Title of Invention


Abstract The present invention relates to a solution for preservation, perfusion, and/or reperfusion of an organ, especially the heart, for transplantation. The solution contains peptide inhibitor(s) of protein kinase C βII (PKC βII) and/or of protein kinase C ζ (PKC ζ) and/or peptide activator(s) of protein kinase C δ (PKCδ). Methods for using the inventive solution are also disclosed, including methods for preserving an organ for transplantation, for protecting an ischemic organ from damage, for attenuating organ dysfunction after ischemia, for maintaining nitric oxide release and/or inhibiting superoxide release in an ischemic organ, and for protecting an organ from damage when isolated from the circulatory system.
Full Text WO 2006/076590 PCT/US2006/001266
The present invention relates to a solution for preservation, perfusion, and/or
reperfusion of an organ, especially the heart, for transplantation. The solution
contains peptide inhibitor(s) of protein kinase C beta II (PKC ) and/or of protein
kinase C zeta (PKC  and/or peptide activator(s) of protein kinase C delta (PKC ).
Successful organ transplantation is often limited due to ischemic/reperfusion
injury. Isolated human hearts deprived of oxygen for more than four hours
progressively loose vigor and often do not survive in recipient hosts. Other organs
such as the kidney, liver, pancreas and lung are also subject to tissue and cellular
damage when removed from their hosts prior to transplantation. This damage is due
to hypoxic conditions and a lack of circulation, which normally delivers physiological
concentrations of oxygen and nutrients, and removes toxic compounds produced by
an organ's cells. Organ transplants have a higher frequency of success when
performed immediately after excision from their hosts.
Recent advances have increased the rate of successful organ transplants and
organ surgery, such as coronary bypass surgery. The first includes organ preservation
and organ perfusion solutions. The second is improved methods and devices for the
delivery of organ perfusion solutions to an organ.
Short-term myocardiac preservation is currently provided by cold storage after
cardioplegic arrest. A variety of processes exist however differing by the composition
of the solution used, the preservation temperature and the administration protocol.

WO 2006/076590 PCT/US2006/001266
Different solutions for arresting and preserving the heart have been developed to
protect the myocardium in cardiac surgery. Examples of these solutions include
Krebs-Henseleit solution, UW solution, St. Thomas II solution, Collins solution and
Stanford solution. (See, for example, U.S. Patent Nos. 4,798,824 and 4,938,961;
Southard and Belzer, Ann. Rev. Med. 46:235-247 (1995); and Donnelly and Djuric,
Am. J. Hosp. Pharm. 48:2444-2460 (1991)). Nevertheless, organ rejections still
remains due to deterioration in the condition of the transplanted organ between the
time of removal and the restoration of blood flow in the recipient.
Restoration of blood flow is the primary objective for treatment of organ tissue
experiencing prolonged ischemia, e.g., during transplant. However, reperfusion of
blood flow induces endothelium and myocyte injury, resulting in organ dysfunction
(Buerke et al., Am J Physiol 266: H128-136,1994; Lucchesi and Mullane, Ann Rev
Pharmacol Toxicol 26: 2011-2024,1986; and Lucchesi et al., J Mol Cell Cardiol 21:
1241 -1251, 1989). The sequential events associated with reperfusion injury are
initiated by endothelial dysfunction which is characterized by a reduction of the basal
endothelial cell release of nitric oxide (NO) within the first 2.5-5 min post-reperfusion
(Tsao and Lefer, Am J Phyiol 259: H1660-1666,1990). The decrease in endothelial
derived NO is associated with adhesion molecule up-regulation on endothelial and
polymorphonuclear (PMN) leukocyte cell membranes (Ma et al., Circ Res 72: 403-
412, 1993; and Weyrich et al., J Leuko Biol 57: 45-55,1995). This event promotes
PMN/endothelial interaction, which occurs by 10 to 20 min post-reperfusion, and
subsequent PMN infiltration into the myocardium is observed by 30 min post
reperfusion (Lefer and Hayward, In The Role of Nitric Oxide in Ischemia-
Reperfusion: Contemporary Cardiology, Loscalzo et al. (Eds.), Humana Press,
Totowa, NJ, pp. 357-380,2000; Lefer and Lefer, Cardiovasc Res 32: 743-751,1996;

WO 2006/076590 PCT/US2006/001266
Tsao et al..,Circulation 82. 1402-1412,1990; and Weyrich et al., J Leuko Biol 57:45-
Chemotactic substances released from reperfused tissue and plasma factors
activate PMNs that augment PMN release of cytotoxic substances (i.e. superoxide
anion) and contribute to organ dysfunction following ischemia/reperfusion (Lucchesi
et al. J Mol Cell Cardiol 21: 1241-1251,1989; Ma et al., Circ Res 69: 95-106,1991;
Tsao et al., Circulation 82: 1402-1412,1990; and Tsao et al., Am Heart J 123: 1464-
1471, 1992). Superoxide combines with NO to produce peroxynitrite anion thus
reducing the bioavailability of NO and promotes endothelial dysfunction and PMN
infiltration after myocardial ischemia/reperfusion (Clancey et al.,J Clin Invest 90:
1116-1121,1992; Hansen, Circulation 91: 1872-85,1995; Lucchesi et al., J Mol Cell
Cardiol 21: 1241-1251,1989; Rubanyi and Vanhoutte, Am J Physiol 250: H815-821,
1986; Tsao et al., Am Heart J 123: 1464-1471, 1992; and Weiss, New Eng J Med 320:
365-375, 1989).
Therefore, there remains a need for a solution of improved quality that can
extend the preservation time of an organ for transplantation and protect the organ
from reperfusion injury after ischemia, so that the organ can resume proper function
after restoration of blood flow.

WO 2006/076590 PCT/US2006/001266
The present invention provides a solution for preservation, perfusion, and/or
reperfusion of an organ, especially the heart, containing peptide inhibitor(s) of protein
kinase C  (PKC ) and/or of protein kinase C  (PKC  and/or peptide
activator(s) of protein kinase C  (PKC ). The solution protects organ tissues and
cells from damage while the organ is isolated from the circulatory system or is
experiencing decreased blood flow (ischemia). The present inventor has discovered
that the peptide inhibitors of PKC  and/or PKC , and/or peptide activator(s) of
PKC  enhance NO release or inhibit endothelial/PMN superoxide release, which can
exert protective effect in organs undergoing ischemia/reperfusion.
In an embodiment, the solution contains about 5-10 M of the peptide
inhibitor of PKC  and/or about 2.5-5 M of the peptide inhibitor of PKC , and/or a
5-10 M of the peptide activator of PKC  dissolved in a saline solution.
The solution of the present invention can be used as a perfusion solution or a
preservation solution. As a perfusion solution, it is pumped into the vasculature of the
organ to protect the organ tissues and cells. As a preservation solution, it serves as a
bathing solution into which the organ is submerged. Preferably, the organ is perfused
with and submerged in the present solution. Further, the present solution also serves
as a reperfusion solution upon restoration of blood flow to the organ after ischemia.
The present invention also include methods of using the solution of the present
invention. These include methods for preserving an organ for transplantation, for
protecting an ischemic organ from damage, for attenuating organ dysfunction after
ischemia, for maintaining nitric oxide release in an ischemic organ, and for protecting
an organ from damage when isolated from the circulatory system.

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Figure 1. Time course of LVDP (left ventricular developed pressure = left
ventricular end systolic pressure - left ventricular end diastolic pressure) in sham, I/R,
I/R+PMNs and I/R+PMN+ PKC peptide inhibitor (5 M) perfused rat hearts. LVDP
data at initial (baseline) and reperfusion from 0 to 45 min following 20 min ischemia.
The sham group (n=6) maintained the same LVDP throughout the 80 min. protocol.
The I/R (n=6) group recovered to initial baseline values. I/R+PMN group (n=6)
exhibited a significant and sustained reduction in LVDP compared to and I/R+PMN+
PKC peptide inhibitor (n=6) group. All values are expressed as mean ± SEM.
*p Figure 2. Initial and final LVDP expressed in mmHg from isolated perfused
rat hearts before ischemia (I) (initial) and after 45 min post reperfusion (R) (final).
Hearts were perfused in the presence or absence or PMNs. PMNs induced a
significant contractile dysfunction, which was attenuated by the PKC, peptide
inhibitor, but was significantly blocked by NG-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester (L-
NAME). All values are expressed as mean ± SEM. Numbers of hearts examined are
at the bottom of the bars. **p Figure 3. Initial and final maximal rate of LVDP (+dP/dt max) expressed in
mmHg/s in isolated perfused rat hearts before ischemia (I) and after reperfusion (R).
Hearts were perfused in the presence or absence of PMNs. PMNs induced a
significant contractile dysfunction, which was attenuated by a PKC peptide inhibitor,
but was blocked by L-NAME. All values are expressed as means ± SEM. Numbers
of hearts examined are at the bottom of the bars. **P NS=not significant.

