Title of Invention


Abstract A fuel cell system is provided that includes a fuel cell stack with a plurality of fuel cells and a power converter in electrical communication with the fuel cell stack. The power converter is configured to selectively regulate a power of the fuel cell stack and short circuit the fuel cell stack, as desired. A method for starting the fuel cell stack is also described, including the steps of causing a short circuit of the fuel cell stack by placing the power converter in a short circuit mode; introducing a hydrogen to the anodes of the fuel cell stack to displace a quantity of air on the anodes; and placing the power converter in a power regulation mode. A degradation of the fuel cell stack during start-up is thereby militated against.
[0001] The present disclosure relates to a fuel cell system and, more particularly,
to a method for shorting a fuel cell stack in the fuel cell system during a start-up
[0002] A fuel cell has been proposed as a clean, efficient and environmentally
responsible power source for electric vehicles and various other applications. In
particular, the fuel cell has been identified as a potential alternative for a
traditional internal-combustion engine used in modern vehicles.
[0003] A common type of fuel cell is known as a proton exchange membrane
(PEM) fuel cell. The PEM fuel cell includes three basic components: a cathode,
an anode and an electrolyte membrane. The cathode and anode typically
include a finely divided catalyst, such as platinum, supported on carbon particles
and mixed with an ionomer. The electrolyte membrane is sandwiched between
the cathode and the anode to form a membrane-electrode-assembly (MEA). The
MEA is often disposed between porous diffusion media (DM) which facilitate a
delivery of gaseous reactants, typically hydrogen and oxygen from air, for an
electrochemical fuel cell reaction. Individual fuel cells can be stacked together in
series to form a fuel cell stack. The fuel cell stack is capable of generating a
quantity of electricity sufficient to power a vehicle.
[0004] During periods of non-operation, a quantity of air diffuses into the fuel cell
stack and accumulates on the anodes. Upon a start-up operation of the fuel cell
stack, hydrogen is supplied to the anodes. The fuel cell stack may be purged
with hydrogen, for example, as disclosed in assignee's copending application
Serial No. 11/762,845, incorporated herein by reference in its entirety. The
hydrogen displaces the accumulated air and creates a "hydrogen-air front" that
travels along the anodes. The hydrogen-air front is known to degrade the fuel
cells and impact fuel cell stack performance. In particular, the presence of both

hydrogen and air on the anodes results in a localized electrical short between a
portion of the anodes that have hydrogen and a portion of the anodes that have
air. The localized electrical short causes a rapid corrosion of the carbon support
on which the catalyst is disposed. The rate of carbon corrosion has been found
to be proportional to a time that the hydrogen-air front exists and a magnitude of
the localized voltage at the hydrogen-air front. The carbon corrosion reduces the
useful life of the MEAs in the fuel cell stack.
[0005] It is known in the art to short circuit the fuel cell stack during the start-up
operation to minimize the voltage generated by the hydrogen-air front. A typical
system and method for shorting the fuel cell stack is disclosed in assignee's
copending application Serial No. 11/858,974, incorporated herein by reference in
its entirety. In the typical shorting system, an electrical load is used to minimize
the localized voltage during the start-up operation. However, such systems
generally require additional system componentry and may be volumetrically
difficult to package in an engine compartment of a vehicle.
[0006] There is a continuing need for a shorting system that is volumetrically
efficient, less massive, and that employs existing componentry of the fuel cell
system for shorting the fuel cell stack. Desirably, the shorting system enables a
method that minimizes stack degradation by shorting the fuel cell stack during
the start-up operation.
[0007] In concordance with the instant disclosure, a fuel cell system and method
that is volumetrically efficient, less massive, and that employs existing
componentry of the fuel cell system to short a fuel cell stack and minimize stack
degradation, is surprisingly discovered.
[0008] In one embodiment, a fuel cell system includes a fuel cell stack in
electrical communication with a power converter. The power converter is
configured to selectively regulate a power of the fuel ceil stack and short circuit
the fuel cell stack as desired.

