Title of Invention


Abstract The herbicidal formulation comprising acifluorfen sodium and processes for the preparation of same are disclosed. The present invention also discloses herbicidal formulation comprising acifluorfen sodium and a second active. The herbicidal formulations of the present invention are non phytotoxic and stable.
Full Text FORM 2
(39 of 1970) AND
(See Section 10; rule 13)
a company incorporated under the Companies Act,
1956 and having its corporate office Uniphos House,
11th Road, C. D Marg, Khar (West),
Mumbai-400 052,
State of Maharashtra
The following specification particularly describes the nature of this invention and the manner in which it is to be performed:-

The present invention relates to herbicidal formulations comprising
acifluorfen sodium.
The protection of crops from weeds and other vegetation which inhibit crop growth is a constantly recurring problem in agriculture. To help combat this problem, researchers in the field of synthetic chemistry have produced an extensive variety of chemicals and chemical formulations effective in the control of such unwanted growth. Chemical herbicides of many types have been disclosed in the literature and a large number are in commercial use.
Selective herbicides kill specific targets while leaving the desired crop relatively unharmed. Some of these act by interfering with the growth of the weed and are often synthetic "imitations" of plant hormones. Herbicides used to clear waste ground, industrial sites, railways and railway embankments are nonselective and kill all plant material with which they come into contact.
Unfortunately, many of such herbicides exhibit phytotoxicity to the desired crop as well as to the weeds or grasses sought to be controlled. Phytotoxic means harmful or lethal to plants. Phytotoxicity is the degree to which a chemical or other compound is toxic to plants. Phytotoxic effects caused by herbicides can be from spray droplets, soil residues or vapors contacting sensitive plants. Plants can also be harmed by herbicides which move off target in water or soil or when sensitive crops are planted in fields too soon after a herbicide treatment was applied for a previous crop.
Phytotoxic effects ranges from slight burning or browning of leaves to death of the plant. Sometimes the damage appears as leaf cupping, crinkling and speckling, distorted leaves, fruit, flowers or stems. Damage symptoms vary with the herbicide and the type of plant that has been affected.

US Patent 4 063 929 discloses, novel diphenyl ether herbicides including Acifiuorfen acid, 5-(2-chloro-4-trifluoromethyl-phertoxy)-2-nitrobenzoic acid, and its agrochemically acceptable salts. Acifiuorfen sodium is a selective contact diphenyl ether herbicide, which exhibits both pre and post-emergence weed control. This herbicide is effective for control of broad leaved weeds with some effects on grasses in soybeans, peanuts, peas and rice. Despite being a selective herbicide, its phyototoxic action or phytotoxicity on desired crop is reported in the literature.
An article in Journal of Agriculture and food chemistry, 1983, 31(4), pp-751- 755 entitled "Acifiuorfen increases the leaf content of phytoalexins and stress metabolites in several crops" teaches that leaves treated with acifiuorfen sodium contain greatly increased levels of N-feruloyl- 3-methoxytyramine (spinach) and of 10 phytoalexins i.e. glyceollins I, II, and III and glyceofuran (soybean), phasedlin (bean and pinto bean), pisatin (pea), medicarpin and wyerone (broad bean), xanthotoxin (celery), and hemigossypol (cotton). Enhanced synthesis of these compounds is related to acifiuorfen concentration and exposure to light. The phytotoxicity of acifiuorfen to spinach is counteracted by appropriate treatments with (aminooxy) acetic acid, L-2-(aminooxy)-3-phenylpropionic acid or silver nitrate and by heat shock. Under certain conditions soybean injury is ameliorated by combining (aminooxy) acetic acid with acifiuorfen and silver nitrate with oxyfluorfen.
Weed Science, 1989, Vol 37: 743-747 entitled "Acifiuorfen action on growth and phenolic metabolism in soybean (glycine max) seedlings, by Robert E" teaches that acifluorfen is a potent herbicide, but despite considerable studies to elucidate its mode of action, mechanism of its phytotoxicity is not fully understood. Light and oxygen are required for the development of maximal herbicidal symptoms of acifiuorfen but photosynthesis is not involved. However, respiration and photosynthesis in soybean protoplasts and mitochondria are inhibited by low levels of acifiuorfen. Acifiuorfen exerts its major effects through

toxic products formed following light activation, lipid peroxidation, activated by photosynthetic electron transport and tetrapyrrole accumulation, is among more recent explanations of phytotoxicity. Acifluorfen affects growth and phenyl propanoid metabolism in soybean and spinach.
Acifluorfen sodium is formulated as Soluble Liquid (SL) formulation and is registered and marketed under the brand name of Blazer. However, Acifluorfen sodium soluble liquid formulation (marketed as Blazer ®) is also known to produce phytotoxicity to desired crop. It shows the signs of phytotoxicity like leaf scorching, cupping, crinkling and speckling. Such damage affects the quality and overall yield of the desired crop.
Therefore, there is a long felt need in the art for acifluorfen sodium formulations that solves the problem of phytotoxicity. Hitherto, no attempts have been made to solve the phytotoxicity of acifluorfen sodium.
The present invention provides such formulations of acifluorfen sodium that are non-phytotoxic.
Further, Acifluorfen sodium is a selective contact diphenyl ether herbicide, which exhibits both pre and post-emergence weed control. A common problem with selective herbicides is that its weed control spectrum, that is, the range of weed species effectively controlled by the herbicide, does not embrace the full diversity of weeds present in a crop. It has therefore been common to apply two or more herbicides simultaneously in order to achieve the desired spectrum of control.
United States Patent No. 4713109 teaches a 2-propynyl ester of the compound 2- (4- (3-Chloro-5-fluoro-2-pyridyloxy)-phenoxy-propionic acid, which is commonly known as clodinafop-propargyl, a compound possessing demonstrated herbicidal activity against grassy weeds in winter cereals specially

in wheat and barley as well as pulses. It is a member of the oxy phenoxy acid ester class of herbicides. It is known that clodinafop propargyl interacts with and inhibits the acetyl co-enzyme A carboxylase, which is essential for the production of lipids or fatty acids needed for plant growth. The selectivity of this herbicide is based on the difference in the speed of herbicide breakdown in the crop versus the weeds. Clodinafop-propargyl converts from the ester form to the active acid and then to biologically inactive compounds. Grass weeds such as wild oats and wild millet cannot effectively break down clodinafop-propargyl, so they are controlled as a lethal dose accumulates at the meristematic growing points. This is a post emergence, selective systemic grass herbicide and is known to control grasses such as green foxtail, barnyard grass, Persian darnel and volunteer canary seed in wheat crops. However, it is known that clodinafop propargyl is ineffective against several broad leaved weeds.
There is a further need in the art to provide synergistic herbicide compositions as they afford various advantages. Herbicide combinations offer advantages of improved weed control, a greater spectrum of weeds controlled, reduced cost and reduced residue problems.
The present invention also provides such a synergistic herbicidal composition of clodinafop-propargyl and acifluorfen sodium.
It was further found that a major problem with clodinafop-propargyl is that it undergoes hydrolysis in the presence of an aqueous medium in acidic environment rendering it incapable of being formulated as stable formulation along with acifluorfen sodium or fomesafen sodium as a stable soluble liquid formulation.
US Patent 4285723 discloses, selective diphenyl ether herbicides including
fomesafen, 5-(2-chloro-α,α,α-trifluoro-p-tolyloxy)-N-mesyl-2-
nitrobenzenecarboximidate, and its agrochemically acceptable salts. Fomesafen

sodium is a selective early post emergent herbicide used to control broad leaved weeds in soybean.
US Patent No. 6369001 provides a liquid concentrate herbicidal microemulsion composition comprising water; a water-soluble herbicide and an oil-soluble cyclohexenone or aryloxyphenoxypropionate graminicide. This patent discloses many examples of water soluble herbicide such as acifiuorfen and fomesafen and oil soluble cyclohexenone such as Clodinafop-propargyl. However, it does not teach the selective combinations of acifiuorfen sodium or fomesafen sodium and Clodinafop propargyl. Further, this patent does not address and solve the specific degradation problem of Clodinafop- propargyl, particularly in an aqueous environment. It was found that liquid concentrates or water based formulations comprising clodinafop- propargyl and acifiuorfen sodium or fomesafen sodium have poor stability and aggravate the problem of degradation of clodinafop-propargyl.
Acifiuorfen sodium and fomesafen sodium are known to produce phytotoxicity to desired crop. Fomesafen sodium is formulated as Microemulsion (ME) and Soluble Liquid (SL) formulation. It is registered and marketed under the brand name of Flexstar and Reflex and its existing formulations also suffer from the disadvantage of phytotoxicity.
The present inventors have also found that soluble liquid, wettable powder, water dispersible granules and also tank mixtures including acifiuorfen sodium or fomesafen sodium with Clodinafop propargyl causes phytotoxicity on desired crops. Therefore, there is need in the art to provide a formulation of acifiuorfen sodium or fomesafen sodium with Clodinafop propargyl that causes no phytotoxicity.
Therefore, there is a long felt need in the art to provide a stable formulation comprising clodinafop propargyl and acifiuorfen sodium or

fomesafen sodium that solves the problems of degradation of clodinafop propargyl in aqueous medium and solves the existing problem of phytotoxicity induced by these active ingredients.
Therefore, it is desirable to provide a formulation of clodinafop- propargyl and acifluorfen sodium or fomesafen sodium that surprisingly meets the challenge of providing a storage stable formulation clodinafop- propargyl and acifluorfen sodium or fomesafen sodium which is also non phytotoxic. Hitherto, no successful attempts have been made to formulate an emulsifiable concentrate of acifluorfen sodium or fomesafen sodium and cloduiafop-propargyl. The present invention provides such a storage stable agrochemical emulsifiable concentrate of clodinafop-propargyl and acifluorfen sodium or fomesafen sodium that causes no phytotoxicity.
The present invention at least achieves one of the following objectives.
It is an object of the present invention to provide a herbicidal emulsifiable concentrate comprising acifluorfen sodium which does not cause phytotoxicity to desired crops.
It is a further object of the present invention to provide an emulsifiable concentrate that meets the challenge of formulating a water soluble herbicide, acifluorfen sodium in organic solvent (s).
It is a further object of the present invention to provide a herbicidal emulsifiable concentrate exhibiting a broad spectrum of activity in controlling diversity of weeds and grasses present in crops.

Yet another object of the present invention is to provide a herbicidal emulsifiable concentrate comprising acifluorfen sodium and second herbicide selected from the class of aryloxyphenoxypropionates known as "fops" herbicide.
Yet another further object of the present invention is to provide a process for the preparation of a herbicidal emulsifiable concentrate comprising acifluorfen sodium.
It is also an object of the present invention to provide a synergistic herbicidal composition of clodinafop propargyl and acifluorfen sodium.
It is further object of the present invention is to provide a synergistic herbicide composition exhibiting a broad spectrum of activity in controlling diversity of broad leaf weeds and grasses present in crops.
Another object of the present invention is to provide a synergistic herbicidal composition that enhances performance of weed control thereby reducing the required application frequency of the composition to control the grassy and broadleaved weeds in a crop field.
Another object of the present invention is to provide a herbicidal composition which demonstrates a complementation of weed control activity over the application of individual herbicides separately.
Yet another object of the present invention is to provide a synergistic herbicidal combination that negates the need of the sequential application of herbicides thereby reducing the environmental load of herbicides and thus are environmentally safe.

Further object of the present invention is to provide a storage stable agrochemical emulsifiable concentrate of clodinafop propargyl and acifluorfen sodium or fomesafen sodium.
It is also an object of the present invention to provide an emulsifiable concentrate that meets the challenge of formulating water soluble herbicides, acifluorfen sodium or fomesafen sodium in organic solvent.
It is further object of the present invention to solve the problem of degradation of clodinafop- propargyl in aqueous medium.
It is further object of the present invention to provide a storage stable agrochemical emulsifiable concentrate that is non-phytotoxic.
Yet another object of the present invention is to provide an emulsifiable concentrate wherein the solubility profile of acifluorfen sodium or fomesafen sodium and clodinafop propargyl is improved.
Yet another object of the present invention is to provide an agrochemical composition exhibiting a broad spectrum of activity in controlling diversity of weeds and grasses present in crops.
Yet another further object of the present invention is to provide process for the preparation of a storage stable agrochemical emulsifiable concentrate of clodinafop- propargyl and acifluorfen sodium or fomesafen sodium.
According to an aspect of the present invention, there is provided a non phytotoxic herbicidal emulsifiable concentrate comprising an agrochemically effective amount of acifluorfen sodium.

