Title of Invention


Abstract An apparatus and method for transmitting information for a Multimedia Broadcast/Multicast Service (MBMS) is provided that facilitates a mobile communication device receiving a specific MBMS without any difficulty when the device moves from one area to another area. By providing MBMS status information to a controller in the area from which the device moved, the controller in the area from which the device moved can either establish an additional channel to provide the MBMS to the device or initiate a relocation of control of the device to a controller in the area into which the device has moved.
Full Text 1
WO 2006/085721 PCT/KR2006/000354
Technical Field
The present invention relates to a multimedia broadcast/multicast service (MBMS),
and particularly, to an apparatus and method for transmitting information for
supporting mobility of a terminal and providing an MBMS.
Background Art
A universal mobile telecommunications system (UMTS) is a third generation
mobile communications system that has evolved from a specification known as the
European Global System for Mobile communications (GSM) system which aims to
provide an improved mobile communications service based on a GSM core network
and a wideband code division multiple access (W-CDMA) technology. FIG. 1 illustrates
a network structure of a UMTS system to which the conventional art and the
present invention are applied.
As illustrated in FIG. 1, the UMTS system is broadly comprised of a terminal, or
user equipment (UE), a UTRAN 2 and a Core Network (CN) 3. The UTRAN 2
includes more than one Radio Network Sub-system (RNS) 4, each of which includes a
single Radio Network Controller (RNC) 5 and more than one Node B 6 managed by
the RNC. The RNC 5 manages the Node B 6, which serves as an access point of the
UTRAN 2 for the terminal by receiving information transmitted from a physical layer
of the terminal over an uplink and transmitting data to the terminal 1 over a downlink.
The RNC 5 allocates and manages radio resources, and serves as an access point of the
FIG. 2 illustrates a connection structure between the UTRAN 2 and the terminal 1
within the UMTS network. As illustrated in FIG. 2, the terminal 1 is connected with
the CN 3 in order to receive services provided from the UMTS and information of the
terminal and the CN is transmitted via the UTRAN 2.
The CN 3 is connected to the RNC 5 through an Iu interface in order to transmit
and receive data and control messages. Each terminal 1 connected to the UMTS
network is managed by a specific RNC 5 within the UTRAN 2. A Serving RNC
(SRNC) 5 is the RNC for managing terminals. In other words, the SRNC 5 refers to the
RNC that serves as the access point with the CN 3 for transmitting data to a specific
terminal 1.
The SRNC 5 performs as a second layer of an Open System Interface (OSI) for
data coming through a radio interface or being transmitted to the terminal and allocates

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radio resources appropriate to provide services. The function of managing radio
resources performed by the SRNC 5 includes control functions associated with the
specific terminal 1, such as setting transport channels, determining a handover and
performing an Open Loop Power Control. The terminal 1 connected to the CN 3
through the UTRAN 2 at a specific time point has only one SRNC 5.
In general, one RNC 5 is used between the terminal 1 and the CN 3. However, if
the terminal 1 moves to a new area managed by another RNC 5, the terminal is
connected to the RNC at the new area via the RNC of the previous area.
For instance, it is assumed that the terminal is initially connected to the CN 3
through Rl (RNC1), but the terminal moves to an area or cell managed by R2 (RNC2).
After moving to the area managed by R2, the terminal 1 is connected to Rl through an
Iur interface via R2. Rl manages the terminal and serves as an access point with the
CN 3 and R2 partially performs functions of routing user data or allocating codes,
specifically, common resources. In the UMTS network, every RNC 5 connected to the
terminal 1, such as R2, other than the SRNC is referred to as a Drift RNC (DRNC).
Therefore, one terminal 1 may have no DRNC 5 or may have one or several DRNCs
according to its connection state.
The SRNC 5 and the DRNC are logically divided with relation to a specific
terminal 1. However, the RNC 5 and the Node B 6 within the UTRAN 2 have a
subordinate relation there between and, accordingly, the RNC can be divided at the
side of the Node B. In order to distinguish between the RNC 5 managing the Node B 6
and other RNCs, an RNC managing a specific Node B is referred to as a Controlling
RNC (CRNC). Specifically, the RNC 5 that is connected to a specific Node B 6 via an
Iub and controls radio resources of the Node B corresponds to the CRNC of the
specific Node B and there is a one-to-many relation between the CRNC and the Node
B in the structure of the UTRAN 2. The CRNC 5 performs functions such as load
control and congestion control of traffic within a cell that the CRNC manages,
acceptance control for a new radio link set within this cell and code allocation.
A Radio Resource Control (RRC) layer is defined at a third layer of a radio
protocol located in the RNC 5 and the terminal 1. The RRC handles the controlling of
transport channels and physical channels related to establishment, reconfiguration, and
release of Radio Bearers (RBs). An RB denotes the services provided by a second
layer of the radio protocol for data transmissions between the terminal 1 and the RNC
5. In general, establishing the RB denotes the processes of stipulating the characteristics
of a protocol layer and a channel, which are required for providing a specific
service, and setting the respective detailed parameters and operation methods thereof.
The RRC state refers to whether the RRC of the terminal 1 is logically connected
to the RRC of the UTRAN 2, thereby forming a logical connection with the RRC of

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the UTRAN. If the RRC of the terminal 1 forms a logical connection with the RRC of
the UTRAN 2, this is referred to as an RRC connected state. Conversely, if there is no
logical connection between the RRC of the terminal 1 and the RRC of the UTRAN 2,
this is referred to as an RRC idle state.
When the terminal 1 is in the RRC connected state and, accordingly, the UTRAN 2
can recognize the existence of the corresponding terminal according to units of cells,
the UTRAN can effectively control the terminal. On the other hand, the UTRAN 2
cannot recognize a terminal 1 that is in idle state. The terminal 1 in idle state can be
managed by the CN 3 according to units of location areas or units of routing areas,
which are areas larger than the cell. Specifically, the existence of a terminal 1 in idle
state is only recognized according to units of large areas, such as location areas or
routing areas, and the terminal must transition into the connected state in order to
receive typical mobile communication services such as voice or data.
FIG. 3 illustrates an RRC state transition of a terminal 1. As illustrated in FIG. 3,
when a user turns on the power of the terminal 1, the terminal first detects an appropriate
cell and maintains its idle state in the corresponding cell. The terminal 1 in
idle state forms an RRC connection with the RRC of the UTRAN 2 through the RRC
connection procedure and transitions into the RRC connected state when the RRC
connection needs to be formed.
There are several instances in which a terminal 1 in idle state is required to form
the RRC connection. For example, an uplink data transmission may be required due to
a call attempt by a user or the transmission of a response message in response to a
paging message received from the UTRAN 2 may be required.
A Multimedia Broadcast/Multicast Service (MBMS) refers to a service for
providing streaming or background services to a plurality of terminals 1 using a
downlink dedicated MBMS bearer service. In the UTRAN 2, the MBMS bearer uses a
point-to-multipoint radio bearer (RB) and a point-to-point RB.
The MBMS is divided into a broadcast mode and a multicast mode. The MBMS
broadcast mode is a service for transmitting multimedia data to all users within a
broadcast area. The broadcast area refers to a region where the broadcast service is
possible. Conversely, the MBMS multicast mode is a service for transmitting the
multimedia data only to a specific user group within a multicast area. The multicast
area refers to a region where the multicast service is possible. The multimedia area and
broadcast area are referred to as a service area.
FIG. 4 illustrates a conventional procedure for providing a specific MBMS (service
1) from a UMTS network to a terminal (UE) 1 by using a multicast mode. A UE 1 that
desires to receive an MBMS subscribes to the service, a process referred to as subscription.
Subscribing refers to establishing a relationship between a service provider

