Title of Invention


Abstract ABSTRACT OF THE DISCLOSURE A bobbin feed method in a spinning machine is disclosed herein. The spinning machine includes a bobbin holder having a space behind the line of empty bobbins, The bobbin feed method is characterized by the following steps. The first step is a step o1 setting the number of empty bobbins which are successively taken out from the bobbin holder the same as that corresponding to limit size of the space or more. The limit size is size of the space at which the empty bobbin fed through the chute falls down at the space. The second step is a step of feeding the empty bobbin into the bobbin holder before the size of the space reaches the limit size white the empty bobbins are taken out from the bobbin holder by the peg trays which pass below the bobbin holder.
Full Text

The present invention relates to a bobbin feed method and a bobbin feed system in a spinning maciiine. More specifically, the invention relates to a bobbin feed method and a bobbin feed system adapted for use in a spinning machine in which empty bobbins and full bobbins are conveyed by using peg trays having pegs on the top thereof. The spinning machine includes a fine spinning machine and a twisting machine.
A spinning machine such as a fine spining machine and a twisting machine generally requires a bobbin canter system for facilitating the automatic operation of a bobbin changing device in replacing full bobbins with empty bobbins. The bobbin carrier system is operable to convey out of the spinning machine full bobbins doffed by the bobbin changing device and then to arrange empty bobbins along a spindle rait at an internal corresponding to a spindle spacing. Such a bobbin carrier system is disclosed by Japanese Patent Application Publication No. 2000-96364. The bobbin carrier system of this publication conveys full bobbins and empty bobbins using peg trays with pegs on the top thereof. The bobbin carrier system has two transfer devices extending

below and in the longitudinal direction of the frame of the spinning machine. The first transfer device is located on one side and the second transfer device on the other side of the machine frame. These transfer devices are connected at the opposite longitudinal ends of the machine frame by two connecting portions. The first connecting portion is provided with a full bobbin remover for removing full bobbins from the peg trays and an empty bobbin feeder for feeding the empty bobbins to the peg trays. Each transfer device has an air cylinder and a transfer member reciprocated by the air cylinder to intermittently move the peg trays for a distance that corresponds to a predetermined number of peg trays. After the full bobbins are doffed, the peg trays are moved through the first connecting portion by the transfer devices. While the peg trays are moved through the connecting portion, the full bobbins are removed from the peg trays by the full bobbin remover and the empty bobbins are installed onto the peg trays by the empty bobbin feeder. The empty bobbins on the peg trays are then disposed for each spindle of the spinning machine.
The above bobbin feeder has a bobbin holder. As shown in Fig. 10, the bobbin holder 71 for holding therein a plurality of empty bobbins E has a bottom wall 71A that is slanted forwardly or downward. A plurality of peg trays 72 (only three peg trays being shown) each having a peg 72A with an engaging portion 72B are arranged below the bottom wall 71A and movable fonvard. The bobbin holder 71 holds therein a plurality of empty bobbins E in a line and opened at its

forward end. The bottom wall 71A of the bobbin holder 71 has formed at Its forward end a cutout portion, which allows the engaging portion 72B of the peg 72A of each peg tray 72 to pass through. The empty bobbin E at the foremost position in the bobbin holder71 is disposed in a given posture by a pair of balls 73 i and a restraining manber 74. The paired balls 73 are provided at the forward lower end of the bobbin holder 71 and the restraining member 74 is provided at the forward upper end of the bobbin holder 71. A bobbin sensor 76 is rnounted in the bobbin holder 71. The bobbin sensor 76 is located so that the empty bobbin E at the end of the line of empty bobbins E in the bobbin holder 71 is detected by the bobbin sensor 76 when a predetermined number of empty bobbins E is arranged on the bottom vrall 71A. In the case of Fig,10, the predetermined number of empty bobbins E is six.
An empty bobbin container (not shown) is provided above the bobbin holder 71. A drum casing is fomied in the bobbin container adjacent to the front bottom of the b(Abin container, in which a daim having axial grcmves on its circumferential surftice is rotatably mounted. The drum is rotated intermittently when no empty bobbin E is detected by the bobbin sensor 76, The rotation of the drum causes an empty bobbin E in the bobbin container to be dropped and fed into the bobbin holder 71 through a chute 75 with the large end of the empty bobbin E oriented downward. Thus, the empty bobbin E received in an axial groove of the rotating dnjm is dropped Into the bobbin holder 71. Subsequently,

the empty bobbin E is installed onto the peg tray 72.
For the empty bobbin E located at the foremost position in the bobbin holder 71 to be moved and instaDed smoothly onto the peg 72A of the peg tray 72 . moving below the bobbin holder 71, the en^pty bobWn E is kept at a predetemiined tilted angle in the bobbin holder 71. For an empty bobbin E dropped through the chute 75 into the bobbin holder 71 to be arranged orderly in the bobbin holder 71 in contact with Its preceding empty bobbin E, the space behind the line of ^pty bt^bins E in the bottoin holder 71 is smaller than a predetennined size.
Although the spinning machine used to have only about 200 spindles on one side thereof, the spinning machine of recent years has 5Q0 to 600 spindles on one side thereof. In such a spinning machine having a large number of spindles, the peg trays may be moved intermittently only for a distance corresponding to one or two spindle spactngs. In this case, some spinning conditions make it difficult to con^lete conveying of empty bobbins and full bobbins in and out of the machine in tinre. To solve this problem, the stroke of the air cylinder may be changed or increased so that each peg tray is moved for a distance that is N times as long as the spindle spacing by a single transferring operation of the transfer devices. It is noted that the N denotes three or more natural number.

In the bobbin carrier system of the above publication, when no empty bobbin E is detected by the bobbin sensor 76 due to Oie movement of the peg trays 72, the drum is rotated and a new empty bobbin E is fed into the bobbin holder 71 through the chute 75. In this bobbin carrier system, however, the moving speed of the peg trays 72 arw] the feed rate of the empty bobbins E into the bobbin holder 71 (or the rotational speed of the drum) are not associated with each other. If the stroke of the air cylinder is increased to a lerigth that is, for example, four times as long as the spindle spacing, four empty bobbins E may be ' taken out from the bdabin holder 71 before a new empty bobbin E is fed into the bobbin holder 71. Though depending on the moving speed of the peg trays 72, this is possible even if the rotation of the daim is initiated when no empty bobbin E ts detected by the bobbin sensor 76. As a result a large space is fomned behind the line of empty bobbins E in the bobbin holder 71 and an empty bobbin E dropped into the bobbin holder 71 may fall down and fail to be arranged orderly in the bd)bin holder 71. This causes jamming of the bobbin holder 71 with empty bobbins E, failure of installation of an empty bobbin E onto a peg, and a trouble with the continuous operation of the spinning madiine.
The present invention is directed to a bot*in feed method and a bobbin feed system in a spinning machine which prevent an empty bobbin from falling down in the bobbin holder. These are available even if the number of empty

bobbins which are successively talten out from the bobbin holder is increased to that corresponding to limit size of a space formed behind the line of empty bobbins in the bobbin hoider or more.
In accordance with a first aspect of the present invention, a bobbin feed method in a spinning machine is disclosed herein. The spinning machine indudes a machine frame, a first transfer device, a second transfer device, a first
) connecting portion, a second connecting portion and an empty bobbin feeder. The machine frame has a first end and a second end. The first transfer device and the second transfer device are arranged on oppo^te sides of and along a longitudinal direction of the machine frame. Each transfer device includes a peg tray passage, a transfer member and an air cylinder. A plurality of peg trays are
i movable along the peg tray passage. Each peg tray has on the top thereof a peg for receiving a bobbin thereon. The transfer member is movable reciprocally along the peg tray passage for transferring the peg trays for a predetemiined distance at a time. The air cylinder imparts the reciprocating motion to the transfer member. The first connecting portion is located adjacent to the first end of the
) machine frame for transfemng the peg trays from the first transfer device to the second transfer device. The second connecting portion is located adjacent to the second end of the machine frame for transferring the peg trays from the second

