a vector multiplication cell, e.g. a
plasmid multiplication cell, any cell that is suitable
for multiplication of the corresponding vector can be
used, e.g. also a prokaryotic cell such as a
transformed E. coli cell.

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If the cell is a virus production or multiplication
cell, it contains helper sequences for production of
the virus proteins N, P and/or L in trans. The DNA
inserted in a virus production cell is preferably under
the control of a heterologous transcription signal, and
advantageously the cell further contains a DNA that
codes for a heterologous DNA-dependent RNA polymerase,
which recognizes the heterologous transcription signal
and effects transcription of the DNA coding for the
recombinant negative-strand RNA virus.
If the cell is a virus multiplication cell, it is
infected with a genomic viral RNA molecule, e.g. in the
form of a nucleocapsid, and contains the helper
sequences in stably expressible form.
The present invention further relates to a method of
production of a recombinant negative-strand RNA virus
according to the invention comprising the steps: (a)
preparation of a virus production cell, which is
transfected with a DNA molecule that codes for the
genome of a negative-strand RNA virus, containing a
mutation in at least one of the genes N, L and P, which
leads to loss of the capacity for genome replication
without loss of the capacity for transcription, and
optionally at least one sequence coding for a
heterologous gene product, and (b) cultivation of the
host cell in conditions such that transcription of the
DNA molecule according to (a) takes place and the
recombinant negative-strand RNA virus is formed
initially. The host cell is preferably capable of
producing the N protein, the P protein and/or the L
protein in trans, e.g. by transfection with the
corresponding helper plasmids which contain sequences
coding for the proteins N, P and/or L.
For the production of large quantities of the
nucleocapsids or of the virus particles, preferably a
cell is used which stably expresses, constitutively or

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If the cell is a virus production, or multiplication
cell, it contains helper sequences for production of
the virus proteins N, P and/or L in trans. The DNA
inserted in a virus production cell is preferably under
the control of a heterologous transcription signal, and
advantageously the cell further contains a DNA that
codes for a heterologous DNA-dependent RNA polymerase,
which recognizes the heterologous transcription signal
and effects transcription of the DNA coding for the
recombinant negative-strand RNA virus.
If the cell is a virus multiplication cell, it is
infected with a genomic viral RNA molecule, e.g. in the
form of a nucleocapsid, and contains the helper
sequences in stably expressible form.
The present invention further relates to a method of
production of a recombinant negative-strand RNA virus
according to the invention comprising the steps: (a)
preparation of a virus production cell, which is
transfected with a DNA molecule that codes for the
genome of a negative-strand RNA virus, containing a
mutation in at least one of the genes N, L and P, which
leads to loss of the capacity for genome replication
without loss of the capacity for transcription, and
optionally at least one sequence coding for a
heterologous gene product, and (b) cultivation of the
host cell in conditions such that transcription of the
DNA molecule according to (a) takes place and the
recombinant negative-strand RNA virus is formed
initially. The host cell is preferably capable of
producing the N protein, the P protein and/or the L
protein in trans, e.g. by transfection with the
corresponding helper plasmids which contain sequences
coding for the proteins N, P and/or L.
For the production of large quantities of the
nucleocapsids or of the virus particles, preferably a
cell is used which stably expresses, constitutively or

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inducibly, the proteins N, L and/or P, preferably at
least protein P of a negative-strand RNA virus. The
invention thus also relates to a method of
multiplication of a recombinant negative-strand RNA
virus according to the invention, comprising the steps:
(a) preparation of a virus multiplication cell, which
is infected with the genome of a negative-strand RNA
virus, containing a mutation in at least one of the
genes N, L and P, which leads to loss of the capacity
for genome replication without loss of the capacity for
transcription, and optionally at least one sequence
coding for a heterologous gene product, and (b)
cultivation of the host cell in conditions such that
multiplication of the virus takes place.
The present invention further relates to a
pharmaceutical composition, which contains a
recombinant replication-deficient and transcription-
competent negative-strand RNA virus, as stated
previously, or its nucleocapsid as active substance and
optionally as pharmaceutically usual vehicles and/or
excipients. The pharmaceutical composition is suitable
for applications in human and veterinary medicine. It
can be used in particular as vaccine or for antitumor
therapy, in particular for application in high-risk
patients, such as children , the elderly and/or persons
with a damaged or weak immune system. The
pharmaceutical composition can contain the negative-
strand RNA virus in its native viral envelope.
Application as vaccine is especially preferred, e.g. as
vaccine against pathogens such as viruses, bacteria or
protozoa. When the recombinant virus contains a
transgene or several transgenes of the same origin,
e.g. from a single pathogen, it is a monovalent
vaccine. When the recombinant virus contains transgenes
of various origins, it can be used as a polyvalent
vaccine, e.g. as bivalent or trivalent vaccine. For
example, it is possible to produce a polyvalent vaccine

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against several pathogenic viruses, e.g. against
several pathogenic negative-strand RNA viruses, such as
human parainfluenza virus and RSV.
A vaccine according to the invention is capable of
triggering a humoral immune response, preferably the
formation of neutralizing antibodies, and/or a T-cell
immune response. Especially preferably, a humoral
immune response and a T-cell immune response are
The pharmaceutical composition can be in the form of a
solution, a suspension, a lyophilizate or in any other
suitable form. In addition to the active substance, the
composition can contain agents for adjusting the pH
value, buffers, agents for adjusting tonicity, wetting
agents and the like, and adjuvants. It can be
administered by the usual routes, e.g. oral, topical,
nasal, pulmonary etc., in the form of aerosols,
liquids, powders etc. The therapeutically effective
dose of the virus is administered to the patient, and
this dose depends on the particular application (e.g.
virotherapy or vaccine), on the type of disease, the
patient's weight and state of health, the manner of
administration and the formulation etc. Usually 103 to
107 virus particles, especially preferably about 104 to
106 virus particles are administered per application.
Optionally, several different virus particles can be
administered together, e.g. in the case of combination
vaccinations. Administration can be single or multiple,
as required.
Preferred fields of application are for example the
prevention or treatment of respiratory viral diseases.
The invention will be further explained with the
following drawings and examples.

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1. General
Fig. 1 shows the morphology of a Sendai virus (SeV)
according to Fields (Virology. Lippincott, Williams and
Wilkins (2001), 4th edition; modified). The genome
comprises a single-stranded RNA, which has the proteins
N, P and L in the form of a nucleocapsid. The
nucleocapsid is surrounded by a membrane envelope, in
which the proteins HN and F (each consisting of one F1
and F2 subunit) are incorporated. Protein M is
associated with the inside of the membrane, and is also
bound to the nucleocapsid components at the same time.
The single-stranded negatively oriented RNA genome of
the wild-type Sendai virus comprises 15384 nucleotides.
The genes of the 6 structural proteins are located
thereon in the order 3'-N-P/C-M-F-HN-L-5' (Fig. 2).
Between the genes there are transitions of 50-80
nucleotides, each containing a highly conserved region
of 22 nucleotides: the termination signal of the
preceding gene, an intergenic sequence and the start
signal for the next gene. A unit comprising start
signal, open reading frame (ORF), optionally
untranslated regions and termination signal is called a
transcription cassette. Before the N gene there is a
leader sequence (Id) 55 nucleotides long, which is
transcribed, but not translated. The L gene is followed
by a trailer sequence (tr) 54 nucleotides long. The Id
and tr regions function as genomic and antigenomic
promoters for the replication of genome or antigenome.
With the exception of P/C-RNA, the mRNA molecules
formed by transcription are monocistronic.
The multiplication cycle of the Sendai virus comprises
entry into the host cell, transcription and translation
plus replication and virus maturation followed by
release of newly produced viruses. In particular the
proteins N, P and L are involved in the transcription
process, with L representing the viral RNA-dependent

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RNA polymerase with all catalytic activities. As the
genome of the Sendai virus is in negative-strand
orientation, the viral RNA cannot be converted to
proteins directly. First there is primary transcription
to mRNAs by RNA polymerase, which is brought into the
cell associated with the nucleocapsid.
Fig. 3 is a schematic representation of the
transcription mode of the Sendai virus. The polymerase
complex, comprising an L protein and a homotetramer of
P proteins, migrates along the RNA packed with N
proteins toward the 5' end. The genetic information on
the genomic negative-strand RNA is read off and
transcribed into positive-strand mRNA.
Replication of the genome comprises the production of
new virus genomes with negative polarity. For this,
first antigenomes are formed, which then serve as
matrixes for the formation of the genomes. As
transcription begins at the 3' end of the genome (Id),
switching from transcription to replication mode is
required. This switching is determined by the amount of
free N protein in the cell. Replication cannot take
place until sufficient N protein has been formed after
translation of mRNA molecules. Once an antigenome,
which is complexed with N proteins over its entire
length, is present, this can serve as a matrix for the
production of further genomes. These are also packed
directly with N proteins. Once again the proteins N, P
and L are responsible for the process of replication
(Fig. 4).
During virus replication, owing to the increasing
number of mRNA molecules there is also increasing
synthesis of viral proteins. Then complexes of viral
RNA and viral proteins (nucleocapsids) are transported
in the form of secretory vesicles to the cytoplasmic
membrane, where enveloping with viral surface proteins
and budding of virus particles occur.