[0009] In another embodiment, a method for starting the fuel cell system includes
the steps of: causing a short circuit of the fuel cell stack by placing the power
converter in a short circuit mode; introducing a hydrogen to the anodes of the fuel
cell stack to displace a quantity of air on the anodes; and placing the power
converter in a power regulation mode. A degradation of the fuel cell stack during
the start-up is thereby militated against.
[0010] In a further embodiment, the power converter is selected from one of an
inverter adapted to convert a direct current (DC) from the fuel cell stack to an
alternating current (AC) and a boost converter adapted to selectively translate a
first voltage of the fuel cell stack to a second voltage. The short circuit mode
includes one of a shoot-through fault of the inverter if the inverter is selected as
the power converter and allowing a current to flow substantially uninterrupted
through the boost converter if the boost converter is selected as the power
converter. The power regulation mode includes one of operating the inverter to
convert a direct current (DC) from the fuel cell stack to an alternating current
(AC) if the inverter is selected as the power converter and operating the boost
converter to translate a first voltage of the fuel cell stack to a second voltage if
the boost converter is selected as the power converter.
[0011] The above, as well as other advantages of the present disclosure, will
become readily apparent to those skilled in the art from the following detailed
description, particularly when considered in the light of the drawings described
[0012] FIG. 1 is a schematic diagram an exemplary fuel cell system of the prior
art, having a fuel cell stack and a shorting switch;
[0013] FIG. 2 is a schematic diagram of a fuel cell system according to an
embodiment of the present disclosure, having a power converter adapted to short
circuit the fuel cell stack as desired;
[0014] FIG. 3 is a schematic diagram of the fuel cell system according to FIG. 2,
the power converter being an inverter; and

[0015] FIG. 4 is a schematic diagram of the fuel cell system according to FIG. 2,
the power converter being a boost converter.
[0016] The following description is merely exemplary in nature and is not
intended to limit the present disclosure, application, or uses. It should also be
understood that throughout the drawings, corresponding reference numerals
indicate like or corresponding parts and features. In respect of the methods
disclosed, the steps presented are exemplary in nature, and thus, are not
necessary or critical.
[0017] FIG. 1 depicts a fuel cell system 2 of the prior art. The fuel cell system 2
includes a fuel cell stack 4 including a plurality of fuel cells 6. Each of the fuel
cells has an anode and a cathode. The fuel cell stack 4 has an anode inlet 8 in
fluid communication with the anodes adapted to deliver hydrogen 10 thereto.
The fuel cell stack has a cathode inlet 12 in fluid communication with the
cathodes adapted to deliver air 14 thereto. The hydrogen 10 and the air 14 are
employed in an electrochemical fuel cell reaction in the fuel cell stack 4. The fuel
cell stack 4 has a positive terminal 16 and a negative terminal 18.
[0018] A shorting switch 20 is provided in the fuel cell system 2 in electrical
communication with the fuel cell stack 4. The shorting switch 20 is in electrical
communication with the positive terminal 16 and the negative terminal 18. For
example, the shorting switch 20 is in electrical communication with the terminals
16, 18 via a first high voltage bus line 22 and a second high voltage bus line 24,
respectively. The shorting switch 20 is adapted to short circuit the fuel cell stack
4 as desired. As a nonlimiting example, the shorting switch 20 short circuits the
fuel cell stack 4 during a start-up operation of the fuel cell stack 4.
[0019] The fuel cell system 2 may also include at least one additional switch 26 in
electrical communication with the fuel cell stack 4. The additional switch 26 is
adapted to selectively provide electrical current from the fuel cell stack 4 to at
least one electrical load (not shown) such as an electric motor or another
electrical component of an electric vehicle, for example. As nonlimiting

