Title of Invention


Abstract An electrical switch has a common contact body (21) and a first selective contact body (22) and a second selective contact body (23). A contactor (25) is connected mechanically and in an electrically conducting manner to the common contact body (21). The contactor (25) comprises an elastic, electrically conducting material. It is formed originating from the basic form of a leaf spring into a multifunctional part having a clamping are (25a), a deformation area (25b) and a stiffened actuating area (25c) that terminates in a sliding curvature (27). The actuating area (25c) has two edge strips (12) that continue in contact fingers (26). Pairs of the contact fingers (26) can enclose contact surfaces (22b, 23b) that are disposed on the first selective contact body (22) and on the second selective contact body (23). The pre-tension of the contactor (25) causes the contact fingers (26) to be positioned against the contact surfaces (22b) of the first selective contact body (22). Pressure on the sliding curvature (27) elastically deforms the contactor (25), and the actuating area (25c) pivots upward with the contact fingers (26) so that the contact fingers (26) switchingly enclose the contact surfaces (23b) of the second selective contact body (23). Separate figure for this
The invention relates to an electrical switch in which a common contact body and a first selective contact body and a second selective contact body are provided in a housing. A movable contactor that can be moved outside of the housing against spring force produces the electrically conducting connection between the common contact body and either the first or the second selective contact body. A switch of this type is known for instance from DE 44 20 665 B4.
In this known switch, the contact surfaces of the first selective contact body and of the second selective contact body are set in a wall of the switch housing. The contactor is a sliding body that is provided with an actuating member that projects from the housing. Added to the sliding body is a contact plate that has a projecting contact finger. The contactor is pressed into its final position by a compression spring in the form of a helical spring. The helical spring produces the electrically conducting connection between the contact finger and the common contact body set in the housing. In the first final position, effected by the helical spring, the contact finger located on the contactor is positioned against the contact surface of the first selective contact body. When there is pressure on the actuating member, the contactor is displaced against the restoring force of the helical spring into its second final position in which the contact finger is positioned against the contact surface of the second selective contact body.
Switches of this type are embodied in the fields of miniaturization and subminiaturization and perform switching tasks in which a normally closed electrical contact is temporarily interrupted by the mechanical effect on the actuating member and the conducting connection is produced on a normally closed second contact.
Switches of this type are particularly suitable for position detection tasks in automatic production processes. However, typical areas of application can also be lock systems in vehicle bodies and interior areas of a motor vehicle as well as various position queries in household devices or other mechanisms.
Given that in the known switch in accordance with DE 44 20 665 B4 the contact finger of the contactor slidingly alternates from contacting the first contact surface to contacting the second contact surface, what is achieved is that the switching behavior can be intentionally influenced. The influencing variables are primarily the slide path of the contact finger, the size of the contact surfaces, and their distance from one another. These variables can be optimized with respect to one another. For instance, it is possible to maintain a strict separation between both switching positions, or to prevent an intermediate position in which both contact surfaces are in conducting contact with the contact finger. Furthermore, what a switch of this type achieves is that the switching process reliably occurs at a desired point in time regardless by whether the actuation from outside occurs rapidly or slowly.
In the known switch in accordance with DE 44 20 665 B4, it is disadvantageous that the current-conducting connection requires a plurality of components starting from the fixed common contact body via the helical spring and the contact plate up to the contact finger and in addition requires the sliding body of the contactor
for holding or positioning these components. Moreover, a narrow side of the plate-like body of the contactor must be guided very precisely along the flat housing wall in which the contact surfaces of the first and second selective contact bodies are set. The contactor must not jam or become canted. This requires extremely precise manufacture of the individual parts and complex assembly if reliable functioning is to be assured over extended periods of time.