- 18 -
Within the scope of the present invention, recombinant
virus mutants are prepared, in which the functions of
transcription and replication are decoupled, i.e. the
viruses are transcription-competent, but replication-
deficient. The missing genome replication function
must, for the production of virus particles and/or
their nucleocapsids, be compensated by helper cells
which complement the missing or functionally deficient
viral protein in trans. A preferred helper cell of this
kind is the cell line H29 (Willenbrink and Neubert, J.
Virol. 68 (1994), 8413-8417). Within the scope of the
present application, this cell line was deposited under
reference DSM ACC2702 on 11.05.2004 in accordance with
the provisions of the Budapest Treaty. For the
production of replication-deficient, but transcription-
competent viruses, the gene coding for the P protein
was not removed completely, but only a domain essential
for genome replication. Thus, it was known from earlier
works (Curran, Virology 221 (1996), 130-140; Curran et
al., J. Virol. 69 (1995), 849-855) that in an in vitro
system, on deleting the amino acids 2-77 of protein P,
genome replication is inhibited, whereas viral
transcription remains active.
Fig. 5 is a schematic representation of the P protein
with its N-terminal and C-terminal domains (PNT, PCT) ,
the tetramerization domain (amino acids 320-446), the
P:L domain (ainino acids 411-445) and the P:RNP binding
domain (amino acids 479-568). For switching off the
viral genome replication function while simultaneously
retaining the capacity for viral mRNA synthesis, a
deletion of the first 77 amino acids of the protein P
was selected. Firstly a corresponding Sendai virus
mutant (SeV-PA2-77) was produced, in which the
5'-terminal region of the P-0RF was deleted. Only N-
terminal-shortened P proteins can be encoded by these
viruses. Infection studies showed that the virus mutant
is not capable of multiplying in cell culture. By means
of helper cell line H29 (DSM ACC2702) , which among

- 19 -
other things provides the required wild-type P protein,
multiplication of the virus mutant can be achieved. The
efficiency of virus multiplication is approx. 45%
compared with wild-type Sendai viruses.
After infection, the virus mutant according to the
invention is able to express virus-encoded transgenes
in infected cells. The shortened protein P produced by
the virus mutant gives sufficient support for secondary
viral mRNA synthesis. Synthesis of virus-encoded
proteins continues over several days in the infected
cells and is only reduced by a factor of approx. 10
relative to the wild-type virus, so that a sufficient
immune response can reliably be expected on using the
mutant as vaccine.
2. Production of basic constructs for replication-
deficient Sendai virus vectors (Sevv)
2.1 Production of a cDNA construct pSeV-X
An encoding transcription cassette was inserted in the
3' region of SeV, Fushimi strain (ATCC VR105). In all
manipulations of the genome it is essential to ensure
that the total number of nucleotides of the recombinant
SeV genome is divisible by six ("rule of six").
Starting from the cDNA pSeV used as matrix, two PCR
fragments PCR X I and PCR X II were prepared for the
production of pSeV-X (Fig. 6) .
PCR. X I (370 bp) comprises the sequence of the T7
promoter (T7-prom.), the leader (Id) sequence, the N-
gene start with 5'-NTR up to before the start codon of
the N-ORF (open reading frame). Via the reverse primer
IX I (+) (Table 3), a singular NotI restriction site and
24 nucleotides of the N-gene stop sequence were
attached. The 24 nucleotides of the N-gene stop
sequence of PCR X I, inserted by the mutagenic primer X

- 20 -
I ( + ) , serve in the subsequent fusion step as the
region overlapping PCR X II.
PCR X II (970 bp) comprises the sequence of the N-gene
start and the first third of the N-ORF. Via the forward
primer X II, the sequence of the 3'-NTR N and the gene-
stop sequence of N, as well as the intergenic region
(IR) were attached. The reverse primer XII (+) binds in
the first third of the N-ORF just behind the singular
SphI site in the SeV genome. The amplicon PCR X I was
complementary, in the 3' region, to the 5" region of
PCR X II. Through this overlapping region, the two PCR
fragments X I and X II could be fused. After completion
of PCR, the fusion product (1310 bp) could be inserted,
by restriction cleavage with the enzymes Mlul and SphI,
in the vector pSeV, also treated with Mlul and SphI.
From the clones obtained, plasmid-DNA was isolated by
plasmid preparation, and verified by restriction
analysis and sequencing for correct insertion of the
transcription cassette. The cDNA construct pSeV-X was
thus made available.
So that the production of recombinant viruses can be
monitored easily, the gene for the enhanced green
fluorescent protein (eGFP) was now inserted in the
empty cassette of pSeV-X. The eGFP-ORF was amplified by
iPCR from the expression plasmid pEGFP-Nl (from
Clontech), maintaining the "rule of six" and achieving
attachment of two flanking NotI sites by means of
mutagenic primers. The resultant 771-bp PCR fragment
was cleaved with the restriction enzyme NotI and a 738-
bp fragment was isolated by gel elution, and was
inserted via the NotI site of pSeV-X in its "empty"
transcription cassette pSeV-X. After transformation of
E. coll, plasmid preparation and subsequent sequencing
of the eGFP reading frame inserted via PCR, the cDNA
construct pSeV-eGFP was made available.
2.2 Production of the cDNA construct pSeV-X-X

- 21 -
With the construct pSeV-X-X, two additional
transcription cassettes were to be made available, in
which two transgenes can be incorporated. The use of
pSeV-X-X as base vector for the production of the
replication-deficient vectors should make it possible
to equip the vector with multivalent, e.g. trivalent,
pSeV-X-X was produced via a PCR reaction, in which
pSeV-X served as template (Fig. 7) . The primer XX-
forward hybridizes with pSeV-X in the region of the
NotI site and the 3' -NTR of the second transcription
cassette that is to be integrated. A singular SgrAI
restriction site was introduced by means of the XX-
forward primer between the NotI site and the 3'-NTR. It
serves as singular restriction site for the later
insertion of the ORF of a transgene. Gene stop,
intergenic region (IR), gene start and 5'-NTR follow in
the PCR product XX. The singular restriction sites Fsel
and Nru I were inserted by the primer XX ( + ) , which
hybridizes with the 5'-NTR. The Fsel site serves for
incorporation of the ORF of a second transgene. The
singular Nru I site was cloned-in prospectively, so as
to be able to integrate a third transcription cassette
if necessary. Primer XX (+) hybridizes in the 3' region
with the sequence of the NotI site of pSeV-X. The PCR
product XX (220 bp) was treated with the restriction
enzyme NotI and a fragment of 144 bp was isolated by
gel extraction. This fragment, designed maintaining the
"rule of six", could then be incorporated in the
plasmid pSeV-X, which was also treated with NotI. After
checking for correct orientation of the NotI PCR
fragment XX and verification of the sequence, the
plasmid pSeV-X-X was ready. Any desired transgenes can
be integrated in the singular sites SgrAI and Fsel.
For the investigations in this work, the two
transcription cassettes (X) of pSeV-X-X were provided
with reading frames of two different fluorescent

