Title of Invention


Abstract ABSTRACT OF THE INVENTION The invention relates to a cold and/or heat accurrulator 10 com¬prising a first heat exchanger 14 and preferably a second heat exchanger 24. The first heat exchanger 14 may, in particular, be provided to be perfused by a refrigerant while the second heat exchanger 24 is preferably perfused by brine,the first heat exchanger 14 and preferably also the second heat exchanger 24 are engaged in a heat-exchanging relationship with carrier elements 12 charged with a cold or heat storage medium and may, in particular, be formed by graphite strips. The cooling energy and/or heat accumulator 10 according to the invention exhibits a good heat conduction, short charging times, a nigh cooling or heating performance, low pressure losses as well as a good cooling agent distribution. Further its integration options are manifold due to the selected fixation mean&. Figure 1
Full Text

Field of the Invention
The invention relates to a cold andor heat accuu] ~tor com¬prising a pludlity of carrier elements charged vi t.h a cold or heat storage medium and at least one first heat • changer pro¬vided to be perfused by a iirst heat transfer rnedi . and com¬prising at least one first serpentineshaped hollow profile, wherein at least one carrier element is arranged ac least be¬tween some of the first serpentines respectively formed by two adjacent first limbs and a first connecting zone.
The invention further relates to a cold andor heat accumulator comprising a plurality of carrier elements charged with a cold or heat storage medium and at least one first heat exchanger provided to be perfused by a first heat transfer medium and comprising at least two first serpentineshaped hollow profiles arranged adjacent to each other, the respecti _ ly one end por¬tion of said hollow profiles being connected to a iirst common heat transfer medium inlet and the respectively other end por¬tion being connected to a first common heat transfer medium outlet.
Above that the invention relates to a cold andor neat accumu¬lator comprising a plurality of carrier elements charged with a cold or heat storage medium and at least one first heat ex¬changer provided to be perfused by a first heat transfer medium and comprising at least one first serpentineshaped hollow pro¬file, one end portion of which is connected to a first heat transfer medium inlet while the other end portion is connected to a first heat transfer medium outlet.
The invention also relates to a cold andor heat accumulator comprising a plurality of carrier elements charged_with a cold

or heat storage medium, at least one firr heat er.anger pro¬vided to be perfused by a first ref ricei.it. and . econd neao exchanger provided to b, perfused by a second heat ransfer me dium.
The invention further relaces to a cold and or heo accumulator comprising a housing in which at least one carrier element charged with a cold or heat storage medium and at " ast one first heat exchanger are arranged.
Background of the Invention
Cold andor heat accumulators of the type mentioned above are known from the DE 102 42 069 B4, the disclosed corint of which is included in this document by the present reference. Such cold andor heat accumulators may, for example, be used in con¬nection with the air conditioning of motor vehicles, particu¬larly for an engineindependent air conditioning.
The invention is based on the object to further develop the cold andor heat accumulators known from the DE 102 42 069 B4 so that better properties are obtained with respect to the heat conductivity, the charging times, the cooling or heating per¬formance, the distribution of the first heat transfer medium, particularly if it is a refrigerant, and the stability of the cold andor heat accumulator, particularly in case of vibra¬tions. Further the accumulation of oil in the first heat ex¬changer is to be prevented if the heat transfer medium flowing through it is a refrigerant.
Summary of the Invention

A ording to a first aspect the pre ent invention previaas a cold and or heat acumulator comprising a plurality of irrier elements charged with a cold or heat storage medij and at lease one first heat exchanger provided to be perfumed by a first heat transfer medium and comprising at leasiine first serpentineshaped hollow profile, wherein at least >ne carrier element is arranged between at least some of the st serpen¬tines respectively formed by two adjacent first 1 i. ,bs and a first connecting zone, wherein, according to the i nvent ion, the carrier elements are formed by a plurality of carrier element strips which are orientated substantially perpendicular to the first limbs. The carrier elements may, in particular, be graph¬ite elements, wherein the heat storage medium is, preferably, a phase change material such as, for example, water or paraffin. If graphi te strips are used as carrier element scripts the heat conductivity can, for example, be increased from 5 v.mK to 30 WmK as compared to the utilisation of graphite plates. A bet¬ter heat conductivity leads to distinctly shorter charging times of the cold andor heat accumulator and is therefore par¬ticularly advantageous.
In connection with the first aspect of the invention it is pre¬ferred that the carrier element strips are orientattd suostan tially parallel to the first connecting zones. If the first serpentineshaped hollow profile has springelastic properties, a frictionlocked interconnection of preferably a plurality of first serpentineshaped hollow profiles and the carrier element strips can be formed in a simple manner, similar to the one de¬scribed in the DE 102 42 069 B4 for plateshaped carrier ele¬ments .
In connection with the first aspect of the invention it is fur¬ther considered advantageous for the cold andor heat accumula¬tor that it comprises a second heat exchanger provided to be perfused by a second heat transfer medium and comprising at

least one second serpentineshape 1 hollow profile, vHerein the carrier element strips are further arranged at least between some of the second serpentines respectively forme by two adja¬cent second limbs and a second connecting zone. Zver. though in principle solutions in which only one heat exchanger is pro¬vided through which the cold andor neat accumulator is charged as well as discharged are also possible, the use of separate heat exchangers for charging and discharging is act.iagecus for several reasons. In the vast majority of all cases a compression refrigeration cycle is present anyway so that it is advantageous to charge the cold andor heat accumulator with cooling energy by means of an expansion of a compressed refrig¬erant. The first heat exchanger may therefore advantageously assume the function of an evaporator, wherein, if req ired, one or more expansion valves may be present if the first neat transfer medium is a refrigerant. In case of motor .ehicles, for example, usually further a brine cycle is provided which is a component of the cooling and heating system. If brine is used as the second heat transfer medium and the second heat ex¬changer can be coupled to the cooling or heating system in an appropriate manner it is, for example, possible to discharge the cold andor heat accumulator via the heating system. This applies to a case in which cooling energy is stored in the cold andor heat accumulator as well as tor a case in wh"ch heat is si ored. A charging of the cold andor heat accumulator with heat may also be effected via the heating system.
A further embodiment within the framework of the first aspect of the invention is that the surface of the first heat ex¬changer effective for the heat exchange is smaller than the surface of the second heat exchanger effective for the heat ex¬change. If, for example, the first heat exchanger is formed by a plurality of first serpentineshaped hollow profiles arranged adjacent to each other and the second heat exchanger is formed by a plurality of second serpent ineshaped hollow profiles ar

ranged adjacent to each other and preferably between the first hollow profiles the number of uhe first serpentine shaped hol¬low profiles may be smaller than that of the sec—d serpentine shaped hollow profiles. In any case the purpose of this measure is the capability of getting the stored cooling energy or heat to the place where it is needed as rapidly as poss..ble. The ef¬fective surface of the first heat exchanger is, dut to space restrictions, selected so that it is as small as _"ssjble, yet large enough to enable, for example, an efficient and suffi¬ciently rapid charging via a refrigerant.
Another preferred further deve]opment included in the framework of the first aspect of the invention contemplates that the first heat exchanger comprises at least two first serpentine shaped hollow profiles arranged adjacent to each otter, the re¬spectively one end portion of sa.i d hollow profiles teing con¬nected to a first common heat transfer medium inlet while the respectively other end portion is connected to a f"3t common heat transfer medium outlet, and that the connect! between the one end portions and the first common heat transfer medium inlet is substantially established via interconnecting lines of the same length, if, for example, a refrigerant is used as the first heat transfer medium it can be ensured by his measure that the at least two, however, preferably more first serpen¬tineshaped hollow profiles are uniformly supplied with refrig¬erant with respect to the amount as well as with respect to the pressure so that all first holiow profiles can be optimally used, for example when being charged with cooling energy, which leads to a uniform distribution of the cooling energy inside of the cold andor heat accumulator.
According to another embodiment of the cold andor heat accumu¬lator it may, within the framevrork of the first aspect of the invention, be contemplated that an end portion of the first serpentineshaped hollow profile is connected to a first heat