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Figure 4a. Histological assessment of total intravascular and infiltrated PMNs
isolated perfused rat heart samples taken from 3 rats per group and 10 areas
per heart. The numbers of total intravascular and infiltrated PMNs in
post-reperfusion cardiac tissue and adhering to coronary vasculature was significantly
attenuated by the PKC peptide inhibitor. Hatched boxes represent non-PMN
perfused hearts and black boxes represent PMN-perfused hearts. **P I/R+PMNs.
Figure 4b. Histological assessment of intravascular PMNs that adhered to the
coronary vasculature in isolated perfused rat heart samples taken from 3 rats per
and 10 areas per heart. The numbers of PMNs adhering to the coronary vasculature
was not significantly different from I/R+PMNs. Hatched boxes represent non-PMN
perfused hearts and black boxes represent PMN-perfused hearts. All values are
mean numbers of PMNs/mm2 of heart area±_SEM.
Figure 5. Measurement of NO release from rat aortic segments. Endothelial
NO release was significantly increased from basal NO release in PKC peptide
inhibitor treated segments (2.5-15M), as well as acetylcholine (Ach, 200nM). NO
release was significantly reduced in both groups given 400 M L-NAME, and in
endothelium removed (denuded) segments. All values are expressed as means ±
SEM. Numbers at bottom of bars are numbers of separate experiments per group.
*p Figure 6. Superoxide release from rat PMNs. Superoxide release was
measured from 5 X 106 PMNs after phorbol-12-myristate-13-acetate (PMA) (15 nM)
stimulation. Superoxide dismutase (SOD) (10 g/ml) was employed as a positive

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control. The change in absorbance () was measured 360 sec after PMA addition
(peak response). Superoxide release was significantly inhibited by the PKC peptide
inhibitor (**p bottom of bars show the numbers of separate experiments per group.
Figure 7. Time course of LVDP in Sham I/R, I/R, I/R+PMNs and
I/R+PMN+I peptide inhibitor (10 M) perfused rat hearts. LVDP data at initial
(baseline) and reperfusion from 0 to 45 min following 20 min ischemia. The sham
group (n=6) maintained the same LVDP throughout the 80 min. protocol. The
I/R+PMN group (n=9) exhibited a significant and sustained reduction in LVDP
compared to I/R (n=6) and I/R+PMN+ peptide inhibitor (n=7) groups. All values
are expressed as mean± SEM. *p Figure 8. Initial and final LVDP expressed in mmHg from isolated perfused
rat hearts before ischemia (I) (initial) and after 45 min post reperfusion (R) (final).
Hearts were perfused in the presence or absence or PMNs. PMNs induced a
significant contractile dysfunction, which was attenuated by PKC  peptide
inhibitor, but was significantly blocked by the presence of L-NAME. All values are
expressed as mean ± SEM. Numbers of hearts examined are at the bottom of the bars.
*p Figure 9. Initial and final +dP/dt max expressed mmmHg/s in isolated
perfused rat hearts before ischemia (I) and after reperfusion (R). Hearts were perfused
in the presence or absence of PMNs. PMNs induced a significant contractile
dysfunction, which was attenuated by PKC  peptide inhibitor, but was blocked by
L-NAME. All values are expressed as means ± SEM. Numbers of hearts examined
are at the bottom of the bars. *p significant.

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Figure 10. Measurement of NO release from rat aortic segments. Endothelial
NO release was significantly increased from basal NO release in PKC  peptide
inhibitor treated segments (1, 2.5, 5 and 10 M), as well as acetylcholine (Ach,
500M). NO release was significantly reduced in both groups given 400 M L-
NAME. All values are expressed as means ± SEM. Numbers at bottom of bars are
numbers of separate experiments per group. *p Figure 11. Superoxide release from rat PMNs. Superoxide release was
measured from 5 X 106 PMNs after formyl-methionyl-leucyl-phenylalanine (fMLP)
(200 M) stimulation. SOD (10 g/ml) was employed as a positive control. The
change in absorbance () was measured 90 sec after fMLP addition (peak response).
Superoxide release was significantly inhibited by the PKC  peptide inhibitor
(**p bars are numbers of separate experiments per group.
Figure 12. Time course of LVDP in sham, I/R, I/R+PMNs and I/R+PMN+
PKC  (10 M)+PKC; (5 M) peptide inhibitors perfused rat hearts. LVDP data at
initial (baseline) and reperfusion from 0 to 45 min following 20 min ischemia. The
sham group (n=6) maintained the same LVDP throughout the 80 min. protocol. The
I/R (n=6) group partially recovered toward initial baseline values. I/R+PMN group
(n=11) exhibited a significant and sustained reduction in LVDP compared to and
I/R+PMN+ PKC  (10 M)+PKC (5 M) peptide inhibitors (n=7) group. All
values are expressed as mean ± SEM. *p Figure 13. Initial and final LVDP expressed in mmHg from isolated perfused
rat hearts before ischemia (I) (initial) and after 45 min post reperfusion (R) (final).
Hearts were perfused in the presence or absence or PMNs. PMNs induced a
significant contractile dysfunction, which was attenuated by the presence of PKC II

WO 2006/076590 PCT/US2006/001266
and PKC peptide inhibitors. This protective effect was blocked by L-NAME. All
values are expressed as mean ± SEM. Numbers of hearts examined are at the bottom
of the bars. *p Figure 14. Initial and final +dP/dt max expressed in mmHg/s in isolated
perfused rat hearts before ischemia (I) and after reperfusion (R). Hearts were
perfused in the presence or absence of PMNs. PMNs induced a significant contractile
dysfunction, which was attenuated by PKC  and PKC peptide inhibitors. This
protective effect was blocked by L-NAME. All values are expressed as means ±
SEM. Numbers of hearts examined are at the bottom of the bars. *P I/R + PMNs; NS=not significant.
Figure 15. Histological assessment of total intravascular and infiltrated PMNs
isolated perfused rat heart samples taken from 3 rats per group and 10 areas
per heart. The numbers of total intravascular and infiltrated PMNs in post-reperfusion
cardiac tissue and adhering to coronary vasculature was significantly attenuated by
the PKC and PKC  peptide inhibitors. Hatched boxes represent non-PMN
perfused hearts and black boxes represent PMN-perfused hearts. **P I/R+PMNs.
Figure 16. Histological assessment of intravascular PMNs that adhered to the
coronary vasculature in isolated perfused rat heart. The numbers of PMNs adhering
to the coronary vasculature in hearts treated with PKC  and PKC  peptide
inhibitors was lower than I/R+PMN hearts. Hatched boxes represent non-PMN
perfused hearts and black boxes represent PMN-perfused hearts. All values are mean
numbers of PMNs/mm2 of heart area±.SEM. **P 9

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Figure 17. Measurement of NO release from rat aortic segments. Endothelial
NO release was significantly increased from basal NO release in treated segments
treated with PKC  and PKC  peptide inhibitors, as well as acetylcholine (Ach,
500M). NO release was significantly reduced in both groups given 400 M L-
NAME. All values are expressed as means ± SEM. Numbers at bottom of bars are
numbers of separate experiments per group. **p Figure 18. Superoxide release from rat PMNs. Superoxide release was
measured from 5 X 106 PMNs after PMA (15 nM) stimulation. SOD (10 g/ml) was
employed as a positive control. The change in absorbance () was measured 360 sec
after PMA addition (peak response). Superoxide release was significantly inhibited
by the presence of PKC  and PKC  peptide inhibitors (*p values are means ± SEM. Numbers at bottom of bars show the numbers of separate
experiments per group.
Figure 19. Time course of LVDP in sham, I/R, I/R+PMNs and I/R+PMN+
PKC peptide activator (10 M) perfused rat hearts. LVDP data at initial (baseline)
and reperfusion from 0 to 45 min following 20 min ischemia. The sham group (n=6)
maintained the same LVDP throughout the 80 min. protocol. The I/R (n=6) group
recovered to initial baseline values. I/R+PMN group (n=6) exhibited a significant and
sustained reduction in LVDP compared to and I/R+PMN+ PKC peptide activator
(n=6) group. All values are expressed as mean ± SEM. **p Figure 20. Initial and final LVDP expressed in mmHg from isolated perfused
rat hearts before ischemia (I) (initial) and after 45 min post reperfusion (R) (final).
Hearts were perfused in the presence or absence or PMNs. PMNs induced a
significant contractile dysfunction, which was attenuated by the PKC peptide
activator. All values are expressed as mean ± SEM. Numbers of hearts examined are