Known from EP 1 533 823 Al is another switch in which a common contact body is selectively connected to a first or a second selective contact body using a contactor. In this case, the contactor is an elastically deformable leaf spring that receives from a tongue formed by it a pre-tension in the longitudinal direction and that is therefore urged to assume a curved shape. With the entire width of its free end the leaf-shaped contactor engages in the intermediate space of correspondingly formed areas of the selective contact body. The surfaces of these areas run parallel to the surface of the leaf-shaped contactor. The electrically conducting connection between the contactor and one of the two selective contact bodies can be produced using additional small contact bodies that are disposed at the free end of the leaf-shaped contactor and at the aforesaid areas of the first and second selective contact bodies. The surface of the leaf-shaped contactor and the surfaces of the aforesaid areas on the selective contactors run parallel to one another. The switching state is changed in that an actuating member acts on the opposing free end of the leaf-shaped contactor. The actuating member is acted upon by a compression spring, exerting a tensile force on the end of the leaf spring opposing the switching area. The leaf-shaped contactor obtains an extended shape from the tensile force. When the actuating member is depressed, the leaf-shaped contactor relaxes under the effect of its internal tension, transitions to its curved shape, and thus moves into the opposing switching position in which it is connected, electrically conducting, to the second selective contact body. The
switch in accordance with EP 1 533 823 Al is thus a so-called "sensitive switch" that has other switching properties than the earlier aforesaid switch in accordance with DE 44 20 665 B4. Above all it is not possible to precisely adjust the switching function with the switch in accordance with EP 1 533 823 Al as it was described in the foregoing. In addition, the aforesaid special switching bodies must be placed on the switching free end of the elastically deformable contactor in accordance with EP 1 533 823 Al, likewise on the surfaces of the opposing areas of first and second selective contactor, which surfaces cooperate therewith; otherwise it is not possible to produce a reliable electrical contact.
The underlying object of the invention is therefore to create an electrical switch in which during a switching procedure the switching behavior can be precisely adjusted regardless of the type of operation and which also enables an intermediate position with contact to both selective contact bodies and which still enables reliable operation over extended periods of time with a simple structure, simple production, and simple assembly.
This object is attained with the entirety of the features in claim 1.
In the inventive electrical switch, an elastically deformable contactor is provided in the basic form of a leaf spring. The deformation state of this contactor is altered by the effect of an actuating member. The contactor is provided with contact fingers that project from the plane of the leaf spring and that can slidingly cover contact surfaces that are embodied on the first and second selective contact bodies. The sliding covering of the contact surfaces by the contact fingers like a type of sliding contact effects self-cleaning of the contact surfaces. This is important if the switch must be operated under unfavorable environmental conditions and for instance oxide layers, silicate layers, or other undesired
deposits can occur on the contact surfaces. Foreign layers that disturb functionality can frequently be removed mechanically. Sliding contacts can remove even foreign particles or wear particles from plastic parts from the common surface for contact fingers and contact surfaces. In principle no discrete restoring spring is required for the actuating member.
The elastically deformable contactor formed from the basic form of a leaf spring can be produced economically as a simple punch part with bent elements and is nevertheless a multifunction part that combines the function of a movable switching part, an electrically conducting contact, and a restoring spring.
Additional embodiments of the inventive switch are provided in claims 1 through 11.
Claim 2 primarily covers the functional division of the contactor, on which is provided one after the other a clamping area, a central deformation area, and an adjacent stiffened actuating area from which the contact fingers originate. The contactor can have a step-like shape, a U-shape, or an angular shape. What is intended with a step-like shape is that the clamping area and the actuating area are in two different planes - similar to a Z shape - and are joined to one another by the deformation area that is disposed therebetween and that extends approximately perpendicular thereto. In a contactor that has a U-shape, the clamping area and actuating area are likewise in different planes; however they face one another, whereby the leg of the U forms the deformation area. For the angular shape, the apex area of the angle replaces the leg in the U-shape. The configuration described in claim 2 requires the contactor to be a multifunctional part.
