Title of Invention


Abstract There is disclosed an isolated antibody produced by the hybridoma having a deposit number of ATCC-PTA-5174, or an antigen-binding fragment thereof, that specifically binds to and inhibits metalloprotease domain activity of KID24, preferentially binds to the same epitope on KID24 as antibody mu-anti-KID24 preferentially binds.
Full Text

[001] This invention is in the fields of biology and immunotherapy. More
specifically, it concerns discoveries about ADAM-9, a known antigen, and
polyclonal and monoclonal antibodies and other agents that bind to this antigen.
The invention further provides methods for the diagnosis and/or treatment of a
variety of human diseases and cancers associated with ADAM-9, using ADAM-9
modulators including agonists and antagonists, and peptides that bind to ADAM-
9, including anti-ADAM-9 antibodies.
[002] In addition to their known uses in diagnostics, antibodies have been
shown to be useful as therapeutic agents. For example, immunotherapy, or the
use of antibodies for therapeutic purposes has been used in recent years to treat
cancer. Passive immunotherapy involves the use of monoclonal antibodies in
cancer treatments. See for example, Cancer. Principles and Practice of Oncology, 6th
Edition (2001) Chapt. 20 pp. 495-508. These antibodies can have inherent
therapeutic biological activity both by direct inhibition of tumor cell growth or
survival and by their ability to recruit the natural cell killing activity of the body's
immune system. These agents can be administered alone or in conjunction with
radiation or chemotherapeutic agents. Rituximab and Trastuzumab, approved
for treatment of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma and breast cancer, respectively, are
two examples of such therapeutics. Alternatively, antibodies can be used to
make antibody conjugates where the antibody is linked to a toxic agent and
directs that agent to the tumor by specifically binding to the tumor.
Gemtuzumab ozogamicin is an example of an approved antibody conjugate
used for the treatment of leukemia. Monoclonal antibodies that bind to cancer
cells and have potential uses for diagnosis and therapy have been disclosed in
publications. See, for example, the following patent applications which disclose,
inter alia, some molecular weights of target proteins: U.S. Patent No. 6,054,561

(200 kD c-erbB-2 (Her2), and other unknown antigens 40-200 KD in size) and U.S.
Patent No. 5,656,444 (50 kD and 55 kD oncofetal protein). Example of antibodies
in clinical trials and/or approved for treatment of solid tumors include:
Trastuzumab (antigen: 180 kD, HER2/neu), Edrecolomab (antigen: 40-50 kD, Ep-
CAM), Anti-human milk fat globules (HMFG1) (antigen >200 kD, HMW Mucin),
Cetuximab (antigens: 150 kD and 170 kD, EGF receptor), Alemtuzumab (antigen:
21-28 kD, CD52), and Rituximab (antigen: 35 kD, CD20).
(003] The antigen targets of trastuzumab (Her-2 receptor), which is used to
treat breast cancer, and cetuximab (EGF receptor), which is in clinical trials for the
treatment of several cancers, are present at some detectable level on a large
number of normal human adult tissues including skin, colon, lung, ovary, liver,
and pancreas. The margin of safety in using these therapeutics is possibly
provided by the difference in the level of expression or in access of or activity of
the antibody at these sites.
[004] In addition to cancer targets, antibody therapeutics have also been shown
to be effective against chronic inflammation and other immune disorders. An
example of an antibody therapeutic approved for treatment of immune
disorders is Infliximab (antigen: TNFa).
[005] Another type of immunotherapy is active immunotherapy, or
vaccination, with an antigen present on a specific cancer(s) or a DNA construct
that directs the expression of the antigen, which then evokes the immune
response in the individual, i.e., to induce the individual to actively produce
antibodies against their own cancer. Active immunization has not been used as
often as passive immunotherapy or immunotoxins.
[006] Several models of disease (including cancer) progression have been
suggested. Theories range from causation by a single infective /transforming
event to the evolution of an increasingly "disease-like" or 'cancer-like' tissue type
leading ultimately to one with fully pathogenic or malignant capability. Some
argue that with cancer, for example, a single mutational event is sufficient to
cause malignancy, while others argue that subsequent alterations are also
necessary. Some others have suggested that increasing mutational load and
tumor grade are necessary for both initiation as well as progression of neoplasia

via a continuum of mutation-selection events at the cellular level. Some cancer
targets are found only in tumor tissues, while others are present in. normal
tissues and are up regulated and/or over-expressed in tumor tissues. In such
situations, some researchers have suggested that the over-expression is linked to
the acquisition of malignancy, while others suggest that the over-expression is
merely a marker of a trend along a path to an increasing disease state.
[007] An ideal diagnostic and /or therapeutic antibody would be specific for an
antigen present on a large number of cancers, but absent or present only at low
levels on any normal tissue. The discovery, characterization, and isolation of a
novel antigen that is specifically associated with cancer(s) would be useful in
many ways. First, the antigen could be used to make monoclonal antibodies
against the antigen. An antibody would ideally have biological activity against
cancer cells and be able to recruit the immune system's response to foreign
antigens. An antibody could be administered as a therapeutic alone or in
combination with current treatments or used to prepare immunoconjugates
linked to toxic agents. An antibody with the same specificity but with low or no
biological activity when administered alone could also be useful in that an
antibody could be used to prepare an immunoconjugate with a radio-isotope, a
toxin, or a chemotherapeutic agent or liposome containing a chemotherapeutic
agent, with the conjugated form being biologically active by virtue of the
antibody directing the toxin to the antigen-containing cells.
[008} One aspect desirable for an ideal diagnostic and/or therapeutic antibody is
the discovery and characterization of an antigen that is associated with a variety
of cancers. There are few antigens that are expressed on a number of types of
cancer (e.g., "pan-cancer" antigen) that have limited expression on non-cancerous
cells. The isolation and purification of such an antigen would be useful for
making antibodies (e.g., diagnostic or therapeutic) targeting the antigen. An
antibody binding to the "pan-cancer" antigen could be able to target a variety of
cancers found in different tissues in contrast to an antibody against an antigen
associated with only one specific type of cancer. The antigen would also be
useful for drug discovery (e.g., small molecules) and for further characterization
of cellular regulation, growth, and differentiation.

[009] The ADAMs (A Disintegrin and Metalloprotease Domain) are a family of
proteins thought to be important in a wide range of biological processes such as
cell adhesion, cell fusion and proteolysis. In general, they are transmembrane
proteins having homology to snake venom proteins that have the ability to
degrade basement membrane component and bind to integrins, thus disrupting
cell-matrix interactions. Because of the similarity in function to snake venom
proteins, ADAMs are also known as MDC proteins (Metalloprotease-like,
Disintegrin, Cysteine-rich).
[010] MDC9 or ADAM-9 (Meltrin y) is a member of the AD AM/ MDC protein
family. The protein sequence has been described in U.S. Patent Application Nos.
20040091473 and 20020042368. ADAM-9 expression has been found in rat kidney
and also been shown to be up-regulated in hepatocellular carcinomas using
protein microarrays, however the significance of this finding to cancer
progression is unclear. ADAM-9 has also been shown to be involved in the
shedding of heparin-binding epidermal growth factor (HB-EGF), in the
processing of the amyloid precursor protein, and as a ligand for several
integrins. Although it is highly conserved between mouse, human and Xenopus
and it is widely expressed in different tissues, a knock-out mouse lacking ADAM-
9 shows no evident pathological abnormalities. Polyclonal and monoclonal
antibodies against ADAM-9 have been used in the identification of novel proteins
associated with hepatocellular carcinoma in protein arrays (Tannapfel et al., / of
Pathology 2003; 201: 238-49) and also in atherosclerosis models using venous
vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs) to assay for ADAM-9 expression (Al-
Fakhri et al. / Cellular Biochem (2003)89: 808-823), however the significance of
ADAM-9 as a marker is unclear. This prior art does not teach or suggest ADAM-
9 antibodies as therapeutic agents, or that the expression of ADAM-9 plays a
causative effect in cancer.
[011] What is needed are novel targets on the surface of diseased and/or cancer
cells that may be used to diagnose and treat such diseases and/or cancers with
antibodies and other agents which specifically recognize the cell surface targets.
There exists a further need, based on the discoveries disclosed herein, for novel
antibodies and other agents which specifically recognize targets on the surface of

cells that can modulate, either by reducing or enhancing, the disease-promoting
activities of ADAM-9. It is an object of this invention to identify antagonists of
human ADAM-9 that are capable of inhibiting its disease-associated activities. It
is another object to provide novel compounds for use in the assay of ADAM-9,
and for use as immunogens or for selecting anti-human ADAM-9 antibodies.
[012] As will be described in more detail below, the present inventors have
made discoveries concerning the known polypeptide, ADAM-9, which we refer
to herein as KID24, identified as the antigen target of the novel antagonists,
modulators and antibodies provided herein.
[013] All references, publications and patent applications disclosed herein are
hereby incorporated by reference in their entirety.
SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION [014] The invention disclosed herein concerns the discoveries that the known
polypeptide ADAM-9 (also referred to herein as KID24)as shown herein is
present on a variety of both primary and metastatic human cancers, and that
anti-KID24 antibodies may be used to treat such cancers. The invention provides
for KID24 antagonists, modulators, and monoclonal antibodies that bind to
KID24, which is expressed on a variety of human cancers.
[015] In one aspect, the invention is a family of monoclonal antibodies that bind
to KID24. In another aspect, the invention is a monoclonal antibody anti-KID24
that is produced by the host cell line KIDNEY.5.3F2.2G8 deposited on May 2,
2003 at the American Type Culture Collection with a Patent Deposit Designation
of PTA # 5174.
[016] In yet another aspect, the invention is a method of generating monoclonal
antibody anti-KID24 reactive with diseased and/or cancerous cells comprising
the steps of: (a) immunizing a host mammal with an immunogen; (b) obtaining
lymphocytes from the mammal; (c) fusing lymphocytes (b) with a myeloma cell
line to produce a hybridoma; (d) culturing the hybridoma of (c) to produce
monoclonal antibodies; and (e) screening the antibodies to select only those
antibodies which bind to diseased and/or cancerous cells or cell lines but do not

bind to non-cancerous or normal cells or cell lines, or bind to normal cells at a
lower level or in a different fashion.
[017] In another aspect, the invention is a method of generating an anti-KID24
antibody comprising culturirtg a host cell encoding such antibody or progeny
thereof under conditions that allow production of the antibody, and purifying
the anti-KID24 antibody.
[018] In another aspect, the invention provides methods of generating any of
the antibodies (or polypeptides) described herein by expressing one or more
polynucleotides encoding the antibody (which may be separately expressed as a
single light or heavy chain, or both a light and a heavy chain are expressed from
one vector) in a suitable cell, generally followed by recovering and/or isolating
the antibody or polypeptides of interest.
[019] In another aspect, the invention is an anti-KID24 antibody or a polypeptide (which may or may not be an antibody) that cdmpetitively inhibits preferential binding of an anti-KID24 antibody to KID24i In'someiembodiments,
the invention is an antibody or a polypeptide (which may or may not be an
antibody) that binds preferentially to the same or different epitope(s) on KID24
as other anti~KID24 antibodies.
[020] In another aspect, the invention is a KID24 modulator (which may or may
not be a polypeptide) that competitively inhibits preferential binding of an anti-
KID24 antibody to KID24. In some embodiments, the invention can be a small
molecule or chemical compound that binds preferentially to the same or
different epitope(s) on KID24 as other anti-KID24 antibodies.
[021] In yet another aspect, the invention is a composition comprising KID24
bound by an antibody specific for an epitope of KID24. In one embodiment, the
antibody is anti-KID24. In other embodiments, two or more anti-KID24
antibodies are administered, with such antibodies mapping to two or more
different epitopes on KID24. In some embodiments, the anti-KID24 antibody is
linked to a therapeutic agent or a detectable label.
[022] In another aspect, the invention is an antibody comprising a fragment or a
region of an anti-KID24 antibody. In one embodiment, the fragment is a light
chain of the antibody. In another embodiment, the fragment is a heavy chain of

the antibody. In yet another embodiment, the fragment contains one or more
variable regions from a light chain and/or a heavy chain of the antibody. In yet
another embodiment, the fragment contains one or more complementarity
determining regions (CDRs) from a light chain and/or a heavy chain of the
[0231 In another aspect, the invention provides polypeptides (which may or
may not be antibodies) comprising any of the following: (a) one or more CDRs
(or fragments thereof) from the light or heavy chain; (b) three CDRs from the
light chain; (c) three CDRs from the heavy chain; (d) three CDRs from the light
chain and three CDRs from the heavy chain; (e) the light chain variable region;
(f) the heavy chain variable region of the anti-KID24 antibody.
[024] In another aspect, the invention is a humanized antibody. In some
embodiments, the humanized antibody comprises.one or more CDRs of a non-
human anti-KID24 antibody. In some embodiments, the humanized antibody
binds to the same or different epitope(s) as other anti-KID24 antibodies.
Generally, a humanized antibody of the invention comprises one or more (one, two, three, four, five, six or fragments thereof) CDRs which are the same and/or
derived from the CDR(s) of the original non-human anti-KID24 antibody. In
some embodiments, the human antibody binds to the same or different
epitope(s) as other anti-KID24 antibodies. In anotheraspect, the invention is a
chimeric antibody comprising variable regions derived from variable regions of
a heavy chain and a light chain of a non-human anti-KID24 antibody and
constant regions derived from constant regions of a heavy chain and a light
chain of a human antibody.
[025] In another aspect, the invention is an isolated polynucleotide that encodes
an antibody mu-anti-KID24 that is produced by a host cell with a deposit number
of ATCC PTA# 5174, or progeny thereof. This invention encompasses antibody
polypeptides having the inherent binding or biological activities of any of the
above-specified antibodies. In another aspect, the invention provides
polynucleotides encoding any of the antibodies (including antibody fragments)
as well as any other polypeptides described herein.

[026] In another aspect, the invention is a pharmaceutical composition
comprising any of the polypeptides (including any of the antibodies described
herein) or polynucleotides described herein, such as pharmaceutical
compositions comprising an anti-KID24 antibody linked to a chemotherapeutic
agent, an antibody comprising a fragment of an anti-KID24 antibody, a
humanized antibody of a non-human KID24 antibody, a chimeric antibody
comprising variable regions derived from variable regions of a non-human anti-
K1D24 antibody and constant regions derived from a human antibody, or a
human antibody with one or more properties of a non-human anti-KID24
antibody, or of the anti-KID24 antibody described herein linked to a
chemotherapeutic agent (such as a radioactive moiety), and a pharmaceutically
acceptable excipient.
[027] In one aspect, the invention is a composition comprising an. anti-KID24 antibody bound to KID24 present on a diseased or cancerous cell. In preferred embodiments, the cancer cell is selected from the group consisting of kidney,
ovarian, lung, prostate, pancreatic, colon, and breast cancer cells. In some
embodiments, the cancer cell is isolated. In some embodiments, the cancer cell is
in a biological sample. Generally, the biological sample is from an individual,
such as a human.
[028] In another aspect, the invention is a method of diagnosing disease in an
individual by detecting KID24 on cells from the individual, particularly diseases
or disorders associated with inflammatory or autoimmune responses in
individuals. In other aspects of the invention, methods are provided for
modulating inflammatory or autoimmune responses in individuals. Diseases
and conditions resulting from inflammation and autoimmune disorders that may
be subject to treatment using the compositions and methods of the invention
include, by way of illustration and not of limitation, multiple sclerosis, meningitis,
encephalitis, stroke, other cerebral traumas, inflammatory bowel disease
including ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease, myasthenia gravis, lupus,
rheumatoid arthritis, asthma, acute juvenile onset diabetes, AIDS dementia,
atherosclerosis, nephritis, retinitis, atopic dermatitis, psoriasis, myocardial
ischemia and acute leukocyte-mediated lung injury.

[029] Still other indications for therapeutic use of antibodies and other
therapeutic agents of the invention include administration to individuals at risk
of organ or graft rejection. Over recent years there has been a considerable
improvement in the efficiency of surgical techniques for transplanting tissues and
organs such as skin, kidney, liver, heart, lung, pancreas and bone marrow.
Perhaps the principal outstanding problem is the lack of satisfactory agents for
inducing immunotolerance in the recipient to the transplanted allograft or organ.
When allogeneic cells or organs are transplanted into a host (i.e., the donor and
donee are different individuals from the same species), the host immune system
is likely to mount an immune response to foreign antigens in the transplant
(host-versus-graft disease) leading to destruction of the transplanted tissue.
[0301 In another aspect, the invention is a method for diagnosing whether an
individual has cancer, comprising determining whether there is expression of
KID24 on selected cells from the individual, wherein the expression of KID24 on
said cells is indicative of said cancer. In some embodiments, the expression of
KID24 is determined using an anti-KID24 antibody. In some embodiments, the
method involves detecting the level of KID24 expression from cells. The term
"detection" as used herein includes qualitative and/or quantitative detection
(measuring levels) with or without reference to a control.
[031] In yet another aspect, the invention is a method of diagnosing cancer in an
individual by detecting KID24 on or released from cells from the individual,
wherein the cancer is selected from the group including but not limited to
adrenal gland tumors, AIDS-associated cancers, alveolar soft part sarcoma,
astrocytic tumors, bladder cancer (squamous cell carcinoma and transitional cell
carcinoma), bone cancer (adamantinoma, aneurismal bone cysts,
osteochondroma, osteosarcoma), brain and spinal cord cancers, metastatic brain
tumors, breast cancer, carotid body tumors, cervical cancer, chondrosarcoma,
dhordoma, chromophobe renal cell carcinoma, clear cell carcinoma, colon cancer,
colorectal cancer, cutaneous benign fibrous histiocytomas, desmoplastic small
round cell tumors, ependymomas, Ewing's tumors, extraskeletal myxoid
chondrosarcoma, fibrogenesis imperfecta ossium, fibrous dysplasia of the bone,
gallbladder and bile duct cancers, gestational trophoblastic disease, germ cell

