Title of Invention


Abstract The present invention relates to solution type silver organo-sol ink for forming electrically conductive patterns. The present invention provides silver organo-sol ink of solution type for forming electrically conductive pattern comprising effective amount of silver aromatic carboxylate and a reactive organic solvents, which can form chelate or complex with silver, are, for example, organic solvents having keton, mercapto, carboxyl, aniline or sulfurous functional group, substituted or unsubstituted. By the present invention, silver organo-sol ink of solution type basically having higher content of silver is obtained. The solution type ink of the present invention can be used for forming conductive patterns in flat panel display such as plasma display panel(PDP) to reduce the numbers of steps for pattern forming drastically.
Full Text 1
WO 2007/029902 PCT/KR2005/004099
Technical Field
[1] The present invention relates to silver organo-sol ink, more specifically solution
type silver organo-sol ink for forming electrically conductive patterns.
Background Art
[2] Pattern forming technologies used in semiconductor and display industries are
classified into 3 categories. One is a subtractive method mainly applied to thin film
technologies such as CVD, PVD and sputtering wherein a metal layer is deposited on a
substrate, a photo-resist layer is patterned by lithography on the metal layer, and then
the metal layer is etched as a pattern. Another is an additive method used in thick film
technologies such as screen-printing. The other is a subtractive-additive method
adopting both of a subtractive method and an additive method. Pattern forming by an
additive methodis an economic process, which spares material and decreases number
of steps, but additive methods of thick filmtechnologies such as screen-printing are not
so fine as thin filmtechnologies, and thus are applied to different processes.
[3] If an additive method accomplishes finer patterns, it is more favorable in aspects of
environment and cost reduction. For example, attempts to apply an additive method to
pattern forming for color filters originally formed by thin filmtechnologies have been
made. In this context, pattern forming by inkjet printing has been recently noted.
[4] MOD material has been researched since Vest, R.W. tested inks made of MOD
material (IEEE Transactions on Components, Hybrids and Manufacturing Technology,
12(4), 545-549, 1987). Kydd, et al in WO98-37133 disclosed inkjet-printing ink
consisting of MOD material and particulate metal. US Patent No. 6878184 owned by
Kovio Inc. disclosed metal ink of nano-size particle prepared from MOD and a
reductant (for example, aldehydes). Many attempts have been made to use ink
containing dispersed fine metal particles, especially silver particles for forming
electrically conductive pattern. A new inkjet- printing system including nozzles should
be devised with inks dispersed with fine metal particles, i.e., fine silver particles
because those behave differently from ordinary inks. In addition, additives added to
sustain suspension would do harm to the physical properties of patterns formed.
[5] In the above-mentioned respect, inks containing MOD (metallo-organic de-
composition material)can be applied to traditional inkjet printing devices without
severe modification of the system if those are thoroughly solution. Solution inks
containing MOD, in addition, can lower the temperature of metalizacion, and thus can

WO 2007/029902 PCT/KR2005/004099
be applied on flexible substrates such as plastic.
[6] Korean Patent Publication No. 2004-85470 applied by Haeuncomtec disclosed a
metal ink for inkjet-printing consisting of 5~40t% of silver oxide, 10-20 wt% of
lactam, lactone or carbonate and 20-85 wt% of amine. The ink prepared in the example
is likely suspension rather than solution considering the dark color of the ink.
Emulsifier which may do harm to the physical properties of patterns formed, should be
added to the ink to sustain suspension, In addition, maintenance problems concerning
nozzle clog caused by particles may arise.
[7] Prior arts published to date are listed below as Table 1 and Table 2.
[9] Table 1
Patent Documents