According to another aspect of the present invention, there is provided a non phytotoxic herbicidal emulsifiable concentrate comprising;
(i) an agrochemically effective amount of acifiuorfen sodium;
(ii) at least a first organic solvent having a dielectric constant of from
about 12 to about 50; and (iii) at least a second organic solvent having a dielectric constant of from about 1 to about 4, wherein the ratio of the said first and second organic solvents is in the range from about 4: 1 to about 0.04: 1 by weight.
According to another aspect of the present invention, there is provided a non-phytotoxic emulsifiable concentrate comprising acifiuorfen sodium in an amount of about 16.5 % by weight of the composition; an organic solvent having a dielectric constant of 18.2; another organic solvent having a dielectric constant of 2.5 wherein the ratio of said organic solvents is about 1.5:1 by weight; an emulsifying agent or mixtures thereof in an amount of about 15 % by weight of the composition; and a stabilizer in an amount of about 1 % by weight of the composition.
According to further aspect of the present invention, there is provided a non phytotoxic herbicidal emulsifiable concentrate comprising an agrochemically effective amount of acifiuorfen sodium and an agrochemically effective amount of a second herbicide selected from the class of aryloxyphenoxypropionates.
According to a further aspect of the present invention, there is provided a process for the preparation of a non phytotoxic herbicidal emulsifiable concentrate comprising: (a) admixing at least one organic solvent having a dielectric constant of from about 12 to about 50 and at least another organic solvent having a dielectric constant of from about 1 to about 4 in a mixing vessel; (b) adding an agrochemically effective amount of acifiuorfen sodium to the first homogenous mixture of step (a) at an ambient temperature to obtain second homogenous

mixture; and (c) adding at least one emulsifying agent in an amount of from about 0.1 % to about 40 % and at least a stabilizer in an amount of from about 0.25 to about 10% by weight of the composition to the second homogenous mixture of step (b) with stirring to obtain a homogenous mixture.
According to an aspect of the present invention, there is provided a synergistic herbicidal composition comprising an agrochemically effective amount of acifluorfen sodium; and an agrochemically effective amount of clodinafop propargyl.
According to another aspect of the present invention, there is provided a storage stable agrochemical emulsifiable concentrate comprising:
(i) an agrochemically effective amount of acifluorfen sodium or
fomesafen sodium; (ii) an agrochemically effective amount of clodinafop propargyl; (iii) at least a first organic solvent having a dielectric constant of from
about 12 to about 50; and (jv) at least a second organic solvent having a dielectric constant of from about 1 to about 4, wherein the ratio of said first and second organic solvents is in the range from about 4: 1 to about 0.04: 1 by weight.
According to another aspect of the present invention, there is provided a storage stable agrochemical emulsifiable concentrate comprising acifluorfen sodium in an amount of about 16.5 % by weight of the composition, Clodinafop propargyl in an amount of about 8 % by weight of the composition, an organic solvent having a dielectric constant of 18.2, another organic solvent having a dielectric constant of 2.5; wherein the ratio of said organic solvents is about 2:1 by weight, an emulsifying agent or mixtures thereof in an amount of about 15 % by weight of the composition, and stabilizer in an amount of about 1 % by weight of the composition.

According to a further aspect of the present invention, there is provided a process for the preparation of a storage stable agrochemical emulsifiable concentrate comprising the steps of (a) admixing at least one organic solvent having a dielectric constant of from about 12 to about 50 and at least another organic solvent having a dielectric constant of from about 1 to about 4 in a mixing vessel; (b) adding an agrochemically effective amount of acifluorfen sodium or fomesafen sodium and an agrochemically effective amount of clodinafop propargyl to the first homogenous mixture of step (a) at an ambient temperature to obtain second homogenous mixture; (c) adding at least one emulsifying agent in an amount of from about 0.1 % to about 40 % and at least a stabilizer in an amount of from about 0.25% to about 10% by weight of the composition to the second homogenous mixture of step (b) with stirring to obtain a homogenous mixture and; d) filtering the resultant mixture.
It is thus known in the art that aqueous based formulations such as soluble liquid (SL) of acifluorfen sodium are phytotoxic. The present inventors have also found that in addition to aqueous based formulations, wettable powder and water dispersible granules of acifluorfen sodium are also phytotoxic.
Hitherto, no attempt has been made in the art to solve the problem of phytotoxicity of acifluorfen sodium formulations. The present inventors have unexpectedly and surprisingly found that an emulsifiable concentrate formulation of acifluorfen sodium is non-phytotoxic.
However, it is known in the art that there is a great difficulty in preparing an emulsifiable concentrate when the active ingredient is a water-soluble herbicide such as acifluorfen sodium. It is believed that emulsifiable concentrates of water soluble active ingredients such as acifluorfen sodium are difficult to formulate because of their low solubility in conventional non polar medium used

for making emulsifiable concentrates. Further, emulsifiable concentrates are suitable for limited number of active ingredients only. Many active ingredients are not soluble enough to be supplied economically in this form. Hitherto, no attempts have been made in the prior art to prepare emulsifiable concentrate of acifluorfen sodium.
A person skilled in the art would expect a water soluble herbicide to dissolve in water and only partially soluble in an organic solvent. It was unexpectedly and surprisingly found that it is indeed possible to form an emulsifiable concentrate formulation comprising acifluorfen sodium in the solvent system contemplated according to the present invention.
Thus, the present inventors set about providing an emulsion concentrate of acifluorfen sodium that are non- phytotoxic.
Therefore, in one aspect, the present invention provides a non- phytotoxic herbicidal emulsifiable concentrate comprising an agrochemically effective amount of acifluorfen sodium.
The term "agrochemically effective amount" is that quantity of active agent, applied in any amount which will provide the required control of broad leaved weeds and grasses. The particular amount is dependent upon many factors including, for example, the crop, weeds sought to be controlled and environmental conditions. The selection of the proper quantity of active agent to be applied, however, is within the expertise of one skilled in the art.
In an embodiment, the agrochemically effective amount of acifluorfen sodium comprises from about 0.01% to about 40% and preferably from about 0.1% to about 35% of the total weight of the compositions according to the present invention.

In a preferred embodiment, acifluorfen sodium comprises from about 15.5% to about 30 % and more preferably about 16.5% of the total weight of the compositions according to the present invention.
It was unexpectedly found by the present inventors that organic solvents having dielectric constants in predetermined ranges when used in combination in a specific weight ratio played a major role in providing emulsifiable concentrate with desired emulsifiability, solubility profile and stability.
In an embodiment, the non-phytotoxic herbicidal emulsifiable concentrate of the present invention comprise further ingredients selected from an organic solvent having a dielectric constant from about 12 to about 50, another organic solvent having a dielectric constant from about 1 to about 4, an emulsifying agent, a stabilizer and the like.
Therefore, in yet another aspect of the present invention, there is provided a non phytotoxic herbicidal emulsifiable concentrate comprising; (i) an agrochemically effective amount of acifluorfen sodium; (ii) at least a first organic solvent having a dielectric constant of from about 12 to about 50; and (iii) at least a second organic solvent having a dielectric constant of from about 1 to about 4, wherein the ratio of the said organic solvents is in the range from about 4: 1 to about 0.04: 1 by weight.
In the following description of the present invention, the dielectric constant is denoted as e and dielectric constant of mixture of organic solvents having dielectric constants of from about 12 to about 50 and about 1 to about 4 is denoted as εmix
According to the present invention, the organic solvent having a dielectric constant from about 12 to about 50 may be selected from the group comprising cyclohexanone, N-methyl pyrrolidone, dimethyl sulfoxide, acetophenone,

dimethyl formamide, MIBK, butanol, isophorone, propanol, methanol, propargyl alcohol, acetone, acetonitrile, dichloromethane and the like. The said solvent may be preferably selected from cyclohexanone, N-methyl pyrrolidone, dimethyl sulfoxide, acetophenone, dimethyl formamide, MIBK, butanol according to present invention. Still more preferably, said organic solvent is cyclohexanone.
In an embodiment, the organic solvent having a dielectric constant of about 12 to about 50 comprises from about 4% to about 50% by weight of the composition, preferably from about 16 % to about 50 % by total weight of the composition according to the present invention.
According to the present invention, said another organic solvent having a dielectric constant from about 1 to about 4 may be selected from toluene, xylene, solvesso-200, C-9, solvesso-100, solvesso-150 and the like.
In an embodiment, the preferred the organic solvent having a dielectric constant from about 1 to about 4 is xylene.
In an embodiment, the organic solvent having a dielectric constant of from about 1 to about 4 comprises from about 4 % to about 40 % by weight of the composition, preferably from about 8 % to about 30% by total weight of the compositions according to the present invention.
In an embodiment, the organic solvents having a dielectric constants of from about 12 to about 50 and from about 1 to about 4 together comprises from about 10% to about 70% by total weight of the composition.
In an embodiment, a first organic solvent having a dielectric constant of from about 12 to about 50 and a second organic solvent having a dielectric constant of from about 1 to about 4 may be used in a predetermined specific weight ratio. Preferably, the present invention comprises utilizing said first and

second organic solvents within the present emu billable concentrate formulations in a weight ratio of from about 4: 1 to about 0.04 :1.
In an embodiment, the emulsifiable concentrate according to present invention provides best stability, emulsifiability and solubility when εmix is from about 4 to about 35 and preferably when εmix is from about 4 to about 23.
In yet another embodiment, the compositions according to the present invention comprise at least one emulsifying agent.
The emulsifying agent may be preferably selected from a group comprising lignosulphonates, phenyl naphthalene sulphonates, ethoxylated alkyl phenols, non-ionic polyethoxylates, ethoxylated ratty acids, alkoxylated linear alcohols, polyaromatic sulfonates, sodium alkyl aryl sulfonates, maleic anhydride copolymers, phosphate esters, condensation products of aryl sulphonic acids and formaldehyde, addition products of ethylene oxide and fatty acid esters, sulfonates of condensed naphthalene, lignin derivatives, naphthalene formaldehyde condensates, polycarboxylates, sodium alkyl benzene sulfonates, calcium salts of alkyl benzene sulphonates, salts of sulfonated naphthalene, ammonium salts of sulfonated naphthalene, salts of polyacrylic acids and salts of phenol sulfonic acids. More preferably, the emulsifying agent may be selected from a group comprising ethoxylated alkyl phenols, alkyl benzene sulfonates and calcium salts of alkyl benzene sulfonates.
In another embodiment, the preferred emulsifying agent may also be selected from the group comprising nonyl phenol ethoxylate, styrenated phenol ethoxylate, castor oil ethoxylate, calcium dodecyl benzene sulphonate, sodium tetrapropylene benzenesulfonate, sodium 6- dodecylbenzenesulfonate and mixtures thereof.

The emulsifying agent is preferably used in an amount of about 0.1 to about 40.0 %, and preferably from about 1.0 to about 30.0 % by total weight of the compositions according to the present invention. In another preferred embodiment, the emulsifying agent is present in an amount of about 2.0 to about 20.0 % by total weight of the compositions.
In an embodiment, the compositions according to present invention additionally comprises stabilizer.
The stabilizer may be preferably selected from butanol, propanol, propargyl alcohol, acetic anhydride, acetic acid, epichlorohydrin and epoxidised soybean oil and like. The stabilizer is preferably used in an amount of about 0.25% to about 10%.
The storage stability of the present emulsion concentrate is dependent, inter alia, on the pH of the final formulation.
In an embodiment, the emulsifiable concentrate of the present invention affords excellent storage stability in a pH range of from about 4.0 to about 6.0.
According to a further aspect of the present invention, the non phytotoxic herbicidal emulsifiable concentrate according to the present invention are prepared by a process comprising: (a) admixing at least a first organic solvent having a dielectric constant of from about 12 to about 50 and at least a second organic solvent having a dielectric constant of from about 1 to about 4 in a mixing vessel; (b) adding an agrochemically effective amount of acifluorfen sodium to the first homogenous mixture of step (a) at an ambient temperature to obtain second homogenous mixture; and (c) adding at least one emulsifying agent in an amount of from about 0.1% to about 40% and additionally adding a stabilizer in an amount of from about 0.25 to about 10% by weight of the composition to the

second homogenous mixture of step (b) with stirring to obtain a homogenous mixture.
In an embodiment, said process for the preparation of a non-phytotoxic herbicidal emulsifiable concentrate additionally comprises filtering the resultant mixture obtained in step (c) of the previous aspect of the present invention.
In an embodiment, the non-phytotoxic herbicidal emulsifiable concentrate comprising acifluorfen sodium further comprises a second herbicide selected from class of aryloxyphenoxypropionates, called as "fops".
Therefore, in another aspect, the present invention provides a non- phytotoxic herbicidal emulsifiable concentrate comprising an agrochemically effective amount of acifluorfen sodium and a second herbicide selected from the class of aryloxyphenoxypropionates known as "fops" herbicide.
According to present invention, the "fops" herbicide comprises a herbicide selected from the group comprising clodinafop-propargyl, cyhalofop-butyl, diclofop-methyl, fluazifop-butyl, fluazifop-P-butyl, haloxyfop, propaquizafop, quizalofop and quizalofop-P.
In an embodiment, "fops" herbicide comprises from about 0.1% to about 50%, preferably from about 1.0% to about 40% by total weight of the compositions according to the present invention. More preferably, said second herbicide comprises about 8% by total weight of the composition according to the present invention.
In an embodiment, the non-phytotoxic herbicidal emulsifiable concentrate comprising an agrochemically effective amount of acifluorfen sodium and a second herbicide is prepared by the procedure described hereinabove.

