Title of Invention


Abstract A system for controlling one or more medical devices by a remote console. The remote console communicates wirelessly with a central control unit that connects to one or more of the medical devices. To minimize the possibility that a medical device will be activated by a stray or unauthorized wireless command signal, the central control unit must synchronize with the remote console and establish a secure communication link with it before the central control unit will respond to a wireless command signal transmitted by the remote console.
Full Text

CROSS REFERENCE TO RELATED APPLICATION [0001] this application claims the benefit of U.S. Provisional Application No. 60/623 949, filed November 1, 2004.
FIELD OF THE INVENTION [0002] An apparatus and method for controlling one or more medical devices by a wireless remote console, and, in particular, an apparatus and method for establishing a secure wireless connection between a wireless remote console and a central control unit so as to prevent the medical device from responding to unauthorized signals generated by another wireless device.
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION [0003] Endoscopies is a technology that allows minimally invasive viewing of internal features of a body. In medicine, endoscopies allow acquisition of high-quality images of internal features of a human body without the need for invasive surgery. The basic tool of endoscopies is the endoscopes ("scope"), which -is inserted into the body to be viewed. Some endoscopes procedures involve the use of a flexible scope, as in the medical field of gastroenterology, for example. Other medical procedures, such as arthroscopy or laparoscope’s, use a rigid scope. The scope is normally coupled to a high-intensity light source that transmits light into the body through the scope, and to a camera head that includes electronics for acquiring video image data. The camera head is typically coupled to a video monitor, which displays video images acquired by the camera.
[0004] In endoscopes surgery, various other medical devices may be used, such as an insufflators to pump pressurized gas

into body cavities to create more space for viewing and working, an electrocautery tool to stop bleeding, and/or various tools to cut or shape body tissues. These devices are typically controlled remotely by means such as foot pedals and/or switches placed on the floor of the operating room, which are operated by the surgeon- The foot con control functions such as on/off, speed or intensity, direction of movement of the tool, mode of operarion, etc. The use of foot controls and the like allows the surgeor to adjust various modes and settings of the tools 'e.g.. speed, intensity) himself, without having to put a tool down, change hands, touch potentially contaminated surfaces with his hands, or take his eyes off the patient,
[0005] First generation foot pedals and other types of remote controls typically functioned by relaying signals, in the form of electrical impulses, over line or cable that physically connected the remote the device being controlled. As technology advances remote controls became wireless, thereby allowing control to be located anywhere within the operating without having to run a cable along the floor. [0006] Although the use of wireless remote controls within a medical environment, such as an operating room, is advantageous, it also introduces additional variables and risks that could ultimately endanger a patient. stray electromagnetic signals from other devices with the vicinity give rise to the risk of a controlled de-rice improperly responding even though a command was never issued by the remote control. More importantly, in a gixer clinical environment, multiple wireless remote controls may be used in close proximity to each other, thereby introducing the risk of a receiver unit responding to control signals from the wrong remote control.

BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS [0007]. One or more embodiments of the present invention are illustrated by way of example and should not be construed as being limited to the specific embodiments depicted in the accompanying drawings, in which like references indicate similar elements and in which:
[0008] Figure 1 is a block diagram of a wireless remote control system including a wireless remote console according to certain embodiments of the invention;
[0009] Figure 2 shows the remote console and a docking station into which the console can be placed to recharge a battery in the wireless foot control apparatus; [0010] Figure 3 shows how the docking station and the central control unit can be placed or mounted on an equipment cart;
[0011] Figure 4 shows an exterior view of remote console according to certain embodiments of the invention; [0012] Figure 5 is a block diagram of the remote console according to certain embodiments of the invention; [0013] Figure 6 is a block diagram of a central control unit according to certain embodiments of the invention; [0014] Figure 7 is an exterior front view of a central control unit capable of synchronizing with two remote consoles according to certain other embodiments of the invention; [0015] Figure 8 is a table containing a plurality of term definitions;
[0016] Figure 9 illustrates the structure of a data packet in accordance with certain embodiments of the invention; [0017] Figure 10 is a table that lists each packet ID utilized with certain embodiments of the invention, what the packet ID is used for, and what specific data the packet ID contains;
[0018] Figure 11 is a table that depicts the binding procedure that the remote console and central control unit go through;

[0019] Figure.12 is a table that depicts the communication
that occurs between a remote console and a central control
unit that are bound together;
[0020] Figure 13 is a table th=t depicts the rebinding
procedures undertaken by a remote console and central control
unit which have lost communication; and
[0021] Figure 14 illustrates several packet timing diagrams
according to a further embodiment of the invention.
DETAILED DESCRIPTION [0022] As described in greater ietaii below, a single wireless remote console in accordance virh the invention (hereafter referred to simply as allows a surgeon or other operator to control one or acre laedical devices during an endoscopic medical proceture. The console can comprise one or multiple controls desinged for operation by an operator7 s hand or foot to contrcl medical device or devices. For illustrative purposes, example of a wireless, foot-operated console the intacies one or more foot pedals and/or foot switches to control the or more devices; including a selection switch to alien* selection of the device to be controlled if multiple devices are connected. In response to operation of the foot canards, the console transmits signals wirelessly to a central control unit, which causes the central control unit tic select a device to be controlled and to control the selected device. The foot control console may include a rechargeable battery, which may be sealed within the console's choirs and charged inductively when the console is placed in a docking station. The receiver unit and the docking station can be separate units or they can be integrated within a single housing.
I. The Wireless Remote Console and Central Control Omit [0023] Figure 1 illustrates one example of a wireless remote control system where the remote console 9 is represented by a wireless foot control apparatus in accordance

