Title of Invention


Abstract A quinacridone derivative according to Formula (I): wherein and are each independently selected from the group consisting of hydrogen, alkyl and halogen. Methods for preparing non-aqueous pigment dispersions and Inkjet inks comprising a pigment and the quinacridone derivative of Formula (!) are also disclosed.
Full Text Description
Technical field
[0001] The present invention relates to a quinacridone derivative and stable pigment dispersions, especially Inkjet inks, using the quinacridone derivative.
Background art
[0002] Pigment dispersions are made using a dispersant. A dispersant is a
substance for promoting the formation and stabilization of a dispersion of pigment particles in a dispersion medium. Dispersants are generally surface-active materials having an anionic, cationic or non-ionic structure. The presence of a dispersant substantially reduces the dispersing energy required. Dispersed pigment particles may have a tendency to re-agglomerate after the dispersing operation, due to mutual attraction forces. The use of dispersants also counteracts this re-agglomeration tendency of the pigment particles.
[0003] The dispersant has to meet particularly high requirements when used for Inkjet inks. Inadequate dispersing manifests itself as increased viscosity in liquid systems, loss of brilliance and/or hue shifts. Moreover, particularly • good dispersion of the pigment particles is required to ensure unimpeded passage of the pigment particles through the nozzles of the print head in an Inkjet printer, which are usually only a few micrometers in diameter. In addition, pigment particle agglomeration and the associated blockage of the printer nozzles has to be avoided in the standby periods of the printer.
[0004] Many polymeric dispersants contain in one part of the molecule so-called anchor groups, which adsorb onto the pigments to be dispersed. In a spatially separate part of the molecule, polymeric dispersants have polymer chains sticking out whereby pigment particles are made compatible with the dispersion medium, i.e. stabilized.
[0005] In aqueous Inkjet inks, the polymeric dispersants generally contain hydrophobic anchor groups exhibiting a high affinity for the pigment surface and hydrophliic polymer chains for stabilizing the pigments in the aqueous dispersion medium.

[0006] The preparation of good thermally stable dispersions with submicron particles is more difficult for non-aqueous Inkjet inks, such as solvent based, oil based and radiation curable Inkjet inks. The pigments are especially difficult to disperse when they have a non-polar surface.
[0007] These problems have lead to the design of very specific polymeric dispersants wherein the anchor groups are pigment derivatives. For example, EP 0763378 A (TOYO INK) discloses a pigment composition comprising a non-aqueous type pigment dispersing agent having a portion which has a high affinity with a pigment and which has at least one type selected from the group consisting of an organic dye, anthraqulnone and acridone only at a terminal end or at both terminal ends of at least one polymer selected from a linear urethane polymer and a linear acrylic polymer, and a pigment.
[0008] Another approach for dispersing pigments with non-polar surfaces in non¬aqueous dispersion media is changing the surface to a more polar surface by addition of compounds known as dispersion synergists. A dispersion synergist is a compound that promotes the adsorption of the polymeric dispersant on the surface of the pigment. It is suggested that the synergist should possess the pigment structure substituted by one or more sulphonic acid groups or ammonium salts thereof.
[0009] US 4461647 (ICI) discloses a dispersion of a pigment in an organic liquid containing a water-insoluble asymmetric disavow compound comprising a central divalent group free from acidic and other ionic substituents linked through ago groups to two monovalent end groups characterized in that one end group, the first, is free from acidic and other ionic substituents and the other end group, the second, carries a single substituted ammonium-acid salt group.
[0010] US 4057436 (ICI) discloses pigment dispersions in organic liquids using polymeric or resinous dispersing agents in the presence of a substituted ammonium salt of a colored acid wherein there are between 15 and 60 carbon atoms contained in at least 3 chains attached to the N-atom of the substituted ammonium ion.

[0011] US 6641655 (AVECIA) discloses the use of a diquaternary ammonium salt of a coloured acid as fluidising agent wherein the diquaternary ammonium cation contains two or more nitrogen atoms.
[0012] Although these dispersion synergists work fine for some pigments, many other pigments can not be dispersed to an acceptable quality in a non¬aqueous medium. This is the case for quinacridone pigments, for which it is difficult to obtain stable non-aqueous pigment dispersions, especially stable non-aqueous Inkjet inks.
[0013] Sulfonated quinacridone derivatives have been disclosed, for example, by US 6152968 (BASF) . However, US 6152968 (BASF) is silent on their use in non-aqueous media.
[0014] US 6827775 (CIBA SPECIALTY CHEMICALS) discloses the use of a pigment and its sulfonation product in a solid solution, water and organic solvents such as xylene. However, US 6827775 (CIBA SPECIALTY CHEMICALS) is silent on the stability of non-aqueous dispersions of quinacridone type pigments and their sulfonation products.
[0015] US 4844742 (CiBA GEfGY) discloses the surface modification of
quinacridone pigments, wherein the pigment is treated with a solvent-free, basic, nitrogen-containing copolymer of the polyurethane series and with a dispersion-improving quinacridone derivative resulting in compositions exhibiting enhanced performance in automotive and other finish systems. The derivatives used are phthalimidomethyl or sulfonic acid derivatives of quinacridone. Again no details are given on the stability of non-aqueous dispersions of quinacridone type pigments.
[0016] WO 02/064680 (CLARIANT) discloses quinachdone derivatives
comprising sulfonic acid and carboxylic acid groups used as pigment dispersants in aqueous and non-aqueous Inkjet inks and in hotmelt Inkjet inks. Radiation curable Inkjet inks are not disclosed
[0017] DE 1619618 (DU PONT) discloses quinacridone pigments comprising upto 25 wt% of quinacridone derivatives comprising carboxylic acid groups. Pigment dispersions using the quinacridone derivatives are not disclosed.

[0018] US 20050196697 (KONICA MINOLTA) discloses actinic ray curable compositions containing a quinacridone pigment; a dispersant; a cationically potymerizable monomer; a photo acid generator; and a quinacridone derivative. The exemplified quinacridone derivatives comprise sulfonamido groups.
[0019] US 6451103 (TOYO INK) discloses self-dispersible aqueous pigment dispersions of quinacridone pigments with water-soluble pigment derivatives comprising one or more groups having a carboxylic acid or sulfonic acid or salts thereof. Non-aqueous pigment dispersions are not disclosed.
[0020] For consistent image quality, Inkjet inks require a dispersion stability
capable of dealing with high temperatures (above 60°C) during transport Of the ink to a customer, jetting at elevated temperatures and changes in the dispersion medium of the Inkjet ink during use, for example, evaporation of solvent and increasing concentrations of humectants, penetrants and other additives.
[0021] Therefore, it is highly desirable to be able to manufacture pigment Inkjet inks using quinacridone pigments in a non-aqueous medium exhibiting a high dispersion quality and stability.
Objects of the invention
[0022] It is an object of the present invention to provide a novel quinacridone derivative.
[0023] It is a further object of the present invention to provide non-aqueous quinacridone dispersions with high dispersion quality and stability.
[0024] Further objects of the invention will become apparent from the descnption hereinafter.
Summary of the invention
[0025] It has been surprisingly found that non-aqueous pigment dispersions of high dispersion quality and stability were obtained by using a specific dichloro substituted quinacridone derivative containing two carboxylic acid groups as dispersion synergist, whereas quinacridone derivatives containing only one carboxylic acid group or sulfonic acid groups failed.

[0026] Objects of the present invention have been realized with a quinacridone derivative according to Formula (I):

wherein R^ and R2 are each Independently selected from the group consisting of hydrogen, afkyi and halogen. [0027] Objects of the present invention have also been realized with a method for forming a pigment dispersion comprising the steps of:
(a) providing s quinacridone derivative according to Formula (1);
(b) transforming at least one carboxyfic acid group of the quinacridone derivative into a salt group; and
(c) mixing the quinacridone derivative with a pigment in a dispersion
[0028] These and other objects of the invention will become apparent from the
description hereinafter. Disclosure of the invention Definitions [0029] The term "colorant", as used in disclosing the present invention, means
dyes and pigments. [0030] The term "dye", as used in disclosing the present invention, means a
colorant having a solubility of 10 mg/L or more in the medium in which it is
applied and under the ambient conditions pertaining. [0031] The term "pigment" is defined in DIN 55943, herein incorporated by
reference, as a colouring agent that is practically insoluble in the
application medium under the pertaining ambient conditions, hence having
a solubility of less than 10 mg/L therein.

[0032] The term "mixed crystal", which is synonymous for "solid solution", as used in disclosing the present invention, means a solid, homogeneous mixture of two or more constituents, which may vary in composition between certain limits and remain homogeneous.
[0033] The term "C.I." is used in disclosing the present application as an abbreviation for Colour Index.
[0034] The term "dispersion", as used in disclosing the present invention, means an intimate mixture of at least two substances, one of which, called the dispersed phase or colloid, is uniformly distributed in a finely divided state through the second substance, called the dispersion medium.
[0035] The term "non-aqueous pigment dispersion" as used in disclosing the
present invention means a pigment dispersion containing no or almost no water, i.e: less-than 5 wt% based on the pigment dispersion.
[0036] The term "actinic radiation" as used in disclosing the present invention, means electromagnetic radiation capable of initiating photochemical reactions.
[0037] The term "spectral separation factor" as used in disclosing the present invention means the value obtained by calculating the ratio of the maximum absorbance Amax (measured at wavelength Amax) over the reference absorbance Aref determined at a higher wavelength Aref.
[0038] The abbreviation "SSF" is used in disclosing the present invention for spectral separation factor.
[0039] The term "alky!" means all variants possible for each number of carbon atoms in the alkyl group i.e. for three carbon atoms: n-propy! and isopropyl; for four carbon atoms: n-butyl, isobutyl and tertiary-butyl; for five carbon atoms: n-pentyl, 1,1-dimethyl-propyl, 2,2-dimethylpropyl and 2-methyl-butyl etc.
Quinacridone derivative
[0040] The quinacridone derivative according to the present invention is represented by Formula (!■):•

wherein R^ and R2 are each independently selected from ttie group consisting of hydrogen, alkyi and halogen. [0041] In a preferred embodiment the quinacridone derivative according to the present invention is represented by Formula (II):

wherein R^ and R2 are each independently selected from the group consisting of hydrogen, alkyl and halogen.

[0042] The preferred quinacridone derivative is:

[0043] Another preferred quinacridone derivative is the quinacridone derivative
according to Formula (II) wherein R^ and R^ are both hydrogen. [0044] Another preferred quinacridone derivative is the quinacridone derivative
according to Formula (II) vi^herein R' and R^ are both a methyl group [0045] Another preferred quinacridone derivative is the quinacridone derivative
according to Formula (II) wherein R^ represents hydrogen and R^
represents methyl. [0046] Another preferred quinacridone derivative is the quinacridone derivative
according to Formula (I) wherein R'^ and R2 are both a chioro group. [0047] The quinacridone derivative is especially suitable as a dispersion synergist
for improving the dispersion quality and stability of pigment dispersions,
especially of quinacridone pigments, diketopyrrolo-pyrrole pigments and
mixed crystals of quinacridone and/or diketopyrrolo-pyrrole. [0048] A mixture of the quinacridone derivative according to Formula (I) and one
or more other dispersion synergists may also be used to obtain better
dispersion quality and stability. [0049] In another embodiment pigment dispersions are prepared by first making a
salt of the quinacridone derivative. [0050] A method for forming pigment dispersions comprising the steps of:
(a) providing a quinacridone derivative according to Formula (I);
(b) transforming at least one carboxylic acid group of the quinacridone derivative into a salt group; and

(c) mixing the quinacridone derivative with a pigment in a dispersion
medium. [0051] In case that the dispersion synergist contains a salt of a carboxyiic acid
group, the charge of the carboxylate anion is compensated by a cation. [0052] The cation may be an inorganic cation selected from the group consisting
of the la and lla metals in the table of Mendeleyev. In a preferred
embodiment the cation is Li*. [0053] The cation may also be an organic cation. A preferred cation is an
ammonium and a substituted ammonium group. [0054] In a preferred embodiment the cation is selected from the substituted
ammonium cations disclosed in US 4461647 (ICI), US 4057436 (ICI) and
US 6641655 (AVECIA) incorporated herein by reference. [0055] Particularly preferred cations include the substituted-ammonium groups
selected from the group consisting of ■'N(CH3)2(Ci8H37)2,
*NH(CH3)2(Cl8H37), *N(CH3)2(C12H25)2, *NH(CH3)2(Cl2H25), *N(CH3)2(CloH2l)2, "NH(CH3)2(CloH2l), *N(CH3)2(C8Hl7)2.
*NH(CH3)2(C8Hi7). "NH(C8Hi7)3,"NH(CioH2i)3,*NH(Ci2H25)3and

