Title of Invention


Abstract A method and apparatus are provided to control operation of an electro-mechanical torque transmission device selectively operative in one of a plurality of fixed gear modes and two continuously variable modes, and operative to transmit torque input from a plurality of torque-generative devices. The transmission device includes a hydraulic circuit and is operative in one of a plurality of operating modes by selective actuation of a plurality of hydraulically-actuated torque-transfer clutches. The method comprises monitoring pressures in the hydraulic circuit, and restricting operation of the transmission when any one of the monitored hydraulic pressures does not correspond to an expected pressure thereat. Presence of a fault is verified during the restricted operation.
Full Text GP-308563-PTH-CD
[0001] This invention pertains generally to control systems for electro-
mechanical transmissions, and more specifically to control during clutch
[0002] Fuel/electric hybrid powertrain architectures comprise torque-
generative devices, including internal combustion engines and electric
machines, which transmit torque through a transmission device to a vehicle
driveline. One such transmission includes a two-mode, compound-split,
electro-mechanical transmission which utilizes an input member for receiving
motive torque from an internal combustion engine, and an output member for
delivering motive torque from the transmission to the vehicle driveline. The
exemplary electro-mechanical transmissions are selectively operative in fixed
gear modes and continuously variable modes through actuation of torque-
transfer clutches. A fixed gear mode occurs when rotational speed of the
transmission output member is a fixed ratio of rotational speed of the input
member from the engine, typically due to actuation of one or more torque-
transfer clutches. A continuously variable mode occurs when rotational speed
of the transmission output member is variable based upon operating speeds of
one or more electrical machines. The electrical machines can be connected to
the output shaft via actuation of a clutch, or by direct connection. Clutch
actuation and deactivation is typically effected through a hydraulic circuit,
including electrically-actuated hydraulic flow management valves, pressure
control solenoids, and pressure monitoring devices controlled by a control

[0003] Engineers implementing powertrain systems having electro-hydraulic
transmissions are tasked with developing shifting schemes between various
operating modes, including the fixed gear modes and the continuously variable
modes. Execution of a shift typically potentially includes deactivating an off-
going clutch, and/or actuating an oncoming clutch. A control system is
typically programmed to execute tasks during shift transitions to effect a
smooth shift transition substantially imperceptible to the vehicle operator. A
fault may occur in a component of the hydraulic circuit, such as during
execution of a shift.
[0004] There is a need to for a method and apparatus to control operation of
a electro-mechanical transmission upon detection of presence of a fault, to
prevent operation of the transmission in an unintended condition, and to
maintain unobtrusive operation of the vehicle while confirming existence of
the fault, and to prevent premature operator notification.
[0005] There is provided a method, preferably executed in an article of
manufacture, and an apparatus, to control a torque transmission device of a
powertrain. The torque transmission device comprises an electro-hydraulic
circuit operative to selectively actuate torque-transfer clutches by selective
control of hydraulic circuit flow control devices. The method comprises
monitoring pressures in the hydraulic circuit, and identifying a fault and
restricting operation of the torque transmission device when any one of the
monitored pressures in the hydraulic circuit does not correspond to an
expected pressure thereat. Presence of the fault is verified during the
restricted operation.
[0006] The invention will become apparent to those skilled in the art upon
reading and understanding the following detailed description of the

[0007] The invention may take physical form in certain parts and
arrangement of parts, the preferred embodiment of which will be described in
detail and illustrated in the accompanying drawings which form a part hereof.
and wherein:
[0008] Fig. 1 is a schematic diagram of an exemplary powertrain, in}
accordance with the present invention;
[0009] Fig. 2 is a schematic diagram of an exemplary architecture for a
control system and powertrain, in accordance with the present invention;
[0010] Fig. 3 is a schematic diagram of a hydraulic circuit, in accordance
with the present invention;
[0011] Fig. 4 is a graphical depiction, in accordance with the present
invention; and,
[0012] Fig. 5 is a logic flowchart, in accordance with the present invention.
[0013] Referring now to the drawings, wherein the depictions are for the
purpose of illustrating the invention only and not for the purpose of limiting
the same, Figs. 1 and 2 depict a system comprising an engine 14, transmission
10, control system, and driveline which has been constructed in accordance
with an embodiment of the present invention.
[0014] Mechanical aspects of exemplary transmission 10 arc disclosed in
detail in commonly assigned U.S. Patent No. 6,953,409, entitled "Two-Mode.
Compound-Split, Hybrid Electro-Mechanical Transmission having four Fixed
Ratios", which is incorporated herein by reference. The exemplary two-mode,
compound-split, electro-mechanical hybrid transmission embodying the
concepts of the present invention is depicted in Fig. 1, and is designated
generally by the numeral 10. The transmission 10 has an input shaft 12 that is