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and a user.
Terminals 1 desiring to receive the MBMS should receive a service announcement
provided by the network 3. The service announcement refers to providing to the
terminal 1 an index and any related information of the services to be provided.
Specifically, a terminal 1 desiring to receive the MBMS of the multicast mode should
join a multicast group. The multicast group refers to a group of terminals 1 receiving a
specific multicast service and joining refers to one user merging with the other users in
a multicast group to receive the particular multicast service.
The terminal 1 can inform the UMTS network that it desires to receive specific
multicast data through MBMS multicast joining. Conversely, a procedure whereby a
terminal 1, having joined a specific multicast group, is no longer a part of the multicast
group is referred to as leaving. Each terminal 1 performs the subscribing, joining and
leaving processes. The terminal 1 can perform the subscribing, joining, and leaving
processes at various times, such as before data transmission, during the transmission,
or after the transmission.
While a specific MBMS is ongoing, one or more sessions can sequentially be
generated with respect to the corresponding service. If data to be transmitted for the
specific MBMS is generated in an MBMS source, the CN 3 notifies the RNC 5 of the
start of a session. Conversely, when there is no more data to be transmitted for the
specific MBMS in the MBMS source, the CN 3 notifies the RNC 5 of a session stop.
The data transmission with respect to the specific MBMS can be carried out between
the session starting and the session stop. The data transmitted through the data
transmission process can be transmitted only to the terminals 1 having joined the
multicast group for the specific MBMS.
In the session starting process, the RNC 5, having received the session starting
from the CN 3, transfers an MBMS notification to the terminals. The MBMS notification
refers to the RNC 5 informing a terminal 1 that the data transmission of the
specific MBMS in a cell draws near or is impending. The MBMS notification is
transmitted more than one time before actual data of the service is transmitted. The
RNC 5 may also count the number of terminals receiving the specific MBMS within
one specific cell using the MBMS notification process. The counting procedure is used
for determining whether a point-to-multipoint RB or a point-to-point RB should be set
as the RB for transmitting the specific MBMS, or whether no RB should be set.
The RNC 5 internally establishes a threshold value to select an appropriate MBMS
RB. After the RNC 5 counts the number of terminals 1, if the counted number of
terminals existing within the corresponding cell is smaller than the threshold value, the
RNC establishes a point-to-point RB, while a point-to-multipoint RB is established if
the counted number of terminals is greater than the threshold value. After determining

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the MB MS RB, the RNC 5 informs the terminals 1 of the establishment information of
the corresponding RB.
When the point-to-point RB is established for the specific service, the terminals 1
desiring to receive the service are all in the RRC connected state. However, when the
point-to-multipoint RB is established for the specific service, all terminals 1 desiring to
receive the service do not have to be in the RRC connected state. That is, terminals 1 in
an idle state can also receive the MBMS data by using the point-to-multipoint RB.
When MBMS data is transmitted from the CN 3 during one session of the MBMS, the
RNC 5 initiates data transmission using the established RB, and releases the pre-
established RB when the CN transmits a session stopping message.
However, if there is no terminal 1 that desires to receive the specific MBMS, the
RNC 5 does not establish any RB and does not transmit the MBMS data. Establishing
an RB by the RNC 5 even if there is no user who wants to receive the service would
cause undesirable consumption of radio resources.
The MBMS area refers to an area configured with cells supporting MBMSs to
which a specific terminal 1 has subscribed. The MBMS area is constructed by
combining more than one cell, and may be constructed with cells managed by one
RNC 5 or be located over areas managed by several RNCs. A list of neighboring cell
information refers to a list including information of cells managed by the DRNC 5 that
is positioned adjacent to the RNC.
FIG. 5 illustrates an MBMS attaching procedure. As illustrated in FIG. 5, the RNC
5 providing an MBMS recognizes and manages a terminal 1 in the RRC connected
state among terminals having joined a specific MBMS for every cell that the RNC
manages. The RNC 5 makes a list, such as an RRC connected terminal list, of
terminals 1 in the RRC connected state for each MBMS of each cell. The RRC
connected terminal list includes identifiers, such as URNTI, of the terminals 1 having
joined the specific MBMS.
As part of the MBMS attaching procedure, when the terminal 1 has moved from a
cell managed by the SRNC 5 into a cell managed by the DRNC, the SRNC receives a
session start message from the CN 3 with respect to an MBMS that a terminal in the
RRC connected state has joined, both for those services that are ongoing and those
services that are not ongoing. Thereafter, the SRNC 5 transmits terminal information to
the DRNC through an MBMS connection or attachment request message, such that the
DRNC adds terminals 1 which request the MBMS connection to the RRC connected
terminal list that the DRNC manages. The MBMS connection request message
includes an ID of a cell to which the terminal 1 has moved, IDs of any MBMS that the
terminal is joining and the URNTI of the terminal.
Once the MBMS connection or attachment request message for a specific terminal

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1 is received from the SRNC 5, if it is possible to allocate resources for maintaining
the RRC connected state with respect to the corresponding terminal. The DRNC 5
grants the MBMS connection request of the terminal 1. The DRNC 5 then adds the
URNTI of the terminal 1 to the RRC connected terminal list for each MBMS that the
moved terminal has joined.
The DRNC 5 then transmits a positive response to the SRNC through an MBMS
connection response message. The SRNC 5, having received the message, maintains
the terminal 1 in the RRC connected state even in the new cell. The SRNC 5 also
transmits the MBMS data to the terminal 1 using a point-to-point RB. Specifically, the
MBMS data is transmitted to the DRNC 5 through the SRNC and then transmitted to
the terminal 1 through the DRNC using the point-to-point RB.
The DRNC 5 does not always grant the MBMS connection request upon receiving
the MBMS connection request message for the specific terminal 1 from the SRNC. If
the DRNC 5 forms the RRC connection for the terminal 1 but there are no resources
for maintaining the terminal in the RRC connected state, the DRNC denies the MBMS
connection request of the terminal and transmits a negative response to the SRNC.
However, in the conventional art, if a terminal 1 located outside each MBMS area
is connected to the DRNC 5, problems may occur. When the terminal 1 has moved to
the MBMS area managed by the DRNC 5 that provides an MBMS to which the
terminal has subscribed, the moved terminal obtains information of the corresponding
service by receiving a notification from the DRNC or receives information of the
MBMS through a MBMS Control Channel (MCCH).
At this time, the MBMS can be transmitted using a point-to-point RB or a point-
to-multipoint RB. When the DRNC 5 provides the MBMS using the point-to-point RB,
the terminal 1 should receive the MBMS directly from the SRNC instead of from the
SRNC via the DRNC by setting a dedicated channel. However, it is impossible for the
SRNC 5 to accurately recognize whether the DRNC is providing the MBMSs to which
the terminal 1 has subscribed or that the MBMSs are being provided using the point-
to-point RB.
Accordingly, the SRNC 5 cannot set the dedicated channel for the terminal 1 to
receive the MBMS using the point-to-point RB and, therefore, the terminal cannot
receive the MBMS. Specifically, when a terminal 1 has moved from an area managed
by the SRNC 5 to an area managed by DRNC and has been connected to the DRNC,
even though the MBMS to which the terminal has subscribed is being transmitted
through the point-to-point RB via the DRNC, the SRNC can not accurately recognize
the state of the MBMS in the DRNC and the SRNC cannot set the dedicated channel
with the terminal. As a result, the terminal 1 cannot receive the MBMS.
Therefore, there is a need for an apparatus and method for transmitting information

