Title of Invention


Abstract The invention relates to tuning an antenna circuit which comprises an inductance of a resonance circuit, and a component comprising a component impedance. The antenna circuit comprises a multiple of connection areas for connecting the component to the antenna circuit. At least two of said multiple of connection areas are part of the resonance circuit. The tuning can be performed by selecting at ieast one connection area for the component amongst said at least two of said multiple of connection areas.
Full Text WO 2006/087423 PCT/FI2006/050051
Transponder tuning method and a transponder
Field of the Invention
The present invention relates to a manufacturing method for an antenna
circuit comprising forming an inductance of a resonance circuit to the
antenna circuit. The invention also relates to a method for tuning an antenna
circuit which comprises an inductance of a resonance circuit, and a
component comprising a chip impedance. The invention further relates to an
antenna circuit which comprises an antenna impedance of a resonance
circuit, and a component comprising a component impedance. The invention
further relates to a transponder which comprises an inductance of a
resonance circuit, and a component comprising a component impedance.
Background of the Invention
Antenna circuits are implemented, for example, in transponders for different
applications. A transponder is usually a small-sized equipment which
comprises an antenna circuit. The antenna circuit usually comprises a
resonance circuit and may also comprise an antenna, or eg the coil of the
resonance circuit operates as an antenna. The transponder may further
comprise a chip to/from which information can be wirelessly stored/read. The
information is stored into a memory of the chip or generated e.g. by a logical
circuit of the chip upon request. The energy is usually externally provided to
the transponder by the reader when information is to be stored into or read
from the chip. The energy is supplied to the transponder as a radio frequency
(RF) energy. The antenna of the transponder receives the energy. The
antenna is part of the resonance circuit wherein the energy must have a
certain frequency. In the transponder the received energy is usually stored to
an energy storage such as a capacitor. The stored energy suffices for the
information storage/reading operation when the resonance circuit and the
transmission frequency of the reader are near each other i.e. the resonance
circuit is tuned to the transmission frequency of the reader.
There are different systems in which transponders are utilized. However, the
transmission frequencies are not the same in every system. Therefore,

WO 2006/087423 PCT/F12006/050051
different resonance frequencies are needed in transponders of different
systems. Moreover, tolerances in the manufacturing processes of the
transponders can affect that the resonance frequencies need to be tuned
before the transponder is ready for use. For example, the input impedance of
the chip may vary in different production batches. Further, the input
impedances of the chips of different manufacturers may vary so largely that
similar chips from different manufacturers can not be used with the same
antenna circuit. Also the coil/antenna manufacturing and chip assembly
processes may affect variations in the joint impedances which affect the
resonance frequency of the transponder.
There are also other factors which may affect the resonance frequency of the
transponder. For example when the transponder is placed into a housing the
material of the housing may change the resonance frequency. Further, the
application in which the transponder will be used may affect to the resonance
frequency. Some materials such as plastics have more effect to the
resonance frequency than some other materials such as cardboard. When
the transponder is operating at UHF area (Ultra High Frequencies) the
resonance frequency may drop about 50—100 MHz on plastic application or
about 10—20 MHz on cardboard application. The same phenomenon exists
also on transponders operating at HF frequencies.
There are some prior art tuning methods in which the inductance of the coil of
the resonance circuit is changed by mechanically altering the coil. For
example, a coil may have a number of short-circuits which can be broken to
change the inductance of the coil. Hence, the transponder is measured and if
it is not in resonance, one short-circuit is broken. After that the resonance
frequency is measured again and another short-circuit is broken if necessary.
This kind of tuning method is time consuming and needs extra production
Another drawback in prior art is that the same antenna and/or coil can not be
used in different kinds of systems but each system needs a specific antenna
and/or coil.