The present inventors have also unexpectedly and surprisingly found that selective combination of acifluorfen sodium and clodinafop propargyl is synergistic and has broad spectrum of activity. A person skilled in the art would not expect that selecting acifluorfen sodium from known diphenyl ether herbicides, known as "fen" herbicides and Clodinafop propargyl from aryloxyphenoxypropionates, known as "fop" herbicides and combining the same would provide synergistic herbicidal activity.
There is a constant need in the art for herbicidal compositions that are synergistic. Herbicide combinations offer advantages of improved weed control, a greater spectrum of weeds controlled, reduced cost and reduced residue problems. However, the underlying mechanism by which a combination of herbicides results in synergistic action is unknown to a person skilled in the art.
Thus, the present inventors set about providing a herbicidal composition that is synergistic.
Therefore, in one aspect, the present invention provides a synergistic herbicidal composition comprising an agrochemically effective amount of acifluorfen sodium; and an agrochemically effective amount of clodinafop propargyl.
In an embodiment, clodinafop propargyl comprises from about 0.1% to about 50%, preferably from about 1.0% to about 40%, more preferably 2-10% by total weight of the compositions according to the present invention. Most preferably, clodinafop propargyl comprises about 8% by total weight of the composition according to the present invention.
According to present invention, the synergistic herbicidal compositions can be either solid or liquid formulations or solutions. For example, the herbicidal compositions of the present invention can be formulated as soluble liquid, water

based emulsions, suspension concentrates, wettable powders, emulsifiable concentrates, dusts, water dispersible granules, aerosols, or flowable emulsion concentrates. In such formulations, the compounds are extended with a liquid or solid carrier and, when desired, suitable surfactants are incorporated. In a most embodiment of this aspect of the invention described hereinafter, the synergistic compositions according to the present invention may be formulated as emulsifiable concentrates.
The synergistic herbicidal compositions of the present invention may include adjuvants, such as wetting agents, spreading agents, dispersing agents, stickers, adhesives, and the like, in accordance with agricultural practices and the formulation type. The selection of the adjuvants according to the desired formulation type is within expertise of the person skilled in the art and is not particularly limiting.
The synergistic herbicidal compositions of the present invention can be prepared according the conventional procedure used for formulating desired formulation type and is within the expertise of the person skilled in the art.
In other embodiments, the formulations comprising the synergistic combination of acifluorfen sodium and clodinafop propargyl may be formulated using the ingredients and the process for the preparation of non phytotoxic emulsifiable concentrate comprising acifluorfen sodium.
In an embodiment, the compositions according to the present invention optionally comprise a safener. Preferably, the safener is cloquintocet-mexyl that accelerates the rate of clodinafop-propargyl break down in crops, thus preventing the accumulation of a lethal dose.
In a preferred embodiment, the safener is present in an amount of about 0.1% to about 30% by weight of the second active ingredient component,

preferably 1% to about 15% by weight of clodinafop acid or an agrochemically acceptable salt or an ester thereof.
The present inventors have further found that soluble liquid or water based formulation comprising clodinafop propargyl and acifluorfen sodium or fomesafen sodium had poor stability. The inventors conducted experiments on the soluble liquid formulations comprising these two active ingredients and observed that a soluble liquid composition comprising acifluorfen sodium or fomesafen sodium and clodinafop propargyl was highly unstable and quickly degraded rendering the composition incapable of being used.
In order to solve the problem of water mediated degradation of clodinafop propargyl, it was essential to co-formulate clodinafop propargyl and acifluorfen sodium or fomesafen sodium wherein the use of aqueous phase is completely eliminated thereby solving the instability problem of clodinafop propargyl. An emulsifiable concentrate is the example of such formulation type. However, there is a great difficulty of preparing an emulsifiable concentrate when active ingredient is a water-soluble herbicide such as acifluorfen sodium or fomesafen sodium. It was known that emulsifiable concentrates of water soluble active ingredients such as acifluorfen sodium or fomesafen sodium were difficult to formulate because of their low solubility in conventional non polar medium used for making emulsifiable concentrates. It is known in the art that emulsifiable concentrates are suitable for limited number of active ingredients only. Many active ingredients are not soluble enough to be supplied economically in this form.
A person skilled in the art would expect a water soluble herbicide salt to dissolve in water and only partly soluble in an organic solvent. It was unexpectedly and surprisingly found that it is indeed possible to form an emulsifiable concentrate formulation comprising a water-soluble herbicide using a combination of organic solvents having predetermined dielectric constants. The

present inventors have surprisingly found that the dielectric constant of organic solvents play a major role in imparting storage stability, emulsifiability and solubility profile to the emulsifiable concentrate of acifluorfen sodium or fomesafen sodium and clodinafop propargyl.
It was unexpectedly found that organic solvents having dielectric constants in pre-determined ranges when used in combination in a specific weight ratio played a major role in providing desired emulsifiable concentrate. The present inventors have formulated the emulsifiable concentrate including clodinafop propargyl and acifluorfen sodium or fomesafen sodium based on these surprising findings that provides excellent storage stability, emulsifiablity and solubility profile to the final formulation.
The present inventors have also found that aqueous formulation, wettable powder, water dispersible granules and the tank mixtures of acifluorfen sodium or fomesafen sodium and Clodinafop propargyl cause phytotoxicity to the desired crops.
It was surprisingly found by the present inventors that emulsifiable concentrate formulation of acifluorfen sodium or fomesafen sodium with clodinafop propargyl solved the problem of phytotoxicity to the desired crops. Thus, the present inventors set about providing a composition that is storage stable and non- phytotoxic.
Therefore, in one aspect, the present invention provides a storage stable agrochemical emulsifiable concentrate comprising;
(i) an agrochemically effective amount of acifluorfen sodium or
fomesafen sodium; (ii) an agrochemically effective amount of clodinafop propargyl; (iii) at least a first organic solvent having a dielectric constant of from
about 12 to about 50; and

(iv) at least a second organic solvent having a dielectric constant of from about 1 to about 4, wherein the ratio of the said organic solvents is in the range from about 4: 1 to about 0.04: 1 by weight.
When the preferred water soluble herbicide is fomesafen sodium, it is present in an amount of from about 4 % to about 8 % and preferably about 8.4 % of the total weight of the compositions according to the present invention.
In this embodiment of the present invention, the amount of clodinafop propargyl, the selection of preferred organic solvents and their respective percentages to achieve desirable properties of the end-formulation, the selection and amount of preferred emulsifying agents, the choice of suitable stabilizers, the preferred pH range, the selection of preferred safeners etc. are as per the preceding aspects and embodiments of the present invention, which are reproduced herein in its entirety.
In an embodiment, the emulsifiable concentrate according to present invention provides best stability, emulsifiability and solubility when εmix is from about 4 to about 35 and preferably when is from about 4 to about 23. However, it should be understood that εmix of the selected ratio of solvents is not particularly limiting as long as the desired ratio of the solvents is maintained.
In a preferred embodiment, the emulsifiable concentrate formulations according to the present invention are prepared by a process comprising (a) admixing at least a first organic solvent having a dielectric constant of from about 12 to about 50 and at least a second organic solvent having a dielectric constant of from about 1 to about 4 in a mixing vessel; (b) adding an agrochemically effective amount of acifluorfen sodium or fomesafen sodium and an agrochemically effective amount of clodinafop propargyl to the first homogenous mixture of step (a) at an ambient temperature to obtain second homogenous mixture; (c) adding at

least one emulsifying agent in an amount of from about 0.1% to about 40% and at least one stabilizer in an amount of from about 0.25% to about 10% by weight of the composition to the second homogenous mixture of step (b) with stirring to obtain a homogenous mixture and; d) filtering the resultant mixture.
The formulations as described above have selective herbicidal action for crop plants and weeds. Such a selective herbicidal action renders the composition useful to control the following weeds.
Monocotyledon weeds or grassy weeds of the genera such as wild oats (Avena), crabgrass (Digitaria), barnyardgrass (Echinochloa), goosegrass (Eluesin), millet grass (Panicum), foxtail (Setaria.), bermudagrass (Cynodon), Blue grass (Poa), sorghum (sorghum),bulrush (Scripus), quackgrass (Agropyron) and arrow grass (sagittaria)
Dicotyledon weeds or broad leaved weeds of the genera such as lambsquarters (Chenopodium), pigweeds (Amaranthus), purslane (Portulaca), morning glory (Ipomoea), nightshade (Solanum), spurge (Euphorbia), ragweed (Ambroasia), small melon (Cucumis), starbur (Acanthospermum), cocklebur (Xanthium),ground cherry (Physalis), annual nettle (Urtica), knotweed (Polygonum), speedwell (Veronica), thomapple (Datura), acalypha {Acalypha), Leucas, wild jute (Corchorus), Digera, Parthenium, Commelina, Celosia, Phyllanthus, Chrozophora, Ocimum, Grangia, Capsella, Vicia, Celoma, and Cyperus haspan.
The formulations of the present invention have a selective herbicidal action and may be used for post emergence weed control in various crops viz. Soybean, Green gram, Black gram, Groundnut, wheat and pea. Further, this composition may also be used as inter row directed application as post emergence weed control and pre planting application in case of zero tillage cultivation before planting of crop in some susceptible crops such as cotton, potato, tomato, chilli, sugarcane, onion, cucurbits, cabbage, cauliflower, beets (especially sugarbeets),

sunflowers, rapeseeds and for achieving an effective weed control in perennial crops (grape vines and orchards),
The formulations of the present invention can be used as post emergence application to control wide range of weeds from weeds stage of 1-2 leaf stage to 4 to 6 tilling/ branching stage, preferably 2 to 4 leaf stage or 7 to 60 days after sowing of crop, preferably 15 to 25 days after sowing of crop.
The following examples illustrate the present invention. The exemplified formulations were prepared using processes that are described above for the preparation of such formulations. The Examples described herein does not limit the scope of the invention as described herein above.
Experimental Examples- 1
Example 1: Acifluorfen sodium 16.5 % w/w EC were prepared as follows:

Ingredient Percentage (w/w)
Acifluorfen sodium 16.5
Cyclohexanone 40.5
Xylene 27
Calcium dodecyl benzene sulfonate 3.0
Nonyl phenol ethoxylate 12
Stabilizer 1
Cyclohexanone and xylene were mixed in required quantity in a mixing vessel to form a first homogeneous mixture. Then required quantity of acifluorfen sodium was added at ambient temperature and stirred to form a second homogenous mixture. Calcium dodecyl benzene sulfonate and nonyl phenol ethoxylate and stabilizer were added to the second homogenous mixture with stirring to obtain a homogenous mixture, which was filtered to obtain the target emulsifiable concentrate.