tumors, head and neck cancers, islet cell tumors, Kaposi's Sarcoma, kidney
cancer (nephroblastoma, papillary renal cell carcinoma), leukemias,
lipoma /benign lipomatous tumors, liposarcoma/ malignant lipomatous tumors,
liver cancer (hepatoblastoma, hepatocellular carcinoma), lymphomas, lung
cancers (small cell carcinoma, adenocarcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, large
cell carcinoma etc.), medulloblastoma, melanoma, meningiomas, multiple
endocrine neoplasia, multiple myeloma, myelodysplastic syndrome,
neuroblastoma, neuroendocrine tumors, ovarian cancer, pancreatic cancers,
papillary thyroid carcinomas, parathyroid tumors, pediatric cancers, peripheral
nerve sheath tumors, phaeochromocytoma, pituitary tumors, prostate cancer,
posterious unveal melanoma, rare hematologic disorders, renal metastatic
cancer, rhabdoid tumor, rhabdomysarcoma, sarcomas, skin cancer, soft-tissue
sarcomas, squamous cell cancer, stomach cancer,synovial sarcoma, testicular
cancer, thymic carcinoma, thymoma, thyroid metastatic cancer, and uterine
cancers (carcinoma of the, cervix, endometrial carcinoma, and leiomyoma).
[032] 111 another aspect, the invention is a method for aiding diagnosis of cancer
(such as but not limited to kidney, ovarian, lung, prostate, pancreatic, colon, or
breast cancer) in an individual comprising determining the expression of KID24
iii a biological sample from the individual. In some embodiments, the expression
of KID24 is determined using an anti-KID24 antibody. In some embodiments,
the method is detecting the level of KID24 expression from cells. The KID24
released from the cancer may contribute to elevated levels of KID24 or a portion
thereof, being detectable in body fluids (e.g., blood, salivary or gut mucinous
[033] In yet another aspect, the invention is a method of treating cancer by
administering an effective amount of an antibody that binds to KID24 sufficient
to reduce growth of cancerous cells. In some embodiments, the antibody is an
anti-KID24 antibody. In certain embodiments, the cancerous cells are selected
from the group including but not limited to adrenal gland tumors, AIDS-
associated cancers, alveolar soft part sarcoma, astrocytic tumors, bladder cancer
(squamous cell carcinoma and transitional cell carcinoma), bone cancer
(adamantinoma, aneurismal bone cysts, osteochondroma, osteosarcoma), brain

and spinal cord cancers, metastatic brain tumors, breast cancer, carotid body
rumors, cervical cancer, chondrosarcoma, dhordoma, chromophobe renal cell
carcinoma, clear cell carcinoma, colon cancer, colorectal cancer, cutaneous benign
fibrous histiocytomas, desmoplastic small round cell tumors, ependymomas,
Ewing's tumors, extraskeletal myxoid chondrosarcoma, fibrogenesis imperfecta
ossium, fibrous dysplasia of the bone, gallbladder and bile duct cancers,
gestational trophoblastic disease, germ cell tumors, head and neck cancers, islet
cell tumors, Kaposi's Sarcoma, kidney cancer (nephroblastoma, papillary renal
cell carcinoma), leukemias, lipoma/benign lipoma tous tumors,
liposarcoma/ malignant lipomatous tumors, liver cancer (hepatoblastoma,
hepatocellular carcinoma), lymphomas, lung cancers (small cell carcinoma,
adenocarcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, large cell carcinoma etc.),
medtdloblastoma, melanoma, meningiomas, multiple endocrine neoplasia,
multiple myeloma, myelodysplastic syndrome, neuroblastoma, neuroendocrine
tumors, ovarian cancer, pancreatic cancers, papillary thyroid carcinomas,:
parathyroid rumors, pediatric cancers, peripheral nerve sheath tumors,
phaeochromocytoma, pituitary tumors, prostate cancer, posterious unveal
melanoma, rare hematologic disorders, renal metastatic cancer, rhabdoid tumor,
rhabdomysarcoma, sarcomas, skin cancer, soft-tissue sarcomas, squamous cell
cancer, stomach cancer, synovial sarcoma, testicular cancer, thymic carcinoma,
thymoma, thyroid metastatic cancer, and uterine cancers (carcinoma of the
cervix, endometrial carcinoma, and leiomyoma). In certain preferred
embodiments, the cancerous cells are selected from the group of solid tumors
including but not limited to breast cancer, colon cancer, prostate cancer, lung
cancer, sarcoma, renal metastatic cancer, thyroid metastatic cancer, and clear cell
(034] In yet another aspect, the invention is a method of preventing or delaying
development of metastases in an individual who has or has had a primary
tumor, comprising administering an effective amount of a KID24 modulator.
This modulator may be given alone or in conjunction with other therapies, such
as radiation, chemotherapy, or surgery. In certain preferred embodiments, the
primary tumor has been subjected to at least one round of surgery, radiation,

and/or chemotherapy before administration of the KID24 modulator. In other
embodiments, the KID24 modulator is administered prior to or concurrent with
treatment of the individual with surgery, radiation, and/or chemotherapy. In
certain particularly preferred embodiments, that KID24 modulator is at least one
anti-KID24 antibody.
[035] In another aspect, the invention is a method of inhibiting growth and/or
proliferation of cancer cells in vitro or in an individual comprising administering
an effective amount of a composition comprising an anti-KID24 antibody
associated with (including linked to) a chemotherapcutic agent to the cell culture
or sample, or to the individual.
[036] In yet another aspect, the invention is a method of delivering a
therapeutic agent to a cancerous cell in an individual by administering to the
individual an effective amount of at least one menxher.of a family of antibodies,
which bind specifically to KID24. In other embodiments, an anti-KID24 antibody
is delivered to an individual in combination with (including linked to) another
therapeutic agent.
[037| In some embodiments, the anti-KID24 antibody is a humanized antibody
derived from a named antibody herein (generally, but not necessarily, ■
comprising one or more partial or intact CDRs of the antibody). In some
embodiments, the anti-KID24 antibody is a human antibody with one or more
properties of the named antibody. In some embodiments, the chemotherapeutic
agent (such as a toxin or a radioactive molecule) is delivered into the cancer cells
(is internalized). In some embodiments, the agent is saporin.
[038] In another aspect, the invention is a method of treating cancer in an
individual comprising administering an effective amount of a composition
comprising an anti-KID24 antibody associated with (including linked to) a
chemotherapeutic agent to the individual.
[039] The present invention further provides methods for modulating, either by
enhancing or reducing, the association of KID24 with a cytoplasmic signaling
partner. The association of K3D24 with a cytoplasmic signaling partner can be
impacted by contacting a KID24 molecule presenting on a cell surface, with an
agent that modulates the binding of the signaling partner to KID24. Agents

which .block or reduce KID24 association with its binding and/or signaling
partners can be used to modulate biological and pathological processes which are
involved in KID24-mediated inflammation or immune responses. Pathological
processes involving this action include tumor-associated cell growth.
[040J Agents can be tested for their ability to block, reduce, enhance or
otherwise modulate the association of KID24 with a binding partner, such as an
anti-KID24 antibody. Specifically, an agent can be tested for the ability to
modulate such an interaction by incubating a peptide comprising the KID24
interaction site (typically in its native conformation as it exists on intact living
cells) with a binding partner and a test agent, and determining whether the test
agent reduces or enhances the binding of the binding partner to the KID24
[041] Agonists, antagonists, and other modulators of K1D24 function are
expressly included within the scope of this invenrfdrt: These agonists, antagonists
and modulators are polypeptides that comprise one or more of the antigenic
determinant sites in KID24, or comprise one or more fragments of such sites,
variants of such sites, or peptidomimetics of such sites. These agonistic,
antagonistic, and KID24 modulatory compounds are provided in linear or
cyclized form, and optionally comprise at least one amino acid residue that is not
commonly found in nature or at least one amide isostere. These compounds
may be glycosylated. The agonists, antagonists, and other modulators of KID24
function of this invention are desirably used in all of the embodiments and
methods described above with reference to antibodies.
[042] Other aspects of this invention relate to the antigen identified, ADAM-9,
and referred to herein as KID24. This antigen is suitable for use as an
immunogen and for a variety of research, diagnostic and therapeutic purposes.
[043] In certain aspects, the invention is a method for aiding in the diagnosis of
disease in an individual comprising the steps of (i) assaying for the presence of
KID24 in a blood or tissue sample obtained from an individual; (ii) detecting
whether said sample has an increased amount of a KID24 marker relative to a
normal (non-diseased) blood or tissue sample; and (iii) correlating an increased
amount of said marker to a positive diagnosis or correlating the absence of an

Increased amount of said marker to a negative diagnosis for disease. In certain
embodiments, the marker is detected using an anti-KID24 antibody. In certain
embodiments, the method is effected by a technique selected from the group
consisting of radionuclide imaging, flow cytometry, and immunohistochemistry.
{044| Figure 1 shows the results of an immunoprecipitation (ippt) using mu-
anti-KID24 on cell lysates from the kidney carcinoma cell line, A498, followed by
western blotting with mu-anti-KID24 antibodies. The arrow points to the
~75kDa specific band in the mu-anti-KID24 ippt sample. Figure 1 also shows the
results of an immunoprecipitation (ippt) using a commercial ADAM9 antibody
on A498 cell lysates followed by western blotting with mu-anti-KID24 antibodies.
Lanes marked with "PG" represents samples of protein G.prerdear control
conditions. Lanes marked with "IgG" represents samples immunoprecipitated
with control IgG antibodies. Lanes marked with "K3D24" represents samples
immunoprecipitated with mu-anti-KID24 antibodies.
[045J Figure 2 shows the graphed results of the effect of mu-anti-KID24 and
Mab-ZAP (an anti-IgG antibody conjugated to saporin) on the growth of human
ovarian carcinoma cell line, ES-2, and human pancreatic carcinoma cell line,
HPAF-II. Figure 2A shows the graphed results of the effect of mu-anti-KID24
and Mab-ZAP on the growth of ES-2 cells and Figure 2B shows the graphed
results of the effect of mu-anti-KID24 and Mab-ZAP on the growth of HPAF-II
[046] Figure 3 shows representative tumors from Merkel cells implanted in the
subrenal capsule of nude mice. Mice were treated with either PBS control or 50
mg/kg mu-anti-KID24 antibodies 2 times weekly for 3 weeks starting at 21 days
post-tumor implantation.
(047j Figure 4 shows representative omentum dissected from nude mice
implanted with Merkel cell tumors in the subrenal capsule. Mice were treated
with either PBS control or 50 mg/kg mu-anti-KID24 antibodies 2 times weekly
for 3 weeks starting at 21 days post-rumor implantation. Figure 4A shows the

dissected omentum from a PBS control treated mouse. Arrows/arrowheads are
directed to metastases present in the omentum. Figure 4B shows the dissected
omentum from a mu-anti-KID24 treated mouse. No visible metastases were
[048] The invention provides an antigen, ADAM-9 (KID24), which is expressed
on cancerous cells of various tissue types, including but not limited to pancreas,
colon, lung, and prostate cancers. Further, the invention provides monoclonal
antibodies and polypeptides that bind to KID24 and methods of making and
using these antibodies and polypeptides to diagnose and treat various diseases,
including but not limited to human cancers associated with expression and/or
.over-expression of KID24.
I. General Techniques
[049] The practice of the present invention will employ, unless otherwise
indicated, conventional techniques of molecular biology (including recombinant
techniques), microbiology, ceil biology, biochemistry and immunology, which
are within the skill of the art. Such techniques are explained fully in the
literature, such as, Molecular Cloning: A Laboratory Manual, second edition
(Sambrook et al., 1989) Cold Spring Harbor Press; Oligonucleotide Synthesis (M.J.
Gait, ed., 1984); Methods in Molecular Biology, Humana Press; Cell Biology: A
Laboratory Notebook Q.E. Cellis, ed., 1998) Academic Press; Animal Cell Culture (R.I.
Freshney, ed., 1987); Introduction to Cell and Tissue Culture (J.P. Mather and P.E.
Roberts, 1998) Plenum Press; Cell and Tissue Culture: Laboratory Procedures (A.
Doyle, J.B. Griffiths, and D.G. Newell, eds., 1993-8) J. Wiley and Sons; Methods in
Enzymology (Academic Press, Inc.); Handbook of Experimental Immunology (DM.
Weir and C.C. Blackwell, eds.); Gene Transfer Vectors for Mammalian Cells (J.M.
Miller and M.P. Calos, eds., 1987); Current Protocols in Molecular Biology (F.M.
Ausubel et al., eds., 1987); PCR: Tlte Polymerase Chain Reaction, (Mullis et al., eds.,
1994); Current Protocols in Immunology (J.E. Coligan et al., eds., 1991); Short

Protocols in Molecular Biology (Wiley and Sons, 1999); Immunobiology (C.A. Janeway
and P. Travers, 1997); Antibodies (P. Finch, 1997); Antibodies: a practical approach
(D. Catty., ed., IRL Press, 1988-1989); Monoclonal antibodies : a practical approach (P.
Shepherd and C. Dean, eds., Oxford University Press, 2000); Using antibodies: a
laboratory manual (E. Harlow and D. Lane (Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press,
1999); The Antibodies (M. Zanetti and J.D. Capra, eds., Harwood Academic
Publishers, 1995); and Cancer: Principles and Practice of Oncology (V.T. DeVita et al,
eds., J.B. Lippincott Company, 1993).
/[. Definitions
[050] "KID24" refers to that novel polypeptide antigen with a molecular weight
of approximately 75kDa (under reducing conditions) against which the
antibodies of the present invention, are directed. The KID24 antigen is a cell
surface protein bound by anti-KID24 antibodies and present on pancreas and
several types of carcinomas. This antigen may have more than one different
epitope, and some embodiments of this invention comprise KID24 modulators
that are directed against one of two or more specific epitopes of the KID24
antigen. It is currently believed that KID24 may be over-expressed in certain
cancer cells in comparison to their normal tissue counterparts.
[0511 Agonists, antagonists, and other modulators of KID24 function are
expressly included within the scope of this invention. These agonists, antagonists
and modulators are polypeptides that comprise one or more of the antigenic
determinant sites in KID24, or comprise one or more fragments of such sites,
variants of such sites, or pepudomimetics of such sites. These agonistic,
antagonistic, and KID24 modulatory compounds are provided in linear or
cyclized form, and optionally comprise at least one amino acid residue that is not
commonly found in nature or at least one amide isostere. These compounds
may be glycosylated.
[052] More specifically, the term "KID24 modulator" as used herein is defined
as any compound that (1) is capable of disrupting or blocking the interaction
between human KID24 and its native ligands or an anti-KID24 antibody; (2) is
capable of binding to human KID24 and its native ligands or an anti-KID24

antibody; (3) contains an antigenic site that can be used in the raising of
antibodies capable of binding to human KID24 and its native Iigands or an anti-
KID24 antibody; (4) contains an antigenic site that can be used in the screening of
antibodies capable of binding to human KID24 and its native Iigands or an anti-
KID24 antibody; (5) contains an antigenic site that an be used in the raising of
antibodies capable of disrupting or blocking the interaction between human
KID24 and its native Iigands or an anti-KID24 antibody; (6) contains an antigenic
site that can be used in the screening of antibodies capable of disrupting or
blocking the interaction between human. KID24 and its native Iigands or an anti-
KID24 antibody. KID24 modulators may be "KID24 agonists" or "KID24
antagonists" depending on whether their activity enhances or inhibits normal
KID24 biological activity, respectively.
[053J KID24 agonists, antagonists and modulators include KID24 variants,
KID24 peptide antagonists, peptidomimetics, and small molecules, anti-KID24
antibodies and immunoglobulin variants, amino acid variants of human KID24
including amino acid substitution, deletion, and addition variants, or any
combination thereof, and chimeric immunoglobulins. The KID24 agonists,
antagonists and modulators of this invention are based on the inventors'
identification of the KID24 domains involved in the binding of human KID24 to
its native Iigands or anti-KID24 antibodies. Thus, the invention provides KID24
agonists, antagonists and modulators with molecular structures that duplicate or
mimic one or more of the anti-KID24 binding domains of human KID24.
[054] As used herein, the term "KID24 variant" denotes any amino acid variant
of human KID24, including amino acid substitution, deletion, and addition
variants, or any combination thereof. The definition encompasses chimeric
molecules such as human KTD24/non-human chimeras and other hybrid
molecules. Also included in the definition is any fragment of a KID24 variant
molecule that comprises the variant or hybrid region(s) of the molecule.
[055] An "antibody" is an immunoglobulin molecule capable of specific binding
to a target, such as a carbohydrate, polynucleotide, lipid, polypeptide, etc.,
through at least one antigen recognition site, located in the variable region of the
immunoglobulin molecule. As used herein, the term encompasses not only

Intact polyclonal or monoclonal antibodies, but also fragments thereof (such as
Fab, Fab', F(ab')2, Fv), single chain (ScFv), mutants thereof, naturally occurring
variants, fusion proteins comprising an antibody portion with an antigen
recognition site of the required specificity, humanized antibodies, chimeric
antibodies, and any other modified configuration of the immunoglobulin
molecule that comprises an antigen recognition site of the required specificity.
[056] A "monoclonal antibody" refers to a homogeneous antibody population
wherein the monoclonal antibody is comprised of amino acids (naturally
occurring and non-naturally occurring) that are involved in the selective binding
of an antigen. Monoclonal antibodies are highly specific, being directed against a
single antigenic site. The term "monoclonal antibody" encompasses not only
intact monoclonal antibodies and full-length monoclonal antibodies, but also
fragments thereof (such as Fab, Fab', F(ab')2, Fv), single chain (ScFv), mutants
thereof, fusion proteins comprising an antibody portion, humanized monoclonal
antibodies, chimeric- monoclonal antibodies, and any other modified
configuration of the immunoglobulin molecule that comprises an antigen
recognition site of the required specificity and the ability to bind to an antigen. It
is not intended to be limited as regards to the source of the antibody or the
manner in which it is made (e.g., by hybridoma, phage selection, recombinant
expression, transgenic animals, etc.). The term includes whole immunoglobulins
as well as the fragments etc. described above under the definition of "antibody".
[057j "Humanized" antibodies refer to a chimeric molecule, generally prepared
using recombinant techniques, having an antigen binding site derived from an
immunoglobulin from a non-human species and the remaining immunoglobulin
structure of the molecule based upon the structure and/or sequence of a human
immunoglobulin. The antigen-binding site may comprise either complete
variable domains fused onto constant domains or only the complementarity
determining regions (CDRs) grafted onto appropriate framework regions in the
variable domains. Antigen binding sites may be wild type or modified by one or
more amino acid substitutions. This eliminates the constant region as an
imrnunogen in human individuals, but the possibility of an immune response to
the foreign variable region remains (LoBuglio, A. F. et ah, (1989) Proc Natl Acad

