Title of Invention


Abstract This is a new process for constructing swimming pools, fountains and artificial ponds in general, comprising the following phases: excavation of the receptacle, preparation of the foundation (S) by laying a layer of sand (S) on the bottom (Tl) of the excavation (T), laying of one or more sheets of non- woven fabric (TS) on the intemal surface of the excavation (T) and on the foundation layer (S), laying of the waterproofing layer (I) on top of said sheet of non-woven fabric (TS), laying of modular elements for stabilising the lining, application of the equipment necessary for the correct functioning of said basin, swimming pool, etc., lining (R) of the internal walls of the receptacle and/or of the bottom of the receptacle and/or of the edge (B) of the receptacle, with smoothed natural stones (R1) laid on top of said waterproofing layer (I) and application of special binding resin (C) on said lining (R).
Full Text

DESCRIPTION The present patent concerns swimming pools, fountains, basins, etc., and in particular it concerns a process for constructing swimming pools, fountains and artificial ponds in general, also for bathing, making use of natural elements.
Basins, fountains and artificial ponds in general for omamental use are known.
Items of this type are made with a lining made of stones, partly sunk in concrete or simply placed together and stacked dry, that is without any binder.
Said basins may also be used for raising aquatic species, such as plants or fish.
In this case, said basins are also provided with equipment such as filters, pumps and everything needed for cleaning, oxygenating and recirculating the water and all the operations necessary for the survival of the guest species.
Swimming pools for bathing are known, both sunk into the ground and not, the construction of which is extremely complex and expensive. Above all, the terrain must be excavated and subsequent operations carried out to level the bottom and retain the walls.
The side walls and the bottom of the swimming pool are usually made of reinforced concrete which is treated with water-resistant products and lined with ceramic elements.

Walls are also known that are made of steel panels, the surface of which is
suitably treated with resins and paints, on the exposed part, and with
waterproofing products on the internal surface in contact with the ground.
The known swimming pools typically have a regular shape, with a
horizontal or gradually sloping bottom and vertical side walls.
To complete the swimming pools, filters are also installed, inlets and
outlets, overflows, collection channels, pumps and all the other equipment
necessary for the correct function and use of the swimming pool.
In particular, for the known swimming pools for bathing, it is fundamental
to install special equipment for filtering and sanitising the water, for
removing and eliminating impurities and pathogenic factors which could
cause possible infections.
However, the known receptacles made of reixiforced concrete and lined with
tiles need frequent and expensive maintenance and repair works.
Cracks often appear on the surface of the tiles, due mainly to the uneven
settling of the bottom with consequent serious possibilities of their
becoming detached, while the waterproofing paint covering must be touched
up fi-equently.
Unlike the basins and artificial ponds described previously, sunlcen
swimming pools in reinforced concrete have a great impact on the
environment, being an aesthetically non natural element and therefore
difficult to insert.
To overcome the above inconvenient aspects, a new type of process has
been studied and constructed for making swimming pools, basins, fountains
and artificial ponds in general.

The main task of the present invention is to construct a swimming pool,
basin, fountain, etc., even for bathing, of any shape and size, using natural
Another important aim of the present invention is to construct items that are
aesthetically pleasing and that can be perfectly integrated in any context or
environment, even a natural one, also using a new flat base element
Another aim of the present invention is to reduce and facilitate maintenance
and cleaning operations.
Another aim of the present invention is to reduce maintenance and running
These and other aims, direct and complementary, are achieved by the new
process for realising swimming pools, basins, fountains and artificial ponds
in general, using natural elements.
The process consists substantially of a first excavation phase, carried out
using known techniques, with the shapes required by the aesthetic
The next phase contemplates the preparation of the foundation, by laying a
layer of sand, clay or other suitable material to level the bottom and prevent
the presence of elements which could damage the layers above.
After making the foundation layer, one or more sheets of non-woven fabric
are laid on the whole internal surface of the excavation, on top of which the
waterproofing layer is then applied.
Said waterproofing layer is constructed with sheets of waterproof polymer
material such as PVC or another material with similar characteristics and

The subsequent phases consist of operations to line the walls and the bottom
of the receptacle and of applying the necessary and adequate equipment for
its correct functioning, such as inlets and outlets, filters, etc.
For the construction of the lining of the internal walls and of the bottom of
the receptacle, the new process contemplates the use of tiles or preferably of
elements of natural material, such as river stones, pebbles and rocks of
various dimensions.
Said stones preferably have a rounded and smoothed shape, that is without
sharp comers, for obvious reasons of safety, comfort and appearance.
For this purpose it is preferable to use river stones and pebbles, already
naturally rounded and smoothed by the erosive action of water.
The process preferably comprises the positioning of a surface made up of
flat modular elements, preferably deformable to suit the progress of the
walls and of the bottom of the swimming pooh These flat modular elements
are provided with folding lines and with supporting elements or pegs and a
block of coating pebbles or stones.
Then said stones are positioned on or inside said flat modular elements
placed on top of said waterproofing layers, and a special resin is applied,
before and after laying the stones, to fix the stones firmly in the desired
Said stones are distributed in such a way as to cover the entire internal
surface of the receptacle.
Said binding resin is homogeneously distributed both m the interstitial
spaces in the layer of covering stones, that is between one stone and another,
and on the fi*ee surface of said stones.