Example 2

Ingredient Percentage (w/w)
Acifiuorfen sodium 16.5
N- methyl pyrrolidone 40
Xylene 27.5
Sodium tetrapropylene benzenesulfonate 1.5
Styrenated phenol ethoxylate 13.5
Stabilizer 1
Acifiuorfen sodium 16.5 % w/w including combination of N-methyl pyrrolidone and xylene was prepared as per the procedure of Example 1.
Experimental Examples- 2 Example 1
Acifiuorfen sodium 16.5 % w/w and Clodinafop- propargyl 8 % w/w EC was prepared as follows:

Ingredient Percentage (w/w)
Acifiuorfen sodium 16.5
Clodinafop propargyl 8.0

Cyclohexanone 40.5
Xylene 19
Calcium dodecyl benzene sulfonate 3.0
Nonyl phenol ethoxylate 12
Stabilizer 1
Cyclohexanone and xylene were mixed in required quantity in a mixing vessel to form a first homogeneous mixture. Then required quantity of acifiuorfen sodium

and clodinafop propargyl wasadded at ambient temperature and stirred to form a second homogenous mixture. Calcium dodecyl benzene sulfonate and nonyl phenol ethoxylate and stabilizer were added to the second homogenous mixture with stirring to obtain a homogenous mixture and then filtered the resultant mixture.
Example 2

Ingredient Percentage (w/w)
Acifluorfen sodium 16.5
Clodinafop propargyl 8.0
N- methyl pyrrolidone 40
Xylene 19.5
Sodium tetrapropylene benzene sulfonate 1.5
Styrenated phenol ethoxylate 13.5
Stabilizer 1
Acifluorfen sodium 16.5 % w/w and Clodinafop- propargyl 8 % w/w EC including combination of N-methyl pyrrolidone and xylene in a weight ratio of 4:1 was prepared as per the process of Example 1.
Experimental Examples- 3
Example 1
Acifluorfen sodium 16.5 % w/w and Clodinafop- propargyl 8 % w/w EC was
prepared as follows:

Ingredient Percentage (w/w)
Acifluorfen sodium 16.5

Clodinafop propargyl
Cyclohexanone 40.5
Xylene 19
Calcium dodecyl benzene sulfonate 3.0
Nonyl phenol ethoxylate 12
Stabilizer 1
Cyclohexanone and xylene were mixed in required quantity in a mixing vessel to form a first homogeneous mixture. Then required quantity of acifiuorfen sodium and clodinafop propargyl wereadded at ambient temperature and stirred to form a second homogenous mixture. Calcium dodecyl benzene sulfonate and nonyl phenol ethoxylate and stabilizer wereadded to the second homogenous mixture with stirring to obtain a homogenous mixture and then filtered the resultant mixture. Example 2

Ingredient Percentage (w/w)
Acifluorfen sodium 16.5
Clodinafop propargyl 8.0
N- methyl pyrrolidone 40
Xylene 19.5
Sodium tetrapropylene benzenesulfonate 1.5
Styrenated phenol ethoxylate 13.5
Stabilizer 1
Acifiuorfen sodium 16.5 % w/w and Clodinafop- propargyl 8 % w/w EC including combination of N-methyl pyrrolidone and xylene in a weight ratio of 2.05:1 was prepared as per the process of Example 1.
Example 3

Ingredient Percentage (w/w)
Acifluorfen sodium 16.5
Clodinafop propargyl 8.0
Acetophenone 40
Xylene 11.5
Calcium dodecyl benzene sulfonate 2.4
Nonyl phenol ethoxylate 17.6
Stabilizer 3
Acifluorfen sodium 16.5 % w/w and Clodinafop- propargyl 8 % w/w EC including combination of Acetophenone and xylene in a weight ratio of 3.48:1 was prepared as per the process of Example 1.
Example 4

Ingredient Percentage (w/w)
Acifluorfen sodium 16.5
Clodinafop propargyl 8.0
Cyclohexanone 20
Xylene 34.5
Sodium tetrapropylene benzenesulfonate 3.0
Styrenated phenol ethoxylate 15
Stabilizer 3
Acifluorfen sodium 16.5 % w/w and Clodinafop- propargyl 8 % w/w EC including combination of cyclohexanone and xylene in a weight ratio of 0.579:1 was prepared as per the process of Example 1.

Example 5

Ingredient Percentage (w/w)
Acifluorfen sodium 16.5
Clodinafop propargyl 8.0
Dimethyl Formamide 8
Toluene 47.5
Calcium dodecyl benzene sulfonate 4.0
Styrenated phenol ethoxylate 15
Stabilizer 4
Acifluorfen sodium 16.5 % w/w and Clodinafop- propargyl 8 % w/w EC . including combination of Dimethyl formamide and toluene in a weight ratio of 0.17:1 was prepared as per the process of Example 1.
Example 6

Ingredient Percentage (w/w)
Acifluorfen sodium 16.5
Clodinafop propargyl 8.0
Dimethyl sulfoxide
Toluene 49.5
Calcium dodecyl benzene sulfonate 3.0
Castor oil ethoxylate 12
Stabilizer 1
Acifluorfen sodium 16.5 % w/w and Clodinafop- propargyl 8 % w/w EC including combination of dimethyl sulfoxide and xylene in a weight ratio of 0.20: l was prepared as per the process of Example 1.

Example 7

Ingredient Percentage (w/w)
Acifluorfen sodium 16.5
Clodinafop propargyl 8.0
N-methyl pyrrolidone 28
Xylene 30.5
Sodium tetrapropylene benzenesulfonate 1.8
Styrenated phenol ethoxylate 13.2
Stabilizer 2
Acifluorfen sodium 16.5 % w/w and Clodinafop- propargyl 8 % w/w EC including combination of N-methyl pyrrolidone and xylene in a weight ratio of 0.92:1 was prepared as per the process of Example 1.
Example 8

Ingredient Percentage (w/w)
Acifluorfen sodium 16.5
Clodinafop propargyl 8.0
Dimethyl formamide 2.2
xylene 51.3
Calcium dodecyl benzene sulfonate 3.0
Castor oil erhoxylate 15
Stabilizer 4
Acifluorfen sodium 16.5 % w/w and Clodinafop- propargyl 8 % w/w EC including combination of dimethyl formamide and xylene in a weight ratio of 0.043:1 was prepared as per the process of Example 1.

Example 9

Ingredient Percentage (w/w)
Acifluorfen sodium 16.5
Clodinafop propargyl 8.0
Cyclohexanone 44.6
Xylene 19.9
Calcium dodecyl benzene sulfonate 1.0
Nonyl phenol ethoxylate 9.0
Stabilizer 1
Acifluorfen sodium 16.5 % w/w and Clodinafop- propargyl 8 % w/w EC including combination of cyclohexanone and xylene in a weight ratio of 2.24:1 was prepared as per the process of Example 1.
Example 10

Ingredient Percentage (w/w)
Acifluorfen sodium 16.5
Clodinafop propargyl 8.0
Cyclohexanone 42.6
Xylene 19.9
Calcium dodecyl benzene sulfonate 1.0
Nonyl phenol ethoxylate 11.0
Stabilizer 1
Acifluorfen sodium 16.5 % w/w and Clodinafop- propargyl 8 % w/w EC including combination of cyclohexanone and xylene in a weight ratio of 2.14:1 was prepared as per the process of Example 1.

Example 11

Ingredient Percentage (w/w)
Acifluorfen sodium 16.5
Clodinafop propargyl 8.0
Cyclohexanone 39.6
Xylene 19.9
Calcium dodecyl benzene sulfonate 1.0
Nonyl phenol ethoxylate 14.0
Stabilizer 1
Acifluorfen sodium 16.5 % w/w and Clodinafop- propargyl 8 % w/w EC including combination of cyclohexanone and xylene in a weight ratio of 1.99:1 was prepared as per the process of Example 1.
Example 12

Ingredient Percentage (w/w)
Acifluorfen sodium 16.5
Clodinafop propargyl 8.0
Cyclohexanone 39.6
Xylene 19.9
Calcium dodecyl benzene sulfonate 1.0
Nonyl phenol ethoxylate 17.0
Stabilizer 1
Acifluorfen sodium 16.5 % w/w and Clodinafop- propargyl 8 % w/w EC including combination of cyclohexanone and xylene in a weight ratio of 1.99:1 was prepared as per the process of Example 1.

Example 13

Ingredient Percentage (w/w)
Fomesafen sodium 8.4
Clodinafop propargyl 4.25
Cyclohexanone 60
xylene 16
Calcium dodecyl benzene sulfonate 1.85
Nonyl phenol ethoxylate 8.5
Stabilizer 1
Fomesafen sodium 8.4 % w/w and Clodinafop- propargyl 4.25 % w/w EC including combination of cyclohexanone and xylene in a weight ratio of 3.75:1 was prepared as per the process of Example 1.
Example 14

Ingredient Percentage (w/w)
Fomesafen sodium 5.6
Clodinafop propargyl 2.8
Cyclohexanone 66.25
xylene 17
Calcium dodecyl benzene sulfonate 1.125
Nonyl phenol ethoxylate 7.125
Stabilizer 1
Fomesafen sodium 5.6 % w/w and Clodinafop- propargyl 2.8 % w/w EC including combination of cyclohexanone and xylene in a weight ratio of 3.89:1 was prepared as per the process of Example 1.

Example 15

Ingredient Percentage (w/w)
Fomesafen sodium 4.2
Clodinafop propargyl 2.12
Cyclohexanone 70
Xylene 19
Calcium dodecyl benzene sulfonate 2.93
Nonyl phenol ethoxylate 4.75
Stabilizer 1
Fomesafen sodium 4.2 % w/w and Clodinafop- propargyl 2.12 % w/w EC including combination of cyclohexanone and toluene in a weight ratio of 3.68:1 was prepared as per the process of Example 1.
Example 16

Ingredient Percentage (w/w)
Acifluorfen sodium 16.5
Clodinafop propargyl 8.0
Cyclohexanone 41
Xylene 23.5
Calcium dodecyl benzene sulfonate 9
Nonyl phenol ethoxylate 1
Stabilizer 1
Acifluorfen sodium 16.5 % w/w and Clodinafop- propargyl 8 % w/w EC including combination of cyclohexanone and xylene in a weight ratio of 1.74:1 was prepared as per the process of Example 1.

Example 17

Ingredient Percentage (w/w)
Acifluorfen sodium 16.5
Clodinafop propargyl 8.0
Cyclohexanone 39
Xylene 23.5
Calcium dodecyl benzene sulfonate 11
Nonyl phenol ethoxylate 1
Stabilizer 1
Acifluorfen sodium 16.5 % w/w and Clodinafop- propargyl 8 % w/w EC including combination of cyclohexanone and xylene in a weight ratio of 1.65:1 was prepared as per the process of Example 1.
Example 18

Ingredient Percentage (w/w)
Acifluorfen sodium 16.5
Clodinafop propargyl 8.0
Cyclohexanone 36
Xylene 19.9
Calcium dodecyl benzene sulfonate 14
Nonyl phenol ethoxylate 1
Stabilizer 1
Acifluorfen sodium 16.5 % w/w and Clodinafop- propargyl 8 % w/w EC including combination of cyclohexanone and xylene in a weight ratio of 1.80:1 was prepared as per the process of Example 1.

Example 19

Ingredient Percentage (w/w)
Acifluorfen sodium 16.5
Clodinafop propargyl 8.0
Cyclohexanone 36
Xylene 20.5
Calcium dodecyl benzene sulfonate 17
Nonyl phenol ethoxylate 1
Stabilizer 1
Acifluorfen sodium 16.5 % w/w and Clodinafop- propargyl 8 % w/w EC including combination of cyclohexanone and xylene in a weight ratio of 1.75:1 was prepared as per the process of Example 1.
Example 20

Ingredient Percentage (w/w)
Acifluorfen sodium 16.5
Clodinafop propargyl 8.0
Dimethyl sulfoxide 49.5
Xylene 10
Calcium dodecyl benzene sulfonate 1.5
Nonyl phenol ethoxylate 13.5
Stabilizer 1
Acifluorfen sodium 16.5 % w/w and Clodinafop- propargyl 8 % w/w EC including combination of dimethyl sulfoxide and xylene in a weight ratio of around 5:1 was prepared as per the process of Example 1.

Example 21

Ingredient Percentage (w/w)
Acifluorfen sodium 16.5
Clodinafop propargyl 8.0
Dimethyl Formamide 1.5
Xylene 58
Calcium dodecyl benzene sulfonate 3.0
Nonyl phenol ethoxylate 12
Stabilizer 1
Acifluorfen sodium 16.5 % w/w and Clodinafop- propargyl 8 % w/w EC including combination of dimethyl formamide and xylene in a weight ratio of 0.025:1 was prepared as per the process of Example 1.
Example 22

Ingredient Percentage (w/w)
Acifluorfen sodium 16.5
Clodinafop propargyl 8.0
N- methyl pyrrolidone 2.0
Xylene 57.5
Calcium dodecyl benzene sulfonate 1.5
Nonyl phenol ethoxylate 13.5
Stabilizer 1
Acifluorfen sodium 16.5 % w/w and Clodinafop- propargyl 8 % w/w EC including combination of N-methyl pyrrolidone and xylene in a weight ratio of 0.034:1 was prepared as per the process of Example 1.