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for supporting mobility of a terminal and providing an MBMS. The present invention
addresses these and other needs.
Disclosure of Invention
Technical Problem
Features and advantages of the invention will be set forth in the description which
follows, and in part will be apparent from the description, or may be learned by
practice of the invention. The objectives and other advantages of the invention will be
realized and attained by the structure particularly pointed out in the written description
and claims hereof as well as the appended drawings.
The invention is directed to provide an apparatus and method for transmitting information
for supporting mobility of a terminal and providing an MBMS . By
transmitting status information related to an MBMS from a radio network controller
that controls an area into which a terminal has moved to a radio network controller that
controls the area from which the terminal has moved and the radio network controller
that controls the area from which the terminal has moved either establishes a point-
to-point channel to provide the MBMS to the terminal or initiates a relocation of
control of the terminal to radio network controller that controls the area into which a
terminal has moved, a terminal may receive the MBMS when moving from one area to
Technical Solution
In one aspect of the present invention, a method for providing a point-to-multipoint
service to at least one mobile communication terminal in a mobile communications
system when the terminal moves from a first area controlled by a first controller to a
second area controlled by a second controller is provided. The method includes
transmitting to the first controller status information related to the point-to-multipoint
service provided by the second controller and the first controller either establishing a
channel to transmit the point-to-multipoint service to the at least one mobile communication
terminal or initiating a relocation of the control of the at least one mobile
communication terminal to the second controller.
It is contemplated that the point-to-multipoint service is a Multimedia Broadcast/
Multicast Service (MBMS). Preferably, the channel established by the first controller
to transmit the point-to-multipoint service to the at least one mobile communication
terminal is a dedicated channel.
It is contemplated that the first controller is a serving radio network controller
(SRNC) and the second controller is a drift radio network controller (DRNC). It is
further contemplated that the first controller establishes a channel to transmit the point-
to-multipoint service to the at least one mobile communication terminal if the first

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controller supports the point-to-multipoint service and the first controller initiates a
relocation of the control of the at least one mobile communication terminal to the
second controller if the first controller does not support the point-to-multipoint service.
It is contemplated that the mobile communication terminal transmits the status in-
formation.Preferably, the method further includes the mobile communication terminal
determining that the point-to-multipoint service is provided via a dedicated channel by
the second controller, the mobile communication setting a timer and the mobile com-
munication terminal either terminating the timer upon receiving the point-to-multipoint
service via a channel established by the first controller or transmitting the status in-
formation upon expiration of the timer. Preferably, the second controller transmits the
status information.
It is contemplated that the method further includes the second controller
transmitting the status information to at least a third controller in addition to the first
controller, the third controller adjacent to the second controller. Preferably, the status
information is transmitted via an MBMS connection message, a channel type recon-
figuration message, a radio link setup message, a radio link reconfiguration message or
an RRC signaling message.
It is contemplated that the status information includes a service ID of the point-
to-multipoint service. Preferably, the method further includes the second controller de-
termining that the service ID does not correspond to a service predetermined as
provided via a dedicated channel and the second controller transmitting the status in-
formation including a type of radio bearer established for providing the point-
to-multipoint service.
In another aspect of the present invention, a method for providing a point-
to-multipoint service to at least one mobile communication terminal in a radio commu-
nications system when the terminal moves from a first area controlled by a first
controller to a second area controlled by a second controller is provided. The method
includes receiving status information related to the point-to-multipoint service
provided by the second controller and either establishing a channel to transmit the
point-to-multipoint service to the at least one mobile communication terminal or
initiating a relocation of the control of the at least one mobile communication terminal
to the second controller.
It is contemplated the point-to-multipoint service is a Multimedia Broadcast/
Multicast Service (MBMS). Preferably, the channel established to transmit the point-
to-multipoint service to the at least one mobile communication terminal is a dedicated
It is contemplated that the first controller is a serving radio network controller
(SRNC). Preferably, a channel is established to provide the point-to-multipoint service

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if the point-to-multipoint service is supported and a relocation of the control of the at
least one mobile communication terminal to the second controller is initiated if the
point-to-multipoint service is not supported.
It is contemplated that receiving the status information includes receiving either an
MBMS connection message, a channel type reconfiguration message, a radio link
setup message, a radio link reconfiguration message or an RRC signaling message. It is
contemplated that the status information including a service ID of the point-
to-multipoint service. Preferably, the status information further includes a type of radio
bearer established by the second controller for providing the point-to-multipoint
In another aspect of the present invention, a method for providing a point-
to-multipoint service to at least one mobile communication terminal in a mobile com-
munications system when the terminal moves from a first area controlled by a first
controller to a second area controlled by a second controller is provided. The method
includes transmitting status information related to the point-to-multipoint service
provided and either receiving a channel from the first controller to transmit the point-
to-multipoint service to the at least one mobile communication terminal or assuming
control of the at least one mobile communication terminal.
It is contemplated that the point-to-multipoint service is a Multimedia Broadcast/
Multicast Service (MBMS). Preferably, the channel received to transmit the point-
to-multipoint service to the at least one mobile communication terminal is a dedicated
It is contemplated that the second controller is a drift radio network controller
(DRNC). Preferably, the method further includes transmitting the status information to
the first controller and at least a third controller, the third controller adjacent to the
second controller.
It is contemplated that transmitting the status information includes transmitting
either an MBMS connection message, a channel type reconfiguration message, a radio
link setup message, a radio link reconfiguration message or an RRC signaling message.
It is further contemplated that transmitting the status information includes transmitting
a service ID of the point-to-multipoint service. Preferably, transmitting the status in-
formation further includes determining that the service ID does not correspond to a
service predetermined as provided via a dedicated channel and transmitting the status
information including a type of radio bearer established for providing the point-
to-multipoint service.
In another aspect of the present invention, a method for providing a point-
to-multipoint service to at least one mobile communication terminal in a mobile com-
munications system when the terminal moves from a first area controlled by a first