transfer medium inlet and the other end portion of the first serpentineshaped hollow profile is connected to h first heat transfer medium outlet, and that the one end porti of the first serpentineshaped hollow profiles is, with r>.pect to the intended installation position, located higher thari che other end portion of the first serpentineshaped hollow piofile. This solution is particularly advantageous if a refri a .J.it is used as a first heat transfer medium since a refrigera, flow from the top to the bottom results in a secure prevent."! of an ac¬cumulation of oil in the first heat exchanger.
Within the framework of the first aspect of the invention it is further preferred for the cold andor heat accumulator that it comprises a housing in which at least the carrier elements and the first heat exchanger are disposed and that the carrier ele¬ments and the first heat exchanger are disposed on " carrier plate also provided in the housing and comprising f i xation means extending to the outside of the housing. The background of this measure is that cavities inside of the housng are preferably foamed using an insulating foam so that the entire interconnection of heat exchanger(s) and carrier elements is fully surrounded by a foamed material To ensure this the car¬rier place is arranged in a corresponding distance co the hous¬ing, for example by means of suitable spacers. The fixation elements protruding from the housing, for example screws or stud bolts, ensure that the interconnection of the heat ex¬changer (s) and the carrier elements can be directly fixed at the target position, for example in the vehicle. li the fixa¬tion was only effected indirectly via the housing, for example, vibrations could result in oscillations of the interconnection of heat exchanger(s) and carrier elements inside of the housing which, for example, might lead to irritating noises or a de¬tachment of connections.

According to a second aspecc zhe present inventi.c provides a cold andor heat accumulator comprising a plurality of carrier elements charged wiu.li a cold or heat storage mediun. and at least one first heat exchanger provided to be perfed iyy a first heat transfer medium and comprising at least zwo irst serpentineshaped hollow profiles arranged adjacent to each other, the respectively one end portion of said ho"]ow rofile being connected to a first common heat cransfer m> oJ. urn inlet while the respectively other end portion is connect .d to a first common heat transfer medium outlet, wherein r is, ac¬cording to the invention, contemplated that the connection be¬tween the one end portions and the first common heat transfer medium inlet is established via interconnecting 1ines having substantially the same length. If, for example, a refrigerant is used as the first heat transfer medium it may, using this measure, be ensured, also within the framework of the second aspect of the invention, that the at least two, however, pref¬erably more first serpentineshaped hollow profiled are uni¬formly supplied with the refrigerant with respect to the amount as well as with respect to the pressure so that all first hol¬low profiles can be optimally used, for example, when charged with cooling energy, which leads to a uniform cooling energy distribution inside of the cold andor. heat accumulator.
In connection with the second aspect of the invention rhe cold andor heat accumulator is preferably substantially cubic and the first common heat transfer medium inlet is arranged in the area of an edge of the cuboid. The arrangement of the firsc common heat transfer medium inlet in the area of o cuboid edge results in a particularly good accessibility of the heat trans¬fer medium inlet, on the other hand, however, leads to differ¬ent distances between the first common heat trans for medium inlet and the one end portions of the first serpentineshaped hollow profiles. Said different distances, however, have, no

detrimental effect if the interconnecting lines ar still of rhe same length.
In view of the second aspect of the invention it L~ particu¬larly preferable that the interconnecting lines corynse a com¬mon interconnection line section, a distributor and individual connection lines. In this regard, the individual connection lines are preferably bent in a different way whil «.ving the same length to compensate the different distances between the first common heat transfer medium inlet and the or end por¬tions of the first serpentineshaped hollow profiles.
In connection with the second aspect of the inventon it is further considered advantageous that the distributor is a Ven turi distributor. The Venturi distributor preferably connects the common interconnection line section to the individual con¬nection lines, wherein the Venturi distributor may comprise a throttle in the form of a bottleneck so that the cress section of the section of the common interconnection line upstream of the throttle as well as the total of the cross secrions of the individual connection lines are larger than the cross section of the bottleneck. In this way a particularly uniform distribu¬tion of the first heat transfer medium formed, for example, by a refrigerant to the individual connection lines and thus to the first serpentineshaped hollow profiles is obtained.
According to another further development provided .vithin the framework of the second aspect of the invention it is contem¬plated that the common interconnection line section extends substantially vertically with respect to the intended installa¬tion position. Particularly when a Venturi distributor is lo¬cated downstream of the common interconnection lino section this solution will have the effect that the Venturi distributor is preceded by a straight common interconnection line section

which has a positive effect or. a uniform distribution of the first heat transfer medium.
As mentioned, ir is, also within the framework of ijs second aspect of the invention, preferred that the first heat transfer medium is a refrigerant.
In view of the second aspect of the invention it LJ further preferred that the cold andor heat accumulator comprises a second heat exchanger provided to be perfused by a second heat transfer medium and comprising at least two second serpentine shaped hollow profiles arranged adjacent to each other, the re¬spectively one end portion of said hollow profiles being con¬nected to a second common heat transfer medium inlet while the respectively other end portion is connected to a second common heat transfer medium outlet. Even though, as mentioned, princi¬pally solutions are feasible in which only one heac exchanger is provided via which the cold andor heat accumulator is charged as well as discharged the utilisation of separate heat exchangers for charging and discharging is advantageous for several reasons. In the vast majority of all cases a compres¬sion refrigeration cycle is present anyway so that it is advan¬tageous to charge the cold andor heat accumulator with cooling energy by means of an expansion of a compressed refrigerant. The first heat exchanger may therefore assume the f.nction of an evaporator in an advantageous manner, wherein, if required, one or more expansion valves may be provided if the first heat transfer medium is a refrigerant. In case of motor vehicles, for example, usually a further brine cycle is present which is a component of the cooling and heating system. If brine is used as the second heat transfer medium and the second heat ex¬changer can be coupled to the cooling or heating system in an appropriate manner it is, for example, possible to discharge the cold andor heat accumulator via the heating system, This applies to a case in which cooling energy is stored in the cold

andor heat accumulator as well as to a case in v.i heat is stored. A charging of the cold andor heat accumulator w th heat may also be effected via the heating system.
In the context discussed above it. may further be ar=ntageous that the surface of the first hear exchanger effective for che heat exchange is smaller than the surface of the second heat exchanger effective for che heat exchange. If the rst heat exchanger is formed by a plurality of serpentinei." iped first hollow profiles arranged adjacent to each other ard the second heat exchanger is formed by a plurality of second .,rpantine shaped hollow profiles arranged adjacent to each other and preferably between the first hollow profiles, the number of" the first serpentineshaped hollow profiles may be smaller than that of the second serpentineshaped hollow profiles in this case as well. In this case also the purpose of this measure is the capability of transporting the stored cooling energy or heat to the place where it is needed as fast as pesidle. The effective surface of the first heat exchanger is, duo to space restrictions, selected so that it is as small as possible yet large enough so that, for example, an efficient and suffi¬ciently rapid charging via a refrigerant it possible.
Within the framework of the second aspect of the invention it is also preferred that the second heat transfer medium is brine. In this way, for example, the coupling to the heater circuit of a motor vehicle is possible in a particularly simple manner.
According to another further development also preferred in con¬nection with the second aspect of the invention it is contem¬plated that at least one carrier element is disposed at loast between some of the first serpentines respecti ,eiy formed by two adjacent first limbs and a first connecting zone and that the carrier elements are formed by a plurality of carrier ele

