Title of Invention


Abstract The invention relates to a method for operating a first (Fig.l: KOM1) and second (Fig.1: KOM2) radio communication system incorporating a plurality of radio stations (Fig.l: AP2, ZMS1, ZMS2, MS3, MS4, MS5, MS6), wherein the radio coverage of the first (KOM1) and of the second (KOM2) overlap at least in part. A device (Fig.l: BS1) of the first radio communication system (KOM1) sends a message (Fig.2: BEACON) with instructions to least some of the radio stations (AP2, ZMS1, ZMS2) of second communication system (KOM2) for organizing communication within the second radio communication system (KOM2).
Full Text The invention relates to a method for operating two radio communication systems with at least partially overlapping radio coverage areas: The invention additionally relates to a device in a radio communication system for executing the method.
In radio communication systems, information (e.g. voice, image information, video information, SMS (Short Message Service), MMS (Multimedia Messaging Service) or other data) is transmitted via a radio interface between sending and receiving radio stations using electromagnetic waves. The radio stations can be various user-side radio stations, radio access points or base stations depending on the specific design of the radio communication system. The electromagnetic waves are emitted using carrier frequencies within the frequency band provided for the particular system.
Radio communication systems may differ e.g. in respect of their radio access technology or transmission method, network operating systems and network protocols. Examples of radio communication systems are systems compliant with the GSM (Global System for Mobile Communications), GPRS (General Packet Radio Service), EDGE (Enhanced Data Rates for GSM Evolution), TSM (Time Division Synchronous Code Division Multiple Access), DECT (Digital European Cordless Telephony), IS95 (Interim Standard No. 95), cdma2000, UMTS (Universal Mobile Telecommunications System), IEEE 802.11 and Bluetooth standards, as well as fourth generation systems.
Radio communication systems are often implemented as cellular systems e.g. according to the GSM or UMTS standard with a network infrastructure comprising e.g. base stations, equipment for monitoring and controlling the base stations and other network-side equipment. For the cellular GSM mobile radio system, frequencies of 900, 1800 and 1900 MHz are used. In addition to these supralocally organized, hierarchical cellular radio networks there exist wireless local area networks {WLANs) with a spatially much more limited radio coverage area. With a diameter of up to a few hundred meters, the cells covered by the WLAN radio access points (APs) are small compared to normal mobile radio cells. Examples of different standards for WLANs are HiperLAN, DECT, IEEE 802.11, Bluetooth and WATM. The unlicensed frequency range around 2.4 GHz is generally used for WLANs, the data transmission rates being up to 11 Mbit/s. Future WLANs can be operated in the 5 GHz range and achieve data rates of over 50 Mbit/s. The data rates available to WLAN users are therefore much higher than those provided by third generation mobile radio (e.g. UMTS).
In many WLANs, user-side radio stations can communicate directly with one another via one or more hops (multihop). They can additionally send and receive information via WLAN radio access points which are generally connected to other communication systems. A user-side radio station can be connected to a radio access point either directly or via hops with data forwarding via other radio stations.
Different radio communication systems may have locally overlapping radio coverage areas. A suitable user-side radio station can therefore communicate simultaneously or consecutively within a plurality of radio communication systems. If common radio resources are available to a
resources at their disposal, lack of coordination may result in unwanted interference or incomplete utilization of the available radio resources.
Document EP 1 207 654 A2 describes the coordination between an IEEE 802.11 system and a Bluetooth system. The radio access point of the WLAN sends a CTS (Clear To Send) signal according to the WLAN standard which indicates to the radio stations of the WLAN that communication within the WLAN will be interrupted for a certain period of time, whereas the radio stations of the Bluetooth system may communicate during this period.
Documents US 2002/0136183 Al and US 2002/0173272 Al describe a WLAN and a Bluetooth system which overlap and use the same radio frequency. There exists a control device which determines whether collisions between the signals of the different systems are likely to occur. If collisions are expected, a "jamming signal" is sent to the radio stations of the WLAN. The result of this "jamming signal" is that the WLAN radio stations regard the radio medium as busy and therefore postpone their signal transmission so that the radio channels are vacant for the Bluetooth system.
The object of the invention is to propose a method for operating two radio communication systems which overlap at least partially in respect of their radio coverage and enabling communication to be coordinated within the two radio communication systems.
This object is achieved in respect of the method by a method having the features set forth in Claim 1.
Advantageous embodiments and further developments are the subject matter of sub-

