Title of Invention


Abstract A pilot (or reference) transmission scheme is utilized where different transmitters are assigned pilot sequences with possibly different cyclic time shifts. A pilot signal is transmitted concurrently by the transmitters in a plurality of pilot blocks, and a receiver processes the plurality of received pilot blocks to recover a channel estimate for at least one of the transmitters while suppressing the interference due to the pilot signals from the other transmitters.
[0001] The present invention relates generally to pilot signal
transmission, and in particular to a method and apparatus for pilot
signal transmission in a communication system.
[0002] A pilot signal (or reference signal) is commonly used for
coirununication systems to enable a receiver to perform a number of
critical functions, including but not limited to, the acquisition and
tracking of timing and frequency synchronization, the estimation and
tracking of desired channels for subsequent demodulation and
decoding of the information data, the estimation and monitoring of the
characteristics of other channels for handoff, interference suppression,
etc. Several pilot schemes can be utilized by communication systems,
and typically comprise the transmission of a known sequence at known
time intervals. A receiver, knowing the sequence only or knowing the
sequence and time interval in advance, utilizes this information to
perform the abovementioned functions.
[0003] For the uplink of future broadband systems, single-carrier
based approaches with orthogonal frequency division are of interest.
These approaches, particularly Interleaved Frequency Division Multiple
Access (IFDMA) and its frequency-domain related variant known as

DFT-Spread-OFDM (DFT-SOFDM), are attractive because of their low
peak-to-average power ratio (PAPR), frequency domain orthogonality
between users, and low-complexity frequency domain equalization.
[0004] In order to retain the low PAPR property of EFDMA/DFT-
SOFDM, only a single IFDMA code should be transmitted by each user.
This leads to restrictions on the pilot symbol format. In particular, a
time division multiplexed (TDM) pilot block should be used, where
data and pilots of a particular user are not mixed within the same
IFDMA block. This allows the low PAPR property to be preserved and
also enables the pilot to remain orthogonal from the data in multi-path
channels, since there is conventionally a cyclic prefix between blocks.
An example is shown in FIG. 1, where an IFDMA pilot block and
subsequent IFDMA data blocks for a transmission frame or burst are
[0005] While the TDM pilot approach is attractive, there are a
limited number of separable or orthogonal pilot signals available for
use by different transmitters in the system. Therefore a need exists for a
method and apparatus for pilot signal transmission that increases the
number of separable pilot signals.
[0006] The various aspects, features and advantages of the
disclosure will become more fully apparent to those having ordinary
skill in the art upon careful consideration of the following Detailed
Description thereof with the accompanying drawings described below.

The drawings may have been simplified for clarity and are not
necessarily drawn to scale.
[0007] FIG. 1 illustrates data blocks and a pilot block in an IFDMA
system or a DFT-SOFDM system.
[0008] FIG. 2 is a block diagram of a communication system that
utilizes pilot transmissions.
[0009] FIG. 3 illustrates multiple subcarrier use in an IFDMA
system or a DFT-SOFDM system.
[0010] FIG. 4 shows a burst format with pilot blocks and data
blocks in accordance with some embodiments of the invention.
[0011] FIG. 5 shows a time-frequency example of transmissions in
the burst format of FIG. 4.
[0012] FIG. 6 illustrates the channel responses of multiple
transmitters with different cyclic time shifts of their pilot transmission
in accordance with some embodiments of the invention.
[0013] FIG. 7 is a block diagram of an IFDMA transmitter in
accordance with some embodiments of the invention.

[0014] FIG. 8 is a block diagram of a DFT-SOFDM transmitter in
accordance with some embodiments of the invention.
[0015] FIG. 9 is a block diagram of a receiver in accordance with
some embodiments of the invention.
[0016] FIG. 10 is a flow chart of a receiver in accordance with
some embodiments of the invention.
[0017] FIG. 11 is a flow chart of a transmitter in accordance with
some embodiments of the invention.
[0018] FIG. 12 is a flow chart of a method in accordance with some
embodiments of the invention.
[0019] FIG. 13 is a block diagram of a controller in accordance
with some embodiments of the invention.
[0020] To address the above-mentioned need, a method and
apparatus for pilot or reference signal transmission is disclosed herein.
In particular, a pilot (or reference) transmission scheme is utilized
where different transmitters are assigned pilot sequences with possibly
different cyclic time shifts. A pilot signal is transmitted concurrently by
the transmitters in a plurality of pilot blocks, and a receiver processes
the plurality of received pilot blocks to recover a channel estimate for at

least one of the transmitters while suppressing the interference due to
the pilot signals from the other transmitters.
[0021] Turning now to the drawings, where like numerals
designate like components, FIG. 2 is a block diagram of communication
system 200 that utilizes pilot transmissions. Communication system 200
preferably utilizes either OFDMA or a next generation single-carrier
based FDMA architecture for uplink transmissions 206, such as
interleaved FDMA (IFDMA), Localized FDMA (LFDMA), DFT-spread
OFDM (DFT-SOFDM) with IFDMA or LFDMA. While these can be
classified as single-carrier based transmission schemes with a much
lower peak-to average power ratio than OFDM, they can also be
classified as multicarrier schemes in the present invention because they
are block-oriented like OFDM and can be configured to occupy only a
certain set of "subcarriers" in the frequency domain like OFDM. Thus
IFDMA and DFT-SOFDM can be classified as both single-carrier and
multicarrier since they have single carrier characteristics in the time
domain and multicarrier characteristics in the frequency domain. On
top of the baseline transmission scheme, the architecture may also
include the use of spreading techniques such as direct-sequence CDMA
(DS-CDMA), multi-carrier CDMA (MC-CDMA), multi-carrier direct
sequence CDMA (MC-DS-CDMA), Orthogonal Frequency and Code
Division Multiplexing (OFCDM) with one or two dimensional
spreading, or simpler time and/or frequency division
multiplexing/rrtultiple access techniques, or a combination of these
various techniques.

[0022] As one of ordinary skill in the art will recognize, even
though EFDMA and DFT-SOFDM can be seen as single-carrier-based
schemes, during operation of an EFDMA system or a DFT-SOFDM
system, multiple subcarriers (e.g., 768 subcarriers) are utilized to
transmit data. This is illustrated in FIG. 3. As shown, in FIG. 3 the
"wideband channel is divided into many narrow frequency bands
(subcarriers) 301, with data being transmitted in parallel on subcarriers
301. However, a difference between OFDMA and IFDMA/DFT-SOFDM
is that in OFDMA each data symbol is mapped to a particular
subcarrier, whilst in IFDMA/DFT-SOFDM a portion of each data
symbol is present on every occupied subcarrier (the set of occupied
subcarriers for a particular transmission may be a either a subset or all
of the subcarriers). Hence in IFDMA/DFT-SOFDM, each occupied
subcarrier contains a mixture of multiple data symbols.
[0023] Returning to FIG. 2, communication system 200 includes
one or more base units 201 and 202, and one or more remote units 203
and 210. A base unit comprises one or more transmitters and one or
more receivers that serve a number of remote units within a sector. The
number of transmitters may be related, for example, to the number of
transmit antennas at the base unit. A base unit may also be referred to
as an access point, access terminal, Node-B, or similar terminologies
from the art. A remote unit comprises one or more transmitters and one
or more receivers. The number of transmitters may be related, for
example, to the number of transmit antennas at the remote unit. A
remote unit may also be referred to as a subscriber unit, a mobile unit,
user equipment, a user, a terminal, a subscriber station, a user