- 22 -
proteins. On the one hand, the reading frame for the
fluorescent protein eGFP from the expression plasmid
pEGFP-Nl was amplified by PCR while observing the "rule
of six", attaching two flanking SgrAI sites by means of
mutagenic primers. After restriction cleavage with
SgrAI and gel elution, the approx. 738-bp fragment
could be incorporated in the first transcription
cassette of pSeV-X-X (pSeV-eGFP-X). On the other hand,
in the same way the ORF of the fluorescent protein
DsRed (from the plasmid "pDsRed", from Clontech) was
provided by PCR, observing the "rule of six", with the
restriction sites of Fsel, the DNA was cleaved, gel-
eluted and this fragment (702 bp) was then cloned into
the second transcription cassette in the 3' region of
pSeV-eGFP-X. The result was the genomic SeV cDNA
construct pSeV-eGFP-DsRed.
3. Production of replication-deficient Sendai virus
vectors (Sevv)
cDNA constructs pSevv-eGFP-AN, -AP and -AL were
produced, which code for replication-deficient Sendai
viruses, in each of which the gene for the protein N, P
and L has been deleted. For this, in each case a
reading frame of the genes N, P or L had to be deleted
while observing the rule of six, and a non-coding
transcription cassette was to be retained at the
corresponding position (Fig. 8A) .
By incorporating a restriction site instead of the
deleted ORF, an additional functional transcription
cassette, into which a further transgene can be
inserted if required, was to be made available, for
later applications, in each cDNA construct pSevv-
eGFP-AN, -AP and -AL.
As a further variant of a replication-deficient Sevv,
the deletion mutant pSevv-eGFP-PA2-77 was produced,
which codes for an N-terminal-shortened P protein

- 23 -
lacking amino acids 2 to 77 (Fig. SB).
The clonings pSevv-eGFP-AN, -AP and -AL were all
carried out according to the same principle. As an
example, the cloning of pSevv-eGFP-AP will be described
in detail in the next section. Then just the
differences in the clonings of pSevv-eGFP-AN, and -AL
will be presented in a table.
3.1 Cloning of the cDNA constructs pSevv-eGFP-AP and
The ORF of the P protein was removed from the cDNA
construct of the replication-competent virus pSeV-eGFP,
to produce the new cDNA pSevv-eGFP-AP, coding for the
replication-deficient vector. An Xhol restriction site
was used instead of the P-ORF.
For the cloning of pSevv-eGFP-DP, two PCR fragments
named PCR DP I and PCR DP II were produced and then
fused. pSeV-eGFP served as template for both PCR
reactions. In the case of fragment PCR DP I (1272 bp) ,
by means of the forward primer DP I ( = N-578; Table 3)
hybridization with the template in the region of the N
ORF was achieved before a singular SphI site. The
reverse primer AP I (+) hybridizes with the template in
the 5' -NTR region of the P-gene up to before the ATG
codon of P and inserts the restriction site Xhol there.
The fragment PCR AP II comprises 1938 bp, and pSeV also
serves as template here. The forward primer DP II
hybridizes with a portion of the 5'-NTR P sequence and
attaches an Xhol site. The reverse primer of PCR DP II
( + ) binds in the ORF of the F gene after a singular
Eco47III site and additionally has an artificial Mlul
The two PCR fragments DP I and DP II were combined via
the Xhol site. The fusion product - comprising a

- 24 -
partial sequence of the N ORF, the non-coding P-
transcription cassette with inserted Xhol restriction
site, the M plus a quarter of the F ORF - was cleaved
with the restriction enzymes SphI and Miul, intercloned
and sequence-verified. An Sphl-Eco47III fragment with a
size of 3006 bp was cut out of a subclone with correct
sequence and was ligated in the identically treated
vector pSeV-eGFP. A corresponding pSevv-eGFP-AP clone
(genomic viral cDNA) was now ready, after sequence
verification, for the production of the replication-
deficient Sevv-eGFP-AP (Fig. 9) .
A PCR with two mutagenic primers was employed for
constructing the deletion mutant pSevv-eGFP-PD2-77. The
forward primer "Xhol PD2-77" contains an Xhol site,
followed by an ATG start codon plus codons for the
amino acids 78 to 86 of the P protein. The reverse
primer "PD2-77 (+) Xhol" contains the last 10 codons of
the P protein and an Xhol site. The reading frame of
the P protein shortened by 76 amino acids at the N-
terminal was produced by PCR, starting from the
template pSeV, observing the rule of six. The Xhol-
cleaved, 1488-bp fragment was inserted via two cloning
steps into the non-coding transcription cassette of
pSevv-eGFP-AP at the position of the original P-ORF.
After sequence verification, a genomic cDNA clone was
now also ready for production of the replication-
deficient Sevv-eGFP-PD2-77.
Deletion of the codons 2 to 77 in the P ORF has the
result that, in the case of the non-structural
proteins, the V and W proteins are also shortened at
the N-terminal end and, of the C family, only C' - also
truncated - is still encoded; because the start codons
are missing, the proteins C, Yl and Y2 can no longer be
translated by the shortened mRNA.
3.2. Cloning of the cDNA constructs pSevv-eGFP-DN and

- 25 -
Production of pSevv-eGFP-DN and pSevv-eGFP-DL was
carried out by a similar strategy to the cloning of
pSevv-eGFP-DP. In order to summarize the cloning
procedures, all the decisive parameters are presented
in Table 1.
Through the production in each case of two fusible PCR
products PCR I and PCR II, the ORF of the genes N or L
were removed from pSevv-eGFP, observing the rule of six,
and were replaced with a singular Apal restriction site
both in pSevv-eGFP-DN and in Sevv-eGFP-DL. The
sequences of the primers for cloning pSevv-eGFP-DN, -AP
and -DL are listed together with the DNA
oligonucleotides used (Table 3). The PCR products
obtained, PCR I and PCR II, were fused and amplified
using the forward primer of PCR I and the reverse
primer of PCR II. Then the fusion PCR products were
cleaved with restriction enzymes which occur singly in
pSeV-eGFP and allow the insertion of the corresponding
fusion product in pSeV-eGFP (e.g.: Narl when cloning
pSevv-eGFP-DN, see Table 1) . The purified cleavage
product was inserted by ligation in the vector pSeV-
eGFP, which was also digested with the corresponding
Table 1. Review of the primers and restriction sites
used in the cloning of pSevv-eGFP-DX

pSevv-eGFP-DN pSevv-eGFP-DP pSevv-eGFP-DL
Primer pair PCR 1 DN 1, DN 1 (+) DP 1, DP 1 (+) DL 1, DL 1 (+)
Primer pair PCR II DN II, DN II (+) DP II, DP II (+) DL II, DL II (+)
RS§ of thetranscriptioncassette Apal Xhol Apal
RS§ of cloning Narl Sphl + Eco47lll Eco47lll + AscI
§ RS = restriction site
E. coli cells were transformed with a portion of the
ligation preparations and plasmid DNA of the clones
obtained was isolated by plasmid mini-preparation.
After verification of the correct sequence by