Sci USA 86:4220-4224). Another approach focuses not only on providing human-
derived constant regions, but modifying the variable regions as well so as to
reshape them as closely as possible to human form. It is known that the variable
regions of both heavy and light chains contain three complementarity-
determining regions (CDRs) which vary in response to the antigens in question
and determine binding capability, flanked by four framework regions (FRs)
which are relatively conserved in a given species and which putatively provide a
scaffolding for the CDRs. When nonhuman antibodies are prepared with respect
to a particular antigen, the variable regions can be "reshaped" or "humanized" by
grafting CDRs derived from nonhuman antibody on the FRs present in the
human antibody to be modified. Application of this approach to various
antibodies has been reported by Sato, K., et al, (1993) Gincer Res 53:851-856.
Riechmann, L., et al, (1988) Nature 332:323-327; Verhoeyen, M, et al., (1988)
Science 239:1534-1536; Kettlehorough, G.-A.,.etal, (1991) Protein Engineering
4:773-3783; Maeda, H., et al, (1991) Human Antibodies Hybridoma 2:124-134;
Gorman, S. D., et al, (1991) Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 88:4181-4185; Tempest, P. R.,
et al, (1991) Bio/Technology 9:266-271; Co, M. S„ et al, (1991) Proc Natl Acad Sci
USA 88:2869-2873; Carter, P., et al, (1992) Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 89:4285-4289;
and Co, M. S. et al, (1992) J Immunol 148:1149-1154. In some embodiments,
humanized antibodies preserve all CDR sequences (for example, a humanized
mouse antibody which contains all six CDRs from the mouse antibodies). In
other embodiments, humanized antibodies have one or more CDRs (one, two,
three, four, five, six) which are altered with respect to the original antibody,
which are also termed one or more CDRs "derived from" one or more CDRs
from the original antibody.
[058] xAn epitope that "specifically binds" or "preferentially binds" (used
interchangeably herein) to an antibody or a polypeptide is a term well
understood in the art, and methods to determine such specific or preferential
binding are also well known in the art. A molecule is said to exhibit "specific
binding" or "preferential binding" if it reacts or associates more frequently,
more rapidly, with greater duration and/or with greater affinity with a
particular cell or substance than it does with alternative cells or substances. An

antibody "specifically binds" or "preferentially binds" to a target if it binds with
greater affinity, avidity, more readily, and/or with greater duration than it binds
to other substances. For example, an antibody that specifically or preferentially
binds to a KID24 epitope is an antibody that binds this KID24 epitope with
greater affinity, avidity, more readily, and/or with greater duration than it binds
to other KID24 epitopes or non-KID24 epitopes. It is also understood by reading
this definition that, for example, an antibody (or moiety or epitope) that
specifically or preferentially binds to a first target may or may not specifically or
preferentially bind to a second target. As such, "specific binding" or
"preferential binding" does not necessarily require (although it can include)
exclusive binding. Generally, but not necessarily, reference to binding means
preferential binding.
[059] The term "immunologically active" in reference to an epitope being or
"remaining immunologically active" refers to. the ability of an antibody (e.g.,
anti-I example, after the epitope has been subjected to reducing and denaturing
[060] Different biological functions are associated with anti-KID24 antibodies,
including, but not Limited to, ability to bind to KID24 (including KID24 on cancer
cells, including but not limited to pancreas, colon, lung or prostate cancer cells);
ability to bind to a portion of KID24 that is exposed on the surface of a living cell
(especially a cancer cell) in vitro or in vivo; ability to deliver a chemotherapeutic
agent to cancerous cells (such as pancreas, colon, lung or prostate cancer cells)
expressing KID24; ability to deliver a therapeutic agent or detectable marker into
cancer cells expressing KID24. As discussed herein, polypeptides (including
antibodies) of the invention may have any one or more of these characteristics.
[061] An "anti-KID24 equivalent antibody" or "anti-KID24 equivalent
polypeptide" refers to an antibody or a polypeptide having one or more
biological functions associated with an anti-KID24 antibody, such as, for example
binding specificity.
[062] As used herein, "agent" refers to a biological, pharmaceutical, or chemical
compound. Non-limiting examples include simple or complex organic or

inorganic molecule, a peptide, a protein, an oligonucleotide, an antibody, an
antibody derivative, antibody fragment, a vitamin derivative, a carbohydrate, a
toxin, or a chemotherapeutic compound. Various compounds can be
synthesized, for example, small molecules and oligomers (e.g., oligopeptides and
oligonucleotides), and synthetic organic compounds based on various core
structures. In addition, various natural sources can provide compounds for
screening, such as plant or animal extracts, and the like. A skilled artisan can
readily recognize that there is no limit as to the structural nature of the agents of
the present invention.
[063] Agents that are employed in the methods of this invention cai-i be
randomly selected or rationally selected or designed. As used herein, an agent is
said to be randomly selected when the agent is chosen randomly without
considering the specific sequences involved in the association of KID24 with its
native binding partners or known anubodies._-Ari;example of randomly selected
agents is the use of a chemical library or a peptide combinatorial library.
1064] As used herein, an agent is said to be rationally selected or designed when
the agent is chosen on a nonrandom basis that takes into account the sequence of
the target site and/or its conformation in connection with the agent's action.
With respect to anti-KID24 agents, it is currently believed that there are at least
three epitopes on KID24 against which antibodies can be raised and therefore at
least three sites of action for agents that block KTD24/anti-KID24 interaction.
This invention also encompasses agents that act at the sites of interaction
between KID24 and its native binding partner, although other ligands and their
active KID24-interactive sites are also encompassed within the scope of this
invention, whether currently known or later identified. Agents can be rationally
selected or rationally designed by utilizing the peptide sequences that make up
the contact sites of the receptor/ligand and/or KID24/anti-KID24 antibody
complex. For example, a rationally selected peptide agent can be a peptide whose
amino acid sequence is identical to an epitope appearing on KID24 as it is
exposed on the surface of a living cell in its native environment. Such an agent
will reduce or block the association of the anti-KID24 antibody with KID24, or

the association of KID24 with its native ligand, as desired, by binding to the anti-
KID24 antibody or to the native ligand.
[065j As used herein, the term "labeled", with regard to the antibody, is
intended to encompass direct labeling of the antibody by coupling (i.e., physically
linking) a detectable substance, such as a radioactive agent or a fluorophore {e.g.
fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC) or phycoerylhrin (PE)) to the antibody, as well
as indirect labeling of the probe or antibody by reactivity with a detectable
[066} As used herein, the term "association", with regard to the antibody,
includes covalent and non-covalent attachment or binding to an agent (e.g.,
chemotherapeutic agent). The antibody can be associated with an agent (e.g.,
chemotherapeutic agent) by direct binding or indirect binding via attachment to
a common platform, such that the antibody directs the localization of the agent
to the cancerous cell to which the antibody binds and wherein the antibody and
: agent do not substantially dissociate under physiological conditions such that the
agent is not targeted to the same cancerous cell to which the antibody binds or
such that the agent's potency is not decreased.
[067] A "biological sample" encompasses a variety of sample types obtained
from an individual and can be used in a diagnostic or monitoring assay. The
definition encompasses saliva, blood and other liquid samples of biological
origin, solid tissue samples such as a biopsy specimen or tissue cultures or cells
derived therefrom, and the progeny thereof, for example, cells obtained from a
tissue sample collected from an individual suspected of having cancer, in
preferred embodiments from ovary, lung, prostate, pancreas, colon, and breast
tissue. The definition also includes samples that have been manipulated in any
way after their procurement, such as by treatment with reagents, solubilization,
or enrichment for certain components, such as proteins or polynucleotides, or
embedding in a semi-solid or solid matrix for sectioning purposes. The term
"biological sample" encompasses a clinical sample, and also includes cells in
culture, cell supernatants, cell lysates, serum, plasma, biological fluid, and tissue

[068] A "host cell" includes an individual cell or cell culture that can be or has
been a recipient for vector(s) for incorporation of polynucleotide inserts. Host
cells include progeny of a single host cell, and the progeny may not necessarily
be completely identical (in morphology or in genomic DNA complement) to the
original parent cell due to natural, accidental, or deliberate mutation. A host cell
includes cells transfected in vivo with a polynucleotide(s) of this invention.
[069] As used herein, "preventing or delaying development of metastasis" (or
metastases) means to stop, defer, hinder, slow, retard, stabilize, and/or postpone
development of metastasis. This delay can be of varying lengths of time,
depending on the history of the cancer and/or individual being treated. As is
evident to one skilled in the art, a sufficient or significant delay can, in effect,
encompass prevention, in that the individual does not develop the metastasis.
[070J An "effective amount" of a pharmaceutical composition, in one
, embodiment, is an amount sufficient to effect beneficial or desired results : '
tincluding, without limitation, clinical results such as shrinking the size of the-:
tumor (in the cancer context, for example, breast or prostate cancer), retardation
of cancerous cell growth, delaying the development of metastasis, decreasing
symptoms resulting from the disease, increasing the quality of life of those
suffering from the disease, decreasing the dose of other medications required to
treat the disease, enhancing the effect of another medication such as via targeting
and/or internalization, delaying the progression of the disease, and/or
prolonging survival of individuals. An effective amount can be administered in
one or more administrations. For purposes of this invention, an effective
amount of drug, compound, or pharmaceutical composition is an amount
sufficient to reduce the proliferation of (or destroy) cancerous cells and to reduce
and/or delay the development, or growth, of metastases of cancerous cells,
either directly or indirectly. In some embodiments, an effective amount of a
drug, compound, or pharmaceutical composition may or may not be achieved in
conjunction with another drug, compound, or pharmaceutical composition.
Thus, an "effective amount" may be considered in the context of administering
one or more chemotherapeutic agents, and a single agent may be considered to
be given in an effective amount if, in conjunction with one or more other agents,

a desirable result may be or is achieved. While individual needs vary,
determination of optimal ranges of effective amounts of each component is
within the skill of the art. Typical dosages comprise 0.1-to 100 mg/kg/body
weight. The preferred dosages comprise 1-to 100-mg/kg/body weight.
Preferred dosages comprise 10 to 20-mg/kg/body weight and 10-to 100-
mg/kg/body weight, and the most preferred dosages comprise approximately
1-to 10-mg/kg/body weight.
[0711 As used herein, a nucleic acid molecule or agent, antibody, composition or
cell, etc., is said to be "isolated" when that nucleic acid molecule, agent, antibody,
composition, or cell, etc. is substantially separated from contaminant nucleic acid
molecules, antibodies, agents, compositions, or cells, etc. from its original source.
[072] An "individual" is a vertebrate, preferably a mammal, more preferably a
human. Mammals include, but are not limited to, farm animals, sport animals,
. pets, primates, mice and rats.
[073] The terms "polypeptide", "oligopeptide", "peptide" and "protein" are
used interchangeably herein to refer to polymers of amino acids of any length.
The polymer may be linear or branched, it may comprise modified amino acids,
and it may be interrupted by non-amino acids. The terms also encompass an
amino acid polymer that has been modified naturally or by intervention; for
example, disulfide bond formation, glycosylation, lipidation, acetylation,
phosphorylation, or any other manipulation or modification, such as conjugation
with a labeling component. Also included within the definition are, for example,
polypeptides containing one or more analogs of an amino acid (including, for
example, unnatural amino acids, etc.), as well as other modifications known in
the art. It is understood that, because the polypeptides of this invention are
based upon an antibody, the polypeptides can occur as single chains or
associated chains.
[074] A "variable region" of an antibody refers to the variable region of the
antibody light chain or the variable region of the antibody heavy chain, either
alone or in combination.

[075] A "constant region" of an antibody refers to the constant region of the
antibody light chain or the constant region of the antibody heavy chain, either
alone or in combination.
[076] Also encompassed within the scope of the invention are peptidomimetics
of the KID24 peptide agonists, antagonists and modulators (including anti-KTD24
antibodies) described herein. Such peptidomimetics include peptides wherein at
least one amino acid residue is substituted with an amino acid residue that is not
commonly found in nature, such as the D isomer of the amino acid or an N-
alkylated species of the amino acid. In other embodiments, peptidomimetics are
constructed by replacing at least one amide bond (--C(.dbd.O)-NH—) in a KID24
peptide agonist, antagonist or modulators with an amide isostere. Suitable
amide isosteres include -CH.sub.2 -NH-, -CH.sub.2 ~S~, --CH.sub.2 -
S(0).sub.n - (where n is 1 or 2), -CH.sub.2 --CH.sub.2 -, -CH.dbd.CH- (E or
Z), -C(.dbd;0)-CH,sub.2 -, -CH(CN)-NH-, ~C(OH)~CH.sub.2 --, and -O-
C(.dbd.O)—NH-. The amide bonds in a KID24 peptide agonist, antagonist or
modulator that are suitable candidates for replacement with amide isosteres
include bonds that are hydrolyzable by the endogenous esterases or proteases of
the intended subject of KID24 peptide agonist, antagonist or modulator
[077] As used herein, "substantially pure" refers to material that is at least 50%
pure {i.e., free from contaminants), more preferably at least 90 % pure, more
preferably at least 95% pure, more preferably at least 98% pure, more preferably
at least 99% pure, or greater, pure.
[078] "Toxin" refers to any substance, which effects an adverse response within
a cell. For example, a toxin directed to a cancerous cell would have an adverse,
sometimes deleterious effect, on the cancerous cell. Examples of toxins include,
but are not limited to, radioisotopes, calicheamicin, and maytansinoids.
[079] As used herein, "treatment" or "treating" is an approach for obtaining
beneficial or desired results including and preferably clinical results. For
purposes of this invention, beneficial or desired clinical results include, but are
not limited to, one or more of the following: reducing the proliferation of (or
destroying) cancerous cells or other diseased, reducing metastasis of cancerous

cells found in cancers, shrinking the size of the tumor, decreasing symptoms
resulting from the disease, increasing the quality of life of those suffering from
the disease, decreasing the dose of other medications required to treat the
disease, delaying the progression of the disease, and/or prolonging survival of
[080] As used herein, a "therapeutic agent" means any agent useful for therapy
(here, generally in the cancer context) including anti-tumor drugs, toxins or
cytotoxins, cytotoxin agents, and radioactive agents.
[0811 "Active immune response" refers to the development and on-going
production of antibodies in vivo directed against an antigen, in response to the
administration of the antigen, or DNA vectors coding for that antigen, to the
host mammal by intravenous, intramuscular, subcutaneous, or other mode of
administration with or without an adjuvant. Active immune response can also
include other aspects of the immune response, such as a cellular immune
response. -.- '.■>
III. Methods of making antibodies and polypeptides
(082) Methods of making monoclonal antibodies are known in the art. One
method which may be employed is the method of Kohler and Milstein, Nature
256:495-497 (1975) or a modification thereof. Typically, monoclonal antibodies
are developed in non-human species, such as mice. In general, a mouse or rat is
used for immunization but other animals may also be used. The antibodies are
produced by immunizing mice with an immunogenic amount of cells, cell
extracts, or protein preparations that contain human KID24. The immunogen
can be, but is not limited to, primary cells, cultured cell lines, cancerous cells,
nucleic acids, or tissue. In one embodiment, human fetal kidney epithelial cells
are used. In another embodiment, human bladder or pancreatic progenitor cells
are used. Methods for isolating and culturing human fetal kidney cells are
detailed in Example 1. Cells used for immunization, for example, human fetal
kidney cells, may be cultured for a period of time (at least 24 hours) prior to their
use as an immunogen. Cells (e.g., human fetal kidney cells) may be used as
immunogens by themselves or in combination with a non-denaturing adjuvant,

such as Ribi. In general, cells should be kept intact and preferably viable when
used as immunogens. Intact cells may allow antigens to be better detected than
ruptured cells by the immunized animal. Use of denaturing or harsh adjuvants,
e.g., Freud's adjuvant, may rupture the human fetal kidney or other cells and
therefore is discouraged. The immunogen may be administered multiple times
at periodic intervals such as, bi-weekly, or weekly, or may be administered in
such a way as to maintain viability in the animal (e.g., in a tissue recombinant).
Example 2 describes methods used to generate anti-KID24 antibodies and may
be used to generate other monoclonal antibodies, which bind to KID24.
[083] In one embodiment, monoclonal antibodies that bind to KID24 are
obtained by using host cells that over-express KID24 as an immunogen. Such
cells include, by way of example and not by limitation, human fetal kidney cells
and human pancreatic cancer cells. . __ _.
[084j To monitor the antibody-response; a small biological sample (e.g., blood)
may be obtained from the animal and tested for antibody titer against the
immunogen. The spleen and/or several large lymph nodes can be removed and
dissociated into single cells. If desired, the spleen cells may be screened (after
removal of non-specifically adherent cells) by applying a cell suspension to a
plate or to a well coated with the antigen. B-cells, expressing membrane-bound
immunoglobulin specific for the antigen, will bind to the plate, and are not rinsed
away with the rest of the suspension. Resulting B-cells, or all dissociated spleen
cells, can then be fused with myeloma cells (e.g., X63-Ag8.653 and those from the
Salk institute, Cell Distribution Center, San Diego, CA). Polyethylene glycol
(PEG) may be used to fuse spleen or lymphocytes with myeloma cells to form a
hybridoma. The hybridoma is then cultured in a selective medium (e.g.,
hypoxanthine, aminopterin, thymidine medium, otherwise known as "HAT
medium"). The resulting hybridomas are then plated by limiting dilution, and
are assayed for the production of antibodies that bind specifically to the
immunogen (e.g., surface of the human fetal kidney cells, surface of cancer cell
lines, Ag-KID24, etc.) using FACS or immunohistochemistry (IHC screening).
The selected monoclonal antibody-secreting hybridomas are then cultured either
in vitro (e.g., in tissue culture bottles or hollow fiber reactors), or in vivo (e.g., as

ascites in mice). Example 3 provides farmer details about the methods utilized
to obtain and screen an anti-KrD24 antibody.
[085| As another alternative to the cell fusion technique, EBV immortalized B
cells may be used to produce monoclonal antibodies of the subject invention.
The hybridomas are expanded and subcloned, if desired, and supernatants are
assayed for anti-immunogen activity by conventional assay procedures {e.g.,
FACS, IHC, radioimmunoassay, enzyme immunoassay, fluorescence
immunoassay, etc.).
[086] In another alternative, monoclonal antibody anti-KID24 and any other
equivalent antibodies can be sequenced and produced recombinantly by any
means known in the art {e.g., humanization, use of transgenic mice to produce
fully human antibodies, phage display technology, etc.). In one embodiment,
anti-KID24 monoclonal antibody is sequenced and .the polynucleotide sequence
is then cloned into a vector for expression or propagation.. The sequence
encoding the antibody of interest may be maintained in'a vector in a host cell
and the host cell can then be expanded and frozen for future use.
[087] The polynucleotide sequence of monoclonal antibody anti-KID24 and any
other equivalent antibodies may be used for genetic manipulation to generate a
"'humanized" antibody, to improve the affinity, or other characteristics of the
antibody. The general principle in humanizing an antibody involves retaining
the basic sequence of the antigen-binding portion of the antibody, while
swapping the non-human remainder of the antibody with human antibody
sequences. There are four general steps to humanize a monoclonal antibody.
These are: (1) determining the nucleotide and predicted amino acid sequence of
the starting antibody light and heavy variable domains (2) designing the
humanized antibody, i.e., deciding which antibody framework region to use
during the humanizing process (3) the actual humanizing
methodologies/techniques and (4) the transfection and expression of the
humanized antibody. See, for example, U.S. Patent Nos. 4,816,567; 5,807,715;
5,866,692; and 6,331,415.
[088] A number of "humanized" antibody molecules comprising an antigen-
binding site derived from a non-human immunoglobulin have been described,