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at the bottom of the bars; *p significant.
Figure 21. Initial and final +dP/dt max expressed in mmHg/s in isolated
perfused rat hearts before ischemia (I) and after reperfusion (R). Hearts were
perfused in the presence or absence of PMNs. PMNs induced a significant contractile
dysfunction, which was attenuated by a PKC peptide activator. All values are
expressed as means ± SEM. Numbers of hearts examined are at the bottom of the
bars. **P Figure 22. Superoxide release from rat PMNs. Superoxide release was
measured from 5 X 106 PMNs after PMA (15 nM) stimulation. The change in
absorbance () was measured 360 sec after PMA addition (peak response).
Superoxide release was significantly inhibited by the PKC peptide activator
(**p show the numbers of separate experiments per group.
Figure 23a. Histological assessment of total intravascular and infiltrated
PMNs in
isolated perfused rat heart samples taken from 3 rats per group and 10 areas per heart.
The numbers of total intravascular and infiltrated PMNs in post-reperfusion cardiac
tissue and adhering to coronary vasculature was attenuated by the PKC peptide
activator. Hatched boxes represent non-PMN perfused hearts and black boxes
represent PMN-perfused hearts.
Figure 23b. Histological assessment of intravascular PMNs that adhered to
the coronary vasculature in isolated perfused rat heart samples taken from 3 rats per
and 10 areas per heart. The numbers of PMNs adhering to the coronary vasculature

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was attenuated by the PKC peptide activator. Hatched boxes represent non-PMN
perfused hearts and black boxes represent PMN-perfused hearts. All values are
mean numbers of PMNs/mm2 of heart area ±SEM.
Figure 24. Time course of left ventricular end diastolic pressure (LVEDP) in
sham, I/R, I/R+PMNs and I/R+PMN+ PKC peptide activator (10 M) perfused rat
hearts. LVEDP data at initial (baseline) and reperfusion from 0 to 45 min following
20 min ischemia. The sham group (n=6) maintained the same LVEDP throughout the
80 min. protocol. The I/R (n=6) group partially recovered to initial baseline values.
I/R+PMN group (n=6) exhibited a significant and sustained elevation in LVEDP
compared to and I/R+PMN+ PKC peptide activator (n=6) group. All values are
expressed as mean ± SEM. *p 12

WO 2006/076590 PCT/US2006/001266
The present invention provides a solution for the preservation, perfusion,
and/or reperfusion of an organ, especially the heart. The solution contains peptide
inhibitor(s) of protein kinase C  (PKC ) and/or of protein kinase C , (PKC 
and/or peptide activator(s) of PKC . Preferably, the peptide inhibitor of PKC  or
the peptide activator of PKC  is present in the solution in an amount of about 5-10
M; and the peptide inhibitor of PKC  is present in an amount of about 2.5-5 M.
In a preferred embodiment, the peptide inhibitor of PKC  has an amino acid
sequence of SEQ ID NO: 1; the peptide inhibitor of PKC  has an amino acid
sequence of SEQ ID NO: 2; and the peptide activator has an amino acid sequence of
SEQ ID NO: 3. Also, in other embodiments, it is preferred that the peptide
inhibitor/activator is myristoylated to facilitate absorption into the cells of the organ.
In a preferred embodiment, the peptide inhibito(s) or peptide activator (s) are
dissolved in a saline solution, preferably normal saline (0.9 % NaCl). The peptide
inhibitors) can also be dissolved in known preservation solution, such as Krebs-
Henseleit solution, UW solution, St. Thomas II solution, Collins solution, Stanford
solution, and the like. The solution may also contain one or more of sodium (Na+),
potassium (K+), calcium (Ca2+), magnesium (Mg2+), glutamate, arginine, adenosine,
manitol, allopurinol, glutathione, raffinose, and lactobionic acid in concentrations of
about 4-7 mM, about 0.2-0.3 mM, about 108-132 mM, about 13-16 mM, about 18-22
mM, about 2-4 mM, about 0.5-1 mM, about 27-33 mM, about 0.9-1.1 mM, about 2.7-
3.3 mM, about 25-35 mM, and about 80-120 mM, respectively. Na+ can be in the
form of NaOH; K+ can be in the form of KCl and/or KH2PO4, most preferably at ratio
of about 2-3.5 mM KCl and about 2-3.5 mM KH2PO4; Ca2+ can be in the form of

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CaCl2;and Mg can be in the form of MgCl2. The solution is preferably maintained
at physiological pH of about 7.2-7.4.
The solution of the present invention can be used during all phases of an
organ, especially the heart, transplant, including, but are not limited to, 1) isolating of
the organ from the donor (cardioplegic solution); 2) preserving the organ
(hypothermic storage/transport); and 3) re-implanting the organ in the recipient
(reperfusion solution).
During perfusion or reperfusion, especially for the heart, it is preferred that the organ
be perfused at a rate of about 1 mL/min for about 5 min. The perfusion rate can be
varied, but it should not exceed about 25 mL/min. Overall, the perfusion rate should
not be so high as to impose undue pressure on the vasculature of the organ.
The solution of the present invention can be prepared by 1) dissolving and
diluting the peptide inhibitor(s) and the different constituents in distilled water; 2)
adjusting the pH to about 7.2-7.4, e.g. with NaOH; and 3) sterilizing the solution, e.g.,
by filtering with a 0.2 m filter. The sterilized solution is then kept isolated from
contaminants in the environment.
Without further description, it is believed that one of ordinary skill in the art
can, using the preceding description and the following illustrative examples, make
and utilize the compounds of the present invention and practice the claimed methods.
The following example is given to illustrate the present invention. It should be
understood that the invention is not to be limited to the specific conditions or details
described in this example.
Example 1 - Effects of Peptide Inhibitor of PKC 

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Male Sprague Dawley rats (275-325 g, Ace Animals, Boyertown, PA) were
anesthetized with 60 mg/kg pentobarbital sodium intraperitoneally (i.p.). Sodium
heparin (1,000 U) was also administered i.p. The hearts were rapidly excised, the
ascending aortas were cannulated, and retrograde perfusion of the heart was initiated
with a modified Krebs buffer maintained at 37°C at a constant pressure of 80 mmHg.
The Krebs buffer had the following composition (in mmol/1): 17 dextrose, 120 NaCl,
25 NaHCO3, 2.5 CaCl2, 0.5 EDTA, 5.9 KCl, and 1.2 MgCl2. The perfusate was
aerated with 95% O2 and 5% CO2 and equilibrated at a pH of 7.3-7.4. The two side
arms in the perfusion line proximal to the heart inflow cannula allowed PMNs, plasma
without PKC , peptide inhibitor (control hearts) or plasma containing different
concentrations of PKC , peptide inhibitor (1,2.5 or 5 M) to be directly infused into
the coronary inflow line. Coronary flow was monitored by a flow meter (T106,
Transonic System, Inc., Ithaca, NY). LVDP and +dP/dtmax were monitored using a
pressure transducer (SPR-524, Millar Instruments, Inc., Houston, TX), which was
positioned in the left ventricular cavity. Hearts were immersed in a water-jacketed
reservoir containing 160 mL of Krebs buffer maintained at 37°C. Coronary flow,
LVDP and +dP/dtmax were recorded using a Powerlab Station acquisition system
(ADInstruments, Grand Junction, CO) in conjunction with a computer.
LVDP, +dP/dtmax, and coronary flow were measured every 5 min for 15 min to
equilibrate the hearts and obtain a baseline measurement. LVDP was defined as left
ventricular end-systolic pressure minus left ventricular end-diastolic pressure. After
15 min, the flow of the Krebs buffer was reduced to zero for 20 min to induce global
ischemia. At reperfusion, hearts were infused for 5 min with 200 X 106 PMN
resuspended in 5 mL of Krebs buffer plus 5 mL of plasma at a rate of 1 mL/min. In
some experiments, PKC peptide inhibitor (Genemed Synthesis, Inc., San Francisco,

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CA) was added to plasma at a final concentration of 1,2.5 or 5 M. Sham I/R hearts
were not subjected to ischemia and were not perfused with PMNs.
The following groups of isolated perfused rat hearts were used:
Group 1: Sham Ischemia/Reperfusion (I/R) hearts was not subjected to
ischemia and not perfused with PMNs, but was perfused with 5 mL of plasma (1
mL/min) at 35 minutes into perfusion (the same time point that I/R hearts would be
given 5 mL of plasma, 15 minutes of baseline recordings plus 20 minutes ischemia).
These hearts represented a control group to determine if the isolated rat heart can
maintain LVDP and +dP/dtmax throughout the 80-minute protocol (n=6).
Group 2: Sham I/R + PKC , peptide inhibitor (5 M) hearts were not
subjected to ischemia and not perfused with PMNs. These hearts were administered
the PKC , peptide inhibitor (5 M, dissolved in plasma from a 5 mM stock in H2O)
35 minutes into perfusion. This group was employed to determine if the PKC 
peptide inhibitor causes a cardiotonic or cardiodepressant effect (n=6).
Group 3: I/R hearts were subjected to 20 min of ischemia and perfused with 5
mL of plasma (1 mL/min) during the first 5 min of reperfusion, but were not perfused
with PMNs. These hearts represented a control group to determine if 20 min of
ischemia followed by reperfusion stuns the heart, but LVDP and +dP/dtmax will
recover to baseline values (initial) by the end of the 45-minute reperfusion period
Group 4: I/R + PKC , peptide inhibitor (5 M, dissolved in plasma) hearts
were subjected to 20 min. of ischemia and not perfused with PMNs. These hearts
were perfused with 5 mL of plasma + PKC  inhibitor during the first 5 min of
reperfusion. This group was employed to determine if the PKC  peptide inhibitor
caused a cardiodepressant effect in the setting of I/R without PMNs (n=6).