- 26 -
restriction analysis and sequencing, a plasmid
preparation was prepared from one positive clone in
each case (DNA Maxi Prep-Kit, Qiagen) , and the various
pSevv-eGFP-DX were thus ready for the production of
recombinant deletion mutants .
4. Production of replication-deficient virus mutants
Replication-deficient SeV vectors (Sevv-eGFP-DX) were
produced in cell culture from the cDNA constructs
pSevv-eGFP-DN, -DP and -DL.
4.1 Initial production of Sevv-eGFP-DX
For the production of reactive SeV with a complete
- either the cell line "BSR-T7", which stably expresses
the T7 RNA polymerase (Buchholz et al. (1999) J.
Virol. 73, 251-259)
- or cell cultures are infected with the recombinant
vaccinia virus MVA-T7, which expresses T7 RNA
polymerase (Sutter et al. (1995) FEBS 371, 9-12), and
- transfected with the cDNA of the viral genome (pSeV)
and the plasmid-encoded genes N, P and L (pTM-N, -P,
-L; Elroy-Stein et al. (1989) PNAS 86, 6126-6130).
The T7 polymerase now transcribes the viral
antigenome and/or the complementary sequence and the
genes N, P and L. The N protein expressed via pTM-N
packages the synthesized viral antigenomic and/or
complementary RNA, and this nucleocapsid core (RNP)
forms, together with the proteins P and L, the
replication complex, via which genomic RNA can in
turn be produced and packaged as nucleocapsids
(Leyrer et al., J. Virol. Meth. 75 (1998), 47-55).
This is followed by transcription of all virus-
encoded proteins and replication of further viral
genomes (Fig. 10) .
In contrast to the production of recombinant SeV wt+
- 27 -
with complete genome described, the plasmid-encoded
cDNA of pSeVV-eGFP-N, -P and -L lacks the genomic
information of one of the genes N, P or L in each case.
Accordingly the nucleocapsids initially produced are
only able to express two of the genes N, P or L in each
case. The amount of the missing protein required for
multiplication of SeVV-eGFP-N, -P and -L
nucleocapsids must therefore be provided exclusively
via the T7-promoter-controlled expression of the
plasmid-encoded genes N, P and L.
Production of the replication-deficient SeVV-eGFP-N,
-P and -L was similar to the production of
replication-competent SeV variants in HeLa cells (ATCC
CCL2) or BSR-T7 cells. After incubation of the HeLa
cells for 48 hours, we investigated whether viral
particles of SeVV-eGFP-N, -P or -L had been released
into the culture supernatants, and how many initial
deletion mutants had been produced.
4.2. Detection of initially produced SeVV-eGFP-N, -P
or -L
The supernatants of HeLa cells or BSR-T7 cells, in
which SeVV-eGFP-N, -P or -L should have been
produced initially, were investigated for the presence
of these viral vectors. SeVV-eGFP-N, -P or -L have,
in contrast to the recombinant SeV wt, the reporter
gene for eGFP integrated in the 3' region. This
detection marker was now used for analyzing how many
SeVV-eGFP-X had been formed.
In parallel assays, 5 x 105 Vero cells (ATCC CCL18) were
in each case co-infected with 1 ml of cell culture
supernatant of the HeLa cells transfected during the
initial production of SeVV-eGFP-N, -P and -L, and
simultaneously with SeV wt (MOI = 3) for
transcomplementation of the missing protein. As
control, Vero cells were infected either only with 1 ml

- 28 -
of the initially produced SeV-eGFP or alternatively
with initially produced SeV-eGFP and simultaneously
with SeV wt (MOI = 3).
The result of co-infection of cells with culture
supernatants from production of SeVV-eGFP-ΔN, -ΔP or
-ΔL and SeV wt shows that all three virus mutants SeVV-eGFP-ΔX can be produced initially and after initial
production are also capable of infecting cells, which
can be detected by a detectable eGFP transgene
expression. Approximately 13 x 102 SeV-eGFP, 6.7 x 102
SeVV-eGFP-ΔN, 3.2 x 102 SeVV-eGFP-ΔP and 0.55 x 102
SeVV-eGFP-ΔL virus mutants can be produced initially.
5. Multiplication of SeVV-eGFP-X
Investigations were conducted to determine whether the
SeVV-eGFP-ΔX vectors are multipliable, i.e. are
biologically functional. Capacity for replication was
first to be investigated by preparing the proteins of
the missing genes N, P or L by viral
transcomplementation with SeV.
5.1 Demonstration of the ability of SeVV-eGFP-ΔX to
It was first necessary to demonstrate that the mutants,
on corresponding transcomplementation by the SeV wt
virus, are able to multiply and infect the surrounding
cells. For investigating the ability of SeVV-eGFP-ΔX to
multiply, it is again possible to use co-infection of
cells with SeVV-eGFP-ΔX and SeV wt. In this test the
cells were infected with SeV wt at low MOI, co-infected
with SeVV-eGFP-ΔX and incubated for several days, so as
to be able to detect the spread of the SeVV-eGFP-ΔX
vectors from the increasing number of fluorescing
5 x 105 Vero cells were infected simultaneously with on

- 29 -
average 100 initially produced SeVV-eGFP-ΔN, -ΔP or -ΔL
and SeV wt (MOI = 0.2). Co-infection of Vero cells with
about 100 particles of the replication-competent virus
SeV-eGFP and SeV wt was used as positive control.
During a 48-hour incubation phase, multiplication of
all three deletion mutants was observed: in each case,
at first there was only fluorescence of individual Vero
cells, which had been co-infected with SeVV-eGFP-ΔX and
SeV wt. After about 24 h, newly synthesized virus
particles were released from these cells, and were
capable of penetrating nearby cells. If these cells
were also infected simultaneously with SeVV-eGFP-ΔX and
SeV wt, there was also detectable fluorescence in those
cells. The multiplication of SeVV-eGFP-ΔN, -P and -ΔL
in cells co-infected with wt could be detected from
this "tailing" of fluorescing cells 48 h p.i. and
This test established that the genomic cDNA constructs,
from which SeVV-eGFP-ΔN, -P and -L were derived, are
functional in all regions. It could also be shown that
multiplication of virus mutants is possible on adding
the missing viral protein. The protein (e.g. P)
produced exclusively by wt virus is sufficient for
multiplying both the deletion mutant and the wt, i.e.
even a possibly suboptimal amount of P protein leads to
the formation of functional nucleocapsids of SeV wt and
SeVV-eGFP-ΔP. Supply of the missing protein by the
transcomplementation partner SeV wt led to visible
multiplication of all SeVV-eGFP-ΔX, measured from the
increase in fluorescing cells in the cultures.
5.2 Determination of the proteins required for
multiplication of SeVV-eGFP-ΔX
Next we investigated which proteins must be made
available by a helper cell in each individual case of
multiplication of SeVV-eGFP-ΔN, -ΔP and -ΔL, if it is
to be possible for the SeV proteins N, P and L to be

- 30 -
synthesized independently of one another. The three
recombinant vaccinia viruses (VV) VV-N, VV-P and VV-L,
which provide recombinant expression of the SeV
proteins N, P or L, were available for independent
synthesis of the SeV proteins N, P and L (Graef, H.
(1994) Functional characterization of the recombinant
Sendai virus large (L) protein. Thesis, Eberhard-Karls
University Tübingen).
1 x 106 Vero cells were co-infected simultaneously with
SeVV-eGFP-X or SeV-eGFP (MOI = 0.01) and VV. VV-N, -P
and -L were used individually or in combinations (MOI =
0.5). After an adsorption time of one hour, the medium
was replaced with DMEM + 10% fetal calf serum (FCS) +
cytosine-arabinoside (AraC) (100 Δg/ml) and the cells
were incubated for 72 h at 33°C, changing the medium
daily, to add fresh AraC.
The propagation of SeVV-eGFP-ΔX was analyzed via eGFP
expression after 72 h. In this time, in the positive
assays there was multiplication of green-fluorescing
cells from one initial cell to 10-30 adjacent
fluorescing cells.
The results of the investigation of which SeV proteins
are necessary for the multiplication of SeVV-eGFP-ΔN,
-ΔP or -ΔL in Vero cells are presented in Table 2. Just
expression of SeV N by VV-N does not lead to
multiplication of SeVV-eGFP-ΔN. SeVV-eGFP-ΔN only
multiplies if the SeV proteins N and P are expressed
simultaneously in the infected cell by means of
recombinant vaccinia viruses VV-N and VV-P. SeVV-
eGFP-ΔP can be multiplied just by the expression of SeV
P proteins by means of VV-P in Vero cells.
Multiplication of SeVV-eGFP-ΔL required simultaneous
synthesis of proteins P and L by VV. No multiplication
of SeVV-eGFP-ΔL occurs in an SeVV-eGFP-ΔL and only VV-L
infected Vero cell.

