Title of Invention


Abstract According to a method for drying fuels in the form of dust, particularly to be fed to a gasification process, such as coal, petroleum coke, biological waste, or the like, wherein the fuel (1) is crushed in a mill (2) and fed to a filter/separator (3) by means of a propellant and drying gas, and at least part of the propellant/drying gas in the circuit is returned to the mill (2) after heating, the known disadvantages are not only to be avoided, but particularly a cost-effective milling and drying method and a corresponding system are to be provided, having low emissions and a low inert gas requirement. This is achieved according to the method in that part of the propellant/ drying gas flow in cooled down and dehumidified in a spray tower (6), or the like, wherein part of the dried gas exiting the spray tower is fed to the environment and/or a firing process, and the other part is returned to the propellant/drying gas flow.
Full Text "Method and system for drying fuels in the form of dust,
especially fuels to be fed to a gasification process"
This invention is directed at a method and a system for
drying fuels in the form of dust, especially fuels to be
fed to a gasification process, such as coal, petroleum
coke, biological wastes, or the like, of the type indicated
in the preamble of the first method claim and the first
system claim, respectively.
Such methods and systems are known in various embodiments
and configurations. Thus, for example, US 4,750,434
describes heating and drying of dust particles fed to a
mill. EP-0 203" 059-A, DE-37 24 96Q-A, and DE-39 43 366-A,
to mention only a few examples, describe how lignite is
crushed and dried.
It is known, in this connection, that the dried dust is
separated from the waste gases by a dust filter, e.g. a
cloth filter. In this connection, a portion of the waste
gas is released into the atmosphere, whereby it is also
known to mix a portion of the hot waste gases with air and
inert gases and to return it to the grinding system. The
amount of fresh gases to be fed in is usually chosen so

that the proportion of oxygen, depending on the type of
fuel, is below 6 to 10 vol.-%, and the dew point of the gas
flowing out of the mill is below 65°C. The resulting
amount of inert gas, for example, is 4000 m3 and that of the
released moist waste gas is about 10000 m3 per unit ton of
the vaporized water.
The temperature of the gas flowing into the mill is in the
range of 150 to 450°C, and a portion of the ground particles
reaches almost the gas temperature. Coal degasification
begins even below 200°C, whereby CH4, C2H6, and CO are given
off first. During the grinding and heating of petroleum
coke, and of roasted biological fuels, a number of toxins
can be formed, for example cyclic hydrocarbons, so that
emission limits for hydrocarbons and for some individual
substances may be exceeded with these alternative fuels.
Removal of such toxins from very large streams of waste
gas, for example 200,000 m3/h for 100 tons/h of coal
containing 20% moisture, would be costly and thus also
inefficient. It is also a disadvantage here that for the
drying of lignite, for example, which often contains more
than 50% moisture, with hot gases at gas temperatures

between 350 and 1000°C, volatile constituents are formed
that can no longer be released into the atmosphere.
In the literature references mentioned above, there are
sometimes instructions to heat crushed coal in a fluidized
bed, with a heat exchanger, whereby a portion of the gas
leaving the fluidized bed consists of almost pure steam and
is compressed to 3 to 5 bar, in order to raise the
temperature at which the gas can then be fed back into the
heat exchanger immersed in the fluidized bed. This steam
condenses there and releases its heat of condensation to
the fluidized bed, whereby the temperature of the heat
exchanger surfaces is below 150°C, so that no degasification
products are released. However, the coal has to be ground
again before being transported to the entrained flow
gasifier, so that a total of two mills is required, with
complicated drying, so that such lignite grinding and
drying systems are clearly more expensive than the
corresponding systems for bituminous coal.
Therefore, the present invention is intended not only to
avoid the disadvantages described above, but its task in
particular consists in proposing a cost-advantageous

grinding and drying method and a corresponding system, with
low emissions and low inert gas demand.
This problem is solved, according to the invention, by a
method of the type designated initially, by providing that
a portion of the transport/drying gas stream is cooled and
dried in a spray tower or the like, whereby a portion of
the dried gas leaving the spray tower is passed back into
the surroundings and/or to a furnace, and the other portion
is passed back into the transport/drying gas stream.
It can be seen that with the procedure according to the
invention, a portion of the recycled gas is cooled in the
spray tower, in order to lower the moisture content and
thus to enable -the circulating gas to give up the coal
moisture once again. In this connection, some of the gas
leaving the spray tower can be cleaned, for example by way
of an adsorbent, and released to the surroundings, or it
can be fed to a,furnace and/or a catalytic reactor, in
order to combust the hydrocarbons originating from the fuel
and other degasification products, and to remove the
nitrogen oxides formed during the combustion.