ment strips orientated substantially perpendicular the first limbs, in this case as well the canier elements r, in par¬ticular, be graphit elements, the heat storage ntidiuzi prefera¬bly being a phase change material like, for exampi water or paraffin. If graphite strips are used as carrier element strips, the heat conductivity can, for example, be increased from 5 wmK to 30 V!mK as compared to the utilisa • on of graph¬ite plates. A better heat conductivity leads to distinctly shorter charging times of the cold andor heat accumulator and is therefore particularly advantageous.
Within the framework of the second aspect of the invention it is also preferred that respectively one end portion of the first serpentineshaped hollow profiles is connected to a first common heat transfer medium inlet, that a respecti vely other end portion of the first serpentineshaped hollow profiles is connected to a first common heat transfer medium outlet, and that the one end portions of the first serpentineshaped hollow profiles are located higher than the other end portions the first serpentineshaped hollow profiles with respect to the in¬tended installation position. As mentioned this solution is particularly advantageous when a refrigerant is used as the first heat transfer medium since a refrigerant flew from the top to the bottom enables a secure prevention of an oil accumu¬lation in the first heat exchanger.
According to a variant of the cold andor heat accumulator also preferred in connection with the second aspect it is contem¬plated that it comprises a housing in which at least the car¬rier elements and the first heat exchanger are disrjesed, and that the carrier elements and the first heat exchanger are ar¬ranged on a carrier plate also provided in the housing and com¬prising fixation n,cans extending to the outside ci the housing. The background of this measure is, in this case as v.ell, that cavities inside of the housing are preferably foamed using an

insulating foam so that the entire interconnection f the heat exchanger (si and the carrier e] vients is complex .y surrounded by a foamed material. To ensure this the carrier p.". e is dis¬posed in a corresponding distance to the housing, for example by means of suitable spacers. The fixation element.1 extending to the outside of the housing, for example screws GJ stud bolts, ensure that the interconnection of heat excr.nger(s) and carrier elements can bo directly fixed in che r.arg., positron, for example, in the vehicle. If the fixation was or."!y effected indirectly via the housing, vibrations, for example, could re¬sult in oscillations of the interconnection of the i.eat ex¬changer (s) and the carrier elements within the housing which could, for example, lead to irritating noises or loosening con¬nections .
According to a third aspect the present invention provides a cold andor heat accumulator comprising a plurality of carrier elements charged with a cold or heat storage medium and at least one first heat exchanger provided to be perfused by a first heat transfer medium and comprising at least one first serpentineshaped hollow profile, one end portion of which is connected to a first heat transfer medium inlet while the other end portion is connected to a first heat transfer Medium out¬let, wherein it is, according to the invention, contemplated that the one end portion of the first serpentineshaped hollow profile is located higher than the other end portion of the first serpentineshaped hollow profile with respect to the in¬tended installation position. For example when a refrigerant is used as the first heat transfer medium, since a refrigerant flow from the top to the bottom enables a secure prevention of an accumulation of oil in the first heat exchanger.
ithin the framework of the third aspect of the inention it is therefore preferred that the first heat transfer meclum is a refrigerant. In this way the cold andor heat accumulator can

be integrated in a compression refrigeration cycle ossibiy provided anyway in a particularly simple mannei.
Within the framework of th« third aspect of the iivennion it is also considered advantageous that the cold andor n~at accumu lator comprises a second heat exchanger provided TO be perfused by a second heat transfer medium and comprising at least one second serpentineshaped hollow profile, one end j ciori of which is connected to a second heat transfer medium inlet while the other end portion is conned ed to a second heat transfer medium outlet. Even though, as mentioned, principally solutions are feasible according to which only one heat exchanger is pro¬vided via which the cold andor heat accumulator is charged as well as discharged, the utilisation of separate heat exchangers for charging and discharging is advantageous for several rea¬sons . In the vast majority of all cases a compress ion refrig¬eration cycle is provided anyway so that it is advantageous to charge the cold andor heat accumulator with coo lino energy by means of an expansion of a compressed refrigerant. The first heat exchanger may therefore advantageously assume the function of an evaporator, wherein, if required, one or mori expansion valves may be provided if the first heat transfer medium is a refrigerant. In case of, for example, motor vehicles usually further a brine cycle is provided which is a component of the cooling and heating system. If brine is used as the second heat transfer medium and the second heat exchanger can be coupled to the cooling or heating system in an appropriate manner, it is, for example, possible to discharge the cold andor heat accumu¬lator via the heating system. This applies to cases in which cooling energy is stored in the cold andor heat accumulator as well as to cases in which heat is stored. The charging of the cold andor heat accumulator with heat may also be effected via the heating system.

Also within the frameworK or .ne cnira = pecc or in invention an advantageous furthf_ development cf . ne cold an or heat ac cumu.ator contemplates that the one end portion of ne second serpentineshaped hollow profile is located lower .ban the other end portion of the second serpentineshaped _oilow pro¬file with respect to the intended installation posit ion. As mentioned, this solution is particularly advantage! s if a re¬frigerant is used as the first heat transfer ined.it v. since a re¬frigerant flow from the top to the bottom enables a secure pre vein ion of an accumulation of oil in the first heat exchange ~.
In the context discussed above it is considered advantageous that the second heat transfer medium is brine. As mentioned, for example, the coupling to the heater ci rcuit of a motor ve¬hicle is possible in a particularly simple manner in this way.
According to an embodiment of the cold andor heat accumulator also advantageous within the framework of the third aspect of the invention, it is contemplated that the surface of the first heat exchanger effective for the heat exchange is smaller than the surface of the second heat exchanger effective for the heat exchange. If the first heat exchanger is formed by a plurality of serpentineshaped first hollow profiles arrange adjacent to each other and the second heat exchanger is formed by several serpentineshaped hollow profiles arranged adjacent to each other and preferablybetween the first hollow profiles, the number of the first serpentineshaped hollow profiles may, in this case as well, be smaller than that of the second serpen¬tineshaped hollow profiles. In this case as well the purpose of this measure is the capability of transporting the stored cooling energy or heat to the place where it is needed as fast as possible. The effective surface of the first heat exchanger is, due to space restrictions, selected so that i is as small as possible, however, sufficiently large so that, .r example,

an efficient and sufficiently rapid "harging is pcbie via the refrigerant.
In preferred embodiments of the cold andor heat acomulator it is contemplated, also in connection with the third aspect of he invention, that at least one carrier element ic arranged at least between some of the first serpentines of the first heat exchanger respectively formed by two adjacent first limbs arid a first connecting zone and that the carrier elements are formed by a plurality of carrier element strips orientated substan¬tially perpendicular to the first limbs. The carrier elements may, in particular, be graphite elements in this case as well, the heat storage medium preferably being a phase change mate¬rial such as, for example, water or paraffin. If graphite strips are used as the carrier element strips the heat conduc¬tivity can, for example, be increased from 5 WmK to 3 0 WmK as compared to the utilisation of graphite plates. A better heat conductivity wi11 lead to distinctly shorter charging times of the cold andor heat accumulator and is therefore particularly advantageous.
Within the framework of the third aspect of the invention it is also preferred that the first heat exchanger comprises at least two first serpentineshaped hollow profiles arranged adjacent to each other, the respectively one end portion of said hollow profiles being connected to a first common heat transfer medium inlet while the respectively other end portion is connected to a first common heat transfer medium outlet, and that the con¬nection between the one end portions and the first common heat transfer medium inlet is established via interconnecting lines of substantially equal lengths. If, for example, a refrigerant is used a, the first heat transfer medium it may, also within the framework of the third aspect of the invention, be ensured by this measure that the at least two, however, preferably more first serpentineshaped hollow profiles are uniforrnjy supplied