with the invention. The system includes an endoscopes 1 and a camera 2 coupled to the endoscopes 1 and to a camera control unit (CCU) 3. Also coupled to the CCU 3 is a video monitor 4 to display images acquired by the camera 2. The system also includes a number of different supporting devices 5 (e.g., 5A, 5B, etc.), which may include devices ranging from surgical tools (i.e., an insufflators, an electrocautery tool, a radio frequency generator, or a cutter/shaver tool) to other devices utilized in a surgical or clinical environment (i.e., a video capture device, operating table lights and room lights). Depending on what they are, one or more of these supporting devices 5 may be able to connect to each other by a common wired communication medium 6, as are device 5A and the CCU 3. The wired communication medium 6 may be, for example, an IEEE standard 1394 back plane connection, an Ethernet connection, or other communication medium with similar capability. [0024] Connecting to each of the devices 5, either directly or through the wired communication medium 6, is a central control unit 8. The remote console 9, represented in Figure 1 as a wireless foot control apparatus, cooperates with the central control unit 8 to control any of the devices 5 connected to the central control unit 8. Specifically, in this example, console 9 includes various foot operated pedals, switches and/or other foot-operated controls which, when actuated by the operator, cause the console 9 to transmit control signals wirelessly to the central control unit 8. In response to control signals received from the console 9, the central control unit 8 communicates with one of the various devices 5 that is currently selected. This communication may occur over the wired communication medium 6, as would be the case with device 5A, or by a direct connection 78 (which may be analog or digital) to the central control unit 8, as would be the case with device 5B. The direct connection 78 may emulate the inputs of' a remote control console specific to the device 5. Furthermore, one or more controlled devices 5 might

communicate with the central control uric £ only via a wireless link.
[0025] As the console 9 is wireless, it requires its own power source. According to one embodiment, this power source can be one or more replaceable attained batteries. In another embodiment, the power source comprises one or more rechargeable batteries that can be removed from the console 9 for recharging. Alternatively, tie rechargeable battery or batteries can be sealed within the housing" 27 of the console 9. In such an embodiment, the blousing 27 can be made of molded plastic or other similar Hatez-ie.Ir making the console 9 lightweight, durable, shakable, and easy to clean. This approach is desirable because, azoic either reasons it is common during certain endoscopic surgical procedures for considerable amounts of water and/cry s*cheer fluids to be spilled onto the floor of the oper^rir>g room. A sealed console housing is advantageous, tier=:ire, since there is no need for electrical contacts that ar-e r. recrtly exposed to this operating room environment. In £ocii-:t, rhe use of a rechargeable internal battery rect-ces tt^e number of electrical cables needed in the operating rocs..
[0026] To charge the internal bet~ery, a docking station 10 may be provided. The console 9 is placed into the docking station 10, where the battery is charged by means such as electromagnetic induction. The docjc" r.r station 10 also serves as a convenient holder for the ccriscle ? when the console 9 is not in use. Figure 2 shows one example of a docking station 10 and how the console 9 can be itsertsd into the docking station 10 for charging of the console's battery and/or for storage. Figure 3 shows how a docking station 10 can be placed or mounted on an equipment, cart 41 of the type typically used for endoscopic equipment.
[0027] Depicted in the illustrative example of Figure 4 is an exterior view of one possible type of remote console 9 that can be used in the present invention. Specifically, Figure 4 depicts a foot-controlled console 9 which is relatively light

in weight and includes a handle 21 that allows the console 9 to be conveniently picked up and carried by operating room staff. As shown, the console 9 includes left and right pedals 22 and 23, respectively, as well as three foot operated switches, i.e., a left switch 24, a middle switch 25, and a right switch 26. Other embodiments may include a different combination of pedals, switches, and/or other controls. The switches 24-26 may be, for example, simple pushbutton switches and may be used, for example, to select different modes of operation of the various devices 5. The pedals 22 and 23 may be simple potentiometer-type (variable displacement) foot controls, such as for use in controlling the speed, intensity, and/or other variable settings of a medical tool. [0028] For the remainder of the detailed discussion, all references to console 9 will presume to mean a foot-controlled console 9 such as the example illustrated in Figure 4. However, as previously mentioned, the wireless remote control system of the present invention is not limited to one type or design of wireless remote control console 9, but instead can be configured for use with virtually any type and design of console 9, including, but not limited to, both foot-operated and hand-operated consoles.
[0029] In certain embodiments, the console 9 of Figure 4> while capable of controlling any of the devices 5, controls only one of the devices 5 at a time. In such embodiments, one of the switches 24-26 is used as a selection switch to allow the operator to select the device 5# to be controlled. The function of each of the other controls can vary depending upon which device 5 is currently selected to be controlled. The selection can be accomplished by simply pressing the designated selection switch repeatedly to cycle between the different available devices 5.
[0030] In other embodiments, the console 9 is capable of controlling two or more devices 5 "simultaneously. For example, two or more separate switches and/or pedals can be used to control two or more separate devices 5 at the same

