Title of Invention


Abstract An exhaust system includes a particulate filter (PF) that is disposed downstream from an engine. The PF filters particulates within an exhaust from the engine. A heating element heats particulate matter in the PF. A catalyst substrate or a flow converter is disposed upstream from said heating element. The catalyst substrate oxidizes the exhaust prior to reception by the heating element. The flow converter converts turbulent exhaust flow to laminar exhaust flow prior to reception by the heating element.
Full Text 1
[0001] Certain of the subject matter of the present application was
developed under Contract Number DE-FC-04-03 AL67635 awarded by the
Department of Energy. The U.S. government has certain rights in this
[0002] The present disclosure relates to particulate filters and more
particularly to regeneration techniques of the same.
[0003] The background description provided herein is for the
purpose of generally presenting the context of the disclosure. Work of the
presently named inventors, to the extent it is described in this background
section, as well as aspects of the description that may not otherwise qualify as
prior art at the time of filing, are neither expressly nor impliedly admitted as
prior art against the present disclosure.
[0004] A diesel combustion cycle produces particulates that are
typically filtered from a diesel exhaust gas by a particulate filter (PF). The PF
is disposed in an exhaust system of a corresponding diesel engine. The PF
reduces emissions of particulate matter (soot) that is generated during a
heterogeneous combustion process. Over time, the PF becomes full and
trapped diesel particulates must be removed. During a regeneration process,
the diesel particulates are burned within the PF.

[0005] An engine control system can estimate the particulate
accumulation and determine when the filter needs regeneration. Once it is
determined that the filter is full or filled to a predetermined level of particulate,
the control system enables regeneration by modifying the combustion process
and/or injecting fuel into the exhaust system. The fuel is injected into the
exhaust stream after a main combustion event. The post-injected fuel is
combusted over one or more catalysts of the PF. The heat released during
combustion of the injected fuel on the catalysts increases the exhaust
temperature, which burns the trapped soot particles in the PF. The elevated
exhaust temperatures initiate oxidation of the stored soot within the PF. This
approach, however, can result in higher temperature excursions than desired,
which can be detrimental to exhaust system components including the PF.
[G006] Accordingly, an exhaust system that processes exhaust
generated by an engine to regenerate a particulate filter is provided. The
system includes a particulate filter (PF) that is disposed downstream from and
that filters particulates within the exhaust. A heating element heats particulate
matter in the PF. A catalyst substrate is disposed upstream from the heating
element and oxidizes the exhaust prior to reception by the heating element.
[0007] In other features, an exhaust system that processes
exhaust generated by an engine to regenerate a particulate filter is provided.
The system includes a PF that is disposed downstream of and that filters
particulates within the exhaust. A heating element heats particulate matter in
the Pf . A flow converter is disposed upstream from the heating element and
converts turbulent exhaust flow to laminar exhaust flow prior to reception by
the heating element.
[0008] Further areas of applicability will become apparent from the
description provided herein. It should be understood that the description and
specific examples are intended for purposes of illustration only and are not
intended to limit the scope of the present disclosure.

[0009] The present disclosure will become more fully understood
from the detailed description and the accompanying drawings, wherein:
[0010] FIG. 1 is a cross-sectional view of a portion of a particulate
filter (PF);
[0011] FIG. 2 is a graph illustrating a temperature profile within the
length of a catalyst substrate or PF during a cold start emission test;
[0012] FIG. 3 is a functional block diagram of an exemplary diesel
engine system including an exhaust particulate filter system in accordance
with an embodiment of the present invention;
[0013] FIG. 4 is a perspective view of an example grid/heating
element, as applied to a front surface of a PF in accordance with an
embodiment of the present invention;
[0014] FIG. 5 is a cross-sectional side view of a PF system in
accordance with an embodiment of the present invention;
[0015] FIG. 6 is a close-up cross-sectional side view of a portion of
a PF illustrating an example heating element fastener in accordance with an
embodiment of the present invention; and
[0016] FIG. 7 is a close-up cross-sectional side view of a portion of
a PF illustrating example heating element fasteners in accordance with
another embodiment of the present invention.
[0017] The following description is merely exemplary in nature and
Is in no way intended to limit the disclosure, its application, or uses. For
purposes of clarity, the same reference numbers will be used in the drawings
to identify similar elements. As used herein, the term module refers to an
Application Specific Integrated Circuit (ASIC), an electronic circuit, a
processor (shared, dedicated, or group) and memory that execute one or
more software or firmware programs, a combinational logic circuit, and/or

