Title of Invention


Abstract The invention relates to a method for operating an industrial scale installation, especially a power plant installation, according to which a number of installation operating parameters characterising the operating state of the technical installation, and a number of component operating parameters respectively relevant to a number of selected components of the technical installation, are monitored and stored in a memory device (2). A fatigue characteristic value characterising the current fatigue state of each component is determined for the or each selected component as required, on the basis of the stored installation operating parameters. The air of the inventio is to especially develop an operation of the installation which especially protects resources. To this end, an associated fatigue prognosis value is determined from the fatigue characteristic value character sing the current fatigue state for the or each selected component, on the basis of guiding parameters characterising a planned change of state.
Full Text Description
Method for operating an industrial scale installation and
guidance system for an industrial scale installation
The invention relates to a method for operating an industrial
scale installation, in particular a power plant installation,
in which a number of installation operating parameters
characterizing the respective operating state of the technical
installation and for a number of selected components of the
technical installation respectively a number of component
operating parameters of relevance for the respective component
are monitored and stored in a storage facility, with a
characteristic fatigue value characterizing the current
fatigue state of the respective component being determined for
the or each selected component as required on the basis of the
stored installation operating parameters and/or the stored
assigned component operating parameters. It also relates to a
guidance system for an industrial scale installation, in
particular a power plant installation, which is designed in an
appropriate manner in respect of its components, for example
storage facilities, evaluation units and the like, for the
determination of fatigue values for the installation
components and is thus suitable for implementing the cited
Technical or industrial scale installations are found in the
most diverse areas of industry, being used for example to
manufacture a specific product, to further process or refine;
raw materials, to carry out previously manual activities in an
automated manner or to produce in particular electrical
energy. Finished industrial scale installations, such as power
plant installations in particular, generally consist of a

plurality of installation components, which realize the
individual functions of the respective industrial scale
installation. Many such installation components are subject to
mechanical or operationally induced wear during their
operating life. During the service life of the technical
installation wear of the installation components represents an
important aspect even as early as the design stage of the
installation, as if a wear limit is exceeded, the function of
the technical installation or at least of the affected
components can no longer be insured.
In power plant installations in particular parts or
installation components such as boilers, steam generators,
collectors, conduits and the like are subjected to changing
mechanical stresses due to changes in the parameters of their
environments such as pressure and temperature for example.
These different loadings, or load changes of the power plant
installation, which are generally associated with a change of
state of the power plant installation, for example an increase
in or reduction of output, normally result in possibly
considerable material strain in the affected component and to
so-called part fatigue, which above a certain limit can also
result in part failure. In particular such fatigue Limits the
operational life or maximum permissible operating life of the
respective power plant component or installation component.
For these reasons part fatigue of selected installation
components is taken into account during the planning of an
industrial scale installation and also during the planning of
repair and maintenance cycles, in order to be able to insure
replacement of the respective components as required in good
time before part failure.

To take appropriate account of such fatigue phenomena durinq
installation planning, during the construction or design of
power plant parts, to insure a minimum service life, the
respective components or parts are generally subjected to a
predefined load spectrum consisting of a limited number of
types of load change, for example comprising a predetermined
number of hot starts, warm starts and cold starts each with
predefined modes of operation of the power plant installation.
For these standardized types of load change the respective
fatigue contributions in the affected components are then
determined for each type of load change, with relatively
complex computation methods, such as finite element
calculations, generally being deployed. The respective
installation components are then generally designed taking
into account the results thus obtained such that the overall
fatigue of the respective part or component determined for
each type from the individual fatigue contributions and the
number of load changes applied does not exceed a predetermined
limit value for fatigue deemed still to be permissible.
However taking the material fatigue in the individual parts or
components into account in this manner does not allow the
actual component response to be predicted adequately. In
particular the actual mode of operation of an industrial scale
installation or in particular of a power plant installation is
generally more flexible and variable than is assumed at the
design stage, as the mode of operation of the power plant
installation has to be adapted for example to current load
requirements or the like. In order therefore to be able to
take account of the fatigue actually occurring during
maintenance and audit planning for power plant installations
in an appropriate manner, the respective part fatigue of