equipment, a user terminal or similar terminologies from the art. As
known in the art, the entire physical area served by the communication
network may be divided into cells, and each cell may comprise one or
more sectors. When multiple antennas 209 are used to serve each sector
to provide various advanced communication modes (e.g., adaptive
bearnforming, transmit diversity, transmit SDMA, and multiple stream
transmission, etc.), multiple base units can be deployed. These base
units within a sector may be highly integrated and may share various
hardware and software components. For example, all base units co-
located together to serve a cell can constitute what is traditionally
known as a base station. Base units 201 and 202 transmit downlink
communication signals 204 and 205 to serving remote units on at least a
portion of the same resources (time, frequency, or both). Remote units
203 and 210 communicate with one or more base units 201 and 202 via
uplink communication signals 206 and 213.
[0024] It should be noted that while only two base units and two
remote units are illustrated in FIG. 2, one of ordinary skill in the art will
recognize that typical communication systems comprise many base
units in simultaneous communication with many remote units. It
should also be noted that while the present invention is described
primarily for the case of uplink transmission from a mobile unit to a
base station, the invention is also applicable to downlink transmissions
from base stations to mobile units, or even for transmissions from one
base station to another base station, or from one mobile unit to another.
A base unit or a remote unit may be referred to more generally as a
communication unit.

[0025] As discussed above, pilot assisted modulation is commonly
used to aid in many functions such as channel estimation for
subsequent demodulation of transmitted signals. With this in mind,
mobile unit 203 transmits known (pilot) sequences at known time
intervals as part of their uplink transmissions. Any base station,
knowing the sequence and time interval, utilizes this information in
demodulating/decoding the transmissions. Thus, each mobile/remote
unit within communication system 200 comprises pilot channel
circuitry 207 that transmits one or more pilot sequences along with data
channel circuitry 208 transmitting data.
[0026] For pilot signal transmission, a TDM pilot approach is
attractive for PAPR and for providing orthogonality between the pilot
and data streams. However, in some systems it may limit the
granularity available for adjusting the pilot overhead. In one
embodiment, a shorter block duration is used for the pilot block than
for the data block in order to provide a finer granularity for the choice
of pilot overhead. In other embodiments, the pilot block may have the
same duration as a data block, or the pilot block may have a longer
duration than a data block.
[0027] As a consequence of using a shorter block length for pilot
blocks than data blocks, the subcarrier bandwidth and the occupied
subcarrier spacing for the pilot block becomes larger than the subcarrier
bandwidth and the occupied subcarrier spacing for the data block,
assuming the same IFDMA repetition factor (or occupied subcarrier

declination factor) is used for both the pilot block and the data block. In
this case, if the pilot block length (excluding cyclic prefix) is Tp and the
data block length (excluding cyclic prefix) is Td, the subcarrier
bandwidth and the occupied subcarrier spacing for the pilot block is
Td/Tp times the subcarrier bandwidth and the occupied subcarrier
spacing for the data block, respectively.
[0028] Pilot transmissions may occur simultaneously by two or
more transmitters, such as mobile unit 203 and mobile unit 210, or by
two or more antennas of mobile unit 210. It is advantageous to design
the pilot sequences transmitted by different transmitters to be
orthogonal or otherwise separable to enable accurate channel estimation
by a receiver, such as base unit 201, to each transmitter (note that the
role of the base units and mobile units may also be reversed, wherein
the base units or antennas of a base unit are transmitters and the mobile
unit or units are receivers).
[0029] One method of providing separability between the pilots or
channel estimates of two or more transmitters is to assign different sets
of subcarriers to different transmitters for the pilot transmissions, also
referred to as FDMA pilot assignment. The different sets of subcarriers
could be interleaved among transmitters or could be on different blocks
of subcarriers, and may or may not be confined to a small portion of the
channel bandwidth of the system.
[0030] Another method of providing separability between the
pilots or channel estimates of multiple transmitters is to assign two or

more transmitters to a same set of subcarriers for pilot transmission and
utilize sequence properties to provide the separability. Note that
FDMA pilot assignments and the utilization of sequence properties can
both be applied to a system. For example, a first set of transmitters may
use a first set of subcarriers, with each transmitter in the set
transmitting its pilot signal on possibly all of the subcarriers of the first
set of subcarriers. A second set of transmitters may use a second set of
subcarriers for pilot transmission, where the second set of subcarriers is
orthogonal to the first set of subcarriers (FDMA). Note that the
members of a set of subcarriers do not need to be adjacent. Since the
transmitters in a set may interfere with each other as they use the same
set of subcarriers for pilot signal transmission, the pilot sequences of the
transmitters in the same set should have sequence properties that
enable the channel response to be estimated to one of the transmitters
while suppressing the interference from the other transmitters in the
same set. The present invention provides a method and apparatus for
suppressing such interference.
[0031] The present invention enables a larger number of
transmitters to transmit pilot signals simultaneously while providing
for separability of the pilots or channel estimates at a receiver. Multiple
transmitters transmit pilots on a first set of subcarriers during a first
interval (e.g., a first pilot block), and the multiple transmitters transmit
pilots on a second set of subcarriers during a second interval (e.g., a
second pilot block). The number of intervals or pilot blocks may also be
larger than two. The pilot sequence properties are chosen for the
plurality of intervals to provide channel estimate separability over the

plurality of intervals, even though the channel estimates may not be
separable if only a single interval was considered.
[0032] A burst format suitable for use with one embodiment the
invention is shown in FIG. 4. In FIG. 4, Td is the duration of a data block
and the duration of the pilot block is Tp = Td/2. One way to specify the
subcarriers assigned to or used by a signal is to specify the block length
B, the repetition factor R (or the subcarrier decimation factor or skip
factor), and the subcarrier offset index S. The parameters are similar to a
B-subcarrier OFDM modulator, with subcarrier mapping of evenly-
spaced subcarriers with spacing of R subcarriers with a subcarrier offset
of S, for an DFT-SOFDM signal. These can be written as an ordered
triplet: (B, R, S). In the example, the data blocks are configured as (Td,
Rd, Sd). The first pilot block is configured as (Tp, Rp, Sp1) and the
second pilot is configured as (Tp, Rp, Sp2). The cyclic prefix (CP) length
is Tcp. Note that the block length, repetition factor, and subcarrier offset
can in general be different for pilot blocks and data blocks, or can be
changed over time for data blocks or pilot blocks.
[0033] While FIG. 4 shows the time domain format of the burst,
the frequency domain description over time is shown in FIG. 5. For
simplicity, FIG. 5 shows pilot and data transmission for only two
transmitters, with the transmissions by each transmitter being shaded.
In FIG. 5A, the data blocks of the first transmitter are configured as
(Td=40, Rd=8, Sd=3), the data blocks of the second transmitter are
configured as (Td=40, Rd=4, Sd=0), the first pilot block (pilot set 1) is
configured as (Tp=20, Rp=2, Sp=0) for both transmitters, and the second

pilot block (pilot set 2) is configured as (Tp=20, Rp=2, Sp=0) for both
transmitters. In FIG. 5B, the data blocks for the first and second
transmitter are configured similarly to FIG. 5A, while both the first and
second pilot blocks are configured as (Tp=20, Rp=1, Sp=0), thus
providing pilot information on directly adjacent subcarriers of the pilot
block. As one of ordinary skill in the art will recognize, transmissions
by a particular transmitter (e.g., transmitter 1 in FIG. 5) will occupy
several subcarriers, as indicated by the shaded subcarriers 503 (only one
labeled) out of all the subcarriers 501 (only one labeled). FIG. 5 is
illustrated having total possible data block subcarriers 0 through 39.
Note that the data block configuration (Td, Rd, Sd) for a transmitter
could be different on different data blocks within the burst. Also, the
pilot block configuration could be different on different pilot blocks in
the burst. While the example given in FIG. 5 is for IFDMA of the data
transmissions from different transmitters, note that LFDMA can also be
represented by setting Rd=1, Td occupied subcarrier of the transmitter's data transmission.
[0034] Because the pilot channel block duration is less than the
data channel block duration in the burst format of FIG. 4, each pilot
subcarrier 502 (only one labeled) takes up more bandwidth than does a
data subcarrier. For example, in FIG. 5, a pilot subcarrier takes up twice
as much bandwidth as a data subcarrier. Thus, fewer pilot subcarriers
can be transmitted within the available bandwidth than can data
subcarriers. FIG. 5 is illustrated having the total possible pilot
subcarriers 0 through 19, with both transmitters occupying the shaded
pilot subcarriers (the remaining unshaded data and pilot subcarriers
can be utilized by other transmitters).

