Title of Invention


Abstract The invention employs complex-exponential modulation of a low-pass prototype filter and a new method for optimizing the characteristics of this filter. The invention substantially reduces artifacts due to aliasing emerging from independent modifications of subband signals, for example when using a filterbank as an spectral equalizer. The invention is preferably implemented in software, running on a standard PC or a digital signal processor (DSP), but can also be hardcoded on a custom chip. The invention offers essential improvements for various types of digital equalizers, adaptive filters, multiband companders and spectral envelope adjusting filterbanks used in high frequency reconstruction (HFR) systems.
The present invention relates to the area of subsampled digital filterbanks and provides a new method and
apparatus for substantial reduction of impairments emerging from modifications, for example
quantization or attenuation, of the spectral coefficients or subband signals of digital filterbanks. The
invention is applicable to digital equalizers ["An Efficient 20 Band Digital Audio Equalizer" A. J. S.
Ferreira. J. M. N. Viera, AES preprint 98* Convention 1995 February 25-28 Paris, NY, USA], adaptive
filters (Adaptive Filtering in Subbands with Critical Sampling: Analysis, Experiments, and Application to
Acoustic Echo Cancellation" A. Gilloire, M. Vetterii, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, vol. 40.
no. 8, August, 1992], multiband companders, and to audio coding systems using high frequency
reconstruction (HFR), where a digital filterbank is used for the adaptive adjustment of the spectral
envelope, such as the Spectral Band Replication (SBR) system (WO 98/57436].
A digital filter bank is a collection of two or more parallel digital filters. The analysis filter bank splits the
incoming signal into a number of separate signals named subband signals (or spectral coefficients) The
filter bank is critically sampled (or maximally decimated) when the total number of subband samples per
unit time is the same as that for the input signal. The synthesis filter bank combines these subband signals
into an output signal. A popular type of critically sampled filterbanks is the cosine modulated filterbarik.
The filters in the cosine modulated system are obtained by cosine modulation of a low-pass filter, a so-
called prototype filter. The cosine modulated banks offer very effective implementations and arc often
used in natural audio codecs ["Introduction to Perceptual Coding" K. Brandenburg, AJES, Collected
Papers on Digital Audio Bitrate Reduction, 1996]. However, any attempt to alter the subband samples or
spectral coefficients, e.g. by applying an equalizing gain curve or quantizing the samples, renders severe
aliasing artifacts in the output signal
The present invention shows that impairments emerging from modifications of the subband signals can be
significantly reduced by extending a cosine modulated filterbank with an imaginary sine modulated part,
forming a complex-exponential modulated filterbank. The sine extension eliminates the main alias terms
present in the cosine modulated filterbank. Moreover, the invention presents a method, referred to as alias
term minimization (ATM), for optimization of the prototype filter. The complex-exponential modulation
creates complex-valued subband signals that can be interpreted as the analytic signals of the signals
obtained from the real part of the filterbank, i.e. the underlying cosine modulated filterbank. This feature
provides an inherent measure of the instantaneous energy of the subband signals

The main steps for operation of the complex-exponential modulated filterbank according to the present
invention are:
1. The design of a symmetric low-pass prototype filter with cutoff frequency π/2M, optimized for a
desired aliasing rejection and passband flatness;
2. The construction of an M-channel filterbank by complex-exponential modulation of the optimized
prototype filter;
3. The filtering of a real-valued time domain signal through the analysis part of the filterbank,
4. The modification of the complex-valued subband signals according to a desired, possibly time-
varying, equalizer setting;
5. The filtering of the modified complex-valued subband samples through the synthesis part of the
filterbank; and
6. The computation of the real part of the complex-valued time domain output signal obtained from
the synthesis part of the filterbank.
The most attractive applications of the invention are improvement of various types of digital equalizers,
adaptive filters, multiband companders and adaptive envelope adjusting filter-banks used in HFR systems.
The present invention will now be described by way of illustrative examples, not limiting the scope nor
the spirit of the invention, with reference to the accompanying drawings, in which
Fig.l illustrates the analysis and synthesis sections of a digital filterbank,
Fig.2 shows the magnitudes in a composite alias component matrix of a cosine modulated filterbank;
Fig.3 shows the magnitudes in a composite alias component matrix of a complex-exponential
modulated filterbank;
Fig.4 illustrates wanted terms and main alias terms in a cosine modulated filterbank adjusted for a band-
pass filter response;
Fig.5 shows the attenuation of alias gain terms for different realizations of complex-exponential
modulated filterbanks,
Fig.6 illustrates the analysis part of a complex-exponential modulated filterbank system according to
the present invention; and
Fig.7 illustrates the synthesis part of a complex-exponential modulated filterbank system according to
the present invention.
It should be understood that the present invention is applicable on a range of implementations that
incorporates digital filterbanks other than those explicitly mentioned in this patent.