selected installation components is generally monitored in
power plant installations or other industrial scale
installations. Since the part fatigue cannot generally be
measured directly in this process, corresponding
characteristic pressure and temperature values for
characterizing the respective ambient conditions of the
respective component are generally measured and monitored,
from which the changing stresses caused by pressure and
temperature changes in the respective component are then
calculated. The resulting actual values for the stresses in
the components are then combined in load change cycles, with
the level and number of the respective load changes being
compared with known limit values. A characteristic value
characterizing the fatigue of the respective part or
component, a so-called characteristic fatigue value, is then
determined as a result, which is able for example to specify a
percentage of the service life of the part. It is possible
with such concepts to determine the fatigue occurring hitherto
for the selected power plant or installation components over
their entire operational deployment and to take it into
account during maintenance and audit planning. Corresponding
concepts are noted for example in DIN EN 12952-4: 2001-10
"Water-tube boilers and auxiliary installations, Part 4: In-
service boiler life expectancy calculations, German version EN
However during the operation of such industrial scale
installations, such as power plant installations, it must on
the one hand be ensured mandatorily for safety reasons that
maintenance and optionally replacement of wearing components
or parts or those affected by fatigue is/are in any case
undertaken in good time before the breakdown or failure of the
respective component. On the other hand however there is a

need to undertake such maintenance or repair interventions in
the industrial scale installation in particular in a demand
actuated manner, to avoid unnecessary installation stoppage
times and to insure a particularly economical mode of
operation, so that parts are only actually replaced, when they
only have a relatively short remaining service life. Also for
particularly efficient and economical operation of the
installation the mode of operation of the respective
installation should be selected to protect resources so that
wear and fatigue in components and parts is kept as low as
The object of the invention is therefore to develop a method
for operating an industrial scale installation of the above-
mentioned type, in which characteristic fatigue values
characterizing selected installation components are
determined, in such a manner that a particularly long
operational service life of individual parts or components is
particularly favored whilst still complying with predetermined
safety standards and a particularly demand-actuated audit and
maintenance plan is enabled. A guidance system for an
industrial scale installation that is particularly suitable
for implementing the method is also to be specified.
According to the invention this object is achieved in respect
of the method in that based on the characteristic fatigue
value characterizing the current fatigue state an assigned
predicted fatigue value is determined respectively for the or
each selected component on the basis of guidance parameters
characterizing a planned change of state.
The invention is based on the consideration that for a mode of
operation of the industrial scale installation or power plant

installation that in particular protects resources and
therefore favors the service life of the components or parts
used, the determined characteristic fatigue values should be
extended actively beyond a simple part diagnosis to the mode
of operation of the installation. To this end based on the
determined actual value for the current fatigue of the
respective component or part a predicted value for part
fatigue should be produced in the manner of an extrapolation
taking into account the planned mode of operation of the
installation, this predicted value being able to be used for
example as an auxiliary variable for determining the need for
repair or maintenance interventions. Such state change here is
in particular a load change of a power plant and can in
particular be a shutdown or startup procedure for the power
plant installation.
The operating parameters to be taken into account for
determining the respective characteristic fatigue values that
are provided here are preferably on the one hand component-
specific operating parameters or component operating
parameters, which advantageously comprise characteristic
values for ambient pressure, ambient temperature and/or
ambient humidity of the respective component or part.
Alternatively or additionally relevant or characteristic
operating parameters or installation parameters are
advantageously captured and evaluated for the state of the
industrial scale installation or power plant installation as a
whole, these advantageously comprising characteristic values
for an installation switching state and/or a target output. It
is then possible from all these parameters to determine the
pressure and temperature values acting locally on the
respective component or part, which ultimately induce the

mechanical stresses and therefore the resulting fatigue in the
In order in this process to be able to determine particularly
reliable characteristic values for part fatigue, in a further-
advantageous embodiment component parameters characterizing
the respective component are taken into account when
determining the respective characteristic fatigue value and/or
the respective predicted fatigue value. The component
parameters provided for here are particularly advantageously
material data, geometric dimensions and/or pressure and
temperature measuring points of significance for fatigue
calculation in the respective component.
The complexity of the underlying processes resulting in
fatigue means that a closed calculation of precise
characteristic values or parameters using available resources
is generally not possible or not practical. In order however
to be able to provide particularly reliable characteristic
values or parameters using only limited computer capacities,
trend curves for temperature and/or pressure values within the
respective component are advantageously taken into account to
determine the respective predicted fatigue value. The trend
curves here are advantageously determined from a thermodynamic
simulation of the installation, with stored empirical
knowledge or retained empirical values possibly being used if
To keep determination and processing outlay particularly low
and therefore to facilitate installation diagnosis and
guidance in a particularly efficient manner, in an additional
or alternative advantageous embodiment specific account is
taken of the knowledge that the breakdown of components or