[0035] In one embodiment of the invention, cyclic time shifts of
one or more pilot sequences are transmitted by mobile unit 203 and
mobile unit 210 in the first pilot block and in the second pilot block of
FIG. 5. A cyclic time shift of a pilot sequence can be implemented, for
example, by moving a block of time domain samples of the pilot block
from the end of the pilot block to the beginning of the pilot block. Then
the cyclic prefix of the pilot block is based on the samples of the pilot
block after the cyclic shift has been applied. The number of samples that
are moved from the end of the block to the beginning of the block is the
amount of the cyclic shift in the block. For the purpose of illustration, if
there are six time domain samples in a particular pilot block and they
are, in time order from first to last, x(l), x(2), x(3), x(4), x(5), x(6), then a
cyclic time shift of three samples would result in a pilot block with the
samples, in time order from first to last, of x(4), x(5), x(6), x(l), x(2), x(3).
And if the cyclic prefix for the pilot block was two samples, the cyclic
prefix samples of the cyclically shifted pilot block would be, from first
to last, x(2), x(3). As will be described later, there are additional
methods for providing a cyclic time shift that are equivalent to the one
described above.
[0036] When multiple transmitters are transmitting pilot blocks
simultaneously on the same set of subcarriers, different transmitters can
use different cyclic time shifts of the same pilot sequence to enable a
receiver to estimate the channel between the receiver and each of the
transmitters. For the purpose of illustration, assume that the first
transmitter is using a first pilot sequence that has constant magnitude,

when viewed in the frequency domain, on the subcarriers used by the
pilot block. Also assume the pilot block length is Tp and the cyclic
prefix length is Tcp. If the channel impulse response duration is less
than Tcp and the pilot block has Rp=1 (as shown in FIG. 513), then it can
be shown that up to Tp/Tcp different transmitters can transmit in the
same pilot block, with different cyclic shift values, and the channel
estimates will be separable (or nearly orthogonal) at the receiver. For
example, if Tp/Tcp = 4 and there are 4 transmitters, then a first
transmitter can use a cyclic time shift of 0, a second transmitter can use
a cyclic time shift of Tp/4, a third transmitter can use a cyclic time shift
of Tp/2, and a third transmitter can use a cyclic time shift of 3Tp/4. In
equation form, a frequency-domain representation of a pilot sequence
for the transmitter on subcarrier k and block b for the case of Rp=1
can be represented as: where s(k,b) is the baseline
or un-shifted pilot sequence (e.g., a constant modulus signal such as
QPSK, a CAZAC sequence, a GCL sequence, or the DFT/IDFT of a
CAZAC or GCL sequence), ae is the cyclic time shift for transmitter l
(for the example above α1=0, α2=Tp/4, α3=Tp/2, and α4=3Tp/4), and P
is a cyclic shift factor (P=Tp in the above example). Note that the pilot
sequence can be implemented in the time domain by performing a
circular shift of S(n,b) which is the IFFT of s(k,b) (for the above example,
transmitter 1 would send an unshifted version of S(n,b), transmitter 2
would send S(n,b) circularly shifted by Tp/4 samples, transmitter 3
would send S(n,b) circularly shifted by Tp/2 samples, and transmitter 4
would send S(n,b) circularly shifted by 3Tp/4 samples).

[0037] Note also that the equation representation of the frequency-
domain pilot sequence given above is easily extended to the case where
Rp≠1. In this case the pilot sequence is only defined on certain
subcarriers and the subcarrier offset, S, must be added to the pilot
sequence equation as follows (note that in the next equation Tp=Tp and
that the values of αt and P may need to change based on the value of
Rp. Also note that all subsequent equation representations of the pilot
sequence "will be given for Rp=1 but can be extended to Rp≠1 in a
similar manner to what was just presented.
[0038] At the receiver, when the receiver correlates the original
pilot sequence with the composite received pilot block from, the four
transmitters, the channel response to the first transmitter will be in a
first block of Tp/4 correlator output samples, as shown in FIG. 6 602,
the channel response to the second transmitter will be in the next block
of Tp/4 correlator output samples, as shown in FIG. 6 604, and so forth,
as shown in FIG. 6 606 and 608. (Note that the correlator-based channel
estimator is only used as an example and other channel estimation
techniques known in the art might be used such as DFT-based channel
estimator and MMSE-based channel estimators.)
[0039] Note that in this example, the time shift increment of Tp/4
was chosen to be the same as the cyclic prefix (CP) duration (Tcp -
Tp/4). It is often advantageous to make the time shift increment similar
to the CP length if the pilot block has Rp=l because the CP is normally
chosen to be as large as the maximum expected multipath channel

delay spread in the system 200 of FIG. 2. However, if Tcp is shorter
than the expected duration of the channel, then the number of
transmitters that can be separated at the receiver is Tp/L where L is the
expected maximum length of the channel. In this case the time shift
increment could be larger than the CP length and could be tied to the
expected maximum channel length, L. When the time shift increment is
at least as large as the multipath delay spread of the channel, then the
channel responses for each transmitter will be confined to its respective
correlator output block of length Tcp (note that practical issues such as
conventional signal conditioning and filtering, sampling granularity,
and so on will generally cause a small amount of leakage between the
estimates of the channel response in one correlator output block and
another, but in most cases of interest this leakage can be considered
small and be ignored for the purpose of describing the invention).
However, if the time delay increment between transmitters is less than
the channel response duration, a portion of the channel response of one
transmitter will appear in the channel response of another transmitter
and -will interfere with the channel estimate of the other transmitter. As
a result, in this example, if the channel response is no larger than the CP
length and the time shift increment between transmitters equal to the
CP length (with Tcp = Tp/4), a total of four transmitters can be
supported while providing separable channel estimates to each
[0040] In order to increase the number of transmitters that can be
supported with separable channel estimates, the present invention
provides a method for assigning pilot sequences to a plurality of

