Title of Invention


Abstract A strip product consists of a metallic substrate, such as stainless steel, and a coating, which in turn comprises at least one metallic layer and one reactive layer. The coated strip product is produced by providing the different layers, preferably by coating, and thereafter oxidising the coating to accomplish a conductive surface layer comprising perovskite and/or spinel structure.
Full Text The present disclosure relates to a strip product to be used for manufacturing of electrical
contacts, especially for use at high temperatures and in corrosive environments. The strip
product consists of a metallic substrate, such as stainless steel, and a coating, which in turn
comprises at least one metallic layer and one reactive layer. The coated strip product is
produced by depositing the different layers and thereafter oxidising the coating to
accomplish a conductive surface layer comprising perovskite and/or spinel structure.
Background and prior art
Electrical contacts are used in a large variety of environments. Several factors may affect
the electrical contact. One example of a factor that may greatly affect the electrical contact
is a corrosive environment. If the contact material is corroded, for example by oxidation,
the contact resistance is usually affected negatively. Corrosion products, like for example
electrically insulating oxides or other insulating compounds, lower the surface
conductivity of the contact. This in turn results in a lower efficiency of the component of
which the electrical contact makes a part.
Another example of a factor that affects the material of an electrical contact is the
temperature. The contact may suffer from insufficient mechanical strength or may even
weld together due to high temperature. Also, wear may affect the properties of the
electrical contact. Furthermore, differences in thermal expansion between different
elements in an electrical device may cause thermal stress between the contact material and
its adjacent elements, especially if the contact is exposed to thermal cycling.
Naturally, high temperature in combination with a corrosive environment can have an
even more detrimental effect on the surface conductivity of the contact material.
Examples of where electrical contact materials may experience high corrosivity and high
temperatures are in spark plugs, electrodes, waste, coal or peat fired boilers, in melting
furnaces, in vehicles (especially close to the engine), or in industrial environments etc.

Another example of an electrical contact, which is used at high temperatures and in a
corrosive environment, is interconnects for fuel cells, especially Solid Oxide Fuel Cells
(SOFC). The interconnect material used in fuel cells should work as both separator plate
between the fuel side and the oxygen/air side as well as current collector of the fuel cell.
For an interconnect material to be a good separator plate the material has to be dense to
avoid gas diffusion through the material and to be a good current collector the interconnect
material has to be electrically conducting and should not form insulating oxide scales on
its surfaces.
Interconnects can be made of for example graphite, ceramics or metals, often stainless
steel. For instance, ferritic chromium steels are used as interconnect material in SOFC,
which the two following articles are examples of: "Evaluation of Ferrite Stainless Steels as
Interconnects in SOFC Stacks" by P.B. Friehling and S. Linderoth in the Proceedings Fifth
European Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Forum, Lucerne, Switzerland, edited by J. Huijsmans
(2002) p. 855; "Development of Ferritic Fe-Cr Alloy for SOFC separator" by T. Uehara,
T. Ohno & A. Toji in the Proceedings Fifth European Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Forum,
Lucerne, Switzerland, edited by J. Huijsmans (2002) p. 281.
In a SOFC application the thermal expansion of the interconnect material must not deviate
greatly from the thermal expansion of the electro-active ceramic materials used as anode,
electrolyte and cathode in the fuel cell stack. Ferritic chromium steels are highly suitable
materials for this application, since the thermal expansion coefficients (TEC) of ferritic
steels are close to the TECs of the electro-active ceramic materials used in the fuel cell.
An electrical contact material used as interconnect in a fuel cell will be exposed to
oxidation during operation. Especially in the case of SOFC, this oxidation may be
detrimental for the fuel cell efficiency and lifetime of the fuel cell. For example, the oxide
scale formed on the surface of the interconnect material may grow thick and may even
flake off or crack due to thermal cycling. Therefore, the oxide scale should have a good
adhesion to the interconnect material. Furthermore, the formed oxide scale should also
have good electrical conductivity and not grow too thick, since thicker oxide scales will
lead to an increased internal resistance. The formed oxide scale should also be chemically
resistant to the gases used as fuels in a SOFC, i.e., no volatile metal-containing species

