Title of Invention


Abstract The invention concerns a so-called radiofrequency plasma spark plug (1) designed to equip a combustion chamber (2) comprising: an annular shell (3) with a main axis D; a central electrode (7) made of a second conductive material, extending along the main axis D and including an inner portion (8) arranged inside said annular shell (3) and an outer portion (9) arranged outside said annular shell (3); an annular electrically insulating part (10) extending at least about the inner portion (8) of the central electrode (7) so as to be interposed between the shell (3) and the electrode (7), said insulating part (10) only covering part of the outer portion (9) of the central electrode (7). The insulating part (10) having an annular flange (11) concealing the entire circular terminal surface (6) of the shell relative to the uncovered part (16) of the electrode (7).
Full Text WO 2006/054009 PCT/FR2005/050909
The present invention relates in general to
radiofrequency plasma spark plugs.
More specifically, the invention relates to a spark
plug, known as a radiofrequency plasma spark plug,
intended to equip a combustion chamber of an internal
combustion engine, and comprising:
10 - an annular shell of main axis D formed in a
first conducting material and having first and second
ends and an end circular surface with a main axis of
symmetry D located at the first end of the shell;
- a central electrode formed in a second
15 conducting material extending along the main axis D and
comprising an internal portion positioned inside said
annular shell and an external portion positioned on the
outside of said annular shell, nearer to the first end
of the shell than to the second;
20 - an electrically insulating component of annular
shape extending at least around the internal portion of
the central electrode such as to be inserted between
the shell and the electrode, this insulating component
covering only part of the external portion of the
25 central electrode such that the uncovered part of the
external portion is in contact with a gaseous mixture
surrounding the spark plug.
Ignition in gasoline internal combustion engines, which
30 consists in initiating combustion of an air-fuel
mixture in a combustion chamber of said engine, is
relatively well controlled in current engines.
However, in order to comply with emissions standards,
35 motor manufacturers have developed controlled-ignition
engines capable of running on lean air-fuel mixtures,
that is to say mixtures which contain an excess of air
with respect to the amount of fuel injected.

- 2 -
Igniting a fuel-lean mixture is, however, difficult to
control. As a result, and in order to improve the
probability of successful ignition, it is necessary to
5 have more fuel-rich mixtures around the spark plug at
the instant the spark is produced.
Still with a view to increasing the probability that
the spark plug will ignite the mixture, novel spark
10 plugs with surface sparks have been developed in order
to produce larger sparks to cope with the problem of
the spatio-temporal meeting between the fuel mixture
and the spark. Thus, a larger volume of mixture is
ignited, and the probability of initiating combustion
15 is therefore very greatly improved.
Such spark plugs are described in particular in patent
applications FR97-14799, FR99-09473 and FR00-13821.
Such spark plugs generate large-sized sparks from small
20 potential differences.
Surface spark spark plugs have a dielectric (insulating
component) separating the electrodes (one electrode
being the annular shell and the other electrode being
25 the central electrode) in the region where the distance
between them is the smallest; the sparks formed between
the electrodes are thus guided onto the surface of the
dielectric. These spark plugs magnify the inter-
electrode field at the surface of the dielectric. In
30 order to do that, the elementary capacitors formed by
the dielectric and an underlying electrode are
progressively charged. The spark plugs generate a spark
which travels along the surface of the insulator in the
regions where the electric field in the air/gaseous
35 mixture is the strongest.
In this context, one object of the present invention is
therefore to provide a spark plug which, once assembled
in a combustion chamber, is able to increase the

- 3 -
probability of the mixture surrounding the spark plug
being ignited.
To this end, the spark plug of the invention, in other
5 respects in accordance with the generic definition
given in the aforementioned preamble, is essentially
characterized in that the insulating component has an
annular shoulder masking the entire end circular
surface of the shell with respect to the uncovered part
10 of the electrode.
With such a spark plug:
- on the one hand, the distance separating the
shell of the spark plug from the central electrode
15 (along a path passing along the surface of the
insulating component) is particularly long because it
exceeds the minimum dimension of the end circular
surface (that is to say the diameter of this circular
20 - and, on the other hand, the central electrode
and the shell are separated by the insulating component
and therefore do not face one another.
These two reasons mean that when power is applied to
25 the electrode and the shell in order to create a large
electric potential difference (generally varying from
5kV to 35 kv in terms of absolute peak values) between
them, there can be no electric arcing between the end
circular surface of the spark plug and the central
30 electrode.
More generally, when the spark plug according to the
invention is assembled in a vehicle combustion engine,
with the part of the central electrode that is not
35 covered with insulation positioned inside the chamber
and with the shell assembled into the thickness of the
wall of the chamber, there can be no electric arcing
between the shell and the central electrode. Indeed,
access to the shell from the uncovered part of the