[0057] The substituted ammonium group is cinemically represented in Table 1 as an amine with the hydrogen attached to the carboxylate anion. The cation can be used in any desired molar ratio to the quinacridinone derivative, but preferably the molar ratio of cation to quinacridone derivative is between
1:1 to 2:1.
[0058] The quinacridone derivative is preferably added in an amount between 0.1 and 20 wt% based upon the weight of the pigment.
[0059] The synergist should be additional to the amount of polymeric
dispersant(s). The ratio of polymeric dispersant/dispersion synergist depends upon the pigment and should be determined experimentally. Typically the ratio wt% polymeric dispersant/wt% dispersion synergist is selected between 2:1 to 1000:1, preferably between 2:1 and 100:1.
Pigment dispersions and Inkjet inks
[0060] A non-aqueous pigment dispersion preferably contains at least four components: (i) a colour pigment, (ii) a polymeric dispersant, (iii) a dispersion synergist and (iv) a dispersion medium.
[0061] The non-aqueous pigment dispersion may further also contain at least one surfactant.
[0052] The non-aqueous pigment dispersion is preferably an inkjet ink selected from the group consisting of organic solvent based, oil based and curable pigment inkjet inks. The curable pigment inkjet ink is preferably radiation curable. The viscosity of the pigment inkjet ink is preferably lower than 100 mPa.s at SO^C. The viscosity of the pigment inkjet ink is preferably lower

than 30 mPa.s, more preferably lower than 15 mPa.s, and most preferably between 2 and 10 mPa.s at a shear rate of 100 s-' and a jetting temperature between 10 and 70°C.
[0063] The non-aqueous pigment Inkjet ink may contain at least one humectant to prevent the clogging of the nozzle, due to its ability to slow down the evaporation rate of ink.
[0064] The curable pigment dispersion may contain as dispersion medium
monomers, oligomers and/or prepolymers possessing different degrees of functionality. A mixture including combinations of mono-, di-, tri- and/or higher functionality monomers, oligomers or prepolymers may be used. A catalyst called an initiator for initiating the polymerization reaction may be included in the curable pigment Inkjet ink. The initiator can be a thermal initiator, but is preferably a photo-initiator. The photo-initiator requires less energy to activate than the monomers, oligomers and/or prepolymers to form the polymer. The photo-initiator suitable for use in the curable pigment dispersion may be a Nornsh type i initiator, a Norrish type 11 initiator or a photo-acid generator.
[0065] The pigment is preferabiy a quinacridone pigment. The quinacridone
pigment may be chosen from those disclosed by HERBST, Willy, et al. Industrial Organic Pigments, Production, Properties, Applications. 3rd edition. Wiley - VCH , 2004. ISBN 3527305769.
[0066] Suitable pigments include C.I. Pigment Red 122, 192, 202, 207, 209 and 282.
[0057] Particular preferred quinacridone pigments are C.I. Pigment Violet 19 and C.I. Pigment Red 122.
[0068] Suitable pigments include mixed crystals of the above particular preferred pigments. A commercially available example is Cinquasia Magenta RT-355-D from Ciba Specialty Chemicals. Preferably the quinacridone pigment is selected from the group consisting of C.I. Pigment Violet 19, C.I. Pigment Red 122, C.I. Pigment Red 202 and mixed crv'stals of quinacridone pigments.

[0069] Mixed crystals are also referred to as solid solutions. Under certain conditions different quinacridones mix with each other to form solid solutions, which are quite different from both physical mixtures of the compounds and from the compounds themselves. In a solid solution, the molecules of the components enter Into the same crystal lattice, usually, but not always, that of one of the components. The x-ray diffraction pattern of the resulting crystalline solid is characteristic of that solid and can be clearly differentiated from the pattern of a physical mixture of the same components in the same proportion. In such physical mixtures, the x-ray pattern of each of the components can be distinguished, and the disappearance of many of these lines is one of the criteria of the formation of solid solutions. Mixed crystals of quinacridone pigments include solid solutions of quinacridone and diketopyrrolo-pyrrole.
[0070] It was surprisingly found that not only solid solutions of quinacridone and diketopyrrolo-pyrrole could be dispersed by the quinacridone derivative according to the present invention, but also diketopyrrolo-pyrrole pigments and mixed crystals thereof.
[0071] The diketopyrrolo-pyrrole pigments are preferably selected from the group consisting of C.i. Pigment Orange 71, C.l. Pigment Orange 73, C.I. Pigment Orange 81, C.l. Pigment Red 254, CI. Pigment Red 255, C.l. Pigment Red 2S4, C.l. Pigment Red 270, C.l. Pigment Red 272 and mixed crystals of diketopyrrolo-pyrrole pigments.
[0072] Pigment particles in Inkjet ink should be sufficiently small to permit free flow of the ink through the inkjet-printing device, especially at the ejecting nozzles. It is also desirable to use small particles for maximum colour strength and to slow down sedimentation.
[0073] The average particle size of the pigment in an Inkjet ink should be
between 0.005 and 15 pm. The numeric average pigment particle size is preferably between 0.005 and 5 pm, more preferably between 0.005 and 1 pm, particulariy preferably between 0.005 and 0.3 Mm and most preferably between 0.040 and 0.150 pm.
[0074] The quinacridone pigment is preferably used in a non-aqueous pigment Inkjet ink in an amount of 0.1 to 20 wt%, preferably 1 to 10 vi^% based on

the total weight of the non-aqueous inkjet ink. In multi-density inkjet ink-sets, a light inkjet ink preferably comprises the quinacridone pigment in an amount between 0.1 to 3 wt% and a dark inkjet ink preferably comprises the quinacridone pigment in an amount betweeni to 10 wt% of pigment.
[0075] The non-aqueous inkjet ink comprising a quinacridone pigment and the quinacridone derivative is preferably used in combination with other inkjet inks to form an inkjet ink set. These other inkjet inks may be black, cyan, magenta, yellow, red, orange, violet, blue, green, brown, mixtures thereof, and the like.
[0076] In a preferred embodiment the inkjet ink set comprises at least a cyan ink, a magenta ink, a yellow ink and a black ink. The CMYK ink set may also be extended with extra inks such as red, green, blue, and/or orange to enlarge the colour gamut of the ink set. The CMYK ink set may also be extended by the combination of full density and light density inks of both color inks and/or black inks to improve the image quality by lowered graininess.
[0077] The pigment is preferably used in the non-aqueous pigment inkjet ink in an amount of 0.1 to 20 wt%, preferably 1 to 10 wt% based on the total weight of the non-aqueous Inkjet ink. In multi-density inkjet ink sets, a light density inkjet ink preferably comprises the pigment in an amount between 0.1 to 3 wt% and a full density inkjet ink preferably comprises the pigment in an amount betweeni to 10 wt% of pigment.
[0078] The colour pigment for the other inkjet inks may be chosen from those disclosed by HERBST, Willy, et al. Industrial Organic Pigments, Production, Properties, Applications. 3rd edition. Wiley - VCH , 2004. ISBN 3527305769.
[0079] Particular preferred pigments are C.l. Pigment Yellow 1, 3, 10, 12, 13, 14, 17, 55, 65, 73, 74, 75, 83, 93, 97, 109, 111, 120, 128, 138, 139, 150, 151, 154, 155, 180,185 and 213.
[0080] Particular preferred pigments are C.l. Pigment Yellow 120, 151, 154, 175, 180, 181 and 194.
[0081] Particular preferred pigments are C.l. Pigment Blue 15:1, 15:2, 15:3, 15:4, 15:6, 16, 56, 61 and (bridged) aluminium phthalocyanine pigments.

[0082] Particular preferred pigments are C.I. Pigment Orange 5, 13, 16, 34, 40, 43, 59, 66, 67, 69, 71 and 73.
[0083] Particular preferred pigments are C.I. Pigment Green 7 and 35.
[0084] Particular preferred pigments are C.I. Pigment Brown 6 and 7.
[0085] Carbon black is preferred as a pigment for the non-aqueous black Inkjet ink. Suitable black pigment materials include carbon blacks such as Pigment Black 7 (e.g. Carbon Black MAS™ from MITSUBISHI CHEMICAL), RegaFM 400R, Mogul™ L, Elftex™ 320 from CABOT Co., or Carbon Black FW18, Special Black 250, Special Black 350, Special Black 550, Printex™ 25, Printex™ 35, Printex™ 55, Printex™ 90, Printex™ 150T from DEGUSSA. Additional examples of suitable pigments are disclosed in US 5389133 (XEROX) .
[0086] It is also possible to make mixtures of pigments in a non-aqueous inkjet ink. For example, carbon black generally exhibits a warm brownish black tone, while a neutral black tone is generally preferred. A neutral black inkjet ink can be obtained, for example, by mixing carbon black with a cyan, a magenta or a cyan and magenta pigment into the ink, as for example described in pending European patent application EP 1593718 A (AGFA) . The inkjet application may also require one or more spot colours, for example for packaging inkjet printing or textile inkjet printing. Silver and gold are often desired colours for inkjet poster printing and point-of-sales displays. Particular preferred pigments are C.I. Pigment Metal 1, 2 and 3. Illustrative examples of the inorganic pigments include titanium oxide, barium sulfate, calcium carbonate, zinc oxide, lead sulfate, yellow lead, zinc yellow, red iron oxide (IK), cadmium red, ultramiarine blue, prussian blue, chromium oxide green, cobalt green, amber, titanium black and synthetic iron black.
[0087] The dispersant used in the non-aqueous pigment dispersion is preferably a polymeric dispersant.
[0088] Typical polymeric dispersants are copolymers of two monomers but may contain three, four, five or even more monomers. The properties of polymeric dispersants depend on both the nature of the monomers and

their distribution in the polymer. Suitable copolymeric dispersants have the following polymer compositions:
statistically polymerized monomers (e.g. monomers A and B
polymerized into ABBAABAB);
alternating polymerized monomers (e.g. monomers A and B
polymerized into ABABABAB);
gradient (tapered) polymerized monomers (e.g. monomers A and B
polymerized into AAABAABBABBB);
block copolymers (e.g. monomers A and B polymerized into
AAAAABBBBBB) wherein the block length of each of the blocks (2, 3,
4, 5 or even more) is important for the dispersion capability of the
polymeric dispersant; * ■ graft copolymers (graft copolymers consist of a polymeric backbone
with side chains attached to the backbone); and
mixed forms of these polymers, e.g. blocky gradient copolymers. [0089] Polymeric dispersants may have different polymer architecture including linear, comb/branched, star, dendritic (including dendrimers and hyperbranched polymers). A general review on the architecture of polymers is given by ODIAN, George, Principles Of Polymerization, 4th edition, Wiley-lnterscience, 2004, p. 1-18. [0090] Comb/branched polymers have side branches of linked monomer
molecules protruding from various central branch points along the main polymer chain (at least 3 branch points). [0091] Star polymers are branched polymers in which three or more either similar or different linear homopolymers or copolymers are linked together to a single core. [0092] Dendritic polymers comprise the classes of dendrimers and
hyperbranched polymers. In dendrimers, with well-defined mono-disperse structures, all branch points are used (multi-step synthesis), while hyperbranched polymers have a plurality of branch points and multifunctional branches that lead to further branching with polymer growth (one-step polymerization process).

[0093] Suitable polymeric dispersants may be prepared via addition or
condensation type polymerizations. Polymerization methods include those described by ODIAN, George, Principles Of Polymerization, 4th edition, Wiley-lnterscience, 2004, p. 39-606. [0094] Addition polymerization methods include free radical polymerization (FRP) and controlled polymerization techniques. Suitable controlled radical polymerization methods include:
RAFT; reversible addition-fragmentation chain transfer; ATRP: atom transfer radical polymerization
MADIX: reversible addition-fragmentation chain transfer process, using a transfer active xanthate;
Catalytic chain transfer (e.g. using cobalt complexes); Nitroxide (e.g. TEMPO) mediated polymerizations; [0095] Other suitable controlled polymerization methods include: GTP: group transfer polymerization; Living cationic (ring-opening) polymerizations; Anionic co-ordination insertion ring-opening polymerization; and Living anionic (ring-opening) polymerization. [0096] Reversible addition-fragmentation transfer (RAFT): controlled
polymerization occurs via rapid chain transfer between growing polymer radicals and dormant polymer chains. A review article on RAFT synthesis of dispersants with different polymeric geometry is given in QUINN J.F. et al., Facile Synthesis of comb, star, and graft polymers via reversible addition-fragmentation chain transfer (RAFT) polymerization, Journal of Polymer Science, Part A: Polymer Chemistry, Vol.40, 2956-2966, 2002. [0097] Group transfer polymerization (GTP): the method of GTP used for
synthesis of AB block copolymers is disclosed by SPINELLI, Harry J, GTP and its use in water based pigment dispersants and emulsion stabilisers, Proc. of 20th Int.. Conf. Org. Coat. Sci. Technol., New Piatz, N.Y., State Univ. N.Y., Inst. Mater. Sci. p. 511-518. [0098] The synthesis of dendritic polymers is described in the literature. The
synthesis of dendrimers in NEWCOME, G.R., et a!. Dendritic Molecules: Concepts, Synthesis, Perspectives. VCH: WEINHEIM, 2001.