No. Countr
y Applicant(In
ventor) Title of Invention Application
or Regis-
trationNo.) Technical Features
1) us Engelhard(P
Nguyen) metallized
substrates and
process for
producing 1986,9,10(Pat.No.
4808274) Metal carboxylate,
, acyl+carboxylate,
2) us (Michael G.
etal) Seed layer com-
organogold and
compounds 1990,4,27(Pat.No.
5059242) metal bonded to
through thio,
carboxylate bridge
3) us Degussa
Marion) Gold(I) mercapto
carboxylic acid
esters, method of
their preparation
and use - 1993,4,5(Pat.No.5
312480) gold(I)mercaptocar
boxyic acid ester
used for ceramic
gold decoration
4) PCT Parelec,
Inc. (Kydd;
Paul H. DD) Material and
method for
printing high con International Ap-
plication 1997, 9,
- 12(international metal
powder+MOD or
ROM (reactive

WO 2007/029902 PCT/KR2005/004099

conductors and
other components
on thin film
transistor arrays publication
WO98-37133) organic medium);
MOD is defined as
organic material
bonded to metal
through hetero
atoms such as O,
N, S, P, As and Se
5) US Kovio, Inc
ger; Joerg) Nanoparticle
synthesis and the
formation of inks
therefrom 2002,8,9(Pat.No.
6878184) particulate ink
prepared by
reducing MOD(or
metal powder
+RMO) with
6) South
Korea haeuncomte
n-Jung) Organic silver
preparing method
therefor, inks
therefrom and
method for
conductive circuit
with use thereof 2003,03,28(Public
ation No.
2004-84570) 5-40 wt% of
Ag+10-20 wt% of
(lactam, lacton or
wt% of amine
[11] Table 2
Nonpatent Documents

No author Title of Article Publication date Technical features
1) Teng,
K.F., and
R.W. Liquid Ink Jet
Printing with MOD
Inks for Hybrid Mi-
crocircuits IEEE Transactions
ids and Mamu-
12(4), 545-549,
1987 MOD is mentioned as organic
material bonded to metal
through hetero atoms such as
O, N, S and PSpecifically,
silver neodecanoate and Au
amine 2-ethylhexoate is ex-
amplified. Dielectric ink and
resistance ink are mentioned

WO 2007/029902 PCT/KR2005/004099

2) Lea
Yancey Direct Write Metal-
lizations with
Inks 2000,8,18undergra
duate thesis of
University (hfa)Ag(COD),
and(hfa)Cu(VTMS) are
spayed or printed by inkjet
printing on heated glass
annealed and resistance are
3) C.
Curtis, Metallizations by
InkJet Printing To be presented at
the NCPV
Program Review
, Coloradol4-17
October 2001 (hfa)Ag(COD)
5) Alex
Cheng,* Synthesis of Single
Phase SrCu2O2
from Liquid
Ink-Jet Printing,
Polyelectrolytes, an-
dElectroless Plating: Peer-Reviewed
Journal2004, 3, 3
Macromol. Rapid
Commun. 2005,
26, 247-264 SrCu2O2 from MOD(copper
formate and strontium acetate)
is printed and annealed at
770°Cused as photosemi-
conductor of solar cell
laminating polymer
electrolytes PAA and PAH by
PEM technology and
patterning the laminar with
catalyst Na2PdC14 and
deposit in copper bath
electolessly. lower met-
alization is possible
Disclosure of Invention
Technical Problem
[13] The object of the present invention is to provide silver organo-sol ink for forming
electrically conductive patterns with good physical properties.
[14] The other object of the present invention is to provide silver organo-sol ink, which
can be applied to traditional printing methods including inkjet-printing.
Technical Solution
[15] The present invention provides silver organo-sol ink of solution type for forming
electrically conductive pattern comprising effective amount of silver aromatic

WO 2007/029902 PCT/KR2005/004099
carboxylate defined as Formulas 1; and solvent dissolving said silver aromatic