WO 2006/085721 PCT/KR2006/000354
controller to a second area controlled by a second controller is provided. The method
includes transmitting status information related to the point-to-multipoint service
provided by the second controller and receiving the point-to-multipoint service.
It is contemplated that the point-to-multipoint service is a Multimedia Broadcast/
Multicast Service (MBMS). Preferably, the method further includes determining that
the point-to-multipoint service is provided via a dedicated channel by the second
controller, setting a timer and either terminating the timer upon receiving the point-
to-multipoint service or transmitting the status information upon expiration of the
In another aspect of the present invention, a method for providing a point-
to-multipoint service to a plurality of mobile communication terminals in a mobile
communications system when at least a first and a second of the plurality of terminals
move from a first area controlled by a first controller to a second area controlled by a
second controller is provided. The method includes transmitting status information to
the first controller when the first of the plurality of terminals moves from the first area
to the second area, the status information related to the point-to-multipoint service
provided by the second controller, the first controller establishing a first channel to
transmit the point-to-multipoint service to the first of the plurality of mobile com-
munication terminals and the first controller establishing a second channel to transmit
the point-to-multipoint service to the second of the plurality of mobile communication
terminals without receiving the status information when the second of the plurality of
terminals moves from the first area to the second area.
It is contemplated that the point-to-multipoint service is a Multimedia Broadcast/
Multicast Service (MBMS). Preferably, the first controller is a serving radio network
controller (SRNC) and the second controller is a drift radio network controller
It is contemplated that the mobile communication terminal transmits the status in-
formation. It is further contemplated that the method further includes the mobile com-
munication terminal determining that the point-to-multipoint service is provided via a
dedicated channel by the second controller, the mobile communication terminal setting
a timer and the mobile communication terminal either terminating the timer upon
receiving the point-to-multipoint service via a dedicated channel established by the
first controller or transmitting the status information upon expiration of the timer.
Preferably, the second controller transmits the status information.
It is contemplated that the method further includes the second controller
transmitting the status information to at least a third controller in addition to the first
controller, the third controller adjacent to the second controller. Preferably, the status
information is transmitted via either an MBMS connection message, a channel type re-

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configuration message, a radio link setup message, a radio link reconfiguration
message or an RRC signaling message.
It is contemplated that the status information includes a service ID of the point-
to-multipoint service. It is further contemplated that the method further includes the
second controller determining that the service ID does not correspond to a service pre-
determined as provided via a dedicated channel and the second controller transmitting
the status information including a type of radio bearer established for providing the
point-to-multipoint service.
In another aspect of the present invention, a method for providing a point-
to-multipoint service to a plurality of mobile communication terminals in a mobile
communications system when at least a first and a second of the plurality of terminals
move from a first area controlled by a first controller to a second area controlled by a
second controller is provided. The method includes receiving status information when
the first of the plurality of terminals moves from the first area to the second area, the
status information related to the point-to-multipoint service provided by the second
controller, establishing a channel to provide the point-to-multipoint service to the first
of the plurality of mobile communication terminals and establishing a channel to
provide the point-to-multipoint service to the second of the plurality of mobile com-
munication terminals without receiving the status information when the second of the
plurality of terminals moves from the first area to the second area.
It is contemplated that the point-to-multipoint service is a Multimedia Broadcast/
Multicast Service (MBMS). Preferably, the first controller is a serving radio network
controller (SRNC).
It is contemplated that receiving the status information includes receiving either an
MBMS connection message, a channel type reconfiguration message, a radio link
setup message, a radio link reconfiguration message or an RRC signaling message. It is
further contemplated that the status information includes a service ID of the point-
to-multipoint service. Preferably, the status information further includes a type of radio
bearer established by the second controller for providing the point-to-multipoint
In another aspect of the present invention, a method for providing a point-
to-multipoint service to a plurality of mobile communication terminals in a mobile
communications system when at least a first and a second of the plurality of terminals
move from a first area controlled by a first controller to a second area controlled by a
second controller is provided. The method includes transmitting status information
when the first of the plurality of terminals moves from the first area to the second area,
the status information related to the point-to-multipoint service provided and not
transmitting the status information when the second of the plurality of terminals moves

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from the first area to the second area.
It is contemplated that the point-to-multipoint service is a Multimedia Broadcast/
Multicast Service (MBMS). Preferably, the second controller is a drift radio network
controller (DRNC).
It is contemplated that the method further includes transmitting the status in-
formation to the first controller and at least a third controller adjacent to the second
controller. Preferably, transmitting the status information includes transmitting either
an MBMS connection message, a channel type reconfiguration message, a radio link
setup message, a radio link reconfiguration message or an RRC signaling message.
It is contemplated that transmitting the status information includes transmitting a
service ID of the point-to-multipoint service. Preferably, transmitting the status in-
formation further includes determining that the service ID does not correspond to a
service predetermined as provided via a dedicated channel and transmitting a type of
radio bearer established for providing the point-to-multipoint service.
In another aspect of the present invention, a method for providing a point-
to-multipoint service to a plurality of mobile communication terminals in a mobile
communications system when at least a first and a second of the plurality of terminals
move from a first area controlled by a first controller to a second area controlled by a
second controller is provided. The method includes transmitting status information if
the mobile communication terminal is the first of the plurality of terminals and not the
transmitting status information if the mobile communication terminal is the second of
the plurality of terminals, the status information related to the point-to-multipoint
service and receiving the point-to-multipoint service.
It is contemplated that the point-to-multipoint service is a Multimedia Broadcast/
Multicast Service (MBMS). Preferably, the method further includes determining that
the point-to-multipoint service is provided via a dedicated channel by the second
controller, setting a timer and either terminating the timer upon receiving the point-
to-multipoint service via a dedicated channel or transmitting the status information
upon expiration of the timer.
In another aspect of the present invention, a network controller for providing a
point-to-multipoint service to at least one mobile communication terminal in a radio
communications system when the terminal moves from an area controlled by the
network controller to an area controlled by a second controller is provided. The
network controller includes a transmitter adapted to transmit signals including the
point-to-multipoint service to the at least one mobile communication terminal, a
receiver adapted to receive signals including status information related to the point-
to-multipoint service provided by the second controller and a processor adapted to
process the status information and either establish a channel to transmit the point-

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to-multipoint service to the at least one mobile communication terminal or initiate a
relocation of the control of the at least one mobile communication terminal to the
second controller.
It is contemplated that the point-to-multipoint service is a Multimedia Broadcast/
Multicast Service (MBMS). Preferably, the channel established to transmit the point-
to-multipoint service to the at least one mobile communication terminal is a dedicated
It is contemplated that the network controller is a serving radio network controller
(SRNC). Preferably, the processor is further adapted to establish a channel to provide
the point-to-multipoint service if the point-to-multipoint service is supported and to
initiate a relocation of the control of the at least one mobile communication terminal to
the second controller if the point-to-multipoint service is not supported.
It is contemplated that the processor is further adapted to process either an MBMS
connection message, a channel type reconfiguration message, a radio link setup
message, a radio link reconfiguration message or an RRC signaling message including
the status information. It is further contemplated that the status information comprises
a service ID of the point-to-multipoint service. Preferably, the status information
further includes a type of radio bearer established by the second controller for
providing the point-to-multipoint service.
It is contemplated that the processor is further adapted to receive the status in-
formation and establish a channel to provide the point-to-multipoint service to the at
least one mobile communication terminal when the at least one mobile communication
terminal is the first of a plurality of terminals that moves to the area controlled by a
second controller and establish a channel to provide the point-to-multipoint service to
the at least one mobile communication terminal without receiving the status in-
formation when the at least one mobile communication terminal is not the first of the
plurality of terminals that moves to the area controlled by the second controller.
In another aspect of the present invention, a network controller for providing a
point-to-multipoint service to at least one mobile communication terminal in a radio
communications system when the terminal moves from an area controlled by a second
controller to an area controlled by the network controller is provided. The network
controller includes a transmitter adapted to transmit signals including status in-
formation to the second controller, a receiver adapted to receive signals including the
point-to-multipoint service from the second controller and a processor adapted to
generate the status information including information related to the point-to-multipoint
service and either receive a channel from the second controller to transmit the point-
to-multipoint service to the at least one mobile communication terminal or assume
control of the at least one mobile communication terminal.