transfer device to the first transfer device. The empty bobbin feeder i& located above the second connecting portion for feeding empty bobbins to the peg irays-The empty bobbin feeder includes a chute and a bobbin holder. The empty bobbins pass through the chute. The empty bobbins are fed into the bobbin
i holder through ttie chute. The bobbin holder allows the empty bobbins to be held in a line and has a space fomned behind the line of empty bobbins in the bobbin holder. The empty bobbin at the foremost position of the line is fed to the peg of the peg tray which passes below the ennpty bobbin thereby to be received by the peg. The empty bob&ins are successively taken out from the bobbin holder by the
I peg trays. The bobbin feed method is characterized by the following steps. The first step is a step of setting the number of empty bobbins which are successively taken out from the bobbin holder, to the same as that corresponding to limit size of the space or more. The limit size is as large as a size of the space which causes the empty bobbin fed through the chute falBng down at the space in the bobbin holder. The second step is a step of feeding the empty bobbin into the bobbin holder before the size of the space formed behind the line of empty bobbins reaches the linnit size while the empty bobbins are taken out from the bobbin hokler by the peg trays which pass below the bobbin holder.
In accordance with a second aspect of the present invention, a bobbin feed system in a spinning machine is disclosed herein. The spinning machine has a machine frame. The machine frame has a first end and a second end. The

bobbin feed system Includes a first transfer device, a second transfer device, a first connecting portion, a second connecting portion and an empty bobbin feeder. The first transfer device and the second transfer device are arranged on opposite sides of and along a longitudinal direction of the machine frame. Each transfer
) device includes a peg tray passage, a transfer member and an air cylinder. A plurality of peg trays are movabie along the peg tray passage. Each peg tray has on the top thereof a peg for receiving a bobbin thereon. The transfer member is movable reciprocally along the peg tray passage for transferring the peg trays for a predetermined distance at a time. The air cylinder imparls the redprocating
D motion to the transfer member The first connecting portion is located adjacent to the first end of the machine frarre'for transfemng the peg Irays from the first transfer device to the second transfer device. The second connecting portbn is located adjacent to the second end of the machine frame for transferring the peg trays from the second transfer device to the first transfer device. The empty
5 bobbin feeder is located above the second connecting portion for feeding empty bobbins to the peg trays. The empty bobbin feeder includes an empty bobbin container, a chute and a bobbin holder The empty bobbin container contains the empty bobbins. The empty bobbins pass through the chute. The empty bobbins are fed into the bobbin holder through the chute. The bobbin holder allows the
.0 empty bobbins to be held in a line and has a space fomned behind the line of empty bobbins in the bobbin holder. The empty bobbin at tiie foremost position of the line is fed to the peg of the peg tray which passes tielow the empty bobbin

thereby to be received by the peg. The empty bobbins are successively teken out from the bobbin holder by the peg trav^. The bobbin feed system is characterized in that the bobbin feed system has a transporting device fw moving the peg trayS-The transporting device moves the peg trays so that the number of empty
i bobbins which are successively taken out from the bobbin holder is set to that corresponding to limit size of the space or more. The limit size is as large as a size of the space at which the empty bobbin fed through the chute falls down at the space in the bobbin holder. The empty bobbin feeder has a drum and a motor for rotating the drum interniitterrtly at a ccvistant speed. The dnjm has grooves on
D a circumferential surfece ttiereof for receiving therein the empty bobbins. The empty bobbin feeder is formed so as to feed the empty bobbins in the empty bobbin container to the chute successively one at a time by the rotatbn of the drum. The empty bobbin is fed into the bobbin holder before the size of the space formed behind the line of empty bobbins reaches the limit size while ^e empty
5 bobbins are taken out from the bobbin hoWer by the transfer of the peg trays of the transporting device for the predetennined distance.
Other aspects and advantages of the invention will become apparent from the following description, taken in conjunction with the accompanying ;0 drawings, illustrating by way of example the principles of the invention.

The features of the present Invention that are tjelieved to be novel are set
forth with particularly In the appended claims. The invention together with objects
1 and advantages Uiereot, n^ay best be understood by reference to the following
description of the presently preferred embodimente together with the
accompanying drawings in which:
Fig. 1Ais a schematic plan view showing a bobbin feed system according 0 to a first embodiment of the present invention;
Fig. 1B is a block diagram showing a pneumatic drive mechanism for the bobbin feed system;
5 Fig. 2 Is a cross sectional view showing a pair of transfer r^ils of the
bobbin feed system supported by a bracket;
Fig. 3 is a fragmentary plan view showing a second connecting portion of the bobbin feed system and its vicinities;
Fig. 4 is a schematic side view showing the bobbin feed system;

Fig. 5 is a time chart showing the operation of air cylinder and drum and the number of empty bobbins in a bobbin holder of the bobbin feed system;
Fig. 6 is a time chart of a comparative example showing the operation of ) the air cylinder and the drum arxJ the numlier of the empty bobbins In the bobbin holder;
Fig. 7 is a thematic view showing an empty bobbin fed in the bc^bin holder after four empty bobbins have been taken out from the bobbin holder;
Rg. 8 is a schematic view similar to that of Fig. 7, but showing an empty bobbin fed in the bobbin holder after two or three empty bobbins have been taken out from the bobbin holder;
5 Fig. 9 is a time chart similar to that of Fig. 5, but shoving the operatian of '
the air cylinder and the drum and the numl>er of empty bobbins in the bobbin holder of the bobbin feed system according to a second embodiment of the present Invention; and
0 Fig. 10 is a schematic side view showing a bobbin feed system of
background art.

The following will describe a bobbin feed system of the first embodiment according to the present invention for use in a fine spinning machine with
5 reference to Figs. lAto 8. Referring to Fig. 1A, the spinning machine has a machine frame 11 and two transfer devices T1, T2 arranged on opposite sides of and along the longitudinal direction of the machine frame 11 for transferring a plurality of peg ft^ys 12. The machine frame 11 has the gear end GE as a first end and the out end E as a second end thereof, respectively. A first connecting
0 portion 13 is located adjacent to the gear end GE for transferring the peg trays 12 from the first transfer device T1 to the second transfer device T2- A second connecting portion 14 is located adjacent to the out end OE for transfening the peg trays 12 from the second transfer device 12 to the first transfer device T1. As shown in Fig. 2, eadi peg tray 12 has in the bottom thereof a recess 12A and on
15 the top thereof an upright peg 12B for receiving a bobbin B thereon. The recess 12A has a cylindrical shape.
Both transfer devices T1, T2 are fomned substantially in the same
structure as the counterparts disciosed by the aforementioned Japanese Patent
20 Application Publication No. 2000-96364. As shown in Fig. 2, each of the transfer
devices T1, T2 includes a pair of transfer rails 15, a pair of guide covers 16 and a
positfcning member 17. The parred transfer rails 15 and the paired guide covers

16 serve as a transfer member and a guide member of the present invention, respectively. The paired guide covers 16 cooperate to form therebetween a peg tray passage, along which the peg trays 12 are movable. The paired transfer rails 15 are movable reciprocaliy along the peg tray passage. The paired guide covers
5 15 serve to guide the rnovement of the peg trays 12 mounted on the paired transfer rails 15 along the above passage. The positioning member 17 extends between and in the longitudinal direction of the paired transfer rails 15. Referring back to Fig. 1A, a plurality of spindles 16 are arranged in a line along the paired guide covers 16. The positioning rnember 17 has a plurality of projections 17A in
0 the fomn of sawteeth. The projections 17A of the positioning member 17 are arranged at an interval that corresponds to that of the spindles 18 (or at a spindle spacing) and engageable wifli the recesses 12A. The positioning member 17 is supported by a leaf spring 19 to be movable up and down so that the projection 17A is allowed to enter the recess 12A when the projsction 17A is located at a
5 position con^sponding to the spindles 18. Thus, the positioning member 17 pemnlts the peg trays 12 to move only in the fonvard direction of the transfer rails 15, but Inhibits the peg trays 12 from moving in opposite direction.
The paired transfer rails 15 are located between the paired guide covers
10 16 and supportedbyabracket20. The bracket 20 has on the top thereof a pair of
guide grooves 20A with which the transfer rails 15 are kx>5ely engaged, as shown
in Fig. 2. The paired transfer rails 15 are movable reciprocally along the line of

spindles 18 and formed to mountthereon the peg trays 12 in 9 line. Each transfer rail 15 has on the top thereof projections (not shown). When the transfer rails 15 move fonward, the projet^ions are engaged with the outer peripheries of the peg trays 12. so that tt>e peg trays 12 are moved together with the transfer rail 15.
> When the transfer rails 15 move backwarel, on the other hand, the peg trays 12 are pushed up by the projections withoLrt being engaged therewith, so that the peg trays 12 are not moved with the transfer rails 15. In this case, the transfer raite 15 are movable below the peg trays 12. It is noted that forward movement of the transfer rails 15 means the movement thereof in the direction that forwards
0 the peg trays 12 and that the backward movement means the movement in the opposite direction.
Air cylinders 21. 22 having piston rods 21A, 22A, respectively, are provided adjacent to one end, or the out end OE in the present embodiment, of
5 the machine frame 11 and below the transfer rails 15. The transfer rails 15 are connected to the piston rods 21 A. 22A of the air cylinders 21, 22 through conneeling members (not shown). Each of the air cylinders 21,22 is set so that its stroke length is slightly larger than the length that is plural times as large as the spindle spacing. In the present embodiment, the stroll length is slightly larger
!0 than the length that is four times as large as the spindle spacing. The transfer rails 15 are fonned so as to reciprocate along the line of spindles 18 with the length of a stroke tiiat is slightly larger than the lengtti that is four times as large

