Title of Invention


Abstract A system and method for measuring analyzing power flow parameters in RF-based excitation systems for semiconductor plasma generators. A measuring probe (8) is connected to an RF transmission line for receiving and measuring voltage (10) and current signals (12) from the transmission line (4). A high-speed sampling process converts the measured RF voltage and current signals into digital signals. The digital signals are then processed so as to reveal fundamental and harmonic amplitude and phase information corresponding to the original RF signals. Multiple measuring probes may be inserted in the power transmission path to measure two-port parameters, and the networked probes may be interrogated to determine input impedance, output impedance, insertion loss, internal dissipation, power flow efficiency, scattering, and the effect of plasma non-linearity on the RF signal.
Full Text WO 2006/135515


[0001] This application claims the priority filing benefit of U.S. Provisional
Application Serial No. 60/689,769 filed June 10, 2005.
|0002] The present invention relates generally to the measurement of power
flow in RF transmission systems, and more particularly relates to systems and
methods for measuring fundamental and harmonic amplitude and phase relationships
of voltage and current signals in RF-based excitation systems for semiconductor
plasma generators.
[0003] RF plasma reactors of the type employed in processing semiconductor
wafers require a large amount of RF power. Basically, the technique involves the
ignition and maintenance of a processing plasma through the application of electric
power to the plasma. The plasma interacts with gases introduced and with the target
and wafer surfaces involved to affect the desired processing results.
[0004] Due to the increasing complexity of semiconductor devices, tighter and
tighter control over the manufacturing process has been required. In order to achieve
tighter process control in modern plasma processing, it is desirable to obtain more
information about the associated RF voltage and current signals under actual
processing conditions. This usually has been done by available V-I probes inserted in
the power transmission path to measure the fundamental and harmonic signal power
being directed to the plasma generation system.
[0005] Those skilled in the art have recognized that the fundamental and
harmonic amplitude and phase angle relationships of the RF voltage and current
signals account for much of .the variation in process performance during
semiconductor wafer manufacture. Due to non-linearity of the processing plasma,

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harmonics of the fundamental RF excitation frequency will be induced, even if the
load appears to be matched at its fundamental frequency. As a result, the overall
power delivered to the processing plasma includes the sum of the power levels of the
fundamental and harmonic frequencies. Known plasma processing tools routinely
employ two or more RF signal frequencies to enhance process performance yields.
However, the introduction of two or more excitation frequencies into the plasma
generation system tends to increase process uncertainty due to the introduction of
intermodulation frequency components into the total power flow.
[0006] Prior art attempts have been made to characterize power flow in plasma
processing, such as those disclosed in U.S. Patent Nos. 5,523,955 and 5,273,610.
For example, U.S. Patent No. 5,523,955 discloses a measuring probe inserted in the
power transmission path for sensing RF signals. The sensed signals are then used to
indirectly derive AC signals for calculating phase angle information relating to the
original sensed signals. However, until the present invention, the techniques required
to directly measure the relative phase angle information of the fundamental and
harmonic frequency content of the RF voltage and current signals in an accurate and
stable fashion have not been readily available to those skilled in the art.
[0007] Therefore, there remains a strong need to provide a system and
method for measuring and analyzing the critical amplitude and phase angle
relationships between the fundamental signal frequencies and harmonics of the
fundamental frequencies. Information characterizing the frequency content of the RF
excitation signals can then be monitored to regulate and control power flow to the
processing chamber in order to improve manufacturing yields, and make plasma
processing more controlled and repeatable.
[0008] Although the present invention is described herein in terms of a system
and method for analyzing power flow in semiconductor plasma generators, those
skilled in the art will appreciate that the present invention may also be used in a
variety of other power transmission systems including, but not limited to magnetic
resonance imaging (MRI) systems and industrial heating systems such as inductive and
dielectric heating systems. For example, in MRI systems, analysis of harmonic
amplitude and phase information may be utilized to control and regulate magnetic

