Title of Invention


Abstract An antenna control system in which various antenna elements in a vertical row are coupled by fixed transmission lines to a central feeding point for a common signal. Adjustment of the phase of the common signal is achieved by means of a linearly movable slide having dielectric body portions influencing the signal velocity along said fixed transmission lines. Further, an electrical motor is used for linearly displacing said movable slide with said dielectric body portions.
Full Text WO 2006/057613 PCT/SE2005/001777
Field of the Invention
The present invention relates to antenna control system for
5 remote setting the tilt angle of an antenna. More
particularly, the system is of the kind defined in the
preamble of claim 1.
Background of the Invention and Related Prior Art
10 Today, mobile telephone systems usually are cellular systems,
in which each cell in the system has at least one
corresponding associated base station with at least one
antenna for transmitting and receiving signals to/from e.g.
user terminals of the system.
The base station antennas are designed such that the
inclinational angle of the beam radiated from such an antenna
generally is deflected downwardly with an angle relative to a
horizontal plane in order to define a specific cell size.
20 However, due to e.g. geographical topology and/or presence of
buildings, the cell size in the system may vary, and so may
the mounting height of the base station antennas. Therefore,
the deflection angle, hereinafter referred to as downtilt
angle, of the various antennas in the system must be set to
25 different angles depending on the size of the particular cell
in which the antenna is located, as well as the mounting
location of the antenna.
The cell size, and thus also the downtilt angle, may also vary
30 with varying kinds of cellular mobile telephone systems since
different systems use different frequency ranges, and
depending on the specific frequency range that is used, cell

WO 2006/057613 PCT/SE2005/001777
sizes have to be varied to provide a sufficient communication
The base station antennas are usually provided with a
5 plurality of radiating elements arranged on a vertical row,
and to vary the downtilt angle, a phase angle difference
between the radiating elements is imposed on a common signal
fed to the radiating elements, wherein the phase angle
differences between any two elements is the same. This results
10 in a composite beam from the plurality of radiating elements
that will always have a wave front substantially in the form
of a straight line. The inclination angle may further be
adjustable, for example by means of phase shifters, by
adjusting the phase angle difference between the radiating
15 elements.
Today, adjustment of the phase shifters often requires that
adjustment is carried out manually directly on or at the
antenna, usually by maneuvering an operating element such as
20 knob or a rod. Maneuvering the knob or rod may then actuate
phase shifting means to relatively change the phase angle
difference between signals fed to the radiating elements and
thus the downtilt angle. There also exists, however, systems
where the downtilt angle may be controlled from a remote
25 location, e.g. by sending commands from a central operation
and maintenance centre to control electronics associated with
operating element actuating means, such that the control logic
may translate e.g. a SET TILT = 15° command to relative
movement of the operating element actuator to perform a
30 corresponding movement of the operating element, thus causing
the phase shifting elements to effect a phase shift resulting
in the desired down tilt angle.

WO 2006/057613 PCT/SE2005/001777
One such system is previously known from the document EP
EP1356539 (Kathrein Werke KG). EP1356539 discloses an antenna
control apparatus as well as an associated antenna. The
control apparatus has control electronics and an electric
5 motor. The antenna control apparatus is arranged such that it
can be retrofitted outside the protective cover of a base
station antenna and engage an operating element, which is
passed out of the interior of the antenna via an operating
opening, or be introduced into the interior of the protective
10 cover via this operating opening. Alternatively, the control
apparatus may be fitted as a preferably complete unit
underneath the protective cover of the antenna. The
possibility of retrofitting a control apparatus is desirable
since it makes it possible to modify existing antennas at
15 existing base stations with only manual downtilt possibilities
so as to enable remote downtilt control of those antennas.
One problem with existing remote tilt systems, however, is
that the phase shifters that are used in remote tilt systems
20 are rather complex and use mechanical solutions which require
a substantial torque to manoeuvre the operating element.
Aim and most important features of the invention
It is an object of the present invention to provide an antenna
25 control system for remote setting the tilt angle of an antenna
that solves the above mentioned problem.
This object is achieved by an antenna control system according
to the characterizing portion of claim 1.
The antenna control system for remote setting of the tilt
angle of an antenna according to the present invention is
characterized in that various antenna elements in a vertical