as the spindls spacing by the action of the air cylinders 21, 22. The first transfer device T1 transfers the peg trays 12 from the out end OE toward the gear end GE, white the second transfer device T2 transfers the peg fra^ 12 frCTn the gear end GE toward the out end OE. it is noted that, for the sake of illustration, the air j cylinders 21, 22 which are actually arranged below the guide covers 16, are shown beside the guide covers 16 in Fig. 1A and also that the air cylinders 21.22 are shown to be located closer to the middle of the machine frame 11.
As shown in Fig. 1A, the first connecting portion 13 has a substantially 3 semicircular shape as viewed from the top thereof for allowing the p^ trays 12 to be transfen"ed smoothly between the transfer devices T1, T2. The first connecting portion 13 has support (not shown) at positions con-esponding to the exit T1A of the first transfer devi(» T1 and the entrance T2A of the second transfer device T2, respectively. When the transfer rails 15 move toward the out end OE of the 5 machine frame 11, the corresponding support holds four peg trays 12.
As shown in Fig. 3, the second connecting portion 14 has a guide passage 23 for slidably guiding the peg trays 12 from the exit T2B of the second transfer device T2 to the entrance T1B of the first transfer device T1. The second 0 transfer device T2 of the present embodiment serves as a transporting device of the present invention. The guide passage 23 has first straight portions extending in alignment with the transfer devices T1, T2, respectively, a second straight

portion 23A e)ctending substentially perpendicularly to the iongifijdinal direction of the maciiine frame 11 and arcuate portions 23B. Tlie artaiate portions 23B connect the first straight portions to the second straight poilion 23A, respectively. Thus, the guide passage 23 iias a substantially U shape as viewed from the top.
i as shown in Fig. 1A. The guide passage 23 has a base piate 24 slidably supporting the peg trays 12 and a guide plate 24A supported by the base piate 24 through a column (not shown) and engaged with the pegs 12B of the peg trays 12 for restricting the moving direction of the peg trays 1Z The base plate 24 is arranged so that its top is flush with those of the transfer rails 15.
The second connecting portion 14 has supports (not shown) at positions corresponding to the entrance T1B of the first transfer device T1 and the exit T2B of the second transfer device T2, respectively. When the transfer rails 15 move toward the gear end GE of the machine frame 11, the corresponding support
s holds four peg trays 12.
The first straight portion of the second connecting portion 14 adjacent to ttie exit T2B is provided with a full bobbin remover (not shown). A belt conveyor 25 is arranged along frie machine frame 11 laterally of the full bobbin remover for 0 conveying out the full bobbins. The full bobbin remover is of substantially the same stnjcture as that disclosed by Japanese Patent Application Publication No. 2D00-96364. The fuH bobbin remover is engageable with the bottom of the bobbin

B mounted on the peg tray 12 and removes the DODDin a irom me peg i^» DT me peg tray 12 in accordance witti the movement of the peg tray 12. Then, the full bobbin remover moves the bobbin B onto the belt conveyor 25,
An empty bobbin feeder 26 is arranged above ttie second straight portion 23Aof the guide passage 23 far feeding the empty bobbins E to the peg trays 12 from wtiich the full bobbins B have been removed. As shown in Fig. 4, the empty bobbin feeder 26 Includes an empty bobbin container 27 for containing the empty bobbins E. a diute 28 through which the empty bobbins E pass and a bobbin holder 29 into which the empty bobbins E are fed through the chute 28. The empty bobbin container 27 is formed adjacent to tiie right bottom thereof a dnam casing 30. in which a drum 31 having axial grooves on its circumferential surface is rotatably mounted. The drum 31 is rotated by a nrrotor 32 through a belt transmission 33 and the rotary shaft 31A of the dnjm 31. When the drum 31 is rotated intermittently, the empty bobbins E are received in the axial grooves of the drum 31 one bobbin at a time and then dropped through the chute 28. The empty bobbin E is oriented in the chute 28 such that the bottom of the empty bobbin E is positioned downward and the empty bobbin E thus oriented is fed Into the bobbin holder 29. i
The bobbin holder 29 has a bottom wall 29A that Is slanted fonwatdiy downward and receives thereon a plurality of empty bobbins E, as shown in Fig. 4.

The peg trays 12 (only six peg trays being shown in Fig. 4) are arranged below the bottom wall 29A of Ihe bobbin holder 29 and movable forward. The bol^in holder 29 is opened a1 its forward end and allows the empty bobbins E to be held in a line. Ttie bottom wall 29A has formed at ite forward end a cutout portion (not shown), through which the engaging portion 12C of the peg 12B of each peg tray 12 can pass. The bobNn holder 29 is provided at its forward bottom end with a pair of balls 34A which are engageable with the lower part of the empty bobbin E at the foremost position in the line of empty bobbins E, The paired balls 34A are located In opposed relation to each ottier across the path of movement of the empty bobbins E. The paired balls 34A serve as an engaging member. The paired balls 34A are urged inward of the bobbin holder 29 by any suitable urging means (not shown) such as spring for positioning the foremost empty bobbin E in the bobbm holder 29. The bobbin holder 29 is provided at its front top end with a restricting member 34B which is made of a leaf spring and engageable with the top of the empty bobbin E for restricting the movement of the empty bobbin E.
A bobbin sensor 35 is provided in the bobbin holder 29 at a position adjacent to the rear of the bobbin holder 29 for detecting the presence of the empty bobbins E in the bobbin holder 29. The bobbin sensor 35 is operable to generate an ON signal when there are eight empty bobbins E in the bobbin holder 29 and to generate an OFF signal when there are seven empty bobbins E or less empty bobbins E in the bobbin holder 29.

A peg tray sensor 36 is located adjacent to the guide passage 23 for detecting the presence of any peg tray 12 located upstream of tiie cutout portion of the bobbin holder 29. The peg tray sensor 36 is located at a position to detect the peg 12B of the fourth peg tray 12 as counted u|Ktream from the peg tray 12 whose engaging portion 12C has entered the cutout portion of the bobbin holder 29, but it is yet to be engaged with an empty bobbin E. The peg tray sensor 36 generates an ON signal when it detects the peg 12B of the above fourth peg tray 12.
A tumt^le 37 is arranged at a position corresponding to the arcuate portion 23B of the guide passage 23 adjacent to the first transfer device T1. As shown In Fig. 4, the turntable 37 is an^nged so that its top is flush with that of the base plate 24. A motor 38 is provided below the turntable 37, whose output shaft 38A is located at the center of curvahjre of the arcuate portion 23B and \he turntable 37 is fixed to the output shaft 38A of the motor 38. The motor 38 drives the turntable 37 to rotate in the direction which causes the peg trays 12 on the turntable 37 to move toward ^e first transfer device T1, as indicated by arrow in Fig. 3.
Referring to Rg, 1B, the air cylinders 21, 22 are connected to solenoid valves 39, 40 through ducts 39A, 39B and 40A 40B, respectively. The solenoid

valves 39, 40 are connected to a compressed-air source 43 through a duct 41 and a regulator 42. It is noted that the solenoid valves 39,40 may be replaced by a single solenoid valve. The solenoid valves 39,40 are operable in response to a command signal from a controller C to switch the air cylinders 21,22 between the operation for forwarding the peg trays 12 and the operation for returning. Each of the solenoid valves 39, 40 is provided with a first sensor for detecting the fonvarding operation of the air cylinders 21, 22 for forwarding the peg trays 12 and generating an ON signal, accordingly. Each of the solenoid valves 39, 40 is also provided with a second sensor for detecting the returning operation of the air cylinders 21, 22 for returning the peg trays 12 and generating an ON signal, acccrdingly Theses signals are transmitted to the controller C.
The air cylinders 21, 22 are provided with speed controllers 44, respectively- The speed controllers 44 are made and operable like a throttle valve so that velocity of the compressed air supplied from the ducts 39A, 39B and 40A, 406 to the air cylinders 21, 22 is adjustable manually. Thus, the velocity of the reciprocating motion of the air cylinders 21, 22 is adjusted by the speed controllers 44.
The air cylinders 21,22 are provided with sensors SI A, S2A detecting the retraction of the piston rods 21A, 22A, respectively. The air cylinder 21, 22 are also provided with sensors S1B, S2B detecting the extension of the piston rods