Digital f ilterbanks
A digital filter bank is a collection of two or more parallel digital filters that share a common input or a
common output ("Multiratc Systems and Filter Banks" P.P. Vaidyanathan Prentice Hall. Englewood
Cliffs, NJ, 1993]. When sharing a common input the filter bank is called an analysis bank. The analysis
bank splits the incoming signal into M separate signals called sub-band signals. The analysis filters are
denoted HA(z), where k = 0 ... M-l. The filter bank is critically sampled (or maximally decimated) when
the subband signals are decimated by a factor M The total number of subband samples per unit time is
then the same as the number of samples per unit time for the input signal. The synthesis bank combines
these subband signals into a common output signal. The synthesis filters are denoted Fk(Z) for
k = 0... M-1. A maximally decimated filter hank with M channels (subbands) is shown in Fig. 1. The
analysis part 101 produces the signals Vk (Z) which constitute the signals to be transmitted, stored or
modified, from the input signal X(z). The synthesis part 102 recombines the signals Vk (z) to the output
signal X(z).
The recombination of Vk (z) to obtain the approximation X(z) of the original signal X(z) is subject to
several errors. One of these is aliasing, due to the decimation and interpolation of the subbands. Other
errors are phase and amplitude distortion.

For a cosine modulated system, the dominant terms in the composite alias component matrix are the first
row and four diagonals. The three-dimensional plot of Fig.2 illustrates the magnitudes of the components
in this matrix The first row holds the terms from the transfer function, Eq.(8), while the four diagonals
primarily consist of the main alias terms, i.e. the aliasing due to overlap between fitters and their closest
neighbors. It is easily seen that the main alias terms emerge from overlap in frequency between either the
filters negative passbands with frequency modulated versions of the positive passbands, or reciprocally,
the filters positive passbands with frequency modulated versions of the negative passbands. Summing the
terms of the rows in the composite alias component matrix, i.e. calculating the alias gains, results in
cancellation of the main alias terras. The aliasing is canceled in a pairwtse manner, where the first main
alias term is canceled by the second in the same row. Superimposed on the main alias terms are also other
smaller alias terras. If the prototype filter characteristics is so mat the transition- and stop-band of the
filters have substantial overlap with their modulated versions, these alias terms will be large. As an
example, the second and the last row consists of alias terms induced by. the overlap of filters with their
closest modulated versions. For a PR system, these smaller alias terras also cancels completely when
summing the terms for the alias gains. In the pseudo QMF system, however, these terms remain.
Complex-Exponential Modulated Filterbanks
Extending the cosine modulation to complex-exponential modulation according to the present invention
yields the analysis filters hk(n) as

using the same notation as before. This can be viewed as adding an imaginary part to the real-valued
filterbank, where the imaginary part consists of sine modulated versions of the same prototype filter.
Considering a real-valued input signal, the output from the filter bank can be interpreted as a set of
subband signals, where the real and the imaginary parts arc Hilbert transforms of each other The
resulting subbands are thus the analytic signals of the real-valued output obtained from the cosine
modulated filterbank. Hence, due to the complex-valued representation, the subband signals arc
oversampled by a factor two.
The synthesis filters are extended in the same way as