parts due to wear or fatigue will generally occur primarily
and exclusively in the component most affected by wear or
fatigue. Taking into account the wear or fatigue state of the
respective component in maintenance and repair planning can
thus be particularly effective in that the corresponding
evaluations can be concentrated on the component expected to
be most affected by fatigue and wear. To enable this, this
component or part having the highest determined predicted
fatigue value of all the evaluated components is
advantageously identified as the so-called "guide component"
for primary consideration during the installation prediction.
This predicted fatigue value of the guide component is
advantageously used as a criterion for initiating repair or
maintenance measures.
In one particularly advantageous embodiment the specific
evaluation of the fatigue states of the parts or components is-
not used just for demand-actuated repair or maintenance
planning but also for optimizing the mode of operation of the
industrial scale installation to achieve an operating mode
that in particular protects resources and extends service
life. To this end various state or load change scenarios, with
which it would be possible to continue to operate the
installation in the near future, are advantageously analyzed
in the manner of scenario planning based on the current
installation state. For example based on the current actual
state of a power plant installation it is possible to compare
a relatively fast, short-term increase in output with a
relatively slowly applied, continuous increase in output.
Predicted fatigue values are then advantageously determined
for such alternative state change proposals and compared with
one another, this comparison being used to select the one of
the possible state change or load change processes resulting

in the smallest installation loading characterized by the
lowest predicted fatigue value. The comparison of different
possible state or load changes can take place here based on
the predicted fatigue value of the respective guide component
or even based on a set of predicted fatigue values for a
number of affected components.
With regard to the guidance system for an industrial scale
installation, in particular a power plant installation, with a
storage facility in which a number of installation operating
parameters characterizing the respective operating state of
the technical installation and a number of component operating
parameters of relevance for a number of selected components in
the technical installation are stored, and which is connected
on the data side to an evaluation unit, which is designed for
the respective determination as required of a characteristic
fatigue value characterizing the current fatigue state of the
or each selected component based on the stored installation
operating parameters and/or the stored assigned component
operating parameters, the cited object is achieved in that the
evaluation unit is designed to determine an assigned predicted
fatigue value for the or each selected component based on the
characteristic fatigue value characterizing the current
fatigue state on the basis of guidance parameters
characterizing a planned change of state.
For a particularly reliable and precise evaluation a
thermodynamic model of the industrial scale installation or
power plant installation is stored here in a storage unit and
can be used to estimate temperature and pressure loadings in
individual components or parts in a particularly reliable

The advantages achieved with the invention consist in
particular in that using the fatigue analysis to provide
corresponding predicted values enables or particularly favors
particularly demand-actuated maintenance and audit planning
for the industrial scale installation. Also by specifically
evaluating fatigue contributions or expected fatigue
contributions in individual components or parts of the
industrial scale installation it is possible to select the
load changes or state changes, which allow a generally
speaking particularly resource-protecting mode of operation of
the installation in respect of externally predetermined basic
An exemplary embodiment of the invention is described in more
detail with reference to a drawing, in which the figure shows
a schematic diagram of a guidance system for an industrial
scale installation, in particular a power plant installation.
The schematically illustrated guidance system 1 here comprises
a plurality of modules or components (not shown in detail
here), as are in common and standard use in industrial scale
installations and in particular in power plant installations.
In particular the power plant installation is provided with a
plurality of measuring points or sensors, by way of which the
parameters of components and parts during operation are
monitored and optionally archived. These sensors and measuring
points include a plurality of sensors and measuring points by
way of which the fatigue of individual components or parts of
the power plant installation is monitored during operation.
To this end in addition to other components the guidance
system 1 comprises a storage facility 2, which is designed
specifically to archive and hold the measurement values and