time. Or, the sar-.e control or. the console 9 might be used to control two or r^cre devices.
[0031] The central control unit 8 will detect which devices 5 are present or connected to the wired communication medium 6 and/or by direct connection 78. Therefore, the console 9 does not need to have any knowledge of which device 5 is currently selected — such kxrowledge can be maintained entirely within the central control unit 8. The console 9 simply transmits generic control signals, which the central control unit 8 receives and translates into other control signals having the appropriate forsxat szsd protocol for the currently selected device 5. In some eisbodiments, the central control unit 8 can receive input frcae multiple consoles 9 simultaneously and output the corre^pof%ai TK; control signal to either one or multiple devices, "iepecding on if the multiple consoles 9 are controlling the saaae device or multiple devices. [0032] Figure t s?$c*fs the components of a console 9 according to one errsilar/ embodiment of the invention. As illustrated, the .constle 9 includes a conventional programmable mitttccttrDiler 51 which couples to a relatively short-range radio frequency (RF) transmitter 52 and RF receiver 57. The ?JT transmitter 52 and RF receiver 57 can be combined into a srncle transceiver unit such as, for example, the Cypress WUSB chip set which works within the 2.4 GHz ISM band. In accordance *ith other embodiments, the console 9 may employ alternate transceiver configurations that operate using other wireless protocols, including 900 MHz RF, Bluetooth, 802.11 a/b/g, tUltra-#ide Band (UWB) and Zigbee, as well as non-RF based protocols such as infrared
components of the console 9 (i.e., other than the switches and pedals) are completely sealed within the housing of the console 9, which protects those components from damage from the operating room environment and reduces the risk of electrical shock and sparks.
[0034] The microcontroller 51 can communicate with the RF transmitter 52 and RF receiver 57 through, for example, a standard RS-232 interface. The RF transmitter 52 transmits control signals to the central control unit 8, under the control of the microcontroller 51, in response to user inputs applied at the foot operated controls (switches and pedals). [0035] The microcontroller 51 in each wireless console 9 is assigned a unique identification (ID) code. As will be discussed in greater detail below, this ID code allows the microcontroller 51 to uniquely identify all the command signals transmitted by the console 9 by incorporating its ID code into the signals it generates and subsequently passes on to the RF transmitter 52.
[0036] Figure 6 is a block diagram of the central control unit 8 according to one embodiment of the invention. As shown, the central control unit 8 includes a programmable microcontroller 71, a wireless receiver 72 and wireless transmitter 77 (or, alternatively, a combined transceiver), a power supply 73, a network adapter 74, and one or more output indicators 75. The microcontroller 71 controls the overall operation of the central control unit 8.. The microcontroller 71 may, in other embodiments, be replaced by one or more other forms of control devices capable of performing the same role, such as a programmable general-purpose or special-purpose microprocessor, ASIC, etc. The wireless receiver 72 receives control signals transmitted from the console 9 as described above, while the wireless transmitter 77 dispatches signals from the central control' unit 8 to the wireless console 9. The microcontroller 71 may communicate with the RF receiver 72 and RF transmitter 77' through various means, including, for example, a standard RS-232 interface* The power supply 73

provides regulated power for the central control unit 8, based on power supplied from any available external power source. [0037] Also included within the central control unit 8 is a radio frequency identification (RFID) reader 7 9 which generates a relatively weak magnetic field. When an RFID tag is brought within :l:se proximity to the RFID reader 79, the tag picks up the magnetic energy and begins communicating with the RFID reader 79. More specifically, the magnetic field" being generated by the RFID reader 7 9 becomes uniquely modulated in a prederermined manner when a RFID tag is in close proximity. It Ls by this means of modulating a magnetic field that the RFID rag conmunicates information, such as an ID code, to the RFID reader 79.
[0038] The central control unit 8 also Includes one or more
output indicators ""S ^r^rcn are used to communicate various
information to the ^3*ar cf the system, including indicating
which device 5 (Ficnre 1 rs currently selected. The output
indicator (s) 75 may is„^eve for example, one or more light-
emitting diodes (Leis - Liquid crystal displays (Lads), audio
speakers, or the late- *"
[0039] Depending upper* winch of the devices 5 is currently selected, the microccnt.r-I.lex 71 uses the control signals received by the wireless receiver 72 to generate commands and/or other control signals directed to a particular device 5 on the wired communrcarbon medium 6. The microcontroller 71 is programmed to generate specific commands or other control signals in a former and, cry protocol that is appropriate for the currently selected device 5. The microcontroller 71 causes the network adorer 74 to transmit these generated commands onto the vied communication medium 6, [0040] The network adapter 74 can be, for example, a standard IEEE standard 1394 adapter, while the wired communication medium 6 is, for example, an IEEE 1394 back plane. In that case, the central control unit 8 can use standard IEEE 1394 protocols to identify the other devices that are connected to the back plane. In still other

