Title of Invention


Abstract The present invention relates to the field of telecommunication networks. More specifically, the invention is related to SIP (Session Initiation Protocol) based messaging applications. The invention describes a method for allowing users to label the key messages of the conversation. These labels which identify the key messages are stored in the history metadata of the conversation file The user may search the conversations stored on the server to identify the labeled messages and download only those key messages. The method can also be used by the user to delete the irrelevant portion of the conversation with only the labeled portion left intact.
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The present invention, in general, relates to various SIP (Session Initiation Protocol) based applications such as Instant Messaging, Push to talk over Cellular, and any other future applications like Converged IP Messaging (CPM). More particularly, the present invention relates to those applications where a User is allowed to store/retrieve or manipulate messages stored on a network. More particularly, the present invention relates to a method to label key messages of a conversation so that they can be selectively retrieved/deleted later.
The present invention proposes a mechanism to label key messages in a conversation history that are stored in the Server in the context of SIP (Session Initiation Protocol) based messaging applications such as IM, PoC, CPM etc.
At present, various messaging applications allow a user to store a copy of the conversation on the network. Storage on the Server is usually enabled by a User configured service setting to always store conversations or a User initiated request to store a particular conversation. The User can also stop recording at any time when the recording is in-progress. The User is then allowed to retrieve and manage (e.g. get descriptive information about conversations, delete conversations etc) the stored conversation. Usually, in order to retrieve a stored conversation. User first gets the descriptive information, i.e. metadata about the stored conversation, which could contain for example from, to, time-stamp (element representing the creation time of the message), etc as described in OMA developed SIMPLE IM XDM 1.0 specification. Descriptive information about the stored conversation helps the User to identify the right conversation to be retrieved or referred to. Once identified the conversation, the User can then retrieve it entirely on his device.

Existing art for conversation history:
1. Start recording by default setting:
Server provides placeholder for User's default setting whether turning on conversation recording. User can change the value of this setting via various methods, for e.g., SIP PUBLISH method or XCAP method. When the User has requested for default setting - which stands for recording of all conversation - all messages coming to the User are recorded by the Server until the User cancels the default recording request/setting or on some Server error condition like when the User has reached his/her server storage limit for conversation recording, etc. The methods are described in OMA developed SIMPLE IM 1.0 specifications.
2. Start recording by on-demand User directive:
User need not record all the conversations by default. Instead the on-demand User directive allows User to request the recording, on-demand, during the conversation. User can issue such request via various methods during the conversation (e.g., SIP INVITE/REFER methods). These methods are described in OMA developed SIMPLE IM 1.0 specifications.
3. Stop recording by on-demand User directive:
A User can stop recording of the conversation anytime he/she wants, but the recording done till that point will be stored in the Server. User can issue such requests via e.g., SIP BYE method. Upon the termination of recording, the Sever would generate the metadata related about the conversation stored on the Server. The concerned methods are described in OMA developed SIMPLE IM 1.0 specifications.

4. Stop recording at the end of conversation:
If there is no on-demand User directive to stop recording during the conversation, the recording of conversation will be automatically stopped at the end of conversation. Upon the termination of recording, the Sever would generate the metadata related about the conversation stored on the Server. The related methods are described in OMA developed SIMPLE IM 1.0 specifications.
5. Stop recording when the system limit reached:
If there is no on-demand User directive to stop recording during the conversation and User's storage box becomes full on the Server, then Server may stop recording after issuing a notification or warning to the user stating that the storage box on the Server is full. Also, upon the termination of recording, the Sever would generate the metadata related about the conversation stored on the Server. The concerned methods are described in detail in the OMA developed SIMPLE IM 1.0 specifications.
Server action followinp the request to store conversation:
Each time the Server receives a SIP message or a media session to be stored, the Server will,
1. In case of pager mode messages, it stores the complete messages including all the header fields and bodies of the SIP request.
2. in the case of media session, it stores:
a. all relevant headers of the SIP session establishment and
b. complete contents of the media session including headers.
3. Assigns a unique conversation history reference for each stored message, e.g., in the form of unique message id.
4. Stores the conversation history in the user's account on the Server.