WO 2006/057613 PCT/SE2005/001777
row are coupled by fixed transmission lines to a central
feeding point for a common signal, and that the adjustment of
the phase of the common signal is achieved by means of a
linearly movable slide having dielectric body portions
5 influencing the signal velocity along said fixed transmission
lines. Further, an electrical motor is used for linearly
displacing said movable slide with said dielectric body
portions. This has the advantage that a solution without
complex mechanical structures is obtained, whereby a
10 relatively low torque of the electric motor is necessary to
move the slide, which thus enables use of a lower-powered
motor and, correspondingly, lower-powered motor drive
circuits. Further, the use of such a phase shifter has the
advantage that the risk of mechanical malfunctioning due to
15 e.g. varying weather conditions substantially is reduced.
The electric motor and its associated control electronics may
comprise a complete unit or complete module. This has the
advantage that the module can be retrofitted to the antenna.
20 As an alternative, said unit or module may be arranged to be
mounted within the environmental protection (protective cover)
of the antenna.
The electric motor and its associated control electronics may
25 be accommodated in a separate housing arranged to be secured
to the antenna outside the environmental protection
(protective cover) of the antenna. Said housing may be
arranged such that it can be retrofitted to the antenna,
preferably without opening the environmental protection of the
30 antenna. This has the advantage that the module can be
retrofitted to the antenna as a separate unit with an own
protective cover separated from the protective cover of the

WO 2006/057613 PCT/SE2005/001777
The communication system may be any from the group: GSM
system, UMTS system, AMPS system, a TDMA and/or CDMA and/or
FDMA system.
hese and other features of the invention will become apparent
from the detailed description below.
he invention will be explained more fully below with
10 reference to the appended drawings illustrating exemplary
rief description of the drawings
FIG. 1 shows part of a cellular communication system
15 implementing the present invention;
FIG. 2 shows a lower portion of a protective cover of an
antenna, and a housing comprising the control electronics;
20 FIG. 3 shows the contents of the housing in fig. 2 more in
FIGS. 4a and 4b shows phase shifting means suitable for use
with the present invention;
25 Detailed description of exemplary embodiments
In FIG. 1 is shown part of a cellular communication system
implementing the present invention. The figure shows a base
station 10 with two antenna frame structures, such as towers
11, 12. Three antennas 13, 14, 15 are mounted to the tower 11,
30 while only one antenna 16 is mounted to the tower 12. Each
antenna 13-16 transmits signals in a main lobe, of which only
the main lobe 17 of antenna 16 is shown. In the figure, the

WO 2006/057613 PCT/SE2005/001777
main lobe 17 is directed slightly downwards. By use of phase
shifting means, the main lobe 17 may, and, of course, in a
similar manner main lobes of the antennas 13-15, independently
of other main lobes be tilted up or down in a certain angle
5 range relative to a horizontal plane A. This is indicated by
upper and lower main beams 17'and 17'. The angle range may
e.g. be from 0° to 90°. Other angle ranges may, however, of
course equally well be utilized.
10 The antennas are driven via feeder cables, such as coax cables
18 and 19 connecting the antennas to the base station 10, and
which are used to provide the antennas with signals to
transmit, and to provide the base station with signals
received by the antennas.
In a system utilizing remote setting of the tilt of a beam of
an antenna, the tilt angle may be set, e.g. from an operation
and maintenance centre (OMC) 9, which is connected to a
plurality of base stations (indicated as 10', 10'), e.g. via
20 an Ethernet network 5 such as the Internet or a Local Area
Network. Alternatively, the OMC 9 may be connected to the base
station(s) via e.g. a modem connection. When an OMC operator,
or an OMC computer performing automatic supervising of the
communication system, decides that the tilt angle of antenna
25 16 should be altered, a command such as e.g., SET TILT = 22°
is generated. If the command is generated by an operator, the
command may be generated via e.g. a keyboard. Alternatively,
the command may be automatically generated by a supervising
computer. The generated command is transmitted to a control
30 unit, such as a Master Control Unit (MCU) 8, in the base
station. As an alternative, a MCU 8 may be mounted to each
tower. If a single MCU 8 located in the base station is used,
this MCU may be shared by a plurality of towers. The set tilt

