Title of Invention


Abstract The invention relates to a hydrophobic coating for a glass, ceramic or vitroceramic substrate, characterized in that it comprises two layers: a priming layer directly applied onto said substrate and comprising groups Si-R3-Si, R3 being chosen from the group constituted by linear, branched or aromatic, preferably linear, alkyl chains in which the number of carbons establishing the bond between the two silicon atoms is less than 6 and is preferably between 1 and 4, a coating layer in connection with said priming layer and comprising an alkylsilane with a hydrophobic/oleophobic perfluorinated end group. The invention also relates to a process for obtaining such a coating on a substrate as described previously, and also to the substrate itself, of the monolithic, laminated or multiple glazing type, equipped on at least part of at least one of its surfaces with said coating.
The present invention relates to the hydrophobic/oleo-
phobic treatment of a substrate, especially constituted
by a glass, ceramic, vitroceramic, etc. material.
The glazing according to the invention is, for example,
glazing made of glass. It is used, in particular, in
the aeronautics, railway or automotive fields. It may
also be used in the construction field or in the
interior furnishing field, for instance decorative
panels, for furnishing, household electrical goods
(refrigerator doors, oven doors, windowpanes), etc.
This type of treatment is directed, in a known manner,
toward giving the substrate the non-wettabi.l.i ty
character also known as rain repellency.
The term "wettability" denotes the property according
to which polar or nonpolar liquids adhere to the
substrate and form an impeding film, and aJ so the
tendency of a substrate to retain dust or soiling of
any nature, finger marks, insects, etc.
The presence of water and/or soiling is a nuisance in
particular for a transparent substrate of the glazing
type, especially used in the transportation field.
The non wettability property of a substrate, more
commonly referred to as the hydrophobicity/oleo-
phobicity, is proportionately greater the higher the
contact angles between a hydrophilic or oleophilic
liquid and this substrate, for example at least 90° for
water. The liquid then has a tendency to flow easily,
in the form of drops, on the substrate, by simple
gravity if the substrate is inclined, or under the
effect of aerodynamic forces in the case of a vehicle

- 2 -
in motion. Known agents for imparting this
hydrophobicity/oleophobicity property are, for example,
fluorinated alkylsilanes as described in patent
applications EP 0 492 417, EP 0 492 545 and EP
0 672 779. According to these documents, this layer may
bo obtained by applying to the surface of a substrate a
solution containing fluorinated organosilanes in a
nonaqueous organic solvent. As nonaqueous organic
solvent, document EP 0 4 92 545 in particular mentions
n hexadecane, toluene, xylene, etc. These solvents are
particularly suitable for a fluorinated chlorosilane.
It is also possible, according to said document, to use
a methyl or ethyl alcohol as solvent when the
fluorinated silane is a fluorinated alkoxysilane.
Common hydrophobic/oleophobic agents are, in
particular, alkylsilanes in which the alky] group
comprises at least one perfluorinated end, i.e.
consisting of a group F3C-(CF2)n-, in which n is a
positive integer or zero. For these, patent application
EP 0 719 743 indicates perfluorinated carbons and
suitable solvents.
One of the problems most acutely perceived in the field
of the invention is firstly that of abrasion of the
hydrophobic/oleophobic coating. This abrasion takes
place to a greater or lesser extent in the course of
cleaning of the substrate, which is periodically
essential in particular for restoring satisfactory
vision through a transparent substrate. It is therefore
continually sought to slow down the gradual removal of
the hydrophobic/oleophobic coatings of the
abovementioned types, which takes place especially
under the action of windshield wipers in the case of a
motor vehicle windshield. Moreover, such a removal may
also result from degradation by ultraviolet radiation.
It is also known practice from the abovementioned
patent application EP 0 492 545 A2 to increase the