[18] in which R R R R and R are respectively COO Ag+, H, OH or Cl to C9 alkyl.
1, 2, 3, 4 5
Herein, "organo-sol" means that silver exist as solution state bound to organic material.
[19] The said dissolving solvent desirably consists of a reactive organic solvent, which
can form chelate or complex with silver, and polar or nonpolar diluent solvent for
control of viscosity. The reactive organic solvents, which can form chelate or complex
with silver, are, for example, organic solvents having keton, mercapto, carboxyl,
aniline or sulfurous functional group, substituted or unsubstituted. The silver aromatic
carboxylate is typically 5-70 wt% of the total ink composition.
[20] As a preferred embodiment, the present invention provides silver organo-sol ink of
solution type comprising 10 to 50 wt% of silver aromatic carboxylate defined as
Formulas la; 10 to 60 wt% of reactive organic solvent selected from the group
consisting of amine substituted by one or more Cl to C6 hydroxy alkyl and C2 to C16
aliphatic thiol, linear or branched; and residual polar or nonpolar diluent solvent

[23] in which R R R R and R are respectively H, OH or Cl to C9 alkyl. Said silver
aromatic carboxylate defined as Formulas la is most desirably silver benzoate when R
R R R and R are respectively H.
1, 2,, 3, 4 5

WO 2007/029902 PCT/KR2005/004099
[24] As another preferred embodiment, the present invention provides silver organo-sol
ink of solution type comprising 10 to 50 wt% of silver aromatic carboxylate defined as
Formulas lb; 10 to 60 wt% of reactive organic solvent selected from the group
consisting of amine substituted by one or more Cl to C6 hydroxy alkyl and C2 to C16
aliphatic thiol, linear or branched; and residual polar or nonpolar diluent solvent

[27] in which one among R R R R and R is COO Ag+' the others are respectively H,
OH or Cl to C9 alkyl, but desirably R is COO~Ag+. Said silver aromatic carboxylate
defined as Formulas lb is most desirably silver phthalate when R is COO~Ag+ and the
others R R R and R are respectively H.
1, 2,, 4 5 r J
[28] As another preferred embodiment, the present invention provides silver organo-sol
ink of solution type comprising 10 to 50 wt% of silver aromatic carboxylate defined as
Formulas lc; 10 to 60 wt% of reactive organic solvent selected from the group
consisting of amine substituted by one or more Cl to C6 hydroxy alkyl and C2 to C16
aliphatic thiol, linear or branched; and residual polar or nonpolar diluent solvent

[31] in which two or more among R R R R andR are COO"Ag+, the others are re-
spectively H, OH or Cl to C9 alkyl, but desirably R and R are COOAg+. Said silver
aromatic carboxylate defined as Formulas lc is most desirably silver trimesate when R
and R are COO"Ag+ and the others R R and R are respectively H.
4 1, 3 5