embodiments, the central control unit 8 can accommodate communication mediums other than IEEE 1394, such as, for example, connections designed for devices such as Striker Corporation's Integrated Device Network (SIDNE) Control System and Total Performance System (TPS), as well as Striker Endoscope’s Radio Frequency Ablation System (SERFAS). [0041] In certain embodiments, the central control unit 8 also (or instead) can have one or more "direct" (i.e., non-network) connections 78 to a controlled device 5, as mentioned above and as shown in Figure 1, In such embodiments, the central control unit 8 includes a communication adapter 70 to couple the microcontroller 71 to the direct connection 78. In certain instances, a direct connection 78 may be implemented as a connection between the central control unit 8 and a device 5 with no other devices or adapters coupled between them, while in other cases, a direct connection 7 8 may be implemented by connecting the central control unit 8 to a device 5 through a separate, external adapter ("dangle") that emulates the network connection for the central control unit 8.
II. General Operation of the Synchronized Remote Console System
[0042] In a given clinical environment, multiple pairs of consoles 9 and central control units 8 may be used in close proximity to each other. This gives rise to the risk of a central control unit 8 responding to control signals from the wrong console 9. To prevent this from occurring, each console 9 is assigned a unique device identifier, such as, for example, the unique ID code of each microcontroller 51. Each central control unit 8 is configured to respond to (i.e., can be "synchronized" with) one or more specific consoles 9, based on their device identifiers. During operation, when a console 9 transmits signals representing user inputs, it transmits its reassigned ID code with those signals. After being synchronized with a specific console 9, the central control

unit 8 will ignore army vi re less signals it receives which are not accompanied by the correct console ID code (e.g., signals from an unknown cry unauthorized console 9). In this manner, the central control unit 3 is prevented from accidentally responding to a wireless console 9 that is in the nearby vicinity but which is not synchronized with the central control unit 8.
[0043] According to one embodiment of the invention, synchronization between a wireless console 9 and central control unit 8 is acxxaspiished by means of radio frequency identification (RFTC-: - Specifically, during the manufacturing process, the unique ID code that is assigned to each microcontroller 5i contained within each console 9 is read or obtained. This unique It code is then written to a RFID chip or tag 27. This newly written RFID tag 27 is then sealed within or mounted upon tar-e console 9 from which the ID code was first obtained,
[0044] In order re synchronize the wireless console 9 with the central contrcl TT-: t r, -the console 9 is powered up and
brought next to the. central-* control;, unit 8.. More
• * -■ ■'*.„"■ *. ...
specifically, the £feat c^fhthe -console 9 that contains the RFID tag 27 is aligned vita tn-e'RFXD reader 7 9 on the central control unit 8- Tic-e cc^scie 9 is then brought in to close proximity (i.e., one inch) to the central control unit 8. Once the RFID tag 2~ r* close enough, the magnetic field being generated by the B-FIt reader 79 becomes modulated. The RFID reader 79 detects this specific modulation in the magnetic field and translates it into the unique ID code of that specific console 5.
[0045] The RFID reader 79 then transmits the unique ID code of the nearby console 9 to the central control unit's microcontroller 71. At this point, the central control unit 8 becomes synchronized with that specific console 9, and will only act on or acknowledge wireless command signals that are identified by or contain the ID code that is unique to the synchronized wireless console 9.

[0046] To alert the user that synchronization between the central control unit 8 and a console 9 has been obtained, the central control unit 8 can be configured to parried an audible or visual cue. Visual cues could be provided or. the output indicator 75, or alternatively, provided by a separate ^synchronized" indicator (not shown) , such as ar_ Lars :n the central control unit 8 which comes on or changes colors upon obtainment of synchronization.
[0047] Once synchronized, the console 9 will be able to control the devices 5 connected to the central control unit 3. However, while the console 9 controls the devices 5 collected to the central control unit 8, the central control unit 8 controls how the console 9 functions. Consider, torn example, the foot-controlled console 9 of Figure 2. When son -operator depresses the left pedal 22 of the console 9, the outsole 9 transmits a generic Left pedal" command signal er;cc-aec vita the console's unique ID code) to the central cotter„ init 5. Upon receiving the "left pedal" command signal ores: —riser-le 9, the central control unit 8 first looks for the \— :tag II code of the console 9 to verify that the received cosset- signal is valid. If valid, the central control -unit 8 then caracaras the received "left pedal" command signal to previously rrrcraamed instructions to determine how that specific consent signal from the console 9 should be interpreted with respect to the device 5 currently being controlled. The central carol unit 8 then issues the interpreted command over the cheaper. vied communication medium 6 or direct connection 78 tat tee device 5 being controlled.
[0048] As previously discussed, the central control unit 8 can connect to a plurality of devices 5 which can subsequently be controlled by the remote console 9. To select which device 5 is to be controlled by the remote console 9f a "^mode" button is provided upon the central control unit 8. Upon the user depressing the mode button, the central control unit 8 toggles through a list of the connected devices 5 from which the operator can then choose. Depending on the type of remote