with refrigerant with respect to the mount as we_l as with re¬spect to the pressure so that ail of rhe first .iolltw profiles may be optimally used, for ixampie while being charred with cooling energy, which will result in a uniform distribution, of the cooling energy within the cold andor heat acciuulator.
With respect to che third aspect of the invention i is again preferred rhat the cold andor heat accumulator c. rises a housing in which at least the carrier elements and the first heat exchanger are arranged, and that the carrier d ements and l".he first heat exchanger are arranged on a carrier, plate also provided in the housing and comprising fixation mer.s extending to the outside of the housing. The background of this measure, also in connection with the third aspect of the invention, is that cavities inside of the housing are preferably foamed using an insulating foam so that the entire interconnection of heat exchangers) and carrier elements is entirely suriounded by a foamed material. To ensure uhis the carrier plate i s arranged in a corresponding distance to the housing, for example by means of suitable spacers. The fixation elements extending to the outside of the housing, for example screws or stud bolts, ensure that the interconnection of heat exchanger!si and car¬rier elements can be fixed directly at the target position, for example in the vehicle. If the fixation was only effected indi¬rectly via the housing, for example, vibrations might lead to an oscillation of the interconnection of the heat exchanger(s) and the carrier elements inside of the housing which might, for example, cause irritating noises or a detachment of connec¬tions .
According to a fourth aspect the present invention provides a cold andor heat accumulator comprising a plurality of carrier elements charged with a cold or heat storage medium, at least one first heat exchanger provided to be perfused by a first re¬frigerant and a second heat exchanger provided to he perfused

by a second hear transfer medium, wherein it is. according to the invention, contemplated chat the surfa e of the first heat exchanger effective for the heat exchange 3 smallei than the surface of the second heat exchanger effective for cue heat ex¬change. The purpose of this measure is the capability of trans¬porting the stored cooling energy or heat to the place where it is needed as fast as possible. The effective surface of the first heat exchanger is, due to space restrictions selected so that it is as small as possible, however, large enough that, for example, an efficient and sufficiently rapid charging via a refrigerant is possible.
Within the framework of the fourth aspect of tl e ir1 ention it is also preferred that the first heat exchanger comprises at least one first serpentineshaped hollow profile, r>z least one carrier element being arranged at least between s e of the first serpentines respectively formed by two adjacent first limbs and a first connecting zone. If the first serpentine shaped hollow profile comprises springelastic properties, a frictionlocked interconnection of the first heat exchanger and the carrier elements may be established in this way as dis¬cussed in the DE 102 42 069 B4.
In the context explained above it is further considered advan¬tageous that the second heat exchanger conprises at least on& second serpentineshaped hollow profile, at least one carrier element being arranged at least between some of the second ser¬pentines respectively formed by two adjacent second limbs and a second connecting zone. If the second serpentineshoped hollow profile also comprises springelastic properties uhr second heat exchanger may be integrated in the interconnect ion of the first heat exchanger and the carrier elements in a simple man .ier.

A further development of the cold andor heat accu.f.Iacor ad¬vantageous vithin the framework of the fc urh aspe of the in¬vention, contemplates that a. smaller number of fir serpentine shaped hollow profiles than of second serpentine shoed hollow profiles is provided. With this measure it is po = _le to keep the surface of the first heat exchanger effective r.cr the hea" exchange smaller than the surface of the second he= exchanger effective for the heat exchange in a simple manne_ .
In connection with the fourth aspect of the invention it is also preferred that at least one carrier element is arrangeo between at least some of the first serpentines of uhe first heat exchanger respectively formed by two adjacent first limbs and a first connecting zone, and that the carrier elements are formed by a plurality of carrier element strips 01 i en tat eel sub¬stantially perpendicular to the first limbs. The carrier ele¬ments may, in particular, be graphite elements aga i n, the heat storage medium preferably being a phase change material such as, for example, water or paraffin. If graphite strips are used as carrier element strips, the heat conductivity may, for exam¬ple, be increased from 5 WmK to 30 WmK as compared to the utilisation of graphite plates. A better heat conductivity will lead to distinctly shorter charging times of the cold andor heat accumulators and is therefore particularly advantageous.
A further development of the cold andor heat accumulator ad¬vantageous also in view of the fourth aspect of the invention contemplates that the first heat exchanger comprises at least two first serpentineshaped hollow profiles arranged adjacent to each other, one end portion of which is respectively con¬nected to a first common heat transfer medium inlet while the respectively other end portion is connected to a .irst common heat transfer medium outlet, and that the connection between che one end portions and the first common heat transfer medium inlet is established via interconnecting lines ha w.g substan

tially the same length. Particularly when a ref i igant is used as a first heat transfer medium it may, also within ihe frame¬work of the fourth aspect of the invention, be er.su. ed vith this measure that the at least two, however., preferably more first serpentineshaped hollow profiles are uniformly supplied with refrigerant with respect to the amount as well as with r spect to the pressure so that all firt hollow profiles can be optimally used, for example, while being charged v i "h cooling energy, whi ch leads to a uniform distribution of the cooling energy inside the cold andor heat accumulator.
It is further preferred, also within the framework of the fourth aspect of the invention, that the first heat, accumulator comprises at least one first serpentineshaped hollow profile, one end portion of which is connected to a first heat transfer medium inlet while the other end portion is connected to a first heat transfer medium outlet and that the one end portion of the first serpentineshaped hollow profile is located higher than the other end portion of the first serpentineshaped hol¬low profile with respect to the intended installation position. This solution is particularly advantageous when a refrigerant is used as the first heat transfer medium since a refrigerant flow from the top to the bottom enables a secure prevention of an accumulation of oil in the first heat exchanger.
In connection with the fourth aspect of the invention it is also, considered advantageous that the cold andor heat accumu lator according to the invention comprises a housing in which at least the carrier elements, the first heat exchanger and the second heat exchanger are arranged and that the carrier ele¬ments, the first heat exchanger and the second heat exchanger are arranged on a carrier plate also disposed in the housing and comprising fixation means extending to the outside of the housing. The background of this measure is that cavities inside the housing are preferably foamed using an insulating foam so

that the entire interconnection of the heat exchanc.er (s) and the carrier element is fully surrounded by a roairiei material. To ensure this the carrier plate is arranged in a ."rresponding distance to the housing, for example, by means of cuitable spacers. The fixation elements protruding from the housing, for example screws or stud bolts, ensure that the interconnection of the heat exchanger(s) and the carrier elements can be fixed directly at the target position, for example in he vehicle. For example, if the fixation was only effected indirectlv via the housing vibrations might lead to an oscillation o£ t .e in¬terconnection of the heat exchanger(s) and the carrier elements inside of the housing which might, for example, cause irritat¬ing noises or a detachment of connections.
According to a fifth aspect the present invention provides a cold andor heat accumulator comprising a housing in which at least one carrier element charged with a cold or heet storage medium and at least one first heat exchanger are arranged, wherein it is, according to the invention, contemplated that the at least one carrier element and the at least one heat ex¬changer are arranged on a carrier plate also disposed in the housing and comprising fixation means extending to the outside of the housing. The fixation elements extending to the outside of the housing, for example screws or stud bolts, ensure, in this case as well, that the interconnection of the heat ex¬changer (sI and the carrier elements can be fixed directly at the target position, for example in the vehicle. If the fixa¬tion was only effected indirectly via the housing, vibrations, for example, might lead to an oscillation of the interconnec¬tion of the heat exchanger(s) and the carrier elements inside of the housing, which might, for example, cause irritating noises or loosening connections.
VJithin the framework of the fifth aspect of the indention it is also preferred that the carrier plate is arranged 1 P. a distance

from the housing. To achieve a weight reduction the carrier piate may advantageously be a perforated plate. Further the fixation elements extending to the outside of the housing iay simultaneously (co)act as spacers. For example, rne fixation means may be formed by screws the position of which, relative to the housing, is defined by lock nuts.
Another further development of the cold anchor he v. accumulator also preferred in connection with the fifth aspect of the in¬vention contemplates that at least some clearances between the housing and the components arranged therein are foamed. The foaming material contributes to the thermal insulation as well as to sound attenuation here. Preferably all cavities are foamed, also the section between the carrier plate and the op¬posite housing bottom.
A further development of the cold andor heat accumulator also preferred within the framework of the fifth aspect "" the in¬vention contemplates that the first heat exchanger i s provided to be perfused by a first heat transfer medium, that the first heat exchanger comprises at least one first serpentineshaped hollow profile, wherein at least one carrier element is ar¬ranged between at least some of the first serpentines respec¬tively formed by two adjacent first limbs and a first connect¬ing zone, and that the carrier elements are formed by a plural¬ity of carrier element strips orientated substantially perpen¬dicular to the first limbs. The carrier elements ma, in par¬ticular, be graphite elements in this case as well, the heat storage medium preferably being a phase change material such as, for example, water or paraffin. If graphite strips are used as carrier element strips the heat conductivity can, for exam¬ple, be increased from 5 WnK to 30 WmK as compared to the utilisation of graphite plates. A better heat conductivity leads to distinctly shorter charging times of the cold andor heat accumulator and is therefore particularly advantageous.