transmitters over a plurality of pilot blocks, such that when processed
over the plurality of pilot blocks at a receiver, the channel estimates
become separable. In FIG. 6, one embodiment of the invention that
provides a doubling of the number of transmitters that can be
supported with separable channel estimates is illustrated. In one pilot
block (denoted as SB#1 in FIG. 6), some of the transmitters in FIG. 6 are
assigned cyclic shifts that are integer multiples of Tcp (multiples of 0,1,
2, 3) and others are assigned cyclic shifts that are odd multiples of
Tcp/2 (multiples 1, 3, 5, 7). For example, a first transmitter denoted as
Tx#1 uses a first cyclic tune shift value of zero, and the time domain
channel response for this transmitter is illustrated by the five arrows or
rays within the time region from 0 to Tcp in the region 602 associated
with transmitter Tx#1. A second transmitter, denoted as Tx#5 in FIG. 6,
uses a second cyclic time shift value of Tcp/2. As a result, when the
channel response length for transmitter Tx#1 is greater than Tcp/2, the
channel response for transmitter Tx#1 will interfere with the channel
response for transmitter Tx#5 in the region between Tcp/2 and Tcp,
and vice versa, and the channel estimates are no longer separable
without significant interference. In equation form, a frequency-domain
pilot sequence for the lth transmitter on subcarrier k and block b1 (which
is the location of this first pilot block) for the case of Rp=1 can be
represented as: xi(k,b1) = s(k,bl)e-j2nkaeIP where s(k,b1) is a pilot sequence
for the first pilot block (e.g., a constant modulus signal such as QPSK, a
CAZAC sequence, a GCL sequence, or the DFT/IDFT of a CAZAC or
GCL sequence), αℓ is the cyclic time shift for transmitter ℓ (for the
example above α1=0, α2=Tcp, α3=2Tcp, α4=3Tcp, α5=Tcp/2, α6=3Tcp/2,
α7=5Tcp/2, α8=7Tcp/2), and P is a cyclic shift factor (P=4Tcp in the

above example). Note that as in the previous equation that these shifts
can be applied in the time domain by circularly shifting the IFFT of
s(k,b1), S(n,b1), by the appropriate amounts.
[0041] In order to provide separability with the larger number of
transmitters, a second pilot block is transmitted by the transmitters.
The channel responses associated with the transmitters for the second
pilot block are illustrated in the lower half of FIG. 6 (SB#2). The pilot
sequences of the transmitters are assigned in a way that allows the
interference between the first transmitter and the second transmitter to
be suppressed by combining the channel estimates from the first and
second pilot blocks. In one embodiment, cyclic time shifts of a common
pilot sequence are used in both the first and second pilot blocks, but the
sign of the common pilot sequence is inverted in one of the pilot blocks
for one or more transmitters. FIG. 6 shows that an embodiment where
the sign of the pilot sequence is inverted during the second pilot block
for transmitters using cyclic shifts that are odd multiples of Tcp/2. In
equation form for this embodiment, a frequency domain representation
of the pilot sequence for the ℓth transmitter on subcarrier k and block b2
(which is the location of this second pilot block) for the case of Rp=1 is

baseline or un-shifted pilot sequence for the second pilot block (e.g., a
constant modulus signal such as QPSK, a CAZAC sequence, a GCL
sequence, or the DFT/IDFT of a CAZAC or GCL sequence), αℓ is the
cyclic time shift for transmitter ℓ (for the example above α1=0, α2=Tcp,
α3=2Tcp, α4=3Tcp, α5=Tcp/2, α6=3Tcp/2, α7=5Tcp/2, α8=7Tcp/2), and

P is a cyclic shift factor (P=4Tcp in the above example). Note that as in
the previous equations that these shifts can be applied in the time
domain by circularly shifting the IFFT of s(k,b2), S(n,b2), by the
appropriate amounts. This allows the interference between transmitters
with, odd multiples of Tcp/2 and transmitters with integer multiples of
Tcp to be suppressed by combining over the received pilot blocks.
Thus, the interference from transmitter Tx#5 on the channel estimate for
Tx#1 can be suppressed adding the first received pilot block to the
second received pilot block prior to performing channel estimation.
Alternatively, a channel estimate derived for Tx#1 from the first pilot
block can be added to a channel estimate derived for Tx#1 from the
second pilot block to suppress the interference from Tx#5. Likewise,
the interference from Tx#1 on Tx#8 can be suppressed by subtracting
the second received pilot block from the first received pilot block prior
to channel estimation, or the channel estimate obtained for Tx#8 in the
second pilot block can be subtracted from the channel estimate obtained
for Tx#8 in the first pilot block (this assumes that an inverted channel
estimate is obtained for Tx#8 in the second pilot block by correlating
with non-inverted common pilot sequence - however, if the inverted
sequence is correlated with the second pilot block, then a non-inverted
channel estimate would be obtained for Tx#8 and the estimates for
Tx#8 from the first pilot block and the second pilot block would be
added instead of subtracted).
[0042] Note that in the above description it was assumed that the
second pilot block contained the negation. If the negation "were to be
applied to the first pilot block and no negation applied to the second

pilot block, then similar processing to that described above could be
used but with the roles of the first and second pilot blocks being
[0043] In another embodiment, cyclic time shifts of a first common
pilot sequence are assigned to the transmitters for the first pilot block
and cyclic shifts of a second, different, common pilot sequence, that is
also inverted for some transmitters (as in the previous embodiment), is
assigned to the transmitters for the second pilot block. This
embodiment may provide improved averaging over other-cell
interference. In this embodiment, the channel estimates for the first
pilot block can be obtained by correlating the first received pilot block
with the first common sequence, and the channel estimates for the
second pilot block can be obtained by correlating the second received
pilot block with the second common sequence. The channel estimates
for the first and second pilot blocks can be combined (e.g., added or
subtracted, as appropriate) to suppress the corresponding interference.
In equation form for this embodiment, a frequency domain
representation of the pilot sequence for the ℓth transmitter on subcarrier
k and symbol bm (which is the location of the mth pilot block) can be
represented as (for Rp=1):
is a baseline or un-shifted pilot sequence for the mth pilot block (e.g., a
constant modulus signal), αℓ(bm) is the cyclic time shift for transmitter i
for pilot block m, and P(bm) is a cyclic shift factor for pilot block m. Note
that the cyclic shift could also be implemented in the time domain by
circularly shifting the time-domain pilot signal by the appropriate

[0044] In another embodiment, one set of transmitters is assigned
cyclic shifts of a first common pilot sequence for both the first and
second pilot blocks, and a second set of transmitters is assigned cyclic
shifts of a second common pilot sequence for both the first and second
pilot blocks, but the second common sequence is inverted in the second
pilot block relative to the second common sequence in the first pilot
block so that the received pilot blocks can be processed to suppress the
interference between transmitters assigned the same cyclic time shift
value. In equation form for this embodiment, a frequency-domain
representation of the pilot sequence for the ℓth transmitter on subcarrier
k and symbol bm (which is the location of the mth pilot block, m=0, 1) can

"where L1 is the first set of transmitters, L2 is the second set of
transmitters, s(k,bm) is a baseline or un-shifted pilot sequence for the first
set of transmitters on pilot block m (e.g., a constant modulus signal),
z(k,bm) is a baseline or un-shifted pilot sequence for the second set of
transmitters on pilot block m (e.g., a constant modulus signal), aℓ is the
cyclic time shift for transmitter ℓ, and P is a cyclic shift factor.
[0045] In another embodiment, the cyclic time shift assigned to
ne transmitter can be the same as the cyclic time shift assigned to
another transmitter (e.g., with 8 transmitters, two could be assigned a
cyclic shift of 0, another two can be assigned a cyclic shift of Tcp, and so
on). In this embodiment, cyclic time shifts of a common pilot sequence
can be used by the transmitters in both the first and second pilot blocks,

but the sign of the common pilot sequence is inverted in one of the pilot
blocks for one set of transmitters so that the received pilot blocks can be
processed to suppress the interference between transmitters assigned
lite same cyclic time shift value. In another embodiment where the
same cyclic time shift is assigned to multiple transmitters, one set of
transmitters, each with a different cyclic shift value, is assigned a first
pilot sequence, and a second set of transmitters, each with a different
cyclic shift value, is assigned a second pilot sequence. The transmitters
in the second set invert the pilot second pilot sequence in one of the
pilot blocks so that the received pilot blocks can be processed to
suppress the interference between transmitters assigned the same cyclic
tune shift value.
[0046] For the convenience, the embodiments above have been
described for the case where the pilot block has Rp=1 (e.g., FIG. 5B). In
embodiments where lite pilot block transmission of a transmitter
occupies a decimated set of subcarriers, such as an Rp=2 in FIG. 5A, the
number of separable channel responses is reduced. The number of
separable channel responses becomes (1/Rp) times the number of
separable channel responses that were possible with Rp=1. For
example, if FIG- 6 is for the case of Rp=1 on a pilot block, then for an
embodiment similar to FIG. 6 but with Rp=2, there could be two
transmitters in the first set, with cyclic shifts of 0 and Tcp respectively,
and there could be two other transmitters in the second set, with cyclic
shifts of Tcp/2 and 3Tcp/2 respectively.

