Title of Invention


Abstract ABSTRACT YARN TENSIOMETER Tensiometer for measuring the force imparted by a yarn on a bending element (1) which is secured in a fixation (3), having a unitary oscillation-damping element (D) made of an intrinsically damping material like rubber or an elastomer, the unitary damping element comprising a base body (6) secured to the bending element (1) and at least one oscillation body (8) which can oscillate, at least substantially in the direction of the deflection of the bending element, in relation to the base body and to the bending element, and further having an energy dissipation zone (7) between the base body (6) and the oscillation body (8).
Full Text

The invention relates to a yarn tensiometer according to the preamble of claim 1.
In particular when the yarn is running, while the tensiometer measures the force imparted by the yarn, the bending element may be excited to oscillate. The oscillations might falsify the precise reading of the force or the yarn tension. The damping element secured to the bending element, for this reason, has to dampen the oscillations to a predetermined, desirable extent.
The tensiometer known from EP 0 475 001 A has a foam material strip glued to the side of the bending element in order to dampen oscillations of the bending element.
The tensiometer known from DE 90 00 443 U has a damping element made from fluor composition rubber which is secured to the bending element by a nipple engaging into a longitudinal slot of the bending element in order to adjust the position of the damping element in the longitudinal direction and to adjust the damping effect.
The tensiometer known from WO 2006/005518 A contains an elastomeric element glued to the bending arm and an oscillation-extinguishing mass glued to the free side of the elastomeric element.
The tensiometer known from WO 2004/039714 A has a massive pin protruding from the bending element. The pin engages into a stationary cylinder filled with low viscosity liquid.
Known tensiometers with a "massive", unitary damping element made of rubber or elastomer material has an insufficient damping effect. Additionally, known tensiometers, having some means for obtaining the desirable damping effect, are usually very prone to collect lint or avivage (chemical substance added to the yarn).

This object is achieved by the features of claim 1
it is an object of the invention to provide a tensionneter of the kind as referred to in the above, which can be manufactured for low costs, is reliable and does not suffer from lint or avivage collection.
The unitary damping body, having at least one oscillation body, which can oscillate substantially in the direction in which the bending arm is deflected by the yarn, allows to fine-tune the damping effect. Only the base body has to be secured at the bending element, e.g. by clamping or gluing. The oscillation body, when excited by oscillations of the bending arm, will oscillate in relation to the base body and the bending arm, causing to dissipate energy in the energy dissipation zone and hence functions like an oscillation-extinguishing mass although the oscillation body is a unitary component of the damping element. The damping effect is excellent. The tensiometer is not prone to lint or avivage depositions. The damping effect is not only achieved by the energy dissipation in the energy dissipation zone, but also by a damping effect from the ambient air, because the oscillations of the oscillation body and in turn of the bending element also are damped in the ambient air. The tensiometer can be produced for low costs in big series and in a small number of assembly steps (less assembling-manpower needed).
In an expedient embodiment the oscillation body is freely ending "in the air". This concept does not only allow a relatively unrestricted oscillation of the oscillation body, but also allows to avoid lint or avivage depositions which could negatively influence the damping behaviour. Due to the oscillation of the oscillation body, contamination will be strongly repelled or "pushed away" from the oscillation body.
In an expedient embodiment the damping element has a U-shape. The first U-leg is secured to the bending element and constitutes the base body. The second U-leg is freely ending in the ambient air and constitutes the oscillation body. The U-bend constitutes the energy dissipation zone. The U-shaped damping element is a cheap component, e.g. a cut section of an extruded profile made of rubber or elastomer material. The fixation of the damping element only needs one gluing zone or one clamping zone.