The emulsifiable concentrates prepared as per the Examples 1 to 22 including combination of different organic solvents having dielectric constant between the specified ranges as discussed above and varied weight ratios were tested for storage stability, solubility and emulsifiability. It was observed that formulations prepared according to Examples 1-19 were stable and showed excellent solubility and emulsifiability whereas the formulations prepared as per the Examples 20-22 showed separation of emulsifiable concentrate on storage and therefore had poor stability.
The following experimental studies were conducted by using combination of organic solvents for conducting studies of storage stability, solubility and emulsifiability.
Experiments conducted by using combination of organic solvents in varied weight ratio
The emulsifiable concentrates prepared for the purpose of experiment includes combination of organic solvents having a dielectric constant in a range from about 12 to about 50 and from about 1 to 4 in different weight ratios. The parameters like storage stability, solubility and emulsifiability were tested. The results of the experiments are included in following table:

Organic Organic Organic εmix Solubility Emulsifia Emulsifia
solvent 1 Solvent 2 Solvent 1: ble ble
. . (%w/w)
(% w/w) Organic
Soi-vent 2
ratio stability
1 NMP Xylene
4 46 0.09 5.01 Yes Yes Yes
33.2 17 1.96 22.5 Yes Yes Yes
40 10 4 26.4 Yes Yes Yes
2 DMSO Xylene i

Organic 1
solvent 1 (%w/w) Organic Solvent 2 (% w/w) Organic
Solvent 1:
Solvent 2
ratio εmix Solubility Emulsifia ble Emulsifia
ble stability
5 45 0.11 4.5 Yes Yes Yes
30 20 1.5 12.7 Yes Yes Yes
50 0 infinite 17.8 Yes Yes No
40 10 4 15.4 Yes Yes Yes
3 Acetophe none Xylene
7 43 0.16 4.42 Yes Yes Yes
40 10 4 14.43 Yes Yes Yes
20 30 0.67 8.17 Yes Yes Yes
4 DMF Xylene
2 47.5 0.04 4.57 Yes Yes Yes
8 42 0.19 10.3 Yes Yes Yes
40 10 4 33 Yes Yes Yes
5 MIBK Xylene
45 5 9 12.03 Yes Yes No
40 10 4 10.99 Yes Yes Yes
20 30 0.67 6.85 Yes Yes Yes
43 7 6.14 11.77 Yes Yes No
6 Pinacolon e Xylene
20 30 0.67 6.88 Yes Yes Yes
30 20 1.5 9 Yes Yes Yes
7 Cyclohex anone Xylene
10 42 0.24 5.76 Yes Yes Yes
14 40 0.35 6.81 Yes Yes Yes
40 14 2.86 14.36 Yes Yes Yes
45 5 9 16.8 Yes Yes No
38 19 2 13.26 Yes Yes Yes
60 16 3.75 15.21 Yes Yes Yes

Organic solvent 1 Organic Solvent 2 Organic
Solvent 1:
Solvent 2
ratio εmix Solubility Emulsifia
: Emulsifia ble
66.25 17 3.89 15.32 Yes Yes Yes
70 19 3.68 15.17 Yes Yes Yes
8 Butanol Xylene
25 30 0.8 10.8 Yes Yes Yes
20 35 0.58 9.36 Yes Yes Yes
9 MIBK Toluene
20 5 0.67 6.4 Yes Yes Yes
10 Pinacolon e Toluene
30 20 1.5 8.6 Yes Yes Yes
11 DMF Toluene
5 45 0.11 6.8 Yes Yes Yes
12 NMP Toluene
4 17 0.26 7.75 Yes Yes Yes
13 Acetophn one Toluene
7 43 0.162 4.1 Yes Yes Yes
14 Cyclohex anone Toluene
10 40 0.25 5.4 Yes Yes Yes
15 Butanol Toluene
25 25 1 10.9 Yes Yes Yes
16 DMSO Toluene
5 45 0.108 4.15 Yes Yes Yes
17 NMP Xylene
6 50 0.13 6.1 Yes Yes Yes
12 44 0.27 9.1 Yes Yes Yes
33 23 1.4 20.3 Yes Yes Yes
18 NMP toluene
7 49 0.14 5.8 Yes Yes Yes

solvent 1 (%w/w) Organic Solvent 2 Organic
Solvent 1:
Solvent 2
ratio εmix Solubility Emulsifia ble Emulsifia
ble stability
15 36 0.4 10.6 Yes Yes Yes
35 17 2 21.8 Yes Yes Yes
19 DMF xylene
9 47 0.19 10.2 Yes Yes Yes
20 DMF Toluene
5 51 0.1 6.3 Yes Yes Yes
27 29 0.9 21.7 Yes Yes Yes
21 Cyclohex anone Xylene
6 50 0.12 43 Yes Yes Yes
28 28 1 10.6 Yes Yes Yes
45 12 3.75 15 Yes Yes Yes
22 Cyclohex anone Tolune
45 14 3.2 14.2 Yes Yes Yes
12 40 1 5.8 Yes Yes Yes
28 25 1.12 10.5 Yes Yes Yes
23 Acetophe non Xylene
45 10 2,7 13.24 Yes Yes Yes
20 40 0.5 7.2 Yes Yes Yes
13 43 0.3 5.7 Yes Yes Yes
24 Acetophe non Tolune
15 46 0.32 5.5 Yes Yes Yes
24 29 0.28 8.4 Yes Yes Yes
37 19 1.94 11.63 Yes Yes Yes

The results of the above table show that the combination of organic solvent 1 having a dielectric constant of from about 12 to 50 and organic solvent 2 having a dielectric constant of from about 1 to 4 provide excellent storage stability, solubility and emulsifiability in a ratio of 0.04: 1 to 4: 1. It is clearly evident from the table that storage stability, solubility and emulsifiability of the emulsifiable concentrate are not simultaneously achievable when the organic solvent 1 and organic solvent 2 are not present within the predetermined ratio. Phytotoxicity Evaluation: Field trials for Phytotoxicity (a) EC formulation of Acifluorfen sodium
1. Comparison of phytotoxicity o n soybean Details of experiment:
a) Test layout : Randomized Block design
b) Replication : Three
c) Treatments : Thirteen
d) Plot size : 24.5 sq. m
e) Spacing : 40 cm x 15 cm
f) Test Crop : Soybean
g) Variety : JS 335
h) Time of application: 20 days after sowing
i) Application volume: 500 liters water per hactare
j) Observations days : 3, 7 and 21 days after application
k) Treatment details :

S.No. Treatments* Dose

Active sub. (g.a.i/ha) Formulation (ml/ha)
1 Acifluorfen sodium 20% WP 123.7 618.5
2 Acifluorfen sodium 20% WP 165.0 825.0
3 Acifluorfen sodium 20% WP 206.2 1031.2
4 Acifluorfen sodium 20% WDG 123.7 618.5

5 Acifluorfen sodium 20% WDG 165.0 825,0
6 Acifluorfen sodium 20% WDG 206.2 1031.2
7 Acifluorfen sodium 20% SL 123.7 618.5
8 Acifluorfen sodium 20 %SL 165.0 825.0
9 Acifluorfen sodium 20 %SL 206.2 1031.25
10 Acifluorfen sodium 16.5% EC 123.7 750.0
11 Acifluorfen sodium 16.5% EC 165.0 1000.0
12 Acifluorfen sodium 16.5% EC 206.2 1250.0
13 Untreated control - -
* Formulation on w/w basis
Experimental Methods:
Seeds of soybeans {Glycine max) were planted in the field to conduct a trial to assess phytotoxicity effect of different formulations of Acifluorfen sodium viz. WP, WDG, SL and EC. The trial was laid out in Randomized Black Design (RBD) with thirteen treatments including untreated control, replicated three times. For each treatments plot size of 24.5 sq.m was maintained. To raise the crops, all the agronomical practices were followed as usually adopted for soybean cultivation. The test herbicidal compound, acifluorfen sodium with prescribed doses was applied using hand operated knapsack sprayer fitted plat fan nozzle. The spray volume was used at 500 1/ha for application of all treatments. Untreated control plot was also sprayed by 500 / /ha water without adding any herbicides. Observation on phytotoxicity viz leaf scorching, was recorded at 3, 7 and 21 days after application of treatments from ten plants which were randomly selected from each plot. Three leaves from each selected plant were scored using 0 - 10 rating scale; whereas
0= No phytotoxicity; 1=1-10% leaf scorching; 2=11-20% leaf scorching; 3=21-30% leaf scorching; 4=31-40% leaf scorching; 5=41-50% leaf scorching; 6=51-60% leaf scorching; 7=61-70% leaf scorching; 8=71-80% leaf scorching; 9=81-90% leaf scorching; 10= 91-100%) leaf scorching.

Percent phytotoxicity was determined using the following formula.
Sum of all scores
% Phytotoxicity = x 100
Number of samples x Highest rating scale
Table 1 Phytotoxic effect (leaf scorching) on soybean crop influenced by different berbicidal treatment

S.no. Treatments Dose % Leaf scorching*

Active substance (g. a..i./ha) Formulation (ml/ha) 3 DAT 7 DAT 21 DAT
1 Acifluorfen sodium 20% WP 123.7 618.5 17.2 15.7 12.3
2 Acifluorfen sodium 20% WP 165.0 825.0 19.0 18,1 16.5
3 Acifluorfen sodium 20% WP 206.2 1031.2 21.6 19.4 16.9
4 Acifluorfen sodium 20% WDG 123.7 618.5 13.7 11.9 8.6
5 Acifluorfen sodium 2094 WDG 165.0 825.0 16.3 14.1 11.8
6 Acifluorfen sodium 20% WDG 206.2 1031.2 17.4 15.9 12.0
7 Acifluorfen sodium 20% SL 123.7 618.5 21.7 19.3 17.3
S Acifluorfen sodium 20 %SL 165.0 825.0 23.5 21.6 20.4
9 Acifluorfen sodium 20 %SL 206.2 1031.25 25.3 25.6 21.2
10 Acifluorfen sodium 16.5% EC 123.7 750.0 0 0 0
- Acifluorfen sodium 16.5% EC 165.0 1000.0 0 0 0
12 Acifluorfen sodium 16.5% EC 206.2 1250.0 0 0 0
13 Untreated control 0 0 0
* Means of three replications

In the field trials, phytotoxicity of Acifluorfen sodium WP, Acifluorfen sodium WDG and Acifluorfen sodium (Blazer) SL on soybean were compared with formulations according to the present invention (EC formulation of Acifluorfen sodium) . The results of the field trial presented in table 1 indicated that Aciflourfen sodium SL (Blazer), Acifluorfen sodium WP and Acifluorfen sodium WDG caused significant crop phytotoxicity, i.e. leaf scorching while Acifluorfen sodium EC formulations were safe and did not cause phytotoxicity on the crop.
2. Comparison of phytotoxicity on Black gram Details of experiment:
a) Crop : Black gram
b) Variety : T-9
c) Trial Design : Randomizeb Block Design
d) Replications : three
e) Treatment : thirteen
f) Plot size : 24.5 sq.m
g) Spacing : 40cm x 15 cm
h) Time of application: 20 days after sowing (DAS)
i) Water volume : 500 /ha
j) spray equipment : Hand operated knapsack sprayer
k) Nozzle type : Plat fan (62')
1) Observations : 3, 7, and 21 days after treatment
Experimental Methods:
Seeds of black gram were planted in the field to conduct a trial to assess phytotoxicity effect of different formultions of Acifluorfen sodium viz. WP, WDG, SL and EC. The trial was laid out in Randomized Black Design (RBD) with thirteen treatments including untreated control, replicated three times. For each treatments plot size of 24.5 sq.m was maintained. To raise the crops, all the agronomical practices was followed as usually addopted for soybean cultivation.

The test herbicidal compound, Acifluorfen sodium with prescribed doses was applied using hand operated knapsack sprayer fitted plat fan nozzle. The spray volume was used at 500 1/ha for application of all treatments. Untreated control plot was also sprayed by 500 /1ha water without adding any herbicides. Observation on phytotoxicity (leaf scorching) was recorded at 3, 7 and 21 days after application of treatments from ten plants which were randomly selected from each plots. Three leaves from each selected plant were rated using 0 to 10 rating scale.
Table 2 Phytotoxic effect (leaf scorching) on black gram crop influenced by different herbicidal treatment

S.no, Treatments Dose Leaf scorching

Active substance
(g.a.i/ha) Formulation (ml/ha) 3 DAT 7 DAT 21 DAT
1 Acifluorfen sodium 20% WP 123.7 618.5 12.6 11.0 8.2
2 Acifluorfen sodium 20% WP 165.0 825.0 14.7 13.8 12.2
3 Acifluorfen sodium 20% WP 206.2 1031.2 17.8 15.1 12.6
4 Acifluorfen sodium 20% WDG 123.7 618.5 9.4 7.6 4.3
5 Acifluorfen sodium 20% WDG 165.0 825,0 12.2 9.8 7.5
7 Acifluorfen sodium 20% WDG 206.2 1031.2 13.1 12.6 7.7

Acifluorfen sodium 20% SL 123.7 618.5 17.4 15.7 13.3
8 Acifluorfen sodium 20 %SL 165.0 \ 825.0 19.2 17.3 16.1
9 Acifluorfen sodium 20 %SL 206.2 1031.25 21.0 18.3 16.9
10 11 Acifluorfen sodium 16.5% EC 123.7 750.0 0 0 0

Acifluorfen sodium 16.5% EC 165.0 1000.0 0 0 0
12 Acifluorfen sodium 16.5% EC 206.2 1250.0 0 0 0
13 Untreated control - ~ 0 0 0
*Mean of three replications ' '" 1

In the field trials, phytotoxicity of Acifluorfen sodium WP, Acifluorfen sodium WDG and Acifluorfen sodium (Blazer) SL on black gram were compared with formulations of present invention (EC formulation of acifluorfen sodium). The results of the field trial showed that Acifluorfen sodium SL (Blazer), Acifluorfen sodium WP, and Acifluorfen sodium WDG resulted into crop phytotoxicity, i.e. leaf scorching while Acifluorfen sodium EC formulations were safe and there was no phytotoxicity on crop.
Bio-efficacy Evaluation of synergistic composition of acifluorfen sodium and clodinafop propargyl.
Field trials were conducted using the combination of acifluorfen sodium and Clodinafop- propargyl according to the present invention. The emulsifiable concentrate of acifluorfen sodium and Clodinafop propargyl was used for the purpose of field trials. However, the other formulations types for e.g. soluble liquid, water based emulsions, suspension concentrates, wettable powders, dusts, water dispersible granules, aerosols, or flowable emulsion concentrates and the like are within the scope of the present invention and the below studies exemplified with a emulsifiable concentrate formulation are not intended to limit the scope of the present invention.
This experiment shows the significantly superior bioefficacy of the combination of Acifluorfen sodium and Clodinafop propargyl against grasses and broad leaf weeds as post emergent selective herbicides in soybean and black gram.
Combination of two active ingredients was prepared by mixing sodium acifluorfen with clodinafop propargyl, which are individually known for broad leaf weeds killer and grassy weeds killer, respectively, in an amount to obtain about a 16.5% (w/v) sodium acifluorfen and 8% (w/v) clodinafop propargyl, respectively in an emulsifiable concentrated (EC) formulation.

