Title of Invention


Abstract A rotating electric machine apparatus includes at least one end plate associated with an inner assembly unit that operates to prevent contact between the inner assembly unit and an outer assembly unit. The end plate is peripherally sized to allow the slidable assembly of the inner assembly unit into the outer assembly unit while preventing undesirable contact of the inner assembly unit with the outer assembly unit.
[0001] The present disclosure relates to rotating electric machines.
[0002] Assembly of rotor assemblies within stator assemblies associated
with a motor requires tooling precision to align rotor and stator units.
[0003] Motor assembly is accomplished using precision fixturing to center
and align a heavily magnetized rotor unit into a ferrous stator unit. The rotor
unit is a cylindrical magnetized component and the stator unit is an iron based
"tube" that closely matches the rotor unit in diameter and length. Inserting the
rotor unit into the stator unit is complicated by the fact that the rotor
magnetically pulls itself toward the stator unit and adheres magnetically
thereto. Even in the absence of magnetized components, the desirably
minimal air gap between the stator and rotor leaves little tolerance for
assembly error.
[0004] When the rotor unit contacts the stator unit, damage to both units
can occur and unwanted debris may be generated by the scraping of the rotor
unit against the stator unit, thereby inhibiting operation of the motor.

[0005] What is needed is a motor apparatus that is robust and tolerant of
the assembly process and a method for assembly of a motor that avoids
damage occasioned by interference of the rotor and stator during assembly.
[0006] A rotating electric machine apparatus includes concentric rotor and
stator assemblies including an end plate that cooperates during assembly of the
motor apparatus to prevent undesirable contact between the rotor assembly
and the stator assembly.
[0007] One or more embodiments will now be described, by way of
example, with reference to the accompanying drawings, in which:
[0008] FIG. 1 illustrates a cross sectional view of a rotor assembly having
associated end plates with assembly guide rings assembled in combination
with a stator assembly in accordance with the present disclosure;
[0009] FIG. 2 illustrates a partial perspective sectional view of the rotor
assembly and stator assembly combination shown in FIG. 1;
[0010] FIG. 3 illustrates a partial perspective enlarged view of the rotor of
FIG. 2 disposed between the assembly guide rings; and
[0011] FIG. 4 illustrates a partial perspective view of the rotor assembly
and stator assembly combination of FIG. 1 before the rotor assembly is
assembled within the stator assembly.

[0012] The present disclosure relates to preventing undesirable contact
between a rotor assembly and a stator assembly associated with a motor
apparatus during assembly of the motor. The embodiments described help
prevent the scraping of the rotor and stator against each other that may
produce undesirable debris. While reference is made to motors herein, the
present disclosure is equally applicable to any rotating electric machines
including electric generators.
[0013] A motor apparatus in accordance with the present disclosure
includes at least one end plate associated with the rotor assembly that allow
easy assembly of the rotor assembly within the stator assembly, particularly
when using manual assembly tooling. The ease of assembly may reduce
assembly costs and the time required to assemble the electric machine.
[0014] The embodiments of the present disclosure may be used with any
magnetic or non-magnetic motor. Additionally, the motor used may either
have a rotor that is adapted to fit inside a stator, or alternatively, a motor that
has a stator adapted to fit inside a rotor. While the embodiments of the present
disclosure may be used with either rotor-stator combination, the specific
embodiments shown in the Figures illustrates a motor having a rotor adapted
to fit within a stator. In an embodiment, the motor is an electric motor for use
in a hybrid vehicle.
[0015] End plates may be formed by any non-magnetic material capable of
maintaining a rigid structure during assembly of the rotor unit within the stator