[0047] For the convenience/ the embodiments of the invention are
described for the case where there are two pilot blocks over which the
channel response separability is obtained. However, the invention is
also applicable when the number of pilot blocks is greater than two.
For example, one embodiment with four pilot blocks would provide for
twice as many separable channel responses as an embodiment with two
pilot blocks. Building upon FIG. 6, there may be four sets of
transmitters, each set using a possibly different set of cyclic shifts. For
example, a third set of transmitters could be assigned cyclic shifts of
Tcp/4, 5Tcp/4, 9Tcp/4, or 13Tcp/4, and a fourth set of transmitters
could be assigned cyclic shifts of 3Tcp/4, 7Tcp/4, HTcp/4, or 15Tcp/4.
For embodiments with more than two pilot blocks, the sequence
inversion method described earlier is extended to the general case of
orthogonal sets of multiplicative factors over the pilot blocks. For
example, all transmitters can use cyclic shifts of a common pilot
sequence, and the four pilot blocks of the first set of transmitters can be
multiplied by a first set of block modulation coefficients such as the
elements of a Walsh code or other orthogonal sequence of length four
(the samples of the first pilot block are multiplied by the first element of
the orthogonal code and so forth). The second set of transmitters would
utilize a second orthogonal sequence in a similar fashion, and so forth.
The receiver would combine weighted channel estimates from the four
pilot blocks with the weighting coefficients based on the orthogonal
sequences to recover certain channel estimates while suppressing
others. (Note that in FIG. 6, the block modulation coefficients are (1,1)
for transmitters in the first set and (1,-1) for the transmitters in the
second set). The weighting coefficients can be based on the block

modulation coefficients (such as the conjugates of the block modulation
coefficients) or be adapted based on channel conditions to provide a
compromise between tracking any variation of the channel response
over the burst and suppression of the interfering pilot signals from
other transmitters. In one embodiment, the weighting coefficients are
based on the block modulation coefficients and the Doppler frequency
or expected channel variation over the burst thereby providing a
tradeoff between channel tracking and interference suppression. The
weighting coefficients may also be different for different positions (e.g.,
different data block positions) in the burst by selecting or determining a
set of weighting coefficients to be used for processing the received pilot
blocks at each position in the burst. The weighting coefficients can be
based on an MMSE criteria. The processing may comprise
filtering/interpolation based on the weighting coefficients. In cases
where Rp is 2 or larger, the processing can be two-dimensional
(frequency and time), or can be performed separately over frequency
and then time, or for some channels with limited variation over the
burst duration the two received pilot blocks can be treated as being
received at the same time and a frequency interpolation/filtering can be
performed on the composite of the occupied pilot subcarriers from the
two received pilot blocks. In cases where the delay spread is less than
the minimum increment between cyclic shifts (cyclic delays), the
processing can be adapted to provide improved performance. In this
case, the interference between transmitters will be suppressed within
each pilot individually, so the processing can select or determine the
weighting coefficients based on the expected amount of channel

variation and noise instead of determining or selecting weights that are
designed to suppress pilot interference over the multiple pilot blocks.
[0048] FIG. 7 is a block diagram of IFDMA transmitter 700
performing time-domain signal generation. During operation incoming
data bits are received by serial to parallel converter 701 and output as m
bit streams to constellation mapping circuitry 703. Switch 707 serves to
receive either a pilot signal (sub-block) from pilot signal generator 705,
or a data signal (sub-block) from mapping circuitry 703 of sub-block
length/ Bs. The length of the pilot sub-block may be smaller or larger
than that of the data sub-block. As shown in FIG. 7B, pilot signal
generator 705 may provide a cyclic time shift of a pilot sequence for the
pilot sub-block. Regardless of whether pilot sub-block or data sub-block
are received by sub-block repetition circuitry 709, circuitry 709 serves to
perform sub-block repetition with repetition factor Rd on the sub-block
passed from switch 707 to form a data block of block length B. Note that
Rd=1 can also be used, when the signal is to occupy a contiguous set of
subcarriers thus providing a single-carrier signal. Block length B is the
product of the sub-block length Bs and repetition factor Rd and may be
different for pilot and data blocks, as was shown in FIG. 4. The sub-
block length Bs and repetition factor Rd may be different for the data
and pilot. Data block and a modulation code 711 are fed to modulator
710. Thus, modulator 710 receives a symbol stream (i.e., elements of
data block) and a IFDMA modulation code (sometimes referred to as
simply a modulation code). The output of modulator 710 comprises a
signal existing at certain evenly-spaced frequencies, or subcarriers, the
subcarriers having a specific bandwidth. The actual subcarriers that

signal utilizes is dependent upon the repetition factor Rd of the sub-
blocks and the particular modulation code utilized. The sub-block
length Bs, repetition factor Rd, and modulation code can also be
changed over time. Changing the modulation code changes the set of
subcarriers, so changing the modulation code is equivalent to changing
Sd. Varying the block length B, varies the specific bandwidth of each
subcarrier, with larger block lengths having smaller subcarrier
bandwidths. It should be noted, however, that while changing the
modulation code will change the subcarriers utilized for transmission,
the evenly-spaced nature of the subcarriers remain. Thus, subcarrier
changing pilot pattern is achieved by changing the modulation code. In
one embodiment of the present invention the modulation code is
changed at least once per burst. In another embodiment, the
modulation code is not changed in a burst. A cyclic prefix is added by
circuitry 713 and pulse-shaping takes place via pulse-shaping circuitry
715. The resulting signal is transmitted via transmission circuitry 717.
[0049] Transmitter 700 is operated so that transmission circuitry
717 transmits a plurality of data symbols over a first plurality of
subcarriers, each subcarrier within the first plurality of subcarriers has a
first bandwidth. One example of this is the like shaded subcarriers
between t1 and t2 in FIG. 5, the like shaded subcarriers between t3 and
t4, and the shaded subcarriers beginning at t5. Transmission circuitry
717 transmits a first pilot sequence at a first time for a user, the first
pilot sequence is transmitted in a first pattern over a second plurality of
subcarriers. Each subcarrier from the second plurality of subcarriers has
a second bandwidth. One example of this with the second bandwidth

