Title of Invention


Abstract Connection means (10) between the rod (20) and cross head (30) for a reciprocating machine comprising a flange (35) fixed by fixing means (37) to the cross head (30), the rod is connected to a piston (70) sliding inside a cylinder (60) of the reciprocating machine, the flange (35) comprises an axial pass-through hole (38) for the insertion of the rod (20) which is fixed to the flange (35) by means of a clamping system (50), the connection means (10) comprise a series of eccentric positioning pins (40) situated between the flange (35) and the cross head (30) to make the rod (20) and cylinder (60) substantially and permanently coaxial. This advantageously allows the useful life of an sealing system (90) integral with the cylinder (60) and in contact with the rod (20), to be maximized.
The present invention relates to connection means between rod and cross head for a reciprocating machine, in particular for a reciprocating compressor.
In reciprocating compressors in which a connecting rod is connected to a relative piston by means of a cross head and a corresponding rod, the connection means between rod and cross head represent a critical factor for the reliability, useful life and performances of the reciprocating machine.
In particular, the connection means influence the reliability and useful life of an sealing system situated between a cylinder, inside which said piston slides, and said rod to prevent the passage of gas from the cylinder towards the connection means.
Said sealing system comprises a series of elements subject to wear which are integral with the cylinder and are also in contact with the rod which slides axially with respect to the cylinder, this being attached to the piston.
Said series of elements of said sealing system have a useful life which depends on the state of stress to which they are subjected during the running of the reciprocating machine.
Said series of elements of said sealing system are, in fact, normally subject to wear due to the friction caused by the dynamic stress induced by the cyclic loads characteristic of the functioning of reciprocating machines.
The friction and consequently also the wear of the elements of the sealing system, are particularly marked above all in the case of an axial displacement of the rod with respect to the fixed parts, in particular with respect to a cylinder in which said piston connected to said rod, slides.
As a result of wear, the elements of the sealing system therefore require maintenance operations and periodical controls until their replacement when they no longer respect the requisites required for guaranteeing an efficient functioning of the reciprocating machine.
In order to overcome this drawback, the connection means must consequently ensure a correct centering of the rod with respect to the cylinder to reduce wear as much as
possible of the elements of the sealing system, subject to wear.
In order to maximize the useful life of the components subject to wear of the sealing system for gases produced in the cylinder, it is extremely important to maintain a coaxiality error lower than a pre-established maximum value, as occurs in some reference regulations for reciprocating compressors.
As the cross head is connected to the rod by connection means, in order to make the rod and cylinder co-axial, it is necessary to effect centering operations which can correct coaxiality errors.
A first drawback is that these operations are effected in the manufacturing phase and during each maintenance or control operation in which the components are dismantled and assembled.
Said coaxiality errors or shifts are evaluated on a level orthogonal to the axis of the rod or cross head with respect to two directions orthogonal to each other, by means of a run-out measurement.
The term "run-out" refers to the variation in measurements obtained by comparators, integral with the fixed part (cylinder) and in contact with the rod, during the sliding of the rod along its specific run.
In this way, a vertical shift and a horizontal shift are defined, which must be corrected in order to obtain coaxiality between rod, mobile part, and cylinder, fixed part.
As each element of the connection means, situated between said rod and said cylinder, have operating margins, it creates a small coaxiality error between the rod and cylinder.
The total vertical and horizontal shift between the rod and cylinder are therefore given by the algebraic sum of all the vertical and horizontal shifts respectively of the elements connecting the rod to the cross head.
Another consequent drawback is that for large-dimensional reciprocating machines, the manufacturing margins of the single components can cause a coaxiality error and consequently also a horizontal and vertical run-out, which exceed the limits established.
An objective of the present invention is to provide connection means between the rod and cross head of a reciprocating machine, such as, for example, a reciprocating compressor, which avoid onerous centering and registration operations for making them coaxial during their maintenance or that of the reciprocating machine.
A further objective is to provide connection means between the rod and cross head of a reciprocating machine which allows an increase in the useful life and reliability of the components subject to wear.
Another objective is to provide connection means between the rod and cross head of a reciprocating machine which allows a reduction in the maintenance times and costs for substituting the elements subject to wear.
Yet another objective is to provide connection means between the rod and cross head of a reciprocating machine which allows an easy centering of the components during the running of the compressor itself and during its maintenance operations.
A further objective is to provide connection means between the rod and cross head of a reciprocating machine which are simple and reliable.
These objectives according to the present invention are achieved by providing connection means between the rod and cross head of a reciprocating machine as specified in claim 1.