Embodiments of the method according to the invention are
found in the dependent claims relating to the method, and
in the system claims.
To overcome pressure losses of the gas
purification/combustion upon leaving the system, for
example, the circulation pressure can be raised, or
alternatively, as the invention provides for in an
embodiment, an appropriate blower can be used to raise the
pressure. According to the invention, complete removal of
the toxins from a small waste gas stream is possible at low
effort and cost. A spent solid adsorbent, for example
activated charcoal, can also be mixed into the fuel and
gasified, at no cost. All toxins are completely destroyed
at the high temperatures of the entrained flow gasifier.
In another embodiment, the portion of recycled gas can be
heated, for example in a first heat exchanger, whereby the
temperature can be selected so that the temperature of the
gas stream in the system circulation is above the dew point
after mixing with the substream of gas from the spray
tower, so that the droplets and wet dust particles
entrained in the spray tower are vaporized or dried before
entering a subsequent heat exchanger.

In the case of a possible failure of the coal feed, the hot
gas is barely cooled in the mill.. This would lead to the
destruction of the filter bags in a very short time. This
problem can be dealt with according to the invention by
providing that the additional heat exchanger can be
bypassed. Use is advantageously made here of the fact that
the diversion of such gas streams occurs distinctly more
quickly than cooling in a heat exchanger, so that the cloth
filters are effectively protected against high
The circulated transport/drying gas can be further
increased, according to the invention, by burning a fuel,
since in the present case, clearly higher prevailing
temperatures can be reached than with conventional grinding
systems, because no degasification products are released
into the atmosphere. The necessary gas circulation is
reduced by this temperature increase, and with this the
investment costs for the system elements of the gas
circulation are lowered.

It is advantageous, according to the invention, to use
hydrogen-rich fuel gas and oxygen as the combustion medium,
which in turn leads to a reduction of the waste gas stream.
In another embodiment according to the invention, it can be
provided that the oxygen content in circulation is lowered
with inert gas before the grinding system is started up,
with the burner turned off, whereby the term inert gas here
comprises N2, noble gases, and/or CO2, but not steam. The
inert gas demand according to the invention is extremely
low, even if oxygen-free gas is aimed at during the
grinding and drying of a highly reactive lignite, which can
already ignite at temperatures above 40°C.
Other characteristics, details, and advantages of the
invention are evident from the following description and
from the drawing. The drawing, in its single figure, shows
a system schematic according to the invention.
In the system shown in the figure, a fuel, for example
lignite, is fed to the system according to the arrow 1, and
is delivered to the mill 2 by means of an appropriate
conveyor. The mill 2 simultaneously serves to crush, dry,
and sift, whereby the fine dust that is formed,
is discharged pneumatically at 60 to 120°C, and fed to a
filter 3 by way of the line 21, which filter separates the
solids and delivers them to a container 4, so that the
crushed and dried fuel can be delivered to further
A blower 5 is provided to transport the transport/drying
gas in circulation, with which blower the purified gas is
moved along, whereby a substream is fed, by way of a line
labeled 12, to a spray tower 6 for cooling, and another
substream is passed along, by way of a heat exchanger 11
for heating, and by way of the line 12a. In this
connection, at least 15% of the amounts leaving the blower
5 are passed into the heat exchanger 11.
The proportion of gas to the heat exchanger 11 depends
primarily on the gas temperature ahead of the mill. If a
high gas temperature is set with the burner 17, a small
amount of gas is needed in the circulation, and the gas
stream 12a is omitted (i.e. 100% to the spray tower 6). On
the other hand, if no burner 17 is provided when drying
alternative fuels, and only a low temperature (for example
200°C) is reached in the heat exchanger 15, most of the gas
is recirculated through the line 12a, and only a small

portion, for example 15%, is dried in the spray tower 6.
Advantage: No CO2 from combustion and little CO2 in 9, and
therefore activated charcoal can be used, for example, to
remove toxins such as chlorinated hydrocarbons.
The condensate formed in the spray tower is likewise
circulated, for the most part, specifically by way of a
cooling heat exchanger 7; a substream of the condensate,
formed from the excess, is removed from the system by way
of a line 8.
At this point it should be pointed out that the heat
exchanger 7 can be configured as an integral component of
the spray tower 6. A portion of the transport/drying gas
stream cooled in the spray tower 6 can be removed from the
system by way of the line 9 and, optionally, by way of a
blower 21, and for example, as shown, purified by a gas
purifier 10, for example an adsorbent, and discharged to
the environment, or passed to a furnace in order to burn
off the toxins it still contains. The significant portion
is passed back into the circulation system by way of the
line 13, for further drying.