21A, 22A. respectively. Each of the sensors S1A, S2A, S1B, S2B is electrically connected to the controller C, This controller C is operable to control the operation of the solenoid valves 39,40 in response to the detection signals from the sensors S1A, SlB and S2A, S2B, respectively. The solenoid valves 39, 40 are designed so as to generate ON signals when the air cylinders 21, 22 supply compressed air so ^s to operate in the direction that forwards the peg trays 12. These ON signals are transmitted to the controller C.
The rear space 5 fonned behind the empty bobbins E in the bobbin holder 29 is enlarged as the empty bobbins E are taken out successively from the bobbin holder 29 to be mounted on the peg trays 12 by frie fonwarding operation of the second transfer device T2. The controller C is operable to actuate the air cylinder 22 for forwarding the peg trays 12 and also to activate the motor 32 thereby to rotate th© daim 31 for feeding the empty bobbins E to the bobbin holder 29 before the rear space S reaches a limit size. The "limit size" used herein means the size of the rear space S in the bobbin holder 29 at which an empty bobbin E fed through the chute 28 may fall down at the rear space S in the bobbin holder 29. Though depending on various factors such as the size of the empty bobbin E, the shape of the bobbin holder 29, the length and tilt angle of the chute 28, the limit size in the present embodiment corresponds to four empty liobbins E. Therefore, if a new empty bobbin E is fed through the chute 28 Into the space S before four empty bobbins E are taken out of eight bobbins £ from the bobbin

holder 29, the new empty bobbin E does not fall down in the bobbin holder 29. That is, if the next empty bobbin E is added to the space S when at most three empty bobbins E have been taken out from the bobbin holder 29, falling down of the new empty tiobbin E in the bobbin holder 29 does not take place. According to the present embodiment, the new empty bobbin E is fed through the chute 28 into the space S before three empty bobbins E are taken out of eight bobbins E from the bobbin holder 29 or when two empty bobbins E have been taken out from the bobbin holder 29.
More specifically, the controller C is operable to cause ttie motor 32 to be started after elapse of a predetemiine time T after the air cylinder 22 of the second transfer device T2 is actuated to start fonwarding of the peg trays 12. This predetennine time T is set longer than the time t4 just before one empty bobbin E is taken out of the bobbin holder 29 after the start of the fonward movement of the air cylinder 22. In addition, the predetennine time T is set shorter than the time (iAxZ) just before two empty bobbins E are taken out of the bobbin holder 29 after the start of the forward movement of the air cylinder 22. That is, the predetermine time T Is the sum of the time t4 and the time t2 that is shorter than the time t4. The time t2 is set depending on the relation between the rotational speed of the dnjm 31 and the peg tray fonvarding speed by the air cylinder 22.
The following will explain the operation of the above-described bobbin

feed system. After the operation of the spinning machine is stopped and bobbin changing operation by a Itnown simultaneous bobbin changing device (not shown) has been completed, conveying out of full bobbins and conveying in (or Supplying) of empty bobbins are initiated. While the full bobbins are being conveyed out and the empty bobbins conveyed in, the motor 38 is kept running. Before conveying out the full bobbins and conveying m (supplying) the empty bobbins are initiated, a bobbin container (not shown) mounted on a canier truck (not shown) is arranged below the belt conveyor 25.
When the conveying out of full bobbins and conveying in (supplying) of empty bobbins are initiated, both transfer devices T1, T2 are aranged in their home positions. The air cylinder 21 of the first transfer device T1 is in its home position when the piston rod 21A is retracted. The air cylinder 22 of the second transfer device 12 is in its home position when tiie piston rod 22A is extended. In the above home position, peg trays 12 are mounted in contact with each other on the transfer rails 15 of the transfer devices T1, T2, the supporte and a base plate of the first connecting portbn 13. On the other hand, peg trays 12 are located in contact with eai^ other along the guide passage 23 of the second connecting portion 14 upstream of the turntable 37 as viev/ed in the direction in which the peg trays 12 are moved, as shovm in Fig, 3. A space with a size for four peg trays 12 is formed along the guide passage 23 at the position conBsponding to the turntable 37. Peg trays 12 are located in contact with each other along the guide

passage 23 downstream of the space. Peg trays 12 which are located downstream of the bobbin holder 29 have thereon empty bobbins E. Peg trays 12 which are located upstream of the bobbin hoider 29 iiave thereon no empty bobbins E.
In the above state of the spinning machine, the air cylinders 21, 22 of the transfer devices T1, T2 are operated in response to command signals from tiie controller C. Firstly, the second transfer device T2 is driven and the first transfer device Tl is then driven after elapse of a predetermined time. The transfer rails 15 are moved forward for a length of a stroke that is slightly larger than the length four times as large as the spindle spacing. When the transfer rails 15 are thus moved fonward, peg trays 12 are transferred for a distance of above stroke length by the action of the projections on the top of the transfer rails 15. Due to such fonvard movement of the transfer rails 15 of the second transfer device T2, a space is formed at the entrance T2A of the second transfer device T2 which can receive therein four peg trays 12. In accordance with the fonward movwnent of the transfer rails 15 of the first transfer device Tl, four peg trays 12arB pushed into the first connecUng portion 13. Then, the four peg trays mounted at the first connecting portion 13 located adjacent to the entrance T2A of the second transfer device T2 are transferred to the above space one after another.
In accordance with the forward movement of the transfer rails 15 of the

second transfer device T2, four peg trays 12 at the exit T2B of the second transfer device T2 are transferred to the second connecting portion 14. Four peg irays 12 located upstream of the turntable 37 are transferred onto the turntable 37 and then moved positively by the rotation of the turntable 37. Therefore, when the forward movement of both transfer rails 15 is completed, a space large enough to receive therein four peg trays 12 is fomned at a position along the guide passage 23 con^ponding to the turntable 37.
When the fonward movement of the transfer rails 15 is completed, the projections 17A of the positioning member 17 enters the recesses 12A of the corresponding peg trays 12 w/ith a gap formed between the projection 17A and the inner wall of the peg tray 12. When the transfer rails 15 are moved backward, the projection 17A in the recess 12A engages with the inner vrall of the peg tray 12 tfiereby to preverit the backward movement of the peg tray 12. Thus, the peg trays 12 located corresponding to the line of spindle 18 are arranged in predetermined positions for bobbin change. When the transfer rails 15 are moved backv/ard, the projections of the transfer rails 15 ar^ merely moved under the peg trays 12 while pushing up the peg trays 12, so that the backward movement of the peg trays 12 is prevented. When the transfer rails 15 of the second transfer device T2 moves backward, the pnsjections of the transfer rails 15 exerts a force on the peg trays 12 supported by the support in the direction to retum the peg trays 12 toward the first connecting portion 13. Because the peg trays 12 on the

support are in contact with the peg trays 12 in the first connecting portion 13, however, movement of the peg trays 12 is restricted and held on the support.
When the peg trays 12 are transfered from the second transfer device T2 to the second connecting portion 14, the peg trays 12 move past the part of the guide passage 23 con^sponding to the full bobbin remover. In this case, full bobbins or empty bobbins moLinted are removed from the pegs 12B and then fail onto the beH conveyor 25. Subsequently, these full bobbins or empty bobbins are conveyed to the bobbin container (not shown) by the belt conveyor 25.
The peg trays 12 from which the full bobbins or empty botAins have been removed are then moved to the position at the front end of the bobbin holder 29. When the air cylinder 22 is in its home position, one of the peg trays 12 is positioned so that Its engaging portbn 12C enters the cutout portion of the bobbin holder 29 without engaging with the foremost empty bobbin E in the tiobbin holder 29, as shown in Fig. 4. As the air cylinder 22 is operated to move the peg trays 12 for a predetermined distance, the engaging portion 12C of the above one peg tray 12 engages with the empty bobbin E. Then, the empty bobbin E is forced fonward against the urging force of the balls 34A and the restricting member 34B. Consequentiy, the empty bobbin E is disengaged from the balls 34A and the restricting member 34B and mounted on the peg 12B. The peg tray 12 having thereon the empty bobbin E is then moved to the guide passage 23 at the