parameters determined in the context of fatigue monitoring.
Stored in particular in the storage facility 2 are the
component parameters for the components and parts selected as
being particularly relevant for fatigue monitoring, with a
specific set of parameters being assigned in particular to
each relevant part or component, this set of parameters
containing material data, geometric dimensions and the
pressure and temperature points of significance for fatigue
calculation in the respective component or positioning data
for this purpose. The monitored measurement values are also
stored in the storage facility 2 as required, with one the one
hand a number of installation operating parameters
characterizing the operating state of the power plant
installation being stored, for example characteristic values
for load state, target loads and the like. Further relevant
component operating parameters for the selected components of
the power plant installation are also stored, with continuous
ambient conditions such as air pressure, air temperature, air
humidity of the parts to be monitored and their temperatures
and pressures also being stored in the manner of measurement
value capturing. The measurement values M characterizing these
are determined in a measurement value capturing unit 4, which
for its part is connected on the data input side to the
corresponding sensors, and stored on the storage facility 2 as
The measurement value capturing unit 4 however also transfers
the determined data to an evaluation unit 6, in which
characteristic fatigue values are determined as required for
the respective parts or components. The evaluation unit 6 here
is not only designed to determine a current actual state for
the respective part fatigue but the evaluation unit 6 also
determines an assigned predicted fatigue value for the or each

selected component, which uses a planned state change, for
example a load change process or the like, based on the
current fatigue state of the respective component, to describe
its expected fatigue state after the respective state change
has been implemented.
In order to be able to make such a prediction for expected
fatigue of the or each part, the guidance system 1 comprises
an input unit 8, by way of which target parameters E
characterizing the state change to be analyzed in each
instance can be input. In particular when analyzing a load
change the power plant output to be set and the time period
available for achieving the planned output level are input.
The measurement value capturing unit 4 and the input unit 8
are connected on the data output side to a first simulation
module 10 of the evaluation unit 6. In the first simulation
module 10 the operating program for the power plant
installation required to achieve the respective target
parameters and a trend curve of the relevant process
parameters, such as pressures, temperatures and throughputs
for example, are first calculated beforehand from the measured
ambient conditions and installation operating parameters as
well as the target parameters input in the input unit; 8 for
the state or load change to be evaluated. During this process
a thermodynamic simulation and/or a thermodynamic model of the
power plant is taken into account, with the thermodynamic
model being stored in the first simulation module 10. The
result of the thermodynamic simulation in the first simulation
module 10 here, in addition to other parameters, is in
particular the trend curves for pressures and media
temperatures in the parts or components to be monitored.

The results are transferred to a second simulation module 12,
in which the trend curves for pressures and temperatures in
the respective component or part are used to determine the
trend curves for the internal wall and central wall
temperatures for the parts to be monitored. This is done using
construction and material parameters, which are held in the
storage facility 2.
In a subsequent third simulation module 14 the temperatures
and pressures determined in the parts or components are used
to determine the stress curves in the walls of the parts, with
component-specific parameters or data records stored in the
storage facility 2 also being used as required.
In a subsequent fourth simulation module 16 the determined
stress curves for each part or component to be monitored are
used to determine an expected fatigue contribution for the
state or load change to be analyzed. In a subsequent fifth
simulation module 18 the part or component is finally
determined, for which the sum of the current characteristic
fatigue contribution, which is held in the storage facility 2,
and the additional fatigue contribution determined in the
preceding fourth simulation module 16 and due to the state or
load change to be evaluated is greatest. This part or
component is identified as the "guide component" and is used
as the relevant part in subsequent evaluations. The predicted
fatigue value of the guide component is considered to be an
expected fatigue contribution for the installation as a whole
and is output for example in an output unit 20 for further
evaluation or to inform operating personnel.
If different types of predicted fatigue values are determined
appropriately, it is thus possible to plan a maintenance or

repair intervention in a particularly demand-actuated manner,
in that the expected fatigue of the guide component is
compared in an appropriate manner with the limit values that
are permitted or deemed permissible. Additionally or
alternatively a number of different types of state or load
changes can be simulated in the manner of scenario planning,
with the determined predicted fatigue values being used to
select the load scenario resulting in the smallest additional
loading of the parts so that it can be used for the further
operation of the installation.

1. A method for operating an industrial scale installation,
in particular a power plant installation, in which a number of
installation operating parameters characterizing the
respective operating state of the technical installation and
for a number of selected components of the technical
installation respectively a number of component operating
parameters of relevance for the respective component are
monitored and stored in a storage facility (2), with a
characteristic fatigue value characterizing the current
fatigue state of the respective component being determined for
the or each selected component as required on the basis of the
stored installation operating parameters and/or the stored
assigned component operating parameters,
characterized in that
based on the characteristic fatigue value characterizing the
current fatigue state an assigned predicted fatigue value is
determined respectively for the or each selected component on
the basis of guidance parameters characterizing a planned
change of state with the component, with the component with
the highest determined predicted fatigue value being
identified as the guide component and with a predicted fatigue
value of the guide component being determined respectively for
a number of planned state changes, with one of the state
changes being selected and initiated based on the determined
predicted fatigue values.
2. The method as claimed in claim 1, in which the component
operating parameters comprise characteristic values for
ambient pressure, ambient temperature and/or ambient humidity
of the respective component.