The substream circulated by way of a heating heat exchanger
11 in the line 12a, and the substream 13 cooled by the
spray tower, are combined and delivered, by way of the line
14, to another heat exchanger 15 used for heating. The
total gas stream is then fed, by way of the line 22, over a
burner 17, in order to increase its temperature, and from
there it is fed, in heated form, into the mill 2. The fuel
and oxygen feeds assigned to the burner 17 are labeled 18
and 19, while the arrow 20 indicates an inert gas feed to
the mill 2.
As can also be seen from the system circuit, the heat
exchanger 15 can be circumvented by way of a bypass 16,
particularly in order to regulate the temperature of' the
total circulated gas volume, whereby this bypass 16 can
also be an integral structural part of the heat exchanger
The mode of operation of the present invention is described
below, using an example.
The supplied coal 1, for example 50 kg/s, is to be dried
from 30 wt.-% to 3 wt.-%. 14 kg/s of moisture must be
evaporated, for which 36 MW are needed. After considering

other heat sinks and the supplied grinding energy, the heat
demand is about 40 MW. The temperature of the circulated
gas is 460°C before reaching the mill 2, and 105°C
thereafter. At the specific heat capacity of the gas of 40
kJ/kmol/K, 2.8 kmol/s are necessary at the input to the
mill 2 to cover the heat demand. 36 kg/s of dried coal are
deposited in the filter 3. 80% of the gas cleaned of dust
in the filter 3 are passed to the spray tower 6.
Upon cooling to 45°C, the moisture in the gas is reduced
from 35 vol.-% to 10 vol.-%, and 14 kg/s of water condense
out. To purify the gas 10 and release it into the
atmosphere, 0.09 kmol/s (2.5 m3/s) of the demoisturized gas
is split off. The gas flowing through the heat exchanger
11 is heated to 180°C. The temperature of the mixture (line
14) is 80°C, and the dew point is 60°C, so that the water
droplets entrained from the spray tower 6 evaporate ahead
of the heat exchanger 15. The gas is heated to 234°C in
this heat exchanger 15. The burner 17 is provided with a
gas mixture of CO : H2 = 1 : 1 and with oxygen (95% O2)
(arrows 18, 19). To reach the waste gas temperature of
460°C, 25 MW (Hu) are consumed.

In addition to the system circuits described above,
alternatives can also be provided according to the
invention, including the following:
as above, but without fuel burner 17, for practical
purposes with little evaporation in the, mill and with
purification 10 using activated charcoal, which is
deactivated by CO2 from combustion,
as above, but without heating 11 of the spray tower bypass
stream, for practical purposes at 12 > 13, i.e. with little
evaporation in the mill,
without 11, 15, 16 - lower investment costs, but more
release into the atmosphere 9, 10; greater, higher fuel
consumption 18, but no steam necessary,
cooler 8 integrated into the spray tower 6,
cooling tower in the form of a heat exchanger whose surface
is sprayed/wetted with circulating condensate,
a condensate separator with droplet separator follows the
spray tower,

blower 21 instead of increasing the pressure level of the
gas circulation,
water injection instead of bypass 16,
water circulation by way of an external cooling tower, for
example power plant cooling tower, instead of cooler 7,
heat from the heat exchanger 7 is utilized, for example to
heat the cold water,
the wastewater treatment depends on the wastewater
composition, for example biologically or by oxidation,
directly in a cooling tower, or passed to a water treatment
multiple successive spray towers to better separate out
particles contained in the gas 12 in low concentrations,
and to avoid deposits in the heat exchanger 15.

We claim:
1. Method for drying fuels in the form of dust,
especially fuels to be fed to a gasification process, such as
coal, petroleum coke, biological wastes, or the like, whereby
the fuel is crushed in a mill and passed to a filter/separator
by means of a transport and drying gas, and at least a portion
of the transport/drying gas in circulation is passed back into
the mill after heating,
characterized in that
the temperature of the transport/drying gas stream is raised by
a burner before entry into the mill and
a portion of the transport/drying gas stream is cooled and
demoisturized in a spray tower or the like, whereby a portion of
the dried gas leaving the spray tower is passed into the
surroundings and/or to a furnace, and the other portion is
passed back into the transport/drying gas stream.
2. Method according to Claim 1,
characterized in that
the gas stream taken out of the system is subjected to
adsorption (hydrocarbons other than CH4, CO2) , (catalytic)