- 31 -
Table 2. SeV proteins required for multiplication of

in vitro multiplication by means of VV
SeVV-eGFP-N N (N + P)+
SeVV-eGFP-P P + (N + P)+
SeVV-eGFP-L L (L + P) +
For the multiplication of SeVV-eGFP-ΔN, a helper cell
must express the SeV proteins N and P simultaneously,
expression of SeV P protein in the helper cell is
sufficient for multiplication of SeVV-eGFP-ΔP, and the
amplification of SeVV-eGFP-ΔL should be possible by
cellular expression of the SeV proteins P and L.
5.3 Supporting of amplification of SeVV-eGFP-ΔX by H29
helper cells
For the investigations of the multiplication of SeVV-
eGFP-ΔX with the aid of the H29 cell line, 1 x 106 H29
cells in four different assays were each infected with
approx. 100 SeVV-eGFP-ΔN, -ΔP and -ΔL virus particles
initially produced in HeLa cells or, as control for the
successful multiplication of replicable SeV in H29
cells, with about 100 SeV-eGFP virus particles. In the
period from 1 to 10 d p.i., investigation of the
multiplication of SeVV-eGFP-ΔX was based on detection
of a tail-like spread of the fluorescing cells (spot
formation), starting from an initially infected H29
Multiplication of SeV-eGFP was observed in the control
assay, starting from singly fluorescing cells 1 d p.i.
to spots with up to 50 fluorescing cells 3 d p.i. It
was thus established that the selected test setup leads
to multiplication of SeV.
Virus multiplication also occurred in H29 cells

- 32 -
infected with SeVV-eGFP-ΔN. In addition to H29 (a
derivative of human 293 renal cells) , derivatives of
Vero cells (renal cells of the African green monkey)
and derivatives of LLCMK2 cells (renal cells of the
rhesus monkey), stably transfected with SeV P and N
genes, are also suitable for virus multiplication.
In the assay with SeVV-eGFP-ΔP, about a hundred
initially infected individual cells could be detected 1
d p.i. About 70% of the fluorescing individual cells
had developed to spots, with up to 30 fluorescing
cells, 3 d p.i. Therefore propagation of SeVV-eGFP-ΔP
to surrounding H29 cells could definitely be observed.
Thus, it is possible for the first time to multiply a
viral SeV vector whose P-ORF has been deleted.
Characterization of the multiplication of SeVV-eGFP-P
will be discussed in the next subsection.
5.4 Multiplication of SeVV-eGFP-ΔP on H29 cells
SeVV-eGFP-ΔP can be amplified by the SeV P proteins
produced by H29 helper cells. The P-deletion mutants
released are able to infect surrounding H29 cells. It
was now necessary to analyze the propagation of SeVV-
eGFP-ΔP in comparison with the propagation of the
replication-competent SeV-eGFP.
For this purpose, 1 x 106 H29 cells were infected with
on average 100 SeVV-eGFP-ΔP or SeV-eGFP. 3, 5 and 10
days p.i., green-fluorescing cells were detected using
the fluorescence microscope.
SeVV-eGFP-P could be multiplied successfully by
cellular supply of SeV P proteins. It was found, at all
times of investigation, that SeVV-eGFP-ΔP and SeV-eGFP
multiply efficiently on H29 cells.
In contrast, propagation of SeVV-eGFP-P to cells that
do not supply the missing P protein ("target cells",

- 33 -
e.g. Vero cells) was not observed, which confirms that
SeVV-eGFP-ΔP is replication-deficient (see Section 8) .
5.5 Gene expression of SeVV-eGFP-P in infected target
Absence of multiplication of SeVV-eGFP-P on cell types
which do not supply the P protein in trans was
verified. At the same time, capacity for expression was
way below expectations.
As in the case of the rabies virus P mutant (Shoji et
al. (2004) Virology 318, 295-305) , very few infected
cells displayed a weak eGFP fluorescence (less than 5%;
see Fig. 11) , although statistically at an MOI = 1 in
fact approx. 70% of the cells are each infected with
one virus particle. Even at a higher MOI = 5, only
isolated green-fluorescing Vero cells are observed due
to SeVV-eGFP-ΔP (see Fig. 12, top left) .
This confirms the assumption that after a cell is
infected with a P gene-deficient virus, only a primary
transcription is possible via the polymerase complex
that is also supplied from the virus particle. In the
case of the SeV ΔP mutant, furthermore, apparently only
a small percentage of the infecting particles are
capable of that, or gene expression is only observed if
several transcribable nucleocapsids are present
simultaneously in a cell.
For a therapeutic application of this replication-
deficient SeVV, the capacity for expression seems too
weak, or disproportionately many particles of SeVV ΔP
would have to be applied per patient. Therefore it is
desirable to use a replication-deficient SeV variant
that also performs a secondary transcription. This
leads to the development of additional modified
polymerase complexes, which cannot replicate the viral
genome, but are capable of increased expression of the

- 34 -
therapeutic gene or antigen.
6. Production of a modified SeVV-eGFP-ΔP cDNA
For possible improvement of the transcription capacity
of P gene-deficient SeVV in the target cell, another
recombinant construct was produced, which codes for a
form of the P protein shortened by 76 amino acids at
the N-terminal end, at the position of the original P
reading frame ("pSeVV-eGFP-P2-77"; see Section 3.1 and
Fig. 8B).
SeVV-eGFP-P2-77 particles were generated and
multiplied as in Section 4.1 and 5.4.
6.1 Growth behavior of SeVV-eGFP-P2-77 in H29 helper
In SeVV-eGFP-P2-77 infected H29 helper cells, the
viral-encoded P2-77 protein, shortened by 76 amino
acids at the N-terminal end, is synthesized together
with the cellular-encoded P protein.
In order to investigate the effect of expression of the
shortened P protein P2-77 on viral replication, H29
cells were infected (MOI = 3) with SeVV-eGFP-P2-77,
SeV-eGFP-P or the control virus SeV-eGFP as in the
method described with reference to the growth kinetics
of SeVV-eGFP-P. The supernatants of the individual
assays were determined over a period of 120 h by a cell
infection dose test of the titers of progeny, viruses
from the number of eGFP-expressing cells.
From one SeV-eGFP infected H29 cell (positive control),
on average 80 virus particles are released in a period
of 120 h, and in this case transcomplementation of the
P protein by H29 cells was not required. In the H29
transcomplementation system, SeVV-eGFP-P2-77 could be

35 - 35 -
multiplied with about equal efficiency as SeVV-eGFP-ΔP:
From infected H29 cells, after 120 h about 20 x 106
virus particles of SeVV-eGFP-ΔP or SeVV-eGFP-PΔ2-77 are
released, which corresponds to a number of about 40
released virus particles of the P mutants per H29 cell.
7. Comparison of gene expression of SeVV-eGFP-ΔP and
SeVV-eGFP-P2-77 and quantification of protein
synthesis in infected target cells
To investigate whether the vector SeVV-eGFP-PΔ2-77
displays increased transgene expression - compared with
SeVV-eGFP-ΔP - in infected target cells, the virus-
encoded expression of the reporter gene eGFP and of the
HN protein was characterized in detail.
5 x 105 Vero cells were infected with SeVV-eGFP-P2-77
15(M0I = 1) , and on day 2 p.i. approx. 70% fluorescing
Vero cells were observed (not shown). This means that
almost every RNP complex of this viral vector variant
is capable of inducing a measurable transcription in
the target cell.
207.1 Quantification of eGFP expression by FACS analysis
In subsequent applications in the medical area, the
transcription cassette, into which the reporter gene
eGFP in SeVV-eGFP-P2-77 was inserted, is to encode the
antigen of a pathogen, e.g. of a desired virus. This
antigen expression must be sufficient to elicit a
protective immune response in the patient.
In order to establish that each SeVV-eGFP-P2-77
nucleocapsid that infects a target cell is able to
perform a detectable transgene expression, the same
30number of H29 and Vero cells were infected with the
same quantity of virus particles and the number of
eGFP-expressing H29 or Vero cells were compared by FACS
(fluorescence-activated cell sorting) analysis using a

- 36 -
FACS-Calibur flow cytometer. The data were evaluated
from a computer-generated histogram, plotting the
fluorescence signals of infected cells against the
total cell count.
2.5 x 105 Vero cells or H29 cells were infected with
SeVV-eGFP-PΔ2-77 or with the P gene-deficient virus
SeVV-eGFP-ΔP at MOI = 1. FACS analysis of the samples
was carried out 24 h after infection. The infected
cells were taken up in PBS and the number of
fluorescing cells was determined by flow cytometry. The
result is shown in Fig. 11 as the proportion [%] of
fluorescing Vero and H29 cells.
24 h after infection of H29 helper cells with SeVV-
eGFP-ΔP, 86% eGFP-expressing H29 cells were detected by
FACS analysis. Cellular synthesis of the P protein
supports the formation of new P:L complexes and
therefore production of new mRNA, which leads to
synthesis of eGFP proteins in the infected cell.
However, when Vero cells were infected with SeVV-
eGFP-ΔP, expression of the eGFP protein was not
detected 24 h p.i. nor at a later time in additional
assays. The P:L complexes transferred by SeVV-eGFP-ΔP
nucleocapsids are not able, on infection at MOI = 1, to
bring about detectable expression in infected Vero
In contrast, 24 h after SeVV-eGFP-P2-77 infection,
almost 80% eGFP-expressing H29 cells and likewise 75%
eGFP-expressing Vero cells were identified by FACS
analysis. When H29 cells are infected, transcription.of
the eGFP mRNA can be supported by the cellular
synthesis of the P protein and therefore by new P:L
complexes. When Vero cells are infected with SeVV-eGFP-
P2-77, transcription is intensified by new synthesis
of the P protein P2-77 shortened at the N-terminal