including chimeric antibodies having rodent or modified rodent V regions and
their associated complementarity determining regions (CDRs) fused to human
constant domains. See, for example, Winter et al. Nature 349:293-299 (1991),
Lobuglio et al. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA 86:4220-4224 (1989), Shaw et al. /
Immunol. 138:4534-4538 (1987), and Brown etal. Cancer Res. 47:3577-3583 (1987).
Other references describe rodent CDRs grafted into a human supporting
framework region (FR) prior to fusion with an appropriate human antibody
constant domain. See, for example, Riechmarm et al. Nature 332:323-327 (1988),
Verhoeyen et al. Science 239:1534-1536 (1988), and Jones et al. Nature 321:522-525
(1986). Another reference describes rodent CDRs supported by recombinantly
veneered rodent framework regions. See, for example, European Patent
Publication No. 519,596. These "humanized" molecules are designed to minimize
unwanted immunological response toward rodent anti-human antibody
molecules, which limits the duration and effectiveness of therapeutic'applications
of those moieties in human recipients. Other methods of humanizing antibodies
that may also be utilized are disclosed by Daugherty et al., Nucl. Acids Res.,
19:2471-2476 (1991) and in U.S. Patent Nos. 6,180,377; 6,054,297; 5,997,867; and .
[089] The invention also encompasses single chain variable region fragments
("scFv") of antibodies of this invention, such as mu-anti-KTD24. Single chain
variable region fragments are made by linking light and/or heavy chain variable
regions by using a short linking peptide. Bird et al. (1988) Science 242: 423-426
describes example of linking peptides which bridge approximately 3.5 ran
between the carboxy terminus of one variable region and the amino terminus of
the other variable region. Linkers of other sequences have been designed and
used, Bird et al. (1988). Linkers can in turn be modified for additional functions,
such as attachment of drugs or attachment to solid supports. The single chain
variants can be produced either recombinantly or synthetically. For synthetic
production of scFv, an automated synthesizer can be used. For recombinant
production of scFv, a suitable plasmid containing polynucleotide that encodes the
scFv can be introduced into a suitable host cell, either eukaryotic, such as yeast,
plant, insect or mammalian cells, or prokaryotic, such as E. coli. Polynucleotides

encoding the scFv of interest can be made by routine manipulations such as
ligation of polynucleotides. The resultant scFv can be isolated using standard
protein purification techniques known in the art.
[0901 The invention includes modifications to KID24 agonists, antagonists,
modulators and antibodies, including functionally equivalent antibodies and
polypeptides that do not significantly affect their properties and variants that
have enhanced or decreased activity. Modification of polypeptides is routine
practice in the art and need not be described in detail herein. Examples of
modified polypeptides include polypeptides with conservative substitutions of
amino acid residues, one or more deletions or additions of amino acids which do
not significantly deleteriously change the functional activity, or use of chemical
analogs. Amino acid residues which can be conservatively substituted for one
another include but are not limited to: glycine/alanine;
valine/isoleucine/leucine; asparagine/glutamine; aspartic acid/glutamic acid;
:. serine/threonine; lysine/arginine; and phenylalanine/•tryos'ine. These •- • polypeptides also include glycosylated and nonglycosylated polypeptides, as well
as polypeptides with other post-translational modifications, such as, for example,
glycosylation with different sugars, acetylation, and phosphorylation.
Preferably, the amino acid substitutions would be conservative, i.e., die
substituted amino acid would possess similar chemical properties as that of the
original amino acid. Such conservative substitutions are known in the art, and
examples have been provided above. Amino acid modifications can range from
changing or modifying one or more amino acids to complete redesign of a
region, such as the variable region. Changes in the variable region can alter
binding affinity and /or specificity. Other methods of modification include using
coupling techniques known in the art, including, but not limited to, enzymatic
means, oxidative substitution and chelation. Modifications can be used, for
example, for attachment of labels for immunoassay, such as the attachment of
radioactive moieties for radioimmunoassay. Modified polypeptides are made
using established procedures in the art and can be screened using standard
assays known in the art.

[091] The invention also encompasses fusion proteins comprising one or more
fragments or regions from the polypeptides and antibodies of this invention. En
one embodiment a fusion polypeptide is provided that comprises at least 10
contiguous amino acids of variable light chain region and at least 10 amino acids
of variable heavy chain region. En another embodiment, the fusion polypeptide
contains a heterologous immunoglobulin constant region. In another
embodiment, the fusion polypeptide contains a light chain variable region and a
heavy chain variable region of an antibody produced from a hybridoma
deposited with the ATCC as described herein. For purposes of this invention, an
antibody fusion protein contains one or more anti-KID24 polypeptides and
another amino acid sequence to which it is not attached in the native molecule,
for example, a heterologous sequence or a homologous sequence from another
i [092] An anti-KID24 polypeptide, and other KID24 agonists, antagonists and- .: '
modulators can be created by methods known in the art, for example; ' J
synthetically or recombinantly. One method of producing KID24 peptide
agonists, antagonists and modulators involves chemical synthesis of the
polypeptide, followed by treatment under oxidizing conditions appropriate to
obtain the native conformation, that is, the correct disulfide bond linkages. This
can be accomplished using methodologies well known to those skilled in the art
(see Kelley, R. F. & Winkler, M. E. in Genetic Engineering Principles and
Methods, Setlow, J. K., ed., Plenum Press, N.Y., vol. 12, pp 1-19 (1990); Stewart, J.
M. & Young, J. D. Solid Phase Peptide Synthesis Pierce Chemical Co. Rockford,
111. (1984); see also U.S. Pat. Nos. 4,105,603; 3,972,859; 3,842,067; and 3,862,925).
[093] Polypeptides of the invention may be conveniently prepared using solid
phase peptide synthesis (Merrifield, J. Am. Chem. Soc, 85:2149 (1964); Houghten,
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 82:5132 (1985)).
[094] In yet another alternative, fully human antibodies may be obtained by
using commercially available mice that have been engineered to express specific
human immunoglobulin proteins. Transgenic animals that are designed to
produce a more desirable (e.g., fully human antibodies) or more robust immune
response may also be used for generation of humanized or human antibodies.

Examples of such technology are Xenomouse ™ from Abgenix, Inc. (Fremont,
CA) and HuMAb-Mouse® and TC Mouse™ from Medarex, Inc. (Princeton, NJ).
[095] In an alternative, antibodies may be made recombinantly and expressed
using any method known in the art. Antibodies may be made recombinantly by
first isolating the antibodies made from host animals, obtaining the gene
sequence, and using the gene sequence to express the antibody recombinantly in
host cells (e.g., CHO cells). Another method that may be employed is to express
the antibody sequence in plants (e.g., tobacco) or transgenic milk. Methods for
expressing antibodies recombinantly in plants or milk have been disclosed. See,
for example, Peeters, et al. (2001) Vaccine 19:2756; Lonberg, N. and D. Huszar
(1995) Int.Rev..Immunol 13:65; and Pollock, et al.(1999) / Immunol Methods 231:147.
Methods for making derivatives of antibodies, e.g., humanized, single chain, etc.
are known .in the art. In another alternative, antibodies may be made
..recombinantly by phage display technology. See, for example, U.S. Patent Nos.i ■ :, 5,565,332; 5,580,717; 5,733,743; 6,265,150; and Winter et al., Annu. Rev. Immunol. .■
12:433-455 (1994).
[096] The antibodies or protein of interest may be subjected to sequencing by
Edman degradation, which is well known to those of skill in the art. The peptide
information generated from mass spectrometry or Edman degradation can be
used to design probes or primers that are used to clone the protein of interest.
[097] An alternative method of cloning the protein of interest is by "panning"
using purified KID24 or portions thereof for cells expressing the antibody or
protein of interest. The "panning" procedure is conducted by obtaining a cDNA
library from tissues or cells that express the antibody or protein of interest, over-
expressing the cDNAs in a second cell type, and screening the transfected cells of
the second cell type for a specific binding to KID24. Detailed descriptions of the
methods used in cloning mammalian genes coding for cell surface proteins by
"panning" can be found in the art. See, for example, Aruffo, A. and Seed, B. Proc.
Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 84,8573-8577 (1987) and Stephan, J. et al, Endocrinology 140:
5841-5854 (1999).
[098] cDNAs encoding anti-KID24 antibodies, and other KID24 peptide
agonists, antagonists and modulators can be obtained by reverse transcribing

the mRNAs from a particular cell type according to standard methods in the art.
Specifically, mRNA can be isolated using various lytic enzymes or chemical
solutions according to the procedures set forth in Sambrook, et al. supra or
extracted by commercially available nucleic-acid-binding resins following the
accompanying instructions provided by manufacturers (e.g., Qiagen, Invitrogen,
Promega). The synthesized cDNAs are then introduced into an expression
vector to produce the antibody or protein of interest in cells of a second type. It
is implied that an expression vector must be replicable in the host cells either as
episomes or as an integral part of the chromosomal DNA. Suitable expression
vectors include but are not limited to plasmids, viral vectors, including
adenoviruses, adeno-associated viruses, retroviruses, and cosmids.
(099] The vectors containing the polynucleotides of interest can be introduced
into the host cell by any of a number of appropriate means, including
electroporation; transfection employing calcium chloride, rubidium chloride,
calcium phosphate, DEAE-dextran, or other substances; microprojectile
bombardment; lipofection; and infection (e.g., where the vector is an infectious
agent such as vaccinia virus). The choice of introducing vectors or
polynucleotides will often depend on features of the host cell.
[OiOOj Any host ceils capable of over-expressing heterologous DNAs can be used
for the purpose of isolating the genes encoding the antibody, polypeptide or
protein of interest. Non-limiting examples of mammalian host cells include but
not limited to COS, HeLa, and CHO cells. Preferably, the host cells express the
cDNAs at a level of about 5 fold higher, more preferably 10 fold higher, even
more preferably 20 fold higher than that of the corresponding endogenous
antibody or protein of interest, if present, in the host cells. Screening the host
cells for a specific binding to KID24 is effected by an immunoassay or FACS. A
cell over-expressing the antibody or protein of interest can be identified.
[0101] Various techniques are also available which may now be employed to
produce mutant KID24 peptide agonists, antagonists, and modulators which
encodes for additions, deletions, or changes in amino acid sequence of the
resultant protein relative to the parent KID24 peptide agonist, antagonist or
modulator molecule.

(0102] The invention includes polypeptides comprising an amino acid sequence
of the antibodies of this invention. The polypeptides of this invention can be
made by procedures known in the art. The polypeptides can be produced by
proteolytic or other degradation of the antibodies, by recombinant methods (i.e.,
single or fusion polypeptides) as described above or by chemical synthesis.
Polypeptides of the antibodies, especially shorter polypeptides up to about 50
amino acids, are conveniently made by chemical synthesis. Methods of chemical
synthesis are known in the art and are commercially available. For example, an
anti-KID24 polypeptide could be produced by an automated polypeptide
synthesizer employing the solid phase method.
IV. Methods for screening polypeptides and monoclonal antibodies
[0103] Several methods may be used to screen polypeptides and monoclonal
antibodies that bind toKID24. It is understood that "binding" refers to
biologically or immunologically relevant binding, i.e., binding which is specific
for the unique antigen for which the immunoglobulin molecule is encoded,or to
which the polypeptide is directed. It does not refer to non-specific binding that
may occur when an immunoglobulin is used at a very high concentration against
a non-specific target. In one embodiment, monoclonal antibodies are screened
for binding to KID24 using standard screening techniques. In this manner, anti-
KID24 monoclonal antibody was obtained. In accordance with the Budapest
Treaty, a hybridoma which produces anti-KID24 monoclonal antibodies has been
deposited in the American Type Culture Collection (ATCC) 10801 University
Blvd., Manassas VA 20110-2209 on May 2,2003 with a Patent Deposit
Designation of PTA# 5174.
[0104J Monoclonal antibodies that bind to KTD24 are screened for binding to
cancerous tissues and non-cancerous cells. In one embodiment, monoclonal
antibodies which bind to KID24 and that are also cross reactive to human
cancerous cells or tissues, but not to normal cells or tissues to the same degree,
are selected. One method that may be employed for screening is
immunohistochemistry (IHC). Standard immunohistochemical techniques are
known to those of average skill in the art. See, for example, Animal Cell Culture

Methods (J.P. Mather and D. Barnes, eds., Academic Press, Vol. 57, Ch. 18 and 19,
pp. 314-350,1998). Biological samples (e.g., tissues) may be obtained from
biopsies, autopsies, or necropsies. To ascertain if KID24 is present only on
cancerous cells, anti-KID24 antibodies may be used to detect the presence of
KID24 on tissues from individuals with cancer while other non-cancerous tissues
from the individual suffering from cancer or tissues from individuals without
cancer are used as a control. The tissue can be embedded in a solid or semi-solid
substance that prevents damage during freezing (e.g., agarose gel or OCT) and
then sectioned for staining. Cancers from different organs and at different
grades can be used to screen monoclonal antibodies. Examples of tissues that
may be used for screening purposes include but are not limited to ovary, breast,
lung, prostate, colon, kidney, skin, thyroid, brain, heart, liver, stomach, nerve,
blood vessels, bone, upper digestive tract, and pancreas. Examples of different
cancer types that may be used.for screening purposes include but are not limited
to carcinomas, adenocarcinomas, sarcomas, adenosarcomas, lymphomas, and
leukemias. .;
[0105J In. yet another alternative, cancerous cells lines such as BT474 (ATCC #
HTB-20), MCF7 (ATCC# HTB-22), ES-2 (ATCC# CRL-1978), SKOV3 (ATCC #
HTB-77), SKMES-1 (ATCC# HTB-58), CA130 (Raven proprietary lung
adenocarcinoma cell line), CaLu3 (ATCC# HTB-55), 9926 (Raven proprietary
pancreas adenocarcinoma cell line, AsPC-1 (ATCC# CRL-1682), Hs700T (ATCC#
HTB-147), Colo205 (ATCC# CCL-222), HT-29 (HTB-38), Cos7 (ATCC# CRL-
1651), RL-65 (ATCC# CRL-10345), A204 (ATCC# HTB-82), G292 (ATCC# CRL-
1423), HT1080 (ATCC# CCL-121), MG63 (ATCC# CRL-1427), RD (ATCC# CCL-
136), RD-ES (ATCC# HTB-166), SKES-1 (ATCC# HTB-86), SKLMS-1 (ATCC#
HTB-88), SKUT-1 (ATCC# HTB-114), SW684 (ATCCfr HTB-91), SW872 (ATCCtf
HTB-92), 786-0 (ATCC# CRL-1932), A498 (ATCC# ITTB-44), Caki-2 (ATCC#
HTB-47), 22RV1 (ATCC# CRL-2505), DU145 (ATCC# HTB-81), LNCaP (ATCC#
CRL-1740), HMEC (BioWhittaker CC-2251), HuVEC (Primary endothelial cells),
MDA-MB-175-VII (ATCC# HB-25), MDA-MB-361 (ATCC# HB-27), SK-BR-3
(ATTC# HTB-30), 9979 (Raven proprietary lung cancer cell line), A549 (ATCC#
CCL-185), SW480 (ATCC# CCL-228), SW948 (ATCC# CCL-237), 293 (ATCC#

CRL-1573), PC3 (ATCC# CRL-1435), TDH-1 (Raven proprietary prostate cancer
cell line), Hs746T (ATCCtf HTB-135), NCI-N87 (ATCC# CRL-5822) and normal
cells from their respective tissues may be used to screen for monoclonal
antibodies which are specific for cancerous tissue. Primary, or low passage, cell
cultures derived from normal tissues from different organs, including but not
limited to, kidney, ovary, breast, lung, prostate, colon, kidney, skin, thyroid,
aortic smooth muscle, and endothelial cells can be used as negative controls. The
cancerous or non-cancerous cells can be grown on glass slides or coverslips, or
on plastic surfaces, or prepared in a CeilArray™, as described in WO 01/43869,
and screened for the binding of antibody using IHC as described above for
tissues. Alternatively, cells may be removed from the growth surface using non-
proteolytic means and spun into a pellet, which is then embedded and treated as
tissues for IHC analysis as described above. Cells may be inoculated into
immunodeficient animals, a tumor allowed to grow; and then this tumor may be
harvested, embedded, and used as a tissue source for IHC analysis. In another
alternative, single cells may be screened by incubating with the primary
antibody, a secondary "reporter" antibody linked to a fluorescent molecule and
then analyzed using a fluorescent activated cell-sorting (FACS) machine. In yet
another alternative, live cell ELISAs can be used to screen for antibodies mat are
specific for cancer cell lines (such as the ones listed above) and normal cells from
their respective tissues. Cells may be plated onto 96-well plates and then grown
to confluency. The growth medium is then removed and the cells are blocked
with blocking buffer. Primary antibodies may be added and then the plates
washed and secondary antibodies added and the plates may be developed by
adding a substrate and color change can be detected using a plate reader.
10106} Several different detection systems may be utilized to detect binding of
antibodies to tissue section. Typically, immunohistochemistry involves the
binding of a primary antibody to the tissue and then a secondary antibody
reactive against the species from the primary antibody was generated and
conjugated to a detectable marker {e.g., horseradish peroxidase, HRP, or
diaminobenzedine, DAB). One alternative method that may be used is
polyclonal mirror image complementary antibodies or polyMICA. PolyMICA

