Title of Invention


Abstract A cushion that is heated convectively using a positive temperature coefficient of resistance type resistive heating element that is provided with heat exchanging surfaces, includes a mattress pad, seat or the like with a bottom surface secured around its perimeter to an air permeable top surface, forming a plenum and containing tubular spacer material or other air flow structure therein. The plenum is connected to a power unit housing a blower, a heating module and a controller unit. The heating module includes a PTC type heating element in conduction with a base plate and a number of heat exchanger fins. Preferably the heating element is sandwiched between a pair of the base plates and the heat exchanger fins, and there is a seal between the base plates to minimize air flow fi'om the blower fi'om passing there between. A remote control for rhea user's convenience may be provided, and a foldable antenna attachable to the convective unit facilitates wireless communication between the remote control and controller unit. The user resting atop the cushion is able to control the blower and heating module to deliver air of a desired temperature and quantity to the cushion and through the top surface. The invention advantageously replaces the current carrying, conductive wires and insulation found inside prior art heated mattresses, enhancing safety and performance while at the same time offering a cooled or ventilated capability.
Full Text

1. Field of the Invention
The present invention relates to temperature controlled mattress pads, seats or other cushions, and more particularly to such a cushion that is heated by a positive temperature coefficient (PTC) element and ventilated as well.
2. Cross Reference to Related Documents
This application is continuation-in-part of utility patent application serial no. 11/225,605 filed September 12,2005 of the same title (now abandoned), which was a continuation-in-part of utility patent application serial no. 11/024,073 (filed December 21, 2004) entitled "Variable Temperature Cushion and Heat Pump."
3. Description of the Related Art
Resistance wires oftentimes with PTC resistive elements are the conventional way of heating a cushion by conduction. This suffers from certain

Disadvantages, however, including that the electrical conductors are located within the cushion itself Over tune, the wires, carbon fiber strips or the like being subject to repeated weight loads and mechanical stresses may become physically damaged causing sparks from short circuits, and an occasional fire. Voltages as low as 6V can produce noticeable sparking, even at current levels in the 1-200 milliamp range.
Insulation is commonly used in the prior art, not only to limit peak heating at the conductor but also to spread the heating effect out (or average it) over the surface to be heated. The disadvantage here is that it takes longer to reach an adequate heating level, because of the drop in heating efficiency caused by the insulation. The overall efficiency of the heating apparatus is compromised as the insulation slows the heating of the outer surface of the cushion.
Other problems with the prior art heated cushions include operator errors in sewing the wire into the cushion leading to warranty claims. When wire mats are used they are generally not air permeable, preventing the ventilating of the seat as proposed herein by Applicant. Further, the wires rarely cover the entire seat, for example the side bolsters are usually non-heated. Finally, the wires in the seats may be incompatible with vehicle occupancy detectors, e.g. various air-bag and seat belt sensors.
Additionally, resistance heated type, prior art mattress pads don't offer cooling or ventilation. This is a major disadvantage in many parts of the world where the population lacks means such that air-conditioning is unavailable and a substantial portion

of conditions.
the year relaxing or sleeping is uncomfortable due to very warm ambient air

3. Objects of the Invention
Accordingly, it is an object of the present invention to construct a temperature-controlled cushion that is heated without the conventional resistance wires or PTC resistive elements in conductive mode within the cushion itself.
It is a further object of the present invention to construct such a cushion while minimizing the use of insulation or eliminating its use altogether.
It is a still further object of the present invention to provide such a cushion that also includes a ventilated mode.
It is a still further object of the present invention to provide such a cushion that includes convenient controls for the user.
It is a still further object of the present invention to provide such a cushion that is simple and relatively inexpensive to manufacture.
It is a still further object of the present invention to provide an accompanying power unit that is quiet and compact and located outside the cushion.

