Title of Invention


Abstract The present invention is a solid dosage form for oral administration of ibuprofen comprising a modified release formulation of ibuprofen which provides an immediate burst effect and thereafter a sustained release of sufficient ibuprofen to maintain blood levels at least 6,4 µg/ml over an extended period of at least 8 hours following administration of a single dose. The dosage form releases ibuprofen at a rate sufficient to initially deliver a effective amount of ibuprofen within about 2.0 hours following administration. The dosage form then subsequently delivers the remaining amount of ibuprofen at a relatively constant rate sufficient to maintain a level of ibuprofen over a predetermined delivery period of for at least 8 hours.
The present invention claims the benefit of U.S. Provisional
Applications Nos. 60/614,932, filed September 30, 2004 and 60/689,631,
filed June 10, 2005, and U.S. Non-Provisional Application No. (TO BE
ASSIGNED), filed September 29, 2005.
Ibuprofen is 2-(4-isobutylphenyl)propionic acid and is a nonsteroidal
anti-inflammatory compound (NSAID), which exhibits high levels of
anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antipyretic activities necessary for the
effective treatment of rheumatoid arthritis and osteo-arthritis and other
inflammatory conditions. Most dosage forms of ibuprofen are immediate
release dosage forms that provide rapid onset of therapeutic action, then
rapidly declining levels of active ingredient, necessitating repeated dosing.
They do not maintain therapeutic levels from one treatment over an extended
period of time. Repeat dosing is thus required at intervals of four to six
hours. Formulations that claim extended release fail to have an initial burst of
the drug and thus exhibit substantial delay between administration and the
achievement of an effective therapeutic blood level. Therefore, a need exists
for a solid dosage form, for example a compressed tablet, which provides an
initial burst of released ibuprofen, leading to prompt onset of action, then
thereafter provides a sustained release of sufficient ibuprofen to maintain
beneficial blood levels of ibuprofen over an extended period of 8 or more
In accordance with the foregoing, we have provided a solid
dosage form for oral administration of ibuprofen comprising a modified
release formulation of ibuprofen which provides an immediate burst effect and
thereafter a sustained release of sufficient ibuprofen to maintain blood levels
at least 6.4 μg/ml over an extended period of at least 8 hours following
administration of a single dose.
More particularly, the invention comprises a solid dosage form
for oral administration comprising a hydrophilic polymer, a pharmaceutically
effective amount of ibuprofen in the range of 300 mg to 800 mg uniformly
dispersed in the polymer, a dissolution additive dispersed in the polymer in an
amount iti the range of 10% to 35% by weight of the ibuprofen, and a
formulation additive dispersed in the polymer in an amount of 15% to 75% by
weight of the ibuprofen. The dosage form releases ibuprofen at a rate
sufficient to initially deliver a effective amount of ibuprofen within about 2.0
hours following administration. The dosage form then subsequently delivers
the remaining amount of ibuprofen at a relatively constant rate sufficient to
maintain a level of ibuprofen over a predetermined delivery period of for at
least 8 hours.
As used herein, a relative constant rate refers to a substantially
linear relationship shown in the examples following the initial burst (up to
about 2 hours) between percentage released and elapsed time.
Figure.1In-vitro dissolution of Example 1
Figuce_2 In-vitro dissolution of Example 2
Figure_3 In-vitro dissolution of Example 3
Figure.4: In-vitro dissolution of Example 4
Figure 5.1 In-vitro dissolution of Example 5
Figure 6: In-vitro dissolution of Example 6
Figure. 7i In-vitro dissolution of Example 7
Figure...81 In-vitro dissolution of Example 8
Figure. 9i In-vitro dissolution of Example 9
Figure 10; In-vitro dissolution of Example 10
Figure .11;. In-vitro dissolution of Example 11
Figure. 12.:. In-vitro dissolution of Example 12
Figure_.13i In-vitro dissolution of Example 13
Figure 14: In-vitro dissolution of Example 14
Figure 15:. In-vitro dissolution of Example 15
Figure. 16j. In-vitro dissolution of Example 16
Figure.!?.! In-vitro dissolution of Examples 17 and 18
Figure .18: In-vitro dissolution of BRUFEN RETARD, an extended release form
of Ibuprofen available for sale in Europe.
Figure 19: In-vivo data from comparison of present invention versus Motrin®
The present invention is further illustrated and described by
reference to the following disclosure, examples and discussion below. In the
examples and discussion which follow, the use of particular polymers,
electrolytes, additives, fillers and tableting aids are provided by way of
example only and are not intended to limit the scope of this invention.
Although the invention is illustrated and described herein with reference to
specific embodiments, the invention is not intended to be limited to the details
shown. Rather, various modifications may be made in the details within the
scope and range of equivalents of the claims and without departing from the
The ibuprofen content of the dosage form may be between in
the range about 300 mg and about 800 mg per dosage unit, preferably about
300, 400 or 600 ring per unit dosage form. Also contemplated is using
prodrugs of ibuprofen such as ibuprofen-lysine and ibuprofen-arginine. If a
smaller dosage form is desired, a single dose of ibuprofen may be divided
between multiple, for example two to three, dosage units, such as tablets,
which may be administered at substantially the same time. The dosage form
may comprise from about 25% to about 75% by weight ibuprofen.