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Group 5: I/R + PMNs hearts were subjected to 20 min of ischemia and
perfused with 5 mL of plasma (1 mL/min) and PMNs (resuspended in 5 mL Krebs
buffer) during the first 5 min of reperfusion. These hearts represented a control group
to determine if 20 min of ischemia followed by 45 min reperfusion in the presence of
PMNs (200 x 106) resulted in a sustained cardiac contractile dysfunction throughout
the 45 min reperfusion period compared to initial baseline values (n=6).
Group 6: I/R + PMNs + PKC peptide inhibitor (1 M) hearts were subjected
to 20 min of ischemia and perfused with 1 M PKC  peptide inhibitor (dissolved in
plasma) and PMNs (200 x 106) during the first 5 minutes of reperfusion. These hearts
represented a group to determine the effect of PKC , inhibition in attenuating PMN-
induced cardiac contractile dysfunction (n=6).
Group 7: I/R + PMNs + PKC  peptide inhibitor (2.5 M) hearts were
subjected to 20 min of ischemia and perfused with 2.5 M PKC  peptide inhibitor
(dissolved in plasma) and PMNs (200 x 106) during the first 5 minutes of reperfusion.
These hearts represented a group to determine the effect of PKC inhibition in
attenuating PMN-induced cardiac contractile dysfunction (n=6).
Group 8: I/R + PMNs + PKC  peptide inhibitor (5 M) hearts were subjected
to 20 min of ischemia and are perfused with 5 M PKC  peptide inhibitor (dissolved
in plasma) and PMNs (200 x 106) during the first 5 minutes of reperfusion. These
hearts represented a group to determine the effect of PKC  inhibition at a higher
concentration of the PKC peptide inhibitor in attenuating PMN-induced cardiac
contractile dysfunction (n=6).
Group 9: I/R + PMNs + PKC peptide inhibitor (5 M) + NG-nitro-L-
arginine methyl ester (L-NAME, 50 M) hearts were subjected to 20 min of ischemia
and perfused with 5 M PKC peptide inhibitor (dissolved in 5 mL plasma) and 50

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dissolved in Krebs buffer from 50 mM stock in H2O) and PMNs (200
x 106) during the first 5 minutes of reperfusion. The L-NAME (50 M) was
continually infused into the heart throughout the 45 min reperfusion period. These
hearts represent a group to determine if the cardioprotective effect of PKC peptide
inhibition could be blocked with a nitric oxide synthase inhibitor (L-NAME) (n=5).
Data were recorded every 5 min for 45 min post-reperfusion. After each
experiment, the left ventricle was isolated, fixed in 4% paraformaldehyde and stored
at 4°C for later histological analysis.
Figure 1 showed the time course of cardiac contractile function (i.e., LVDP).
The data from the sham I/R, I/R, I/R+PMN+ PKC  peptide inhibitor (5 M) and
I/R+PMN groups illustrated the relative changes in LVDP during the 80 min
perfusion period. As shown, the sham I/R remained near or greater than 100% of
initial baseline values of LVDP for the entire perfusion period. The I/R hearts
experienced a depression in LVDP at the beginning of reperfusion, but recovered to
95±7% of initial baseline values by the end of reperfusion. In contrast, the I/R+PMN
hearts suffered severe cardiac contractile dysfunction, recovering to only 47±7% of
initial baseline values by 45 min post-reperfusion. Conversely, the I/R+PMN+ PKC 
peptide inhibitor (5 M) hearts recovered to 84±4% at 45 min post-reperfusion.
To determine whether PKC peptide inhibitor produced direct inotropic
effects on cardiac contractile function, non-ischemic sham I/R hearts were perfused
with PKC  peptide inhibitor (5M). Treatment of Sham I/R hearts with PKC 
peptide inhibitor did not result in any significant change in LVDP (Fig. 2) or
+dP/dtmax (Fig. 3) during the 80 min perfusion period, demonstrating the PKC 
peptide inhibitor at 5 M exerts no direct effect on cardiac contractile function. A 15
M PKC peptide inhibitor concentration was initially tested, since this concentration

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corresponded with an 82% inhibition of PMN superoxide release. However, 15 M
produced a cardiodepressant effect (50% reduction in LVDP Sham I/R hearts) and
could not be used in these experiments (data not shown).
Figures 2 and 3 showed the initial and final values for LVDP and +dP/dtmax
from isolated perfused rat hearts. The initial baselines were similar for all groups.
However, the final LVDP and +dP/dtmax (45 min post-reperfusion) was significantly
decreased (p with PMNs compared to its initial baseline. The PKC  peptide inhibitor (2.5 M and
5 M concentrations) significantly attenuated the decrease in LVDP and +dP/dtmax
associated with post-ischemic reperfusion with PMNs. In the group receiving 5 M
of drug, the hearts recovered to 84±4% and 76±5% for final LVDP and +dP/dtmax
compared to its initial baseline. The lowest effective dose was observed at 2.5 M;
and these hearts recovered to 83±4% for LVDP and 75±5% for +dP/dtmax compared to
initial baseline values. The cardioprotective effects of the PKC peptide inhibitor (5
M) were blocked in the presence of L-NAME (50 M). These hearts only recovered
to 58±7% and 54±9% for LVDP and +dP/dtmax, respectively, at 45 min post-
reperfusion compared to its initial baseline. These hearts were similar to the IR +
PMN group (47±7% and 41±7% LVDP, +dP/dtmax). At 1 M, PKC  peptide
inhibitor treated hearts exposed to I/R + PMNs only recovered to 57±10% and 46±6%
for LVDP and + dP/dtmax, respectively, at 45 min post-reperfusion compared to its
initial baseline. These hearts were not significantly different from control I/R + PMN
hearts at 45 min post-reperfusion at this lower dose.
The' cardiac injury associated with I/R in this model was closely correlated
with the substantial number of PMNs infiltrating the myocardium within the 45 min
reperfusion period. During reperfusion, a significant number of PMNs transmigrated

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into the myocardium, increasing from less than 25 PMN/mm2 in Sham I/R hearts to
more than 180 PMN/ mm2 in I/T +PMN hearts at the end of the reperfusion period
(Fig. 4a). In contrast, I/R+PMN+PKC  peptide inhibitor treated hearts experienced a
20±6%, 46±4 % and 48±3% significant reduction in PMN infiltration into the post-
reperfused cardiac tissue at 1,2.5 and 5M (p blocked in the presence of L-NAME. Furthermore, the 2.5 and 5 M treated hearts
had significantly fewer infiltrated PMNs compared to 1 M treated hearts (p (Fig. 4a).
PMN adherence to coronary vascular endothelium was also evaluated within
the assessment of total intravascular and infiltrated PMNs. As seen in Figure 4b, the
number of adherent PMNs to the coronary endothelium was not significantly reduced
in I/R+PMN+PKC  peptide inhibitor hearts (5 M) (43±10%, p release from rat aortic endothelium was measured to determine if PKC peptide
inhibitor provides cardioprotection by a mechanism involving increased endothelial
NO release. In Figure 5, PKC  peptide inhibitor-treated endothelium generated
significantly more NO by 47±2% (2.5 M, p 91±15% (15 M, p not significantly different from basal NO release. Acetylcholine (200 nM) was used
as a positive control in the NO assay, and significantly increased NO release by
67±4% (p used as another control in order to decrease basal release of NO to zero. Both the
acetylcholine and the PKC  peptide inhibitor-induced production of NO were
completely inhibited by treating the endothelium with L-NAME (400 M). To
attribute the source of the NO to the endothelium, experiments with endothelium

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removed (denuded) rat aortic segments were incubated with PKC peptide inhibitor
(5 M) and were not different from L-NAME -treated segments.
Another mechanism of the cardioprotective effects of PKC peptide inhibitor
may be related to inhibition of superoxide release. PKC  peptide inhibitor
significantly inhibited superoxide release by 33-82% (2,5 -15 M, p 1 M where there was no difference from suspensions of PMA-stimulated rat PMNs
(Fig. 6). SOD (10 g /mL) was used as a positive control in the superoxide assays,
and degraded superoxide release produced by the PMA-stimulated rat PMNs by 99%
(p Example 2 - Effects of Peptide Inhibitor of PKC 
Experiments with PKCII peptide inhibitors were performed substantially as
described in Example 1 for PKC peptide inhibitors.
The following groups of isolated perfused rat hearts were used:
Group 1: Sham I/R hearts were not subjected to ischemia and were not
perfused with PMNs, but were perfused with 5 mL of plasma (1 mL/min) at 35
minutes into perfusion (the same time point that I/R hearts would be given 5 mL of
plasma, 15 minutes of baseline recordings plus 20 minutes ischemia). These hearts
represented a control group to determine if the isolated rat heart can maintain LVDP
and +dP/dtmax throughout the 80-minute protocol (n=6).
Group 2: Sham I/R + PKC  peptide inhibitor (10 M) hearts were not
subjected to ischemia and not perfused with PMNs. These hearts were administered
the PKC  peptide inhibitor (10 M, dissolved in plasma from a 5 mM stock in
H2O) 35 minutes into perfusion. This group was employed to determine if the PKC
 peptide inhibitor causes a cardiotonic or cardiodepressant effect (n=6).

