Title of Invention


Abstract A Rotary kiln for lime calcinations having refractory lining at different zones providing higher hot strength and abrasion resistance and longer operating life before relining. The refractory lining uses highly abrasion and thermal shock resistant 70% Al2O3 containing new generation monolithic(NGM) refractory lining at charging and discharge ends. The refractory lining in the Calcination zone contains mag-chrome bricks having low iron and low silica (SiO2 as low as 1.5%). Thermo-mechanical properties of the NGM are much superior e.g. CCS (kg-cm-2,min) at 1400°C/2h is 1000 and HMOR (kg-cm-2,min) is 50. The rotary kiln of the invention also uses Ceramic paper in between shell and working lining of Calcination zone for controlling shell temperature rise and improving performance of the lining. The lining with reduced joints and falling bricks, provides improved energy utilization and increased lining life up to 12 months as compared to conventional 3 to 4 months. The Rotary Kilns of the invention thus ensure low down time, higher yield/productivity with wide industrial applications in steel plants and the like.
The present invention relates to Rotary kiln having an improved refractory lining for
different zones preferably suited for lime calcinations adapted to favour higher hot
strength and abrasion resistance and longer operating life before relining. The invention
advantageously provides selective refractory for the different zones of the Rotary Kiln such
that the charging and discharging end are abrasion resistant with superior thermo-
mechanical properties which achieve better performance than conventional castables and
also the basic bricks in the calcinations zone have superior thermo-mechanical properties
favouring low erosion and corrosion of the bricks as compared to existing linings. The
refractory lining arrangement in the rotary kiln of the invention is further adapted such thai-
it is possible to achieve considerable reduction in the shell temperature therby favouring
improved performance of the lining. Importantly, the selective refractory lining in the rotary
kiln of the invention would fvaour overall improved performance as compared to
conventional linings of rotary kilns. The lining configuration of the present invention would
thus favour low down time, higher yield/productivity and improved fuel economy, making it
worthy of wide industrial applications in Rotary Kilns especially for Lime calcinations in steel
plants and the like.
The Rotary kilns are conventionally used for pyro-processing of bulk solids in numerous
industrial application and is basically a rotating cylinder with its axis at an selective
inclination, within which such processing take place. The pyro-processing comprising steps
of drying, calcining, heating and cooling wherein various endothermic and exothermic
reactions takes place. Solid retention time is a critical parameter for rotary kiln operation
and is determined by selection of appropriate diameter, length, speed of rotation, slope and
internal configuration.
While the conventional configuration include two variations of rotary kilns- Direct fired and
Indirect fired, depending on whether the combustion of fuel for desired heating of the solid
mass to be pyro-processed takes place inside the kiln or outside of it, respectively. The
present problem primarily deals with the direct fired rotary kiln wherein the hot flue gases
passes through the kiln. The products of combustion of fuel are in intimate contact with the
bulk of material being processed. The radiation from the flames is the principal mode of
heat transfer in such processes.

The typical construction of direct fired Rotary kilns are having about 3.6m diameter and 75
m long, utilized in steel plants for calcinations of Limestone to produce calcined lime for use
in BOF operations. Each such Kiln is provided with a cooler for cooling of the finished
products. These rotary kilns are provided with duplex burners for heating by burning coke
oven gas and alternatively by PCM. The temperature for calcinations goes as high as
1200°C. These Rotary kilns are typically comprising of different zones such as the cooling
zone, burning zone and preheating zone, starting from the discharge end and proceeding to
the charging end. The constitution of the Refractory lining in the different zones are of
different types. In existing lining pattern, the refractory used in different zones along the
length starting from the discharge end basically comprise of:
0-2.5m : Conventional high Alumina castables and 74% Al203 bricks;
2.5-30m: Mag-Chrome bricks;
31-72m: 45% Al203 bricks;
72-54m: 74% Al203 bricks;
In the above conventional configuration, the Mag-Chrome bricks used in the burning zone
contain higher level of impurities like iron oxide and silica. As a result these bricks have
lower hot strength and abrasion resistance. Thermal spalling or heat distribution through
out the mass is also poor due to formation of higher amount of liquid phase. As a
consequence of lower hot strength, the erosion in these bricks was very high and resulted in
poor lining life of about 2-4 months. Moreover, other problems including hot spots and shell
crack were also observed frequently in the conventional refractory configuration. As a result
the kiln had to be shut down causing loss of production, failing to meet the needed quantity
of Calcined lime for metallurgical purpose in subsequent process.
The conventional castable used at the discharge end has also very poor strength at the
prevailing temperature (750-900°C) leading to shorter operating life. The performance of
45% Al203 bricks used in the preheating zone of conventional lining pattern is also not
satisfactory. Hot spots are found to occur occasionally in this zone also. The preheating zone
is subjected to high abrasion due to falling and movement of hard limestone and as such
the refractory lining at this zone needs to be highly abrasion resistant.

