Title of Invention


Abstract An intake air temperature (IAT) sensor diagnostic system may include an IAT determination module, a mass air flow (MAF) module, and a diagnostic module. The IAT determination module determines a measured IAT based on an IAT sensor. The MAF module determines a reference temperature based on a MAF sensor. The diagnostic module determines faults in the IAT sensor based on a comparison between the reference temperature and the measured IAT.
[0001] The present disclosure relates to engine diagnostic systems,
and more particularly to intake air temperature sensor diagnostic systems and
[0002] The background description provided herein is for the purpose
of generally presenting the context of the disclosure. Work of the presently
named inventors, to the extent it is described in this background section, as well
as aspects of the description that may not otherwise qualify as prior art at the
time of filing, are neither expressly nor impliedly admitted as prior art against the
present disclosure.
[0003] Internal combustion engines ignite a fuel and air mixture to
produce a drive torque. More specifically, air is drawn into the engine through a
throttle and mixed with fuel to form an air and fuel mixture. The air and fuel
mixture is compressed within a cylinder by a piston and is then ignited within a
cylinder to reciprocally drive the piston within the cylinder. The piston rotationally
drives a crankshaft of the engine.
[0004] Engine operation is regulated based on several parameters
including, but not limited to, intake air temperature (IAT), manifold absolute
pressure (MAP), throttle position (TPS), engine RPM and barometric pressure

(PBARO). Traditional internal combustion engines include an IAT sensor to directly
measure the IAT. In some instances, the IAT sensor may become inaccurate as
a result of damage, wear and/or a number of other factors. Accordingly, the IAT
sensor may be monitored to determine whether the IAT sensor reading is
[0005] Some traditional internal combustion engine systems include a
second IAT sensor. The reading from the second IAT sensor is compared with
that of the first IAT sensor in order to determine whether the first IAT sensor is
accurate. This additional IAT sensor, however, increases cost and complexity
and must also be monitored for accuracy.
[0006] Accordingly, an intake air temperature (IAT) sensor diagnostic
system may include an IAT determination module, a mass air flow (MAF)
module, and a diagnostic module. The IAT determination module determines a
measured IAT based on an IAT sensor. The MAF module determines a
reference temperature based on a MAF sensor. The diagnostic module
diagnoses faults in the IAT sensor based on a comparison between the reference
temperature and the measured IAT.
[0007] In another aspect, a diagnostic method for an intake air
temperature (IAT) sensor may include generating a measured IAT associated
with an engine using an IAT sensor, determining a reference temperature using a
mass air flow (MAF) sensor, and indicating a fault condition of the IAT sensor

when the difference between the reference temperature and the measured IAT
reaches a threshold value.
[0008] Further areas of applicability will become apparent from the
description provided herein. It should be understood that the description and
specific examples are intended for purposes of illustration only and are not
intended to limit the scope of the present disclosure.
[0009] The drawings described herein are for illustration purposes only
and are not intended to limit the scope of the present disclosure in any way.
[0010] FIG. 1 is a functional block diagram of an internal combustion
engine system that is regulated in accordance with an intake air temperature
(IAT) sensor diagnostic system of the present disclosure;
[0011] FIG. 2 is a control block diagram of a control module
incorporating an IAT sensor diagnostic system of the present disclosure;
[0012] FIG. 3 is an exemplary circuit diagram for a mass air flow
sensor; and
[0013] FIG. 4 is a flowchart illustrating exemplary steps that are
executed by the IAT sensor diagnostic system of the present disclosure.
[0014] The following description of the preferred embodiment is merely
exemplary in nature and is in no way intended to limit the invention, its