These and other objects of the present invention will become apparent upon reference to the following detailed description and accompanying drawings.
Disclosed is a new approach for a cushion that is heated convectively using a positive coefficient of resistance type resistive heating element that is provided with one or more heat exchangers. The present invention includes a mattress pad, seat or other cushion with a bottom surface secured around its perimeter to an air permeable top surface (funning a plenum or air-flow structure) and containing tubular spacer material or equivalent therein. The plenum has an opening for a (preferably insulated) air duct which leads to a power xmtil housing a blower, a heating module and a controller unit. Besides obvious uses in the home or an automobile, the invention as disclosed herein may also be used for patient warming in medical and surgical settings.
The heating module includes a PTC type heating element in conduction with a heat exchanger. Preferably the heating element is sandwiched between a number of heat exchangers, and there is a seal therebetween to minimize air flow from the blower from passim g there between. A remote control for the user's convenience may be provided and a foldable antenna attachable to the convective imit facilitates wireless communication between the remote control and controller unit, although corded remote control ma> also be utilized or the controls located on the power unit itself The power

unit may include multiple PTC elements (including elements of varying wattage and switch temperatures) to allow the user to more precisely control the output temperature of the air, and may include a speed control for the blower.
The user resting atop the cushion is able to control the blower and heating module to deliver air of a desired temperature and quantity to the cushion and through the top surface. The advantages of the subject invention over the prior art in heating mode for mattress pads, seats and other cushions are substantial. Since there are no current conducting wires or carbon fiber strips within the cushion structure, the convective cushion is much safer than the prior art when used as a mattress pad. This is because the PTC heating element is located remotely from the cushion and is connected to the cushion only vnih an air duct hose, eliminating all mechanical stress to any electrical wires from weight applied to the sleeping or seating surface. Because the heating medium is air, and not hot current conductor wires, straps, carbon fibers or the like, it isn't necessary to use instillation to spread the heating effect over the entire surface of the cushion. By using air, the heating effect is gentle and effective without the need for insulation, so the overall heating mode efficiency is higher and more evenly distributed over the heated surface.
The present invention, besides replacing basic electric resistance wire heated mattress pads as well as other resistance element heated cushions, also offers a feature that the prior art cannot using the same equipment and that is a ventilation mode for warm weather. By causing ambient air to move within the air flow structure (which is

much more efficiently done with tubular spacer fabric as described elsewhere herein, and in US Pats. 6,263,530 and 6,085,369, but can be done less efficiently with other air flow structure materials), a meaningful percentage of excess body heat can be removed during warm weather while the user is seated on or sleeping on the cushion of the subject invention.
As long as ambient temperature is below the user's body skin temperature (which averages out to approximately 96 degrees Fahrenheit over much of the body), there must (according to Newton's Law of thermal transfer), be a thermal exchange between the source of heat at a higher temperature (body skin surface), and a heat sink at a lower temperature, by ambient air under forced convection (macrocosmically) and free convection (microcosmically). The terms macrocosm and microcosm simply refer to the relatively large bulk air flow (or forced convection), produced through the cushion air flow structure by the blower and the relatively very small air convection movement (free convection), produced at the microcosmic level by the delta T or difference in the relatively warm air nearest the user's skin and the relatively cool air brought into close proximity via forced convection. The microcosmic level is that level within the padding and textiles which is the interface between the user and the air flowing through the cushion.

FIG. 1 is a side elevation view of the convective cushion of the preferred embodiment of the present invention placed atop a conventional mattress;
FIG. 2 is a plan view of the convective unit with a portion of the housing removed to show its contents;
FIG. 3 is an enlarged plan view of the PTC resistive heating element 30;
FIG. 4 is an end view of the assembly of FIG. 3;
FIG. 5 is another side elevation view of the same assembly, in the air flow direction, looking through the heat exchanger fins;
FIG. 6 is a cross-sectional view of the air duct;
FIG. 7 is a side view of the convective xmtil with an optional attachable folding antenna, with an attached air duct hose 40 to convey conditioned air to the cushion.

