Title of Invention


Abstract Abstract A Process For Comprehensively Utilizing Steam Exploded Radix Puerariae And Device Therefor The invention provides a process for co-producing ethanol and Radix Puerariae flavones and utilizing Radix Puerariae fibres from Radix Puerariae by way of clean solid state fermentation, and the device used therein. The process comprises the following steps: providing Radix Puerariae as raw material; pretreating the Radix Puerariae raw material by steam explosion; producing and separating ethanol by continuous coupled soUd state fermentation; filtering off fermentation residues; and extracting and purifying Radix Puerariae flavones from the filtrate. The process achieves an effective and comprehensive utilization of Radix Puerariae. 26
Full Text Description
Field of the invention
The present invention relates to a comprehensive utilization of plant resources, in particular, to a process for co-producing ethanol and Radix Pueranae flavones as well as utilizing Radix Pueranae fibers from Radix Pueranae, and also to a device used therein The process comprises the following steps first pretreatmg the raw matenal, i e Radix Pueranae, by steam explosion, producing fuel ethanol by continuously coupled solid state fermentation of Radix Pueranae starch, then extracting Radix Pueranae flavones and Radix Pueranae fibers from residues of the solid state fermentation, thereby accomplishing a graded transformation, comprehensive and clean utilization of Radix Pueranae
Background of the art
Radix Pueranae is the underground root of Puerana, 1 e a perennial leguminous plant As first recorded in Shennong's Chinese Materia Medice, Radix Pueranae was listed as a medium grade drug Because of being nch in starch and isoflavones, Radix Pueranae is listed as both food and medicme by the Ministry of Health There are more than 30 types of Puerana in the world, which are distnbuted m China, Japan and southeast Asia Among others, China, owning about 9 types of Puerana and 2 mutations thereof, is the distnbution center Puerana resources, including P Lobata(will)Ohwi, P Thomsom Berth, P edulis Pamp, P Omeiensis Wang, and P pedunculans Crah ex Benth, etc are all over the whole country, wherein P Lobata(will)Ohwi and P Thomsom Berth are the most common Pueraiaee and have the highest resource amount From a preliminary calculation, the growth area of Puerana (including wild and cultivated) is approximately 400,000 hm2, and the annual resource amount is over 1,500,000 tons Radix Pueranae has become the focus of economic crop development project in many places in China, so its planting area is huge
The main components of Radix Pueranae are starch, cellulose, protein and Radix Pueranae isoflavones, and a small amount of fat, pectin, tannin and alkaloid, etc are also contained It is reported that the dry Radix Pueranae has 50-60% of starch, 9-15% of cellulose, 5-8% of raw protein and 3-5% of isoflavones However, the fresh Radix Pueranae contains about 50-60% of water, and 18 5-27 5% of starch. Therefore, when considering extracting and utilizing Radix Pueranae flavones, le the active pharmaceutical ingredient of Radix Pueranae, Radix Pueranae, as a starch-type energy source plant, may also be fermented to produce ethanol
It has been reported that Hie extraction methods of Radix Pueranae flavonoids are water extraction method, alcohol extraction method, water extraction and alcohol precipitation method, alcohol extraction and water precipitation method, and the like In 1970s, Radix Pueranae flavonoids were prepared by the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences by means of a basic lead acetate precipitation method, I e a classic alcoholization method of flavones Nevertheless, such method commonly causes heavy metal contamination, so it is not suitable to be used m pharmaceutical industry Although the components of Radix Pueranae are very complicated, the pretreatment of Radix Pueranae for the extraction of flavones normally is only a simple mechanical crush
The current application of Radix Pueranae's active ingredients is most likely in the processes for extracting Radix Pueranae starch and flavones, respectively However, since Radix Pueranae contains a large amount of fibers, the mechanical crush requires a lot of energy, which leads to a complicated and incompleted starch extraction process and causes a waste of raw material If the extracted Radix Pueranae starch is utilized to produce ethanol according to the process for producing ethanol from food-type starch, l e a process of steam boiling at a high or low temperature - gelatinizing - liquefying - sacchanfymg - liquid fermenting - pnmary distilling, wherein the energy depleted for steam boiling the raw matenal amounts to 30-40% of the total energy needed for the production of ethanol Furthermore, such a process results in a great amount of highly concentrated organic waste water, which is not only likely to pollute the environment but also difficult to be used to
extract Radix Pueranae flavones Thus, for reasonably utilizing Radix Pueranae resources, it is required to make use of the charactenstics of Radix Pueranae and develop a process suitable for co-producing ethanol and Radix Pueranae flavones as well as utilizing Radix Pueranae fibers from Radix Pueranae, thereby accomplishing a comprehensive utilization of Radix Pueranae resources
Disclosure of the invention