WO 2006/085721 PCT/KR2006/000354
It is contemplated that the point-to-multipoint service is a Multimedia Broadcast/
Multicast Service (MBMS). Preferably, the channel received to transmit the point-
to-multipoint service to the at least one mobile communication terminal is a dedicated
It is contemplated that the network controller is a drift radio network controller
(DRNC). Preferably, the processor is further adapted to transmit the status information
to the second controller and at least a third controller, the third controller adjacent to
the network controller.
It is contemplated that the processor is further adapted to generate either an MBMS
connection message, a channel type reconfiguration message, a radio link setup
message, a radio link reconfiguration message or an RRC signaling message including
the status information. Preferably, the processor is further adapted to generate the
status information including a service ID of the point-to-multipoint service.
It is contemplated that the processor is further adapted to determine that the service
ID does not correspond to a service predetermined as provided via a dedicated channel
and generate the status information including a type of radio bearer established for
providing the point-to-multipoint service. Preferably, the processor is further adapted
to transmit the status information when the at least one mobile communication terminal
is the first of a plurality of terminals that moves from the area controlled by a second
controller and not transmit the status information when the at least one mobile com-
munication terminal is not the first of the plurality of terminals that moves from the
area controlled by a second controller.
In another aspect of the present invention, a mobile communication terminal for
receiving a point-to-multipoint service in a mobile communications system when the
terminal moves from a first area controlled by a first controller to a second area
controlled by a second controller is provided. The mobile communication terminal
includes an antenna adapted to receive RF signals including the point-to-multipoint
service and to transmit RF signals including status information, an RF module adapted
to process the RF signals received by the antenna, a keypad adapted for inputting in-
formation from a user, a storage unit adapted to store information related to the point-
to-multipoint service, a display adapted to convey information to the user and a
processing unit adapted to generate the status information including information
related to the point-to-multipoint service and receive the point-to-multipoint service.
It is contemplated that the point-to-multipoint service is a Multimedia Broadcast/
Multicast Service (MBMS). It is further contemplated that the processing unit is
further adapted to determine that the point-to-multipoint service is provided via a
dedicated channel by the second controller, set a timer and either terminate the timer
upon receiving the point-to-multipoint service or transmit the status information upon

WO 2006/085721 PCT/KR2006/000354
expiration of the timer. Preferably, the processing unit is further adapted to transmit the
status information when the mobile communication terminal is the first of a plurality of
terminals that moves from the first area to the second area and not transmit the status
information when the mobile communication terminal is not the first of the plurality of
terminals that moves from the first area to the second area.
Additional features and advantages of the invention will be set forth in the de-
scription which follows, and in part will be apparent from the description, or may be
learned by practice of the invention. It is to be understood that both the foregoing
general description and the following detailed description of the present invention are
exemplary and explanatory and are intended to provide further explanation of the
invention as claimed.
These and other embodiments will also become readily apparent to those skilled in
the art from the following detailed description of the embodiments having reference to
the attached figures, the invention not being limited to any particular embodiments
Description of Drawings
The accompanying drawings, which are included to provide a further un-
derstanding of the invention and are incorporated in and constitute a part of this spec-
ification, illustrate embodiments of the invention and together with the description
serve to explain the principles of the invention. Features, elements, and aspects of the
invention that are referenced by the same numerals in different figures represent the
same, equivalent, or similar features, elements, or aspects in accordance with one or
more embodiments.
FIG. 1 illustrates a network structure of a UMTS system to which the conventional
art and the present invention are applied.
FIG. 2 illustrates a connection structure between a UTRAN and a terminal within a
UMTS network.
FIG. 3 illustrates an RRC state transition of a terminal.
FIG. 4 illustrates an embodiment in which a conventional UMTS network provides
a specific MBMS to a UE using a multicast mode.
FIG. 5 illustrates a conventional MBMS attaching procedure.
FIG. 6 illustrates a first embodiment of a method for transmitting MBMS in-
formation according to the present invention.
FIG. 7 illustrates a second embodiment of a method for transmitting MBMS in-
formation according to the present invention.
FIG. 8 illustrates a third embodiment of a method for transmitting MBMS in-
formation according to the present invention .
FIG. 9 illustrates a block diagram of a radio communication apparatus according to

WO 2006/085721 PCT/KR2006/000354
one embodiment of the present invention.
Mode for Invention
The present invention relates to an apparatus and method for transmitting in-
formation for supporting mobility of a terminal and providing an MBMS . Although
the present invention is illustrated with respect to a mobile terminal, it is contemplated
that the present invention may be utilized anytime it is desired to enable a mobile com-
munication device to receive an MBMS when moving from one area to another.
Reference will now be made in detail to the preferred embodiments of the present
invention, examples of which are illustrated in the accompanying drawings. The
present invention may be implemented in a mobile communication system such as a
Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS) developed by the 3GPP.
However, the present invention may be applied to communications system operated
according to other specifications.
The present invention is designed to solve problems that may occur when a system
supports mobility of a terminal 1 and efficiently uses radio resources so as to desirably
provide services to the terminal. The present invention proposes a communications
system in which a first system notifies a second system managing terminals 1 of a
status of a specific service or services. Specifically, the present invention proposes a
radio communication system for a multimedia broadcast/multicast service (MBMS) in
which a DRNC 5 or a terminal 1 informs the SRNC of information related to a service
status in radio communications system for transmitting an MBMS to a plurality of
terminals through a downlink channel.
In one aspect of the present invention, the SRNC 5 is informed of the status of the
MBMS to which a terminal 1 has subscribed, such that the terminal can receive the
MBMS using a dedicated channel. Preferably, the MBMS status information (MBMS
state information) may be an MBMS and a type of radio bearer (RB) providing the cor-
responding MBMS. The MBMS status information can be transmitted through an
MBMS connection or attachment message, channel type reconfiguration message,
radio link setup message, radio link reconfiguration message or RRC signaling
message. Different methods may address two conditions according to the state of the
The first condition occurs when the SRNC 5 does not support a specific MBMS.
Therefore, a terminal 1 may not receive the specific MBMS from the SRNC. Ac-
cordingly, if the terminal 1 has moved from an area controlled by the SRNC 5 to an
area controlled by a DRNC that provides the specific MBMS, the terminal may operate
to receive the MBMS according to the type of Radio Bearers (RBs).
When the DRNC 5 provides the MBMS using a point-to-multipoint RB, the
terminal 1 receives MBMS data transmitted from the Core Network (CN) 3 via the