Hyperbranching polymerization is described by BURCHARD, W.. Solution properties of branched macromolecules. Advances in Polymer Science. 1999, vol. 143, no.II, p. 113-194. Hyperbranched materials can be obtained by polyfunctional polycondensation as disclosed by FLORY,P.J.. Molecular size distribution in three-dimensional polymers. VI. Branched polymer containing A-R-Bf-1-type units. Journal of tlie American Chemical Society. 1952,' vol.74, p. 2718-1723.
[0099] Living cationic polymerizations is e.g. used for the synthesis of polyvinyl ethers as disclosed in WO 2005/012444 (CANON) , US 20050197424 (CANON) and US 20050176846 (CANON) . Anionic co-ordination nng-opening polymerization is e.g. used for the synthesis of polyesters based on lactones. Living anionic ring-opening polymerization is e.g. used for the "" synthesis- of poiyethylene oxide macromonomers.-
[0100] Free radical Polymerization (FRP) proceeds via a chain mechanism, which basically consists of four different types of reactions involving free radicals; (1) radical generation from non-radical species (initiation), (2) radical addition to a substituted aikene (propagation), (3) atom transfer and atom abstraction reactions (chain transfer and termination by disproportionation), and (4) radical-radical recombination reactions (termination by combination).
[0101] Polymeric dispersants having several of the above polymer compositions are disclosed in US 6022908 (HP), US 5302197 (DU PONT) and US 6528557 (XEROX) .
[0102] Suitable statistical copolymeric dispersants are disclosed in US 5648405 (DU PONT) , US 6245832 (FUJI XEROX) , US 6252207 (3M) , US 20050004262 (KAO) and US 6852777 (KAO) .
[0103] Suitable alternating copolymeric dispersants are described in US 20030017271 (AK20 NOBEL) .
[0104] Suitable block copolymeric dispersants have been described in numerous patents, especially block copolymeric dispersants containing hydrophobic and hydrophiiic blocks. For example, US 5859113 (DU PONT) AB block copolymers, US 6413306 (DU PONT) discloses ABC block copolymers.

[0105] Suitable graft copolymeric dispersants are described in CA 2157361 (DU PONT) (hydrophobic polymeric backbone and hydrophilic side chains); other graft copolymeric dispersants are disclosed in US 6652634 (LEXMARK) )US 6521715 (DU PONT)).
[0106] Suitable branched copolymeric dispersants are described US 6005023 (DU PONT) )US 6031019 (KAO) )US 6127453 (KODAK)).
[0107] Suitable dendritic copolymeric dispersants are described in e.g. US
6518370 (3M)), US 6258896 (3M) )W0 00/063305 (GEM GRAVURE) ), US 6549138 (QUANTUM DOT) ), US 2002256230 (BASF) ), EP 1351759 A (EFKA ADDITIVES) and EP 1295919 A (KODAK)).
[0108] Suitable designs of polymeric dispersants for Inkjet inks are disclosed in
SPINELLI, Harry J., Polymeric Dispersants in Inkjet technology, Advanced -Materials, 1998, Vol. 10, no. 15, p. 1215-1218.
[0109] The monomers and/or oligomers used to prepare the polymeric dispersant can be any monomer and/or oligomer found in the Polymer Handbook Vol. 1 + 2, 4th edition, edited by J. BRANDRUP et al., Wiley-lnterscience, 1999.
[0110] Polymers useful as pigment dispersants include naturally occurring
polymers, and specific examples thereof include: proteins, such as glue, gelatine, casein, and albumin; naturally occurring rubbers, such as gum arable and tragacanth; glucosides such as saponin; alginic acid and alginic acid derivatives, such as propylene glycol alginate; and cellulose derivatives, such as methyl cellulose, carboxymethyl cellulose and ethylhydroxy cellulose; woo! and silk, and synthetic polymers.
[0111] Suitable examples of monomers for synthesising polymeric dispersants include: acrylic acid, methacrylic acid, maleic acid (or there salts), maleic anhydride, alkyl(meth)acrylates (linear, branched and cycloalkyl) such as methyl(meth)acrylate, n-butyl(meth)acrylate, tert-butyl(meth)acrylate, cyclohexyl(meth)acrylate, and 2-ethylhexyl(meth)acry!ate; aryl(meth)acrylates such as benzyl(meth)acrylate, and phenyl(meth)acrylate; hydroxyalkyl(meth)acrylates such as hydroxyethyl(meth)acrylate, and hydroxypropyl(meth)acrylate; (meth)acrylates with other types of functionalities (e.g. oxiranes, amino.

fluoro, polyethylene oxide, phosphate substituted) such as giycidyi (meth)acryiate, dimethylaminoethyl(meth)acrylate, trifluoroethyi acrylate, methoxypolyethyleneglycol (meth)acrylate, and tripropyleneglyco! (meth)acrylate phosphate; allyl derivatives such as allyl giycidyi ether; styrenics such as styrene, 4-methylstyrene, 4-hydroxystyrene, 4-acetostyrene, and styrene sulfonic acid; (meth)acrylonitrlle; (meth)acrylamides (including N-mono and N,N-d(substituted) such as N-benzyl (meth)acrylamide; maleimides such as N-phenyl maleimide; vinyl derivatives such as vinyl alcohol, vinylcaprolactam, vinylpyrrolidone, vinylimidazole, vinylnapthalene, and vinyl halides; vinylethers such as vinylmethyl ether; vinyiesters of carboxylic acids such as vinylacetate, vinylbutyrate, and vinyl benzoate. Typical condensation type polymers include polyurethanes, polyamides, polycarbonates, polyethers, polyureas, poiyimines, polyimides, polyketones, polyester, polysiloxane, phenol-formaldehyde, urea-formaldehyde, melamine-formaldehyde, polysulfide, polyacetal or combinations thereof. [0112] Suitable copolymeric dispersants are acrylic acid/acrylonitrile copolymer, vinyl acetate/acrylic ester copolymer, acrylic acid/acrylic ester copolymer, styrene/acrylic acid copolymer, styrene/methacrylic acid copolymer, styrene/methacrylic acid/acrylic ester copolymer, styrene/a-methylstyrene/acrylic acid copolymer, styrene/a-methylstyrene/acryiic acid/acrylic ester copolymer, styrene/maleic acid copolymer, styrene/maleic anhydride copolymer, vinylnaphthalene/acryiic acid copolymer, vinylnapthalene/maleic acid copolymer, vinyl acetate/ethylene copolymer, vinyl acetate/fatty acid/ethylene copolymer, vinyl acetate/maleic ester copolymer, vinyl acetate/crotonic acid copolymer, vinyl acetate/acrylic acid copolymer. [0113] Suitable chemistries of copolymeric dispersants also include:
Copolymers which are the product of a condensation process of
poly(ethylene imine) with a carboxylic acid terminated polyester (made
by addition polymerization); and
Copolymers which are the product of a reaction of a multifunctional
isocyanate with:

- a compound monosubstituted with a group that is capable of reacting with an isocyanate, e.g. polyester;
- a compound containing two groups capable of reacting with an isocyanate (cross-linker); or
- a compound with at least one basic ring nitrogen and a group that is capable of reacting with an isocyanate group.
[0114] A detailed list of suitable polymeric dispersants is disclosed by MC
CUTCHEON, Functional Materials, North American Edition, Glen Rock,
N.J.: Manufacturing Confectioner Publishing Co., 1990, p. 110-129. [0115] Suitable pigment stabilisers are also disclosed in DE 19636382 (BAYER)
)US 5720802 (XEROX)), US 5713993 (DU PONT)), WO 96/12772
(XAAR) )US 5085689 (BASF)). [0116] One polymeric dispersant or a mixture of two or more polyn^ric
dispersants may be present to improve the dispersion stability further.
Sometimes surfactants can also be used as pigment dispersants, thus a
combination of a polymeric dispersant with a surfactant is also possible. [0117] The polymeric dispersant can be non-ionic, anionic or cationic in nature;
salts of the ionic dispersants can also be used. [0118] The poiymeric dispersant has preferably a polymerization degree DP
between 5 and 1000, more preferably between 10 and 500 and most
preferably between 10 and 100. [0119] The polymeric dispersant has preferably a number average molecular
weight Mn between 500 and 30000, more preferably between 1500 and
10000. [0120] The polymeric dispersant has preferably an average molecular weight Mw
smaller than 100000, more preferably smaller than 50000 and most
preferably smaller than 30000. [0121] The poiymeric dispersant has preferably a polymeric dispersity PD smaller
than 2, more preferably smaller than 1.75 and most preferably smaller
than 1.5. [0122] Commercial examples of polymeric dispersants are the following:
• DISPERBYKTw dispersants available from BYK CHEMIE GMBH;
• SOLSPERSE™ dispersants available from NOVEON;

• TEGO™ DISPERS™ dispersants from DEGUSSA;
• EDAPLAN™ dispersants from MUN2ING CHEMIE;
• ETHACRYL™ dispersants from LYON DELL;
• GANEXTM dispersants from ISP;
• DISPONER™ dispersants from DEUCHEM; and
• JONCRYL™ dispersants from JOHNSON POLYMER. [0123] Particularly preferred polymeric dispersants include Solsperse™
dispersants from NOVEON, Efka™ dispersants from CIBA SPECIALTY CHEMICALS INC and Disperbyk™ dispersants from BYK CHEMIE GMBH.
[0124] Particularly preferred dispersants for solvent based pigmented dispersions are Solsperse™ 32000 and 39000 from NOVEON.
[0125] Particularly preferred dispersants for oil based pigmented dispersions are Solsperse™ 11000, 11200, 13940, 16000, 17000 and 19000 from NOVEON.
[0126] Particularly preferred dispersants for UV-curable pigmented dispersions are Solsperse™ 32000 and 39000 dispersants from NOVEON,
[0127] The polymeric dispersant is preferably used in an amount of 2 to 600 wt%, more preferably 5 to 200 wt% based on the weight of the pigment.
Dispersion media
[0128] The dispersion medium used is preferably a liquid at room temperature.
[0129] In one embodiment the dispersion medium consists of organic solvent(s). Suitable organic solvents include alcohols, ketones, esters, ethers, glycols and polyglycols and derivatives thereof, lactones, N-containing solvents such as amides. Preferably mixtures of one or more of these solvents are used.
[0130] Examples of suitable alcohols include methyl alcohol, ethyl alcohol, n-propyl alcohol, isopropyl alcohol, n-butyl alcohol, heptyl alcohol, octyl alcohol, cyclohexyl alcohol, benzyl alcohol, phenylethyl alcohol, phenylpropyl alcohol, furfuryl alcohol, anise alcohol and fluoroalcohols.

[0131] Examples of suitable ketones include acetone, methyl ethyl ketone, methyl n-propyl ketone, methyl isopropyl ketone, methyl n-butyl ketone, methyl isobutyl ketone, methyl n-amyl ketone, methyl isoamyl ketone, diethyl ketone, ethyl n-propyl ketone, ethyl isopropyl ketone, ethyl n-butyl ketone, ethyl isobutyl ketone, di-n-propyl ketone, diisobutyl ketone, cyclohexanone, methyicyclohexanone and isophorone, 2,4-pentanedione and hexafluoroacetone.
[0132] Examples of suitable esters include methyl acetate, ethyl acetate, n-propyl acetate, isopropyl acetate, n-butyl acetate, isobutyl acetate, hexyl acetate, octyl acetate, benzyl acetate, phenoxyethyl acetate, ethyl phenyl acetate, methyl lactate, ethyl lactate, propyl lactate, butyl lactate; methyl propionate, ethyl propionate, benzyl propionate, ethylene carbonate, propylene carbonate, amyl acetate, ethyl benzoate, butyl benzoate, butyl laurate, isopropyl myristate, isopropyl palmirate, triethyl phosphate, tributyl phosphate, diethyl phthalate, dibutyl phthalate, diethyl malonate, dipropyl maionate, diethyl succinate, dibutyl succinate, diethyl glutarate, diethyl adipate, dibutyl adipate and diethyl sebacate.
[0133] Examples of suitable ethers include butyl phenyl ether, benzyl ethyl ether, hexyl ether, diethyl ether, dipropyl ether, tetrahydrofuran and dioxane.
[0134] Examples of suitable glycols and polyglycols include ethylene glycol,
diethylene glycol, triethylene glycol, propylene glycol, dipropylene glycol and tripropylene glycol.
[0135] Examples of suitable glycol and polyglycol derivatives include ethers such as alkylene glycol mono alkyl ethers, alkylene glycol dialkyl ethers, polyalkylene glycol monoalkyi ethers, polyalkylene glycol dialkyl ethers and esters of the preceding glycol ethers such as acetate and propionate esters, in case of dialkyl ethers only one ether function (resulting in mixed ether/ester) or both ether functions can be esterized (resulting in dialkyl ester).
[0136] Examples of suitable alkylene glycol mono alkyl ethers include ethylene glycol mono methyl ether, ethylene glycol mono ethyl ether, ethylene glycol mono propyl ether, ethylene glycol mono butyl ether, ethylene glycol mono hexyl ether, ethylene glycol mono 2-ethyl-hexyl ether, ethylene