preferably directly driven by an internal combustion engine 14. The
transmission 10 utilizes three planetary-gear sets 24, 26 and 28, and four
torque-transmitting devices, i.e. clutches C1 70, C2 62, C3 73, and C4 75. An
electro-hydraulic control system 42, preferably controlled by transmission
control module 17, is operative to control actuation and deactivation of the
clutches. Clutches C2 and C4 preferably comprise hydraulically-actuated
rotating friction clutches. Clutches C1 and C3 preferably comprise
comprising hydraulically-actuated stationary devices grounded to the
transmission case 68.
[0015] The three planetary gear sets 24, 26 and 28 each comprise simple
planetary gear sets. Furthermore, the first and second planetary gear sets 24
and 26 are compounded in that the inner gear member of the first planetary
gear set 24 is conjoined to an outer gear member of the second planetary gear
set 26, and connected to a first electrical machine comprising a
motor/generator 56, also referred to as "MG-A".
[0016] The planetary gear sets 24 and 26 arc further compounded in that
carrier 36 of the first planetary gear set 24 is conjoined through a shaft 60, to
the carrier 44 of the second planetary gear set 26. As such, carriers 36 and 44
of the first and second planetary gear sets 24 and 26. respectively, arc
conjoined. The shaft 60 is also selectively connected to the carrier 52 oi' the
third planetary gear set 28, through clutch C2 62. The carrier 52 of the third
planetary gear set 28 is connected directly to the transmission output member
64. An inner gear member of the second planetary gear set 26 is connected to
an inner gear member of the third planetary gear set 28 through a sleeve shaft
66 that circumscribes shaft 60, and is connected to a second electrical machine
comprising a motor/generator 72, referred to as MG-B.
[0017] All the planetary gear sets 24, 26 and 28 as well as MG-A and MG-B
56 and 72 are coaxially oriented, as about the axially disposed shaft 60. MG-
A and MG-B 56 and 72 are both of an annular configuration which permits

them to circumscribe the three planetary gear sets 24, 26 and 28 such that the
planetary gear sets 24, 26 and 28 are disposed radially inwardly of the MG-A
and MG-B 56 and 72. Transmission output member 64 is operably connected
to a vehicle driveline 90 to provide motive torque. Each clutch is preferably
hydraulically actuated, receiving pressurized hydraulic fluid from a pump,
described below, via an electro-hydraulic control circuit 42 described
hereinbelow with reference to Fig. 4.
[0018] The transmission 10 receives input motive torque from the torque-
generative devices, including the engine 14 and the MG-A 56 and MG-B 72,
as a result of energy conversion from fuel or electrical potential stored in an
electrical energy storage device (HSD) 74. The ESD 74 typically comprises
one or more batteries. Other electrical energy and electrochemical energy
storage devices that have the ability to store electric power and dispense
electric power may be used in place of the batteries without altering the
concepts of the present invention. The HSD 74 is preferably sized based
upon factors including regenerative requirements, application issues related
to typical road grade and temperature, and propulsion requirements such as
emissions, power assist and electric range. The IiSD 74 is high voltage DC-
coupled to transmission power inverter module (TPIM) 19 via DC transfer
conductors 27. The TPIM 19 is an element of the control system described
hereinafter with regard to Tig. 2. The TPIM 19 transmits electrical energy
to and from MG-A 56 by transfer conductors 29, and the TPIM 19 similarly
transmits electrical energy to and from MG-B 72 by transfer conductors 31.
Electrical current is transmitted to and from the HSD 74 in accordance with
whether the HSD 74 is being charged or discharged. TPIM 19 includes the
pair of power inverters and respective motor control modules configured to
receive motor control commands and control inverter states therefrom for
providing motor drive or regeneration functionality.

[0019] In motoring control, the respective inverter receives current from
the DC transmission lines and provides AC current to the respective
electrical machine, i.e. MG-A and MG-B, over transfer conductors 29 and
31. In regeneration control, the respective inverter receives AC current from
the electrical machine over transfer conductors 29 and 31 and transmits
current to the DC lines 27. The net DC current provided to or from the
inverters determines the charge or discharge operating mode of the electrical
energy storage device 74. Preferably, MG-A 56 and MG-B 72 are three-
phase AC machines each having a rotor operable to rotate within a stator that
is mounted on a case of the transmission. The inverters comprise known
complementary three-phase power electronics devices.
[0020] Referring now to Fig. 2, a schematic block diagram of the control
system, comprising a distributed control module architecture, is depicted. The
elements described hereinafter comprise a subset of an overall vehicle control
architecture, and are operable to provide coordinated system control of the
powertrain system described herein. The control system is operable to
synthesize pertinent information and inputs, and execute algorithms to control
various actuators to achieve control targets, including such parameters as fuel
economy, emissions, performance, driveability, and protection of hardware,
including batteries of ESD 74 and MG-A and MG-B 56. 72. The distributed
control module architecture includes engine control module ('ECM') 23.
transmission control module ('TCM') 17, battery pack control module
('BPCM') 21, and Transmission Power Inverter Module ("TPIM') 19. A
hybrid control module ('HCP") 5 provides overarching control and
coordination of the aforementioned control modules. There is a User Interface
('UP) 13 operably connected to a plurality of devices through which a vehicle
operator typically controls or directs operation of the powertrain including the
transmission 10 through a request for a torque output. Exemplary vehicle
operator inputs to the UI 13 include an accelerator pedal, a brake pedal.