WO 2006/085721 PCT/KR2006/000354
DRNC using the point-to-multipoint RB without considering whether the MBMS is
supported by the SRNC. Conversely, if the DRNC 5 provides the MBMS using a
point-to-point RB, the terminal 1 should receive the MBMS via the DRNC after setting
a dedicated channel with the SRNC.
However, the SRNC 5 cannot accurately recognize the status of the MBMS
provided from the DRNC and it is impossible for the SRNC to set the dedicated
channel with the terminal 1. Therefore, in order to inform the SRNC 5 of the MBMS
status information (MBMS state information), the DRNC or the terminal 1 is allowed
to transmit to the SRNC the MBMS status information to which the terminal has
The SRNC 5, having received the MBMS state information, should set the
dedicated channel with the terminal 1 so that the terminal is allowed to receive the
MBMS. However, the current SRNC 5 does not support the MBMS and, therefore,
initiates an SRNS relocation process. The MBMS state information may be used as an
indicator for initiating the SRNC relocation.
The second condition occurs when the SRNC 5 supports a specific MBMS and the
terminal 1 receives the MBMS. When the terminal 1 has moved from an area
controlled by the SRNC 5 to an area controlled by a DRNC that provides the MBMS,
the terminal can operate to receive the MBMS according to the type of RBs provided.
When the DRNC 5 provides the MBMS using a point-to-multipoint RB, the
terminal 1 receives MBMS data transmitted from the CN 3 via the DRNC using the
point-to-multipoint RB regardless of the type of RBs provided from the SRNC.
Conversely, when the DRNC 5 provides the MBMS using the point-to-point RB, the
terminal 1 should receive the MBMS via the DRNC after setting the dedicated channel
with the SRNC.
However, the SRNC 5 cannot accurately recognize the status of the MBMS
provided from the DRNC and it is impossible for the SRNC to set the dedicated
channel with the terminal 1. In order to inform the SRNC 5 of the MBMS status in-
formation, the DRNC or the terminal 1 also transmits to the SRNC the status in-
formation of the MBMS to which the terminal has subscribed. The SRNC 5, having
received the MBMS state information, allows the terminal 1 to receive the MBMS by
setting a dedicated channel with the terminal.
Operation of a system will now be described in which it is assumed that the DRNC
5 informs the SRNC that a point-to-multipoint RB for providing the specific MBMS,
initially set in the DRNC, is changed to point-to-point. The SRNC 5 uses a point-
to-point RB for providing the MBMS in the DRNC.
When a terminal 1 has moved from an area controlled by a specific SRNC 5 to an
area controlled by a specific DRNC, the SRNC cannot recognize that the DRNC uses a

WO 2006/085721 PCT/KR2006/000354
point-to-point RB to provide the MBMS if the terminal is the first terminal that moves
from the area controlled by the specific SRNC to the area controlled by the specific
DRNC. Accordingly, the terminal 1 or the DRNC 5 should transmit to the SRNC the
status information of the MBMS provided by the DRNC to which the terminal has
subscribed. The SRNC 5, having received the MBMS status information, provides the
MBMS to the terminal 1 by setting a dedicated channel with the terminal. Even when
the DRNC 5 transmits a terminal-related MBMS using the point-to-multipoint RB, the
terminal 1 or the DRNC can transmit the MBMS status information to the SRNC.
FIG. 6 illustrates a first embodiment for transmitting MBMS information according
to the present invention. As illustrated in FIG. 6, the DRNC 5 transmits MBMS status
information to the SRNC. The MBMS status information refers to information for a
terminal-related MBMS provided by the DRNC and information for the type of RB
providing the MBMS.
The MBMS status information may be used as an indicator that the MBMS is
provided using the point-to-point RB. At this time, the information for the type of the
RB is not included therein. The SRNC 5, having received the MBMS status in-
formation, sets the dedicated channel with the terminal 1 and transmits the MBMS to
the terminal via the DRNC. The MBMS status information can be transmitted through
an MBMS attachment or connection message, channel type reconfiguration message,
radio link setup message or radio link reconfiguration message.
FIG. 7 illustrates a second embodiment for transmitting MBMS information
according to the present invention. As illustrated in FIG. 7, the terminal 1, having
moved to an area controlled by the DRNC 5, transmits the MBMS status information
to the SRNC. Similar to the first embodiment, the MBMS status information refers to
terminal-related MBMS information that the DRNC 5 provides and information for the
type of RB providing the MBMS.
As in the first embodiment, the MBMS status information can be used as an indica
tor that the MBMS is provided using the point-to-point RB. The MBMS status in-
formation does not include the information of the type of the RB. The SRNC 5, having
received the MBMS status information, sets the dedicated channel with the terminal 1
and transmits the MBMS to the terminal via the DRNC. The MBMS status information
can be transmitted through an RRC message or through an RRC signaling message.
The terminal 1 can set a specified timer for transmitting the MBMS status in-
formation to the SRNC 5 after confirming that the related MBMS is being provided by
the DRNC using the point-to-point RB. Specifically, when the terminal 1 confirms that
the DRNC 5 is providing the terminal-related MBMS using the point-to-point RB, the
terminal enables the timer. When the MBMS is received while the timer is enabled, the
terminal 1 disables the timer. If the timer expires before the MBMS is received, the

WO 2006/085721 PCT/KR2006/000354
terminal 1 transmits the MBMS status information to the SRNC 5 to inform the SRNC
that the MBMS is being provided using the point-to-point RB. The SRNC 5 sets the
dedicated channel with the terminal 1 in order to inform the terminal that the service
should be provided.
FIG. 8 illustrates a third embodiment for transmitting MBMS information
according to the present invention. As illustrated in FIG. 8, it is assumed that the
DRNC 5 informs SRNC1 that the RB for providing a specific MBMS is initially set as
point-to-point or is varied from point-to-multipoint to point-to-point. Until information
with respect to the point-to-point RB setup or the varying or the point-to-multipoint
setup is received from the DRNC 5, SRNC1 uses a point-to-multipoint RB as the RB
for providing the MBMS.
As illustrated, UE1, UE2 and UE3 are controlled by SRNC1. SRNC1 recognizes
that the MBMS is provided using the point-to-point RB. Accordingly, when UE4 has
moved to the area controlled by the DRNC 5, SRNC1 already knows that the DRNC 5
is providing the MBMS using a point-to-point RB. Therefore, SRNC1 can provide the
MBMS to UE4 by setting the dedicated channel with UE4.
However, when UE5, under control of SRNC2, has moved to the area controlled by
the DRNC 5, UE5 is the first terminal moving from the area controlled by SRNC2 to
the area controlled by the DRNC. Accordingly, SRNC2 cannot recognize that the
DRNC 5 is providing the MBMS using a point-to-point RB. Therefore, the UE5 or the
DRNC 5 transmits the MBMS status information to SRNC2 in order to inform SRNC2
that the MBMS is provided using a point-to-point RB. As a result, SRNC2 sets the
dedicated channel with UE5 in order to provide the MBMS to UE5. Also in the present
invention, the DRNC 5 allows transmitting of the MBMS status information to every
RNC adjacent thereto, for example, SRNC2.
FIG. 9 illustrates a block diagram of a radio communication apparatus according to
one embodiment of the present invention. A radio communication apparatus according
to the present invention includes an antenna unit 251, an RF (radio frequency) unit
252, a signal processing unit 253 and a memory unit 254.
The signal processing unit 253 includes a processing unit such as a microprocessor
and a digital processor. The radio communication apparatus according to the present
invention further includes a display unit 255 for displaying specific information on a
screen, a keypad unit 256 for receiving a signal from a user, and a speaker unit 257 for
outputting a sound signal. The signal processing unit 253 is adapted to perform the
methods disclosed herein in order to support mobility of a terminal and provide an
In the conventional methods, an SRNC could not recognize which RB a DRNC
uses to transmit a terminal-related MBMS. Accordingly, when the DRNC is providing