- 3 -
adhesion of the hydrophobic/oleophobic coating by-
subjecting the substrate to a priming treatment before
applying the coating. This treatment consists in
forming a thin intermediate layer using "priming
agents" or "primers", which are silicon compounds
containing at least two hydrolyzable functions. In a
known manner, one of the two hydrolyzable functions
enables chemical bonding to the substrate via an oxygen
atom linked to the silicon atom; the second
hydrolyzable function enabling the fixing of the
hydrophobic/oleophobic agent. The compounds SiCl4,
SiHCl3, SiH2Cl2 and CI- (SiCl20) nSiCl3, n being an integer
between 1 and 4, are mentioned in patent application EP
0 492 545 A2 as priming agents.
Patent EP 944 687 more particularly describes rain-
ropellent coatings developed via a liquid route and
comprising a priming layer or sublayer based on silica
sol gel obtained from a precursor of the Si(OEt)4 or
S.LC 1-4 type and a functional layer based on perfluoro-
In order to further improve the mechanical strength
properties of the hydrophobic coating, patent EP
1 102 825 describes a composition for a hydrophobic/
oleophobic coating incorporating in the same layer both
a fluorinated alkylsilane and a bis-silane.
However, although such sublayers make it possible to
obtain performance qualities that are in accordance
with the vast majority of the current UV and mechanical
strength specifications, for instance those imposed by
motor vehicle constructors, especially with respect to
abrasion, they do not generally have sufficient
chemical inertness typically allowing them to satisfy
salt corrosion resistance criteria.
in particular, the tests conducted by the Applicant
have demonstrated that, in the majority of cases, such

- 4 -
coatings have difficulty in satisfying the technical
specifications imposed in the field by motor vehicle
constructors .and measured, for example, via the Neutral
Saline Fog (NSF) resistance test according to standard
NF ISO 9227. Thus, the coatings described in patent
applications EP 944 687 and EP 1 102 825, the UV
resistance and mechanical strength properties of which
wore found to be satisfactory, show insufficient saline
corrosion performance, as measured by the NSF test.
This insufficiency may limit their development, in
particular in the Asiatic market where the standards
arc tighter in this field.
The main subject of the present invention is coatings
that are not only resistant to abrasion and to UV
radiation, but also show substantial chemical
inertness, i.e. typically allowing them to satisfy the
technical specifications currently imposed by the
automotive industry, both in terms of abrasion and UV
resistance and saline corrosion resistance. The
coatings according to the present invention also have
performance qualities substantially equal to those of
the coatings known at the present time as regards the
other specifications necessary for their various uses,
for instance mechanical strength, water resistance,
To this end, according to a first aspect, a subject of
the invention is a process for obtaining a hydrophobic/
oleophobic coating on a substrate preferably
constituted of a glass, ceramic or vitroceramic
material, said process being characterized in that it
a) a first step that consists in applying to said
substrate a first priming layer obtained from a
priming agent of formula:
(X1)3-q(R1)qSi-R3-Si(X2)3_q, (R2)q-
in which
Si is silicon;

- 5 -
R3 represents a linear, branched or aromatic,
preferably linear, carbon-based chain in which
the number of carbons establishing the bond
between the two silicon atoms is less than 6
and is preferably between 1 and 4;
R1 and R2 each represent an alkyl group or a
hydrogen atom;
X1 and X2 are identical or different
hydrolyzable groups;
q and q' are equal to 0 or 1 and are preferably
0, and
b) a second step of depositing onto said first layer
a hydrophobic coating comprising at least one
fluorinated alkylsilane.
For the purposes of the present description, the
expression "number of carbons establishing the bond
between two silicon atoms" means the smallest number of
carbon atoms allowing the linear junction between two
silicon atoms, rather than the total number of carbon
atoms placed between the two silicons. This definition
is especially relevant when a branched or aromatic-ring
group is present therebetween. By way of example, this
number of carbons is equal to 8 in the case of the bis
si lylethyIbenzene described in example 8.
In general, X1 and X2 are alkoxy groups, preferably
methoxy or ethoxy, or halide groups.
The step of depositing the hydrophobic coating is
performed, for example, using a solution obtained from
a porfluoroalkylsilane of the type represented by the
general formula:
F3C- (CF2)m- (CH2)n-Si(X)3-p(R)P
in which:
m = 0 to 15, preferably 5 to 9;
n - 1 to 5, preferably n = 2 ,-
p = 0, 1 or 2, preferably 0 or 1 and most preferably

- 6 -
R is an alkyl group or a hydrogen atom; and
X is a hydrolyzable group such as a halide group or
an alkoxy group.
According to one alternative mode, the step of
depositing the hydrophobic coating is performed using a
solution obtained from a perfluoroalkylsilane of the
perfluoropolyethersilane type, as described, for
example, in patent EP 844 265 or in patent application
US 2004/0 247 886 or patent US 6 649 272 B2.
Preferably, said perfluoropolyethersilane is of the
type represented by the general formula:

or by the general formula

in which:
m = 2 to 30;
n = 1 to 3, preferably n = 1;
p = 0, 1 or 2, preferably 0 or 1 and most preferably
R is an alkyl group or a hydrogen atom; and
X is a hydrolyzable group such as a halide group or
an alkoxy group.
According to a second aspect, the present invention
relates to the hydrophobic coating that may be obtained
by performing the process as described previously.
The invention more particularly relates to a
hydrophobic coating for a glass, ceramic or vitro-
ceramic substrate, and comprising:
a priming layer directly applied onto said