An object of the invention is to provide a process for co-producing ethanol and Radix Pueranae flavones as well as utilizing Radix Pueranae fibers from Radix Pueranae Such system comprises the following steps first pretreatmg Radix Pueranae raw matenal by steam explosion, producing ethanol by performing a synchronously sacchanfied solid state fermentation of Radix Pueranae, and then extracting Radix Pueranae flavones and Radix Pueranae fibers from Radix Pueranae solid state fermentation residues, thereby carrying out a classified transformation and a comprehensive and clean utilization of Radix Pueranae components
Another object of the invention is to provide a device used in the process
In one aspect of the invention, a process for comprehensively utilizing Radix Pueranae is provided, the process compnsing the following steps 1) providmg Radix Puerariae as raw matenal, 2) pretreatmg the Radix Pueranae raw matenal by steam explosion, 3) producing and separating ethanol by continuous coupled solid state fermentation, 4) filtenng off fermentation residues, S) extracting and punfying Radix Pueranae flavones from filtrates, and 6) classifying the filtered fermentation residues into a fiber portion and a protein portion
In one embodiment of the invention, the steam pressure in step 2) is 0 5 to 1 0 Mpa, and the steam explosion tune penod is 2 to 4 mm
In another embodiment of the invention, glucoamylase , (NHO2SO4, KH2PO4 and activated
yeast are added for the fermentation of Radix Pueranae in step 3) In an embodiment, the added amount of glucoamylase is 50~100 U/g Radix Pueranae, the added amount of (NH4)2SO4 is 0 05 ~~0 15 g/100 g Radix Pueranae, the added amount of KH2PO4 is 0 05 ~ 0 2 g/100 g Radix Pueranae, and the added amount of the activated yeast is 0 10—0 30 g yeast/100 g Radix Pueranae
In another embodiment of the invention, the macroporous adsorbing resin model D—101, DS —401 or AB—8 is used to remove impurities
In another aspect of the invention, it is provided a device used in the continuous coupled solid state fermentation, compnsmg an airlock 1, a screw 2, a honzontal pot 3, a vertical pot 4, a gas inlet 5 and a gas outlet 6 of the horizontal pot, a discharging airlock 7 of the vertical pot, a gas inlet 8 and a gas outlet 9 of the vertical pot (Figure 2)
In an embodiment, said airlock is used in the feeding port of said honzontal pot 3 to ensure the isolation between the inside and the outside of the reactor while feeding
In another embodiment, said screw 2 is installed inside the fermentation pot as a propulsive device for propelling the fermenting materials to move forward
In a further embodiment, said mrlock 7 is used m the discharging port at the bottom of said vertical pot, so as to ensure the isolation between the inside and the outside of the vertical pot while discharging
In another aspect of invention, it is provided a process of continuous coupled solid state fermentation, compnsmg the following steps solid materials continuously entering said honzontal pot 3 through said airlock 1, said screw 2 inside said honzontal pot slowly propelling the matenals towards said vertical pot 4, and continuously discharging the matenals through said airlock 7 at the bottom of said vertical pot, wherein biochemical processes such as enzymolysis, fermentation and separation etc of the matenals are
completed during their continuous moving in and out
In an embodiment, if a process involving enzymolysis followed by solid state fermentation (for the solid state fermentation types which requiring pre-enzymolysis) is used, the matenals are subjected to the enzymolysis when a required temperature is maintained in said horizontal pot 3 While the enzymolysis is earned out, the materials are propelled towards the vertical pot 4 by the screw propeller 2 The propelling speed is adjusted, so that the residence time of the materials in said horizontal pot is identical to the time required for the enzymolysis The matenals are then subjected to water extraction or gas extraction After the extraction is completed, the matenals are discharged continuously through said airlock 7 in said discharge port
In another embodiment, if a synchronous solid state fermentation process is used (for the fermentation types which requiring no pre-enzymolysis of the materials), the matenals are subjected to the fermentation m said horizontal pot 3 While said fermentation is earned out, the matenals are propelled towards said vertical pot 4 by said screw propeller 2 The propelling speed is adjusted so that the residence time of the matenals in said horizontal pot is identical to the time required for the fermentation The matenals are then subjected to water extraction or gas extraction After the extraction is completed, the materials are discharged continuously through said airlock in said discharge port
In details, the invention relates to a process for co-producing ethanol and Radix Pueranae flavones and utilizing Radix Pueranae fibers from Radix Pueranae by way of clean solid state fermentation Such process compnses the following steps first pretreating the raw matenal, i e Radix Pueranae, by steam explosion, fermenting to produce fuel ethanol by a continuous coupled solid state fermentation of Radix Pueranae starch, then extracting Radix Pueranae flavones and Radix Pueranae fibers from residues of the solid state fermentation, and thereby carrying out a classified transformation, a comprehensive and clean utilization of Radix Pueranae The steps are as follows 1) pretreating by steam explosion steam exploding Radix Pueranae under a steam pressure
of 0 5-1 0 Mpa for 2-4 nun,
2) producing ethanol by continuous coupled solid state fermentation,
a) the steam exploded Radix Puerariae is placed in an antoclave and sterilized therein The
sterilization temperature is 121-125°C, and the sterilization penod is 15-20 mm Steaming