- 4 -
central electrode is prevented by the presence of the
Under such conditions, the spark plug according to the
5 invention, when energized at a radiofrequency, that is
to say when an AC voltage is applied between the shell
and the central electrode (said AC voltage for example
being greater than 5 kV and having a frequency in
excess of 1 MHz) forms a branched plasma near the
10 central electrode rather than an electric arc. It must
be clearly understood that this voltage and given
frequency are suited to the creation of a plasma in a
gaseous mixture having a molar density in excess of
5x 10-2 mol/1.
The term plasma or branched plasma used hereinafter
denotes the simultaneous generation of at least several
ionizing lines or paths in a given gaseous volume,
their branching furthermore being omnidirectional.
Whereas a volume plasma implies heating up the entire
volume in which it is to be generated, a branched
plasma requires heating only along the path of the
sparks formed. Thus, for a given volume, the energy
25 required for a branched plasma is markedly lower than
the energy required by a volume plasma.
The branched plasma generated by the spark plug
according to the invention is generated some distance
30 from the insulating component, toward the walls of the
chamber which face the central electrode, thus making
it possible to reduce the probability of arcing with
the shell and correspondingly allowing electrode wear
to be reduced.
By comparison with an electric arc, a plasma has the
advantage of comprising a great many ionizing or
sparking paths in a significant volume of gas situated
around the central electrode, thus increasing the

- 5 -
probability that the mixture containing the oxidizing
agent will be ignited.
One difference between an electric arc and a branched
5 plasma is that:
- the arc consists of a single sequence of
ionized gas molecules stretching directly between the
electrodes and allows electrons to be transferred from
one electrode to the other in order to reduce the
10 electric potential difference there is between these
powered electrodes, whereas:
- the plasma produced according to the invention
is a collection of numerous chains of ionized gas
molecules stretching in a disordered fashion around the
15 energizing electrode and emanating from said electrode.
These multiple chains allow electrons to be sequences
transferred back and forth between said electrode and
the nearby air.
20 The formation of a spark is initiated by plucking from
the medium (the gaseous mixture) a few electrons which
are subjected to a strong electric field. When a high
voltage is applied between the electrodes, electrons
from one electrode are accelerated by the electrostatic
25 forces generated between the electrodes and bombard the
air-containing gaseous mixture. The portion of the
electrode that experiences the strongest electrostatic
field (generally a corner of an electrode or a spiked
point close to the other electrode) is the starting
30 point for the first avalanche. The air molecules are
heated and release an electron and a photon which, in
their turn, ionize further air molecules. Thus, a chain
reaction ionizes the air when a high voltage is applied
between electrodes which are separated by an insulator.
The ionized air around the central electrode has a
potential close to that of this central electrode and
behaves like a continuation thereof. As the avalanche
front (the name given to a massive wave of migration of

- 6 -
electric charges in the gaseous mixture) spreads, the
electric field is amplified upstream of the front and
encourages the creation of further avalanches. Thus,
the phenomenon has a tendency to be self-sustaining,
5 creating around the central electrode a conducting
ionized gaseous mass moving toward the walls of the
As specified earlier, the spark plug of the invention
10 has an AC voltage applied to it, thus making it
possible to vary the potential difference between the
central electrode and the shell/chamber, it being
possible for this potential difference to be reversed.
On each change of potential/polarity, the electrons are
15 increasingly accelerated in opposite directions. A
polarization wave thus travels, oscillating at the
energizing frequency, in each period recovering the
charges shed in the previous period. Each alternation
therefore causes the wave to spread to a greater extent
20 than the previous one; it is thus possible with the
spark plug of the invention powered in this way to
obtain relatively large sizes of sparks with relatively
high voltages applied between the electrode and the
shell. Energizing such a spark plug at a radio
25 frequency additionally makes it possible to avoid
arcing and eliminate the variations in flash-over
voltage between successive cycles.
It is, for example, possible to contrive for the end
30 circular surface of the shell to bear against a
complementary bearing surface of the shoulder of the
insulating component. This feature makes it possible to
eliminate the space between the insulating component
and the shell, and so the heat associated with the
35 presence of a flame initiated by the plasma can be
dissipated to the shell, thus avoiding overheating the
It is also possible to contrive for the insulating