examples, known electrical componentry includes air compressors, power
converters, pumps, and heating and cooling devices.
[0020] With reference to FIGS. 2 to 4, various embodiments according to the
present invention are described. For purpose of clarity, like structures from FIG.
1 found in FIGS. 2 to 4 have the same reference numerals and are denoted with
a prime (') symbol.
[0021] As shown in FIG. 2, a fuel cell system 200 includes the fuel cell stack 4' in
electrical communication with a power converter 202. The fuel cell stack 4'
receives the hydrogen 10' via the anode inlet 8' and the air 14' via the cathode
inlet 12'. The positive and negative terminals 16", 18' of the fuel cell stack 4' are
in electrical communication with the power converter 202 via the high voltages
bus lines 22', 24'. The fuel cell system 200 may include the switches 28' in
electrical communication with both the fuel cell stack 4' and the power converter
202. The switches 28' are adapted to selectively provide current from the fuel
cell stack 4' to the power converter 202, as desired.
[0022] The power converter 202 of the present disclosure is configured to
selectively regulate a power of the fuel cell stack 4' when in a normal or power
regulation mode of operation. The power converter also provides the regulated
power to the electrical load, for example, via electrical connections 204. As used
herein, the term power converter includes any device that is configured to
regulate or translate power from one form to another. Suitable examples of
topologies for the power converter 202 include: an inverter for converting a direct
current (DC) to an alternating current (AC); a rectifier for converting AC to DC; a
voltage converter for translating a first voltage to a second voltage such as a
boost converter adapted to translate a voltage input to a greater voltage output;
and a frequency converter for converting an AC of a first frequency to a second
frequency. It should be appreciated that other suitable power conversion
topologies for regulating the power of the fuel cell stack 4' may be employed.
The power converter 202 may be connected in series or in parallel with the fuel
cell stack 4' and the electrical load, depending on the power conversion topology

[0023] A skilled artisan should also understand that conventional power
converters typically have controls, such as dead-time compensation or gate-
signal interlocking, which militate against a short circuit or "shoot-through fault"
and protect the conventional power converter. The power converter 202 of the
present invention, however, is configured to selectively short circuit the fuel cell
stack 4' when placed in a short circuit mode. As a nonlimiting example, the
power converter 202 may include at least one transistor adapted to switch
between an enabled or "on" state and a disabled or "off state, thereby providing
a path for a shorting current to flow therethrough.
[0024] The fuel cell system 200 of the disclosure may include a controller 206.
The controller 206 is in electrical communication with the power converter 202
and adapted to selectively cause the power converter to short circuit the fuel cell
stack 4'. The fuel cell system 200 may also include at least one sensor 208
configured to monitor the fuel cell stack 4'. As a nonlimiting example, the sensor
208 is a voltage sensor in electrical communication with the fuel cell stack 4' and
adapted to measure a voltage thereof. The voltage sensor may further be in
communication with the controller 206, and measurements of the fuel cell stack 4'
voltage employed to control the power converter 202 mode of operation.
[0025] In the embodiment shown in FIG. 3, the power converter 202 is an inverter
300. The inverter 300 in the power regulation mode is adapted to convert a DC
from the fuel cell stack 4' to an AC. The inverter 300 is in electrical
communication with the electrical load, for example, via the load terminals 301.
The inverter 300 may include a first transistor 302 and a second transistor 304 in
a same inverter phase leg 306. The inverter 300 may include additional
transistors and phase legs employed for conversion of DC to AC in the power
regulation mode of the inverter 300. Although the inverter 300 shown in FIG. 3 is
a three-phase inverter, other suitable inverters 300 may be used as desired.
[0026] A skilled artisan should understand that, when the inverter 300 is in the
power regulation mode, the first transistor 302 and the second transistor 304 are
operated in alternating opposition between the enabled state and the disabled
state to convert DC from the fuel cell stack 4' to AC. The first and second