application, or uses. For purposes of clarity, the same reference numbers will be
used in the drawings to identify similar elements. As used herein, the term
module refers to an application specific integrated circuit (ASIC), an electronic
circuit, a processor (shared, dedicated, or group) and memory that execute one
or more software or firmware programs, a combinational logic circuit, or other
suitable components that provide the described functionality.
[0015] The intake air temperature (IAT) sensor diagnostic system of
the present disclosure is provided to monitor and determine the rationality of the
IAT sensor. A reference temperature is obtained from an existing MAF sensor.
The IAT sensor diagnostic system compares a temperature measured by the IAT
sensor with the reference temperature. The IAT sensor diagnostic system may
determine that the IAT sensor is in a fault condition when the difference between
the reference temperature and the measured IAT is or above a threshold value.
[0016] Referring now to Figure 1, an exemplary internal combustion
engine system 10 is illustrated. The engine system 10 includes an engine 12, an
intake manifold (IM) 14 and an exhaust manifold (EM) 16. Air is drawn into the
intake manifold 14 through an air filter 18 and a throttle 20. The air is mixed with
fuel to form a fuel and air mixture. The fuel and air mixture is ignited and
combusted within a cylinder 22 of the engine 12 by a piston (not shown). The
combustion process releases energy that is used to reciprocally drive the piston
within the cylinder 22. Exhaust air generated by the combustion process is
exhausted through the exhaust manifold 16 and is released to atmosphere after
being treated in an exhaust after-treatment system (not shown). Although a

single cylinder 22 is illustrated, it is anticipated that the intake air sensor
diagnostic system of the present disclosure can be implemented with engines
having more than one cylinder.
[0017] A control module 24 is provided for controlling engine
components including, but not limited to, fuel injection, ignition timing, variable
valve timing and peripherals relating to the engine operation. The control module
24 may be in communication with an intake air temperature (IAT) sensor 26, a
mass air flow (MAF) sensor 28, a manifold absolute pressure (MAP) sensor 30,
an engine RPM sensor 32, and a throttle position sensor 34.
[0018] The control module 24 processes signals generated by these
sensors 26, 28, 30, 32, 34 and regulates the engine operation based on a
plurality of engine operating parameters including, but not limited to, a pre-throttle
static pressure, a pre-throttle stagnation pressure (i.e., the total air pressures
upstream of the throttle), IAT, MAF, MAP, an effective throttle area, an engine
RPM and a barometric pressure. The control module 24 of the present
disclosure may include an IAT sensor diagnostic system 36.
[0019] Referring to FIG. 2, the control module 24 includes an IAT
sensor diagnostic system 36. The IAT sensor diagnostic system 36 may include
an IAT determination module 38, an MAF determination module 40, and an IAT
sensor diagnostic module 42 in communication with the IAT determination
module 38 and the MAF determination module 40. The IAT determination
module 38 determines a measured IAT based on a first signal 44 from the IAT
sensor 26. The MAF determination module 40 determines a mass flow rate of

the intake air based on a second signal 46 from the MAF sensor 28. The MAF
determination module 40 also determines a temperature of a reference
thermistor R1 (shown in FIG. 3) of the MAF sensor 28 based on a third signal 48.
The IAT sensor diagnostic module 42 monitors the rationality of the IAT sensor
26 based on signals from the IAT determination module 38 and the MAF
determination module 40, which will be described in more detail below. When
the IAT diagnostic module 42 determines a fault condition of the IAT sensor 26, a
fault signal 50 is generated and sent to an error memory 52 for later analysis
and/or reported to a vehicle driver.
[0020] Referring to Figure 3, the MAF sensor 28 may include a
Wheatstone bridge circuit 60 including a reference thermistor R1, a second
resistor R2, a third resistor R3, a measuring thermistor R4, and a fifth resistor R5.
The reference thermistor R1, the second resistor R2 and the third resistors R3 are
connected in series at a first leg 62 of the bridge circuit 60. The measuring
thermistor R4 and the fifth resistor R5 are connected in series at a second leg 64
of the bridge circuit 60. The first leg 62 and the second leg 64 are connected in
[0021] The reference thermistor R1 and the measuring thermistor R4
may have variable resistance and may have a positive temperature coefficient or
a negative temperature coefficient depending on specific applications. The
second, third and fifth resistors R2, R3 and R5 are fixed resistors and have
constant resistance. The measuring resistor R4 functions as a heated sensing
element for measuring the mass air flow rate. The reference thermistor R1 is