Both U-legs of the U-shaped clamping element may extend substantially in the iongitudinal direction of the bending element. The second U-leg has a large unobstructed range for the oscillations and will be damped not only in the energy dissipation zone but also on both sides by the surrounding air. It is expedient to position the damping element as close as possible to the region of the bending element where the yarn contacts the bending element.
In another embodiment the damping element is an essentially L-shaped hook made e.g. from rubber or elastomer material. One L-end is secured to the bending element, while the other L-end extends essentially parallel and distant to the bending element.
In another embodiment an essentially S-shaped damping element is provided such that a first S-leg is secured to the bending element, while the second S-leg extends distant to the bending element. The remaining part of the S-shape constitutes the energy dissipation zone. The damping element also in this case may be a put-off portion of an extruded "endless" profile.
In another embodiment a wear protector is placed where the yarn contacts the bending element. The wear protector can be used as a clamping element to secure the respective damping element at the bending element. This eliminates the necessity to provide a gluing fixation at all.
In another embodiment the damping element is shaped like a pot e.g. made of rubber or elastomer material. The rim of the pot is secured to the bending element, while the pot bottom constitutes the oscillation body. The outer wall of the pot constitutes the energy dissipation zone. This embodiment is advantageous because it is not at all prone to lint or avivage depositions. The pot bottom oscillates. Due to the rectangular or round shape of the pot a large energy dissipation zone is formed.
In order to enhance the damping behaviour a thickened portion may be formed in the pot bottom, which oscillates in relation to the bending element. Moreover, air enclosed in the pot might contribute to the damping effect.

Alternatively, the pot may be equipped with a venting hole communicating the interior of the pot with the ambient air. This might be advantageous with a view to achieving a reliable and constant damping behaviour.
In another embodiment the damping element has a Z-shape such that several oscillation bodies and several energy dissipation zones are constituted already by the shape of the damping element.
In another embodiment the base body either partially or entirely surrounds the bending element for securing the damping element to the bending element without the need of gluing.
In order to safeguard the position of the damping element on the bending element, at least one recess or projection could be provided on the bending element for positioning the base body of the bending element, which totally or partially surrounds the bending element.
The base body of this embodiment of the damping element may be either a ring or a C-shaped clip using the material elasticity for reliably positioning the damping element on the bending element. At least one ear-shaped tab or "wing" is protruding from the base body such that it extends lateral to the direction of the deflection of the bending element. This embodiment is particularly advantageous because it is nearly entirely insensitive to lint or avivage depositions, because there is no cavity where lint can be collected.
In another expedient embodiment two oppositely extending tabs or "wings" are formed on the base body such that the damping effect is obtained symmetrically with respect to the plane in which the bending element oscillates.
Embodiments of the invention will be explained with the help of the drawings. In the drawings is:
Fig. 1 a schematic side view of a yarn tensiometer,
Fig. 2 a side view of another embodiment.

Fig. 3 a side view of another embodiment,
Fig. 4 a side view, partially cut, of another embodiment,
Fig. 5 a second of the embodiment of Fig. 4 in the section plane V-V,
Fig. 6 a side view of another embodiment.
Fig. 7 a side view of another embodiment.
Fig. 8 a sectional view in Fig. 7 in the section plane VIII-VIII,
Fig. 9 a side view of another embodiment,
Fig. 10 a sectional view in the section plane X-X in Fig. 9,
Fig. 11 a side view of a further embodiment, and
Fig. 12 a sectional view in the section plane XII-XII in Fig. 11.
Fig. 1 schematically illustrates a tensiometer T for use in connection with any kind of handling/processing of yarn in order to measure the force imparted by a yarn Y on a bending element 1 of the tensiometer T, in other words, to measure the tension of a yarn Y, at still stand or when running. In Fig. 1, the bending element 1 is deflected downwardly (double-arrow R indicates the caused oscillation movement) by the force imparted by the contacting yarn Y. The bending element 1 is e.g. a narrow, plate-shaped arm in relatively "stiff" (dumb) and preferably wear¬proof material, preferably in ceramics like for example Aluminium-Oxide, carrying not shown bending-sensitive/responsive means, e.g. in the form of piezo-resistors (e.g. provided directly on the arm by means of known, s.c. thick-film technique), strain gauges or the like. The bending element 1 has preferably a square cross-section, is held by supports 3, 4 and has a free end 2 around which the yarn Y is deflected. At a lower side 5 of the bending element 1 a damping element D is secured e.g. by gluing (gluing area 9). The damping element D is made from