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resonance of transmitted signals under various load (e.g. patient) conditions. In
industrial heating applications, analysis of harmonic amplitude and phase information
may be utilized to control and regulate power flow to the work-piece and/or
processing apparatus to improve processing performance.
[0009] A measuring probe for measuring power flow in an RF power
transmission system, including a voltage sensor and a current sensor connected to a
measuring receiver for receiving and measuring RF voltage and current signals. RF
voltage and current signals are converted into digital representations of the RF
waveforms, either directly, or by sampling-based frequency converters that bring the
RF voltage and current signals to a fixed intermediate frequency (IF) before digital
conversion. The digital representations of the RF signals contain fundamental and
harmonic amplitude and phase information relating to the original RF signals. Digital
signal processing circuitry manages data capture, mathematical transforms, signal
filters, scaling, and creation of mathematically alterable analog outputs for external
process control. Also, the circuitry extracts information about the fundamental and
harmonic amplitude and phase components of each of the original RF signals. A
universal serial bus (USB) and/or Ethernet connection is provided for connecting the
measuring receiver to an external computer for additional numerical and graphical
[0010] Also disclosed is a method for measuring and analyzing power flow
parameters in an RF transmission system wherein a plurality of measuring probes are
inserted in the power transmission path to determine impedance match, insertion loss
and power flow. The networked probes may provide two-port measurements, and
may be used to determine input impedance, output impedance, insertion loss, internal
dissipation, power flow efficiency, scattering, and the effect of plasma non-linearity
on the RF signal. In one exemplary embodiment of the present invention, a single
measuring receiver is employed to retrieve data from several probes, wherein the data
from the several probes is fed to an external computer for post processing. In another

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exemplary embodiment, multiple measuring receivers are connected to each probe
individually, thereby allowing for "real time" processing of system data.
[0011] The above and still further objects, features and advantages of the
present invention will become apparent upon consideration of the following detailed
description of exemplary embodiments thereof in conjunction with the accompanying
drawings and appended claims.
[0012] Fig. 1 is a general block diagram illustrating the operational concept of
an embodiment of the invention;
[0013] Fig. 2 is a schematic drawing of an exemplary probe assembly in
accordance with an embodiment of the present invention;
[0014] Figs. 3A, 3B are schematic block diagrams illustrating a processing
circuit for carrying out a process of the present invention;
[0015] Figs. 4A, 4B and 4C are graphs illustrating exemplary voltage, current,
and power waveforms, respectively, generated in accordance with an embodiment of
the present invention; and
[0016] Fig. 5 is a general block diagram illustrating a multiple probe
networking arrangement for carrying out a process of the present invention.
[0017] With reference to the drawings which illustrate the basic concepts of
the present invention, Fig. 1 is a general block diagram illustrating a system for
measuring the fundamental and harmonic amplitude and phase relationships in an RF-
based excitation system. One or more alternating power sources 2 generate
alternating voltage and current signals which are transmitted via RF transmission lines
4 through a matching network 5 to a tool chuck 40, which may for example be a
semiconductor plasma reactor. For purposes of the present disclosure, the term
'transmission line' is meant to encompass all known or later developed means for
transmitting electrical signals including, but not limited to coaxial cable, waveguide,
micros trip, twisted-pair, copper wire, and the like.

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[0018] The matching network 5 converts the complex impedance of the plasma
to match the characteristic load impedance for the generator at its fundamental
frequency. A measuring probe 8 is inserted in the power transmission path to
measure the voltage and current signals transmitted through the RF transmission lines
4. The measuring probe 8 is a high power device comprising a voltage sensor 10 and
a current sensor 12 for sensing the voltage and current signals, respectively. The
voltage sensor 10 and current sensor 12 are connected to the center conductor of the
RF transmission line 4, whereby the sensor housing itself becomes part of the outer
conductor of the transmission line.
[0019] The probe 8 is connected to a measuring receiver 14 comprising RF
connector input channels 10a and 12b for receiving the voltage and current signals
from the voltage and current sensors 10, 12, respectively. The receiver 14 also
comprises a digital interface (not shown) for uploading temperature readings and
calibration data stored in the probe housing, so that individual impedance probes can
be calibrated with calibration data stored within the probe housing.
[0020] Referring now to Fig. 2, the current sensor 12 of the measuring probe
8 comprises a single loop of rigid coaxial transmission line that is positioned parallel
with the center conductor 102 of the probe 8 and associated transmission line 4. The
outer conductor of die current sensor 12 is modified to act as a Faraday Shield, so that
extraneous capacitive coupling is eliminated and only the mutually coupled RF current
produces an output voltage. The voltage at one end of the current sensor loop 12 is
connected to the measuring receiver interface in a manner known in the art to measure
the current signals transmitted through the transmission line 4.
[0021] Referring again to Fig. 2, the voltage sensor 10 typically comprises a
disk that is capacitively coupled to the center conductor 102 of the probe 8. The
voltage sensor 10 is connected to the input of the transmission line, which in turn is
connected to the measuring receiver interface to receive and measure the RF voltage
signals from the transmission line 4.
[0022] In one exemplary embodiment of the invention, the cavity region
between the probe housing 101 and the center conductor 102 may be filled with a
dielectric material in order to raise the breakdown voltage so that the measuring probe