sterilization is used in the solid state fermentation reactor Steam enters through the inlet 11
and exits through the outlet 12, maintaining 121-125°C for more than 30 mm After the
sterilized materials is cooled down to 30-35°C, glucoamylase, (NH4)2SO4 KH2PO4 and the
activated yeast are added under sterile conditions,
b) after the motor of the airlock is turned on, the stenlely inoculated Radix Puerariae
substrate is delivered slowly into the fermentation pot with a speed of 1 kg/10h (the natural
stacking density is approximately 400g/L) through the feeding port 1 When the materials
are fed for fermentation, CO2 enters through the gas inlet 11 and replaces the air inside the
pot The temperature is maintained at 35±1°C in the fermentation pot The rotating speed of
the screw is adjusted to ensure the residence time of the materials in the pot is about 60h,
c) gas extraction while being fermented, Radix Puerariae substrate moves forward under the
pushing action of the screw propeller and reaches the gas extraction pot 3 right after 60h
The gas is circulated by the CO2 entering through the gas inlet 13 at the bottom of the gas
extraction pot The gas speed is 2-10L/min, and ethanol is earned away from the substrate,
d) adsorption the mixed gas of CO2 and ethanol passes two active carbon absorbing
columns 4, 5 in parallel (two adsorbing columns are m parallel If one adsorbmg column is
measured to reach saturation using an ethanol concentration meter 16, the other adsorbmg
column may then be switched to) The ethanol contained m the mixture is adsorbed, and the
remaining CO2 is compressed and may be utilized repeatedly,
t) desorption when no ethanol is measured in the mixed gas by using the ethanol concentration meter 16, the adsorbmg column is heated to 90°C, which permits the adsorbed ethanol to be desorbed off the active carbon absorbmg column,
f) recovering by condensation the ethanol desorbed off the adsorbmg column is brought into a condensation tube 6 by the air flow entering through the bottom of the adsorbmg column The ethanol is recovered and obtained after the condensation,
g) post-treatment after fermentation, the Radix Puerariae residue is discharged through the
discharging airlock at the bottom of the gas extraction pot 15
3) filter-pressing the Radix Pueranae residues discharged from the bottom of the gas
extraction pot, adding 95% ethanol with a volume ratio of the filtrate to 95% ethanol to be 1
I 7~3 75, or adding absolute ethanol with a volume ratio of the filtrate to absolute ethanol to be 1 1 5~3 0, standing for l-3h followed by centrifugal separation,
4) adding ethanol with a concentration of 60-95% to the filtered residues obtained from the
step 3 with a mass/volume ratio of the filtered residue to extraction solvent of 1: 4~ 10,
performing the extraction for 1 to 3 times under reflux when heated to a temperature of 50 to
80°C for a total extraction time of 0 5-3h, filtenng the extraction liquid,
5) combining the centrifugal supernatant m step 3 and the extraction liquid filtered in step
4, recovering ethanol under a vacuum degree of - 0 08 Mpa and at a temperature of 50°C,
loading the concentrated liquid onto a macroporous adsorbing resin, eluting the macroporous adsorbing reitn first with water to remove the impurities and then with 10-70% ethanol to collect the ethanol eluent, after concentration, adding ethanol to render the alcohol concentration to reach 70-80%, filtenng off the precipitate, concentrating the filtrate, extracting by adding n-butanol, recovering the n-butanol, concentrating, drying and obtaining the Radix Pueranae flavonoids extract,
6) directly hot-air drying the fibrous residues obtained after the extraction of Radix
Pueranae flavones under reflux in step 4 until the water content reaches about 25%,
followed by mechanically classifying into a fiber portion and a protein portion with a
In one embodunent, the added amount of glucoamylase is 50~10QU glucoamylase per gram Radix Pueranae,
In another embodiment, the added amount of (NH4)2SO4 is 0 05~0 15g (NH4)2SO4 per l00g Radix Pueranae,
In a further embodiment, the added amount of KH2PO4 is 0 05~02g KH2PO4 per l00g Radix Pueranae,
In another embodiment, the added amount of yeast is 0 10~0 30g yeast per l00g Radix Pueranae,
In a fiirther embodiment, the macroporous adsorbing resm model is D—101, DS—401 or AB-8
For the above purposes, we measured some critical indexes for realizing the system of the invention, the results are shown as follows
1 The influence of steam explosion pressure on Radix Pueranae
Radix Pueranae was steam exploded under a steam pressure of 0 5~ 1 0 Mpa for 2 5 mm The contents of water, water-soluble reducing sugar and water-soluble total sugar of Radix Pueranae as well as the yield of Radix Pueranae flavones after pretreatment under different steam explosion conditions were measured respectively The results are shown m Table 1
Table 1 the effect of steam explosion pressure on Radix Pueranae
(Table Removed)