6. Generates the metadata associated with the stored conversation and stores.
The more such details are d^scribed in OMA developed SIMPLE IM 1.0 specifications.
An example of such metadata structure is shown as below:
Metadata of the conversation history which may be stored on the server will contain descriptive information regarding the conversation. OMA developed SIMPLE IM XDM 1.0 specification describes the metadata in detail. Metadata generally consists of elements like (size of the saved content), (the date at which the history expires), (representing the subject header in original message), (start time of the saved history), (end time of the saved history), (user provided name for the recorded conference) etc., along with element with attribute "history-reference" (the complete path and unique identifier of the actual history content).
Currently, OMA developed enablers do not support content based search over the stored conversations. User has to make a guess on the stored conversation in order to retrieve any interested part of the conversation. Also User may have to retrieve the entire stored conversation though User may be interested only in part of the stored conversation. In other words, the User experiences high latency while retrieving stored conversation as the entire conversation has to be retrieved. Also, the overall User experience with this kind of approach is poor.
■ That is, with the present technology, it is not possible to do content search over the stored conversation.
■ Even if content search is supported in future

o Content search done in order to retrieve a particular information from storage is complex and costly
o Content search and retrieve is slower.
o User has to retrieve entire stored conversation even if User is interested in part of the stored conversation.
o It amounts to poor user experience.
In the state of the art literature, the patent titled 'System and method for queuing and book marking telephony conversations' (US Patent Office Publication No. US20040203621A1) describes a system and method for querying and book marking telephony conversations. According to the invention, the users issue commands to insert bookmarks into the audio recording, the textual recording, or both, either during the live conference or during later playback. A user can issue these commands by voice or by sending data (for example, text) through the user's device. The commands may also be issued by software running on the user's device. The user can also add, modify, and delete bookmarks and can provide a descriptive title for bookmarks. Further, as per the invention, bookmarks can be used to indicate important words or phrases, to mark changes in the subject of the conversation, etc. Bookmarks can be used by users to assist in the retrieval of information as well as by information processing software used to retrieve portions of stored conversations.
Another patent, titled 'System and method for message storage assurance in a geographically distributed voice messaging system' (patent no. US20060002522A1) talks about a voice messaging system that comprises of a common message store, a local data store located remotely from the common message store, and a media server. The media server is operable to receive a call directed to a number serviced by the media server, prompt the user for a voice message, direct the voice message to the local data store for temporary storage, notify the common message store that the voice message is present in the local data store, respond to a request to transfer the voice message to the common message store, and direct the local data store to erase the message

upon receipt of a communication from the common message store that the voice message was successfully saved.
From the foregoing, it becomes obvious that even though the prior art literature does talks about the concept of attaching a bookmark/name/label to a key position in a recorded text/audio file, the use of metadata to identify conversations, and a method for temporarily storing an audio file before processing and sending a data file to be stored at common message storage, none explicitly mention any process or method for the retrieval of the key portion or of deletion of other parts of the recorded message. Also, the prior art falls silent in the areas of selectively labeling a 'message' or having labels as identifiable elements of metadata.
The present invention tries to overcome the existing shortcomings in the prior art by proposing a system and method for labeling key messages of a stored conversation so that they can be selectively retrieved for reference/reading later. It also lets the user delete the irrelevant portions of the conversation, leaving only the labeled portion intact.
It is therefore the primary object of the present invention to let the user label key messages of a stored conversation so that they can be selectively retrieved for reference/reading later.
It is another object of the invention to let a user delete the irrelevant portions of the stored conversation, leaving only the labeled portion intact.
It is a further object of the invention to eliminate the need for extensive content search in stored history in order to retrieve information.
It is yet another object of the invention to propose a cost effective method to label key messages of a stored conversation.