WO 2006/087423 PCT/F12006/050051
Summary of the Invention
The present invention provides an improved method for tuning the resonance
frequency of the resonance circuit, an antenna circuit, and a transponder.
The invention is based on the idea that the antenna circuit is provided with
multiple of connection areas for a component such as a chip so that at least
two such connection areas result a different resonance frequency when the
component is assembled to such connection areas. Therefore, the selection
of connection areas for connecting a component to the antenna circuit can be
used to select the resonance frequency for the antenna circuit. To put it more
precisely, the manufacturing method according to the present invention is
primarily characterised in that the method comprises forming a multiple of
connection areas for connecting a component to the antenna circuit, at least
two of said multiple of connection areas being part of the resonance circuit.
The tuning method according to the present invention is primarily
characterised in that the antenna circuit comprises a multiple of connection
areas for connecting a component to the antenna circuit, at least two of said
multiple of connection areas being part of the resonance circuit, wherein the
method comprises selecting at least one connection area for the chip
amongst said at least two of said multiple of connection areas. The antenna
circuit according to the present invention is primarily characterised in that the
antenna circuit further comprises a multiple of connection areas for
connecting a component to the antenna circuit the component comprising a
component impedance, at least two of said multiple of connection areas
being part of the resonance circuit, The transponder according to the present
invention is primarily characterised in that the antenna circuit further
comprises a multiple of connection areas for connecting the component to
the transponder, at least two of said multiple of connection areas being part
of the resonance circuit.
The invention provides advantages compared to prior art methods, antenna
circuits and transponders. When producing the transponders according to the
present invention it is not necessary to measure the resonance frequency of
all the transponders of a production batch but only one or few of ihem
because the materials and the process have a quite uniform quality. The
other transponders are produced according to the measurements of the one
or few samples of the transponders of the production batch. In other words,

WO 2006/087423 PCT/FI2006/050051
the connection areas for the chip are selected according to the
measurements and all the other transponders of the same batch can be
manufactured accordingly. When a different resonance frequency is needed,
another connection area(s) is/are selected for the chip. The antenna circuit
can comprise many connection areas in a way thai the difference between
the smallest and highest resonance frequency that can be achieved by the
selection of the connection area of the chip can be very large. Thus, the
same antenna circuits can be used in many different transponders.
Therefore, bigger manufacturing volumes of similar antenna circuits can be
achieved. The transponders can also be mass tailored according to the
needs of customers who will use the transponders in their products, for
example. One further advantage to mention is that the tuning is simpler than
in prior art methods.
Same antenna circuit can be used in different technology chip
attachment lines. High quality lines produce transponders with smaller
parasitic capacitances, which will increase the resonance frequency. .
Many connection areas enable to produce optimized transponders in
many production lines.
Description of the Drawings
In the following the invention will be described in more detail with reference to
the appended drawings in which,
Figs. 1a, 1b and 1c depict different example patterns for the
inductance and the connection areas of a transponder
according to the present invention,
Fig. 2 depicts the equivalent circuit of the resonance circuit of an
example embodiment of the transponder, and
Fig. 3 depicts measurement results of the effects of different
connection areas to the impedance of the resonance circuit.
Detailed Description of the Invention

WO 2006/087423 PCT/FI2006/050051
In Fig. 1a there is depicted an example of a antenna circuit 1
comprising a coil 2 of a resonance circuit and connection areas 3.1, 3.2
(such as connection pads, jointing pads, etc) for a component 4 (shown
as a dotted square in Fig. 1a). The component 4 is, for example, a chip
or a module comprising a chip. It is obvious that there may be more
than one component and multiple connection areas for one or more of
the plurality of components, as well. The antenna circuit 1 is formed on
a substrate 5.1. This kind of antenna circuit is especially suitable for HF
frequencies, ie frequencies between about 3 MHz to 30 MHz, typically
about 13,56 MHz. The coil 2 has a number of loops 2.1 to achieve a
certain basis inductance. At the first end 2.2 of the coil 2 there are a
number of short conductors 2.3 connected to the coil 2 by a conductor
2.4. At the other end of the each conductor 2.3 there is a connection
area 3.1 for the component 4. Near each of these connection areas 3.1
there is another connection area 3.2 for the component 4. Those other
connection areas 3.2 are formed at the end of another set of
conductors 2.5 which in turn are electrically connected together by a
conductor 2.6. This conductor 2.6 is connected to the other end 2.7 of
the coil by a wire 2.8, for example. The component 4 has two or more
connection elements, such as leads, connection pads, etc for
connecting the component 4 to the other electronic circuitry. When the
component 4 is eg bonded at the connection elements to the
connection areas of the transponder, the component is fixed to the
transponder and usually no other fixing means are necessary.
The component 4 can be connected to any of the pair of adjacent
connection areas 3.1, 3.2. Inside the component 4 there are usually
rectifier diodes and other semiconductor components (e.g. switching
transistors, memory, etc., not shown in Fig. 1a) which typically affect
that there exists a capacitive input impedance. The connection areas
3.1, 3.2 for the component 4 are selected according to the resonance
frequency designed for the transponder 5. In the embodiment of Fig. 1a
the highest resonance frequency can be achieved by joining the
component to the pair of connection areas which form the longest coil
i.e. the connection areas which are at the right end of the conductors
2.6 in Fig. 1a, because the area of the coil becomes smaller in this
alternative. Respectively, the lowest resonance frequency can be