console 9 being utilized, the user may also be able to remotely select which device 5 is to be controlled by depressing a mode button located on the console 9. [0049] According to another embodiment of the invention, the central control unit 8 is configured to not immediately respond to commands it receives from a synchronized console 9 if a specified period of time (i.e., 30 seconds) of inactivity has passed. Instead, the central control unit 8 will announce, such as visually by its output indicator 75, which device 5 is currently active with the console 9. Issuance of a second command will then resume in normal operation. [0050] Similarly, a predefined extended period of inactivity, the remote console 9 will enter a *sleep" mode to conserve battery power. The central- control unit 8 will subsequently display on its output indicator 75 that the console 9 is in a sleep mode. Depressing one of the buttons and/or switches on the console 9 will wake it up. [0051] Communications between a remote console 9 and central control unit 8 can be disabled by unsynchronizing the two devices. A user manually accomplishes this by depressing and holding in the "mode" button on the central control unit 8 for a brief specified period of time. Once unsynchronized, the remote console 9 will not function again until it is resynchronized with a central control unit 8. [0052] According to another embodiment of the invention, the central control unit 8 is capable of being synchronized with two remote consoles 9 at the same time. Figure 7 is a external front view of one such central control unit 8 capable of synchronizing with two consoles 9. As illustrated, the central control unit 8 of Figure 7 includes two output indicators 75a and 75b, two synchronization ports 79a and 79b, each of which represent a RFID reader, and two "mode" buttons 80a and 80b.
[0053] Besides allowing for two separate synchronizations at the same time, the central control unit 8 as illustrated in Figure 7 can also be configured to allow the use of two remote

consoles (not illustrated) to central the same device 5. This is accomplished by synchronizing a first console, and then placing the central control unit 8 into a "merge" mode by means of its second mode butter: SGb. Once the second console is synchronized, the two consoles are considered merged. When the two consoles are merged, they carsick simultaneously issue commands to the same device 5. Instead, they must alternate controlling the device 5. To alternate control, a user must first stop issuing commands with the first remote console currently in control. The user then presses one of the buttons/pedals/switches on the secede remote console. This will cause the central control unit S to toggle control to the second console. Repeating the s-amst procedure toggles control back to the first console.
[0054] All the embodiments _ti 3crested above employed the use of RFID sensors and tags to automatically initiate and carry out the transfer of a remote cor_sc_e s ID code to a central control unit 8, thereby synchronising the iwo units and securing the system from accidental, v responding to command signals generated by other remcte zc^olss- 9 or other wireless devices. However, other embodijEsent-S of the present invention are not limited to using RFID rars. These embodiments instead rely on other means to wirelessiy ccr.vey data, such as an ID code, between a remote console 9 and central control unit 8 when they are brought into close proximity to one another. [0055] For example, one embodi^e^r (not depicted) utilizes optical bar code scanning technology. Specifically, the unique ID code of the remote censc.-* 9 is converted into a bar code that is subsequently applied re or affixed to the outer surface of the console 9. A bar code scanner integrated into the central control unit 8, or alternatively, a separate bar code scanner that communicates with the central control unit 8, then scans the remote console's bar code once the console 9 is brought into close enough proximity to the central control unit 8.

[0056] Alternatively; additional embodiments may utilize other optical-based methods to convey data between a console 9 and central control unit 8. Consider, for example, a synchronized remote control system according to an additional embodiment (not depicted) that uses.an infra-red (IR) transmitter in the remote console 9, and an IR receiver in the central control unit 8. When brought into close proximity to one another, the console's ID code, encoded as an IR signal, is projected onto the IR receiver of the central control unit 8.
[0057] Beyond electromagnetic-based conveying means, further embodiments (not depicted) may utilize an acoustic-based system to convey an ID code or other data from the console 9 to the central control unit 8. For example, the remote console 9 could incorporate a small speaker that relays information to the microphone of a central control unit 8, much in the same way as computer modems communicate with one another.
[0058] Lastly, the embodiments discussed above primarily focus on using the underlying principles of the present invention to establish a synchronized or secure wireless connection between a remote console 9 and a central control unit 8, thereby providing a user with- the means to control one or more devices remotely using a secure and reliable wireless connection. However, in accordance with a further embodiment of the invention, the principles disclosed above are utilized not to establish a secure wireless connection for the transmission of control signals from a remote control, but are instead modified to provide a secure and reliable wireless connection for the simple purpose of transporting raw data from one device to another. In this manner, the wireless connection established by the present invention is utilized as a secure wireless conduit between two devices. [0059] Consider, for example, utilizing the principles of the present invention to establish a secure wireless data path between a wireless video camera and digital recorder, thereby