unit. Preferably, the non-magnetic material is of a hardness and quality that
will not subject portions of the motor apparatus foreseeably contacted thereby
during the motor apparatus assembly process to damage as will become more
apparent in conjunction with the description which follows herein below.
[0016] Referring now to the drawings, shown in FIGS. 1, 2, and 4 is a
combination rotor and stator assembly 8 including a rotor assembly 10 and a
stator assembly 34.
[0017] The rotor assembly 10 includes a rotor hub 12 having an outer
surface 54 adapted to receive a rotor unit and including a protruding tab 42
adapted to retain the rotor assembly 10 within the stator assembly 34 when
assembled with the stator assembly 34; a roller bearing 14; a shield 16
disposed between the rotor hub 12 and the roller bearing 14; a cylindrical rotor
unit 18 including first and second opposing ends 24, 26, the rotor unit 18
having an inner cylindrical peripheral wall 62 seated on the outer surface 54 of
the rotor hub 12, and an outer cylindrical peripheral wall 64; and a first and a
second assembly guide ring 20, 22, that each respectively define an associated
one of the pair of end plates, wherein the first and second assembly guide
rings are respectively each fitted onto the opposing ends 24, 26 of the rotor
unit 18.
[0018] In one embodiment, at least one end plate may be used, however,
as described with reference to the specific embodiments illustrated in the
figures, two end plates are used. As defined herein, the terms end plates and
guide rings are used interchangeably.

[0019] FIG. 3 is a partial perspective view of the two annular non-
magnetic end plate guide rings 20,22 assembled in combination with the rotor
unit 18.
[0020] In one embodiment, the guide rings 20, 22 are co-centrically
disposed at the opposing ends 24, 26 of the rotor unit 18 and are uniform in
shape. Each assembly guide ring 20, 22 provides guidance for the rotor unit
18 as it is being assembled into the stator unit 36. The rotor is slidably
assembled into the stator with the leading end of the rotor having a guide ring
affixed thereto. During assembly, the leading guide ring prevents undesirable
contact of the rotor unit 18 with the stator unit 36. The trailing guide ring may
provide additional guidance and relative co-centric alignment of the opposite
end of the rotor and the stator unit 36. Generally it is preferable that the outer
diameter of the guide rings are no larger than the inner diameter of the stator
unit though, depending upon the material used, some interference may be
acceptable. More preferable, however, the outer diameter of the guide rings
are no grater than and even more preferably slightly less than the inner
diameter of the stator unit.
[0021] Generally the end plates 20, 22 are composed of a material that is
not the same hardness as the stator unit 36. The plates 20, 22 provide ease of
sliding the rotor unit 18 with guide protrusions 28, 30 into the stator unit 36
without damage to the stator unit 36.
[0022] In an embodiment, shown in FIG. 3, the guide rings may have
variations in thickness thereby forming a gap or oil groove 32 between a

portion of at least one of the guide rings and the outer surface 54 of the rotor
hub 12, wherein the groove 32 allows for oil to flow to the hub 12.
[0023] In one embodiment, as shown in FIG. 3, the first ring 20 abutting
the first rotor end 24 has a first portion 58 having a thickness Tl and a second
portion 60 having a thickness T2 slightly smaller than the thickness Tl, such
that the difference in thickness between the two portions defines the oil groove
32. The first portion 58 has an arcuate protuberance 28 formed radially
outwardly from a first ring outer peripheral wall 66, wherein the protuberance
28 of the first ring outer peripheral wall 66 has a diameter slightly larger than
the diameter of the rotor cylindrical outer peripheral wall 64, thereby forming
a uniform spacer between an inner peripheral wall of the stator and the outer
peripheral wall 64 of the rotor unit 18 when the rotor assembly 10 is
assembled within the stator assembly 34. The arcuate protuberance may be
circumferentially continuous of discontinuous. For example, in the illustrated
embodiments the protuberance is continuous along the entire circumference of
the guide ring. However, guide rings may include discrete individual,
preferably circumferentially equidistantly spaced arcuate protuberances. Such
latter embodiment may resemble a guide ring having a castellated outer
[0024] In one embodiment, as shown in FIG. 3, the second ring 22
abutting the second rotor end 26 has a uniform thickness T3. The second ring
22 has an arcuate protuberance 30 formed radially outwardly from a second
ring outer peripheral wall 68, wherein the protuberance 30 of the second ring
outer peripheral wall 68 has a diameter equal to the diameter of the first ring