WO 2006/057613 PCT/SE2005/001777
command may be transmitted to the MCU via an Ethernet network,
e.g. by the TCP/IP protocol.
In the MCU 8, the set tilt command is converted to a format
5 suitable for use by control electronics located near the
antenna, and is transmitted to the control electronics, e.g.
as a signal superposed on the feed line signals and preferably
via the AISG protocol, which is incorporated herein by
reference. If the signals are superposed on the feed line
10 signals, this may be accomplished by using a CILOC 7 (Current
Injector Layer One Converter) near the base station and a
second CILOC 6 near the antenna. Alternatively, the command
signals to the antenna unit may be transmitted to the control
electronics via a direct link from the MCU 8 to the control
15 electronics. The control signals may further be transmitted to
the control electronics via a wireless interface.
The operation of the control electronics will be described
more in detail with reference to fig. 2 and 3. In fig 2 is
20 shown the lower portion of the protective cover of the antenna
16 and a housing 20 comprising the control electronics and an
electric motor such as a stepping motor. The lower portion of
the housing comprises a connection 21 for connecting a cable
from the upper, rightmost CILOC 6 in fig. 1. If more than one
25 antennas are mounted to the tower, such as the antennas 13-15,
the housing may comprise a second connection 22 for providing
the signals to the control electronics of the other antennas.
The content of the housing 20 is shown more in detail in fig.
30 3. The signal received from the CILOC 6 is used to power the
control electronics and the electric motor via a DC module 32.
Further, a receiving circuit, such as a RS485 circuit 30 used
in the AISG standard, monitors received signals and looks for

WO 2006/057613 PCT/SE2005/001777
an address of the antenna. If the receiving circuit 30
determines that a received command is intended for the
particular antenna, the command is converted to a CPU readable
format and transmitted to the CPU 31 via connection 33. The
5 CPU converts the received command (e.g. the SET TILT =22°
command) to drive signals of a stepping motor driver 34, which
driver 34 actuates two linings 36, 37 of a stepping motor 35,
which in turn actuates an operating element 38 of e.g. phase
shifting means for imposing a relative phase shift so that the
10 phase angle differences between any two radiating elements is
the same.
In order to translate command signals into drive signals, type
of antenna and/or a table including the relationship of lobe
15 inclination vs. unit length of movement of the operating
element or steps of the stepping motor, may be stored in a
memory in, or connected to, the CPU. The data in this memory
may further be replaced by other data, e.g. transmitted to the
control electronics from the OMC.
The operating element may be extended through an operational
opening 39 in the antenna housing 16, and be provided with
teeth for engagement with a threaded portion 40 of a shaft 41
of the stepping motor 35, directly or via a gear coupling (not
25 shown).
As mentioned above, a number of antennas may be provided on
the same tower, and each antenna may be provided with a
control apparatus as disclosed in figs. 2-3 in order to allow
30 individual setting of each antenna. It is, however, also
possible that there are a plurality of antennas, e.g. three
antennas each covering a 120° sector, or six antennas each
covering a 60° sector, which are to be controlled with

WO 2006/057613 PCT/SE2005/001777
identical commands. One control apparatus may then be used to
control these antennas by controlling a plurality of stepping
motors, e.g. by having a stepping motor driver able to provide
drive signals to a plurality of stepping motors.
An example of dielectric phase shifting means, which
advantageously can be used with the present invention, is
shown in figs. 4a and 4b. The phase shifter in figs.4a and 4b
is explained more in detail in WO02/35651. In the illustrated
10 embodiment is shown phase shifting means for providing phase
shift to four radiating elements or sub-arrays, e.g. pairs of
antenna elements, arranged in an array, normally a linear row.
Each element is connected to a central source connection
terminal via an associated feed connection terminal 102a,
15 103a, 104a and 105a, respectively, and straight line segments
102-105. The source connection terminal 101 is connectable to
a signal source by means of a feed conductor 106, which is
connected to a feed terminal 106a. In use, the feed terminal
106a is connected, e.g. via a coaxial cable, to transceiver
20 circuits (not shown), e.g. included in the base station In
order to achieve phase shifting, a displaceable dielectric
body is used, as will be explained below.
A microwave signal appearing at the feed terminal 106a will
25 propagate along the central feed conductor 106 to the
centrally located source connection terminal 101. Adjacent to
the terminal 101, there are upper and lower stationary
dielectric elements 109, 110, aiding impedance matching of the
four feed line segments 102-105. A unitary body 111 of
30 dielectric material is arranged between the housing walls and
the feed line segments 102, 103, 104, 105 so as to influence
the propagation velocity and the phase shift of the signal
components being transferred along the respective line