other suitable components that provide the described functionality. As used
herein, the phrase at least one of A, B, and C should be construed to mean a
logical (A or B or C), using a non-exclusive logical or. It should be understood
that steps within a method may be executed in different order without altering
the principles of the present disclosure.
[0018] Referring now to Figure 1, a cross-sectional view of a portion
10 of a particulate filter (PF) is shown. The PF includes multiple inlet
cells/channels 12 and outlet cells/channels 14, which have associated
channel walls 16. The inlet channels 12 have inlets 18 and the outlet
channels 14 have outlets 20. The inlet channels 12 are in an alternating
arrangement relative to the outlet channels 14. The inlet channels 12 have
outlet piugs 22 and the outlet channels 14 have inlet plugs 24. The outlet
plugs 22 and the inlet plugs 24 may be integrally formed as part of the walls
16. The walls 16 perform as filters for an entering engine exhaust, designated
by arrow 26. The exhaust 26 enters the inlets 18 and passes from the inlet
channels 12 to the outlet channels 14 through the walls 16. The channei
walls 16 prevent particle matter 30 from entering the outlet channels 14 and
thus collects in the inlet channels 12 against the channel walls 16.
[0019] To remove the collected particle matter or soot 30, inlet
regions 40 proximate to the inlets 18 are heated. When the exhaust 26 is
heated in the inlet region 40, the collected particle matter in that region
ignites. The flame generated from the burning of the particle matter travels
along and within the associated inlet channels of the PF. This heating may be
generated via an electrical interface, such as one or more heating elements,
as described in more detail below. The heating is accomplished with minimal
electrical power. The heating provides uniform heat distribution and limited
peak temperatures within the PF, thereby preventing damage to the PF. The
heating may be performed during a low fuel consumption regeneration cycle.
In other words, a minimal amount of fuel may be injected in the exhaust
system and/or PF system during regeneration of the PF.

[0020] Referring now to FIG. 2, a graph illustrating a temperature
profile within the length of a catalyst substrate or PF during a cold start
emission test is shown. The catalyst substrate has multiple catalyst bricks,
which are coupled in series. A contact point between a front catalyst brick
and a rear catalyst brick is represented by a spike in temperature differences
at 0.05m. The spike is caused by a misalignment between channels of the
catalyst bricks. Multiple curves 50 are shown and represent time in seconds,
as provided by the key 52. The curves 50 provide a relationship between the
difference in Tgas and TSOiid for the PF versus channel length or position along
the longitudinal length of the channel. Tgas is the temperature of the exhaust
and Tsolld is the temperature of the substrate.
[0021] As can be seen from the graph, a large temperature loss
occurs at a front surface of the PF, due to turbulent heat transfer at the inlets
of the PF or cell entrance locations. The front surface corresponds with
channel length 0. The hot exhaust gas heats up the front surface of the PF
where the flow is highly turbulent. The hot exhaust gas heats the front
surface until a thermal equilibrium is met over time. Since the flow of the
exhaust becomes laminar a short distance down the channels of the PF, the
heat transfer loss decreases. Thus, the rear surface of the PF, where the
exhaust flow is laminar, experiences a gradual change in temperature with
time. The Tgas/TS0lid temperature difference approaches 0 near the rear
surface. For this reason, the rear surface experiences smaller thermal losses
than the front surface.
[0022] Thus, a heating element is used to raise the temperature of
the substrate to oxidize the soot on the front surface. This prevents heating
element energy loss due to convective heating of the exhaust gas, which then
flows thru the substrate walls and out "clean" cold outlet channels thereof.