The embodiment in accordance with claim 2 is associated with the additional advantage that the extension of the clamping area, deformation area, and actuating area can be distributed differently over the length of the contactor. In the design of the switch, a different translation ratio can be selected and set between the movement of the actuating member and the switching paths of the contact fingers. This means another variation option for the switching behavior. In contrast, in the aforesaid switch in accordance with DE 44 20 665 B4, the actuating member and the contactor are joined to the contact plate in an unchangeable common linear movement. The movement of the actuating member and the contact finger is thus rigidly established at a ratio of 1 to 1.
For the great majority of tasks, the internal tension or pre-tension of the contactor is adequate to effect the required return into the preferred switching position. When necessary, however, in accordance with claim 3 a reinforcing compression spring can also be added.
Claim 4 provides options for stiffening the actuating area, while the subject of claim 5 is a particularly advantageous option for placing the contact fingers against the actuating area.
Claims 6 and 7 include an advantageous embodiment of the contactor and the selective contact bodies as they are used in particular in a contactor having a step-shape.
Claims 8 and 9 provide advantageous configuration options that are based on the embodiment of the contactor in a U-shape.
The subjects of claims 10 and 11 are modified embodiments based on the design of the contactor in an angular shape.
In the specific configuration of the contactor according to claims 2 through 11, a pivoting movement for the actuating member generally occurs because the deformation area of the leaf spring is relatively precisely localized.
It should furthermore be stressed that in all of the embodiment types the contact fingers bent out from the contactor move with their wide side onto the contact surfaces of the two selective contact bodies. Even if the ends of the contact fingers that act as sliding contacts are embodied angled or curved in the conventional manner, there is a narrow contact surface, the wide side of which moves over the contact surfaces of the selective contact bodies. This is a clear difference from the prior art in accordance with DE 44 20 665 B4 and supports assured switching behavior as well as self-cleaning of the switch. Likewise, in contrast to the prior art, the arrangement of the contact fingers in pairs as provided in the claims substantially strengthens switch reliability due to their redundancy.
The invention shall now be explained in greater detail using exemplary embodiments that are illustrated in the figures. The figures depict the following:
Fig. 1 is a perspective, partially cut-away view of a first embodiment of the inventive electrical switch.
Fig. 2 depicts the contactor associated with this embodiment in a perspective view.
Fig. 3 depicts a longitudinal section through the switch in accordance with Fig. 1 in a first switching position.
Fig. 4 is a longitudinal section corresponding to Figure 3 in the second switching position of the switch in accordance with Fig. 1.
Fig. 5 is a perspective, partially cut-away view of a second embodiment of the inventive switch.
Fig. 6 is a depiction of the same switch, corresponding to Fig. 5, whereby however individual parts have been omitted and the switching state has been changed relative to Fig. 5.
Fig. 7 is a perspective depiction to explain the cooperation of functional parts of the switch in accordance with Figures 5 and 6.
Fig. 8 provides a detail from Fig. 7 in an enlarged and modified perspective depiction.
Fig. 9 provides the perspective depiction of a third embodiment of the inventive electrical switch, whereby the cover of the housing has been omitted.
Fig. 10 depicts the contactor associated with the switch in accordance with Fig. 9 in a slightly modified embodiment.
Fig. 11 depicts the principle that dictates the perspective arrangement of the contact bodies in the switch in the third embodiment.
Figures 1 through 4 depict a first embodiment of the electrical switch in
accordance with the invention. The switch has a housing comprising a base 1 that has fastening projections 2 for fastening a cover 3. Set in the insulating material of the base 1 are three contact bodies, specifically a common contact body 4, a first selective contact body 5, and a second selective contact body 6. The contact bodies 4, 5, and 6 have a flat plate-like configuration and have different contours (see Figures 3 and 4).
A connector contact 4a is embodied at the bottom of the common contact body 4, likewise a connector contact 5a is embodied at the bottom of the first selective contact body 5 and a connector contact 6a is embodied at the bottom of the second selective contact body 6. The function of the switch is to connect in an electrically conducting manner either to the connector contact 5a or to the connector contact 6a depending on the switching position of the connector contact 4a.