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8 can withstand voltage levels in excess of 7500 volts peak. It is understood that the
dimensions of the center conductor 102 and the housing 101 may be adjusted so that
the characteristic impedance of the line section is approximately 50 ohms.
10023] In order to maintain the precision of the measurement results provided
by the probe sensors 10, 12, the temperature of the center conductor 102 and outer
conductor/housing 101 are constantly monitored, and small adjustments to sensor
calibration coefficients are made to correct for inevitable changes in sensor coupling
caused by heating of the center conductor 102.
|0024] Each probe 8 is characterized by a calibration process that determines
the exact current and voltage coupling coefficients and the phase angle between them
over the operating frequency range of the device. During the calibration process, the
temperature of the center conductor 102 and outer conductor /housing 101 are
recorded. This calibration data or information is stored within the probe assembly in
digital form and is retrieved each time the probe 8 is attached to a measuring receiver
14. As a result, multiple measuring probes 8 can share a single measuring receiver 14
because the locally stored temperature readings and calibration data is loaded each
time the probes and receivers are mated. In addition to calibrating the individual
probes, the interconnecting transmission lines are also individually calibrated. The
calibration data from the transmission line is stored within the transmission line
assembly itself. In our exemplary embodiment, the transmission line assembly
consists of two RF cables and a data cable. A digital memory chip is located inside
the data cable connector, allowing calibration data from the transmission line
assembly to be stored within the transmission line assembly itself. The measuring
receiver is adapted to download calibration data from the transmission line and the
probe housing via a digital interface. In this way, the calibration process of the
present invention allows each component to be calibrated individually. This
individual calibration process advantageously allows interchangeability of individual
components in the field without the requirement of performing a total system re-
[0025] In operation, the temperature of the center conductor 102 is constantly
monitored using an infrared thermometer 105, and the reading is then compared to the

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temperature of the outer conductor/housing 101. The resulting temperature difference
is used to make adjustments to the voltage and current coupling coefficients due to the
change in size and spacing of the center conductor 102 with respect to the outer
conductor/housing 101. Simultaneously, the parasitic reactances associated with the
probe components may also be determined. The calibration process also adjusts the
measured impedance information to account for the parasitic reactance of the probe.
[0026] Turning now to Figs. 3A, 3B, the voltage and current signals received
from the voltage and current sensors 10, 12 are processed similarly. The voltage and
current signals are isolated from each other by the respective voltage channel 10a and
current channel 12b. Due to large fluctuations in signal levels associated with changes
in the operating frequency, an active equalizer 13 is implemented between the voltage
and current sensors 10, 12 in tire form of a wide bandwidth operational amplifier with
capacitive feedback. The equalizer 13 "integrates" the voltage and current signals to
compensate for the "rate-of-change" response of the voltage and current sensors 10,
12. In one exemplary embodiment, the outputs of the equalizers are connected to a
sampling-based frequency converter 15 to bring the signal under test to a fixed
intermediate frequency (IF) before digital conversion. In another embodiment, the
outputs of the equalizers 13 may be connected directly to variable gain stages 18 and
A/D converters 20 for digital conversion.
[0027] As illustrated in Fig. 3A, an optional sampling-based frequency
converter 15 may be used to convert the RF signals and harmonics thereof to much
lower IF frequencies which are then compatible with bandwidth restrictions of existing
high-resolution analog-to-digital (A/D) converter technology. In this embodiment, a
pair of sampling gates 16 are part of a zero-order-hold circuit that captures a small
sample of the RF signal and holds that value until the next sample is taken. The
sampling gates are closed by a narrow pulse of about 300 picoseconds duration.
During the instant that the sampling gate is closed, the RF signal voltage is impressed
on a sampling capacitor. Sampler amplifiers 17 are employed to buffer the voltage on
the sampling capacitor so that the level is maintained between samples. The bandwidth
of the sampler is sufficiently wide so as not to significantly affect the phase of signals
up to about 1000 MHz. Predictable delay related phase shift can be calibrated out in