- 7 -
substrate and comprising groups Si-R3-Si, R! being
chosen from the group constituted by linear,
branched or aromatic, preferably linear, alkyl
chains in which the number of carbon atoms
establishing the bond between the two silicon
atoms is less than 6 and is preferably between 1
and 4,
a coating layer in connection with said priming
layer and comprising an alkylsilane with a
hydrophobic/oleophobic perfluorinated end.
According to a first mode, said alkylsilane is of the
type represented by the general formula:

with :
m = 0 to 15, preferably 5 to 9 ;
n = 1 to 5, preferably n = 2.
According to ' a second mode, said alkylsilane comprises
a group of the perfluoropolyether type. Preferably,
said alkylsilane is of the type represented by the
general formula:

or by the general formula:

in which
- m = 2 to 30,
n. = 1 to 3; preferably n = 1.
The hydrophobic layer may also comprise or may be
constituted by a mixture of an alkylsilane with a
perf luorinated end according to the first mode and of
an alkylsilane comprising a perfluoropolyether group
according to the second mode, as described, for
example, in patent application EP 1 229 085.

- 8 -
For example, the thickness of the priming layer is
between 1 and 2 0 nm and preferably between 2 and 5 nm.
The thickness of the coating layer may be between 1 and
10 nm and preferably between 1 and 5 nm.
Another subject of the invention consists of a product
whose outer surface, usually constituted by a glass,
ceramic or vitroceramic material or a natural mineral
material, is at least partly equipped with a
hydrophobic/oleophobic coating as described previously
or obtained from a process as described previously.
The product of the invention is, for example,
monolithic, laminated or multiple glazing.
It is pointed out that these terms are defined as
fo1 Lows:
"monolithic glazing": glazing constituted by a single
pane of glass;
"Laminated glazing": a stack of several panes solidly
fastened together, for example of glass or plastic
panes fixed together by means of polyvinyl butyral,
polyurethane, etc. adhesive layers; and
"multiple glazing": an assembly of disjointed panes,
i.e. of panes especially separated from each other by
layers of air.
The advantage of the hydrophobic/oleophobic coating of
the invention for products of this type is twofold.
F.i rstly, it allows drops of water or of other liquid to
flow on vertical or inclined surfaces, under the
effect, as the case may be, of aerodynamic forces, for
example in the case of a vehicle in motion.
Furthermore, these drops that flow incorporate soiling
and entrains it. The visibility through the glazing is.

- 9 -
improved to a degree such that, in certain cases,
cleaning devices (windshield washers, windshield
wipers) may be dispensed with.
Finally, a 'subject of the invention is also the
applications of the product described previously:
as glazing for a transportation vehicle (motor
vehicle side windows, aviation or motor vehicle
windshield) or for buildings;
as vitroceramic cooking hobs or oven doors,-
as a component of urban furnishing, especially such
as a bus shelter component; and
as a furnishing component, especially such as a
mirror, a storage tray, a tray for a household
electrical appliance such as a refrigerator, a shower
cabin component or a partition wall;
as a screen, especially a television screen, a touch
screen or a plasma screen.
The examples that follow serve to illustrate the
invention without, however, limiting its scope, in any
of the described aspects.
In these examples, all the percentages are given on a
mass basis.
According to this example, a first sample El in
accordance with the invention is prepared.
0.3% of bis(triethoxysilyl)ethane
(CH,0)3Si (CH2)2Si (OCH3)3 is added to a solution
comprising 90% isopropanol and 10% 0. 3N hydrochloric
a c i d .
In parallel, a solution containing 3% of perfluoro-
dccyltriethoxysilane CF3 (CF2) 7 (CH2) 2Si (OC2H5) 3 in an
isopropanol (90%)/0.3N hydrochloric acid (10%) mixture
is prepared. The two solutions are stirred for