turntable 37.
The peg tray 12 moved to the turntable 37 is transferred positively by the rotating turntable 37 and brought into contact with its preceding peg tray 12. Meanwhile, the next peg tray 12 which was in contact with the above preceding peg tray 12 also receives on Its peg 12B the next empty bobbin E when moving past the front end of the bobbin holder 29. Then, this peg tray 12 is also moved dovmstream of the bobbin holder 29. Thus, the forwarding (deration of the air cylinder 22 causes four peg trays 12 to move successively betow the respective foremost empty bobbin E in the bobbin holder 29. At the sane time, an empty bobbin E is taken out of the bobbin holder 29 to be mounted onto each of the four peg trays 12 moving past the front end of the bobbin holder 29.
Receiving the detection signals from the sensors SI A, S2A and SIB, S2B, the controller C confirms the extended or retracted condition of the piston rods 21A, 22A and operates the air cylinders 21, 22, accordingly, for fonward or backward movement of the transfer rails 15, The peg trays 12 on the transfer rails 15 of the second transfer device T2 are transferred, four peg trays at a time, to the second connecting portion 14. The four peg trays 12 each receiving thereon an empty bobbin E are fed successively from the second connecting portion 14 to tf»e transfer rails 15 of ttie first transfer device T1. When a predetemiined number of peg trays 12 each having thereon an empty bobbin E are arranged in the

transfer devices T1, T2, ttie delivery of fijil bobbins and the supply of empty bobbins are completed.
Fig. 5 is a time chart showing operations of the air cylinder 22 and the drwn 31 and ttie number of empty bobbins E in the bobbin holder 29 in tlie present embodiment. Fig. 6 is a time chart showing operations of the air cylinder 22 and the drum 31 and the number of empty bobbins E in the bobbin holder 29 in a comparative example where speed (rf reciprocating motion of the air cylinder 22 is the same as in the case of the bad^ground art.
In the present embodiment, the speed of the forward movement of the air cylinder 22 is set by the speed ccntroller 44 so that empty bobbins E are taten out one bobbin at a time from the bobbin holder 29 at an interval of time t4 after the initiation of the movement. Therefore, as shown in Fig. 5, whwi the time t4 passes after the initiation of the forward movement of the air cylinder 22, the number of empty bobbins E in the bobbin holder 29 reduces fnam eight to seven. When the time t4 passes further, the number of empty bobbins E reduces from seven to six.
On the other hand, when the time t4 passes after the initiation of the fonward movement of the air cylinder 22, the drum 31 starts to rotate at a constant speed thereby to allow an empty bobbin E to drop into the chute 28 jntennittently.

That is, when the time 12 passes after one empty bobbin E is taken out from the bobbin holder 29 (or after the bobbin sensor 35 generates an OFF signal), the dnjm 31 starts to rotate at the constant speed for dropping of the empty bobbin E into the chute 28 intermittently. When the time t3 passes after the initiation of the rotation of the drum 31, the first empty bot^in E is fed into the bobbin holder 29 through the chute 28. The tinie t2 is set shorter than the time t4. The time t3 is set so that an empty bobbin E is fed into the bobbin holder 29 before the rear space S in the bobbin holder 29 reaches the limit size at which an empty bobbin E fed through the chute 28 into the bobbin holder 29 may fell down. In the present embodiment, the time t3 is set the same as the time t4. Therefore, an empty bobbin E is fed through the chute 28 into the bobbin holder 29 before the third empty bobbin E is laker out from the bot^in holder 29. Thus, the number of empty bobbins E in the bobbin holder 29 increases to seven when tine time t3 passes after the initiation of the rotation of the drum 31. Then, when an empty bobbin E Is takai out from the bobbin holder 29 by the movement of the peg tray 12, the number of empty bobbins E In the bobbin holder 29 decnsases to six.
While a total of four empty bobbins E are fed from the dnam 31 into the bobbin holder 29, four en^pty bobbins E are taken out from the bobbin holder 29 by a single fonwarding action of the air cylinder 22 to move forvrard the peg trays 12. Therefore, the number of empty bobbins E in the bobbin holder 29 increases to seven again and then immediately decreases to six When the number of

empty bobbins E in the bobbin holder 29 decreases to six, the forwarding operation of the air cylinder 22 is completed. Then, two empty bobbins E are added to the bobbin holder 29, so that the number of empty bobbins E is restored to eight That Is, the number of empty bobbins E in the bobbin holder 29 changes between eight and six. Thus, the size of the rear space S in the bobbin holder 29 never reaches the size corresponding to four empty bobbins that is the limit size at which an empty bobbin E fed through the chute 28 into the bobbin holder 29 may faO down in the bobbin holder 29. The natation of the daim 31 is stopped when the bobbin sensor 35 continiies to generate an ON signal for a predetemnined length of time verifying that there exists a predetermined number of empty bobbins E in the bobbin holder 29. In Itie present embodiment, the predetermined number of empty bobbins E Is eight.
In the case of the comparative example of Fig. 6, on the other hand, the time t5 that Is necessary for an empty bobbin E to be taken out from the bobbin holder 29 in accordance with the forwarding operation of the air cylinder 22 is shorter than the time t4 of Fig. 5. If the drum 31 starts to be rotated when the time t2 passes after one empty bobbin £ is taken out from the bobbin holder 29, this start of dium rotation takes place when two empty bobbins E have been taken out from the bobbin holder 29. If the motor 32 is then nutated by a command signal to start the rotation of the drum 31 at a constant speed, a total of four empty bobbins E are taken out from the bobbin holder 29 before the drum 31 is rotated to feed

the first empty bobbin E into the bobbin holder 29. This is because the forwarding action of the air cylinder 22 is relatively fast. Therefore, the number of empty bobbins E in the bobbin holder 29 decreases from eight to four progressively after the initiation of the forwarding operation of the air cylinder 22 and then increases from four to eight. That is, the size of the rear space S behind the line of empty bobbins in the bobbin holder 29 reaches the size of four empty bobbins E that is the limit size at which an empty bobbin E fed through the chute 28 into the bobbin holder 29 may fall down.
In this case, as shown in Fig. 7, the empty bobbin E4 fed through the chute 28 into the space S ^lls down in the bobbin holder 29 with the large end in contact with the rearmost empty bobbin E In this state of the fell empty bobbin E, the straight line L4 extending vertically through the center of gravity G4 of the empty bobbin E4 passes a point behind the point of contact P4 between the large end of the empty bobbin E4 and the bottom wall 29A. The gravity acts on the empty bobbin E4 in such a way that the indination of the empty bobbin E4 with respect to the bottom wall 29A is increased, so that the empty bobbin E4 cannot restore its position. Therefore, a next empty bobbin E fed subsequently into the space S is put on a previously fed empty bobbin E, with the result that the bobbin holder 29 is jammed with empty bobbins £ and, therefore, continuous operation of the spinning machine is hampered.

In the present embodiment, however, the size of the rear space S in the bobbin holder 29 is smaller than the limit size, as shown in Fig. 8. An empty bobbin E fed through the chute 28 into the space S is placed orderly behind the rearmost empty bobbin E even if the large end of the former empty bobbin E is brought into contact writh the reamnost empty bobbin E and temporarily falls down slightly The tilted empty bobbin E2 in Fig. B has been fed into the rear space S wliose size corresponds to two empty bobbins E. On the other hand, the tilted empty bobbin E3 in Fig. 8 has been fed into the rear space S whose size corresponds to three empty bobbins E. Tlie straight line L2 extending vertically through the center of gravity G2 of the tilted empty bobbin E2 passes a point located in front of the point of contact P2 between the large end of the empty bobbin E2 and the bottom wall 29A. Similarly, the straight line L3 extending vertically through the center of gravity G3 of the tilted empty bobbin E3 passes a point located in front of the point of contact P3 between the large end of the empty bobbin E3 and the bottom wall 29A. Thus, a moment acts on the empty bobbins E2, E3 in the direction which causes the empty bobbins E2. E3 to turn clockwise as seen in Fig. 8. Tliat Is, a moment acts on the tilted empty bobbins E2, E3 which restores the empty bobbins E2, E3 to be arranged substantially perpendicularly to the bottom wall 29A of the bobbin holder 29. The tilted empty bobbins E2, E3 are turned clockwise by their own weight before the next empty bobbin E is fed into the rear space S. Consequently, the next empty bobbin E is not be placed on the preceding empty bobbin E in the bobbin holder 29, so that

jamming of the bobbin holder 29 with the empty bobbins E is avoided. Comparing the state or posture between the empty bobbins E2 and E3, the moment which causes the empty bobbin E2 to be turned in clockwise direction is iarger than that for the empty bobbin E3,
The following will describe the advantageous effects of the present embodiment.
(1) The spinning machine frame 11 is equipped with two transfer devices T1, T2 which are arranged on opposite sides and along the longitudinal direction of the machine frame 11. The two transfer devices 11, T2 are operable b reciprocate the transfer rails 15 by the operation of the air cylinders 21. 22 for transferring the peg trays 12 for a predetemnined distance at a time. The second connecting portion 14 is located adjacent to the out end OE of the machine frame 11 for transferring the peg trays 12 from the second transfer device T2 to the first transfer device T1. The second connecting portion 14 is provided with the empty bdibin feeder 26 having the bobbin holder 29 for holding therein a plurality of empty bobtrins E in a line. The bobbin holder 29 is connected at the rear top thereof to the chute 28 through which an empty bobbin E is fed into the bobbin holder 29. The foremost empty bobbin E in the bobbin holder 29 is fed to the peg tray 12 which passes below the same empty bobbin E, so that the empty bobbin E is engaged at its lower end with and received by the peg 12B of the peg tray 12