- 7 -
component to have a minimum thickness situated on the
inside of said shell, and the shoulder of the
insulating component to have a shoulder thickness
greater than or equal to half said minimum thickness.
This feature makes it possible to avoid the join
between the uncovered part of the central electrode,
and therefore the air/ceramic/central electrode join
lying too close to the shell. If this uncovered part of
10 the electrode or, more specifically this join, did lie
too close to the shell, it could constitute a region
where a surface spark could be emitted.
It is also possible to contrive for the shell, the
15 electrically insulating component and the central
electrode to be components exhibiting symmetry of
revolution, their common axis of symmetry being the
main axis D.
20 The precision on the relative placement of the
constituent parts of the spark plug with respect to a
common axis of symmetry allows the branched plasma to
be centered about this axis D and about the central
electrode, thus making it easier to localize the region
25 where the sparks are produced within the combustion
It is also possible to contrive for the annular shell
to have the shape of a cylindrical tube comprising, at
30 the first end of the shell, an internal chamfer that
comes into contact with the end circular surface, this
internal chamfer being in contact with a complementary
chamfer formed on a portion of the insulating
This assembling of the insulating component against the
shell using complementary chamfers allows a better
distribution of the mechanical stresses there are
between the shell and the insulating component thus

- 8 -
reducing, or even completely eliminating any sharp
corners of the shell in contact with the insulating
component. Excessive or poorly distributed mechanical
stresses could lead to breakage of the ceramic and
5 damage to the spark plug. Thus, this feature of
mutually complementing chamfers allows the life of the
spark plug and its ability to withstand high
temperatures and temperature variations to be improved.
10 This embodiment also makes it possible to increase the
area of contact between the insulating component and
the shell, thus assisting with heat transfer from the
insulating component to the shell and preventing this
insulating component from becoming overheated.
Optimally, in order to distribute the mechanical
stresses between the insulating component and the
shell, the internal chamfer has a cross section, on a
plain parallel to the main axis D, that is of rounded
20 shape.
It is also possible to contrive for the annular
shoulder to comprise an end distant from the annular
shell and at the exterior periphery of which there is
25 formed a rounded peripheral chamfer coaxial with the
main axis D.
This peripheral chamfer reduces or eliminates the
presence of a sharp corner near the exterior periphery
3 0 of the annular component at the end of the annular
Other features and advantages of the invention will
emerge clearly from the description thereof given
35 hereinafter by way of entirely nonlimiting indication
with reference to the attached drawings, in which:
figure 1 depicts a spark plug described in French
patent applications FR03-10766, FR03-10767 and

- 9 -
FR03-10768, filed by the Applicant Company and not yet
figures 2a, 2b and 2c depict embodiments of the spark
5 plug according to the invention.
The spark plug 1 of figure 1 is a spark plug developed
by the Applicant Company to be used as a plasma-
generating spark plug. This spark plug is covered by
10 patent applications which at the date of filing of the
current application had not yet been published.
This spark plug comprises a cylindrical central
electrode 7 of axis of symmetry D of which a portion,
15 termed the internal portion, is positioned inside and
some distance from an annular shell 3 which has the
form of a cylindrical tube of axis D.
An insulating component of annular shape is also
20 positioned partly inside the annular shell, around the
central electrode, so as to separate the shell from the
central electrode 7. The insulating component, the
central electrode and the shell 3 are components which
exhibit symmetry of revolution about the axis D. The
25 central electrode 7 has an uncovered part 16, that is
to say a part not surrounded by the electrically
insulating component 10 and not surrounded by the shell
3, this uncovered part 16 being positioned inside the
combustion chamber 2 of the engine.
The shell 3 has an external circular surface in the
form of a flat disk perforated at its center and
having, as its axis of symmetry, the axis D, being
positioned perpendicular to this axis D. The shell 3
35 has a connection with the wall of the chamber 2, this
generally involving screwing the shell into a hole made
through the wall. The shell of the spark plug thus
assembled with the wall of the chamber 2 is therefore
at equipotential with respect to this wall, that is to