- 10 -
1b minutes.
According to a first deposition step, the bis(tri
cthoxysilyl)ethane-based solution is then deposited by
wiping (4 crossed sweeps) over the air face of a glass
substrate polished beforehand using a cerium oxide
solution and then rinsed thoroughly with demineralized
water. The thickness of the priming layer thus obtained
is about 4 nm.
Once the sublayer has been deposited, the perfluoro-
dccyltriethoxysilane solution is in turn deposited via
the same wiping technique. In this example and in the
following examples, the deposition of the various
layers is performed via the well-known technique of
wiping, in which the material or its precursor is
deposited by means of a soaked cloth. Needless to say,
it, would not, however, constitute a departure from the
scope of the invention if the deposition were to be
performed by any other technique known for this purpose
in the field, in particular by spraying, which moreover
al lows better control of the thickness of the layers,
by centrifugation, according to processes known in the
art under the term "spin-coating", by dip-coating or by
f: 1 ow-coating.
After a leave-on time of 15 minutes at room
temperature, the excess fluorosilane is removed by
cleaning with isopropanol. The thickness of the layer
obtained is about 4 nm.
As a variant, another sample E2 was prepared using the
same reagents and techniques, the difference being that
the successive depositions were performed this time on
the tin face of the glass substrate.
The same steps as previously are repeated for the
preparation of a second sample E3, but the glass

- 11 -
substrate is treated this time on its air face with a
priming solution of Si(OCH3)4 at 0.4% by weight in a
solution of 90% by weight of ethanol and 10% by weight
of water, during the first deposition step.
The substrate thus coated with the sublayer is then
placed in contact at room temperature with a solution
containing 3% of CF3 (CF2) 7 (CH2) 2Si (OC2H5) 3 in a mixture of
90% ethanol and 10% water, acidified with 0.3N HC1.
A third sample E4 is prepared according to a method
identical to the previous methods and in accordance
with the teachings of patent EP 1 102 825.
The glass substrate, identical to the one used in the
preceding examples and having undergone the same
preparation on its air face, is treated with a priming
solution of Si(OCH3)4 at 0.4% by weight in a solution of
90% by weight of ethanol and 10% by weight of water.
The substrate and its priming are then placed in
contact at room temperature with a solution of
CI.', (CF2)7(CH2)2Si(OC2H5)3 and (CH30) 3Si (CH2) 2Si (OCH3) 3 in
respective proportions of 3% and 1% by weight in a
mixture of 90% by weight of ethanol and 10% by weight
of water, acidified with 0.3N HC1.
The four samples El, E2, E3 and E4 prepared according
to examples 1 to 3 are evaluated according to the
following criteria:
1) measurement of the initial contact angle of water,
which gives a reference indication of the hydrophobic
nature of the grafted substrate;
2) the abrasion resistance, obtained by measuring the
residual contact angle of water on the sample after the
grafted hydrophobic/oleophobic coating has undergone

- 12 -
abrasion according to two different tests:
a) the Opel® friction test, performed on the samples
with a felt of hardness HI, a load of 0.4 kg/cm2 on a
surface of 1.5 cm2, with a translation speed of
b0 cycles/minute and a rotation speed of 6 rpm. A
sample is judged to be satisfactory in the test if the
contact angle remains greater than 80° after
5000 cycles;
b) the Toyota® friction test, performed according to
standard TSR7503G, with a load of 0.3 kg/cm2 on a
surface of 4 cm2 with a translation speed of
4 0 cycles/minute and using a device manufactured by the
company Daiei Kagaku Seiki. A sample is judged to be
satisfactory if the contact angle remains greater than
80° after 1500 cycles;

3) the UV-A radiation resistance, measured via tests of
continuous illumination of the samples with a xenon
Lamp emitting UV radiation whose integrated lighting
between 300 and 400 nm is 60 W/m2. A sample is judged
to be satisfactory in the test if the contact angle
remains greater than 80° after 2 000 hours of exposure;
4) the saline corrosion resistance, measured according
to the Neutral Saline Fog (NSF) test as described
according to standard NF ISO 9227. The test consists in
spraying fine droplets of saline water (NaCl solution
at 5 0 g/1, of pH = 7) at a temperature of 35°C. The
samples are inclined at 20° relative to the vertical.
The strictest standard currently in force for an
application on motor vehicle side windows demands a
contact angle of water of greater than 70° after
3 00 test hours.
The results obtained for the samples prepared in
accordance with examples 1 to 3 are collated in
table 1:

- 13 -

Sample Initial
angle Angle
cycles) Angle
cycles) Angle
hours) Angle after
NSF test