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the digital signal processing circuits 22. Referring to Figs. 3A, 3B, the IF signals are
phase locked to the conversion cycle of the A/D converters 20 so that a plurality of
samples can be taken for each cycle at the highest desired harmonic of the IF. In
accordance with an exemplary embodiment of the invention, exactly four samples are
taken for each cycle of the highest desired harmonic of the IF. In a preferred
embodiment, the sampling rate is calculated so that the RF waveform reproduced at
the IF frequency maintains the corresponding phase relationship between the
fundamental signal frequency and harmonics of the fundamental signal frequency, and
preserves up to about fifteen harmonics of the fundamental operating frequency.
[0028] One advantage of using a sampling-based frequency converter is that a
local oscillator frequency shift from only about 1.95 to 2.1 MHz is needed to cover all
of the typical plasma generator frequencies of 2, 13.56, 27.12, 60, and 162 MHz.
Moreover, sampling-based frequency converters generally have the simplest
architecture and highest bandwidth when compared to traditional mixer-based
frequency converters.
[0029] However, because sampling down conversion translates all signals
within the input RF bandwidth simultaneously, it may not be entirely appropriate for
systems where multiple excitation signal frequencies are used. In the case of multiple
excitation frequencies, Nyquist sampling may be advantageously used. It is also
contemplated that the sampling means may comprise a combination of a Nyquist
sampling, rate analog-to-digital converter and a band-pass sampling analog-to-digital
converter for sampling and digitizing the RF voltage and current signals. It is known
that Nyquist sampling acquires at least two samples per cycle of the highest frequency
of interest. Once die signals have been digitized, digital signal processing circuitry 22
does additional signal processing including data capture management, mathematical
transforms, filters, scaling, and creation of mathematically alterable analog outputs for
external control systems. A high speed universal serial bus (USB) or Ethernet port 24
serves to connect the probe assembly to an external computer 21 for additional
numerical and graphical analysis. A pair of digital-to-analog converters 26 may be
employed to receive output from the digital signal processor 22 in order to reconstruct

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the original RF voltage and current waveforms. Power supply circuits 28 generate the
necessary internal operating voltages from an external DC supply.
[0030] Referring now to Figs. 4A, 4B, and 4C, there is shown exemplary
waveform data generated in accordance with an embodiment of the present invention.
Fig. 4A illustrates an exemplary raw voltage waveform, Fig. 4B illustrates an
exemplary raw current waveform, and Fig. 4C illustrates an exemplary raw power
waveform. In accordance with the present invention, Fourier transforms are used to
separate the fundamental frequency and harmonic components of the voltage and
current signals so that digital signal processing algorithms can be applied to correct
the amplitude and phase of individual frequency components. This process removes
imperfections in the coupling response of the probe sensors and removes parasitic
reactance associated with probe construction. Individual frequency components may
then be recombined in the proper phase relationships so as to recreate the original
voltage and current waveforms. The output results of the digital signal processing
section comprises voltage, current, phase angle, power and impedance at each
frequency component, along with waveform data.
[0031] When multiple probes are used, the input and output impedances and
insertion loss can also be determined easily. Once the two-port impedance parameters
are determined, all other two-port parameters can be calculated. For example, the
impedance parameters can be converted to admittance or scattering parameters.
[0032] Turning now to Fig. 5, there is illustrated a method for analyzing
power flow in an RF based excitation system, wherein two or more measuring probes
8a, 8b, 8c are inserted at different points in the RF power transmission line 4 so as to
reveal information about power flow parameters in die RF excitation system. For
example,, measuring probe 8a may be inserted between the generator 2 and
transmission line 4, whereas measuring probe 8b may be inserted between the
transmission line and matching network 5, and probe 8c may be inserted between the
matching network 5 and the tool chuck 40. The outputs from the networked probes
can then be combined to reveal information about the impedance match and insertion
loss of the components in the RF excitation system.