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Group 3: I/R hearts were subjected to 20 min of ischemia and perfused with 5
mL of plasma (1 mL/min) during the first 5 min of reperfusion, but were not perfused
with PMNs. These hearts represented a control group to determine if 20 min of
ischemia followed by reperfusion stunned the heart, but LVDP and +dP/dtmax will
recover to baseline values (initial) by the end of the 45-minute reperfusion period
Group 4: I/R + PKC  peptide inhibitor (10 M, dissolved in plasma) hearts
were subjected to 20 min of ischemia and not perfused with PMNs. These hearts
were perfused with 5 mL of plasma + PKC  peptide inhibitor during the first 5 min
of reperfusion. This group was employed to determine if the PKC  peptide
inhibitor causes a cardiodepressant effect in the setting of I/R without PMNs (n=6).
Group 5: I/R + PMNs hearts were subjected to 20 min of ischemia and
perfused with 5 mL of plasma (1 mL/min) and PMNs (resuspended in 5 mL Krebs
buffer) during the first 5 min of reperfusion. These hearts represented a control group
to determine if 20 min of ischemia followed by 45 min reperfusion in the presence of
PMNs (200 x 106) resulted in a sustained cardiac contractile dysfunction throughout
the 45 min reperfusion period compared to initial baseline values (n=9).
Group 6: I/R + PMNs + PKC  peptide inhibitor (1 M) hearts were
subjected to 20 min of ischemia and perfused with 1 M PKC  peptide inhibitor
(dissolved in plasma) and PMNs (200 x 106) during the first 5 minutes of reperfusion.
These hearts represented a group to determine the effect of PKC  inhibition in
attenuating PMN-induced cardiac contractile dysfunction (n=6).
Group 7: I/R + PMNs + PKC  peptide inhibitor (5 M) hearts were
subjected to 20 min of ischemia and perfused with 5 M PKC  peptide inhibitor
(dissolved in plasma) and PMNs (200 x 106) during the first 5 minutes of reperfusion.

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These Marts represented a group to determine the effect of PKC  inhibition at a
higher concentration of the PKC  peptide inhibitor in attenuating PMN-induced
cardiac contractile dysfunction (n=7).
Group 8: I/R + PMNs + PKC  peptide inhibitor (10 M) hearts were
subjected to 20 min of ischemia and perfused with 10 M PKC  peptide inhibitor
(dissolved in plasma) and PMNs (200 x 106) during the first 5 minutes of reperfusion.
These hearts represented a group to determine the effect of PKC  inhibition at a
higher concentration of the PKC  peptide inhibitor in attenuating PMN-induced
cardiac contractile dysfunction (n=7).
Group 9: I/R + PMNs + PKC  peptide inhibitor (10 M) + NG-nitro-L-
arginine methyl ester (L-NAME, 50 M) hearts were subjected to 20 min of ischemia
and perfused with 10 M PKC II peptide inhibitor (dissolved in 5 mL plasma) and
50 M L-NAME (dissolved in Krebs buffer from 50 mM stock in H2O) and PMNs
(200 x 106) during the first 5 minutes of reperfusion. The L-NAME (50 M) was
continually infused into the heart throughout the 45 min reperfusion period. These
hearts represented a group to determine if the cardioprotective effect of PKC 
peptide inhibition can be blocked with a nitric oxide synthase inhibitor (L-NAME)
Previous studies showed that sham I/R hearts given PMNs exhibited no
changes from initial control values (Lefer et al., Circulation 100: 178-184, 1999).
Data were recorded every 5 min for 45 min post-reperfusion. After each experiment,
the left ventricle was isolated, fixed in 4% paraformaldehyde and stored at 4°C for
later histological analysis.
Figure 7 showed the time course of cardiac contractile function (LVDP) for
the sham I/R, I/R, I/R+PMN+PKC  peptide inhibitor (10 M) and I/R+PMN

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groups, and illustrated the changes in LVDP during the 80 min perfusion period. The
hearts in the Sham I/R group remained at 103±4% of initial baseline values of LVDP
for the entire duration of the perfusion period. Hearts in the I/R group experienced a
depression in LVDP during the initial stages of reperfusion, but by the end of
reperfusion they had recovered to 94±6% of initial baseline values. However, the
hearts in the I/R+PMN group exhibited severe cardiac contractile dysfunction, only
recovering to 43±5% of initial baseline values by the end of reperfusion. By contrast,
the hearts in the I/R+PMN+PKC  peptide inhibitor (10 M), although initially
showing a depression in LVDP of 61±10% of initial baseline values at 15 min into
reperfusion, recovered to 82±9% of baseline.
In order to establish whether the PKC II peptide inhibitor produced any direct
inotropic effects on cardiac contractile function, Sham I/R hearts were perfused with
PKC  peptide inhibitor (10 M). This group served as one of the controls for the
study. These hearts did not show any significant change in LVDP (Fig. 8) or
+dP/dtmax (Fig. 9) at the end of the 80 min reperfusion period, thus, indicating that at
this dose the PKC  peptide inhibitor had no direct effect on cardiac contractile
function. A 20M dose of PKC  peptide inhibitor was tested on a Sham I/R heart
and there were no cardiodepressant effects noticed at this dose.
Figs. 8 and 9 showed the initial and final values for LVDP and +dp/dtmax from
isolated perfused hearts respectively. There was no significant difference between the
initial baseline values of all the groups studied. There was also no significant
difference between the initial and final values of LVDP and +dP/dtmax for the Sham
I/R, I/R, Sham I/R+PKC  peptide inhibitor (5 M)5 and I/R+PKC  peptide
inhibitor (10 M) groups. However, there was a significant difference between the
initial and final values of LVDP and +dP/dtnmx for the I/R+PMN group. A significant

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decrease (p 45 min post-reperfusion was observed.
The presence of the PKC  peptide inhibitor at a 5 M and 10 M dose .
attenuated the decrease in LVDP and +dP/dtmax associated with the post-ischemic
perfusion with PMNs. The 10 M dose the was the most cardioprotective as the
hearts in the I/R+PMN+PKC  peptide inhibitor (10 M) recovered to 82±9% and
79±10% of initial baseline at 45 min post-reperfusion for LVDP and +dP/dtmax,
respectively. These values were significantly different from I/R+PMN at 45 min
post-reperfusion (p the same extent as the 10 M dose, as the hearts in the I/R+PMN+PKC  peptide
inhibitor (5 M) recovered to 69±7% and 63+7% for LVDP and +dP/dtmax of initial
baseline at 45 min post-reperfusion, respectively. The LVDP values for the 5 M
dose were significantly different from I/R+PMN at 45 min post-reperfusion (p The 1 M dose of PKC  peptide inhibitor was not cardioprotective as the hearts in
the I/R+PMN+PKC  peptide inhibitor (1 M) group only recovered to 57+4% and
53+6% for LVDP and +dP/dtmax respectively. The final values of LVDPand+dP/dtmax
at the 1 M dose group were not significantly different from the final values of the
I/R+PMN group.
The cardioprotective effects of the PKC  peptide inhibitor (10 M) were
blocked by the presence of L-NAME (50 M) in the IR+PMN+PKC  peptide
inhibitor (10 M)+L-NAME (50 M) group, as the LVDP and+dP/dtmax values at the
end of the 45 min reperfusion period were only 56+2% and 53+5% of the initial
baseline values, respectively, and were not significantly different from the final values
of the IR+PMN group (Figs. 3 and 4).