FIG. 8 is a side view of a convective seat cushion for a vehicle with a compact power unit installed at the bite line between the seat and backrest in accordance with an alternate embodiment;
FIG. 9 is a side view of the power unit optionally installed at the front of the seat;
FIG. 10 is a cross-sectional view of the power xmit optionally installed at
the top of the backrest;
FIG. 11 is a front elevation view of the cushion with a damper valve for regulating the airflow;
FIG. 12 shows the modified airflow of FIG. 8 when the damper valve is closed;
FIG. 13 shows the modified airflow of FIG. 9 when the damper valve is closed; and
FIG. 14 shows the modified airflow of FIG. 10 when the damper valve is closed.

convective cushion 10
plenum 12
air impervious bottom surface 14
air-permeable top surface 16
vent 17
tubular spacer material 18
power unit 20
housing 21
blower 22
circuit board box 24
adaptor 26
air outlet 27
air duct inlet 28
PTC resistive heating element 30
heat exchanging fins 32
power terminals 34
PTC heating element 36
base plates 38
air seal or gasket 39
air duct hose 40
flexible air duct 42

insulated sleeve 44
sleeve spines 46
remote IR sensor, detector 50
length of wire 52
articulated folding strut, antenna 60
IR sensor 62
adapter plug 64
hinge points 66
vehicle seating cushion 130
seat rest 132
backrest 134
compact power unit 150
straight air duct 194
special air duct 195
special duct 196
Zipper valve or damper 198

Initially referring to FIG. 1, shown is the convective cushion 10 placed upon a conventional mattress, including a plenum 12 constructed of a bottom surface 14 secured around its perimeter to a top surface 16. The bottom surface 14 is preferably air impervious, although placement on a conventional mattress may render an air permeable surface largely impervious. The top surface 16 is air-permeable although sufficiently impervious that a greater air pressure can be maintained inside the enclosed space.
Inside the plenum 12 is tubular spacer material 18 or equivalent. U.S. Patent Nos. 6,085,369 and 6,263,530 pioneered the use of such tubular spacer fabric 18 as an air flow structure for seats, mattresses, mattress pads, and other articles of furniture that can be sat on or laid down upon. Although the preferred embodiment of this invention utilizes the same tubular spacer fabric 18 as described in the issued Feher '369 and '530 patents, it is possible to utilize other air flow structures such as Muter Textile's 3 Mesh or Strahle and Hess* assembled woven tube fabric, as well as any other air flow structure; however there may be substantially reduced levels of performance when compared to tubular spacer material 18 as disclosed in the above U.S. patents and herein.
Fig. 2 shows a power unit 20 for the convective cushion 10, which includes a blower 22 for blowing air across multiple or a single PTC resistive heating module 30 alluding heat exchanging surfaces 32 (see FIGS. 3-5), and pushing the air into the loran 12 for heating the cushion 10. Alternatively, the PTC module 30 need

not be energized, resulting in a ventilating function as a result of circulating ambient air through the cushion air flow structure 12. The PTC heating module 30 with heat exchanging fins 32 is located in an adaptor 26 that matches the module 30 to the blower air outlet 27 and the air duct inlet 28 in the most aerodynamically efficient Mainer within the space limitations of the power unit 20 housing 21 dimensions. Details such as a power cord and plugs and sockets are not shown.
Also shown in Fig. 2 is a box 24 for any necessary or desired electrical circuits for mode switching, switching between multiple heaters, on and off, etc., plus wireless remote control circuits if desired. A speed control printed circuit board may be incorporated in the space 24 shown in Fig. 2, which could be used to control heating as well as ventilation by coordinating PTC elements with AC or DC power control to regulate air flow, offering more flexibility in comfort settings than the simplest form which relies solely on the PTC switch temperature characteristics of the PTC elements with a fixed air flow rate.
The box 24 may optionally include a Triad or other semiconductor power control for the PTC heating elements to enable the PTC elements to operate below their switch temperature design point. The PTC element switch temperature is the temperature at which the resistance starts to rise exponentially. The elements 36 are called Positive Temperature Coefficient because, unlike NTC, or Negative Temperature Coefficient type materials, tabs electrical resistively rises with increasing temperature, instead of dropping with temperature. Most materials exhibit PTC characteristics because