3. The method as claimed in claim 1 or 2, in which the
installation operating parameters comprise characteristic
values for an installation switching state and/or a target
4. The method as claimed in one of claims 1 to 3, in which
component parameters characterizing the respective component:
are taken into account when determining the respective
characteristic fatigue value and/or the respective predicted
fatigue value.
5. The method as claimed in claim 4, in which the component
parameters comprise material data, geometric dimensions of the
respective component and/or position data of the temperature
and/or pressure measuring points of relevance for fatigue
6. The method as claimed in one of claims 1 to 5, in which
trend curves for temperature and/or pressure values within the
respective component are taken into account to determine the
respective predicted fatigue value.
7. The method as claimed in claim 6, in which the trend
curves are determined from a thermodynamic simulation of the
8. The method as claimed in claim 8, in which the predicted
fatigue value of the guide component is used as a criterion
for initiating repair or maintenance measures.
9. The method as claimed in one of claims 1 to 9 in which a
set of predicted fatigue values is determined respectively for
a number of planned state changes, with one of the state

changes being selected and initiated based on the determined
predicted fatigue values.
10. A guidance system (1) for an industrial scale
installation, in particular a power plant installation, with a
storage facility (2), in which a number of installation
operating parameters characterizing the respective operating
state of the technical installation and a number of component
operating parameters of relevance for a number of selected
components in the technical installation are stored, and which
is connected on the data side to an evaluation unit (6), which
is designed for the respective determination as required of a
characteristic fatigue value characterizing the current
fatigue state of the or each selected component based on the
stored installation operating parameters and/or the stored
assigned component operating parameters,
characterized in that the evaluation unit (6) is designed
a) to determine an assigned predicted fatigue value for the or
each selected component based on the characteristic fatigue
value characterizing the current fatigue state on the basis of
guidance parameters characterizing a planned change of state,
b) to identify the highest predicted fatigue value as the
guide component, and
c) to determine a predicted fatigue value of the guide
component respectively for a number of planned state changes.

The invention relates to a method for operating an industrial
scale installation, especially a power plant
installation, according to which a number of installation
operating parameters characterising the operating state of the
technical installation, and a number of component operating
parameters respectively relevant to a number of selected
components of the technical installation, are monitored and
stored in a memory device (2). A fatigue characteristic
value characterising the current fatigue state of each
component is determined for the or each selected
component as required, on the basis of the stored installation
operating parameters. The air of the inventio is to especially
develop an operation of the installation which especially
protects resources. To this end, an associated fatigue prognosis
value is determined from the fatigue characteristic value character
sing the current fatigue state for the or each selected component,
on the basis of guiding parameters characterising a planned
change of state.



1012-KOLNP-2009-(22-07-2014)-ANNEXURE TO FORM 3.pdf



1012-KOLNP-2009-(22-07-2014)-DESCRIPTION (COMPLETE).pdf









1012-KOLNP-2009-(22-07-2014)-PETITION UNDER RULE 137.pdf




1012-kolnp-2009-description (complete).pdf


1012-kolnp-2009-form 1.pdf

1012-kolnp-2009-form 18.pdf

1012-kolnp-2009-form 2.pdf

1012-kolnp-2009-form 3.pdf

1012-kolnp-2009-form 5.pdf


1012-kolnp-2009-international preliminary examination report.pdf

1012-kolnp-2009-international publication.pdf

1012-kolnp-2009-international search report.pdf

1012-kolnp-2009-pct request form.pdf



Patent Number 264097
Indian Patent Application Number 1012/KOLNP/2009
PG Journal Number 50/2014
Publication Date 12-Dec-2014
Grant Date 05-Dec-2014
Date of Filing 17-Mar-2009
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number G05B 19/042
PCT International Application Number PCT/EP2007/052012
PCT International Filing date 2007-03-02
PCT Conventions:
# PCT Application Number Date of Convention Priority Country
1 EP06020612 2006-09-29 EUROPEAN UNION