transistors 302, 304 are rapidly switched back and forth in a coordinated manner
known in the art to provide the desired AC output. The frequency of the
switching may be above 10 kHz, for example. In particular embodiments, the
frequency of the switching is about 20 kHz. Other suitable frequencies may be
[0027] The first and second transistors 302, 304 are simultaneously enabled
when the inverter 300 is placed in the short circuit mode. The shorting current is
thereby allowed to flow substantially uninterrupted through the first and second
transistors 302, 304 and short circuit the fuel cell stack 4'. The voltage of the fuel
cell stack 4' during the short circuit is maintained at substantially zero.
[0028] Referring now to FIG. 4, the power converter 202 of the disclosure may be
a boost converter 400. The boost converter is adapted to selectively translate a
first voltage of the fuel cell stack 4' to a second voltage. For example, the boost
converter 400 boosts a voltage input to a greater voltage output. A current at the
second voltage is then provided to the electrical load via the load lines 402, for
[0029] In a particular embodiment, the boost converter 400 includes a diode 404,
a boost transistor 406, and a resistor 408. Under a "normal" or power regulation
mode of operation, the boost transistor 406 is rapidly switched between the
enabled state and the disabled state, causing an increase in the output voltage
as is known in the art. As a nonlimiting example, a switching rate of the boost
transistor 406 under normal operation is greater than about 10 kHz. In a
particular example the switching rate is greater than about 20 kHz. Suitable
switching rates may be selected as desired.
[0030] When the boost converter 400 is placed in the short circuit mode to short
circuit the fuel cell stack 4', the boost transistor 406 remains switched to the
enabled state. The shorting current is thereby allowed to flow substantially
uninterrupted through the boost transistor 406 and short circuit the fuel cell stack
4'. The voltage of the fuel cell stack 4' during the short circuit is maintained at
substantially zero.

[0031] The present disclosure includes a method for starting the fuel cell stack 4'
that militates against a degradation of the fuel cell stack 4' due to a hydrogen-air
front. The method first includes the step of providing the fuel cell stack 4' in
electrical communication with the power converter 202 as described herein. The
short circuit of the fuel cell stack 4' is then caused by placing the power converter
202 in the short circuit mode. The hydrogen 10' is supplied to the anodes of the
fuel cell stack 4'. The hydrogen 10' displaces a quantity of air on the anodes, if
present, and forms the hydrogen-air front that travels along the anodes. The
power converter 202 is subsequently placed in the power regulation mode,
wherein the power converter 202 regulates the power of the fuel cell stack 4'.
[0032] The step of causing the short circuit is typically conducted when the
voltage of the fuel cell stack 4' is below a predetermined voltage limit. Causing
the short circuit when the stack voltage is below the predetermined voltage limit
militates against undesired effects that may impair the power converter's 202
ability to regulate the power of the fuel cell stack 4' in the power regulation mode.
For example, the power converter 202 is placed in the short circuit mode prior to
a supplying of the hydrogen 10' and air 14' to the fuel cell stack 4'. Thus, since
the respective fuels are not present at the anodes and the cathodes of the fuel
cell stack 4', the voltage is essentially zero. The short circuit mode may also be
caused when the voltage of the fuel cell stack 4', as measured by the voltage
sensor, is below the predetermined voltage limit. The predetermined voltage limit
may be selected as desired to militate against the undesired effects on the power
converter 202.
[0033] When the power converter 202 is the inverter 300 described herein, the
step of causing the short circuit further includes the step of enabling the first
transistor 302 and the second transistor 304. The first and second transistors
302, 304 may be enabled substantially simultaneously. Similarly, when the
power converter 202 is the boost converter 400, the step of causing the short
circuit includes the step of enabling the boost transistor 406. The shorting
current is thereby allowed to flow substantially uninterrupted through the power
converter 202, and short circuit the fuel cell stack 4'.