The hydrophilic polymer used in the dosage form may be
selected from a wide variety of hydrophilic polymers. Hydrophilic polymers
suitable for use in the sustained release formulation include: one or more
natural or partially or totally synthetic hydrophilic gums such as acacia, gum
tragacanth, locust bean gum, guar gum, or karaya gum; modified cellulosic
substances such as methylcellulose, hydroxy methylcellulose, hydroxypropyl
methylcellulose, hydroxypropyl cellulose, hydroxyethylcellulose, or
carboxyethylcellulose; proteinaceous substances such as agar, pectin,
carrageenan, and alginates; and other hydrophilic polymers such as
carboxypolymethylene, gelatin, casein, zein, bentonite, magnesium aluminum
silicate, polysaccharides, modified starch derivatives, and other hydrophilic
polymers known to those of skill in the art, or a combination of such
These hydrophilic polymers gel and dissolve slowly in aqueous
acidic: media thereby allowing the ibuprofen to diffuse from the gel in the
stomach and gastrointestinal tract. Hydroxypropyl methylcellulose (HPMC)
and other hydrophilic polymers mentioned above may be available in forms
that have varying viscosity ratings. In general these polymers, or the
combination of them, may be present in the dosage form alone or in
combination in an amount or at a concentration in the range of 10% to 70%
by weight of the ibuprofen present in the formulation, for example 15% to
50% or 15% to 33%, depending on the release pattern which is sought to be
achieved with the particular dosage form.
One hydrophilic polymer useful in the present invention is HPMC
K4M. This is a nonionic swellable hydrophilic polymer manufactured by "The
Dow Chemical Company" under the tradename "Methocel." HPMC K4M is also
referred to as HPMC K4MP, in which the "P" refers to premium cellulose ether
designed for controlled release formulations. The "4" in the abbreviation
suggests that the polymer has a nominal viscosity (2% in water) of 4000.
The percent of methoxyl and hydroxypropyl groups are 19-24 and 7-12,
respectively. In its physical form, HPMC K4M is a free-flowing, off-white
powder with a particle size limitation of 90% complete list of HPMC is K100LVP, K15MP, K100MP, E4MP and E10MP CR with
nominal viscosities of 100, 15000, 100000, 4000, and 10000 respectively.
The solid dosage form also includes at least one formulation
additive such as one or more of a filler, a diluent or a compression aid. These
are additives which aid in preparation or manufacture of the dosage form and
for a tableted solid dosage form a tableting aid such as microcrystalline
cellulose (MCC), such MCC 105 (particle size of about 20 |.im), MCC 200
(particle size of about 180 urn) and MCC 302 (particle size of about 90 f.im),
silicified microcrystalline cellulose (MCC bonded to SiO2), such as Prosolv90
(particle size of about 90 j.im) and ProsolvSO (paricle size of about 50 |.im),
lactose, such as spray dried lactose (Lactopress®), dicalcium phosphate, silica
or pregelatinized starch and combinations thereof may be incorporated into
the formulation in an amount or at a concentration in the range of about 15%
to about 75% by weight of the ibuprofen present in the dosage form. It is
contemplated that various particle sizes of microcrystalline cellulose may be
used if desired, for example two different particle sizes in which each of them
are present in individual amounts in the range of 17% to 33% by weight of
the ibuprofen present in the formulation. In one embodiment, one can preblend
silica with ibuprofen or pre-blend silica and/or formulation additive MCC
with ibuprofen.
In addition to formulation additives, the dosage form also
contains at least one dissolution additive. Such additives which generally
comprise a pore-forming, wetting or disintegration agent which facilitates
dissolution of the dosage form. Such dissolution additives may be present in
the dosage form at an amount or concentration in the range of about 10% to
about 35% by weight of the ibuprofen, for example, at 10% to about 15%.
The additive may suitably be selected from alkali metal salts, such as sodium
and potassium carbonate; sodium carbonate, monohydrate; sodium
bicarbonate; amino acids with neutral-to-basic side chains, such as glycine,
alanine, valine, leucine, iso-leucine, cysteine, methionine, phenylalanine,
proline, lysine, arginine, histidine, serine, threonine, asparagine, tryptophan,
tyrosine and glutamine; conventional pharmaceutical disintegrants and
combinations or mixtures thereof. Examples of such additives are sodium
carbonate, glycine, arginine and croscarmellose sodium.
In addition to ibuprofen, multiple active ingredients are
contemplated and may be present in the present dosage form. Combinations
of ibuprofen with actives such as caffeine, psuedophedrine, aspirin,
phenylephrine and/or sympathomemetics, analgesics, such as hydrocodone,
and antihistamines are within the scope of the invention.
Favorable in vitro characteristics that lead to an acceptable in
vivo efficacy are contemplated as 20% or greater release within 2.0 hour after
oral administration or contact with an aqueous environment, followed by more
gradual release over several hours, leading to release of at least 70% release
in 8 to 12 hours following administration or contact with an aqueous
environment. The method of determining in vitro release is using an agitated
aqueous medium, such as stirring at 50 rpm in pH 7.2 KH2PO4 media; or
surrogate methods using alternate pH media, such as 0.1N HCI or SGF @ pH
1.2 for an initial (30min-2hr period or using alternate hydrodynamic
conditions such as 100 to I5Orpm for a period of l-2hrs).
The accepted range for minimal efficacy in vivo is from about
6.4 μg/ml to about 10μg/ml mean ibuprofen blood concentration.
The formulations of the invention are illustrated by the following
examples. The use of particular polymers, electrolytes, additives, fillers and
compression aids are not intended to limit the scope of this invention but are
exemplary only.
The solid dosage comprising a modified release formulation of
the present invention was prepared and tested for both in vitro release and in
vivo blood levels as described in Examples 1-20 below. In the in vivo testing,
the dissolution rates of the subject dosage forms were compared against two
commercially available tablets, one being an immediate release formulation of
200 mg of ibuprofen and the other being an immediate release 600 mg
ibuprofen formulation. The solid dosage forms comprising the modified
release formulation of the present invention demonstrated an initial burst
similar to an immediate release tablet and a slower, more controlled release
of ibuprofen over a eight hour period, as best seen in Fig. 19.