glycol mono phenyl ether, propylene glycol mono methyl ether, propylene glycol mono ethyl ether, propylene glycol mono n-propyl ether, propylene glycol mono n-butyl ether, propylene glycol mono iso-butyl ether, propylene glycol mono t-butyl ether and propylene glycol mono phenyl ether.
[0137] Examples of suitable alkylene glycol dialkyi ethers include ethylene glycol dimethyl ether, ethylene glycol diethyl ether, ethylene glycol methyl ethyl ether, ethylene glycol dibutyl ether, propylene glycol dimethyl ether, propylene glycol diethyl ether and propylene glycol dibutyl ether.
[0138] Examples of suitable polyalkylene glycol mono alkyl ethers include
diethylene glycol mono methyl ether, diethylene glycol mono ethyl ether, diethylene glycol mono-n-propyl ether, diethylene glycol mono n-butyl ■ ether, diethylene glycol mono hexyl ether, triethylene glycol mono methyl ether, triethylene mono ethyl ether, triethylene glycol mono butyl ether, dipropylene mono methyl ether, dipropylene glycol mono ethyl ether, dipropylene glycol n-propyl ether, dipropylene glycol mono n-butyl ether, dipropylene mono t-butyi ether, tripropylene glycol mono methyl ether, tripropylene glycol mono ethyl ether, tripropylene glycol mono n-propyl ether and tripropylene glycol mono n-butyl ether.
[0139] Examples of suitable polyalkylene glycol dialkyi ethers include diethylene glycol dimethyl ether, triethylene glycol dimethyl ether, tetraethylene glycol dimethyl ether, diethylene glycol diethyl ether, triethylene glycol diethyl ether, tetraethylene glycol diethyl ether, diethylene glycol methyl ethyl ether, triethylene glycol methyl ethyl ether, tetraethylene glycol methyl ethyl ether, diethylene glycol di-n-propyl ether, diethylene glycol di-iso-propyl ether, dipropylene glycol dimethyl ether, dipropylene glycol diethyl ether, dipropylene di n-propyl ether, dipropylene di t-butyl ether, tripropylene glycol dimethyl ether and tripropylene glycol diethyl ether.
[0140] Examples of suitable glycol esters include ethylene glycol monomethyl ether acetate, ethylene glycol monoethyl ether acetate, ethylene glycol monopropyl ether acetate, ethylene glycol monobutyl ether acetate, diethylene glycol monoethyl ether acetate, diethylene glycol monobutyl ether acetate, propylene glycol monomethyl ether acetate, propylene

glycol monoethyl ether acetate, dipropylene glycol monomethyl ether acetate and propylene glycol monomethyl ether propionate. [0141] Preferred solvents for use in the pigment dispersion and Inkjet inks
according to the present invention are one or more polyalkyleneglycol dialkylethers represented by the formula (PAG)
Ri and R2 are each independently selected from an alkyl group having 1 to
4 carbon atoms;
Y represents an ethylene group and/or a propylene group; wherein
n is an integer selected from 4 to 20 .for a first polyalkyleneglycol
dialkylether; and n is an integer selected from 5 to 20 for a second
[0142] The alky! groups Ri and R2 of the polyalkyleneglycol dialkylethers
according to Formula (PAG) preferably represent methyl and/or ethyl. Most preferably the alkyl groups Ri and R2 are both methyl groups.
[0143] in a preferred embodiment the polyalkyleneglycol dialkylethers according to Formula (PAG) are polyethylene glycol dialkylethers.
[0144] In another preferred embodiment, a mixture of 2, 3, 4 or more
polyalkyleneglycol dialkylethers, more preferably polyethylene glycol dialkylethers are present in the pigment dispersion or Inkjet ink.
[0145] Suitable mixtures of polyalkyleneglycol dialkylethers for the pigment
dispersions include mixtures of polyethylene glycol dimethyl ethers having a molecular weight of at least 200, such as Polyglycol DME 200™, Polyglycol DME 250™ and Polyglycol DME 500™ from CLARIANT. The polyalkyleneglycol dialkylethers used in non-aqueous Inkjet inks have preferably an average molecular weight between 200 and 800, and more preferably no polyalkyleneglycol dialkylethers with a molecular weight of more than 800 are present. The mixture of polyalkyleneglycol dialkylethers is preferably a homogeneous liquid mixture at room temperature.

[0146] Suitable commercial glycol ether solvents include Cellosolve™' solvents
and Carbitol™ solvents from UNION CARBIDE, Ektasotve™ solvents from EASTMAN, Dowanol™ solvents from DOW, Oxitoli™ solvents, Dioxitoll™ solvents, Proxitoll™ solvents and Diproxitoll™ solvents from SHELL CHEMICAL and Arcosolv™ solvents from LYONDELL.
[0147] Lactones are compounds having a ring structure formed by ester bonds and can be of the y-lactone (5-membered ring structure), 6-lactone (5-membered ring structure) or £-lactone (7-membered ring structure) types. Suitable examples of lactones include y-butyrolactone, y-valerolactone, y-hexalactone, y-heptalactone, y-octalactone, y-nonalactone, y-decalactone, y-undecalactone, 5-valerolactone, 5-hexalactone, 5-heptalactone, 6-octalactone, 5-nonalactone, 5-decalactone, 6-undecalactone and £-caprolactone.
[0148] Suitable examples of N-containing organic solvents include 2-pyrroiidone, N-methylpyrroiidone, N,N-dimethyiacetamid, N,N-dimethylformamid, acetonitril and N,N-dimethyldodecanamide.
[0149] !n another embodiment the dispersion medium comprises oil types of
liquids, alone or in combination v/ith organic solvent(s). Suitable organic solvents include alcohols, ketones, esters, ethers, glycols and polyglycols and derivatives thereof, lactones, N-containing solvents such as amides, higher fatty acid ester and mixtures of one or more of the solvents as described above for solvent based dispersion media.
[0150] The amount of polar solvent is preferably lower than the amount of oil. The organic solvent has preferably a high boiling point, preferably above 200°C. Examples of suitable combinations are disclosed by EP 080S347 A (XAAR) especially for the use of oleyl alcohol and EP 1157070 A (MARCONI DATA SYSTEMS) for the combination of oil and volatile organic solvent.
[0151] Suitable oils include saturated hydrocarbons and unsaturated
hydrocarbons, aromatic oils, paraffinic oils, extracted paraffinic oils, napthenic oils, extracted napthenic oils, hydrotreated light or heavy oils, vegetable oils, white oils, petroleum naphtha oils, halogen-substituted hydrocarbons, silicones and derivatives and mixtures thereof.

[0152] Hydrocarbons may be selected from straight chain or branched chain
aliphatic hydrocarbons, alicyclic hydrocarbons and aromatic hydrocarbons. Examples of hydrocarbons are saturated hydrocarbons such as n-hexane, isohexane, n-nonane, isononane, dodecane and isododecane; unsaturated hydrocarbons such as 1-hexene, 1-heptane and 1-octane; cyclic saturated hydrocarbons such as cyclohexane, cycloheptane, cyclooctane, cyclodecane and decalin; cyclic unsaturated hydrocarbons such as cyclohexane, cycloheptene, cyclooctene,
1,3,5,7-cyclooctatetraene; and cyclododecene; and aromatic hydrocarbons such as banzane, toluene, xylene, naphthalene, phananthrene, anthracene and derivatives thereof. In literature the term paraffinic oil is often used. Suitable Paraffinic oils can be normal paraffin type (octane and higher all [0153] Suitable examples of halogenatsd hydrocarbons include methylene
dichioride, chloroform, tetrachloromethane and methyl chloroform. Other suitable examples of halogen-substituted hydrocarbons include perfluoro-alkanes, fluorine-based inert liquids and fluorocarbon iodides.
[0154] Suitable examples of silicone oils include dialkyi polysiloxane (e.g., hexamethyi disiloxane, tetramethyl disiloxane, octamethyl trisiloxane, hexamethyl trisiloxane, heptamethyl trisiloxane, decamethyl tetrasiloxane, trifluoropropyl heptamethyl trisiloxane, diethyl tetramethyl disiloxane), cyclic dialkyi polysiloxane (e.g., hexamethyl cyclotrisiioxane, octamethyl cyclotetrasiloxane, tetramethyl cyclotetrasiloxane, tetra(trifluoropropyI)tetramethyl cyclotetrasiloxane), and methylphenyi silicone oil.

[0155] White oil is a term used for white mineral oils, which are highly refined mineral oils that consist of saturated aliphatic and alicyclic non-polar hydrocarbons. White oils are hydrophobic, colourless, tasteless, odourless, and do not change colour over time.
[0156] Vegetable oils include semi-drying oils such as soybean oil, cotton seed oil, sunflower oil, rape seed oil, mustard oil, sesame oil and corn oil; non-drying oils such as olive oil, peanut oil and tsubaki oil; and drying oils such as linseed oil and safflower oil, wherein these vegetable oils can be used alone or as a mixture thereof.
[0157] Examples of other suitable oils include petroleum oils, non-drying oils and semi-drying oils.
[0158] Commercially available suitable oils include the aliphatic hydrocarbons
types such as the Isopar™ range (isoparaffins) and Varsol/Naphtha range from EXXON CHEMICAL, the Soitrol™ range and hydrocarbons from CHEVRON PHILLIPS CHEMICAL, and the Shellsol™ range from SHELL CHEMICALS.
[0159] Suitable commercial normal paraffins include the Norpar™ range from EXXON MOBIL CHEMICAL.
[0160] Suitable commercial napthenic hydrocarbons include the Nappar™ range from EXXON MOBIL CHEMICAL.
[0161] Suitable commercial de-aromatized petroleum distillates include the Exxsof™ D types from EXXON MOBIL CHEMICAL
[0162] Suitable commercial fluoro-substituted hydrocarbons include fluorocarbons from DAIKIN INDUSTRIES LTD, Chemical Division.
[0163] Suitable commercial silicone oils include the silicone fluid ranges from SHIN-ETSU CHEMICAL, Silicone Division.
[0164] Suitable commercial white oils include Witco™ white oils from CROMPTON CORPORATION.
[0165] If the non-aqueous pigment dispersion is a curable pigment dispersion, the dispersion medium comprises one or more monomers and/or oligomers to obtain a liquid dispersion medium. Sometimes, it can be advantageous to add a small amount of an organic solvent to improve the dissolution of the dispersant. The content of organic solvent should be lower than 20 wt%

based on the total weight of the Inkjet ink. In other cases, it can be advantageous to add a small amount of water, for example, to improve the spreading of the Inkjet ink on a hydrophijic surface, but preferably the Inkjet ink contains no water.
[0166] Preferred organic solvents include alcohols, aromatic hydrocarbons, ketones, esters, aliphatic hydrocarbons, higher fatty acids, carbitols, cellosolves, higher fatty acid esters. Suitable alcohols include methanol, ethanol, propanol and 1-butanol, 1-pentanol, 2-butano!, t.-butanol. Suitable aromatic hydrocarbons include toluene, and xylene. Suitable ketones include methyl ethyl ketone, methyl isobutyl ketone, 2,4-pentanedione and hexafluoroacetone. Also glycol, glycolethers, N-methylpyrrolidone, N,N-dimethylacetamid, N, N-dimethylformamid may be used.
[0167] In the case of a curable inkjet ink, the dispersion medium preferably consists of monomers and/or oligomers.
Monomers and oligomers
[0168] Any monomer or oligomer may be used as curable compound for the curable inkjet ink. A combination of monomers, oligomers and/or prepolymers may also be used. The monomers, oligomers and/or prepolymers may possess different degrees of functionality, and a mixture including combinations of mono-, di-, tri-and higher functionality monomers, oligomers and/or prepolymers may be used. The viscosity of the inkjet ink can be adjusted by varying the ratio between the monomers and oligomers.
[0169] Any method of conventional radical polymerization, photo-cuhng system using photo acid or photo base generator, or photo induction alternating copolymerization may be employed. In general, radical polymerization and cationic polymerization are preferred, and photo induction alternating copolymerization needing no initiator may also be employed. Furthermore, a hybrid system of combinations of these systems is also effective.
[0170] Cationic polymerization is superior in effectiveness due to lack of inhibition of the polymerization by oxygen, however it is expensive and slow, especially under conditions of high relative humidity. If cationic polymerization is used, it is preferred to use an epoxy compound together