such as chromium oxyhydroxides should be formed. Volatile compounds such as
chromium oxyhydroxide will contaminate the electro-active ceramic materials in a SOFC
stack, which in turn will lead to a decrease in the efficiency of the fuel cell. Furthermore,
in the case the interconnect is made out of stainless steel, there is a risk for chromium
depletion of the steel during the lifetime of the fuel cell due to diffusion of chromium from
the centre of the steel to the formed chromium oxide scale at its surface.
One disadvantage with the use of commercial ferritic chromium steel as interconnect in
SOFC is that they usually are alloyed with small amounts of aluminium and/or silicon,
which will form AI2O3 and SiO2, respectively, at the working temperature of the SOFC.
These oxides are both insulating, which will increase the electrical resistance of the cell,
which in turn will lead to a lowering of the fuel cell efficiency.
One solution to the problems that arise when using ferritic steels as interconnect material
for SOFC are the use of ferritic steels with very low amounts of Si and Al in order to avoid
the formation of insulating oxide layers. These steels are usually also alloyed with
manganese and rare earth metals such as La. This has for instance been done in patent
application US 2003/0059335, where the steel is alloyed (by weight) with Mn 0.2 - 1.0%,
La 0.01 - 0.4%, Al less than 0.2% and Si less than 0.2%. Another example is in patent
application EP 1 298 228 A2 where the steel is alloyed (by weight) with Mn less 1.0%, Si
less 1.0%, Al less 1.0%, along with Y less 0.5%, and/or rare earth metals (REM) less
In patent application US 6 054231 a superalloy, defined as a austenitic stainless steel,
alloys of nickel and chromium, nickel based alloys or cobalt based alloys, is first coated
with either Mn, Mg or Zn and then with a thick layer, 25 to 125 (am of an additional metal
from the group Cu, Fe, Ni, Ag, Au, Pt, Pd, Ir or Rh. The coating of a thick second layer of
an expensive metal such as Ni, Ag or Au is not a cost productive way of protecting already
relatively expensive base materials such as superalloys.
US2004/0058205 describes metal alloys, used as electrical contacts, which when oxidised
forms a highly conductive surface. These alloys can be applied onto a substrate, such as
steel. The conducting surface is accomplished by doping of one metal, such as Ti, with

another metal, such as Nb or Ta. Furthermore, the alloys according to US2004/0058205
are applied onto the surface in one step and thereafter oxidised.
None of the cited prior art provides a satisfactory electrical contact material for use in
corrosive environments and/or at high temperatures which is produced in a cost-effective
manner and with a high possibility of controlling the quality of the conductive surface.
Therefore, it is a primary object to provide a strip material with a low surface resistance
and that is corrosion resistant, to be used in an electrical contact.
Another object is to provide a material, which will maintain its properties during operation
for long service lives, to be used in electrical contacts.
A further object is to provide material that has a good mechanical strength, even at high
temperatures, to be used as electrical contacts in corrosive environments.
Another object is to provide a cost-effective material for electrical contacts.
A strip substrate of a metallic material, preferably stainless steel, more preferably ferritic
chromium steel, is provided with a coating comprising at least one layer of a metallic
material and at least one reactive layer. In this context a reactive layer is considered to
mean a layer, which consists of at least one element or compound which forms a spinel
and/or a perovskite structure with the metallic material of the first layer when oxidised.
The strip substrate may be provided with a coating by any method resulting in a dense and
adherent coating. Coating methods may include vapour deposition, such as PVD, in a
continuous roll-to-roll process. Thereafter, electrical contacts are formed of the coated
strip by any conventional forming method, such as punching, stamping or the like. The
electrical contact, consisting of a coated strip, may be oxidised before assembling the
electrical component of which the electrical contact makes a part, or may be oxidised
during operation.