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[0033] Measurements from the multiple probes are made simultaneously at the
fundamental and harmonically related signal frequencies. The networked probes are
then interrogated to recover instantaneous voltage, current, and phase information
representing power flow and impedance levels at different points in the power
application path. In this way, the characteristics of transmission lines 4, matching
devices 5, connectors, and reactor plasma itself can then be quantified, for example,
by calculating two-port impedance, admittance, transmission, and/or scattering
parameters associated with pairs of probes. The calculations reveal the characteristics
of each component at the fundamental excitation frequency and each of the harmonics
simultaneously. For example, two-port measurements from the probes 8b, 8c
positioned before and after the matching network, respectively, can be used to
determine input or output impedance (admittance), insertion loss, internal dissipation,
and power transmission efficiency at the fundamental or the harmonic frequencies of
the RF signal. Measurements from probe 8c positioned between the matching
network 5 and the tool chuck 40 can be used to reconstruct the RF voltage and current
waveforms to observe the effect of plasma non-linearity on the RF signals.
[0034] The exemplary methods discussed above provide critical information
about the fundamental and harmonic amplitude and phase relationships of the RF
excitation signals. This information can then be monitored to determine faults and
improper operation in any of the functional blocks during normal tool operation. The
probes may be checked periodically in a maintenance mode, and the measurement data
may be analyzed to identify opportunities for process improvement. In a preferred
embodiment, the measuring probes are constructed to isolate the voltage and current
signals and maintain sufficient RF bandwidth to preserve up to at least fifteen
harmonics of the highest test (i.e. excitation) signal frequency, although it is
contemplated that more or less harmonics of the test signal could be preserved without
departing from the scope of the present invention.
[0035] As discussed above, a single measuring receiver may be employed to
retrieve data from several probes, and the data from the several probes may be fed to
an external computer for post processing. Multiple measuring receivers may be
connected to each of the impedance probes individually, thereby allowing for "real

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time" processing of system data. The bulk of signal processing is done using an
external computer, and results are presented and displayed by display 23 in a flexible
user controlled format.
[0036] In the foregoing specification, the invention has been described with
reference to specific exemplary embodiments thereof. It will, however, be evident
that various modifications and changes may be made thereunto without departing from
the broader spirit and scope of the invention as defined in the following claims.
[0037] What is claimed is:

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1: A system for analyzing power flow in an RF power transmission line,
a measuring probe having a voltage sensor and a current sensor for
sensing RF voltage and current signals from said transmission line;
a measuring receiver connected to said voltage and current sensors for
receiving said RF signals;
a sampling means for converting said RF signals to digital signals, said
digital signals comprising amplitude and phase information representing a fundamental
frequency of said RF signals and a predetermined number of harmonics of said
fundamental frequency; and
a digital signal processing means for characterizing said amplitude and
phase information so as to analyze power flow parameters and to reveal amplitude and
phase angle relationships between said fundamental and harmonic frequencies.
2. The system of claim 1, further comprising a digital-to-analog converter
for reconstructing said RF signals.
3. The system of claim 1, wherein said probe and said transmission line
comprise a digital storage means for storing calibration data from said probe and said
transmission line, respectively.
4. The system of claim 3, wherein said measuring receiver comprises a
digital interface for receiving said calibration data from said probe and said
transmission line.
5. The system of claim 4, further comprising a computer connected to
said digital signal processor for additional numerical and graphical processing of said
digital signals.