transmission gear selector, and, vehicle speed cruise control. Each of the
aforementioned control modules communicates with other control modules,
sensors, and actuators via a local area network ('LAN') bus 6. The LAN bus 6
allows for structured communication of control parameters and commands
between the various control modules. The specific communication protocol
utilized is application-specific. The LAN bus and appropriate protocols
provide for robust messaging and multi-control module interfacing between
the aforementioned control modules, and other control modules providing
functionality such as antilock brakes, traction control, and vehicle stability.
[0021] The HCP 5 provides overarching control of the hybrid powertrain
system, serving to coordinate operation of the ECM 23, TCM 17, TPIM 19,
and BPCM 21. Based upon various input signals from the UI 13 and the
powertrain, including the battery pack, the HCP 5 generates various
commands, including: an operator torque request, an engine torque command,
clutch torque commands for the various clutches Cl, C2, C3. C4 of the
transmission 10; and motor torque commands for MG-A and MG-B. The
TCM is operatively connected to the electro-hydraulic control circuit 42 of
Figs. 1 and 4 to monitor various pressure sensing devices, and generate and
execute control signals for various solenoids and control valves contained
[0022] The ECM 23 is operably connected to the engine 14, and functions to
acquire data from a variety of sensors and control a variety of actuators,
respectively, of the engine 14 over a plurality of discrete lines collectively
shown as aggregate line 35. The ECM 23 receives the engine torque
command from the HCP 5, and generates a desired axle torque, and an
indication of actual engine torque input to the transmission, which is
communicated to the HCP 5. For simplicity, ECM 23 is depicted generally
having bi-directional interface with engine 14 via aggregate line 35. Various
other parameters that may be sensed by ECM 23 include engine coolant

temperature, engine input speed, NI, to shaft 12 leading to the transmission,
manifold pressure, ambient air temperature, and ambient pressure. Various
actuators that may be controlled by the ECM 23 include fuel injectors, ignition
modules, and throttle control modules.
[0023] The TCM 17 is operably connected to the transmission 10 and
functions to acquire data from a variety of sensors and provide command
signals to the transmission. Inputs from the TCM 17 to the HCP 5 include
estimated clutch torques for each of the clutches C1, C2, C3, and, C4 and
rotational speed, NO, of the output shaft 64. Other actuators and sensors may
be used to provide additional information from the TCM to the HCP for
control purposes. The TCM 17 monitors inputs from pressure switches ('PS1)
and selectively actuates pressure control solenoids and shift solenoids to
actuate various clutches to achieve various transmission operating modes, as
described hereinbelow.
[0024] The BPCM 21 is signally connected one or more sensors operable to
monitor electrical current or voltage parameters of the HSD 74 to provide
information about the state of the batteries to the HCP 5. Such information
includes battery state-of-charge, battery voltage and available battery power.
[0025] The Transmission Power Inverter Module (TPIM) 19 includes
previously referenced power inverters and motor control modules configured
to receive motor control commands and control inverter states therefrom to
provide motor drive or regeneration functionality. The TPIM 19 is operable
to generate torque commands for MG-A 56 and MG-B 72, based upon input
from the HCP 5, which is driven by operator input through UI 13 and
system operating parameters. The motor torque commands for MG-A and
MG-B are implemented by the control system, including the TPIM 19, to
control MG-A and MG-B. Individual motor speed signals for MG-A and
MG-B are derived by the TPIM 19 from the motor phase information or
conventional rotation sensors. The TPIM 19 determines and communicates

motor speeds to the HCP 5. The electrical energy storage device 74 is high-
voltage DC-coupled to the TPIM 19 via DC lines 27. Electrical current is
transferable to or from the TPIM 19 in accordance with whether the BSD 74
is being charged or discharged.
[0026] Each of the aforementioned control modules is preferably a general-
purpose digital computer generally comprising a microprocessor or central
processing unit, storage mediums comprising read only memory (ROM),
random access memory (RAM), electrically programmable read only memory
(EPROM), high speed clock, analog to digital (A/D) and digital to analog
(D/A) circuitry, and input/output circuitry and devices (I/O) and appropriate
signal conditioning and buffer circuitry. Each control module has a set of
control algorithms, comprising resident program instructions and calibrations
stored in ROM and executed to provide the respective functions of each
computer. Information transfer between the various computers is preferably
accomplished using the aforementioned LAN 6.
[0027] Algorithms for control and state estimation in each of the control
modules arc typically executed during preset loop cycles such that each
algorithm is executed at least once each loop cycle. Algorithms stored in the
non-volatile memory devices are executed by one of the central processing
units and are operable to monitor inputs from the sensing devices and execute
control and diagnostic routines to control operation of the respective device,
using preset calibrations. Loop cycles are typically executed at regular
intervals, for example each 3.125, 6.25, 12.5, 25 and 100 milliseconds during
ongoing engine and vehicle operation. Alternatively, algorithms may be
executed in response to occurrence of an event.
[0028] In response to an operator's action, as captured by the UI 13. the
supervisory HCP control module 5 and one or more of the other control
modules determine requested output torque at shaft 64, also referred to as the
operator torque request. Selectively operated components of the transmission