increasing temperature causes more ionic movement, crystal lattice vibration, and/or molecular motion, any of which can interfere with electron mobility. The switch temperature of ceramic PTC devices is determined by the amount of doping with certain elements, such as strontium, for example, before firing.
In order to operate the PTC heating elements 36 below their design point switch temperature it is necessary to either increase the heat load beyond the capabilities or rating of the elements, by increasing air flow beyond the design point for example, or by reducing voltage to the elements, which reduces the power rating of the elements relative to the load. For a mattress pad application of the convective cushion 10 it may be more desirable to use a power reduction instead of an air flow increase, in order to maintain a very low noise level for a comfortable sleeping environment.
Fig. 3 shows the PTC heating module 30 with heat exchanging fins 32 running in the Y axis and power terminals 34 on the right side. Two PTC elements 36 can be seen, represented by dashed lines, mounted in the middle of the heat exchangers 32. The preferred PTC elements '36 are rated 50 Watts each and 120 VAC, with a switching temperature of about 38-45 deg. C max., and are manufactured by Advanced Thermal Products, Inc. of Saint Mary's, PA. Other elements with different power and voltage ratings can be used; however the above is the preferred embodiment at least for the mattress- pad because it is unnecessary to produce air at more than about 45 deg. C max. to affect good heating performance, and using elements rated for 120 VAC eliminates the need for a power supply which reduces the cost of the product while

increasing product reliability. If a more powerful heating effect is desired, it is a simple matter of using higher rated elements or more of the same power rated elements 36.
FIGS. 4, 5 show the PTC heating elements 36 mounted between two base plates 38 of the heat exchangers 32. These plates 38 are heavier than the fins 32 and serve to spread the heat outward from the PTC heating elements 36 to the far edges of the heat exchangers 32 as efficiently as possible without excessive thickness and weight. An air seal or gasket 39 is also shown in this view the purpose of which is important. The seal 39 prevents air flow between the two heat exchangers 32, which forces all of the air flow through the fins 32, increasing thermal transfer efficiency. The reason that dis became an issue was that the thickness of the PTC heating elements rated for 120 VAC is twice that of PTC heating elements rated for 12-24 VDC. The extra thickness results in a gap of sufficient size to permit excessive air flow between the two heat exchanger base plates 38. The seal 39 addresses this issue to produce a more efficient apparatus that operates reliably at or very close to the switch temperature.
The PTC heating module assembly 30 can be made with a single heat exchanger 32; however such an arrangement would not be as efficient from a thermal point of vie v. The heat exchangers 32 are preferably made of copper, although aluminum or any other thermally and electrically conductive material can also be used. Although solder can be used to bond the PTC heating elements 36 to the heat exchanger base plates 18, a flexible adhesive with good thermal and electrical conductivity is preferred to prevent excessive stress buildup and possible PTC element 36 cracking due to differences

in coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE) between the PTC heating element 36 material and the heat exchanger 32 material, which can be substantial, for example, approximately 10:1 for the PTC elements 36 and copper.
Referring back to FIG. 1, the mattress pad power unit 20 may be mounted on the floor remote from the cushion, with a flexible air duct hose 40 attached to one end of the convective cushion 10, which is preferably at the foot of the bed. Although it is possible in some instances to introduce air into the convective cushion 10 at the head of the bed it is preferred to put the air in at the foot of the bed for several reasons. The power unit 20 is designed to be very quiet, however it is not totally silent so the father away it is from the user's ears tiie better. For heating mode, the extremities tend to require more heating than the trunk of the body; therefore putting the warmed air in at the foot puts tlie warmest air in at the place where it's needed most, the extremities, or feet and legs. Lastly, there may not be enough space between the bed and the wall at the head of the bed to accommodate the air duct hose 40.
Fig. 1 shows how some of the air percolates or vents up through the cushion 10, which is enclosed in a textile envelope 12 and secured to, in this case, a bed, resulting in ventilating or heating air flowing under the covers (not shown), however most of the ventilating or heating air flows through the cushion 10 air flow structure 18 and vents out at the end 17 opposite from where it entered.

FIG. 1 also shows how to achieve an infra-red type remote control with the convective cushion 10 as a mattress pad. Ordinarily, the power unit 20 is placed on the floor at the foot of the bed m order to enable a short length of air duct hose and to minimize blower noise perceived by the user. Unfortunately, this places the power unit 20 out of the line of sight of an infra-red (IR), type remote control, which is less expensive than a radio frequency (RF), type remote. The more expensive RF remote has the advantage of not requiring a line of sight to function. Shown is cormecting a remote IR sensor, or detector 50, to the power unit 20 with a length of wire 52 (most beds are at least 6 feet in length, so the length of wire 52 needed is at least that long, plus approximately three feet for slack), to enable the user to use an IR remote (not shown) without a line of sight to the power unit 20. Alternatively, either an ER. or RF type remote may be designed to be used with the PTC power unit 20 in order to enable control of ventilation, or heating, and degrees of ventilation and heating, without the need for a cord connecting the remote to the power unit 20.
The solution of Fig. 7 is to place an IR sensor 62 on the end of an articulated folding strut, or anemia 60, attached to the power unit 20. When the antenna 60 is unfolded vertically, the user has a line of sight to the IR detector or sensor 62, enabling use of the IR type remote control. The IR sensor strut 60 should be capable of extending vertically at least 24 inches or more, and can be attached to the power unit 20 permanently}' or can use an adapter 64 to plug into the power unit 20 housing before or after unfolding. A telescopic strut (not shown) could also be used, but managing the wire on the inside during collapse of the telescopic type of antenna is more complex and bulky

than using a folding strut 60 with rotary electrical contacts at the hinge points 66. The folding antenna 60 design can be such that the middle leg folds to nest within the top leg and the bottom leg folds to nest within the middle leg, etc. The legs can be made of flat strips of metal or plastic with the top leg overlapping the middle one and so on. Power to the sensor 62 and signals from the sensor 62 can be transmitted to the control circuit 24 in the power unit 20 via either wires in the antenna 60 or via the arms of the antenna 60 and a third wire if the arms are made of conductive material or if they are provided with conductive circuit traces and rotating contacts in the joints.
FIGS. 1, 6 and 7 show the PTC heater assembly 30 with blower 22 commented to the mattress pad 10 via a length of flexible air duct 40. A good example of such an air duct 42 is known as Union, made by Fleshiest, Inc. It is important for good performance of the preferred embodiment 10 to ensure that there is low heat loss in the air duct 42 in cold weather and in heating mode. Although there are numerous materials and techniques that can be used to make a flexible insulated air duct for the purposes of the subject invention, one example is to make an insulation sleeve 44 for the Union air duct hose o u of Volara, made by Voltek Corp., which is a polymeric foam with very small closed cells enabling a relatively high R rating, or insulation rating for a relatively thin material cross section. In this case a Volara sleeve or layer approximately 0.08" thick produces very good results. A preferred form of the Volara insulation sleeve 44 would be extruded with internal spines 46 as shown in Fig. 6 to create small air gaps between the sleeve 44 and the air duct 42 to enhance the insulation performance of the sleeve with minimal bulk.