A contactor 9 made of an electrically conducting, elastically deformable material is used for this. The basic form of the contactor 9 is that of a leaf spring that is bent into somewhat of a Z-shape (see Fig. 2). For fastening it to the base 1, a seat 7 is formed on the latter and the common contact body 4 runs therethrough and forms on its top side a flat positioning surface for a flat clamping area 9a of the contactor 9. The top of the common contact body 4 terminates in spreading elements 8 that project from the flat positioning surface of the seat 7 and pass through a fastening opening 10 in the flat clamping area 9a of the contactor 9. In this manner the contactor 9 is securely clamped to the base 7 and at the same time is connected in an electrically conducting manner to the connector contact 4a of the common contact body 4.
Fig. 2 depicts the details of the contactor 9 with particular clarity. Opposing its
clamping area 9a, the leaf spring that forms the basic shape of the contactor 9 has a stiffened area that is created by a large center opening 11 and two upwardly bent edge strips 12 that enclose the center opening 11 in the longitudinal direction. Embodied on the front narrow side of the contactor 9 in Fig. 2 is a slide-and-grab latch 15, the importance of which will the explained in the following. As can be seen, the edge strips 12 together with the slide-and-grab latch 15 form a stiff frame that essentially cannot be elastically deformed and that acts as an actuating area 9c for the contactor. Instead, the center part of the Z shape, which joins the clamping area 9a to the actuating area 9c, acts as the deformation area 9b for the contactor 9. When a displacing force acts on the slide-and-grab latch 15 perpendicular to the plane of the leaf spring, the deformation area 9b deforms and the actuating area 9c moves in a pivoting movement similar to the spoke of a wheel.
A first pair of contact fingers 13 and a second pair of contact fingers 14 are formed on the edge strips 12 of the contactor 9. The contact fingers 13 of the first pair oppose one another, as do the contact fingers 14 of the second pair. The contact fingers 13 and 14 are bent inward from the plane of the edge strips 12 and have an offset shape so that they can bend outward resiliency.
The distance between the contact fingers 13 and 14 that are arranged in pairs is dimensioned such that they can wrap around the flat, plate-like first and second selective contact bodies 5 and 6 and surround them from both sides. With the apex areas of their offset sections, the contact fingers 13 and 14 are resiliency positioned against contact surfaces 5b and 6b of the selective contact bodies 5 and 6.
The precise allocation of the contact fingers 13 and 14 to the contact surfaces 5b
and 6b in accordance with the construction of the switch can be seen in Figures 3 and 4. In Fig. 3, the contactor 9 is in its first switching position, which is created by the internal tension or pre-tension of its deformation area 9b. The contact fingers 13 of the first pair are positioned against the contact surfaces 5b of the first selective contact body 5 and with their offsets form resiliently elastic sliding contacts. They also maintain an electrically conducting connection with the contact surfaces 5b when they move onto the contact surfaces with a pivoting movement of the actuating area 9c. The contact fingers 14 of the second pair have no effect on the first switching position of the contactor 9.
In the depiction in Figure 4, the contactor 9 is in its second switching position. The actuating area 9c of the contactor 9 is now approximately horizontal at the bottom in the vicinity of the base 1, and the contact fingers of the first pair 13 now have no effect. The contact fingers 14 of the second pair now wrap around the flat, plate-like second selective contact body 6 and are positioned as sliding contacts against its contact surfaces 6b.
Thus in the first switching position (Fig. 3), the connector contact 4a of the common contact body 4 is connected in an electrically conducting manner to the connector contact 5a of the first selective contact body 5. On the other hand, in the second switching position (Fig. 4) there is an electrically conducting connection between the connector contact 4a of the common contact body 4 and the connector contact 6a of the second selective contact body 6.