There had been therefore, a persistent need to develop rotary kilns with an improved
constitution and configuration/scheme of the refractory lining inside kiln for calcinations of
limestone such as to eliminate the disadvantages in the conventional lining of different
zones of the rotary kiln and thereby the lining life is increased without shutdown and the
desired distribution is achieved to economize fuel consumption and to obtain desired quality
characteristics of the calcined lime to be used as flux.
The basic object of the present invention is thus directed to developing a rotary kiln having
an improved constitution and configuration of the refractory lining for its different zones of
the direct fired kiln for calcinations of limestone with improved hot strength and abrasion
resistance such as to reduce the erosion of lining in the burning zone to prevent hot spots
and/or shell crack observed on lining in this zone, thus favoring increasing the operating life
of the rotary kiln without shut down for repair/relining and thereby improving the kiln
yield/productivity in lime calcinations.
A further object of the present invention is directed to an improved refractory lining
constitution and configuration favoring advantageous attainment of desired high abrasion
resistance of the refractory lining at the charging and discharging end for preferred counter
flow movement of charge; wherein said charge of limestone subjects the preheating zone to
high abrasion due to falling and movement of hard limestone.
A still further object of the present invention is directed to an improved refractory lining
constitution and configuration for different zones of rotary kiln for calcinations of limestone,
to reduce the number of joints in the lining and prevent falling of bricks from the lining.
Another object of the present invention directed to an improved constitution and
configuration for refractory lining of rotary kiln for calcination of lime to improve overall
performance and life of the lining up to about 12 months from existing 3-4 months or
alternatively a lining life to produce about one lakh ton of calcined lime with minimum
repairs, at the most on two or three occasions only in one campaign.
A still further object of the present invention directed to providing improved configuration
and composition of the refractory lining of rotary kiln such as to favor controlled uniform

heating of charge to desired temperature in order to obtain calcined limestone with no
residual core and at the same time avoid over heating of the stone surface and maintain
desired optimum surface temperature and heatflux diffusion toward the reacting core, to
avoid recrystallisation of CaO, to ensure desired reactivity and quality of calcined lime.
A still further object of the present invention directed to providing improved configuration
and composition of the refractory lining of rotary kiln to favor recovery of the sensible heat
of lime is transferred to the cooling air in the preheating zone and that the sensible heat of
hot flue gases leaving the calcination zone is transferred to the limestone in the preheating
zone, thereby the sensible heat of the lime is completely returned to the process.
A still further object of the present invention directed to providing improved configuration
and composition at the different zones of the refractory lining of rotary kiln wherein ceramic
paper is provided in between the shell and the working lining of calcination zone and
thereby reducing considerably the shell temperature resulting in improved performance of
the lining and less damage to shell wall.
Thus according to the basic aspect of the present invention there is provided a rotary kiln
having refractory lining adapted for superior thermo-mechanical properties comprising:
selective refractories in different regions of the kiln along the length starting from the
discharge end comprising of:
abrasion resistant charging and discharging end refractories obtained of highly abrasion and
thermal shock resistant 70% Al203 new generation monolithic (NGM) and
erosion resistant calcinations zone refractories obtained of mag-chrome bricks having low
iron and low silica with superior thermo-mechanical properties.
Another aspect of the present invention is directed to said Rotary kiln having refractory
lining adapted for superior thermo-mechanical properties, comprising:

selective refractories in different regions of the kiln along the length starting from the
discharge end comprising of:
0-2.5m : 70 % Al203 New Generation Monolithic (NGM) & 70 % Al203 bricks;
2.5-30m: Mag-chrome bricks having low silica and low iron;
31-36m : 70% Al203 bricks;
37-57m :42% Al203 bricks;
58-73m :70% Al203 bricks; and
74-75m : 70% Al203 new generation Monolithic (NGM).
A still further aspect of the Rotary kiln according to the present invention having refractory
lining for lime calcinations adapted for superior thermo-mechanical properties wherein the
high alumina new generation monolithic lining comprise low cement content preferably
CaO of 1.5 % max. for superior thermo-physical properties.
According to an advantageous aspect of the present invention directed to said Rotary kiln
having refractory lining for lime calcinations adapted for superior thermo-mechanical
properties, comprising ceramic paper in between shell and working lining of calcinations
zone preferably 5 mm thick ceramic fibre paper adapted for reduced shell temperature and
improved performance of lining.
A still further aspect of the present invention directed to said Rotary kiln having refractory
lining for lime calcinations adapted for superior thermo-mechanical properties wherein said
mag-chrome bricks have low iron and low silica content of Si02 as low as 1.5%.
According to an important aspect of the present invention directed to said Rotary kiln having
refractory lining for lime calcinations adapted for superior thermo-mechanical properties of
the New generation Monolithic (NGM) castables comprising:
Al203 (%) min. : 70

Fe203 (%) max.:0.6
CaO (%),max.: 1.5
Grading (mm) 0-5
B.D.(g.crrf3),min (at 110° C/24h) :2.80
CCS (kg.cm2),min (at 110°C/24h) 500;(at 800°C/3h) 700; and (at 1400°C/3h) 1000
PLC (%),max (at 1400°C/3h) :±0.2
HMOR (kg.cm~2),min (at 1400°C/30 min, on samples pre fired at 1500°C/3h): 50
Water required for casting (%) : 3.5-4.5.
According to yet another aspect of the Rotary kiln of the present invention having refractory
lining for lime calcinations adapted for superior thermo-mechanical properties comprising
basic Mag-crome bricks having:
MgO (%),min : 60
Cr203(%),min : 15
Si02 (%), max : 2.5
A P (%),max : 20
B D (g.cm"3),min : 3.04
CCS (kg.cm2) : 400
RUL, (ta°C),min :1700
PLC (%),max (at 1600°C/2h) ±0.5
A still further aspect of the present invention directed to a process for calcinations of
limestone comprising carrying out the calcinations in a rotary kiln having selective
refractories in different regions of the kiln along the length starting from the discharge end.
Advantageously, the present refractory lining pattern provide for highly abrasion resistant
and thermal shock resistant 70% Al203 new generation monolithic, the strength of which
increases exponentially right from the room temperature to service temperature. More
importantly, there is no decrease in strength of the monolithic lining at any intermediate
temperature range of 300°C -1000°C.
A further aspect of the present invention directed to rotary kiln having improved refractory
lining also ensure proper rate of conductive heat transmission through the limestone lump
from surface inward and thereby leaving no residual core and at the same time appropriate
surface temperature is maintained, preferably not exceeding the range of 1100-1150°C for