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NO release from rat aortic endothelium was measured to determine if PKC 
peptide inhibitor provides cardioprotection by a mechanism involving increased
endothelial NO release. Fig. 10 showed that segments of the endothelium treated with
PKC  peptide inhibitor generated significantly more NO when compared to the
basal NO release at 5 M (p release was measured at 1.85±0.18 pmoles NO/mg tissue. There was a definite dose-
response effect of stimulating the endothelium with PKC  peptide inhibitor as the 1
M, 2.5 M, 5 M and 10 M produced an increase in NO release above basal of
0.75±0.19,1.91±0.44,2.54±0.29, and 3.49±0.62 pmoles NO/mg tissue, respectively.
Acetylcholine (Ach, 500 nM) was used as a positive control in this assay and
stimulated the endothelium causing an increase of 3.75±0.58 pmoles NO/mg tissue,
above the baseline basal value. L-NAME was used as another control in order to
decrease basal release of NO to zero. Both the acetylcholine and PKC  peptide
inhibitor production of NO were completely inhibited by treating the endothelium
with L-NAME (400 M).
Another mechanism that may contribute to the cardioprotective effects (i.e.
LVDP) of the PKC II peptide inhibitor may be inhibition of PMN superoxide
release. PKC  peptide inhibitor significantly inhibited superoxide release (i.e.
absorbance) from suspensions of fMLP-stimulated rat PMNS from 0.13±0.01 to
0.05±0.009 (p0.0l), 0.02±0.004 (p0.0l), and 0.02±.007 (p0.0l) for 5 M, 10 M
and 20 M respectively (Fig. 11). There was no significant inhibition of superoxide
at the 1 uM dose. SOD (10 g/ml) was used as a positive control and it scavenged the
superoxide released by the fMLP-stimulated rat PMNs reducing the response to

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Example 3 - Effects of Peptide Inhibitors of PKC  and PKC ζ in Combination
Experiments with PKC  and PKC ζ peptide inhibitors were performed
substantially as described in Examples 1 and 2.
The following groups of isolated perfused rat hearts were used:
Group 1: Sham I/R hearts were not subjected to ischemia and were not
perfused with PMNs, but were perfused with 5 mL of plasma (1 mL/min) at 35
minutes into perfusion (the same time point that 1/R hearts would be given 5 mL of
plasma, 15 minutes of baseline recordings plus 20 minutes ischemia). These hearts
represented a control group to determine if the isolated rat heart can maintain LVDP
and +dP/dtmax throughout the 80-minute protocol (n=6).
Group 2: Sham 1/R + PKC  (10 M) + PKC ζ (5 M) peptide inhibitors
hearts were not subjected to ischemia and not perfused with PMNs. These hearts
were administered the PKC  and PKC ζ peptide inhibitor (10 M and 5 M,
respectively, dissolved in plasma from a 5 mM stock in H20) 35 minutes into
perfusion. This group was employed to determine if the peptide inhibitors cause a
cardiotonic or cardiodepressant effect (n=6).
Group 3: I/R hearts were subjected to 20 min of ischemia and perfused with 5
mL of plasma (1 mL/min) during the first 5 min of reperfusion, but were not perfused
with PMNs. These hearts represented a control group to determine if 20 min of
ischemia followed by reperfusion stunned the heart, but LVDP and +dP/dW will
recover to baseline values (initial) by the end of the 45-minute reperfusion period
Group 4: I/R + PKC  (10 M) + PKC ζ (5 M) peptide inhibitors
(dissolved in plasma) hearts were subjected to 20 min of ischemia and not perfused
with PMNs. These hearts were perfused with 5 mL of plasma + PKC I + PKC ζ

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PKC XXX at a higher concentration of the PKC  peptide inhibitor in
attenuating PMN-induced cardiac contractile dysfunction (n=7).
Group 9: I/R + PMNs + PKC  (10 M) + PKC ζ (5 M) peptide inhibitors
+ NGnitro-L-arginine methyl ester (L-NAME, 50 M) hearts were subjected to 20
min of ischemia and perfused with 10 M PKC  and 5 M PKC ζ peptide inhibitor
(dissolved in 5 mL plasma) and 50 M L-NAME (dissolved in Krebs buffer from 50
mM stock in H20) and PMNs (200 x 106) during the first 5 minutes of reperfusion.
The L-NAME (50 M) was continually infused into the heart throughout the 45 min
reperfusion period. These hearts represented a group to determine if the
cardioprotective effect of the peptide inhibitors can be blocked with a nitric oxide
synthase inhibitor (L-NAME) (n=5).
From the time course of Fig.12, the combination of PKC  (10 M) and
PKC ζ (5 M) peptide inhibitors resulted in a recovery rate matching that of the I/R
heart. This result was not observed when either PKC II (10 M) or PKC ζ (5 M)
peptide inhibitor was used alone (Examples 1 and 2) where the recovery rate of the
peptide inhibitor treated heart was slower than that of the I/R heart.
Figs. 13 and 14 showed the initial and final values for LVDP and +dP/dtmax
from isolated perfused hearts respectively. As expected and similar to Examples 1
and 2, the initial and final values of LVDP and +dP/dtmax for the I/R+PMN group
change significantly, decreasing (p and by about 45% in +dP/dtmax at 45 min post-reperfusion.
The presence of the PKC  and PKC ζ peptide inhibitors attenuated the
decrease in LVDP and +dP/dtmax associated with the post-ischemic perfusion with
PMNs. The 10 M PKC  and 5 M PKC ζ peptide inhibitors dose was the most
cardioprotective. Increasing the PKC  peptide inhibitors dosage from 5 M to 10

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I/R+PMN+PKC II+PKC ζ peptide inhibitors hearts. This protective effect was
reversed in the presence of L-NAME.
In Figure 17, endothelium of hearts treated with PKC  and PKC ζ peptide
inhibitors generated significantly more NO release, particularly at a dosage of 10 M
PKC  and 5 M PKC ζ peptide inhibitors, compared to basal NO release.
Acetylcholine (500 nM) was used as a positive control in the NO assay, and
significantly increased NO release compared to basal NO release. L-NAME was used
as another control in order to decrease basal release of NO to zero. Both the
acetylcholine and the peptide inhibitors-induced production of NO were completely
inhibited by treating the endothelium with L-NAME (400 μM).
Another mechanism of the cardioprotective effects of PKC II and PKC ζ
peptide inhibitors may be related to inhibition of superoxide release. As seen from
Fig. 18, the combination of PKC II and PKC ζ peptide inhibitors significantly
inhibited superoxide release when compared to suspensions of PMA-stimulated rat
PMNs or when compared to PKC  or PKC ζ peptide inhibitor used alone. SOD (10
(ig/mL) was used as a positive control in the superoxide assays, and degraded
superoxide release produced by the PMA-stimulated rat PMNs by 99% (Fig. 18).
The Examples all showed that the presence of sufficient amount of PKC 
peptide inhibitor and/or PKC ζ peptide inhibitor provided significant cardioprotective
effect by attenuating PMN-induced cardiac dysfunction.
Example 4 - Effects of Peptide Activator of PKC 
Experiments with PKC peptide activators were performed substantially as
described in Example 1 for PKCζ peptide inhibitor.
The following groups of isolated perfused rat hearts were used:

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Group 1: Sham I/R hearts were not subjected to ischemia and were not
perfused with PMNs, but were perfused with 5 mL of plasma (1 mL/min) at 35
minutes into perfusion (the same time point that I/R hearts would be given 5 mL of
plasma, 15 minutes of baseline recordings plus 20 minutes ischemia). These hearts
represented a control group to determine if the isolated rat heart can maintain LVDP
and +dP/dtmax throughout the 80-minute protocol (n=6).
Group 2: Sham I/R + PKC  peptide activator (10 M) hearts were not
subjected to ischemia and not perfused with PMNs. These hearts were administered
the PKC  peptide activator (10 M, dissolved in plasma from a 5 mM stock in H20)
35 minutes into perfusion. This group was employed to determine if the PKC 
peptide activator causes a cardiotonic or cardiodepressant effect (n=6).
Group 3: I/R hearts were subjected to 20 min of ischemia and perfused with 5
mL of plasma (1 mL/min) during the first 5 min of reperfusion, but were not perfused
with PMNs. These hearts represented a control group to determine if 20 min of
ischemia followed by reperfusion stunned the heart, but LVDP and +dP/dtmax will
recover to baseline values (initial) by the end of the 45-minute reperfusion period
Group 4: I/R + PKC  peptide activator (10 μM, dissolved in plasma) hearts
were subj ected to 20 min of ischemia and not perfused with PMNs. These hearts
were perfused with 5 mL of plasma + PKC  peptide activator during the first 5 min
of reperfusion. This group was employed to determine if the PKC  peptide activator
causes a cardiodepressant effect in the setting of I/R without PMNs (n=6).
Group 5: I/R + PMNs hearts were subjected to 20 min of ischemia and
perfused with 5 mL of plasma (1 mL/min) and PMNs (resuspended in 5 mL Krebs
buffer) during the first 5 min of reperfusion. These hearts represented a control group