[0023] When a PF heating element is used to heat the front surface
of the PF, the temperature of the heating element is increased to exceed an
ignition point of the soot. Heating a front surface of a PF to a hot enough
temperature that allows particulate matter to burn creates a flame front that
propagates down or longitudinally along the channel of the PF cleaning the
soot from the filter. The PF may be formed of electrically resistive material,
which provides an efficient technique to generate heat. However, thermal
losses to a cooler exhaust gas, as well as radiant heat loss to metal exhaust
pipes increases the electrical power used to meet desired ignition
temperatures. When the heating element receives turbulent exhaust flow, a
significant amount of heat loss is exhibited, which reduces the temperature of
the heating element. A large portion of this heat loss is radiant heat loss.
[0024] Radiant heat loss is energy emitted from a high temperature
object and is usually infrared light. Since particulate matter requires high
temperatures for combustion, the radiant heat losses are a significant source
of lost energy. The Stefan-Boltzmann law states that the power loss due to
radiant energy is proportional to the fourth power of a temperature difference
between emitting and absorbing surfaces, ie: QUAD ~ A ( Tn4 7 ). QUAD is
radiant heat loss, A is the Stefan-Boltzmann law constant, TH is the
temperature of the heating element, and T L is the temperature of the exhaust
gases and/or other components near the heating element. Because the
heating element temperature needed to initiate soot burn is high, the heating
surface radiant heat loss associated with the heating element is high.
[0025] To contain or reflect this radiant energy and utilize this
energy to facilitate the burning of the soot, catalyst substrate/flow converter
implementations are used, as described below. To achieve high heating
element temperatures needed for soot ignition, with minimum electrical power,
convective losses to exhaust gas flow are minimized. This is done by
converting turbulent exhaust flow to laminar exhaust flow. A flow converter
converts turbulent flow into laminar flow prior to reception by a heating
element. In the below described embodiments, radiant energy losses are

reduced by allowing the radiant energy to reflect and/or be contained on a
surface of a shielding substrate near a heating element. Hence conductive
heat losses to an exhaust piping are reduced, and the radiant energy is
contained near the heating element itself. The stated energy reflection and
containment significantly improves the electrical efficiency of regenerating a
[0026] Referring now to FIG. 3, a functional block diagram of an
exemplary diesel engine system 70 including an exhaust PF system 72 is
shown. It is appreciated that the diesel engine system 70 is merely exemplary
in nature and that the zone heated particulate filter regeneration system
described herein can be implemented in various engine systems that have a
particulate filter. Such engine systems may include, but are not limited to,
gasoline direct injection engine systems and homogeneous charge
compression ignition engine systems.
[0027] The engine system 70 includes a diesel engine 71, an intake
manifold 74, a common rail fuel injection system 76 and an exhaust system
78. The engine 71 combusts an air and fuel mixture to produce drive torque.
The exemplary engine 71 includes eight cylinders 80 configured in adjacent
cylinder banks 82, 84 in V-type layout. Although Figure 3 depicts eight
cylinders (N = 8), it can be appreciated that the engine 71 may include
additional or fewer cylinders 80. For example, engines having 2, 4, 5, 6, 8,
10, 12 and 16 cylinders are contemplated. It is also anticipated that the
particulate filter regeneration control of the present invention can be
implemented in an inline-type or another type of cylinder configuration.
[0028] Air is drawn into the intake manifold 74 through a throttle (not
shown). Air is drawn into the cylinders 80 from the intake manifold 74 and is
compressed therein. Fuel is injected into cylinder 80 by the common rail
injection system 76 and the heat of the compressed air ignites the air/fuel
mixture. The exhaust gases are exhausted from the cylinders 80 into the
exhaust system 78. In some instances, the engine system 70 can include a
turbocharger that uses an exhaust driven turbine 86 to drive a compressor 87