The actuating member 18 is used to transition the contactor 9 from its first switching position to its second switching position. Its control head 18a projects outward through the cover 3 of the switch, whereby the through-opening located in the cover 3 is sealed by a sealing collar 19. The actuating member 18
terminates fork-like in two arms 18b that form a pressure surface 18c and that wrap around the slide-and-grab latch 15 of the contactor 9 (see Fig. 1 and the identical embodiment of the holding member 18 in accordance with the top right of Fig. 9).
Downward pressure on the actuating member 18 overcomes the internal tension or pre-tension of the contactor 9. The latter is elastically deformed and its actuating area 9c transitions downward into the second switching position in accordance with Figure 4. In many cases, the elastic restoring force of the contactor 9 is sufficient for attaining clear switching behavior. However, when needed the switching and restoring force can also be increased by the arrangement of an additional compression spring 17. In the exemplary embodiment depicted, it is embodied as a helical spring that is seated in a positioning depression 16 on the bottom of the base 1. At its opposing end, the slide-and-grab latch 15 engages in the interior of the compression spring 17. At the same time, the compression spring 17 is also held from the outside by the arms 18b of the actuating member 18. In order for the two pairs of contact fingers 13, 14 to be able more easily to enclose the contact surfaces 5b, 6b of the first and second selective contact bodies 5, 6, the two selective contact bodies 5, 6 are provided with leading angles 5c, 6c at their narrow sides located in the path of the contact fingers 13, 14. The contactor 9 comprising an elastic and electrically conducting material is a multifunction part that can both provide the contact via the contact fingers 13, 14 and also return the actuating member 18 to the first switching position. In practice, the switch is used in the field of sub-miniaturization; the control head 18a of its actuating member 18 is for instance actuated by a moving cam in a mechanical or hydraulic control device.
The subject of Figures 5 through 8 is a second embodiment of the inventive
switch. In these figures, the parts that are the same as in the first exemplary embodiment retain the same reference numbers. Primarily what has changed is the shape of the contactor 25, which also involves a modified shape of the contact body. In the second embodiment of the contactor 25, the leaf spring starts out bent in a U-shape so that the clamping area 25a and the flat actuating area 25c are disposed above one another; they are also joined to one another by a deformation area 25b. Running extended linearly from the clamping area 25a are two contact fingers 26 that are bent out of the plane of the leaf spring and that project therefrom. The contactor 25 thus has only a single pair of contact fingers 26; this design results in a shortened structural length.
Otherwise, the configuration in accordance with the first embodiment is retained for the most part. Like the first selective contact body 22 and the second selective contact body 23, the common contact body 21 has a flat, plate-like configuration along with connector contacts 2la, 22a, and 23a. The contact areas 26a of the contact fingers 26 are drawn in offset inwardly to the width of the two selective contact bodies 22, 23 and are bent cross-sectionally in a V-shape, whereby the interior apex lines 26b of the V-shape form sliding contacts that resiliency cover the contact surfaces 22b, 23b of the first and second selective contact bodies 22, 23 (Fig. 8). Leading angles 22c, 23c facilitate the enclosing of a selective contact body 22, 23 using the contact fingers 26 in this case as well.
For cooperating with the actuating member 18, at its end opposing the contact fingers 26 the contactor 26 has a sliding curvature 27 that forms the end of the actuating area 25c. The common contact body 21 terminates at the top in a rivet-like fastening head 24 that passes through an opening in the clamping area 25a of the contactor 25 and thereby fastens the latter mechanically and in an electrically conducting manner.
Figures 9 through 11 depict a third embodiment of the inventive the electrical switch. Essential parts thereof have already been described using Figures 1 through 4 and are labeled with the same reference numbers. In this case, as well, there is a common contact body 31 having a connector contact 3 la as well as first and second selective contact bodies 32, 33 with connector contacts 32a and 33a. Anchoring apertures are labeled 3 Ib and 33c, and these are used to fasten the common contact body 31 and the second contact body 33 to the insulating material of the base 1. In contrast to the exemplary embodiments already described, the first and second contact bodies 32 and 33 no longer retain the continuous flat, plate-like shape. On the contrary, the areas of the two selective contact bodies 32, 33 that form the contact surfaces 32b and 33b are bent outward approximately 90° out of the basic flat shape of the selective contact body; thus they run transverse to the longitudinal orientation of the contactor 35.
