Title of Invention


Abstract Disposed herein is a process for the preparation of methyl phenidate hydrochloride (Formula 1), comprising the steps of; hydrolyzing α-pherryl-α-pipyridyl acetamide (Formula II) in presence of mineral acid at reflux temperature and subsequent neutralization to yield threo -a-phenyl-a-pipyridyl-2-acetic acid (Formula III) which in presence of acidic catalyst reacts with methanol followed by treatment with alcoholic hydrochloride solution produces methyl phenidate hydrochloride.
Full Text Field of the invention:
The invention relates to a process for the preparation of threo 2-substituted piperidines. In particular, the present invention is directed to a process for the preparation of threo methyl phenidate hydrochloride.
Background and prior art:
Methylphenidate is the most commonly prescribed psycho stimulant and is indicated in the treatment of Attention deficit hyperactive disorder and also acts as central nervous system stimulant. Originally it was marketed as a mixture of two racemates, 80% (±)- erythro and 20% (±)-threo. Subsequent studies of the racemates indicated that the central stimulant activity was however associated with the threo racemate.
Many synthetic routes are known in the prior art for the preparation of 2- substituted piperidines including methyl phenidate.
U.S Pat. Nos.2507631 and 2957880 discloses multi step synthesis of methyl phenidate (methyl a-piperid-2-yl phenyl acetate) wherein, a-pyrid-2-ylphenyl acetamide (formed initially by reaction of 2-chloro pyridine and acetonitrile followed by hydration in presence of acid) is catalytically hydrogenated to yield a-piperid-2-ylphenyl acetamide. In US2507631 and US2957880, a-piperid-2-yl-phenyl acetamide is separated into threo and erythro diasteromeric racemates through evaporation of solvent; addition of sodium hydroxide to form a-piperid-2-ylphenyl acetamide free base and preferential crystallization of the erythro form by passing gaseous HC1 in presence of ethanolic solution. The isolated erythro racemate is then resolved through formation of L-tartarate salt which is further subjected to epimerization to yield desired d-threo diastereomer. Thus according to the procedure disclosed in the said patent, a-piperid-2-y [phenyl acetamide is converted to d-threo methyl a-piperid-2-ylphenyl acetate through hydrolysis and esterification. However, the process is uneconomical in view of the fact that it involves discarding of threo a-piperid-2-yIphenyl acetamide racemate which is isolated following the recrystallization step.
USPat.No.6359139 teaches preparation of a mixture of piperidyl acetamide stereo isomers from /-threo-piperidyl acetamide by reacting with an alkanoic acid. The mixtures
of piperidyl acetamide stereo isomers are then contacted with an organic base wherein erythro piperidyl acetamide is converted to threo piperidyl acetamides. The said threo piperidyl acetamides are reacted further with an acid resolving agent thereby precipitating d-threo piperidyl acetamide. The precipitated d-threo piperidyl acetamide is treated with C.H2SO4 and methanol to give free base which is further converted to its acid addition salt by bubbling HC1 gas.
The another process variant of the said patent involves initial resolution of d, 1-threo piperidyl acetamide stereoisomer with an acid resolving agent in an organic solvent thereby forming acid salts of d-threo stereoisomer. The acid salts obtained are further treated with aq. base to precipitate the corresponding piperidyl amide free base which is further reacted with an alcohol in presence of acid to form the corresponding methyl ester. However the overall yield is significantly low and thereby proportional increase in the cost.
EP1607388 describes hydrogenation of a-phenyl-a-pyridyl-2-methylacetate with 5%Pd/C in HC104/acetic acid to a-phenyl- a-piperidyl-2-methylacetate (methyl phenidate).
Methyl phenidate is converted to its hydrochloride salt, wherein the process includes reacting methyl phenidate with dry HC1 in IPA at 10-15° C.
EP0948484 teaches preparation of methyl phenidate hydrochloride (98%ee) wherein, to an enriched d-threo methyl phenidate in methanol, HCt gas is bubbled to yield the acid addition salt.
Consequently there remains a need in the art to develop an alternate route of synthesis of methyl phenidate hydrochloride which produces threo methyl phenidate hydrochloride selectively and overcomes with the drawback of prior art processes like multiple step synthesis, use of hazardous metal catalyst and low carbon efficiency.
Object of the invention:
It is an object of the present invention to provide a method for the preparation of methyl phenidate hydrochloride that overcomes the drawbacks of the processes of the prior arts.
Summary of the invention:
In line with the object of the invention the process of the current invention discloses a two stage novel method for the preparation of methyl phenidate hydrochloride of Formula I,