Brief description of the drawings
Figure 1 GDOES analysis of a 1.5 um thick CrM coating.
Figure 2 GIXRD diffractogram of oxidised samples with and without coating.
Figure 3 GIXRD diffractogram of pre-oxidised samples with and without metallic
Detailed description
In the present disclosure the words "providing" and "provided" are to be considered
meaning an intentional act and the result of an intentional act, respectively. Consequently,
in this context a surface provided with a layer is intended to be a result of an active action.
A perovskite and/or a spinel structure can be formed on the surface instead of a
"traditional" oxide on metal substrates used as electrical contacts. The purpose of the
perovskite and/or spinel structure is to accomplish a surface with high electrical
conductivity in order to have a surface with a low contact resistance.A coated strip
material is produced by providing a metallic substrate, such as stainless steel, preferably
ferritic chromium steel with a chromium content of 15-30 % by weight. The strip material
substrate is thereafter provided with a coating consisting of at least two separate layers.
One layer is a metallic layer based Al, Cr, Co, Mo, Ni, Ta, W, Zr or an alloy based on any
one of these elements, preferably Cr, Co, Ni, Mo or alloys based on any one of these
elements. In this context "based on" means that the element/alloy constitutes the main
component of the composition, preferably constitutes at least 50 % by weight of the
composition. The other layer is a reactive layer consisting of at least one element or
compound, which forms a perovskite and/or a spinel structure with the element/elements
of the metallic layer when oxidised. The precise composition of the coating can be tailor-
made to achieve wanted properties, for example rate of oxide growth.
One reason for providing the surface with a coating comprising two separate layers, one
being the metallic layer and the other being the reactive layer, is that a much more

simplified production of the contact material is accomplished. However, the main reason
for by providing a coating with two separate layers is that it is easier to control the amount
of the different elements in the perovskite/spinel, i.e. tailor make the desired composition
in order to achieve the desired result. Furthermore, an excellent adhesion of the coating to
the substrate can be accomplished, thereby improving the properties of the contact
material and hence improving the efficiency and prolonging the service life in the intended
The reactive layer may be located on either side of the layer of a metallic material; i.e.
sandwiched between the substrate and the metallic layer or, on top of the first deposited
metallic layer.
According to one preferred embodiment, the metallic material consists of essentially pure
Cr or a Cr-based alloy. In this case, when the coating is oxidised a compound with a
formula of MCrO3 and/or MCr2O4 is formed, wherein M is any of the previously
mentioned elements/compounds from the reactive layer. The reactive layer may contain
elements from Group 2 A or 3 A of the periodic system, REM or transition metals. In this
preferred embodiment the element M of the reactive layer preferably consists of any of the
following elements: La, Y, Ce, Bi, Sr, Ba, Ca, Mg, Mn, Co, Ni, Fe or mixtures thereof,
more preferably La, Y, Sr, Mn, Ni, Co and or mixtures thereof. One specific example of
this embodiment is one layer of Cr and the other layer being Co.
The reactive layer is obtained by preoxidation of the surface of the metallic base material
according to another preferred embodiment. In the case the metallic base material is a
stainless steel, a chromium oxide will be formed. Thereafter a layer of Ni or Co is
deposited on the formed oxide according to this embodiment.
The coating may also comprise further layers. For example, the coating may comprise a
first metallic layer, thereafter a reactive layer and finally another metallic layer. This
embodiment will further ensure a good conductivity of the surface of the electrical contact.
However, due to economical reasons the coating does not comprise more than separate 10
layers, preferably not more than 5 separate layers.