(polyclonal Mirror Image Complementary Antibodies) technique, described by
D.C. Mangham and P.G. Isaacson {Histopathologij (1999) 35(2):129-33)/ can be used
to test binding of primary antibodies {e.g., anti-KID24 antibodies) to normal and
cancerous tissue. Several kinds of polyMICA™ Detection kits are commercially
available from The Binding Site Limited (P.O. Box 4073 Birmingham B29 6AT
England). Product No. HK004.D is a polyMICA™ Detection kit which uses DAB
chromagen. Product No. HK004.A is a polyMICA™ Detection kit which uses
AEC chromagen. Alternatively, the primary antibody may be direcdy labeled
with the detectable marker.
[0107] The first step in IHC screening to select for an appropriate antibody is the
binding of primary antibodies raised in mice (e.g., anti-KID24 antibodies) to one
or more immunogens (e.g., cells or tissue samples). In one embodiment, the
tissue_sample is sections of frozen tissue from different organs. The cells or
tissue samples can be either cancerous or non-cancerous. ;
[0108] Frozen tissues can be prepared, sectioned, with or without fixation, and
IHC performed by any of a number of methods known to one familiar with the
art. See, for example, Stephan et al. Dev. Biol. 212: 264-277 (1999), and Stephan et
al. Endocrinology 140: 5841-54 (1999).
V. Methods of characterizing anti-KlD24 antibodies
[0109] Several methods can be used to characterize anti-KID24 antibodies. One
method is to identify the epitope to which it binds. Epitope mapping is
commercially available from various sources, for example, Pepscan Systems
(Edelhertweg 15,8219 PH Lelystad, The Netherlands). Epitope mapping can be
used to determine the sequence to which an anti-KID24 antibody binds. The
epitope can be a linear epitope, i.e., contained in a single stretch of amino acids,
or a conformational epitope formed by a three-dimensional interaction of amino
acids that may not necessarily be contained in a single stretch. Peptides of
varying lengths {e.g., at least 4-6 arnino acids long) can be isolated or synthesized
(e.g., recombinantly) and used for binding assays with anti-KID24 antibody. The
epitope to which anti-KID24 antibody binds can be determined in a systematic

screening by using overlapping peptides derived from the extracellular sequence
and determining binding by anti-KID24 antibody.
[0110] Yet another method that can be used to characterize an anti-KID24
antibody is to use competition assays with other antibodies known to bind to the
same antigen, i.e., KID24 to determine if anti-KID24 antibodies binds to the same
epitope as other antibodies. Examples of commercially available antibodies to
KID24 may be available and may be identified using the binding assays taught
herein. Competition assays are well known to those of skill in the art, and such
procedures and illustrative data are detailed further in the Examples. Anti-KID24
antibodies can be further characterized by the tissues, type of cancer or type of
tumor to which they bind.
(011 lj Another method of characterizing anti-KID24 antibodies is by the antigen
to which it binds. Anti-KID24 antibodies were used in.Western blots with cell
lysates from various human cancers. As is known to one of .skill in-the .art,
■■ Western blotting can involve running cell lysates and/or. cell fractions on a
denaturing or non-denaturing gel, transferring the proteins to nitrocellulose
paper, and then probing the blot with an antibody (e.g., anti-KID24 antibody) to
see which proteins are bound by the antibody. This procedure is detailed further
in Example 4. K1D24 is associated with various human cancers of different tissues
including but not limited to colon, breast, ovary, pancreas and lung. Further
description of KID24 is given in Example 6 and 7.
VI. Methods of diagnosing cancer using anti-KIDli antibodies and KID24 modulators
[0112J Monoclonal antibodies to KID24 made by the methods disclosed herein
may be used to identify the presence or absence of cancerous cells in a variety of
tissues, including but not limited to, ovary, breast, lung, prostate, colon, kidney,
pancreas, skin, thyroid, brain, heart, liver, stomach, nerve, blood vessels, bone,
and upper digestive tract, for purposes of diagnosis. Monoclonal antibodies to
KID24 made by the methods disclosed herein may also be used to identify the
presence or absence of cancerous cells, or the level thereof, which are circulating
in blood after their release from a solid tumor. Such circulating antigen may be
an intact KID24 antigen, or a fragment thereof that retains the ability to be

detected according to the methods taught herein. Such detection may be
effected by FACS analysis using standard methods commonly used in the art.
(01131 These uses can involve the formation of a complex between KID24 and an
antibody that binds specifically to KTD24. Examples of such antibodies include
but are not limited to those anti-KTD24 monoclonal antibodies produced by the
hybridoma deposited in the ATCC with the designation PTA# 5174. The
formation of such a complex can be in vitro or in vivo. Without being bound by
theory, monoclonal antibody anti-KID24 can bind to KID24 through the
extracellular domain of KID24 and may then be internalized.
[0114] In a preferred embodiment of the diagnostic methods of this invention,
the antibody bears a detectable label. Examples of labels that may be used
include a radioactive agent or a fluorophore, such as fluoroisothiocyanate or
phycoerythrin. _^._ __.
[0115] As with other known antibodies used commercially for diagnostic and
therapeutic purposes, the target antigen of this invention is broadly expressed in-
normal tissue. It is also up regulated in some tumors. Therefore, the particular ■
dosages and routes of delivery of the antibodies of this invention as used for
diagnostic or therapeutic agents will be tailored to the particular tumor or
disease state at hand, as well as to the particular individual being treated.
[0116] One method of using the antibodies for diagnosis is in vivo tumor imaging
by linking the antibody to a radioactive or radioopaque agent, administering the
antibody to the individual and using an x-ray or other imaging machine to
visualize the localization of the labeled antibody at the surface of cancer cells
expressing the antigen. The antibody is administered at a concentration that
promotes binding at physiological conditions.
[0117] In vitro techniques for detection of KID24 are routine in the art and include
enzyme linked immunosorbent assays (ELISAs), immunoprecipitations,
immunofluorescence, enzyme immunoassay (EIA), radioimmunoassay (RIA),
and Western blot analysis.
[0118J In aspects of this invention, methods of radioimaging of tumours or
neoplasms, or of measuring the effectiveness of a method of treatment with a
radiolabeled antibody, comprising the step of administering a radiolabelled,

tumour-specific antibody to an individual following the practice of this invention.
The radiolabeled antibody may be a monoclonal or polyclonal antibody
comprising a radiolabel, preferably selected from the group consisting of
Technetium-99m, Indium-Ill, Iodine-131, Rhenium-186, Rhenium-188,
Samarium-153, Lutetium-177, Copper-64, Scandium-47, Yttrium-90. Monoclonal
antibodies labelled with therapeutic radionuclides such as Iodine-131, Rhenium-
188, Holmium-166, Samarium-153 and Scandium-47, which do not compromise
the immunoreactivity of antibodies and are not broken down in vivo, are
especially preferred. The person skilled in the art will appreciate that other
radioactive isotopes are known, and may be suitable for specific applications.
The radioimaging may be conducted using Single Photon Emission Computer
Tomography (SPECT), Position Emmission Tomography (PET), Computer
Tomography (CT) or Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MR1). Correlative imaging,
• whichpermits greater anatomical definition of location of metastases located by ■•'.. ' •
radioimmunoimaging, is also contemplated.
[0119] In other methods, the cancerous cells are removed and the tissue
prepared for immunohistochemistry by methods well known in the art (e.g.,
embedding in a freezing compound, freezing and sectioning, with or without
fixation; fixation and paraffin embedding with or without various methods of
antigen retrieval and counterstaining). The monoclonal antibodies may also be
used to identify cancerous cells at different stages of development. The
antibodies may also be used to determine which individuals' tumors express the
antigen on their surface at a pre-determined level and are thus candidates for
immunotherapy using antibodies directed against said antigen. The antibodies
may recognize both primary and metastasizing cancers of the kidney, ovary,
prostate and pancreas and primary cancers of the lung that express KID24. As
used herein, detection may include qualitative and/or quantitative detection and
may include comparing the level measured to a normal cell for an increased level
of expression of KID24 in cancerous cells.
[0120] The invention also provides methods of aiding diagnosis of cancer (such
as pancreatic, colon, lung, or prostate cancer) in an individual using any antibody
that binds to KID24 and any other methods that can be used determine the level

of KID24 expression. As used herein, methods for "aiding diagnosis" means that
these methods assist in making a clinical determination regarding the
classification, or nature, of cancer, and may or may not be conclusive with
respect to the definitive diagnosis. Accordingly, a method of aiding diagnosis of
cancer can comprise the step of detecting the level of KID24 in a biological
sample from the individual and/or determining the level of KID24 expression in
the sample. Antibodies recognizing the antigen or a portion thereof may also be
used to create diagnostic immunoassays for detecting antigen released or
secreted from living or dying cancer cells in bodily fluids, including but not
limited to, blood, saliva, urine, pulmonary fluid, or ascites fluid,
10121] Not all cells in a particular tumor of interest will express KID24, and
cancerous cells in other tissues may express KID24, thus an individual should be
screened for the presence or absence of KID24 orrcancerous cells to determine
the usefulness of immunotherapy in the individual. The anti-KID24 antibodies
made by the methods disclosed herein may be used to determine whether an
individual diagnosed with cancer may be deemed a candidate for
immunotherapy using antibodies directed against KID24. In one embodiment, a
cancerous tumor or a biopsy sample may be tested for expression of KID24,
using antibodies directed against KID24. individuals with cancer cells that
express KID24 are suitable candidates for immunotherapy using antibodies
directed against KID24. Staining with anti-KID24 antibody may also be used to
distinguish cancerous tissues from normal tissues.
[0122J Methods of using anti-KID24 antibodies for diagnostic purposes are useful
both before and after any form of anti-cancer treatment, e.g., chemotherapy or
radiation therapy, to determine which tumors are most likely to respond to a
given treatment, prognosis for individual with cancer, tumor subtype or origin
of metastatic disease, and progression of the disease or response to treatment.
[0123J The compositions of this invention are also suitable for diagnosis of
disease states other man cancer, using the methods generally described above in
application with other diseased (non-cancerous) cells. Disease states suitable for
use in the methods of this invention include, but are not limited to, diseases or
disorders associated with inflammatory or autoimmune responses in individuals.

The methods described above may be used for modulating inflammatory or
autoimmune responses in individuals. Diseases and conditions resulting from
inflammation and autoimmune disorders that may be subject to diagnosis
and /or treatment using the compositions and methods of the invention include,
by way of illustration and not of limitation, multiple sclerosis, meningitis,
encephalitis, stroke, other cerebral traumas, inflammatory bowel disease
including ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease, myasthenia gravis, lupus,
rheumatoid arthritis, asthma, acute juvenile onset diabetes, AIDS dementia,
atherosclerosis, nephritis, retinitis, atopic dermatitis, psoriasis, myocardial
ischemia and acute leukocyte-mediated lung injury.
[0124J Still other indications for diagnostic and/or therapeutic use of antibodies
and other therapeutic agents of the invention include administration to
individuals at risk of organ or graft rejection. Over recent years there has been a
considerable improvement in the efficiency of surgical techniques for
transplanting tissues and organs such as. skin, kidney, liver, heart, lung, pancreas
and bone marrow. Perhaps the principal outstanding problem is the lack of
satisfactory agents for inducing immunotolerance in the recipient to the
transplanted allograft or organ. When allogeneic cells or organs are transplanted
into a host (i.e., the donor and donee are different individuals from the same
species), the host immune system is likely to mount an immune response to
foreign antigens in the transplant (host-versus-graft disease) leading to
destruction of the transplanted tissue.
[0125] Uses described anywhere in this application that recite their use for anti-
KID24 antibodies also encompass the use of other KID24 agonists, antagonists
and modulators as described herein. In such embodiments, the KID24 agonists,
antagonist or other non-antibody modulator is substituted for the KID24
antibody in the steps described, and alterations within the scope of the ordinarily
skilled practitioner are made to tailor the method to the substituted KID24
modulatory composition.
VII. Compositions of this invention

[0126] This invention also encompasses compositions, including pharmaceutical
compositions, comprising anti-KID24 antibodies, polypeptides derived from anti-
KID24 antibodies, polynucleotides comprising sequence encoding anti-KID24
antibodies, and other agents as described herein. As used herein, compositions
further comprises one or more antibodies, polypeptides and/or proteins that
bind to KID24, KID24 agonists, antagonists, modulators, and/or one or more
polynucleotides comprising sequences encoding one or more antibodies,
polypeptides and proteins that bind to KID24.
[0127J The invention further provides for conjugates of any KID24 peptide
agonist, antagonist or modulator, and additional chemical structures that support
the intended function or functions of the particular KID24 peptide agonist,
antagonist or modulator. These conjugates include KID24 peptide agonist,
antagonist or modulator covalently bound to a jmacromolecule such as any
insoluble, solid support matrix used in the diagnostic, screening or purification
procedures discussed herein. Suitable matrix materials include any substance
that is chemically inert, has high porosity and has large numbers of functional
groups capable of forming covalent linkages with peptide Iigands. Examples of
matrix materials and procedures for preparation of-matrix-ligand conjugates are
described in Dean et al. (eds) Affinity Chromatography: A Practical Approach,
IRL Press (1985); Lowe, "An Introduction to Affinity Chromatography", in Work
et al. (eds) Laboratory Techniques in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Vol. 7,
Part II, North-Holland (1979); Porath et al., "Biospecific Affinity
Chromatography", in Neurath et al. (eds), The Proteins, 3rd ed., Vol. 1, pp. 95-
178 (1975); and Schott, Affinity Chromatography, Dekker (1984).
[01281 Also provided herein are conjugates of KID24 peptide agonist, antagonist
or modulator and any reporter moiety used in the diagnostic procedures
discussed herein.
[0129] The KID24 peptide agonist, antagonist or modulator agents, polypeptides
and proteins of this invention, including anti-KID24 antibodies, are further
identified and characterized by any (one or more) of the following criteria: (a)
ability to bind to KID24 (including KID24 on cancer cells, including but not
limited to pancreatic, colon, lung or prostate cancer cells); (b) ability to

competitively inhibits preferential binding of a known anti-B3D24 antibody to
KID24, including the ability to preferentially bind to the same KID24 epitope to
which the original antibody preferentially binds; (c) ability to bind to a portion
of KID24 that is exposed on the surface of a living cell in vitro or in vivo; (d) ability
to bind to a portion of KID24 that is exposed on the surface of living cancer cells,
such as but not limited to ovarian, prostate, pancreatic, lung, colon, or breast
cancer cells; (e) ability to deliver a chemotherapeutic agent or detectable marker
to cancerous cells (such as but not limited to ovarian, prostate, pancreatic, lung,
colon, or breast cancer cells) expressing KID24; (f) ability to deliver a therapeutic
agent into cancerous cells (such as but not limited to lung cancer cells) expressing
[0130] In some embodiments, the antibody of the invention is an antibody that is
produced by a host cell with a deposit number of_ATCC No. PTA# 5174, or
progeny thereof. The present invention.also encompasses various formulations
of antibodies produced by these deposited hybridomas andequivalent
antibodies or polypeptide fragments {e.g., Fab, Fab', F(ab')2, Fv, Fc, etc.), chimeric
antibodies, single chain (ScFv), mutants thereof, fusion proteins comprising an
antibody portion, humanized antibodies, and any other modified configuration
of any of these or equivalent antibodies that comprises an antigen (KID24),
recognition site of the required specificity. The invention also provides human
antibodies displaying one or more of the biological characteristics of an anti-
KID24 family member. The equivalent antibodies of the anti-KID24 family
(including humanized antibodies and human antibodies), polypeptide fragments,
and polypeptides comprising any of these fragments are identified and
characterized by any (one or more) of the five criteria described above.
[0131] In some embodiments, the antibodies, polypeptides and proteins of the
invention that bind to KID24 are antibodies, polypeptides and proteins that
competitively inhibit preferential binding of a herein-specified anti-KID24
antibody to KID24. In some embodiments, the antibodies, the polypeptides and
the proteins preferentially bind to the same epitope on KID24 as the antibody
mu-anti-KID24 preferentially binds.

[0132| Accordingly, the invention provides any of the following (or
compositions, including pharmaceutical compositions, comprising any of the
following): (a) an antibody produced by the host cell with a deposit number
identified above or its progeny; (b) a humanized form of such an antibody; (c) an
antibody comprising one or more of the light chain and/or heavy chain variable
regions of such an antibody; (d) a chimeric antibody comprising variable regions
homologous or derived from variable regions of a heavy chain and a light chain
of such an antibody, and constant regions homologous or derived from constant
regions of a heavy chain and a light chain of a human antibody; (e) an antibody
comprising one or more of the light chain and /or heavy chain CDRs (at least
one, two, three, four, five, or six) of such an antibody; (f) an antibody comprising
a heavy and /or a light chain of such an antibody; (g) a human antibody that is
equivalent to such an antibody. A humanized form of the antibody may or may
not have CDRs identical to that original antibody, orantibody produced by a
host cell with a deposit number identified above. Determination of GDR regions
is well within the skill of the art. In some embodiments, the- invention provides
an antibody which comprises at least one CDR that is substantially homologous
to at least one CDP-, at least two, at least three, at least four, at least 5 CDRs of an
antibody produced by one of the above-identified deposited hybridomas (or, in
some embodiments substantially homologous to all 6 CDRs of one of these
antibodies, or derived from one of these antibodies), or antibody produced by
the host cell with a deposit number identified above. Other embodiments
include antibodies that have at least two, three, four, five, or six CDR(s) that are
substantially homologous to at least two, three, four, five or six CDRs of an
antibody produced from a hybridoma deposited as identified herein, or derived
from such an antibody. It is understood that, for purposes of this invention,
binding specificity and/or overall activity (which may be in terms of delivering a
chemotherapeutic agent to or into cancerous cells to reduce the growth and / or
proliferation of cancer cells, to induce apoptotic cell death in the cancer cell, to
delay the development of metastasis, and/or treating palliatively) is generally
retained, although the extent of activity may vary compared to an antibody-
produced by a deposited hybridoma (may be greater or lesser). The invention

also provides methods of making any of these antibodies. Methods of making
antibodies are known in the art and are described herein.
[0133] The invention also provides polypeptides comprising an amino acid
sequence of the antibodies of the invention. In some embodiments, the
polypeptide comprises one or more of the light chain and/or heavy chain
variable regions of the antibody. In some embodiments, the polypeptide
comprises one or more of the light chain and/or heavy chain CDRs of the
antibody. In some embodiments, the polypeptide comprises three CDRs of the
light chain and/or heavy chain of the antibody. In some embodiments, the
polypeptide comprises an amino acid sequence of the antibody that has any of
the following: at least 5 contiguous amino acids of a sequence of the original
antibody, at least 8 contiguous amino acids, at least about 10 contiguous amino
acids, at least about 15 contiguous amino acids, at-least about 20 contiguous
, amino acids, at least about 25 contiguous amino acids, at least about 30.-'
'Contiguous amino acids, wherein at least 3 of the amino acids are from a variable
region of the antibody. In one embodiment, the variable region is from a light
chain of the original antibody. In another embodiment, the variable region is
from a heavy chain of the antibody. In another embodiment, the 5 (or more)
contiguous amino acids are from a complementarity-determining region (CDR)
of the antibody.
(0134] In some embodiments of this invention, cells of this invention that express
KID24, a portion of KID24, anti-KID24 antibodies or other KID24-binding
polypeptides of this invention are administered directly to an individual to
modulate that individual's endogenous in vivo KID24 biological activity.
VIII. Methods of using KID24 modulators and anti-KID24: antibodies for therapeutic
[01351 Monoclonal antibodies to KID24 may be used for therapeutic purposes in
individuals with cancer or other diseases. Therapy with anti-KID24 antibodies
can involve formation of complexes both in vitro and in vivo as described above.
In one embodiment, monoclonal antibody anti-KID24 can bind to and reduce the
proliferation of cancerous cells. It is understood that the antibody is