WO 2007/029902 PCT/KR2005/004099
[32] The organosol ink of the present invention may further comprise surfactants and/or
viscosity controlling agents. In addition, it may comprise further nonconductive
polymeric or glassy material as matrix or flux material for silver conductor. The
organo-sol ink of the present invention can be applied not only to processes for display
manufacturing such as PDP and Rfid but also to other processes such as solar cells
wherein conductive patterns are required.
[33] Silver aromatic carboxylate defined as Formulas 1 has higher contents of silver,
especially, silver benzoate has about 47 wt% of silver per mole of the compound. It has
a merit of higher content of metalized silver even if small quantity is adopted.
[34] Silver aromatic carboxylate defined as Formulas 1 in the organo-sol ink of the
present invention desirably ranges from 5 wt % to 70 wt% of the total ink composition
since silver content becomes small below 5 w% and making solution with it becomes
difficult above 70 wt%. The preferred range is 10 wt % to 50 wt%. The most preferred
range is 20 wt % to 40 wt%. Silver aromatic carboxylate defined as Formulas 1 is
prepared by reacting silver inorganic acid salt such as silver nitrate with alkali metal
salt corresponding to Formulas 1 with silver replaced by alkali metal.
[35] The said reactive organic solvent is broadly organic solvent which can form chelate
or complex with silver through hetero atom N, O and S ,more preferably, hydrocarbons
having keton, mercapto, carboxyl, aniline or sulfurous functional group, substituted or
unsubstituted. The most preferred are monoethanolamine, diethanolamine and tri-
ethanolamine. The organo-sol ink of the present invention has light color but is
basically clear. The viscosity of the initial solution which is prepared by dissolving the
silver organic salt in a reactive organic solvent such as ethanolamine ranges about
10,000 to 100,000cp, and thus it can be used in screen-printing, offset-printing and
imprinting. It also can be diluted by diluent such as ethanol or water according to the
object of use.
[36] Silver organo-sol prepared by dissolving silver aromatic carboxylate in reactive
solvent, for example, amine substituted by one or more ethanol may be further diluted
with ethylene glycol or water to be deposited on a hydrophilic substrate. On the other
hand, it may be diluted with an alcohol of short chain alcohol such as ethanol to be
deposited on a substrate having a hydrophobic metal oxide film thereon. It is presumed
that the solubility increases drastically because the reactive organic solvent forms
complex with the silver aromatic carboxylate by chelating or coordinate covalent
[37] A preferred nonpolar diluent solvent is an aliphatic or aromatic hydrocarbon or
mixture thereof. A preferred polar diluent solvent is water or Cl to C12, saturated or
unsaturated, mono to tri functional aliphatic alcohol. The organic solvent, for example,
is 2-methoxy ethanol, 1,2-hexanediol, benzene, toluene, xylene, dimethylcarbithol,

WO 2007/02,9902 PCT/KR2005/004099
kerosene ethanol, methanol, 2-propanol, chloroform or ethylene glycol.
[38] The solution type ink of the present invention can be used for forming conductive
patterns in flat panel display such as plasma display panel(PDP) to reduce the numbers
of steps for pattern forming drastically. Especially, since metalized silver from the
silver organo-sol ink of the present invention is stable at relatively higher temperature,
for example, 450~600°C, more specifically, at 480~580°C, the silver ink is approproate
for conductive pattern forming in PDP manufacturing wherein sealing and sintering of
barrier ribs is carried out around the temperature range.
Advantageous Effects
[39] By the present invention, silver organo-sol ink of solution type basically having
higher content of silver is obtained. The solution type ink of the present invention can
be used for forming conductive patterns in flat panel display such as plasma display
panel(PDP) to reduce the numbers of steps for pattern forming drastically.
Brief Description of the Drawings
[40] Figure 1 shows IR spectrometer graphs of silver powder, triethanolamine and silver
organo-sol ink used by Example 1.
[41] Figure 2 is a photograph showing contact angle against glass of silver organo-sol
ink prepared by Example 1.
[42] Figure 3 shows from above respectively (a) SEM images of two scales regarding a
sample after heat-treatment at 550°C for 10 minutes prepared by Example 3, (b) SEM
images of two scales regarding a sample prepared by Example 4 after heat-treatment at
550°C for 10 minutes and (c) SEM images of two scales regarding a sample prepared
by Example 5 after heat-treatment at 550°C for 10 minutes.
Best Mode for Carrying Out the Invention
[43] The present invention is illustrated by examples below. However, such examples
presented for the purpose of illustration does not serve as a basis to decide the scope of
the invention.
[45] Example 1
[46] 50mmol benzoic acid is dissolved in 50mL of methanol. 50mmol NaOH dissolved
in 50mL water is added slowly to the benzoic acid solution prepared while stirring to
obtain sodium benzoate. 50mmol silver nitrate dissolved in 50mL water is added to the
sodium benzoate solution, and then white precipitate forms fast. The precipitate is
washed to remove unreacted silver nitrate and NaOH with water, filtered and washed
several times to remove unreacted benzoic acid with methanol. The filtrant white silver
benzoate is sensitive to light and should be dried and stored in dark room or under
yellow light.