The thickness of the different layers are usually less than 20 um, preferably less than 10
um, more preferably less than 5 um, most preferably less than 1 um. The thickness is
preferably adapted to the requirements of the intended use of the electrical contact.
According to one embodiment the thickness of the reactive layer is less than that of the
metallic layer. This is especially important when the reactive layer comprises elements or
compounds that upon oxidation themselves form non-conducting oxides. In this case it is
important that essentially the whole reactive layer/layers are allowed to react and/or
diffuse into the metallic layer at least during operation of the electrical contact, so that the
conductivity of the contact during operation is not affected negatively.
The thickness of the strip substrate may be 5 mm or less, preferably less than 2 mm and
most preferably less than 1 mm. The width of the strip may be up to 1200 mm, preferably
at least 100 mm. Naturally, the thickness has to be adapted to the requirements of the final
application of the electrical contact. One advantage of making a coated strip according to
the present disclosure is that both small and large electrical contacts can be formed from
the strip, for example by stamping or punching. This makes the manufacturing process
more cost-effective. However, in some cases other forms of substrate might be applicable.
One example where the substrate advantageously is in the form of a bar is in the
application of support bars in electrochemical cells. The substrate may also be in form of a
wire or tube if the intended use of the electrical contacts so requires.
The coated strip may be produced in a batch like process or continuous process. However,
for economical reasons, the strip may be produced in lengths of at least 100 m, preferably
at least 1 km, most preferably at least 5 km, in a continuous roll-to-roll process. The
coating may be provided onto the substrate by coating with the metallic layer and the
reactive layer. However, according to an alternative embodiment the coating may also be
provided by pre-oxidation of the substrate to an oxide thickness of at least 50 run and
thereafter coating with the additional layer. The coating is thereafter oxidised further as to
achieve the spinel and/or perovskite. This alternative embodiment of providing the coating
onto the base material is especially applicable when the base material is ferritic chromium
steel, such as the oxide formed on the surface is a chromium based oxide.

The coating may be performed with any coating process that generates a thin dense
coating with good adhesion to the underlying material, i.e. the substrate or an underlying
coating layer. Naturally, the surface of the strip has to be cleaned in a proper way before
coating, for example to remove oil residues and/or the native oxide layer of the substrate.
According to one preferred embodiment, the coating is performed by the usage of PVD
technique in a continuous roll-to-roll process, preferably electron beam evaporation which
might be reactive or even plasma activated if needed.
Furthermore, the strip may be provided with a coating on one side or on both sides. In the
case the coating is provided on both surfaces of the strip, the composition of the different
layers on each side of the strip may be the same but may also differ, depending on the
application in which the electrical contact will operate. The strip may be coated on both
sides simultaneously or one side at a time.
Optionally, the coated strip is exposed to an intermediate homogenisation step as to mix
the separate layers and accomplish a homogenous coating. The homogenisation can be
achieved by any conventional heat treatment under appropriate atmosphere, which could
be vacuum or a reducing atmosphere, such as hydrogen or mixtures of hydrogen gas and
inert gas, such as nitrogen, argon or helium.
The coated strip is thereafter oxidised at a temperature above room temperature, preferably
above 100 °C, more preferably above 300 °C, so that a perovskite and/or a spinel structure
is formed on the surface of the strip. Naturally, the coating thickness will increase when
the coating is oxidised due to the spinel and/or perovskite formation. The oxidation may
result in a total oxidation of the coating or a partially oxidation of the coating, depending
on for example the thickness of the layers, if the coating is homogenised, and time and
temperature of the oxidation. In either case, the different layers of the coating are allowed
to at least partially react and/or diffuse into each other, if this is not done by an
intermediate homogenisation step. The oxidation may be performed directly after coating,
i.e. before the formation of the electrical contact, after formation to the shape of the final
application, i.e. the manufacturing of the electrical contact from the coated strip, or after
the electrical appliance, for example a fuel cell, has been assembled, i.e. during operation.