- 10 -
say, is electrically grounded.
When the central electrode has applied to it an AC
voltage centered about the ground potential, this
5 voltage having a frequency ranging between 1 and
10MHz, the electrons situated near the spiked point 17
of the central electrode travel either from the
electrode toward the walls of the chamber, through the
gaseous mixture surrounding the chamber, or from the
10 gaseous mixture toward the electrode. In both
instances, the electrical alternation is such that an
electron does not have time to pass from the central
electrode to the wall of the chamber. The air can thus
be ionized without there being any true electric
15 discharge between the two electrical terminals formed
by the central electrode 7 and by the wall of the
chamber 2. This ionization creates a localized plasma
around the spiked point 17 of the central electrode and
this concentrates the moving electric charges around a
20 small exchange volume.
However, it has been found that, with this type of
electrode, electrical discharges between the spiked
point and the shell may arise in the frequency range
25 between 1 MHz and 10 MHz. These discharges leave the
annular shell and spread along the insulating component
along the axis of the central electrode. This method of
obtaining a spark is undesirable because it keeps the
spark close to the insulating component and thus
30 encourages cooling of the flame thus created.
The spark plugs of the types set out in figures 2A, 2B
and 2C have been developed in order to alleviate this
The spark plugs in those figures have all the features
described in respect of the spark plug referred to in
figure 1 but also have a shoulder 11 made on the
insulating component 10 and masking the external

- 11 -
circular surface 6 of the shell 3.
This shoulder 11 increases the distance, traveling
through the gaseous mixture, between the electrode and
5 the shell, thus making it possible to prevent arcing
between the central electrode 17 and the shell 3.
By virtue of this configuration, the electrodes of
figures 2A, 2B and 2C once positioned with the spiked
10 point inside the chamber 2 and powered with AC current
by a high voltage AC generator, create a plasma at
their spiked points 17.
The minimum thickness "e" of the insulating component
15 lies inside the shell 3 and its maximum thickness "E"
lies in the region of the shoulder 11.
The shoulder of the insulating component 10 of figure
2A is a shoulder which in longitudinal section exhibits
20 right angles that may introduce concentrations of load
and mechanical stress.
For that reason, the spark plugs in figures 2B and 2C
have an internal chamfer 13 at the first end 4 of the
25 shell 3.
The insulating component 10 has a complementary chamfer
14 that comes into contact with the internal chamfer
13. This large contact area allows the heat to be
30 removed from the insulating component to the shell,
thus extending the average life of the spark plug.
Also, the spark plug according to the invention in
figure 2C has a rounded peripheral chamfer 15 formed on
35 the annular shoulder 11, at the point on the shoulder
that is axially furthest from the shell 3.
This shoulder makes it possible to avoid having a right
angle at the shoulder, in the path through the gaseous

- 12 -
mixture between the spiked point 17 and the annular
shell 3. This rounded edge reduces the risk of arcing.
The first and second conducting materials which are the
5 respective materials of the central electrode and of
the shell 3 are, according to one particular embodiment
of the invention, the same as one another. These
materials are metallic materials such as copper alloys.
10 According to one particular embodiment of the
invention, the end of the central electrode 7 may
consist of a copper core surrounded by a nickel sleeve.
The insulating material is preferably a ceramic with a
15 dielectric strength in excess of 20 kv/mm.

WO 2006/054009 - 13 - PCT/FR2005/050909
1. A spark plug (1), known as a radiofrequency plasma
spark plug, intended to equip a combustion chamber (2)
5 of an internal combustion engine, and comprising:
- an annular shell (3) of main axis D formed in a
first conducting material and having first and second
ends (4, 5) and an end circular surface (6) with a main
axis of symmetry D located at the first end (4) of the
10 shell (3) ;
- a central electrode (7) formed in a second
conducting material extending along the main axis D and
comprising an internal portion (8) positioned inside
said annular shell (3) and an external portion (9)
15 positioned on the outside of said annular shell (3) ,
nearer to the first end (4) of the shell than to the
second (5);
- an electrically insulating component (10) of
annular shape extending at least around the internal
20 portion (8) of the central electrode (7) such as to be
inserted between the shell (3) and the electrode (7) ,
this insulating component (10) covering only part of
the external portion (9) of the central electrode (7)
such that the uncovered part (16) of the external
25 portion is in contact with a gaseous mixture
surrounding the spark plug;
characterized in that the insulating component (10) has
an annular shoulder (11) masking the entire end
circular surface (6) of the shell with respect to the
30 uncovered part (16) of the electrode (7).
2. The spark plug (1) as claimed in claim 1,
characterized in that the end circular surface (6) of
the shell bears against a complementary bearing surface
35 (12) of the shoulder (11) of the insulating component
(10) .
3. The spark plug (1) as claimed in either of claims