Further characteristics of the invention are indicated in the subsequent claims.
The characteristics and advantages of the connection means between the rod and cross head of a reciprocating compressor according to the invention will appear more evident from the following illustrative and non-limiting description, referring to the enclosed schematic drawings in which:
figure 1 is a raised exploded left-side view of a preferred embodiment of connection means between the rod and cross head for a reciprocating machine, in particular for a reciprocating compressor, according to the present invention;
figure 2 is a raised perspective left-side view of a detail of figure 1;
figure 3 is partially sectional raised perspective left-side view which shows the connection means of figure 1;
figure 4 is a sectional view of a detail of a reciprocating machine showing a sealing system.
With reference to the figures, these show connection means 10 between rod 20 and cross head 30 for a reciprocating machine, in particular for a reciprocating compressor, said connection means 10 comprising a flange 35.
Said rod 20 is preferably connected to a piston 70 sliding inside a cylinder 60 of a reciprocating machine shown in figure 4, whereas said cross head 30 is connected to a connecting rod by means of a pin 32.
Said flange 35 has a central pass-through hole 38, preferably axial, and is also fixed to said cross head 30 equipped with sliding blocks 33 preferably by means of fixing means such as, for example, a series of tie-rods 37.
Said connection means 10 comprise a series of eccentric positioning pins 40, preferably two, situated between said cross head 30 and said flange 35, to make said cross head 30 and said central pass-through hole 38 of said flange 35 in which said rod 20 is inserted, coaxial i.e. to allow a coaxiality error between said cross head 30 and said rod 20 within a prescribed leeway range.
In this way, it is possible to correct the axial displacement or eccentricity between said rod 20 and said cylinder 60 within a pre-established limit.
The purpose of this is to reduce the wear of a sealing system 90 and also to maximize the useful life, consequently reducing maintenance interventions on the reciprocating machine.
Each eccentric positioning pin 40 comprises a first cylindrical portion 41 and a second cylindrical portion 42 integral and eccentric with each other, i.e. said first cylindrical portion 41 has an axis 45 and said second cylindrical portion 42 has a corresponding axis 44, between said axis 45 and said axis 44, there being a pre-established eccentricity.
Said first cylindrical portion 41 and said second cylindrical portion 42 have a pre-established eccentricity between each other and are positioned in corresponding housings situated in said cross head 30 and in said flange 35, respectively.
Said cross head 30 preferably has a series of housings 31 of a number equal to the se-
ries of eccentric pins 40, each housing 31 having a bottom in which there is a threaded hole for the fixing of a corresponding eccentric pin 40.
Said flange (35) has preferably a series of housings (34) in even number to the series of eccentric pins (40).
Alternatively, the corresponding threaded holes for fixing the series of eccentric pins 40 can be situated in the housings 34 of said flange 35 instead of in the housings 31 of said cross head 30.
By means of the series of eccentric pins 40, it is possible to said cross head 30 and consequently make it coaxial, in the manufacturing phase, with said flange 35.
Once said eccentric pins 40 have been correctly positioned in the housings 31 of said cross head 30, it is possible to fix said eccentric pins 40 to said cross head 30 preferably by means of a series of screws 47.
Each eccentric pin 40 preferably comprises a reference element 46 for facilitating the positioning in the corresponding housings 31.
Each eccentric pin 40 preferably comprises an axial pass-through hole 43 co-axial with said first cylindrical portion 41 for the insertion of a corresponding fixing screw 47.
In this way, even when dismantling and reassembling said cross head 30 and said flange 35, there is always a perfect coaxiality and a correct positioning between said cross head 30 and said flange 35, in particular between said cross head 30 and said central pass-through hole 38 of said flange 35.
During a maintenance operation, for making said flange 35 and said cross head 30 coaxial, it is advantageously sufficient to couple said flange 35 with the series of eccentric pins 40 fixed to said cross head 30. Furthermore, said connection means 10 preferably comprise a ring 36 centered and fixed on said central pass-through hole 38 of said flange 35 so that it is coaxial with the same.
Said ring 36 is equipped with a truncated-conical internal portion 39 which is coupled and engaged with a corresponding truncated-conical portion 22 of said rod 20.
The purpose of this is to make said rod 20 coaxial to said central pass-through hole 38
of said flange 35, which in turn is made coaxial to said cross head 30 by means of said series of eccentric pins 40.
Said rod 20 is inserted in said ring 36 and furthermore it is inserted in said central pass-through hole 38 of said flange 35.
Said rod 20 moreover is preferably pre-tensioned by means of a clamping system 50 and then clamped onto the flange 35.