Unless otherwise noted, all in vitro release performance was
evaluated in a type II dissolution apparatus in 900mL KH2P04 buffer, pH 7.2,
at5Orpm paddle speed,
Example 1
In one embodiment, the formulation comprised ibuprofen,
hydroxypropyl methylcellulose (HPMC K15M and HPMC K100LV), glycine and
sodium carbonate, in which HPMC K15M was present at a concentration of
18% by weight of ibuprofen, HPMC K100LV was present at a concentration of
17% by weight of ibuprofen, glycine was present at a concentration of 2.5%
by weight of ibuprofen, and sodium carbonate was present at a concentration
of 17% by weight of ibuprofen within a monolithic compressed tablet. The
specific formulations are as follows:
All Ingredients were passed through a 30-mesh screen and
blended with the remaining formulation components in a V-blender. The
resulting powder was compressed into tablets using conventional compression
As shown in Fig. 1, the results of this Example demonstrate
that the invention is capable of an in vitro release profile comprising a burst
effect, followed by the sustained release of the remaining material, leading to
in excess of 90% release in approximately 12 hours. This formulation thus
overcomes one of the principle problems with many ibuprofen formulations
which exhibit substantially less than complete release over an extended
period of time.
Example 2
In another embodiment, the formulation comprised ibuprofen,
hydroxypropyl methylcellulose (HPMC K100M and HPMC K100LV), sodium
carbonate, flow agents and tableting aids, in which HPMC K100M was present
at a concentration of 17% by weight of ibuprofen, HPMC K100LV was present
at a concentration of 17% by weight of ibuprofen and sodium carbonate was
present at a concentration of 25% by weight of ibuprofen within a compressed
monolithic tablet. The specific formula is as follows:
Ex. 2
The formulation components were mixed in a V-blender. The
resulting powder was compressed into tablets using conventional
technologies. In this Example a combination of a medium to high viscosity
HPMC and a low viscosity HPMC was used.
As shown in Fig. 2, the results of this Example demonstrate an
in vitro release profile comprising a burst effect, followed by the sustained
release of the remaining material. The burst effect provides release of 20% of
ibuprofen within 2 hours, and the release of approximately 90% of the
available ibuprofen over a period of 12 to 14 hours.
In another embodiment, the formulation comprised ibuprofen,
hydroxypropyl methylcellulose (HPMC K15M and HPMC KIOOLV), sodium
carbonate, flow agents and tableting aids, in which HPMC K100M was present
at a concentration of 17% by weight of ibuprofen, HPMC KIOOLV was present
at a concentration of 17% by weight of ibuprofen and sodium carbonate was
present at a concentration of 25% by weight of ibuprofen within a compressed
monolithic tablet.
The formulation components were mixed in a V-blender. The
resulting powder was compressed into tablets using conventional compression
technology. In this Example a combination of a medium to high viscosity
HPMC and a low viscosity HPMC was used.
As shown in Fig. 3, the results of this Example demonstrate an
in vitro release profile comprising a burst effect providing release of 20% of
ibuprofen within 2 hours, followed by the sustained release of the remaining
material evidencing release of 100% of the ibuprofen present in about 11
hours and greater than 90% in approximately 8 hours.
Example 4
In another embodiment, the formulation comprised ibuprofen,
hydroxypropyl methylcellulose (HPMC K100M and HPMC K100LV), sodium
carbonate, flow agents and tableting aids, in which HPMC K100M was present
at a concentration of 17% by weight of ibuprofen, HPMC K100LV was present
at a concentration of 17% by weight of ibuprofen, and sodium carbonate was
present at a concentration of 25% by weight of ibuprofen within a compressed
monolithic tablet.
The formulation components were mixed in a V-blender. The
resulting powder was compressed into tablets using conventional
technologies. In this Example a combination of a medium to high viscosity
HPMC and a low viscosity HPMC was used.
As shown in Fig. 4, the results of this Example demonstrate an
in vitro release profile comprising a burst effect, followed by the sustained
release of the remaining material. 20% of ibuprofen was released within 2
hours, followed by gradual sustained release, resulting in approximately 95%
release after 12 hours,
Example 5
In another embodiment, the formulation comprised ibuprofen,
hydroxypropyl methylcellulose (HPMC K100M), polyethylene oxide (PEO
WSRN 301), sodium carbonate, glycine, flow agents and tableting aids, in
which HPMC was present at a concentration of 33% by weight of ibuprofen,
glycine was present at a concentration of 8.25% by weight of ibuprofen and
sodium carbonate was present at a concentration of 25% by weight of
ibuprofen within a compressed monolithic tablet.
The formulation components were mixed in a V-blender. The
resulting powder was compressed into tablets using conventional compression
As shown in Fig. 6, the results of this Example demonstrate an
in vitro release profile comprising a burst effect, followed by the sustained
release of the remaining material. 20% of ibuprofen was released in under 2
hours, and release was thereafter sustained over a period of 15 hours.
However, incomplete release was exhibited by the dosage form.
Example 7
In this embodiment, the formulation comprised ibuprofen,
hydroxypropyl methylcellulose (HPMC K15M), sodium carbonate,
microcrystalline cellulose (MCC PH105 and MCC PH200), in which HPMC was
present at a concentration of 33% by weight of ibuprofen, sodium carbonate
was present at a concentration of 17% by weight of ibuprofen, MCC PH105
was present at a concentration of 33%, and MCC PH200 was present at a
concentration of 17% within a compressed monolithic tablet.
All ingredients were passed through a 30-mesh screen. The
ibuprofen and the MCC 105 were blended in a V-blender. The resulting
homogenous pre-blend was granulated with water, dried and subsequently
blended with the remaining formulation components in a V-blender. The
resulting powder was compressed into tablets using conventional compression
As shown in Fig. 7, this Example demonstrates an in vitro
release profile comprising a burst effect, followed by the sustained release of
the remaining material. The burst effect releases 20% of ibuprofen in under 2
hour, followed by relatively constant release over the next 10 -12 hours and
resulting in approximately 90% release after 12 hours.
Example 8
In the embodiment of Example 1, the tablet resulting from the
formulation was split into two equal parts, and both sections were placed into
a dissolution vessel.
As shown in Fig. 8, the results of this Example demonstrates an
in vitro release profile comprising a burst effect, followed by the sustained
release of the remaining material, even when split into sections after
tableting. In each case 20% of ibuprofen was released in less than one hour
and substantially all the ibuprofen had been released at about 12 hours.