assuring reliable, wireless transport cf data between the two devices. Similarly, the concepts of the present invention can be utilized to establish a secure wireless link between any two wireless devices, such as, for example, a wireless head-mounted display unit and its associated computer system which generates real-time video images that are tic be projected upon the display.
III. Wireless Protocol, Packet Typesr and Signal Timing
[0060] In the previous embodiments, secure communication between a remote console 9 and central control unit 8 was solely established by means of a unique ID code passed from the console 9 to the central control 3. However, according to additional embodiments, ever. greater security and reliability is achieved through Applicacxs' development of a proprietary WUF communication proceed zhaX. utilizes specific wireless communication protocols, paccet structures, and signal timing.
[0061] For illustrative purposes, err* icier the following exemplary embodiment of a synchrony red •ireless remote control system which communicates "synchros Axton* data within the 2.4 GHz frequency band using a Cypress Worries-USB chipset. Cypress WUSB employs a CDMA-based lov-i-e-zei protocol which encodes each transmitted bit with a 32-bit password (PNCode). On top of this is built an additional proprietary protocol that further protects the data transmission with a 32-bit identifier code, along with a 1-byte et^cksum capable of restoring a packet with up to 10% of it's data in error. A transmitted packet is accepted and processed only if it contains the correct PNCode, the correct identifier code, and a proper checksum. Lastly, the protocol is strictly time monitored, so in the case of a protocol failure the device will always be put into a safe state.
[0062] Note - For a definition of terms used in this section, see the table illustrated in Figure 8.

[0063] To assure patient safety, Applicants developed a secure wireless communication path having low latency and high reliability. This was accomplished by taking a multi-faceted approach that focused not only on the Cypress WUSB CDMA low-level protocol, but also the importance of the PNCode, the structure of a data packet, the types of packets and how they are used, the protocol states, and the timing structure of the signal.
A. The Cypress WUSB CDMA Low-Level Protocol [0064] The Cypress WUSB chipset encodes and decodes its data using a code division multiple access (CDMA) low-level protocol. In short, CDMA requires that a 32-bit code (called a PNCode) be sent for every "1" transmitted, and the inverse of that code be sent for every fl0" transmitted- Only if the code, or the inverse of that code, is received with less than two errors (called the threshold) will a valid ^l" or "0" be recorded. If the threshold is exceeded, the received bit is marked invalid. Setting the threshold at 2 gives a high level of security to the transmission, while still allowing for a fair amount of noise to be present on the channel. [0065] Additionally, sixteen PNCodes are available on each of the 80 WUSB channels. Each WUF receiver determines the PNCode it will communicate with based on an internal identification number.
[0066] Furthermore, the reception of data is 2X oversampled, thereby allowing for operation within a noisy environment*
B. Packet Structure [0067] Each packet utilized by the WUF Protocol of the current embodiment is made up of 8 bytes. Figure 9 shows the structure of each data packet.
[0068] Packets B0-B3 contains the Manufacturer's Identification Number (MID) of the transceiver for which the packet is intended. Each Cypress WUSB transceiver chip

contains a unique 22-bir MID, i.e. each remote console 9 and central control unit. 8 have a unique MID. Only if the received packet/s MID matches the MID stored within the Cypress WUSB transceiver chip of the receiver will the packet be accepted as valid.
[0069] Packet B4, birs 0-2 tb0-b2), contain the Packet Identifier (PCKIB), described in detail in the next section. Bit 3 (b3) of packet 54 contains the data path identifier (DPID), which denotes which data path is being used. Bits 4-(b4-b7) of packet B4 contain data (DATA) specific to the packet type.
[0070] Packets B5 and 36 also contain data (DATA) specific to the packet type,
[0071] Packet 5~ ccaa^^xns the packet checksum (CHKSM) .
[0072] Of special rscre is the last byte in the packet, the Checksum byte. The 'ZiLecfcsuaa byte allows the receiver to correct up to 1 bir err—cry per byte, or, in other words, to restore a packet re i-^s proper value when up to 10% of its data has been marrec ^3 invalid-
C. Packet Types
[0073] The protocol °*BpJoyed by the secure remote control system of the present -eaoodiment utilizes 8 different packet identifiers (PCKIDs), including 3 sent by the remote console to the central control znit 8, and 5 sent from the central control unit 8 to the resote console 9. See the table illustrated in Figure 1C, which describes each PCKID, what it is used for, and what ^specific data it contains.
D. Protocol States
[0074] The protocol employed by the secure remote control system of the present embodiment utilizes three different states to descri±>e the connection status between a footswitch
and the receiver: NOT BOUND, BOUND, WAS BOUND.
[0075] NOT BOUND: A remote console 9 is NOT BOUND if it
has not been connected to any central control unit 8 since it

was powered up. The footswitch is constantly searching all 80 WUSB channels, looking for a base station bind 1 packet (BS__BIND1) transmission from a WUF receiver. Upon receiving a valid BS___BIND1 packet, the console 9 and central control unit 8 go through the binding procedure, shown in the table of Figure 11. If that procedure is successful, the console 9 moves to the BOUND state.
[0076] BOUND: During the BOUND state, the remote console 9 reports its current state every 20 - 100ms depending on whether the console 9 has detected a change in the pedal and switch states, or if it has detected a low-battery condition. The table in Figure 12 shows the BOUND communication between the remote console 9 and central control unit 8. [0077] WAS BOUND: If the remote console 9 loses communication with the central control unit 8, due to interference, an out of range condition, or if the central control unit 8 is turned off, the console 9 enters the WAS BOUND state. During this state, the console 9 searches all 80 WUSB channels, looking for a valid base station acknowledgement packet (BSjkCK) or base station bind 1 packet (BS_BIND1). If the console 9 receives a BS_ACK, it begins transmitting to the central control unit 8 that it was previously bound to. If the console 9 receives a BS__BINDl, it erases all current bind information, and binds to the new central control unit 8 from which the BS__BIND1 packet was received. The table of Figure 13 shows the WAS BOUND rebinding procedure.
E. Timing [0078] The communication protocol utilized in the present embodiment is designed for minimal latency and maximum security. Strict timing requirements are employed to provide both of the before mentioned traits. Timing is dictated by the central control unit 8, since in all states the central control unit 8 initiates the communication. Specifically, during the BOUND state, when the remote consoles 9 are