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to determine it 20 min or Ischemia followed by 45 min reperfusion in the presence of
PMNs (200 x 106) resulted in a sustained cardiac contractile dysfunction throughout
the 45 min reperfusion period compared to initial baseline values (n=l 0).
Group 6: I/R + PMNs + PKC  peptide activator (1 μM) hearts were
subjected to 20 min of ischemia and perfused with 1 μM PKC II peptide inhibitor
(dissolved in plasma) and PMNs (200 x 106) during the first 5 minutes of reperfusion.
These hearts represented a group to determine the effect of PKC 8 activation in
attenuating PMN-induced cardiac contractile dysfunction (n=6).
Group 7: I/R + PMNs + PKC  peptide activator (5 μM) hearts were
subjected to 20 min of ischemia and perfused with 5 μM PKC  peptide inhibitor
(dissolved in plasma) and PMNs (200 x 106) during the first 5 minutes of reperfusion.
These hearts represented a group to determine the effect of PKC  activation at a
higher concentration of the PKC  peptide activator in attenuating PMN-induced
cardiac contractile dysfunction (n=6).
Group 8: I/R + PMNs + PKC  peptide activator (10 μM) hearts were
subjected to 20 min of ischemia and perfused with 10 μM PKC  peptide activator
(dissolved in plasma) and PMNs (200 x 106) during the first 5 minutes of reperfusion.
These hearts represented a group to determine the effect of PKC  activation at a
higher concentration of the PKC  peptide activator in attenuating PMN-induced
cardiac contractile dysfunction (n=6).
Previous studies showed that sham I/R hearts given PMNs exhibited no
changes from initial control values (Lefer et al., Circulation 100: 178-184, 1999).
Data were recorded every 5 min for 45 min post-reperfusion. After each experiment,
the left ventricle was isolated, fixed in 4% paraformaldehyde and stored at 4°C for
later histological analysis.

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Figure 19 showed the time course of cardiac contractile function (LVDP) for
the sham I/R, I/R, I/R+PMN+PKC  peptide activator (10 μM) and I/R+PMN groups,
and illustrated the changes in LVDP during the 80 min perfusion period. The hearts
in the Sham I/R group remained at 103±4% of initial baseline values of LVDP for the
entire duration of the perfusion period. Hearts in the I/R group experienced a
depression in LVDP during the initial stages of reperfusion, but by the end of
reperfusion they had recovered to 82±3% of initial baseline values. However, the
hearts in the I/R+PMN group exhibited severe cardiac contractile dysfunction, only
recovering to 46±9% of initial baseline values by the end of reperfusion. By contrast,
the hearts in the I/R+PMN+PKC  peptide activator (10 μM), although initially
showing a depression in LVDP of 58±8% of initial baseline values at 15 min into
reperfusion, recovered to 83±3% of baseline.
In order to establish whether the PKC  peptide activator produced any direct
inotropic effects on cardiac contractile function, Sham I/R hearts were perfused with
PKC  peptide activator (10 μM). This group served as one of the controls for the
study. These hearts did not show any significant change in LVDP (Fig. 20) or
+dP/dtmax (Fig. 21) at the end of the 80 min reperfusion period, thus, indicating that at
this dose the PKC  peptide activator had no direct effect on cardiac contractile
Figs. 20 and 21 showed the initial and final values for LVDP and +dP/dtmax
from isolated perfused hearts respectively. There was no significant difference
between the initial baseline values of all the groups studied. There was also no
significant difference between the initial and final values of LVDP and +dP/dtmax for
the Sham I/R, I/R, Sham I/R+PKC  peptide activator and I/R+PKC  peptide
activator (10 μM) groups. However, there was a significant difference between the

WO 2006/076590 PCT/US2006/001266
initial and final values of LVDP and +dP/dtmax for the MR+PMN group. A significant
decrease (p 45 min post-reperfusion was observed.
The presence of the PKC  peptide activator at a 5 μM and 10 μM dose
attenuated the decrease in LVDP and +dP/dtmax associated with the post-ischemic
perfusion with PMNs. The 10 μM dose the was the most cardioprotective as the
hearts in the I/R+PMN+PKC  peptide activator (10 μM) recovered to 83±3% and
79±5% of initial baseline at 45 min post-reperfusion for LVDP and +dP/dtmax,
respectively. These values were significantly different from I/R+PMN at 45 min
post-reperfusion (p the same extent as the 10 μM dose, as the hearts in the I/R+PMN+PKC  peptide
activator (5 μM) recovered to 80±9% and 67±7% for LVDP and +dP/dtmax of initial
baseline at 45 min post-reperfusion, respectively. The LVDP values for the 5 μM
dose were significantly different from I/R+PMN at 45 min post-reperfusion (p The 1 μM dose of PKC  peptide activator was not cardioprotective as the hearts in
the I/R+PMN+PKC  peptide activator (1 μM) group only recovered to 60±13% and
51 ±5 % for LVDP and +dP/dtmax respectively. The final values of LVDP and +dP/dtmax

at the 1 μM dose group were not significantly different from the final values of the
I/R+PMN group.
A mechanism that may contribute to the cardioprotective effects (i.e. LVDP)
of the PKC  peptide activator may be inhibition of PMN superoxide release. PKC 
peptide activator significantly inhibited superoxide release (i.e. absorbance) from
suspensions of PMA-stimulated rat PMNS from 0.49±0.03 to 0.32±0.03 (p 0.32±0.02 (p significant inhibition of superoxide at the 1 μM dose.

WO 2006/076590 PCT/US2006/001266
Although certain presently preferred embodiments of the invention have been
specifically described herein, it will be apparent to those skilled in the art to which the
invention pertains that variations and modifications of the various embodiments
shown and described herein may be made without departing from the spirit and scope
of the invention. Accordingly, it is intended that the invention be limited only to the
extent required by the appended claims and the applicable rules of law.

WO 2006/076590 PCT/US2006/001266
What is claimed is
1. A solution for perfusion, preservation, and/or re-perfusion for organ
preservation comprising at least one peptide inhibitor of protein kinase C 
(PKC) and/or at least one peptide inhibitor of protein kinase C ζ (PKCζ) and/or at
least one peptide activator of PKC .
2. The solution of claim 1, wherein the peptide inhibitors are dissolved in saline
3. The solution of claim 1, further comprising potassium chloride.
4. The solution of claim 1, wherein the at least one peptide inhibitor of PKCII is
5. The solution of claim 1, wherein the at least one peptide activator of PKC is
6. The solution of claim 1, wherein the at least one peptide inhibitor of PKCζ is
selected form the group consisting of SEQ ID NO: 2 and Gö6983.
7. The solution of claim 1, wherein the concentration of the at least one peptide
inhibitor of PKC is about 5-10 μM.
8. The solution of claim 1, wherein the concentration of the at least one peptide
activator of PKC is about 5-10 μM.

WO 2006/076590 PCT/US2006/001266
9. The solution of claim 1, wherein the concentration of the at least one peptide
inhibitor of PKCζ is about 2.5-5 μM.
10. The solution of claim 1, wherein the organ is a heart.
11. The solution of claim 1, wherein the organ is a mammalian organ.
12. The solution of claim 11, wherein the mammal is human.
13. The solution of claim 1, wherein the organ is preserved for transplantation.
14. The solution of claim 1, wherein the peptide inhibitors/activator are
15. A method for preserving an organ for transplantation comprising the step of
perfusing the organ with the solution of claim 1.
16. The method of claim 15, wherein the peptide inhibitors/activator are dissolved
in saline solution.
17. The method of claim 15, further comprising potassium chloride.

WO 2006/076590 PCT/US2006/001266
18. The method of claim 15, wherein the at least one peptide inhibitor of PKC
is SEQ ID NO: 1.
19. The method of claim 15, wherein the at least one peptide activator of PKC is
20. The method of claim 15, wherein the at least one peptide inhibitor of PKCζ is
selected form the group consisting of SEQ ID NO: 2 and Gö6983.
21. The method of claim 15, wherein the concentration of the at least one peptide
inhibitor of PKC is about 5-10 μM.
22. The method of claim 15, wherein the concentration of the at least one peptide
activator of PKC is about 5-10 μM.
23. The method of claim 15, wherein the concentration of the at least one peptide
inhibitor of PKCζ is about 2.5-5 μM.
24. The method of claim 15, wherein the organ is a heart.
25. The method of claim 15, wherein the organ is a mammalian organ.
26. The method of claim 25, wherein the mammal is human.
27. The method of claim 15, wherein the organ is preserved for transplantation.