300 h 600 h
E1 105° >95° >90° >8 5° >85° >80°
R2 105° >95° >90° >85° >95° >85°
K3 105° >95° 85° K4 105° >95° 85° Table 1
Comparison of the data collated in table 1 shows that
the presence of a priming sublayer in accordance with
the invention leads to initial rain-repellency
properties of the treated surface that are identical to
those obtained with the priming of the prior art.
Similarly, the abrasion- and UV-resistance properties
arc substantially identical, as shown by the results
obtained in the Opel® test, the Toyota® test and the
UV test on the various samples.
Samples El and E2 comprising the hydrophobic/oleophobic
coating according to the invention show a saline
corrosion resistance, measured via the NSF test, that
is considerably better than that of the coatings known
hi Lherto.
These examples show the influence of the nature of the
alkyl chain R3 present between the two silicon atoms in
the bis-silane used for the priming layer on the
properties of the hydrophobic coating finally obtained.
The experimental protocol is the same as that described
in example 1, except that the precursor used to obtain
the priming layer is replaced in the following manner.

- 14 -
Example b-. preparation of a sample E5 using bis (tri~
ct.hoxysilyl) methane (CH30) 3Si (CH2) Si (OCH3) 3
Example 6: preparation of a sample E6 using bis(tri
cLhoxysiJy.1.) hexane (CH30) 3Si (CH2) 6Si (OCH3) 3
Example 7: preparation of a sample E7 using bis(tri-
othoxysilyl)octane (CH30) 3Si (CH2) 8Si (OCH3) 3
Example 8: preparation of a sample E8 using bis(tri~
(CH2) 2Si (OCH3)3, in which is a benzene ring.
The results obtained for the various tests are collated
in table 2:

Sample Initial
angle Angle
cycles) Angle
cycles) Angle
hours) Angle after
NSF test

300 h 600 h
E5 105° >95° >90° >85° >90° >80°
E6 105° 85° >95° >85°
K7 105° 85° >95° >85°
K8 105° 85° >85° >75°
Table 2
It is noted that the increase in the length of the
alkyl chain R3 does not influence the saline corrosion
resistance qualities. On the other hand, the abrasion
resistance tests are less favorable when the linear
carbon-based chain comprises 6 or more carbon atoms.

- 15 -
1 . A process for obtaining a hydrophobic/olcophobic
coating on a substrate preferably constituted of a
glass, ceramic or vitroceramic material, said process
being characterized in that it comprises:
a) a first step that consists in applying to said
substrate a first priming layer obtained from a priming
agent of formula:
(X1)3.-q(R1)qSi-R3-Si(X2)3-q' (R2)cr
in which
Si is silicon;
R3 represents a linear, branched or aromatic,
preferably linear, carbon-based chain in which the
number of carbons establishing the bond between the two
silicon atoms is less than 6 and is preferably between
1 and 4;
R1 and R2 each represent an alkyl group or a
hydrogen atom;
Xa and X2 are identical or different
hydrolyzable groups;
q and q' are equal to 0 or 1 and are preferably
0, and
b) a second step of depositing onto said first
layer a hydrophobic coating comprising at least one
fluorinated alkylsilane.
2. The process as claimed in claim 1, in which X1 and
X' are alkoxy groups, preferably methoxy or ethoxy, or
ha .1 i.de groups .
3. The process as claimed in claim 1 or 2,
characterized in that the step of depositing the
hydrophobic coating is performed using a solution
obl.ained from a perfluoroalkylsilane of formula:
F3C- (CF2)m- (CH2)n-Si(X)3.p(R)p
in which:
m = 0 to 15, preferably 5 to 9;
n = 1 to 5, preferably n = 2;

- 16 -
p = 0, 1 or 2, preferably 0 or 1 and most preferably
R is an alkyl group or a hydrogen atom; and
X is a hydrolyzable group such as a halide group or
an alkoxy group.
4. The process as claimed in claim 1 or 2,
characterized in that the step of depositing the
hydrophobic coating is performed using a solution
obtained from a perfluoroalkylsilane of the
porfluoropolyethersilane type.
b. The process as claimed in claim 4, in which said
porfluoropolyethersilane is of formula:

or of formula

in which:
m = 2 to 30;
n = 1 to 3, preferably n = 1;
p = 0, 1 or 2, preferably 0 or 1 and most preferably
R is an alkyl group or a hydrogen atom; and
X is a hydrolyzable group such as a halide group or
an alkoxy group.
6. A hydrophobic coating that may be obtained by
performing a process as claimed in one of claims 1 to
7. A hydrophobic coating for a glass, ceramic or
v.i troceramic substrate, characterized in that it
a priming layer directly applied onto said