reporting their current status, tiirdng becomes very important. Consoles 9 are polled for data every 20ms. In order to conserve battery power, the consoles 9 are required to respond with their current state whenever they detect a change in their pedal and switch state, or every 100ms, whichever comes first. Consoles 9 are polled in an alternating structure, for example, a first console is polled, then a second console is polled, etc. Figure 14 illustrates several packet timing diagrams.
[0079] Timing checks are also present to validate the state of the communication path between the console or consoles 9 and the central control unit 3. If a central control unit 8 does not receive communication from a console 9 within a set amount of time, the da.'ca path is declared invalid, the controlled device 5 is pur ;r.tc a safe state, and the central control unit 8 enters rhe ¥AS BOUND state for that console data path.
[0080] Thus, a wireless re^&cre control apparatus that synchronizes with and securely and reliably"controls one or more medical devices dnrirr: a medical procedure has been described. Although zh& present invention has been described with reference to specific exemplary embodiments, it will be recognized that the inventicn is not limited to the embodiments described, but can be practiced with modification and alteration within the spirit and scope of the appended claims. Accordingly, the specification and drawings are to be regarded in an illustrative sense rather than a restrictive sense.

What is claimed is:
1. A system for controlling at least one medical device
by a secure wireless connection, comprising:
a remote console having at least one user-operable control and configured to wirelessly transmit console command signals indicating a state of the at least one user-operable control and an identification code unique to the remote console;
an identification device associated with the remote console and programmed with the identification code with which the identification device is associated;
a central controller in communication with and controlling at least one medical device in response to console command signals wirelessly transmitted by the remote console; and
an identification reader associated with the central controller which places the central controller and remote console in a synchronized state when the remote console is brought within a predetermined distance of the central controller so as to permit the identification reader to wirelessly retrieve the identification code programmed in the identification device;
wherein the central controller will only process console command signals associated with an identification code that corresponds to the remote conscple with which the central controller is synchronized.
2. The system according to Claim 1, wherein the
identification device comprises one of a RFID tag, a barcode,
an optical transmitter conveying either visible or non-visible
light, and a speaker conveying information in acoustic form.
3. The system according to Claim 1, wherein the console
command signals comprise generic control signals that the
central controller subsequently translates into device control

signals having a specified format and protocol compatible with the selected medical device being controlled,
4. The system according to Claim 1, wherein the remote console is a firsr remote console and the system further includes a second remote console, with both the first and second remote console ex±sting concurrently in a synchronized state with the central controller.
5. The system according to Claim 4, wherein the first synchronized remote console and second synchronized remote console control the same medical device.
6. The system according to Claim 1, wherein the at least one user-operatle centre comprises a first control and a second control, first control controlling a first medical device in with the central controller, and the second contr:! ccmroliing a second medical device in communication with ere r~trtral controller.
7. The systems according ro Claim 1, wherein the user can select, by the at least one user-operable control on the remote console, which asecical device or devices to control from a plurality of medical devices in communication with the
central controller.
8. The system according to Claim 7, wherein the user
selects which medical device to control from the plurality of
medical devices in cosairnr.ication with the central controller
by one of repeated activation of the at least one user-
operable control tc cycle between available devices, by an
amount of time the at least one user-operable control remains
in an activated state, and a number of times the at least one
user-operable control is activated within a predefined period
of time.

9. The system according to Claim 1, wherein the at least one medical device connects to the central controller bv one of a direct connection, connection by a common wired communication medium, and wireless connection.
10. The system according to Claim 1, wherein the remote console and central controller communicate with one another using one of the following wireless technologies, including WUSB, 900 MHz RF, Bluetooth, 802.11a/b/g, Ultra-Wide Band
(OWB), Zigbee, infrared (IR) and laser.
11. The system according to Claim 1, wherein the remove
console further comprises at least one of a rechargeable
battery and non-rechargeable battery.
.12. The system according to Claim 11, wherein t±re ras.cre console further comprises at least one rechargeable that is chargeable by one of a direct connection anc electromagnetic induction.
13. The system according to Claim 12, further a
a docking station for removably holding the remote cor^s^le and
charging the at least one rechargeable battery when ~^e
docking station removably holds the remote console.
14. The system according to Claim 1, wherein
indicator and audible indicator to communicate varices
information to a user, including., medical device seiecrea,,
medical device settings, and device command signals heinc
issued by the central controller to the medical device.
15. The system according to Claim 1, wherein the remote
console is operated by one of a hand and a foot.