being different than the first bandwidth is the shaded subcarriers in the
column Pilot Block 1 of FIG. 5 (between t2 and t3). The second pilot
sequence is transmitted for the user at a second time. The second pilot
sequence is transmitted in a second pattern over a third plurality of
subcarriers, each subcarrier from the third plurality of subcarriers
having a third bandwidth. One example of this with the third
bandwidth being the same as the second bandwidth is the shaded
subcarriers in the column Pilot Block 2 of FIG. 5 (between t4 and t5).
Note that although the cyclic shift of the pilot sequence is shown to take
place at the pilot signal generator 705, in other embodiments the cyclic
shift of the pilot block could be implemented in other places. For
example, a cyclic time shift can be applied to the pilot block samples
between application of the modulation code (710) and the addition of
the cyclic prefix (713).
[0050] FIG. 8 is a block diagram of transmitter 800 (which will be
designated as transmitter ℓ in the following equations) used to transmit
pilots and data in the frequency domain using a DFT-SOFDM
transmitter. Blocks 801, 802, and 806-809 are very similar to a
conventional OFDM/OFDMA transmitter, while blocks 803 and 805 are
unique to DFT-SOFDM. As with conventional OFDM, the IDFT size (or
number of points, N) is typically larger than the maximum number of
allowed non-zero inputs. More specifically, some inputs corresponding
to frequencies beyond the edges of the channel bandwidth are set to
zero, thus providing an oversampling function to simplify the
implementation of the subsequent transmission circuitry, as is known in
the art. As described earlier, different subcarrier bandwidths may be

used on pilot blocks than on data blocks, corresponding to different
pilot block and data block lengths. In the transmitter of FIG. 8, different
subcarrier bandwidths can be provided by different IDFT sizes (N) for
pilot blocks and data blocks. For example, a data block may have
N=512, and the number of usable subcarriers within the channel
bandwidth may be B=384. Then, an example of a pilot block having a
larger subcarrier bandwidth (and more specifically, a subcarriex
bandwidth twice as large as a data block) is obtained by using
N=512/2=256 for the pilot block, with the number of usable pilot
subcarriers then being B=384/2=192. (Note that the example in FIG. 5
has a number of usable data subcarriers of 40, and a number of usable
pilot subcarriers of 20.) The specific set of subcarriers out of the usable
ones that are occupied by a data block or a pilot block are determined
by the mapping block 805.
[0051] In the pilot signal generator block 810 the frequency-
domain pilot symbols are generated and are fed to the symbol to
subcarrier mapping block 805. As mentioned above, in one
embodiment the frequency-domain pilot symbols for transmitter ℓ are
given as (for Rp=1 and 0≤k≤Mp-1 and b denotes the symbol where the
pilot symbols are located): xℓ(k,b) = s(k,b)e-j2kaeIp where s(k,b) is a
baseline or un-shifted pilot sequence (e.g., a constant modulus signal
such as QPSK a CAZAC sequence, a GCL sequence, or the DFT/IDFT
of a CAZAC or GCL sequence), αℓ is the cyclic time shift for transmitter
ℓ and P is a cyclic shift factor. As mentioned above the sequence can be
generated either in the time or frequency domains. More details of the
pilot signal generator 810 for time-domain generation of the pilot

symbols are given in FIG. 8B. As can. be seen, the time-domain pilot
sequence of length Mp, S(n,b), is first converted from serial to parallel
821 and then a circular cyclic shift is applied 810 (i.e., the values are
circularly shifted by αℓ samples if P=Mp). Then in 825 a Mp-point FFT
is applied to give the frequency-domain pilot symbols xℓ(k,b). As an
alternative to time-domain generation of the pilot symbols, the pilot
symbols can be generated directly in the frequency domain as shown in
FIG. 8C. In this case the frequency-domain pilot sequence, s(k,b) is fed
into the serial to parallel converter 821 and then a phase ramp is applied
829 which corresponds to the appropriate time shift and is given by the
multiplication by the exponential term in the preceding equation.
[0052] A cyclic prefix is added by circuitry 807 followed by a
parallel to serial converter 808. Also, although not shown, additional
spectral shaping can be performed on the DFT-SOFDM signal to reduce
its spectral occupancy or reduce its peak-to average ratio. This
additional spectral shaping is conveniently implemented by additional
processing before IDFT 806, and may for example be based on
weighting or overlap-add processing. Finally the signal is sent over the
RF channel through use of transmission circuitry 809.
[0053] In FIG. 8D a time-domain implementation of DFT-SOFDM
transmitter (denoted as transmitter ℓ in the following equations) is
given where the cyclic shift for the pilot block only is applied in the
time domain. This embodiment may have implementation advantages
since a time-domain cyclic shift is low complexity and thus the
multiplication by a phase ramp (i.e., the exponential term in the pilot

symbol equations or block 829 in FIG. 8C) is avoided as is the Mp-point
IFFT (block 825 in FIG. 8B). Note the cyclic shift in 811 is not applied to
data blocks. Only the blocks that are not common to FIG. 8A are now-
explained. The time-domain pilot symbol generation 810 is described in
FIG. 8E. In this embodiment of the pilot signal generator 810, the time-
domain pilot sequence, S(n,b), goes through a serial to parallel converter
821 and then an Mp-point FFT is taken to generate the frequency-
domain pilot symbols. An alternative to the time-domain pilot signal
generator 810 for the transmitter in FIG. 8D is the frequency-domain
pilot signal generator given in FIG. 8F. In this embodiment, the
frequency-domain pilot sequence, s(k,b) is only serial to parallel
converted 821 to generate the pilot symbols. In both embodiments of
the pilot signal generator, the cyclic shift for the pilot blocks is
generated by performing a circular time shift 811. In one embodiment
assume that the desired frequency-domain pilot sequence is given as
(for Rp=1 and and b denotes the symbol where the pilot
symbols are located): where s(k,b) is a baseline or
un-shifted frequency-domain pilot sequence (e.g., a constant modulus
signal such as QPSK, a CAZAC sequence, a GCL sequence, or the
DFT/IDFT of a CAZAC or GCL sequence), at is the cyclic time shift for
transmitter ℓ and P is a cyclic shift factor. Then the time-domain shift of
αℓ samples would be applied to the time-domain samples received by
block 811 (assuming P=Mp).
[0054] In one embodiment of the invention, a transmitter (e.g., as
shown in FIG. 7 and FIG. 8) receives a resource allocation message, and
determines pilot configuration information based on the received

resource allocation message. The pilot configuration information may
comprise cyclic time shift information for a first pilot block and a
second pilot block, and block modulation coefficient information for the
pilot blocks, and possibly information specifying the baseline or un-
shifted pilot sequence. There axe various ways the pilot configuration
information can be provided based on the resource allocation message.
For example, the pilot configuration information can be directly
specified in the message, or the pilot configuration information may be
implicitly specified based on other information in the resource
allocation message and predetermined mapping rules. An example of
implicit specification is that the message specifies the resources to be
used for data transmission (e.g., (Td,Rd,Sd) and a center frequency) by a
transmitter, and there is a predetermined mapping between each
possible data resource allocation and the pilot configuration
information. Note that the pilot configuration information could also be
specified with a combination of direct and implicit information from the
resource allocation message.
[0055] FIG. 9 is a block diagram of receiver 900. The received
signal is a composite of the channel distorted transmit signal from all
the transmitters. During operation the received signal is converted to
baseband by baseband conversion circuitry 901 and baseband filtered
via filter 902. Once pilot and data information are received, the cyclic
prefix is removed from the pilot and data blocks and the blocks are
passed to channel estimation circuitry 904 and equalization circuitry
905. As discussed above, a pilot signal is commonly used for
communication systems to enable a receiver to perform a number of