Example 9
In one embodiment, the formulation comprised ibuprofen,
hydroxypropyl methylcellulose (HPMC K15M), sodium carbonate,
microcrystalline cellulose (MCC PH 302), in which HPMC was present at a
concentration of 33% by weight of ibuprofen, sodium carbonate was present
at a concentration of 18% by weight of ibuprofen, and MCC PH 302 was
present at a concentration of 33% within a compressed monolithic tablet.
(Table Removed)
All ingredients were passed through a 30-mesh screen and
blended in a V-blender. The resulting homogenous pre-blend was granulated
with water, dried and subsequently blended with the remaining formulation
components in a V-blender. The resulting powder was compressed into
tablets using conventional technologies.
As shown in Fig. 9, the results of this Example demonstrate an
in vitro release profile comprising a burst effect, followed by the sustained
release of the remaining material. 20% of ibuprofen was released within 2
hours, about 90% release was obtained in about 9 hours followed by 100%
release in under 16 hours.
Example 10
In another embodiment, the formulation comprised ibuprofen,
hydroxypropyl methylcellulose (HPMC K4M), flow agents and tableting aids, in
which HPMC K4M was present at a concentration of 32% by weight of
ibuprofen, and arginine was present at a concentration of 17% by weight of
ibuprofen within a compressed monolithic tablet.
(Table Removed)
The formulation components were mixed in a V-blender. The
resulting powder was compressed into tablets using conventional
As shown in Fig. 10, the results of this Example demonstrate
an in vitro release profile comprising a slight burst effect, followed by the
sustained release of the remaining material. While the burst effect in this
formulation produces somewhat delayed achievement of the percentage
released, this formulation demonstrates in excess of 90% release over a
period of 8 hours.
Example 11
In another embodiment, the formulation comprised ibuprofen,
hydroxypropyl methylcellulose (HPMC K4M), sodium carbonate, arginine, flow
agents and tableting aids, in which HPMC K4M was present at a concentration
of 32% by weight of ibuprofen, sodium carbonate was present at
concentration of 17% by weight of the ibuprofen, and arginine was present at
a concentration of 17% by weight of ibuprofen within a compressed
monolithic tablet.
(Table Removed)
The formulation components are mixed in a V-blender. The
resulting powder was compressed into tablets using conventional
As shown in Fig. 11, the results of this Example demonstrate
the in vitro release profile comprising a burst effect, followed by the sustained
release of the remaining material. The initial release is greater than 20% of
ibuprofen in less than two hours, and approximately 90% release over a
period of 14 hours.
Example 12
In another embodiment, the formulation comprised ibuprofen,
hydroxypropyl methylcellulose (HPMC K4M), microcrystalline cellulose (MCC
105), sodium carbonate, flow agents and various tableting aids, in which
HPMC K4M was present at a concentration of 32% by weight of ibuprofen,
sodium carbonate was present at concentration of 17% by weight of the
ibuprofen, and tableting aid, either Lactopress (12a), dicalcium phosphate
(12b), or pregelatinized starch (12c), was present at a concentration of 17%
by weight of ibuprofen within a monolithic tablet.
(Table Removed)
All ingredients were passed through a 30-mesh screen. The
ibuprofen and the MCC 105 were blended in a V-blender. The resulting
homogenous pre-blend was granulated with water, dried and subsequently
blended with the remaining formulation components in a V-blender. The
resulting powder was compressed into tablets using conventional
As shown in Fig. 12, the results of this Example demonstrate
the invention is capable of an in vitro release profile comprising a burst effect,
followed by the sustained release of the remaining material, with little or no
alteration in release profile when the tableting aid selection is varied. The in
vitro profile shows greater than 20 % release before 2.0 hours with a constant
rate release and at least 70% release by 14 hours.
Example 13
In another embodiment, the formulation comprised ibuprofen,
hydroxypropyl methylcellulose (HPMC K4M), microcrystalline cellulose (MCC
105), sodium carbonate, flow agents and various tableting aids, in which
HPMC K4M was present at a concentration of 32% by weight of ibuprofen,
sodium carbonate was present at concentration of 17% by weight of the
ibuprofen, and croscarmellose sodium was present at a concentration of 3%
by weight of ibuprofen within a monolithic tablet.
(Table Removed)
All ingredients were passed through a 30-mesh screen. The
ibuprofen, silica and the MCC 105 were blended in a V-blender. The resulting
homogenous pre-blend was granulated with water, dried and subsequently
blended with the remaining formulation components in a V-blender. The
resulting powder was compressed into tablets using conventional
As shown in Fig. 13, the results of this Example demonstrates
an in vitro release profile comprising a burst effect, followed by the sustained
release of the remaining material. The in vitro profile shows greater than
20% release before 2.0 hours followed by a relatively constant rate release
and at least 80% release by 14 hours.
Example 14
In another embodiment, the formulation comprised ibuprofen,
hydroxypropyl methylcellulose (HPMC K4M), microcrystalline cellulose (MCC
105), glycine, sodium carbonate, flow agents and various tableting aids, in
which HPMC K4M was present at a concentration of 32% by weight of
ibuprofen, sodium carbonate was present at concentration of 17% by weight
of the ibuprofen, glycine was present at a concentration of 8% by weight of
ibuprofen and croscarmellose sodium was present at a concentration of 6% by
weight of ibuprofen within a monolithic tablet.
(Table Removed)
All ingredients were passed through a 30-mesh screen. The
ibuprofen, silica and the MCC 105 were blended in a V-blender. The resulting
homogenous pre-blend was granulated with water, dried and subsequently
blended with the remaining formulation components in a V-blender. The
resulting powder was compressed into tablets using conventional
As shown in Fig. 14, the results of this Example demonstrate
the invention is capable of an in vitro release profile comprising a burst effect,
followed by the sustained release of the remaining material. The in vitro
profile shows greater than 20% release before 2.0 hours with a constant rate
release and at least 70% release by 14 hours.