protuberance 28, and is thus slightly larger than the diameter of the rotor
cylindrical outer peripheral wall 64, thereby forming a uniform spacer
between an inner peripheral wall of the stator and the outer peripheral wall 64
of the rotor unit 18 when the rotor assembly 10 is assembled within the stator
assembly 34.
[0025] The arcuate protrusions 28, 30 each operate to reduce the potential
for damage to the motor windings during assembly of the rotor unit 18 to the
stator unit 36 by preventing a conventional sharp or chamfered corner on the
rotor unit 18 from scraping the stator unit 36.
[0026] The distance between the opposing ends of the rotor is slightly
larger than the distance between respective opposing ends of the stator, and
thus, once assembled together, the end plates 20, 22 are no longer needed to
separate the rotor unit 18 from the stator unit 34.
[0027] When the rotor unit 18 is assembled within the stator unit 36, the
assembly guide ring protrusions 28, 30 do not interfere with the function of the
motor and may be allowed to remain within the motor for the life of the motor
[0028] The stator assembly 34 is adapted to co-centrically receive the rotor
assembly 10. The stator assembly 34 includes the stator unit 36 having two
opposing ends 70, 72, an inner cylindrical wall 48 having a diameter greater
than an outer diameter of the rotor assembly 10, a stator housing 38, a plurality
of stator teeth 52, a plurality of windings 50, and a connection ring 40.
[0029] In an embodiment, the rotor unit 18 is magnetized and the stator
unit 36 is formed of a ferrous material.

[0030] During assembly of the rotor assembly 10, the guide rings 20, 22
may be shrink-fit or pressed onto respective rotor opposing edges 24, 26 of the
rotor unit 18. However, any suitable means of affixing the guide rings 20, 22
with the rotor opposing edges 24, 26 may be used that has come or may come
into existence. The rotor unit 18 is then pressed onto the rotor hub 12. The
roller bearing 14 is pressed onto the rotor hub 12, thereby integrally forming
the rotor assembly 10.
[0031] In one embodiment, before the rotor unit 18 is assembled within
the stator unit 36, the protruding tab 42 integrally formed with the rotor hub 14
is staked across a portion of the second guide ring 22 to retain the second
guide ring 22 in place with respect to the rotor assembly 10.
[0032] The protuberances 28, 30 each respectively associated with the first
and second guide rings 20, 22 operate to keep the magnetic rotor unit 18 from
contacting the interior ferrous wall of the stator unit 36. Thus, the rotor unit
18 slidably assembles within the stator assembly 34 and does not contact the
inner cylindrical wall 48 of the stator unit 36.
[0033] Additionally, the guide rings may be used as sacrificial mass
whereby material removal provides a means of balancing the rotor.
[0034] It is understood that modifications are allowable within the scope
of the disclosure. The disclosure has been described with specific reference to
the preferred embodiments and modifications thereto. Further modifications
and alterations may occur to others upon reading and understanding the
specification. It is intended to include all such modifications and alterations
insofar as they come within the scope of the disclosure.

1. Rotating electric machine apparatus including concentric rotor
and stator assemblies comprising:
an end plate that cooperates during assembly of the motor apparatus to
prevent undesirable contact between the rotor assembly and the stator
2. The rotating electric machine apparatus of claim 1, wherein the
motor apparatus is a magnetic motor.
3. The rotating electric machine apparatus of claim 2, wherein the
rotor assembly is magnetized and the stator assembly is ferrous.
4. The motor apparatus of claim 3, wherein the end plate is made
from non-magnetized material.
5. The rotating electric machine apparatus of claim 1, wherein the
rotor assembly is assembled within the stator assembly and the end plate is
associated with the rotor assembly.
6. The motor apparatus of claim 1, wherein the stator assembly is
assembled within the rotor assembly and the end plate is associated with the
stator assembly.

7. The rotating electric machine apparatus of claim 1, wherein the
rotor assembly comprises:
a rotor unit having opposing ends and an outer cylindrical peripheral wall with
an outer wall diameter; said end plate being located at one of the opposing ends of the rotor unit and
defining an assembly guide ring having an outer peripheral wall with an
outer ring diameter larger than the outer wall diameter of the outer
cylindrical peripheral wall of the rotor unit.
8. The rotating electric machine apparatus of claim 7, wherein the
stator assembly comprises:
a stator unit having opposing ends and an inner cylindrical wall having an
inner wall diameter at least as great as the outer ring diameter of the outer
peripheral wall of the assembly guide ring.
9. The rotating electric machine apparatus of claim 1, wherein the
stator assembly comprises:
a stator unit having opposing ends and an outer cylindrical peripheral wall
with an outer wall diameter; said end plate being located at one of the opposing ends of the stator unit and
defining an assembly guide ring having an outer peripheral wall with an
outer ring diameter larger than the outer wall diameter of the outer
cylindrical peripheral wall of the stator unit.