Eq.(22) and (23) implies that the output from the synthesis bank is complex-valued Using matrix
notation, where C, is a matrix with analysis filters from Eq (14), and S, is a matrix with filters as


As seen from Eq.(26), the real part consists of two terms; the output from the ordinary cosine modulated
filterbank and an output from a sine modulated filterbank. It is easily verified that if a cosine modulated
interbank has the PR property, then its sine modulated version, with a change of sign, constitutes a PR
system as well. Thus, by taking the real part of the output, the complex-exponential modulated system
offers the same reconstruction accuracy as the corresponding cosine modulated version.
The complex-exponential modulated system can be extended to handle also complex-valued input
signals. By extending the number of channels to 2Mt i.e adding the filters for the negative frequencies,
and keeping me imaginary part of the output signal, a pseudo QMF or a PR system for complex-valued
signals is obtained.
Examining the composite alias component matrix from Eq.(21), the main alias diagonals vanish for the
complex-exponential modulated filterbank. This is easily understood since the complex-exponential
modulated filterbank has only one passband for every filter. In other words, the filterbank is free from
main alias terms, and do not rely on the pairwise aliasing cancellation mentioned above. The composite
alias component matrix has the dominant terms on the first row only. Fig.3 shows the magnitude of the
components in the resulting matrix. Depending on the prototype filter characteristics, the terms on rows 1
through M-l, are more or less attenuated. The absence of main alias terms makes the aliasing cancellation
constraint from the cosine (or sine) modulated filterbank obsolete in the complex-exponential modulated
version. Both the analysis and synthesis filters can thus be found from

The notation X*(z) is the Z-transform of the complex-conjugated sequence x(n) From Eq.(4), it
follows that the transform of the real part of the output signal is

where it is used that the input signal x(n) is real-valued. Eq.(29) may after manipulation be written

By inspecting Eq.(30), and recalling the transform of Eq.(28), it is obvious that the real part of ao(n) mast
be a dirac pulse for a PR system. Moreover, the real part of AM2(π) must be zero and the alias gains, for
l= 1 ... M/2-1, must satisfy
In pseudo QMF systems, Eq.(31) holds true only approximately. Moreover, the real part of a0(n) is not
exactly a dirac-pulse, nor is the real part of aM/2(n) exactly zero.
Modification of subband signals
Changing the gains of the channels in a cosine modulated filterbank, i.e. using the analysis/synthesis
system as an equalizer, renders severe distortion due to the main alias terms. Say for example that the
intention is to adjust an eight-channel filterbank for a band-pass response, where except for the second
and third channel all subband signals are set to zero. The composite alias component matrix from Eq.(21)
is then an S x 8 matrix where all elements are zero except for the elements on the second and third
column, Fig.4. There are seven significant alias terms left as indicated in the figure. The aliasing from
rows three and five will be canceled, since the main alias terms in these rows have the same gains, i.e. the
pairwise cancellation is working intentionally. In rows two, four and six however, these are single alias
terms, since their corresponding alias terms have zero gain. The alias cancellation will hence not work as
intended, and the aliasing in the output signal will be substantial.
From this example it is obvious that a substantial improvement is achieved when using complex-
exponential modulated filterbanks as equalizers. The 8-channel system depicted in Fig.4 has a prototype
fitter of order 128. The total aliasing attenuation is only 16 dB in the above equalizer example. Moving to
complex-exponential modulation gives an aliasing attenuation of 95 dB. Due to the non-existing main

alias terms, the resulting aliasing is dependent only on the suppression of the alias terms emanating from
overlap between filters and their modulated versions It is thus of great importance to design the prototype
filter for maximum suppression of the alias gains terms The first term on the RHS of Eq (30) evaluated
on the unit circle gives the error energy e, of the transfer function as