In this way all the stones are covered completely, so that the covering
obtained is stable and totally waterproof.
These stones or pebbles of various sizes are mixed in a mixer along with the
resin, still in a fluid state, so that all the surfaces of each pebble or stone are
wet with said resin. This nuxture of said pebbles and/or stones treated with
resin is spread on said waterproof layer or on said flat modular elements.
Alternatively, said binding resin may be distributed only in the interstitial
spaces in the covering layer, so as to bind said stones effectively, but
leaving their free upper surface uncovered.
For the construction of profiles or counter-profiles with a particular shape,
with reduced comers or bending radii, the present invention contemplates
the use of polystyrene profiles on which said waterproofing layer and said
covering stones are applied.
Thanks to said counter-profiles it is therefore possible to construct with
greater ease every type of profile of the walls and of the bottom of the
The use of smoothed natural stone for lining the receptacle presents
numerous advantages.
First of all the use of this type of material allows excellent results to be
obtained even in lining receptacles with an extremely irregular shape,
where, on the contrary, the use of the known tiles would require an accurate
and complex work of shaping the tiles.
The extreme variety in the shape and dimensions of the stones used in fact
allows extremely original results to be obtained.
The use of natural materials, without the need to use iron, concrete, etc.,

facilitates even the visual integration of the manufactured item in the
surrounding natural environment.
Moreover, natural stone has a high aesthetic value, making this material
suitable also for the construction of ornamental fountains or artificial ponds.
Unlike other materials commonly used, natural stones accumulate heat and
help raise the water temperature.
The lining of smoothed natural stones is therefore extremely comfortable for
bathers and allows the creation of a natural environment that does not
require draining and covering in winter.
In this way the running, maintenance and water heating expenses are
considerably reduced.
Said stones may also be used to cover the edge of the receptacle, where the
overflows are usually located, as well as the perimeter channels and the
equipment for collecting, filtering and recirculating the water.
Said stones are suitably laid above said overflows and said perimeter
channels and the bindmg resin is distributed in such a way as not to saturate
the interstitial spaces between the stones, thus leaving channels for the
draining water to pass through.
The stones therefore create a waterproof draining layer through which the
water leaves the receptacle and is collected beyond the overflows, in the
perimeter channels.
Said overflows and said channels are therefore concealed from view and the
aesthetic value of the manufactured item is considerably improved.
Alternatively, the present invention contemplates the use of artificial stones,
reproducing natural and non natural elements, such as stone slabs, steps, etc.

Process for the construction of basins, swimming pools, fountains and artificial ponds in general, comprising the possible laying on the bottom of the excavation of at least one layer of sand, clay or other suitable material, laying of one or more sheets of non-woven fabric on the internal surface of the excavation and on the foundation layer, application of the waterproofing layer on top of said sheet of non-woven fabric, application of filters, ducts, inlets and outlets, collecting channels and all the equipment necessary for the correct functioning of said basin, swimming pool, etc., lining of the internal walls of the receptacle with stones laid on top of said waterproofing layer and application of a special binding resin on said lining stones before laying or inunediately after laying. Also contemplated is the possible formation of a particular support surface for the stones, composed of a series of flat modular elements, preferably flexible, provided with ribbing, grooves, pegs or ridges for containing and supporting said lining stones. The characteristics of the new process for the construction of basins, swimming pools, fountains and artificial ponds in general will be better clarified by the following description with reference to the drawings, enclosed as an example without limitation.
Figure 1 shows a section of the receptacle, represented in a simplified way, without going into detail about the drainage equipment, the filters, the pumps, etc.
Figure 2 shows a detail of figure 1, where the sequence of layers that make up the manufactured item can be seen.
Figure 2a shows an alternative solution for laying the binding resin (C). Figure 2b shows a detail of the overflow and of the perimeter channel (F)