As shown in Table 1, the effect of pre-treatment by steam explosion on Radix Pueranae was different under different steam pressures Steaming increased the water content of Radix Puerariae after steam explosion As the steam explosion pressure increased, the contents of water-soluble reducing sugar and water-soluble total sugar first increased and then decreased The heating mechanical chemical action of the steam explosion broke cell walls of plant tissues, damaged structures of the solid material (i e Radix Pueranae), and raised the sugar concentration generated from the hydrolysis of Radix Pueranae starch However, when the steam explosion pressure was further increased, the water-soluble sugar in the materials might be lost for undesired reactions The amount of extracted Radix Pueranae flavonoids was closely related to the charactenstics of the materials The dextnnization level of Radix Pueranae starch was also different after the treatment under different steam explosion pressures, which directly affected the separation of Radix Pueranae flavones Therefore, after the steam explosion treatment, the amount of extracted Radix Pueranae in the matenals varied with the steam explosion pressure Selecting a suitable pressure will increase the amount of extracted Radix Pueranae flavones Based on the preliminary consideration of the steam explosion effect of Radix Puerariae, 0 8 Mpa was selected as the steam explosion pressure for the following experiments
2 The effect of steam explosion pressure holding time on Radix Pueranae
According to the experiment concerning the effect of steam explosion pressure on Radix Pueranae, 0 8MPa was selected as the steam explosion pressure m this experiment The pressure was mamtamed for 2 0-4 0 mm The contents of water, water-soluble reducing sugar and water-soluble total sugar as well as the yield of Radix Pueranae flavones after different steam explosion pressure holding times were measured respectively The results are shown m Table 2
Table 2 the effect of steam explosion pressure on Radix Pueranae
(Table Removed)
As shown in Table 2, the length of the steam explosion pressure holding time directly influenced the effect of the pretreatment on the matenals When the pressure was maintained at 0 8MPa for 3 5 mm, the contents of water-soluble reducing sugar and water-soluble total sugar as well as the amount of extracted Radix Pueranae flavones all reached a better level
3 The changes of components of Radix Pueranae before and after the steam explosion treatment
The main components of Radix Pueranae not only include starch and Radix Pueranae flavones, but also include approximately 10% raw fibers Does the steam explosion treatment also affect these components? Therefore, we measured the Radix Pueranae components before and after steam explosion The results are shown in Table 3 It was shown that before and after steam explosion, the component contents in Radix Pueranae vaned dramatically After the steam explosion treatment, the component of neutral detergents decreased by about 10%, I e from 70 7112% m the Radix Pueranae before steam explosion to about 60% in the steam exploded Radix Pueranae The relative content of
cellulose in Radix Pueranae did not change much, 1 e change from 8 17% before steam explosion to about 10% after the explosion But the relative content of hemicellulose increased by about 30%, i e from 19 0253% to about 25 0% The changing tendency of the relative content of hgnin is not very clear, whereas after steam explosion, the relative content of ash increased from 0 8254% of the onginal Radix Pueranae to about 1 5%, I e almost doubled
Table 3 the component changes of Radix Pueranae before and after steam explosion
treatment (based on dry materials)
(Table Removed)
4 Ethanol fermentation of Radix Pueranae after steam explosion treatment
Glucoamylase was added to the pre-treated Radix Pueranae in an amount of 65 U
glucoamylase per gram of dry steam exploded Radix Pueranae Sacchanfication was
performed m 58°C water bath for 30 mm The saccharified materials were cooled down to 30-35°C, and sterilized with UV for 15-20 mm Under sterile conditions, (NH4)2SO4, KH2PO4 and an activated yeast were added, and continuous solid state fermentation was earned out to produce ethanol The yield of ethanol, the contents of remaining reducing sugar and remaining total sugar m the fermented materials, as well as the amount of Radix Puerariae flavones extracted from the fermented materials were measured respectively The results are shown in Table 4
Table 4 the fermentation production of ethanol with steam exploded Radix Puerariae
(based on fermented materials)
AS shown in Table 4, the steam explosion pressure was raised from 0 5MPa to 1 OMPa, and also held for 2 5 nun The yield of ethanol in the fermented materials tended to first increase and then decrease When fermentation was performed after the steam explosion treatment under 0 7MPa and with a pressure hoidmg time of 2 5mm, the yield of ethanol in the
fermented materials was the highest, reaching 9 62%, whereas the yield of flavones in the fermented materials increased as the steam explosion pressure became larger When the steam explosion pressure was maintained at 0 8MPa, and the pressure holdmg time was extended from 2 0 mm to 4 0 nun, the effect of the variation m steam explosion pressure on the yield of ethanol and the amount of extracted flavones m the fermented matenals was similar to the effect on Radix Pueranae fermentation When fermentation was performed after the steam explosion treatment under 0 8MPa and with a pressure holding time of 3 5 mm, the yield of ethanol in the fermented matenals could reach 8 01%, and the extraction rate of Radix Pueranae flavones reached 0 8917% Regarding the yield of ethanol from the Radix Pueranae fermentation, as well as the amount of Radix Pueranae flavones extracted from the fermented matenals, the optimized condition for pre-treatmg Radix Pueranae by low pressure steam explosion was 0 8MPa and a pressure holding time of 3 5 mm
5 The extraction of flavones from the fuel ethanol residues obtained from Radix Pueranae