The purpose of accomplishing a perovskite and/or a spinel structure on the surface of the
strip is that the formed perovskite and/or spinel has a much lower resistance compared to
traditional oxides of the elements of the metallic layer. This will in turn lead to a lower
contact resistance of the electrical contact and therefore also a better efficiency of the
component of which the electrical contact makes a part. For example, the resistivity of
Cr2O3 at 800°C is about 7800 Ω-cm while the resistivity of for example Lao.ssSro.15CrO3 is
several orders of magnitude lower, namely about 0,01 Ω-cm.
Also, in the case of chromium containing ternary oxides such as spinel and perovskites it
is believe that these oxides are much less volatile than pure Cr2O3 at high temperatures.
Furthermore, by providing a perovskite and/or spinel structure on the surface of a substrate
such as stainless steel the electrical contact will have good mechanical strength and is less
expensive to manufacture than for example electrical contacts made entirely from a
perovskite and/or spinel based ceramics.
Also, in the case where the substrate is a stainless steel the chromium depletion of the
substrate is inhibited since the metallic layer will oxidise long before chromium of the
substrate, this is especially pronounced when the metallic layer is Cr or a Cr-based alloy.
Therefore, the corrosion resistance of the substrate will not be reduced during operation.
Moreover, according to one optional embodiment Mn and/or REM from the substrate is
allowed to diffuse into the coating. This may in some cases further promote the formation
of a perovskite or spinel structure on the surface. Even small contents of Mn and/or REM
of the substrate may affect the formation of the final structure. The content of Mn in the
substrate is preferably 0.1-5 wt%, the content of REM is preferably 0.01-3 wt% and the
content of Cr in the substrate is preferably 15-30 wt%. Naturally, the needed content of
Mn and/or REM depends on the thickness of the coating. Thicker coatings need higher
contents of Mn and/or REM. For example, if the coating is less than 2 um a content of 0.1-
1 wt% Mn is sufficient as to achieve the desired result.
In some cases it might be applicable to have one surface of the electrical contact
conductive while the other should be non-conductive, i.e. isolating. In these cases the

coating as described previously may be applied to one surface and an electrically isolating
material such as AI2O3 or SiCh may be applied to the other surface. This may be done in-
line with the electrically conductive coating. According to one example a coating
comprising one metallic layer and one reactive layer is provided to one surface of the strip
and a metal which will form an insulating layer when oxidised, such as for example Al, is
be applied to the other surface of the strip. The coated strip is thereafter oxidised resulting
in one conductive surface and one insulating surface.
As an alternative to the above-described, one might apply the coating by other processes,
for example by co-evaporation of the different components of the coating or by
electrochemical processes.
Examples of coated strips will now be described. These should not be seen as limiting but
merely of illustrative nature.
Example 1
A stainless steel substrate is coated with a coating consisting of a metallic layer and a
reactive layer. The metallic layer is a Cr or a Cr-based alloy. The reactive layer in this case
includes transition metals, such as Ni, Co, Mn and/or Fe, if the oxide should receive a
spinel structure. If a perovskite structure is desired, the reactive layer contains elements
from Group 2A or 3 A of the periodic system, or REM. Preferably, the reactive layer
contains Ba, Sr, Ca, Y, La and/or Ce. If a mixed structure including both a spinel and a
perovskite structure, the reactive layer may contain elements from Group 2 A or 3 A of the
periodic system, or REM along with transition metals. Alternatively, Mn and/or REM are
allowed to diffuse from the substrate.
The coating is optionally homogenised and thereafter oxidised so as to form the desired
structure on the surface. This results in a very low surface resistance of the strip substrate.
Also, the Cr-oxides MCrCh and/or MCr2O4 formed during oxidation are less volatile than
pure Cr2O3 at high temperatures. This results in a coated strip that is highly suitable to be
used as contact material in corrosive environments even at high temperatures, for example
as interconnects in Solid Oxide Fuel Cells.