administered at a concentration that promotes binding at physiological {e.g., in
vivo) conditions. In another embodiment, monoclonal antibodies to KID24 can
be used for immunotherapy directed at cancerous cells of different tissues such
as pancreas, colon, lung or prostate and other types of cancer such as sarcoma.
In another embodiment, monoclonal antibody anti-KID24 alone can bind to and
reduce cell division in the cancer cell. In another embodiment, monoclonal
antibody anti-KID24 can bind to cancerous cells and delay the development of
metastasis. In yet another embodiment, an individual with cancer is given
palliative treatment with anti-KID24 antibody. Palliative treatment of a cancer
individual involves treating or lessening the adverse symptoms of the disease, or
iatrogenic symptoms resulting from other treatments given for the disease
without directly affecting the cancer progression. This includes treatments for
easing of pain, nutritional support, sexual problems, psychological distress,
depression, fatigue, psychiatric disorders, nausea, vomiting, etc.
[0136| In such situations, the anti-KID24 antibody may be administered: with
agents that enhance or direct an individual's own immune response, such as an :;
agent that strengthens antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity (ADCC).
[0137] In other embodiments, at least one fucose residue present in an anti-
KID24 antibody is removed from the oligosaccharides of that antibody, a
modification to enhance ADCC. In similar embodiments, fucose residues
present in an anti-KID24 antibody are modified to alter their composition to the
extent required to enhance ADCC compared to the original, unmodified
[0138] In yet another embodiment, anti-KID24 antibody be conjugated to or
associated with a radioactive molecule, toxin {e.g., calicheamicin),
chemotherapeutic molecule, liposomes or other vesicles containing
chemotherapeutic compounds and administered to an individual in need of such
treatment to target these compounds to the cancer cell containing the antigen
recognized by the antibody and thus eliminate cancerous or diseased cells.
Without being limited to any particular theory, the anti-KID24: antibody is
internalized by the cell bearing KID24 at its surface, thus delivering the
conjugated moiety to the cell to induce the therapeutic effect. In yet another

embodiment, the antibody can be employed as adjuvant therapy at the time of
the surgical removal of a cancer expressing the antigen in order to delay the
development of metastasis. The antibody can also be administered before
surgery (neoadjuvant therapy) in an individual with a tumor expressing the
antigen in order to decrease the size of the tumor and thus enable or simplify
surgery, spare tissue during surgery, and/or decrease the resulting
[0139] Cell cycle dosing is contemplated in the practice of this invention, m such
embodiments, a chemotherapeutic agent is used to synchronize the cell cycle of
the tumor or other target diseased cells at a pre-determined stage.
Subsequently, administration of the anti-KID24 antibody of this invention (alone
or with an additional therapeutic moiety) is made. In alternative embodiments,
an anti-KID24 antibody is used to synchronize the-cell cycle and reduce cell
division prior to administration of a second round of treatment; the second
round may be administration of an anti-KID24 antibody and/or an additional
therapeutic moiety.
[0140] Chemotherapeutic agents include radioactive molecules, toxins, also
referred to as cytotoxins or cytotoxic agents, which includes any agent that is
detrimental to the viability of cancerous cells, agents, and liposomes or other.
vesicles containing chemotherapeutic compounds. Examples of suitable
chemotherapeutic agents include but are not limited to 1-dehydrotestosterone, 5-
fluorouracil decarbazine, 6-mercaptopurine, 6-thioguanine, actinomycin D,
adriamycin, aldesleukin, alkylating agents, allopurinol sodium, altretamine,
amifostine, anastrozole, anthramycin (AMC)), anti-mitotic agents, cis-
dichlorodiamine platinum (II) (DDP) cisplatin), diamino dichloro platinum,
anthracyclines, antibiotics, antimetabolites, asparaginase, BCG live (intravesical),
betamethasone sodium phosphate and betamethasone acetate, bicalutamide,
bleomycin sulfate, busulfan, calcium leucouorin, calicheamicin, capecitabine,
carboplatin, Iomustine (CCNU), carmustine (BSNU), Chlorambucil, Cisplatin,
Cladribine, Colchicin, conjugated estrogens, Cyclophosphamide,
Cyclothosphamide, Cytarabine, Cytarabine, cytochalasin B, Cytoxan,
Dacarbazine, Dactinomycin, dactinomycin (formerly actinomycin), daunirubicin

HCL, daunorucbicin citrate, denileukin diftitox, Dexrazoxane, Dibromomannitol,
dihydroxy anthracin dione, Docetaxel, dolasetron mesylate, doxorubicin HCL,
dronabinol, E. coli L-asparaginase, emetine, epoetin alfa, Erwinia L-asparaginase,
esterified estrogens, estradiol, estramustine phosphate sodium, ethidium
bromide, ethinyl estradiol, etidronate, etoposide citrororum factor, etoposide
phosphate, filgrastim, floxuridine, fluconazole, fludarabine phosphate,
fluorouracil, flutamide, foliriic acid, gemcitabine HCL, glucocorticoids, goserelin
acetate, gramicidin D, granisetron HCL, hydroxyurea, idarubicin HCL,
ifosfamide, interferon alfa-2b, irinotecan HCL, letrozole, leucovorin calcium,
leuprolide acetate, levamisole HCL, lidocaine, lomustine, maytansinoid,
mechlorethamine HCL, medroxyprogesterone acetate, megestrol acetate,
melphalan HCL, mercaptipurine, mesna, methotrexate, methyltestosterone,
mithramycin, mitomycin C, mitotane, mitoxantrone, nilutamide, octreotide
acetate, ondansetron HCL, paclitaxel, pamidronate disodium, pentostatin,
pilocarpine HCL, plimycin, polifeprosan 20 with carmustine implant, porfimer
sodium, procaine, procarbazine HCL, propranolol, rituximab, sargramostim,
streptozotocin, tamoxifen, taxol, teniposide, tenoposide, testolactone, tetracaine,
thioe^a chlorambucil, thio^uanine thiotepa, topotecan HCL, toremifene citrate,
trastuzumab, tretinoin, valrubicin, vinblastine sulfate, vincristine sulfate, and
vinorelbine tartrate.
[0141] In a preferred embodiment, the cytotoxin is especially effective in dividing
or rapidly dividing cells, such that non-dividing cells are relatively spared from
the toxic effects.
[0142] The antibodies of the invention can be internalized within the diseased or
carcinoma cells to which they bind and are therefore particularly useful for
therapeutic applications, for example, delivering into the cells toxins that need to
be internalized for their adverse activity. Examples of such toxins include, but
not limited to, saporin, calicheamicin, auristatin, and maytansinoid.
[0143] The antibodies or polypeptides of the invention can be associated
(including conjugated or linked) to a radioactive molecule, a toxin, or other
therapeutic agents, or to liposomes or other vesicles containing therapeutic
agents covalently or non-covalently, directly or indirecdy. The antibody may be

linked to the radioactive molecule, the toxin, or the chemotherapeutic molecule
at any location along the antibody so long as the antibody is able to bind its
target KID24.
[0144] A toxin or a chemotherapeutic agent may be coupled (e.g., covalently
bonded) to a suitable monoclonal antibody either directly or indirectly (e.g., via a
linker group, or, alternatively, via a linking molecule with appropriate
attachment sites, such as a platform molecule as described in U.S. patent
5,552,391). The toxin and chemotherapeutic agent of the present invention can be
coupled directly to the particular targeting proteins using methods known in the
art. For example, a direct reaction between an agent and an antibody is possible
when each possesses a substituent capable of reacting with the other. For
example, a nucleophilic group, such as an amino or sulfhydryl group, on one
may be capable of reacting with a carbonyl-containing. group, such as an
anhydride or an acid halide; or with an alkyl group containing a good leaving
group (e.g., a halide) on the other.
[0145J The antibodies or polypeptides can also be linked to a chemotherapeutic
agent via a microcarrier. Microcarrier refers to a biodegradable or a non-
biodegradable particle which is insoluble in water and which has a size of less
than about 150,120 or 100 mm in size, more commonly less than about 50-60
um, preferably less than about 10, 5, 2.5, 2 or 1.5 um. Microcarriers include
"nanocarriers", which are microcarriers have a size of less than about 1 um,
preferably less than about 500 nm. Such particles are known in the art. Solid
phase microcarriers may be particles formed from biocompatible naturally
occurring polymers, synthetic polymers or synthetic copolymers, which may
include or exclude microcarriers formed from agarose or cross-linked agarose, as
well as other biodegradable materials known in the art. Biodegradable solid
phase microcarriers may be formed from polymers which are degradable (e.g.,
poly(lactic acid), poly(glycolic acid) and copolymers thereof) or erodible (e.g.,
poly(ortho esters such as 3,9-diethylidene-2,4,8,10-tetraoxaspiro[5.5]undecane
(DETOSU) or poly(anhydrides), such as poly(anhydrides) of sebacic acid) under
mammalian physiological conditions. Microcarriers may also be liquid phase
(e.g., oil or lipid based), such liposomes, iscoms (immune-stimulating complexes,

which are stable complexes of cholesterol, and phospholipid, adjuvant-active
saponin) without antigen, or droplets or micelles found in oil-in-water or water-
in-oil emulsions, provided the liquid phase microcarriers are biodegradable.
Biodegradable liquid phase microcarriers typically incorporate a biodegradable
oil, a number of which are known in the art, including squalene and vegetable
oils. Microcarriers are typically spherical in shape, but microcarriers that deviate
from spherical shape are also acceptable (e.g., ellipsoid, rod-shaped, etc.). Due to
their insoluble nature (with respect to water), microcarriers are filterable from
water and water-based (aqueous) solutions.
[0146] The antibody or polypeptide conjugates of the present invention may
include a bifunctional linker that contains both a group capable of coupling to a
toxic agent or chemotherapeutic agent and a group capable of coupling to the
antibody. A linker can function as a spacer to distance an antibody from an
agent in order to avoid interference with binding capabilities. A linker can be
cleavable or non-deavable.-A linker can also serve to increase the chemical
reactivity of a substituent on an agent or an antibody, and thus increase the
coupling efficiency. An increase in chemical reactivity may also facilitate the use
of agents, or functional groups on agents, which otherwise would not be
possible. The bifunctional linker can be coupled to the antibody by means that
are known in the art. For example, a linker containing an active ester moiety,
such as an N-hydroxysuccinimide ester, can be used for coupling to lysine
residues in the antibody via an amide linkage. In another example, a linker
containing a nucleophilic amine or hydrazine residue can be coupled to aldehyde
groups produced by glycolytic oxidation of antibody carbohydrate residues. In
addition to these direct methods of coupling, the linker can be indirectiy coupled
to the antibody by means of an intermediate carrier such as an aminodextran. In
these embodiments the modified linkage is via either lysine, carbohydrate, or an
intermediate carrier. In one embodiment, the linker is coupled site-selectively to
free thiol residues in the protein. Moieties that are suitable for selective coupling
to thiol groups on proteins are well known in the art. Examples include disulfide
compounds, a-halocarbonyl and a-halocarboxyl compounds, and maleimides.
When a nucleophilic amine function is present in the same molecule as an a-halo

carbonyl or carboxyl group the potential exists for cyclization to occur via
intramolecular alkylation of the amine. Methods to prevent this problem are well
known to one of ordinary skill in the art, for example by preparation of
molecules in which the amine and a-halo functions are separated by inflexible
groups, such as aryl groups or trans-alkenes, that make the undesired cyclization
stereochemically disfavored. See, for example, U.S. Patent No. 6,441,163 for
preparation of conjugates of maytansinoids and antibody via a disulfide moiety.
[0147J One of the cleavable linkers that can be used for the preparation of
antibody-drug conjugates is an acid-labile linker based on cis-aconitic acid that
takes advantage of the acidic environment of different intracellular
compartments such as the endosomes encountered during receptor mediated
endocytosis and the lysosomes. See, for example, Shen et al, Biochem. Biophys.
Res. Commun, 102:1048-1054 (1981) for the preparation of conjugates of
daunorubicin with macromolecuiar carriers; Yang et al., J.Natl. Cane. Inst.
80:1154-1159 (1988) for the preparation df conjugates of daunorubicin to an anti-
melanoma antibody; Dillman et al, Cancer Res. 48:6097-6102 (1988) for using an
acid-labile linker in a similar fashion to prepare conjugates of daunorubicin with
an anti-T cell antibody; Trouet et al., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 79:626-629 (1982) for
linking daunorubicin to an antibody via a peptide spacer arm.
(01481 An antibody (or polypeptide) of this invention may be conjugated (linked)
to a radioactive molecule by any method known to the art. For a discussion of
methods for radiolabeling antibody see "Cancer Therapy with Monoclonal
AntibodiesT", D. M. Goldenberg ed. (CRC Press, Boca Raton, 1995).
[0149] Alternatively, an antibody can be conjugated to a second antibody to
form an antibody heteroconjugate as described by Segal in U.S. Patent No.
4,676,980. The formation of cross-linked antibodies can target the immune
system to specific types of cells, for example, cancer or diseased cells expressing
[0150] This invention also provides methods of preventing or delaying
development of metastasis in an individual who has or has had a primary tumor
(including, but not limited to, pancreatic, colon, lung, or prostate cancers) by
administering an anti-KID24 antibody or other KID24 modulator. This

modulator may be given alone or in conjunction with other therapies, such as
radiation, chemotherapy, or surgery. In certain preferred embodiments, the
primary tumor has been subjected to at least one round of surgery, radiation,
and/or chemotherapy before administration of the KID24 modulator. In some
circumstances, the primary tumor may appear to have been completely
removed by the prior treatment. In other embodiments, the KID24 modulator is
administered prior to or concurrent with treatment of the individual with
surgery, radiation, and/or chemotherapy. In some embodiments, these methods
of preventing or delaying development of metastases in an individual who has
or has had cancer comprise administration of a KID24 modulator (such as an
antibody that bind to KID24) in conjunction with (or linked to) another
therapeutic moiety such as a detectable marker or chemotherapeutic agent. In
some embodiments, the antibody is a humanized_or chimeric form of a non-
human anti-KID24 antibody. '.:.!;; ■■■'■ -:
[0151J In yet another embodiment, the antibody can be employed as adjuvant
therapy at the time of the surgical removal of a cancer expressing the antigen in
order to delay the development of metastasis. The antibody or antibody
associated with a chemotherapeutic agent can also be administered before
surgery (neoadjuvant therapy) in an individual with a tumor expressing the
antigen in order to decrease the size of the tumor and thus enable or simplify
surgery, spare tissue during surgery, and/or decrease the resulting
[0152] In another embodiment, any of the KID24 modulators, such as an anti-
KID24 antibody, can be employed as a therapy after the treatment (e.g., surgical,
radiotherapy, chemotherapeutic treatment, etc.) of a primary tumor in order to
delay or prevent the development of metastases. The KID24 modulator may be
administered alone or linked to a chemotherapeutic agent. In some
embodiments, the antibody is a humanized or chimeric form of a non-human
anti-KID24 antibody.
[0153) In yet another embodiment, any of the KID24 binding embodiments
described herein can bind to KID24-expressing cancerous cells and induces an
active immune response against the cancerous cells expressing KTD24. In some

cases, the active immune response can cause the death of the cancerous cells (e.g.,
antibody binding to cancer cells inducing apoptotic cell death), or inhibit the
growth {e.g., block cells cycle progression) of the cancerous cells. In other cases,
any of the novel antibodies described herein can bind to cancerous cells and
antibody dependent cellular cytotoxicity (ADCC) can eliminate cancerous cells to
which anti-KID24 binds. Accordingly, the invention provides methods of
stimulating an immune response comprising administering any of the
compositions described herein.
[0154] In some cases, antibody binding can also activate both cellular and
humoral immune responses and recruit more natural killer cells or increased
production of cytokines (e.g., IL-2, IFN-g, IL-12, TNF-a, TNF-b, etc.) that further
activate an individual's immune system to destroy cancerous cells. In yet
another embodiment, anti-KID24 antibodies can bind-to cancerous cells, and
macrophages or other phagocytic cell can opsonize the cancerous cells.
[0155] Various formulations of anti-KID24 antibodies or fragments-thereof may '
be used for administration. In some embodiments, anti-KID24 antibodies or
fragments thereof may be administered neat. In addition to the
pharmacologically active agent, the compositions of the present invention may
contain suitable pharmaceutically acceptable carriers comprising excipients and
auxiliaries that are well known in the art and are relatively inert substances that
facilitate administration of a pharmacologically effective substance or which
facilitate processing of the active compounds into preparations that can be used
pharmaceutically for delivery to the site of action. For example, an excipient can
give form or consistency, or act as a diluent. Suitable excipients include but are
not limited to stabilizing agents, wetting and emulsifying agents, salts for
varying osmolarity, encapsulating agents, buffers, and skin penetration
[0156J Suitable formulations for parenteral administration include aqueous
solutions of the active compounds in water-soluble form, for example, water-
soluble salts. In addition, suspensions of the active,compounds as appropriate for
oily injection suspensions may be administered. Suitable lipophilic solvents or
vehicles include fatty oils, for example, sesame oil, or synthetic fatty acid esters,

for example, ethyl oleate or triglycerides. Aqueous injection suspensions may
contain substances that increase the viscosity of the suspension and include, for
example, sodium carboxymethyl cellulose, sorbitol, and/or dextran. Optionally,
the suspension may also contain stabilizers. Liposomes can also be used to
encapsulate the agent for delivery into the cell.
[0157] The pharmaceutical formulation for systemic administration according to
the invention may be formulated for enteral, parenteral or topical
administration. Indeed, all three types of formulation may be used
simultaneously to achieve systemic administration of the active ingredient.
Excipients as well as formulations for parenteral and nonparenteral drug
delivery are set forth in Remington, The Science and Practice of Pharmacy 20th Ed.
Mack Publishing (2000).
[0158]. Suitable formulations for oral administration include hard or soft gelatin
capsules, pills, tablets, including coated tablets, elixirs, suspensions, syrups or ;•■
inhalations and controlled release forms thereof.
[0159] Generally, these agents are formulated for administration by injection
{e.g., intraperitoneally, intravenously, subcutaneously, intramuscularly, etc.),
although other forms of administration (e.g., oral, mucosal, etc) can be also used.
Accordingly, anti-KID24 antibodies are preferably combined with
pharmaceutically acceptable vehicles such as saline, Ringer's solution, dextrose
solution, and the like.
[0160] The particular dosage regimen, i.e., dose, timing and repetition, will
depend on the particular individual and that individual's medical history.
Generally, a dose of at least about 100 ug/kg body weight, more preferably at
least about 250 ug/kg body weight, even more preferably at least about 750
ug/kg body weight, even more preferably at least about 3 mg /kg body weight,
even more preferably at least about 5 mg /kg body weight, even more
preferably at least about 10 mg/kg body weight is administered.
[0161] Empirical considerations, such as the half-life, generally will contribute to
the determination of the dosage. Antibodies, which are compatible with the
human immune system, such as humanized antibodies or fully human
antibodies, may be used to prolong half-life of the antibody and to prevent the