Example 15
In another embodiment, the formulation comprised ibuprofen,
polyethylene oxide (PEO 301), PEO 60K, glycine, sodium carbonate, flow
agents and various tableting aids, in which PEO was present at a
concentration of 32% by weight of ibuprofen, sodium carbonate was present
at concentration of 25% by weight of the ibuprofen, and glycine was present
at a concentration of 37% by weight of ibuprofen within a monolithic tablet.
(Table Removed)
All ingredients were passed through a 30-mesh screen. The
ibuprofen was blended with the formulation components in a V-blender. The
resulting powder was compressed into tablets using conventional
As shown in Fig. 15, the results of this Example demonstrate
the invention is capable of an in vitro release profile comprising a burst effect,
followed by the sustained release of the remaining material. The in vitro
profile shows greater than 20% release before 2.0 hours with a constant rate
release and at least 80% release by 8 hours.
Example 16
In another embodiment, the formulation comprised ibuprofen,
polyethylene oxide (PEO 301), PEG 60K, glycine, sodium carbonate, flow
agents and various tableting aids, in which PEO was present at a
concentration of 32% by weight of ibuprofen, sodium carbonate was present
at concentration of 25% by weight of the ibuprofen, and glycine was present
at a concentration of 37% by weight of ibuprofen within a monolithic tablet.
(Table Removed)
All ingredients were passed through a 30-mesh screen. The
ibuprofen was blended with the formulation components in a V-blender. The
resulting powder was compressed into tablets using conventional
As shown in Fig. 16, the results of this Example demonstrate
the invention is capable of an in vitro release profile comprising a burst effect,
followed by the sustained release of the remaining material. The in vitro
profile shows greater than 20 % release before 2.0 hours with a constant rate
release and at least 90% release by 8 hours.
Example 17
In another embodiment, the formulation comprised ibuprofen,
polyethylene oxide (PEO 301), glycine, sodium carbonate, flow agents and
various tableting aids, in which PEO was present at a concentration of 25% by
weight of ibuprofen, sodium carbonate was present at concentration of 25%
by weight of the ibuprofen, and glycine was present at a concentration of 25%
by weight of ibuprofen within a monolithic tablet.
(Table Removed)
All ingredients were passed through a 30-mesh screen. The
ibuprofen was blended with the formulation components in a V-blender. The
resulting powder was compressed into tablets using conventional
As shown in Fig. 17, the results of this Example demonstrate
the invention is capable of an in vitro release profile comprising a burst effect,
followed by the sustained release of the remaining material. The in vitro
profile shows greater than 20 % release before 2.0 hours with a constant rate
release and at least 80% release by 8 hours.
Example 18
In another embodiment, the formulation comprised ibuprofen,
polyethylene oxide (PEO 301), glycine, sodium carbonate, croscarmellose
sodium, flow agents and various tableting aids, in which PEO was present at a
concentration of 25% by weight of ibuprofen, sodium carbonate was present
at concentration of 25% by weight of the ibuprofen, and glycine was present
at a concentration of 25% by weight of ibuprofen within a monolithic tablet.
(Table Removed)
All ingredients were passed through a 30-mesh screen. The
ibuprofen was blended with the formulation components in a V-blender. The
resulting powder was compressed into tablets using conventional
As shown in Fig. 17, the results of this Example demonstrate
the invention is capable of an in vitro release profile comprising a burst effect,
followed by the sustained release of the remaining material. The in vitro
profile shows greater than 20% release before 2.0 hours with a constant rate
release and at least 90% release by 8 hours.
Comparative in vitro data
BRUFEN RETARD is a commercially available in Europe as a
sustained release formulation of ibuprofen. BRUFEN RETARD tablets are
specially formulated to allow the gradual release of active substance giving
stable levels and a prolonged duration of effect over the dosage interval.
BRUFEN RETARD is a film coated tablet with 8OOmg of ibuprofen. BRUFEN
RETARD is indicated for its analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect in the
treatment of rheumatoid arthritis (including juvenile rheumatoid arthritis or
Still's disease), ankylosmg spondylitis, and osteo-arthritis. BRUFEN RETARD is
indicated in the treatment of non-articular rheumatism including fibrositis.
BRUFEN RETARD is indicated in periarticular conditions such as frozen
shoulder (capsulitis), bursitis, tendinitis, tenosynovitis and low-back pain.
BRUFEN RETARD can also be used in soft-tissue injuries such as sprains and
strains. BRUFEN RETARD is also indicated for its analgesic effect in the relief
of mild to moderate pain such as dysmenorrhoea, dental, post-episiotomy
pain and post-partum pain.
Example 19 (Figure 18)
BRUFEN RETARD tablet in vitro release performance was
evaluated in a type II dissolution apparatus in 900mL KH2PO4 buffer, pH 7.2,
at SOrpm paddle speed. As shown in Fig. 18, the results of this Example
demonstrate the in vitro data results of BRUFEN RETARD. The figure shows
that BRUFEN RETARD is incapable of an in vitro release profile comprising a
burst effect, followed by the sustained release of the remaining material.
BRUFEN RETARD fails to deliver to release at least 20% of ibuprofen by 2.0
hours with a constant rate of release with at least 70% release at 14 hours.
Example 20 - In Vivo Trial
In the in vivo testing, serum concentrations of subjects taking
tablets comprising the modified release formulation of the present invention
were compared with serum concentrations of subjects taking immediate
release ibuprofen tablets (Motrin® IB 200 mg and Motrin® 600 mg). Tablets
comprising the modified release formulation of the present invention
demonstrated a burst effect followed by sustained release and therapeutic
concentration at extended time periods that the other two immediate release
formulations did not. The minimum mean serum plasma ibuprofen
concentration in the blood of the subject was between 8 and 10|ag/ml for
Motrin"" IB..