WO 2006/076590 PCT/US2006/001266
28. The method of claim 15, wherein the wherein the peptide inhibitors/activators
are myristolated.
29. The method of claim 15, further comprising the step of submerging the organ
in the solution of claim 1.
30. The method of claim 15, wherein the perfusing step takes place at a rate of less
than about 20 mL/minute.
31. The method of claim 15, wherein the perfusing step takes place at a rate of
about 1 mL/minute.
32. The method of claim 15, wherein the perfusing step is a retrograde perfusion.
33. The method of claim 15, wherein the perfusing step lasts about 5 minutes.
34. A method for protecting an ischemic organ from damage comprising the step
of perfusing the organ with the solution of claim 1.
35. The method of claim 34, wherein the peptide inhibitors/activators are
dissolved in saline solution.
36. The method of claim 34, further comprising potassium chloride.

WO 2006/076590 PCT/US2006/001266
37. The method of claim 34, wherein the at least one peptide inhibitor of PKC
is SEQID NO:l.
38. The method of claim 34, wherein the at least one peptide activator of PKC is
39. The method of claim 34, wherein the at least one peptide inhibitor of PKCζ is
selected form the group consisting of SEQ ID NO: 2 and Gö6983.
40. The method of claim 34, wherein the concentration of the at least one peptide
inhibitor of PKC is about 5-10 μM.
41. The method of claim 34, wherein the concentration of the at least one peptide
activator of PKC is about 5-10 μM.
42. The method of claim 34, wherein the concentration of the at least one peptide
inhibitor of PKCζ is about 2.5-5 μM.
43. The method of claim 34, wherein the organ is a heart.
44. The method of claim 34, wherein the organ is a mammalian organ.
45. The method of claim 44, wherein the mammal is human.
46. The method of claim 34, wherein the organ is preserved for transplantation.

WO 2006/076590 PCT/US2006/001266
47. The method of claim 34, wherein the wherein the peptide inhibitors/activators
are myristolated.
48. The method of claim 34, further comprising the step of submerging the organ
in the solution of claim 1.
49. The method of claim 34, wherein the perfusing step takes place at a rate of less
than about 20 mL/minute.
50. The method of claim 34, wherein the perfusing step takes place at a rate of
about 1 mL/minute.
51. The method of claim 34, wherein the perfusing step is a retrograde perfusion.
52. The method of claim 34, wherein the perfusing step lasts about 5 minutes.
53. A method for attenuating organ dysfunction after ischemia comprising the step
of perfusing the organ with the solution of claim 1.
54. The method of claim 53, wherein the peptide inhibitors/activator are dissolved
in saline solution.
55. The method of claim 53, further comprising potassium chloride.

WO 2006/076590 PCT/US2006/001266
56. The method of claim 53, wherein the at least one peptide inhibitor of PKC
is SEQ ID NO: l.
57. The method of claim 53, wherein the at least one peptide activator of PKC is
58. The method of claim 53, wherein the at least one peptide inhibitor of PKCζ is
selected form the group consisting of SEQ ID NO: 2 and Gö6983.
59. The method of claim 53, wherein the concentration of the at least one peptide
inhibitor of PKC is about 5-10 μM.
60. The method of claim 53, wherein the concentration of the at least one peptide
activator of PKC is about 5-10 μM.
61. The method of claim 53, wherein the concentration of the at least one peptide
inhibitor of PKCζ is about 2.5-5 μM.
62. The method of claim 53, wherein the organ is a heart.
63. The method of claim 53, wherein the organ is a mammalian organ.
64. The method of claim 63, wherein the mammal is human.
65. The method of claim 53, wherein the organ is preserved for transplantation.

WO 2006/076590 PCT/US2006/001266
66. The method of claim 53, wherein the wherein the peptide inhibitors/activator
are myristolated.
67. The method of claim 53, further comprising the step of submerging the organ
in the solution of claim 1.
68. The method of claim 53, wherein the perfusing step takes place at a rate of less
than about 20 mL/minute.
69. The method of claim 53, wherein the perfusing step takes place at a rate of
about 1 mL/minute.
70. The method of claim 53, wherein the perfusing step is a retrograde perfusion.
71. The method of claim 53, wherein the perfusing step lasts about 5 minutes.
72. A method for mdntaining nitric oxide release in an ischemic organ comprising
the step of perfusing the organ with the solution of claim 1.
73. The method of claim 72, wherein the peptide inhibitors/activator are dissolved
in saline solution.
74. The method of claim 72, further comprising potassium chloride.

WO 2006/076590 PCT/US2006/001266
75. The method of claim 72, wherein the at least one peptide inhibitor of PKCII
is SBQ ID NO: l.
76. The method of claim 72, wherein the at least one peptide inhibitor of PKC is
77. The method of claim 72, wherein the at least one peptide inhibitor of PKCζ is
selected form the group consisting of SEQ ID NO: 2 and Gö6983.
78. The method of claim 72, wherein the concentration of the at least one peptide
inhibitor of PKC is about 5-10 M.
79. The method of claim 72, wherein the concentration of the at least one peptide
activator of PKC is about 5-10 μM.
80. The method of claim 72, wherein the concentration of the at least one peptide
inhibitor of PKCζ is about 2.5-5 μM.
81. The method of claim 72, wherein the organ is a heart.
82. The method of claim 72, wherein the organ is a mammalian organ.
83. The method of claim 82, wherein the mammal is human.
84. The method of claim 72, wherein the organ is preserved for transplantation.

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94. The method of claim 91, wherein the at least one peptide inhibitor of PKC
is SEQ ID NO: 1.
95. The method of claim 91, wherein the at least one peptide activator of PKC is
96. The method of claim 91, wherein the at least one peptide inhibitor of PKCζ is
selected form the group consisting of SEQ ID NO: 2 and Gö6983.
97. The method of claim 91, wherein the concentration of the at least one peptide
inhibitor of PKC is about 5-10 μM.
98. The method of claim 91, wherein the concentration of the at least one peptide
activator of PKC  is about 5-10 μM.
99. The method of claim 91, wherein the concentration of the at least one peptide
inhibitor of PKCζ is about 2.5-5 μM.
100. The method of claim 91, wherein the organ is a heart.
101. The method of claim 91, wherein the organ is a mammalian organ.
102. The method of claim 101, wherein the mammal is human.

WO 2006/076590 PCT/US2006/001266
1'03. The method of claim 91, wherein the organ is preserved for transplantation.
104. The method of claim 91, wherein the wherein the peptide inhibitors/activator
are myristolated.
105. The method of claim 91, further comprising the step of submerging the organ
in the solution of claim 1.
106. The method of claim 91, wherein the perfusing step takes place at a rate of less
than about 20 mL/minute.
107. The method of claim 91, wherein the perfusing step takes place at a rate of
about 1 mL/minute.
108. The method of claim 91, wherein the perfusing step is a retrograde perfusion.
109. The method of claim 91, wherein the perfusing step lasts about 5 minutes.

The present invention relates to a solution for preservation, perfusion, and/or reperfusion of an organ, especially
the heart, for transplantation. The solution contains peptide inhibitor(s) of protein kinase C βII (PKC βII) and/or of protein kinase
C ζ (PKC ζ) and/or peptide activator(s) of protein kinase C δ (PKCδ). Methods for using the inventive solution are also disclosed,
including methods for preserving an organ for transplantation, for protecting an ischemic organ from damage, for attenuating organ
dysfunction after ischemia, for maintaining nitric oxide release and/or inhibiting superoxide release in an ischemic organ, and for
protecting an organ from damage when isolated from the circulatory system.




02985-kolnp-2007-correspondence others.pdf

02985-kolnp-2007-description complete.pdf


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02985-kolnp-2007-form 5.pdf

02985-kolnp-2007-international publication.pdf

02985-kolnp-2007-sequence listing.pdf



2985-KOLNP-2007-(13-03-2012)-PETITION UNDER RULE 137.pdf


2985-KOLNP-2007-(15-02-2012)-AMANDED CLAIMS.pdf

2985-KOLNP-2007-(15-02-2012)-DESCRIPTION (COMPLETE).pdf



2985-KOLNP-2007-(15-02-2012)-FORM 1.pdf

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2985-KOLNP-2007-(15-02-2012)-PETITION UNDER RULE 137-1.1.pdf

2985-KOLNP-2007-(15-02-2012)-PETITION UNDER RULE 137.pdf





2985-kolnp-2007-form 18.pdf

2985-KOLNP-2007-FORM 3-1.1.pdf


Patent Number 263656
Indian Patent Application Number 2985/KOLNP/2007
PG Journal Number 46/2014
Publication Date 14-Nov-2014
Grant Date 12-Nov-2014
Date of Filing 14-Aug-2007
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number A01N 1/02
PCT International Application Number PCT/US2006/001266
PCT International Filing date 2006-01-13
PCT Conventions:
# PCT Application Number Date of Convention Priority Country
1 11/035197 2005-01-14 U.S.A.