with an oxetane compound to increase the rate of polymerization. Radical polymerization is the preferred polymerization process. [0171] Any polymerizable compound commonly known in the art may be
employed. Particularly preferred for use as a radiation curable compound in the radiation curable Inkjet ink are monofunctiona! and/or polyfunctional acrylate monomers, oligomers or prepolymers, such as isoamyl acryiate, stearyl acrylate, lauryl acrylate, octyl acrylate, decyl acrylate, isoamylstyl acrylate, isostearyl acrylate, 2-ethylhexyl-diglycol acrylate, 2-hydroxybutyl acrylate, 2-acryloyloxyethylhexahydrophthalic acid, butoxyethyl acrylate, ethoxydiethylene glycol acrylate, methoxydiethylene glycol acryiate, methoxypolyethylene glycol acrylate, methoxypropylene glycol acrylate, phenoxyethyl acrylate, tetrahydrofurfuryl acrylate, isobornyl acrylate, 2-' hydroxyethyracrylate, 2-hydroxyprbpyl acryiate, 2-hydroxy-3-phenoxypropyl acrylate, vinyl ether acrylate, vinyl ether ethoxy (meth)acryiate, 2-acryioyloxyethylsuccinic acid, 2-acryloyxyethylphthalic acid, 2-acryloxyethyl-2-hydroxyethyl-phthalic acid, lactone modified flexible acrylate, and t-butylcydohexyl acrylate, triethylene glycol diacrylate, tetraethylene glycol diacrylate, polyethylene glycol diacrylate, dipropylene glycol diacrylate, tripropylene glycol diacrylate, polypropylene glycol diacrylate, 1,4-butanediol diacrylate, 1,6-hexanediol diacrylate, 1,9-nonanediol diacrylate, neopentyl glycol diacrylate, dimethylol-tricyciodecane diacrylate, bisphenol A EO (ethylene oxide) adduct diacrylate, bisphenol A PO (propylene oxide) adduct diacrylate, hydroxypivalate neopentyl glycol diacrylate, propoxylated neopentyl glycol diacrylate, alkoxylated dimethyloltricyclodecane diacrylate and pofytetramethylene glycol diacrylate, trimethylolpropane triacrylate, EO modified trimethylolpropane triacrylate, tri (propylene glycol) triacrylate, caprolactone modified trimethylolpropane triacrylate, pentaerythritol triacrylate, pentaerithritol tetraacrylate, pentaerythritoiethoxy tetraa cry late, dipentaerythritol hexaacrylate, ditrimethylolpropane tetraacrylate, giycerinpropoxy triacrylate, and caprolactam modified dipentaerythritol hexaacrylate, or an N-vinylamide such as, N-vinylcaprolactam or N-

vinylformamide ; or acrylamide or a substituted acrylamide, such as acryloylmorpholine.
[0172] Other suitable monofunctional acryiates include caprolactone acrylate, cyclic trimethylolpropane formal acrylate, ethoxylated nonyl phenol acrylate, isodecyi acrylate, isooctyl acrylate, octyldecyl acrylate, alkoxylated phenol acrylate, tridecyl acrylate and alkoxylated cyclohexanone dimethanol diacrylate.
[0173] Other suitable difunctional acrylates include alkoxylated cyclohexanone dimethanol diacrylate, alkoxylated hexanediol diacrylate, dioxane glycol diacrylate, dioxane glycol diacrylate, cyclohexanone dimethanol diacrylate, diethylene glycol diacrylate and neopentyl glycol diacrylate.
[0174] Other suitable trifunctional acrylates include propoxylated glycerine triacrylate and propoxylated trimethylolpropane triacrytate.
[0175] Other higher functional acrylates include di-trimethyloipropane
tstraacryiate, dipentaerythritol pentaacrylate, ethoxylated pentaerythritol tetraacrylate, methoxylated glycol acrylates and acrylate esters.
[0176] Furthermore, methacrylates corresponding to the above-mentioned acrylates may be used with these acrylates. Of the methacrylates, methoxypolyethylene glycol methacrylate, methoxytriethylene glycol methacrylate, hydroxyethyl methacrylate, phenoxyethyl methacrylate, cyclohexyl methacrylate, tetraethylene glycol dimethacrylate, and polyethylene glycol dimethacrylate are preferred due to their relatively high sensitivity and higher adhesion to an ink-receiver surface.
[0177] Furthermore, the Inkjet inks may also contain polymerizable oligomers. Examples of these polymerizable oligomers include epoxy acrylates, aliphatic urethane acrylates, aromatic urethane acrylates, polyester acrylates, and straight-chained acrylic oligomers.
[0178] Suitable examples of styrene compounds are styrene, p-methylstyrene, p-methoxystyrene, p-methylstyrene, p-methy!-|S-methylstyrene, a-methylstyrene and p-methoxy-p-methylstyrene.
[0179] Suitable examples of vinytnaphthalene compounds are 1-vinyinaphthalene, a-methyl-1-vinytnaphthalene, p-methyl-1-

vinylnaphthaiene, 4-methyt-1-vinylnaphthalene and 4-methoxy-1-vinylnaphthalene.
[0180] Suitable examples of N-vinyl heterocyclic compounds are N-
vinylcarbazole, N-vinylpyrrolidone, N-vinyiindole, N-vinylpyrrole, N-vinylphenothiazine, N-vinyiacetoanilide, N-vinylethyiacetoamide, N-vinylsuccinimide, N-vinylphthalimide, N-vinylcaprolactam and N-vinylimidazole.
[0181] The cationically polymerizable compound of the Inkjet ink can be one or more monomers, one or more oligomers or a combination thereof.
[0182] Suitable examples of cationically curable compounds can be found in
Advances in Polymer Science, 62, pages 1 to 47 (1984) by J. V. Crivello.
[0183] The cationic curable compound may contain at least one olefin, thioether, acetal,thioxane, thietane, aziridine, N-, 0-, S- or P-heterocycle, aldehyde; lactam or cyclic ester group.
[0184] Examples of cationic polymerizable compounds include monomers and/or oligomers epoxides, vinyl ethers, styrenes, oxetanes, oxazolines, vinyinaphthalenes, N-vinyl heterocyclic compounds, tetrahydrofurfuryl compounds.
[0185] The cationically polymerizable monomer can be mono-, di- or multi¬functional or a mixture thereof.
[0186] Suitable cationic curable compounds having at least one epoxy group are listed in the "Handbook of Epoxy Resins" by Lee and Neville, McGraw Hill Book Company, New York (1967) and in "Epoxy Resin Technology" by P. F. Bruins, John Wiley and Sons New York (1968).
[0187] Examples of cationic curable compounds having at least one epoxy group include 1,4-butanediol digiycidyl ether, 3-(bis(glycidyloxymethyI)methoxy)-1,2-propane diol, limonene oxide, 2-biphenyl glycidyl ether, 3,4-epoxycyclohexylmethyl-3' ,4'-epoxycyclohexane carboxylate, epichlorohydrin-bispheno! S based epoxides, epoxidized styrenics and more epichlorohydrin-bisphenol F and A based epoxides and epoxidized novoiaks.
[0188] Suitable epoxy compounds comprising at least two epoxy groups in the molecule are alicyciic polyepoxide, polyglycidyl ester of polybasic acid,

polyglycidyl ether of polyol, polyglycidyl ether of polyoxyalkylene glycol, polyglycidyl ester of aromatic polyol, polyglycidyl ether of aromatic polyol, urethane polyepoxy compound, and polyepoxy polybutadiene.
[0189] Examples of cycloaiiphatic bisepoxides include copolymers of epoxides and hydroxyl components such as glycols, polyols, or vinyl ether, such as 3,4-epoxycyclohexylmethyl-3', 4'-epoxycyclohexylcarboxylate; bis (3,4-epoxycylohexyimethyl) adipate; limonene bisepoxide; diglycidyl ester of hexahydrophthaiic acid.
[0190] Examples of vinyl ethers having at least one vinyl ether group include ethyl vinyl ether, n-butyl vinyl ether, isobutyl vinyl ether, octadecyl vinyl ether, cyclohexyl vinyl ether, butanediol divinyl ether, hydroxyl butyl vinyl ether, cyclohexane dimethanol monovinyl ether, phenyl vinyl ether, p-methylphenyl vinyl ether, p-methexypheFvyl vinyl ether, a-methylphenyl vinyl ether, p-methylisobutyl vinyl ether and f3-chloroisobutyl vinyl ether, diethylenegtycol divinyl ether, triethylene glycol diviny! ether, n-propyl vinyl ether, isopropyl vinyl ether, dodecyl vinyl ether, diethylene glycol monovinyl ether, cyclohexanedimethanol divinyl ether, 4-(vinyloxy)butyl benzoate, bis[4-(vinyl oxy)butyl]adipate, bis[4-(vinyl oxy)butyl]succinate, 4-(vinyloxy methyl)cyclohexylmethyl benzoate, bis[4-(vinyloxy)butyl]isophthaiate, bis[4-(vinyloxymethyl)cyclohexylmethyl]glutarate, tris[4-(vinyloxy)butyl]trimellitate,4-(vinyloxy)butyl steatite, bis[4-(vinyloxy)butyl]hexanediylbiscarbamate, bis[4-(vinyloxy)methyl]cyclohexyl]methyl]terephthalate, bis[4-(vinyloxy)methyl]cyciohexyl]methyl]isophthalate, bis[4-(vinyloxy)butyl](4-methyl-1,3-phenylene)-biscarbamate, bis[4-vinyloxy)butyl](methylenedi-4,1-phenylene) biscarbamate and 3-amino-1-propanot vinyl ether.
[0191] Suitable examples of oxetane compounds having at least one oxetane
group include 3-ethyl-3-hydroloxymethyl-1-oxetane, the oligomeric mixture 1,4-bis [3-ethyl-3-oxetanyl methoxy)methyl]ben2ene, 3-ethyl-3-phenoxymethyl-oxetane, bis ([1-ethyl(3-oxetanil)]methyl) ether, 3-ethy(-3-[(2-ethylhexyloxy) methyl]oxetane, 3-ethyl-[(tri-ethoxysilyl propoxy)methyl]oxetane and 3,3-dimethyl-2(p-methoxy-phenyl)-oxetane.

[0192] A preferred class of monomers and oligomers which can be used in both radiation and cationically curable compositions are vinyl ether acrylates such as those described in US 6310115 (AGFA) , incorporated herein by reference. Particularly preferred compounds are 2- (2-vinyioxyethoxy)ethyI (meth)acrylate, most preferably the compound is 2- (2-vinyloxyethoxy)ethyl acrylate.
[0193] The curable inkjet ink preferably also contains an initiator. The initiator
typically initiates the polymerization reaction. The initiator can be a thermal initiator, but is preferably a photo-initiator. The photo-initiator requires less energy to activate than the monomers, oligomers and/or prepolymers to form the polymer. The photo-initiator suitable for use in the curable inkjet ■■' inks maybe a Norrish type I inrtiator, a Norrish type I! initiator or a photo- -acid generator.
[0194] Thermal initiator(s) suitable for use in the curable inkjet ink include tert-amyl peroxybenzoate, 4,4-azobis(4-cyanovaleric acid), 1,1'-azobis(cydohexanecarbonitrile), 2,2'-azobisisobutyronitrile (AIBN), benzoyl peroxide, 2,2-bis( tert-butylperoxy)butane, 1,1-bis( tert-butylperoxy)cyclohexane,1,1-bis( tert-butylperoxy)cyclohexane, 2,5-bis( tert-butylperoxy)-2,5-dimethylhexane, 2,5-bis( tert-butylperoxy)-2,5-dimethy!-3-hexyne, bls(1-( tert-butylperoxy)-1-methylethyI)benzene, 1,1-bis( tert-butylperoxy)-3,3,5-trimethylcyclohexane, tert-butyl hydroperoxide, tert-butyl peracetate, tert-butyl peroxide, tert-butyl peroxybenzoate, tert-butylperoxy isopropyl carbonate, cumene hydroperoxide, cyclohexanone peroxide, dicumyl peroxide, iauroyi peroxide, 2,4- pentanedione peroxide, peracetic acid and potassium persulfate.
[0195] The photo-initiator or photo-initiator system absorbs light and is
responsible for the production of initiating species, such as free radicals and cations. Free radicals and cations are high-energy species that induce polymerization of monomers, oligomers and polymers and with polyfunctional monomers and oligomers thereby also inducing cross-linking.