It can be seen m Table 4 that after Radix Pueranae was pre-treated by steam explosion under 0 8MPa for a pressure holing time of 3 5 min, the amount of Radix Pueranae flavones extracted from the residues of the solid state fermentation for producing ethanol reached 0 8917% (based on the fermented matenals) The water content of the fermented matenals was 75 71%, whereas approximately 46g dry matenals were obtamed after the fermentation of lOOg dry Radix Pueranae Based on these, it was calculated that approximately 1 7g flavones was extracted from the residues obtained from the fermentation of every l00g dry Radix Pueranae, which maintained the same level as the amount of flavones extracted from the matenals before fermentation Radix Pueranae was extracted at the same time the ethanol was fermented
6 The classifying and utilizing of the Radix Pueranae fibers in the fermentation residues
Ethanol fermentation was performed after the different parts of Radix Pueranae were
pre-treated by steam explosion The components of the fermentation residues were measured,
and the results were shown in Table 5 The different parts of Radix Pueranae were subjected
to ethanol fermentation, respectively The content of raw fibers in the fermentation residues was 18 245~29 889% The content of hemicellulose in the fermentation residues of Radix Pueranae was 52 154%, which was much higher than the contents of hemicellulose in the fermentation residues of other parts However, the contents of hemicellulose in the fermentation residues of Radix Pueranae stalks and leafstalks were only 29 391% and 27 438%, respectively
The fermentation residues (60-70%) were dned directly with hot air until the water content reached about 25% Then two portions, l e fiber portion and protein powder portion were mechanically classified using ratchets Among those, the fiber portion accounted for 70% of the total fermentation residues and its fiber length was measured as 2 4mm at maximum, 0 75mm at minimum, and 1 59 on average, so it is a nice raw material for making paper The protein powder portion (short fiber portion) contained about 21 8% of protein, so it may be used as raw matenal for feedstuff
Table 5 the component analysis of the fermentation residues from different parts of Puerana
(Table Removed)
7 Process and embodiments
Based on above experimental results, we chose to co-produce ethanol and Radix Pueranae flavones as well as utilize Radix Pueranae fibers after pre-treating Radix Pueranae with low pressure steam explosion.
8 The pnmary features of the process
Starting from the charactenstics of Radix Pueranae, a graded transformation and a
comprehensive and clean utilization of Radix Pueranae components were accomplished, with the features and merits shown below
1) A novel steam explosion method for Radix Pueranae without pollution
Radix Pueranae is pre-treated by means of a short-time (2-4 nun) nonpolluting steam explosion technique The heat mechanical chemical action of the steam explosion breaks cell walls of plant tissues, damages structures of the solid matenal 1 e Radix Pueranae, and raises the dextruuzation rate of Radix Pueranae starch The steam exploded Radix Pueranae can be fermented directly to produce fuel ethanol The pre-treatment of Radix Pueranae with the steam explosion technique avoids a long-time steam boiling procedure (30-120 mm) of the raw material starch, reduces the energy depleted in the fermentation for producing ethanol, shortens the penod of production, and decreases the cost of production
2) A novel method for synchronously sacchanfied solid state fermentation Radix Pueranae If the synchronously sacchanfied solid state fermentation is utilized to produce ethanol, only a small amount of water is required to be added, which dramatically lowers the water content in the fermented mash. Such method is used to reduce the energy depletion for distillation while increasing the ethanol content in the fermented mash, thereby cutting down the succeeding procedures for disposing water waste, providing conditions for reusing the fermentation residues while performing a clean production and reducing the production cost So it benefits the comprehensive utilization of Radix Pueranae
3) A novel technique for co-producing the fuel ethanol and Radix Pueranae flavones
The synchronously sacchanfied fermentation of Radix Pueranae to produce fuel ethanol is a process in which the structure of Radix Pueranae fibers is damaged, Radix Pueranae starch is released and the fuel ethanol is made from Radix Pueranae starch If Radix Pueranae flavonoids are not extracted from the residues when the synchronously saccharified fermentating Radix Pueranae is used to produce the fuel ethanol, it not only causes resource waste, but also gives nse to environment issues If Radix Pueranae flavones are extracted from the fermentation residues, Radix Pueranae will be utilized comprehensively, which
boosts the economic effects and benefits the industrial production of Radix Pueranae
4) A method for producing ethanol by continuous solid state fermentation
There is a problem that the Radix Pueranae solid state fermentation ethanol technique can not be earned out continuously As such, the invention provides a method for performmg the Radix Pueranae solid state fermentation ethanol using a continuous solid state fermentation device A study of ethanol fermentation was earned out using the continuous solid state fermentation device shown in Figure 2 Fermentation and separation were coupled m such a device, and CO2 was used as a circulating earner gas to separate the ethanol obtained by fermentation Scorn the fermented matenals In this way, the effect of the heat generated during fermentation on the fermentation may be reduced on the one hand, and the inhibition of ethanol may be decreased on the other hand.