10 are appropriately controlled and manipulated to respond to the operator
demand. For example, in the exemplary embodiment depicted in Fig. 1 and 2,
when the operator has selected a forward drive range and manipulates either
the accelerator pedal or the brake pedal, the HCP 5 determines an output
torque which affects how and when the vehicle accelerates or decelerates.
Final vehicle acceleration is affected by other factors, including, e.g.. road
load, road grade, and vehicle mass. The HCP 5 monitors the parametric states
of the torque-generative devices, and determines the output of the transmission
required to arrive at the desired torque output. Under the direction of the HCP
5, the transmission 10 operates over a range of output speeds from slow to fast
in order to meet the operator demand.
[0029] The exemplary two-mode, compound-split, electro-mechanical
transmission operates in several fixed gear operating modes and continuously
variable operating modes, described with reference to Fig. 1, and Table 1,
Table 1

Transmission Operating Mode Actuated C1utches
Mode I C1 70
Fixed Ratio 1 (GR1) C1 70 C4 75
Fixed Ratio 2 (GR2) C1 70 C2 62
Mode II C2 62
Fixed Ratio 3 (GR3) C2 62 C4 75
Fixed Ratio 4 (GR4) C2 62 C3 73
[0030] The various transmission operating modes described with reference
to Tables 1 and 2 indicate which of the specific clutches C1, C2. C3, and C4
are engaged or actuated for each operating mode. Additionally, in various
transmission operating modes, MG-A and MG-B may each operate as an
electrical motor to generate motive torque, or as a generator to generate

electrical energy. Other factors outside the scope of the invention affect when
the electrical machines 56, 72 operate as motors and generators, and arc not
discussed herein.
[0031] The control system, depicted primarily in Fig. 2. is operable to
provide a range of transmission output speeds at shaft 64 from relatively slow
to relatively fast within each mode of operation. The combination of two
modes with a slow-to-fast output speed range in each mode allows the
transmission 10 to propel a vehicle from a stationary condition to highway
speeds, and meet various other requirements as previously described.
Additionally, the control system coordinates operation of the transmission 10
so as to allow synchronized shifts between the modes.
[0032] The first and second modes of operation refer to circumstances in
which the transmission functions are controlled by one clutch, i.e. either clutch
C1 62 or C2 70, and by the controlled speed and torque of the electrical
machines 56 and 72, which can be referred to as a continuously variable
transmission mode. Certain ranges of operation are described below in which
fixed ratios are achieved by applying an additional clutch. This additional
clutch may be clutch C3 73 or C4 75, as shown in the table, above.
[0033] When the additional clutch is applied, fixed ratio operation of input-
to-output speed of the transmission, i.e. N/No, is achieved. The rotations of
machines MG-A and MG-B 56, 72 are dependent on internal rotation ol' the
mechanism as defined by the clutching and proportional to the input speed
measured at shaft 12. The machines MG-A and MG-B function as motors or
generators. They are completely independent of engine to output power How,
thereby enabling both to be motors, both to function as generators, or any
combination thereof. This allows, for instance, during operation in Fixed Ratio
1 that motive power output from the transmission at shaft 64 is provided by
power from the engine and power from MG-A and MG-B. through planetary
gear set 28 by accepting power from ESD 74.

[0034] Referring to Fig. 3, a schematic diagram is depicted which provides a
more detailed description of the exemplary electro-hydraulic system for
controlling flow of hydraulic fluid in the exemplary transmission. The main
hydraulic pump 88, driven off the input shaft from the engine 10, and auxiliary
pump 110, operatively electrically controlled by the TPIM 19, provide
pressurized fluid to the hydraulic circuit 42 through valve 140. The auxiliary
pump 110 preferably comprises an electrically-powered pump of an
appropriate size and capacity to provide sufficient flow of pressurized
hydraulic fluid into the hydraulic system when operational. Pressurized
hydraulic fluid flows into electro-hydraulic control circuit 42, which is
operable to selectively distribute hydraulic pressure to a series of devices,
including the torque-transfer clutches C1 70, C2 62, C3 73. and C4 75. cooling
circuits for machines A and B, and a circuit for cooling and lubricating the
transmission 10 via passages 142, 144 (not depicted in detail). As previously
stated, the TCM 17 is preferably operable to actuate the various clutches to
achieve various transmission operating modes through selective actuation of
hydraulic circuit flow control devices comprising pressure control solenoids
('PCS') PCS1 108, PCS2 112, PCS3 114, PCS4 116 and solenoid-controlled
flow management valves X-valve 118 and Y-valve 120. The circuit is fluidly
connected to pressure switches PS1, PS2, PS3. and PS4 via passages 124, 122,
126, and 128, respectively. The pressure control solenoid PCS1 108 has
control positions of neutral and high and is operative to provide modulation of
fluidic pressure in the hydraulic circuit through fluidic interaction with valve
109. Pressure control solenoid PCS2 112 has control positions of neutral and
low, and is fluidly connected to spool valve 113 and operative to effect flow
therethrough when actuated. Spool valve 113 is fluidly connected to pressure
switch PS3 via passage 126. Pressure control solenoid PCS3 114 has control
positions of neutral and high, and is fluidly connected to spool valve 115 and
operative to effect flow therethrough when actuated. Spool valve 115 is