The bioefficacy was observed by counting the weed density from test field treated with test herbicidal compounds, acifluorfen sodium (EC) and Clodinafop propargyl (EC) individually and ready mix combination of acifluorfen sodium and clodinafop propargyl formulated in emulsifiable concentrate. The crops considered was soybeans (Glycine max) and black gram (Phaseolus mungo Roxb) for test.
Experimental Methods:
Seeds of soybeans (Glycine max) and black gram (Phaseolus mungo Roxb) were planted in field to conduct a filed trial to assess the bioefficacy of Acifluorfen sodium and Clodinafop propargyl alone and combination of Acifluorfen sodium and Clodinafop propargyl. The trial was laid out in Randomized Black Design (RBD) with thirteen treatments including untreated control, replicated three times. For each treatments plot size of 35 sq.m was maintained. To raise the crops all the agronomical practices were followed as usually adopted. The test herbicidal compounds, Acifluorfen sodium and Clodinafop propargyl alone and combination of Acifluorfen sodium and Clodinafop propargyl formulated in emulsifiable concentrate formulation with prescribed dose, were applied using hand operated knapsack sprayer fitted plat fan nozzle. The spray volume was used at 500 1/ha for application of all herbicidal compounds. Untreated control plot was also sprayed by 500 1/ha water without adding any herbicides. Observations on bioefficacy was taken by taking dry weight of weeds, grassy and broad leaf weeds separately, at 30 days after treatment and per cent weed control was calculated by using following formula (Anderson 1963):
Weed dry weight in treatment
Per cent weed control = (1- ) x 100
Weed dry weight in untreated

Synergism of combination was calculated by Colby's formula
E= X + Y- ((X * Y)/100)
E= Expected % control by mixture of two products A and B in a defined dose.
X= Observed % control by product A
Y= Observed % control by product B
Test 1: Bio-efficacy in Soybean Details of experiment
a) Crop : Soybean (var: JS 335)
b) Target weeds : Grassy and broad leaf weeds
c) Experiment season : Kharif 2008
d) Trial Design : Randomizeb Block Design
e) Replications : three
f) Treatment : thirteen
g) Plot size : 7m x 5m = 35 sq.m
h) Application time : 20 days after sowing (DAS)
i) Water volume : 500 1/ha
j) spray equipment : Hand operated knapsack sprayer attached Flat fan nozzle.

Table 1 Synergistic effect of combination of Acifluorfen sodium + Clodinafop propargyl against grassy and broad leaf weeds in soybean

0. Treatments Dose % Weed control

Active substance Formulati on GW BLW Total

Expe Actua Expe Actual Expec Actual
(g.a.i/ha) (ml/ha) cted (E) 1(0) cted (E) (O) ted
(E) (O)
1 Acifluorfen sodium 16.5% EC 123.7 750.0 13.2 80.2 45.1
2 Acifluorfen sodium 16.5% EC 165,0 1000.0 17.6 86.2 50.2
3 Acifluorfen sodium 16.5% EC 206,2 1250.0 19.9 89.3 52.9
4 Acifluorfen sodium ' 16.5% EC 330.0 2000,0 23.8 ■ 91.3 ■ 55.9
5 Clodinafop propargyl 8% EC 60.0 750.0 76.6 0 39.5
6 Clodinafop propargyl 8% EC 80.0 1000.0 85.8 ' 0 - 53.3
7 Clodinafop propargyl 8% EC 100.0 1250.0 88.7 ~ 0 - 48,3
8 Clodinafop propargyl 8 % EC 160.0 2000.0 90.5 ~ 0 " 52,0
9 Acifluorfen sodium 16.5% + Clodinafop 123.7 + 60.0 750.0
propargyl 8 % 79.7 86.7 80.2 85.8 66.8 82.6
10 Acifluorfen sodium 16.5% + Clodinafop 165.0+ 80.0 1000.0
propargyl 8 % 88.3 96.3 86.2 96.1 76.7 95.7
11 Acifluorfen sodium 16.5% + Clodinafop 206.2 + 100.0 1250.0
. propargyl 8 % 90.9 97.8 89.3 96.5 75.6 96.7
12 Acifluorfen sodium 16.5% + Clodinafop 330.0 + 160.0 2000.0
. propargyl 8 % 92.8 98.3 91.3 97.4 78.8 97.4
13 Untreated control ~ - 0.0 0.0 0.0

* Mean of three replications,; GW= Grassy weeds, BLW=Broad lead weeds Conclusion:
The above table clearly shows that there is a significant difference in the percentage weed control of (i) acifluorfen sodium alone and clodinafop propargyl alone; and (ii) combination of acifluorfen sodium and clodinafop propargyl. Acifluorfen sodium alone, found effective against broad leaf weeds and to some extent grassy weeds also, whereas clodinafop propargyl alone, found effective against grassy weeds only. However, when acifluorfen sodium and Clodinafop propargyl are combined, it is observed that combination of acifluorfen sodium and clodinafop propargyl exhibit and show greater efficiency and efficacy in controlling grassy as well as broad leaf weeds as compared to individual application. Such result is not achieved with the individual application of two actives.
It is evident from the results of the above table particularly from Sr. No 9 to 12 that there is a marked increase in the percentage of weed control, against grassy as well as broad leaves weeds when acifluorfen sodium and clodinafop propargyl are used in combination. The results conclude that there is a significant difference in the expected and actual weed control with the combination of acifluorfen sodium and clodinafop propargyl, thus indicative of synergistic activity as per Colby's formula.
Test 2: Bio-efficacy in Black Gram Details of experiment
a) Crop : Black gram
b) Variety : T-9
c) Experiment season : Rabi 2007-08
d) Trial Design : Randomizeb Block Design
e) Replications : three
f) Treatment ; thirteen
g) Plot size : 7m x 5m = 35 sq.m h) Spacing : 40cm x 15 cm

i) Application time : 25 days after sowing (DAS)
j) Water volume : 500 1/ha
k) spray equipment : Hand operated knapsack sprayer 1) Nozzle type : Plat fan
Table 2 Synergistic effect of combination of Acifluorfen sodium + Clodinafop propargyl against grassy and broad leaf weeds in Black gram

S.n Treatments Dose % Weed control

Activ Formula GW BLW Total
substa tion (ml/ha)

Expec Actual Expec j Actual Expec Actual
(g.a.i/ ha) ted (E) (O) ted (E) (O) ted (E) (O)
1 Acifluorfen sodium 16.5% 123.7 750.0 - - -
EC 9.1 81.3 39.8
2 Acifluorfen sodium 16.5% 165.0 1000.0 ■ ■
EC 16.6 87.3 46.7
3 Acifluorfen sodium 16.5% 206.2 1250.0 - -
EC 23.3 92.1 52.6
4 Acifluorfen sodium 16.5% 330.0 2000.0 " - -
EC 28.2 90.6 ' 54.8
5 Clodinafop 60.0 750.0 - . -
propargyl 8 %
EC 80.5 0 52.3
6 Clodinafop propargyl 8 % 80.0 1000.0 - -•
EC 89.6 0 54.6
7 Clodinafop propargyl 8 % 100.0 1250.0 ' - -
EC 90.2 0 58.1

0. Treatments Dose % Weed control

Activ Formula GW BLW Total
e substa tion

Expec Actual Expec Actual Expec Actual
ha) ted
(E) (O) ted (E) (O) ted
(E) (O)
8 Clodinafop propargyl 8 % 160.0 2000.0
EC 93.2 0 54.8
9 Acifluorfen sodium 16.5% + Clodinafop 123.7 + 60.0 750.0
propargyl 8 % 82.3 91.7 81..3 92.4 71.3 92.0
10 Acifluorfen sodium 16..5% + Clodinafop propargyl 8 % 165.0 + 80.0 1000.0
91.3 98.6 87.3 95.3 75.8 97.2
11 Acifluorfen sodium 16.5% + Clodinafop propargyl 8 % 206.2
+ 100.0 1250.0
92.5 99.0 92.1 97.5 80.2 98.3
12 Acifluorfen sodium 16.5% + Clodinafop 330.0
+ 160.0 2000.0
propargyl 8 % 95.1 99.2 90.6 97.8 79.5 98.6
13 Untreated control 0.0 0.0 0.0
* Mean of three replications; GW= Grassy weeds, BLW=Broad leaved weeds Conclusion:
The above table clearly shows that there is a significant difference in the percentage weed control of (i) acifluorfen sodium alone and clodinafop propargyl alone; and (ii) combination of acifluorfen sodium and clodinafop propargyl.

Acifluorfen sodium alone, found effective against broad leaf weeds and to some extent grassy weeds also, whereas clodinafop propargyl alone, found effective against grassy weeds only. However, when acifluorfen sodium and Clodinafop propargyl are combined, it is observed that combination of acifluorfen sodium and clodinafop propargyl exhibit and show greater efficiency and efficacy in controlling grassy as well as broad leaf weeds as compared to individual application. Such result is not achieved with the individual application of two actives.
It is evident &om the results of the above table particularly from Sr. No 9 to 12 that there is a marked increase in the percentage of weed control, against grassy as well as bTOad leaves weeds when acifluorfen sodium and clodinafop propargyl are used in combination. The results conclude that there is a significant difference in the expected and actual weed control with the combination of acifluorfen sodium and clodinafop propargyl, thus indicative of synergistic activity as per Colby's formula.
Studies of phytotoxicity for storage stable formulation of Clodanafop-propargyl and acifluorfen sodium
Tank mixture of acifluorfen sodium and clodinafop propargyl and ready mix of the acifluorfen sodium and Clodinafop propargyl in different formulation types was prepared as Example 1, Example 2, Example 3 and Example 4 as follows
Example 1:

S-no. Treatments* Dose

Active sub. (g a.i/ha) Formulation (g or ml/ha)
1 Acifluorfen sodium 20 % WP + Clodinafop propargyl 15% WP-tank mix 123.7+60,0 618.5+400
2 Acifluorfen sodium 20 % WP + Clodinafop propargyl 15% WP-tank mix 165.0+ 80.0 825.0+533.3
3 Acifluorfen sodium 20 % WP + Clodinafop propargyl 15% WP-tank mix 206.2+ 100.0 1031.0+666.7

4 Acifluorfen sodium 20 % WP + Clodinafop propargyl 15% WP-tank mix 330.0+160.0 1650.0+ 1066.7
5 Acifluorfen sodium 16.5 %+ Clodinafop propargyl 8% WP 123.7+60.0 750
6 Acifluorfen sodium 16.5 % + Clodinafop propargyl 8% WP 165.0+80.0 1000
7 Acifluorfen sodium 16..5 % + Clodinafop propargyl 8% WP 206.2+ 100.0 1250
8 Acifluorfen sodium 16..5 %+ Clodinafop 330.0+160.0 2000
propargyl 8% WP
9 Untreated control - -
Example 2:

S.no. Treatments* Dose

Active sub. (g Formulation (ml/ha)
1 Acifluorfen sodium 20 % WDG + Clodinafop 123.7+ 60.0 618.5+400
propargyl 15% WP-tank mix
2 Acifluorfen sodium 20 % WDG + Clodinafop propargyl 15% WP-tank mix 165.0+ 80.0 825.0+533.3
3 Acifluorfen sodium 20 % WDG + Clodinafop propargyl 15% WP-tank mix 206.2+ 100.0 1031.0+666.7
4 Acifluorfen sodium 20% WDG + Clodinafop 330.0+160.0 1650.0+ 1066.7
propargyl 15% WP-tank mix
5 Acifluorfen sodium 16.5 %+ Clodinafop 123.7+60.0 750
propargyl 8% WDG
6 Acifluorfen sodium 16.5 %+ Clodinafop 165.0+ 80.0 1000
propargyl 8% WDG
7 Acifluorfen sodium 16..5 % + Clodinafop 206.2+ 100.0 1250
propargyl 8% WDG
8 Acifluorfen sodium 16.5 %+ Clodinafop 330.0+160.0 2000
propargyl 8% WDG
9 Untreated control - -
Example 3:

S.no. Treatments* Dose

Active sub. (g Formulation {ml/ha)

1 Acifluorfen sodium 20 % SL + Godinafop 123.7+ 60.0 618.5+400
propargyl 15% WP-tank mix
2 Acifluorfen sodium 20% SL + Godinafop propargyl 15% WP-tank mix 165.0+80.0 825.0+533.3
3 Acifluorfen sodium 20% SL + Godinafop propargyl 15 % WP-tank mix 206.2+ 100.0 1031.0+666.7
4 Acifluorfen sodium 20% SL + Godinafop propargyl 15% WP-tank mix 330.0+160.0 1650.0+ 1066.7
5 Acifluorfen sodium 16.5 % + Godinafop propargyl 8% SL 123.7+ 60.0 750
6 Acifluorfen sodium 16.5 % + Godinafop propargyl 8% SL 165.0+80.0 1000
7 Acifluorfen sodium 16.5 % + Godinafop propargyl 8% SL 206.2+ 100.0 1250
S Acifluorfen sodium 16,5 % + Godinafop propargyl 8% SL 330.0+160.0 2000
9 Untreated control - -
Example 4:

S.no. Treatments* Dose

Active sub. (g
a.iyha) Formulation (ml/ha)
1 Acifluorfen sodium 16.5 % + Godinafop propargyl 8% EC 123.7+ 60.0 750
2 Acifluorfen sodium 16..5 % + Godinafop propargyl 8%EC 165.0+ 80.0 1000
3 Acifluorfen sodium 16.5 % + Godinafop propargyl 8% EC 206.2+ 100.0 1250
4 Acifluorfen sodium 16.5 % + Godinafop propargyl 8% EC 330.0+160.0 2000
5 Untreated control - -

Comparison of Phytotoxicity:
The crops considered for phytotoxicity evaluation was Soybean (Glycine max) and Black gram (Phaseolus mungo) Roxb) for test.
Experimental Methods:
Tank mixture of acifluorfen sodium and Clodinafop propargyl and ready mix of the acifluorfen sodium and Clodinafop propargyl in different formulation types was prepared as Example 1, Example 2, Example 3 and Example 4 and phytotoxicity on test were compared through field trials. The trial was laid out in Randomized Black Design (RBD) with nine treatments including untreated control, replicated three times for each example. For each treatments plot size of 24.5 sq.m was maintained. To raise the crops, all the agronomical practice was followed as usually adopted for soybean and black gram cultivation. The test herbicidal compounds, with prescribed doses were applied using hand operated knapsack sprayer fitted plat fan nozzle. The spray volume was used at 500 /1ha for application of all treatments. Untreated control plot was also sprayed by 500 1 /ha water without adding any herbicides. Observation on phytotoxicity (leaf scorching) was recorded at 3, 7 and 21 days after application of treatments from ten plants which were randomly selected from each plot.
Test -1: Comparison of phytotoxicity on soybean,
Details of experiment:
a) Test layout : Randomized Block design
b) Replication : Three c)Tre ents : Nine

d) Plot size : 24.5 sq.m
e) Spacing : 40 cm x 15 cm
f) Test Crop : Soybean
g) Variety : JS 335
h) Time of application: 20 days after sowing
i) Application volume : 500 liters water per hactare

j) Observations days : 3, 7 and 21 days after application
Table 1 Phytotoxic effect (leaf scorching) on soybean crop influenced by different herbicidal treatment (Example 1)

No Treatments Dose Leaf scorching

Active Formulatio 3 7 21
substance (g.a.i/ha) n (ml/ha) DAT DA
1 Acifluorfen sodium 20 % WP + Clodinafop propargyl 15% WP-tank mix 123.7+ 60.0 618.5+400 12.3 13.5 11.1
2 Acifluorfen sodium 20 % WP + Clodinafop propargyl 15% WP-tank mix 165.0+ 80.0 825.0+533.
3 . 15.7 14.2 12.0
3 Acifluorfen sodium 20 % WP + Clodinafop propargyl 15% WP-tank mix 206.2+ 100.0 1031.0+66 6.7 18.3 18.0 15.2
4 Acifluorfen sodium 20 % WP + Clodinafop propargyl 15% WP-tank mix 330.0+160 .0 1650.0+ 1066.7 21.3 19.6 18.1
5 Acifluorfen sodium 16.5 % + Clodinafop propargyl 8% WP 123.7+ 60.0 750 13.2 13.1 11.8
6 Acifluorfen sodium 16.5 % + Clodinafop propargyl 8% WP 165.0+ 80.0 1000 17.7 15.8 13.1
7 Acifluorfen sodium 16.5 % + Clodinafop propargyl 8% WP 206.2+ 100.0 1250 17.3 16.0 12.6
8 Acifluorfen sodium 16.5 % + Clodinafop propargyl 8% WP 330.0+160 .0 2000 20.3 18.6 16.4
9 Untreated control - - 0 0 0
*Mean of three replication:

Table 2 Phytotoxic effect (leaf scorching) on soybean crop influenced by different herbicidal treatment (Example2)
*Mean of three replications

No Treatments Dose Leaf scorching

Active Formulation 3 7 21
substance (g.a.i/ha) (ml/ha) DAT DAT DAT
1 Acifluorfen sodium 20 % WDG + Clodinafop propargyl 15% WP-tank mix 123.7+ 60.0 618.5+400 10.6 10.5 9.2
2 Acifluorfen sodium 20 % WDG + Clodinafop propargyl 15% WP-tank mix 165.0+ 80.0 825.0+533.3 15.1 13.2 10.5
3 Acifluorfen sodium 20 % WDG + Clodinafop propargyl 15% WP-tank mix 206.2+ 100.0 1031.0+666.7 14.7 13.4 10.0
4 Acifluorfen sodium 20% WDG + 330.O+ 1650.0+ 1066.7 17.7 16.0 13.8
Clodinafop propargyl 15% WP-tank mix 160.0
5 Acifluorfen sodium 16.5 % + Clodinafop propargyl 8% WDG 123.7+ 60.0 750 9.7 10.9 8.5
6 Acifluorfen sodium 16.5 %+ Clodinafop propargyl 8% WDG 165.0+ 80.0 1000 13.1 11.6 9.4
7 Acifluorfen sodium 16.5 %+ Clodinafop propargyl 8% WDG 206.2+ 100.0 1250 15.7 15.4 12.6
8 Acifluorfen sodium 16.5 %+ Clodinafop propargy1 8% WDG 330.0+ 160.0 2000 18.7 17.0 15.5
9 Untreated control - - 0 0 0

Table 3 Phytotoxic effect (leaf scorching) on soybean crop influenced by different herbicidal treatment (Example 3)

No Treatments Dose Leaf scorching

Active Formulatio 3 7 21 DAT
substance n(ml/ha) DAT DA
(g.a.i/ha) T
1 Acifluorfen sodium 20 % SL + Ctodinafop propargyi 15% WP-tank mix 123.7+ 60.0 618.5+400 14.9 14.8 13.5
2 Acifluorfen sodium 20% SL + Clodinafop propargyi 15% WP-tank mix 165.0+ 80.0 825.0+533. 3 15.4 17.5 14.8
3 Acifluorfen sodium 20% SL + Clodinafop propargyi 15% WP-tank mix 206.2+ 100.0 1031.0+666
.7 19.0 16.7 14.3
4 Acifluorfen sodium 20% SL + Clodinafop propargyi 15% WP-tank mix 330.0+ 160.0 1650.0+ 1066.7 22.0 20.3 15.1
5 Acifluorfen sodium 16.5 %+ Clodinafop propargyi 8% SL 123.7+ 60.0 750 14.0 15.2 12.8
6 Acifluorfen sodium 16.5 % + Clodinafop propargyi 8% SL 165.0+ 80.0 1000 17.4 15.9 13.7
7 Acifluorfen sodium 16.5 % + Clodinafop propargyi 8% SL 206.2+ 100.0 1250 18.0 19.7 16.9
8 Acifluorfen sodium 16.5 % + Clodinafop propargyi 8% SL 330.0+ 160.0 2000 23.0 21.3 19.8
9 Untreated control - - 0 0 0
*Mean of three replications
Table 4 Phytotoxic effect (leaf scorching) on soybean crop influenced by different herbicidal treatment (Example 4)

S. No Treatments Dose Leaf scorching

Active Formulation 3 7 21
substance (g.a.i/ha) (ml/ha) DAT DAT DAT
1 Acifluorfen sodium 16.5 % + Clodinafop propargyi 8% EC 123.7+ 60.0 750 0 0 0

2 Acifluorfen sodium 16.5 % + Clodinafop propargyl 8% EC 165.0+ 80.0 1000 0 0 0
3 Acifluorfen sodium 16.5 % + Clodinafop propargyl 8% EC 206.2+ 100.0 1250 0 0 0
4 Acifluorfen sodium 16.5 % + Clodinafop propargyl 8% EC 330.0+160. 0 2000 0 0 0
5 Untreated control - - 0 0 0
*Mean of three replications
Test -2: Comparison of phytotoxicity on black gram.
Details of experiment:
a) Crop : Black gram (var. T-9)
b) Trial Design : Randomizeb Block Design
c) Treatments : Thirteen, replicated thrice
d) Plot size : 24.5 sq.m
e) Spacing : 40cm x 15 cm
f) Time of application: 20 days after sowing (DAS)
g) Water volume : 500 1/ha
h) spray equipment : Hand operated knapsack sprayer
i) Nozzle type : Plat fan
Table 5 Phytotoxic effect (leaf scorching) on Black gram crop influenced by different herbicidal treatment (Example 1)

No Treatments Dose Leaf scorching

Active Formulation 3 7 21
substance (g.a.i/ha) (ml/ha) DAT DAT DAT
1 Acifluorfen sodium 20 % WP + Clodinafop propargyl 15% WP-tank mix 123.7+60.0 618.5+400 10.2 10.1 8.8
2 Acifluorfen sodium 20 % WP + Clodinafop propargyl 15% WP-tank mix 165.0+80.0 825.0+533.3 10.7 12.8 10.1
3 Acifluorfen sodium 20 % WP + Clodinafop propargyl 15% WP-tank mix 206.2+ 100.0 1031.0+666.
7 14.3 12.0 9.6
4 Acifluorfen sodium 20 % WP + Clodinafop propargyl 15% WP-tank mix 330.0+160. 0 1650.0+ 1066.7 17.3 15.6 10.4

5 Acifluorfen sodium 16.5 % + Clodinafop propargyl 8% WP 123.7+ 60.0 750 9.3 10.5 8.1
6 Acifluorfen sodium 16.5 % + Clodinafop propargyl 8% WP 165.0+ 80.0 1000 12.7 11.2 9.0
7 Acifluorfen sodium 16.5 % + Clodinafop propargyl 8% WP 206.2+ 100.0 1250 13.3 15.0 12.2
g Acifluorfen sodium 16.5 % + Clodinafop propargyl 8% WP 330.0+160. 0 2000 18.3 16.6 15.1
9 Untreated control - - 0 0 0
*Mean of three replications
Table 6 Phytotoxic effect (leaf scorching) on Black gram crop influenced by different herbicidal treatment (Example2)

No Treatments Dose Leaf scorching

(ml/ha) 3 DAT 7 DAT 21 DAT
1 Acifluorfen sodium 20 % WDG + Clodinafop propargyl 15% WP-tank mix 123.7+60.0 618.5+400 9.1 9.0 7.7
2 Acifluorfen sodium 20 % WDG + Clodinafop propargyl 15% WP-tank mix 165.0+80.0 825,0+533.3 13.6 11.7 9.0
3 Acifluorfen sodium 20 % WDG + Clodinafop propargyl 15% WP-tank mix 206.2+ 100.0 1031.0+666.
7 13.2 11.9 8.5
4 Acifluorfen sodium 20% WDG + Clodinafop propargyl 15% WP-tank mix 330.0+160. 0 1650.0+ 1066.7 16.2 14.5 12.3
5 Acifluorfen sodium 16.5 % + Clodinafop propargyl 8% WDG 123.7+60.0 750 8.2 9.4 7.0
6 Acifluorfen sodium 16.5 % + Clodinafop propargyl 8% WDG 165.0+80.0 1000 11.6 10.1 7.9
7 Acifluorfen sodium 16.5 % + Clodinafop propargyl 8% WDG 206.2+ 100.0 1250 14.2 13.9 11.1
8 Acifluorfen sodium 16.5 % + Clodinafop propargyl 8% WDG 330.0+160. 0 2000 17.2 15.5 14.0
9 Untreated control - - 0 0 0
*Mean of three replications