WO 2006/057613 PCT/SE2005/001777
segments. The dielectric body 111 is linearly displaceable
along the longitudinal direction A between two end positions,
one of which is the fully drawn position in fig. 4a and the
other being the one indicated by dashed lines 111'
The dielectric body 111 includes two longitudinal side
portions connected by a transverse body portion 112, namely a
first body portion 113 and a second body portion 114.
10 The phase angle differences between the signal components at
the feed connection terminals 102a, 103a, 104a, 105a will
depend on the particular position of the dielectric body 111.
When the dielectric body 111 is displaced a certain distance,
all the phase shifts of the four signal components will be
15 changed uniformly. Accordingly, the phase angle difference
between the terminals associated with adjacent antenna
elements (or sub-arrays) will always be mutually the same.
Thus, the phase angle differences between the terminals 103a
and 102a, between the terminals 102a and 104a, and between the
20 terminals 104a and 105a will be equal to each other.
Therefore, the composite beam from the four antenna elements
coupled to these terminals will always have a wave front
substantially in the form of a straight line, and the
inclination of this wave front can be adjusted by displacing
25 the dielectric body 111 to a different position in the
longitudinal direction of the device.
As can be seen in fig. 4b, a movement transfer member 120 is
secured to the dielectric body 111 and extends through a
30 longitudinal slot 121 in the bottom wall 31 of the housing 10.
The member 120 is connected to a slide member 122, which is
longitudinally guided in profiled grooves 123 formed at the
lower side of the bottom wall 31. This slide member 122 may

WO 2006/057613 PCT/SE2005/001777
constitute, or be connected to, the operating element,
whereupon the inclinational angle of the beam from the antenna
can be adjusted as desired by operating the operating element.
5 The present invention thus presents a solution that allows
remote control of an operating element to control the antenna
down tilt, wherein a solution without complex mechanical
structures is obtained, whereby the risk of overloading the
electric motor is substantially reduced, and whereby the risk
10 of mechanical malfunctioning due to e.g. varying weather
conditions, such as large temperature differences and/or
atmospheric humidity substantially is reduced. The present
invention further has the advantage that the control
electronics and the operating element actuator, e.g. the
15 stepping motor, can be enclosed in a separate housing and be
attached to the antenna housing in any suitable way, and thus
allow retrofitting of control equipment to an existing antenna
without the need to remove the antenna protective cover.
20 In the above description a stepping motor has been used. It
is, of course, also possible to use other types of electric
motors or other types of equipment that can perform a desired
actuation of the operating element.

WO 2006/057613 PCT/SE2005/001777
1. An antenna control system comprising:
- a remotely controllable antenna unit to be positioned at an
elevated position at a frame structure adjacent to a base
5 station in a cellular mobile telephone system,
said antenna unit including at least one row of antenna
elements, located at predetermined fixed positions along said
row, being fed by a common signal for emitting and receiving
microwave signals in a main lobe in a cell associated with
10 said base station,
the general angular direction of said main lobe being
controllable by adjusting the phase of said common signal so
as to achieve a predetermined phase difference of said common
signal at the various antenna elements in said row, and
15 - electro-mechanical means for effecting said phase
characterised in that
the various antenna elements in said row are coupled by fixed
transmission lines to a central feeding point for said common
20 signal,
said adjustment of said phase of said common signal is
achieved by means of a linearly movable operating element
connected to dielectric body portions influencing the signal
velocity along said fixed transmission lines, and
25 said electro-mechanical means comprising

WO 2006/057613 PCT/SE2005/001777
- an operating element actuator for linearly displacing
said movable operating element with said dielectric body
portions, and
- control electronics including:
5 - input means for receiving command signals transmitted
from a remote control unit,
- means for determining if any received command signal is
intended for the antenna unit,
- means for converting said command signal intended for
10 the antenna unit into a corresponding control signal for
said operating element actuator, and
- means for controlling said actuator based on the
control signal in order to displace said linearly movable
operating element with said dielectric body portions so
15 as to make a corresponding adjustment of said .phase of
said common signal at each antenna element, thereby
controlling the general angular direction of said main
20 2. Antenna control system according to claim 1, characterised
in that said row of antenna elements is a vertical row of
antenna elements, and that said main lobe is directed slightly
downwardly towards the ground in a cell associated with said
base station.
3. Antenna control system according to claim 1 or 2,
characterised in that the means for determining if the command
signal is intended for the antenna unit includes means for
reading an address in an address field in the command signal.