The latter again has the basic or initial shape of a flat leaf spring that extends in its longitudinal direction across all three contact bodies 31, 32, and 33. The clamping area 35a of the contactor 35 is curved downward and back out of the starting plane until it runs at an acute angle to the rest of the contactor 35 (Fig. 1). A fastening slot 36 permits placement on a fastening projection 34 that is embodied on the common contact body 31. The curved area in the bend becomes the deformation area 35b; this function is particularly supported by a center recess 37 in this area.
The remaining area of the leaf spring forming the contactor 35 is divided by two longitudinal recesses 39 that run in its longitudinal direction and that project into the center area of the contactor 35 starting from the free end of the contactor 35 that opposes the clamping area 35a. The longitudinal recesses 39 separate a
center bar from two contact fingers 40 that are bent at an angle out of the plane of the leaf spring in the same manner as a clamping area 35a and that form sliding contacts with their resilient ends. In contrast, the center bar is stiffened with a reinforcing bead 38 and remains largely in the original plane of the leaf spring. It thus forms the actuating area 35c of the contactor. If the additional compression spring 17, cited in the foregoing, is to be used, the free end of the actuating area 35c is provided with an engaging end 41 that engages in the compression spring 17 (Fig. 9). At its lower end, the compression spring is placed on a mounting base 42.
In those cases in which the holding and restoring force of the contactor 35 is adequate for proper switch functioning, it is preferred that the free end of the actuating area of 35c is designed with a slight curvature.
When assembled, the contactor 35 receives a longitudinal tension because with its clamping end 35a on its one side and with the resilient contact fingers 40 on its other side it wraps around a center area of the base 1. This results in adequate pressure for the resilient ends of the contact fingers 40 acting as sliding contacts. In the embodiment in accordance with Figures 9 through 11, the contact surfaces 32b and 33b are present only on one side of the first and second selective contact bodies 32 and 33. Those areas of the selective contact bodies 32 and 33 at which the contact surfaces 32b and 33b are located are securely supported on their back sides in the base 1. The pre-tension of the contactor 35 attained using the deformation area 35b effects the first switching position of the switch in which the two contact fingers 40 are in switching contact with the contact surface 32b of the first selective contact body 32b running transverse to the longitudinal direction of the contactor 35. Depressing the actuating member 18 overcomes the pre-tension of the contactor 35 and initiates the second switching position in which the
contact fingers 40 are positioned against the contact surface 33b of the second selective body 33.
Figures 1 through 4:
1_ Base
2_ Fastening projection
3_ Cover
4_ Common contact body
4a Connector contact
5_ First selective contact body
5a Connector contact
5b Contact surface
5c Leading angle
6_ Second selective contact body
6a Connector contact
6b Contact surface
6c Leading angle
7_ Seat
8_ Spreading elements
9_ Contactor (leaf spring)
9a Clamping area
9b Deformation area
9c Actuating area
10_ Fastening opening
11_ Center recess
12_ Edge strip
13_ First pair of contact fingers
14_ Second pair of contact fingers
15_ Slide-and-grab latch
16_ Positioning depression
17_ Compression spring
18_ Actuating member
18a Control head
18b Arm
18c Pressure surface
19_ Sealing collar
Additionally, in Figures 5 through 8
21_ Common contact body
21 a Connector contact
22_ First selective contact body
22a Connector contact
22b Contact surface
22c Leading angle
23_ Second selective contact body
23a Connector contact
23b Contact surface
23c Leading angle
24 Fastening head
25 Contactor (leaf spring)
25a Clamping area
25b Deformation area