Table 7 Phytotoxic effect (leaf scorching) on Black gram crop influenced by different herbicidal treatment (Example 3)

No Treatments Dose Leaf scorching

Active Formulation 3 7 21
substance (g.a.i/ha) (ml/ha) DAT DAT DAT
1 Acifluorfen sodium 20 % SL + Clodinafop propargyl 15% WP-tank mix 123.7+ 60.0 618.5+400 8.7 8.6 7.3
2 Acifluorfen sodium 20% SL + Clodinafop propargyl 15% WP-tank mix 165.0+80.0 825.0+533.3 9.2 11.3 8.6
3 Acifluorfen sodium 20% SL + Clodinafop propargyl 15% WP-tank mix 206.2+ 100.0 1031.0+666.
7 12.8 10.5 8.1
4 Acifluorfen sodium 20% SL + Clodinafop propargyl 15% WP-tank mix 330.0+160. 0 1650.0+ 1066.7 15.8 14.1 8.9
5 Acifluorfen sodium 16.5 %+ Clodinafop propargyl 8% SL 123.7+ 60.0 750 7.8 9.0 6.6
6 Acifluorfen sodium 16.5 % + Clodinafop propargyl 8% SL 165.0+80.0 1000 11.2 9.7 7.5
7 Acifluorfen sodium 16.5 % + Clodinafop propargyl 8% SL 206.2+ 100.0 1250 11.8 13.5 10.7
3 Acifluorfen sodium 16.5 % + Clodinafop propargyl 8% SL 330.0+160. 0 2000 16.8 15.1 13.6
9 Untreated control - - 0 0 0
*Mean of three replications
Table 8 Phytotoxic effect (leaf scorching) on Black gram crop influenced by different herbicidal treatment (Example4)

No Treatments Dose Leaf scorching

Active Formulation 3 7 21
substance (g.a.i/ha) (ml/ha) DAT DAT DAT
1 Acifluorfen sodium 16.5 % + Clodinafop propargyl 8% EC 123.7+ 60.0 750 0 0 0
2 Acifluorfen sodium 16..5 % + Clodinafop propargyl 8% EC 165.0+80.0 1000 0 0 0
3 Acifluorfen sodium 16.5 % + Clodinafop propargyl 8% EC 206.2+ 100.0 1250 0 0 0

4 Acifluorfen sodium 16.5 % + Clodinafop propargyl 8% EC 330.0+160.0 2000 0 0 0
5 Untreated control - - 0 0 0
*Mean of three replications
The results of the field trial, presented in table 1 to 8, show that tank mix combinations as well as ready mix combination of Example 1, Example 2 and Example 3 resulted into phototoxicity (leaf scorching) on Soybean and Black gram crop, which was found to have slightly recovered after 7 days. Example 4 EC formulation according to the present invention was found to be safe for Soybean and Black gram crop and there was no adverse effect on crop.

We Claim:
1. A non phytotoxic herbicidal emulsifiable concentrate comprising an agrochemically effective amount of acifluorfen sodium.
2. A process for the preparation of non phytotoxic herbicidal emulsifiableconcentrate comprising: (a) admixing at least a first organic solvent having a dielectric constant of from about 12 to about 50 and at least a second organic solvent having a dielectric constant of from about 1 to about 4 in a mixing vessel; (b) adding an agrochemically effective amount of acifluorfen sodium to the first homogenous mixture of step (a) at an ambient temperature to obtain second homogenous mixture; and (c) adding at least one emulsifying agent in an amount of from about 0.1% to about 40% and optionally adding a stabilizer in an amount of from about 0.25 to about 10% by weight of the composition to the second homogenous mixture of step (b) with stirring to obtain a homogenous mixture.
3. A non phytotoxic herbicidal emulsifiable concentrate comprising;
(i) an agrochemically effective amount of acifluorfen sodium or
fomesafen sodium; (ii) at least a first organic solvent having a dielectric constant of
from about 12 to about 50; (iii) at least a second organic solvent having a dielectric constant of
from about 1 to about 4; and (iv) optionally comprising at least one ingredient selected from an
emulsifying agent and a stabilizer; wherein the ratio of the said first and second organic solvents is in the range from about 4: 1 to about 0.04: 1 by weight.
4. A non-phytotoxic emulsifiable concentrate comprising acifluorfen
sodium in an amount of about 16.5 % by weight of the composition; a

first organic solvent having a dielectric constant of 18.2; a second organic solvent having a dielectric constant of 2.5 wherein the ratio of said first and second organic solvents is about 1.5:1 by weight; an emulsifying agent or mixtures thereof in an amount of about 15 % by weight of the composition; and a stabilizer in an amount of about 1 % by weight of the composition.
5. A synergistic herbicidal composition comprising an agrochemically effective amount of acifluorfen sodium; and an agrochemically effective amount of clodinafop propargyl.
6. The synergistic herbicidal composition as claimed in claim 1 or claims 3-5 wherein said acifluorfen sodium comprises from about 0.01% to about 40% and preferably from about 15.5% to about 30 % and more preferably about 16.5% of the total weight of the compositions.
7. The synergistic herbicidal composition as claimed in claim 6 wherein the said Clodinafop propargyl comprises from about 0.1% to about 50%, preferably from about 1.0% to about 40% and more preferably about 8% by total weight of the compositions.
8. The synergistic herbicidal composition as claimed in claim 1 or claims 3-7, wherein said composition is formulated as soluble liquid, water based emulsions, suspension concentrates, wettable powders, emulsifiable concentrates, dusts, water dispersible granules, aerosols, or flowable emulsion concentrates.
9. The synergistic herbicidal compositions of claim 1 or claims 3-8 additionally comprising at least one ingredient selected from wetting agents, spreading agents, dispersing agents, stickers and adhesives.

10. The synergistic herbicidal composition as claimed in claims 3-9 wherein said fomasafen sodium comprises from about 4 % to about 8 %, more preferably about 8.4 % of the total weight of the compositions.
11. The emulsifiable concentrates as claimed in claims 3-10 wherein said first organic solvent having a dielectric constant from about 12 to about 50 is selected from the group comprising cyclohexanone, N-methyl pyrrolidone, dimethyl sulfoxide, acetophenone, dimethyl formamide, MIBK, butanol, isophorone, propanol, methanol, propargyl alcohol, acetone, acetonitrile and dichloromethane.
12. The emulsifiable concentrates as claimed in claim 11, wherein said first organic solvent is cyclohexanone.
13. The emulsifiable concentrates as claimed in claims 3-12, wherein said first organic solvent comprises from about 4% to about 50% and preferably from about 16 % to about 50 % by weight of the compositions.
14. The emulsifiable concentrates as claimed in claims 3-13, wherein the said second organic solvent having a dielectric constant from about 1 to about 4 is selected from toluene, xylene, solvesso-200, C-9, solvesso-100 and solvesso-150.
15. The emulsifiable concentrates as claimed in claims 3-14, wherein said second organic solvent is xylene.
16. The emulsifiable concentrates as claimed in claims 3-15 wherein said second organic solvent comprises from about 4 % to about 40 %, more preferably from about 8% to about 30% by weight of the compositions.

17. The emulsifiable concentrates as claimed in claims 3-16 wherein said first and second organic solvents comprise from about 10% to about 70% by total weight of the composition.
18. The emulsifiable concentrates as claimed in claims 3-17 wherein said first and second organic solvents are utilized in a weight ratio of from about 4: 1 to about 0.04 :1.
19. The emulsifiable concentrates as claimed in claims 3-18 comprising said first and second organic solvents, wherein said combination of said first and second solvents is selected such that the resultant εmix, is from about 4 to about 35, preferably from about 4 to about 23.
20. The emulsifiable concentrates as claimed in claims 3-19 additionally comprising at least one emulsifying agent selected from a group comprising lignosulphonates, phenyl naphthalene sulphonates, ethoxylated alkyl phenols, non-ionic polyethoxylates, ethoxylated fatty acids, alkoxylated linear alcohols, polyaromatic sulfonates, sodium alkyl aryl sulfonates, maleic anhydride copolymers, phosphate esters, condensation products of aryl sulphonic acids and formaldehyde, addition products of ethylene oxide and fatty acid esters, sulfonates of condensed naphthalene, lignin derivatives, naphthalene formaldehyde condensates, polycarboxylates, sodium alkyl benzene sulfonates, calcium salts of alkyl benzene sulphonates, salts of sulfonated naphthalene, styrenated phenol ethoxylate, castor oil ethoxylate, calcium dodecyl benzene sulphonate, sodium tetrapropylene benzenesulfonate, sodium 6- dodecylbenzenesulfonate, ammonium salts of sulfonated naphthalene, nonyl phenol ethoxylate, salts of polyacrylic acids and salts of phenol sulfonic acids.

21. The emulsifiable concentrates as claimed in 3-20, wherein said emulsifying agent is used in an amount from about 0.1 to about 40.0 %, preferably in an amount from about 1.0 to about 30.0 % and more preferably in an amount of about 2.0 to about 20.0 % by total weight of the compositions.
22. The emulsifiable concentrates as claimed in claims 3-22 additionally comprising at least one stabilizer.
23. The emulsifiable concentrates as claimed in claims 3-22, wherein said stabilizer is selected from the group comprising butanol, propanol, propargyl alcohol, acetic anhydride, acetic acid, epichlorohydrin and epoxidised soybean oil.
24. The emulsifiable concentrates as claimed in claims 3-23 wherein said stabilizer is used in an amount of about 0.25% to about 10% by total weight of the composition.
25. The emulsifiable concentrates as claimed in claims 3-25 having a pH range of from about 4.0 to about 6.0.
26. The composition as claimed in claims 3-25 additionally comprising at least one safener.
27. The composition as claimed in claim 26 wherein said safener is cloquintocet-mexyl.
28. The composition as claimed in claim 3-28 wherein said safener is present in an amount of about 0.1% to about 30%, more preferably about 1% to about 15% by weight of clodinafop acid or an agrochemically acceptable salt or an ester thereof.

29. A storage stable agrochemical emulsifiable concentrate comprising acifluorfen sodium in an amount of about 16.5 % by weight of the composition, Clodinafop propargyl in an amount of about 8 % by weight of the composition, a first organic solvent having a dielectric constant of 18.2, a second organic solvent having a dielectric constant of 2.5; wherein the ratio of said first and second organic solvents is about 2:1 by weight, at least one emulsifying agent or mixtures thereof in an amount of about 15 % by weight of the composition, and at least one stabilizer in an amount of about 1 % by weight of the composition.
30. A process for preparing a storage stable agrochemical emulsifiable concentrate comprising (a) admixing at least a first organic solvent having a dielectric constant of from about 12 to about 50 and at least a second organic solvent having a dielectric constant of from about 1 to about 4 in a mixing vessel; (b) adding an agrochemically effective amount of acifluorfen sodium or fomesafen sodium and an agrochemically effective amount of clodinafop propargyl to the first homogenous mixture of step (a) at an ambient temperature to obtain second homogenous mixture; (c) adding at least one emulsifying agent in an amount of from about 0.1% to about 40% and at least one stabilizer in an amount of from about 0.25% to about 10% by weight of the composition to the second homogenous mixture of step (b) with stirring to obtain a homogenous mixture and; d) filtering the resultant mixture.


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1416-MUM-2009-GENERAL POWER OF ATTORNEY(9-2-2012).pdf

1416-MUM-2009-OTHER DOCUMENT(13-2-2014).pdf

1416-MUM-2009-PETITION UNDER RULE-137(31-1-2014).pdf

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1416-MUM-2009-REPLY TO HEARING(1-5-2014).pdf

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Notarised Certificate of Incorporation.pdf

Patent Number 264528
Indian Patent Application Number 1416/MUM/2009
PG Journal Number 02/2015
Publication Date 09-Jan-2015
Grant Date 02-Jan-2015
Date of Filing 12-Jun-2009
Name of Patentee UPL LIMITED
Applicant Address Uniphos House, 11th Road, C. D. Marg, Khar (west), Mumbai – 400 052, State of Maharashtra, India
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number CO7D4/00
PCT International Application Number N/A
PCT International Filing date
PCT Conventions:
# PCT Application Number Date of Convention Priority Country
1 NA