fluidly connected to pressure switch PS1 via passage 124. Pressure control
solenoid PCS4 116 has control positions of neutral and low, and is fluidly
connected to spool valve 117 and operative to effect flow therethrough when
actuated. Spool valve 117 is fluidly connected to pressure switch PS4 via
passage 128.
[0035] The X-Valve 119 and Y-Valve 121 each comprise flow management
valves controlled by solenoids 118, 120, respectively, in the exemplary
system, and have controlled operating states of High ('1') and Low ('0'). The
controlled operating states reference positions of each valve effecting flow
control to different flow control devices in the hydraulic circuit 42 and the
transmission 10. The X-valve 119 is operable to direct pressurized fluid to
clutches C3 and C4 and cooling systems for stators of MG-A and MG-B via
fluidic passages 136, 138, 144, 142 respectively, depending upon the source of
the fluidic input, as is described hereinafter. The Y-valve 121 is fluidly
connected to PS2 via passage 122, and is operable to direct pressurized fluid to
clutches C1 and C2 via fluidic passages 132 and 134 respectively, depending
upon the source of the fluidic input, as is described hereinafter. A more
detailed description of the exemplary electro-hydraulic control circuit 42 is
provided in commonly assigned and co-pending U.S. Patent Application
No. 11/263216, (Attorney Docket No. GP 306089), entitled "A Multiplexed
Pressure Switch System for an Electrically Variable Hybrid Transmission",
which is incorporated herein by reference.
[0036] An exemplary logic table to accomplish control of the exemplary
electro-hydraulic control circuit 42 is provided with reference to Table 2.

Table 2

Logic Y-
State No
Latch C2
Latch Neutral
/High Neutral/
High Neutral/
High Neutral
Mode I 0 0 LM MG-B
Cool C1 MG-A
Mode II 0 1
1 LM C2 MG-B
Cool MG-A
Range 1 0 LM " C2 C1 C4

Range 1 1 LM C2 C3 C4
[0037] Selective control of the X and Y valves and actuation of the solenoids
PCS2, PCS3, and PCS4 facilitate flow of hydraulic fluid to actuate clutches
C1, C2, C3, and C4, and provide cooling for the stators of MG-A and MG-B.

[0038] Referring now to Fig. 4, various transmission operating modes arc
plotted as a function of transmission output speed, NO, and transmission input
speed. N, for the exemplary transmission and control system depicted in Fig. 1
and 2. The Fixed Ratio operation is shown as individual lines for each of the
specific gear ratios, GR1, GR2, GR3, and GR4, as described with reference to
Table 1, above. The continuously variable Mode operation is shown as ranges
of operation for each of Mode I and Mode II. THE transmission operating
mode is switched between Fixed Ratio operation and continuously variable
Mode operation by activating or deactivating specific clutches. The control
system is operative to determine a specific transmission operating mode based
upon various criteria, using algorithms and calibrations executed by the
control system, and is outside the scope of this invention. Selection of the
mode of operation of the transmission depends primarily on operator input and
the ability of the powertrain to meet that input.
[0039] Referring to Tables 1 and 2 and again to Fig. 4, the low range
operating state includes selective actuation of clutches C2, C1, and C4.
facilitating operation in any one of continuously variable Mode I, and fixed
gears GR1, GR2, and GR3. The high range operating state includes selective
actuation of clutches C2, C3, and C4, facilitating operation in any one of
continuously variable Mode II and fixed gears GR3 and GR4. It should be
recognized that ranges of continuously variable operation for Mode 1 and
Mode II may overlap.
[0040] Referring now to fable 3, below, a table comprising expected signal
output states of the pressure switches PS1. PS2. PS3, and PS4 in the
exemplary electro-hydraulic control circuit 42 is provided for various
transmission operating modes. Each of the pressure switches PS1. PS2, PS3.
PS4 have hydraulic output states of 0 - Off and 1 On, wherein the state-
transition occurs at a threshold appropriate to the hydraulic circuit. In this
embodiment, the state transition preferably occurs at about 140 kPa (50 psi).

meaning that output state of each pressure switch is "0" or Off when the
monitored hydraulic pressure is less than 140 kPa and the output state of each
pressure switch is "1" or On when the monitored hydraulic pressure is greater
than 140 kPa. 'LM' indicates the PCS1 is used for line pressure modulation.
Table 3


Hi Range 1 1 0111 C2
(On) C3
(Off) C4
GR4 1 1 1110 C2
(On) C3
(On) C4
Mode II 0 1 0 110 C2
(On) B
Off A
[0041] In operation, a shift occurs in the exemplary transmission due to a
variety of operating characteristics of the powertrain. There may be a change
in demand for an operator demand for torque. Such demands are typically
communicated through inputs to the UI 13 as previously described.
Additionally, a change in demand for output torque may be predicated on a
change in external conditions, including, e.g., changes in road grade, road
surface conditions, or wind load. A shift change may be predicated on a
change in powertrain torque demand caused by a control module command to
change one of the electrical machines between electrical energy generating
mode and torque generating mode. A shift change may be predicated on a
change in an optimization algorithm or routine operable to determine optimum
system efficiency based upon operator demand for power, battery state of
charge, and energy efficiencies of the engine 14 and MG-A and MG-B 56. 72.
The control system manages torque inputs from the engine 14 and MG-A and
MG-B 56, 72 based upon an outcome of the executed optimization routine,
and there can be changes in system optimization that compel a shift change in
order to optimize system efficiencies to improve fuel economy and manage
battery charging. Furthermore, a shift change may be predicated upon a fault
in a component or system. The distributed control module architecture acts in
concert to determine a need for a change in the transmission operating mode,
and executes the forgoing to effect the change in transmission operation. A