[0196] Irradiation with actinic radiation may be realized in two steps by changing wavelength or intensity. In such cases it is preferred to use 2 types of photo-initiator together.
[0197] A combination of different types of initiator, for example, a photo-initiator and a thermal initiator can also be used.
[0198] A preferred Norrish type l-inltiator is selected from the group consisting of benzoinethers, benzii ketals, a,a-dialkoxyacetophenones, a-hydroxyalkylphenones, a-aminoalkyiphenones, acylphosphine oxides, acylphosphine sulphides, a-haloketones, a-halosuffones and a-halophenylglyoxalates.
[0199] A preferred Norrish type ll-initiator is selected from the group consisting of benzophenones, thioxanthones, 1,2-diketones and anthraquinones. A
- ' ~ preferred-co-initiator is selected from !he group consisting of an aliphatic 'amine, an aromatic amine and a thiol. Tertiary amines, heterocyclic thiols and 4-dialkyiamino-benzoic acid are particularly preferred as co-initiator.
[0200] Suitable photo-initiators are disclosed in CRIVELLO, J.V., et al. VOLUME 111: Photoinitiators for Free Radical Cationic . 2nd edition. Edited by BRADLEY, G.. London,UK: John Wiley and Sons Ltd, 1998. p.287-294.
[0201] Specific examples of photo-initiators may include, but are not limited to, the following compounds or combinations thereof: benzophenone and substituted benzophenones, 1-hydroxycyclohexyl phenyl ketone, thioxanthones such as isopropylthioxanthone, 2-hydroxy-2-methyl-1-phenylpropan-1-one, 2-benzyl-2-dimethylamino- (4-morphoiinophenyl) butan-1-one, benzii dimethylketal, bis (2,6- dimethylbenzoyl) -2,4, 4-trimethylpentylphosphine oxide, 2,4,6trimethylbenzoyldiphenyiphosphine oxide, 2-methyl-1- [4- (methylthio) phenyl] -2-morphoiinopropan-1-one, 2,2-dimethoxy-1, 2-diphenylethan-1-one or 5,7-diiodo-3- butoxy-5-fluorone, diphenyliodonium fluoride and triphenylsulfonium hexafiuophosphate.
[0202] Suitable commercial photo-initiators include Irgacure™ 184, Irgacure™ 500, Irgacure™ 907, Irgacure™ 369, Irgacure™ 1700, irgacure™ 551, Irgacure™ 819, Irgacure™ 1000, irgacure™ 1300, Irgacure™ 1870, Darocur™ 1173, Darocur™ 2959, Darocur™ 4265 and Darocur™ ITX

available from CIBA SPECIALTY CHEMICALS, Lucerin TPO available from BASF AG, Esacure™ KT046, Esacure™ KIP150, Esacure™ KT37 and Esacure™ EDB available from LAMBERTI, H-Nu™ 470 and H-Nu™ 470X available from SPECTRA GROUP Ltd..
[0203] Suitable cationic photo-initiators include compounds, which form aprotic acids or Bronstead acids upon exposure to ultraviolet and/or visible light sufftcient to initiate polymerization. The photo-initiator used may be a single compound, a mixture of two or more active compounds, or a combination of two or more different compounds, i.e. co-initiators. Non-limiting examples of suitable cationic photo-initiators are aryldiazonium salts, diaryliodonium salts, triarylsulphonium salts, triarylselenonium salts and the like.
[0204] The curable Inkjet ink may contain a photo-initiator system containing one or more photo-initiators and one or more sensitizers that transfer energy to the photo-inittator(s). Suitable sensitizers include photoreducible xanthene, fluorene, benzoxanthene, benzothioxanthene, thiazine, oxazine, coumarin, pyronine, porphyrin, acridine, azo, diazo, cyanine, merocyanine, diarylmethyl, triarylmethyl, anthraquinone, phenylenediamine, benzimidazole,, fluorochrome, quinoline, tetrazole, naphthol, benzidine, rhodamine, indigo and/or indanthrene dyes. The amount of the sensitizer is in general from 0.01 to 15 wt%, preferably from 0.05 to 5 w\.%, based in each case on the total weight of the curable Inkjet ink.
[0205] In order to increase the photosensitivity further, the curable Inkjet ink may additionally contain co-initiators. For example, the combination of titanocenes and trichloromethyl-s-triazines, of titanocenes and ketoxime ethers and of achdines and trichloromethyl-s-triazines is known. A further increase in sensitivity can be achieved by adding dibenzalacetone or amino acid derivatives. The amount of co-initiator or co-initiators is in general from 0.01 to 20 wt%, preferably from 0.05 to 10 wt%, based in each case on the total weight of the curable Inkjet ink.
[0206] A preferred initiator system is 2,2'-bis(o-chlorophenyl)-4,4',5,5'-tetraphenyl-(7CI,8C1) 4,4'-Bi-41-i-imidazole corresponding to the chemical formula:

[0208] A preferred amount of initiator is 0.3 - 50 wt% of tlie total weigiit of the curable liquid, and more preferably 1-15 wt% of the total weight of the curable Inkjet ink.
[0209] Irradiation with actinic radiation may be realized in two steps by changing wavelength or intensity. In such cases it is preferred to use 2 types of photo-initiator together.
[0210] The radiation curable Inkjet ink may contain a polymerization inhibitor. Suitable polymerization inhibitors include phenol type antioxidants, hindered amine light stabilizers, phosphor type antioxidants, hydroquinone monomethyl ether commonly used in (meth)acrylate monomers, and hydroquinone, t-butylcatechoi, pyrogallol may also be used.
[0211] Suitable commercial inhibitors are, for example, Sumilizer™ GA-80,
Sumilizer™ QM and Sumilizer™ GS produced by Sumitomo Chemical Co. Ltd.; Genorad™ 16, Genorad™ 18 and Genorad™ 20 from Rahn AG; . Irgastab™ UV10 and Irgastab™ UV22, Tinuvin™ 460 and CGS20 from Ciba Specialty Chemicals; Floorstab™ UV range (UV-1, UV-2, UV-5 and

UV-8) from Kromachem Ltd, Additol™ S range (S100, S110, SI20 and SI 30) from Cytec Surface Specialties.
[0212] Since excessive addition of these polymerization inhibitors will lower the ink sensitivity to curing, it is preferred that the amount capable of preventing polymerization is determined prior to blending. The amount of a polymerization inhibitor is preferably lower than 2 wt% of the total ink.
[0213] Non-aqueous inkjet ink compositions preferably comprise a binder resin. The binder functions as a viscosity controlling agent and also provides fixability relative to the polymeric resin substrate, e.g. a polyvinyl chloride substrate, also called vinyl substrate. The binder must be selected to have a good solubility in the solvent(s).
[0214] Suitable examples of binder resins include acrylic resins, modified acrylic resins, styrene acrylic resins, acrylic copolymers, acrylate resins, aldehyde resins, rosins, rosin esters, modified rosins and modified rosin resins, acetyl polymers, acetal resins such as polyvinyl butyral, ketone resins, phenolic resins and modified phenolic resins, maleic resins and modified maleic resins, terpene resins, polyester resins, poiyamide resins, polyurethane resins, epoxy resins, vinyl resins, vinyl chloride-vinyl acetate copolymer resins, cellulose type resins such as nitro cellulose, cellulose acetopropionate and cellulose acetate butyrate, and vinyl toiuene-a-methylstyiene copolymer resin. These binders may be used alone or in a mixture thereof. The binder is preferably a film-forming thermoplastic resin.
[0215] The amount of binder resin in inkjet ink is preferably in the range of 0.1 to 30 wt%, more preferably 1 to 20 wt%, most preferably 2 to 10 wt% based on the total weight of the inkjet ink.
Other additives
[0216] In addition to the constituents, described above, the pigmented inkjet inks may, if necessary, further contain following additives to have desired performance: evaporation accelerators, rust inhibitors, crossiinking agents, soluble electrolytes as conductivity aid, sequestering agents and chelating agents, compounds to introduce security features,...

[0217] Compounds to introduce security features include a fluorescent
compound, a phosphorescent compound, a thermochromic compound, an iridescent compound and a magnetic particle. Suitable UV-fluorescent and phosphorescent compounds include LUMiLUX'"'^ luminescent pigments from HONEYWELL, UVITEX^M OB from CIBA-GEIGY, KEYFLUOR™ dyes and pigments from KEYSTONE and fluorescent dyes from SYNTHEGEN.
[0218] The Inkjet Ink may contain at least one surfactant. The surfactant(s) can be
anionic, cationic, non-ionic, or zwitter-ionic and are usually added in a total
quantity less than 20 wt% based on the total weight of the Inkjet ink and
partlculariy in a total less than 10 wt% based on the total weight of the
Inkjet ink. '
[0219] Suitable surfactants include fluorinated surfactants, fatty acid salts, ester salts of a higher alcohol, alkylbenzene sulphonate salts, sulphosucclnate ester salts and phosphate ester salts of a higher alcohol (for example, sodium dodecyibenzenesulphonate and sodium dioctylsulphosuccinate), ethylene oxide adducts of a higher alcohol, ethylene oxide adducts of an alkylphenol, ethylene oxide adducts of a polyhydric alcohol fatty acid ester, and acetylene glycol and ethylene oxide adducts thereof (for example, polyoxyethylene nonylpheny! ether, and SURFYNOL™ 104, 104H, 440, 465 and TG available from AIR PRODUCTS & CHEMICALS INC.).
[0220] For non-aqueous Inkjet inks preferred surfactants are selected from fluoro surfactants (such as fluorinated hydrocarbons) and silicone surfactants. The silicones are typically siloxanes and can be alkoxylated, potyether modified, polyether modified hydroxy functional, amine modified, epoxy modified and other modifications or combinations thereof. Preferred siloxanes are polymeric, for example poiydimethyislloxanes.
[0221] In a curable Inkjet ink a fluorinated or silicone compound may be used as a surfactant, preferably a cross-linkable surfactant is used. Polymerizable monomers having surface-active effects include silicone modified acrylates, silicone modified methacrylates, acrylated siloxanes, polyether modified acrylic modified siloxanes, fluorinated acrylates, and fluorinated

methacrylates. Polymerizable monomers having surface-active effects can be mono-, di-, tri- or higher functional (meth)acrylates or mixtures thereof.
[0222] Suitable humectants include triacetin, N-methyl-2-pyrroiidone, glycerol, urea, thiourea, ethylene urea, alkyl urea, alky! thiourea, dialkyi urea and dialkyi thiourea, diois, including ethanediols, propanediols, propanetriois, butanediols, pentanediols, and hexanediols; glycols, including propylene glycol, polypropylene glycol, ethylene glycol, polyethylene glycol, diethylene glycol, tetraethylene glycol, and mixtures and derivatives thereof. Preferred humectants are triethylene glycol mono butylether, glycerol and 1,2-hexanediol. The humectant is preferably added to the Inkjet ink formulation in an amount of 0.1 to 40 wt% of the formulation, more preferably 0.1 to 10 wt% of the formulation, and most preferably approximately 4.0 to 6.0 wt%.
Preparation of a pigment Inkjet inks
[0223] The Inkjet ink may be prepared by precipitating or milling the pigment in the dispersion medium in the presence of the dispersant.
[0224] Mixing apparatuses may include a pressure kneader, an open kneader, a planetary mixer, a dissolver, and a Dalton Universal Mixer. Suitable milling and dispersion apparatuses are a ball mill, a pearl mill, a colloid mill, a high-speed disperser, double rollers, a bead mill, a paint conditioner, and triple rollers. The dispersions may also be prepared using ultrasonic energy.
[0225] Many different types of materials may be used as milling media, such as glasses, ceramics, metals, and plastics. In a preferred embodiment, the grinding media can comprise particles, preferably substantially spherical in shape, e.g. beads consisting essentially of a polymehc resin or yttrium stabilized zirconium oxide beads.
[0225] In the process of mixing, milling and dispersion, each process is performed with cooling to prevent build up of heat, and for radiation curable Inkjet inks as much as possible under light conditions in which actinic radiation has been substantially excluded.