in accordance with the movement of the peg tray 12. The empty bobbin feeder 26 . has a drum 31 and a motor 32 for rotating the drum 31 at a constant speed. The drum 31 has axial grooves on its circumferential surface for receiving therein the empty bobbins E. The empty bobbin feeder 26 is fomied so as to feed the empty bobbins E in the bobbin container 27 to the chute 28 successively one at a time by the rotation of the drum 31. The two transfer devices T1, T2 are operable so that the moving speed of the peg trays 12 is adjustable.
The moving speed of the peg trays 12 is set such that the time spent for an empty bobbin E to be fed into the bot^in holder 29 after a command is provided to rotate the daim 31 is shorter than the following time. This time is spent for a given number of empty bobbins E corresponding to the limit size of the rear space S behind the line of empty bobbins E in the bobbin holder 29 to be taken out ttierefnsm after the beginning of taking out an empty bobbin E from the bobbin holder 29. In the present embodiment, the given number of empty bobbins E is four Therefore, an empty bobbin E is fed into tiie bobbin holder 29 before Vr\e rear space S in the bobbin holder 29 reaches ^6 limit size at which the empty bobbin E fed through the chute 28 into the bobbin holder 29 may fall down in the bobbin holder 29. That is, the momani acting on any empty bobbin E tided with the maximum inclination angle in the bobbin holder 29 acts in such a way that the tilted angle of the empty bobbin E is reduced. As a result, even if the number of empty bt^bins E which are successively taken out from the bobbin holder 29 is

increased to that corresponding to the limit size or more, falling down of an empty bobbin E in the bobbin holder 29 can be prevented.
(2) The movement of the peg tray 12 passing below the bobbin holder 29 is performed by the forwarding operation of the air cylinder 22 of the second transfer device T2. Therefore, compared to the case where the peg tray 12 passing below the bobbin holder 29 is driven by a driver other than the air cylinder 22 of the second transfer device T2, the structure for moving the peg tray 12 is simplified, (n the present embodiment an empty bobbin E is fed into the bobbin holder 29 before the size of the rear space S reaches the limit size at which the empty bobbin E fed through the chute 28 may fail down in the bobbin holder 29. The feeding of empty bobbins E into the bobbin holder 29 may be accelerated by increasing the rotational speed of the drum 31, shortening the length of the chute 28 and the like. However, this makes it easier for the chute 28 to be blocked or jammed with empty bobbins E. According to the present embodiment, an empty bobbin E fed through the chute 28 is prevented from felling down in the bobbin holder 29 merely by adjusting the forwarding speed of the air cylinder 22. Thus, the rotational speed of the drum 31 and the length of the chute 28 may remain unchanged-
(3) In the present embodiment, four peg trays 12 are transferred to the second connecting portion 14 by a single forwarding operation of the air cylinder

22 of the second transfer device T2. Meanwhile, two empty bobbins E, whose number is smaller than that of the above peg trays 12, are taken out from the bobbin holder 29 before the empty bobbin E is fed through (he chute 28. Thus, the empty bobbin E is fed through the chute 28 into the bobbin holder 29 in the middle of the forward movement of the peg tray 12 by the air cylinder 22. Therefore, even if the number of bobbins E which are successively taken out from the bobbin holder 29 is increased to that corresponding to the limit size or more, falling down of a bobbin E in the bobbin holder 29 can be prevented.
(4) The drum 31 rs operable to feed in one complete rotation thereof into the chute 28 the same number of empty bobbins E as the peg trays 12 transfers by a single forwarding operation of the second transfer device T2. In the second transfer device T2;, the moving speed of the peg trays 12 is adjusted such that an empty bobbin E is fed into the bobbin holder 29 by the rotation of the drum 31 before the rear space S reaches the limit size. Thus, because one complete natation of the claim 31 causes the same number of empty bobbins E to be fed into the bobbin holder 29 as the peg trays 12 transfers by a single forwarding operation of the second transfer device T2, control for driving Uie dmm 31 is simpiifTed.
(5) The contnsller C is not designed to generate a command signal to drive the motor 32 simply when the predetermined time T passes after the initiation of

the operation of the air cylinder 22. The controller C is designed to generate the command signal when the time t2 is passed after the peg trays 12 are moved for a distance corresponding to one spindle spacing by the forwarding operation of the air c^inder 22. That is, the controller C generates the command signal to drive the motor 32 when the time t2 is passed after the number of empty bobbins E in the bobbin holder 29 decreases by one. There is no problem if the forwarding operation of the air cylinder 22 is perfomned smoothly and the peg bays 12 are moved for the distance corresponding to one spindle spacing in the preset time t4. Hovirever, the time used to transfer the peg trays 12 changes as the load acting on the air cylinder 22 changes. For example, if it takes a longer time to move the peg trays 12 for the distence corresponding to one spindle pacing of the line of peg trays 12, the dmm 31 may be driven to rotate before an empty bobbin E is taken out from the bobbin holder 29. In this case, there may be a fear that the chute 28 is jammed with the empty bobbin E. However, if the controller C is operable to generate the command signal to drive the motor 32 when the time t2 is passed after the peg trays 12 are moved for the distance corrssponding to one spindle spacing, the above trouble is avoided.
(6) In the present embodiment, the moving speed of the peg tray 12 is set such that an empty bobbin E is fed through the chute 28 into the bobbin holder 29 when the size of the rear space S of the bobbin holder 29 is increased coresponding to two empty bobbins E. Compared to the case where the moving

speed of the peg tray 12 is set to feed an empty bobbin E into the bobbin holder 29 when the size of the rear space S corresponds to three empty bobbins E, the present embodiment is advantageous In correcting the tilted position. That is, a tilted empty bobbin E is arranged orderty in the bobbin holder 29 by correcting its tilted position easily by its own weight.
(7) The stroke length of the transfer rails 15 in moving the peg trays 12 intermittently for a predetermined distance is set slightly larger than the distance that is four times as targe as the spindle spacing. The peg trays 12 are moved for a distence that is four times as large as the spindle spacing by each stroke of the transfer rails 15. Therefore, the number of operations of the air cylinder 21,22 for reciprocating the transfer rails 15 before conveying out of full bobbins and supplying of empty bobbins E are completed is reduced. This number of operations is reduced by half as compared with a case whemin the peg trays 12 are moved for a distance that is twice as large as the spindle spacing. Thus, the time required to transfer each peg tray 12 is reduced considerably.
(8) The provision of the rotatable turntable 37 along the guide passage 23 of the second connecting portion 14 helps to poatively fomn a space of a size corresponding to about four peg trays 12 in the guide passage 23. Therefore, four peg trays 12 on the transfer rails 15 are transferred smoothly to the second connecting portion 14 by the operation of the transfer rails 15 of the second

transfer device T2.
(9) The space in the guide passage 23 of the second connecting portion 14 having the size of about four peg trays 12 is formed adjacent to and downstream of the bobbin holder 29. Therefore, the resistance of the peg tray 12 in engagement with an empty bobbin E in the bobbin holder 29 is reduced when the transfer raits 15 of the second transfer device T2 ana moved forward. Thus, the peg tray 12 is moved smoothly and, therefore, the empty bobbin E is fed to the peg tray 12 efficiently.
(10) The bobbin sensor 35 provided at a position adjacent to the rear of the bobbin holder 29 for detecting the presence of any empty bobbin E in the bobbin holder 29 helps to delete any abnonnality occurring in the empty bobbin feeder 26. For example, if the bobbin sensor 35 fails to generate an OFF signal when the preset time passes afler the initiation of the forwarding operation of Xt\e air cylinder 22, it is judged that any abnomnaiity occurs in taking out empty bobbins E from the bobbin holder 29. On the other hand, the bobbin sensor 35 may fail to generate an ON signal when the preset time passes after an empty bobbin E is taken out from the bobbin holder 29 and an OFF signal is generated by the bobbin sensor 35. In this case, it is judged that any abnormality occurs in feeding an empty bobbin E from the drum 31 into the bobbin holder 29.