shift change in the exemplary system comprises one of at least three possible
situations. There can be a shift from one fixed gear to a second fixed gear.
There can be a shift from a fixed gear to one of the continuously variable
modes. There can be a shift from one of the continuously variable modes to a
fixed gear.
[0042] Referring now to Fig. 5, a preferred method of controlling a hybrid
powertrain system, described with reference to operating the exemplary
powertrain of Figs. 1, 2, and 3, is now provided. The invention generally
comprises an algorithm, resident in one of the control modules of the
distributed control module architecture and executed therein, which acts to
limit operation of the transmission to a restricted mode upon an indication of a
fault. The invention is described with reference to a shift execution, but it is
understood that the action described herein is applicable to any instance
wherein a clutch is being actuated or deactivated, wherein there is an
indication of a clutch unexpectedly being actuated or remaining actuated after
a command to deactivate.
[0043] A command to execute a shift from one operating mode to a second
operating mode occurs during ongoing operation (Block 200). Executing each
shift generally comprises one of the following: deactivating an off-going
('OG') clutch; actuating an oncoming ('OC') clutch; and, a combination of
deactivating an off-going ('OG') clutch and actuating an oncoming ("OC")
clutch (Block 202). Deactivating the OG clutch generally results in an action
to off-load clutch torque from the OG clutch, and a command to deactivate the
OG clutch as part of overall shift execution. Commands to deactivate the OG
clutch and actuate the OC clutch typically originate in the HCP 5 and are
communicated to the TCM 17, which interprets the commands by selectively
activating or deactivating the related pressure control solenoid PCS1 112,
PCS2 114, PCS3 116 and/or XY valves 118, 120 in the electro-hydraulic
circuit. A command to actuate the OC clutch generally includes actions to

increase hydraulic pressure to the OC clutch device to effect a smooth
[0044] The TCM monitors deactivation of the OG clutch and actuation of the
OC clutch by monitoring signal outputs of all the pressure switch devices
('PS'), e.g. devices 122, 124, 126 and 128 of Fig. 3, to verify that the OG
clutch has deactivated and the OC clutch is ready to be actuated, and to verify
that no other action has occurred such as may cause inadvertent or unexpected
actuation or deactivation of one of the clutches (Block 204). The pressure
switch outputs are compared to expected outputs ("PSEXPFCTED of the related
pressure switch, with expected outputs as shown with reference to fable 3,
above (Block 206).
[0045] A fault is typically initially indicated by an unexpected reading from
one of the pressure switches, shown with reference to 'fable 3 for this
embodiment. An indicated fault is communicated to the TCM and the 1ICP.
When a fault is not detected, execution of the shift is completed (Block 208).
[0046] A fault can be identified in the electro-hydraulic control circuit
related to a clutch actuation event, a clutch deactivation event, or a clutch
slippage event during a shift or vehicle launch. During a clutch actuation
event, a fault is preferably identified in the hydraulic circuit when any one of
the output states of the pressure switches does not match the expected state
after an elapsed time of about 150 milliseconds. During a clutch deactivation
event, a fault is preferably identified in the hydraulic circuit when any one of
the output states of the pressure switches does not match the expected state
after an elapsed time of about one second. During a clutch slippage event, a
fault is preferably identified in the hydraulic circuit when any one of the
output states of the pressure switches does not match the expected state after
an elapsed time of about two seconds. A hydraulic circuit fault may comprise
a stuck spool valve, a malfunctioning solenoid valve, a faulty pressure switch,
a wiring harness malfunction, debris in a hydraulic line, and others.

[0047] When a fault is detected based upon signal output from one of the
pressure switches, the transmission is commanded to operate in a restricted
operating mode, referred to as "safe haven", preferably within an elapsed time
of 150 milliseconds of initial detection of the fault (Block 210). The safe
haven mode comprises permitting operation of the transmission only in
specific operating modes, and, accordingly prohibiting operation of the
transmission any other mode. There are at least three permissible safe haven
modes. A first safe haven mode comprises permissible operation only in GR1,
GR2 and Mode I, and is selectable when a fault related to actuation of clutch
C3 or PCS3 occurs. A second safe haven mode comprises permissible
operation only in GR3, GR4, and Mode II, and is selectable when a fault
related to clutch C1 occurs. A third safe haven mode comprises permissible
operation only in Mode I and Mode II, and is selectable when a fault related to
either of clutches C3 and C4 occurs. The HCP preferably controls operation
in the safe haven mode for the remainder of the current operating cycle, i.e.
until the vehicle is stopped and restarted.
[0048] While operating in the safe haven mode, the HCP controls operation
of the engine and machines MG-A and MG-B to maintain torque output of the
transmission to the vehicle driveline. In this embodiment, the 'safe haven'
mode is preferably effected by selectively changing control state of the X-
valve solenoid 118 from High ('1') to Low ("0"), or vice-versa.
[0049] While the transmission is operating in the safe haven mode, the
control system verifies the presence of the fault (Block 212). C1utch
deactivation can be verified by monitoring a relationship between the input
speed, NI, and the output speed NO, albeit after a time delay. Fault verification
can include selective actuation of the PCS device related to the fault during
safe haven operation, and monitoring an expected outcome.