In a preferred aspect, the process for preparation of methyl phenidate hydrochloride (Formula I) comprise the following stages:
Stage I: Acidic hydrolysis of a mixture of a-phenyl- a piperidyl acetamide (Formula II) using 20% aq. solution of Hydrochloric acid , at reflux temperature followed by neutralization with an alkali to precipitate threo-a-phenyl-a-piperidyl-2-acetic acid (Formula III) and;

Formula (II) Formula (III)
Stage II: Esterification of threo- a-phenyl- a-piperidyl-2-acetic acid (Formula III) using acidic catalyst in methanol followed by treatment with IPA. HC1 to precipitate methyl phenidate Hydrochloride.
In an aspect of the present invention, a-phenyl- a.pipyridyl acetamide (Formula II) used is a mixture of 90% threo isomer and 10% erythro isomer.
Detailed description:
The present invention provides a two stage process for the preparation of methyl phenidate Hydrochloride Formula I;

In an embodiment, the two step process for the preparation of Methyl phenidate Hydrochloride consists;
1. Hydrolysis of a-phenyl- a pipyridyl acetamide (Formula II) in acidic medium to produce threo - a-phenyl- a pipyridyl acetic acid (Formula III)
2. Methyl Ester formation of threo- a-phenyl- a pipyridyl acetic acid (Formula III) in presence of catalytic thionyl chloride, methyl ester thus produced is subsequently converted into hydrochloride salt using alcoholic hydrochloric acid solution.