[0034] The step of placing the power converter 202 in the power regulation mode
may be performed when the voltage of the fuel cell stack 4' is greater than the
predetermined voltage limit. As a nonlimiting example, the power converter 202
may be placed in the power regulation mode when the hydrogen 10' has
substantially filled the anodes of the fuel cell stack 4'. When the hydrogen 10'
has substantially filled the anodes, the hydrogen-air front created by the
introduction of the hydrogen 10' has passed and the accompanying degradation
may no longer occur. The power converter 202 may then be switched from the
short circuit mode, wherein a degradation of the fuel cell stack is militated
against, to the power regulation mode.
[0035] It should be understood that the step of placing the power converter 202 in
the power regulation mode, when the power converter 202 is the inverter 300,
includes the step of operating the first and second transistors 302, 304 in
alternating opposition between the enable state and the disabled state as is
known in the art. The inverter is thereby able to convert DC from the fuel cell
stack 4' to AC. Similarly, when the power converter 202 is the boost converter
400, the step of placing the power converter in the power regulation mode
includes the step of operating the boost transistor between the enabled state and
the disabled state. The first voltage of the fuel cell stack 4' is thereby translated
to the greater second voltage. The regulated power from the fuel cell stack 4'
may then be further supplied to the at least one electrical load as desired.
[0036] It is surprisingly found that the power converter 202, when modified to
operate in the unconventional manner described herein, is employed to militate
against degradation of the fuel cell stack 4' during the existence of the hydrogen-
air front at start-up. As additional shorting equipment is not employed in the fuel
cell system 200 and the method of the disclosure, and since power converters
have been employed in fuel cell systems of the art, a mass and packaged
volume of the fuel cell system may be minimized.
[0037] While certain representative embodiments and details have been shown
for purposes of illustrating the invention, it will be apparent to those skilled in the

art that various changes may be made without departing from the scope of the
disclosure, which is further described in the following appended claims.

What is claimed is:
1. A fuel cell system comprising:
a fuel cell stack including a plurality of fuel cells; and
a power converter in electrical communication with the fuel cell stack, the
power converter configured to selectively regulate a power of the
fuel cell stack and short circuit the fuel cell stack.
2. The fuel cell system of Claim 1, further comprising a controller in
electrical communication with the power converter adapted to selectively cause
the power converter to short circuit the fuel cell stack.
3. The fuel cell system of Claim 1, wherein the power converter
includes at least one transistor adapted to switch between an enabled state and
a disabled state.
4. The fuel cell system of Claim 1, wherein the power converter is
selected from one of an inverter adapted to convert a direct current (DC) from the
fuel cell stack to an alternating current (AC) and a boost converter adapted to
selectively translate a first voltage of the fuel cell stack to a second voltage.
5. The fuel cell system of Claim 4, wherein the power converter is the
inverter which has a first transistor and a second transistor in an inverter phase
leg, the short circuit caused when the first and the second transistor are enabled
to allow a shoot-through fault.
6. The fuel cell system of Claim 4, wherein the power converter is the
boost converter which has a boost transistor, the short circuit caused when the
boost transistor is enabled.

7. The fuel cell system of Claim 1, further comprising a voltage sensor
in electrical communication with the fuel cell stack, the voltage sensor adapted to
measure a voltage of the fuel cell stack to control the power converter mode of
8. The fuel cell system of Claim 1, further comprising a positive high
voltage stack bus in electrical communication with a positive terminal of the fuel
cell stack, and a negative high voltage stack bus in electrical communication with
a negative terminal of the fuel cell stack.

9. A start-up method for a fuel cell stack, the method comprising the
steps of:
providing a fuel cell stack including a plurality of fuel cells, each of the fuel
cells having an anode and a cathode;
providing a power converter in electrical communication with the fuel cell
causing a short circuit of the fuel cell stack by placing the power converter
in a short circuit mode;
introducing hydrogen to the anodes of the fuel cell stack to displace a
quantity of air on the anodes; and
placing the power converter in a power regulation mode.
10. The method of Claim 9, wherein the power converter is placed in
the short circuit mode upon the introduction of the hydrogen to the anodes.
11. The method of Claim 9, wherein the power converter is placed in
the short circuit mode when a voltage of the fuel cell stack is substantially zero.
12. The method of Claim 9, wherein the power converter is placed in
the power regulation mode when the hydrogen has substantially filled the anodes
of the fuel cell stack.
13. The method of Claim 9, wherein the power converter is placed in
the power regulation mode when the voltage of the fuel cell stack exceeds a
predetermined voltage limit.
14. The method of Claim 13, wherein the predetermined voltage limit is
below a voltage that impairs an ability of the power converter to regulate the
power for the fuel cell stack.