It is a further object of the invention to provide a faster mechanism for content search and retrieval.
It is also object of the invention to let users delete selected parts of the stored conversation.
Accordingly, the present invention proposes a method to label key messages of an ongoing conversation by the user so that they can be selectively retrieved for reference/reading later or deleted from the server, the method comprising,
• Requesting the creation of labels for key messages anytime by the user while the conversation recording is on (label marking);
• Performing label abstraction by the application server at the end of storing conversation to identify the labeled messages;
• Initiating a request to retrieve the stored history from the application server by the user; and
• Returning the requested part of the stored history by the server.
These and other objects, features and advantages of the present invention will become more apparent from the ensuing detailed description of the invention taken in conjunction with the accompanying drawings.
Figure 1 illustrates the retrieval of the message with specific label from the stored history.
The preferred embodiments of the present Invention will now be explained with reference to the accompanying drawings. It should be understood however that the disclosed embodiments are merely exemplary of the invention, which

may be embodied in various forms. The following description is not to be construed as limiting the invention and numerous specific details are described to provide a thorough understanding of the present invention, as the basis for the claims and as a basis for teaching one skilled in the art how to make and/or use the invention. However, in certain instances, well-known or conventional details are not described in order not to unnecessarily obscure the present invention in detail.
The present invention has the following highlights:
a. It describes a mechanism to label key messages in a conversation
history that are stored in the Server in the context of SIP based
messaging applications like IM, PoC, CPM. In other words, this
invention proposes a procedure for label marking.
b. Procedure for label abstraction,
c. Procedure for the retrieval of the labeled contents.
a. Procedure for label marking
A User can request to create label for key messages anytime while the conversation recording is on. Labels may span across a single message or a set of sequential messages or media.
Label: "Start/End/none"; "label_name" Where
Label header - existence says whether to start or end labeling
messages If Label value is Start then the request is for labeling start of key message
If Label value is End then the request is to end labeling of key message
label_name parameter - Is for the name of the label User would want to have (labels could be one of the pre-defined ones)

Method-1 and Method-2 explained below are applicable to the scenarios where the User and the Conferencing Server belong to the same network. The methods are also applicable to the Conferencing where MSRP is media session established.
For the cases where User and Conferencing Server belong to different network is explained as Method-3 and Method-4. These methods are also applicable to scenarios where the User and the Conferencing Server belongs to the same network. Method-3 and Method-4 is independent of the type of media conferencing; i.e., whether it is MSRP, RTP etc.
Methods explained below is applicable to conferencing where RTP media session is established.
Method-1: Request via new MSRP header
The present invention proposes a new 'Label' MSRP [IETF draft draft-ietf-simple-message-sessions] header in the format explained below, to the methods carrying the messages/media in the conversation. Since the target of the messages in the conversation are the end users, the 'Label' header field, which is intended only to the Server, is removed by the Server before relaying the message to the next entity.
Create label request procedure can be demonstrated with MSRP [IETF draft draft-ietf-simple-message-sessions] message as an example below:
1. Example for request to begin label MSRP d93kswow SEND
To-Path: msrp://friends.example.com:8888/9di4ea;tcp From-Path: msrp://charlie.example.com:7777/iau39;tcp Message-ID: 12339sdqwer Byte-Range: 1-106/106 Label: Start; alice_address Content-Type: text/html

Alice can you give me your address please

2. Example for request to end label
MSRP d94kswow SEND
To-Path: msrp://friends.example.com:8888/9di4ea;tcp
From-Path: msrp://charlie.example.com:7777/iau39;tcp
Message-ID: 12339sdqwer
Byte-Range: 1-106/106
Label: End; alice_address
Content-Type: text/html

Alice, thank you for your address

Method-2: Request via new MSRP method
Alternately, this invention proposes a new message request "STORE" when a User requests to create label. The request will be directed to the Server with details including label-start or label-end, label-name and the message ID. Unlike in Method-1, the target for new request is not end users and hence terminated at the Server.

An example of the LABEL request with MSRP [IETF draft draft-ietf-simple-message-sessions] is as given below:
1. Example for request to begin label
MSRP dkei38sd STORE
To-Path: msrp://server.example.com:7777/iau39;tcp
From-Path: msrp.V/chariie.example.com:8888/9di4ea;tcp
Message-ID: 12339sdqwer
Label: Start; aliceaddress
2. Example for request to end label
MSRP dkei38sd STORE
To-Path: msrp://server.example.com:7777/iau39;tcp
From-Path: msrp://charlie.example.com:8888/9di4ea;tcp
Message-ID: 12339sdqwer
Label: end; alice_address dkei38sd$
"Label" header field's definitions remain the same as explained in the common section above.
Upon receiving such a request, the Server stores Label information as a part of
metadata along with corresponding message-IDs.
Method-3 and Method-4:
The User requested recording of the conversation and the Sever recording the conversation has a dialog created between them at the time the User requested recording of conversation. The same dialog can be used to send "Label" request to the Server that is recording the conversation. Thus Server knows to which conversation the Label has to be marked with. The request to "Label" can be for