The in vivo behavior of modified release solid dosages of la and
1b from Example 1 were compared to the in vivo behavior of an immediate
release formulation (MOTRIN®). The open-label study involved 10 healthy
male volunteers over the age of 18. Following an overnight fast of at least
ten hours, each subject received either one 600 mg dose of one of the two
above described modified release tablets or 200 mg every four hours for 3
doses of the immediate release formulation of MOTRIN® IB or one 600 mg
tablet of MOTRIN®. 88 blood samples were taken prior to dosing and at
specific intervals up to 12 hours after dosing.
The blood samples were kept in ice bath prior to centrifugation
and were centrifuge as soon as possible under refrigerated condition at 35000
rpm for seven minutes. The collected plasma from each blood collection tube
was aliquotted into pre-cooled labeled polypropylene tubes. The samples
were kept in an ice bath, then stored frozen at minus 25 °C ±10 °C until
The plasma samples were analyzed by a fully validated HPLC
method. The analytes were separated by reverse phase chromatography.
Evaluation of the assay was carried out by the construction of an eight point
calibration curve (excluding zero concentration) covering the range of 0.400
μg/ml to 51.200 μg/ml (in human plasma) for ibuprofen. The slope and
intercept of the calibration curves were determined through weighted linear
regression analysis (1/conc.2). The results are depicted in FIGURE 19.
(Table Removed)
Treatments (B & C) versus Treatment E
The systematic exposure to ibuprofen after the administration
of the one 600 mg ibuprofen tablet la or Ib (Treatments B & C) was similar
to that obtained when compared to the administration of one MOTRIN®
600mg tablet. The peak exposure to ibuprofen from one 600 mg ibuprofen
tablet la or Ib (Treatments A-C) was significantly lower than that from the
MOTRIN"* GOOmg tablet. The absorption time was modified comparing one
600 mg ibuprofen tablet la or Ib (Treatments B & C) with median Tmax value
of 5.Oh to a 1.5h Tmax of one MOTRIN® 600mg tablet.
Treatments (B & C) versus Treatment D
The systematic exposure to ibuprofen after the administration
of the one 600 mg ibuprofen tablet la or Ib (Treatments B & C) was similar
to that obtained when compared to the administration of three MOTRIN® IB
200mg tablets. The peak exposure to ibuprofen from one 600 mg ibuprofen
tablet la or Ib (Treatments B & C) was significantly lower than that from
three MOTRIN® IB 200mg tablets. The absorption time was modified
comparing one 600 mg ibuprofen tablet la or Ib (Treatments B & C) with
median Tmax value of 5.Oh to a l.Oh Tmaxof three MOTRIN® IB 200mg tablet.
Figure 19 depicts the results discussed above. Treatment D
shows an initial burst that falls to a valley at four hours and the second tablet
is administered. This valley again happens at the eighth hour. This valley
constitutes the minimum plasma concentration for ibuprofen to be considered
therapeutic. A mean ibuprofen plasma concentration of about 6.4-10 μg/ml is
considered the concentration of ibuprofen needed in the blood to be
considered clinically effective. Treatment E shows an extreme initial burst of
ibuprofen followed by a steady decline that falls below therapeutic threshold
at about 6 hours.
Treatments B and C have an initial burst of ibuprofen that
reaches the level of 6.4 μg/ml at about 0.5 to 1 hour and maintains the level
until about hour 12. The present invention provides for a single dosage of
ibuprofen that provides an initial burst similar to an immediate release
formulation of ibuprofen and then provides a mean ibuprofen plasma
concentration of above 6.4μg/ml for about 12 hours.

We Claim;
1. A solid dosage form for modified oral administration of ibuprofen
a hydrophilic polymer;
300 to 800 mg of ibuprofen in the solid dosage form uniformly
dispersed in said polymer;
a dissolution additive dispersed in said hydrophilic polymer in an
amount in the range of 10% to 35% by weight of the ibuprofen, said
dissolution additive comprising an alkali metal salt, an amino acid having a
neutral to alkaline side chain, croscarmellose or a salt thereof, or a
combination of any two of such dissolution additives; and
an inert formulation additive dispersed in said hydrophilic polymer in
an amount in the range of 15% to 75% by weight of the ibuprofen, said
formulation additive comprising microcrystalline cellulose, silica, magnesium
stearate, steanc acid, lactose, pre-gelatinized starch, dicalcium phosphate or
a combination of any of them,
wherein at least 20% of the ibuprofen is released within 2 hours
following oral administration or exposure to an agitated aqueous medium of a
single dosage unit, then thereafter releases ibuprofen at a relatively constant
rate over a period of at least 8 hours, and wherein at least 70% of the
ibuprofen is released over a period of not more than 14 hours following such
administration or exposure.
2. The solid dosage form of claim 1, wherein ibuprofen is present in
each dosage form in an amount of about 300 mg, 400 mg or 600 mg.
3. The solid dosage form of claim 1, wherein said polymer comprises
polyethylene oxide, hydroxypropyl methylcellulose or a combination thereof.
4. The solid dosage form of claim 1, wherein said polymer comprises
hydroxypropyl methylcellulose with a viscosity of at least 100 cps.
5. The solid dosage form of claim 4, wherein said hydrophilic polymer
comprises a first hydroxypropyl methylcellulose having a viscosity of greater
than 100 cps and a second HPMC having a viscosity of about 100 cps, each at
a concentration of 17% to 42% by weight of ibuprofen.
6. The solid dosage form of claim 1, wherein said dissolution additive
is sodium carbonate, glycine, arginine, croscarmellose sodium or a
combination thereof.
7. The solid dosage form of claim 1, where said inert formulation
additive comprises microcrystalline cellulose present at a concentration at
17% to about 33% by weight of the ibuprofen.