Example 2
A 0.2 mm thick strip substrate of a ferritic chromium stainless steel was coated. The
coating was homogenised so as to achieve a CrM layer wherein M is a mixture of La and
Mn. The concentration of Cr in the coating is approximately 35-55 wt%, while the
concentration of Mn is approximately 30-60 wt% and the concentration of La is 3-4 wt%.
The surface was analysed by Glow Discharge Optical Emission Spectroscopy (GDOES).
Using this technique, it is possible to study the chemical composition of the surface layer
as a function of the distance from the surface. The method is very sensitive for small
differences in concentration and has a depth resolution of a few nanometres. The result of
the GDOES analysis of a 1.5 um thick CrM surface alloying layer is shown in Figure 1.
Example 3
Two samples of a ferritic chromium steel with the nominal composition, by weight max
0.050 % C; max 0.25 % Si; max 0.35 % Mn; 21-23% Cr; max 0,40 % Ni; 0.80-1.2 % Mo;
max 0.01 % Al; 0.60 - 0.90 % Nb; small additions of V, Ti and Zr and natural occurring
impurities were manufactured. One of the samples was coated with a 0.1 urn thick cobalt
layer and a 0.3 urn thick chromium layer. The samples were oxidised in air at 850 °C for
168 hours prior to the analysis. The samples were analysed by Grazing Incidence X-Ray
Diffraction (GIXRD) with an incidence angel of 0.5 °, see figure 2. It should be pointed
out that GIXRD is a surface sensitive diffraction method and only the crystalline phase of
the top layer on the oxidised steel is analysed. Any crystalline phase present under the top
layer which is not reached by the grazing X-rays will not be seen in the diffractogram. The
amount of spinel vs. chromium oxide formed in the top layer of the oxide scale of each
sample were compared by measuring the peak to bottom intensity of the Cr2O3 (Eskolaite)
reflection at 2 theta = 36.7 ° (3) and diving it by the intensity of the spinel reflection at 2
theta « 45 ° (4). The ratio of Eskolaite /spinel for the uncoated oxidised samples was 9.9
while for the coated sample the ratio was 1.0. This could be interpreted as a ten-fold
increase of spinel structure in the surface oxide scale formed. In figure 2 the (1)

diffractogram is the uncoated sample oxidised in air for 168 hours at 850 °C and the (2)
diffractogram is the coated sample oxidised in air for 168 hours at 850 °C.
Example 4
Three samples of a ferritic chromium steel with the nominal composition, by weight max
0.050 % C; max 0.25 % Si; max 0.35 % Mn; 21-23% Cr; max 0,40 % Ni; 0.80-1.2 % Mo;
max 0.01 % Al; 0.60 - 0.90 % Nb; small addition of V, Ti and Zr and normally occurring
impurities were manufactured. Two of the samples were pre-oxidised in air to get a 100
run thick oxide scale. The pre-oxidised samples were thereafter coated with a metallic
layer. The metallic layer on sample 2 was a 300 nm thick Ni layer and on sample 3 a 300
nm thick Co layer. All three samples were then further oxidised in air at 850 °C for 168
hours prior to the analysis. The samples were analysed by Grazing Incidence X-Ray
Diffraction (GIXRD) with an incidence angel of 0.5 °, see figure 3. It should be pointed
out that GIXRD is a surface sensitive diffraction method and only the crystalline phase of
the top layer on the oxidised steel is analysed. Any crystalline phase present under the top
layer which is not reached by the grazing X-rays will not be seen in the diffractogram. The
amount of spinel vs. chromium oxide formed in the top layer of the oxide scale of each
sample were compared by measuring the peak to bottom intensity of the Cr2O3 (Eskolaite)
reflection at 2 theta = 36.7 ° (4) and diving it by the intensity of the spinel MCr2O4
reflection at 2 theta « 45 ° (5). The ratio of Cr2O3 /MCr2O4 for the uncoated oxidised
samples was 9.9 while for the pre-oxidised sample with the Ni layer the ratio was 1.26 and
for the pre-oxidised sample with the Co layer the ratio was 0.98. This indicating an 8.5,
respective 10 folded increase of spinel structure in the formed oxide scale. Interesting to
note here is that the nickel layer does not only form more spinel oxide in the scale but also
NiO is formed when the sample has been oxidised (6). In figure 3 the (1) diffractogram is
the uncoated sample oxidised in air for 168 hours at 850 °C, the (2) diffractogram is the
pre-oxidised sample with a Ni layer sample oxidised in air for 168 hours at 850 °C and the
(3) diffractogram is the pre-oxidised sample with a Co layer sample oxidised in air for 168
hours at 850°C.