designed for air flow measurement compensation given different intake air
temperatures, and borrowed here for IAT sensor rationality diagnostic purposes.
[0022] The bridge circuit 60 has terminals 68, 70, 72, 74 and 76. An
input voltage V1 is applied to the bridge circuit 60 at the terminal 68. The
terminal 74 is grounded. Before the intake air flow is measured, the voltage V3
across terminals 72 and 76 may be set to zero to balance the bridge circuit 60.
When subjected to an air flow, the bridge circuit 60 becomes unbalanced due to
a resistance change in the measuring thermistor R4. This is because the air flow
causes a temperature drop in the measuring thermistor R4 as a result of heat loss
from the measuring thermistor R4 to the intake air. The bridge circuit 60 can be
rebalanced by changing the input voltage VT to maintain zero voltage output
across terminals 72 and 76. When the intake air temperature changes, the
bridge circuit 60 becomes unbalanced also due to a resistance change in the
compensation thermistor R1. The bridge circuit 60 can be rebalanced again by
changing the input voltage V1 to maintain zero voltage output across terminals 72
and 76. A second signal 46 corresponding to the input voltage V1 may be sent to
the MAF determination module 40 for determining the mass air flow rate.
[0023] As the mass air flow is measured, a reference voltage V2 is
continuously measured at the terminal 70. A third signal 48 corresponding to the
reference voltage V2 may also be sent to the MAF determination module 40.
[0024] It should be understood and appreciated that the bridge circuit
60 may include a different number of resistors/thermistors and may have different

arrangement and configuration depending on specific applications without
departing from the spirit of the present disclosure.
[0025] Referring to Figure 4, the IAT sensor diagnostic method 100
begins in step 102. In step 104, when the intake air passes over the IAT sensor
26 and the MAF sensor 28, the IAT sensor 26 generates a first signal 44
corresponding to the intake air temperature to the IAT determination module 38
for processing. Based on the first signal 44, the IAT determination module 38
determines an IAT measured by the IAT sensor 26. This measured IAT may be
sent to the IAT diagnostic module 42 for rationality diagnosis. At the same time,
the MAF sensor 28 may send a second signal 46 corresponding to the input
voltage V1 and a third signal 48 corresponding to the reference voltage V2 to the
MAF determination module 40 in step 106. In addition to determining the mass
air flow rate of the intake air, the MAF determination module 40 also processes
the second signal 46 and the third signal 48 to obtain a reference temperature
Tref. This reference temperature Tref may be sent to the IAT diagnostic module
42 for diagnostic purposes.
[0026] More specifically, the resistance of the reference thermistor R1,
the resistance of the resistors R2 and R3, the input voltage V1, and the reference
voltage V2 have the following relationship:

wherein R1 is the variable resistance of the reference thermistor;
R2 is the resistance of the second resistor;
R3 is the resistance of the third resistor;
V1 is the input voltage applied to the bridge circuit; and
V2 is the reference voltage.
[0027] Because resistors R2 and R3 are fixed resistors, the resistances
of the resistors R2 and R3 remain unchanged and are known. The variable
resistance of the reference thermistor R1 at the measured temperature can be
derived from equation 2.
[0028] The reference thermistor R1 may be selected to have a linear
response to a change in temperature, i.e., a constant temperature coefficient of
resistance. Therefore, in step 106, the temperature Tc of the reference
thermistor R1 at the measured temperature may be calculated based on the
following equation:

wherein R1(Tc) is the calculated resistance derived from Equation 2; α is the
temperature coefficient of resistance of the reference thermistor R1; and R1(T0) is
the resistance of the reference thermistor R1 at a starting temperature or room
temperature T0 and is known.