WO 2006/085721 PCT/KR2006/000354
a specific MBMS using a point-to-point RB, the SRNC cannot set a dedicated channel
with the terminal and, therefore, cannot provide the MBMS. In the present invention,
when a terminal has moved to an area controlled by a DRNC, the DRNC or the
terminal transmits to the SRNC the status information of the terminal-related MBMS
that the DRNC is providing. As a result, the SRNC can set a dedicated channel with
the terminal at an accurate time point, thereby allowing the terminal to receive the
As the present invention may be embodied in several forms without departing from
the spirit or essential characteristics thereof, it should also be understood that the
above-described embodiments are not limited by any of the details of the foregoing de-
scription, unless otherwise specified, but rather should be construed broadly within its
spirit and scope as defined in the appended claims, and therefore all changes and modi-
fications that fall within the metes and bounds of the claims, or equivalence of such
metes and bounds are therefore intended to be embraced by the appended claims. The
foregoing embodiments and advantages are merely exemplary and are not to be
construed as limiting the present invention. In the claims, means-plus-function clauses
are intended to cover the structure described herein as performing the recited function
and not only structural equivalents but also equivalent structures.

WO 2006/085721 PCT/KR2006/000354
[1] A method for providing a point-to-multipoint service to at least one mobile com-
munication terminal in a mobile communications system when the terminal
moves from a first area controlled by a first controller to a second area controlled
by a second controller, the method comprising:
transmitting to the first controller status information related to the point-
to-multipoint service provided by the second controller; and
the first controller one of establishing a channel to transmit the point-
to-multipoint service to the at least one mobile communication terminal and
initiating a relocation of the control of the at least one mobile communication
terminal to the second controller.
[2] The method of claim 1, wherein the point-to-multipoint service is a Multimedia
Broadcast/Multicast Service (MBMS).
[3] The method of claim 1, wherein the channel established by the first controller to
transmit the point-to-multipoint service to the at least one mobile communication
terminal is a dedicated channel.
[4] The method of claim 1, wherein the first controller is a serving radio network
controller (SRNC) and the second controller is a drift radio network controller
[5] The method of claim 1, wherein the first controller establishes a channel to
transmit the point-to-multipoint service to the at least one mobile communication
terminal if the first controller supports the point-to-multipoint service.
[6] The method of claim 1, wherein the first controller initiates a relocation of the
control of the at least one mobile communication terminal to the second
controller if the first controller does not support the point-to-multipoint service.
[7] The method of claim 1, wherein the mobile communication terminal transmits
the status information.
[8] The method of claim 7, further comprising;
the mobile communication terminal determining that the point-to-multipoint
service is provided via a dedicated channel by the second controller;
the mobile communication setting a timer; and
the mobile communication terminal one of terminating the timer upon receiving
the point-to-multipoint service via a channel established by the first controller
and transmitting the status information upon expiration of the timer.
[9] The method of claim 1, wherein the second controller transmits the status in-
[10] The method of claim 9, further comprising the second controller transmitting the

WO 2006/085721 PCT/KR2006/000354
status information to at least a third controller in addition to the first controller,
the third controller adjacent to the second controller.
[11] The method of claim 9, wherein the status information is transmitted via one of
an MBMS connection message, a channel type reconfiguration message, a radio
link setup message, a radio link reconfiguration message and an RRC signaling
[12] The method of claim 1, wherein the status information comprises a service ID of
the point-to-multipoint service.
[13] The method of claim 10, further comprising:
the second controller determining that the service ID does not correspond to a
service predetermined as provided via a dedicated channel; and
the second controller transmitting the status information comprising a type of
radio bearer established for providing the point-to-multipoint service.
[14] A method for providing a point-to-multipoint service to at least one mobile com-
munication terminal in a radio communications system when the terminal moves
from a first area controlled by a first controller to a second area controlled by a
second controller, the method comprising:
receiving status information related to the point-to-multipoint service provided
by the second controller; and
one of establishing a channel to transmit the point-to-multipoint service to the at
least one mobile communication terminal and initiating a relocation of the
control of the at least one mobile communication terminal to the second
[15] The method of claim 14, wherein the point-to-multipoint service is a Multimedia
Broadcast/Multicast Service (MBMS).
[16] The method of claim 14, wherein the channel established to transmit the point-
to-multipoint service to the at least one mobile communication terminal is a
dedicated channel.
[17] The method of claim 14, wherein the first controller is a serving radio network
controller (SRNC).
[18] The method of claim 14, wherein a channel is established to provide the point-
to-multipoint service if the point-to-multipoint service is supported.
[19] The method of claim 14, wherein a relocation of the control of the at least one
mobile communication terminal to the second controller is initiated if the point-
to-multipoint service is not supported.
[20] The method of claim 14, wherein receiving the status information comprises
receiving one of an MBMS connection message, a channel type reconfiguration
message, a radio link setup message, a radio link reconfiguration message and an

WO 2006/085721 PCT/KR2006/000354
RRC signaling message.
[21] The method of claim 14, wherein the status information comprises a service ID
of the point-to-multipoint service.
[22] The method of claim 21, wherein the status information further comprises a type
of radio bearer established by the second controller for providing the point-
to-multipoint service.
[23] A method for providing a point-to-multipoint service to at least one mobile com-
munication terminal in a mobile communications system when the terminal
moves from a first area controlled by a first controller to a second area controlled
by a second controller, the method comprising:
transmitting status information related to the point-to-multipoint service
provided; and
one of receiving a channel from the first controller to transmit the point-
to-multipoint service to the at least one mobile communication terminal and
assuming control of the at least one mobile communication terminal.
[24] The method of claim 23, wherein the point-to-multipoint service is a Multimedia
Broadcast/Multicast Service (MBMS).
[25] The method of claim 23, wherein the channel received to transmit the point-
to-multipoint service to the at least one mobile communication terminal is a
dedicated channel.
[26] The method of claim 23, wherein the second controller is a drift radio network
controller (DRNC).
[27] The method of claim 23, further comprising transmitting the status information
to the first controller and at least a third controller, the third controller adjacent to
the second controller.
[28] The method of claim 23, wherein transmitting the status information comprises
transmitting one of an MBMS connection message, a channel type recon-
figuration message, a radio link setup message, a radio link reconfiguration
message and an RRC signaling message.
[29] The method of claim 23, wherein transmitting the status information comprises
transmitting a service ID of the point-to-multipoint service.
[30] The method of claim 29, wherein transmitting the status information further
determining that the service ID does not correspond to a service predetermined
as provided via a dedicated channel; and
transmitting the status information comprising a type of radio bearer established
for providing the point-to-multipoint service.
[31] A method for providing a point-to-multipoint service to at least one mobile com-