In one of the embodiment of the present invention, mixture of a-phenyl- a pipyridyl acetamide (formula II) and 20% aq. solution of hydrochloric acid is heated to reflux, followed by cooling to ambient temperature and dilution with water to get clear solution. This aqueous mass is being washed with dichloromethane for removal of impurities generated during hydrolysis and finally treated with activated carbon. pH of the aq. mass thus obtained should be adjusted to neutral using dilute caustic solution to precipitate threo-a-phenyl-a-pjpyridyl-2-acetic acid (formula III)
In another embodiment, threo-a-phenyl-a-pipyridyl-2-acetic acid (Formula . II) is converted to methyl phenidate hydrochloride by treating threo -a-phenyl-a-pipyridyI-2- acetic acid (formula II) with methanol in presence of an acid catalyst followed by adding hydrochloric acid solution in IPA..
In yet another embodiment, the acid catalyst used is thionyl chloride. The temperature for the hydrochloride salt formation in stage II is maintained between 0-10°C.
Accordingly, methyl phenidate hydrochloride is prepared wherein, the intermediate threo- a-phenyI-a-pipyridyl-2-acetic acid (Formula III) is esterified with methanol in presence of thionyl chloride by maintaining the temperature between 0 - 10°C. The temperature of reaction mass gradually increased to room temp and stirred overnight. After completion of the reaction the solvent was removed under reduced pressure followed by addition of purified water and ethyl acetate. The pH of the reaction mass was adjusted to 9-10 using aq. sodium hydroxide solution and extracted again with ethyl acetate. The solvent layers were combined and evaporated to dryness. The residue thus obtained was diluted with isopropyl alcohol and acidified using alcoholic hydrochloric acid solution. The product thus precipitated was washed with 2-3 times with isopropyl alcohol, the wet cake air dried to get methyl phenidate hydrochloride (Formula I).
Further details of the process of the present invention will be apparent from the examples presented below. The examples presented are purely illustrative and are not limited to the particular embodiments illustrated herein but include the permutations, which are obvious as set forth in the description.
Examplel: Preparation of threo- a-phenyI-a-pipyridyI-2-acetic acid (Formula III)
The reactor was charged with a mixture of a-phenyl-a-pipyridyl acetamide (100 g) with 20 % aqueous solution of hydrochloric acid (500 ml) and was heated to reflux for 2-6 hr till completion of the reaction. The reaction mixture was cooled to ambient temperature followed by dilution with water (950 ml) to get clear solution. To the clear solution was added with constant stirring dichloromethane (200 ml) for 30 min, and the layers were separated. Aqueous layer thus obtained was treated through activated carbon, stirred for 30 min and filtered. The pH of the filtrate was adjusted to 6.0-7.0 using aqueous sodium hydroxide solution to yield 88.2 g (88.6 %) of threo-a-phenyl-a-pipyridyl-2-acetic acid (Formula III).
(Chromatographic purity by HPLC >99.5%) (Isomeric purity Threo-99.9% Erythro 0.10%)
Example II: Preparation of Methyl Phenidate Hydrochloride
To a solution of threo-a-phenyl-a-pipyridyl-2-acetic acid. (75 g) (From examplel) and methanol (750 ml) was added thionyl chloride (83 g) maintaining the temperature below 10°C.The reaction mass was kept under stirring over night at room temperature. Excess methanol was then distilled off under reduced pressure and the reaction mass was further cooled to 10°C. Purified water (900ml) was then charged maintaining the temperature between 0-10°C followed by addition of ethyl acetate (375ml) under constant stirring. pH of the mixture was made alkaline using dilute caustic solution, with stirring followed by separation of the layers. The separated aqueous layer was once again extracted with ethyl acetate (225ml).The combined ethyl acetate layers were then washed with water and the solvent was distilled off completely. To the residue was charged Isopropyl alcohol (225 ml) and cooled to 0-5°C .The reaction mass was then acidified by adding hydrochloric acid (25% solution in isopropanol) at 0-10°C. The temperature was raised to 25°C, stirred at this temperature for 2-4 hrs, cooled the reaction mass again to 0-10°C and stirred for 2 hrs. The precipitated solid was filtered off, washed with chilled isopropyl alcohol and air dried to get 82.2g (89%) of methyl phenidate hydrochloride. (Chromatographic purity by HPLC > 99.5%)

We claim,
1. A process for the preparation of methyl phenidate hydrochloride (Formula I), comprising the steps of;
(a) Hydrolyzing a-phenyl-a-pipyridyl acetamide (Formula II) in presence of acid at reflux temperature, followed by treating with an alkali solution to yield threo- a-phenyl-a-pipyridyl -2-acetic acid (Formula III) and
(b) Converting threo-a-phenyl-a-pipyridyl-2-acetic acid to methyl phenidate hydrochloride by reacting with methanol in presence of acid catalyst followed by treatment with HC1 in isopropyl alcohol.
2. A process according to claim 1, wherein the acid hydrolysis of compound of Formula II is carried out using 20 % aq. solution of HC1 by refluxing the reaction mass for 2-6 hrs.
3. A process according to claim 1, wherein the reaction mass after acid hydrolysis is washed with dichloromethane to remove the impurities generated during the hydrolysis to obtain high purity (>99.5% ) threo -a- phenyl-a-pipyridyl-2-acetic acid (Formula III).
4. A process according to claim 1, wherein the compound of Formula II is heated to a temperature 90-110°C.
5. A process according to claim 1, wherein a-phenyl-a-pipyridyl acetamide (Formula II) is a mixture of 90 % Threo isomer and 10 % Erythro isomer.
6. A process according to claim I , wherein the catalyst used for conversion of threo -a-phenyl-a-pipyridyl -2-acetic acid to its methyl ester is thionyl chloride.


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2779-MUM-2009-REPLY TO HEARING(5-11-2014).pdf


Patent Number 264168
Indian Patent Application Number 2779/MUM/2009
PG Journal Number 50/2014
Publication Date 12-Dec-2014
Grant Date 11-Dec-2014
Date of Filing 01-Dec-2009
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number C07D211/00
PCT International Application Number N/A
PCT International Filing date
PCT Conventions:
# PCT Application Number Date of Convention Priority Country
1 NA