25c Flat actuating area
25d Transition area
26_ Contact finger
26a Contact area
26b Inner apex line
27_ Sliding curvature
Additionally in Figures 9 through 11:
31_ Common contact body
31 a Connector contact
31b Anchoring aperture
32_ First selective contact body
32a Connector contact
32b Contact surface
33_ Second selective contact body
33a Connector contact
33b Contact surface
33c Anchoring aperture
34_ Fastening projection
35_ Contactor
35a Clamping area
35b Deformation area
35c Actuating area
36_ Fastening slot
37_ Center recess
38_ Reinforcing bead
39_ Longitudinal recess
40_ Contact finger
41_ Engaging end
42_ Mounting base

Patent claims
43. Electrical switch in which the following features are provided:
44) a common contact body (4, 21, 31);
45) an elastically deformable contactor (9, 25, 35) in the basic form of a leaf
spring that is continuously joined in an electrically conducting manner to
said common contact body (4,21,31);
46) an actuating member (18) that can be used to alter the deformation state of
said contactor (9, 25, 35);
47) a first selective contact body and a second selective contact body (5, 6; 22,
23; 32, 33) on which are disposed contact surfaces (5b, 6b; 22b, 23b; 32b,
33b) for cooperating with said contactor (9, 25, 35);
48) said contactor (9, 25, 35), under the effect of its pre-tension, is in
switching contact with said first selective contact body (5, 22, 32), but
when said actuating member (18) is actuated is in switching contact with
said second selective contact body (6, 23, 33);
49) for switching contact of said contact surfaces (5b, 6b; 22b, 23b; 32b, 33b)
disposed on said selective contact bodies (5, 6; 22, 23; 32, 33), said
contactor (9, 25, 35) is provided with contact fingers (13, 14; 26; 40) that
project from the plane of said leaf spring that forms the basic shape of said
contactor (9, 25, 35);
50) said contact fingers (13, 14; 26; 40) together with said contact surfaces
(5b, 6b; 22b, 23b; 32b, 33b) of said two selective contact bodies (5, 6; 22,
23; 32, 33) geometrically form a common contact surface in which said
contact fingers (13, 14; 26; 40) slidingly cover said contact surfaces (5b,
6b; 22b, 23b; 32b, 33b) of said selective contact bodies (5, 6; 22, 23; 32, 33) when said contactor (9, 25, 35) is deformed.
2. Switch in accordance with claim 1 in which the following features are
51) starting from the basic shape of a longitudinal, flat leaf spring, said
contactor (9, 25, 35) has a step-shape, a U-shape, or an angular shape;
52) said contactor (9, 25, 35) extends in its longitudinal direction across said
common contact body (4, 21, 31) and said two selective contact bodies (5,
6; 22, 23; 32, 33) that are arranged one after the other in said longitudinal
53) said contactor includes a clamping area (9a, 25a, 35a), a center
deformation area (9b, 25b, 35b) adjacent thereto, and adjacent a stiffened
actuating area (9c, 25, 35c), whereby said deformation area (9b, 25b, 35b)
is formed by said center area of said step-shape, the bar of said U-shape, or
the apex area of said angle shape;
54) said contactor (9, 25, 35) is fastened via its clamping area (9a, 25a, 35a) to
said common contact body (4, 21, 31) and to a base (1) of the switch
housing and under the effect of its pre-tension is in contact via its stiffened
actuating area (9c, 25c, 35c) with said actuating member (18);
55) said contact fingers (13, 14; 26; 40) originate from said actuating area (9c,
25c, 35c) of said contactor (9, 25, 35).
3. Switch in accordance with claim 2 having an additional compression
spring (17) that reinforcingly acts on the pre-tension of said contactor (9,
25, 35) on said actuating member (18) and said actuating area (9c, 25c,
35c) of said contactor (9, 25, 35).
4. Switch in accordance with claim 2 or 3, in which said actuating area (9c, 25c, 35c)
is stiffened by edge strips (12) bent laterally out of said contactor (9, 25, 35)
and/or at least one reinforcing bead (38) embodied on said actuating area (9c, 25c,
35c) that both run in the longitudinal direction of said contactor (9, 25, 35).