WO 2006/085721 PCT/KR2006/000354
munication terminal in a mobile communications system when the terminal
moves from a first area controlled by a first controller to a second area controlled
by a second controller, the method comprising:
transmitting status information related to the point-to-multipoint service provided
by the second controller; and
receiving the point-to-multipoint service.
[32] The method of claim 31, wherein the point-to-multipoint service is a Multimedia
Broadcast/Multicast Service (MBMS).
[33] The method of claim 31, further comprising;
determining that the point-to-multipoint service is provided via a dedicated
channel by the second controller;
setting a timer; and
one of terminating the timer upon receiving the point-to-multipoint service and
transmitting the status information upon expiration of the timer.
[34] The method of claim 31, wherein the status information comprises a service ID
of the point-to-multipoint service.
[35] A network controller for providing a point-to-multipoint service to at least one
mobile communication terminal in a radio communications system when the
terminal moves from an area controlled by the network controller to an area
controlled by a second controller, the network controller comprising:
a transmitter adapted to transmit signals comprising the point-to-multipoint
service to the at least one mobile communication terminal;
a receiver adapted to receive signals comprising status information related to the
point-to-multipoint service provided by the second controller; and
a processor adapted to process the status information and one of establish a
channel to transmit the point-to-multipoint service to the at least one mobile
communication terminal and initiate a relocation of the control of the at least one
mobile communication terminal to the second controller.
[36] The network controller of claim 35, wherein the point-to-multipoint service is a
Multimedia Broadcast/Multicast Service (MBMS).
[37] The network controller of claim 35, wherein the channel established to transmit
the point-to-multipoint service to the at least one mobile communication terminal
is a dedicated channel.
[38] The network controller of claim 35, wherein the network controller is a serving
radio network controller (SRNC).
[39] The network controller of claim 35, wherein the processor is further adapted to
establish a channel to provide the point-to-multipoint service if the point-
to-multipoint service is supported.

WO 2006/085721 PCT/KR2006/000354
[40] The network controller of claim 35, wherein the processor is further adapted to
initiate a relocation of the control of the at least one mobile communication
terminal to the second controller if the point-to-multipoint service is not
[41] The network controller of claim 35, wherein the processor is further adapted to
process one of an MBMS connection message, a channel type reconfiguration
message, a radio link setup message, a radio link reconfiguration message and an
RRC signaling message comprising the status information.
[42] The network controller of claim 35, wherein the status information comprises a
service ID of the point-to-multipoint service.
[43] The network controller of claim 42, wherein the status information further
comprises a type of radio bearer established by the second controller for
providing the point-to-multipoint service.
[44] The network controller of claim 35, wherein the processor is further adapted to:
receive the status information and establish a channel to provide the point-
to-multipoint service to the at least one mobile communication terminal when the
at least one mobile communication terminal is the first of a plurality of terminals
that moves to the area controlled by a second controller; and
establish a channel to provide the point-to-multipoint service to the at least one
mobile communication terminal without receiving the status information when
the at least one mobile communication terminal is not the first of the plurality of
terminals that moves to the area controlled by the second controller.
[45] A network controller for providing a point-to-multipoint service to at least one
mobile communication terminal in a radio communications system when the
terminal moves from an area controlled by a second controller to an area
controlled by the network controller, the network controller comprising:
a transmitter adapted to transmit signals comprising status information to the
second controller;
a receiver adapted to receive signals comprising the point-to-multipoint service
from the second controller ; and
a processor adapted to generate the status information comprising information
related to the point-to-multipoint service and one of receive a channel from the
second controller to transmit the point-to-multipoint service to the at least one
mobile communication terminal and assume control of the at least one mobile
communication terminal.
[46] The network controller of claim 45, wherein the point-to-multipoint service is a
Multimedia Broadcast/Multicast Service (MBMS).
[47] The network controller of claim 45, wherein the channel received to transmit the

WO 2006/085721 PCT/KR2006/000354
point-to-multipoint service to the at least one mobile communication terminal is
a dedicated channel.
[48] The network controller of claim 45, wherein the network controller is a drift
radio network controller (DRNC).
[49] The network controller of claim 45, wherein the processor is further adapted to
transmit the status information to the second controller and at least a third
controller, the third controller adjacent to the network controller.
[50] The network controller of claim 45, wherein the processor is further adapted to
generate one of an MBMS connection message, a channel type reconfiguration
message, a radio link setup message, a radio link reconfiguration message and an
RRC signaling message comprising the status information.
[51] The network controller of claim 45, wherein the processor is further adapted to
generate the status information comprising a service ID of the point-
to-multipoint service.
[52] The network controller of claim 51, wherein the processor is further adapted to:
determine that the service ID does not correspond to a service predetermined as
provided via a dedicated channel; and
generate the status information comprising a type of radio bearer established for
providing the point-to-multipoint service.
[53] The network controller of claim 45, wherein the processor is further adapted to
transmit the status information when the at least one mobile communication
terminal is the first of a plurality of terminals that moves from the area controlled
by a second controller and not transmit the status information when the at least
one mobile communication terminal is not the first of the plurality of terminals
that moves from the area controlled by a second controller.
[54] A mobile communication terminal for receiving a point-to-multipoint service in a
mobile communications system when the terminal moves from a first area
controlled by a first controller to a second area controlled by a second controller,
the mobile communication terminal comprising:
an antenna adapted to receive RF signals comprising the point-to-multipoint
service and to transmit RF signals comprising status information ;
an RF module adapted to process the RF signals received by the antenna;
a keypad adapted for inputting information from a user;
a storage unit adapted to store information related to the point-to-multipoint
a display adapted to convey information to the user; and
a processing unit adapted to generate the status information comprising in-
formation related to the point-to-multipoint service and receive the point-

WO 2006/085721 PCT/KR2006/000354
to-multipoint service.
[55] The mobile communication terminal of claim 54, wherein the point-to-multipoint
service is a Multimedia Broadcast/Multicast Service (MBMS).
[56] The mobile communication terminal of claim 54, wherein the processing unit is
further adapted to:
determine that the point-to-multipoint service is provided via a dedicated channel
by the second controller;
set a timer; and
one of terminate the timer upon receiving the point-to-multipoint service and
transmit the status information upon expiration of the timer.
[57] The mobile communication terminal of claim 54, wherein the processing unit is
further adapted to transmit the status information when the mobile com-
munication terminal is the first of a plurality of terminals that moves from the
first area to the second area and not transmit the status information when the
mobile communication terminal is not the first of the plurality of terminals that
moves from the first area to the second area.

An apparatus and method for transmitting information for a Multimedia Broadcast/Multicast Service (MBMS) is
provided that facilitates a mobile communication device receiving a specific MBMS without any difficulty when the device moves
from one area to another area. By providing MBMS status information to a controller in the area from which the device moved, the
controller in the area from which the device moved can either establish an additional channel to provide the MBMS to the device or
initiate a relocation of control of the device to a controller in the area into which the device has moved.




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2891-KOLNP-2007-FORM 3-1.1.pdf

2891-KOLNP-2007-PCT PRIORITY.pdf


Patent Number 264263
Indian Patent Application Number 2891/KOLNP/2007
PG Journal Number 51/2014
Publication Date 19-Dec-2014
Grant Date 18-Dec-2014
Date of Filing 07-Aug-2007
Name of Patentee LG ELECTRONICS INC.
Applicant Address 20 YOIDO-DONG, YOUNGDUNGPO-GU SEOUL150-010
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number H04B 7/26
PCT International Application Number PCT/KR06/000354
PCT International Filing date 2006-02-01
PCT Conventions:
# PCT Application Number Date of Convention Priority Country
1 10-2005-0012071 2005-02-14 Republic of Korea