10. The rotating electric machine apparatus of claim 9, wherein the
rotor assembly comprises:
a rotor unit having opposing ends and an inner cylindrical wall having an inner
wall diameter at least as great as the outer ring diameter of the outer
peripheral wall of the assembly guide ring.
11. The rotating electric machine apparatus of claim 8, wherein the
rotor assembly is located relative to the stator assembly such that the assembly
guide ring is outside of the inner cylindrical wall of the stator unit.
12. The rotating electric machine apparatus of claim 10, wherein
the stator assembly is located relative to the rotor assembly such that the
assembly guide ring is outside of the inner cylindrical wall of the rotor unit.
13. The rotating electric machine apparatus of claim 1, wherein the
rotor assembly comprises:
a rotor unit having opposing ends and an outer cylindrical peripheral wall with
an outer wall diameter; a pair of end plates being located at opposing ends of the rotor unit and
defining respective assembly guide rings having outer peripheral walls
with outer ring diameters larger than the outer wall diameter of the outer
cylindrical peripheral wall of the rotor unit.

14. The rotating electric machine apparatus of claim 13, wherein
the stator assembly comprises:
a stator unit having opposing ends and an inner cylindrical wall having an
inner wall diameter at least as great as the outer ring diameters of the outer
peripheral walls of the respective assembly guide rings.
15. The rotating electric machine apparatus of claim 1, wherein the
stator assembly comprises:
a stator unit having opposing ends and an outer cylindrical peripheral wall
with an outer wall diameter; a pair of end plates being located at opposing ends of the stator unit and
defining respective assembly guide rings having outer peripheral walls
with outer ring diameters larger than the outer wall diameter of the outer
cylindrical peripheral wall of the stator unit.
16. The rotating electric machine apparatus of claim 15, wherein
the rotor assembly comprises:
a rotor unit having opposing ends and an inner cylindrical wall having an inner
wall diameter at least as great as the outer ring diameters of the outer
peripheral walls of the respective assembly guide rings.
17. The rotating electric machine apparatus of claim 7, wherein the
outer peripheral wall of the guide ring is circumferentially continuous.

18. The rotating electric machine apparatus of claim 9, wherein the
outer peripheral wall of the guide ring is circumferentially discontinuous.
19. The rotating electric machine apparatus of claim 14, wherein
the rotor assembly is located relative to the stator assembly such that the
assembly guide rings are outside of the inner cylindrical wall of the stator unit.
20. The rotating electric machine apparatus of claim 16, wherein
the stator assembly is located relative to the rotor assembly such that the
assembly guide rings are outside of the inner cylindrical wall of the rotor unit.
21. Method of assembling a motor apparatus including concentric
rotor and stator assemblies comprising:
providing an inner assembly unit having an outer wall diameter;
providing an outer assembly unit having an inner wall diameter larger than the
outer wall diameter of the inner assembly unit;
co-centrically fixing a substantially annular end plate on an end of the inner
assembly unit, said end plate having an outer peripheral wall with an outer
end plate diameter larger than the outer wall diameter of the inner
assembly unit and no larger than the inner wall diameter of the outer
assembly unit; and
sliding the inner assembly unit into the outer assembly unit using the end of
the inner assembly unit having the substantially annular end plate affixed
thereto as a leading end of the inner assembly unit.

A rotating electric machine apparatus includes at least one end
plate associated with an inner assembly unit that operates to prevent contact
between the inner assembly unit and an outer assembly unit. The end plate is
peripherally sized to allow the slidable assembly of the inner assembly unit
into the outer assembly unit while preventing undesirable contact of the inner
assembly unit with the outer assembly unit.


Patent Number 264456
Indian Patent Application Number 1935/KOL/2008
PG Journal Number 01/2015
Publication Date 02-Jan-2015
Grant Date 30-Dec-2014
Date of Filing 03-Nov-2008
Applicant Address 300 GM RENAISSANCE CENTER, DETROIT, MICHIGAN 48265-3000
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number H02K3/46
PCT International Application Number N/A
PCT International Filing date
PCT Conventions:
# PCT Application Number Date of Convention Priority Country
1 11/936,087 2007-11-07 U.S.A.