that compresses the air entering the intake manifold 74. The compressed air
typically passes through an air cooler (not shown) before entering into the
intake manifold 74.
[0029] The exhaust system 78 includes exhaust manifolds 88, 90,
exhaust conduits 92, 94, and 96, and the PF system 72, which for the
embodiment shown may be referred to as a diesel PF system. The exhaust
manifolds 88, 90 direct the exhaust exiting corresponding cylinder banks 82,
84 into the exhaust conduits 92, 94. Optionally, an EGR valve (not shown) re-
circulates a portion of the exhaust back into the intake manifold 82. The
remainder of the exhaust is directed into the turbocharger 78 to drive a
turbine. The turbine facilitates the compression of the fresh air received from
the intake manifold 74. A combined exhaust stream flows from the
turbocharger through the exhaust conduit 96 and the PF system 72.
[0030] The PF system 72 includes a catalyst substrate/flow
converter 100, such as a diesel oxidizing catalyst (DOC), a heating element
102 and a PF 104. The PF 104 is shown as a diesel particle filter (DPF) for
the stated embodiment. The PF system 72 filters particulates from the
combined exhaust stream from the exhaust conduits 92, 94 prior to entering
the atmosphere. The flow converter 100 performs as a heat shield and
oxidizes the exhaust based on the post combustion air/fuel ratio. The amount
of oxidation increases the temperature of the exhaust.' The heating element
102 increases the temperature of the front surface of the PF 104 prior to the
exhaust entering the DPF 104, which initiates burning of the collected soot
therein The DPF 104 receives exhaust from the flow converter 100 and
filters soot particulates present in the exhaust. In one embodiment, the flow
converter 100 includes and/or is an open cell/channel substrate and the DPF
104 includes and/or is a closed cell/channel substrate. The flow converter
100 has an internal flow through configuration whereas the DPF 104 performs
as a filter. The flow converter 100 and the DPF 104 may be formed of
ceramic material, a silicon carbide material, a metallic material, or other
suitable materials.

[0031] Use of the flow converter 100, alleviates the above-described
radiant thermal losses and maintains laminar exhaust flow on the heating
element 102. The flow converter 100 converts turbulent exhaust flow into
laminar exhaust flow prior to reception by the heating element 102. This
improves the heating element efficiency by allowing laminar exhaust flow over
the surfaces of the heating element 102.
[0032] A control module 110 regulates operation of the system 70
according to the oxygen based particulate filter regeneration method of the
present invention. The system 70 may include various sensors 111, such as
temperature sensors, air flow sensors, air-fuel sensors, and other sensors for
status determination and control of the system 70. The control module 110
determines when regeneration is needed and controls engine operation to
allow regeneration to occur. Based on status signals received from the
sensors, the control module 110 controls engine operation at regeneration
levels throughout the regeneration process.
[0033] A control module 110 controls the engine 71 and PF
regeneration based on various sensed information. More specifically, the
control module 110 estimates loading of the DPF 104. When the estimated
loading achieves a threshold level (e.g., 5 grams/liter of particulate matter)
and the exhaust flow rate is within a desired range. Current is controlled to
the DPF 104 and provided via the control module 110 and a power source
112 to initiate the regeneration process. The current from the power source
may be supplied directly to the DPF 104, as shown, or supplied to the control
module 110 prior to being received by the DPF 104. The duration of the
regeneration process varies based upon the amount of particulate matter
within 'he DPF 104. It is anticipated, that the regeneration process can iast
between 2-6 minutes. Current is only applied, however, during an initial
portion of the regeneration process. More specifically, the electric energy
heats a front surface 114 of the DPF 104 for a threshold period (e.g., 1 - 2
minutes). Exhaust passing through the front surface 114 is heated. The
remainder of the regeneration process is achieved using the heat generated