ith inspect to the ""ifth aspect of the invention a, well it is preferred for the cold andor heat accumulator tha, the first heat exchanger is provided to be perfused by a fir. heat transfer medium, that the first heat excj inger conn rises at least two first serpentineshaped hollow profiles rran.ged ad¬jacent to each other, the respectively c~ end pojon of said hollow profiles being connected to a first coiTiiacn .t transfer medium inlet while the respectively other end portn is con¬nected to a first common heat transfer medium outle, and that the connection between the one end portions and the first com¬mon heat transfer medium inlet is established via interconnect¬ing lines of substantially the same length. If, for example, a refrigerant is used as the first heat transfer medium it may, also within the framework of the fifth aspect of the invention, be ensured by this measure that the at least two, preferably, however, more first serpentineshaped hollow profiles are uni¬formly supplied with the refrigerant with respect to the amount as well as with respect to the pressure so that a"1 the first hollow profiles may be optimally used, for example while being charged with cooling energy, which leads to a uniform distribu¬tion of the cooling energy inside the cold andor heat accumu¬lator .
Another further development of the cold andor heat accumulator advantageous in connection with the fifth aspect of the inven¬tion contemplates that the first heat exchanger is provided to
be perfused by a first heat transfer medium, that "he first heat exchanger comprises at least one first serpentineshaped hollow profile, one end portion of which is connected to a first heat transfer medium inlet while the other end portion is connected to a first heat transfer medium outlet, and that the one end portion of the first serpentineshaped hollow profile is located higher than the other end portio.i of the first ser¬pentineshaped hollow pofile with respect to the intended in

stallation position. This solution is particularly advantageous vhen a refrigeranr. is used as the first heat cran r medium pince a refrigerant flow from the too to the bo tt enables a secure prevention of an accumulation of oil in the first heat exchanger.
At least in case of some embodiments it may, also i chin the framework of the fifth aspect of the invention, r. rdvantagecs that the cold andor heat accumulator comprises a iocond heat exchanger provided to be perfused by a second hear, transfer me¬dium, and that the surface of the first heat exchanger effec¬tive for the heat exchange is smaller than the surface of the second heat exchanger effective for the heat exchange. If, for example, the first heat exchanger is formed by a p~i .rality of serpentineshaped first hollow profiles arranged adjacent to each other and the second heat exchanger is formed by a plural¬ity of second serpentineshaped hollow profiles arranged adja¬cent to each other and preferably between the firsr hollow pro¬files, the number of the first serpentineshaped bed low pro¬files may be smaller than that of the second serpentineshaped hollow profiles. In any case the pupose of this measure is the capability of transporting the stored coolirr. energy or heat to the place where it is needed as rapidly as pjssibie. The effec¬tive surface of the first heat exchanger is, due to space re¬strictions, selected so that it is as small as possible, how¬ever, large enough so that, for example, an efficient and suf¬ficiently fast charging is possible via a refrigerant.
Brief Description of the Drawings
Figure 1 shows a perspective illustration of an embodiment of the cold andor heat accumulator according to the .in¬vention

Figure 2 shows a side view oi the arrangement or , rirst neat excnanger and a second heat exchanger us>d in the cold andor heat accumulator accordi g TO Figure 1 and
Figure 3 shows a perspective view of the arrangement of a
first heat exchanger and a second heat exchanger used in the cold andor heat accumulator ace . Mng to Fig¬ure 1.
Description of a Preferred Embodiment
In the following, figures 1 to 3 are commonly made reference to, it being understood that some components or sections of components are not recognisable in all of the figies.
The cold andor heat accumulator 10 shown in figure 1 comprises a housing 4 6 only shown transparently and indicative by dot chainlines. In the housing 46 a first heat exchanger 14 and a second heat exchanger 24 are arranged on a carrier plate 48 which, with respect to the illustration of figure 1, is pro¬vided in a distance to the bottom of the housing 4.6. In the il¬lustrated case the first heat exchanger 14 comprises three first serpentineshaped hollow profiles 16 disposed adjacent to each other in such a distance to each other that second serpen¬tineshaped hollow profiles 26 of the second heat exchanger 24 can extend between them. Between the first serpentines respec¬tively formed by two adjacent first limbs 18 and a first con¬necting zone 20 and between the second serpentines respectively formed by two adjacent second limbs 28 and a second connecting zone 30, carrier elements 12 charged with a cold or heat stor¬age medium are arranged. The carrier elements 12 are formed by a plurality of carrier element strips 22 extending ubstan tially perpendicular to the first limbs 18 and the second limbs

28 so chat the carrier element strips 22 are orieced sub¬stantia, ly parallel to the first connecting zones 1 _ and the second connecting zones 30. The first hollow profiles 16 and the second hollow profiles 26 preferably comprise string elastic properties so that a frictionlocked interconnection of the carrier elements 12 and of the first heat exchanger 14 as •well as of the second heat excnanger 24 is established as de¬scribed in detail in the DE 102 420 59 34.
As carrier element strips 22 particularly graphite strips are feasible, the heat storage medium preferably being & phase change material such as, for example, water or paraffin. If graphite strips are used as carrier element strips 22, the heat conductivity may, for example, be increased from 5 7mK to 30 WmK as compared to the utilisation of graphite plates. A bet¬ter heat conductivity will lead to distinctly shorter charging times of the cold andor heat accumulator 10 and is therefore particularly advantageous.
The one end portions 32 of the first serpentineshaped hollow profiles 16 are connected to a first common heat transfer me¬dium inlet 3 6 via individual connection lines 44, a distributor 42 and a common interconnection line section 40. Between the one end portions 22 of the iirst serpentineshaped hollow pro¬files 16 and the individual connection lines 44, an inlet rod 64 is provided which serves to stabilise the arrangement with¬out connecting the one end portions 32 of the first serpentine shaped hollow profiles 16 to each other. Even though the dis¬tances between the first common heat transfer mediun inlet 36 and the on end portions 32 of the three first serpentine shaped hollow profiles 16 have different lengths, the connec¬tion between the one end portions 32 and the first common heat transfer medium inlet 36 is, altogether, established via inter¬connecting lines having the same lengths. For this r, jrpose all individual connection lines 44 have the same lengths but are