the soft burnt flux, avoiding thereby recrystallization of CaO and thus maintaining desired
reactivity and favorable quality of the calcined lime for its subsequent use.
The present invention and its objects and advantages are described in greater details with
reference to the non-limiting illustrative figures.
Figure 1: is the illustration of the modified lining pattern of the rotary kiln according to the
invention providing improved lining life by introducing lining composition and configuration
ensuring higher hot strength and abrasion resistance at different zones of the kiln.
Figure 2: is the illustration of three views for the shape configuration of the bricks for lining
according to the present invention.
The present invention relates to Rotary kiln with an improved lining pattern for calcination
of lime whereby it is possible to enhance the working life of the lining eliminating the
problems such as the hot spots or shell cracking and the like, encountered in the
conventional rotary kiln, more particularly, the direct fired type kilns operation for
calcination of limestone.
As already described that there exist different zones in the Rotary kiln depending upon the
nature of process carried out at a particular location within the kiln. These are the cooling
zone , burning zone and preheating zone, starting correspondingly from discharge to
charging end of the kiln. The rotary kilns are typically about 75m in length and about 3-4m
in diameter. Each kiln is essentially provided with a cooler for cooling of the finished
calcined lime and thereby heat up the cooling air flown in the zone. The Rotary kilns usually
rotates at a predetermined RPM about a longitudinal axis along the kiln which is maintained
at a selective slope to ensure reaction/retention time for calcinations and complete
conversion of limestone to CaO, at a selective temperature ranging 900-1200°C without any
residual core and avoiding recrystallisation of soft burnt flux, to ensure reactivity and quality

of calcined lime thus produced. The kiln is provided with adequate number of duplex
burners for heating by burning coke oven gas or alternatively by PCM. The calcination
temperature is around 1200°C.
To select the refractory quality for different zones of the rotary kiln, it is necessary to first
understand the thermo-chemical processes occurring during calcination of limestone. In
order to fully calcine the stone without any residual core left in finished lime, heat supplied
to the limestone surface must penetrate via conductive heat transfer to the core. A
temperature of 900°C has to be reached in the core at least for a short period of time. The
thermo-chemical processes occurring in the rotary kilns for heat treatment of carbonate
materials (limestone) are highly energy intensive and complex.
It is an obvious requirement to first understand the details of the thermo-chemical process
that occur during the calcinations of limestone in order to ascertain the requirement of
composition and configuration/pattern of the Refractory lining at the different zones of the
Rotary Kiln. The Thermo-chemical process involved in heat treating the Carbonate materials
in Rotary kiln involves a process comprising a series of interdependent parameters such as
fuel consumption, gas and material movement, heat and mass transfer and physico-
chemical transformation of the burden materials. The temperature of the Calcination zone of
rotary kiln is limited to the range 1200-1300°C, to ensure quick production of high quality
metallurgical flux.
The calcination or burning of limestone and dolomite is simple oxidation process involving
uniting oxygen with any substance/element. In the flux kiln, the temperature of the
limestone is increased to a point above its dissociation temperature. This is called
calcination and the process to accomplish this requires a minimum temperature of
1648°F(898°C). At that point, the carbon to oxygen bonds in the carbonate group becomes
unstable. A carbon atom, and two of the three oxygen atoms, from the carbonate group,
forms the carbon dioxide, which leaves the reaction environment. The remaining oxygen
atom quickly forms a strong, high energy, ionic bond with the calcium atom. Thus the
formation of calcium oxide, commonly known as quicklime, is obtained by decomposition of
limestone on heating according to following equation:
CaCO3 + 3180 KJ(760Kcal) approx. = CaO + CO2
Calcium Carbonate Calcium Oxide Carbon Dioxide
(Limestone) (Quicklime)