The energy of the total aliasing et can be calculated by evaluating all remaining terms on the RHS of
Eq.{30) on the unit circle as

Due to symmetry, Eq.(9) and the fact

the terms within the curly braces of the sum in Eq.(33) are equal. The total aliasing energy thus has M/2-1
terms as
The minimization of the alias gain terms is done by optimizing the prototype filter This is preferably
accomplished by minimizing a composite objective function, using standard nonlinear optimization
algorithms, for example the Downhill Simplex Method ["Numerical Recipes in C, The An of Scientific
Computing, Second Edition" W. H- Press, S A. Teukolsky, W. T. Vetterimg, B. P. Flannery, Cambridge
University Press, NY, 1992]. For alias term minimization (ATM) of the prototype filter according to the
invention, the objective function looks like

During the optimization, a random equalization curve is applied to the filterbank when calculating Ea i.e.
the analysis and synthesis filters are multiplied with gainfactors gk as

and the resulting filters are used when calculating the alias gain terms
forl = l ...M-1.
In Fig.5, the alias gains of five different complex-exponential modulated systems are compared. Four of
these are 8-channel systems and one is a 64-channel system. AH of the systems have prototype filter
lengths of 128. The dotted trace and the solid trace with stars shows alias components for two pseudo
QMF systems, where one is alias term minimized. The dashed and the dash-dotted traces are the
components for two 8-channel perfect reconstruction systems, where again one of the systems is alias
term minimized. The solid trace is the alias components for a complex-exponential modulated lapped
transform (MLT). All the systems arc adjusted for band-pass responses according to the example above,
and the results are tabulated in Table 1. The rejection of total aliasing is calculated as the inverse of
Eq.(33). The passband flatness is calculated as the inverse of Eq.(32) with the integration interval
adjusted for the bandpass response.

As seen from the numbers in Table 1, a substantial improvement is achieved when moving from the 64-
channel MLT to the 8-channel PR systems. The MLT is a perfect reconstruction system and has only
(W+l) / 2M = 1 coefficient per polyphase component The number of coefficients for the 8-channel PR
systems are 128 / 16 - 8. This enables filters with higher stopband attenuation and higher rejection of
alias terms. Moreover, it is seen that alias term minimization of the PR system rejects the aliasing and
improves the passband flatness significantly. Comparing the pseudo QMF systems and the PR systems, it
is clear mat the aliasing rejection improves by 40 dB while almost preserving the passband flatness. An
additional alias rejection of approximately 20 dB and improved passband flatness of 10 dB is achieved
when minmuzing the alias terms. Thus, it is clear that the perfect reconstruction constraint imposes
limitations to a filterbank used in an equalization system. A pseudo QMF system can always be designed
for adequate reconstruction accuracy, since all practical digital implementations have limited resolution in
the numeric representation. For both the pseudo QMF and the PR system, it is obvious that an optimum
system is built on a prototype filter mat has large rejection of the stopband. This imposes the usage of
prototype filters with relative lengths longer than the windows used in the MLT.
A great advantage of the complex-exponential modulated system is that the instantaneous energy is easily
calculated since the sub-band signals constitute the analytic signals of the real-valued subband signals

obtained from a cosine modulated filterbank. This is a property of great value in for example adaptive
fillets, automatic gain controls (AGC), in multiband companders, and in spectral band replication systems
(SBR), where a filterbank is used for the spectral envelope adjustment. The averaged energy within a
subband k might be calculated as