- 14 -
1 and 2, characterized in that the insulating component
(10) has a minimum thickness (e) situated on the inside
of said shell (3), and the shoulder (11) of the
insulating component (10) has a shoulder thickness (E)
5 greater than or equal to half said minimum thickness
(e) .
4. The spark plug (1) as claimed in any one of claims
1 to 3, characterized in that the end circular surface
10 (6) has the shape of a flat disk pierced at its center.
5. The spark plug (1) as claimed in any one of claims
1 to 4, characterized in that the shell (1), the
electrically insulating component (10) and the central
15 electrode (7) are components exhibiting symmetry of
revolution, their common axis of symmetry being the
main axis D.
6. The spark plug (1) as claimed in claim 5,
20 characterized in that the annular shell (3) has the
shape of a cylindrical tube comprising, at the first
end (4) of the shell, an internal chamfer (13) that
comes into contact with the end circular surface (6) ,
this internal chamfer (13) being in contact with a
25 complementary chamfer (14) formed on a portion of the
insulating component (10).
7. The spark plug (1) as claimed in claim 6,
characterized in that the internal chamfer (13) has a
3 0 cross section, on a plain parallel to the main axis D,
that is of rounded shape.
8. The spark plug (1) as claimed in any one of claims
5 to 7, characterized in that the annular shoulder (11)
35 comprises an end distant from the annular shell and at
the exterior periphery of which there is formed a
rounded peripheral chamfer (15) coaxial with the main
axis D.

- 15 -
9. The spark plug (1) as claimed in any one of claims
1 to 8, characterized in that the uncovered part (16)
of the electrode comprises a spiked point (17).
5 10. The spark plug (1) as claimed in any one of claims
1 to 9, characterized in that the insulating component
is made of ceramic.

The invention concerns a so-called radiofrequency plasma spark plug (1) designed to equip a combustion
chamber (2) comprising: an annular shell (3) with a main axis
D; a central electrode (7) made of a second conductive material, extending along the main axis D and including an inner
portion (8) arranged inside said annular shell (3) and an outer
portion (9) arranged outside said annular shell (3); an annular
electrically insulating part (10) extending at least about the inner portion (8) of the central electrode (7) so as to be interposed
between the shell (3) and the electrode (7), said insulating part
(10) only covering part of the outer portion (9) of the central
electrode (7). The insulating part (10) having an annular flange
(11) concealing the entire circular terminal surface (6) of the
shell relative to the uncovered part (16) of the electrode (7).




01420-kolnp-2007-correspondence others.pdf

01420-kolnp-2007-description complete.pdf


01420-kolnp-2007-form 1.pdf

01420-kolnp-2007-form 3.pdf

01420-kolnp-2007-form 5.pdf

01420-kolnp-2007-international publication.pdf

01420-kolnp-2007-international search report.pdf

01420-kolnp-2007-pct others.pdf

01420-kolnp-2007-priority document.pdf







1420-KOLNP-2007-(18-09-2013)-DESCRIPTION (COMPLETE).pdf





1420-KOLNP-2007-(18-09-2013)-PETITION UNDER RULE 137.pdf





1420-KOLNP-2007-(30-04-2014)-DESCRIPTION (COMPLETE).pdf





1420-KOLNP-2007-(30-04-2014)-PETITION UNDER RULE 137.pdf

1420-kolnp-2007-form 18.pdf


Patent Number 263910
Indian Patent Application Number 1420/KOLNP/2007
PG Journal Number 48/2014
Publication Date 28-Nov-2014
Grant Date 27-Nov-2014
Date of Filing 20-Apr-2007
Name of Patentee RENAULT S.A.S.
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number H01T 13/50
PCT International Application Number PCT/FR2005/050909
PCT International Filing date 2005-10-27
PCT Conventions:
# PCT Application Number Date of Convention Priority Country
1 0412153 2004-11-16 France