We claim:
1. Method for operating a first (KOM1) and second (KOM2) radio communication system
incorporating a plurality of radio stations (AP2, ZMS1, ZMS2, MS3, MS4, MS5, MS6), wherein the
radio coverage of the first (KOM1) and of the second (KOM2) overlap at least in part,
wherein a message (BEACON) with instructions for organizing communication within the second radio communication system (KOM2) is sent by a device (BS1) of the first radio communication system (KOM1) to at least some of the radio stations (AP2, ZMS1, ZMS2) of the second radio communication system (KOM2), characterized in that, by means of the message (BEACON) of the first radio communication system (KOM1), at least one radio station (AP2, ZMS1, ZMS2) of the second radio communication system (KOM2) is instructed to send information (ANNOUNCEMENT) contained in the message (BEACON) concerning the organization of communication within the second radio communication system (KOM2) to other radio stations (MS3, MS4, MS5, MS6) of me second radio communication system (KOM2).
2. Method as claimed in claim 1,
wherein me instructions relate to timing specifications for communication within the second radio communication system (KOM2).
3. Method as claimed in claim 1 or 2,
wherein the instructions relate to
- at least one time slot (CENTRAL) for communication within the second radio communication system
(KOM2) on the basis of a centrally controlled radio access method
- at least one time slot (DECENTRAL) for communication within the second radio communication
system (KOM2) on the basis of a decentrally controlled radio access method.
4. Method as claimed in claims 1 to 3,
wherein by means of the message (BEACON) of the first communication system (KOM1), a time for sending the information (ANNOUNCEMENT) concerning the organization is communicated to the one or more radio stations (AP2, ZMS1, ZMS2).

5. Method as claimed in claim 1 to 4,
wherein the information (ANNOUNCEMENT) concerning the organization relates to
- the timing of at least one time slot (CENTRAL) for communication within me second radio communication system (KOM2) on me basis of a centrally controlled radio access memod and/or
- the timing of at least one time slot (DECENTRAL) for communication within the second radio communication system (KOM2) on the basis of a decentrally controlled radio access method.
6. Method as claimed in one of claims 1 to 5,
wherein the information (ANNOUNCEMENT) concerning the organization relates to the assignment of radio resources of a time slot (CENTRAL) for communication within the second radio communication system (KOM2) on the basis of a centrally controlled radio access method to at least one radio station (AP2, ZMS1, ZMS2) of the second radio communication system (KOM2).
7. Method as claimed in one of claims 1 to 6,
wherein the information (ANNOUNCEMENT) concerning the organization relates to at least one time
- for future transmission of information (ANNOUNCEMENT) concerning the organization of communication within the second radio communication system (KOM2) by at least one radio station (AP2, ZMS1, ZMS2) of the second radio communication system (KOM2) and/or
- for future transmission of a message (BEACON) with instructions concerning the organization of communication within the second radio communication system (KOM2) by the first radio communication system (KOM1).
8. Method as claimed in one of claims 1 to 7,
wherein, on the basis of the instructions of the first radio communication system (KOM1) for organizing communication within the second radio communication system (KOM2), the sequence is as follows:
- a time slot with transmission of information (ANNOUNCEMENT) by at least one radio station (AP2,
ZMS1, ZMS2) of the second radio communication system (KOM2) concerning the organization of
subsequent communication within the second radio communication system (KOM2),
- a time slot (DECENTRAL) for communication within the second radio communication system (KOM2) on the basis of a decentrally controlled radio access method,