In order to fully calcine the stone and to eliminate retention of unburnt residual core, heat
supplied to the stone surface must penetrate via conductive heat transfer to the core. A
temperature of 900°C has to be reached in the core at least for a short period of time. As
there is created a pure CO2 atmosphere inside the kiln , the stone surface must be heated
to a temperature greater than 900°C to maintain the required temperature gradient and
overcome the insulating effect of the calcined material deposited on the stone surface.
Moreover, care has to be taken when the soft burnt flux is produced by calcination of
limestone, the surface temperature must not exceed 1100°C-1150°C as otherwise re-
crystallization of the CaO will occur and result in lower reactivity and poorer quality.
The rotary kiln for limestone calcination operate with counter flow of raw material
charging/feeding direction and the combustion products/gas/flue flow direction inside the
kiln. There are three technological zones : preheating, calcinations and cooling. Dissociation
of CaC03 occurs in the calcinations zone at a temperature range between 870°C and
1250°C. In the cooler zone towards the discharge end of kiln, the sensible heat of lime is
completely transferred to the cooling airflow, which enters the calcinations zone at the
temperature of about 300-500°C to react with the fuel. Therefore, the sensible heat of the
lime is completely returned to the process. The sensible heat of the gases leaving the
calcinations zone is transferred to the limestone in the preheating zone towards the
discharge end of kiln. The temperature of limestone at the bottom of the preheating zone
reaches the temperature of calcinations. The gas leaving the preheating zone has a
temperature range of 150°C-300°C. It is not possible to utilize this off-gas heat content
completely, since the heat capacity of the gases in the preheating zone is higher than the
heat capacity of the charge material. The counter-current flow is optimized for preheating
and cooling. The process of heat transfer in these zones is very efficient. The dissociation of
CaC03 at the calcination zone begins at about 900°C with the pressure close to atmospheric
pressure, undergoing an endothermic reaction. The speed of dissociation increases
exponentially as the temperature increases. The speed of dissociation reaches about ten
times higher at 1200°C than the speed at 900°C. The results of micro-kinetic study shows,
that the speed of dissociation can be limited by the speed of heat flux diffusion towards the
reacting core of the carbonate material lumps. Thus maintaining a temperature for
calcinations above 1150°C is preferable for accleration of heat transfer inside the lump of
material and to increase the kiln productivity.

In order to achieve longer lining life under the above control parameters for the entire
calcinations process carried out in the rotary kiln, following refractory pattern was adopted
according to the present invention, along the length starting from the discharge end:
0-2.5m: 70% Al203 new generation monolithic lining & 70% Al203 bricks;
2.5-30m: Mag-chrome bricks having selectively low silica and low iron content;
31-36m: 70% Al203 bricks;
37-57m: 42% Al203 bricks;
58-73m: 70% Al203 bricks;
74-75m: 70% Al203 new generation monolithic refractory lining.
As already discussed , the lining at the charging and the discharge end are subjected to
high degree of abrasion due to either impact of falling and moving hard limestone lumps or
due to thermal shocks. The present refractory lining pattern provide highly abrasion
resistant and thermal shock resistant 70% Al203 new generation monolithic. The strength of
this material increases right from the room temperature to service temperature.
Advantageously, there is no decrease in strength of the monolithic lining at any
intermediate temperature range e.g. 200-1000°C. The comparative characteristic properties
of the conventional versus the new generation monolithic castables are presented in the
following Table 1.


Characteristic properties New generation
Castable of the invention Conventional
Al203 (%), min 70 90
Fe203 (%), max 0.6 1.5
CaO (%), max 1.5 4.0
Grading(mm) 0-5 0-5
Bulk Density(BD)(gm-cm"3),min
(at 110°C/24h) 2.80 2.80
Cold Crushing Strength(CCS)
-at 110°C/24h
-at 800°C/3h
-at 1400°C/3h 500
1000 450
Permanent Linear Change(PLC) (%),
-at 1400°C/3h ±0.2 ±0.5
Hot Modulus of Rupture(HMOR)
(at 1400°C/30 min, on samples
pre-fired at 1500°C/3h) 50 30
Water required for casting(%) 3.5-4.5 10-15
In order to enhance the life of lining in the calcination zone avoiding erosion of refractories
or damage due to formation of hot spot or cracked shell, the lining according to the present
invention introduces mag-chrome bricks having low iron and low silica (Si02 as low as
1.5%). Thermo-mechanical properties of these bricks are much better having higher hot
strength and abrasion resistance as compared to existing conventional mag-chrome bricks.
In calcinations zone, 5mm thick ceramic fibre paper was used in between the working Iming
and the shell to prevent overheating of the shell and avoid shell cracking. The comparative
characteristic properties of the two varieties of basic bricks used in the rotary kiin are given
in the following Table 2.