1. Strip product for electrical contact consisting of a metallic base material
characterised in that it is provided with a coating comprising at least one
metallic layer based on a metal or metal alloy, and at least one reactive layer
containing at least one element or compound which forms a spinel and/or perovskite
structure with the metal or metal alloy when oxidised.
2. Strip product according to claim 1 characterised in that the metallic layer is
based on a metal selected from the group consisting of Al, Cr, Co, Mo, Ni, Ta, W, Zr
or metal alloys based on any one of these elements.
3. Strip product according to claims 1 or 2 characterised in that each of the layers
is less than 20 \xm thick.
4. Strip product according to any of the preceding claims characterised in that it
comprises at least two separate metallic layers, preferably based on the same metal or
metal alloy, in addition to the reactive layer..
5. Strip product according to any of the preceding claims characterised in that the
metal base material comprises Mn in an amount of 0.1-5 % by weight and/or REM in
an amount of 0.01-3 % by weight.
6. Strip product according to any of the preceding claims characterised in that the
metallic layer is a Cr or a Cr-based alloy and the reactive layer includes at least one
transition metal, an element from Group 2A or 3 A of the periodic system, and/or rare
earth metal/metals.
7. Strip product according to any of the preceding claims characterised in that the
reactive layer constitutes a metal or metal alloy other than the metal or metal alloy of
the metallic layer.

8. Strip product according to any of the preceding claims characterised in that the
base material is coated with a cobalt layer and a chromium layer.
9. Strip product according to any of claims 1-5 characterised in that the reactive
layer is an oxide obtained by preoxidation of the substrate and the metallic layer is a
Ni layer or a Co layer.
10. Strip product according to any of the preceding claims characterised in that the
base material is stainless steel.
11. Electrical contact produced from a strip product according to any of the preceding
claims characterised in that it after oxidation has a spinel and/or perovskite
structure of a metal oxide on a contact surface.
12. Electrical contact according to claim 11 characterised in that the metal oxide
comprises at least one metal selected from the group consisting of Al, Cr, Co, Ni, Mo,
Ta, W and/or Zr.
13. Method of producing a strip product, to be used as an electrical contact material,
consisting of a coating and a metallic base material, characterised in that it
comprises the following steps:
(i) providing at least one metallic layer and at least one reactive layer containing an
element and/or compound which forms a spinel and/or perovskite structure with
the metal or metal alloy when oxidised, onto the metallic base material,
(ii) allowing the different layers to react with each other or diffuse into each other,
(iii) oxidising the product whereby a perovskite and/or a spinel is formed on the surface
of the product.
14. Method according to claim 13 characterised in that the metallic layer is based
on a metal or metal alloy selected from the group consisting of Al, Cr, Co, Ni, Mo, Ta,
W, Zr or alloys based on any one of these elements.

15. Method according to claims 13 or 14 characterised in that Mn and/or REM are
diffused from the metal base material into the coating.
16. Method according to any of claims 13-15 characterised in that the metallic
layer is provided onto the metallic base material by coating.
17. Method according to any of claims 13-16 characterised in that the reactive
layer is provided onto the metallic base material by coating.
18. Method according to any of claims 13-16 characterised in that the compound,
which forms a spinel and/or perovskite structure with the metal or metal alloy when
oxidised, is an oxide.
19. Method according to claim 18 characterised in that the oxide is provided on the
surface of the strip by pre-oxidation of the substrate to a thickness of at least 50 run.
20. Use of an electrical contact as defined in claim 11 in spark plugs, electrodes, waste,
coal or peat fired boilers, melting furnaces, vehicles or in industrial environments.
Dated this 25th day of June 2007.

A strip product consists of a metallic substrate, such as stainless steel, and a coating,
which in turn comprises at least one metallic layer and one reactive layer. The coated strip
product is produced by providing the different layers, preferably by coating, and thereafter
oxidising the coating to accomplish a conductive surface layer comprising perovskite
and/or spinel structure.




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Patent Number 264068
Indian Patent Application Number 2334/KOLNP/2007
PG Journal Number 49/2014
Publication Date 05-Dec-2014
Grant Date 03-Dec-2014
Date of Filing 25-Jun-2007
Applicant Address S-81181 SANDVIKEN
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number B32B 15/01,H01M 4/88
PCT International Application Number PCT/SE2005/001747
PCT International Filing date 2005-11-21
PCT Conventions:
# PCT Application Number Date of Convention Priority Country
1 0402936-9 2004-11-30 Sweden