[0029] Since the calculated temperature Tc of the reference thermistor
R1 may not accurately reflect the actual IAT, the calculated temperature Tc is
calibrated to result in a reference temperature Tref in step 108. The calculated
temperature Tc may be calibrated via a variety of known methods depending on
the configuration and location of the MAF sensor 28. The reference temperature
Tref is sent to the IAT sensor diagnostic module 42.
[0030] The IAT sensor diagnostic module 42 receives signals indicative
of the measured IAT and the reference temperature Tref from the IAT
determination module 38 and the MAF determination module 40, respectively. In
step 110, the IAT sensor diagnostic module 42 compares the IAT measured by
the IAT sensor 26 with the reference temperature Tref to determine whether the
measured IAT reading is rational. In step 112, when the reference temperature
Tref is significantly higher or lower than the IAT, i.e., the difference between the
measured IAT and the reference temperature is or above a threshold value, the
IAT diagnostic module 42 may determine a fault condition of the IAT sensor 26
and may generate a fault signal 50 in step 114. The fault signal 50 may be sent
to an error memory 52 for later analysis and/or reported to a vehicle driver,
thereby completing the diagnostic process in step 116. If the difference between
the reference temperature Tref and the measured IAT is below the threshold
value, the diagnostic process ends in step 116.
[0031] While not shown in the figures, it should be understood and
appreciated that the first signal 44, the second signal 46, and the third signal 48
may be sent directly to the IAT sensor diagnostic module 42. The IAT sensor

diagnostic module 42 may perform an algorithm similar to that previously
described without the IAT determination module 38 and the MAF determination
module 40.
[0032] With the configuration of the present disclosure, the IAT
diagnostic can be achieved by using an existing MAF sensor without any
additional sensor. Therefore, the IAT sensor diagnostic system 36 of the present
disclosure can reduce the costs of the engine control unit, while providing a
reliable IAT sensor diagnostic.
[0033] Those skilled in the art can now appreciate from the foregoing
description that the broad teachings of the present disclosure can be
implemented in a variety of forms. Therefore, while this disclosure has been
described in connection with particular examples thereof, the true scope of the
disclosure should not be so limited since other modifications will become
apparent to the skilled practitioner upon a study of the drawings, the specification
and the following claims.

What is claimed is:
1. An intake air temperature sensor diagnostic system comprising:
an intake air temperature (IAT) determination module that determines a
measured IAT based on an IAT sensor;
a mass air flow (MAF) determination module that determines a reference
temperature based on a MAF sensor; and
a diagnostic module that diagnoses faults in the IAT sensor based on a
comparison between the reference temperature and the measured IAT.
2. The diagnostic system of claim 1, wherein the MAF sensor includes
a first thermistor for providing the reference temperature.
3. The diagnostic system of claim 2, wherein the reference
temperature is determined based on a voltage across the first thermistor.
4. The diagnostic system of claim 2, wherein the reference
temperature is correlated to a temperature of the first thermistor.
5. The diagnostic system of claim 1, wherein the MAF sensor includes
a second thermistor for measuring a mass air flow of the intake air.

6. A diagnostic method for an intake air temperature (IAT) sensor
generating a measured IAT associated with an engine using an IAT
determining a reference temperature using a mass air flow (MAF) sensor;
indicating a fault condition of the IAT sensor when the difference between
the reference temperature and the measured IAT reaches a threshold value.
7. The diagnostic method of claim 6 further comprising calculating a
temperature of a first thermistor of the MAF sensor to achieve a calculated
8. The diagnostic method of claim 7 further comprising calibrating the
calculated temperature to achieve the reference temperature.
9. The diagnostic method of claim 7, further comprising measuring a
voltage across the first thermistor of the MAF sensor, the calculated temperature
correlated to the voltage.
10. The diagnostic method of claim 7, wherein the MAF includes a
second thermistor for measuring a mass air flow rate.

An intake air temperature (IAT) sensor diagnostic system may include an
IAT determination module, a mass air flow (MAF) module, and a diagnostic
module. The IAT determination module determines a measured IAT based on an
IAT sensor. The MAF module determines a reference temperature based on a
MAF sensor. The diagnostic module determines faults in the IAT sensor based
on a comparison between the reference temperature and the measured IAT.



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Patent Number 264257
Indian Patent Application Number 241/KOL/2009
PG Journal Number 51/2014
Publication Date 19-Dec-2014
Grant Date 18-Dec-2014
Date of Filing 11-Feb-2009
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number G01M15/00
PCT International Application Number N/A
PCT International Filing date
PCT Conventions:
# PCT Application Number Date of Convention Priority Country
1 12/051,062 2008-03-19 U.S.A.