Properties Conventional Mag-chrome
Brick lining Mag-chrome Brick lining of present
MgO(%),min 60 60
Cr203(%),min 15 15
Si02(%), max 6.5 2.5
AP(%),max 24 20
BD (gm-cm"3),min - 3.04
CCS(kg-cm"2) 250 400
RUL(ta°C),min 1630 1700
(at 1600°C/2h) ±0.5 ±0.5
Reference is now invited to Figure 1 that illustrates the configuration pattern for the Rotary
kiln for calcinations of lime wherein the above monolithic lining or the mag-chrome bricks
have been utilized in a selective manner in order to achieve the desired longer lining life and
thereby longer run time before relining/repair, by way of providing higher hot strength and
abrasion/erosion resistance through a selective constitution and lining pattern for the
different zones of the rotary kiln. It is seen from the figure that the new generation
monolithic (NGM) lining has been provided at the charging and discharge end of the rotary
kiln over preferred length of about up to 2.5m at the discharge end and up to about lm at
the charging end, to save the lining from abrasion due to impact of fall and movements of
hard lumps of limestone or thermal shock due to sharp temperature gradient at the
respective cooling and preheating zones. In between the monolithic castables there are the
refractory brick lining as follows and as indicated in the accompanying Figure 1, 0-2.5m long
70% Al203 new generation monolithic lining and 70% Al203 bricks from discharge end, and
then Mag-chrome bricks having selectively low silica and low iron content over a length after
2.5m and up to 30m in the calcinations zone, then 70% Al203 bricks over a stretch of about
next 6 meters, then 42% Al203 bricks over about next 20 meters length, then again a
stretch of about 6 meters is laid with 70% Al203 bricks and lastly the monolithic lining
(NGM) again for the last stretch of about 2 m at the charging end. The accompanying
Figure 2 shows three different views of the typical selective shape configuration of the
bricks according to the refractory lining of the present invention.

It is thus possible by way of this invention to achieve a lining pattern for Rotary kiln for
calcinations of lime, providing longer lining life having higher hot strength and abrasion
resistance achieved through a new generation monolithic castable refractory lining of
selective composition and also bricks of selective composition. The 70% Al203 bricks/
castables provided in the lining pattern, and the mag-chrome bricks selectively comprising
low silica and low iron to achieve desired thermo-mechanical properties and the high
alumina new generation monolithic castable lining at the charging and the discharge ends
having low cement content of 1.5%(CaO) max, unlike the conventional 4-5%(CaO),
resulting in superior thermo-physical properties. Advantageously, the lining pattern of the
present invention wherein there is no decrease in strength in the intermediate temperature
range (300-1000°C). the life of the lining is enhanced to the extent of up to 12 months as
compared to 3-4 months obtained in the conventional lining design for rotary kiln for
calcinations of limestone at desired temperature range without leaving any unburnt residual
core and avoiding recrystallisation of the soft burnt flux. The lining so configured showed
little erosion, abrasion or formation of hot spots or shell cracking even after six months of
continuous operation for the rotary kiln to produce calcined lime, thus favoring wide
industrial application in steel plants where the requirement of lime as flux is continuous in
large volume.

1. Rotary kiln having refractory lining adapted for superior thermo-mechanical properties
selective refractories in different regions of the kiln along the length starting from the
discharge end comprising of:
abrasion resistant charging and discharging end refractories obtained of highly abrasion
and thermal shock resistant 70% Al203 new generation monolithic (NGM) and
erosion resistant calcinations zone refractories obtained of mag-chrome bricks having
low iron and low silica with superior thermo-mechanical properties.
2. Rotary kiln having refractory lining adapted for superior thermo-mechanical properties
as claimed in claim 1 comprising:
selective refractories in different regions of the kiln along the length starting from the
discharge end comprising of:
0-2.5m : 70 % Al203 New Generation Monolithic (NGM) & 70 % Al203 bricks;
2.5-30m: Mag-chrome bricks having low silica and low iron;
31-36m : 70% Al203 bricks;
37-57m :42% Al203 bricks;
58-73m :70% Al203 bricks; and
74-75m : 70% Al203 new generation Monolithic (NGM).
3. Rotary kiln having refractory lining for lime calcinations adapted for superior thermo-
mechanical properties as claimed in anyone of claims 1 or 2 wherein the high alumina