WO 2007/029902 PCT/KR2005/004099
[47] 0.07mol prepared powder of silver benzoic acid (molecular weight: about
228g/mol) is dissolved in 0.14mol triethanolamine and 40mL ethylene is added to
control viscosity. The viscosity of the solution prepared is 15cPs at 25°C by Brookfield
viscometer. Absorption bands around 1000 and 1300 cm"1 characteristic peak of silver
solution are also observed by IR spectrometer.
[48] The contact angle of the solution against glass substrate is observed to be about
40°C. The glass is coated by the ink solution prepared with a bar cpater, heat-treated at
150cC for 10 minutes and resistance is measured to be 5.5x10" ODD. The coated glass is
further heat treated at 500°C. The resistance is 2.505x10~6Q[H. The solid content of the
solution ink is about 63 wt% of the total solution since the weights of the solution
coated and residual solid after heat-treatment at 500°C are respectively 0.5804g and
[50] Example 2
[51] 50mmol benzoic acid is dissolved in 50mL of methanol. 50mmol NaOH dissolved
in 50mL water is added slowly to the benzoic acid solution prepared while stirring to
obtain sodium benzoate. 50mmol silver nitrate dissolved in 50mL water is added to the
sodium benzoate solution, and then white precipitate forms fast. The precipitate is
silver benzoate formed by exchange of Na+ and Ag+ by ionization tendency, washed
to remove unreacted silver nitrate and NaOH with water, filtered and further washed
several times to remove unreacted benzoic acid with methanol, and dried at 50°C to
obtain final silver benzoate.
[52] 0.07mol prepared powder of silver benzoic acid (molecular weight: about
228g/mol) is dissolved in 0.14mol OT (octanethiol). Xylene is added so that the
viscosity of the solution prepared should be between 13~15cps at 25°C by Brookfield
viscometer, and the solution is agitated for 30 minute more.
[53] Glass substrate is coated by the ink solution prepared with a bar coater, heat-treated
150°C for 10 minutes and resistance is measured. The coated glass is further heat-
treated at 500°C. The resistance is measured. By the residual solid content of the
solution ink after heat-treatment at 500°C the final silver content is decided.
Volumetric resistance with thickness of coated film is measured. The resistance is
2.75x10"6QDD. The solid content of the solution ink is about 54.3 wt% of the total
solution. Amounts of reagents and measured value are listed in Table 3.
[55] Example 3
[56] 50mmol benzoic acid is dissolved in 50mL methanol. 50mrno! NaOH dissolved in
50mL water is added slowly to the benzoic acid solution prepared while stirring to
obtain sodium benzoate. 50mmol silver nitrate dissolved in 50mL water is added to the

WO 2007/029902 PCT/KR2005/004099
sodium benzoate solution, and then white precipitate forms fast. The precipitate is
silver benzoate formed by exchange of Na+ and Ag+ by ionization tendency, washed
to remove unreacted silver nitrate and NaOH with water, filtered and further washed
several times to remove unreacted benzoic acid with methanol, and dried at 50°C to
obtain final silver benzoate.
[57] 0.21mol prepared powder of silver benzoic acid (molecular weight: about
228g/mol) is dissolved in 0.42mol TEA (triethanol amine). Ehtanol is added so that the
viscosity of the solution prepared should be 15cps at 25°C by Brookfield viscometer,
and the solution is agitated for 30 minute more.
[58] Glass substrate is coated by the ink solution prepared with a bar coater, heat-treated
150°C for 10 minutes and resistance is measured. The coated glass is further heat
treated at 550°C. The resistance is measured. The microstructure is shown in Figure 3
According Figure 3, silver particles are fused together after heat-treatment at 550°C
even on 10,000 times enlarged images. By the residual solid content of the solution ink
after heat-treatment at 550°C the final silver content is decided. Volumetric resistance
with thickness of coated film is measured. Amounts of reagents and measured value
are listed in Table 3.
[60] Example 4
[61] Example 4 is carried out the same way as Example 2 except that terephthalic acid is
used instead of benzoic acid. The microstructure is shown in Figure 3. According
Figure 3, silver particles are fused together after heat-treatment at 550°C even on
10,000 times enlarged images. Volumetric resistance with thickness of coated film is
measured. Amounts of reagents and measured value are listed in Table 3.
[63] Example 5
[64] Example 5 is carried out the same way as Example 2 except that trimesic acid is
used instead of benzoic acid. The microstructure is shown in Figure 3. According
Figure 3, silver particles are fused together after heat-treatment at 550°C even on
10,000 times enlarged images. Volumetric resistance with thickness of coated film is
measured. Amounts of reagents and measured value are listed in Table 3.
[66] Table 3