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6. The system of claim 5, farther comprising an equalizer to compensate
for fluctuations in said RF voltage and current signals.
7. The system of claim 1, wherein said sampling means comprises a band-
pass sampling analog-to-digital converter for sampling said RF signals.
8. The system of claim 1, wherein said sampling means comprises a
Nyquist sampling rate analog-to-digital converter for sampling said RF signals.
9. The system of claim 1, wherein said sampling means comprises a
combination of a Nyquist sampling rate analog-to-digital converter and a band-pass
sampling analog-to-digital converter for sampling said RF signals.
10. The system of claim 1, wherein said predetermined number of
harmonics consists of up to about fifteen harmonics of said fundamental frequency.
11. The system of claim 1, wherein said power flow parameters comprise
input impedance, insertion loss, internal dissipation, plasma non-linearity, power flow
efficiency, scattering, and combinations thereof.
12. A method of analyzing power flow in an RF transmission line,
comprising the steps of:
connecting at least one measuring probe to said RF transmission line;
receiving RF voltage and current signals from said RF transmission line
via said at least one measuring probe;
converting said RF signals to corresponding digital signals, said digital
signals comprising amplitude and phase information representing a fundamental
frequency of said RF signals and a predetermined number of harmonics of said
fundamental frequency; and

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processing said digital signals so as to analyze power flow parameters
and to reveal amplitude and phase angle relationships between said fundamental and
harmonic frequencies.
13. The method of claim 12, further comprising the steps of:
converting said digital signals to analog signals so as to reconstruct said
RF signals; and
transmitting said digital signals to an external computer for additional
numerical and graphical processing.
14. The method of claim 13, further comprising the steps of storing
calibration data from said at least one probe and said transmission line and
downloading said calibration data to a measuring receiver.
15. The method of claim 14, further comprising the steps of interchanging
said at least one probe and/or said transmission line, and downloading updated
calibration data from said interchanged probe and/or transmission line to said
measuring receiver.
16. The method of claim 15, further comprising the step of displaying
results of said processing steps in a user controlled format.
17. The method of claim 16, further comprising the steps of:
connecting an RF power source and a tool chuck to said RF
transmission line;
connecting a matching network to said RF transmission line between
said power source and said tool chuck;
connecting at least one of said probes between said power source and
said matching network, and connecting another one of said probes between said
matching network and said tool chuck.

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18. The method of claim 17, wherein said power flow parameters comprise
input impedance, insertion loss, internal dissipation, plasma non-linearity, power flow
efficiency, scattering, and combinations thereof.
19. The method of claim 18, wherein said sampling frequency consists of at
least two samples taken for each cycle at the highest said predetermined harmonic of
said fundamental frequency.
20. The method of claim 12, wherein said predetermined number of
harmonics consists of up to about fifteen harmonics of said fundamental frequency.

A system and method for measuring analyzing power flow parameters in RF-based
excitation systems for semiconductor plasma generators. A measuring probe (8) is
connected to an RF transmission line for receiving and measuring voltage (10) and
current signals (12) from the transmission line (4). A high-speed sampling process
converts the measured RF voltage and current signals into digital signals. The digital
signals are then processed so as to reveal fundamental and harmonic amplitude and
phase information corresponding to the original RF signals. Multiple measuring probes
may be inserted in the power transmission path to measure two-port parameters, and
the networked probes may be interrogated to determine input impedance, output
impedance, insertion loss, internal dissipation, power flow efficiency, scattering, and the
effect of plasma non-linearity on the RF signal.




04722-kolnp-2007-correspondence others.pdf

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4722-KOLNP-2007-(10-07-2014)-PETITION UNDER RULE 137.pdf






4722-kolnp-2007-form 18.pdf


Patent Number 263540
Indian Patent Application Number 4722/KOLNP/2007
PG Journal Number 45/2014
Publication Date 07-Nov-2014
Grant Date 31-Oct-2014
Date of Filing 05-Dec-2007
Applicant Address 30303 AURORA ROAD, SOLON, OH
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number H01J 37/32
PCT International Application Number PCT/US2006/018087
PCT International Filing date 2006-05-10
PCT Conventions:
# PCT Application Number Date of Convention Priority Country
1 60/689,769 2005-06-10 U.S.A.