5. Switch in accordance with claim 4, in which said contact fingers (13, 14; 26)
originate from said edge strips (12) and form their projection.
6. Switch in accordance with claim 5 in which running in the longitudinal direction
of said contactor (9) said actuating area (9c, 25c, 35c) has a center opening (11)
into which said first (5) and said second selective contact body (6) project, and in
which provided on the longitudinal sides of said center opening (11) are two pairs
of contact fingers (13, 14), of which each is embodied for bilateral switching
enclosure of one of said selective contact bodies (5, 6), whereby depending on the
deformation state of said contactor (9) and the position of said actuating area (9c)
determined thereby said first selective contact body (5) and/or said second
selective contact body (6) is connected in an electrically conducting manner to
said contactor (9).
7. Switch in accordance with claim 6 in which said first selective contact body (5)
and said second selective contact body (6) have a flat, plate-like configuration,
whereby, embodied on their wide sides against which said contact fingers (13, 14)
come to be positioned, said contact surfaces (5b, 6b) are arranged in the
longitudinal direction of said contactor (9) and said center opening (11).
8. Switch in accordance with claim 5 in which the following features are provided:
4) said actuating area (25c) of said contactor (25) is bent back over said
center deformation area (25b) in a U-shape in the direction of said
clamping area (25a);
5) said two edge strips (12) disposed on said clamping area (25) are extended
in the longitudinal direction of said actuating area (25c) beyond the latter
and form two contact fingers (26);
6) said two contact fingers (26) enclose in a fork-like manner said selective
contact bodies (22, 23) arranged between them;
7) said selective contact bodies (22, 23) embodied flat and plate-like on their
wide sides have said contact surfaces (22b, 23b) for cooperating with said
contact fingers (26).
9. Switch in accordance with claim 8, in which
said two contact fingers (26) embodied fork-like originate in the transition area (25d) between said actuating area (25c) and said clamping area (25a) of said edge strips (12) and extend opposing the free end of said actuating area (25c).
10. Switch in accordance with claim 4 in which the following features are provided:
11) said contactor (35) has a longitudinally extended shape in which its
clamping area (35a) is bent back across said deformation area (35b) in the
direction of said actuating area (35a) such that it runs at an acute angle to
the latter.
12) out of said actuating area (35a), separated on the edge sides by two
longitudinal recesses (39) that originate from its free end are two contact
fingers (40) that are also bent back in the direction of the remaining actuating area (35a);
13) said remaining actuating area (35a) is stiffened by a reinforcing bead (38);
14) said first selective contact body (32) and said second selective contact
body (33) have contact surfaces (32b, 33b) running transverse to the
longitudinal direction of said contactor (35) for cooperating with said
contact fingers (40), whereby
15) said two contact fingers (40) spaced apart from one another are always
positioned jointly either against said contact surface (32b) of said first
selective contact body (32) or against said contact surface (33b) of said
second selective contact body (33).
If? Switch in accordance with claim 10, having selective contact bodies (32, 33) that have a flat, plate-like basic shape, from which those areas on which said contact surfaces (32b, 33b) are formed are bent by 90°.






2020-del-2006-Correspondence Others-(16-09-2013).pdf



2020-del-2006-Description (Complete)-(16-09-2013).pdf

2020-del-2006-description (complete).pdf













Petition under rule 137 [2020-DEL-2006].pdf

Patent Number 264297
Indian Patent Application Number 2020/DEL/2006
PG Journal Number 52/2014
Publication Date 26-Dec-2014
Grant Date 19-Dec-2014
Date of Filing 12-Sep-2006
Name of Patentee ZF Friedrichshafen AG
Applicant Address 88038 Friedrichshafen, GERMANY.
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number H01H71/56
PCT International Application Number N/A
PCT International Filing date
PCT Conventions:
# PCT Application Number Date of Convention Priority Country
1 05 020 267.0 2005-09-16 EUROPEAN UNION