Title of Invention


Abstract An astigmia correcting eyeglasses includes two non-transparent lenses respectively provided with a plurality of cone-shaped through holes. The cone-shaped through holes respectively have a larger diameter at an outer side than that at an inner side. The cone-shaped through holes located nearer the circumference of the lens have a larger inclined angle at the side near the circumference of the lens than those located in the center portion of the lens. Therefore the focusing function is intensified by the cone-shaped through holes, which does not obstruct the viewing lines of a user., so that there may not occur dead angles, or blind spots in using the astigmia correcting eyeglasses according to the invention.
This Invention relates to a pair of astigmia correcting eyeglasses, particularly to one provided with better effectiveness for focusing point and to be used by a person suffering from astigmia.
Astigmia is a kind of eye flaw that eyeballs deflect light incorrectly, and the light deflecting system of the eyeball is composed of a cornea and a crystalline lens. If the outer surface of the light deflecting -system becomes not perfectly circular, parallel rays of light coming from an exterior source do not converge on a single focal point on the retina and become plural images a little superposed on each other, and then this is called astigmia or astigmatism.
A conventional astigmia eyeglasses includes non-transparent lenses provided with many post-shaped through holes, and each post-shaped through hole has a cross-section circular or hexagonal, enabling
parallel light of images seen through the holes converge on a focal point on the retina for correcting the astigmia of a person, achieving the correcting purpose.
However, although the conventional astigmia correcting
eyeglasses can obtain the correcting effect, its focusing effect is not so
good as expected, because the viewing line of a user may be hidden by the post-shaped through holes to result in bad focusing function when the user sees an exterior object through the many through holes in the lenses, easily producing blind spots or a dead angle. And the reason is that the post-shaped through holes have the same diameter at two ends, and the lenses are curved to correspond to a facial surface,
The feature of the invention is a plurality of cone-shaped through holes provided in each lens of a pair of astigmia correcting eyeglasses. The cone-shaped through holes respectively have a larger diameter at an outer side than that at an inner side, and the cone-shaped through holes located nearer the circumference of the lens have a larger inclined angle at a side near the circumference of the lens than the cone-shaped through. holes located in the center portion.
This invention will be better understood by referring to the accompanying drawings, wherein:
Figure 1 a perspective view of an astigmia correcting eyeglasses
in the present invention;
Figure 2 is a top cross-sectional view of the astigmia correcting eyeglasses lens in the present invention:
Figure 3 is a side cross-sectional view of the astigmia correcting eyeglasses lens in the present invention;
Figure 4 is a first partly magnified top cross-sectional view of the astigmia correcting eyeglasses lens in the present invention; '
Figure 5 is a second partly magnified top cross-sectional view of the astigmia correcting eyeglasses lens in the present invention;
Figure 6 is a first partly magnifiediside cross-sectional view of the astigmia correcting eyeglasses lens in the present invention;
Figure 7 is a second partly magnified side cross-sectional view of the astigmia correcting eyeglasses lens in the present invention
Figure 8 is a perspective view of a pair of eyeglasses with the astigmia correcting lenses in the present invention;
Figure 9 is a cross sectional view of a conventional astigmia correcting eyeglasses lens.
Fig. 9 provides a conventional astigmia eyeglasses includes non-transparent lenses provided with many post-shaped through holes, and each post-shaped through hole has a cross-section circular or hexagonal,
enabling parallel light of images seen through the holes converge on a focal point on the retina for correcting the astigmia of a person, achieving the correcting purpose.
A preferred embodiment of an astigmia correcting eyeglasses in the present invention, as shown in Figs. 1, 2 and 3, includes a lens frame 11, two non-transparent lenses 12, and two temples 13 as main components combined together.
The lenses 12 are respectively provided with a plurality of cone-shaped through holes 121, which respectively have a large diameter at an outer side than that at an inner side. Further, the cone-shaped through holes 121 located nearer to the circumference of the lens 12 are provided with a larger inclined angle at the side near the circumference of the lens 12 than those 121 located in the center portion.
Therefore, when a user wears the astigmia correcting eyeglasses in the invention, the user sees through the lenses 12 via the cone-shaped through holes 121 an external object, so there occur no dead angles or blind spots for the view of the user because of the intensified augment of focusing function of the cone-shaped through holes 121.
Compared with the conventional astigmia correcting eyeglasses, the astigmia correcting eyeglasses according to the invention have the two lenses provided with the cone-shaped through holes having a larger
diameter at the outer side than that at the inner side, and the cone-shaped through holes located nearer to the circumference of the lens have a larger inclined angle at the side near the circumference of the lens than those located in the center portion, so that there may not occur dead angles or blind spots when the person sees through the lenses of the astigmia correcting eyeglasses in the invention owing to the better focusing function, with the viewing lines of the user not obstructed by the through holes because of the cone-shape of the through holes.
While the present invention has been described above, it will be recognized and understood that various modifications may be made therein and the appended claimed are intended to cover all such modifications that may fall within the spirit and scope of the invention.
1. An astigmia correcting eyeglasses comprising two non-transparent lenses sustained by a frame, and two temples:
Said non-transparent lenses respectively provided with a plurality of cone-shaped through holes, each said cone-shaped through hole having a large diameter at an outer side than that at an inner side, said cone-shaped through holes located nearer, a circumference of each said lens having a larger inclined angle at a side near said circumference of each said lens than said cone-shaped through holes located in a center portion of each said lens; and,
Said cone-shaped through holes intensifying focusing function of said lenses.
Dated this 16th day of May 2006.


Patent Number 263635
Indian Patent Application Number 466/KOL/2006
PG Journal Number 46/2014
Publication Date 14-Nov-2014
Grant Date 10-Nov-2014
Date of Filing 16-May-2006
Applicant Address NO.11, CHUNG-TEH 4TH STREET TAINAN
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number G02C7/00
PCT International Application Number N/A
PCT International Filing date
PCT Conventions:
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