[0227] The Inkjet ink according to the present invention may contain more than
one pigment, the Inkjet ink may be prepared using separate dispersions for each pigment, or alternatively several pigments may be mixed and co-milled in preparing the dispersion.
[0228] The dispersion process can be carried out in a continuous, batch or semi-batch mode.
[0229] The preferred amounts and ratios of the ingredients of the mill grind will vary widely depending upon the specific materials and the intended applications. The contents of the milling mixture comprise the mill ghnd and the milling media. The mill grind comprises pigment, polymeric dispersant and a liquid carrier. For Inkjet inks, the pigment is usually present in the mill grind at 1 to 50 wt%, excluding the milling media. The weight ratio of pigment over polymeric dispersant is 20:1 to 1:2.
[0230] The milling time can vary widely and depends upon the pigment,
mechanical means and residence conditions selected, the initial and desired final particle size, etc. In the present invention pigment dispersions with an average particle size of less than 100 nm may be prepared.
[0231] After milling is completed, the milling media is separated from the milled particulate product (in either a dn>/ or liquid dispersion form) using conventional separation techniques, such as by filtration, sieving through a mesh screen, and the like. Often the sieve is built into the mill, e.g. for a bead mill. The milled pigment concentrate is preferably separated from the milling media by filtration.
[0232] In general it is desirable to make the Inkjet inks in the form of a
concentrated mill grind, which is subsequently diluted to the appropriate concentration for use in the Inkjet printing system. This technique permits preparation of a greater quantity of pigment ink from the equipment. By dilution, the Inkjet ink is adjusted to the desired viscosity, surface tension, colour, hue, saturation density, and print area coverage for the particular application.
Spectral Separation Factor
[0233] The spectral separation factor SSF was found to be an excellent measure to characterize a pigment Inkjet ink, as it takes into account properties

related to light-absorption (e.g. wavelength of maximum absorbance Amax, shape of the absorption spectrum and absorbance-value at Amax) as well as properties related to the dispersion quality and stability.
[0234] A measurement of the absorbance at a higher wavelength gives an
indication on the shape of the absorption spectrum. The dispersion quality can be evaluated based on the phenomenon of light scattering induced by solid particles in solutions. When measured in transmission, light scattering in pigment inks may be detected as an increased absorbance at higher wavelengths than the absorbance peak of the actual pigment. The dispersion stability can be evaluated by comparing the SSF before and after a heat treatment of e.g. a week at 80°C.
[0235] The spectral separation factor SSF of the ink is calculated by using the data of the recorded spectrum of an ink solution or a jetted image on a substrate and comparing the maximum absorbance to the absorbance at a higher reference wavelength Aref The spectral separation factor is calculated as the ratio of the maximum absorbance Amax over the absorbance Aref at a reference wavelength.
[0236] The SSF is an excellent tool to design Inkjet ink sets with large colour
gamut. Often Inkjet ink sets are now commercialized, wherein the different inks are not sufficiently matched with each other. For example, the combined absorption of all inks does not give a complete absorption over the whole visible spectrum, e.g. "gaps" exist between the absorption spectra of the colorants. Another problem is that one ink might be absorbing in the range of another ink. The resulting colour gamut of these Inkjet ink sets is low or mediocre.
[0237] All materials used in the following examples were readily available from standard sources such as Aidrich Chemical Co. (Belgium) and Acros

(Belgium) unless otherwise specified.
DEGDEE is diethylene glycol diethyletherfrom ACROS.
SOLSPERSE™ 32000 is a hyperdispersant from NOVEON.
Potassium tert-butoxide from ACROS.
Methyl-4-(bromomethyl)ben2oate from ACROS.
1,4-butanesultone from ACROS.
Tridodecylamine from ACROS.
Diethyl-5-(hydroxymethyl)isophthalate from ALDRICH.
Thionylchlorlde from ACROS.
N,N-dimethyl-N-octadecylamine from ACROS.
DPGDA™ is dipropylene glycol diacrylate available from CYTEC
PR122 is the abbreviation for C.l. Prgment Red 122 for Ink Jet Magenta™
EQ2VP2621 from CLARIANT was used.
PV19 is the abbreviation for C.l. Pigment Violet 19 for which Hostaperm
Red™ E5B02 from CLARIANT was used.
PR202 is the abbreviation for C.l. Pigment Red 202 for which CINQUA31A
PV19/PR202 is the abbreviation for a mixed crystal of C.l. Pigment Violet
19 and C.l. Pigment Red 202 for which ChromophtaiTM Jet Magenta 2BC
P071 is the abbreviation for C.l. Pigment Orange 71 for which
Cromophtal™ DPP Orange TR from Ciba Specialty Chemicals was used.
PR170 is an abbreviation of C.l. Pigment Red 170 for which NOVOPERM
PR184 is an abbreviation of C.l. Pigment Red 184 for which PERMANENT
DPP/Quinacridone is the abbreviation for a mixed cr>'stal of a
diketopyrrolo-pyrrole/quinacridone mixed crystal pigment for which
Chromophtal™ Magenta ST from CIBA SPECIALTY CHEMICALS was
PR254 is the abbreviation for C.l. Pigment Red 254 for which Irgazin™
DPP Red BTR from Ciba Specialty Chemicals was used.

PR255 is the abbreviation for C.L Pigment Red 255 for wtiich irgazin™ DPP SCARLET EK from Ciba Specialty Chemicals was used. [023B] The chemical structure of quinacridone pigments are listed in Table 2.

Measurement methods
1. Measurement of SSF
[0239] The spectral separation factor SSF of the ink was calculated by using the data of the recorded spectrum of an ink solution and comparing the maximum absorbance to the absorbance at a reference wavelength. The reference wavelength chosen for a magenta Inkjet ink was 650 nm.
[0240] The absorbance was determined in transmission with a Shimadzu
UV-2101 PC double beam-spsctrophotometer. The ink was diluted with ethyl acetate to have a pigment concentration of 0.005%. A spectrophotometric measurement of the UV-VIS-NIR absorption spectrum

of the diluted ink was performed in transmission-mode with a double beam-spectrophotometer using the settings of Table 3. Quartz cells with a path length of 10 mm were used and ethyl acetate was chosen as a blank.

[0241] Efficient pigment Inkjet inks exhibiting a narrow absorption spectrum and a high maximum absorbance have a value for SSF of at least 30.
2. Dispersion stability
[0242] The dispersion stability was evaluated by comparing the SSF before and after a heat treatment of one week at 80°C. Pigmented Inkjet inks exhibiting good dispersion stability have a SSF after heat treatment still larger than 30 and a loss in SSF of less than 35%.
3. Average particle size
[0243] The average particle size of pigment particles in Inkjet ink Vi/as determined with a Brookhaven Instruments Particle Sizar BI90plus based upon the principle of dynamic light scattering. The ink or dispersion was diluted with ethyl acetate to a pigment concentration of 0.002 wt%. The measurement settings of the B!90plus were: 5 runs at 23°C, angle of 90°, wavelength of 635 nm and graphics = correction function.
[0244] For good ink jet characteristics Getting characteristics and print quality) the average particle size of the dispersed particles is below 200 nm, preferably about 100 nm. The Inkjet ink is considered to be a stable pigment dispersion if the particle size remains below 200 nm after heat treatment of 7 days at 80°C.
4. Viscosity
[0245] The viscosity of the Inkjet inks was measured using a Brookfieid DV-I1+
viscometer at 25°C and shear rate of 15 RPM. EXAMPLE 1

0246] This example illustrates the synthesis of the quinacridone derivatives in
accordance with present invention. Synthesis of quinacridone derivative QAD-1 0247] The quinacridone derivative QAD-1 is represented by the formula:

25 g (0.1 mol) of diethyl-5-hydro>cymethy!)isophthalate was dissolved in a mixture of 100 mL of methylenechloride and 0.3 g dimethylacetamide (catalyst). 19.6 g (0.165 mol) of thionylchloride was added drop wise and the mixture was stirred during the night. After this period, the mixture was cooled in an ice bath and 150 mL of ethanol was added. While the methylenechloride was evaporated under reduced pressure a solid appeared. This solid product QA-1 was filtered and washed with a sm.all volume of ethanol. The yield was 86%.

31.0 g (0.1 mol) of dried pigment PV19 in 500 mL dimethylsulfoxide was dissolved by the addition of 22.44 g (0.2 mol) potassium tert-butoxide. Tine blue solution was heated to about 70°C and 27.1 g (0.1 mol) of compound QA-1 was added. The alkylation-step was done after 2 hours and the product was hydrolyzed by the addition of 72.4 g (0.4 mol) sodiummethylate and 200ml of water. After 1 hour the mixture was cooled to about 50°C and the pigment was precipitated with acetone (about 1000 mL). The precipitate was filtered and washed with acetone. This solid product was dissolved in 1000 mL of water and the acid form was precipitated by the addition of an excess of concentrated hydrochlohc acid. The dispersion synergist QAD-1 was filtered and washed with water. The yield was 85%.
Synthesis of quinacridone derivative QAD-2
[0249] The quinacridone derivative QAD-2 is represented by the formula;

[0250] Synthesis of the dispersion synergist QAD-2 was accomplished according to the following synthesis scheme;

34.0 g (0.1 mol) of dried pigment PR122 in 500 mL dimethylsulfoxide was dissolved by the addition of 22.44 g (0.2 mol) potassium tert-butoxide. The blue solution was heated to about 70°C and 27.1 g (0.1 mol) of compound QA-1 was added. The alkylation-step was done after 2 hours and the product was hydrolyzed by the addition of 72.4 g (0.4 mol) sodium methylate and 200 mL of water. After 1 hour the mixture was cooled to about 50°C and the product was precipitated with acetone (about 1000 mL). The precipitate was filtered and washed with acetone. The solid product was dissolved in 1000 mL of water and the acid form was precipitated by the addition of an excess of concentrated hydrochloric acid. The dispersion synergist QAD-2 was filtered and washed with acetone. The yield was 85%.
Synthesis of quinacridone derivative QAD-3
[0251] The quinacridone derivative QAD-3 is represented by the formula:

[0252] Synthesis of the dispersion synergist QAD-3 was accomplished according to the following synthesis scheme:

38.1 g (0.1 mol) of dried pigment PR202 in 130 gram dimethylsulfoxide was dissolved by the addition of 23 g (0.205 mol) potassium tert-butoxide. Tine blue-green solution was heated to about 110°C for 1 hour. Then the mixture was cooled till 40°C, and 25.5 g (0.105 mol) of compound QA-2 was added. The alkylation-step was done after 4 hours. The product was hydrolyzed by the addition of 400 ml of water and 19.5 gram Potassium hydroxide 86% (0.3 mo!) after 4 hours heating at 60°C. Then 75 ml concentrated hydrochlohc acid (0.9 mol) was added to the mixture. The dispersion synergist QAD-3 was filtered and washed with water, The yield was 100 %. [0253] Synthesis of dimethyl-(5-chloromethyl)isophthalate (QA-2) was accomplished according to the following synthesis scheme:

22.4 g (0.1 mol) of dimethyl-(5-hydroxymethyl)isophtha!ate (QAOH-2) was dissolved in a mixture of 100 mL of Toluene and 0.2 g dimethylacetamide (catalyst). 15.4 g (0.13 mol) of thionylchioride was added drop wise and the mixture was stirred during 4 hour at 40°C. After this period, the mixture was cooled in an ice bath and 50 mL of methanol was added. This solid product QA-2 was filtered and washed with a small volume of methanol. The yield was 58%.

[0254] Synthesis of dimethyl-(5-hydroxymethyl)isophthalate QOAH-2 was accomplished according to the following synthesis scheme:

25.2 g (0.1 mol) of trimethyl 1,3,5 benzenetrlcarboxylate was dissolved in 85 mL of methyl acetate at 50°C. 40.5 ml (0.08 mol) llthiumborohydride 2.0 M in THF was added drop wise and the mixture was stirred during 3 hour at 50°C. After this period 5.3 gram acetic acid (0.088 mol) and 3 mL water
were added. The methyl acetate and THF were evaporated, 50 ml water and 50 mi n-hexane were added. The product QAOH-2 was filtered and washed with a small volume water and n-hexane. The yield was 63%.
Synthesis of quinacridone derivative QAD-2N
[0255] Synthesis of the dispersion synergist QAD-2N was accomplished according to the following synthesis scheme:

51.9 g (0.1 mol) of the dispersion synergist QAD-2 was suspended in a mixture of 200 mL methanol, 200 mL methylenechloride and 100 mL water. 74.25 (0.25 mol) of N,N-dimethyl-N-octad8cylamine was added and the mixture was stirred during 3 days at room temperature. After 3 days the methylenechlohde was evaporated under vacuum and the dispersion synergist QAD-2N was filtered and washed with a mixture of water / methanol (1/1). The yield was 60%. EXAMPLE 2

[0256] This example illustrates that stable pigment dispersions of quinacridone pigments for use in solvent based ink-jet inks were obtained when a quinacridone derivative containing two carboxylic acid groups was used as dispersion synergist.
Synthesis of comparative dispersion synergist SYN-1
[0257] The compound SYN-1 having a quinacridone structure but a sulfonic acid salt group was used as a comparative dispersion synergist.

31.2 g (0.1 mol) of the pigment PV19 in 210 mL dimethylsutfoxide was heated to about 80X. The magenta suspension was dissolved by addition of 22.44 g (0.2 mo!) of potassium tert-butoxide.13.6 g (0.1 mol) of 1,4-butanesultone and 1.7 g (0.01 mol) of potassium iodide are added to the blue solution and the mixture was heated during 4 hours. After cooling down the dispersion synergist SYN-1 was precipitated by adding 210 mL

of methanol. The synergist was filtered and washed with methanol. The
yield was 60%. Synthesis of comparative dispersion synergist SYN-2 [0259] The compound SYN-2 having a quinacridone structure but a sulfonic acid
salt group was used as a comparative dispersion synergist.