Precursor Reactive solvent Solvent resistance(10
Example Amount(
mol) name Amount(m
ol) Name Amount(ml) or
(g) Q-D)
l.Agl 0.07 TEA 0.14 xylene 40(ml) 2.505

WO 2007/029902 PCT/KR2005/004099

2.Agl 0.07 OT 0.14 EtOH 40(ml) 2.75
3.Agl 0.21 EA 0.42 EtOH 58(g) 9.9
4.Ag2 0.21 EA 0.84 EtOH 186(g) 2.7
5.Ag3 0.21 EA 1.26 EtOH 150(g) 1.1
[67] * Ag 1; One COOAg Ag 2; Two COOAg Ag 3; Three COOAg
Industrial Applicability
[69] The solution type ink of the present invention can be used for forming conductive
patterns by traditional printing technology, especially by inkjet-printing, in flat panel
display such as plasma display panel(PDP) to reduce the numbers of steps for pattern
forming drastically.

WO 2007/029902 PCT/KR2005/004099
[1] Silver organo-sol ink of solution type for forming electrically conductive pattern
comprising effective amount of silver aromatic carboxylate defined as Formulas
1; and solvent dissolving said silver aromatic carboxylate

in which R R R R and R are respectively COO"Ag+, H, OH or Cl to C9
[2] Silver organo-sol ink of solution type according to claim 1, wherein said solvent
consists of a reactive organic solvent which can form chelate or complex with
silver and polar or nonpolar diluent solvent for control of viscosity.
[3] Silver organo-sol ink of solution type according to claim 2, wherein said reactive
organic solvent is a hydrocarbon having keton, mercapto, carboxyl, aniline or
sulfurous functional group.
[4] Silver organo-sol ink of solution type according to claim 3, wherein said
nonpolar diluent solvent is an aliphatic or aromatic hydrocarbon and said polar
diluent solvent is water or Cl to C12, saturated or unsaturated, mono to tri
functional aliphatic alcohol.
[5] Silver organo-sol ink of solution type according to claim 4, wherein said silver
aromatic carboxylate is 5 to 70 wt% of the total silver organo-sol ink.
[6] Silver organo-sol ink of solution type according to claim 5, wherein said silver
aromatic carboxylate defined as Formulas la is 10 to 50 wt% of the total silver
organo-sol ink, said reactive organic solvent selected from the group consisting
of amine substituted by one or more Cl to C6 hydroxy alkyl and C2 to Cl 6
aliphatic thiol, is 10 to 60 wt% of the total silver organo-sol ink