- 37 -
Based on these results, an important statement can be
made concerning the number of transcribable SeVV-eGFP-
P2-77: H29 cells and Vero cells were infected with an
MOI of 1. Theoretically occurring multiple infections
of a cell are statistically of equally low probability
in both assays. 24 h p.i., almost 80% of eGFP-
expressing H29 cells and about 75% eGFP-expressing Vero
cells were identified. It can therefore be concluded
that each RNP complex with the shortened P-variant P2-
1077, which is capable of transgene expression in a P
helper cell, likewise brings about transgene expression
in the infected target cell. In contrast, the variant
SeVV-eGFP-ΔP with a complete deletion of the P ORF does
not have this property.
7.2 Function test of the HN protein expressed in
infected target cells
The efficiency of binding of human erythrocytes and
therefore the efficiency of exposure of viral HN
proteins on individual infected cells were detected
using a heme adsorption (HAD) test (Fig. 12).
5 x 105 Vero cells were infected with SeVV-eGFP-P2-77
at a low MOI = 0.5. In contrast, in the case of SeVV-
eGFP-P, Vero cells had to be infected with a 10-times
higher MOI = 5, to be able to observe even occasional
fluorescing cells. After 1 h adsorption, the medium was
replaced with DMEM + 10% FCS. Then the cells were
incubated at 33°C for several days. At first, the
transgene expression of both vector variants was
monitored from the eGFP fluorescence. On day 5 and 9
p.i., HAD test series were performed, for analyzing the
exposure of the viral HN proteins on the basis of
binding of human erythrocytes.
Although in the case of SeVV-eGFP-ΔP, at MOI = 5,
statistically 99.3% of the Vero cells ought to be
infected, only 0.01% eGFP-positive cells could be

- 38 -
observed under the microscope (Fig. 12 top left). In
contrast, with SeVV-eGFP-P2-77 a green fluorescence is
seen at MOI - 0.5 in 40% of the cells, as was expected
(Fig. 12 bottom left).
Two days after infection with SeVV-eGFP-ΔP, only half
of the eGFP-positive cells (25 of 5x 105 infected) were
capable of binding erythrocytes on their surface (Fig.
12 top centre). After further incubation and HAD
testing again, there was no longer adsorption of
erythrocytes on infected cells. With the second
replication-deficient SeVV variant SeVV-eGFP-P2-77,
much better results were achieved: 5 days after
infection, approx. 40% of the infected cells (MOI =
0.5) were capable of binding erythrocytes on their
surface (Fig. 12 bottom center). A variation in binding
activity from 10 to 70 complexed red blood cells was
observed for the individual cells. It had thus been
shown that cells infected with SeVV-eGFP-P2-77 are
capable, 5 d p.i., of exposing HN proteins on the cell
surface, and the functional HAD test can be assessed as
positive. At the same time, efficient expression of the
HN protein in the infected cells was found, based on
the difference in quantity of bound erythrocytes.
The infected cells were further incubated at 33°C,
during which the neuraminidase activity of the HN
protein causes the erythrocytes bound to infected cells
to be released. The cells were washed to remove the
released erythrocytes, and incubated for a further 4 d
at 33°C. A HAD test was performed again on day 9 p.i.
About 30% HAD-posit.ive Vero cells were now detected.
The number of bound red blood cells dropped to 5-20
erythrocytes per cell.
Thus, 9 days i.p., sufficient functional HN was still
synthesized by the replication-deficient variant SeVV-
eGFP-P2-77. In contrast, the variant SeVV-eGFP-ΔP with
complete deletion of the P ORF does not have these

- 39 -
7.3 Quantification of eGFP expression by Western blot
A semi-quantitative assessment of eGFP expression of
the replication-deficient SeV vector in comparison with
replication-competent SeV-eGFP was carried out by
Western blot analysis using serial dilution of total
cellular protein.
5 x 105 Vero cells were infected with SeV-eGFP or SeVV-
eGFP-P2-77 (MOI = 3). Cell disruption was performed 24
h p.i. The cellular extracts were separated in SDS-PAGE
in serial dilutions (1:2) from 20 Δg to 2,5 Δg total
quantity. The proteins were transferred to a PVDF
membrane and the viral-encoded eGFP protein (26 kDa)
was detected first by Western blot analysis (Fig. 13).
The fluorescence protein eGFP was detected using
Western blot analysis both in SeV-eGFP and in SeVV-
eGFP-P2-77 infected Vero cells. It can be concluded,
from comparison of the intensities of the eGFP signals,
that expression - mediated by the replication-deficient
SeVV-eGFP-P2-77 - is reduced by about a factor of 16
compared with the replication-competent SeV-eGFP.
A reduction by a factor of 16 is slight, and it can
therefore be concluded that despite the modified P
protein, SeVV-eGFP-P2-77 can produce very efficient
secondary transcription.
7.4 Estimation of HN expression by Western blot
In contrast to the eGFP protein, the SeV HN protein is
a membrane-bound surface protein and is an important
antigenic determinant. By relative quantification of
the level of expression of the HN protein in SeVV-eGFP-

- 40 -
PΔ2-77 infected cells, a conclusion could be drawn
concerning the intensity of expression of the SeV HN
A semi-quantitative assessment of HN expression of the
replication-deficient SeV vector in comparison with the
replication-competent SeV-eGFP was carried out by
Western blot analysis using serial dilutions of total
cellular protein. In each case, 5 x 105 Vero cells were
infected with SeV-eGFP or SeVV-eGFP-P2-77 in 2
parallel assays (MOI = 1) and incubated for 24 h or 48
h. Then the cells were disrupted. The cellular extracts
were separated in SDS-PAGE in serial dilutions (1:2)
from 16 g to 2 g total quantity. The proteins were
transferred to a PVDF membrane and the viral-encoded HN
protein (60 kDa) was detected by means of a monoclonal
HN-antibody (Fig. 14).
The HN protein was detected efficiently in the case of
SeV-eGFP infected Vero cells after both incubation
times in all traces (16 to 2  total protein; traces
202-5 left and right). In the case of SeVV-eGFP-P2-77,
the band of the HN protein is still visible in the
traces with 16 and 8 g total protein (trace 7, 8),
though at lower intensity. Relative quantification of
HN expression in SeVV-eGFP-P2-77 infected Vero cells
relative to SeV-eGFP was carried out by comparing the
traces with 16 and 8  vs. 2 g total protein (traces
7 and 8 vs. 5, left and right) and permits an estimated
reduction of HN expression by a factor of 8-16 of the
P-deletion variant, regardless of the incubation time.
It can be concluded that the transcription rate in
SeVV-eGFP-P2-77 infected cells is relatively high, and
therefore transgene expression of the viral
replication-deficient vector is generally high.
Taking both measurements (eGFP protein and HN protein)
into account, it can be assumed that there is an
average reduction of expression by a factor of 10.