bent differently. Between the common interconnect!"v line sec¬tion 40 and the individual connection lines 44 a ± tributor 42 in the form of a Venturi distributor is provided. .e Venturi distributor 42 may, in its interior, include a throttle in the form of a bottleneck so chat "he cross section of the common interconnection line section 40 located upstream of the throt¬tle as well as the sum of the cross sections of the individual connection lines 44 are larger than the cross sec., of the bottleneck. Owing to the type of distributor 42 and the inter¬connecting lines having the same lengths, a with respect to the amount as well as with respect to the pressure, uniform supply of the first serpentineshaped hollow profiles 16 with the first heat transfer medium is obtained .hich medium iray, in particular, be a refrigerant. If the first heat transfer medium is supplied to the first common heat transfer medium inlet 36 in the form of a compressed refrigerant, the first heat ex¬changer 14 may serve as an evaporator for charging the cold andor heat accumulator 10 with cooling energy.
The other end portions 34 of the first serpentineshaped hollow profiles 16 are connected to a first common heat tonsfer me¬dium outlet 38 via a first outlet pipe 66. The first common heat transfer medium inlet 36 and the first common heat trans¬fer medium outlet 38 are located adjacent to each other inside of a coupling element, namely in the azea of a corner of the cubic housing 46. In this connection it is evident that the first common heat transfer medium inlet 36 and tne first common heat transfer medium outlet 38 are preferably accessible from the outside, for example via a suitable opening in the housing 46. This arrangement of the first common heat transfer medium inlet 36, among other things, renders it possible that the first common interconnection line section 40 extends parallel to a cuboid edge 52, i.e. straight with respect tc the dis¬tributor 42, which also contributes to a uniform distribution of the first heat transfer medium.

In che embodim vit shown the one end oorcions 32 c "he first serpentineshapa hollow profiles j serving as a. inlet are positioned higher than the other end portions 34 of he first serpentineshaped hollow profiles 16 with respec c the final installation position of the cold andor heat accumulator 10. Tn this way the first heat exchanger 14 is per Ens a. by the first heat transfer medium, from the top to the bcv crn. Particu¬larly when the first heat transfer medium is a refrigerant this solution will prevent oil from accunulating in tho first heat exchanger 14.
The second heat transfer medium 24 is provided to be perfused by a second heat transfer medium which is preferably brine. For this purpose the one end portions 54 of the second serpentine shaped hollow profiles 26 are connected to a second common heat transfer medium inlet 58 via an inlet pipe 68. The .ther end portions 56 of the second serpentineshaped hollo1. profiles 26 are connected to a second common heat transfer med.i am outlet 60 via a second outlet pipe 70 so that the second heat exchanger 24 is perfused from the bottom to the top. If the first heat transfer medium is a refrigerant and the second hps.t transfer medium is brine and the refrigerant is used for charging the cold andor heat accumulator 10 with cooling energy and the brine is used for discharging the cold andor heat accumulator 10, the cold andor heat accumulator 10 is charged and dis¬charged in a counterflow process. Among other things this con¬tributes to the fact that a difference between the current tem¬perature of the second heat transfer medium and the current temperature of the immediately adjacent cold or hear storage, medium is always as large as possible.
Even though this is not shown it may, in some cases, be advan tagec is when the surface of the first heat exchanger 14 effec¬tive for the heat exchange is smaller than the surface of the

second heat exchanger 24 ef active for the heat e>I.ange, for example by . roviding fewer first serpentineshaped cllow pro¬files 16 than second serpentineshaped hollow orof.es 26. The purpose of this measure is the capability of transporting the scored cooling energy or heat to the place where i is needed as fast as possible. The effective surface of the first heat exchanger 14 is, due to space restrictions, select ed so that it is as small as possible, bur suf f icientiy large z. & , f oj exam¬ple, an efficient and sufficiently rapid charging ia. a refrig¬erant is possible.
The carrier plate 48 formed as a perforated plate comprises fixation means 50 in the form offour screws ( f which only three are shown) protruding beyond the housing 46. The back¬ground pf this measure is that cavities inside of the housing 46 are preferably foamed using an insulating foam so that the entire interconnection of the heat exchangers 14, 24 and the carrier elements 12 is completely surrounded by a foamed mate¬rial. To ensure this, the carrier plate 48 is arranged in a corresponding distance to the housing 46, for example by means of suitable spacer elements such as nuts or the like. The fixa¬tion elements 50 extending to the outside of the h&using ensure that the interconnection of the heat exchangers 14, i4 and the carrier elements 12 can be fixed directly at the taiget posi¬tion, for example in the vehicle. If said fixation was only ef¬fected indirectly via the housing 46, vibrations, for example, might result in an oscillation of the interconnection of the heat exchangers 14, 24 and the carrier elements 12 inside of the housing 46, which might, for example, lead to irritating noises andor, in the worst case, to a detachment of the con¬nections. All in all the fixation of the cold and or heat accu¬mulator 10 according to the invention provides more integration options.

Between the interconnection of the heat exchangers 14, 24 as well uhe carrier elements 12 and the housing 46 prefe bly elastic spacers 62 are provided whicl , in particular., staoilise che position of the interconnection of che heat exchangers 14, 24 as veil as the carrier element 12 with respect che hous¬ing 46 before the cavities are foamed.
The serpentineshaped hollow profiles 16, 26 of th,i first heat (xchanger 14 and of the second heat exchanger 24 are, in the illustrated case, formed by flat pipes, wi icn is preferred. In this connection, however, the height of the flat pipes is pref¬erably selected so that it is large enough to keep the pressure losses low.
The cold andor heat accumulator according to the invention is characterised by a good heat conduction, short charging times, a high cooling or heating performance, low pressure losses as well as a better cooling agent distribution.
The features of the invention disclosed in the above descrip¬tion, in the drawings as well as in the claims may be important for the realisation of the invention individually oi in any combination in particular che different aspects of the inven¬tion may be combined in an advantageous manner, therefore the possible combinations not (yet) claimed or explicitly explained of the features mentioned in the claims and in the description shall also be deemed disclosed.

List of Numerals
20 cold andor heat accumulator
12 carrier elements
14 first heat exchanger
16 first serpentineshaped hollow profiles
IP first limbs
2 0 first connecting zones
2. carrier element strip
24 second heat exchanger
26 second serpentineshaped hollow profiles
28 second limbs
3 0 second connecting zones
32 one end portions, of the first hollow profiles
34 other end portions of the first hollow profiles
36 first common heat transfer medium inlet
38 first common heat transfer medium outlet
4 0 common interconnection line seci.ion
42 distributor
44 individual connection lines
46 housing
48 carrier plate
50 fixation means
52 cuboid edge
54 one end portions of the second hollow profile
56 other end portions of the second hollow profiles
58 second common heat transfer medium inlet
60 second common heat transfer medium outlet
62 spacer
64 inlet rod
66 first outlet pipe
68 inlet pipe
70 second outlet pipe

1. A cold and/or heat accumulator a plurality of carrier elements (12) charged with a cold or neat storage medium and at least one first heat exchanger (14) provided to be perfused by a first heat transfer medium and comprising at least one first serpentine-shaped hollow profile (15), wherein at least one carrier element (12) is disposed between at least some of the first serpentines respectively formed adja¬cent first limbs (18) and a first connecting zone 0), charac¬terised in that the carrier elements (12) are formed by a plu¬rality of carrier element strips (22) orientated substantially perpendicular to the first limbs (18).
2. The cold and/or heat accumulator (10) according to claim ], charactersed in that the carrier element strips (22) are orientated substantially parallel to the first connecting zones (20) .
3. The cold and/or heat accumulator (10) according to claim 1 or 2, characterised in that it comprises a second heat ex¬changer (24) provided to be perfused by a second heat transfer medium and comprising at least one second serpentine shaped hollow profile (26), wherein the carrier element strips (22) are further arranged between at least some of the second ser¬pentines respectively formed by two adjacent second limbs (28) and second connecting zone (30) .