8. The solid dosage form of claim 7, wherein said inert formulation
additive comprises a first microcrystalline cellulose having particle size of
about 20 μm and a second MCC having a particles size of about 180 μm, each
of which is present at a concentration at 17% to about 33% by weight of the
9. The solid dosage form of claim 1, wherein said solid dosage form
demonstrates a mean serum ibuprofen concentration in a subject greater than
or equal to 6.4 μg/ml within two hours of administration, and wherein said
solid dosage form also demonstrates a mean serum ibuprofen concentration in
a subject greater than or equal to 6.4 μg/ml for at least 8 hours after
10. A modified release tablet, comprising:
ibuprofen in an amount in the range of 300 mg to 800 mg per tablet;
a hydrophilic polymer;
a dissolution additive at a concentration of from 10% to 35% by
weight of the ibuprofen comprising alkali metal salts, an amino acid
possessing neutral-to-alkaline side chain, croscarmellose or a salt thereof or a
combination thereof; and
an inert formulation additive comprising microcrystalline cellulose,
silicified microcrystalline cellulose, dicalcium phosphate, lactose, pregelatinized
starch or mixtures thereof, said inert formulation additive being
present in said dosage in an amount of 15% to about 75% by weight of the
wherein said tablet demonstrates a mean serum ibuprofen
concentration in a subject greater than or equal to 6.4 μg/ml within two hours
of administration, and wherein said tablet also demonstrates a mean serum
ibuprofen concentration in a subject greater than or equal to 6.4 μ9/ml for at
least 8 hours after administration.
11. The tablet of claim 10,
wherein the hydrophilic polymer comprises hydroxypropyl
methylcellulose at a concentration of 17% to 42% by weight of ibuprofen;
wherein ibuprofen is present in an amount of about 600 mg and
dispersed uniformly in said polymer;
wherein said dissolution additive is sodium carbonate uniformly
dispersed in said polymer; and
wherein said formulation additive is two differing particle sizes of
microcrystalline cellulose dispersed in said polymer, each at 15% to 50% by
weight of the ibuprofen.
12. The tablet of claim 10,
wherein the hydrophilic polymer comprises hydroxypropyl
rnethylcellulose at a concentration of 17% to 42% by weight of ibuprofen;
wherein ibuprofen is present in an amount of about 600 mg and is
dispersed uniformly in said polymer;
wherein said dissolution additive is glycine uniformly dispersed in said
polymer at a concentration of 10% to 15% by weight of the ibuprofen.
13. The tablet of claim 10,
wherein the hydrophilic polymer comprises hydroxypropyl
rnethylcellulose at a concentration of 17% to 42% by weight of ibuprofen;
wherein ibuprofen is present in an amount of about 600 mg and is
dispersed uniformly in said polymer;
wherein said dissolution additive is glycine uniformly dispersed in said
polymer at a concentration of 10% to 15% by weight of the ibuprofen;
wherein said formulation additive is two differing particle sizes of
microcrystalline cellulose dispersed in said polymer, each at 15% to 50% by
weight of the ibuprofen.
14. The tablet of claim 10,
wherein said hydrophilic polymer comprises hydroxypropyl
rnethylcellulose having two differing viscosities, selected from the group
consisting of HPMC 100 cps, HPMC 4000 cps, HPMC 15000 cps, and HPMC
100000 cps, each at a concentration of 17% to 42% by weight of ibuprofen;
wherein the dissolution additive is glycine uniformly dispersed in said
polymer at a concentration of 5% to 35% by weight of the ibuprofen;
wherein the formulation additive is two differing particle sizes of
microcrystalline cellulose dispersed in said polymer, each at 15% to 50% by
weight of the ibuprofen.
15. The tablet of claim 10,
wherein said hydrophilic polymer comprises hydroxypropyl
methylcellulose having two differing viscosities, selected from the group
consisting of HPMC 100 cps, HPMC 4000 cps, HPMC 15000 cps, and HPMC
100000 cps, each at a concentration of 17% to 42% by weight of ibuprofen;
wherein 300mg to 800mg ibuprofen dispersed uniformly in said
wherein the dissolution additive is glycine uniformly dispersed in said
polymer at a concentration of 5% to 35% by weight of the ibuprofen and
croscarmellose sodium uniformly dispersed in said polymer at a concentration
of 1% to 15% by weight of the ibuprofen.
16. The tablet of claim 10,
wherein said hydrophilic polymer comprises hydroxypropyl
methylcellulose having two differing viscosities, selected from the group
consisting of HPMC 100 cps, HPMC 4000 cps, HPMC 15000 cps, and HPMC
100000 cps, each at a concentration of 17% to 42% by weight of ibuprofen;
wherein 300mg to 800mg ibuprofen dispersed uniformly in said
wherein the dissolution additive is glycine uniformly dispersed in said
polymer at a concentration of 5% to 35% by weight of the ibuprofen and
croscarmellose sodium uniformly dispersed in said polymer at a concentration
of 1% to 15% by weight of the ibuprofen;
wherein the formulation additive is two differing particle sizes of
microcrystalline cellulose dispersed in said polymer, each at 15% to 50% by
weight of the ibuprofen,
17. The tablet of claim 10,
wherein said hydrophilic polymer comprises hydroxypropyl
methylcellulose having two differing viscosities, selected from the group
consisting of HPMC 100 cps, HPMC 4000 cps, HPMC 15000 cps, and HPMC
100000 cps, each at a concentration of 17% to 42% by weight of ibuprofen;
wherein 300mg to 800mg ibuprofen dispersed uniformly in said
wherein the dissolution additive is sodium carbonate uniformly
dispersed in said polymer at a concentration of 5% to 35% by weight of the
wherein the formulation additive is two differing particle sizes of
rnicrocrystalline cellulose dispersed in said polymer, each at 15% to 50% by
weight of the ibuprofen.