antibody being attacked by the host's immune system. Frequency of
administration may be determined and adjusted over the course of therapy, and
is based on reducing the number of cancerous cells, maintaining the reduction of
cancerous cells, reducing the proliferation of cancerous cells, or delaying the
development of metastasis. Alternatively, sustained continuous release
formulations of anti-KID24 antibodies may be appropriate. Various
formulations and devices for achieving sustained release are known in the art.
[0162| In one embodiment, dosages for anti-KID24 antibodies may be
determined empirically in individuals who have been given one or more
administration(s). Individuals are given incremental dosages of an anti-KID24
antibody. To assess efficacy of anti-KID24 antibodies, a marker of the specific
cancer disease state can be followed. These include direct measurements of
tumor size via palpation or visual observation, indirect measurement of tumor
size by. x-ray or other imaging techniques; an improvement as assessed by direct? V
tumor biopsy and microscopic examination of the tumor sample; the
measurement of an indirect tumor marker {e.g., PSA for prostate cancer), a
decrease in pain or paralysis; improved speech, vision, breathing or other
disability associated with the tumor; increased appetite; or an increase in quality
of life as measured by accepted tests or prolongation of survival. It will be
apparent to one of skill in the art that the dosage will vary depending on the
individual, the type of cancer, the stage of cancer, whether the cancer has begun
to metastasize to other location in the individual, and the past and concurrent
treatments being used.
[0163] Other formulations include suitable delivery forms known in the art
including, but not limited to, carriers such as liposomes. See, for example,
Mahato et al. (1997) Pharm. Res. 14:853-859. Liposomal preparations include, but
are not limited to, cytofectins, multilamellar vesicles and unilamellar vesicles.
[0164J In some embodiments, more than one antibody may be present. The
antibodies can be monoclonal or polyclonal. Such compositions may contain at
least one, at least two, at least three, at least four, at least five different antibodies
that are reactive against carcinomas, adenocarcinomas, sarcomas, or
adenosarcomas. Anti-KID24 antibody can be admixed with one or more

antibodies reactive against carcinomas, adenocarcinomas, sarcomas, or
adenosarcomas in organs including but not limited to ovary, breast, lung,
prostate, colon, kidney, skin, thyroid, bone, upper digestive tract, and pancreas.
In one embodiment, a mixture of different anti-KID24 antibodies is used. A
mixture of antibodies, as they are often denoted in the art, may be particularly
useful in treating a broader range of population of individuals.
[0165] The following examples are provided to illustrate, but not to limit, the
Example 1. Preparation of human kidney cells as an imtnunogen
10166] Human fetal kidneys of gestational age between 10 to 18 weeks were
obtained from Advanced Biosciences Research atAlarneda County, California.
Kidneys were, procured and shipped to the lab in tissue culture medium on wet
ice. Immediately; upon arrival, the kidneys were transferred to wash medium
(cold PBS containing penicillin/streptomycin and gentamycin). The outer
membranes were removed with forceps and the kidneys were briefly washed in
70% ethanol then rinsed twice in wash medium. -The kidneys were minced into 1
mm cubes with surgical scissors in a 100 mm dry culture dish. The tissue pieces
were plated in 10 ml of a defined serum-free medium referred to herein as I/3F.
This media is described in U.S. Provisional Application No. 60/504,674, the
disclosure of which is hereby incorporated by reference. While a variety of
commonly used cell culture media may be used in the practice of this invention,
presently preferred embodiments use serum-free, fructose-based cell culture
[0167] The tissue pieces were transferred into a 15 ml centrifuge tube and the
tissue pieces were centrifuged at lOOOxg for 5 minutes. The tissue pieces were
resuspended in I/3F medium containing insulin (10 ug/ml), transferrin (10
ug/ml), epidermal growth factor (20 ng/ml), somatotropin (0.005 IU/ml), pig
pituitary extract (0.2%), chicken serum (0.1%), gentamycin (100 ug/ml),
penicillin /streptomycin (lx) and collagenase/dispase (0.1%) and incubated at
4°C overnight. The following day, centrifuge the digested tissue pieces were

centrifuged at lOOOxg for 5 minutes and washed twice with I/3F medium. The
pellet was resuspended in 10 ml I/3F medium containing insulin (10 ug/ml),
transferrin (10 ug/ml), epidermal growth factor (20 ng/ml), somatotropin (0.005
IU/ml), pig pituitary extract (0.2%) and chicken serum (0.1%) and cultured in
fibronectin-precoated 10 cm plates.
{0168] Under these culture conditions, the human fetal kidney cells attached to
the substrate-coated plates and grew as a monolayer. Culture medium was
changed twice weekly.
[0169] To harvest the cells, the cell monolayers were rinsed once with calcium-
and magnesium-free Hanks saline solution, incubated in lOmM EDTA in Hanks
saline solution at 37C for 15 minutes. The cells were detached from the culture
surface by gentle pipetting. The cell suspension was pelleted by centrifugation at
lOOOxg for 5 minutes. The supernatant was rem.oved.and cells were resuspended
in serum-free medium (I/3F medium) with non-denaturing adjuvant as
Example 2. Generation of monoclonal antibodies
[0170] A non-denaturing adjuvant (Ribi, R730, Corixa, Hamilton MT) was
rchydrated to 2 ml in phosphate buffered saline. 100 /.il of this rehydrated
adjuvant was then gently mixed with some of the cell pellet from Example 1 to
be used for immunization. Approximately 106 human fetal kidney cells per
mouse were injected into Balb/c mice via footpad, approximately once or twice a
week. The precise immunization schedule is as follows: Day zero, immunization
plus Ribi. Day 3, immunization plus Ribi. Day 7, immunization plus Ribi. Day 24,
immunization minus Ribi. Day 29, immunization minus Ribi. Day 32,
immunization minus Ribi. Day 36, immunization minus Ribi. Day 44,
immunization minus Ribi. Day 51, immunization minus Ribi. Day 69, bleed for
titer test. Day 71. immunization plus Ribi. Day 74, immunization plus Ribi. Day
81, immunization plus Ribi. Day 91, prefusion boost (no Ribi). Day 104, harvest
nodes for fusion.
[0171] At Day 69, a drop of blood was drawn from the tail of each immunized
animal to test the titer of antibodies against human fetal kidney cells using FACS
analysis. When the titer reached at least 1:2000, the mice were sacrificed using

CO, followed by cervical dislocation. Lymph nodes were harvested for
hybridoma preparation.
[0172J Lymphocytes from mice were fused with the mouse myeloma line X63-
Ag8.653 using 35% polyethylene glycol 4000. On day 10 following the fusion, the
hybridoma supernatants were screened for the presence of human fetal kidney
ceils- specific monoclonal antibodies by fluorescence activated cell sorting
(FACS). Conditioned medium from each hybridoma was incubated for 30
minutes with an aliquot of human fetal kidney cells. After incubation, the cell
samples were washed, resuspended in 0.1 ml diluent and incubated with 1 ug / ml
of FITC conjugated F(ab')2 fragment of goat anti-mouse IgG for 30 min at 4°C.
The cells were washed, resuspended in. 0.2 ml FACS diluent and analyzed using a
FACScan cell analyzer (Becton Dickinson; San Jose, CA). Hybridoma clones
were selected for further expansion, cloning, and characterization based on their
binding to the surface of the human fetal kidney cells by FACS. A hybridoma
making a monoclonal antibody designated mu-anti-KID24 was selected, which
binds an antigen designated KID24. The hybridoma making mu-anti-KID24
antibodies was further expanded in growth medium suitable for sustaining
hybridoma growth and antibody purification.
Example 3. Purification ofanti-KID24 antibodies, including mu-anti-KID24
{0173] Human fetal kidney cells were detached from tissue culture flasks in the
presence of 10.0 mM EDTA, centrifuged at 1400 rpm for 5 minutes and
resuspended in PBS containing 1% BSA and 2mM EDTA (FACS diluent). The cells
were counted and adjusted to 107 cells/ml. About 0.1 ml of cells were incubated
with lOOul FACS diluent for 30 minutes at 37°C. Monoclonal antibodies that bind
to human fetal kidney cells were purified from tissue culture supernatant using
protein-G affinity chromatography. The tissue culture supernatant may be first
passed through a bovine IgG column to remove excess bovine IgG in the
supernatant if desired. The following materials were used for the antibody
purification process: hybridoma tissue culture supernatant, Immunopure (G) IgG
binding buffer (Pierce #21011 Rockford, IL), Immunopure IgG Elution Buffer
(Pierce #21009), concentrated HC1 (for adjusting pH), Coming 1 liter PES

(polyether sulfone), 0.22 urn filter (Corning #431098, Corning, NY), Amersham
Pharmacia AKTA Explorer System (Amersham Biosciences, Piscataway, NJ),
Protein-G Sepharose 4 Fast Flow (Amersham Biosciences tt 17-0618-03), Stripping
buffer consisting of 3M Potassium thiocyanate/50mM Tris pH 7.8, and PBS
(phosphate buffered saline), 3M Tris pH 9.0.
[0174} To purify the mouse anti-human KID24 antibody referred to herein as
mu-anti-KID24, the volume of the supernatant was measured and an equal
volume of binding buffer was added to the supernatant. The mixture was
allowed to equilibrate to room temperature. The supernatant was clarified by
passage through a 0.22 urn filter. The supernatant was loaded onto a protein-G
Sepharose column using the AKTA Explorer system (Amersham Biosciences)
and then washed with 5-10 column volumes of binding buffer. The monoclonal
antibody was eluted with the elution buffer, and fractions were collected. The
fractions were neutralized upon elution with the addition of 3M Tris, pH 9.0 to
empty tubes (1/60 volume of the fractions). The peak fractions containing the
monoclonal antibody were pooled. The pooled samples was injected into a pre-
wetted slidealyzer cassette (10,000 MW cutoff; Pierce #66810) and dialyzed in lx
PBS at 4°C (with 3 buffer changes of at least 4 hours of dialysis per change). The
purified monoclonal antibody was sterile filtered (0.2u.m Acrodisc) and stored at
[0175] A sample of purified antibody was taken for determination of
concentration by UV absorbance (A280) and SDS-polyacrylimide gel
electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE). SDS-PAGE was run under both non-reducing and
reducing conditions for analysis of molecular weight, identification of the typical
banding pattern of monoclonal antibodies and assessment of purity.
[0176| After purification of the mu-anti-KID24 monoclonal antibody from the
hybridoma supernatant, it was re-tested for binding to human fetal kidney cells.
The cell samples were prepared as described above and incubated with the
purified antibody at various concentrations. After incubation the cells were
washed, resuspended in 0.1 ml diluent and incubated with lug of FITC
conjugated F(ab)'2 fragment of goat anti-mouse IgG for 30 minutes at 4°C. The
cells were washed, resuspended in 0.5 ml FACS diluent and analyzed using a

FACScan cell sorter (Becton Dickinson, San Jose, CA). A shift to the right on the
FACScan histogram indicated that the purified antibody still bound to human
fetal kidney cells.
[0177] In other experiments, the binding of the mu-anti-KID24 antibody to
KID24 was tested using live cell ELBA. The following method was used,
although other methods commonly known in the field are applicable. Cells (HT-
29, SKOV3, SKMES-1, SW480, SKBR-3, and HPAFII) were grown in 10% fetal
bovine serum (FBS) containing media to confluency on tissue culture treated 96-
well plates (Falcon). Cells were washed with PBS and then incubated with 50i.il of
desired antibodies at a desired concentration in Hank's Balanced Salt Solution
(HBSS) containing 1% BSA and 0.1% sodium azide for 1 hour at room
temperature. The cells were then washed three times with lOOul per well of HBSS
before incubating with horseradish peroxidase (H'RP) "secondary antibody (50ul
per well diluted in HBSS) for 30 minutes at room temperature. The cells were
finally washed three times with HBSS and the color change substrate (TMB
substrate, KPL) was added to each well at 100f.il per well. The color change
reaction was stopped with the addition of lOOul per well of 1M phosphoric acid.
The flates were then read at O.D. 450nm. The results are summarized below in
Table 4.
Example 4. Immunoprecipitation analysis o/KID24 expression in cancer cell line A49S.
[0178] Kidney carcinoma cell line A498 was grown to confluency on 175 cm2
culture dishes. The cells were rinsed with PBS and then scraped in lysis buffer
(HBSS+ with 2% Triton X-100,2mM PMSF, 0.1% sodium azide, and 1 tablet per
5ml lysis buffer of EDTA free complete mini-protease cocktail (Roche Molecular
Biochemicals)) and the lysates collected. Lysates were centrifuged at 14,000 x g
for one hour at 4°C. The clarified lysate was then pre-cleared for 2 hours at 4°C
with 5 (xl of human IgG conjugated (lmg/ml) CNBr 4MB Sepharose beads
(Amersham Pharmacia). Human IgG beads were centrifuged and removed, and
then the pre-cleared lysate was then incubated with monoclonal antibody mu-
anti-KID24 conjugated to CNBr 4MB sepharose beads (conjugated at lmg/ml)
for 2 hours at 4°C. The mu-anti-KID24 beads were centrifuged and removed

after the 2 hour incubation. Both the human IgG and the mu-anti-I were individually washed three times with 1 ml of lysis buffer and then washed
three times with 1ml HBSS-K The washed beads were eluted by the addition of 30
(xl of SDS-PAGE sample buffer and boiling at 99°C for 5 minutes.
[0179] The samples were then resolved on a 4-20% Novex gradient gel
(Invitrogen), and transferred onto 0.2jxm nitrocellulose membrane (Invitrogen)
and visualized by western blotting with either 5 (.tg/blot of mu-anti-KID24 or
5ug/blot of goat-anti-ADAM-9 antibodies.
(0180| For detection with HRP conjugated streptavidin, the nitrocellulose was
first blocked for 1 hour with blocking buffer (5% non-fat dry milk in Tris
buffered saline containing 0.05% Tween-20 (TBST, Sigma Chemicals). HRP
conjugated streptavidin was diluted into PBST at 1 u.g/ml and exposed to the
nitrocellulose for 30 minutes at room temperature? The nitrocellulose was then
■ washed three times with PBST before visualization with ECC41. '
'[0181] Results using this protocol and mu-anti-KID24 antibodies show a'specific
molecular weight band at approximately 75 kDa under reducing conditions. A
specific band at the same molecular weight was also present when goat-anti-
ADAM-9 antibodies were used. The result from, this experiment is shown in.
Figure 1.
Example 5. Qiaracterization of the antigen to which mu-anti-KID24 binds using
Tandem Mass Spectrometry (MS I MS)
[0182] The antigen to which mu-anti-KID24 binds is isolated and subject to
Tandem mass spectroscopy according to the method of Kane et al., / Bio Chem.
2002 June 21; 277(25): 22115-8. Proteins are separated by SDS-PAGE, and the gel
was stained with a colloidal Coomassie Blue reagent (Invitrogen). The proteins
of interest were digested in the gel with trypsin. The tryptic peptides were
sequenced by microcapillary liquid chromatography MS/MS on an ion trap mass
spectrometer (Thermo-Finnigan LCDQ DECA XP), as described in Wu et al,
Nature 405: 477-82 (2000). Alternatively, other commonly known methods of
mass spectrometry/ such as MALDI mass spectrometry can also be used in the
practice of this invention.

Example 6. Immunohistochemistni methods
[0183] Frozen tissue samples from cancer patients were embedded in OCT
compound and quick-frozen in isopentane with dry ice. Cryosections were cut
with a Leica 3050 CM mictrotome at thickness of 8-10 um and thaw-mounted on
SuperFrost Plus slides (VWR #48311-703). The sections were fixed with 75%
acetone/25% ethanol at 10°C and allowed to air-dry 2-4 hours at room
temperature. The fixed sections were stored at -80°C until use.
[0184] For immunohistochemistry, the tissue sections were retrieved washed in
Tris buffered 0.05% Tween (TB-T) and blocked in blocking buffer (TB-T, 5%
normal goat serum and 100u.g/ml avidin) for 30 minutes at room temperature.
The slides were then incubated with the mu-anti-KTD24 and control monoclonal
antibodies diluted in blocking buffer (1 /.tg/ml) for-60-90 minutes at room • *
temperature. The sections were then washed three times with the blocking •
buffer. The bound monoclonal antibodies were detected with a goat anti-mouse
IgG + IgM (H+L) F(ab')2-peroxidase conjugates and the peroxidase substrate
diaminobenzidine (1 mg/ml, Sigma cat. No. D 5637) in 0.1 M sodium acetate
buffer pH 5.05 and 0.003% hydrogen peroxide (Sigma cat. No. H1009). The
stained slides were counter-stained with hematoxylin and examined under
Nikon microscope.
[0185] I11 some cases, paraffin embedded formaldehyde-fixed tissues may be
used for immunohistochemistry after appropriate antigen retrieval methods
were employed. One such antigen retrieval method is described in Mangham
and Isaacson, Histopathology 35:129-33 (1999). Other methods of antigen retrieval
and/or detection may be used by one skilled in the art. Results from
experiments performed using frozen tissues or, where appropriate, fixed tissue
with antigen retrieval and polyMICA detection were performed. The binding of
anti-KID24 antibody to a variety of normal and cancer tissues was assessed. In
all cases, antibody binding in control fixed tissues was correlated with that of

frozen tissues. The results from frozen tissues were only used if the two did not
match in the controls.
(0186| For convenience, a summary of the combined results of several
experiments using frozen surgical tissue from different sources is shown below
in Table 1, Table 2, and Table 3.

Example 7. Immunocytochemistrii results
[0187] Monoclonal antibody mu-anti-KID24 was used to test reactivity with
various cell lines from different types of tissues. The results were scored as '+'
for weak positive staining,'++' for moderate positive staining, '+-i-t-' for strong
positive staining and '-' for negative staining.
[0188] Immunohistochemistry results were obtained using CellArray™
technology, as described in WO 01/43869. Cells from different established cell
lines were removed from the growth surface without using proteases, packed
and embedded in OCT compound. The cells were frozen and sectioned, then
stained using a standard IHC protocol.
[0189] Results of the binding of the mu-anti-KID24 antibody to various
established human normal and tumor cell lines are compiled for convenience in
Table 4. The experiments represented in Table 4 include Live-cell ELISA and
CellArray™ binding experiments using the methods described herein.

Embryo Fibroblast; SV40
SVT2 CCL-163.1 (Mouse) transformed -
22RV1 CRL-2505 Prostate Carcinoma :
DU145 HTB-81 Prostate Adenocarcinoma -
LNCaP CRL-1740 Prostate Carcinoma -
PC3 CRL-1435 Prostate Adenocarcinoma -
TDH-1 RAVEN Prostate Prostate cancer line -
Hs746T HTB-135 Stomach Carcinoma +/-
NCI-N87 CRL-5822 Stomach Carcinoma =
A2Q4 HTB-82 Muscle Rhabdomyosarcoma +/-
G292 CRL-1432 Bone-:-. :' Osteosarcoma +
Connective ,
HT-108Q CCL-121 Tissue Fibrosarcoma +
MG63 CRL-1427 Bone Osteosarcoma +
SKLMS-1 HTB-88 Vulva Leiomyosarcoma +
Consistent with
SKUT-1 HTB-114 Uterus leiomyosarcoma -
SW684 HTB-91 Tissue Fibrosarcoma +
SW872 I HTB-92 | Tissue | Liposarcoma | +/- |
* CC-2551- BioWhittaker

[0190] Additional normal human and tumor cell lines were tested for mu-antt-
KID24 binding using standard flow cytometry protocols that are well known in
the field. The results are summarized in Table 5 below.