[0050] When the fault is not verified (Block 214), i.e. not reproduced during
operation in the restricted mode, the command to operate the transmission in
the restricted mode is disabled (Block 216), and the control system resumes
normal operation of the transmission, including continuing the shift execution
(Block 218). When the fault is verified, the control system continues
commanding operation of the transmission in the restricted mode (Block 220),
and notifies the vehicle operator of the fault, including illuminating a service
lamp on a vehicle instrument panel (Block 222).
[0051] By way of example, when the exemplary transmission is operating in
GR1, clutches C1 and C4 are actuated. When a command to shift to GR2 is
executed, clutch C4 is commanded to deactivate by deactivating solenoid
PCS4. When output from pressure switch PS4 indicates a drop in pressure
when PCS4 is deactivated, the shift execution continues. However, when
output from pressure switch PS4 docs not indicate a drop in pressure when
PCS4 is deactivated, then the X-valve 118 is commanded to Low state, or "0".
thus effecting operation in continuously variable Mode II, as shown with
reference to Table 2, above. While the transmission is operating in Mode 11.
the control system verifies the presence of the fault in PCS4 by selectively
actuating PCS4 and determining whether the commanded cooling of the stator
of MG A is occurring (See Table 2), based upon feedback from temperature
sensors (not depicted) operable to monitor temperature of the stator of MG A.
[0052] When presence of the fault is not verified, i.e. not reproduced during
operation in the restricted mode, the command to operate the transmission in
Mode II is disabled, and the control system resumes normal operation of the
transmission. When presence of the fault is verified, the control system
continues commanding operation of the transmission in Mode II, and notifies
the vehicle operator of the fault, including illuminating the service lamp on the
instrument panel in the vehicle.

[0053] It is understood that modifications in the transmission hardware arc
allowable within the scope of the invention. The invention has been described
with specific reference to the preferred embodiments and modifications
thereto. Further modifications and alterations may occur to others upon
reading and understanding the specification. It is intended to include all such
modifications and alterations insofar as they come within the scope of the

Having thus described the invention, it is claimed:
1. Method to control a torque transmission device comprising a plurality of
torque-transfer clutches each actuable by selective control of a hydraulic
circuit comprising a plurality of flow control devices and pressure monitoring
devices, the method comprising:
monitoring pressures in the hydraulic circuit;
identifying a fault and restricting operation of the torque transmission device
when any one of the monitored pressures in the hydraulic circuit does
not correspond to an expected pressure thereat; and,
verifying presence of the fault during the restricted operation.
2. The method of claim 1, wherein monitoring pressures in the hydraulic
circuit comprises monitoring outputs of the pressure monitoring devices.
3. The method of claim 2, wherein identifying a fault further comprises
determining when any one of the outputs of the pressure monitoring devices
does not match an expected output.
4. The method of claim 2, wherein monitoring pressures further comprises
monitoring outputs of the pressure monitoring devices during actuation of an
oncoming clutch and during deactivation of an off-going clutch.
5. The method of claim 4, wherein identifying a fault further comprises
detecting when any one of the outputs of the pressure monitoring devices does
not match an expected output after an elapsed time of about 150 milliseconds
during actuation of the oncoming clutch.

6. The method of claim 4, wherein identifying a fault further comprises
detecting when any one of the outputs of the pressure monitoring devices docs
not match an expected output after an elapsed time of about one second during
deactivation of the off-going clutch.
7. The method of claim 2, wherein monitoring pressures further comprises
one of monitoring outputs of the pressure monitoring devices during a clutch
slippage event.
8. The method of claim 7, wherein identifying a fault further comprises
detecting when any one of the outputs of the pressure monitoring devices docs
not match an expected output after an elapsed time of about two seconds
during the clutch slippage event.
9. The method of claim 2, wherein restricting operation of the torque
transmission device comprises operating the transmission only in specific
operating modes when one of the monitored pressures does not correspond to
an expected pressure thereat.
10. The method of claim 9, wherein the specific operating modes comprise
one of a first fixed gear, a second fixed gear, and a first continuously variable
11. The method of claim 9, wherein the specific operating modes comprise
one of a third fixed gear, a fourth fixed gear, and a second continuously
variable mode.

12. The method of claim 9, wherein the specific operating modes comprise
one of a first continuously variable mode and a second continuously variable
13. The method of claim 1, further comprising:
restricting operation of the transmission by selectively operating the
transmission in one of two continuously variable modes; and.
verifying presence of a fault during the restricted operation by selectively
actuating one of the hydraulic circuit flow control devices whereat the
monitored pressure does not correspond to the expected pressure and
monitoring an output thereat.
14. The method of claim 13, wherein selectively actuating one of the
hydraulic circuit flow control devices comprises changing an operating stale of
a flow management valve of the hydraulic circuit.
15. The method of claim 13, wherein selectively actuating one of the
hydraulic circuit flow control devices comprises selectively actuating a
pressure control solenoid operative to effect actuation in the hydraulic circuit
whereat the monitored pressure does not correspond to the expected pressure.
16. The method of claim 13, wherein verifying presence of a fault during the
restricted operation comprises: selectively actuating a pressure control
solenoid and monitoring temperature of a stator of an electrical machine
operative to transmit motive torque to the electro-mechanical transmission.
17. The method of claim 13, further comprising discontinuing the restricted
operation of the transmission when the presence of a fault is not verified
during the restricted operation.