- 41 -
8. Replication deficiency of SeVV-eGFP-P2-77 in the
target cell
If Vero cells are infected with the replication-
competent SeV-eGFP, in the next two days a spot
comprising up to a thousand additional fluorescing
cells forms around the initially infected, strongly
fluorescing cell. To prove the replication deficiency
of SeVV-eGFP-P2-77 in Vero cells, it was necessary to
confirm the absence of this increase in green-
fluorescing cells around the initially infected target
cell, taking into account the natural rate of division
of Vero cells. Vero cells divide on average every 24 h.
If Vero cells are infected with SeVV-eGFP-P2-77, a
detectable eGFP expression can be seen after about 24
h. It was observed that after a further 24 h incubation
phase, in some cases two (more weakly) fluorescing
daughter cells are produced from this initially
infected, fluorescing Vero cell on account of natural
division. This observation has nothing to do with virus
multiplication, in which between 101 to 104 virus
particles are released from an infected target cell,
and can then infect nearby cells. This natural rate of
division of infected cells does not, however, affect
the level of eGFP expression, which is reduced with
increasing number of cell divisions. This observation
shows that the viral vector SeVV-eGFP-P2-77 is genome-
replication-deficient, so no new genomes are
synthesized. If several successive cell divisions of an
infected cell lead to a continuous decrease in
fluorescence intensity, until it finally stops, virus
multiplication can be ruled out.
For final confirmation of the replication deficiency of
SeVV-eGFP-P2-77 in target cells, one last study was
~ 20 x 106 Vero cells were placed in a T75 flask. The
cells had been seeded at high density at the beginning
of the incubation phase and accordingly were no longer

- 42 -
dividing actively. These Vero cells were infected with
SeVV-eGFP-PΔ2-77 at an MOI of 0.001. The medium was
changed to DMEM with 5% FCS (for reduced activity of
division) after incubation for 1 hour, and the Vero
cells were incubated at 33°C (P1). Two days p.i.,
according to the selected MOI, initially several
thousand separate infected, fluorescing Vero cells were
observed. Owing to the high cell density, over the next
4 days of incubation there was hardly any cell
division, i.e. the number of initially infected cells,
detected by fluorescence, remained constant. If virus
particles had been formed in this period, they would
have been able to infect nearby cells, and this would
have been reflected in increased fluorescence. Even
after 8 days, propagation of the viral vector could be
ruled out, owing to absence of new infections of
surrounding cells. To supply the cells with fresh
medium, the supernatant was removed and the Vero cells
were covered with fresh medium. 12 days after the start
of incubation, the Vero cells became detached from the
culture medium. For the whole test period, no
replication of the viral vector was observed in the
form of an increase in fluorescing cells. Propagation
of SeVV-eGFP-P2-77 from the originally infected cells
to surrounding Vero cells by production of new virus
genomes and particles could thus be ruled out.
Therefore SeVV-eGFP-P2-77 can be described as a
replication-deficient viral vector.
The above results show that specific manipulations of
genes for components of the polymerase complex can lead
to the production of replication-deficient negative-
strand RNA viruses, which are still able to transcribe
the virus-encoded genes, but are no longer able to
replicate the viral genome.
In the case of the Sendai virus, two particular
variants were investigated more closely, in which the

- 43 -
gene for the polymerase cofactor phosphoprotein was
deleted completely ("SeVV-eGFP-ΔP") or the codons for
amino acids 2 to 77 were removed ("SeVV-eGFP-PΔ2-77") .
Both SeV vectors are replication-deficient in cells
which do not supply the P protein in trans (so-called
target cells) , but they differ considerably in their
capacity for gene expression.
Although in the case of SeVV-eGFP-ΔP at an MOI = 5,
statistically only 0.7% of the Vero cells remain
uninfected - 99.3% should contain at least one RNP
complex - only 0.01% eGFP-positive cells were observed
under the microscope. It can be concluded from this
mathematically that visible transgene expression only
occurs if 15 or more RNPs of SeVV-eGFP-ΔP are present
simultaneously in an infected target cell.
This P gene-deficient SeVV displays similar weak
expression as the analogous rabies P variant (Shoji et
al., supra). Both vectors are only capable of primary
transcription in the infected target cell, via the
polymerase complex that is supplied from the virus
particle. However, stronger expression of the encoded
transgene or antigen is desired for therapeutic
application of the vector. This condition can be
fulfilled with the aid of the replication-deficient
variant SeVV-eGFP-P2-77, which only gives a capacity
for expression in the target cells that is reduced on
average by a factor of 10 in comparison with
replication-competent SeV. Owing to the presence of the
gene for a P protein shortened at the N-terminal end in
the vector genome, not only primary, but also secondary
transcription is possible. This is realized with newly
formed, modified polymerase complexes, which contain
the vector-encoded P2-77 protein; this does not,
however, support the replication mode of polymerase.
Quantification of protein synthesis in infected target
cells has demonstrated that the replication-deficient

- 44 -
viral vector SeVV-eGFP-PΔ2-77 is capable of performing
efficient transcription and expression of viral-encoded
genes. Not only is the 3' -proximal transgene (eGFP)
effectively synthesized; the HN gene located at genome
position 6 is transcribed for at least 9 days after
infection and the protein is exposed functionally on
infected target cells.
9. Determination of the immune response induced in a
mouse model by a replication-deficient RNA vaccine
It was shown that preferably by a deletion in the P
gene ("P2-77") an altered viral polymerase complex is
produced, which no longer allows synthesis of new
genomes. At the same time, after infection with these
replication-deficient viruses, the viral gene
expression mediated in the target cell is only approx.
l0x lower in comparison with infections with
replication-competent virus.
In order to demonstrate a sufficiently immunogenic
property of the replication-deficient negative-strand
RNA virus as vaccination vector, antigens or antigenic
determinants of two heterologous viruses (human
parainfluenza virus type 3, hPIV3, and respiratory
syncytial virus, RSV) were inserted in the virus
genome: for this, a replication-deficient SeV P2-77
was constructed, in which the genes of the original
surface proteins F and HN were replaced with genes
coding for chimeric F and HN proteins SeV/hPIV3. The
chimeric F protein contains 558 amino acids and
comprises the extracellular domain of hPIV3 (493 amino
acids), the transmembrane domain of SeV (23 amino
acids) and the cytoplasmic domain of SeV (42 amino
acids). The chimeric HN protein has 579 amino acids and
comprises the cytoplasmic domain of SeV (35 amino
acids), the transmembrane domain of SeV (25 amino
acids) and the extracellular domain of hPIV3 (519 amino
acids). The amino acid sequences of the chimeric F

- 45 -
protein and of the chimeric HN protein are shown in the
sequence listing as SEQ ID No. 27 and 28.
Inserting chimeric genes in the virus genome produces a
novel antigenicity and in addition ensures efficient
assembly of vaccine particles during their production.
The surface proteinF of RSV was encoded in an
additional expressioncassette interposed between two
viral genes, so thatthe construct was extended to a
bivalent vaccine.
This new vaccine was tested in an animal model. Groups
of Balb/C mice were immunized intranasally three times
with two different virus preparations (group A or C, 104
infectious units each) at intervals of three weeks, and
a control group (B) received PBS instead of the
vaccine. After the third immunization, nasal wash fluid
(NW) was obtained for analysis of the mucosal immune
response, and broncho-alveolar (BAL) flushing was
carried out, and the serum was isolated for analysis of
the humoral immune response. Using ELISA, we determined
the quantity of induced immunoglobulins IgA and IgG
specifically against hPIV3 and RSV. The replication-
deficient vaccine prototype produced a definite
induction of IgA antibodies specifically against hPIV3
(Fig. 15A), but there was less induction of anti-RSV
IgA antibodies (not shown) . The induction of a humoral
immune response to the surface antigens of both viruses
produced comparable titers, and the amount of specific
IgG differs by a factor of 2 (Fig. 15B) . Further
analysis of the anti-hPIV3-IgG showed that the induced
antibodies have neutralizing properties (titer 1/64).
In contrast, as expected, no specific IgA or IgG
induction was found in the control group.
The vaccine according to the invention was able to
induce a specific mucosal and humoral immune response
to heterologous viral antigens. Additional experiments

- 46 -
showed that lymphocytes of immunized mice produced
interferon-y whereas IL-5 could not be detected. This
finding indicates that the bivalent, replication-
deficient RNA vaccine is able to trigger a T-cell
immune response, which is a prerequisite for long-
lasting immunity.
Following infection of experimental animals with a
modified vector, in which coding sequences for antigens
of two heterologous viruses were inserted, the
induction of neutralizing antibodies was detected. This
shows the potential of replication-deficient negative-
strand RNA viruses for the development of novel
10. List of DNA oligonucleotides used
The DNA oligonucleotides used in the above examples are
shown below in Table 3.