- a time slot (CENTRAL) for communication within the second radio communication system (KOM2)
on the basis of a centrally controlled radio access method.
9. Method as claimed in claim 8,
wherein common frequency radio resources are available to the first (KOM1) and the second (KOM2) radio communication systems and that the sequence is as follows:
- the message (BEACON) of the first radio communication system (KOM1) with instructions for
organizing communication within the second radio communication system (KOM2), and
the three time slots of the second radio communication system (KOM2)
• for the transmission of information (ANNOUNCEMENT) concerning the organization,
• for communication on the basis of the decentrally controlled radio access method and
• for communication on the basis of the centrally controlled radio access method,
- a time slot (KOM_BSl) for communication within the first radio communication system (KOM1).
10. Method as claimed in one of claims 1 to 9,
wherein a device (BS1) of the first radio communication system (KOM1) creates instructions depending on information about radio stations (AP2, ZMS1, ZMS2, MS3, MS4, MS5, MS6) and/or about radio resources of the second radio communication system (KOM2).
11. Device (BS1) in a first radio communication (KOM1) for operating the first (KOM1) and a second
(KOM2) radio communication system incorporating a plurality of radio stations (AP2, ZMS1, ZMS2,
MS3, MS4, MS5, MS6), wherein the radio coverage of the first (KOM1) and of the second (KOM2)
overlap at least in part, the device (BS1) comprising
- means (Ml) of storing information about radio stations (AP2, ZMS1, ZMS2, MS3, MS4, MS5, MS6) and/or about radio resources of the second radio communication system (KOM2)
- means (M2) of creating a message (BEACON) with instructions for organizing communication within the second radio communication system (KOM2), wherein, by means of the message (BEACON) created by the device BS1 of the first radio communication system (KOM1), at least one radio station (AP2, ZMS1, ZMS2) of the second radio communication system (KOM2) is instructed to send information (ANNOUNCEMENT) contained in the message (BEACON) concerning the organization of communication within the second radio communication system (KOM2) to other radio stations (MS3, MS4, MS5, MS6) of the second radio communication system (KOM2)

- means (M3) of selecting a subset of the radio stations (AP2, ZMS1, ZMS2) of the second radio communication system (KOM2); and
- means (M4) for transmitting the message (BEACON) to the subset of radio stations (AP2, ZMS1, ZMS2) of the second radio communication system (KOM2).
12. Device (BS1) as claimed in claim 11,
wherein the instructions in the message (BEACON) created by me device (BS1) relate to
- timing specifications for communication within me second radio communication system (KOM2) and/or
- at least one time slot (CENTRAL) for communication within the second radio communication system (KOM2) on the basis of a centrally controlled radio access method and at least one time slot (DECENTRAL) for communication widiin the second radio communication system (KOM2) on me basis of a decentrally controlled radio access metiiod.

13. Device (BS1) as claimed in claim 11 or 12, wherein, by means of the message (BEACON) created by the device (BS1), a time for transmitting the information (ANNOUNCEMENT) concerning the organization is communicated to the one or more radio stations (AP2, ZMS1, ZMS2)
14. Method for operating a first (KOM1) and a second (KOM2) radio communication system, substantially as hereinbefore described with reference to the accompanying drawings.
15. Device (BS1) in a first radio communication for operating a first (KOM1) and a second (KOM2) radio communication system, substantially as hereinbefore described with reference to the accompanying drawings.


2048-delnp-2006-1-Correspondence-Others (18-11-2009).pdf

2048-delnp-2006-Abstract (18-11-2009).pdf



2048-delnp-2006-Claims (18-11-2009).pdf



2048-DELNP-2006-Correspondence Others-(09-11-2011).pdf


2048-delnp-2006-Correspondence-Others (18-11-2009).pdf





2048-delnp-2006-Description (Complete) (18-11-2009).pdf

2048-delnp-2006-description (complete).pdf

2048-delnp-2006-Drawings (18-11-2009).pdf


2048-delnp-2006-Form-1 (18-11-2009).pdf



2048-delnp-2006-Form-2 (18-11-2009).pdf









2048-delnp-2006-GPA (18-11-2009).pdf



2048-delnp-2006-Petition-137 (18-11-2009).pdf




Patent Number 264501
Indian Patent Application Number 2048/DELNP/2006
PG Journal Number 01/2015
Publication Date 02-Jan-2015
Grant Date 31-Dec-2014
Date of Filing 13-Apr-2006
Applicant Address ST-MARTIN-STR.76,D-81541 MUNCHEN GERMANY
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
1 HUI LI Chateau Regency E802, Jiangtai Lu #2, Chaoyang District, 100102, Beijing, China.
2 DAN YU Room 13-1-502, YiMei, Jia Yuan; An Ning Zhuang Xi, Lu 15, Haidian District, 100085 Beijing, China
3 EGON SCHULZ Wittenberger Str. 3, 80993 Munchen, Germany
PCT International Classification Number H04Q 7/36
PCT International Application Number PCT/EP2004/052579
PCT International Filing date 2004-10-19
PCT Conventions:
# PCT Application Number Date of Convention Priority Country
1 10350890.2 2003-10-31 Germany