The following will describe a bobbin feed system of the second embodiment according to the present invention for use in a fine spinning machine with reference to Fig. 9. The second embodiment differs from the first embodiment in the time at which the rotation of the drum 31 is started and also in the fonwarding speed of the air cylinders 21, 22 of the transfer devices T1, T2, which is set the same as the comparative example of Fig. 6. That is, the second embodiment differs from the first embodiment in the manner of adjustment of ttie speed controller 44 and also in the time when the motor 32 starts to be driven in response to a signal from the controller C. Since the second embodiment is substeintially the same as the first embodiment in otiner aspect, the same reference numerals are used for the same parfc or elemente as those of the first embodiment and the description thereof is omitted.
When full bobbins are conveyed out of the spinning machine and empty bobbins are supplied, the controller C provides a control signal to actuate the air cylinder 22, or a signal to the solenoid valve 40. At this time in point, the controller C measures the time t2 from the time when the peg trays 12 are moved for a distance corresponding to the spindle spacing in acconjance with the detected signal of the peg tray sensor 36. When the time t2 is passed, the controller C generates a command signal to drive the motor 32. When the time t2 is passed after the fonvarding operation of the air cylinder 22 is started, one empty bobbin E has been taken out from the bobbin holder 29 as in the case of the first

embodiment. However, three empty bobbins E are already taken out from the bobbin holder 29 before an empty bobbin E in the bobbin container 27 is fed through the chute 28 into the rear space S of the bobbin holder 29 by the rotation of the drum 31. This is because the forwarding speed of the air cylinder 22 of the second embodiment is higher than that in the first embodiment. In the second embodiment, the time when ihe rotation of the drum 31 is started is not when the time t2 is passed after an OFF signal is generated by the bobbin sensor 35. but when the time t2 is paased after the peg tray sensor 36 generates an detection signal, Therefore, an empty bobbin E is fed into the bobbin holder 29 before the fourth empty bobbin E is taken out from the bobbin holder 29 and the size of the rear space S behind the fine of empty bobbins E reaches the limit size In the second embodiment, the number of empty bobbins E in the bdabin holder 29 changes as shown in Rg. 9, namely, from eight to seven, six, fi\ffi, again six, five, six, seven and hack to eight.
The second embodiment of the present invention has substantially the same effects as those mentioned under (1)-(4) and {7H10) for the first embodiment. In addition, the second embodiment has the following effect.
(11) The time when the rotation of the claim 31 is started is set at the time the predetermined time t2 is passed based on the time when the forwarding operation of the air cylinder 22 is started. This setting causes no decrease in the

forwarding speed of the air cylinder 21, 22. In the second embodiment, three empty bobbins E are taken out from the bobbin holder 29 before an empty bobbin E is fed through the chute 28 into the bobbin holder 29. However, an empty bobbin E is fed into the rear space S In the bobbin holder 29 before Hie size of the rear space S reaches the limit size or before four empty bobbins E are taken out from the bobbin holder 29. Therefore, the empty bobbin E in the bobbin holder 29 is prevented from falling down.
The present invention is not limited to the above-described embodiments, but it may be practiced in various ways as exemplified below.
In the second smbodiment, the forwarding speed of the air cylinders 21,22 of the two transfer devices T1, T2 is set the same as in the case where two peg trays 12 are transferred at a time and the rotation of the drum 31 is started earlier In a modification of the second embodiment, the controller C is operable to generate command signals to actuate the air cylinder 22 and to activate the motor 32 simultaneously. In this case, two empty bobbhs E are taken out from the bobbin holder 29 before an empty bobbin E is fed from the bobbin container 27 through the chute 28 into the rear space S of the bobbin holder 29 by the rotation of the drum 31. The empty bobbin E thus fed through the chute 28 lends to less easily fall down in the bobbin holder 29. In addition, because counting of the time 12 after generation of a command signal for forwarding operation of the

air cylinder 22 is not needed, the controller C is simplified.
In the above embodiments, the fon/arding operation of the air cylinders 21, 22 is delayed or the time to start the rotation of the drum 31 Is accelerated without changing the rotational speed of the drum 31, In a modificalion of the above-mentioned embodiments, however, the rotational speed of the drum 31 is increased without changing the forwarding speed of the air cylinders 21, 22 and the time to start the rotation of the claim 31. In these cases, an empty bobbin E is fed into the bobbin holder 29 before the size of the rear space S in the bobbin holder 29 reaches the limit size. When the rotational speed of the drum 31 Is increased so as to shorten the interval of time in feeding empty bobbins E, dropping of the empty bobbins E from the axial grooves of the drum 31 to the chute 28 needs to be performed smoothly. In addition, the empty bobbin E fed previously into the space S of the bobbin holder 29 needs to be displaced appropriately so that the previously-fed empty bobbin E does not interfere with the feeding of the next empty bobbin E. For these reasons, the rotational speed of the drum 31 cemnot be so much increased. TTierefbre, higher degree of freedom can be achieved by decreasing the forwarding speed of the air cylinders 21,22 or accelerating the time to start the rotation of the drum 31, rather than by increasing the rotational speed of the drum 31.
According to the present invention, the movement of the peg tray 12

below the bobbin holder 29 does not necessarily have to be performed by the air cylinder 22 of the second transfer device T2. For example, any another suitable transporting device such as a belt conveyor and a roller conveyor for transferring peg trays 12 moved to the guide passage 23 by the air cylinder 22 may be provided upstream of the turntable 37. In this case, the speed at which empty bobb^s E are taken out from the bobbin holder 29 is changed by changing the speed of the transporting device instead of changing the forwarding speed of the air cylinders 21,22.
In the first embodiment, the number of empty bobbins E which are taken out from the bobbin holder 29 before the SIZE of the rear space S reaches the limit size is two. This number is different from that of peg trays 12 transferred to the second connecting portion 14 by one forwarding operation of the air cylinder 22 of the second transfer device T2. In the second embodiment, the number of empty bobbins E which are taken out from the bobbin holder 29 before the size of the rear space S reaches the limit size is three. This number is also different from that of peg trays 12 transferred to the second connecting portion 14 by one forwarding operation of the air cylinder 22 of the second transfer device 12. However, these numbers of empty bobbins E to be taken out from the bobbin holders 29 may be the same as the number of peg trays 12 to be transferred to the second connecting portion 14 by one forwarding operation of the air cylinder 22 of the second transfer device T2. For example, when the limit size of the rear space S

corresponds to four empty bobbins E, the number of peg trays 12 to be transferred to the second connecting portion 14 by the air cylinder 22 may be three. That Is, when the number of empty bobbins E which are taken out from the bobbin holder 29 before the size of the rear space S reaches the limit size is three, the above number of peg trays 12 may be three.
When eight empty bobbins E are arranged in a line in the bobbin holder 29, the bobbin sensor 35 is locaterl so as to detect the rearmost empty bobbin E. This bobbin sensor 35 may detect the time when the first empty bobbin E is taken out from the bobbin holder 29 by the forwarding operation of the air cylinder 22 or the transporting device provided in the second connecting portion 14 instead of the peg tray sensor 36. The detection of the above time is not based on the detected signal of the peg tray sensor 36 but may be based on the detected signal of the bobbin sensor 35. In this case, the peg tray sensor 36 is dispensable.
The limit size of the rear space S behind the line of empty bobbins E in the bobbin holder 29 Is not limited to the size of four empty bobbins E. For example, the limit size may be the sizes of three or five empty bobbins E depending on the length or thickness of bobbins used, or inclination angle of the bottom wall 29A of the bobbin holder 29.

The stroke length of the air cylinders 21, 22 is not limited to the length
that is slightly larger than the fourfold length of the spindle spacing. The stroke
length of the air cylinders 21,22 may be slightly larger than the threefold length of
the spindle spacing. Alternatively, the stroke length of the air cylinders 21,22 may
be slightly larger than an integral multiple five or more of the spindle spacing.
The transfer devices 71, T2 may be constructed in any way as far as the peg trays 12 are transferred by the reciprocating motion of the air cylinder. For example, a rod having a pawl member reciprocable by the air cylinder may be used with the peg trays 12 mounted on guide rails, instead of using the reciprocable transfer rails 15 on which the peg trays 12 are mounted in a line. In this case, the rod having the pawl member provides the transfer member.
The empty bobbin feeder 26 may be arranged at any appropriate position along the longitudinal extension of the first transfer device T1.
The first connecting portion 13 and the second connecting portion 14 may be arranged adjacent to the out end OE and to the gear end GE, respectively.
Although the present invention is embodied for use in a fine spinning, machine, rt may be applicable to a twisting machine.