5) A comprehensive utilization of the remaining fermented fibrous residues
Because the novel process of solid state fermentation is used, the water content in the
fermentation residues is very low (60-70%), which is suitable for the comprehensive
utilization Directly as feedstuff, the residues contain a low level of protein and a high level
of raw fibers Thereby a novel method for separating the fiber portion is developed In such
method, the mechanically separated fibers are used as raw matenai for making paper or
fabnc, whereas the solid powder residues having a high content of protein are used as
protein feedstuff
The results of the study indicate that the fiber content in the fermentation residues is approximately 18% The fiber length of the fiber portion is measured, wherein the maximal length is 2 4 mm, the minimal length is 0 75 mm, and the average length is 1 59 mm, so the fiber portion is a mce raw matenai for making paper The protein powder portion (short fiber portion) contains about 21 8% of protein, so it may be used as raw matenai for feedstuff
6) A novel method for fermenting the remaining fibrous residues and separating protein
The fermentation residues (60-70%) are dried directly with hot air until the water content reaches about 25% Then the two portions, 1 e the fiber portion and protem powder portion are mechanically classified using ratchets
Brief Description of the Drawings
Figure 1 shows a process of a techmcal system for cleanly co-producmg ethanoi, Radix Pueranae flavones and Radix Pueranae fibers by way of steam explosion and solid state fermentation of Radix Pueranae
Figure 2 shows a device used m the continuous solid state fermentation.
Embodiments for Carrying Out the Invention Example 1
1 Steam explosion pre-treatment Radix Pueranae was steam exploded under a steam pressure of 0 6 Mpa for 2 5 mm,
2 Sterilization and inoculation the steam exploded Radix Pueranae was placed m an autoclave and stenlized therein The stenlization temperature was 121°C, and the stcnhzation time was 20 mm Steaming sterilization was used in the solid state fermentation reactor Steam entered through the inlet 11 and exited through the outlet 12, maintaining at 121°C for more than 30 mm After the stenlized matenals was cooled down to 35°C, glucoamylase (90U/g steam exploded dry matenals), 0 1% (NH4)2SO4 0 1% KH2PO4 and 0 2% of activated yeast were added under stenle conditions,
3 Fermentation after the motor of the airlock was turned on, the stenlely inoculated Radix Pueranae substrate was delivered slowly into the fermentation pot with a speed of lkg/l0h (the natural stacking density was approximately 400g/L) through the feeding port 1 When the materials were fed for fermentation, CO2 entered through the gas inlet 11 and replaced the air inside the pot The temperature was maintained at 35±1°C in the fermentation pot The rotating speed of the screw was adjusted to ensure the residence time of the matenals in the pot was about 60h,
4 Gas extraction while being fermented, Radix Pucranae substrate moved forward under the pushing action of the screw propeller and reached the gas extraction pot 3 right after 60h The gas was circulated by the CO2 entering through the gas inlet 13 at the bottom of the gas extraction pot The gas speed was SL/mm, and ethanol was earned away from the substrate,
5 Adsorption the mixed gas of CO2 and ethanol passed two active carbon absorbing columns 4, 5 in parallel (two adsorbing columns were in parallel If one adsorbing column was measured to reach saturation using an ethanol concentration meter 16, the other adsorbing column may then be switched to) The ethanol contained in the mixture was adsorbed, and the remaining CO2 was compressed and may be utilized repeatedly,
6 Desorption when no ethanol was measured m the mixed gas by using the ethanol concentration meter 16, the adsorbing column was heated to 90°C, permitting the adsorbed ethanol to be desorbed off the active carbon absorbing column,
7 Recovering by condensation the ethanol desorbed off the adsorbing column was brought into a condensation tube 6 by the air flow entering through the bottom of the adsorbing column The ethanol was recovered and obtained after the condensation,
8 Material Discharge after fermentation, the Radix Pueranae residue was discharged through the discharging airlock 15 at the bottom of the gas extraction pot,
9 Filter pressing the fermentation residues for sohd-hqmd separation the Radix Pueranae residues exited from the bottom of the gas extraction pot were filter pressed The resultant solid residues and filtrate were kept separately for later use,

10 Extracting Radix Pueranae flavones to the filtrate and solid residues obtained from step 9,95% ethanol was added with a volume ratio of the filtrate to 95% ethanol to be 1 3 75, or absolute ethanol was added with a volume ratio of the filtrate to absolute ethanol to be 1 3 0 Standing for 2h followed by centnfugal separation Ethanol with a concentration of 75% was added to the solid residues with a mass/volume ratio of the solid residue to extraction solvent of 1 6 The extraction was performed for 2 times under reflux when heated to a temperature of 70°C for a total extraction time of 3h The extracting liquid was filtered,
11 Purifying and refining Radix Pueranae flavones the centnfugal supernatant in step 10 and the extracting liquid for extracting the solid residues were combined Ethanol was recovered under a vacuum degree of-0 08 Mpa at a temperature of 50°C The concentrated
liquid was loaded onto a macroporous adsorbing resin The macroporous adsorbing resin was eluted first with water to remove impurities and then with 50% ethanol to collect the ethanol eluent After concentration, ethanol was added to render the alcohol concentration to reach 70% The precipitate was filtered off The filtrate was concentrated, and extracted by adding n-butanol Then the n-butanol phase was recovered, concentrated, dried and the Radix Pueranae flavonoids extract was obtained