15. The method of Claim 9, wherein the power converter is an inverter
having a first transistor and a second transistor in an inverter phase leg, the step
of causing the short circuit further including the step of enabling the first transistor
and the second transistor to allow a current to flow substantially uninterrupted
16. The method of Claim 15, wherein the step of placing the power
converter in the power regulation mode includes the step of operating the first
transistor and the second transistor in alternating opposition between an enabled
state and a disabled state to convert a direct current (DC) from the fuel cell stack
to an alternating current (AC).
17. The method of Claim 9, wherein the power converter is a boost
converter having a boost transistor, the step of causing the short circuit including
the step of enabling the boost transistor to allow a current to flow substantially
uninterrupted therethrough.
18. The method of Claim 17, wherein the step of placing the power
converter in the power regulation mode includes the step of operating the boost
transistor between an enabled state and a disabled state to translate a first
voltage of the fuel cell stack to a second voltage.
19. The method of Claim 9, wherein a degradation of the fuel cell stack
during the displacement of the quantity of air with the hydrogen is militated

20. A start-up method for a fuel cell stack, the method comprising the
steps of:
providing a fuel cell stack including a plurality of fuel cells, each of the fuel
cells having an anode and a cathode;
providing a power converter in electrical communication with the fuel cell
stack, the power converter selected from one of an inverter adapted
to convert a direct current (DC) from the fuel cell stack to an
alternating current (AC) and a boost converter adapted to
selectively translate a first voltage of the fuel cell stack to a second
causing a short circuit of the fuel cell stack by placing the power converter
in a short circuit mode, the short circuit mode including one of a
shoot-through fault of the inverter if the inverter is selected as the
power converter, and allowing a current to flow substantially
uninterrupted through the boost converter if the boost converter is
selected as the power converter;
introducing hydrogen to the anodes of the fuel cell stack to displace a
quantity of air on the anodes; and
placing the power converter in a power regulation mode, the power
regulation mode including one of operating the inverter to convert a
direct current (DC) from the fuel cell stack to an alternating current
(AC) if the inverter is selected as the power converter and operating
the boost converter to translate voltage input to a greater voltage
output if the boost converter is selected as the power converter,
wherein a degradation of the fuel cell stack during the start-up is
militated against.

A fuel cell system is provided that includes a fuel cell stack with a plurality of
fuel cells and a power converter in electrical communication with the fuel cell
stack. The power converter is configured to selectively regulate a power of the
fuel cell stack and short circuit the fuel cell stack, as desired. A method for
starting the fuel cell stack is also described, including the steps of causing a short
circuit of the fuel cell stack by placing the power converter in a short circuit mode;
introducing a hydrogen to the anodes of the fuel cell stack to displace a quantity
of air on the anodes; and placing the power converter in a power regulation
mode. A degradation of the fuel cell stack during start-up is thereby militated



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Patent Number 264253
Indian Patent Application Number 68/KOL/2009
PG Journal Number 51/2014
Publication Date 19-Dec-2014
Grant Date 17-Dec-2014
Date of Filing 13-Jan-2009
Applicant Address 300 GM RENAISSANCE CENTER DETROIT, MICHIGAN 48265-3000
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number H01M8/06
PCT International Application Number N/A
PCT International Filing date
PCT Conventions:
# PCT Application Number Date of Convention Priority Country
1 12/014,272 2008-01-15 U.S.A.