- 47 -
Table 3:

SEQIDNo. Designation Length[nt] Sequence 5 ' ® 3 ' Tm[°C]
4 X II (+) =N-1029 (+) 18 GGTAGGTGTCTATGAGGC 56
16 DN II (+)=P-2892 (+) 19 CGCGTCTCGGGATGATTCG 62

- 48-

SEQIDNo. Designation Length[nt] Sequence 5 ' ® 3 ' T[°C]

- 49 -
Patent claims
1. A recombinant negative-strand RNA virus,
containing a viral genome with a mutation in at
least one of the genes N, L and P, which leads to
loss of capacity for replication without loss of
capacity for secondary transcription.
2. The virus as claimed in claim 1, characterized in
that it is a paramyxovirus.
3. The virus as claimed in claim 1 or 2,
characterized in that it is a Sendai virus.
4. The virus as claimed in one of claims 1 to 3,
characterized in that it has a mutation in gene P.
5. The virus as claimed in claim 4, characterized in
that the mutation relates to the N-terminal
partial sequence of the protein encoded by gene P.
6. The virus as claimed in claim 5, characterized in
that the mutation comprises: a deletion of
(a) amino acids 2-77 of the protein encoded by
gene P or
(b) a partial sequence of (a) sufficient for loss
of the capacity for replication.
7. The virus as claimed in one of claims 1 to 6,
characterized in that the viral genome contains at
least one sequence coding for a heterologous gene
8. The virus as claimed in claim 7, characterized in
that the heterologous gene product is a protein, a
ribozyme, an antisense molecule or an siRNA
9. The virus as claimed in claim 7 or 8,

50 - 50 -
characterized in that the heterologous gene
product is a reporter protein, an antigen or a
therapeutic protein.
10. The virus as claimed in one of claims 7 to 9,
characterized in that the heterologous gene
product is an antigen of a heterologous pathogen,
selected from viruses, bacteria and protozoa.
11. The virus as claimed in one of claims 7 to 10,
characterized in that the heterologous gene
product is a viral antigen.
12. The virus as claimed in claim 11, characterized in
that the viral genome codes for several
heterologous antigens from the same or different
13. The virus as claimed in one of claims 7 to 12,
characterized in that the sequence coding for at
least one heterologous gene product is inserted in
the viral genome and/or replaces sequences coding
for a homologous gene product.
14. The virus as claimed in one of claims 1 to 13,
characterized in that the virus has a capacity for
transcription that is reduced by at most a factor
of 20 relative to the wild-type virus.
15. A nucleocapsid of a negative-strand RNA virus as
claimed in one of claims 1 to 14.
16. A genome of a negative-strand RNA virus as claimed
in one of claims 1 to 14.
17. A DNA molecule that codes for the genome and/or
antigenome of a recombinant negative-strand RNA
virus as claimed in one of claims 1 to 14.

- 51 -
18. The DNA molecule as claimed in claim 17,
characterized in that it is linked operationally
with a transcription signal.
19. The DNA molecule as claimed in claim 18,
characterized in that the transcription signal is
a bacteriophage promoter, e.g. a T7 or SP6
20. A cell that contains a virus as claimed in one of
claims 1 to 14, a nucleocapsid as claimed in claim
15, a genome as claimed in claim 16 or a DNA
molecule as claimed in one of claims 17 to 19.
21. The cell as claimed in claim 20, characterized in
that it is a vector multiplying cell.
22. The cell as claimed in claim 20, characterized in
that it is a virus producing cell.
23. The cell as claimed in claim 22, characterized in
that it further contains a DNA molecule coding for
a heterologous DNA-dependent RNA polymerase, which
effects the transcription of the DNA molecule
coding for the recombinant negative-strand RNA
24. The cell as claimed in claim 20, characterized in
that it is a virus multiplying cell.
25. The cell as claimed in one of claims 20 to 24,
characterized • in that it further contains DNA
molecules coding for the viral L, N and/or P
26. A method of production of a negative-strand RNA
virus as claimed in one of claims 1 to 14,
comprising the steps:
(a) preparation of a cell that is transfected

- 52 -
with a DNA molecule that codes for the genome
of a negative-strand RNA virus, containing a
mutation in at least one of the genes N, L
and P, which leads to loss of the capacity
for viral genome replication without loss of
the capacity for secondary transcription, and
optionally at least one sequence coding for a
heterologous gene product, and
(b) cultivation of the cell under conditions such
that a transcription of the DNA according to
(a) takes place and the recombinant negative-
strand RNA virus is formed.
27. The method as claimed in claim 26, further
comprising the obtaining of the nucleocapsid or of
the viral genome from the negative-strand RNA
28. A method of multiplying a negative-strand RNA
virus as claimed in one of claims 1 to 14,
comprising the steps:
(a) preparation of a cell that is infected with a
negative-strand RNA virus, containing a
mutation in at least one of the genes N, L
and P, which leads to loss of the capacity
for viral genome replication without loss of
the capacity for secondary transcription, and
optionally at least one sequence coding for a
heterologous gene product, and
(b) cultivation of the cell under conditions such
that multiplication of the virus takes place.
29. A pharmaceutical composition, characterized in
that it contains a recombinant negative-strand RNA
virus as claimed in one of claims 1 to 14, a
nucleocapsid as claimed in claim 15 or a viral
genome as claimed in claim 16 as active substance
and optionally pharmaceutically acceptable
vehicles and/or excipients.

- 53 -
30. The pharmaceutical composition as claimed in claim
29 for use as vaccine.
31. The pharmaceutical composition as claimed in claim
30 as monovalent or polyvalent vaccine.
32. The pharmaceutical composition as claimed in claim
30 or 31 as vaccine against viral infections, for
example as vaccine against infections with
pathogenic negative-strand RNA viruses.
33. The pharmaceutical composition as claimed in claim
29 for use for antitumor therapy.
34. The pharmaceutical composition as claimed in one
of claims 29 to 33 for use in high-risk patients.
35. The pharmaceutical composition as claimed in one
of claims 29 to 34, comprising the nucleocapsid in
the native viral envelope.
36. The use of a cell which stably expresses,
constitutively or inducibly, the proteins N, L
and/or P of a negative-strand RNA virus, for the
production or multiplication of recombinant
negative-strand RNA viruses as claimed in one of
claims 1 to 14, of nucleocapsids as claimed in
claim 15 or of viral genomes as claimed in claim
37. The use as claimed in claim 36, characterized in
that the cell is a mammalian cell.
38. The use as claimed in claim 36 or 37,
characterized in that the cell is selected from
the H29 cell (DSM ACC2702) or a cell derived

The present invention relates to a genome-replication-
deficient and transcription-competent negative-strand
RNA virus, which can be used for the expression of
transgenes and in particular for the area of vaccine




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03025-kolnp-2007-correspondence others.pdf

03025-kolnp-2007-description complete.pdf

03025-kolnp-2007-form 1.pdf

03025-kolnp-2007-form 2.pdf

03025-kolnp-2007-form 3.pdf

03025-kolnp-2007-form 5.pdf

03025-kolnp-2007-international publication.pdf

03025-kolnp-2007-international search report.pdf

03025-kolnp-2007-pct request form.pdf

03025-kolnp-2007-priority document.pdf

03025-kolnp-2007-translated copy of priority document.pdf

3025-KOLNP-2007-(02-09-2014)-AMENDED PAGES.pdf




3025-KOLNP-2007-(03-07-2012)-SEQUENCE LISTING.pdf







3025-KOLNP-2007-(27-06-2012)-PETITION UNDER RULE 137.pdf


3025-KOLNP-2007-(28-10-2011)-ENGLISH TRANSLATION.pdf


3025-KOLNP-2007-(30-09-2011)-PCT IPER.pdf


3025-KOLNP-2007-CORRESPONDENCE 1.1.pdf




3025-kolnp-2007-form 18.pdf



3025-KOLNP-2007-OTHERS 1.1.pdf


Patent Number 263307
Indian Patent Application Number 3025/KOLNP/2007
PG Journal Number 43/2014
Publication Date 24-Oct-2014
Grant Date 20-Oct-2014
Date of Filing 17-Aug-2007
Applicant Address HOFGARTENSTRASSE 8 80539 MUNCHEN
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number C07K 14/115
PCT International Application Number PCT/EP2006/001251
PCT International Filing date 2006-02-10
PCT Conventions:
# PCT Application Number Date of Convention Priority Country
1 10 2005 006 388.8 2005-02-11 Germany