where VK(n) is the subband samples of channel A, and w(n) is a window of length 2L-1 centered around
n = 0. This measure is then used as an input parameter for the adaptation or gain-calculation algorithms
Practical implementations
Using a standard PC or DSP. real-time operation of a complex-exponential modulated filterbank is
possible. The filterbank may also be hard-coded on a custom chip. Fig. 6 shows the structure for an
effective implementation of the analysis part of a complex-exponential modulated filterbank system. The
analogue input signal is first fed to an A/D converter 601. The digital time domain signal is fed to a shift
register holding 2M samples shifting M samples at time 602. The signals from the shift register are then
filtered through the polyphase coefficients of the prototype filter 603. The filtered signals are
subsequently combined 604 and in parallel transformed with a DCT-IV 605 and a DST-IV 606 transform.
The outputs from the cosine and sine transforms constitute the real and the imaginary parts of the subband
samples respectively. The gains of the subband samples are modified according to the current spectral
envelope adjuster setting 607.
An effective implementation of the synthesis part of a complex-exponential modulated system is shown
in Fig.7. The subband samples are first multiplied with complex-valued twiddlefactors 701, and the real
part is modulated with a DCT-IV 702 and the imaginary part with a DST-IV 703 transform. The outputs
from the transforms arc combined 704 and fed through the polyphase components of the prototype filter
705. The time domain output signal is obtained from the shift register 706. Finally, the digital output
signal is converted back to an analogue waveform 707
The above-described embodiments are merely illustrative for the principles of the complex-exponential
modulated filterbank systems according to the present invention. It is understood mat modifications and
variations of the arrangements and the details described herein will be apparent to others skilled in the art.
It is the intent, therefore, to be limited only by the scope of the impending patent claims and not by the
specific details presented by way of description and explanation of the embodiments herein.

1. An analysis filter bank part for filtering real-valued time domain signals, where said filter
bank has M filter bank channels and said channels have filter coefficients emerging from
complex-exponential modulation of a symmetric low-pass prototype filter po(n), having filter
order iV, wherein said filter coefficients are based on

where k indicates a channel index, n indicates a filter coefficient index and hk(n) indicates a
complex-valued filter coefficient of an index n belonging to a filter bank channel of index k,
wherein n = Q,l, ...,N, and k - 0, 1, ..., M-1,
wherein said low-pass prototype filter has a filter order N that is higher than 2M-1, where Mis
the number of channels in said digital filterbank, or
wherein said low-pass prototype filter has been optimized by minimizing a composite
objective function stot{a) as
etot(α) = αεt+(l-a)εa
where a is a weighting constant, εt is the passband error and εa is the aliasing error, or
wherein said analysis filterbank part is used for the estimation of energy measures in a high
frequency reconstruction system, or
wherein said analysis filterbank part is used as part of an envelope adjusting filterbank in a
high frequency reconstruction system.
2. An analysis filter bank part according to claim 1, further comprising a shift register (602), a
polyphase filter module (603) followed by a combiner (604) and transform means including a
digital cosine transform (605) and a digital sine transform (606), wherein at outputs of the
digital cosine transform (605) and the digital sine transform (606) real parts and imaginary
parts of a set of complex-valued subband signals are obtained.

3. An analysis filter bank part according to claim 1 or claim 1, further comprising means
(607) for modifying complex-valued subband signals obtained from said filtering, a complex
valued subband signal having complex-valued subband samples,, where said modifying
comprises a spectral envelope adjuster for adjusting the magnitudes of complex-valued
subband samples in order to match a desired spectral envelope curve.
4. A synthesis filter bank part for filtering complex-valued subband signals, where said filter
bank has M filter bank channels and said channels have filter coefficients emerging from
complex-exponential modulation of a symmetric low-pass prototype filter po(n), having filter
order N, wherein said filter coefficients are based on

where k indicates a channel index, n indicates a filter coefficient index and fk(n) indicates a
complex-valued filter coefficient of an index n belonging to a filter bank channel of index k,
wherein n = 0, 1, ..., N, and k= 0, 1,..., Af-1, further comprising means for adding output
signals from the filter bank channels to obtain a complex-valued time domain signal and
means for taking the real part, in order to obtain a real-valued time domain output signal,
wherein said low-pass prototype filter has a filter order N that is higher than 2M-1, where M is
the number of channels in said digital filterbank, or
wherein said low-pass prototype filter has been optimized by minimizing a composite
objective function ε tot(a.) as
where a is a weighting constant, εt is the passband error and εa is the aliasing error, or
wherein said synthesis filterbank part is used as part of an envelope adjusting filterbank in a
high frequency reconstruction system..
5. A synthesis filter bank part according to claim 4, further comprising means (701) for
multiplying said subband signals with a set of complex-valued twiddle factors, transform
means including a digital cosine transform (702) and a digital sine transform (703) operating
on the real and imaginary part of said subband signals respectively, a combiner (704)