WO 2006/087423 PCT/FI2006/050051
achieved by joining the component 4 to the pair of the connection
areas which form the shortest coil i.e. the leftmost pair of connection
areas in Fig. 1a, because the area of the coil becomes larger in this
In Fig. 1b another example of the antenna circuit 1 according to the
present invention is shown. This kind of antenna circuit is especially
suitable for UHF frequencies, ie frequencies over 300 MHz up to
3000 MHz, typically around 900 MHz. In this embodiment the coil 2 is
electrically as a dipole antenna having two radiators 6.1, 6.2. In both
radiators 6.1, 6.2 of the dipole antenna there are lengthening coils 1.1,
1.2 which increase the electric length of the dipole antenna. At the
other end of the lengthening coils 1.1, 1.2 there are conductors 2.4, 2.6
and a number of connection areas 3.1, 3.2 in different locations of the
conductors 2.4, 2.6. The connection areas 3.1, 3.2 allow the selection
of the connection area of the component 4 in the similar way than in
the above described example of Fig. 1a. The selection of the
connection area affects to the inductance of the resonance circuit
which is mainly formed by the dipole antenna and the capacitance
between the conducting points of the component 4.
In principle there are at least two ways to affect to the inductance to the
antenna circuit. One is to change the operational (electric) length of the
antenna and another way is to change serial inductance of the antenna
circuit. It is also possible to use both of them.
In Fig. 1c yet another example of the antenna circuit 1 according to the
present invention is shown. This kind of antenna circuit is also
especially suitable for UHF frequencies. The coil or antenna 1 is
electrically as a dipole antenna having two radiators 6.1, 6.2. At one
end of the radiators 6.1, 6.2 there are conductors 2.4, 2.6 and a
number of connection areas 3.1, 3.2 in different locations of the
conductors 2.4, 2.6. The connection areas 3.1, 3.2 allow the selection
of the connection area for the component 4 in the similar way than in
the above described examples of Figs. 1 a and 1 b. The selection of the
connection area affects to the area of the loop which is formed by the
selected connection areas 3.1, 3.2, the conductors 2.4, 2.6 and the

WO 2006/087423 PCT/FI2006/050051
loop conductor 2.9. Therefore, the inductance of the resonance circuit
is also varied according to the selection of the connection areas 3.1,
3.2 for the component 4.
Fig. 2 depicts an equivalent circuit of an example of the antenna circuit
1 of Fig. 1b according to the present invention. There are the
inductances L1, L2 which consist of the radiators 6.1, 6.2 and the
lengthening coils 1.1, 1.2. There is also some resistance in the coils,
radiators and conductors which is represented as resistors R1, R2 in
Fig. 2. The resistances consist inter alia of loss resistance and
radiation resistance. Each of the conductors connecting two connection
areas 3.1, 3.2 also have some inductance L3—L8. The component 4
has some capacitive input impedance R, C which affect the operation
of the circuit of the transponder. The energy generator 7 represents the
reader or some other device which produces the RF energy for the
transponder. Although the generator 7 is shown as connected to the
antenna in Fig. 2, the generator 7 is not connected to the transponder 5
in normal operation but the energy is radiated from the generator to the
transponder 5.
Mathematicaliy the effect of the selection of the connection points to
which the component is assembled can be presented, for example, by
the following equation:

In the equation the term fc represents the resonance frequency, C
represents the capacitance of the input impedance of the component,
the term Lant represents the inductance of the radiators, and the term
E,Lconnectionpoint represents the sum of the inductances of the
connection points which are selected for connecting the component 4
to the antenna circuit 1.
Fig. 3 depicts some measurement results of an example embodiment
of the present invention. In Fig. 3 the curve 301 represents the

WO 2006/087423 PCT/FI2006/050051
normalised performance as a function of selected connection points (IC
location) at a first frequency area (869 MHz) when the antenna circuit
is in free air ie it is not attached to the application material. In this non-
restrictive example five selectable locations have been measured. It
can be seen that in this example the best results are achieved when
the component is connected to the fifth pair of connection areas. The
curve 302 represents the normalised performance as a function of
selected connection points at the first frequency area (869 MHz) when
the antenna circuit is covered by a plastic plate. In this alternative the
best results are achieved when the component is connected to the first
pair of connection areas. The curve 303 represents the normalised
performance as a function of selected connection points at a second
frequency area (902MHz-928MHz) when the antenna circuit is in free
air. In this alternative the third pair of connection areas gives the best
results. The curve 304 represents the normalised performance as a
function of selected connection points at the second frequency area
(902MHz-928MHz) when the antenna circuit is covered by a plastic
plate. In this alternative the first pair of connection areas gives the best
A number of prior art manufacturing methods can be used in manufacturing
the antenna circuits of the present invention. It should also be mentioned that
the different parts of the resonance circuit on the antenna circuit 1, such as
coils 2, radiators 6.1, 6.2, conductors 2.4, 2.6, connection areas 3.1, 3.2, can
be manufactured in the same phase. Therefore, no extra steps are needed
for providing the tuning possibility for the transponder 5. The component 4
can also be joined to the antenna circuit 1 by using soldering, adhesive or
any suitable method known as such. The component 4 can also be formed
as a module which is then attached to the transponder. Such a module
comprises, for example, a substrate in a strap form in which the necessary
electrical connections are arranged for electrically connecting the chip of the
module to the transponder. This kind of module containing the chip can also
be called as a strap or a strap module, for example.
The resonance frequency can vary in large scale. For example, the
transponder 5 can be designed to operate at 869 MHz systems and at

WO 2006/087423 PCT/FI2006/050051
915 MHz systems which are common frequencies in UHF frequency area.
The invention is also applicable at HF frequencies, typically 13,56 MHz.
There are many application areas for the present invention. As a non-limiting
example of the application areas the transponder can be made for so called
RFID applications (Radio Frequency Identification}.
The present invention is not solely limited to the above illustrated examples
but it can be modified within the scope of the appended claims.

WO 2006/087423 PCT/FI2006/050051
1. A method for manufacturing an antenna circuit (1) comprising forming an
inductance (2) of a resonance circuit to the antenna circuit, characterised in
that the method comprises forming a multiple of connection areas (3.1, 3.2)
for connecting a component to the antenna circuit, at least two of said
multiple of connection areas (3.1, 3.2) being part of the resonance circuit.
2. A method according to claim 1, characterised in that the method further
comprises using a chip as said component.
3. A method according to claim 1, characterised in that the method further
comprises using a module comprising a chip as said component.
4. A method according to claim 1, 2 or 3, characterised in that the method
comprises forming a coil (2) to the resonance circuit the coil (2) comprising at
least a first end (2.2) and a second end (2.7), and forming said multiple of
connection areas (3.1, 3.2) for the chip (4) at said second end (2.7) of the
5. A method according to any of the claims 1 to 4, characterised in that the
method comprises forming a dipole antenna comprising two radiators (6.1,
6.2) to antenna circuit, and forming lengthening coils (1.1) to connect the
radiators (6.1, 6.2) of the dipole with said multiple of connection areas for the
6. A method for tuning an antenna circuit (1) which comprises an
inductance (2) of a resonance circuit, and a component (4) comprising a
component impedance, characterised in that the antenna circuit (1)
comprises a multiple of connection areas (3.1,3.2) for connecting the
component (4) to the antenna circuit (1), at least two of said multiple of
connection areas (3.1, 3.2) being part of the resonance circuit, wherein the
method comprises selecting at least one connection area (3.1, 3.2) for the
component (4) amongst said at least two of said multiple of connection
areas (3.1, 3.2).