This is one way of making an insulated air duct hose 40 for the preferred embodiment 10 that remains flexible and non-bulky while enabling higher performance and efficiency for the subject cushion or mattress pad in heating mode under cold ambient air temperature conditions. However it is configured, an insulated air duct hose 40 is important for best cold weather heating mode performance, especially because the air delta T in heating mode is substantially higher than in ventilation mode, in which there is no delta T because ambient air is being used for ventilation.
Referring to FIGS. 8-14, an alternate embodiment vehicle seating cushion is described with the application of the PTC air heating and ventilating system to a seat cushion con nsting of a seat rest and backrest capable of sustaining internal air flow that will communicate thermally and convectively with the user contacting surfaces, in communication with the PTC power unit air heating and ventilating system, via a variety of optional air pathways. As shown in FIG. 8, preferably a compact power unit 150 is installed proximate the "bite line" or separation between the seat rest 132 and backrest 134 portion of the cushion 130, with a straight air duct 194 running from the mouth 162 of the power unit 150 to the cushion 130. This set up is preferred as conditioned air entering the middle portion of the cushion 130 is more easily evenly distributed throughout the seat rest 132 and backrest 134. Alternatively, the power unit 150 can be installed forward of the seat rest 132 with a special air duct 195 (FIG. 9) or above and aft the backrest 134 with special duct 196 (FIG. 10). These configurations are useful for use with seats that do not have an opening or slot at the "bite line" between the seat and

backcross cushion of the seat upon which the PTC cushion is to be installed, in order to facilitate installation of the cushion.
Note the airflow direction through the cushion 130 varies depending upon where the power unit 150 is placed, with the air primarily exiting the cushion 130 remote from the power unit 150. The set up with the power unit 150 forward the seat rest 132 is advantageous for ease of control in that the power unit 150 controls could be located directly on the unit 150 and easily accessible between the user's legs when seated on the cushion 130. When the power unit 150 is located aft of the user, a wired control extends to the user or to a location accessible to the user or a remote wireless control could be used.
FIG. 11 shows a Zipper"^^ valve or damper 198 installed in the middle portion of the cushion 130. The damper valve 198 serves to control the’ air flow between the seat rest 132 and backrest 134 portions of the cushion 130. For example, when the power unit 150 is installed at the bite line and the valve 198 is completely closed, air flows primarily through the backrest 134 and not the seat rest 132 (FIG. 12). That is, in this preferred embodiment when the valve 198 is closed, a minimal amount of air flows into the seat rest 132 and the circulation is limited there, and most of the heat and ventilating effect is felt in the backrest 134 with a reduced effect in the seat rest 132. Other examples, when the power unit 150 is installed atop the backrest 134 and the valve 198 closed air flows again primarily through the backrest 134 (FIG. 13), or when the power unit! 50 is installed forward the seat rest 132 and the valve 198 closed air flows

primarily drought the seat rest 132 (FIG. 14), in both these instances the air exiting the cushion 130 through the duct 194 at the bite line. It is also possible to open or close the valve 198 to intermediate positions in order to vary the thermal effect of the cushions, by controlling the amount of air through the cushions. Moreover, the bite line duct 194 could also be closed off in any number of ways to direct more air through the backrest 134 or seat rest 132.
The present invention has been described in connection with preferred and alternate embodiments, but it is understood that modifications will occur to those skilled in the appertaining arts that are within the spirit of the invention disclosed and within the scope of the claims.

What is claimed is:
L A convective cushion comprising:
a plenum defined by a bottom surface secured around its perimeter to a top surface and containing an air flow structure therein;
a power unit located outside the plenum but in fluid communication with the plenum, and housing a blower in fluid communication with a heating module having a PTC type heating element;
a controller isn’t in communication with the blower and the heating element;
Whereby a user resting atop the cushion is able to control the blower and heating module to deliver air of a desired temperature and quantity to the cushion.
2. The convective cushion of claim 1 wherein the top surface is generally air permeable
3. The convective cushion of claim 1 wherein the plenum has an opening at one end, and further comprising an air duct with one end sized to be received into the plenum opening and a second end extending to the power unit.