18. The method of claim 13, further comprising continuing the restricted
operation of the transmission when the presence of a fault is verified.
19. Article of manufacture, comprising a storage medium having a computer
program encoded therein for effecting a method to control a torque
transmission device comprising a plurality of torque-transfer clutches each
actuable by selective control of a hydraulic circuit comprising a plurality of
flow control devices and pressure monitoring devices, the computer program
code to monitor pressures in the hydraulic circuit;
code to identify a fault and restrict operation of the torque transmission device
when any one of the monitored pressures in the hydraulic circuit does
not correspond to an expected pressure thereat; and.
code to verify presence of the fault during the restricted operation.
20. The article of manufacture of claim 19. wherein the code to monitor
pressures in the hydraulic circuit comprises code to monitor signal outputs
from pressure sensing devices each substantially near one of the torque-
transfer clutches.
21. The article of manufacture of claim 19, wherein the code to restrict
operation of the torque transmission device comprises code to selectively
operate the transmission in one of two continuously variable modes.
22. The article of manufacture of claim 21, further comprising code to
change an operating state of a flow management valve of the hydraulic circuit
to selectively operate the transmission in one of the two continuously variable

23. Apparatus, comprising:
an internal combustion engine and first and second electrical machines and an
electro-mechanical transmission selectively operative to transmit
torque therebetween;
the transmission comprising: an electro-hydraulic control circuit comprising a
plurality of pressure monitoring devices and a plurality of selectively
controllable flow control devices, and, a plurality of torque-transfer
clutches; the transmission selectively operative in one of a plurality of
operating modes comprising fixed gear ratio modes and two
continuously variable modes;
and, a control system:
adapted to control the flow control devices of the electro-hydraulic control
circuit; and,
adapted to execute a computer program to selectively control the flow control
devices of the electro-hydraulic control circuit during execution of a
shift, the program comprising:
code to monitor hydraulic pressures in the hydraulic circuit;
code to identify a fault and restrict operation of the transmission when any one
of the monitored hydraulic pressures in the hydraulic circuit does not
correspond to an expected pressure thereat; and,
code to verify presence of the fault in the hydraulic circuit during the restricted
24. The apparatus of claim 23, wherein the selectively controllable How
control devices comprise a plurality of pressure control solenoids and two
flow management spool valves operative to selectively actuate the torque-
transfer clutches to effect operation in one of the plurality of operating modes
comprising fixed gear ratio modes and two continuously variable modes.

25. The apparatus of claim 23, wherein the pressure monitoring devices
each comprises a pressure monitoring switch.
26. The apparatus of claim 23, wherein the control system adapted to
execute a computer program comprising code to verify the presence of a fault
during the restricted operation further comprises code to selectively actuate
one of the pressure control solenoids, and, code to monitor operation of the
27. The apparatus of claim 23, wherein the electro-mechanical transmission
further comprises a two-mode, compound-split, electro-mechanical device
operative to transmit torque between the internal combustion engine, the first
electrical machines, and a driveline in response to an operator request for
torque output.
28. The apparatus of claim 23, wherein a fault in the hydraulic circuit
comprises any one of a stuck flow control device, a malfunctioning solenoid
device, a faulty pressure monitoring device, a wiring harness fault, and,
presence of debris in a hydraulic line.

A method and apparatus are provided to control operation of an electro-mechanical torque transmission device selectively operative in one of a plurality of fixed gear modes and two continuously variable modes, and operative to transmit torque input from a plurality of torque-generative devices. The transmission device includes a hydraulic circuit and is operative
in one of a plurality of operating modes by selective actuation of a plurality of hydraulically-actuated torque-transfer clutches. The method comprises monitoring pressures in the hydraulic circuit, and restricting operation of the transmission when any one of the monitored hydraulic pressures does not correspond to an expected pressure thereat. Presence of a fault is verified during the restricted operation.




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44-KOL-2008-(01-10-2012)-ANNEXURE TO FORM 3.pdf



44-KOL-2008-(01-10-2012)-DESCRIPTION (COMPLETE).pdf






44-KOL-2008-(01-10-2012)-PETITION UNDER RULE 137.pdf




44-KOL-2008-(08-08-2013)-DESCRIPTION (COMPLETE).pdf





44-KOL-2008-(09-04-2014)-EXAMINATION REPORT.pdf






44-kol-2008-form 18.pdf

44-KOL-2008-FORM 26.pdf


Patent Number 263466
Indian Patent Application Number 44/KOL/2008
PG Journal Number 44/2014
Publication Date 31-Oct-2014
Grant Date 30-Oct-2014
Date of Filing 07-Jan-2008
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number F16H 3/72
PCT International Application Number N/A
PCT International Filing date
PCT Conventions:
# PCT Application Number Date of Convention Priority Country
1 11/626,449 2007-01-24 U.S.A.