A solution of 48.7 g (0.1 mo!) of dispersion synergist SYlsi-1 in 500 mL water was heated to about 70°C. 63 g (0.1 mo!) of dimethyl dioctadecyl ammonium bromide was added to this solution and after 15 minutes a precipitate appeared. The mixture was cooled to room temperature and the precipitate was filtered and washed with methanol. The yield was 70%. Synthesis of comparative dispersion synergist SYN-3

[0261] The compound SYN-3 having a quinacridone structure but a sulfonic acid salt group was used as a comparative dispersion synergist.

A solution of 48.7 g (0.1 mol) of dispersion synergist SYN-1 in 500 mL water was heated to about 70°C. 52.2 g (0.1 mol) of tridodecylamine was added and the mixture was heated during 15 minutes. After this period the mixture was cooled to room temperature and 41.6 mL (0.5 mo!) of hydrochloric acid was added drop wise. The product was precipitated as an oil. During the night the oil was converted in a solid product. This synergist was filtered and washed with water. The yield was 61 %. Synthesis of comparative dispersion synergist SYN-4

[0263] The compound SYN-4 having a quinacridone structure but with a
hydroxyethyi group was used as a comparative dispersion synergist.

25 g (80 mmol) PV19 was suspended in 200 mL DMSO. 17.9 g (160 mmol) KOtBu was added and the suspension was heated to 70°C. 21.64 g (104 mmol) 2-(2-bromoethoxy)-tetrahydro-2H-pyran was added and the reaction was allowed to continue for 3 hours at 70'C. After cooling down to room temperature, 300 mL of water is added. The crude intermediate was isolated by filtration, washed with water and dried. The crude intermediate was suspended in 500 mL acetone. 8.0 mL HCI (cone.) was added and the reaction was allowed to continue for 1 hour at room temperature. N-hydroxyethyl-quinacridone was isolated by filtration, washed with acetone, re-suspended in acetone, again isolated by filtration and dried. The yield was 92 %. Synthesis of comparative dispersion synergist SYN-5

[0265] The compound SYN-5 having a quinacridone structure but substituted by only one carboxylic acid group was used as a comparative dispersion synergist

[0266] Synthesis of the dispersion synergist SYN-5 was accomplished according to the following synthesis scheme:

34 g (0.1 mol) of the pigment PR122 in 500 mL dimethylsulfoxide was dissolved by addition of 22.44 g (0.2 mo!) of potassium tert-butoxide. The blue solution was heated to about 70°C and 22.8 g (0.1 mo!) of methyl-4-(bromomethy!)ben2oate was added. The mixture was cooled after 2 hours and the product was precipitated, filtered and washed with methanol. The yield was 55%.

Formation of the dispersion synergist SYN-5 was accompiished by hydrolization of compound QA-3. This reaction takes place during a reflux of 48,8 g (0.1 mol) of compound QA-3 in a mixture of ethanoi and 50 mL (0.5 mol) of 29% sodium hydroxide solution. After 1 hour the mixture was cooled down, the precipitate was filtered and washed with water. The precipitate was taken up in 1 L of water and the acid form was made by the addition of 50 mL (0.6 mol) of concentrated hydrochloric acid. The dispersion synergist SYN-5 was filtered and washed with water and ethanoi. The yield was 71 %.
Preparation of pigment dispersions
[0267] All Inkjet inks were prepared in the same manner to obtain a composition as described in Table 4, except that different pigments and dispersion synergists were used. In the absence of dispersion synergist, a pigment concentration of 5.00 wt% instead of 4.50 wt% was used.

[0258] An ink composition was made by mixing the pigment, the polymehc
dispersant Solsperse™ 32000, the dispersion synergist and the organic solvent DEGDEE with a dissolver and subsequently treating this mixture with a roller mill procedure using yttrium-stabilized zirconium oxide-beads of 0.4 mm diameter ("high wear resistant zirconia grinding media" from TOSOH Co.). A polyethylene flask of BOmL was filled to half its volume with grinding beads and 20 mL of the mixture. The flask was closed with a lit and put on the roller mill for three days. The speed was set at 150 rpm. After milling the dispersion was separated from the beads using a filter cloth.
[0269] Using the above method, the comparative Inkjet inks COMP-1 to
COMP-10 and the inventive Inkjet inks INV-1 to INV-10 were prepared according to Table 5.

[0271] Poor dispersion stability was observed for the comparative inkjet inks COMP-1 to COMP-10 illustrated by a sharp decrease In SSF and an increase in the particle size of the pigment. On the other hand the inventive inkjet inks INV-1 to INV-10 all exhibited improved dispersion stability.
[0272] This example illustrates that the quinacridone derivative can also be
advantageously used in radiation curable pigment dispersions and inkjet inks.
Preparation and evaluation of pigment dispersions
[0273] The pigment dispersions were prepared in the same manner to obtain the composition as described in Table 7, except that dispersion synergist vt'as added or not. In the absence of dispersion synergist, a pigment concentration of 5.00 wt% instead of 4.50 wt% was used.
Table 7

[0274] The pigment dispersion UV-2 was made by mixing 0.90 g of the pigment PV19/PR202, 3.33 of a 30% solution of the polymeric dispersant Solsperse™ 32000 in DPGDA™, 0.10 g of the dispersion synergist QAD-3 and the rest of the monomer DPGDA™ with a dissolver and subsequently treating this mixture with a roller mill procedure using yttrium-stabilized zirconium oxide-beads of 0.4 mm diameter ("high wear resistant zirconia grinding media" from TOSOH Co.). A polyethylene flask of 60mL was filled to half its volume with grinding beads and 20 mL of the mixture. The flask was closed with a lit and put on the roller mill for three days. The speed was set at 150 rpm. After milling the dispersion was separated from the beads using a filter cloth.
[0275] The SSF and the average particle size were determined before and after a heat treatment of 7 days at 80°C to evaluate the dispersion stability. The results are listed in TableS.

[0276] From Table 8, it is clear that the comparative pigment dispersion UV-1 lacking the dispersion synergist decreased in dispersion quality and stability compared to the inventive dispersion UV-2.
[0277] This example illustrates that the quinacridone derivative could also be advantageously used for preparing non-aqueous dispersions of not only diketopyrrolo-pyrroie/quinacridone mixed crystal pigments but also surprisingly of diketopyrrolo-pyrrole pigments (DPP pigments).

Preparation and evaluation of a non-aqueous inkjet ink comprising a DPP pigment [0278] A milling mixture was prepared with 15 wt% PR254 pigment, 15 wt%
polymeric dispersant Solsperse™ 39000 and 1.5 wt% of the quinacridone derivative QAD-3 in DEGDEE as dispersion solvent. The milling mixture was then milled under cooling by a NETZSCH™ LABSTAR1 at a 50 % volume filling with yttrium-stabilized zirconium oxide-beads of 0.4 mm diameter ("high wear resistant zirconia grinding media" from TOSOH Co.) and a residence time of 45 minutes. The prepared dispersion exhibited a viscosityof 23 mPa.s. The Inkjet ink INV-11 was prepared to obtain a composition as described in Table 9 by adding 65 parts by weight of DEGDEE to 35 parts by weight of the milling mixture under stirring at room temperature.

[0279] The inventive inkjet ink (NV-II exhibited an SSF of 40 and an average particle size of 119 nm.
Preparation and evaluation of non-aqueous pigment dispersions comprising a
DPP/Quinacridone pigment
[02SO] Two concentrated pigment dispersions were prepared in the same manner to obtain a composition as described in Table 10, except that the dispersion synergist QAD-3 was either present or absent.

[0281] A milling mixture was prepared with 15 wt% PR254 pigment, 15 wt% polymeric dispersant Solsperse™ 39000 and optionally 1.5 wt% of the

quinacridone derivative QAD-3 in DEGDEE as dispersion solvent. Tiie milling mixture was then milled under cooling by a NETZSCH™ LABSTAR1 at a 50 % volume filling vi'ith yttrium-stabilized zirconium oxide-beads of 0.4 mm diameter ("high wear resistant zirconia grinding media" from TOSOH Co.) and a residence time of 45 minutes.
[0282] The comparative non-aqueous pigment dispersions COMP-11 exhibited a viscosity of 3821 mPa.s, while the inventive non-aqueous pigment dispersions INV-12 exhibited a viscosity of 29 mPa.s.
[0283] This example illustrates that non-aqueous inicjet inks of high dispersion quality and stability can be prepared using a quinacridone derivative in combination with a diketopyrrolo pyrrole pigment. Other pigments, such as Naphto! AS pigments, could not be dispersed by the quinacridone derivative.
Preparation and evaluation of a non-aqueous Inkjet inks
Table 11
Component } wt%
I Pigment j 4.50
I QAD-3 i 0.50
I Solsperse™ 32000 { 5.00 j
i DEGDEE 90.00 j
[0284] All Inkjet inks were prepared in the same manner to obtain a composition as described in Table 11, except that different pigments and dispersion synergists were used. In the absence of dispersion synergist QAD-3, a pigment concentration of 5.00 v\/t% instead of 4.50 vvt% was used.
Table 11
Component } wt%
I Pigment j 4.50
I QAD-3 i 0.50
I Solsperse™ 32000 { 5.00 j
i DEGDEE 90.00 j
[0285] An ink composition was made by mixing the pigment, the polymeric
dispersant Solsperse™ 32000, the dispersion synergist and the organic solvent DEGDEE with a dissotver and subsequently treating this mixture with a roller mill procedure using yttrium-stabiiized zirconium oxide-beads of 0.4 mm diameter ("high wear resistant zirconia grinding media" from TOSOH Co.). A polyethylene flask of 60 mL was filled to half its volume with grinding beads and 20 mL of the mixture. The flask was closed with a lit and put on the roller mill for three days. The speed was set at 150 rpm.

After milling the dispersion was separated from the beads Using a filter [0286] Using the above method, the comparative inkjet inks COMP-12to ■■
• COMP-17 and the inventive inkjet inks !NV-13.and INV-14 were prepared , , according to Table 12.
Evaluation, of inkjet inks
[0287] The average particle size and the spectral sepai^afioh factor S^^'^weFS: •• determined to evaluate the dispersion quality and were determined again after a heat treatment of 7 days at SCC. The results are listed in Table 12.

[0288] Poor dispersion quality and/or stability was observed for the comparative inkjet inks COMP-12 to COMP-17 in the absence of the dispersion synergist or using Naphtol AS pigments. On the other hand the inventive inkjet inks lNV-13 and lNV-14 exhibited excellent dispersion quality and stability.

1. A quinacridone derivative according to Formula (1):

wherein Rib and R2 are each independently selected from the group consisting of hydrogen, alkyl and halogen.
2. A quinacridone derivative according to claim 1 represented by Formula (II):

v/herein R' and R2 are each independently selected from the group consisting of hydrogen, alkyl and halogen.
3. The quinacridone derivative according to claim 1 or 2 herein the alkyl group
is selected from the group consisting of methyl, ethyl, propyl, isopropyl and
4. The quinacridone derivative according to claim 1 or 2 wherein and R2
represent a chloral group.
5. A non-aqueous pigment dispersion comprising a quinacridone pigment and a
quinacridone derivative according to an one of claims 1 to 4.

255, C.I. Pigment Red 254, C.l. Pigment Red 270, C.I. Pigment Red 272 and mixed crystals of diketopyrrolo-pyrrole pigments.


2647-CHENP-2008 CORRESPONDENCE OTHERS 16-09-2014.pdf

2647-CHENP-2008 POWER OF ATTORNEY 16-09-2014.pdf

2647-CHENP-2008 AMENDED CLAIMS 19-11-2014.pdf



2647-CHENP-2008 FORM-13 19-11-2014.pdf

2647-CHENP-2008 FORM-18 04-09-2009.pdf

2647-CHENP-2008 FORM-3 19-11-2014.pdf

2647-CHENP-2008 FORM-5 19-11-2014.pdf

2647-CHENP-2008 OTHER PATENT DOCUMENT 19-11-2014.pdf

2647-CHENP-2008 POWER OF ATTORNEY 19-11-2014.pdf










Amended and Marked-up claims.pdf

Complete Specification.pdf

Copy of General Power of Authority.pdf

form 13.pdf


Petition under Rule 137.pdf

Response to FER.pdf

Updated Form 3.pdf

Patent Number 264333
Indian Patent Application Number 2647/CHENP/2008
PG Journal Number 52/2014
Publication Date 26-Dec-2014
Grant Date 22-Dec-2014
Date of Filing 28-May-2008
Name of Patentee AGFA GRAPHICS NV
Applicant Address SEPTESTRAAT 27, B-2640 MORTSEL,
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number C09B48/00
PCT International Application Number PCT/EP2006/069008
PCT International Filing date 2006-11-28
PCT Conventions:
# PCT Application Number Date of Convention Priority Country
1 60/750,577 2005-12-15 EUROPEAN UNION
2 05111358.7 2005-11-28 EUROPEAN UNION