critical functions, including but not limited to, the acquisition and
tracking of timing and frequency synchronization, the estimation and
tracking of desired channels for subsequent demodulation and
decoding of the information data, the estimation and monitoring of the
characteristics of other channels for handoff, interference suppression,
etc. With this in mind, circuitry 904 performs channel estimation on the
occupied subcarriers for the data block utilizing at least received pilot
[0056] As described above, one embodiment of the channel
estimator is the correlator given above. Assuming that the frequency-
domain pilot sequence for the ℓth transmitter on subcarrier k and symbol
(block) b is given as (for Rp=1): where s(k,b) is a
baseline or un-shifted pilot sequence (e.g., a constant modulus signal
such as QPSK, a CAZAC sequence, a GCL sequence, or the DFT/IDFT
of a CAZAC or GCL sequence), αℓ is the cyclic time shift for transmitter
ℓ (for example assume that there are four transmitters and α1=0,
α2=Tp/4, α3=Tp/2, and α4=3Tp/4), and P is a cyclic shift factor (for
example, P=Tp), The channel estimator 904 correlates the original pilot
sequence with the received pilot sequence with the cyclic prefix
removed (ie., the composite received pilot block from, the four
transmitters in the example) to get the time-domain channel estimates
for each transmitter. In the example, the channel response to the first
transmitter will be in a first block of Tp/4 correlator output samples (as
also shown in FIG. 6 602 for this example), the channel response to the
second transmitter will be in the next block of Tp/4 correlator output

samples (as shown in FIG. 6 604), and so forth (as shown in FIG. 6 606
and 608).
[0057] The channel estimate is passed to equalization circuitry 905
so that proper equalization of the data blocks on the occupied
subcarriers may be performed. The signal output from circuitry 905
comprises an appropriately equalized data signal that is passed to a
user separation circuitry 906 where an individual user's signal is
separated from the data signal (the transmission from a single user
corresponds to a transmission from each transmitter at the user). The
user separation can be performed in time-domain or frequency-domain
and can be combined with the equalization circuitry 905. Finally
decision device 907 determines the symbols/bits from the user-
separated signal that were transmitter.
[0058] FIG.. 10 shows a flow chart representation of an
embodiment of a receiver (e.g., base station) that will determine channel
estimates from one of two transmitters in accordance to the present
invention. In block 1001 the receiver receives a first block over a
plurality of subcarriers at a first time, wherein the first block comprises
a first pilot sequence with a first time shift from a first transmitter and a
second pilot sequence with a second time shift from a second
transmitter. Then in block 1003, the receiver receives a second block
over the plurality of subcarriers at a second time, wherein the second
block comprises a third pilot sequence with a third time shift from the
first transmitter and a fourth pilot sequence with a fourth time shift
from the second transmitter, wherein the third time shift depends on

the first time shift and the fourth time shift depends on the second time
shift. Finally in block 1005, the receiver processes the first block and the
second block to recover channel estimates for one of the first transmitter
and the second transmitter, while suppressing the signal from the other
[0059] FIG. 11 shows a flow chart representation of an
embodiment of a transmitter that will create a pilot sequence in
accordance to the present invention. In block 1101, the transmitter
receives a resource allocation message from the receiver that will
receive the transmitter's pilot sequence. In block 1103, the transmitter
determines, based on the resource allocation message, a first time shift,
a second time shift, and a set of block modulation coefficients. Then in
block 1105, the transmitter transmits a first block over a plurality of
subcarriers at a first time, wherein the first block comprises a first pilot
sequence with the first time shift and is multiplied by the first block
modulation coefficient. Finally in block 1107, the transmitter transmits
a second block over the plurality of subcarriers at a second time,
wherein the second block comprises a second pilot sequence with the
second time shift and is multiplied by the second block modulation
coefficient, wherein the second time shift depends on the first time shift.
[0060] In an additional embodiment of the invention, each, of a
plurality of transmitters is assigned a different cyclic shift value from a
set of cyclic delay values to be used for pilot transmission on a pilot
block. The different cyclic delay values are chosen and assigned in a
manner that increases the separability of the channel estimates of the

transmitters at a receiver by increasing the spacing between the
assigned cyclic shift values. Consider a system where the cyclic delay
values available for assignment to transmitters are TO + k*T1, where k is
a non-negative integer when the number of transmitters being assigned to transmit a pilot in a
pilot block is less than kmax and greater than one, then the cyclic delay
values (or values of k) assigned to the transmitters are non-contiguous.
Non-contiguous means that there are at least two cyclic delay values
that are not assigned to a transmitter, a first unassigned cyclic delay and
a second unassigned cyclic delay, and that at least one cyclic delay (a
third cyclic delay), which has a value between the first unassigned
cyclic delay and the second unassigned cyclic delay is assigned to a
transmitter. In addition, the cyclic delay values assigned to the
transmitters are preferably maximally separated. For example, if there
are four possible cyclic shift values of 0, T1, 2T1, and 3T1 in a pilot block
of length 4T1 and two transmitters are being assigned to transmit in a
pilot block, the separation between the assigned cyclic delays would be
chosen as 2X1 to provide maximal separation (note that when the pilot
block length is 4T1, the cyclic delay values of 0 and 3T1 are actually
adjacent rather than maximally separated, since the cyclic delays are
circular delays) first transmitter can be assigned a cyclic shift of 0 and
the second transmitter can be assigned acyclic shift of 2T1. By assigning
maximally separated cyclic delays to the transmitters, extra protection is
provided against unexpected channel conditions, such as channels
where the delay spread is longer than the difference between
consecutive cyclic delays. A flow chart for this embodiment is shown in
FIG. 12. In step 1202, a plurality of transmitters is selected for

assignment of pilot transmission configuration information. Each of the
plurality of transmitters is to be assigned a pilot transmission
configuration. In step 1204, a different cyclic delay is assigned to each
of the plurality of transmitters from, a set of cyclic delays, for pilot
transmission by each of the transmitters wherein the cyclic delays are
assigned to the transmitters such that the assigned cyclic delay values
are non-contiguous (not all contiguous). The non-contiguous
assignment may further comprise leaving a first cyclic delay unassigned
and a second cyclic delay unassigned, and may further comprise
assigning at least one of the cyclic delays having a value between the
first unassigned cyclic delay and the second unassigned cyclic delay to
a transmitter. The method may further comprise assigning non-
consecutive cyclic delays to two of the plurality of transmitters, where
at least one of the two transmitters has a channel delay spread that
exceeds the spacing between adjacent cyclic delay values of the set of
cyclic delay values.
[0061] A block diagram of a controller unit in accordance with the
embodiment of FIG. 12 is shown in FIG. 13. The controller unit 1300
includes transmitter selection circuitry 1302, for selecting a plurality of
transmitters for assignment of pilot transmission configuration
information, transmitter assignment circuitry 1304, for providing the
cyclic delay assignment information, and transmitter circuitry 1306, for
transmitting the assignment information. Controller unit 1300 may be
embedded in a communication unit such as a base station, and is
coupled to the transmitter of the communication unit to transmit the
assignment information to the plurality of transmitters.