WO 2006/087423 PCT/F12006/050051
7. An antenna circuit comprising an antenna impedance of a resonance
circuit, characterised in that the antenna circuit further comprises a multiple
of connection areas' (3.1, 3.2} for connecting a component (4) to the antenna
circuit (1), the component (4) comprising a component impedance, at least
two of said multiple of connection areas being part of the resonance circuit.
8. An antenna circuit according to claim 7, characterized in that the
antenna circuit comprises radiators (6.1, 6.2), lengthening coils (1.1, 1.2)
connected at one end to the radiators (6.1, 6.2) and at the other end to
one of the connection areas, and that the connection areas are
connected to another connection area by a conductor having an
9. An antenna circuit according to claim 7, characterized in that the
antenna circuit comprises radiators (6.1, 6.2) connected at one end to the
connection areas, a loop conductor 2.9 between the radiators, and that
the connection areas are formed in such a way that each connection
area together with the loop conductor forms a loop, and that the area of
the cross section of the loops differs from each other.

10. A transponder (5) which comprises an inductance (2) of a resonance
circuit, and a component (4) comprising a component impedance,
characterised in that the transponder (5) further comprises a multiple of
connection areas (3.1, 3.2) for connecting the component (4) to the
transponder (5), at least two of said multiple of connection areas being part of
the resonance circuit.
11. An antenna circuit according to claim 10, characterized in that the
component (4) is a chip.
12. An antenna circuit according to claim 10, characterized in that the
component (4) is a module comprising a chip.
13. A transponder according to claim 10,11 or 12, characterized in that the
transponder (5) comprises radiators (6.1, 6.2), lengthening coils (1.1, 1.2)
connected at one end to the radiators (6.1, 6.2) and at the other end to
one of the connection areas, and that the connection areas are

WO 2006/087423 PCT/FI2006/050051
connected to another connection area by a conductor having an
14. A transponder according to claim 10, 11 or 12, characterized in that the
transponder (5) comprises radiators (6.1, 6.2) connected at one end to the
connection areas, a loop conductor (2.9) between the radiators, and
that the connection areas are formed in such a way that each
connection area together with the loop conductor forms a loop, and that
the area of the cross section of the loops differs from each other.
15. A transponder according to claim 10, 11, 12 or 13, characterized in that
it comprises a module which comprises the chip (4), and that the module is
attached with the transponder (5).

The invention relates to tuning an antenna circuit which comprises an inductance of a resonance circuit, and a
component comprising a component impedance. The antenna circuit comprises a multiple of connection areas for connecting the
component to the antenna circuit. At least two of said multiple of connection areas are part of the resonance circuit. The tuning can
be performed by selecting at ieast one connection area for the component amongst said at least two of said multiple of connection




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Patent Number 263689
Indian Patent Application Number 3179/KOLNP/2007
PG Journal Number 47/2014
Publication Date 21-Nov-2014
Grant Date 13-Nov-2014
Date of Filing 29-Aug-2007
Name of Patentee SMARTRAC IP B.V.
Applicant Address STRAWINSKYLAAN 851, 1077 XX AMSTERDAM,
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number H01Q 7/00, H04B 1/59
PCT International Application Number PCT/FI2006/050051
PCT International Filing date 2006-02-06
PCT Conventions:
# PCT Application Number Date of Convention Priority Country
1 20050191 2005-02-17 Finland