4. The cold and/or heat accumulator (10} according to one of the preceding claims, characterised in that the of the first heat exchanger (14) effective for heat exchange is smaller than the surface of the second heat exchanger (24} ef¬fective for the heat exchange.
5. The cold and/or heat accumulator (10) according to one of the preceding claims, characterised in that the first heat ex¬changer (14) comprises at least two first serpentine-shaped hollow profiles (16) arranged adjacent to each other, the re¬spectively one end portion (32) of said hollow profiles being connected to a first common heat transfer medium inlet (36) and the respectively other end portion (34) being connected to a first common heat transfer medium outlet (38), and in that the connection between the one end portions (32) and the first com¬mon heat transfer medium inlet (36) is established via inter¬connecting lines (40, 42, 44) of substantially the same length.
6. The cold and/or heat (10) according to one of the preceding claims, characterised in that one end portion (32) of the first serpentine-shaped hollow profile (16) is con¬nected to a first heat transfer medium inlet (36) and the other end portion (34) of the first serpentine-shaped hollow profile (16) is connected to a first heat transfer medium outlet (38) and that the one end portion (32) of the first serpentine-shaped hollow profile (16) is located higher than the other end portion (34) of the first serpentine-shaped hollow profile (16) with respect to the intended installation position.
7. The cold and/or heat accumulator (10) according to one of the preceding claims, characterised in that it comprises a housing (46) in which at least the carrier elements (12) and the first heat exchanger (14) are disposed and that the carrier elements (12) and the first heat exchanger (14) are arranged on a carrier plate (48) also in the housina and compris-

ing means (50) extending to the outside of the housing
S. A cold and.'or heat accumulator (10) comprising a plurality of carrier elements (12) charged with a cold or heat storage medium and at least one first heat exchanger (14) provided to be perfused by a first heat transfer medium and comprising at least two first serpentine-shaped hollow profiles '16) arranged adjacent to each other, the respectively one end portion (32) of said hollow profiles being connected to a first common heat transfer medium inlet (36) and the respectively other end por¬tion (34) being connected to a first common heat transfer me¬dium outlet (38), characterised in that the connection between the one end portions and the first common heat transfer medium inlet is established via interconnecting lines (40, 42, 44) of substantially the s.ame length.
9. The cold and/or heat accumulator (10) according to claim 8, characterised in that it is substantially cubic and that the first common heat transfer medium inlet (36) is located in the area of an edge (52) of the cuboid.
10. The cold and/or heat accumulator (10) according to claim 8 or 9, characterised in that the interconnecting lines (40, 42, 44) consist of a common interconnection line section (40), a distributor (42), and individual connection lines (44).
11. The cold and/or heat accumulator (10) according to claim 10, characterised in that the distributor (42) is a Venturi distributor.
12. The cold and/or heat accumulator (10) according to claim 10 or 11, characterised in that the common interconnection line section (40) extends substantially vertically with respect to the intended installation position.

13. The cold and heat accumulator (10) according to one of z'fe claims S to 12, characterised in that the first heat trans¬fer mediurri is a refrigerant.
14. The cold and/or heat accumulator (10) according to one of the claims 8 co 13, characterised in that it comprises a second heat exchanger (24) provided to be perfused by a heat transfer medium and comprising at least two second serpentine-shaped hollow profiles (26) arranged adjacent to sac'n other, the respectively one end portion (54) of said hollow profiles being connected to a second common heat transfer medi'um inlet (58) and the respectively other end portion (56) being con¬nected to a second common heat transfer medium outlet (60) .
15. The cold and/or heat accumulator (10) according to claim 14, characterised in that the surface of the first heat ex¬changer (14) effective for the heat exchange is smaller than the surface of the second heat exchanger (24) effective for the heat exchange.
16. The cold and/or heat accumulator (10) according to claim 14 or 15, characterlBed in that the second heat transfer medium is brine.
17. The cold and/or heat accumulator (10) according to one of the claims 8 to 16, characterised in that at least one carrier element (12) is arranged at least between some of the first serpentines respectively formed by two adjacent limbs (18) and a first connecting zone (20) and that the carrier ele¬ments (12) a: e formed a plurality of carrier strips
(22) orientated substantially perpendicular to the first limbs (18) .

18. The cold and/or heat accumulator (10) according -o one of the claims 3 to 17, characterised, in that the respectively one end portion (32) of the first serpentine-shaped hollow profiles (16) is connected to a first common heat transfer medium inlet (36), that a respectively other end portion (34) of the first serpentine-shaped profiles is connected to a first -mon heat transfer medium outlet (38) and that the one end por¬tions (32) of the first serpentine-shaped hollow profiles (16) are located higher than the other end portions (34) of the first serpentine-shaped hollow profiles (16} with respect to the intended installation position.
19. The cold and/or heat accumulator (10} according to one of the claims 8 to 18, characterised in that it comprises a hous¬ing (46) in which at least the carrier elements (12) and the first heat exchanger (14) are disposed, and that the carrier elements (12) and the first heat exchanger (14) are arranged on a carrier plate (48) also provided in the housing (46) and com¬prising fixation (50} extending to the outside of the housing (46).
20. A cold and/or heat accumulatoi (10) comprising a plurality of carrier elements (12) charged with a cold or heat storage medium and at least one first heat exchanger (14) provided to be perfused by a first heat transfer medium and comprising at least one first serpentine-shaped hollow profile (16), one end portion (32} of which is connected to a first heat transfer me¬dium inlet (36) while the other end portion (34) is connected to a first heat transfer medium outlet (38), characterised in that the one end portion (32) of the first serpentii-j-shaped hollow profile (16) is located higher than the other end por¬tion (34) of the first serpentine-shaped hollow profile (16) with respect to the intended installation position.

21. The cold and/or heat {10} according to claim 20, characterised in that the first heat transfer medium a refrigerant.
22. The cold and.'or heat accumulator (10) according to claim 2 0 or 21, characterised in that it comprises a second heat ex¬changer (24) provided to be porfused by a second heat transfer medium and c~-raprising ac least one second serpencint-siiaped hollow profile (26), one end portion (54) of which is connected to a second heat transfer medium inlet (58) and the other end portion (56) of which is connected to a second heat transfer medium outlet (60).
23. The cold and/or heat accumulator (10) according to claim 22, characterised in that the one end portion (54) of the sec¬ond serpentine-shaped hollow profile (26) is located lower than the other end portion (56) of the second serpentine-shaped hol¬low profile (26) with respect to the intended installation po¬sition .
24. The cold and/or heat accumulator (10) according to claim 22 or 23, characterised in that the second heat transfer medium
is brine.
25. The cold and/or heat accumulator (10) according to one of the claims 22 to 24, characterised in that the surface of the first heat exchanger (14) effective for the heat exchange is smaller than the surface of the second heat exchanger (24) ef¬fective for the heat exchange.
26. The cold and/or heat accumulator 110) according to one of the claims 20 to 25, characterised in that at least one carrier element (12) is arranged at least between some of the first serpentines of the first heat exchanger (14) respectively formed by two adjacent first limbs (18) and a first connecting

zone (20) and that the carrier elements (12) are forii.ed by a plurality of carrier element strips (22) orientated tially perpendicular to the first limbs (18).
27. The cold and/'or heat accumulator (10) according to one of the claims 20 to 26, characterised in that the first heat ex¬changer (14) comprises at least two first serpentine-shaped hollow profiles (16) arranged adjacent to each the re¬spectively one end portion (32) of said hollow being connected to a first common heat transfer medium (36) and the respectively other end portion (34) being to a first common heat transfer mediurti outlet (38), and the connection between the one end portions (32) and the first com¬mon heat transfer medium inlet (36) is established via inter¬connecting lines (40, 42, 44) of substantially the same length.
28. The cold and/or heat accumulator (10) according to one of the claims 20 to 27, characterised in that it comprises a hous¬ing (46) in which at least carrier elements (12) and the first heat exchanger (14) are disposed, and that the carrier elements (12) and the first heat exchanger (14) are arranged on a carrier plate (48) also provided in the housing :45) and com¬prising fixation means (50) extending to the outside of the housing.
29. A cold and/or heat accumulator (10) comprisina a plurality of carrier elements (12) charged with a cold or heat storage medium, at least one first heat exchanger (14) provided to be perfused by a first refrigerant and a second heat exchanger
(24) provided to be perfused by a second heat transfer medium, characterised in that the surface of the first heat exchanger (14) effective for the heat exchange is smaller than the sur¬face of the second heat exchanger (24) effective for the heat exchange.