'start' or 'end' as explained in the above chapters and the request contains the 'label name'.
Label: "Start/End/none"; "label_name"
Method-3 and Method-4 are independent of type of media conferencing i.e., whether it is MSRP, RTP etc.
Method-3: Request via MESSAGE method
In this invention, as an alternate method, the "Label: "Start/End /none"; "labelname" information can be carried in the SIP MESSAGE method header or in the body. Both begin label and end label requests are sent within the same dialog that exists between the User requesting for recording and the Server that is recording. The below example gives insight on how to request for Label marking.
1. Example for request to begin label in SIP MESSAGE header
MESSAGE sip:[email protected] SIP/2.0
Via: SIP/2.0/TCP charlie.domain.com;branch=z9hG4bK776sgdkse
Max-Forwards: 70
From: sip:[email protected];tag=49583
To: sip:[email protected]
Call-ID: [email protected]
Label: Start; alice_address
Content-Type: text/plain
Content-Length: 0
Similarly there can be request to end label in the SIP MESSAGE header.
2. Example for request to begin label in SIP MESSAGE body
MESSAGE sip:[email protected] SIP/2.0

Via: SIP/2.0/TCP charlie.domain.com;branch=z9hG4bK776sgdkse
Max-Forwards: 70
From: sip:[email protected];tag=49583
To: sip:[email protected]
Call-ID: [email protected]
Content-Type: application/vnd.example.label+xml
Content-Length: x

Similarly there can be request to end label in the SIP MESSAGE body. Method-4: Request via UPDATE method
In this method, the "Label: "Start/End /none"; "label_name" information can be carried in the SIP UPDATE method header. Both begin label and end label requests are sent within the same dialog that exists between the User requesting for recording and the Server that is recording. The example below gives more insight on how to request for Label marking.
1. Example for request to begin label UPDATE sips:[email protected]/TCP SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/TLS charlie.example.com ;branch=z9hG4bK776asdhds Max-Forwards: 70
To: Bob From: Alice ;tag=1928 Call-ID: [email protected] CSeq: 10197 UPDATE

Contact: Label: start; alice_address
Similarly, there can be several methods to mark start and end of labeling depending on the media type in the recording session. This invention does not restrict the invention to just MSRP and RTP media types, and similar such methods are applicable to other media types as well.
Method-5: Request via RTCP message
0 12 3
01234567890123456 7 89012345678901
|V=2|P| subtype | PT=APP=204 i length |
+ -+- + - + - + - + -+- + - + - + - + - + - + - + - +-4-1—+- + - + - + - + -+ - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - +
4._.)._ + _ + _ + _ + _+_4._-(-_ + _ + _ + _. + _ + _ + _-|-_-|-_ + _-)-_+_ + _ + _ + _ + _4-_ + _^__l-_-|._.4-_ + _ + _ +
I name (ASCII) I
+ _+_ + _ + _ + _ + _.(._4_ + _ + _-I-_-(-_4_f-- + _-,^4_-|--f _ + _-!-_ f_ + _.|-_-|-_-)-_^_ + _ + _ + _4-_-^_ +
i application-dependent data I
Table 1: RTCP App message structure
Subtype: This is used to Identify the App message
P: The padding bit P SHALL be set to 0.
Length: The length field in the RTCP header is the length of the packet
in 32-bit words, not counting the first 32-bit word in which the length
field resides.
Name: The 4-byte ASCII string in the RTCP header SHALL be unique
with respect to other APP packets that the application might receive.
Application-dependent data: Application specific information.
Table 1 show a basic RTCP APP message, which can be utilized for setting a Label for ongoing media transfer. RTP is used for continuous media transfer, so message identification has to be done using the timestamp attribute parameter as mentioned in Chapter b) below. This method extends RTCP APP message