Example 8. Mn-anti-KID24 binds to immobilized human ADAM-9.
[0191] Further characterization of mu-anti-KID24 was performed using standard
ELISA procedures and purllTed'KuXan ADAM-9. Briefly, purified human
ADAM-9 was coated onto 96-well plates at a saturating concentration. Dose
curve of mu-anti-KID24 were allowed to bind (0-150ng/well) and mu-anti-KID24
antibodies that bound to ADAM-9 were visualized using standard ELISA
protocols. The results showed that mu-anti-KID24 bound to purified human
ADAM-9 in a dose responsive manner. These results are consistent with

previous Western blot results (See Example 4 above) that showed that mu-anti-
KID24 can immunoprecipitate an anti-ADAM-9 specific band.
Example 9. Mu-anti-KlDU can block ADAMS enzyme activity in vitro.
(01921 In vitro enzyme activity assays were performed using recombinant
human ADAM-9 extra-cellular domain (ECD) and mu-anti-KID24 antibodies.
ADAM-9 ECD is able to cleave a peptide substrate (R&D Systems #E
S003) in the presence of zinc in vitro. Once cleaved, the peptide emits a
fluorogenic signal that can be detected using a fluorescence plate reader at an
excitation wavelength of 320nm (and an emission wavelength at 405nxn). The in
vitro enzyme assay was performed according to manufacturer's protocol.
Briefly, 200ng/rxn of rhADAM-9 ECD (R&D Systems #939-AD-020) was added
to 25 mM Tris, 2.5 uM ZnCl2, and 0.005% Brij 35 at a pH 9.0. Various
concentrations of mu-anti-KID24 were also added.and this reaction was
incubated for 5 minutes at room temperature with mild agitation. 10 uM
fluorogenic peptide substrate (R&D Systems #ES003) was added so that the final
volume was 100 ^1/ well. The reaction was incubated overnight at 37°C. The
plates were then read on a fluorescence plate reader at O.D. 405nm.. Control
conditions (no enzyme) with no ADAM-9 ECM showed no fluorescence, which
was expected because the substrate is only fluorogenic if cleaved. Positive
control conditions with no mu-anti-KID24 showed maximal fluorescence. Mu-
anti-KID24 was able to block ADAM-9 ECM activity in a dose dependent
manner. These results showed that mu-anti-KID24 can block ADAM-9 enzyme
activity in vitro.
Example 10. Mu-anti-KlD24: is able to inhibit soft agar colony formation with colon
tumor cell lines HCT116. SW620 and HT29.
[0193] The in vitro effects of mu-anti-KID24 were tested on three colon tumor cell
lines, HCT116, SW620 and HT29. Standard protocols for soft agar colony
formation, well known in the art, were used. Mu-anti-KID24, at a final
concentration of 1 jAg/ml was able to inhibit soft agar colony formation of
HCT116 cells approximately 60% as compared to control. Similar results were

seen with SVV620 cells (14% inhibition as compared to control) and HT29 cells
(22% inhibition as compared to control).
Example 11. Internalization ofmu-anti-KlD24 and toxin-conjugated anti-mouse IgG.
[0194] Mab-ZAP (Advanced Targeting Systems, San Diego, CA) is an anti-mouse
IgG conjugated to saporin, a toxin that inhibits protein synthesis. This toxin is
impermeable to the cell membrane. If a monoclonal antibody is bound to a cell-
surface antigen that is intemalizable, the toxin-conjugate can bind to the bound
monoclonal and be internalized, eventually killing the cell. Being dependent
upon internalization for demonstration of toxic activity, the Mab-ZAP can serve
to evaluate whether or not a given surface antigen will serve as a suitable target
for any toxin that is dependent upon internalization to express cell toxic effects.
As such, the Mab-ZAP serves as a model for sucfrirtternalization-dependent
toxins such as maytansinoids and chalicheamicins. •. ,x ;
[01951 For testing the internalization of mu-anti-KID24 and saporin conjugated
anti-mouse IgG by tumor cells and effect of killing the tumor cells after
internalization of saporin, human ovarian carcinoma cell line ES-2 and human
pancreatic adenocarcinoma cell line HPAF-II were removed from stock flasks
with 10 mM EDTA and centrifuged. Cells were resuspended at 50,000 cells/ml in
the appropriate growth medium and 100 ul plated per well in 96-well plates.
Antibody mu-anti-KID24 was added immediately to the appropriate wells as a
lOx concentrate, to make a final concentration of 10 fxg/ml. After 15 minutes at
room temperature, Mab-ZAP (Cat. # IT-04) was added to appropriate wells as
lOx concentrate to make final concentrations from 0.001 nM to 10 nM. After 4
days of growth, MTT was added (stock 5 mg/ml in PBS, 1:10 dilution in well) for
4 hours at 37°C. The medium was then removed from all wells and 100 ul/ well
DMSO was added. The plates were gently swirled to solubilize the blue MTT
precipitate and the plates were read in a plate reader at O.D. 540 nm.
[0196] There was a decrease in MTT staining in both ES-2 and HPAF-II cells in the
presence of mu-anti-KID24 as compared to the staining in the absence of mu-
anti-KID24 when Mab-ZAP was added above 0.01 nM, indicating the growth of
human cancer cells ES-2 and HPAF-II was inhibited in the presence of mu-anti-

KID24 and Mab-ZAP and mu-anti-KID24 and toxin conjugated anti-mouse IgG
were internalized. Results of an internalization experiment according to the
methods of this Example are shown in Figure 2, showing that mu-anti-KID24 is
Example 12. Anti-tumor Efficacy of mu-anti-KID24 antibody in a Subcutaneous Flank
Model of Human Tumors.
[0197] This study was designed to test the dose-responsive anti-tumor activity
for an anti-KID24 antibody in a subcutaneous flank model using human tumors
consisting of D54 cells (glioma cell line).
[0198] Cultured D54 cells were suspended in Matrigel (phenol red free, Becton
Dickinson Biosciences Discovery Labware) and PBS (1:1) solution at a density of
5x 105 cells and were implanted at the flank of a nude mouse via a subcutaneous
injection. At Day 19-post inoculation, the resulting xenografts were i,
approximately 100 mm3 and mice were randomly grouped, weighed and treated ■ with either lOOmg/kg mu-anli-KID24 antibody or MAb control. Antibodies
were administered by IP injection three times per week. Sham injection of
vehicle was given to control group for equalizing the stress produced by dosing.
Animals were examined daily during treatment and mean tumor volume (MTV)
was estimated three times per week. Animal toxicity was assessed by
determination of changes in body weight and mortality.
[0199] Mu-anti-KID24 treated mice had a significantly smaller tumor size
(approximately 45% smaller, p antibody treated mice at the end of the study (42 days post-inoculation). Similar
trends were also observed at the 60 mg/kg dose of mu-anti-KID24 antibody.
[0200] Additional experiments using human fibrosarcoma ceils, HT1080, were
also performed in SCID-Beige mice. 5x 105 cells were suspended in PBS and
mixed with an equal volume of Matrigel (phenol red free, Becton Dickinson
Biosciences Discovery Labware) and inoculated into the flanks of SCID-Beige
mice. At 5 days post-inoculation, mice were treated with IP injections of vehicle
(PBS), 100 mg/kg control antibody or 100 mg/kg mu-anti-KID24 antibody.
Tumor volumes are expressed as mean ± SEM, n=10 animals/group. Percent

inhibition of tumor growth as measured by tumor size was determined at die
end of the study (16 days post-inoculation).
[0201| Mu-anti-KID24 treated mice had significantly smaller tumor size (19%
smaller, p Example 13. Anti-tumor and anti-metastasis efficacy of mu-anti-KlD24 antibody in a
sub-renal capsule tumor model.
(0202] This study was designed to test the dose-responsive anti-tumor activity
for an anti-KI.D24 antibody in a sub-renal capsule tumor model using Merkel
cells cultured from a Merkel cell carcinoma (neuroendocrine cancer of the skin).
[0203] Type I rat-tail collagen was prepared by a standard method. Briefly, tails
from mature breeding rats were removed and the tendons were isolated and
weighed. One gram of tendon produces 100 ml collagen solution, and each tail
. .tendons were placed in a dilute acetic acid solution (200 ul glacial acetic acid per ■,
gram of tendon in 100 ml water) containing penicillin, streptomycin and
fungizone and stirred gently at 4°C for at least one week. The solution was then
centrifuged and the collagen supernatant was stored at 4°C until use.
[0204] For this study, 50 ul collagen buttons were prepared by polymerizing the
rat-tail collagen in a setting solution containing Earle's Balanced Salt Solution
(EBSS), NaOH and NaHC03. Following polymerization, 5 x 10s Merkel cells
were added per collagen button. The cells were incubated in collagen overnight
at 37°C prior to implantation.
[0205] For implantation of the cells under the kidney capsule, mice were fully
anesthetized with tribromoethanol. A pocket was made in the kidney capsule to
allow for the placement of cells, which was made through a paralumbar surgical
approach to the right and/or left kidney. In some studies, both kidneys received
xenografts. Following surgery, the animals were allowed to recover on a heated
surface and observed until fully recovered from the anesthesia. Wound clips
were removed ten days post-surgery.
[0206] For each treatment dose group, mu-anti-KID24 was diluted in PBS to the
appropriate concentration to administer 0.01 ml/gram body weight. Control

groups received PBS (0.01 ml /gram body weight). Dosing was initiated on day 2
following implantation, and doses of mu-anti-KID24 and PBS control were
administered 2 times weekly, for 3 weeks, as single rapid injections into the
intraperitoneal cavity.
(0207| At the end of the dosing period, animals were euthanized and the tumors
and adjacent tissue were removed and incubated in a digestion buffer containing
proteinase K (1.45 mg/ml) and RNAse A (0,07 mg/ml) overnight at 55°C for
PCR analysis.
[0208] To generate a template for PCR analysis, genomic DNA was isolated from
tumors using Wizard SV Genomic Purification System (Promega) according to
manufacturer's instructions. Each DNA sample was resuspended in a final
volume of 200 ul.
[0209J The amount of human DNA in the tumors^wasquantitated using real-
time PCR on an Applied Biosystems SDS7000 system, with primers and probe
specific forthe hitman ribosomal gene RPL19.
(0210J Each sample was initially digested with BstXl to ensure efficient
amplification. Each reaction mix contained 5 fxl of template DNA, 5 \d Taqman
Gold lOx reaction buffer (Applied Biosystems), 5 units BstXl, 4mM MgCl,, 2.5
mM each deoxynucleotide mix, 250 mM each primer, 150 nM probe, 1.5 units
Taqgold (Applied Biosystems) and water to a final volume of 50 ul. The thermal
cycle conditions used were 30 minutes at 45°C for BstXl digestion, 10 minutes at
95°C for BstXl inactivation and Taq hot start, followed by 40 cycles of: 95°C for
20 seconds (denaturation) and 60°C for 1 minute (elongation).
[0211) A standard curve was generated using four-fold serial dilutions of human
genomic DNA (BD Biosciences Clonetech) ranging from 400 to 0.09 ng
DNA/reaction. Sample DNA concentrations were interpolated from the
standard curve. Each tumor sample was analyzed in triplicate PCR reactions and
average DNA concentrations were determined. From these experiments,
Merkel cell tumors treated with mu-anti-KID24 at 50 mg/kg concentration
showed a 50% decrease in the amount of human DNA when compared to
control PBS treated tumors.

[0212] Similar sub-renal capsule experiments were performed on established
Merkel cell tumors. Merkel cells were treated as described above and tumors
were implanted as described above. The tumors were allowed to grow for 21
days before antibody administration. At 21 days post-tumor implantation, the
mice were dosed with 50 mg/kg mu-anti-KID24 or PBS control twice weekly for
3 weeks. At the end of the study, the mice were sacrificed and the tumors
removed. As shown in Figure 3, the tumors from the mu-anti-KID24 treated
mice are significantly smaller than the tumors found in the PBS treated mice.
Also significant was the number of metastasis found in mice treated with mu-
anti-KID24 as compared to PBS treated mice. Metastases could be found in the
omentum, diaphragm, spleen, ovary and lungs of the PBS treated mice. No
metastases were found in mu-anti-KID24 treated mice. Figure 4A shows the
omentum from a PBS treated mouse. The arrows/arrowheads point to
metastases that can be. found on: the tissue. Figure 4B shows the omentum from
a mu-anti-KID24 treated mouse.. No metastases can be seen (under a dissecting
microscope) on the tissue.
[02131 It is understood that the examples and embodiments described herein are
for illustrative purposes only and that various modifications or changes in light
thereof will be suggested to persons skilled in the art and are to be included
within the spirit and purview of this application. All publications, patents and
patent applications cited herein are hereby incorporated by reference in their
entirety for all purposes to the same extent as if each individual publication,
patent or patent application were specifically and individually indicated to be so
incorporated by reference.

We Claim :
1. An isolated antibody mu-anti-KID24 produced by a host cell with a deposit number of
ATCC No.PTA#5174.
2. A chimeric antibody comprising the variable regions of the light chain and the heavy
chain of the isolated antibody as claimed in claim 1.
3. A humanized antibody comprising the three CDRs from the light chain and the three
CDRs from the heavy chain of the isolated antibody as claimed in claim 1.
4. An isolated antibody comprising a heavy chain of the isolated antibody as claimed in
claim 1.
5. An isolated antibody comprising a light chain of the isolated antibody as claimed in
claim 1.
6. The chimeric antibody as claimed in claim 2, wherein the chimeric antibody comprises a
heavy chain constant region and a light chain constant region from a human antibody.
7. The chimeric antibody as claimed in claim 2, wherein the chimeric antibody is linked to
a therapeutic moiety.
8. An antigen-binding fragment of the chimeric antibody as claimed in claim 2, wherein
the antigen-binding fragment is a Fab, a Fab', a F(ab')2 or a Fv; and wherein the antigen-
binding fragment retains the binding specificity of antibody mu-anti-KID24 produced by
the isolated host cell with a deposit number of ATCC No. PTA #5174.
9. The humanized antibody as claimed in claim 3, wherein the humanized antibody is
linked to a therapeutic moiety.

10. An antigen-binding fragment of the humanized antibody as claimed in claim 3, wherein
the antigen-binding fragment is a Fab, a Fab', a F(ab')2 or a Fv; and wherein the antigen-
binding fragment retains the binding specificity of antibody mu-anti-KID24 produced by
the isolated host cell with a deposit number of ATCC No. PTA #5174.
11. An isolated antibody comprising a heavy chain comprising the heavy chain amino acid
sequence of antibody mu-anti-KID24 produced by the isolated host cell with a deposit
number of ATCC No. PTA #5174, wherein the isolated antibody retains the binding
specificity of the antibody mu-anti-KID24.
12. An isolated antibody comprising a light chain comprising the light chain amino acid
sequence of antibody mu-anti-KID24 produced by the isolated host cell with a deposit
number of ATCC No. PTA#5174, wherein the isolated antibody retains the binding
specificity of the antibody mu-anti-KID24.
13. A pharmaceutical composition comprising a therapeutically effective dose of the
chimeric antibody as claimed in claim 2 or an antigen-binding fragment thereof,
together with a pharmaceutically acceptable carrier.
14. The pharmaceutical composition as claimed in claim 13, wherein the composition
comprises an additional therapeutic moiety.
15. The pharmaceutical composition as claimed in claim 13, wherein the chimeric antibody
or the antigen-binding fragment thereof is linked or bound to an additional therapeutic
16. A pharmaceutical composition comprising a therapeutically effective dose of the
humanized antibody as claimed in claim 3 or an antigen-binding fragment thereof,
together with a pharmaceutically acceptable carrier.

17. The pharmaceutical composition as claimed in claim 16, wherein the composition
comprises an additional therapeutic moiety.
18. The pharmaceutical composition as claimed in claim 16, wherein the humanized
antibody or the antigen-binding fragment thereof is linked or bound to an additional
therapeutic moiety.


There is disclosed an isolated antibody produced by the hybridoma having a deposit
number of ATCC-PTA-5174, or an antigen-binding fragment thereof, that specifically
binds to and inhibits metalloprotease domain activity of KID24, preferentially binds to
the same epitope on KID24 as antibody mu-anti-KID24 preferentially binds.




2922-KOLNP-2007-(03-07-2012)-AMANDED CLAIMS.pdf


2922-KOLNP-2007-(03-07-2012)-DESCRIPTION (COMPLETE).pdf









2922-KOLNP-2007-(03-07-2012)-PETITION UNDER RULE 137.pdf


2922-KOLNP-2007-(13-08-2012-)-AMANDED CLAIMS.pdf

2922-KOLNP-2007-(13-08-2012-)-AMANDED PAGES OF SPECIFICATION.pdf

2922-KOLNP-2007-(13-08-2012-)-ANNEXURE TO FORM 3.pdf




2922-KOLNP-2007-(13-08-2012-)-PETITION UNDER RULE 137.pdf







2922-kolnp-2007-claims 1.1.pdf




2922-kolnp-2007-correspondence others.pdf


2922-kolnp-2007-description complete.pdf



2922-kolnp-2007-form 1.pdf

2922-KOLNP-2007-FORM 13.1.pdf

2922-kolnp-2007-form 13.pdf

2922-kolnp-2007-form 18.pdf

2922-KOLNP-2007-FORM 3-1.1.pdf

2922-kolnp-2007-form 3.pdf

2922-kolnp-2007-form 5.pdf






2922-KOLNP-2007-GRANTED-FORM 1.pdf

2922-KOLNP-2007-GRANTED-FORM 2.pdf

2922-KOLNP-2007-GRANTED-FORM 3.pdf

2922-KOLNP-2007-GRANTED-FORM 5.pdf



2922-kolnp-2007-international publication.pdf



2922-kolnp-2007-international search report.pdf


2922-kolnp-2007-pct request form.pdf


2922-kolnp-2007-priority document.pdf



Patent Number 264102
Indian Patent Application Number 2922/KOLNP/2007
PG Journal Number 50/2014
Publication Date 12-Dec-2014
Grant Date 05-Dec-2014
Date of Filing 09-Aug-2007
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number G01N 33/574
PCT International Application Number PCT/US2006/003748
PCT International Filing date 2006-02-02
PCT Conventions:
# PCT Application Number Date of Convention Priority Country
1 60/649787 2005-02-02 U.S.A.