by combustion of particulate matter present near the front surface 114 or by
the heated exhaust passing through the DPF 104. For a further explanation
or examples of zoning and heating element control see U.S. patent serial
application No.11/233450 filed on March 22, 2006 and entitled, "Zoned
Heated Inlet Ignited Diesel Particulate Filter Regeneration", which is
incorporated by reference in its entirety herein.
[0034] Referring now to FIG. 4, a perspective view of an example
grid/heating element 120, as applied to a front surface 122 of a PF 124 is
shown. The heating element 120 may be of various shapes and sizes and
arranged in various configurations and patterns. For example, the width W of
the heating element or conductive path thereof may vary per application.
Although the heating element 120, as shown, has a single positive connector
126 and a single negative connector 128, it may have any number of
connectors. Also, any number of heating elements may be incorporated. As
another example, each connector pair and heating element and/or segmented
portion [hereof may be associated with a particular coverage zone on the front
surface 122. Heating of the front surface 122 via multiple zones reduces the
electrical impact on a PF system during regeneration. Each zone can be
heated separately by supplying power to a pathway of resistive material
located within each zone. In one embodiment, the heating element 120 is
formed from a sheet of electrically resistive material, such as a metallic
materia!, an example of which is stainless steel. The heating element may bo
stamped, milled, cut using a waterjet cutting machine, or formed using some
other suitable technigue.
[0035] By dividing the front surface 122 into multiple heated zones,
the material of the heating element 120 can be dispersed more uniformly to
evenly heat the front surface 122. This minimizes the cross-sectional area of
a particular heated area and broadens soot combustion to adjacent channels.
As a result, the total particulate matter consumed is maximized, while the
amount of initially heated area and the amount of electrical power used for
such heating is minimized. Within each zone, it is also appreciated that the

heating element 120 may form resistive pathways or bands of material. The
resistive pathways may be porous or have holes for exhaust flow
therethrough. It is further appreciated that each of the zones may be heated
sequentially, simultaneously, or selectively on an as needed basis.
[0036] Referring now to FIGs. 3 and 4, the control module 110
controls the heating of each zone individually. Switches 130, when
incorporated, may be selectively activated and deactivated to allow current to
flow to each zone. For example, voltage is supplied via the power source 112
to the switches 130.
[0037] Referring now to FIG. 5, a cross-sectional side view of a PF
system 150 is shown. The PF system 150, as shown includes a flow
converter 152, a grid 154 and a PF 156, which are coupled in series. The
flow converter 152, the grid 154 and the PF 156 are butted to each other and
are held in place via a mat 158, which in turn is held by a housing 160.
During the manufacturing of the PF system 150 the flow converter 152, the
grid 154 and the PF 156 are butted together and held in place. This assures
that the grid 154 is held between the flow converter 152 and the PF 156. The
mat 158, which is a semi-soft flexible sleeve, is wrapped around and tightly
holds the flow converter 152, the grid 154 and the PF 156. The mat 158 is
then enclosed within the housing 160, which may be a welded can, as shown.
The mat 158 may be formed of an insulating material, such as vermiculite or
other insulating material.
[0038] The PF system 150 also includes electrical contact terminals
170, which are coupled to the grid 154. A connector 172 connects insulated
wires 174 via pins 175 to the terminals 170. Electrical energy is supplied via
the wires 174 to each of the terminals 170. The connector 172 is coupled to
the housing 160. The terminals 170 are sealed to the mat 158 via a high
temperature conductive seal 176.