12 The classification of Radix Pueranae fibrous residues the fibrous residues obtained after the extraction of Radix Pueranae flavones under reflux in step 10 was directly hot-air dned until the water content reaches about 25%, followed by mechanically classifying into a fiber portion and a protein portion with a ratchet
Based on the fermentation matenals, the resultant ethanol accounted for 6 7419%, and Radix Pueranae flavones accounted for 0 2886% In the fermentation residues, the content of Radix Pueranae fibers was 19 833%, and the protein content of the protein powder was 20 75%
Example 2
1 Steam explosion pre-treatment Radix Pueranae was steam exploded under a steam pressure of 0 8 Mpa for 3 5 mm,
2 Sterilization and inoculation the steam exploded Radix Pueranae was placed in an autoclave and sterilized therein The stenlization temperature was 121°C, and the stenlization time was 20 mm Steaming stenlization was used in the solid state fermentation reactor Steam entered through the inlet 11 and exited through the outlet 12, mamtaimng at 121°C for more than 30 nun After the stenlized materials was cooled down to 30°C, glucoamylase (65U/g steam exploded dry materials), 0 05% (NH4)SO4, 0 1% KH2PO4 and 0 25% of activated yeast were added under sterile conditions,
3 Fermentation after the motor of the airlock was turned on, the stenlely inoculated Radix Pueranae substrate was delivered slowly into the fermentation pot with a speed of 1 kg/1 Oh (the natural stacking density was approximately 400g/L) through the feeding port 1 When the matenals were fed for fermentation, CO2 entered through the gas inlet 11 and replaced
the air mside the pot The temperature was maintained at 35±1°C in the fermentation pot The rotating speed of the screw was adjusted to ensure the residence time of the materials in the pot was about 60h,
4 Gas extraction while being fermented, Radix Pueranae substrate moved forward under the pushing action of the screw propeller and reached the gas extraction pot 3 nght after 60h The gas was circulated by the CO2 entering through the gas inlet 13 at the bottom of the gas extraction pot The gas speed was 4L/mm, and ethanol was earned away from the substrate,
5 Adsorption the mixed gas of CO2 and ethanol passed two active carbon absorbing columns 4, 5 in parallel (two adsorbing columns were in parallel If one adsorbing column was measured to reach saturation using an ethanol concentration meter 16, the other adsorbing column may then be switched to) The ethanol contained in the mixture was adsorbed, and the remaining CCh was compressed and may be utilized repeatedly,
6 Desorption when no ethanol was measured in the mixed gas by using the ethanol concentration meter 16, the adsorbing column was heated to 90°C, permitting the adsorbed ethanol to be desorbed off the active carbon absorbing column,
7 Recovering by condensation the ethanol desorbed off the adsorbing column was brought into a condensation tube 6 by the an: flow entering through the bottom of the adsorbing column The ethanol was recovered and obtained after the condensation,
8 Material Discharge after fermentation, the Radix Pueranae residue was discharged through the discharging airlock 15 at the bottom of the gas extraction pot,
9 Filter pressing the fermentation residues for solid-liquid separation the Radix Pueranae residues exited from the bottom of the gas extraction pot were filter pressed The resultant solid residues and filtrate were kept separately for later use,
10 Extracting Radix Pueranae flavones to the filtrate and solid residues obtained from step
9, 95% ethanol was added with a volume ratio of the filtrate to 95% ethanol to be 1 2 8, or
absolute ethanol was added with a volume ratio of the filtrate to absolute ethanol to be 1 2 3
Standing for 2h followed by centrifugal separation Ethanol with a concentration of 70%
was added to the solid residues with a mass/volume ratio of the solid residue to extraction
solvent of 1 8 The extraction was performed for 3 times under reflux when heated to a
temperature of 75°C for a total extraction time of 3h The extracting liquid was filtered,
11 Purifying and refining Radix Pueranae flavones the centnfugal supernatant in step 10 and the extracting liquid for extracting the solid residues were combined Ethanol was recovered under a vacuum degree of-0 08 Mpa at a temperature of 50°C The concentrated liquid was loaded onto a macroporous adsorbing resin. The macroporous adsorbing resin was eluted first with water to remove impunties and then with 55% ethanol to collect the ethanol eluent After concentration, ethanol was added to render the alcohol concentration to reach 75% The precipitate was filtered off The filtrate was concentrated, and extracted by adding n-butanol Then the n-butanol phase was recovered, concentrated, dned and the Radix Pueranae flavonoids extract was obtained
12 The classification of Radix Pueranae fibrous residues the fibrous residues obtained after the extraction of Radix Pueranae flavones under reflux in step 10 was directly hot-air dned until the water content reaches about 25%, followed by mechanically classifying into a fiber portion and a protein portion with a ratchet
Based on the fermentation materials, the resultant ethanol accounted for 8 0108%, and Radix Pueranae flavones accounted for 0 8917% In the fermentation residues, the content of Radix Pueranae fibers was 21 711%, and the protein content of the protein powder was 19 27%

1. A process for comprehensively utilizing Radix Puerariae, comprising the steps of :
1) providing Radix Puerariae as raw material;
2) pretreating the Radix Puerariae raw material by steam explosion;
3) producing and separating ethanol by continuous coupled solid state
fermentation of the pretreated Radix Puerariae raw material;
4) filtering off a fermentation residues from the fermented Radix Puerariae raw
material; and
5) extracting and purifying Radix Puerariae flavones from a filtrates obtained by
filtering off said fermentation residue.