rubber or other elastic material, e.g. an elastomer, or foam material, i.e. a material having intrinsic damping properties, and being flexible to a certain extent. The damping element D may consist of one and the same material or may be manufactured in so-called "two-components-technique", e.g. by injection moulding or extrusion and such that different parts of the unitary damping element D may have different elastic properties or softness.
In Fig. 1 the damping element is shaped like a U with a first U-leg 6, a second U-leg 8 and a curved U-bend 7. The damping element D is secured to the bending element 1 close to the end 2 and such that the outer side of the U-bend 7 faces the end 2. The first leg 6 constitutes a base body of the damping element, the U-bend 7 constitutes an energy dissipation zone of the damping element D, and the second U- leg 8 constitutes an oscillation body of the damping element D. The oscillation body extends essentially parallel to the bending element 1 and with sufficient distance from the base body (first U-leg 6) and the bending element 1 to allow the oscillation body 8, when excited by oscillations of the bending element 1 in the directions of the double-arrow R, to freely oscillate as well. The energy dissipation zone 7 dissipates energy caused by the relative oscillation of the oscillation body and thus dampens the oscillations of the bending element 1. In addition, the ambient air contributes to the damping as well.
The natural frequency of the tensiometer T, without having the damping element, may lie at about 1100 Hz. With the damping element, the natural frequency in the tensiometer is lowered to about 1000 Hz, i.e. by only about 10%, which means that the damping property of the damping element does not heavily effect the band¬width of the tensiometer T. By changing the geometrical design of the damping element D and/or the softness of the material and/or the mass distribution and/or the shape of the damping element the damping effect can be selected as desired. Although the oscillation body 8 is able to freely oscillate like a separate body of the damping element, it is a unitary part of the damping element, meaning that the fixation of the damping element only needs one single gluing or fixing area.
In the embodiment of Fig. 2 the damping element D is an L-shaped hook H. The first L-end 6 constituting the base body e.g. is glued to the bending element 1. The

second L-end 8 extends essentially parallel and distant to the bending element 1. Here, the L-bend 7 constitutes the energy dissipation zone.
Especially if the bending arm is not in wear-proof material, a wear protector 10, e.g. made of ceramic material, may be clamped or glued to the free end of the bending element 1 (Fig. 3). The wear protector 10, in this embodiment, may also be used to secure the damping element D to the bending element 1. The damping element D in Fig. 3 has the shape of an S. The first S-leg 6 constitutes the base body, the second S-leg constitutes the oscillation body 8, and the part of the S-shape between both legs 6, 7 includes the energy dissipation zone 7.
In the embodiment of Figs. 4 and 5 the damping element D has the shape of an open pot P. The pot rim constitutes the base body 6 and e.g. is glued to the bending element 1. The pot bottom constitutes the oscillation body 8. The outer wall of the pot constitutes the energy dissipation zone 7. The pot bottom, constituting the oscillation body, may be formed with a thickened portion 19 increasing the mass of the oscillation body 8. The pot P either may be closed on all sides (enclosed air might contribute to the damping effect), or may have at least one vent-hole 13, "connecting" the interior of the pot P with the "open atmosphere". The damping element D in Figs. 4 and 5 may be an injection-moulded rubber or elastomer part. It even may have a "roof, as indicated at 11, for enlarging the connection surface to the bending element 1.
In the embodiment of Fig. 6 the damping element D has the shape of a Z. This means that the first Z-leg constitutes the base body 6, which e.g. is glued to the bending element 1. Two oscillation bodies 8 are formed by the other parts of the Z, while the bends of the Z constitute two energy dissipation zones 7.
In the embodiment in Figs. 7 and 8 the damping body D surrounds the bending element 1 like a collar M such that the damping element D is secured to the bending element 1 just by the elasticity and pre-tension of the collar-shaped base part 6. At least one or two oppositely extending tabs or "wings" constitute one or two oscillation bodies 8, which extend laterally in the direction in which the bending element 1 is deflected by the yarn. This embodiment is particularly expedient because it is hardly prone at all to any lint or avivage collection. Furthermore, it is not necessary to glue the damping element D to the bending element 1. For