combustion, or catalytic conversion (NOX, chlorinated
3. Method according to Claim 1 or 2,
characterized in that
the transport/drying gas stream, after the dried gas substream
from the spray tower cooler is mixed in, is passed to a heat
4. Method according to Claim 3,
characterized in that
to control the temperature of the transport/drying gas stream,
at least a substream can be conducted around the circulation
heat exchanger, by way of a bypass.
5. Method according to one of the preceding claims,
characterized in that
a substream of the condensate formed in the spray tower is
circulated by way of a cooling heat exchanger.
6. Method according to one of the preceding claims,
characterized in that

the temperature of the gas stream is matched to the temperature
of the recirculated gas stream leaving the spray tower, by way
of another heat exchanger provided in the main circulation of
the transport/drying gas stream.
7. Method according to one of the preceding claims,
characterized in that
a purification and/or pressure-raising device is provided for
the stream of gas for release to the environment or to a
8. Method according to one of the preceding claims,
characterized in that
an inert gas such as N2, noble gases, CO2, or the like, are fed
into the circulation, especially when the circulation is started
9. Method according to one of the preceding claims,
characterized in that
at least 15% of the gas stream (21) from the mill is passed to
the dryer, for example by way of the spray tower.

10. Device for drying fuels in the form of dust such as
coal, petroleum coke, biological wastes, or the like, having a
fuel-crushing mill (2), a transport/drying gas line (21) to a
solids separator (3), and a return line (22) to the fuel mill
(2) for the transport/drying gas stream, in particular to
implement the method according to one of the preceding claims,
characterized by
a transport/drying gas bypass line (12) having a gas cooler (6),
as well as by a heating burner (17) provided in the
transport/drying gas stream, ahead of the mill (2).
11. Device according to Claim 10,
characterized in that
the gas cooler is configured as a spray tower (6).
12. Device according to Claim 11,
characterized in that
the spray tower condensate is circulated, at least in part,
whereby a heat exchanger (7) is provided in the condensate
circulation, for cooling the condensate.
13. Device according to Claim 12,

characterized by
a transport/drying gas return line (13) for a portion of the gas
from the spray tower (6) into the transport/drying gas
circulation line (14, 22) to the mill (2), and a line (9) to
transport a substream out of the system, in particular to a
purification or combustion stage (10).
14. Device according to Claim 10 or one of the subsequent
characterized by
at least one heat exchanger (11, 15) that serves to heat the
transport/drying gas stream.
15. Device according to Claim 10 or one of the subsequent
characterized in that
a heat exchanger (11) serving as a heater is provided ahead of
where the circulated transport/drying gas stream is combined
with the gas stream leaving the spray tower (6), and a heat
exchanger (15) is provided after where they are combined.

16. Device according to Claim 10 or one of the subsequent
characterized in that
the heat exchanger (15) for heating the total transport/drying
gas stream is provided with a bypass (16) for at least a
substream, for temperature regulation.
17. Device according to Claim 10 or one of the subsequent
characterized in that
a pressure-raising blower (21) is provided in the waste gas line
(9) leading out of the system.
18. Device according to Claim 10 or one of the subsequent
characterized in that
an inert gas feed (20) is provided in the region of the mill
(2) .
19. Device according to Claim 16 or one of the subsequent
characterized in that

the bypass (16) is integrated into the heat exchanger (15).
20. Device according to Claim 12 or one of the subsequent
characterized in that
the cooler/heat exchanger (7) for the condensate is integrated
into the spray tower (6).

According to a method for drying fuels in the form of dust, particularly to be fed
to a gasification process, such as coal, petroleum coke, biological waste, or the
like, wherein the fuel (1) is crushed in a mill (2) and fed to a filter/separator (3)
by means of a propellant and drying gas, and at least part of the
propellant/drying gas in the circuit is returned to the mill (2) after heating, the
known disadvantages are not only to be avoided, but particularly a cost-effective
milling and drying method and a corresponding system are to be provided,
having low emissions and a low inert gas requirement. This is achieved
according to the method in that part of the propellant/ drying gas flow in cooled
down and dehumidified in a spray tower (6), or the like, wherein part of the
dried gas exiting the spray tower is fed to the environment and/or a firing
process, and the other part is returned to the propellant/drying gas flow.





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Patent Number 264303
Indian Patent Application Number 2828/KOLNP/2009
PG Journal Number 52/2014
Publication Date 26-Dec-2014
Grant Date 19-Dec-2014
Date of Filing 05-Aug-2009
Name of Patentee UHDE GMBH
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number F26B1/00; F26B17/10; F26B21/04
PCT International Application Number PCT/EP2007/011008
PCT International Filing date 2007-12-14
PCT Conventions:
# PCT Application Number Date of Convention Priority Country
1 10 2007 005 782.4 2007-02-06 Germany