[0062] Although some embodiments of the present invention use
the same block length and repetition factor (for IFDMA) or subcarrier
mapping (for DFT-SOFDM) for each of the pilot blocks within a burst,
alternate embodiments may use a plurality of block lengths and/or a
plurality of repetition factors and/or subcarrier mappings for the
plurality of pilot blocks within a burst. Note that different bock lengths
provide different subcarrier bandwidths, which may further enhance
the channel estimation capability.
[0063] The pilot configuration for a burst (e.g., the first or second
configuration of FIG. 13) is preferably assigned by the base station
dynamically based on channel conditions, such as the rate of channel
variations (Doppler), but the assignment can be based on requests from
the mobile unit, or on uplink measurements made by the base unit from
previously received uplink transmissions. As described, the
determination may be based on a channel condition such as Doppler
frequency or on a number of antennas used for transmitting data
symbols, and the determination can be made by the base unit, or by a
mobile unit which then sends a corresponding request to the base unit.
In systems with a scheduled uplink, the base unit can then assign the
appropriate pilot format to the mobile unit for the subsequent
transmissions from the mobile unit.
[0064] While the invention has been particularly shown and
described with reference to a particular embodiment, it will be
understood by those skilled in the art that various changes in form and

details may be made therein without departing from the spirit and
scope of the invention. It is intended that such changes come within the
scope of the following claims.
[0065] What is claimed is:

1. A method for pilot reception, the method comprising :
receiving a first block over a plurality of subcarriers at a first time,
wherein the first block comprises a first pilot sequence with a first time shift from
a first transmitter and a second pilot sequence with a second time shift from a
second transmitter;
receiving a second block over the plurality of subcarriers at a second
time, wherein the second block comprises a third pilot sequence with a third time
shift from the first transmitter and a fourth pilot sequence with a fourth time shift
from the second transmitter, wherein the third time shift depends on the first time
shift and the fourth time shift depends on the second time shift; and
processing the first block and the second block to recover channel
estimates for one of the first transmitter and the second transmitter, while
suppressing the signal from the other transmitter.
2. The method of claim 1 wherein the third time shift is equal to the
first time shift and the fourth time shift is equal to the second time shift.
3. The method of claim 1 wherein the third time shift is equal to the
first time shift plus an offset and the fourth time shift is equal the second time shift
plus the offset.

4. The method of claim 1 wherein the first time shift is selected from a
first set of time shifts and the second time shift is selected from a second set of
time shifts.
5. The method of claim 1 wherein the first and second set of time
shifts are the same.
6. The method of claim 1 wherein the second set of time shifts is equal
to the first set of time shifts plus a constant.
7. The method of claim 4 wherein the first set of time shifts is k*Tcp, k
an integer from 0 to Tp/Tcp, where the first block has cyclic prefix duration Tcp
and total time duration, including a cyclic prefix, of Tp+Tcp.
8. The method of claim 6 wherein the constant is equal to a fraction of
Tcp,, where the first block has cyclic prefix duration Tcp.
9. The method of claim 8 wherein the fraction is V2.
10. The method of claim 1 wherein the second pilot sequence and the
third pilot sequence and the fourth pilot sequence are all equal to the first pilot

11. The method of claim 1 wherein the second pilot sequence equals
the first pilot sequence, and the fourth pilot sequence equals the third pilot
12. The method of claim 1 wherein the third pilot sequence equals the
first pilot sequence, and the fourth pilot sequence equals the second pilot

13. The method of claim 1 wherein the processing step further
comprises adding the first and second blocks to recover channel estimates for the
first transmitter.
14. The method of claim 1 wherein the processing step further
comprises subtracting the first and second blocks to recover channel estimates for
the second transmitter.
15. The method of claim 1 wherein the processing occurs on raw
received samples.
16. The method of claim 1 wherein the processing occurs after
channel estimation.
17. The method of claim 1 wherein the suppression is enabled
because of the negation.

18. The method of claim 1 wherein the processing step further
comprises combining the first and second block with weighting coefficients to
recover channel estimates for the first transmitter.
19. The method of claim 1 wherein the processing step further
comprises combining a channel estimate for the first and a channel estimate for
the second block with weighting coefficients to recover channel estimates for the
first transmitter.
20. The method of claim 1 wherein the step of processing the first
block and the second block to recover channel estimates for one of the first
transmitter and the second transmitter, while suppressing the signal from the
other transmitter, comprises processing the first block and the second block based
on a first set of block modulation coefficients for the first transmitter and a second
set of block modulation coefficients for the second transmitter.
21. The method of claim 1 wherein the first transmitter is a first user
terminal and the second transmitter is a second user terminal.
22. The method of claim 1 wherein the first transmitter is a first
antenna and the second transmitter is a second antenna, wherein the first and
second antenna are on a user terminal.

23. The method of claim 1 wherein the first transmitter is a first
antenna and the second transmitter is a second antenna, wherein the first and
second antenna are on a base station.
24. The method of claim 1 wherein the first transmitter is a first base
station and the second transmitter is a second base station.
25. A method for pilot transmission, the method comprising the steps
receiving a resource allocation message;
determining, based on the resource allocation message, a first time
shift, a second time shift, and a set of block modulation coefficients
transmitting a first block over a plurality of subcarriers at a first time,
wherein the first block comprises a first pilot sequence with the first time shift;
transmitting a second block over the plurality of subcarriers at a
second time, wherein the second block comprises a second pilot sequence with the
second time shift, wherein the second time shift depends on the first time shift.
26. The method of claim 25 where the set of block modulation
coefficients are elements of one of a set of orthogonal sequences.
27. A method for assigning pilot transmission configurations,

selecting a plurality of transmitters, each to be assigned a pilot
transmission configuration; and
assigning a different cyclic time delay from a set of cyclic delays to
each of the plurality of transmitters for pilot transmission by each of the
wherein the cyclic delays are assigned to the transmitters such that
the assigned cyclic delay values are non-contiguous.
28. The method of 27 wherein the step of assigning the cyclic delays
to the transmitters such that the assigned cyclic delay values are non-contiguous
comprises leaving a first cyclic delay unassigned and a second cyclic delay
unassigned, and further comprises assigning at least one of the cyclic delays from
the; set having a value between the first unassigned cyclic delay and the second
unassigned cyclic delay to one of the plurality of transmitters.
29. The method of claim 27 wherein the step of assigning the cyclic
time delay further comprises assigning non-consecutive cyclic delays to two of the
plurality of transmitters, where at least one of the two transmitters has a channel
delay spread that exceeds the spacing between adjacent cyclic delay values of the
set of cyclic delay values.

A pilot (or reference) transmission scheme is utilized where different transmitters are assigned pilot sequences with possibly different cyclic time shifts. A pilot signal is transmitted concurrently by the transmitters in a plurality of pilot blocks, and a receiver processes the plurality of received pilot blocks to recover a channel estimate for at least one of the transmitters while suppressing the interference due to the pilot signals from the other transmitters.





3704-KOLNP-2008-(02-07-2014)-ANNEXURE TO FORM 3.pdf









3704-KOLNP-2008-(02-07-2014)-PETITION UNDER RULE 137.pdf













3704-kolnp-2008-description (complete).pdf


3704-kolnp-2008-form 1.pdf

3704-kolnp-2008-form 13.pdf

3704-kolnp-2008-form 18.pdf

3704-kolnp-2008-form 3.pdf

3704-kolnp-2008-form 5.pdf


3704-kolnp-2008-international publication.pdf

3704-kolnp-2008-international search report.pdf


3704-kolnp-2008-pct request form.pdf

3704-kolnp-2008-priority document.pdf



Patent Number 264177
Indian Patent Application Number 3704/KOLNP/2008
PG Journal Number 50/2014
Publication Date 12-Dec-2014
Grant Date 11-Dec-2014
Date of Filing 10-Sep-2008
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number H04K 1/10
PCT International Application Number PCT/US2007/062105
PCT International Filing date 2007-02-14
PCT Conventions:
# PCT Application Number Date of Convention Priority Country
1 60/773249 2006-02-14 U.S.A.
2 11/672275 2007-02-07 U.S.A.