WO 2006/057613 PCT/SE2005/001777
4.Antenna control system according to any of the claims 1-3,
characterised in that a base station control unit is located
at the base station and/or the frame structure, which base
station control unit receives command signals from an
5 operations control centre at a location remote from said base
station and transmits the command signals to at least one
antenna unit.
5. Antenna control system according to claim 4, characterised
10 in that the base station control unit transmits the command
signals to the antenna unit via a direct link or superposed on
the antenna feed line(s).
6. Antenna control system according to claim 4 or 5,
15 characterised in that the remotely located control centre
transmits the command signals to the base station via an
Ethernet network or a dial-up connection.
7. Antenna control system according to any of the preceding
20 claims, characterised in that the control electronics further
includes output means, and that there is a connection between
the input means and the output means for passing on the
command signals to further antenna units located at the frame
8. Antenna control system according to any of the preceding
claims, characterised in that the operating element actuator
and its associated'control electronics are accommodated in a
separate housing arranged to be secured to the antenna outside
30 a protective cover of the antenna.
9. Antenna control system according to any of claims 1-7,
characterised in that the control electronics and the electric

WO 2006/057613 PCT/SE2005/001777
motor are arranged to be mounted within the environmental
protection (protective cover) of the antenna.
10. Antenna control system according to any of the preceding
5 claims, characterised in that the movement of the linearly
movable operating element is achieved by a toothed pinion
connected to the drive shaft of the operating element actuator
and interengaging with teeth on the linearly movable slide.
10 11. Antenna control system according to any of the preceding
claims, characterised in that the control electronics further
includes means for determining the exact position of the
linearly movable operating element, and thereby the exact
angular direction of said main lobe.
12. Antenna control system according to claim 11,
characterised in that said means for determining the exact
position of the linearly movable operating element includes a
hall element located on the toothed pinion, whereby the number
20 of revolutions of the pinion may be determined, and thereby
the linear displacement of the operating element.
13. Antenna control system according to any of the preceding
claims, characterised in that the control electronics is used
25 to control at least two antenna units by controlling at least
two operating element actuators.
14. Antenna control system according to any of the preceding
claims, characterised in that the control electronics further
30 includes a memory arranged to store an antenna type and/or a
table including the relationship of lobe inclination vs. unit
length of movement of the movable operating element.

WO 2006/057613 PCT/SE2005/001777
15.Antenna control system according to any of the preceding
claims, characterised in that the dielectric body constitute
part of a phase shifting device which is configured with at
least four line segments extending from a source connection
5 terminal to feed connection terminals, with
-at least a first line segment and a second line segment
extending generally in a first direction along said main
-at least a third and a fourth line segment extending
10 generally in a second direction being opposite to said first
direction, wherein
- said dielectric body having a first body portion located
adjacent to said first and third line segments and having a
first effective dielectric value, and a second body portion
15 located adjacent to said second and fourth line segments and
having a second effective dielectric value being different
from said first effective dielectric value, and
- said dielectric body being linearly displaceable between
two end positions while keeping said first and second body
20 portions in proximity to the respective pair of oppositely
extending line segments.
16. Antenna control system according to any of the preceding
claims, characterised in that the operating element actuator
25 is an electric motor, such as an electric stepping motor.

An antenna control
system in which various antenna elements
in a vertical row are coupled by fixed
transmission lines to a central feeding
point for a common signal. Adjustment
of the phase of the common signal is
achieved by means of a linearly movable
slide having dielectric body portions
influencing the signal velocity along
said fixed transmission lines. Further,
an electrical motor is used for linearly
displacing said movable slide with said
dielectric body portions.





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01323-kolnp-2007-correspondence others.pdf

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1323-KOLNP-2007-(16-05-2014)-DESCRIPTION (COMPLETE).pdf






1323-KOLNP-2007-(16-05-2014)-PETITION UNDER RULE 137.pdf



Patent Number 264345
Indian Patent Application Number 1323/KOLNP/2007
PG Journal Number 52/2014
Publication Date 26-Dec-2014
Grant Date 23-Dec-2014
Date of Filing 16-Apr-2007
Applicant Address ANTENNVÄGEN 6, S-187 80 TÄBY
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number H01Q 3/32
PCT International Application Number PCT/SE2005/001777
PCT International Filing date 2005-11-25
PCT Conventions:
# PCT Application Number Date of Convention Priority Country
1 0402879-1 2004-11-26 Sweden