[0039] Note that the grid 154 may also be attached to the flow
converter 152 or the PF 156. The heating element 154 may be attached to
the flow converter 152 or the PF 156 using various fasteners and/or fastening
techniques. The attaching of the grid 154 to the flow converter 152 or the PF
156 controls movement of the heating element 154 when current is applied
thereto. When temperature of the heating element 154 increases, the
material of the heating element 154 expands. Since the heating element 154
may have a maximum operating temperature of approximately between 700-
1000°C, the heating element 154 or portions thereof may exhibit a significant
amount of shape change or lateral movement. The expansion movement is
within the laterally planar section of the PF system 150 in which it is
positioned. The use of fasteners aids in preventing or limiting such
movement. The fasteners also prevent short circuits between adjacent
portions of the heating element. In one embodiment, the fasteners are placed
along the heating element or resistive/conductive path thereof at
predetermined intervals, such as 2-5 centimeter intervals. Examples of such
attachment are described with respect to the embodiments of FIGs. 6 and 7.
The fasteners may be in the form of pins, barbed pins, plugs, tabs, clips, etc.
The fasteners may be formed of metal or other suitable materials.
[0040] The PF 156 may be a monolith particulate trap and includes
alternating inlet cells/channels 184 and outlet cells/channels 186. The
cells/channels 184, 186 extend axially along the PF 156. Walls 188 of the PF
156 may include a porous ceramic honeycomb wall of cordierite material. It is
appreciated that any ceramic comb material is considered within the scope of
the present invention. Adjacent channels are alternatively plugged at each
end as shown at 190. This forces the diesel aerosol through the porous
substrate walls which act as a mechanical filter. Particulate matter is
deposited within the inlet channels 184 and exhaust exits through the outlet
channels 186. Soot particles 192 flow into the PF 156 and are trapped

[0041] The flow converter 152 is configured similar to the PF 156.
However, the flow converter does not have endplugs and is thus in a flow
through configuration. The flow converter 152 may undergo one or more
various processes to improve the radiant reflective properties thereof. For
example, the flow converter 152 may be metallically coated. The flow
converter 152 may perform as or be replaced with a radiant energy reflector
block. A radiant energy reflector block may be sized and located the same as
the flow converter 152. The radiant energy reflector block reflects radiant
energy. The radiant energy reflector block may provide a turbulent flow
exchange as opposed to a turbulent to laminar flow exchange, ihe flow
converter/radiant energy reflector block may be of various sizes, shapes and
configurations. Although not shown, the flow converter has channels similar
to the channels 184, 186, in which the below described fasteners may attach.
The grid 154 attaches to the rear surface 194 of the flow converter 152.
[0042] Although the following FIGs. 6 and 7 are described primarily
with respect to the attachment of a heating element to a PF, the heating
element may be attached to other catalyst substrates or to a flow converter
using similar techniques.
[0043] Referring now to FIG. 6, a close-up cross-sectional side view
of a portion 200 of a PF 202 illustrating an example heating element fastener
204 is shown. A pathway section 206 of a heating element pathway of a
heating element 207 is shown over a front surface 208 of the PF 202. The
heating element 207 is held onto the front surface 208 via one or more
fasteners, such as the fastener 204. The fastener 204 may be integrally
formed as part of the pathway section 206 and be inserted into an inlet 210 of
a channel 212. The fastener 204 may be shaped or formed to allow easy
assembly, but difficult disassembly. For example, the fastener 204 may be a
barbed tab as shown or take on some other form. The fastener 204 may not
completely plug the inlet 210 and thus may allow for exhaust flow
therethrough. An opening 214 is shown through which exhaust may flow. As

such, the fastener 204 may wick heat into the channel 212, which further
facilitates the burning of the soot therein.
[0044] Referring now to FIG. 7, a close-up cross-sectional side view
of a portion 220 of a PF 222 illustrating example heating element fasteners
224 is shown. A pathway section 226 of a heating element pathway of a
heating element 227 is shown over a front surface 228 of the PF 222. The
heating element pathway is held onto the front surface 228 via the fasteners
224, which are shown as pins. The fasteners 224 may be inserted into or
attached to endplugs 230 of outlet channels 232 of the PF 222. The fasteners
224 may also be created and/or formed as part of the endplugs 230. The
fasteners 224 may be embedded into the PF 222, as shown, and allow for the
attachment of the heating element pathway. The heating element pathway
may be snapped under ends 234 of the fasteners 224. Note that the heating
element pathway may be porous and allow for exhaust flow therethrough, as
shown As an alternative, the heating element pathway may be arranged on
the PF, such that the inlet channel openings are positioned between pathway
[0045] Those skilled in the art can now appreciate from the
foregoing description that the broad teachings of the disclosure can be
implemented in a variety of forms. Therefore, while this disclosure includes
particular examples, the true scope of the disclosure should not be so limited
since other modifications will become apparent to the skilled practitioner upon
a study of the drawings, the specification, and the following claims.