followed by a polyphase filter module (705), and a shift register and adding means (706),
wherein at the output of a shift register and adding means (706) said real-valued time domain
output signal is obtained.
6. Method of analysis filtering using an analysis filter bank part for filtering real-valued time
domain signals, where said filter bank has M filter bank channels and said channels have filter
coefficients emerging from complex-exponential modulation of a symmetric low-pass
prototype filter po(n), having filter order N, wherein said filter coefficients are based on

where k indicates a channel index, « indicates a filter coefficient index and hk(n) indicates a
complex-valued filter coefficient of an index n belonging to a filter bank channel of index k,
wherein n = 0, 1, ...,N, and k=0, 1, ..., M-l,
wherein said low-pass prototype filter has a filter order N that is higher than 2M-1, where Mis
the number of channels in said digital filterbank, or
wherein said low-pass prototype filter has been optimized by minimizing a composite
objective function εtot(a) as
where a is a weighting constant, s, is the passband error and εa is the aliasing error, or
wherein said analysis filterbank part is used for the estimation of energy measures in a high
frequency reconstruction system, or
wherein said analysis filterbank part is used as part of an envelope adjusting filterbank in a
high frequency reconstruction system.
7. Method of synthesis filtering using a synthesis filter bank part for filtering complex-valued
subband signals, where said filter bank has M filter bank channels and said channels have
filter coefficients emerging from complex-exponential modulation of a symmetric low-pass
prototype filter po(n), having filter order N, wherein said filter coefficients are based on

where k indicates a channel index, n indicates a filter coefficient index and fk(n) indicates a
complex-valued filter coefficient of an index n belonging to a filter bank channel of index k,
wherein n = 0, 1, ...,N, and k = 0,1,..., M-1, further comprising means for adding output
signals from the filter bank channels to obtain a complex-valued time domain signal and
means for taking the real part, in order to obtain a real-valued time domain output signal,
wherein said low-pass prototype filter has a filter order N that is higher than 2M-1, where Mis
the number of channels in said digital filterbank, or
wherein said low-pass prototype filter has been optimized by minimizing a composite
objective function εtot(a) as
εtot(a) = aet+(l-a)εa
where a is a weighting constant, s, is the passband error and εa is the aliasing error, or
wherein said synthesis filterbank part is used as part of an envelope adjusting filterbank in a
high frequency reconstruction system.

The invention employs complex-exponential modulation of a low-pass prototype
filter and a new method for optimizing the characteristics of this filter. The
invention substantially reduces artifacts due to aliasing emerging from
independent modifications of subband signals, for example when using a
filterbank as an spectral equalizer. The invention is preferably implemented in
software, running on a standard PC or a digital signal processor (DSP), but can
also be hardcoded on a custom chip. The invention offers essential
improvements for various types of digital equalizers, adaptive filters, multiband
companders and spectral envelope adjusting filterbanks used in high frequency
reconstruction (HFR) systems.


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Patent Number 263883
Indian Patent Application Number 4430/KOLNP/2008
PG Journal Number 48/2014
Publication Date 28-Nov-2014
Grant Date 26-Nov-2014
Date of Filing 03-Nov-2008
Name of Patentee DOLBY SWEDEN AB
Applicant Address GAVLEGATAN 12 A, S-113 30 STOCKHOLM, SWEDEN
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number H03H 17/02
PCT International Application Number PCT/SE2002/00626
PCT International Filing date 2002-03-28
PCT Conventions:
# PCT Application Number Date of Convention Priority Country
1 0101175-8 2001-04-02 Sweden