WO 2007/029902 PCT/KR2005/004099

in which R R R R and R are respectively H, OH or Cl to C9 alkyl.
1, 2, 3, 4 5 r J ' J
[7] Silver organo-sol ink of solution type according to claim 6, wherein said silver
aromatic carboxylate defined as Formulas 1 a is silver benzoate.
[8] Silver organo-sol ink of solution type according to claim 5, wherein said silver
aromatic carboxylate defined as Formulas lb is 10 to 50 wt% of the total silver
organo-sol ink, said reactive organic solvent selected from the group consisting
of amine substituted by one or more Cl to C6 hydroxy alkyl and C2 to C16
aliphatic thiol, is 10 to 60 wt% of the total silver organo-sol ink

in which one among R R R R and R is COO~Ag+ and the others are re-
° 1, 2, 3, 4 5
spectively H, OH or Cl to C9 alkyl.
[9] Silver organo-sol ink of solution type according to claim 8, wherein R is COO~
Ag+andR R R andR are respectively H, OH or Cl to C9 alkyl.
[10] Silver organo-sol ink of solution type according to claim 9, wherein said silver
aromatic carboxylate defined as Formulas lb is silver phthalate.
[11] Silver organo-sol ink of solution type according to claim 5, wherein said silver
aromatic carboxylate defined as Formulas lb is 10 to 50 wt% of the total silver
organo-sol ink, said reactive organic solvent selected from the group consisting
of amine substituted by one or more Cl to C6 hydroxy alkyl and C2 to Cl 6
aliphatic thiol, is 10 to 60 wt% of the total silver organo-sol ink

WO 2007/029902 PCT/KR2005/004099

in which two or more among R R R R and R are COO~Ag+, the others are re-
b 1, 2, 3, 4 5 b
spectively H, OH or Cl to C9 alkyl.
[12] Silver organo-sol ink of solution type according to claim 11, wherein R and R
are COO Ag+ and R R and R are respectively H, OH or Cl to C9 alkyl.
[13] Silver organo-sol ink of solution type according to claim 12, wherein said silver
aromatic carboxylate defined as Formulas lc is silver trimesate.
[14] Silver organo-sol ink of solution type according to any one of claiml to claim
13, wherein said silver organo-sol ink is used for electrically conductive
patterns by inkjet-printing.
[15] Silver organo-sol ink of solution type according to claim 14, wherein said silver
aromatic carboxylate is 20 to 40 wt% of the total silver organo-sol ink.
[16] Silver organo-sol ink of solution type according to claim 15, wherein said
reactive solvent is ethanolamine, diethanolamine or triethanolamine.
[17] Silver organo-sol ink of solution type according to claim 16, wherein said
nonpolar diluent solvent is an aliphatic or aromatic hydrocarbon or mixture
thereof said polar diluent solvent is water or Cl to C12 saturated or unsaturated
mono to tri functional aliphatic alcohol.
[18] Silver organo-sol ink of solution type according to claim 17, wherein said
nonpolar diluent solvent is benzene, toluene, xylene.

The present invention
relates to solution type silver organo-sol
ink for forming electrically conductive
patterns. The present invention provides
silver organo-sol ink of solution type for
forming electrically conductive pattern
comprising effective amount of silver
aromatic carboxylate and a reactive
organic solvents, which can form chelate
or complex with silver, are, for example,
organic solvents having keton, mercapto,
carboxyl, aniline or sulfurous functional
group, substituted or unsubstituted. By
the present invention, silver organo-sol
ink of solution type basically having
higher content of silver is obtained. The
solution type ink of the present invention
can be used for forming conductive
patterns in flat panel display such as
plasma display panel(PDP) to reduce
the numbers of steps for pattern forming




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Patent Number 263480
Indian Patent Application Number 841/KOLNP/2008
PG Journal Number 44/2014
Publication Date 31-Oct-2014
Grant Date 30-Oct-2014
Date of Filing 26-Feb-2008
Name of Patentee EXAX INC.
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number G03G 9/08
PCT International Application Number PCT/KR2005/004099
PCT International Filing date 2005-12-02
PCT Conventions:
# PCT Application Number Date of Convention Priority Country
1 10-2005-0083226 2005-09-07 Republic of Korea
2 10-2005-0095625 2005-10-11 Republic of Korea