and proposes new APP message for setting the Label. Table 2 shows structure of the new Label APP message.
0 12 3
0123456 7 89012 3456789012345678901
+- + - + - + -+- + - + - + -f- + ~ + ~-f- + - + - + - + - + - + - + -+- + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - +
|V=2|P|1 11111 PT=APP=2 04 I length |
1 SSRC of Client requesting Labeling Media Burst |
I name=Application specific Name |
- I Time-stamp | Time-stamp | |
I = 103 I -length = 8 | :
: Time stamp value I
■ I Label - 111 I Option | Length | Label |
I I - Start/Stop I I :
: Label ... I
+ - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + --I-- + - + -+- + - + - + - + - + - + -+- + - + - + -+ - + - + - + - + - + - +
Table 2: Structure for Label APP message
Subtype: 11111, this will identify App message as Label App message. This is just an example but any value another than 11111 can be assigned to identify this as a Label App message
SSRC: This is a SSRC value of Client who is requesting for the Labeling.
Name: Any application specific name e.g. For PoC application we can have value as PoCI
Time stamp:
This field is used to indicate the time attribute. As described earlier, this attribute is used to identify the media time stamp parameter. First field value 103 is indicating the Time Stamp attribute. The Length value is utilized for the length of time stamp value. The actual time stamp value will be mentioned in the message.

Label: This new field is used to set a Label for particular part of continuous media. First attribute value "111" will identify this as Label field.
Option attribute: This attribute is used to tell Application Server to start labeling or to stop labeling.
Length: This will indicate the total length of the Label field including label name.
Label: This attribute will have the actual name of the label to be given to the part of continuous media
When User wants to label some part of continuous media, Client sends a Label App message to Application Server. In the Label App message. Client will set "Option" attribute of Label field' to "Start" and mention the Label name to be given to that part of media. Client shall set the length field.
When User wants to stop labeling. Client shall send the same Label App message with "Option" value set to "Stop".
When Application Server receives a Label request message, Application Sen/er extracts the timestamp value, retrieve the Label name and then store the extracted information in the Meta data.
Following the "Label" request received by the Server as explained in the above listed various Methods, the Server needs to act based on the type of media session.
a.) If the media session is for MSRP
Each time the Server receives the request to mark label 'start' or 'end', the Server notes the MSRP Message-ID with those labels. This information is used in creating the label abstraction metadata at the time of closing the recording

session. (See the next section 'Procedure for label abstraction' for label abstraction metadata). The MSRP Message-ID that is corresponding to the time when the request to begin Label is received is stored in 'start-id' in the Label metadata. Similarly, the MSRP Message-ID that is corresponding to the time when the request to end Label is received is stored in 'end-id' in the Label metadata.
b.) If the media session is for RTP
Each time the Server receives the request to mark label, the Server notes the relative timestamp from the start point of start of recording itself. This information is used in creating the label abstraction metadata at the time of closing the recording session. (See the next section 'Procedure for label abstraction' for label abstraction metadata). The relative timestamp that is corresponding to the time when the request to begin Label is received is stored in 'start-time' in the Label metadata. Similarly, the relative timestamp that is corresponding to the time when the request to end Label is received is stored in 'end-time' in the Label metadata.
b. Procedure for label abstraction:
Once the User has made requests to mark labels to the messages that are being stored in the server, there needs a label abstraction method to identify those labeled messages. The label abstraction should contain the label name as requested by the User, and the start and end Message-IDs/Relative timestamp of the messages/media that are associated with the label. Message-IDs are always unique in a stored conversation for an MSRP Session and like wise the relative timestamp can be used in case of RTP Session.
The Label Abstraction can be express in XML format. Such XML expressed Label Abstraction can be explained with an example as below but not restricted to exact syntax and is extendable based on the application suitability.
A new element


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Patent Number 263896
Indian Patent Application Number 1374/CHE/2007
PG Journal Number 48/2014
Publication Date 28-Nov-2014
Grant Date 26-Nov-2014
Date of Filing 27-Jun-2007
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number H04L12/16
PCT International Application Number N/A
PCT International Filing date
PCT Conventions:
# PCT Application Number Date of Convention Priority Country
1 NA