16. The system according to Claim 1, wherein the central controller initiates all wireless communication with the synchronized remote console by polling the synchronized remote .console at a predefined interval of time.

The system according to Claim 16, wherein the central controller places a controlled medical device into a safe state if the central controller fails to receive a valid wireless communication from the synchronized remote console in control of the medical device within a predetermined amount of time.
18. A system for controlling at least one medical device by a secure wireless connection, comprising:
a wireless console providing remote control of at least one function of at least one medical device, comprising:
a first microcontroller having an'assigned unique identification code;
at least one user-operable control whose state is monitored by the first microcontroller;
a first wireless transceiver operated by the first microcontroller and configured to wirelessly communicate the unique identification code of the first microcontroller in combination with one or more console command signals indicating a state of the at least one user-operable control;
an identification device configured to identify the wireless console based on the unique identification code of the first microcontroller; a central controller in communication with at least one
medical device, comprising:
a second microcontroller;
a second wireless transceiver operated by the second microcontroller and configured to wirelessly communicate with the first wireless transceiver of the wireless console;

an identification device reader ir_ communication with the second microcontroller and configured tc synchronize the wireless console with the central controller by retrieving the unique identification code of the first microprocessor when the identification device of the wireless console is brought within a predefined proximity to the identification device reader; wherein the central controller accepts console command signals from the wireless console only after the wireless console is synchronized with the central controller, wherein accepted console command signals are Translated by the central controller into device control signals of an appropriate format and protocol understood by the at least one medical device.
19. A method of controlling ei least one medical device by a secure wireless connection, coHcri-sing the steps of:
providing a remote console associated with a unique identification code and having at lea** one user-operable control for remotely controlling at 1—a.st one function on at least one medical device;
connecting the at least one 32e wirelessly synchronizing the rescte console with .the central controller by placing the resete console within a predetermined distance of the centra^ controller;
generating with the synchronizer reiaote console at least one wireless remote console comfsre=~d signal that is indicative of a state of the at least one user-operable control and which includes the identification code unique to that remote console; and
preventing the central controller from processing any other wireless remote console control signals unless they include the identification code that is unique to the remote console that is synchronized with the central controller.

20. The method according'to Claim 19, wherein the step
of synchronizing the remote console with the central
controller further comprises the steps of:
providing the remote console with an identification device which is programmed with the identification code unique to the remote console with which the identification device is associated;
providing the central controller with an identification reader; and
wirelessly retrieving the identification code from the identification device when the remote console is placed within a predefined distance of the identification reader.
21. The method according to Claim 19, wherein the wireless control signals generated by the remote console are generic control signals that the central controller subsequently translates into device control signals having a specified format and protocol compatible with the selected medical device being controlled.
22. The method according to Claim 19, wherein the remote console is a first remote console, and further comprising the steps of:
providing a second remote console; and
wirelessly synchronizing the second remote console with the central controller after the first remote console has been synchronized with the central controller.
23. The method according to Claim 19, wherein the at
least one user-operable control comprises a first control and
a second control, and further comprises the steps of:
controlling a first medical device in communication with the central controller with the first control; and
controlling a second medical device in communication with the central controller with the second control.-

24. The method according to Clair: 19, further comprising
the step of selecting a medical device to control from a
plurality of medical devices in communication with the central
controller by one of the steps of:
cycling between available medical revices in communication with the central controller by repeatedly activating the at least one user-operable control;
activating the at least one user-operable control for a predetermined amount of time; and
activating the at least one user-operable control a predetermined number of times within a predefined period of time.
25. A method of controlling at leasr one saedical device
by a secure wireless connection, comprisinc are steps of:
placing at least one medical device m comunication with a central controller;
wirelessly synchronizing the centr controller with a remote console by retrieving from the restore console an associated unique identification code and rhe identification code within the central controller
encoding data wirelessly exchanged betveer. the central controller and synchronized remote console with a password;
preventing the central controller frcazi translating wireless remote console signals it receives rrxc medical device control signals unless the wireless console signals the central controller receives are encoded with the password and associated with a stored identification code.
26. The method according to Claim 25, further comprising
the step of placing the remote console into one of a NOT BOUND
state if the remote console has not been synchronized with the
central controller since the remote console has been powered
up, a BOUND state if the remote console is synchronized with
the central controller, and a WAS BOUND state if communication

between the remote console and central controller is disrupted after the remote console has been synchronized with the central controller.


Patent Number 264460
Indian Patent Application Number 1861/CHENP/2007
PG Journal Number 01/2015
Publication Date 02-Jan-2015
Grant Date 30-Dec-2014
Date of Filing 01-May-2007
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
1 HAMEL, Andrew, J 1920 Lexington Avenue, San Mateo, California 94402, USA
2 HILLDOERFER, Michael, G. 1424 Miramonte Avenue, Mountain View, California 94040, USA
3 WELLS, Brannon, P. 150 Palm Valley Blvd., #2184, San Jose, California 95123, USA
PCT International Classification Number A61B 17/32
PCT International Application Number PCT/US05/39589
PCT International Filing date 2005-10-31
PCT Conventions:
# PCT Application Number Date of Convention Priority Country
1 60/623,949 2004-11-01 U.S.A.