safety's sake, however, the collar-shaped base part 6 may still be glued to the bending element 1.
In the embodiment of Figs. 9 and 10, similar to Figs. 7 and 8, the damping element D is surrounding the bending element 1 and is secured to the bending element only by the elasticity and the pre-tension of the collar-shaped base part 6. In order to better position the damping element D on the bending element 1, the bending element 1 may have a recess (not shown) or, as shown, projections 12 between which the collar-shaped base part 6 is situated or positioned when the damping element D is mounted on the bending element 1. The oscillation bodies 8 may e.g. be protruding tabs or "wings" on both opposite sides of the collar-shaped base part. The tabs 8 extend laterally with respect to the direction in which the bending element 1 is deflected by the yarn.
In the embodiment of Figs. 11 and 12 the base part 6 of the damping element D does not totally surround the bending element 1, but the base part 6 is formed like a clip having the shape of a C. The two oppositely extending oscillation bodies 8 are tabs extending substantially laterally with respect to the direction in which the bending element 1 is deflected by the yarn.
Except in the embodiment of Figs. 4 and 5, the respective damping element D may be a cut-off section of an "endless", extruded or injection-moulded low-cost profile. Every damping element, described in the above embodiments, consists preferably in its entirety of one and the same material and may have the same softness over its entire length and/or within its entire cross-section. However, alternatively, it may also be produced according to so-called "multiple-component-extrusion-technology", by which method one can achieve that portions with different elasticities and/or softnesses, or even with different materials, are unified into becoming one single, unitary body constituting the damping element D.

We claim:
1 Tensiometer (T) for measuring the force imparted by a yarn (Y) to a
bending element (1) which is secured in a fixation and can be deflected by the yarn (Y), comprising a unitary oscillation-damping element (D) made of an intrinsically damping material like rubber or an elastomer, the damping element (D) being secured to the bending element (1), characterised in that the unitary damping element (D) comprises a base body (6) secured to the bending element (1) and an oscillation body (8) which can oscillate at least essentially in the direction (R) in which the bending element (1) is deflected by the yarn (Y) in relation to the base body (6) and to the bending element (1), and that an energy dissipation zone (7) is provided in the damping element (D) between the oscillation body (8) and the base body (6).
2. Tensiometer according to claim 1, characterised in that the oscillation body (8) is a continuation of the base body (6) and has a free end.
3. Tensiometer as in claim 1 or 2, characterised in that the damping element (D) has substantially the shape of a U, that a first U-leg forms the base body (6) and is secured at its outer side at the bending element (1), preferably is glued to the bending element (1), that the second U-leg forms the oscillation body (8) extending at a distance from the base body (6) and the bending element (1), and that the U-bend forms the energy dissipation zone (7).
4. Tensiometer as in claim 3, characterised in that the first U-leg (6) extends substantially in the longitudinal direction of the bending element (1), and that the U-bend faces with its outer side to the region (2) of the bending element (1) which is contacted by the yarn (Y), preferably faces to the end region of the bending element, and, preferably, that the outer side of the U-bend is located in the vicinity of the end (2) of the bending element (1).