2. The process for comprehensively utilizing radix Puerariae according to claim 1,
further comprising the step of:
separating the filtered fermentation residues into a fiber portion and a protein
3. The process for comprehensively utilizing Radix Puerariae according to claim 1,
wherein in the step 2), the steam pressure is 0.5 to 1.0 MPa, and the steam explosion
time is 2 to 4 min.
4. The process for comprehensively utilizing Radix Puerariae according to claim 1,
wherein in the step 3), glucoamylase, (NH4)2S04, KH2PO4 and activated yeast are
added for the fermentation of die pretreated Radix Puerariae raw material.
5. The process for comprehensively utilizing Radix Puerariae according to claim 4,
wherein the added amount of said glucoamylase is 50 ~ 100 U/g of the pretreated
Radix Puerariae raw material; the added amount of said (NH4)2S04 is 0.05 ~ 0.15
g/lOOg of the pretreated Radix Puerariae raw material; the added amount of said
KH2PO4 is 0.05 ~ 0.2 g/lOOg of the pretreated Radix Puerariae raw material; the
added amount of said activated yeast is 0.10 ~ 0.30 g yeast/100 g of the pretreated
Radix Puerariae raw material.
6. The process according to any one of claims 1 to 5, wherein in the step 5), model D -
101, DS - 401 or AB - 8 macroporous adsorbing resin is used to remove impurities.
7. The process according to any one of claims 1 to 6, wherein the continuous coupled
solid state fermentation is carried out in a device comprising: an airlock (1); a screw
(2); a horizontal pot (3); a vertical pot (4); a gas inlet (5) and a gas outlet (6) of said
horizontal pot; a discharging airlock (7) of said vertical pot; and a gas inlet (8) and a
gas oudet (9) of said vertical pot.
8. The process according to claim 7, wherein said airlock is used in the feeding port of
said horizontal pot (30) to ensure the isolation between the inside and the outside of
the reactor while feeding.
9. The process according to claim 7, wherein said screw (2) is installed inside the
fermentation pot as a propulsive device for propelling the fermenting materials to
move forward.
10. The process according to any one of claims 7 to 9, wherein said airlock (7) is used in
the discharging port at the bottom of said vertical pot, so as ensure the isolation
between the inside and the outside of the vertical pot while discharging.
11. The process according to any one of claims 1 to 10,wherein said continuous solid
state fermentation comprises:
providing the pretreated Radix Puerariae raw material to said horizontal pot
(3) through said airlock (1);
slowly propelling said screw (2) inside said horizontal pot to move the
provided pretreated Radix Puerariae raw material towards said vertical pot (4); and
continuously discharging material present in said vertical pot through said
airlock (7) at the bottom of said vertical pot,
wherein a biochemical process selected from the group consisting of
enzymolysis, fermentation and separation of the pretreated Radix Puerariae raw
material is completed during continuous moving in and out.
12. The process of fermentation according to claim ll,wherein the pretreated Radix
Puerariae raw material is subjected to enzymolysis when a required temperature is
maintained in said horizontal pot (3);
while said enzymolysis is carried out, the pretreated Radix Puerariae raw
material is propelled towards said vertical pot (4) by said screw propeller (2); a
propelling speed is adjusted, allowing the a residence time of the pretreated Radix
Puerariae raw material in said horizontal pot identical to a time required for the
enzymolysis; then the Radix Puerariae raw material is subjected to water extraction
or gas extraction; and after the extraction is complete an extracted material is
discharged continuously through said airlock (7) in said discharge port.
13. The process of fermentation according to claim 11, wherein the pretreated Radix
Puerariae raw material is subjected to fermentation in said horizontal pot (3);
while said fermentation is carried out, the pretreated Radix Puerariae raw
material is propelled towards said vertical pot (4) by said screw propeller (2); a
propelling speed is adjusted, allowing a residence time of the pretreated Radix
Puerariae raw material in said horizontal pot identical to a time required for the
fermentation; then the Radix Puerariae raw material is subjected to water extraction
or gas extraction; and after the extraction is completed, an extracted material is
discharged continuously through said airlock in said discharge port.
Dated this 21^' day of April 2009
To: \j(c^ The Controller of Patents (Ramesh C. Dhawan)
The Patent Office, Patent Agent No. IN/PA-340













2608-delnp-2009-description (complete).pdf













Patent Number 264260
Indian Patent Application Number 2608/DELNP/2009
PG Journal Number 51/2014
Publication Date 19-Dec-2014
Grant Date 18-Dec-2014
Date of Filing 21-Apr-2009
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number C12P 7/10
PCT International Application Number PCT/CN2007/002268
PCT International Filing date 2007-07-27
PCT Conventions:
# PCT Application Number Date of Convention Priority Country
1 200610114728.2 2006-11-22 China
2 200610114729.7 2006-11-22 China
3 200610114730.X 2006-11-22 China
4 200610114727.8 2006-11-22 China