covered by the stones (Rl) of the lining (R).
Figure 3 shows in detail a part of the lining obtained by laying the stones
(Rl) of the lining (R) on modular elements (M).
The excavation (T) is carried out according to the known techniques, with
the methods required by constructive necessities.
Said excavation (T) may have any shape and depth, as dictated by the client.
To make even the bottom (Tl) of the excavation (T)j a foundation layer (S)
is prepared, by laying a layer of sand, clay or other suitable material to level
the bottom of the excavation (T).
Said foundation layer (S) is covered with a sheet (TS) of non woven fabric,
on which the waterproofing layer (I) is laid.
Said waterproofing layer (I) is constructed with sheets of polymer material
such as PVC, or another waterproof material with similar characteristics.
As shown in figure 3, it is also preferable to contemplate the laying of a
support surface for the stones (Rl) of the lining (R).
Said surface is made up of a plurality of modular elements (M) made of
preferable deformable material, suited to follow the profile of the excavation
(T), and where said modular elements (M) are positioned on top of said
waterproofing layer (I).
Each of said modular elements (M) is preferably subdivided, by means of
one or more folding lines (M3), into concave sections (Ml) inside which are
laid the stones (Rl) of the lining (R).
To guarantee a more stable positioning of the stones (Rl), said modular
elements (M) comprise a plurality of protruding elements or pegs (M2) to
block the stones (Rl)
The final phases consist of the operations of lining the walls of the
receptacle and applying the necessary special equipment for correct
functioning, such as inlets and outlets, filters, etc.
For the construction of the lining (R) of the internal walls and of the bottom
of the receptacle, the new process contemplates the use of natural material,
such as river stones (Rl), pebbles and rocks of various sizes and shapes,
preferably rounded and smoothed, that is without sharp comers.
The process contemplates the positioning of said stones (Rl) inside the
receptacle, on top of said waterproofmg layer (I), or said elements (M), to
cover the entire surface of the receptacle.
Said lining layer (R) is made stable by applying special binding resin (C),
suited to bind the stones (Rl) in the desired position. This treatment of
covering the stones may be carried out after laying the stones or pebbles or
before laying them by mixing pebbles and/or stones of a suitable size in a
mixer with resin, still in a fluid state.
Said binding resin (C) may be homogeneously distributed on the whole
lining, to cover all the stones (Rl) completely, as shown in figure 2.
Alternatively, said binding resin (C) may be distributed as shown in figure
2a, that is filling the interstitial spaces in the lining layer (R), but leaving the
free surface of the stones (Rl) imcovered.
Said smoothed natural stones (Rl) may also be used to cover the edge (B) of
the receptacle, where the overflows are usually located, as well as the
perimeter channels (F) and the equipment for collecting, filtering and
recirculating the water.
Said natural stones (Rl) may be laid distributing the binding resin (C) in

such a way as not to saturate the interstitial spaces between the stones (Rl), thus creating a waterproof draining layer through which the water leaves the receptacle and is collected beyond the overflows, in the perimeter channels (F). (Figure 2b)
Therefore, with reference to the above description and to the enclosed drawings, the following claims are made.

1. Process for constructing basins, swimming pools, fountains and
artificial ponds in general, characterised in that it comprises the following
• laying of one or more sheets of non-woven fabric (TS) on the internal surface (Tl) of the excavation (T) and/or on the foundation layer (S);
• laying of the waterproofing layer (I) on top of said sheet of non-woven fabric (TS);
• application of filters, ducts, inlets and outlets, collecting channels and all the equipment necessary for the correct functioning of said basin, swimming pool;
• lining (R) of the internal walls of the receptacle and/or of the bottom of the receptacle with stones (Rl) laid on top of said waterproofing layer (I) and where said stones (Rl) are wholly or partly covered with binding resin (C).

2. Process according to claim 1, characterised in that it comprises a support surface composed of a series of flat modular elements (M) provided with ridges and/or pegs (M2) and/or folds (M3) for laying said covering stones (Rl).
3. Process according to claims 1, 2, characterised in that said stones (Rl) and/or pebbles are mixed with said binding resin (C) before being laid, preferably by treatment in a mixer.
4. Process, accordmg to claims 1, 2 3 characterised in that said binding resin (C) is distributed homogeneously in the interstitial spaces in the covering layer (R).

5. Process according to claims 1, 2 3 characterised in that said
binding resin (C) is distributed homogeneously both in the interstitial spaces
in the covering layer (R), and on the surface of said stones (Rl), to cover
and waterproof said lining (R) completely.
6. Process according to previous claims, characterised in that said
stones (Rl) are also laid above the overflows and perimeter channels (F) for
collecting the water, creating a waterproof draining layer where the binding
resin (C) is distributed in such a way as not to saturate the interstitial spaces
between the stones,
7. Process according to previous claims, characterised in that said
stones (Rl) are smoothed natural stones, such as river pebbles.
8. Process according to previous claims, characterised in that said
stones (Rl) are artificial.
9. Process according to previous claims, characterised in that it
comprises the apphcation of polystyrene profiles, positioned below said
waterproofing layer (I) and below said covering layer (R), for the
construction of profiles with a complex shape.


1160-CHENP-2008 POWER OF ATTORNEY 09-10-2014.pdf

1160-CHENP-2008 AMENDED CLAIMS 09-10-2014.pdf


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1160-CHENP-2008 CORRESPONDENCE OTHERS 10-03-2014.pdf






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Patent Number 263606
Indian Patent Application Number 1160/CHENP/2008
PG Journal Number 46/2014
Publication Date 14-Nov-2014
Grant Date 05-Nov-2014
Date of Filing 07-Mar-2008
Name of Patentee MILANI, Alessandro
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number E04H4/00
PCT International Application Number PCT/IT2006/000641
PCT International Filing date 2006-09-05
PCT Conventions:
# PCT Application Number Date of Convention Priority Country
1 PD2005A000261 2005-09-09 Italy