5. Tensiometer according to claim 1 or 2, characterised in that the damping
element (D) has the shape of a substantially L-shaped hook (H), that a first
L-end is secured to the bending element, preferably in a butt-joint, and
constitutes the base body (6), that the second hook end constitutes the
oscillation body (8) and extends laterally or longitudinally at distance to the
bending element (1), and that the L-bend constitutes the energy dissipation
zone (7).
6. Tensiometer according to claim 1 or 2, characterised in that the damping element (D) substantially has the shape of an S, that a first S-leg is secured to the bending element (1), preferably is glued or clamped to the bending element (1), and constitutes the base body (6), that the second S-leg extends laterally or longitudinally at distance to the bending element (1) and constitutes the oscillation body (8), and that the energy dissipation zone (7) is formed in the region of the damping element (D) between both S-legs.
7. Tensiometer according to claim 1 or 2, characterised in that at the end of the bending element (1) contacted by the yarn a wear protector (10) is provided, and that the base body (6) of the damping element (D) preferably is clamped by the wear protector (10) to the bending element (1).
8. Tensiometer according to claim 1, characterised in that the damping element (D) has the shape of an open pot and is secured at the pot rim to the bending element with the pot rim forming the base body (6), that the pot bottom is distant from the bending element (1) and constitutes the oscillation body (8), and that the outer wall of the pot and the transition from the outer wall of the pot into the pot bottom constitutes the energy dissipation zone (7).
9. Tensiometer according to claim 8, characterised in that the pot bottom contains at least one thickened portion.
10. Tensiometer according to claim 8, characterised in that a vent-hole (13) is provided either in the pot bottom and/or in the outer

wall of the pot.
11. Tensiometer according to claim 1 or 2, characterised in that the
damping element has the shape of a Z including one base body (6),
several oscillation bodies (8) and several energy dissipation zones
12. Tensiometer according to at least one of the preceding claims,
characterised in that the base body (6) of the damping element (D) at
least partially, preferably entirely, surrounds the bending element, preferably
with radial pre-load, the bending element like a collar (M).
13. Tensiometer according to claim 12, characterised in that the bending
element (1) is formed with at least one recess or projection for positioning
the base body (6) of the damping element (D).
14. Tensiometer according to claim 12, characterised in that the base body (6)
is a ring- or a C-shaped clamp (C) surrounding the bending element (1),
whereby, preferably, at least one e.g. ear-shaped tab protrudes from the
base body (6) crosswise to the deflection direction of the bending element
(1), said tab constituting the oscillation body (8) and the energy dissipation
zone (7) lying between the tab and the base body.
15. Tensiometer according to claim 14, characterised in that the tabs are two in
number, which protrude in opposite directions from the base body (6).


5382-CHENP-2008 CORRESPONDENCE OTHERS 19-07-2013.pdf

5382-CHENP-2008 AMENDED CLAIMS 30-04-2014.pdf

5382-CHENP-2008 CORRESPONDENCE OTHERS 25-06-2014.pdf


5382-CHENP-2008 FORM-1 25-06-2014.pdf

5382-CHENP-2008 FORM-3 30-04-2014.pdf

5382-CHENP-2008 OTHER DOCUMENT 30-04-2014.pdf

5382-CHENP-2008 OTHER PATENT DOUCMENT 24-06-2014.pdf

5382-chenp-2008 abstract.pdf

5382-chenp-2008 claims.pdf

5382-chenp-2008 correspondence-others.pdf

5382-chenp-2008 description(complete).pdf

5382-chenp-2008 drawings.pdf

5382-chenp-2008 form-1.pdf

5382-chenp-2008 form-18.pdf

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5382-chenp-2008 form-3.pdf

5382-chenp-2008 form-5.pdf

5382-chenp-2008 pct.pdf

5382-CHENP-2008-Petition for POR.pdf

Patent Number 263826
Indian Patent Application Number 5382/CHENP/2008
PG Journal Number 48/2014
Publication Date 28-Nov-2014
Grant Date 24-Nov-2014
Date of Filing 07-Oct-2008
Name of Patentee IRO AB
Applicant Address P O BOX 45, S-52322 ULRICEHAMN
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number G01L5/10
PCT International Application Number PCT/EP07/00342
PCT International Filing date 2007-01-16
PCT Conventions:
# PCT Application Number Date of Convention Priority Country
1 0600531-8 2006-03-09 Sweden