Said clamping system 50 comprises an annular coupling 51 for said rod fitted onto a bearing 52, an annular coupling 53 which is engaged with said flange and a fixing ring nut 54.
On the basis of the present invention, it is sufficient in fact to reassemble and re-tighten the rod 20 as the ring 36, together with the series of positioning pins 40, allows a perfect coaxiality to be obtained between the rod and the cross head, within the limits pre-established by regulations.
In this way, the assembly and dismantling operations of the rod from the cross head 30 are obviously greatly simplified and consequently also the maintenance and control operations thereof, thus reducing both the maintenance and control costs and times.
From the above description, it is evident that, after fixing the cross head 30 to the flange 35, in the manufacturing phase, with the consequent centering phase by means of the series of pins 40, the connection means 10 of the present invention are self-centered and allow a correct positioning between the rod 20 and the cross head 30, also avoiding loss in coaxiality following a dismantling operation.
The present invention therefore avoids the necessity of difficult and onerous centering and registration operations between the rod and cross head following maintenance and/or dismantling operations.
In this way, the useful life of the components subject to wear of a reciprocating compressor and in particular of the sealing system, is maximized, also creating a great increase in the reliability of the reciprocating machine.
This also leads to a consequent reduction in the number of maintenance interventions for the substitution of the components subject to wear, also causing a further saving in
terms of cost.
It can thus be seen that the connection means between rod and cross head for a reciprocating compressor according to the present invention achieve the purposes illustrated above and allow both the horizontal and vertical run-out of the rod to be corrected, with respect to the fixed parts of the reciprocating machine, in particular with respect to a cylinder in which a piston connected to the rod itself slides.
This advantageously allows the useful life of a sealing system integral with the cylinder and in contact with the rod, to be maximized.
The connection means between rod and cross head for a reciprocating compressor of the present invention thus conceived can undergo numerous modifications and variants, all included in the same inventive concept.
Furthermore, in practice, the materials used as also their dimensions and components can vary according to technical demands.


1. Connection means (10) between.the rod (20) and cross head (30) for a reciprocating machine comprising a flange (35) fixed by fixing means (37) to said cross head (30), said rod is connected to a piston (70) sliding inside a cylinder (60) of said reciprocating machine, said flange (35) comprises an axial pass-through hole (38) for the insertion of said rod (20) which is fixed to said flange (35) by means of a clamping system (50), characterized in that it comprises a series of eccentric positioning pins (40) situated between said flange (35) and said cross head (30) to make said rod (20) and said cylinder (60) substantially and permanently coaxial.
2. The connection means (10) according to claim 1, characterized in that each eccentric pin (40) comprises a first cylindrical portion (41) and a second cylindrical portion (42) integral with each other and also having a pre-established eccentricity between each other.
3. The connection means (10) according to claim 2, characterized in that said first cylindrical portion (41) and said second cylindrical portion (42) of each eccentric pin (40) are positioned in corresponding housings (31, 34) situated respectively in said cross head (30) and in said flange (35).
4. The connection means (10) according to claim 3, characterized in that said housing (31) of said cross head (30) comprises a bottom containing a threaded hole for the fixing of a corresponding eccentric pin (40).
5. The connection means (10) according to any of the claims from 2 to 4, characterized in that each eccentric pin (40) comprises an axial pass-through hole (43) coaxial with said first cylindrical portion (41) for the insertion of a corresponding fixing screw (47).
6. The connection means (10) according to any of the claims from 1 to 5, characterized in that they comprise a ring (36) fixed on said central pass-through hole (38) of said flange (35), said ring (36) being equipped with an internal conical housing (39) which is coupled with a corresponding conical portion (22) of said rod (20) for making said rod (20) and said hole of said flange (35) coaxial.
7. The connection means (10) according to any of the claims from 1 to 6, charac-
terized in that each eccentric pin (40) comprises a reference element (46).
8. The connection means (10) according to claim 7, characterized in that said ref
erence element (46) is situated on a base surface of said second cylindrical portion
9. Connection means (10) as previously described and illustrated and for the pur
poses specified above.





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Patent Number 264554
Indian Patent Application Number 2944/DEL/2005
PG Journal Number 02/2015
Publication Date 09-Jan-2015
Grant Date 06-Jan-2015
Date of Filing 03-Nov-2005
Name of Patentee NUOVO PIGNONE S.P.A
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number B29C 49/58
PCT International Application Number N/A
PCT International Filing date
PCT Conventions:
# PCT Application Number Date of Convention Priority Country
1 MI2004A002204 2004-11-17 Italy