30. The cold and/or heat accumulator (10) according to claim
29, characterised in that he first heat exchanger com¬
prises at least one firt serpentine-shaped
(16), wherein at least one carrier element (12) is arranged at least between some of the first serpentines respectively formed by two adjacent first limlos (18) and a first coiinecting zone (20) .
31. The cold and/or heat accumulator (10) according to claim 2? or 30, characterised in that the second heat exchanger (24) comprises at least one second serpentine-shaped hollow profile (26), wherein at least one carrier element (12) is arranged at least between some of the second serpentines respectively formed by two adjacent second limbs (28) and a second connect¬ing zone (3 0).
32. The cold and/or heat accumulator (10) according to claim 31, characterised in that fewer first serpentine-shaped hollow profiles (26) than second serpentine-shaped hollow profiles
(26) are provided.
33. The cold and/or heat accumulator (10) according to one of the claims 29 to 32, characterised in that at least one carrier element (12) is arranged at least between some of the first serpentines of the first heat exchanger (14) respectively formed by two adjacent first limbs (18) and a first connecting zone (20), and that the carrier elements (12) are formed by a plurality of carrier element strips (22) orientated substan¬tially perpendicular to the first limbs (IS).
34. The cold and/or heat accumulator (10) according to one of the claims 29 to 33, characterised in that the first heat ex¬changer (14) comprises at least two first serpentine-shaped hollow profiles (16) arranged adjacent to each other, the re¬spectively one end portion (32) of said hollow profiles being

connected to a first common heat transfer medium (36) and the respectirely other end (34) being no a first common heat transfer medium outlet (38) , anri that the connection between the one end portions (32) and the first com¬mon heat transfer medium inlet (36) is established via inter¬connecting lines (40, 42, 44) of substantially the same length.
3b. The cold and/or heat accumulator (10) of the claim:S 29 to 34, characterised in that the first heat accu¬mulator (14) comprises at least one first serpentine-shaped hollow profile (16), one end portion (32) of which is connected to a first heat transfer medium inlet (36) while the other end portion (34) is connected to a first heat transfer medium out¬let (38), and that the one end portion (32) of the first ser¬pentine-shaped hollow profile (16) is located higher than the other end portion (34) of the first serpentine-shaped hollow profile (16) with respect to the intended installation posi¬tion.
36. The cold and/or heat accumulator (10) according to one of the claims 29 to 35, characterised in that it comprises a hous¬ing (46) in which at least the carrier elements (12), the first heat exchanger (14) and the second heat exchanger u'4) are dis¬posed, and that the carrier elements (12), the first heat ex¬changer (14) and the second heat exchanger (24) are arranged on a carrier plate (48) also provided in the housing (46) and com¬prising fixation means (50) extending to the outside of the housing (46),
37. A cold and/or heat accumulator (10) comprising a housing (46) in which at least one carrier element (12) charged with a cold or heat storage medium and at least one first heat ex¬changer (14) are arranged, characterised in that the at least one carrier element (12) and the at least one heat exchanger (14) are arranged on a carrier plate (48) also provided in the

housing (46) and comprising fixation means inO) extending to the ouoside of the housinf (46).
33. The cold and/or heat accumulator (10) according- to claim 37, characterised in that the carrier plate (48) is disposed in a distance to r.he housing (46'.
3 9 . The cold and/or heat accumulator 10) according to claim 37 or 38, characterised in that at least some clearances be-Iween the housing (45) ai 1 components contained therein are foamed.
40. The cold and/or heat accumulator (10) according to one of the claims 37 to 39, characterised in that the first heat ex¬changer (14) is provided to be perfused by a first heat trans¬fer medium, that the first heat exchanger (14) comprises at least one first serpentine-shaped hollow profile (16), wherein at least one carrier element (12) is arranged at least between some of the first serpentines respectively formed by two adja¬cent first limbs (18} and a first connecting zone (20), and that the carrier elements (12) are formed by a plurality of carrier element strips (22) orientated substantially perpen¬dicular to the first limbs (18).
41. The cold and/or heat accumulator (10) according to one of the claims 37 to 40, characterised in that the first heat ex¬changer (14) is provided to be perfused by a first heat trans¬fer medium, that the first heat exchanger (14) comprises at least two first serpentine-shaped hollow profiles (16) arranged adjacent to each other, the respectively one end portion (32) of said hollow profiles being connected to a first common heat transfer medium inlet (36) and the respectively other end por¬tion (34) being connected to a first common heat transler me¬dium outlet (38), and that the connection between nhe one end portions (32) and the first common heat transfer miedium inlet

(36) is established via intercorecting lines i40, 42, 44) of substantially the same length.
42. The cold and/or heat accumulator (10) according to one of
the claims 37 to 41, characterised in that the first heat ex¬
changer (14) is provided to be perfused by a first heat trans¬
fer medium, that the first heat exchanger (14) comprises at
least one first serpentine-shaped hollow profile ilo), one end
portion (32) of which is connected to a first heat transfer me¬
dium inlet (36) Jhile the other end portion {34) is connected
to a first heat transfer medium outlet (38), and that the one
end portion (32) of the first serpentine-shaped hollow profile
(16) is located higher than the other end portion (34) of the
first serpentine-shaped hollow profile (16) with respect to the
intended installation position.
43. The cold and/or heat accumulator (10) according to one of
the claims 37 to 42, characterised in that it comprises a sec¬
ond heat exchanger (24) provided to be perfused by a second
heat transfer medium, and that the surface of the first heat
exchanger (14) effective for the heat exchange is smaller than
the surface of the second heat exchanger (24) effective for the
heat exchange.


6916-CHENP-2008 CORRESPONDENCE OTHERS 10-12-2013.pdf


6916-CHENP-2008 FORM-3 14-10-2014.pdf

6916-chenp-2008 correspondence others(08-07-2009).pdf

6916-CHENP-2008 AMENDED CLAIMS 14-10-2014.pdf

6916-CHENP-2008 AMENDED CLAIMS 14-07-2014.pdf


6916-CHENP-2008 FORM-1.pdf

6916-chenp-2008 form-26 (08-07-2009).pdf

6916-CHENP-2008 FORM-3 14-07-2014.pdf

6916-chenp-2008 abstract.jpg

6916-chenp-2008 abstract.pdf

6916-chenp-2008 claims.pdf

6916-chenp-2008 correspondance others.pdf

6916-chenp-2008 correspondence others(14-07-2009).pdf

6916-chenp-2008 description (complete).pdf

6916-chenp-2008 drawings.pdf

6916-chenp-2008 form-1.pdf

6916-chenp-2008 form-13.pdf

6916-chenp-2008 form-18.pdf

6916-chenp-2008 form-3(14-07-2009).pdf

6916-chenp-2008 form-3.pdf

6916-chenp-2008 form-5.pdf

6916-chenp-2008 pct.pdf

6916-Chenp-2008-Petition 137 for AF3.pdf

Patent Number 264228
Indian Patent Application Number 6916/CHENP/2008
PG Journal Number 51/2014
Publication Date 19-Dec-2014
Grant Date 16-Dec-2014
Date of Filing 16-Dec-2008
Name of Patentee WEBASTO AG
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number F28D20/02
PCT International Application Number PCT/DE06/00922
PCT International Filing date 2006-05-29
PCT Conventions:
# PCT Application Number Date of Convention Priority Country
1 NA