What is claimed is:
1. An exhaust system comprising:
a particulate filter (PF) that is disposed downstream from and that
filters particulates within an exhaust from an engine;
a heating element that heats particulate matter in said PF; and
a catalyst substrate that is disposed upstream from said heating
element and that oxidizes said exhaust prior to reception by said heating
2. The exhaust filter of claim 1 further comprising a housing,
wherein said PF, said heating element and said catalyst substrate are
disposed within said housing.
3. The exhaust filter of claim 1 further comprising a mat, wherein
said PF, said heating element and said catalyst substrate are disposed within
said mat.
4. The exhaust filter of claim 1 further comprising a mat, wherein
said PF, said heating element and said catalyst substrate are held in position
relative to each other via said mat.
5. The exhaust filter of claim 1 further comprising:
a plurality of terminals that provide electrical current to said heating
element; and
a heat seal coupled between said mat and said plurality of terminals.
6. The exhaust filter of claim 4 wherein said mat includes a catalyst
substrate material.

The exhaust filter of claim 1 wherein a first set of channels of
said PF are aligned with a second set of channels of said catalyst substrate.
8. The exhaust filter of claim 1 further comprising a control module
that activates said heating element.
9. The exhaust of claim 1 wherein said heating element includes a
grid of electrically resistive material.
10. The exhaust of claim 1 further comprising a plurality of electrical
terminals coupled to and supplying current to said heating element.
11. An exhaust system comprising:
a particulate filter (PF) that is disposed downstream from and that
filters particulates within an exhaust from an engine;
a heating element that heats particulate matter in said PF; and
a flow converter that is disposed upstream from said heating element
and that converts turbulent exhaust flow to laminar exhaust flow prior to
reception by said heating element.
12. The exhaust filter of claim 11 further comprising a housing,
wherein said PF, said heating element and said catalyst substrate are
disposed within said housing.
13. The exhaust filter of claim 11 further comprising a mat, wherein
said PF, said heating element and said catalyst substrate are disposed within
said mat.
14. The exhaust filter of claim 11 wherein said flow converter is in a
flow through configuration.

15. The exhaust filter of claim 11 further comprising a control
module that activates said heating element.
16. The exhaust filter of claim 11 wherein said flow converter
includes a diesel oxidization catalyst.
17. The exhaust of claim 11 wherein said heating element includes
a grid of electrically resistive material.
18. The exhaust of claim 11 wherein said flow converter comprises
at least one material selected from ceramic, silicon carbide, and a metallic
19. A method of performing a regeneration process within an
exhaust system comprising:
passing an exhaust from an engine through a radiant energy reflector
block prior to reception by a heating element;
heating particulate matter in a particulate filter (PF) via said heating
element; and
filtering particulates from said exhaust with said PF.
20. A method as in claim 19 further comprising:
converting turbulent flow of said exhaust to laminar flow prior to
reception by said heating element; and
oxidizing said exhaust prior to reception by said heating element,
wherein heating said particulate matter comprises igniting particulates
to initiate a burn that propagates longitudinally along said PF.

An exhaust system includes a particulate filter (PF) that is disposed
downstream from an engine. The PF filters particulates within an exhaust
from the engine. A heating element heats particulate matter in the PF. A
catalyst substrate or a flow converter is disposed upstream from said heating
element. The catalyst substrate oxidizes the exhaust prior to reception by the
heating element. The flow converter converts turbulent exhaust flow to
laminar exhaust flow prior to reception by the heating element.




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Patent Number 264163
Indian Patent Application Number 199/KOL/2008
PG Journal Number 50/2014
Publication Date 12-Dec-2014
Grant Date 11-Dec-2014
Date of Filing 04-Feb-2008
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number F28F19/04; F28D19/04; F28F19/02
PCT International Application Number N/A
PCT International Filing date
PCT Conventions:
# PCT Application Number Date of Convention Priority Country
1 11/673,933 2007-02-12 U.S.A.