The following technical ideas are grasped through the above embodiments.
In the bobbin feed method of the present invention, the time to start feeding the empty bobbin into the bobbin holder through the chute may be set based on a time to start taking out the empty bobbins from the bobbin holder.
In the bobbin feed method of the present invention, the time to start feeding the empty bobbin into the bobbin holder may be set so that moment acting on the empty bobbin tilted with maximum inclination angle in the bobbin holder acts in such a way that the tilted angle of the empty bobbin is reduced.
In the bobbin feed method of the present invention, a stroke of the air cylinder may be set so that the peg trays are moved for a distance corresponding to four peg trays.
In the bobbin feed system of the present invention, a stroke of the air cylinder may be set so that the peg trays are moved for a distance corresponding to four peg trays.
Therefore, the present examples and embodiments are to be considered as illustrative and not restrictive, and the invention is not to be limited to the

details given herein but may be modified within the scope of the appended claims.

We claim:
1. A bobbin feed method in a spinning machine, wherein the spinning
machine comprises:
a machine frame has a first end and a second end;
a first transfer device and a second transfer device arranged on opposite sides of and along a longitudinal direction of the machine frame, each transfer device comprising:
a peg tray passage, along which a plurality of peg trays are
movable, wherein each peg tray has on the top thereof a peg for
receiving a bobbin thereon;
a transfer member movable reciprocally along the peg tray
passage for transferring the peg trays for a predetemnined distance at a
time; and
L5 an air cylinder for imparting tiie reciprocating motion to the
transfer member,
a first connecting portion located adjacent to the first ertd of the machine
frame for transferring the peg trays from the first transfer device to the second
transfer device;
a second connecting portion located adjacent to the second end of the
machine frame for transferring the peg trays from the second transfer device to the first transfer device; and

an empty bobbin feeder located above the second connecting portion for feeding empty bobbins to the peg trays, the empty bobbin feeder comprising: a chute through which the empty bobbins pass; and a bobbin holder into which the empty bobbins are fed through the chute, wherein the bobbin holder allows the empty bobbins to be held in a [ine and has a space formed behind the line of empty bobbins in the bobbin holder, wherein the empty bobbin at the foremost position of the line Is fed to the peg of the peg tray which passes below the empty bobbin thereby to be received by the peg, wherein the empty bobbins are successively taken out from the bobbin holder by the peg trays; the bobbin feed method being characterized by; setting the number of empty bobbins which are successively taken out from the bobbin holder, to the same as that corresponding to limit size of the space or more, wherein the limit size is as large as a size of the space which causes the empty bobbin fed thrtwgh the chute falling down at frie space in the bobbin holder; and
feeding the empty bobbin Into the bobbin holder before the size of the space formed behind the line of empty bobbins reaches the limit sire while the empty bobbins are tal 2. The bobbin feed method according to claim 1. wherein the movement of

the peg trays which pass below the bobbin holder is performed by forwarding operation of the air cylinder of the second transfer device, wherein the second transfer device adjusts moving speed of the peg trays so that the empty bobbin is fed ink) the bobbin holder before the size of the space fomied behind the line of empty bobbins reaches the limit size.
3. The bobbin feed method according to claim 2, wherein the number of empty bobbins taken out from the bobbin holder before the empty bobbin is fed into the bobbin holder is less than the number of peg trays transferred to the second conrecting portion by one forwarding operation of the air cylinder.
4. The bobbin feed method according to any one of claims 1 through 3, wherein the time to start feeding the empty bobbin into the bobbin holder through the chute is set based on a time to start taking out the empty bobbins from the bobbin holder.
5. The bobbin feed method according to claim 1, wherein the time to start feeding the empty bobbin into the bobbin holder through the chute is set at the time predetermined time is passed after starting the movement of the peg trays.
6. The bobbin feed method according to any one of claims 1 through 5, wherein the time to start feeding the empty bobbin into the bobbin holder is set so

that moment acting on the empty bobbin tilted with maximum inclination angle in the bobbin holder acts in such a way that the tilted angle of the empty bobbin is reduced.
7. The bobbin teed method according to any one of claims 1 through 6, wherein a stroke of the air cylinder is set so that the peg trays are moved for a distance corresponding to four peg trays.
8. A bobbin feed system in a spinning machine, wherein the spinning machine has a machine frame, wherein the machine frame has a first end and a second end, the bobbin feed system comprising;
a first transfer device and a second transfer device arranged on opposite sides of and along a longitudinal direction of the machine frame, each transfer device comprising:
a peg tray passage, along which a plurality of peg trays are movable, wherein each peg tray has on the top thereof a peg for receiving a bobbin thereon;
a transfer member movable reciprocally along the peg tray passage for Iransfening the peg trays for a predetemnined distance at a time; and
an air cylinder for imparting the reciprocating motion to the transfer member;

a frrst connecting portion located adjacent to the first end of the machine frame for transferring the peg trays from the first transfer device to the second transfer device;
a second connecting portion located adjacent to the second end of the machine frame for transfening the peg trays from the second transfer device to the first transfer device; and
an empty bobbin feeder located above the second connecting portion for feeding empty bobbins to the peg trays, the empty bobbin feeder comprising: an empty bobbin container for containing *e empty bobbins-, a diute through which the empty bobbins pass; and a bobbin holder into which the empty bobbins are fed through the chute, wherein the bobbin holder allows the empty bobbins to be held in a line and has a space formed behind the line of empty bobbins in the bobbin holder, wherein the empty bobbin at the foremost position of the line is fed to the peg of the peg tray which passes below the empty bobbin thereby to be received by the peg, wherein the empty bobbins are successively taken out from the bobbin holder by the peg trays; the bobbin feed system being characterized in that the bobbin feed system has a transporting device for moving the peg trays, wherein the transporting device moves the peg trays so that the number of empty bobbins which are successively taken out from the bobbin holder is set to that conesponding to limit size of the space or more, wherein the limit size is as

large as a size of the space at which the empty bobbin fed through the chute falls down at the space in the bobbin holder,
wherein the empty bobbin feeder has a drum and a motor for rotating the drum intermittently at a constant speed, wherein the drum has grooves on a circumferential surface thereof for receiving therein the empty bobbins, wherein the empty bobbin feeder is formed so as to feed the empty bobbins in the empty bobbin container to the chute successively one at a time by the rotation of the drum, wherein the empty bobbin is fed into the bobbin holder before the aze of the space formed behind the line of empty bobbins reaches the limit size while the empty bobbins are taken out from the bobbin holder by the transfer of the peg trays of the transporting device for the predetennined distance.
9. The bobbin feed system according to claim 8, wherein the transportrig device is pnavided by the first transfer device and the second transfer device, v/herein the second transfer device adjusts moving speed of the peg trays so that the empty bobbin is fed into the bobbin holder by the rotation of the drum before the size of the space reaches the limit size.
10. The bobbin feed system according to claim 8, wherein the time when the rotation of the dmm is started is set at the time when predetennined time is passed after fonvarding operation ofthe second transfer device is started.

11. The bobbin feed system according to any one of claims 8 through 10, wherein a stroke of the air cylinder is set so that the peg trays are moved for a distance corresponding to four peg trays.


1893-CHE-2008 CORRESPONDENCE OTHERS 18-03-2014.pdf

1893-CHE-2008 FORM-1 18-03-2014.pdf

1893-CHE-2008 AMENDED CLAIMS 18-02-2014.pdf

1893-CHE-2008 CORRESPONDENCE OTHERS 11-11-2013.pdf

1893-CHE-2008 ENGLISH TRANSLATION 11-11-2013.pdf

1893-CHE-2008 FORM-3 18-02-2014.pdf

1893-CHE-2008 OTHER PATENT DOCUMENT 18-02-2014.pdf

1893-CHE-2008 OTHERS 18-02-2014.pdf

1893-CHE-2008 POWER OF ATTORNEY 11-11-2013.pdf

1893-che-2008 abstract.pdf

1893-che-2008 claims.pdf

1893-che-2008 correspondence others.pdf

1893-che-2008 description (complete).pdf

1893-che-2008 drawings.pdf


1893-che-2008 form-1.pdf

1893-che-2008 form-18.pdf

1893-che-2008 form-3.pdf

1893-che-2008 form-5.pdf

1893-CHE-2008-Petition for POR.pdf

Patent Number 263669
Indian Patent Application Number 1893/CHE/2008
PG Journal Number 46/2014
Publication Date 14-Nov-2014
Grant Date 12-Nov-2014
Date of Filing 06-Aug-2008
Applicant Address 2-1, TOYODA-CHO, KARIYA-SHI, AICHI-KEN,
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number D01H1/24
PCT International Application Number N/A
PCT International Filing date
PCT Conventions:
# PCT Application Number Date of Convention Priority Country
1 2007-205669 2007-08-07 Japan