new generation monolithic lining comprise low cement content preferably CaO of 1.5 %
max. for superior thermo-physical properties.
4. Rotary kiln having refractory lining for lime calcinations adapted for superior thermo-
mechanical properties as claimed in anyone of claims 1 to 3 comprising ceramic paper in
between shell and working lining of calcinations zone preferably 5 mm thick ceramic
fibre paper adapted for reduced shell temperature and improved performance of lining.
5. Rotary kiln having refractory lining for lime calcinations adapted for superior thermo-
mechanical properties as claimed in anyone of claims 1 to 4 wherein said mag-chrome
bricks have low iron and low silica content of Si02 as low as 1.5%.
6. Rotary kiln having refractory lining for lime calcinations adapted for superior thermo-
mechanical properties as claimed in anyone of claims 1 to 5 comprising New generation
Monolithic (NGM) comprising:
Al203 (%) min. : 70
Fe203 (%) max.:0.6
CaO (%),max.: 1.5
Grading (mm) 0-5
B.D.(g.cm"3),min (at 110° C/24h) :2.80
CCS (kg.cm"2),min (at 110°C/24h) 500;(at 800°C/3h) 700; and (at 1400°C/3h) 1000
PLC (%),max (at 1400°C/3h) :±0.2
HMOR (kg.cm"2),min (at 1400°C/30 min, on samples pre fired at 1500°C/3h): 50
Water required for casting (%) : 3.5-4.5.
7. Rotary kiln having refractory lining for lime calcinations adapted for superior thermo-
mechanical properties as claimed in anyone of claims 1 to 6 comprising bricks having:
MgO (%),min : 60
Cr203(%),min : 15
Si02 (%), max : 2.5
A P (%),max : 20
B D (g.cm"3),min : 3.04
CCS (kg.cm"2) : 400
RUL, (ta°C),min :1700
PLC (%),max (at 1600°C/2h) ±0.5

8. A process for calcinations of limestone comprising carrying out the calcinations in a
rotary kiln having selective refractories in different regions of the kiln along the length
starting from the discharge end as claimed in anyone of claims 1 to 7.
9. Rotary kiln having refractory lining for lime calcinations adapted for superior thermo-
mechanical properties substantially as hereindescribed and illustrated with reference to
the accompanying figures.

Dated this 12th day of January, 2008

A Rotary kiln for lime calcinations having refractory lining at different zones providing higher
hot strength and abrasion resistance and longer operating life before relining. The refractory
lining uses highly abrasion and thermal shock resistant 70% Al2O3 containing new
generation monolithic(NGM) refractory lining at charging and discharge ends. The refractory
lining in the Calcination zone contains mag-chrome bricks having low iron and low silica
(SiO2 as low as 1.5%). Thermo-mechanical properties of the NGM are much superior e.g.
CCS (kg-cm-2,min) at 1400°C/2h is 1000 and HMOR (kg-cm-2,min) is 50. The rotary kiln of
the invention also uses Ceramic paper in between shell and working lining of Calcination
zone for controlling shell temperature rise and improving performance of the lining. The
lining with reduced joints and falling bricks, provides improved energy utilization and
increased lining life up to 12 months as compared to conventional 3 to 4 months. The
Rotary Kilns of the invention thus ensure low down time, higher yield/productivity with wide
industrial applications in steel plants and the like.




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Patent Number 264322
Indian Patent Application Number 97/KOL/2008
PG Journal Number 52/2014
Publication Date 26-Dec-2014
Grant Date 22-Dec-2014
Date of Filing 14-Jan-2008
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number F27D1/08;
PCT International Application Number N/A
PCT International Filing date
PCT Conventions:
# PCT Application Number Date of Convention Priority Country
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