- 17 -
substrate and comprising groups Si-R3-Si, R3 being
chosen from the group constituted by linear, branched
or aromatic, preferably linear, alkyl chains in which
the number of carbons establishing the bond between the
two silicon atoms is less than 6 and is preferably
between 1 and 4,
a coating layer in connection with said priming
layer and comprising an alkylsilane with a
hydrophobic/oleophobic perfluorinated end group.
8. The hydrophobic coating as claimed in claim 7, in
which said alkylsilane with a perf luorinated end group
is of the type represented by the general formula:
with :
m -= 0 to 15, preferably 5 to 9;
n - 1 to 5, preferably n = 2.
9. The hydrophobic coating as claimed in claim 7, in
which said alkylsilane containing a perfluorinated end
group comprises a group of the perfluoropolyether type.
10. The hydrophobic coating as claimed in claim 9, in
which said alkylsilane is of the type represented by
the general formula:

or by the general formula:

in which:
m = 2 to 30;
n = 1 to 3, preferably n = 1.
11. The hydrophobic coating as claimed in claim 7, in
which the hydrophobic coating layer comprises or is
constituted by the mixture of an alkylsilane as claimed
in claim 8 and of an alkylsilane as claimed in claim 9

- 18 -
or 10.
12. The hydrophobic coating as claimed in one of
claims 6 to 11, in which the thickness of the coating
layer is between. 1 and 10 nm and preferably between 1
and 5 nm.
13. A product whose outer surface, for example
constituted by a glass, ceramic or vitroceramic
material, is at least partly equipped with a
hydrophobic/oleophobic coating as claimed in one of
claims 7 to 12 or obtained from a process as claimed in
one of claims 1 to 5.
1/1. The product as claimed in claim 13, consisting of
monolithic, laminated or multiple glazing.
lb. The application of a product as claimed in either
of claims 13 or 14 as glazing for a transportation
vehicle or for buildings.
16. The application of a product as claimed in claim
13 or 14 as a vitroceramic cooking hob or an oven door.
17. The application of a product as claimed in either
of claims 13 and 14 as a component of urban furnishing,
especially such as a bus shelter component, as a
furnishing component, especially such as a mirror, a
storage tray, a tray for a household electrical
appliance such as a refrigerator, a shower cabin
component or a partition wall, or as a screen,
especially a television screen, a touch screen or a
plasma screen.
Dated this 24th day of JANUARY 2008

The invention relates to a hydrophobic coating for a
glass, ceramic or vitroceramic substrate, characterized
in that it comprises two layers:
a priming layer directly applied onto said substrate
and comprising groups Si-R3-Si, R3 being chosen from the
group constituted by linear, branched or aromatic,
preferably linear, alkyl chains in which the number of
carbons establishing the bond between the two silicon
atoms is less than 6 and is preferably between 1 and 4,
a coating layer in connection with said priming layer
and comprising an alkylsilane with a hydrophobic/oleophobic perfluorinated end group.
The invention also relates to a process for obtaining
such a coating on a substrate as described previously,
and also to the substrate itself, of the monolithic,
laminated or multiple glazing type, equipped on at
least part of at least one of its surfaces with said




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336-KOLNP-2008-(07-08-2012)-ANNEXTURE TO FORM-3.pdf


336-KOLNP-2008-(07-08-2012)-DESCRIPTION (COMPLETE).pdf


336-KOLNP-2008-(07-08-2012)-FORM 1.pdf

336-KOLNP-2008-(07-08-2012)-FORM 2.pdf


336-KOLNP-2008-(07-08-2012)-PETITION UNDER RULE 137.pdf






336-KOLNP-2008-(09-12-2014)-PETITION UNDER RULE-137.pdf




336-kolnp-2008-form 18.pdf


Patent Number 264268
Indian Patent Application Number 336/KOLNP/2008
PG Journal Number 51/2014
Publication Date 19-Dec-2014
Grant Date 18-Dec-2014
Date of Filing 24-Jan-2008
Applicant Address 18 AVENUE D'ALSACE F-92400 COURBEVOIE
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number C03C 17/30
PCT International Application Number PCT/FR2006/050741
PCT International Filing date 2006-07-21
PCT Conventions:
# PCT Application Number Date of Convention Priority Country
1 0552309 2005-07-26 France