4. The convective cushion of claim 1 wherein the heating module comprises a heat exchanger in conduction with the PTC type heating element.
5. The convective cushion of claim 4 wherein the heat exchanger comprises a base plate and a plurality of heat exchanging fins.
6. The convective cushion of claim 5 wherein the heating element is sandwiched between a pair of the base plates and the plurality of heat exchanging fins.
7. The convective cushion of claim 6 further comprising a seal between the base plates to minimize air flow from passing therebetween.
8. The convective cushion of claim 1 further comprising a remote control in communication with the controller unit.
9. The convective cushion of claim 8 further comprising an antenna attachable to the power unit to facilitate wireless communication between the remote control and controller unit.
10. The convective cushion of claim 1 wherein the controller unit includes a speed control for the blower.

11. The convective cushion of claim 3 wherein the air duct comprises an outer shell and an aimed insulating sleeve with an air gap there between.
12. The convective cushion of claim 1 further comprising a vent at the opposing end of the plenum.
13. The convective cushion of claim 1 wherein the bottom surface of the plenum is generally air impermeable.
14. The convective cushion of claim 1 wherein the plenum is adapted to be placed on a conventional mattress.
15. The convective cushion of claim 1 wherein the plenum is adapted to be inserted within a vehicle seat.
16. The selectively-controlled convective cushion of claim 1 wherein the power unit comprises a plurality of PTC type heating elements.
17. The selectively-controlled convective cushion of claim 1 wherein the air flow structure is nebular spacer material.

18. A mattress pad comprising:
a plenum defined by a bottom surface secured around its perimeter to a generally air permeable top surface, the plenum containing an air flow structure and having an opening at one end;
an air duct with one end sized to be received into the opening and a second end extending outside the plenum;
a power unit housing a blower in fluid communication with a heating module and connected to the second end of the air duct;
a controller unit in communication with the blower and the heating element; and,
wherein the heating module comprises a PTC type heating element in conduction with a heat exchanger.
19. The mattress pad of claim 18 wherein the heat exchanger comprises a base plate and a plurality of heat exchanging fs.
20. The mattress pad of claim 19 wherein the heating element is sandwiched between a pair of the base plates and the plurality of heat exchanging fins.

21. The mattress pad of claim 20 further comprising a seal between the base plates to minimize air flow from the blower from passing there between; and
22. The mattress pad of claim 18 further comprising a remote control in communication with the controller unit
23. The mattress pad of claim 22 wherein the remote control is portable.

24. The mattress pad of claim 22 further comprising a foldable anemia attachable to the power unit to facilitate wireless communication between the remote control and controller unit.
25. The mattress pad of claim 18 wherein the controller unit includes a speed control for the blower.

26. The mattress pad of claim 18 wherein the air duct comprises an outer shell and an inner insulating sleeve with an air gap there between.
27. The mattress pad of claim 18 further comprising a vent at the opposing end of the plenum.
28. The natters pad of claim 15 wherein the airflow structure is tubular spacer


1228-CHENP-2008 AMENDED CLAIMS 28-04-2014.pdf

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1228-CHENP-2008-Petition for Annexure.pdf

Patent Number 263631
Indian Patent Application Number 1228/CHENP/2008
PG Journal Number 46/2014
Publication Date 14-Nov-2014
Grant Date 10-Nov-2014
Date of Filing 12-Mar-2008
Name of Patentee FEHER, Steve
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number A47C27/00
PCT International Application Number PCT/US06/34587
PCT International Filing date 2006-09-05
PCT Conventions:
# PCT Application Number Date of Convention Priority Country
1 11/243, 604 2005-10-05 U.S.A.
2 11/225, 605 2005-09-13 U.S.A.