18. The tablet of claim 10,
wherein said hydrophilic polymer comprises hydroxypropyl
methylcellulose having two differing viscosities, selected from the group
consisting of HPMC 100 cps, HPMC 4000 cps, HPMC 15000 cps, and HPMC
100000 cps, each at a concentration of 17% to 42% by weight of ibuprofen;
wherein 300mg to 800mg ibuprofen dispersed uniformly in said
wherein the dissolution additive is sodium carbonate uniformly
dispersed in said polymer at a concentration of 5% to 35% by weight of the
ibuprofen, and croscarrnellose sodium uniformly dispersed in said polymer at
a concentration of 1% to 15% by weight of the ibuprofen;
wherein the formulation additive is two differing particle sizes of
rnicrocrystalline cellulose dispersed in said polymer, each at 15% to 50% by
weight of the ibuprofen.
19. The tablet of claim 10,
wherein said hydrophilic polymer comprises hydroxypropyl
methylcellulose having two differing viscosities, selected from the group
consisting of HPMC 100 cps, HPMC 4000 cps, HPMC 15000 cps, and HPMC
100000 cps, each at a concentration of 17% to 42% by weight of ibuprofen;
wherein 3OOmg to 8OOmg ibuprofen dispersed uniformly in said
wherein the dissolution additives are sodium carbonate uniformly
dispersed in said polymer at a concentration of 5% to 35% by weight of the
ibuprofen, glycine uniformly dispersed in said polymer at a concentration of
5% to 35% by weight of the ibuprofen, and croscarrnellose sodium uniformly
dispersed in said polymer at a concentration of 1% to 15% by weight of the
wherein the formulation additive is two differing particle sizes of
rnicrocrystalline cellulose dispersed in said polymer, each at 15% to 50% by
weight of the ibuprofen.
20. A method of maintaining a mean plasma ibuprofen concentration
of at least 6.4 μg/ml over a time period of 2 to 8 hours in a patient,
administering a single dosage of the solid dosage form according to
claim 1.
21. The method for providing immediate and extended release of
ibuprofen to a subject, comprising:
administering to a subject in a single dose of a modified release tablet
ibuprofen in an amount in the range of 300 mg to 800 mg per tablet;
a hydrophilic polymer;
a dissolution additive at a concentration of from 10% to 35% by
weight of the ibuprofen comprising alkali metal salts, an amino acid
possessing neutral-to-alkaline side chain, croscarmellose or a salt thereof or a
combination thereof; and
an inert formulation additive comprising microcrystalline cellulose,
silicified microcrystalline cellulose, dicalcium phosphate, lactose, pregelatinized
starch or mixtures thereof, said inert formulation additive being
present in said dosage in an amount of 15% to about 75% by weight of the
wherein said tablet demonstrates a mean serum ibuprofen
concentration in a subject greater than or equal to 6.4 μg/ml within two hours
of administration, and wherein said tablet also demonstrates a mean serum
ibuprofen concentration in a subject greater than or equal to 6.4 μg/ml for at
least 8 hours after administration.
22. The method according to claim 21,
wherein said hydrophilic polymer comprises hydroxypropyl
methylcellulose having two differing viscosities, selected from the group
consisting of HPMC 100 cps, HPMC 4000 cps, HPMC 15000 cps, and HPMC
100000 cps, each at a concentration of 17% to 42% by weight of ibuprofen;
wherein 300mg to 800mg ibuprofen dispersed uniformly in said
wherein the dissolution additives are sodium carbonate uniformly
dispersed in said polymer at a concentration of 5% to 35% by weight of the
ibuprofen, glycine uniformly dispersed in said polymer at a concentration of
5% to 35% by weight of the ibuprofen, and croscarmellose sodium uniformly
dispersed in said polymer at a concentration of 1% to 15% by weight of the
wherein the formulation additive is two differing particle sizes of
microcrystalline cellulose dispersed in said polymer, each at 15% to 50% by
weight of the ibuprofen.
23. The method according to claim 21,
wherein said hydrophilic polymer comprises hydroxypropyl
methylcellulose having two differing viscosities, selected from the group
consisting of HPMC 100 cps, HPMC 4000 cps, HPMC 15000 cps, and HPMC
100000 cps, each at a concentration of 17% to 42% by weight of ibuprofen;
wherein BOOmg to SOOmg ibuprofen dispersed uniformly in said
wherein the dissolution additive is sodium carbonate uniformly
dispersed in said polymer at a concentration of 5% to 35% by weight of the
ibuprofen, and croscarmellose sodium uniformly dispersed in said polymer at
a concentration of 1% to 15% by weight of the ibuprofen;
wherein the formulation additive is two differing particle sizes of
microcrystalline cellulose dispersed in said polymer, each at 15% to 50% by
weight of the ibuprofen.
24. The method according claim 21,
wherein said hydrophilic polymer comprises hydroxypropyl
methylcellulose having two differing viscosities, selected from the group
consisting of HPMC 100 cps, HPMC 4000 cps, HPMC 15000 cps, and HPMC
100000 cps, each at a concentration of 17% to 42% by weight of ibuprofen;
wherein 600mg ibuprofen is dispersed uniformly in said polymer; and
wherein the dissolution additive is sodium carbonate uniformly dispersed in
said polymer at a concentration of 10% to 35% by weight of the ibuprofen,
and glycine uniformly dispersed in said polymer at a concentration of 1% to
15% by weight of the ibuprofen.
25. Modifiled release ibuprofen dosage form substantially as described
and shown in the description and drawings.







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Patent Number 264128
Indian Patent Application Number 2407/DELNP/2007
PG Journal Number 50/2014
Publication Date 12-Dec-2014
Grant Date 08-Dec-2014
Date of Filing 29-Mar-2007
Applicant Address 103 FOULK ROAD , SUITE 200, WILMINGTON, DELAWARE 19803, USA
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number A61K 9/14
PCT International Application Number PCT/US2005/035630
PCT International Filing date 2005-09-30
PCT Conventions:
# PCT Application Number Date of Convention Priority Country
1 60/614,932 2004-09-30 U.S.A.
2 60/689,631 2005-06-10 U.S.A.
3 11/238,802 2005-09-29 U.S.A.